#maybe watching Tokyo ghoul will save me
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shiguangism · 8 months
Hi, I'm anchestral and I'm mainly a fan writer who landed here on tumblr after years of being active on twitter!
Some info about me:
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 22
Languages: Italian, English and Spanish
Fandoms I'm active in: Link Click, Chainsaw man
Favourite shows: Link Click, Chainsaw man, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu, Berserk, and many others I won't list here. Just fyi, name me a show and probably I've watched it.
I've moved here because twitter was not a comfortable place for me anymore, and I've seen that tumblr is much more chill wrt those lands. Please, be aware that I will NOT engage in any kind of arguing online, so don't even bother to pick a fight with me, I've had very BAD experiences I don't want to repeat.
I'm here just to chill, talk to people about my favourite show, share insights and maybe make some friends. I'm very friendly, if you want to hit me up in the dm to talk about something, I'll answer very gladly whenever I cant! :)
If you're shy you can send me anon, I'll be very happy to answer.
In this year I've been writing a lot, I've always liked writing and I started when I was only 14. However, I'm a bit slow because I like to write first in my native language and then translate in English. Below, there is a list of my fanfic profiles and the works I like the most and I'm writing. This are my profiles for AO3 and EFP (Italian platform for fics):
AO3: Anchestral
EFP: Anchestral
Link Click Fanfictions:
Immersion: In which Cheng Xiaoshi goes back into the past to save Lu Guang
Summary: ‘Three are the rules we need to respect: first, we have twelve hours; second, listen to my instructions and don't change anything; third, leave to the past what's in the past and don't ask about the future.' Cheng Xiaoshi knew them well, Lu Guang told him those rules everytime before working. By then, he learned not to question them, they didn't know what could happen playing with the past and modifying it. But did the rules still make any sense if Lu Guang was dead?
Prevision: In which Lu Guang goes back into the past to save Cheng Xiaoshi
Summary: Lu Guang did not make mistakes, he always evaluated all the possibilities in front of him rationally, it was what he had to do to allow the survival of both of them, to allow their time travels to go as smooth as possible, but letting himself be dragged into Cheng Xiaoshi's do-gooder madness had been the first big mistake of a long chain. September 12th 2020 was the day when that realization hit him like a sucker punch straight in the center of his chest, leaving him on the floor gasping for air, in pain.
These two fics are actually related!
火锅 - Hotpot (E-Rated): Just a collection of nsfw one-shots, but it is getting serious. For now, there is only one chapter out, but I'm working on the second and it is becoming huge.
There are many ways to spice up a relationship: may it be a hot bowl of noodles, a dark room with way too red lights, or a bet on who's going to wash the dishes for the rest of the month... The possibilities are endless when starved eyes are looking at you as if they're going to devour you any time soon, leaving you feeling naked and in trembles. ----- 5 times Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang have steamy, hot sex + 1 time they can't. (the formula may be subjected to changes)
Chainsaw Man Fanfictions:
Dancin' in the devil's hand (E-rated):
Summary: The metropolis of Tokyo is torn apart by a series of unexplained, brutal murders, but all of them seem to be connected by a single thread. In this climate of terror, Aki Hayakawa has been given the onerous task of bringing light and a point to this story. --- An unexplainable mystery to solve that will lead Aki and Angel to work together, closer than ever, and maybe will give them the chance to understand something more about themselves and each other...
There are also many other one-shots, most of them are in Italian, thought, and I'm not particularly fond of the other translated because I was still trying to adjust my writing again!
I think I've said everything. I'm sorry if I make some mistakes, I'm very new to this site and I'm still trying to understand how the netiquette works, especially the one tied to the reblogs and the tags.
See you around! :3
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oddishblossom · 2 years
Tag People You Wanna Get to Know Better
Tagged by the wonderful and lovely @lans-rabbit-glade 😊💖! Thanks for tagging me izzy! I loved reading your answers :)
Relationship Status: It’s just me here (single pringle)
Favorite Colors: Pink & Red
Song Stuck in My Head: Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys… I’ve listened to that song probably a million times and I’m still not tired of it nor will I ever be 💖. I’m definitely not looping it for writing inspiration or anything (also izzy I see your song choice and I am tempted to roast you for being a mobile gamer 😜)
Last Thing You Googled: “There’d Better Be a Mirrorball.” I was looking up song lyrics (I listen to other artists besides arctic monkeys, I swear 😅)
Time: 11:47 PM when I’m writing this. But I usually queue most of my posts so it’ll be 10 AM when I’m posting this :3
Dream Trip: Hmmm, idk. I’m not much of an explorer lol. Maybe Japan or New Zealand? Just to say that I’ve been there before. Honestly, as long as I can go either shopping or to an amusement park I’ll be happy as a clam.
Last Thing You Read: It’s rare, but sometimes I want to read a cute high school AU with a love triangle. So the last thing I read was a tyrus fanfic called Of Course by CaithyCat & imnotanauthor. I’ve been rewatching Andi Mack, an old comfort show of mine. I know it’s a disney show “for kids” but sometimes I just feel like watching disney or nickelodeon shows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also this one in particular I started watching when I was bedridden for a month so it’s very dear to me :)
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: Believe it or not, I actually read a paperback book last week. I was looking for a quote, so I opened my volume 2 of *cough* Scum Villain’s Self Saving System *cough*. And then I found the quote. And then I just kept reading until I was halfway through volume 3 and it was like 3 in the morning. Seriously, that book makes my brain go a little bonkers. The scene where Shen Qingqiu tries to hide Luo Binghe from Zhuzhi Lang nearly made me cry from laughing too hard.
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Last Book You Hated Reading: Excluding fanfics, I can’t think of one… Maybe Tokyo Ghoul/:re back in 2017? I remember really hating that manga. Honestly, I’m really picky when choosing something to read so the stories I end up disliking I tend to just drop them and then completely forget they ever existed.
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: I’m kind of a terrible chef ngl. But the reviews are in and I make a pretty stellar spaghetti. Whenever my niece visits, she always asks me if I can make her my spaghetti because it’s way better than any she’s ever had. Getting that kid to eat anything is a struggle, so I’m really glad that she not only eats my food, she asks for seconds.
Favorite Craft to Do in Your Free Time: When I think of the word “crafts”, I imagine, like, art projects made by hand, so I’m not sure I can include writing and gif-making on this one. So excluding those, does drawing count? Even before I got a drawing tablet, I used to doodle all the time even on scraps of paper. I’m not really good at it, but it’s always been something I do just to kinda get my brain to chill.
Most Niche Dislike: Hmm. You know, it’s funny that you mentioned nail polish, izzy, because the first thing that popped into my head was long nails. I have tried to be that girl who gets a full set at the nail salon and I never did it again because the sound of my nails clacking against things bugged me. Like, I can’t even stand the feel of my own natural nails when they’re the slightest bit too long lol.
Opinion on Circuses: Never been to one. But, clowns slightly freak me out so I don’t have the best opinion of their home turfs.
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: I’d say I do. Or maybe I think I do by association? My parents both have a pretty bad sense of direction and I used to help them a lot by printing out maps and searching for streets in relation to where we were. One of my older brothers used to always assign me as designated navigator because I’m good at keeping an eye on where we are and how to get back on track should we get lost
I liked this tag game! It was fun and refreshing. Gonna tag a couple of you, but please no pressure to respond! Only if you feel like making one 😊 @bioerin @kimievii @koujaaku @ashinlae @wallynorthbynorthwest @fluffyrabbitofdoom @apocalyptickoala @theraincanttouchus @mdzs-rabbithole + anyone who sees this and wants to make one 💖
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candy-fae · 1 year
Back to Carlie sort of watches supernatural hour!!!
I tried I Tried I TRIED to give dean a chance bc y'all kept saying "no he gets better Carlie!!" And "pay attention Carlie!! " and "WATCH THE WHOLE EPISODE INSTEAD OF JUST SKIMMING WHILE U DRAW CARLIE" and I said fine!!
Fuck it!!! Lemme watch the next episode.
So I put on Season 7, episode 3.
I hate him I hate him I hate him lolololol
The whole episode I just felt horrible for Amy Pond.
I've never been a huge anime fan, but one of the few I HAVE watched has been Tokyo Ghoul. For those who haven't seen it, the premise is that ghouls need human meat to survive, and must hide amongst humanity so as not to get absolutely murdered by ghoul hunters who have learned how to hunt and kill them.
Ghouls have found alternative ways of getting flesh, much like Amy Pond, whom spoiler, works at a morgue. Throughout the series, we see ghouls struggles to hold onto humanity, and try to exist and hold normal bonds and lives. One such perspective is from a mother and small daughter who comes to our main cast for help. Just remember that.
Now, due to our monster, Amy's son getting sick, in a panic, she kills some ppl to feed him. Oopsie, but like, slay momma bear.
Sam also happens to know her personally, and when he finds out she was just doing this one bad thing this ONE time, he leaves her be. Says that's what most people would do in that situation. Dean lies, and tells Sam he trusts his judgment, and then promptly what does he do??
He tracks her down.
And kills her in front of her son, telling her it is her nature that makes her a monster and eventually she will kill again.
And in my head all I saw was the scene in Tokyo Ghoul, where we get the perspective of said monsters. A mother fights to save her baby, and loses her life, just for the baby to be traumatized, and GRIEVE and hate herself for just being born. The question arises, do we as monsters, deserve to even live just because of what we need to survive? If it is sourced ethically, and they aren't actively hurting anyone, do they still deserve the death penalty? I meant hey, sure, maybe they would have killed people in the future. Junior catches the flu and now mommy needs to go Merc an old dying person.
Maybe! But he just simply doesn't believe in hope, and change, or seperating yourself from the cards you were delt, and it's shitty.
He's a shitty, shitty guy, and I think everyone gives him a pass because of the trauma he's been through, and the fact that he's pretty but like noooooo??
Ps. I hope the son, who's just an orphan now I GUESS, does in fact come back, and I hope he Hurts him bad. Nobody chose to be born the way they are, and I guarantee his kill count was higher than hers lmao I just really am not loving this guy like everyone made me think I would. Consider me a meanie little hater who doesn't know what she's talking about bc again!! I'm maybe only watching the parts where he's the WORST, but I was still mad about the werewolf girl, and I'm noticing a pattern with the women here.
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tharizdun-03 · 2 years
Tokyo Ghoul Review
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I am moving some of my Twitter threads over to Tumblr as well. This is one of them.
Tokyo Ghoul was great! Overall, a very well constructed, tightly written story that explores its premise with plenty of ingenuity and power, largely thanks to Kaneki, all culminating in an amazing final arc. Mostly really strong art too. Very excited for :re.
Favorite Characters: 
1. Kaneki 
2. Amon 
3. Yoshimura
4. Arima 
5. Touka 
6. Tsukiyama 
7. Suzuya
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Favorite Arcs: 
 1. Final Arc: 9/10 
2. Aogiri Tree Arc: 8/10 
3. Decision Arc: 8/10 
4. Lab Raid Arc: 8/10 
5. Gourmet Arc: 8/10 
6. Doves’ Emergence Arc: 7.5/10 
7. Post-Aogiri Tree/Timeskip Arc: 7/10 
8. Nishiki Arc: 7/10 
9. Introduction Arc: 7/10
Ken Kaneki
Kaneki is undoubtedly the best character in the story, and it’s horrifying watching this sweet, kind person gets broken down by the cruelty of the world, to the point of madness.
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Kaneki’s arc is mostly a realization of abandoning coping mechanisms and adapting the survival of the fittest mentality. There are a couple of interesting things to dig into here.
The coping mechanisms start in early childhood, with his mother working herself to death in order to financially support both her, Kaneki, and her sister. And Kaneki keeps building up this denying image of her that he’s had since childhood, that she was strong, and noble for it, which gets broken down during the Aogiri arc.
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He lashes out and admits he doesn’t truly admire his Mom for it but confesses that he wishes she just chose him instead, this being reinforced by Kaneki not being able to save Shu and Haru because he stood by his mother’s ideology.
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So, he abandons it, and takes on the survival of the fittest ideology instead, pushing people away, to focus on getting stronger in order to protect them.
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Of course, it doesn’t go too well, his mental state keeps deteriorating cause of the trauma. And we keep peeling off layers, and just like his mother, the true reason he’s doing this isn’t to protect the people he cares about but because he’s scared of being alone. 
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HHust like his mother was afraid of losing her sister and becoming alone. She wasn’t kind, she was a coward, afraid of solitude. Just like Kaneki, who isn’t truly doing this to protect his friends, but more so because he's scared of loss.
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I get that, but to be honest, I didn’t feel like this was communicated enough throughout the story? The whole keeping people at a distance because he’s scared of getting hurt and more protecting his friends for his own sake rather than theirs. I’m thinking of something similar, Evangelion, where that’s a core theme very integral to Shinji, for example, and immediately easy to pick up on. But this, when they revealed it, I had to think back and wonder, ”how often did he really act like that? Not a strong vibe I got from his behavior.” Maybe these are things that will be reinforced later, or I just missed cues, but I get the overall gist of it and am cool with it. But I dunno, I guess it just kinda feels like the story treats it as bigger than it actually communicated it being, at least for me. I think I'll be fine with it later. The issue with the story and Kaneki feeling aimless fixed itself later on tho, so no longer a problem at least.  Either way, Kaneki's arc is mostly as good as it is because Ishida executes what does work, so incredibly well, a large part being how he draws the consequential mental breakdowns, etc. Might not be a super unique character arc, but one of the better-executed ones of its kind.
Koutarou Amon
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Amon, I think, is fairly straightforward, we got the whole was raised by a ghoul, and because of that, was open-minded enough, even if subconsciously, for Kaneki to make him realize something, and a big part of his motivation after that point isn’t just to eradicate the ghouls, but to try and understand the one ghoul he knows is different. He doesn’t want Kaneki to die, not just out of some innate curiosity, but because it’d also answer why he’s alive at all, why he was spared. Amon is also instrumental in Kaneki's development, who questions him if he really wants to be like other ghouls, which is a key moment in grounding Kaneki again, appealing to his humanity. It's really neat how they both affect each other in that symbiotic kind of way almost. Amon is a character that has so much potential yet to be realized, so I don't think he’s actually dead. I hope we get to see him in :re, maybe in more direct contact with the ghouls. Would be a cool opportunity for him and Kaneki to each explore the opposite side of the conflict.
