#maybe we promised someone else something similar in another universe
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erytherion · 1 year ago
I knew watching it again would probably result in some different perspectives from when I watched as a kid, but I remembered the film really well already and wasn’t expecting anything particularly ORV-related to suddenly hit me out of the blue, but like. Right at the end. RIGHT at the end.
Sing-Shong (or Han Sooyoung and KimCom, if you’d rather - or maybe both!) really did put so much thought into everything that got included, didn’t they?
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You could say that ORV itself is exactly the same to them as this story was to the Rose who shared her story - Jack’s story.
I guess the idea is that, without ORV, we would never have known about Kim Dokja at all, because nobody would have remembered him. Maybe without those specific people surviving, there would not be any other record of him at all. Maybe that is part of the change between what may have ‘actually’ happened and what we read. Maybe he really, truly is ‘just some guy’ trying to survive like Jack Dawson, but nobody even knew he was a part of their story in the first place? What we read is a story saying ‘he was there, here is evidence of him being there’, but maybe he was just like Jack, there unplanned and undocumented, even in the <Star Stream> itself.
And they are still there, telling every world line outside of their own: He was here too. We want to find him. As the only ones who know he was there - maybe without any statue, any documented heroism. Just like everyone in the background of the film, saving each other, dying together, trying to survive.
And a promise, of course, to never let go. Not of a hand, but of a promise: A promise to survive, to live to an old age, and die in a warm bed.
I think a young Kim Dokja would appreciate the kind of message that provided, even in film form. Or at least, it’s one Han Sooyoung (or Sing-Shong, if you’d rather) would consider would want to convey to her readers.
Maybe they don’t even have a picture of him either. Maybe the only record of him exists within their memories. And that was the only source they had with which to try and recreate the ‘him’ that they knew, whilst knowing that, as with the film Titanic, the story would out of necessity become somewhat dramatised to sell the story as plausible or to make it popular enough to reach him.
Anyways, this quote (from the movie transcript - couldn’t find screenshots to do it justice) was what really hit me the most as being relevant to his story, too. Since they were there too, in the theatre dungeon, on the Titanic. It being a fictional rendition of a historical event makes it even more relevant too, and even as a kid I wondered - how can everyone be so okay watching these people die so horribly? But it’s because it’s fiction, it’s fiction. But, in this case, was it? How much of it?
Interpretations of fiction could still be close to reality, in universes where these things did happen, in their reality. As history. So are the things we read, watch, play all the same, in the end? Artists’ renditions, dramatised documentaries, or similar? Fiction, yet also reality.
Like ORV. Fiction, yet reality. Always both and the same.
And they always say ‘it feels like a dream’, too. What do dreams count as? Fiction, or reality? The memories stay in your head from them too. Does that mean they are or are not real?
Just some guy dreaming of the helping his friends through the apocalypse, who came out of nowhere just like Jack Dawson on that ship, walking the fine line between fiction and reality that never had any distinction to him in the first place. It’s always been both, for him, with his story.
Anyways I am crying right now so feel free to cry with me! We have many tears with all these stories and histories, I think.
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lunaeclips · 2 months ago
Here is how far I am in writing my book/novel/whatever I'm doing.
I want feedback on how good it is, what needs changed, and I also need a title because you can't have an untitled book.
(Prologue) Many people believe there to be some sort of god, and the ones who don’t traditionally think that the universe is all on its own and that anything sentient has to have originated from a planet with advanced life. I, however, am part of a small group of people who believe that there are four higher powers, each of which being stronger than the last. No one else in the group is brave enough to go on the journey to search for them though, leaving it all to me. 
Some people have called us a cult, and to be fair, we certainly act like one. There are a few key differences though, one being that none of us worship any of the higher powers, we just believe that they are there. This is a sort of retelling of the story, with some parts being filled in by the others. Please, sit back and read, have some water and food as well, because this story is one hell of a ride.
(Chapter one: The Awakening) “Where is that damn satchel!” Brush yelled, growing more and more frustrated with every failed attempt at finding it. We were meeting at his house, due to him wanting to show something that was very important and yet he couldn’t find it. I’ve always found it funny when people couldn’t find something they lost, even if I was the one who was hiding it. “Maple, where did you put it?” Marsh said. Marsh was the leader of the group, and being the oldest sibling in her family, she often took control of sparratic situations like this. “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, Marsh,” I said “Maybe blame someone else for once?”
“Just get it out, it might actually be important and if it is, we need it.” She was being more demanding now, a tell-tale sign of her becoming agitated. “Fiiiiine, but stop blaming me, ok?” “I’m not promising anything like that to you, Maple.” She said, yanking the satchel out of my grip. Everyone sat at their designated spots around the circle as Marsh called for the meeting to be officially started.
“So,” Brush started, “We all know that there is a special artifact that leads us to one of the powers, right?”
Everyone nodded, with a few sparse yeah’s and yes’s scattered around.
He dramatically pulled a glowing orb out of the satchel. It was small enough to easily fit into the palm of one’s hand. “I found this while wandering around the woods, and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. I thought that maybe this could be that artifact.” He held it out for everyone to see, glowing with a substance unknown to the planet. 
Everyone leaned in, hoping to get a better look at the strange orb. He passed it towards Bristle, who took it with glee, looking at every detail they could before passng it to Brush. It slowly passed around the circle of people, landing last on Maple, who took it into her hands with much more caution than the others. She inspected the stuff inside, a swirling mass of black and another color that keeps changing by the second. 
What could this be? Maple wondered, racking her brain of vast knowlege on the legends of the four powers. As soon as it started to click, Marsh yanked it from her hands, making her train of thought fly off and everyone jumped at the suddenness of the action. 
“What’d you do that for?!” yelled Brush, angry at him for doing that.
“She was getting too handsy,” he explained “and I found it anyway so I should get a say on what happens.” At that statment, everyone started to shout at him, saying things similar to “That’s not how this works!” or “Are you serious?!”
The only person not talking was Maple, trying to catch that train of thought that had almost given her the answer, but it was to no avail because as her parents always said, If you lose something incomprehensible, it’ll take a while to get it back.
@aroacedragongirl @sombrathedragon @inkyxsmiles @yellow-computer-mouse @gay-witches-are-the-best @scrollwyrm @spookys1fan @verrixstudios
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starry-miki · 1 year ago
⭐️ Get to know the artist! ⭐️
(+Obey Me! Questionnaire)
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Here we are again… back again with another year down. Wow time really does fly by doesn’t it? My Anniversary for my tumblr was back in August but I was not really active until near the end of the year, (sorta) So I’ve decided to welcome the new year, with a ‘get to know artist’ post. I should’ve done this a while ago but I didn’t think of it till now. 😘
I will warn that this is much longer then intended, so maybe a 10 or 15 minute read, also warn of some profanity but mostly for phrases.
I will be answering basic art related questions and Obey Me! Questions near the bottom. (Which is the part that is much longer than I intended it to be)
Basic questions
Hello everyone, you may call me Miki, I’m a Obey Me! (Mostly a side characters) and OC artist. I don’t have a preferred pronounce so you may refer to be however you like!
Age: old enough to commit tax evasion. (Adult) 😘
Favorite color: good question I don’t actually have one I think lots of colors are pretty. 🥰
Birthday: April 5th (Aries?)
How long have I been drawing?
I’ve been drawing for about 3ish years, however the first year and half was on and off.
Would I be a good art moot?
If I’m being honest I’m more shy and people scary me, so if you would like to be friends you might need to approach first…. But I do have small surges of courage to message first sometimes! How my friends would describe my personality…
“The one with no care in the world that just tags along for the ride and accepts their fate” -Questionable TikTok post sent by my by friend.
To be honest I’m all over the place with my art….
I have been thinking about open commissions and I think I will some time this year, but I’m a bit of a noob with rendering so I will practice before then!
A Fun fact: I’m a cat in a human’s body and need at least 10 to 12 hours of sleep to feel full rested, this also causes my sleeping schedule to get messed up. :P
What type of crime would I get arrested for?
Arson, honestly fire is so pretty when it burns things…. Has a weird magical feeling when you watch it….
An art advice?
I’m honestly still an artist noob so take what I say with a grain of salt. But for those starting out drawing, don’t worry about finding your art style it will develop in time while you learn and improve as well when you discover your likes and dislikes. I know one of the common advices usually given to find an art style is to reference off your favorite artists, it can work for some but for many others this advice doesn’t work, sometimes it can create a perfection of wanting to copy someone else art style or getting frustrated that it doesn’t look similar to your favorite artist style. But I promise patience and practice will pay off, don’t be afraid to indulge a bit out of your comfort zone and explore different styles, besides you may find yourself surprised with what you discovered.
Obey Me! related questions!
What and when did you play obey me?
I start back in early April, I kept getting ads for it on my Instagram and at some point I got tired of seeing it (and thought somebody in the universe really want me to play the game) and decided to play it, I didn’t think much about it and it was mostly something to kill time and I could have deleted it later when I got bored.
Did I mention that would be almost 4 years ago? (April 3, 2020)
Which of the brothers and side characters would I get along the best?
If I’m being honest I feel like I would get along with the majority of the cast, there always seems to be something I have in common or could do with the characters, I’ll start with the brothers first and also keep it short.
Lucifer: listening to classical music together or attending classical music concerts.
Mammon: ??? (actually the least brother I have common with)
Levi: video games, discussion of franchises and theories, etc.
Satan: appreciate cats and learning new things and intake of knowledge.
Asmo: I’m a rat so I love me some gossip while also doing self care. 😘
Beel: late night food runs or sneaking in the kitchen late a night to eat something (I do that in RL anyway)
Belphie: honestly sleeping buddies and anti lucifer club but I luv luci but still would like to occasionally join in the pranks. 😘
Diavolo: I honestly wouldn’t hang around with Diavolo if I’m being honest… just not much in common and other factors but I’m not going to elaborate.
Barbatos: I love me some good tea, some delicious food, pastries and barbatos company. 🥰
Simeon: honestly reminds me of some type of nice coworker and would just see him occasionally. (Still a pretty boy tho)
Luke: I’m the second or first sweets tester, I’m eat up those pastries and protect the bby. 🥹
Solomon: It works and I won’t elaborate. But I will say I will be with Solomon and Barbatos on a hot summer day with the AC on full blast cause we can’t stand the heat. (I heat up so quickly and are much more prone to a heat exhaustion, so you probably guessed that summer isn’t my favorite season.) 😘
First character crush?
If I’m being honest I didn’t really had one? But I had a very light crush on mammon. If that counts for anything.
Current crushes?
This should be a no brainer but old man and surprisingly barbs. Which i feel like many wouldn’t know since I rarely draw him (exact a few times) or ever mention me having a little crush about him. 😗
Favorite obey me outfits or event?
I would say the chief/apron from the brothers and for event I think the vampire event is my favorite. 🤔
(I’ve already started running out of questions so I went to the B LOV questions to rizz you up lmao.)
B’s log question. From (2022) Devildom Homework
(I also skip some of the questions cause they have already been answered or I got no answer)
Link for the OM! Cast B’s Log (I recommend reading it, but not necessarily):
Things I like:
making sure I try to end conversations or interactions with people feeling happy or feeling positive. (Which definitely has drawn bad people but I have been more careful and selective) 😘
Favorite item: (like food???)
Homemade banana milkshake, fruits and pastries. 🥰
What you secretly think about the person you love:
how did that happen??? 😀
Your motto?
1. Sleep it off.
2. fuck around and find out until you find the solution (or create a new problem or make it worse). 😘
3. Everything is going to be okay, eat some sweets and try again. ☺️
Love Questionnaire.
Be the first one to confess love is what you will… do.
Be possessive is what you will?
“Won’t do, and don’t want to be possessive over either” -Solomon
Tbh same. 💀
Be jealous is what you will?
Do not. I find jealousy to be such an ugly emotion to feel and would like to avoid or completely eliminate the feeling when it rarely occurs.
A love with obstacles is….
honestly a pain in the ass but it honestly depends on the type of obstacle and if I love that person enough.
Days that you think about the person you love so much that you can’t fall asleep… do not exist.
Times when you can’t be honestly convey your feelings. Does not exist
Devildom borderline:
Devildom charm distribution chart (self assessment ver.)
Dead set in the middle just a little bit to the reliable.
Please explain your choice on the chart!
If I’m being honest I don’t really find myself cool, cute, spoiled nor reliable. I’m more neutral? I mean if group projects count I guess I would be a little reliable? I’ll do my part of the project but I don’t really ask others if they need help with their work load but I do with friends though.
Tell me! Your borderline!
Border line of “Horror”- which on is more scary?
(1) 24hr long lecture from lucifer
(2) bungee jump form the highest mountain in the Devildom without a cord.
(3) other. “When you are thinking about eating a certain food in the fridge and when you get to it, it’s already been eaten. My day is ruined” 😔
Borderline of "Don't wanna do" - Which one would you avoid?
1. Asmo's 1-day photograph assistant
2. Beel's 1-day cook
3. Others. “Hurting people’s feelings and stomping their happy mood, I prefer someone to discuss about rocket science if that’s what they are passionate about and not understanding what they are talking about. It’s rare to see people have pure passion in something and talk about it excitedly, I never wish for that passion or excitedness to die out.
Borderline of "Wanna try" - Which one would you prefer experiencing?
1. 1-day Demon King
2. 1-day Devildom Spy
3. Others. “I honestly want to walk around nature solo and in different landscapes, maybe walk in a flowery meadow in the evening with pretty pink and purple evening sky or walk through a dark cloudy evening forest with light snow gently falling.”
Borderline of "Blessed" - Which one makes you happier?
1. People surrounding are smiling.
2. Enjoying yourself from the bottom of your heart.
3. Others. “I would say all of above and possibly more, happiness is a fleeting feeling and can sometimes be difficult to feel in everyday life, any way to achieve even the smallest of happiness even if it’s from the most simplest things is good in my book.”
Borderline of "Cheating" - Absolutely, not allowed!
1. Holding hands
2. Meeting eyes
3. Others. “Depends on the circumstances” :P
What would you do once Obey Me! Reaches to the end?
