#kayla leach
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miss-may-i · 2 years ago
Miss May I: Season 3 Part 85
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*This post contains a LOT of nudity, but everyone reading is supposed to be 18+ anyway*
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*Vivian's "sexy" pose is by @bmit04*
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sidestepsam · 1 month ago
Unpopular opinion but I don’t think Kayla is trying to cross any boundaries (like trying to get with Paige) because her comments seem like stuff I say to my friends. It’s harmless. Also, that just seems like her personality. I also think that Kayla and Azzi are pretty close… Azzi even posted a college for Kayla’s birthday and she didn’t even do that for some of her teammates. I will say that Kayla has been posting more about Paige and with Paige since Paige popped off in March.. like the frequency has def increased. Also, she is all up in Paige’s comments like always one of the first people to comment which is kind of weird. She wasn’t like that a year ago, which to me seems like she’s trying to leach off of Paige’s popularity, because she doesn’t do the same with everyone else. She also started going live with the team a lot too. she is close to the girls and has been for a while so she’s probably a fun person to hang out with in person.
I feel like what you’re saying contradicts itself lol.
But I agree to an extent. I do think she is purposely trying to grow her following. I also do think a lot of what she says is inappropriate to say to a friend of yours who is in a relationship with another friend of yours.
I don’t think she’s trying to steal Paige (cause she has no chance) but she’s still being weird.
I guess we all have different boundaries with our friends and partners tho.
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thefauxsport · 9 months ago
This things is , with both exes you could clearly see the difference in actual feelings and relationship. I really thought Taylor and Joe we’re endgame the way she wrote about him seemed as though a of woman in love , and saw Travis and Kayla as a perfect hit he was more attentive and touchy with her , so it’s why I believe he and Taylor just aren’t a fit
I think they both need to leach off other so it works for now
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theivorybilledwoodpecker · 2 years ago
Oh, shove it! You people think pregnancy just means getting fat for a while, pushing a bit, then it's over.
Pregnancy causes irreversible changes to the body. It always puts people at health risk because the fetus/embryo/zygote is leaching nutrients from them. Even a normal pregnancy is dangerous. It puts people at a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, diabetes, depression, dental issues, preeclampsia and eclampsia, etc. The danger isn't even over after pregnancy. Most pregnancy-related deaths occur within a year after birth.
I don't believe for one second forced birthers are truly ignorant of this. It's been over a year since Dobbs. The list of people hurt by the bans you've supported keeps growing. If you don't know about the pain and suffering you've caused, it's because you choose not to:
Marlena Stell
Amanda Zurawski
Mylissa Farmer
The 10-year-old
The 16-year-old from Florida
The 15-year-old from Florida
Nancy Davis
Elizabeth Weller
Anya Cook
Kelly Shannon
Jessica Bernardo
Kierstan Hogan
Taylor Edwards
Kylie Beaton
Samantha Casiano
Lauren Van Vleet
Austin Dennard
Lauren Miller
Jaci Statton
Kristina Cruickshank
Tara George
Kailee DeSpain
Deborah Dorbert
Milo Dorbert
Mayron Hollis
Gabriella Gonzalez
Kristen Anya
Heather Maberry
Melissa Novak
Kayla Smith
Lauren Christensen
Beth Long
Anabely Lopes
Christina Zielke
Kaitlyn Joshua
Lauren Hall
Carmen Broesder
Jill Hartle
Brittany Vidrine
The Jane Doe whose ectopic pregnancy ruptured after a "pro-life" pregnancy center told it was viable
"An AbOrTiOn Is A ViOlEnT PrOcEdUrE AnD PeOpLe WoUlDn'T GeT It If ThEy SaW OnE!"
Sweetie, do you think open heart surgeries, appendectomies, caesarean sections, etc. are pretty? People get them, not because they have a kink for being cut open, but because it is thr best choice for them. Abortions may be gory, but they are necessary.
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