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Yoshimura's really just this high up because of his incredible backstory. I think the whole, fell in love with a human girl who was so in love she'd be willing to cannibalize (need that) for their baby to be born, but then having to not only kill her, but also abandon their child for her sake, and finding out years later that because of it, the child has grown up to hate this world, and when fatally wounded, to once again, protect her, he takes over the identity of the fabled Owl, that's so touching.
Going to such lengths just to protect his daughter, dreaming of one day sharing a cup of coffee with her, and it being denied. I think that’s all fantastic. Not just on its own, but how that enhances everything else, and I am very interested in where :re will take that.
Kishou Arima
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Arima struck a chord with me. When the CCG had to write a will before their mission, and we learned that no matter how hard Arima thinks about what to write, he can’t ever come up with anything, so it always ends up blank, that's deeply sad to me.
He strikes me as a person that devotes so much to his job that he has no attachments outside that, a job which he probably thinks of very mechanically and might not be too invested in itself either, he just has nothing else.
His battle with Kaneki was very somber, with a certain sense of inevitability permeating throughout. I think Arima feels for Kaneki, and I think it was his decision to save him and take him into the CCG. Would love to see more of him.
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Touka Kirishima
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Touka is a character I just find really endearing. Her sad backstory with her bother, a sadly all too common one in this world, forces them to approach the problem in different ways, which is an interesting dynamic that I hope keeps being developed.
The chapter when she called Kaneki out on his little pretend tragic hero schtick is great stuff from her, and how she tries to balance her normal human life, muah. She was sadly absent for most of the latter half of the story tho but hoping :re makes up for that.
Shuu Tsukiyama
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Tsukiyama is a character archetype that just kind of appeals to me a lot, you know, the Hisoka type, and I overall liked what he contributed. I do think after the gourmet arc that he didn't really do a lot, but him crying at the end when Kaneki leaves did give me the impression that it’s not just tears over his prey walking away, but he’s grown to genuinely care for him, having stuck by him for so long with no real short term rewards. But, I'd need more, but what we got was cool.
Juuzou Suzuya
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Suzuya can't help but give a very immediate strong impression, and while I liked him, his backstory is what finally got me really intrigued. It makes sense that after all that torture and abuse, eventually, he got desensitized to it, and to cope with it, learned to get used to it, to enjoy it. But in the end, we see that he seems to have genuinely grown to like and care for Shinohara, as he mourns, a first for him.
I don't really feel like going through all the arcs, and honestly, a lot of the story is fairly straightforward or things I need :re to expand upon, so there's not much I'd have to say.
So, just some concluding thoughts. I do think the final arc is far and above the best one, and ending it all in, tragedy, basically, is a bold and powerful note to finish with, and I’m guessing :re will give us a more uplifting message after much struggle. 
I’ve been told, and noticed it myself, that OG Tokyo Ghoul does seem to very much be set-up. It’s great, effective, fun set-up, but set-up nonetheless. There’s a lot of potential and payoff to be realized, and I do want and expect :re to get into the more complex thematics, deeper character development, and unorthodox storytelling. This very much just feels like Part 1 of a larger story. I'm ready for Part 2.
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Original Twitter Thread: 
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rivereign-hope · 2 years
I go by the name Rivereign Hope, you can simply call me by River or Rei, Riri, Yiyi (kitty, baby, sayang too! 😉). A Geminian (the good one, you have my word! ♡), I am using any pronouns as my pronoun and my MBTI is INFJ-T. My TOP 2 love language is Word of Affirmation and Quality Time (just in case it's needed).
I am the one who is quiet and shy, (maybe it's because I am an introvert), I am not good at starting a conversation neither approaching people first, but if I get a good response, I can say, I am good at finding topics (so it's basically depends on you too, because sometimes I can't handle convo-killer). I also a very sensitive type of person, I can feel the mood swings from how you respond, so if there's something that doesn't make you feel good, tell me, because I can't do mind reading. Even though I am not a good adviser, I am a good listener, I can understand people's feeling very well, many people say I am good at comforting people.
Get to know more about me!
What am I into? I am actually into so many things. I recently into watching donghua (chinese animation), anime, and reading some books.
Donghua: Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS), Tian Guan Ci Fu (TGCF), Scumbag Villain Self-Saving System (SVSSS), Thousand Autumns. Now watching: Dinghai Fusheng Lu.
Anime: Black butler, Tokyo Ghoul, Owari No Seraph, Fruit Baskets, Death Note, The Promised Neverland, Charlotte, Your Name, Weathering With You, A silent voice.
Books that I have read: Seikhlas Awan Mencintai Hujan, Please Love Me at My Worst, The words you cannot say, I wrote this for you, September Love, Memories, Love & Misadventures, The Universe of Us. Now reading: Lullabies by Lang Leav.
Music taste? I enjoy listening to K-pop songs especially SEVENTEEN, TXT, IVE, GFRIEND, DREAMCATCHER, STAYC and some other groups. A casual listener of I-pop and C-pop. Also lately, I've been enjoying myself listening to Honeyfox and Pop Mage's cover songs. And now I am interested to learn more about ENHYPEN.
Watchlist? I also enjoying myself watching some K-drama, C-drama, movies, series, with fantasy, romance, mystery, thriller, horror as my favorite genres. If you want to know any drama or series that I've ever watched, you can ask me through DM.
Anything more? I love sleep, a sleepyhead I am, I used to love coffee but I couldn't drink it too much anymore and if I happen to want drink coffee then Caramel Macchiato it is, my life saver! I love eat especially spicy foods and noodles, I love cats (I have 8 kitties right now), well I love anything that is cute. I currently am very fond of Choi Yeonjun, Kang Taehyun, SunSun (Sunghoon-Sunoo), SunKi (Sunoo-Riki), especially Nishimura Riki, I want babying him so much. So you might found me talking a lot / mentioning their name a lot both on timeline and DM.
Top 5 Spotify Playlist:
IVE - After Like
Benlon, Pop Mage - Fireflies
Tomorrow x Together - Opening Sequence
Mree - When You Come Home
Heize, Shin Yong Jae - You, Clouds, Rain
ENHYPEN - Shout Out
ENHYPEN - One In A Billion
ENHYPEN - Given-Taken
Tomorrow x Together - Ring
Tomorrow x Together - Hitori No Yoru
⚠️ Before you follow, you have to read this! ⚠️
*Please follow with consent!
• This is Cyber slash Unlabeled account, I'm very loud on timeline, I tweet a lot, and rant a lot mostly about my daily life irl and irp (I am a RP writer!). I do retweet a lot too, mostly because I want to do cleaning my timeline, I also retweet about 18+ thingy such a BL fanarts, etc. Last but not least of course about my faves too. Sometimes, I delete some of my tweets as well.
• I am slow at replying both DM and mention. I love socializing but I don't have much energy to do so. But worry not, I will try my best to reply everything so do not hesitate to talk to me! ♡
• You can break the mutual in any time if you found me too loud or (maybe) annoying for you.
Do not follow / interact If:
You are a minor, homophobic, racist, rude, can't respect each other, we don't share any interest at all or you hate my faves, you don't want to talk or interact with me, you love to subtweeting about someone (in bad way), starting a fuss or fanwar.
RP handles!
♡ https://twitter.com/ddeonu__u
♡ https://twitter.com/taeehyuni
♡ https://twitter.com/parkjaechani
♡ https://twitter.com/choyihyunm
If you perhaps want to send me anonymous message(s), you can hit me up through:
Curious Cat:
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agustdakasuga · 2 years
Do you know any of your mutuals irl?
we live all over the world and i do want to travel to where they are one day (even if it's gonna be like 50 countries to cover)
i'm embarrassed to admit it but i even have these imaginary scenarios in my head of what I would do if I get the chance to hang out with them
@amourtae she already knows we're going book shopping and cafe hopping, just that cozy date vibe. that's all we ever talks about.
@taegularities buying loads of snacks and just stuffing our faces with delicious treats!!!! (please buy me a lot of Manner wafer chocolates 🥺)
@ditttiii firstly, i'll be (lovingly) attacking toto with hugs, I'll never let him go. then just chilling cause i just love her energy and I'll probs be too amazed by her to actually function.
@ressjeon just us talking about bois, spilling tea and having a whole dance sesh thing like pls 😭
@kithtaehyung i'll just be fangirling (internally)... how can you not if you have a chance to meet ryen?
@jiminrings ask her to teach me how to crochet something cause i can't crochet to save my life 🥲. also, we needa make tattoo moodboards, maybe even get one together 😂
@chateautae okay sammy, i saw a little section of your shelf that has Tokyo Ghoul... we need to binge watch it together from start to finish, please!! (even if i've watched it like 100000 times)
*there are so many other mutuals that I really want to talk to and get closer to but uhhhh... social anxiety and shyness gets in the way A LOT*
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
Anon: Hello! Um... I don't know if you write for Tokyo ghoul, but if you do, I might have a one-shot human reader x uta, where he kills someone to defend them so they find out he's a ghoul? Maybe even if they're scared they understand that they can trust, and they hug him or at least touch him though he's all covered in blood or something... I don't mind if you do it a little macabre.
If this is not possible or does it seem too ooc to you, please ignore this. Thank you
I finally finished one of the one-shots! I'm taking a long time with them, sorry.
And thanks Anon for asking about Tokyo Ghoul and especially Uta!
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32 - Tokyo Ghoul - Uta x human! Reader
"Keep death away"
You could have known it long before, of course you could. Yet you were too stupid to understand, weren't you? Or just, you pretended not to understand. You didn't want to understand, it was easier.
It was a thousand times better to keep hunting in the meanders of your mind the doubt that occasionally arose when he never took off those damned sunglasses in your presence.
"Maybe he has some kind of disease, it would be inappropriate to ask, right?"
You always repeated it in your head as you watched him talk leaning against the counter in his study. In short, not that he didn't have his oddities, one more or one less what suspicions could arise?
Yes, indeed. Why were you so surprised that Uta was a ghoul? It was just one of many oddities about him.
You always knew it, but now you have been forced to face it.
You had to face that the security he gave you from that occasional first meeting was just a lie created by your mind. After all, who could ever find such a person reassuring?
God, the smell of blood was so nauseating, so terrifying, you had never felt it so strong before, nor had you ever seen so much blood. Could a human body really contain it?
Your hand went to your neck, where a slight red trickle burned in a thin scarlet crack that opened above your collarbone. The knife that gave it to you was lying helpless a few steps away from you, you could still distinguish it from the slight sparkle that emanated under the crimson cover that dipped the asphalt.
Now it seemed such a trivial weapon, so ridiculous.
You almost wondered how you got hurt by something so insignificant, to still have a sore wrist from the grip of a miserable human being. In front of the spectacle before you, the previous danger seemed only a bad joke.
But that joke was now literally being devoured. Eaten like you would have eaten a donut for breakfast.
The man who attacked you was literally being eaten. Not just killed, not just torn apart, eaten.
His flesh was ripped off, chewed under voracious teeth, and ran down a still too dry throat. His blood was licked, drunk, his bones shattered, pulled out like his organs, as if he were a fish to be cleaned.
Was it the liver he was now biting?
Did you have a chance to escape? To survive?
You remembered feeling a wave of relief when you saw a familiar figure in sight in your tears, however ...
You wanted to scream, but it would have been worse. You wanted to escape, but who could have escaped from such a creature?
He seemed to have forgotten you, bent over his meal as he was. Bloody predator, hungry, too absorbed in his hunger, in his desire for hideous food.
Yeah, he was hungry. Sure. Hunger, he was hungry. That's why Uta had dismissed you so quickly that evening.
And you were almost worried as you heard him close the doors of his shop behind your back as you left. You thought you did something bad, thank god.
Wait, what? Thank god?
No, no. You couldn't feel relieved. In short, you'd be dead soon, you should find your panic again, the one that blocked you until a moment ago.
He, that boy, would have killed you. He was hungry, he would eat you… right?
Your gaze was now fixed on the demon's pupils. The red irises surrounded by the black sea had slowly turned to you, as if he had heard your question.
Even his back, which until then had been bent in an animalistic position, was slowly straightening up again.
He had nothing left in his jaws, neither flesh nor bones. He was just… red. Splashes of living sap tinged his ageless face up above his nose, his tattoos almost disappeared under the blood of others.
And the silence spoke, it screamed deafeningly among you.
You asking him how much harm he would do you, and him asking you when you would condemn him, destroying the life he had built.
You did not have the courage to move a muscle, you remained there, curled up on the ground, with your hands clasped around your neck almost in the hope that he would not perceive your wound, your being alive. Your clothes also wet with blood and yellowish liquids whose origin you did not want to know.
For a moment, you thought you were going to stay there forever. He staring at you without expression from above, and you, ready to become food for beasts.
Your gaze dropped slightly, focusing on the background behind his legs. It was red there too, dark red. Red that stretched along the road in horrible wakes and crimson splashes.
There was no longer any sign of the human being who had attacked you, or rather, the signs were very little human.
You wondered if you felt sorry for him. Frankly, you didn't know what to think. It was awful, but at the same time how could you have saved yourself from what he was about to do to you?
"Have you been watching the whole time?"
Uta's voice suddenly roused you. God, you forgot that there was that voice of him; so quiet, so peaceful with you.
He knew it too, seeing him eat like that, it had to be traumatic. He didn't want you to see him, he hoped you'd never even have to imagine it. And yet you were there, and this was him. He couldn't change it anymore.
You watched him as a child watches his teacher as he searches for the right answer to a question he couldn't answer. What was the answer? Which would have made you survive if there was a chance?
"I ... I won't tell anyone ..."
What idiocy. Why would he have believed you? But what other choice did you have but that? You would have buried everything, just to survive. You would have buried everything because, it would have been easier. It would have been as it had been until then, you ... you could have done it.
"I won't tell anyone, Uta."
His gaze seemed to relax, but you couldn't be sure. Even though you could see him full face he seemed so good at keeping control over himself.
Was he believing you? Did he trust you enough? Why didn't he speak? You needed to know.