Cry, that would be my thirteen reason why, I wouldn’t be able to handle it, AND ILL KEEP THE ANSWER SHORT TO NOT THINK ABOUT IT. 😔😭
Well I think that’s enough questions to answer! I hope the questionnaires give you a little insight about me. This year I do hope to be more active and post just a bit more the i have from last year. And for those who made this far let me know what your responses are for the B’s Log questionnaire! Happy New Year to everyone, and may you be blessed to a wonderful year! ☺️💕
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binkywinky · 1 year ago
do you think maria would've made a better captain marvel than carol?
Probably not. She'd be a different Captain Marvel, but I doubt she'd be any "better" at it (however you determine that).
I think when people ask this question, they assume the characters have the same exact path, and they wouldn't. I mean sure, if you put Maria through the same exact challenges Carol has faced, of course she'd navigate them differently - they're different people - but does that always equal better? I don't know.
Would Maria have helped the Skrulls find a home? My guess is no. Why? Because she's probably smart enough not to make that promise to begin with as that is literally an insane mission. Short of mass murdering an already inhabited planet, there's no way Carol could just give them a planet (they outright said in Secret Invasion that they tried for years and everyone rejected them). And given that Carol's not about to start committing genocide against another species to save one she inadvertently helped genocide herself, it just was never going to end in success. Now could Maria find them a home? Maybe, but that would actually make me fairly concerned about her being a hero if she would go to such lengths.
Would Maria have destroyed the Supreme Intelligence? Let's say she understands what that would do and decides not to. That means she wouldn't doom Hala to death like Carol did, but it does mean that now the Kree Empire is still intact and committing atrocities across the cosmos that she knows she could've stopped. Because remember, Carol fucked up with Hala, but she actually did significant damage to one of the most fascist regimes in the universe in the process. Guardians 1 would've been very different if Ronan had the Kree Empire at full power behind him - he wouldn't have needed to work with Thanos to regain glory for his people; the Kree would've just continued their "conquer and forcibly assimilate" campaign as they normally would've. That's not to say Carol did the right thing, just acknowledging that there are tradeoffs to both paths.
One thing we do know is that Maria's Captain Marvel in 838 joined the Illuminati. Now that I actually don't think Carol would do. I mean, she'd be onboard with joining some sort of group that watches over the multiverse (especially considering what happened to Monica), but I don't think she'd be down with the decisions they made, like killing Strange and then lying to the public about what happened or being willing to do lowkey heinous shit to anyone they see as a threat to the multiverse (including children). I firmly believe Carol would've made a different choice than Maria in that regard or at least fought for the Illuminati not to become... that.
Something to always remember - a core aspect of multiversal heroes or heroes who take on someone else's moniker is that they have similar story beats but handle them differently (think Peter Parker vs. Miles Morales - similar plot points, different choices, different results). So in the case of Maria, while I don't think she'd make the same choices Carol did in similar scenarios, her choices would have equally awful consequences. And I suspect she would be just as successful dealing with those consequences as Carol was with hers.
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welcome-to-oslov · 1 year ago
HIGHLY recommend anyone else who wants to, to do a Bror/Tilrey deep-cut read: goddamn! 😅🥵
Just click "entire work" and ctrl-f your way to every time Bror's name appears in every story... Man those two truly do have an energy together!
Loving these descriptions of how Tilrey & Bror might be together when they start making love. I love scenes where Tilrey is overwhelmed & out of his depth, experiencing his physicality like he hasn't before, and that can definitely happen in his first times with Bror, not just in the noncon/dubcon that's truly fire as well (don't stop, please! 😈).
I love that I've found your series before it's complete (prequel or finale) so I can savor fantasizing & theorizing about how things might go....
I'm mulling over that maybe Tilrey & Bror might really almost fall in love during this interlude, those lazy quiet afternoons alone in an apt in the vacants, away from everyone & everything, just them. They clearly have a pull together, care about each other, can't stop thinking about each other. And yes, their gazes did lock on that very first meeting -- attraction abounds.
In another world, in a similar scenario, they absolutely would've fallen in love and maybe built something together -- for ex., maybe Tilrey's a college kid who'd left the home of a stepfather who'd been abusing him, still meeting older Bror in a gym or at an after-class job, alt-Bror sensing something's wrong & being there every step of the way for alt-Tilrey as he survives and heals ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🩹
In our universe, I think Tilrey almost blossoms under Bror's affection (and the love they feel but maybe aren't saying), at least in the hours they're together.
Butttt.... then comes moving into Linden & Jorning's house 😡. Whatever happens to Tilrey there, by them, elsewhere in those 18 months, it breaks him. It humiliates him. He doesn't feel like he can be himself anymore, open himself up as freely, with Bror. He shatters. He's ashamed and can't make his lips form the words to tell Bror everything he really should talk to someone about. Bror notices the vibe shift, he worries about Tilrey as he always does -- and he's there for Tilrey in the way Tilrey can handle right now. He's still a strong important incredibly protective friend to Tilrey as we see in A Serviceable Boy. But their little moment of maybe being something more kinda got snuffed.
But it was beautiful while it simmered, under the surface, promising. And in all the other versions of a universe where Tilrey & Bror had a chance 💕 They both know that other universe does exist, somewhere 🥹🔥.
You’re breaking my heart! 💔 I’d love to read this college AU. And yes, this is where things are headed with the prequel. 😢 But they’ll always have those long, lazy, stolen afternoons when no Upstarts know or care where they are or what they’re doing.
I have to say, you all are bringing out my inner Tilrey/Bror shipper. Who must have been there all along, because their chemistry wasn’t an accident, surely! 😁
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tiredelirium · 5 months ago
What is it that closes the gap between strangers to make them more than that? Is it just common ground? Some similar ambitions? Or perhaps a shared pain? It may be all of these aspects combined. I wouldn’t be the one to answer the question.
Perhaps interacting on a daily basis is all it really takes. I feel that was the majority of my early friendships. We were friendly because we went to the same school and that was kinda it. There were very few of them whose homes I visited, who visited my own. Very rarely if ever did I hang around after school, be it primary or secondary.
I had other things to do.
Things to draw. Books to read. Games to play. Shows to watch. Words to write.
Hobbies are hobbies, but to share those hobbies with others is something else entirely. It’s a level of intimacy thats scary to begin. To take that first step of mentioning that thing you do for fun and hoping there’s no judgement from the other side.
That fear stops me from being open and honest. It’s a fear I think I got from having too very loud, very extroverted, older sisters. Trying to speak up was hard, and because they were older they often didn’t seem to care for any opinion you could give them on any subject.
At some point or another, when it seems even the people you should trust most don’t seem to care what you say, you kind of stop trying.
I’ve been told by many people- teachers, friends, strangers -that I’m quiet. My voice is hard to pick up on when I do speak at times. Though I’d like to think i’ve improved in that regard, many times I find myself in the company of my family not trying.
Dejection is an easy trap to fall into. Self doubt is a curse. Everyone’s voice and opinions have weight and should be heard, even the terrible ones. Without hearing those voices, we can’t judge for ourselves what is truly right and what is truly wrong.
We can’t learn and grow as people. I know this. And yet still I feel stagnation. Constant limbo and indecision, and apathy toward improvement.
There are things I want to do. Yet I can’t bring myself to do them.
Motivation is a dawn that blinds and makes you feel like you can’t follow through on the things you want.
When that dawn passes and your sight returns, the distant goal is swallowed by the dark. You don’t know what you were trying to accomplish. You don’t know why you wanted to try so hard. Ambition is a drug that sours in the face of apathy. Passion burns hot enough to hurt you.
What good is a friend when you can’t even befriend yourself?
I don’t know if there’s any point being made in any of these diaries, these journals, these entries, I’m putting together. Maybe someone else can see the things I’m missing, or can find their own answers in the words I type.
One of my favourite songs is romantic and has the line;
“if this warmth disappears, i’ll travel the universe”
Such a lyric could be straightforward, an analogy, a promise, a passing statement, a declaration, or any number of things to any one individual.
To me it’s a wish.
That no matter what transpires, I’ll still be able to go on.
I just wish I weren’t alone, in the end.
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miss-may-i · 2 years ago
Miss May I: Season 3 Part 67
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Warren: Can we get a round of drinks over here? 
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Warren: I didn’t know there was a place like this here. 
Kayla: You don’t get out much, do you? 
Warren: Not anymore, no. But when I was in university, all I did was party. Might have gotten me in trouble a few times. 
Kayla: What brought you to this little hick town? 
Warren: Well, I got married.
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Kayla: Oh my god. You’re married and I’m here flirting with you. 
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Warren: Actually, things haven’t been the best with us lately. I mean, what I used to love about him now makes me crazy. When we met, I was dating another guy who wouldn’t give me the time of day. Then my husband came around and finally made me feel special. But now, he’s busy doing the exact same thing for someone else. 
Kayla: I know exactly how you feel. My ex and I were high school sweethearts. Then I got pregnant and he promised to take care of us. But after my daughter was born, it wasn’t about me anymore. Then when it got too hard, he found another woman and it wasn’t about either of us anymore. I almost blamed my daughter for it, but it’s not her fault. I’m surprised how mature she is for having such a fucked up mother. Or maybe she’s so mature despite of me. 
Warren: Yeah, it’s something similar in my family too. Except my husband’s daughter is a nightmare to deal with. 
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Kayla: It sounds like you need a break, Mr. Lassiter. The good thing is that I can keep a secret. 
Warren: What else can that mouth do? 
Kayla: Why don’t I show you?
Previous | Beginning | Next
Season 1 | Season 2
*Several poses made by @bmit04​*
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letarasstuff · 4 years ago
Unbreakable Bond
(A/N): This is based on this post and this tiktok
Summary: A big age gap between Aaron's children doesn't have to mean that they are unable to form a strong bond
Warnings: Mentions of Haley's death and failed relationships
Wordcount: 1.8k
His life took turns Aaron never expected. It’s not the “Oh, mh, well that was unexpected”-type of turns, I talk about the “God played Cards Against Humanity with angels and decided to make it happen for someone”-type. But looking back he would not want to change a thing.
After Haley and Beth he was convinced that God, the Universe, something out there shared the opinion that romantic love isn’t the right thing for him and Aaron accepted that fact. Even more when he and Jack went into witness protection. I mean, when you are worried about the life of your family being in danger because of a stalker, you don’t think about the beautiful neighbor, who lives next door, right? Right?
Well, without going into too much detail, Hotch did think about her and she about him and vice versa. Everything went good until Aaron received the message that the team found the stalker and that it was safe to come back. He decided to come clean to his girlfriend. They talked about the possibility of moving back to Quantico.
In the end they decided in favor of the move, the final argument was the surprising announcement of her being pregnant. Hotch wants to raise their youngest where his and Jack’s roots are located. But he decides against taking a position at the BAU, instead taking a desk job in order to be more at home. He also has the opportunity to work from home after little (Y/N) was born and continues to do so until she is old enough to go to Kindergarten. Even then he takes two days the week where he stays home. Aaron learned from his decisions and mistakes he made in the past and wants to live up to them and be a better father and husband than before.
And Hotch keeps it to this day, six years later. It’s (Y/N)’s first day of school, while Jack just graduated high school and goes off to college in a few weeks. Even though they have an age gap from twelve and a half years, their parents are sure there are no other siblings with such a strong bond.
Ever since his baby sister’s birth Jack is her biggest supporter, protector and friend. Her first word was his name, though it was more of a “ACK!”, but that’s the best nickname he ever got. As soon as (Y/N) was old enough to comprehend the concept of movies, he introduced her to Star Wars. Since then lightsaber wars out of cardboard pipes are not uncommon. Last Halloween they even dressed up as Chewbakka and Han Solo. You get three guesses on who was who.
“JACK!” (Y/N) runs into her big brother’s room with an excited expression on her face. “Daddy promised to buy me a real lightsaber after I read ten books! With lights and sounds and all! Isn’t that cool?” Jack smiles. Aaron did a similar thing with him. For a certain amount of books he got a reward they discussed beforehand. This way he felt motivated to read and improved writing and reading skills.
“This is awesome. I think that means we have to go book shopping together, what do you think?” (Y/N) is not only the cool kid that has an older brother, she is also the cool kid, whose older brother has a drivers license, a car and a part time job. She nods with big eyes, speechless, because the offer sounds like heaven to her. Getting books and one on one time with Jack after he was really busy with school for weeks? This has to be heaven.
“Ok, then you put your outside clothes on and I’ll tell Dad about our plan.” At that the little girl rushes to her room, not wanting to waste any more time. Jack makes his way down to the kitchen, where Aaron wipes the table from lunch down.
“Dad, I take (Y/N) to this bookstore in DC and we’ll probably go eat ice cream after that. Is that alright?” Hotch looks up at his son. It still feels like yesterday as he told Haley that Gideon is a big no as a baby name. Now he is all grown up and just a few weeks away from the next big chapter in his life.
“Of course, just let me get my wall-” Jack cuts him off. “No need, I want to use this as a kind of goodbye thing. At least until Thanksgiving.” Aaron knows what he means. It’s his last day before he goes off to college and just a couple more until the first classes begin. The family still hasn’t told their youngest exactly what’s going on. Else she would refuse to go to school and go on with her day, insisting on using all the time they have until Jack drives off.
Two hours later the siblings leave the bookstore, both of them having a bag in their hands. Of course Jack's heavier, but both he and the cashier assured (Y/N) that they lift the same amount of weight.
“Uncle Spence will be excited when I tell him that I read Harry Potter, he told me so many good things about it”, the girl gushes. Jack nods, indicating that he is listening. Of course they also picked books that are not that advanced. Still, no sister of his shall grow up without knowing the beauty of the wizarding world. Also, secretly he is hoping for her to turn out as nerdy as he is so they get more things to talk about. His next step is superheroes, especially the Marvel ones.
They converse until they get to an ice cream parlor and order both their usuals. “Do you think you are ready for me to tell you something important?” The older one asks after they sit down at a table. (Y/N) nods, confusion taking over her face.
“Uhm, you know how I graduated from high school? I’m done with school, but I want to get a degree, but for that I have to go to college. It’s pretty far away so I can’t come home for a few months. But I’m back home when Thanksgiving is and also for Christmas.” It doesn’t matter what Jack says, a sad frown has formed on the little one’s face. “Oh. And after Christmas, will you leave again?” He nods and explains when he is off from college and when not.
“We can always skype and write letters. How does that sound? And when you get your first phone, we can even text.” That (Y/N) lights up a bit. For her first year of school she got a stationary set and is eager to use it to this day.
“I’m going to miss you so much”, she says hugging her big brother. Jack pats her back. “I’ll miss you, too.”
