#mm ch: james valentine
scorpiolight-madd · 2 years
Hang on I got Mayday on the brain I’m gonna ramble about her for a bit
She and her twin sister (who I still haven’t named) were created as living bio weapons for a supervillain organization. Their creator constantly pit the girls against each other to see who was the better fighter; the winner would get to go back in her tube and rest, and the other would be ‘upgraded’.
It was always Mayday. She lost every time, never able to bring herself to hurt her sister. Her creator saw this as a weakness, and when she had her strapped down to the operating table she would constantly remind her: “You’re not sisters, you’re soldiers. Your unnecessary emotions are holding you back.”
(Also at this point she probably would be called by a different name. Either a serial number or a codename or something like that)
those 'upgrades' are what resulted in her electricity powers, although she wouldn't really find out until a while after the organization got taken down and she and her sister were put in foster care. While her sister adjusted well, May struggled to adapt, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. She’d act out just to see how she’d be punished for her behavior, but only became more agitated when the discipline was calm and gentle. Her aggression caused strange things to happen around her, from lights flickering to full on power outages or even lightbulbs exploding.
Eventually she couldn’t take it anymore, and ran away. She felt bad leaving her sister, but she reassured herself that she was doing well in foster care, and May would only hold her back.
That’s when James Valentine found her.
She had been living on the street for a couple of days at that point, and she was trying to get out of the rain (esp bc it made her powers act up more and actively hurt her) when he approached her with an umbrella. He offered to take her home, but she refused, telling him that she ran away. He relented, but eventually got her to agree to let him get her out of the rain.
Little did she know that he was a supervillain in the making, and he had just gotten the perfect starting gift dropped in his lap: an already fully trained solder. He didn’t even have to do any work, just a few subtle manipulations and she would be completely loyal to a new boss.
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scorpiolight-madd · 2 years
For the spotify wrapped up thing, 70, 30, and 25?
#25 is the Sonic Underground theme song! (A cover by We.B, since the original isn’t on Spotify)
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This one is obviously for my Sonic Underground / Sonic Boom crossover paracosm, Sonic Rebellion. It’s not for any specific scene or character in the story, it’s more just used as a theme song alongside Sonic Boom by Crush 40 and Cash Cash.
#30 is I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy!
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Pretty sure this one was for my superhero story, for the character Valentine, whose whole villain motive is about trying to regain his fame by any means necessary. I feel the like “I don’t care just what you think, as long as it’s about me”, fits him to a T.
And finally, #70 is the smashup between Hayloft I and II by Mother Mother!
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While the lyrics don’t exactly fit, this is in the playlist for the Sonic Rebellion version of Shadow, since I think the vibes fit him pretty well. Though it could be interpreted as him rebelling against the man he thought was his creator, but that’s kinda a stretch.
Thank you for sending in an ask!
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