"If you talk, you know ..."
He didn't say anything else. His voice in the midst of delirium was almost reassuring, while he held back the scariest words and simply brought his palm to rest lazily on his abdomen, now full after who knows how long.
A warning that meant a thousand things, a thousand threats but he had the delicacy not to let you hear.
"Did you get into trouble at the right time ... your wound?"
Your lips parted, but all you did was gasp for a moment, not knowing what to say. Your head was spinning, you were dizzy and everything about you was shaking. You couldn't have stood on your legs.
You repeated his words, as if you were unable to think for yourself. You realized it. Well, it meant that at least you were still aware of yourself.
He seemed to accept your status peacefully, and simply gestured with a light gesture of his tattooed hand to his neck, which was also so uniquely branded in black and now dyed red.
"You are hurt."
It wasn't a question, Uta just knew it.
Your hands slowly slipped from your neck until they fell into your lap. Of course, of course he knew. He felt it, that's why he was there.
You were in trouble at the right time, of course, because he was hungry. He wouldn't eat you, if he wanted he wouldn't send you away. If he had wanted he would have done it in his shop, safe. Now you knew it, and the sudden relief hit you like an electric shock, unexpectedly bringing tears to the edge of your eyes. Not the panic, but the relief almost made you throw up, and the awareness of the situation poured on you like a frozen waterfall.
Your mind, drowsy with questions, woke up suddenly, taking note of everything that had happened, of what was around you.
Death and gratuitous violence. Not Uta's, but the one you might have suffered without him.
Nobody guaranteed you that, without the tragic intervention, you would get out alive, and certainly not unharmed.
You had really come close to death, and where the knife had cut you it was now burning wickedly, taking you back to the instant before the devil's executioner arrived.
You did not even remember if there was a reason why you found yourself so tightened by filthy unknown arms, you did not remember if you were able to speak, but to pray yes.
God, you saw death. There was death, you touched it, it was all around you. You saw it, it was colored red, a dark red illuminated only by cold emergency lights that hung almost lifeless and wobbly from the walls of uninhabited alleys. Death flowed under your knees, like revolting rivulets accumulating at the bottom of the dead end.
Wherever you looked there was only death, or soulless things.
Where was the life?
Your forefinger and middle finger pressed desperately on your neck, looking for the place where your heart could testify that you were still alive, that no one had killed you. You were alive, you would have seen tomorrow.
And the figure of the ghoul looming over you senselessly returned to being reassuring.
You watched his infernal eyes peer at you patiently, luminous in the darkness. Oh, he was alive too, there with you.
"Uta ..."
You called him, like a newborn bird.
He took a step toward you for the first time, without threat, only in response to your plea.
"Uta ... Uta ... let me hear your heart ... please ... please ..."
You needed to feel him alive. You needed to feel the life in him, as you felt it in you, to know that in the midst of death you were not alone.
This time his expression betrayed him. His dark sclera widened just below the lids which opened slightly more. His black hair fell soft and long over his shoulder as his head bent slightly, scrutinizing you questioningly.
It was normal that he didn't understand. You were just a human, what a bizarre request was that?
Yet, still, it was you. The human he did not want to eat, the human he ran to as soon as he smelled their blood. The human who occasionally slipped into his shop, spying on his new masks and always asking him a thousand curious questions. The human with whom he went out for a coffee, to forget for a moment how much the world hated those like him.
Yeah, made by you, it wasn't such a crazy request. You've always been weird, so weird that Uta felt the need to save you, despite that ridiculous world that always ran too fast around his stillness.
His arms branded with tribal tattoos relaxed along his sides, opening slightly with his palms facing you. Not an invitation, but a permission to do what you wanted.
"If you are sure ..."
The only words spoken, perhaps slightly more insecure, and his calm voice, slightly broken with uncertainty, and at the same time so sweet in that deadly silence.
An adrenaline rush ran through your legs, and despite your exhaustion you got up, driven by the desire to reach that living creature.
It was not a hug, it was just you with your palms and ear delicately placed on his chest, searching for that desired sound. Like a lullaby it lulled you, his heart beating lightly fast against your cheek.
Under his ribcage you could also hear the organic sounds of the digestive process raging on what had been your tormentor. It wasn't as scary as you imagined, that body that was now keeping death away from you, was destroying it right under your touch.
And while you listened to the consoling heartbeat in the monster's chest, you didn't care about the blood that now ignoble dirty even your face. You were simply there, enjoying the warmth of a living body, while a thank you slipped under your breath that the ghoul's ears didn't expect to hear.
It wasn't a hug, but his hands leaned lightly like ghosts on your hips, holding you there, while the red irises more beautiful than blood rose to the black sky cut by the gray skyscrapers.
And as you listened gradually easing your fear, he felt your weight on his chest, more present with each breath. You miserable human being seeking refuge in the carnivorous beast, how grateful he was that even in the worst revelation he could make to you, you were still there, scared but understanding, and yet you were able to make that world around him seem less cruel.
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clavis-baby · 3 years
The (possible) Downfall of Obey Me
5-16-21 (when writing this the event toys out)
(Tbh this post is just be trying to be naïve towards Solomare and at ever aspectthat I mention you have every single right to be upset and mad)
Okay so it’s no secret that Obey me is making bank and is very very obviously trying to make us money on the game with even trying to make us spend money with original stuff that was free to now secretly changing some mechanics behind our back
Here’s a post by @thalfox https://thalfox.tumblr.com/post/653994972840919040/i-just-noticed-a-little-bit-ago-that-the-barbatos that dose a really good job at explaining everything that has changed
(also this isn’t a hate thing fox has actually done a great work explaining everything to good detail of what has changed)
With all the changes I don’t think that it’s shocking to say that players are leavening the fandom because of many reasons to the games getting stupidly harder to even the game development
This is just a heads up this in no way is a post saying “hey this is why you shouldn’t feel this way” I kinda just wanted to see from a business standpoint and be naïve of what’s happening you have every reason to be mad at Solomare because even me I’ve been playing sense week 2 of game released and I’m only on lesson 42 every counter argument that I’m going to make I have complained about at some point
(P.s grammar is really bad it’s sort of turned into more of a rant I wrote this at 5 am without any sleep so sorry)
1. Obey me is marketed as a free to play game
First there are many reasons people are mad this main thing that I hear about is from a lot of people is that is a “free game” which lets be honest is ridiculously hard
But still it is still essentially a “free to play game” I personally feel like the main prolog is lessons 1-20 to introduce all the characters to understand and getting the just on how to play the game
Okay and now here’s where I sort of stand with obey me, the gatcha rates are kinda ridiculously lucky when you play for the first week you luck is so amazing and is in my experience with gatchas the best luck I have ever seen for games so it’s not really hard collecting the cards
Now are they the best absolutely no, this I feel like is where you might have to spend money unless they up the skills on the Nightmare A
But what Obey me is technically trying to do is obviously making you pay by releasing your favorite demon card every 2 week which…aren’t essential they are really just hoping that you love your main demon enough to pay
With the high increase on the gatcha rate there really isn’t a pity unless you count the card pieces (but I’m not going to count that because you are more likely to roll your UR before completing the pieces)
Now after lesson 20 once the huge break I feel like Obey me almost expecting the players to keep logging in any doing jobs and some players did do that and boy did it pay off
But those players have not needed to spend a single dollar and are all caught up
Now for everyone else who didn’t the game was so difficult it’s unimaginable and because for that a whole lot of players left the game and personally I don’t blame them because of how much impact the next lessons were
Now sort of like Mystic Messenger you really just have to grind you ass off log in everyday and do JOBS :D and grind but as hard and long as it is you are still able to be a f2p but where obey me fails is that when grinding Mystic Messenger grinding was a lot more fun for me it took about a whole year to just get 550 hourglasses even when I purchased and same with Genshin Inpact it takes a while but with obey me there isn’t really anything else to do once you get to a certain point which I think obey me really lacks and could be part of a reason why people left. Grinding just is not fun (now I do think that on a phone there is so much you can do with a app game but I feel like there could be a bit more they could do)
Personally I’m just going to come out and say it don’t spend your money for one UR card for your favorite demon it’s really not worth it now im one of those Mammon stans but if I ever wanted a specific card for instance the Mammon bunny card when it first came out I wanted it so badly and didn’t get it but I also knew there would eventually be a revival so I saved and did not spend any DV(demon vouchers) until the revival
The events
Some people complain about getting the cards in the events onestly for me this one kinda makes a bit of sense I noticed the first change when the Vampire even came out and how it wasn’t as easy to get the second card but if you think of it it makes sence why
When the first event came out (Santa event) you only had to collect about 30,000 gingerbread compared to the 100,000 in event today but when the first event came out no one was at high enough levels for the AP required and you would every day when times rest to gain gingerbread as well as there was only one part to the story so when people kept leveling up their AP Obey Me had to higher the bar so it wouldn’t be so easy to get all these cards and have a actual reward system but eventually they also added another story lesson starting at the Ruri Chan event
Second thing about the events is that one there started just getting plain out boring.
When lesson 20 finished and we were all waiting for season 2 I was still loving in everyday and logging in at 12 and 8 for the free 30 AP because I didn’t know what else to and would participate in the event but eventually what I think that all otome games that have constant events like Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Revolution they just start getting repetitive and getting real boring so I stoped playing until there was something more interesting
The last thing that some people complain about the events is that you can’t keep up with the story and the events now I can’t find it but I believe that @0beyme said something about the events a long time ago about how you have to pick between the event and moving through the main story which I kinda think isn’t really the games fault and more just a discussion on maybe missing a event
Add ons
Okay so they did this from day 1 you spend a certain amount of Devil point that you guaranteed don’t have and get out a card
Now this is just spelling out a disaster
Yeah so for the first Charge Mission is when you log in which everyone had but essentially what they want you to do is spend $100 on a game that you just logged into and never experienced or played I don’t really understand what they were even thinking with that but it must’ve worked for them to keep doing them
The second time they did it was when the break was over and season 2 came out and they celebrated by doing another charge mission which was the Lucifer and Simon card which would cost again $100 again I really don’t understand what they were thinking
And now this is I believe the fourth time they have done this for the 1.5 anniversary where they know that Mammon is obviously a favorite for many Obey Me players and where smart to put it on the really stupid charge mission but the difference is, is that instead of it costing $100 it would cost almost $200(same with Levi’s) for one thing I don’t understand
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But one thing that you do have to remember is is that this isn’t apart of the main gameplay it really just is a mini game if you would even call it that of dress up and optimization so still I guess would be just a add on that has no effect on the actual story and game so you could I guess still call it a f2p game with really really stupidly high priced add ons
Umm so I am the first one to call myself out I have bought the VIP package first when season 2 happened and I knew how much I loved the game so personally it was worth it to me to support the developers and gain something out of it
Now I haven’t really seen much complaints on the VIP because people more use it as a “hey the game is impossible with out VIP” but the people who say this ive noticed never bought it
For $9.99 each month it is 100%
IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!! Out of everything you get which honestly isn’t much you get some extra free space in jobs and really that’s it and if you choose to use all your job slots for the highest paying you get around 30,500 about a 10,000 difference not really worth it in my opinion
With VIP you also get other things like higher chance of gifts from Jobs which you will not notice one bit, and +20 AP (which if you play the events is sort of useful) as well as extra packages exclusive to VIPs so after paying $9.99 per month you also get more things to buy and that’s about it for VIP now if you really want to get more grim just use your AP and spend it of normal lessons you will get more AP that way
The Story and Kids
This could be all me just complaining and a theory by I wanted to include it anyway
Obviously many people are not even caught up or even playing but as more lessons went on the less interesting the story became to me I don’t know if it’s a me thing but season one was absolutely amazing the once season two came out it was good but not anywhere as good and one
One reason why I think that it to me became almost bland is the amount of kids that is on the app and how sensitive people were if anything bad happens
It’s no secret that the Japanese versions a lot more non-kid friendly for hell’s sake the characters don’t even swear as well as all the colors I feel like to a American audience bright colors is usually marketed towards kids but in other countriesI think many understand that that is not always the case for instance a lot of people will thing in America that anime is all for kids but I mean look at Attack on Titan or Tokyo Ghoul you would not let kids watch that of literal people getting brutally murdered you just don’t see things like that in the West where something looking kid friendly could also be very adult like
Also wtf dose this in the App Store say +12 with Ikemen Vampire and a lot of other games if you have a game rated +17 then there will be a actual pop up that says something along the lines of how “thier could be violence acts and sexual act are you sure you want to instal”
Now the story I’ve seen people point this out but there isn’t really much character development for instance Beel he dose not have a actual personality his personality (fight me on this one) all you really know about him is that he likes food and his family now I could be wrong cuz I’m on lesson 42 but still not much and this is kinda with all the characters except the special ones where the devs really favor and love for story
Some one mentioned how the developers hold back a lot which I agree with 100% they said how when there is character development they all the sudden pull back and never will almost talk about it again like ???? So there’s this constant bland story
Honestly if you liked this I might do more cuz as much as this post made me especially at the end I kinda liked ranting so...yeah there is also many other things that I want to rant about but I’m tired soooo
feel free to comment your opinions btw
Bye ima go sleep now
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
I hope this is where you send a request lol. But i wanted to know if you could do prompt 16 with Kuki Urie:)
It’s been a while since I wrote anything about this fandom and creating the new masterlists made me realize just how little I wrote about them so far.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, overprotectiveness, manipulation
Prompt 16: “You don’t understand! If you accept me now, I’ll be your slave!”
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He was crying. He was really crying right now. It wasn't shocking, you had seen other men crying before, but you hadn't expected him to cry. Not in front of you. Or because of you. You had always been his reason of happiness as he had told you. So seeing him spilling tears right now was breaking your own heart just like his had been just now broken. His breath was uneven, silent sobs disrupting it's natural flow. He was trying to not be too loud, keeping the volume down. But the silent cries were the worst.
You just stood there, body having gone stiff and unable to move. You wanted to comfort him like you had done always in the past. But how could you if you had been the one who had brought him the pain in the first place? Was there even something you could say right now? What was a person who had just friendzoned another who had confessed supposed to say? But you had to do something, right? You couldn't just leave him here all alone.