The goodbye the next day is a heartfelt matter. Everybody cries, especially (Y/N). She can’t fathom a scenario where her brother isn’t there for her all the time.
The following weeks are also hard for the family. The youngest refuses to sleep alone for the first three days after Jack’s leave. She is more closed off and mainly just does her school work or reads the books he bought for her. By the time Thanksgiving is only away for another two weeks, (Y/N) has read through all of them at least two times.
Her father already ordered the lightsaber he promised her. Unfortunately shipping takes several months, so the little girl still has to wait patiently for her reward to arrive. In the meantime she works on getting the next and she is already pretty close to the comic book collection she wants.
“Sweetheart, can you set the table, please? Your Mom will be here soon from grocery shopping and she will need help getting them from the car into the house”, Hotch calls for his daughter while stirring in a pot.
The little girl nods, putting her stationary set and pens aside to do as her father asked. She is in the middle of answering her brother’s last letter, telling him that she is now the one that usually has to read aloud for the class because of her advanced skill for a first grader.
Just as she sets the last piece of silverware down the doorbell rings. “Sweetie, can you please open it? This should be your mother.” Happily (Y/N) runs up and turns the door knob. Over the last few months she hit a small growing spurt and is finally tall enough to reach it without standing on her tippy toes.
“Mo-” She nearly chokes on her own saliva. The one at the door is definitely not her mother. “JACK!” (Y/N) runs up to him and jumps onto his leg. “Hey Princess. I thought now that you read your books, we need to hold the most amazing lightsaber fight in history.” With a mischievous smile he pulls two from his back, giving one to his baby sister.
It is the most epic fight in history between an elementary schooler and a college boy. They can only be stopped by their parents announcing that it is a tie between both of them and that they have to sit down, else the food gets cold.
The following weeks mostly consist of (Y/N)’s joyous laughs and cuddling with her big brother. She even insists on him sleeping with her in her much smaller bed. On his last night before going back to college, the little girl turns to him in the middle of watching her favorite movie in the living room.
“Do you promise not to forget me when you are away? Because I alway think about you and tell my friends so much about you. I told them you are a hero, my hero, just like Daddy. They wanna meet you because of that.” Jack has to hold back tears at her statement.
“I also think of you so much. All of my friends at college are pretty jealous of me having such a sweet baby sister. Maybe one time you can visit me and I can introduce you to them.” The thought of that makes (Y/N) smile and is a little consolation to the thought of her brother leaving again.
Aaron watches the interaction going down, happy to see the strong bond between his children, despite their age gap. This is nothing like he and Sean were and that is a relief for him and the worries he had in the beginning. It is a sign that he did do some things right as a father.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos @jswessie187
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962 @ellyhotchner
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sukirichi · 4 years ago
earned it [02]
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
cw. mentions of murder, suggestive content, unedited fic
notes. err, i’m only doing this on impulse. i would like to continue it, but i think part one stands enough for itself :> i might delete this if i don’t like it a few days later lollll
series masterlist
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Your infamous customer hadn’t arrived even as the restaurant closed. You watched close enough, fidgety in your movements and often bumping into other servers, all because your gaze kept darting back to the front door, awaiting his presence.
There’s no actual reason why you want to see him. Maybe it’s because he left an impression? The guy didn’t even budge after finding out someone had snuck into the kitchen to poison him, leaving you to wonder why anyone wanted to kill him. Not that it was any of your business, but you figured it was only common between powerful people who are equally greedy. Still, you’re unfocussed in your work, apologizing every now and then when your boss shook their head at you.
Thankfully, you managed to get back to your old pace. Thoughts of the white-haired tall man left the room at the same time everyone did, leaving only you and your boss in the locker room. You ended up working two shifts again on this weekend, your co-worker asking you to cover for them due to sudden family issues.
It’s tiring, that much is for sure, but you won’t complain when it’s more money down in your pocket. You’re dazzled, however, as you leave the locker room and see that your main chefs are still there.
Upon seeing you, they immediately usher you into a lone table, table 98 that remained untouched the whole night, a two lit candles illuminating the otherwise darkness of the isolated restaurant. Only this time, it’s occupied by him no less, his azure eyes flittering up to yours at the sound of your hesitant footsteps.
You’ve been looking for him the whole night, yet now that he’s in front of you, you don’t have any words to say. Instead, you bow down deep, the hands clasped in your lap shaking.
“No need to be so nervous. I only wish to discuss something with you,” his laugh is so carefree, lighthearted as he gestures to the empty spot across him. “Take a seat,” Wordlessly, you foolow his orders and dash down to the seat, spine straight and head held high. There’s a hint of amusement in his small smile, but he doesn’t tease you, save for the lilting tone he held. “So you’re in sophomore year of university?”
“Yes, Sir. How’d you know?” You furrowed your brows, unsure of whether you’re supposed to expensive meal served in two.
Gosh, and this was on page three too, a single meal cost at least six months’ worth of rent.
“I pulled a string or two,” he lifts one shoulder lazily, waving his knife in the air. “And please, call me Satoru. Assuming we come to an understanding, things will go well for the both of us. You are in need of financial aid, yes?” You nod, utterly clueless in where this is leading, but Satoru’s already made up his mind long before he came here that he found no need in beating around the bush.
“Good. Then what do you say about being my sugar baby?”
“S-sugar baby?” you repeat the word first in confusion, then with distaste. He simply hums around the meat he’s eating, as if it’s a normal occurrence for him to inquire such things, and you scoff, crossing your arms on your chest.
You don’t care that this guy is your precious customer – he was just the same as everyone else.
“Is that the reason why you asked me to stay behind? Do you think you can just pay people to sleep with you? It may have worked on others, but not to me. I would rather keep my dignity than be with you,” you breathe hard after your rant, slapping your palms down on the table. The impact of it makes the table shake, his hand reflexively reaching to steady his wine glass. “As for what happened yesterday, you don’t have to thank me about it. I did what any right-minded person would.”
“And if I said I never wanted to be saved?” he asks, his tone still so calm that it further infuriates you. You stare at him, stunned and mouth gaping. “Sit down. I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Thank you for graciousness, Sir, but I really don’t—”
“Angel,” You freeze at the nickname. He chuckles with his forehead pressed to his clasped hands, “Do you really think I need to pay people to sleep with me? I could have anyone I want,” his voice falls an octave or two, the sonorous warning rumbling something…alien inside your body. You stand there, unable to move, and he easily sees through this as he hides a smirk behind his drink. “Sit down. I’m not done talking to you.”
You don’t know what snapped in you to actually follow, but his words weren’t just that. They were always laced with eased dominance, the words leaving his lips coming out as a command. No, it was more like a hypnotizing order, and you’re nothing but a puppet enslaved by it.
His smile only grows bigger, and you hate that he looks ridiculously handsome under the dim lights of the room. Life would’ve been much easier if this man had been ugly.
“As I was saying, this relationship should be casual, no strings attached. I’d prefer if you’re exclusive to me, and in return, I’ll cover all your school fees and everything else. As for the sex,” he cuts his eyes straight to yours, an intense burning heat in them. You squirm in your seat, a little intimidated, albeit excited, by this proposition too, though you’d rather die than let him know that, “I don’t need that from you. I just want someone to talk to.”
“You’re paying me to talk to you?”
“No,” he chuckles, “I’m saying you form a relationship with me in exchange of financial aid. You’d be similar to a lover, nothing less of a friend,” he stares at his drink so hard like he was having a debate with it. A few seconds later, he found his answer, the gleam in his eyes surreptitious as he says, “Someone I can trust.”
You huff. Surely it wasn’t easy as that. “Why me?”
“No reason,” he shrugged, “I just find you endearing, that is all,” You lean back on your seat, trying to process all this. The hesitance must be written all over your face because he adjusts his tie, sliding a white business card your way before sliding his chair back in. At least he’s well-mannered enough to do that. “You can take your time to think about it. There’s no need to rush.”
Somehow, seeing his figure retreat triggers something within you. You watch as silhouettes emerge from the darkness trail after him; must be his security team, serving as an additional note that what you so struggled to achieve was likely nothing for him.
Was it fear? Desperation? Shame?
You don’t know, you won’t ever really know, but you run up to him anyway, brave enough to tug at his sleeve. The guards surrounding him tense up at the contact, stepping away only when he raises a finger that spoke a thousand words.
“You-you’ll pay for everything?”
With his back turned to you, you failed to see that victorious grin he wore. “And everything more,” he reassured. He turns around to confirm your submission, but you’re quivering under his towering frame, poor hands clutched around the card so tightly he won’t be surprised if you break it. He chuckles, coaxing the worries out of you as he caresses your cheek, his breath evident of expensive liquor hitting your cheeks. “Relax, angel. It’s not like you’re selling your soul to the devil.”
Your pupils blow wide at the close proximity. If he was attractive before, it’s nothing compared to the clarity of his sharp, angular features that are softened by his playful smile. Oddly enough, his thumb caressing your cheeks is tender yet calloused.
There’s no telling when who put who under a spell, because you’re clutching helplessly at his suit jacket, whispering, “Am I not?”
You are, he wants to say, but you’re so innocent, so vulnerable – such an angel, he can’t help but hum in his head – that he doesn’t have the heart to let you know. He already knew things were bound to fall out of place one another, but until that hasn’t happened yet, he’ll have to keep you close. He’ll make you his.
“I’ll take good care of you,” he declares so confidently that you couldn’t even question his capability to do so you, and for a moment, just a moment, your knees weaken under his stare. “Now that, I can promise.”
Should you have pulled away then? When he leaned down to seal the contract with a kiss, should you have pulled away then? Or better yet, could you even pull away then?
You’ve been so alone your whole life that each moment with him is awakening, soul-crushing, mind-shattering and so damn weakening that you should’ve pulled away then. If anyone were to tell you you’d share your first kiss after work hours with a man whose name you don’t even know of, you’d tell them they were crazy, crazier if they claimed you would enjoy it.
But you did. Oh, you did, you were addicted to him – his taste, his scent, his touch, everything about him – that when he pulled away, taking away every last breath in your lung that formerly remained taint-free by him, you’re left wanting. Craving.
And he knows this. How could he not? Your eyes are hazy with lust, chest pressed against his firm ones that would soon be the same body you found home over and over again.  You’re not the only left intoxicated from this sudden agreement. Whatever you feel, he feels it twice as much after years of watching you from the sidelines, asking himself a million times over what it is about you that pulled him in so much in the first place.
The innocence? The dedication? The youthful naivety?
Gojo wants to laugh at himself. It was never any of those – he simply wanted to fool himself that maybe he’s worthy of this, of your love, of your purity. He’s selfish, manipulative, heartless, and he wants nothing more than someone like you to make him feel like he’s everything he’s not.
He steps forward to brush his nose against yours; breathing in the tiny gasps you reward him with. And he’s barely even touched you.
“I look forward to our next meeting,” he rasps, butterfly touches all the way down your back to hold you flush against him, letting you feel that he’s all muscle and hardness, while you’re the complete opposite, composed of softness and little ghosting kisses. Perhaps when he gives you by a name, he was right to call you –  “My Angel.”
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The loud blaring of your alarm cuts through the silence of the room, its shrill sound piercing your ears. You groan, blindly patting the bedside table to swipe snooze. The spot next to you has been cold for a while now, but it’s normal for Satoru to leave early for work that you burrow yourself deeper in the covers. Five more minutes of sleep shouldn’t be so bad; it’s the weekend, anyway. You’ve got nothing else to do.
Waking up after that, on the other hand, now that is an impending task on itself.
You’re beyond sore, your inner thighs littered with handprints and your shoulder covered in love bites. “Jeez,” you mutter to yourself, stepping out of the bathroom. Tying your robe around you, you go out your shared bedroom, rubbing your eyes to get the sleep out.
It’s past noon already – Satoru really wore you out. And fuck, you could barely walk. You had to grip the counters just to sit on the stools, and even then, you’re wincing from the pain.
He should be doing paperwork in his office right now or something; he never really told you what to do. You don’t feel like asking either since he’s made it clear he prefers to keep his personal life, well…personal. But nevertheless, you swing your legs back and forth on the stool, texting him a quick I love you baby :)
Satoru doesn’t reply.
Usually, he’d respond in a few minutes, always supplied with a wink and an eggplant emoji. It was so him to act this way, that when those few minutes turned into a few hours and you’re met with radio silence, you can’t help but worry.
You try to brush it off, ignoring the deafening silence that rings all over his penthouse. He’s busy, he’s working, he’s got things to do – that’s all it is.
You convince yourself hard enough that you’ve cleaned the place until it’s sparkling, your reflection bouncing off the black marble floors. Every minute, though, your mind would race back to him. Not thinking about him proved to be a really daunting task because you think of him when you’re eating, reminiscing the way he’d always surprise you with a back hug, muttering morning angel all over your skin just to distract you from your meal. You think of him as you’re killing time with boring dramas; if he was here, he’d nudge your leg with his foot, pushing your shorts until it exposes your panties. He’d make sure you don’t get to focus at all, riling you up and kissing you hard that the show playing becomes nothing but background noise. You think of him, you dream of him, you remember him – and yet, you can’t feel him.
Nails bitten down to the skin, you scramble for your phone, swiping call over his contact. It doesn’t go through. Now that’s another odd thing; Satoru never fails to pick up your calls.
“He’s just busy,” you lie to yourself, telling the same thing over and over again even as night falls and you’re staring at the empty left side of the bed, hands smoothing over where the curve of his body would’ve been. “He’s just busy,” you say once more, giving into the exhaustion brought on by your worries. “He’ll come home soon. He always will.”
Except he didn’t.
And that was two weeks ago.
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“Angel, I got you—” Satoru immediately clamps his shut, his footsteps muted as he walks closer to you. You’ve been dating for a few months now, and you’re still very wary of the nature of your relationship so you refuse to move in with him. He doesn’t mind, he respects your space and decisions, but now he’s starting to regret letting you have your way. You’re hunched over your swiveling chair, cheek pressed against the opened textbook and glasses perched on your hair. The lamp desk illuminates the dark circles lining your eyes, his heart breaking at the sight.
Thanks to his help, you’ve been able to spend more time focusing on your studies. It should be comforting, but Satoru’s heart aches as he thinks of what you’ve been like prior to meeting him.
How long have you stayed up all night just to pass your exams? How long have you cried yourself to sleep, unable to handle the burden placed by the world on your shoulders at such a young age? How long have you had to turn down friends’ invites to parties with a forced smile because you had to go to work? How many times have you stared at a failing mark, teeth clenched because you studied well for it; your exhaustion just got the best of you and muddled your brain?
Satoru places the beer and dinner he’s got you on his way back home on top of your one-man dining table, pressing a kiss at the top of your head. You look so beautiful this way – unaware, unknowing, and focused in nothing but the future ahead of you that you don’t bother yourself with his past.
Perhaps…it was comforting, after all.
He’d rather have you worry over your own studies than worry about him. Satoru can’t stomach the idea of you – his precious angel – being involved in his own shit, possibly get caught between the crossfire. It pains him to say it, but he doesn’t want you getting too close for comfort.
So he stays there by your side, simply because it would expel all ideas of you wanting to be beside him. He’ll be right where you’re safe, and the sigh that leaves your lips when he moves you to your bed, fitting in his long, lanky bed on your cramped mattress an immense struggle. As if feeling that you’re finally home, you snuggle closer to his chest, murmuring sweet nothings that tug at his heartstrings.
Satoru rubs circles at your back, staring so hard at the chipped paint on your wall that he’s sure he’s got it burned in his memory.
Now that he thinks about it, he should’ve been satisfied with that. He should’ve held back in his desire to have more of you. He should’ve just tucked you in and left, but he was never really in control of himself. Before he knew it, he’s pulled in by you too much, encouraging him to move in with you under the lie it’s easier to keep an eye on you.
Had he just left you earlier…would things have been different then?
He’s asked himself this question too many times. Satoru always came to one conclusion. He loved you way too much that it consumed him, and soon the love he held for you slowly burned you inch by inch. The only way to save you was to pull away – but he wasn’t ready for that yet, not now – but he’s too scared, too deep in love that he ignores the warning signals and holds you close instead, finding comfort in the warmth of your arms.
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Fuck. Satoru downs his second drink, glaring at everyone beneath his shades. Geto snickers beside him, sending side eyes to his boss every now and then just to check. Of course, Satoru’s not actually going to pass out, he was no lightweight, but he’d been uneasy every since that pretentious gold envelope landed on his desk.
One of the downsides of being a mafia leader meant you had to mingle with other clan shit, including him of all people. There were always new leaders popping out of nowhere, Satoru quote unquoting, criminals be spawning like maniacs.
For fourteen years – fourteen fucking years – his clan had been in bad blood with the Zen’ins. They were pretty new in the illegal side of business, starting off as a powerful name in the trade industry before they got interested in oil. One thing led to another, the family began to realize they could have so much more if they turned a blind eye to a law or to, soon shifting into illegal weaponry trade, human trafficking, then drug manufacturing.
These bastards had the audacity to insult the Gojo Clan when Satoru’s family dropped by to strike a contract out of curiosity to their goods, only to be turned down because they’re ‘barbaric’ and ‘informal.’
Satoru still remembers that humiliating moment of being escorted out by bodyguards, but he held his head high, vowing to show that bastard Zen’in guy that the Gojo’s were one of the powerhouses for a reason. He doesn’t even know where the elderly guy got his confidence from. Mafia business was not the same as their former expertise, yet they acted all high and mighty with their rules and standard of being sophisticated even in a life or death situation.
Gojo doesn’t know whether he should be happy or sad that the old man died, his son taking over just as soon as his father perished. He would’ve celebrated with a whiskey or two, except the new clan leader was quite adamant in cleaning up their name to prove he would not create the same mistake his father did.
The new leader threw a large cruise party, inviting pretty much everyone they were chummy with, and Satoru has never felt more out of place. He recognized a face or two, but he couldn’t really give a fuck. He hated events like this – it was all about establishing power and face.
Satoru groaned under his breath, swiping at another flute as a waiter passed by. He felt the bubbles fizzle down his throat, the slight burning sensation somewhat easing his nerves.
He leans back at the wall and checks his watch for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. It’s been two fucking hours since they arrived, and the host still hadn’t arrived. If they planned on being ‘fashionably late’ Satoru won’t hesitate to slice someone’s neck tonight. He hates his time being wasted the most, and his eyes slid over to his friend’s still posture, looking like he just saw a ghost.
“Suguru,” he sighs through his mouth, “Don’t be so tense. This is a formal event – no blood will be shed tonight.” Suguru had a weird skill of being able to read Satoru’s thoughts that he raised his hands in surrender, silently promising that he’s not going to kill anyone.
“You’re not sure of that.”
“I won’t lose my composure, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he rolls his eyes, not looking back as he effortlessly places the empty glass back to another waiter. Satoru stands next to his friend, sucking his teeth out of boredom. Suguru, on the other hand, is tenser than ever, his eyes locked onto something in the middle of the crowd that began to cheer.
Faintly, somewhere at the back of his mind, Satoru hears someone whistle in signal. A few seconds later, the fireworks are lit and decorate the night sky, bursts of gold and beauty accompanying the entrance of the woman who’s so effortlessly caught everyone’s eye tonight.
Satoru is rooted to his spot, taking off his glasses the same time the crowd parts. Then, his breath is knocked away from his body, his heart pumping so hard he actually struggled to breathe.
Because you’re there, smiling and waving at the crowd as if it’s second nature to you. Seven years of being apart from one another and Satoru is still bewitched each time he lays his eyes on you. You’re the same…from your face down to the angelic feeling you always carried, but at the same time, you’re different. Gone was his precious angel who shied away from too much attention, his precious angel who would’ve never worn such a bodacious ring embedded on her left ring finger. Your smile is more charismatic, confident, and even fierce compared to the small, private ones you always shared with him – he almost couldn’t recognize you.
As if feeling someone’s eyes on you, you spot him leaning languidly against the walls, those lips you used to kiss turned downwards.
Seven years ago, you would’ve kissed him until he smiles again, singing to your pouty and clingy boyfriend who never voiced out the reason of his troubles. Seven years ago, he would’ve carried you and swung you around, showering you with affection as he reminds you how lucky he is to have you.
But this was no longer the past – that much is clear from when he left you without another word.
Still, you smile at him, an empty one that showed nothing but concealed anger. He was sure though, so fucking sure, that for a split second, he saw you light up. That may have been seven years ago, but you loved each other to the point of insanity – surely you still held some sort of fondness of him.
Satoru takes long, self-assured stride towards you, his gaze never leaving yours with his hands tucked into his pockets. There’s no telling what he’ll do, but in his mind, it’s clear.
You still love him, he still loves you. He’ll do something about it. It doesn’t matter what, he just will. That was until a young man closer to your age with blond hair and pierced earrings, narrow feline eyes lined with eyeliner hobbles beside you, his weight supported by a cane that Satoru stops in his movements.
He’d recognize that face anywhere.
The youngest and perhaps most mischievous leader of them all, Naoya Zen’in. Albeit not as hard-headed as his father in comparison with his rather laid-back and welcoming nature, Satoru knows a monster when he sees it. It takes one to know one, after all, and despite the heir being crippled from a former accident, his intelligence and power was not to be overlooked through his appearance and coy smiles.
In fact, he might even be more dangerous than his old man, this theory only proven when his arms snake around your waist. The matching rings gleam from under the light, and you press yourself closer to him to whisper in his ear, your attention very much still on Satoru.
Satoru’s entire body burns.
“Still there, Sir?” Suguru asks, gripping his boss’ bicep to hold him back. Smart of him, Satoru exhales through his nose, unable to stop his glare from darting to your husband’s.
He’s heard of you, of him, of how his most annoying rival had a phenomenal trophy wife who looked harmless at first look, but was actually the brains of most of his operations. Satoru forgets how to breathe normally because he’s heard of you, and the rumors he’s gotten wind of about Naoya’s trophy wife are nothing less of how dedicated and perfect the two of you are.
Slapping Suguru’s arm away from him, Satoru grits his teeth. “Get me a drink.”
His precious angel was gone. No, this woman that stood before him…you were an entirely different entity, something darker, something along the lines that were more like him.
What exactly happened the day he left you?
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taglist: @ladywaifuuwrites​ @savantsoulfinder​ @my-reality-is-in-my-head​ tagging the ones who asked for part 2, please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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husky-twst-and-obeyme · 4 years ago
Anon Asked : "You know how some twst fan artists like to draw Yuu with their face blocked out, usually by Grim? I have this headcanon that in the Twisted Wonderland universe, it’s impossible to get a picture of Yuu, there’s always someone standing in front of them, a piece of paper floating by, or they’re just out of frame, but no one noticed until after the picture was taken. No one knows why, Rook even tried to draw them once but a Pomefiore first year spilled nail polish on the picture when he finished. " I do like that idea! I did see one artist who just had a mickey shaped head with blank eyes and it really looked cool! Now as for the scenario or story i will only do Dorm leaders for this situation, if anyone wishes for more i will provide ! BUT i have a small twist :) Warnings: Cursing Riddle
Riddle wasn't sure why but he it really irritated him how whenever they did civil group pictures, you always end up blocked or something happens to you in your part of the picture
It's not your fault really but it bugs him
he made it a goal to get a perfect picture , such as asking for a selfie
He actually wasn't a fan of it but he wanted at least ONE good picture of you because he cherishes his friends
He's frustrated to no end
He eventually gave up and just accepted fate
he even tried to draw you and it somehow got ruined which made his mood worst
At one point , you came to him with a strawberry tart to cheer him up but he was really pouty
You asked if he wanted to try the selfie again but you hold the phone , which he reluctantly agreed to
afterwards when you left , he went to see the picture and he couldn't believe his damn eyes
a perfect picture of you and him
" i don't know if i want to cry of joy or behead them . "
He stilled loved the photo and refused to show anyone else in case it somehow got ruined or deleted
He wasn't too interested in photos but in your case it caught his interest slightly
he noticed from school activity photos that your face was always somehow ruined.
he thought it was funny but rare
so he tasked ruggie to take a picture for a small amount , mainly because he thought it would be easy
plus it's not like he wants a photo of you for anything psssshh
but when ruggie returned , he was frustrated and tired
confused leona questioned him
"Leona san. i loved getting money from you but i might just not even try anymore ..."
he got baffled that Ruggie had given up money for any easy task. or so he thought was easy
So thinking ruggie was being lazy , he went to do it himself
as a predator, he knows how to be sneaky and hide well , so once he locked you in , he took a snap
he looks ats the photo completely ruined
he took another , ruined. once again , it was ruined
he repeats many tries after and it all ends the same
" ahh fuck it ... " and went for a nap
later on you wanted a selfie with leona
being smug he said " would you even get the picture right ?~"
with a pout " of course i can!" you posed for the picture and snapped
he took a glance and he'll be damned ,, it was perfect
" don't talk to me for the next few day, herbivore."
azul didn't like photos , much at least because of certain ones of his past
though he took note of a particular incident
(Event after chapter 3) when you all took a picture at the museum , he noticed that your part of the picture , floyd's arm covered your face
He thought nothing of it until he noticed it often
Ace took a photo of you and deuce and somehow grim flew in front of your face
Cater took a selfie but it ended up blurred
it was pointless but hard to ignore so he assigned Jade and floyd into getting the perfect picture of you
after a couple hours, jade and floyd came back frustrated
even jade looked visibly irritated which was VERY rare to the point it scared Azul
they showed him nothing but blurry pics, he knew something was up because even jade wouldn't fail this bad
He knew he couldn't stand the chance if the tweels failed
but later on , you wanted to take a selfie with him
he refused immediately but you promised to keep the photo private , then he did agree , reculantantly
His immediate thought was that the picture would of been ruined anyways but was shocked to see a cute selfie of him and you
"....send me that picture . " you turned to him "what???" "SEN ME THAT PICTURE"
We all know this absolute dork would love to take pictures , possibly from Cater's influence , because he sees it as a fun thing to do
So you , being one of his favorite people, he obviously wants a good photo of you
but to his disappointment, when he wanted to take a pic of you while you were at the gardens, it turned out super blurry
he thought nothing of it , just might of moved a bit , until the next one came blurry
he was getting semi frustrated and you had already left , so for once, he was actually grumpy to the point where he just asked Jamil to take a good picture for him
he felt lowkey bad of course but he was a tiny bit frustrated
Jamil didn't care until he had the same issue
Jamil tried a it but gave up when he kept getting the same result
then kalim was just sad , he just wanted a cute picture of you
you visited one day and he was his usual self but you here reminded him of the picture incident
you offered to try again , he was hard for him to say no to you
but after looking..you took a perfect photo
he wanted to cry and you were just so confused
hug him he needs it
Vil is a perfectionist of course, which includes photos too
you , him and a few others went on a small trip , you wanting to take a photo to remember the trip
you're one of the only people he's allowed for a picture minus fans because he's aware you just want a genuine picture and knows you won't share/ brag about it
Rook offered to take the photo
you two posed and rook took the shot but Vil automatically saw Rook's confused face
"Rook?.. is there a problem?" "non non roi du poison! I must of moved a little fast, part of it came blurry
he didn't think on it , just a small mistake no biggy
that was until the problem kept repeating itself
Irrigated , he took the camera and looked at the photos , each and every one of them was blurred of were you were at while vil looked completely fine
he slowly looked at you while you just stood there worried that we weren't going to get a picture
"Vil senpai? maybe i can just take a selfie? Rook's camera's probably broken"
sighing in defeat , he agreed ,after getting in a cute pose , you snapped a photo
he took a look and he was legit about to burst
It was an absolute beautiful picture
He was stunned that you did an even better job then rook
might make you his photographer
we all know for a fact, he hates pictures , at least mainly of himself
though he doesn't mind pictures of you
of course , he doesn't take pics of you willy nilly , he asks you first because he'd be hypocrite to take a picture of someone who didn't want a photo
You often cosplayed as some of his favorite characters and of course he'd want a picture of it but he was in for a surprise
The first time you cosplayed in front of him , he asked and you agreed
he snapped the photo , it blurred
he got irritated but thought nothing of it and tried again
still failed
he has plenty of cameras ( I dunno it's for the story make up your own reason XD ) and used a different one to get a photo
it failed and he tried many times , it was too a point he built up the courage *cough*two hours*cough to ask rook to help
he was dumbfounded when rook couldn't do well
you later went home , while idia was sad , he really wnated to take a good pic
soon after, you sent him a text
"I'm sorry you couldn't get a cute picture earlier, so i took a shot at it with a selfie!"
and there he saw the perfect picture
"...what the f**k is this voodoo magic- "
he of course loved it but he was so confused
oh boy here we go-
he was still confused on the idea of photos
but he thought it was similar to a painting but it's instant
so of course he wants one with you
he attempts to use an old style camera (hey be lucky he made it this far)
he sets it up to where it takes a picture with a timer and you both pose
After it was done, he looked at the photo and somehow it blurred
he just thought it was a small mistake and tried again
second time, same result
this is where his temper slowly rises and it's shown every time it fails
and after about the 20th time , he smashes the camera
you attempt to calm him down and offered to use your phone
he agrees because he trusts you more than a dumb camera
after you took the photo, he was very happy , it looked wonderful
he didn't care about the camera anymore, he just cared that he got a good photo
I hope you enjoyed!