Urie had the feeling like someone had just slammed his heart mercilessly with a sledge, it was aching. The last time he had felt something akin to this had been when his father had died. Back then he had been a child, he had not been able to handle all the emotions. Now he was grown up and had thought that he had been able to control his feelings.
What a lie that was, he was on an emotional roller coaster whenever he had been near you. Your whole being and thoughts on you had been for a long time now flooded his mind and senses and he had thanked whoever was watching from the clouds for letting him meet you.
Thanks to you he had learned how to really live again, how to feel again. Never once had he realized before how grey and cold his world had been before. But thanks to you he had realized just how blind he had been, that his life had been nothing so far. Not without you. You had given his life in a way a purpose, something far more greater than working as an investigator. Your love.
Happiness. Joy. Excitment. This sweet and addicting feelings you stirred up in him whenever you did as much as being somewhere near him. It was so wrong, the sickenly obsession he had with you and the people who he had already let his ire out because they had managed to get on your bad side, meaning also on his bad side. He was all too aware that going that far was wrong, but he hadn't cared in the slightest bit.
How could he when you had helped him getting over his pain, being the light to lead him out of the dark hole he had been stuck in so far? Everything he had experienced with you had been like a complete new thing for him. Even the most common things like walking with you somewhere had led him to seeing the world through new eyes. You were without a doubt the cause of his euphoria.
But never before you had given him a completely shattered and burnt heart or made him cry hot and large tears. Normally he would never cry in front of people. But he was vulnerable in front of you. He couldn't hide anything emotionally when it came to you. You were after all the person who made him go through all the intense feelings.
"Why?" His voice was nearly cracking at the end, his eyes still fouced on the ground where tears were constantly dropping on. You opened your mouth several times just to close it again. You almost felt like crying too, seeing Urie in such a condition. It was just a sign of how much your rejection had really just hurt him. There was surely something you could do for him without making him feel even more shitty.
"Kuki..." You slowly stepped closer, searching in a rushed manner for something you could do to soothe him a bit. "Am I not enough? Is that it? Do you think that there is someone better?" The volume of his voice was something that reminded you of a mouse, it was hushed and barely above a whisper. You also couldn't recall a time where he had ever sounded so unsure, so anxious.
"No! That's not it! You're great! Believe me, I really think of you as a awesome and cool guy." By now you were merely a foot step away from him, noticing now that you were close up how his body was shaking due to his choked breaths and silent sobs. "I-I'm just afraid that I can't give you what you ask me to give you. I love you a lot, but in another way. I don't want to lose you because of this Kuki. I know that sounds a bit easier than it is, but...let's just stay like this. We're happy as we are right now."
"That's a lie." You bit your bottom lip when hearing his quivering voice. Slowly, very slowly, he shifted his gaze from the ground to your lips and then to your eyes. His eyes were reddened and a bit puffy, tears still streaming down his face. "How can I ever be completely happy when I'm without your love? What am I even here for then? You were the one person who taught me how to live again and for that I just want to protect, love and pamper you with everything I have. Without you and your love I'm-I'm a nobody."
"That's not true Kuki! What are you talking about? You're not a nobody! You're a great investigator and I would say that is a reason why you're here. To lead your own squad and work with the CCG to protect the citizens of Tokyo. Shouldn't that be enough? Knowing that you have to protect the lives of the many people in this city?"
The man gave you an aghasted expression, looking like you had just said the most dumbest thing ever. "The CCG? The lives of the people here in Tokyo?", he repeated after you, still having this non believing look on his face. "Do you really think they mean to me nearly as much for me as you?" With one step he closed the bit of distance you had between each other, you almost reflexive taking a step back, feeling suddenly frightened of his unhinged expression.
"You're so wrong with that (y/n). I'll let them all happily die if it means that I can spend more time with you. What are they worth anyways? The only thing I need to be happy and live a good life is you! The rest can just die!"
In such a twisted way you knew that this was somewhat like the ultimate confession of love, being ready to let others get murdered or eaten by ghouls just to be able to survive another day with the person you loved. And yet it was the most egotistical thing you had ever heard. You even felt offended, maybe because you knew Mutsuki and Saiko yourself. Was he saying he would even let his friends die? You searched for any sign on his face that would tell you that this was just a mere act out of desperation from his side. But you found nothing.
"You really mean that, don't you?" Your voice was giving your discouragment and disappointment away, which didn't go unnoticed by Kuki. His facial expressions seemed to twitch, the disappointed look in your eyes adding even more layers of pain over his already broken heart. He hated this expression, the look that told him that he had not made you happy, but only made you upset with him. He hated that. Why was he never able to be good enough for you? He wanted to be perfect, the best. Just for you. But no matter how much he seemed to try, it was never enough. Was he really that imperfect?
His silence spoke books for him and you felt slight anger rousing up inside of you. How could he say this? Would he really let his friends and comrades die? You thought that he was the kind of guy who would fight til the bitter end. You had troubles believing him.
"So you want me to feel guilty because of deaths of people you could have saved, but didn't because you weren't willing to risk your life?" Urie quickly shook his head. "That won't be your fault (y/n)! It'll their fault for not listening to orders and being careless." What was he saying? "They'll die because they're willing to give their all for the people and their job! And you are supposed to do the same, Kuki! I thought that was why you joined in the first place!"
You quickly shut up when realizing that you were damn close to yelling right now and maybe the tiniest bit because all the yelling seemed to affect Urie as well. You were also almost about to cry, but blinked quickly to get rid of the tears in your eyes.
"Be honest with me. Did you already let someone die because of me?" He fell silent for a few seconds, making you feel more and more anxious. He hadn't, had he? "...No." The answer seemed suspiciously delayed, but his face wasn't giving anything away. So you took that answer, hoping to soothe the uneasiness and anxiety inside of you. "But you would?" He seemed to hesitate for a bit, debatting on with himself whether he should lie to calm you down or say the truth. But he had already spilled it out, hadn't he? "Yes, I would."
A disappointed and shocked noise escaped your lips, rubbing your eyes whilst busily thinking about what you were supposed to make out of this. "(y/n)...Please don't be mad at me." You peeked between one of your hands currently covering your face at him. He appeared to come over as pleading, eyes begging you to forgive him. And you couldn't help, but feel your heartstrings getting tugged at.
Without any words you suddenly grabbed a jacket of yours and walked to the front door, hearing Urie following you with huge and fast footsteps. "Wait! Where are you going?"
With your hand resting on the door knob you turned around, being met with his face only inches away from yours. "I...need some time alone to think about this Kuki. You need to understand, this was maybe just a bit too much for me to take in at once. And the fact that you told me that you don't care about the lives of other people in Tokyo just because you don't want to stop coming over to me...I think I need to think about our whole relation-and friendship in general. I don't want to stop being your friend, but maybe...distancing and stopping to see each other helps you coming back to your senses."
His eyes widened, obviously your words just now had scared him, but right now you needed time to think for yourself without anyone interrupting you. So you swiftly opened the door, about to leave.
That was before Kuki slammed the door with a loud 'wham' closed, body instantly moving itself between you and the door, blocking your way out. You flinched startled, for a moment blinking shocked before you came back to your senses and annoyance started to flicker inside of you. "What do you think you're doing?! Move your ass away from the door or else I'll have to go with less nice methods!" He didn't, he just continued to drill his frightened gaze at you, seemingly not wanting to let you leave him. "Kuki! Now!"
"You don't understand!" He sounded extremely despaired, a distraught expression on his face which made you slowly take a step back from him. But this sudden move of yours seemed to trigger him and before you could even react, he had already grabbed your hands tightly in his own. "If you accept me now, I'll be your slave!"
You had temporarily abandoned all of your annoyance and anger, currently you felt freaked out by this extremely deranged behavior from his. "You have to listen to me! I'll do anything you want me to and I'll be anyone you want me to be! I'll clean for you, I'll cook for you, I'll kill for you, I'll die for you, I'll live for you! Whatever you want! But don't leave me alone! Not you too..."
You slightly tried to free your hands from his, but you were scared that he would get triggered by any sudden movements which was why you kept such things at a minimum right now. You felt truly alarmed right now, not being able to tell what he would do next. Fleeing looked like a stupid idea, he was due to his not humanly body much more physically strong and faster than you were and you didn't want to risk it. But you doubted that talking would help him either. He was clearly not in his right mind.
"You need help." You stiffened up the moment you had whispered those words loud, cussing yourself for saying something like this in front of him.
"Help? You really think I need help?" You didn't like it one bit just how much distraught he looked right now whilst still keeping a look of fondness on his face whilst gazing at you. It didn't mix well. "I don't want any help. Don't need them either. They wouldn't be able to do much anyways. I know just how bad my case is and I doubt that anyone would be able to help me. Don't you see?" You didn't know if you were supposed to give him an answer or not, but you just shook your head when hearing him muttering these words.
"The only person that is able to help me is you. You're the one who made me this way in the first place and you're also the one who can help me. You made me how I am. Don't you think it's only fair if you help me before someone really dies? You'll just be there for me and I'll take care of anything else. Doesn't that sound like a good offer?"
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Evening ASMR
Summary: James records a video for his ASMR channel and settles in for the evening.
Word Count: 1702
Read on AO3:
“Evening, everyone,” James’ soft voice whispered, his mouth hovering over the mic. “Groggy and I hope you all had a good day,” His fingers lightly drummed against his rubber frog nightlight, the pleasant rhythm creating the exact sort of calming bliss that was James’ signature when recording for his channel. “My day wasn’t very eventful, but it was calm, pleasant. I’ve been drinking a new blend of tea today from Sarita’s Teashop - Evening Breeze,” James took a sip of hot tea then placed the mug on the table between both of his mics, his painted black fingernails continuing their steady, soothing rhythm, this time along the outside of the mug. “The offer from my last video still stands by the way: use the code Tranquilitime15 at checkout online for a 15 percent discount on your order from Sarita’s Teashop. Now let’s get to the main part of our video. It’s Tuesday so you know what that means. It’s time for Weekly Walk,”
Leaning back in his chair, James reached behind himself to pick something from his bag of finds. “Jesse and I went for a walk along the lake. Along the way I picked a few strands of grass since the texture intrigued me. Jesse told me it’s common reed grass. It makes quite a lovely sound. Let’s listen,” Lifting up the grass, James softly ran it along his mic, letting the equipment pick up the faint rustling sounds the grass made as it ran along the mic’s surface. James continued this motion for about five minutes, letting the moment last as he too became entranced by the sound the reed grass made. Finally he pulled his hand back, ready to share his next find.
“I also spotted another rock to add to our collection. The lines of white quartz running through it are really lovely,” James held the stone up close to the camera so his viewers could see the details themselves. “Into the rock bucket it goes,” With his free hand, James lifted up a small pale blue pail full of rocks and dropped his latest one in, running his fingers through the collection of stones in silence. There was no sound round him, only the soft rumble of the stones tumbling against once another. James was grateful there were no parties going on in the dorms tonight. Sometimes, even with the padding and soundproofing he’d done to his room, it was still difficult to find recording times where his surroundings were quiet enough to properly do ASMR.
Several minutes passed before James set aside his rock bucket and picked up his next find: a curved piece of driftwood from the lake. Holding the piece up to the camera, James turned it slowly so his audience could have time to admire it properly. “This was right along the shore near the end of our walk. I love the depth of color in it. Such a rich brown,” James’ fingers trailed along the branch, inadvertently tapping against it. It had become second nature for James to tap any object of interest he came across, always on the search for new sounds that he could bring to the channel that might give his audience the tingles.
As he tapped along the wood, James hummed softly, transitioning to another segment his viewers were especially fond of. The tune he chose this time was one Jesse had taught him, a Cherokee lullaby. Though James hadn’t been able to learn the words yet the tune was still fresh in his mind. Switching back to the reed grass, James softly hummed the lullaby, closing his eyes and getting lost in the moment. He could almost imagine that Jesse was here with him, sitting upon the floor and letting James brush his hair. The sound of Jesse’s hair would make great ASMR. James didn’t want to push him into anything he was uncomfortable though. He knew how much Jesse hated feeling as though he was performing for others. Perhaps that was a sound that was reserved for James then, one only he got to hear.
Finishing the tune, James picked up Groggy once more. Turning on the nightlight, James drummed his fingers along the little frog’s back, enjoying the bounce of the rubber under his fingertips. His ASMR wasn’t only for his audience. It calmed him as well. He looked toward the camera. “I went on a hike a few days ago with a couple friends of mine. My friend Clem brought her little brother. He was really curious to learn about what ASMR was exactly. He picked out some items on our walk for me to share as well. He wanted to be here himself, but it’s past his bedtime. Hi, AJ,” James waved at the camera, knowing Clementine would show the video to AJ as soon as it was posted.
Picking up the pinecones AJ had given him, James began to run his fingernails along them. The light scratching sound that produced sent a tingle up his spine. James smiled softly to himself as he continued, rolling the pinecones slowly in his hands then against one another. He then picked up a few of the countless leaves AJ had scavenged from him. These were drier and produced a hollow sound as James tapped upon them. He alternated between tapping and running his fingerpads along the leaves’ surface.
As he did, the memories of that day reached the surface of his mind. AJ had been so excited that day, running ahead of them on the trail despite Clementine’s warnings to stay nearby. He’d simply been too excited to remember to keep his word though whenever his promise did reach his mind AJ would freeze and look back guiltily. On the times when he didn’t remember, Clementine would have to barrel ahead to catch up with him, leaving James and Brody alone to chat. Brody would sometimes pause to grab a flower or other plant to press when she got home. She and James also kept their eyes open for interesting leaves that Clementine could use for leaf rubbing though AJ by far gave her the most finds.
Finally, James drew back. Setting aside the pinecones and leaves, he brought out Groggy once more. As his fingers tattooed a calming rhythm upon the little frog, James smiled warmly at his audience. “Thank you for staying with me tonight and hearing my stories. I hope you all sleep well and have a beautiful day tomorrow. Till next time, like, share and subscribe and I’ll see you next time for Tranquilitime,” With that James ended the recording. Cleaning up his workspace first, James then settled in to get the video uploaded. It was a bit of a process but one he was familiar with.