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fandoomrants · 3 years ago
Jennifer Incident
Okay, so ever since it was first mentioned we've all wondered what this incident was, right?
What we know is that it's something that has happened in both timelines yet in the Umbrella timeline Ben died and in the Sparrow, he somehow got away with only a scar (it is sorta believed it's from then, right?)
And there are many theories about who Jennifer was, one of the most popular being that she was a girl that Umbrella!Ben sacrificed himself to save, yet Sparrow!Ben let her die and that's how he survived it.
There are also some theories that she wasn't a person but that's what the tentacles are called and it might make some sense since we know Umbrella!Ben didn't seem to like his powers much and didn't like using them, therefore meaning he wasn't much in control of the tentacles, yet Sparrow!Ben is often using them and seems to be in control of them. Yet the one hint that shows it happened in the Sparrow universe too is this painting in Ben's room we can see of a girl with "Jennifer" written at the bottom, which indicates she was a real person, after all. So this makes me scratch that. Although I don't fully reject the idea he somehow dies because of his powers, only that Jennifer is not them, lol.
What I personally think is, that the two versions of Ben aren't that different deep down. It's the same person, just grown in a very different environment. The Umbrellas grow to become dysfunctional and are seen by Reginald as a failure when he meets them in the 60s, so that's why he decides to go on a different route and adopts other children (well, we learn that the Umbrellas haven't been born in that timeline except for Ben but still, there are other differences too) and this time, they're brought up in a completely different way. He basically robs them of all emotional attachments, for example making Pogo go away, or Grace being not their "mom" but more like some sort of a servant. As a result, they become a strong and good team but they lack the closeness and care for each other that the Umbrellas have. The Umbrellas are dysfunctional but more or less care for each other and they've relied on each other while growing up, while for the Sparrows, everything's been a competition and trying to prove they're better than the rest. So that's why Sparrow!Ben is more of an asshole, yet there are hints of how this is more or less of a facade. So, to me, it sounds unlikely that he'd let an innocent person die instead of him.
I saw a theory a few days ago that Umbrella!Ben might have originally died trying to save Klaus. (This breaks my heart on too many levels). And I started thinking, I can really see him dying to save one or more of his siblings. But Sparrow!Ben? Sloane was right, he cares more about not being invited to a party than for his dead siblings. (Because they weren't a real family, they were rivals, someone failed to raise children once again).
So, I promise I'm getting to the end of this, my personal theory now is, Jennifer wasn't someone who Ben failed to save, or let her die. She was maybe someone involved in another way (maybe even the enemy they faced?). In the Umbrella universe, Ben died while protecting the rest, in the Sparrow universe, he didn't do it and that's how he survived.
What we also know is that Sparrows' numbers change and Ben was once number 1 but for some reason, he was demoted. What if this is how he "failed" and became number 2?
And, this would actually work with another theory I have. This one is that, even if it sounds really funny, I refuse to believe Christopher was always a cube. I believe he was once a real person, who went through an incident that made Reginald, similar to what he did with Luther, have no other choice than turn him into something else. And what if it happened then? Because Ben didn't try to sacrifice himself for him?
And this would also justify how Ben failed so majorly that he lost his position, one of his siblings almost died because of him.
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neonlights92 · 4 years ago
GRACE: Chapter I
Kim Namjoon lost himself when he lost his hand.  Things have not been the same for him since.  When Taehyung tells him it’s time for him to marry - he isn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect of someone else having a front row seat to his struggle with himself.
That’s where you come in.  You’re a nurse, as well as a member of Bangtan, and Taehyung is never more sure about a match than he is with you and Namjoon.  Feeling like you’ve been chosen to help Namjoon on his journey back to finding who he is, you feel completely out of depth.
It’s only when you start to see the man underneath that you start to fall in love with Kim Namjoon.  And maybe after all, you might be his saving grace.
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WARNINGS: Language, eventual sex and some violence
A/N:Namjoonie’s story! ENJOOOOY :D 
“Kim Taehyung wants to see you, Y/N.”
Your mother’s words dropped between the two of you, like lead.  Her eyes avoided your own - and you knew exactly what she actually meant.
Kim Taehyung has found you a husband.
Your chest tightened and you gripped the handle of your coffee mug for dear life.
Your eyes traveled over to your father, his face kind but stern.  This wasn’t up for debate.
“Okay.”  The word was quiet, “Do I - do you…” 
You took a deep breath and collected yourself.
“Who is he?”
The question hung in the air uncomfortably.
Your parents exchanged a look - the same look they’d exchanged your entire life when decisions were made for you and they were afraid you wouldn’t like it.
“I think we should let Taehyung tell you that.”  Your father’s voice was steady, “As Capo, it is his right.”
As capo.
You didn’t know Kim Taehyung very well at all.  Though the two of you were of a similar age - had grown up together in Bangtan - he had always been groomed for Capo.  You on the other hand, had been groomed like most other women in the mob: to believe that your most important duty in life was to carry on your family line.
You knew it was outdated.  And you hated it, though you’d never complain.
Life had taught you that complaints got you nowhere - and so you’d learnt to keep your head down and get on with it.
But that didn’t mean you’d never wanted more.  That you’d craved freedom and independence like no other.
And when your parents had allowed you to study nursing at university you really had thought maybe things were changing.  Until you’d realised that it had been a direct order from Taehyung’s father himself - the Capo at the time.
Bangtan needed their own nurse.  Someone who could take care of things quietly and efficiently.
Someone who could help those who were badly injured find some degree of normality.
And that’s what you did.
Still.  You loved your job - mob mandated or not.
“Okay.”  You whispered, feeling something like dread wash over you.
“His wife has invited you to dinner at theirs,” Your mother finally moved her gaze to connect with your own, “This evening.  Eight pm.”
You nodded, on autopilot.
This was what you’d done all your life, wasn’t it?
You listened to orders.  You never asked questions.  You never challenged Bangtan.
And if the Capo himself wanted to see you, then you knew it could only mean one thing.
He’d found you a husband.  And tonight, you would meet him too.
You stood outside Kim Taehyung’s mansion -- because that’s what it was, a mansion -- nervously fingering the hem of your blouse.
This was it.
You’d waited twenty-five years for this moment - the moment someone else decided who you would marry.
You’d always known it would be like this.  Your father was too powerful - he held too many cards too close to his chest - and Bangtan could never let someone like him choose his own daughter’s marriage.
He’d told you since you were a young girl to expect this.  An arranged betrothal.
And when you were little you thought it was sort of romantic.  Like some fairytale - a princess locked away in a tower and a knight who was destined to save her.
Except now you were older and it wasn’t all that romantic anymore.
It was stifling.
You knew your father had come to this agreement with Taehyung himself.  You hated that you lived in such a misogynistic world, but it was the way things had always been.
After a long moment and a deep, calming breath, you lifted your hand and knocked, once.
There was a beat and then the portal swung open.
And Kim Taehyung’s wife was smiling widely at you.  You forced your own lips up into a smile.
“Hi!  Y/N, was it?”
You curtsied a little feeling foolish straight after, “Yeah.  Hello Mrs Kim.”
“Ugh Mrs Kim is Taehyung’s mom,” She laughed, “You can call me ___.”
Her eyes were kind as she opened the door further and gestured you inside.
“Come in, please.  Dinner is almost ready and the boys are too.”
The boys.
Your heart skipped a beat.  For a moment you wondered if perhaps your father had somehow secured a marriage to the last available member of the Special Seven, Kim Namjoon.
But you shook your head.
Your father was important, of course… But surely not that important. 
Besides, from what you’d heard through the grapevine - since the accident that had caused Namjoon to lose most of his hand - he had pretty much become a hermit. The rumour mill was rife, of course, with people’s theories of what would become of Bangtan’s most eligible bachelor.
Could it be that Kim Taehyung wanted you to take up that mantle?
“I hope you like pasta,” ___ interrupted your thoughts and you looked up as stopped in front of a large dining room, “We hardly ever use this room anymore, but Taehyung thought it was appropriate for tonight.”
Your eyes widened at the opulence of the room you were stood in.  The chandelier that hung in the middle of the ceiling dripped with what you could only guess were the most expensive diamonds money could buy.  The long, mahogany table was ornate and rich - a dark colour that spoke of wealth and taste.
“It’s a little much,” ___ spoke up again and you turned to see her rolling her eyes, “But it was like this when we moved in.  Taehyung’s dad had a lot of money and apparently not a lot of subtlety.”
She laughed at the comment and you giggled too - relaxing a little as the tension eased from your shoulders slightly.  It seemed you’d found something of an ally in Taehyung’s wife and you were thankful for that, at least.
“I know we don’t really know each other,” She started carefully, a perfectly plucked brow pulling up slightly, “But I like to think of myself as a confidant of sorts… Especially when it comes to matters of the heart.”
You raised your own brow, “Matters of the heart?”
She bit her bottom lip and you noticed the pity in her eyes.
As she opened her mouth to answer you, somebody cleared their throat to your left and your head snapped round, finding yourself looking up into the formidable gaze of Kim Taehyung.
He was alone, you noticed immediately, and you tried to keep your expression neutral.
This was the game of Bangtan.  A game you’d grown up in.
A game you knew well.
“Taehyung,” You greeted, nodding gently, “Thank you for inviting me.  It is an honour.”
His handsome face was cold - barely responsive as he nodded back to you, “Y/N.  Welcome to our home.”
Our home.
The words warmed you.
It had been clear for a while now that Kim Taehyung’s only weakness was his wife.  He would burn the entire world down for her - and you’d been told of this time and time again.
They had started off as an arranged marriage - almost six years ago now - when Taehyung’s father and his wife’s father had worked so closely with one another they had promised their children’s hand in marriage in an act of loyalty.
But things had changed in the years since.
It was well established that Kim Taehyung loved only one thing more than he loved Bangtan - and that was his wife.
You tried to focus on that - on the fact that loveless marriages could turn into something else - as ___ nudged her husband playfully.
“Don’t be so formal,” She teased and you couldn’t believe you were witnessing this exchange, “Y/N is a friend.”
Taehyung actually rolled his eyes playfully and smiled down at his wife, “I’m still Capo, darling.”
She laughed as well and your chest tightened.  You wanted that.
The obvious love they had for one another - the way they seemed to be so comfortable with each other it was like they had found their home.
“Well dinner’s almost ready Taehyung so go and get cleaned up.” ____ said, slipping an arm through yours and leading you towards the ridiculous mahogany table, “Come sit over here, Y/N.”
You noticed for the first time that the table was set for four people.
Your heart pounded against your chest.
“Who is it?”
The question slipped out of you before you even had a chance to think it through.  ____ froze. She was slipping into the seat beside you when her eyes turned to your own.
“The fourth person,” You whispered, darting your eyes behind you to make sure Taehyung wasn’t within earshot distance, “My future husband.  Who is it?”
____ looked genuinely distraught for a moment.
You clicked your tongue.
“I’m a member of the South Korea mafia, ____, I know how this shit works.”  You noticed your words were a little sharp and you tried to soften them with a weak smile, “Just tell me who it is.  Please.”
____ seemed torn.  Her eyes roved your face carefully and she sighed. 
“He’s a good guy.”  She told you carefully, “Really.   I’m not just saying that.”
Your heart dropped.  The look in her eyes - the trepidation….
“It’s Kim Namjoon, isn’t it?”
A throat cleared itself loudly from behind you.  You snapped your head to the side and watched as the man himself sauntered towards the two of you.
“You rang?”  The sarcasm dripped from his tone as he stuck out his prosthetic hand for you to shake.  You supposed he was expecting you to be disgusted - maybe to rebuke him - but you were made of stronger stuff than that.
You forced yourself to smile, “Hello Namjoon.  I’m Y/N.”
He narrowed his eyes as you shook his prosthetic.
“I know who you are,” He raised a dark brow, “The future Mrs Kim Namjoon.”
The words were like heavy bricks - weighing down on your shoulders.
You knew next to nothing about this man.  Despite what ____ had said about him being a good man all you saw was bitterness and anger in his eyes.
“You’re the nurse, aren’t you?” 
You nodded carefully and tried to calm your pulse. 
“Well now we know why Taehyung chose you for me.  The cripple.”
____ cleared her throat and stood up abruptly.  Her eyes were dark and angry and she shook her head at Namjoon.
“No.  You don’t get to do that to her.  Not when she had nothing to do with any of this.”  Her bottom lip trembled slightly, “Apologise.” Namjoon’s face was a perfect mask of nonchalance.  His eyes flicked between you and ____ and he shrugged.
“What for?”
____ squared her shoulders, “You know exactly what for, Kim Namjoon.”
“I think that’s enough now,” Taehyung entered the room sharply, standing between his wife and friend.  His gaze fell on you after a moment, “I see the two of you have met.”
You nodded wordlessly, wondering just what in the hell was going on.
Namjoon was seething apparently, as he sulked to the left of his friend, arms crossed and eyes dangerously black.   
“Was he not as welcoming as he’d promised he’d be?”
“This is ridiculous V, we both know that.  You’ve chosen her because she’s a nurse and because of this,” He stuck his fake hand in the air and you refused to look away.
Nobody else in the room reacted for a moment.
Taehyung took a deep, calming breath.
“That was part of it, yes.”  He said evenly, “Y/N is a trained nurse and therefore she can help you move forward with this.  But she’s also a good match.  Right age, right height… Her parents are wealthy and important like yours.  It is a good union.  I have told you this plenty of times Namjoon.”
“I will not marry her because of pity,” Namjoon spat the word out, “I’m not some fucking charity case-” 
“I don’t pity you.” The words flew out of you and when three sets of eyes turned to fall on you, you wondered if it was the right choice.  You chose to focus on Namjoon.
“I don’t pity you,” You told him honestly, gesturing to his prosthetic, “What happened is awful, obviously.  And I may never know the full extent of it.  But I don’t pity you.  You are a man with an obstacle in life.  There are many men with obstacles in life.  That doesn’t make you worthy of  pity.”
Namjoon’s eyes searched your face for something - what you weren’t sure - and she sighed heavily.  He seemed so tired.  You noticed the bags under his eyes, the lines in his forehead.  He was young - just a little older than you - and yet it seemed he’d aged so much recently.
“So you want to marry me?  You want to marry a man who’s had to learn how to live - how to do normal every day things like eat with a knife and fork - all over again?”
You shrugged, “I want to do what’s best for Bangtan.  If Taehyung says that’s a marriage between the two of us, then so be it.”
A long moment passed between the two of you.
Namjoon seemed to be sizing you up, and you took the opportunity to do the same.
He wasn’t ugly.  Far from it.  Kim Namjoon was tall and handsome - and from what you’d  heard through the grapevine - he was also smart and kind.
People spoke about him of course - he was a member of the Special Seven - and what they said was normally very positive.
He wasn’t like other Bangtan men.
He was grounded.  He was softer.  A man who used brains instead of braun.
You had to admit, those traits were attractive to you.
Eventually, he spoke.
“Alright then.”  He nodded and gave you a strange look - somewhere between admiration and confusion, “I suppose that says it all.”
Namjoon turned to Taehyung and nodded.
“We’ll get married at the earliest convenience.” _____ gasped from behind you but you barely registered the sound.
It had all been well and good in theory… But now what?
Kim Namjoon stuck his hand out to yours - his real hand made of flesh and bones - and smiled sardonically.
“Welcome to the family, Mrs Kim Namjoon.” You smiled back.  Mrs Kim Namjoon.
You could do this.
Planning a wedding was easy when you weren’t trusted to do a single thing.
Kim Namjoon’s family had promised to take care of everything - and as a family higher up in the Bangtan hierarchy than your own - there had been no argument to be made.
This was the way things worked in your world, and you’d learned long ago just to accept it. 
You barely saw your husband in the ensuing months.  He dropped by once to meet your parents and officially ask for your hand in marriage, and once more since then to update you on the wedding arrangements.
But apart from that he was like a ghost - you even forgot sometimes that you were supposed to be marrying him. 
You rarely thought about the fact that by the end of this year you would be Mrs Kim Namjoon and despite the relatively long engagement - six months was a long time in the world of Bangtan - you were happy you had the time to get used to the idea of marriage.
It wasn’t until one evening when Kim Namjoon came calling for you that the reality of the situation truly sunk in.
You were leaving work - it had been a particularly difficult day so far, and absolutely nothing seemed to be going smoothly.  In fact everything today had felt like it was seconds away from falling apart and you felt like you too, were going to break down.
And as you made your way across the parking lot you found Kim Namjoon, leaning against your car.  How he knew which one was yours was beyond you - but you smiled at him questioningly when you were within earshot.
“Hi.” He smiled almost sheepishly, “Hi.”
“What are you doing here?”
He crossed his arms and squinted one eye shut as he stewed in your question for just a moment.  Then he sighed heavily.
“I’ve been an asshole.”
“Huh?” You raised a brow. 
Namjoon groaned and clicked his tongue, “Are you gonna make this difficult for me?”
“What? No!” You shook your head and shrugged, “I just don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The night I agreed to marry you I was a jerk.  And we’ve barely seen each other twice since we got engaged two months ago.”  He ran a hand through his hair, “I promised myself I wouldn’t be like that.  So I’m sorry.”
You cocked your head to the side, shocked at the show of vulnerability.  Namjoon was a Bangtan man - he should be cold and unforgiving - he should push away intimacy and hate the thought of opening himself up to anyone.
And yet here he was, apologising to you for something you’d assumed was just the way things were done when a marriage was arranged.
“Okay.”  You nodded slowly, “I forgive you.”
He smiled softly and you found yourself thinking he really did look handsome like that.
“I’d like us to be friends at least,” He shrugged, “If nothing else.”
You smiled back, “Friends sounds good to me.”
“Good.  Great.  Thank you,” He gestured to your car, “So can you give me a ride home?” You gave him a questioning look, “How did you get here?”
“My driver dropped me off,” He lifted his prosthetic hand, “I can’t really drive anymore.” 
There was a moment of almost awkward silence, but you refused to let something Namjoon couldn’t control, ruin the atmosphere.  He’d apologised to you - he was making something of an effort - and you owed it to him to do your part.
“I can help you with that,” You told him, pointing at his hand, “Getting used to it.  How long have you had it on for?”
“Half a year,” He looked away from you, “It’s still so uncomfortable.”
You took another step towards him and his eyes connected with yours.  
“I don’t care.”  You told him firmly, “I don’t care about the prosthetic.  I swear.  And I’m sorry it’s uncomfortable.  I’m sorry it happened to you.  But I’ll help you.  I will.  I promise.”
Namjoon’s eyes softened at your words and you were taken back by the way he was suddenly looking at you.
God.  He really was so handsome.
“Okay.”  He whispered, eyes darting across your face, “Yeah.  Thank you.  That would mean a lot.” The moment was suspended for another moment more, and you wondered if you might do something crazy like try and kiss him - before Namjoon cleared his throat and the spell was broken.
What was going on with you?
Your pulse was racing as you fumbled around your handbag for your keys and you told yourself the nerves were only because of the day you’d had.  It had nothing to do with the handsome man standing in front of you.
“You’re going to have to give me directions to your house,” You told Namjoon as the car unlocked and you both climbed in, “I’ve never had the privilege of visiting.” He snorted a laugh, “It’s a two minute drive from Taehyung’s.  If you drive that way I can guide you.”
“Sounds good.”
You buckled yourself in and tried to ignore the way your cheeks were flushing at the idea of you and Namjoon being in such a small space together, focusing instead on the feel of the steering wheel under your fingers, and trying as much as you could not to stare at him through the reflection of the mirrors.
That would be weird.
Weirder than you were suddenly being.
“How was work?” He asked you once you pulled the car out onto the main road. 
You groaned, “Awful.  Today was a bad one.  We have them sometimes but it really lowers your self esteem.  Some of my patients seemed like they couldn’t stand my face.”
Namjoon whistled lowly. 
“I can imagine that wouldn’t be a very comforting atmosphere to be in.”
“No, not very,” You shrugged and shot him a look, “But that’s the nature of my job.  Nurses are treated worse than doctors even though sometimes it feels like we do triple the work.”
Namjoon chuckled and you raised a brow, “What?”
“It’s  just…” Out of the corner of your eye you saw him shake his head, “It’s like that with us sometimes.  In Bangtan I mean.  Taehyung is treated with so much respect and reverence - and he deserves it.  Of course he does.  But the rest of us… We work our asses off.  And we barely get any recognition for it.”  He pulled a face, “So I guess I’m trying to say I know how you’re feeling.  Kind of.”
You let this information settle with you.
It made sense of course.
Bangtan was the biggest food chain of them all.  The Capo demanded respect.
And in the little interaction you’d had with him, you saw how intimidating Kim Taehyung could be.  Still.  You imagined that had to be annoying.
“Doesn’t it piss you off?” He scoffed, “Of course it does.  But that’s just Bangtan.  That’s the job.  We don’t do it for recognition anyway.  We do it because we love Bangtan.”
You smiled at that.
It was exactly how you felt about your job.
“Yeah.  I understand what you mean.  As much as it sucks that I don’t always get the praise I feel I deserve… I don’t do it for that.  I do it to help people.”
There was a heavy moment between you both.  Namjoon seemed to be taking in what you’ve said and you found yourself thinking that if it’s this easy to talk to him you might catch yourself falling for your own husband.
“That’s a lovely way to put it,” You felt rather than saw his smile, “My house is just on this curb.”
You slowed the car down and turned to your fiance, surprised when you saw him already smiling at you.
“Thank you.  For this.”  His eyes were gentle and shimmering almost and you once again had to force yourself not to flush, “It’s been…. Nice.” You grinned back, “Alright.  Don’t be a stranger.”
He laughed at that and shook his head.
“I won’t.” He gave you a warm look, “Goodbye Y/N.  I’ll call you soon.”
You nodded, “Okay.  Bye Namjoon.”
He smiled at you once more before climbing out of the car and waving goodbye at you. 
And as you drove away all you could think of was this:
Kim Namjoon might very well be the best thing that could have ever happened to you.
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delu-jean · 4 years ago
𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐎𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲?
(Hawks x fem!/reader) -> Mostly Fluff -> 1.4k 
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Synopsis: You and Hawks decide to go out for a date. He’s running a little late, and you’re alone for a bit. You end up meeting a close friend of yours, and Hawks isn’t very pleased.
Notes: Might be a little angsty/sad after hearing about his insecurities? Other than that, I would say this os is kind of fluffy. Hope you like it ^^
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It was the day you were looking forward to (since the beginning of the week at least). The day where you and Keigo would finally go out. It’s been at least two months since you last talked to him. He was busy with his job, and you, with university. It saddened you that you both were separated by your choice in career. Him a hero, and you, an accountant. It may have sounded boring compared to his extravagant job, but it was one you found enjoyable. 
Keigo texted you a couple days in advance, saying that he wanted to take you out. Of course you had agreed, and here you were, now at the mall waiting for him to arrive. You both planned to go shopping for a bit, and then watch a movie. Maybe go on a short stroll and part ways after. You made sure to fix up your appearance for once, knowing you might not be able to see him for sometime after. Plus, you wanted to make sure that you could make the best of things with the time given. 
You waited for about ten minutes. Not thinking much about it, you decided to play on your phone, scroll through your socials, and do whatever you could to distract yourself. It worked for a while...until you found yourself looking at your phone for the next hour. You happened to scroll onto a post talking about Keigo at an interview. 
‘I thought he said he was free today…’ you sighed and put your phone away. 
You then got up from your seat. Though he doesn’t stand you up as often as he meets you, it still sucked knowing that you both barely met. This was the first time in two months, would you have to wait another three?...four even? You decided not to think too much about it, after all, you understood and respected Keigo’s schedule. 
‘I guess I’ll get going now-’ 
“L/n?” you looked up to see a very familiar face. 
“Watarou? What are you doing here?” 
“I’m just strolling around haha. I just got back from America, and decided to do a little bit of shopping. You?” 
“Oh...I’m...or rather, I was waiting for my boyfriend. He’s a little late though...so I think I’m going to get going.” 
Watarou took note of your disappointment, and based on what he knew (about you), he thought about what would cheer you up. 
“Hey...if you don’t mind, we should go and get some crepes. My treat.” 
“Really, like old times.” 
Hawks arrived about an hour later. He felt super guilty that he wasn’t able to see you at the time he promised, but duty called when it needed to. He also knew you understood his schedule and was grateful for that. He was very, very thankful for it. Reason being, one thing that Hawks had always been insecure about, was his lifestyle in general. 
He was constantly doing something, whether that be hero work, interviews, promotions, and so much more. That being the case, whenever he tried making relationships work, they’d always end with “why are you so busy?”, “can’t you try to make some time for me?” He tried doing his best, but things would always end because of that. But when he met you, things had changed. 
Although he was a little reluctant, and it took a while to convince him, he ultimately knew you were someone who did respect his time. So because of that, he made sure to make your sessions special, to show the appreciation he had for you. Because of this, he always made sure to be on time. Rushing out of his work so he could sprint to you. So when he was late, he’d feel horrible for making you wait, secretly having thoughts about traumatic past experiences. 
“Where is she?” 
He tried calling only to realize your phone had died, it immediately sent him to voicemail. He was getting anxious at this point, maybe you went home? But then, you would’ve had a charger?...maybe it broke? He then looked around catching a glimpse of your hair...and what seemed to be like...another person. 
He started to stride towards you. Just who exactly were you with? He then gazed as the two of you ate crepes together. You seemed to be enjoying your time with him while you both conversed. Hawks on the other hand, was not. Though he was fine with you having friends...your interaction seemed to be a little “too friendly.” He continued to watch from behind, and saw as he then slid something over. 
“What’s this?”
“It’s a bracelet...do you like it?”
“It looks gorgeous!” you looked in awe as the gentlemen smiled. 
“I’m glad you do. I’ve been trying to get the right gift for a while now.” 
“Who wouldn’t like it? I can tell you put a lot of effort into it,” he then put his hand on the box as you continued eating your crepes. 
Hawks had seen enough. To see someone give you that type of attention, whether he was a friend or not, didn’t sit right with him. Not only that, but it really hurt seeing someone else was treating you better than him (in his eyes at least). Regardless of who he was, Keigo was your boyfriend, and that being the case, should’ve been trying harder. 
He then approached the both of you, and gave a cold stare to Watarou. Watarou seemed a little uneasy with the exchange, while you were thrilled to see Hawks. You got up and wrapped your arms around his torso, hugging him tightly as his hands stood at his side. 
“Keigo! You’re here!’ 
“Were you having fun?...” he said, agitated as you then realized what was going on. 
“Oh Keigo...I never knew you’d get jealous over something like this.” 
“What!? What do you mean!?”
“Watarou, this is Keigo. Keigo, Watarou.” 
“Nice to meet you man,” Watarou said as he gave his hand. 
“Yeah...same here…” Hawks said while feeling uncertain. 
“Watarou was just helping me kill time, it’s been a while since we last got together, so we took advantage of it while you finished your duties.”
‘So they’ve known each other for a while.’ 
“Yeah...I hope you don’t mind. I took her for crepes and we talked for a bit.” 
“What about the bracelet?” Keigo would ask bluntly as he then said: 
“Oh, I was asking for Y/n’s opinion. I’m gifting it to my sister, and since they have similar taste, I wanted her input on things. I’m glad they’re good.” 
“Ahh...I see.” 
“Well, I’m going to head out. I’ll see you both sometime, I have about two weeks left? So see you then!” 
“Bye Watarou!” you waved as he exited the mall. 