While the video uploaded, James poured another cup of Evening Breeze for himself and took a thoughtful sip. The tea had a clarity to it, a freshness that reminded him of being by the lake. He’d have to pick up some more next time he dropped by the teashop. He hoped the promotion was going well for Sarita. He’d only recently gotten his channel big enough to merit sponsorship and he’d wanted to start with a brand he trusted. Perhaps if this went well he could reach out to Tripp as well and promote his sweet shop.
His phone lit up and James glanced over to check the notification. It was a text from Louis. Hey hey! Just checking if we’re still on for this Saturday.
James set down his tea and texted back. Wouldn’t miss it. A few weeks ago on a visit to Ericson’s Diner when Louis had dropped by the table to strike up a conversation with James and Jesse, he and James had somehow gotten onto a tangent about Tokyo Ghoul. Louis had been wanting to watch it but was a self-professed wimp when it came to anything horror so he’d asked if James could be his watching buddy. Since then they’d VCed on Discord each Saturday afternoon to watch another episode. Louis had been loving the series so far though there had been several moments that had made him scream and James had enjoyed revisiting the series. Maybe if Louis had the patience for it James could suggest they buddy read some of the manga together next.
With some time left to kill while he waited for the upload to finish, James opened up a new tab to peruse Picrew. Maybe he’d make another chibi version of Jesse. His boyfriend was easy to make in most Picrews with his dark eyes and long, black hair. Finding a picrew he liked, James settled in to look through the different options. He hoped Jesse never stumbled across the Picrew folder on his computer. Though he’d sent Jesse a few that he’d made, the sheer amount of picrews of his boyfriend James had saved to his computer was downright embarrassing.
Finally the upload was complete. Powering down his computer for the night, James set it aside and headed over to his bed. He immediately faceplanted upon it before rolling up in the covers and letting out a content sigh. His phone lit up again – another message. James checked it and found it was a notification from Prisha this time. She’d finished her turn in Scrabble Go and now it was his. Opening the app, James pondered his options. He didn’t have a great selection of letters but he could make something of them if he found the right opportunity. After a few minutes he’d made his selection.
Sending it off, James closed the app then opened his music library. His selection was habitual by now. Nature sounds filled the room: the gentle rush of wind, the subtle flow of water and the faint call of birds as the grass rustled gently. James set his phone upon its charging pad and reached up to turn off the light. As he closed his eyes, he could almost picture that he was there on the walk with Jesse once more. Everything was calm, peaceful. Serene. A faint smile stayed on James’ lips as he started to drift off to sleep, walking once more in his dreams.
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seokiloquy · 3 years
Coffee Diet - Kozume Kenma
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AU: Tokyo Ghoul 
Tags/Warnings: GN! Reader, Gore, some angst (Though both aren’t too heavy or graphic I think), probably a poor representation of the manga/anime cause I haven’t actually read/watched it all the way through despite wanting to
Word Count: 3.3k+
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Kozume grunted. His kagune, the source of his inhuman power, made strikes at his cannibal attacker, forming a bone-like needle that stabbed down at the unknown ghoul. The concrete shattered like thick glass upon impact as the ghoul continued to dodge. 
Tokyo (especially its many outskirt neighbourhoods) had a ghoul problem. 
“You’re in the wrong territory if you think you can get away with that.”
The other ghoul only laughed, continuing his fast steps. The laugh itself was painful, scratchy and high pitched. It made Kozume wince.
The people of Kozume’s neighbourhood knew of the danger that lay waiting outside their doors, and thus an unspoken rule had been made among them. Don’t be outside past sunset. Those that did take a nightly venture typically were found mangled and half-eaten by morning. Broken bones peaking through bloodstained flesh, large bites taken out of their thighs, and torsos ripped open; delectable looking meal for a ghoul gone rouge. Kenma wouldn’t agree.
The dark alley that the ghoul had run into was walled off.
His opponent's black greasy hair hung over most of his face like a curtain, only letting a single black and red eye, and a sharp-toothed smirk poke through the strands. His hair swayed as he spun around.
“What does territory matter if there’s food to be had?” The ghoul screeched before his powered ghoul organ seeped out of his body and shot toward Kozume. It scratched his cheekbone, barely missing his eye, thankfully, but would take time to heal unlike any normal would.
Kozume hissed at the cut, willing his own kagune to slash at the ghoul who began climbing up the sides of the brick walls. The sharpened bone just missed the man’s food as he scurried over the ledge.
“See you later!”
The false blond stood there, yawning and rubbing his black and red eyes that were pinned to the building’s top. Heat from the rising sun began to warm his back. With the new light and extra heat, the tired ghoul raised his arms, stretching, as he took in his familiar surroundings. The port, or at least near it. Kozume stepped out of the alley to see the broken concrete that was left in his chase.
Another yawn escaped him before he tucked his hand in his red sweater’s pockets and walked the other way. He needed coffee.
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Kuroo’s shop, as lovely of an atmosphere as it created, was in the middle of a garbage dump. It didn’t help that some of that outside aesthetic carried into the cafe itself. The bell pierced into Kozume’s ear canal as he opened the front door to the dingy sight. Stained counters, chipped porcelain, yellow lights that were so off-putting that they stayed off all the time. It’s always been dark and gloomy, until today.
“Welcome! Take a seat, I’ll be right with you.”
That’s new.
Kozume stood in the doorway, watching your form dance and sway behind the bar. He noticed the music playing, soft and completely unnatural for the cafe. Your uniform, definitely not assigned by Kuroo, was crisp and clean, black shirt sitting on your form nicely. It was modest and professional. Maybe not assigned, but definitely Kuroo’s style.
He watched as you placed a small cake at another regular’s table, patting the old man’s signature plaid jacket on the shoulder. Whatever you said made the man laugh and twirl his fork happily.
His golden eyes, now settled after his too-early walk from the destroyed park, were trained on you as he sidestepped over to his usual seat in the corner next to the window. He sat, and took his eyes off your bobbing head as you turned around. His brow furrowed. The table was clean. Kozume looked around the cafe, noticing the lack of dust and stains.
He didn’t see you drop off a cup of coffee at a table, or walk his way until you were right in front of him.
“Hi, what can I get you?”
He jumped in his seat, causing his bobbed hair to billow out for a moment. Oh no, the look in your eyes immediately told him that you could see his rosy cheeks. He coughed. “Black coffee, please.”
Your smile was perfect.
“Hey, Kenma!” An unlikely saviour with black spikey hair appeared from the doorway. Kuroo strode over and waved you down as he slid into the seat across from Kozume. “Ah you got a scratch,” he hissed, immediately putting pieces together in his head. His head turned your way. “Do you mind getting me a coffee too, (L/N)?”
Kozume’s eyes followed you as you placed your pen and notepad back into your pocket and walked toward the counter.
“(L/N)’s new, just started yesterday and all the regulars love the new energy already. So tell me, what happened?”
Kozume sighed, looking down at his hands. “More keep coming. One disappears and another shows up. I’m too tired for this.”
Despite his vague tone, Kuroo knew what Kozume was talking about and sighed immediately. He leaned back in his chair. “I’ll be able to help you out soon enough, (L/N) has gotten a good hand on things, but I don’t want to leave them alone in the shop too suddenly. You understand.”
Kozume did understand. You, the human behind the counter, were a breath of fresh air in the musty town. You didn’t know, you couldn’t have. The demeanour of someone in the know in this neighbourhood wasn’t that positive. He knew that he wouldn’t get any help until you knew of the cafe’s main purpose.
“Take your time, I can handle it for how.” Kozume yawned and gestured to his marred cheek. “This guy might be a pain to deal with though.”
Just as he finished speaking the TV that hung above his head began to rattle on about destruction occurring at their neighbourhood’s port.
Kuroo winced. “That’s a pain, all right.”
Two white cups of black coffee hit the table's surface. Kuroo thanked you as you stood straight and reached into your apron’s pocket. Next to Kozume’s mug, you placed a large band-aid as you ripped open a disinfectant wipe. “May I?” 
He nodded and let your fingers gently turn his chin in your direction. The wipe glided smoothly over his cheek but stung. He hissed and pulled his head back.
“Sorry, it’ll be over in a second, I’ll be quick. Can I finish?”
Kuroo stayed silent as he watched Kozume get cared for by his employee, only speaking when the barista left the younger ghoul’s side with a kind smile. “You’re blushing.”
“I will kick your ass,” Kozume sneered before lifting his mug up to his lips for a quick sip. “Why’d you hire a human anyway?”
Kuroo mirrored his friend’s actions and drank some of his well-brewed coffee. “They don’t hold any ill will toward Ghouls if that’s what you’re wondering, maybe a bit scared. But (L/N) is very kind.”
Kosume continued to yawn through their conversation, occasionally looking your way, only to immediately turn his head as soon as there was a chance of you catching his stare. He didn’t realize how long it went on until he heard your footsteps heading for the exit.
Kuroo twisted, resting his arm over the back of the chair to face you putting on your coat. “Walk home safe!”
“Will do!” Your smile glittered before you pushed the door open and walked through.
Kozume’s eyes continued to follow you through the glass until you turned out of sight. 
“Do they live far from here?” he asked Kuroo, questioning his warning.
Kuroo slapped his hand on the table twice, gathering the energy to rise to his feet. He grabbed the long since empty mugs, whose stray coffee had begun to dry on the sides. “Only a 5-minute walk. But (L/N) has to walk through alleyways to save time, and well, even during the day, you can’t be too concerned for one’s safety.”
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“Ah, Kozume! Black coffee again? Would you like some food with that?”
Kozume’s stomach churned at the thought of putting something other than coffee into his system. “I’m alright, just the coffee is fine. Thanks.” Hands stuffed in his pockets, he walked to his corner. “And Kenma is fine.”
“Then, please, call me (Y/N).”
The cafe smelled cleaner than the weeks prior. Cleaning solution seems to sit right under Kozume’s nose and punch him every time he breathed. Taking his seat, he immediately noticed the lack of smudges on the window.
Kozume tried to give you a kind smile as you set his cup of coffee on the freshly cleaned table. He could feel heat crawl up his neck and settle underneath the skin of his cheeks. He gulped, readying himself to separate his lips and speak.
“You seem drained, has work been alright?” You beat him to the punch.
“Ah ya, work.” He didn’t have a job. “It’s been alright, just a bit draining because of the night shift. How has school been?”
Kuroo was quick to get you both well acquainted after your first meeting. He carried conversations until Kozume was willing enough to speak for himself. The blond was thankful for that, knowing that if he had been left alone by your side no familiarity would have been built.
“Oh, the usual. I have a few assignments to finish but nothing too overbearing. I did read an interesting article about social relations and hierarchy of ghouls in society. It was a bit depressing but educational.”
Kozume choked on his coffee, hunching over the table as he lifted a fist to his mouth. Just as the ragged coughs began to subside he felt your hand gently rub his back, sending him into another fit of coughs.
“What’s the assignment about?” he asked, settling down.
He noticed the concerned look on your face as you pulled napkins out of your pocket and set them on the table. “Ah well, I’m studying public health and humanities, and my prof told us to choose a disadvantaged group to write about. Yada yada, so on so forth. I chose ghouls.”
He gestured for you to sit with one hand, waving at Kuroo with the other as he wiped down the main counter. You smiled and took the seat across from him.
“You believe ghouls are disadvantaged?”
Your brow furrowed, pondering. “Well ya, in some ways. Maybe not in strength and power, but ghouls are rather hated in society don’t you think?”
Once again, while preparing to speak, he was cut off by the overhead TV switching audio. Listening to the graphic words coming out of the reporter's mouth, Kozume sighed and raised a hand to push against his temple.
The distressed look on your face made him pause. A pit grew in his stomach as your concerned face turned to Kuroo, who was calling you back to your station. You were quick to bring back your smile. “Enjoy the coffee, and rest when you can.”
Kozume returned your smile meekly but was focused on the grotesque details the reporter listed, unable to stop himself from imagining you, defenceless, in that sort of danger. He couldn’t stomach the coffee.
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“(Y/N), I really don’t think I should leave you here alone after dark.”
You sighed, looking to your boss with an unimpressed smirk. Kuroo squinted, lips pursing as he watched your knowing smirk turn humorous. 
“Testu, don’t you have work to do at night? My walk home may be a lot safer, if you get to that, no?”
Kuroo cursed, punching the wooden counter with a dull bumping sound. He groaned. “How did you know?”
You laughed, shifting the position of your hands on the wooden poll and continuing to sweep the floor of the empty cafe. “I study! It may not be so obvious but don’t you think I’d pick up on you being a ghoul after a few weeks?”
“I mean maybe, but I was hoping you didn’t know!”
A light scoff shot off your tongue and through your teeth. “I would think you’d be relieved, now you don’t have to be so cautious around me.”
Kuroo picked up the washcloth he had been holding earlier off the counter and began to wipe the wooden surface down again. “No harm in caution. Even if you do know.”
“Ya, ya, just don’t show me a severed limb. I can’t do gore.”
Kuroo laughed and tossed the damp towel onto the edge of the metal sink. His arms shifted to his back to aunty the black apron around his waist. “Are you sure you’re okay here alone?”
The TV’s sound changed to the news’ intro tune as you grabbed the remote and turned it off. You gave the ghoul a warm smile. “I can handle it. Go go.”
The sun was already over the horizon by the time you were ready to leave. You stood on the inside of the door, punching in the pin code to the security lock. It beeped, giving you the warning to leave and lock the door. Once done, you pulled your sweater a little tighter on your shoulders and shoved your hands in the pockets.
You focused on the sound of your rubber souls stepping on the concrete and the occasional tick of a pebble getting kicked. Street lights flickered, or at least the ones that were working did. Walking upon a burnt out light, you took the marker to turn down the neighbouring alleyway.
Two steps in was all it took before you lifted the collar of your weather over your nose. The putrid smell wafted your way from the dumpster. “Ugh, it’s not garbage day tomorrow is it?” Setting closer towards the opposite wall, you help your breath and face forward. Until the burnt-out light flickered on.
You halted, head frozen forward as you looked out of the corner of your eye. Immediately your stomach churned and your throat began to pulse uncomfortably. 
First, you noticed the pool of dark red blood that was slowly growing, nearing your shoes. Then it was pieces of loose skin and grey hair, stained as they floated in their puddle. Your heart seized at the sight of a ragged plaid jacket that was recklessly torn. You searched higher.
A single red iris surrounded by a black gloss stared at your profile. The rest was obscured by pin-straight greasy hair except for a large, inhuman smirk that showed off shark-like teeth covered in blood.
You cautiously removed your hands from your pockets, watching the poorly dressed skeletal like figure’s hunch move up and down as he breathed.
One beat.
You saw his claw-like fingers hold the wrinkly hand of the severed arm like a possessed lover. Your foot shifted.
Two beats.
The ghoul’s head tilted, revealing a tube-like pound of pink flesh hanging from his fangs. You gulped.
Three beats.
You ran.
Pulse already off the hertz, you sprinted with all your might to the flickering light at the other end of the alley. A stupid move, but taking the time to turn around wasn’t an option. Each step sent a jolt into your stomach. Your footsteps were much louder than before, but your blood was drowning it out. The lamp was so much slower now.
You froze suddenly. Stopped by a tug on your arm. Vertigo suddenly hit and the lamp was pulled further away. Then you recalled the tug, and noticed the increased pulsing in your arm, then felt your sweater become sticky and heavy. You looked to the side and down.
Were bones supposed to stick out like that?
You hardly registered it’s presence before the spike-like bone was torn from your limb, sending you into another fit of screams.
The light at the end of the alley flickered again, before going completely dark. 
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His heart raced, blood pumping through his ears like crazy.
“Calm down Kenma! You can’t go crazy like this!”
“I have every right! You heard that scream, didn’t you? It was (Y/N)!”
The blonde’s kagune went wild, thrashing about and nearly knocking Kuroo over in the process. Said ghoul didn’t flinch, only brushing away the agitated organ with a push of his own.
“I know, but you have to—”
He was off, launching into the air and onto the rooftops, following the smell of your spilt blood before Kuroo could finish his sentence. The black-haired man swore, quickly following suit.
The sight was expected, horrifying, but not surprising.
Whoever’s intestines were falling out of the ghoul’s mouth, Kozume couldn’t tell, but he wasn’t gonna let the ghoul he had been hunting get another chance to make a meal out of your body if he could help it.
Something cracked as the long-haired ghoul’s body flew off yours, smashing against the brick wall of the alley. Kozumes sharp-pointed kagune pinned him through the stomach to the cracking brick. 
He only gave you a glance. The sight made his stomach churn as if he were trying to eat a regular meal. Torn skin, visible bone, and blood everywhere. He wanted to vomit.
Behind him he could hear Kuroo’s feet land in the massive pool of blood, making it splash slightly. Their clothes would have to be trashed later.
Kozume gritted his teeth. Despite his boiling rage at you being injured, he managed to hold off his brutal assault against the bloodied ghoul until he heard Kuroo zip away with you in his arms. 
Even in your current state, you’d be safer away from the scene.
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“I don’t think (Y/N) is going to be able to work for a while.”
“Some of the regulars are spooked, but relieved.”
Whatever was holding your arm like a boa constrictor was making sleep really hard. You groaned. Why did your stomach hurt?
“Ah, look who’s up.” Kuroo’s voice was as teasing as always.
Your sight was blurry when you finally came to. The first thing you noticed was the aggressive pulsing in your arm and stomach followed by a warm hand on your shoulder. You tried to shift.
“Ah stupid, don’t do that.” Kozume’s voice, despite a slight rasp, was as gentle as ever.
You sighed and squinted towards Kuroo who stood at the end of — what you were quick to realize—  was your hospital bed. His arms were crossed and the smirk he wore was humorous. “Kuroo, if you say a single word, I will gladly risk further injury to fight you.”
Kenma shut his eyes and rubbed your shoulder before reaching for a hot mug from your bedside table. Kuroo walked around to the opposite side to help you sit up. You watch a thick red sweater fall off your shoulders and onto your lap, in front of your bandaged stomach.
Kenma spoke quietly, “Your sweater was torn to pieces.”
“Like my body?” you joked, only to get a sour look from the man in return. “Sorry.”
He sighed again and handed you the steaming mug. “Here, drink this. You need food.”
Kuroo walked back to the end of the bed, letting Kozume take care of you from then on.
“Coffee is considered a food now?”
Kuroo let out a short chuckle, making you tilt your brow in his direction. Kozume coughed, placing the mug down quickly to lift his red sweater off of your lap. He draped it back onto your chest, tucking it between your shoulders and pillow, then slowly guiding your arms through the sleeves. 
You rubbed your hands together for warmth as Kozume offered you the hot mug again. You took it, thanking him with a shining smile. You once again failed to notice the rosiness of his cheeks, even if Kuroo didn’t.
“You won’t be able to stomach anything else, sorry.”
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Why did this take me so long to write…. Oh well. -Bacon
Posted: 14/02/2021
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lofitojii · 4 years
ONE SHOT: Tokyo Ghoul Quirk
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Summary: You have a quirk that is similar to the Kagune in the anime, Tokyo Ghoul. This is how Todoroki, Kirishima, and Kaminari would react once you were to show them what you are really made of.
Word count: 2.6k total
Content: uhh fluff i guess lol. minor swearing 
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this was a lot of fun. i hope you enjoy :)
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Imagine your quirk to be like Hinami Fueguchi’s Kagune
When Todoroki found out about your quirk, it wasn’t exactly the reaction you were going for nor the one that you expected. To be honest, you had no idea how he would react. He was a man of very little reaction, giving you a sliver of insight to how he would react to your quirk. None of which you were correct about. 
The day was clear, sunny, villains lose in the street like any other day. This took place before you had started dating, being the first time he ever really took notice. It happened when your agencies intertwined, working together to take down a villain who was much too big to deal with on your own. For the most part, you relied on the physical strength from your quirk rather than the actual Kagune that would sprout out of your lower back. You tried your best to rely more on physical strength, due to the side effects and the physical effect it had on your body. It was draining on your body and the only way to make it stronger was to intake blood from a living human, which was hard for you to do living in the life of the normal world. Yeah, blood banks are a thing and open to heroes with hero licenses but the look you would get buying blood from a bank. Not to mention, you did pretty well for relying only on the physical strength of your quirk.
The villain stood about 15 feet tall, hovering over even the biggest member of the heroes. It felt like you had been relentlessly trying to take this guy down but he had yet to successfully would the giant villain. 
You were given no choice when Todoroki was taken hostage, bound by the villain in sight. You reacted emotionally rather than trying to strategize. Your Kagune was quick to grow from your lower back, your right eye reacting to your growth, becoming a deep black color intertwined with blood red stressed veins. “Let him go, you bastard.” It was a risk bringing out your Kagune, the darkness held within your quirk’s core pulsating as your emotions were heightened at the situation. 
“What is some slimy little octopus going to do to me?” he laughed, his grip tightening around Todoroki. You could see Todoroki wince in pain causing your Kagune core to throb with hatred. It’s not like you were dating him or anything but it was definitely one hell of a crush. 
You were quick to use your speed to your advantage, using the city lights as a crutch for you to swing off of. Your Kagune sprung out sharp, red arrows, being followed by the scale itself for a greater impact. Each arrow struck the arm of the villain, the final blow of your long scale Kagune to his shoulder, forcing him to release his grip on Todoroki. You used your right Kagune scale to take hold of Todoroki’s shirt, gently placing him down behind you. 
“You damn hero,” the villain spat, bleeding from his mouth as he tried to lift himself. He was unsuccessful, more arrows flying from your possession, pinning him to the road beneath him. He was unconscious as you approached, your Kagune retracting back within your body. It had taken quite a toll on your physical structure, causing you to collapse to your knees. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” His touch was so sensitive as he crouched down to examine your injuries. You looked up to see Todoroki, eye level with you, almost too close for two people who work together. You could feel your face heat up, your cheeks rosy with embarrassment. Neither of you pulled away, his intent focused on you.
“I’ll be okay. I just need to rest. How are you? Are you hurt?” He smiled, being so close to your face you couldn’t help but feel yourself blushing more. His smile was intoxicating, so inviting and warm. 
“I’m okay thanks to you.” He was quick to scoop you into his arms, holding you close to his chest. Everything was happening so fast you didn’t have time to react. To be honest, you didn’t want to. You liked being this close to him. “If you’re not busy tomorrow, maybe I can take you out to dinner? A thank you for saving me?” 
You were disappointed in the ‘saving me’ reason, knowing that this date would probably be a friend or co worker thing but you smiled and agreed anyways, trying to shift your body in a way that wouldn’t let him know you were bummed. 
“By the way, you have a really powerful quirk,” he stated, sitting down next to you in the back of the on sight ambulance made for heroes. He took your hand in his, making sure that you were looking at him and only him. He pressed his lips to the back of your hand, your face flaring up due to how flustered he was making you feel. “You’re quite amazing Y/n. I’ll be looking forward to our date.” 
He was truly amazed by your power, always asking questions, examining the Kagune when you two were alone. He was mesmerized more than anything, thinking that both you and your quirk were insanely beautiful. He would recommend working together, being a hero couple under the same agency. He loved seeing you in action, how you became more comfortable using your Kagune in battle. It was thanks to him really, you couldn’t really take the credit for that one. Your entire life, your Kagune was called ‘ugly’ ‘evil’ ‘villainess’. To have one person accept you, to call you beautiful and admire it made a difference within you and your confidence. That one person was Todoroki. 
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Imagine your quirk to be like Ken Kaneki’s Kagune.
Kirishima knew about you and your quirk even before you had known who he was. When you were younger, Kirishima took notice of you when you had defended one of the other kids from a playground bully. You had sprouted your Kagune instantly, defending the small child who had been pushed around. Kirishima was amazed, in complete awe at how powerful your quirk was. 
You had never been embarrassed of your quirk and using it frequently when you were younger made it so you were comfortable within your own skin and with your own power. As you grew up, your Kagune became more powerful, growing with you and your physical strength, as well as Kirishima’s admiration for you. He was a silent admirer, keeping his awe at a distance. You had no idea who he was until you went to UA together. 
That’s when he introduced himself to you, first day of class. You didn’t know he had always known who you were, as far as you were concerned, this was the first interaction you had with him. You became quite close with him, considering him to be your best friend at UA. He was the one to defend you, stick up for you when someone would say something negative about your quirk. It’s not that you couldn’t do it yourself, Kirishima was always the first one to react before you could. 
Over the years, your relationship grew. You had grown to like Kirishima’s humor more than anything. He had become a really good friend to you, but you knew your feelings were deeper than that. You feared rejection over all else, meaning you never had the courage to walk up to him and ask him out. You also were afraid that if you did that, it would ruin your friendship with him. You really had no idea he felt the same way until after you became Pro Heroes together. 
He ended up applying at the same agency as you, meaning the two of you were to work together. You didn’t mind, you worked really well with him. He was your biggest supporter, always cheering you on when you brought out your Kagune. He was your number one fan and also your closest friend which made it all the more special to you.  
“Hey Y/n?” Kirishima asked, walking alongside you after a long day of work. He had asked to walk you home that night, following alongside you on the dimly lit sidewalk. “Do you mind if we make a stop?” 
“This late at night?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “And for what?” 
“Don’t give me that!” he jokingly raised his voice. “The moon is pretty and I want to show you something.” His cheeks became a rosey shade of pink. He scratched the back of his head, avoiding eye contact until the very last moment, his eyes painted over with a thin layer of gloss that caused a small twinkle to form. So you agreed, following him towards a small path across the river, heart racing at how intimate it had become once you were alone in a park, under the moon.
He took your hand in his, lifting you up on a stone bench so you could sit next to him. He just stared up at the moon, his thumbs twiddling together like he was struggling to form a conversation. You could tell he was anxious but for what reason? You had known him for years only seeing him like this when he was about to ask someone out. “Hey Y/n, can I tell you something?” 
“Always Kiri,” you replied, giving him a reassuring smile. He became flustered by your actions, trying to laugh it off but you insisted he told you anyways. 
“Well,” he sighed, lowering his head. “To be honest Y/n, I really like you. When we were kids, I saw you save this kid from being bullied and ever since then, I’ve kind of been a secret fan. That’s why I was so quick to introduce myself on the first day of school, and why I joined this agency with you. I think you’re cool as fuck Y/n and I really want to take you out and make you mine.” 
You had an idea that Kirishima liked you but you never really thought too much about it. You loved Kirishima, adored who he was as a person. He was insanely strong and it had been quite the trip watching him grow into his power alongside you. You didn’t act on your hidden feelings you had towards him because you were more scared of scaring him off than anything, but to hear him now reassured your own feelings you had been denying for years. 
You didn’t respond, instead you took his head in between your hands, pressing your lips to his. You thought it was going to be a small peck but Kirishima took advantage of your advance, wrapping his left arm around your waist, the other coming up to caress your cheek. When pulling away, you looked up at Kirishima, a small laugh leaving his lips. “What?” you finally spoke, confused at his reaction. 
“Nothing! Your eye is just black and red again.” He knew what that meant, meaning you were either ready to fight or that you were flustered with high emotion. You were quick to look away, becoming nervous at the action. He gently turned your head back towards him, dipping down so he was eye level with you. “I think it’s cute.” 
“Shut up!” you joked, swatting him away. He just laughed, pulling you into his side as he rested his head on yours. “Thank you, Kiri.” It was a simple saying but it had such a heavy meaning. He was not only your best friend, but the person you fell in love with. 
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Imagine your quirk to be like Ayato Kirishima’s Kagaune
You had to keep your quirk a secret because of who your father was. Your quirk was considered a ‘Ghoul Quirk’ meaning it came from a villain who was defeated a year or two after you were born. You knew the consequences that came with showing your quirk and even though you weren’t raised under a villains roof, your quirk had yet to be accepted by the civil world. 
That was until you privately auditioned to be put into the hero course at UA high school. You presented yourself to the staff, telling them our story of how you were raised by normal civil family, not knowing of your birth family's ability, life, or well being. The school looked into your life, forming a background check before you were accepted, but alas, you were accepted. 