Keigo then realised as to why he was so irritated. It wasn’t that you had done wrong, no, he trusted that you were loyal. It was that his insecurities got the best of him, which threw him off. He was upset that such feelings got him acting so petty, especially towards someone who had done nothing wrong. Knowing this, he knew what he needed to do. He sighed to then look you in the eye. You still a little confused, he then apologized, saying: 
“Dove...I’m sorry…” 
“Sorry for what?”  
“It’s just that...I was so caught up in my insecurities...that I assumed you were doing wrong…”
“Oh…” you weren’t going to lie, you were a little disappointed. Why would he even think that, after all your time together?...but then, you also understood his past and whatnot. Still, it bothered you to say the least. 
“I’m sorry for that...along with not showing up on time. I tried my best to come, but I guess, Watarou beat me to it haha. Not in a bad way of course, I’m just grateful you had some company while I was on my way.” 
“I guess so, but Keigo.” 
“You know, you won’t ever have to worry about that kind of thing. Even though I'm a little hurt by your assumption, I get why and will let it slide for this time,” he smiled and then grabbed your hand. 
“Mhm, love you,” he pecked your cheek as your hands intertwined. 
“Silly, I’d only fall for your chicken-like charms.” 
“Aww, why not my Hawkish charms? Sharp, daring, handsome?” he winked as you shook your head. 
“Because a chicken is vulnerable, soft, cute, and gives me loads of egg,” you then stared at his wallet as he rolled his eyes (playfully). 
“Okay okay fine, let’s go catch that movie,” he sighed as you laughed. 
“Sounds good to me!” 
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alpines-bucky · 4 years ago
No one said Starks weren't a little dramatic
This is the first time I write Tony x daughter reader I hope you guys like it :)
Word Count: 2319 ( Things got a bit out of my hands while I was editing and eventhough it's edited I can't promise that there aren't any typos and I dtill wasn't satisfied with what I wrote but 🤷‍♀️Ig )
Warnings: Major character death, a lot of angst
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Y/N loses her dad when he decides to save the universe with a snap of his fingers but when did anyone see a Stark not getting what they want? Let me answer for you, Never. ( AKA Y/N gambles with time and space and universes surprisingly there isn't any VA involved cause in my opinion they suck to save her dad but apparently there are always consequences)
Y/N had arrived at her destination albeit being a little late. She wanted to be there when the team tried to go back in time to get the Stones in hopes of saving aunt Tasha too but she had one and only shot at this so she had to make do with what she had. What she didn’t realise was she accidentally changed universes instead of going back in time.
The way she found out that the place she had arrived wasn’t when or where she intented to was Morgan, the little girl with big Brown eyes who had total control over her older sister the second they met. Y/N had to lay low and do her research before approaching them. But when she heard about Morgan she had to meet her before doing what she came to do. And that’s exactly what she did.
She found Morgan in a house by the lake with a woman who she assumed was Pepper.Her visit was short since she couldn’t afford getting caught by Pepper which would mean jeopardising the whole plan she had spent months making. She left a message for her dad before going off to save the man itself.
Her dad was fighting with Thanos when she arrived to the scene. The more she looked around the more it looked like the place she fought along with her dad and that meant one thing, she had to act quick.
‘’I am inevitable’’ Thanos said as he snapped his finger but nothing happened. Confused, he looked at his gauntlet to find that the Stones that were there a minute ago were no longer in their places. He looked around to see that Tony had them somehow.
‘’And I’m Iron Man’’ said Tony full of emotions as he was about to snap his fingers. He thought having all six Stones in his hands would kill him being a mortal and he was fine with it if that meant she could ensure his family’s security but he felt nothing. He thought he had died instantly but he found out that wasn’t the case when he got startled by an unknown voice.
‘’Oh, the hell with that!’’ said a girl who wore a similar suit to Tony’s. She seemed to appear out of nowhere. Which confused both man further.
‘’Who the hell are you?’’ asked Tony. Who the hell was mad enough decided to mess up the only chance of him stopping the big purple psycho of a man.
‘’Who do you think?’’ said the girl, winking at him confidentally but her eyes told a different story. There was sadness in them, grief and loss but it seemed like she was happy at the same time.What surprised him was the familiarity she carried but he couldn’t put his finger on it. So he searched her suit for some clues which led up to him finding the Stones. She was the reason he was not dead, she somehow got possession of the Stones.
‘’Kid, no!’’ yelled Tony. He attempted to get closer to her but she snapped her fingers before he could stop her. Everything stilled for a second. The other avengers thought Tony had done it as Thanos’ soldiers had started to turn to dust all of a sudden but when they found a girl that they’ve never seen before in the arms of Tony with fetal injuries they were puzzled. They gathered around Tony and the girl who struggled tos tay alive.
‘’I made it! I… I saved you, Dad.’’Tony was shocked at her words. He was processing what he heard as Pepper landed next to them and kneeled. They couldn’t Wrap their heads around what was happening but they both were not going to let a dying kid down for sure.
She had a difficulty breathing, she was in agonizing pain but she had a peaceful smile on her face. She tried to lift her hand but it pained her more, she whimpered. Tony sensed her intentions and put her hand on his cheek for her. He put his hand on top of her, gave it a gentle squeeze. ‘’Friday, what do we have?’’ asked Tony.
‘’3 to 4 degree burns from her right hand up to her face. Internal bleeding. Her lungs are collapsing... Life functions critical.’’ Answered the voice from both of the suits. Pepper grimaced, she didn’t know who this girl was but she had sacrificed herself for Tony, the man she referred ‘dad’. ‘’Who are you?’’ asked Pepper.
‘’I’m–‘’ she coughed, blood was pooling in her mouth. ‘’I’m surprised you couldn’t figure it out yet…’’ she let out a bloody laugh. ‘’I’m Y/N. Y/N Stark.’’ She said with her last breath. That shook the whole group to their cores. The girl wasn’t lying or confusing Tony with someone else. The girl who lied in his Tony’s arms nonbreathing was infact the daughter of Tony Stark. From the moment they realised the truth everything was a blur to the Stark Family and the avengers.
Y/N was Tony’s first daughter who had died in a cross fire 7 years ago. She was a teenager at the time. She would have been a few years older than Peter if she had lived. It was a wrong place wrong time type of situation, she had died on the scene. Tony had nightmares after that, his insomnia got worse. He had blamed himself although it had nothing to do with him. The guilt ate him alive day by day. He realised why the girl’s eyes were so familiar to him now, she was his Y/N/N. A grown, older version of her, but his Y/N nontheless.
He didn’t think he could recover from her death but losing her, seeing her die in his arms for the second time ruined him. He had no idea what was happening outside of his head, he was in a trance, he had stayed still looking at his hands where Y/N laid. Until his little girl, Morgan came up to him with a disk in hand and said ‘’Daddy! Daddy! A girl called Y/N wanted me to give this to you’’ That got everyone’s attention.
Tony told Friday to scan the disk and display whatever is in it. When he saw Y/N in front of her, he couldn’t stop the tears from falling and when she started speaking as if she could see her Tony lost it. He couldn’t hear her because of his own sobs, he didn’t even realised the rest of the avengers and his wife as they piled in the room when they heard Tony and Y/N’s voice. He had to stop the hologram a few times to gather himself. When he got control of his breathing, he built up his courage and displayed it all over again.
‘’Hey dad. I’m assuming since you are watching this I suceed. I’ve saved you.’’ She had to stop for a second to take a breath in to compose herself. ‘This time’ she said under her breath but Friday caught it.
‘’You are wondering how the hell I am alive. Well… For starters, I didn’t know that I was dead in this world which… makes you realise that I’m not from this world. I’m actually from what you call an alternative universe. Things got out of hand in my universe after… after you… Oh shit! This is too hard. I knew I couldn’t do this shit! I can’t even talk to my own god damn suit picturing it as my hypothetical dad without messing it up’’ that made a few people chuckle and a few others tos mile. The girl really was his father’s child after all.
‘’Okay I’m hoping you either won’t have to watch this or I can cut that part before giving it to Morgan. Anyways, I’m rambling.’’ Tony saw his younger self in Y/N which put a sad smile to his face. This was something he never got to experience before. To see her this grown up. To see a pieces of him in her.
‘’ So things went down hill after you did the whole ‘I’m Iron Man’ thing –which by the way I’m still mad at you about­- You… You died in my hands, dad.’’ She gulped. She had begun crying a while ago but now that she was talking about her dad’s death, she felt like the lump in her throat got bigger and bigger, suffocating her. ‘’ I was all alone for years! You were all I had and then within a second you were gone! I didn’t have anyone else!’’ She tried to calm herself. She wasn’t recording this to make him feel guilty or get answers she was possibly never going to hear. This was a goodbye. A goodbye she knew he deserved just like how she did from him.
‘’That’s why I made the decision to change it but I accidentally changed universes instead of going back in time. But this was my only chance, only shot at making it right. And then I found out that I had died in this universe and you had moved on. Good for you, dad. I’m really proud of you. You did what I couldn’t. It was a relief to know that you were happy and that you had a family now. I thought for a second that maybe the blip didn’t happen. That in this universe, you had a lovely life and I thought for a second maybe I could be in it too. Stay with you but that hope was shortly lived.’’ She gave a sad smile.
‘’And now I’m about to go to the battle field. Before I go, I have to say, I don’t know how if there is any way for me to stop you. I can’t take it all back but I will do anything to not let another girl grow up without her dad. And I ain’t going to let my own sister down. Oh, did you know that I always wanted a sister?’’ she chuckled making Tony’s heart warm. It has been so long since he heard his daughter chuckle the damn way he does. She stopped for a second to think ‘’Well, she has the Stark charm, that’s for sure. I only knew her for a few hours and she had me the second we met. I wish I could be there for her as her older sister. I would give anything to see her grow up but if that has to be for only one of us to see, I’d rather that be you because I’ve been there. I know how hard it is to lose your dad. I could see clearly what she would have to go through and the moment I realised that I knew what I had to do. I would stop you at all costs and since this reacording is being played I could sleep peacefully knowing she has you.’’ She smiled with tears escaping her eyes once again. Tony was full of emotions. His daughter he has been longing for years was right in front of him but way too far away at the same time.
With a sigh she started ‘’ You have people you can hold on to. I never did. Pepper, Morgan, Rhodey, the spider kid... Hold on to them Tony. Hold on to the team. Oh, speaking of the team, tell them I love them and I missed them so badly. I’m sorry. I thought I was going to have more time to talk And maybe if a miracle happens and we all can manage to stay alive I could tell you all about it but I have to go now. Have an old man to save’’ She saluted and looked around right where the broken team of Avengers were with longing in her eyes. She moved closer to the disk to cut the recording but decided against it the last second. Tony hung his head, his heart broke to hear the hope in her voice when he knew what already happened. He thought this was the end of the recording but he looked up when he heard her talking and she had turned to him and looked right at him as if she knew where he was stated. That sent shivers up Tony’s spine.
‘’I know you think I made the wrong decision but I saved you. I refuse to let you down once again. I refuse to see you die in front of me once again. I’m not sorry for what I’m about to do, I knew the consequences when I made this plan months ago. I’m only sorry because although I tried so much to have the future we always talked about with you, I won’t be able to, Tones. But Morgan will be. And I would give up anything for that little girl. And for you.’’ She said as she caressed the necklace Tony gave her when she was a child. She took the chain out of her neck and put it somewhere Tony couldn’t see. And Tony knew this was only a tape but he tried to hold on to his daughter, to stop her from going out there. His breath caught in his throat when his hands went through Y/N’s body. He fell to his knees.
‘’ But hey if it turns out that I, this badass manage to get both of us home in one peace one we can laugh our asses off as we watch me being the drama queen that I am… Well, no one said Starks weren’t a bit dramatic.’’ The heart Tony thought had broken to a million pieces broke further as he heard the tremble in her voice as she tried to put her brave face on. But she couldn’t hide it when one last tear escaped from her slightly swollen eyes as she ended the recording.
Why do I never have good endings? Cause I write in the middle of the night when I feel sad most of the time and it's easier to write sad than it is to write happy.
I hope you liked it. I would love to hear your thoughts on this one. I'd also like to discuss if you'd like the alternative ending that could be a happy one :)
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maverick-werewolf · 4 years ago
Werewolf Worldbuilding Sheet
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Instead of a werewolf fact this week, have something I’ve been working on for a little while now. I was sent an ask about a good werewolf worldbuilding sheet. Me being me, willing to settle for no one else’s werewolf things, I thought - hey, why not make my own? I love worldbuilding werewolves and I’ve tried to make sure to think of literally everything to do with mine, so I thought I’d put together a relatively simple werewolf worldbuilding sheet! (and maybe a vampire one in the future!)
I will first extrapolate on each section of the sheet and provide some thoughts/examples (and relevant werewolf facts to turn to for ideas!)...
What is lycanthropy and where did it come from? This is always something to consider. Note, of course, that where it came from may be a mystery, and that’s fine too. You don’t have to always do the “it came from a demon or a witch” thing like literally everyone else in the universe. Folklore provides us with some interesting material to help think on this - here are some helpful werewolf facts: What IS a werewolf? --- Curse, not Disease --- On Werewolf Biology --- When Werewolves Went Feral Part 1 --- and Part 2
How does one become a werewolf? Pretty simple question, but always complicated to answer! Well, potentially. How does someone become a werewolf in your story? Definitely a helpful werewolf fact for ideas - but also refer to several from the first question: Becoming a werewolf
Are there different terms for werewolves? Something else to think about! Are your werewolves even called “werewolves?” They don’t have to be, of course, but you know, it’d be cooler if they were. And most monsters, especially in older times, didn’t have just one name - not to mention other languages in your universe that would have their own terms for a werewolf. Useful werewolf fact: Etymology
Are there different kinds of werewolves or similar shapeshifters? This is kind of a weird one, I know, but hey, it’s something to think about. I for one don’t go into the “werewolves are just one kind of shapeshifter that happen to all be pretty much exactly like werewolves but different animals” (looking at you, D&D and WoD), but lots of people do, so that’s up to you! Helpful/potentially relevant werewolf facts: What is and isn’t a werewolf --- Where were the werewolf hybrids --- On shaping other shapeshifters --- Berserkers --- Vrykolakas --- Loup garous and rougarous --- Magic skins
What do the werewolves look like? A big one to decide! I’ll try not to influence you, but, you know, werewolves are called werewolves, just try to remember that. Useful werewolf facts: Physical Appearance --- Werewolves have tails --- Wolves are big, werewolves are bigger --- Hands and claws --- Fur colors --- Eye colors --- How to identify a werewolf --- Werewolves walking upright
Do werewolves have packs? Werewolf packs saturate our current generation of pop culture, but they are indeed very popular. Consider, however, that werewolves’ characterization is severely degraded if they are basically unable to exist without a pack and/or devote themselves entirely to seeking a pack instead of being a person at all; not that werewolf packs are bad, but something to consider. Useful werewolf facts: Is alpha, beta, omega really a thing? --- Communities and families --- Inheritance/offspring
What are a werewolf's powers and abilities? There might be more than you think! Have fun with it! Just remember, werewolves should totally be OP. Like, way OP. No, I’m not kidding. They’re awesome. We love werewolves on this blog, remember? Useful werewolf facts: Powers and abilities --- Eye/vision powers --- Spirit projection --- Werewolves can outrun you --- Werewolves can swim --- Werewolves can climb trees --- Gluttony/swallowing things whole
Do they have any weaknesses, and why? Another big question! Do your werewolves have weaknesses? Or do they not? If so, of course - what are they? Useful werewolf facts: How to kill a werewolf (weaknesses) --- Silver --- Belladonna and wolfsbane --- Werewolf and monster hunters
What triggers a werewolf transformation? The BIG one! Well, one of the big ones. Super, super important. Is it more than one thing? What are they? Details! Useful werewolf facts: Transformation triggers --- Transformation sequence --- On werewolf biology (again) --- Full moon --- The Arcadians
What triggers a werewolf to return to human form again? What it says on the tin. This can vary a lot! It’ll definitely be influenced by the first question, but it’s something to maybe think about separately.