That was when you met Kaminari, the walking car battery. Okay, that is what he had called himself when he introduced himself to you and for some reason, it has stuck with you all this time. When he asked about your power, you just shrugged and said you weren’t able to activate it unless you were training on the battlefield due to the schools requests. They were uneasy about your power, knowing what it was and where it came from. No doubt the rest of the school knew about your family's history, maybe even more than you did. But you weren’t your family, you had considered yourself to be the only living part of you. 
When the time came to train, you had no choice but to show your Kagune to the rest of the class, having the dragon like tales sprout from your back. Both your eyes turned black and red when you activated your quirk by the snap of your finger. You quite literally had to break your finger in order to activate your quirk but having a ‘ghoul quirk’ meant you regenerated 100x faster than the human body. 
You were quick to show the class what you were made of, using both your physical strength and Kagune to do the given task. When you had completed the objective, you received a silent stare from your fellow classmates. You knew that they would react in some way, assuming the worst when they found out who you were. But that didn’t stop Kaminari from approaching you. 
“Hey Y/n! Good job today! Your quirk is amazing!!” He had his big, goofy grin plastered across his face when he approached you, Kirishima by his side. “I didn’t know you had a ghoul quirk. I thought they were wiped out a long time ago.” 
“They were, but I wasn’t raised by them actually. I may be the last living person but I’m not like the other ghoul quirks,” you hesitated, becoming nervous from the topic of conversation. You found yourself stuttering when the topic of your quirk was being talked about. 
“Still, that’s bad ass!” You looked at Kaminari who was nothing but genuine in his reaction. Your face felt flushed as you admired his expression, your cheeks feeling hot as he continued to talk to you. Kirishima shook his head, letting out an annoyed groan.
“Oh my god this is so sad. Y/n, Denki wants to ask you out.” 
“KIRISHIMA BRO? what the fuck?” Kaminari was flustered, spazzing out to his friend standing right in front of you. He whispered the last part, barely audible to your ears but you heard it, which caused you to let out a small giggle.
“Okay bye! I’ll see you around Y/n!” Kirishima waved the both of you off, leaving a frazzled Kaminari awkwardly trying to find his footing. You were quite ruffled yourself, unsure on how to react to what Kirishima had said, knowing it was true due to Kaminari’s reaction. You looked up at Kaminari who was quick to take a seat next to you. 
“It’s true,” he sighed, rubbing his thighs as he struggled to form words. “I do like you and uhh I just… I’ve never asked out a girl and had it go right. But I really like you!” he repeated, finally turning towards you. “Will you go on a date with me, please?” It was the please that made you laugh, knowing he wasn’t trying to sound desperate. You found him cute, especially with how nervous he was. “I’ve never asked someone as amazing as you out before so I understand if you don’t want to.” 
You didn’t know whether to be upset that he was asking you out because of your quirk or to be excited because someone was actually interested in you because of your quirk. In the end, you couldn’t be upset. Kaminari was sweet but he was just as dumb, meaning that he wasn’t asking you out cause of your quirk, he was asking you out because he saw the real you and liked what he saw. You smiled at Kaminari, agreeing to his proposal. “I would love to.”
“Wait really?” You nodded. “Not a joke?” 
“Nope.” He got up and fist bumped the air before running off. He was quick to stop himself, turning around to speak to you. 
“I’ll pick you up tonight?” You nodded, watching the boy run off towards his friends. “Guys! She said yes!! NO I’M NOT KIDDING!” 
Kaminari wasn’t great about expressing himself thoroughly or in a way that people could understand. He was simple in how he expressed himself but others usually saw it as mindless thinking. Not you though, you saw him for who he was. He was more than just an air head, he really had genuine feelings about the things he cared about, not just about you. And that’s why you had fallen so hard for him. He was genuine, real, truthful. He couldn’t keep a secret to save his life but he was an honest man. 
That’s why you said yes, regardless of what your quirk was. He wasn’t scared of you, nor did he think you were evil. He saw you for who you were, thinking you were the most beautiful superhuman he had ever known.
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hamliet · 3 years
I read one of the last anons question... I know you both enjoyed Tokyo Ghoul and My hero academia.
As much as I agreed with your posts in general and with Anon’s questione content... it made me wonder. Can villain be really redempted? Like, they can be redeemed internally. Heroes can forgive them and help the in redemption. However the issue is... that society most likely won’t. Even with Dabi/Endeavor issues, when you’d aspect one position to be taken (BJ’s, pro villain, con villain, pro heroes etc etc) instead what Hori gave us was more of a “Dabi is annoying” “let’s see what Endeavor will do” “maybe I should leave the country”. They don’t even care. Society blames villains and put an uber expectation on heroes. No civils even comment that children had to save them.
As much as I can see villains and heroes finding a common ground (Deku expressed this clearly, Ochaco was shocked about Toga crying and most likely Shoto will want to do skendjinf about his brother) and villains might want to be redeemed or saved but a world that ruined and reject them so they might eventually and partially change (Toga and Dabi were stain’s follower and both are invested in some heroes, while Shigaraki isn’t all for one, I don’t know how it could play but it can , as you said many times) the common issues of the villains is that society is unfair.
The point is... if society even care about heroes and would follow them blindly I can see it happening. But society doesn’t even care about heroes. The mass (let alone some exception) doesn’t even recognise Dabi as a victim or Endeavor’s merit in saving them for more than 20 years. It’s just a sick “let’s see”. Society bore both heroes but most importantly villains , however it doesn’t seem they recognise it in last chapter.
I mentioned Tokyo Ghoul for this. Ghouls and humans could never coexist; ghouls are human’s natural predator. Of course thanks to Kaneki as a charismatic leader, ghouls could pull together and organise without killing more than necessary. However the turning point was with the dragon. Without the dragon, a common natural enemy that would have hinder both ghouls and humans, they could never cooperate. A third party was what have them joined.
Quoting another manga, in Black Cover, after the main cast defeated a demon (super op enemy who brain washed brained some allies) regardless the politics charged the main character this that accusation: “if there was a demon, we could address the demon as the guilty. But we no demon we must assume that those who attacked the reign are the culprit.” And again “I checked you my magic. I know you’re foolishly good, but someone must take the fall. So either we accuse any of you of betrayal or you take the fall”. That’s what I’m talking about. Asta (the mc) and all of the main cast put the life at great risk and save the kingdom who was destroyed. But after that, he was accused nonetheless. Because someone has to take the fall. And again Asta is part of a group with a bad reputation. “So after all, believing you’re the one who destroyed everything is even easier”.
So after all of this rumbling.... villains can have an internal redemption. Heroes can help redeem them and accept them. But how can they be redeem in a society which actively seek to blame another instead of taking their own responsibility? A society that watch and stand by like “meh Dabi si annoying” “heroes failed” “let’s see what Endeavor will do” basically omitting doing anything or recognising that the LOV came to exist because society is unfair? Is that even possibile without a third party like in TG:Re? Or villains will take the fall and will be improsoned nonetheless ?
(All for One is probably the third party you speak of). I’ve also addressed this quite a bit according to the themes and worldbuilding of MHA if you want to look through my redemption tag! 
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gotmilk5101520 · 3 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 15 Mudslinging
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“The term "mudslinging" means to direct unjust insults and accusations with the intention of damaging the reputation of an opponent” Ah, so it’s what Donald Trump does everyday.
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Hey, isn’t this the place in the opening where Jim and the others were standing and posing all badass and Claire jumps on that crystal like she’s Super Mario? Or like she jumped J- Never mind.
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“Gunmar the Vicious”
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“Gunmar the Skullcrusher”
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“Gunmar!” Couldn’t they make a silhouette of Gunmar instead of showing part of his face?”
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“Ow!” Bedhead Jim.
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“Give me an A!’ “A!”
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“Give me an R!” “R!”
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“Give me a C!” “C!”
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“This is taking way too long”
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“Give me an adia!” “Eh”
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“What’s that spell?”
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That spells Arc-adia.
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“And his eye is glowing”
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“And then, the dream just keeps reminding me that i’m completely way out of my league”
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“Who is that masked mole? You ever wonder?”
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“You didn’t hear a word i said just then, did you?”
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“Sure, i did”
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“You had no problems sneaking into the Darklands when it was to save Claire’s brother, but now that Kanjigar says you’ve got to face Gunmar, you’re having nightmares about him and are freaking out that’ you’re way out of your league”
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“I can multi-task, Jimbo” I can multi-task too. I can multi-task between ships.
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“It’s Bill Erinstein“
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“Bill moved to Wisconsin. This is someone else’s artistry”
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“Someone with feminine wiles”
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“What? What feminine wiles?”
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“How do you even know that it’s a girl under there?”
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“Uh, trust me, dude. I know woman, and that is all woman under there”
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Toby is a furry confirm.
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Get someone, who would look lovingly at you from across the stands like they’re Marinette and Adrien, like how Jim and Claire look lovingly at each other from across the stands like they’re Marinette and Adrien.
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“Eli Pepperjack!”
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“I have friends!” “No you don’t!” Then why is he a nominee if doesn’t have friends?
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“Now that the play’s over, you can focus on your training full time”
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“And finally, Jim Lake Junior!”
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“What?” Because we need to replace the Romeo and Juliet sub plot with something to make everything harder for you.
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“Our nominees will compete in a series of challenges to win your vote”
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“Each nominee will propose a theme for the dance”
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“I like disco!”
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“I’ve got to boogie!”
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“That is all” And no one did disco.
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“Besides, there’s no way to kill Gunmar”
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“He’s invincible”
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“No, he’s not!”
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“So far as we know”
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“What do you know?” Okay, Mulan’s Ghost Family.
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“Did you see my father?”
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“I did”
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“Did he speak of me?”
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“Yeah. He wished the Soothscryer could let you in”
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“But, you know, the rules are the rules”
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“It’s all right, Trollhunter”
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“You don’t have to lie to protect my feelings” *Cries in Troll*
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“How long’s he been like this?”
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“Long time”
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“Maybe you should switch to decaf” Can trolls drink coffee, and like it, like ghouls in Tokyo Ghoul?
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“This is the last surviving copy of his work!”
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“This is the key!”
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“And i’m going to burn”
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*Gasp in Troll*
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“Burn, baby, burn!” Yep, Blinky is the crazy one.
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It was too quiet.
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“This village....”
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“It’s called Arcadia Oaks” “It’s on fire?” Well, it is in California.
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“In this town, there is a boy”
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“And this boy fancies a girl”
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“A girl whose brother is being held in the Darklands”
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“If the boy saves the child from the changeling nursery, he’ll want to save them all”
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“And it’s my job to watch over my half-breed brethren and not let that happen” And said half-breed brethren don’t care and payed the price for not caring.
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“But how could a fleshbag even contemplate such a feat?”
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“This boy is the Trollhunter”
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“It’s a long story. Just watch the first 13 episodes to be caught up”
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“You’re afraid of a fleshbag child”
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“I am not. He just shows up in my dreams as of late. Then again, his mother also shows up in my dreams too. Which is when he shows up”
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“I have my own fears” “Like what?” “I fear a girl taking my staff” “Why would you be afraid of a girl taking your staff? What could she do with it? And why a girl?”
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“I’m back, bitches”
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“Mom, could you-?”
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“Claire, could you change your baby brother’s diaper, please?”
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“He’s not a baby”
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“And he’s not my brother” Claire’s just about this close to tossing his ass out the window.
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“This isn’t fair”
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“It’s no day at the beach for me either, love bug”
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“I can’t believe i have to pretend you’re my brother”
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“It’s... It’s cruel”
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“What’s this? Don’t... Don’t do that, seriously. Please don’t cry”
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“Forget the jo-jos. Just a plain burger”
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“I get it. You miss your brother”
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“But i assure you, he’s perfectly fine”
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“He’s trapped in the Darklands”
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”How can that be fine?”
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“I’ll show ya”
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That’s gross. And Claire’s seen The Last Airbender and Dragon Ball Evolution and Netflix’s Winx Club and every live action remakes of Disney movies.
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“Your brother is what’s known as my familiar”
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“Changelings share a certain bond with them. It’s good for this little trick”
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“Mi hermanito”
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“I suppose this arrangement has been rather hard on you”
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“I’m going to get you back”
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“I’m going to find you”
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“And i’ll bring you home”
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*Cries in Troll again*
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“Ah, Mr. Strickler” Wait, isn’t that- Oh, no.
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“I hear Coach Lawrence was having a tizzy of a time teaching my class”
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“Your class? Look, you can’t just drop off the face of the Earth and expect your job back”
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“Actually, it’s not my job i’m here for”
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“What is this?”
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“WH- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!’ So, what happens when someone gets caught by the Antramonstrum? Is it messy?
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“And now, for my next trick...”
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“The vanishing sock!”
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“Mm! Tasty trick” It disappeared in Aaarrrgghh’s mouth.
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“Hey, Mom. I’m home”
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“Where have you been?”
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“Just studying at the library with Claire and Tobes”
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“The library closed three hours ago. Where have you been?”
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“I don’t know, Mom. We took the long way home”
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“I have been worried sick, and that’s the best lie you can come up with?”
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“Okay, sorry! Call off the search parties!”
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“I’m obviously home!”
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This part is really sad and painful to watch. And the fact we don’t go in the house to see, but instead, watch from the outside and see through the windows. That’s why there were scenes with Claire and NotEnrique, and with Toby and Aaarrrgghh. It showed how Toby and Aaarrrgghh are having fun with magic trick. While Claire and NotEnrique are starting to bond for real. But here? Jim and his mom? It shows how they are being torn apart cause of Jim’s secret.
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“Jim, this is what you’re wearing?”
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“I wear this every day, Tobes. What else would i be wearing?” See? Jim understands he’s in a cartoon, so he has to wear the same thing everyday.
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Wait you can that with the Shadow Staff? Damn Claire, you’ve been holding back.
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“Where am i supposed to find a costume?”
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“And what am i suppose to be?”
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“Ladybug? Chat Noir?”
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“Why do i care about this so much?” Mood.
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“Let’s take a blast to the past!”
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“Back to ancient times!”
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“The 1980s!” Just forget Ronald Reagan exists.
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“Okay, if you’re gonna play dirty-” Good one Jimbo.
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“Oh, no! The costume!”
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Oooh. Right in the mud.
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“Okay, this is gonna work”
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“Oh, my gosh! It worked!” Is Toby secretly a wizard that we don’t know about?