Can a werewolf be “cured”? This can depend, of course, on what exactly your werewolves are/how they work, but it’s always useful to know the answer as to whether or not there’s any hope of someone being totally human again. Plese see previous questions for other useful facts, like if your lycanthropy is a curse in the first place! Useful werewolf facts: How to cure lycanthropy
Can the werewolves control themselves, or ever learn how to do so? Are your werewolves even uncontrollable in the first place? Is there any hope for a sad werewolf to ever gain control, if so? Useful werewolf facts: When Werewolves Went Feral Part 1 --- and Part 2 --- Personality changes
How do werewolves act in their werewolf form and why? Are your werewolves full of rage? Are the hungry? Do they eat people? Why? Would they hunt specifically people, or what? Useful werewolf facts:  When Werewolves Went Feral Part 1 --- and Part 2 (yes, again) --- Werewolves vs Evil --- Personality changes (again) --- Werewolves don’t bark --- Werewolf diet --- Werewolves vs vampires (my most controversial post lol) --- Werewolves as noble knights --- The trial of Peter Stubbe -- Werewolf Intelligence (and speech)
Are werewolves immortal, or anything approaching it? How about that immortality? Useful werewolf facts: Immortality and aging --- Powers and abilities (again)
How are werewolves treated/seen by others? Are they outcasts? Kill on sight? Hunted from the very moment someone finds out what they are? Do they have to hide the fact that they are a werewolf? How does it work? Useful werewolf facts: Hiding being a werewolf
Do werewolves remember anything about their transformations? What it says on the tin! Do they, or do they not? Is it hazy? Do they have no memory of it at all and might not even realize they are a werewolf? Or do they remember everything? Useful werewolf facts: Memory
Please note of course that my werewolf facts are here to give you ideas, not be instructions. Werewolves of your creation are of your creation, and thus you should create them the way you want and like them! I don’t want to dictate to anyone the way werewolves “should” be, although I absolutely have my personal preferences. The werewolf facts are meant to give you ideas and, hopefully, be a good jumping off point.
Folklore isn’t always the coolest portrayal of werewolves - it’s just better, IMO, to use folklore as a basis or at least as an idea basin instead of ignoring it entirely. The folklore for werewolves is awesome, just like all folklore. But pop culture has given us some cool things, too.
And remember, if you have any other questions or want to throw ideas at me or ask me my thoughts on anything, I am more than happy to talk werewolf ideas with you! Please, share your werewolves with me! I promise they don’t have to be ultra-folkloric for me to love them (mine actually aren’t, in many respects), since I’m a big fan of several very Hollywood things as well. I’m also always here to give writing advice.
Other posts you may find useful:
What to Do and what to Avoid when writing werecreatures
Werewolf tropes I like and dislike (and why)
More on werewolf tropes
Reframing “werewolf angst” into “werewolf anxiety” (very important!)
On pop culture werewolf designs and Underworld’s influence
Werewolves are not British
The Beast of Gevaudan and what isn’t a werewolf legend
What is lycanthropy and where did it come from?
How does one become a werewolf?
Are there different terms for werewolves?
Are there different kinds of werewolves or similar shapeshifters?
What do the werewolves look like?
Do werewolves have packs?
What are a werewolf's powers and abilities?
Do they have any weaknesses, and why?
What triggers a werewolf transformation?
What triggers a werewolf to return to human form again?
Can a werewolf be “cured”?
Can the werewolves control themselves, or ever learn how to do so?
How do werewolves act in their werewolf form and why?
Are werewolves immortal, or anything approaching it?
How are werewolves treated/seen by others?
Do werewolves remember anything about their transformations?
And of course, don’t forget to check the werewolf fact masterlist for even more info on folkloric werewolves (and my sundry opinions on pop culture werewolves)!
Be sure to give me a follow for lots more werewolf facts, vampire facts, answering all your asks, and a whole lot more folklore and writing, as well as writing advice!
(If you like my werewolf blog, be sure to check out my other stuff! And please consider supporting me on Patreon - every little bit helps keep this blog running!
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vidalinav · 4 years ago
im so happy you’re accepting prompts!! just know that there’s no pressure at all, and that we love your writing🤍 prompt: cassian and nesta talk about whether they’d still inevitably end up together if they weren’t mates and just alot of fluffy sweet banter
I did yours first because I really appreciated you saying that there was no pressure in completing it. I felt that and I thought it was the nicest thing in the world.
BUT It came out really stupid sorry so... I'm not going to tag anyone. However I will own my shame so here you go.
It's banter in the form of pillow talk, where Cassian constantly keeps Nesta up by asking her questions. In my brain, he goes on tangents and Nesta is the pragmatic one. That's like... okay Cassian. But again. STUPID!!!!!
“Do you think it would have been me?” Cassian asks as he tries to count constellations in fresh paint. “If we didn’t have the bond... would it have been us? I guess the real question is did the bond choose us from the start--our relationship destined? Or did the bond see us... how we acted and felt about each other, and some cosmic force recognized our love?
Nesta shifts in the bed, her eyes blinking up at him slowly. “Cassian these are not the type of questions you ask right before bed.”
But he has to ask, he always has to ask. There’s something about the darkness that has these questions bubbling out of his throat. “But think about it Nesta, don’t you think we’re sort of... odd.”
Cassian thinks about it all the time. There's no one more perfect for him then her and yet, he sees the way people look at them. His hands will always be stained with blood and Nesta is more fitted for white gloves and lace. And he knows she can hold a sword and fight with the best of them, but Nesta can fit anywhere and Cassian can’t fit.
“I mean I understand opposites attract,” he rambles on, “and we do have similarities, but we mostly fought in the beginning and yet I still wanted you even then. Was my want for you a part of the bond? Or was the bond part of wanting you? And if it’s the first, in another universe, in another time, would it have been me? And if it’s the second what if you hadn’t wanted me, too.”
Cassian turns to face her, the bed creaking as he moves. He watches as she frowns, her lashes casting shadows on her cheek. “I promised we’d have that time, but I never considered that in another life it might not have been me at all.”
It's not the first time he keeps her awake with some question or another.
Usually, she merely sighs exhausted at what do you think the meaning of life is? Does time even exist if we really think about it... Do you ever think about how you can know a person you’re entire life and only scratch the surface of who they are? Does that mean you can never really know a person truly in the first place and if that’s the case aren’t we all living with practical strangers?
More often than not Nesta’s covering her ears with the pillow, groaning while Cassian tries to pull it from her face. They’ve had a hundred and one nights like this. He wants a million more.
Cassian tries to catch his breath, almost wishing she’d groan or sigh or roll her eyes, play it off like it’s a stupid question because it is. he knows it is.
“So tell me,” he says, his words a whisper of worry, “what do you think? Was it always going to be us?
Nesta's brows furrow quizzically and she purses her lips. “I don’t know if you can tell this about me Cassian, but I don’t like many people.”
Cassian frowns at the words, “Is that an answer?”
Nesta shrugs, “I find it hard to believe I would have loved anyone else.”
“So you’re with me... by process of elimination?”
“Or...” She offers, her gaze alight with mirth, “you’re the exception.”
Cassian needs to think on that one.
“But hypothetically, what would you have done if it wasn’t me?” he goads. “We only exist because you turned fae, what if you hadn’t? There may or may not be a bond but the relationship is impractical if you’re human and I’m fae. You’d just get married to some poor bloke who gives you this large diamond ring and you have 12 children?”
Nesta scoffs, “Twelve?”
“Whatever number,” Cassian dismisses.
Nesta raises her hands to stop him, “we are not having twelve children.”
“That’s... a topic for another day,” Cassian waves off.
“No,” Nesta sings, “that’s a topic I will resolve now. We are not having twelve kids.”
“But I want a big family,” Cassian pleads, grabbing her hands and giving her that look that he knows makes her take pity on him.
Nesta rolls her eyes. “You’re head is big enough to fill up the entire house. We have no room for that many people. No. No!”
“The House is four stories. What are we suppose to do with all those rooms?”
“Cassian unless you are birthing these babies yourself in which I will fully support you emotionally, spiritually, and financially, we are not having twelve children. End of discussion.”
Cassian only grumbles out a response.
“And regarding your other question, I don’t know what I would’ve done. That scenario doesn’t exist. I’m fae, you’re fae. That’s it and unless we plan on dying tomorrow, I don’t know if we’d end up together in the next life. I don’t know if the bond keeps us coming back to each other. I don’t care. I want this life with you. I chose you and you chose me and we’re here together. And I guess, if the bond, or what I deem as love, means I’m going to have to answer these questions every night, then I guess that’s what I’m going to do.”
Nesta reaches for him, and Cassian shifts to make room for her. She settles her head on his outstretched arm. It tickles at his skin, but he can’t believe she’s just satisfied enough with that answer.
“Would you have married someone else though?”
Nesta sighs, but Cassian waits for the answer. She groans, mumbling about not getting any sleep.
“Probably,” she says at last. “Yes. If you want that answer, then yes. But quite honestly knowing my character and knowing the males in my town, we probably wouldn’t have lasted long. I would have killed him long before we ever reached twelve.”
Cassian laughs and Nesta brightens at the sound.
“Or he might have run head first into a moving carriage on his own accord. I wouldn’t have judged him.”
“How would you kill him?”
Nesta smirks, her eyes maliciously bright. “Poison... knives... a trip down the stairs.”
“Make it look like an accident.”
“Of course,” Nesta beams.
“You’ve thought about this a lot,” Cassian says, noting his mate’s excitement.
Nesta sets her hand on his cheek, rubbing her thumb along the rough stubble of his chin. “Murder is always on my mind.”
“I should probably stop keeping you up with my questions, then.”
Her lips are impossibly close to his, and he can feel her breath on his skin. “Maybe you should. I’m sure the House knows how to hide a body.”
Cassian laughs, the sound bright in the shadowed room. He’s sure that’s true and her lips raise at his calm shrug of acceptance. His eyes dart to her mouth.
Cassian wants to kiss her, but he has to tell her first.
“I love you.”
“I know,” she says, her lips nearly touching his.
Being near her is a relief. But hearing her speak is something else entirely. Maybe he asks her these questions because he wants to hear her voice into the last moments of the day. At all hours of the night.
Nesta wraps her hand around his hair and tugs.
But another question forms in his mind. “Would you’re family have approved of me?”
Nesta rolls her eyes, pulling away from him. Cassian grasps her arms, pulling her back. “Hey, come on now. You’ve indulged me this far.”
Nesta pretends to think about her answer, and as he waits she looks to the ceiling as if she’s actually thinking about it. Cassian can practically hear crickets.
“It’s taking you this long!”
“Well... I’m trying to be accurate!” She throws up her hands. “You know maybe they wouldn’t, because you’re not... princely. No offense.”
“None taken,” He remarks. Because he knows all too well the differences between them. Cassian doesn’t mind. She’ll be his queen. He can be her guard. Her knight. Whatever keeps her next to him.
“But then again, maybe they would because you are rich--hey!”
Nesta catches the pillow he throws and she throws it back at him. He catches it easily before it hits his face.
“Who hits their mate upside the head?” She yells.
Cassian rolls his eyes, “You hit me all the time.”
“I smack your butt. That is not the same.”
Cassian scoffs, “You won’t let me smack your butt.”
“That’s because you try to do it in public places!”
“Oh, so you’re okay if I tap your ass in private. You trying to tell me something Nes? Who knew you'd like to be spanked?”
Her cheeks redden and Cassian shrugs, thinking about it. "Actually I should've known that."
“I change my mind," She announces, grabbing his pillow, "they’d hate you and you know what? I would marry that man and I’d have twelve beautiful children!”
Then Nesta simply turns away from him and pulls the blanket over her head.
Cassian tries to pull the blanket down, but she doesn't loosen her grip. “Take that back! Nesta, take that back. I’m serious.”
“Nesta!” He hisses. “Nes, I’m not going to stop bothering you. Nesta!”
But Cassian slumps as the lump of blankets stays still. Nesta doesn’t even make a sound. 
“How about I pretend you didn’t just tell me about one of your fantasies and I'll bring it back up later. I’ll even pretend I found it in one of your books."
He rubs at what he thinks is her ass and Nesta shoves down the blankets with a flourish. Her hair is a mess of tangles all over the pillow.
“I hate you,” she says.
Cassian grins, setting his palms on her reddened cheeks.
“I love you,” He says softly, lightly tracing her soft skin with his thumb. It’s a privilege to be near her, to touch her, to be loved by her. To laugh and laugh and laugh. It doesn’t matter how, when, what, or why. “I wouldn’t want anyone else but you.”
Cassian kisses her lightly, “I still think we should talk about those children though.”
He merely gets smacked in the face with a pillow.
I keep reading this and I can't make it better, so.... you win some, you lose some, you know.
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