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“Here to present his theme”
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“Mole Mania!”
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This is gonna be like that random girl from Drake and Josh that runs up to them giggling and runs off and Drake and Josh asks “Who is she?”
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“There has been a sudden departure”
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“I have heard word the Principal Levit has taken an indefinite leave of absence”
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“We wish him well” Yeah. “Well” in a fart cloud’s stomach.
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“But he sent an e-mail recommending an interim replacement”
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“Which we all support”
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“Please welcome Principal Strickler!”
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“Yeah! Whoo-hoo!”
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“What is he doing here?”
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“I thought you said he would be a fool to ever come back”
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“I’m very glad to be back and excited to get started”
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“But let it be known”
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“With me in charge, things are going to change. From here on out, teachers can date a students parent. So long as the parent is single” “Why that son of a-” “Steve! I’m going to be your new father!” “NO!”
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This episode was done dirty! Right i’ll show myself out.
Roaming Fees are the results of capitalism.
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
uh I love your storys about Uta ^^. You write him so good and in character . Could you maybe write a story about him were him and the reader ( human) meeting at an auction like reader was captured and meets Uta there . But maybe they escape the auction house and meet Uta sometime after this again. I`m sorry I love Uta angst and fluff .
Dear anon. I'll tell you, your request inspired me a lot (that's why I did it right away), but I must confess that I'm not really satisfied with the result and I'm sorry (I rewrote it three times). I have to thank my poor summary skills for this defeat, I don't think I managed to really give you what you asked me. Feel free to send me clarifications or a further request for me to remedy!
43- Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x human!reader
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“The bird of ill omen and the broken toy”
You are in front of his eyes, huddled in a corner of the cold and dark container. On your knees, tied up, you are the condemned to death ready to face the gallows, or rather you are a delicious dish wrapped in its most beautiful dress to entice the spectators.
"Oh, look here ... what a delightful creature."
You are not the main article, you are not the rare object, yet your smell has brought him there. Uta is not a glutton, but he couldn't resist the temptation to peek at whoever was carrying such an inviting fragrance.
"This is really a shame ..." his voice is sweet, calm, yet ironic and cruel. Yes, it's a shame that he has to give you to some miserly ghoul.
Uta doesn’t usually prefer a certain type of food, he is not delicate or picky, nor does he have problems eating even his similar ones. But he has to admit that while those bright eyes of yours, shining with tears and desperation, look at him, he really would like to be able to eat them. Yes, it is rare for someone to stimulate his appetite in this way, customers really have to thank him for his self-control.
You are so small in his shadow, and even if you tremble, even if you smell of fear, he sees no hope in your eyes.
You know you have no escape. As little as you may be when it comes to ghouls, you know you can't save yourself. You heard them talk.
You would rather die now than continue that torture.
He feels it, and oh, how tempted he is to grant your wish.
He leans over you, he wants to see you well, he wants to hear you. The demonic beak of his mask brushes against you, rubs against your temple like the muzzle of a mother cuddling his cub, or the muzzle of a lion that is playing with his prey.
Maybe, if he had met you in another situation ... maybe ...
No. He doesn't necessarily have to devour you. Nothing is ever said with Uta, even he knows it, he knows himself. Who knows what would have happened if you had met somewhere else. Who knows who you were, elsewhere.
In conclusion, you were both unlucky: you cannot survive, and he cannot be the one to eat you. You have something in common.
Roma's voice makes its way, muffled by the metal container in which you are locked up - like a ready meal -
"I'm coming!" It's time for him to go on stage, for you it's time for the final bow.
He doesn't tell you anything anymore, he doesn't need to. He will say goodbye to you that same evening, but he feels a little happy that you are among the last items to be exhibited.
He still gives you a look, you, little shaking puppet, sweet broken toy. Who can fix you anymore?
After that, he leaves you behind, abandoned in the cold darkness of your last hours in solitude, as he plunges into the cold light of demons, ready to entertain his fellow men with his affable ways. What a crazy world you are both in.
. . .
Locked in your cold prison, if you could you would cover your ears in a desperate attempt to get away from the announcements and screams, but it's impossible for you. So you wait, trembling in your shell of panic, not knowing what to do. If only you had at least a vain hope, a false chance. If only you could save yourself, for some reason, any reason then yeah, oh, how dear life would be to you thereafter. But you can't even think now.
And you don't even realize that the noises change. The cries of the victims become the cries of the executioners, and the applause becomes breathless footsteps in search of a safe place. But you don't know it, or at least not until they get closer, more distressed. They are probably running away. But who can save you? Who knows you are there? Who can remember you?
And in fact, no one stops, no one frees you, and the footsteps and the screams brush against you and pass you, without bothering to kill or save you. At least you think so.
But as soon as the silence comes, the creaking of the doors opening makes you lift your face, towards the light.
He is there again, and you wonder if that Bird of ill Omen is not your hallucination. With that bizarre suit, that hateful mask, and those ancient letters around his neck that seem ready to strangle him.
He doesn't talk to you. He is simply looking at you, you feel him looking at you, behind that deadly beak. In the silence that surrounds you, whether it is a real silence or created by mutual presence, he suddenly occupies your every thought in those few seconds of eternity. Maybe it's the touch of death that wanders your mind, but suddenly unusual questions arise in you. Who knows who he is, what he does. What does he like and what not ... does he live in the alleys of the city, or maybe, instead, without that mask he pretends to be someone?
He came to take you and devour you. But it almost seems like a strange barrier is keeping him away from you.
And while you are suspended in this limbo of cold resignation, as he came he disappears, and with his disappearance he takes away from you that sad calm that had enveloped you.
The panic returns as someone approaches.
Don't scream. Don't scream. Don't scream.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Clean eyes, a clean face, no mask is looking at you agitated. You don't know how to answer, you don't even know if what you are seeing is true.
“I'm a human, I'm a CCG investigator. Don't worry, it's okay, we'll get you out of here. "
Without your being fully aware of it, you find yourself in warm, safe arms that take you away from hell behind you. You didn't even realize you were crying.
. . .
He recognized your smell right away.
Even if it's been some time since his meeting with you, it's hard to forget something that has affected him so much, especially if it is something that has particularly touched his sensitivity over that of others.
And it's not that Uta is then easily surprised, he is ready to expect anything from that crazy world, yet you manage to upset him without even knowing that he is there.
You are smiling. And that's not the fact, but at the same time it is. You are smiling sweetly, sincerely. Your eyes are clear and bright, and you are listening to someone talking to you about their petty problems without batting an eye.
That night, that night he met you, he came back to eat you. He was not a ghoul who got lost in gluttony, but given the situation he had a particular interest in the statement "carpe diem".
He hadn't, in the end. In the end he just looked at you. It would have been easy to swallow you, but he had left you there. He had told himself that he hadn't made it in time, but who knows what was really going through his head at that moment.
It doesn't matter anymore, however. What's a broken toy like you doing so quietly exposed? How can you smile at people like that, when surely the world around you has crumbled into millions of little bits?
You make him angry, you know? Humans like you, whom the world keeps getting back on their feet despite everything, provoke anger in him.
And you are there, a few steps away from him, and you do not realize that the one who had the task of trampling your life is watching you.
And no matter how much anger he may feel inside of him, he can't help but look at you, as you speak comfortable words to someone, while you give your attention as if you have no problem.
"Uta?" Renji's voice, intent on looking at him from behind the coffee shop counter, makes him look away from you.
"Nh? Ah… ”His gaze falls on his now coffee-stained lap. The stain is almost invisible on the black sweater, but it is damp and warm.
"Don't laugh ... can you give me a towel please?"
"I'm not laughing." Yet Uta could swear that in the serious voice of his trusted friend a note of amusement is audible even to those who do not know him.
Carefully he puts the cup back on the saucer, making sure not to do any further damage.
This then. When was he ever so distracted for a human?
But when he instinctively looks for you, after all that nice little theater, you're not there anymore. The table you occupied is empty.
Only one object remained abandoned on the shiny surface. A book lies alone, the bookmark sticking out in the middle.
It is placed on the side where you sat. Did you leave in such a hurry that you left it there?
It is not that he has a real reason to do it, yet, while he is about to leave :Re, with all the tranquility that characterizes him, he picks up that literary volume in his hands, hiding it inside his jacket. Even that printed paper is imbued with your smell by now.
. . .
You talk to books, apparently. The edges of the pages are filled with thoughts written in pencil. They are all yours, it almost seems like you use the books as your diary, but there is nothing so personal about you. They are just… points of view. The world told by you, depending on the inspiration that the phrases in the book give you.
"It must be difficult to live in a world where you can talk to your food about your favorite book."
When Uta's eyes had settled on that particular phrase, he had closed. For someone else it might have been a stupid phrase, probably, but for him it was like a punch in the stomach.
He doesn't know if you wrote it before or after the accident, but in any case that simple sentence arouses a mixture of emotions that he doesn't really know where to place. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't understand what it meant to be a ghoul in that world, but on the other hand, the utopia in which Renji seems so hoping could be made up of people like you. If only he believed it, Uta could like that world, as long as there was a place in that world for someone like him.
“Excuse me, did you happen to find a book yesterday? I'm afraid I left it here by mistake. " Your cordial voice betrays a note of alarmism as you speak to the young girl. Your hands grip the counter as if it were a rock of salvation, but your feet are ready to run elsewhere, to look somewhere else in case it isn't there.
"Oh ... no, I'm sorry, I haven't seen any books." Touka's voice is sorry, an apologetic tone hovers between her words.
"Oh, damn ... sorry, thanks anyway!" Your words are so hasty, so quick that he doesn't have time to interrupt them.
The bell rings and the door closes with a click.
"You have it, don't you?" Renji never misses anything - or almost -.
"Yeah, it’s better that I give it back to them before they run all over Tokyo on foot."
"How long have you been so thoughtful?"
Uta allows himself to take a last look at the silver-haired ghoul from over his sunglasses, as he prepares to leave the cafe: "I'm always thoughtful."
. . .
The snow has just started to fall. It is light and silent, the parks of the metropolis have not yet begun to turn white.
You would gladly stay and watch the show from the heat of your home, if it weren't for that damn book you forgot somewhere. Oh, you love your books, but they're so good at hiding. You were convinced you left it in the coffee shop!
"Excuse me…"
A cordial voice caresses your eardrums. It's so warm and peaceful, yet a chill shiver stops the blood in your veins.
Turning around, you meet a man dressed in black. He is strange, but it doesn't surprise you, there are a lot of strange people in such a big city, even people who wear sunglasses on a snowy day.
You had already seen him in the cafe, but you didn't dwell on him. Not because he doesn't get your attention, just… it was an instinct.
“I think you were looking for this. I found it yesterday by chance. "
Clear and tapered fingers hand you your much-desired book. On fair skin, intertwining dark patterns form inexplicable designs, at least for you, but you're sure they have a lot to say, don't they?
Slowly you reach out your hand, and hesitantly touch the cover, to resume what you were looking for.
The night of the accident did not disappear. You are scared. You are afraid of death, but even more of pain, of imprisonment. You are afraid of fear itself. However, you are also afraid of not living, of wasting, of losing.
You are in a limbo that does not let you escape, and you can not help but continue your life, savoring every second, waiting for the Bird of ill Omen to come and get you.
So you push back the mistrust again, and a grateful and kind smile goes to the one who helped you, without asking for explanations.
"Thank you very much." Your voice reaches his pierced ears with such unexpected sweetness.
"It was a pleasure." His smile, decorated with the piercing, is barely hinted at, but delicate - reassuring? -
And for endless moments you look at each other, in silence, without speaking and without thinking. And then, as if nothing had happened, the dances between prey and predator begin.
"Can I buy you a coffee?"
. . .
Your eyes look at him shiny, frightened. You are still in a cage, imprisoned by a body that will soon be ready to consume you.
Uta wonders if you really never anticipated this. All the times you've crossed paths, have you really ever been in doubt? Every time you looked at him, every time you smiled at him or laughed at his words, did you never guess the truth? No, maybe you've always known it from the start, broken toys never work too well.
The mask of that evening, like a macabre mockery - both for him and for you - is leaning on the work table, not far from you, looking at you placidly. It’s a coincidence that he pulled it out just in the morning.
Suddenly the images of that day come back between you two, like a dream. The incomprehensible to you tattoo on his neck has a creepy look overwhelmed by the shadows that the soft lights create on the ghoul.
Fear invades you, like a script. Yet, while the Bird of ill Omen looms over you, trapping you in the corner of the room with his arms, your terror is different from what he had already seen in you. Today it is almost more visible, less controlled, as you tremble beneath him.
Maybe it's the surprise of being caught in a trap by someone who – perhaps- you had slowly begun to love – despite everything-, or maybe, simply, inside you a little hope still survives.
Uta's head bends, and the tip of his nose brushes your neck, smelling the coveted perfume that had so attracted him.
If you're so scared, how did you smile all that time? How did you keep going? How did you keep loving that world?
Beside his mask, as a warning of future torment, your dear book lies silent, ready to say goodbye. You lent it to him last time, he asked you for it.
Your smell is as strong, sweet, delicious as ever - so why is his stomach closing up? -
His jaws open, and as delicate as cruel they enclose your fragile neck. In them, the accelerated beats of your heart, still alive, make him tremble.
One bite and you will be nothing but dead flesh, and he hesitates.
He had to kill you before it was too late, right? Uta should know himself well enough, he had to understand right away what was happening inside him.
A sigh, and then his lips pull away, his saliva stops wetting you. He is not hungry, he has already eaten.
He is still upon you, but now he is only looking at you, with his eyes of blood and darkness. You, like a frightened puppy, remain shaking in a corner for a few moments, lost in his pupils. And then, like a crazy lightning bolt, you run away, as you have always run away. You slip under his arms, and as fast as you can you reach the door of the shop.
Uta watches you go, swallows bitter air, and then bows his head, surrendered.
What will happen now? Will you shut up in fear? Will you tell anyone? Only time will tell.
He slowly gets up, his hands caressing each other's tattooed arms, in a distracted gesture of protection, as he approaches the table. His fingers touch it, and then squeeze it, while he looks at the book that is left alone again, without your eyes on it.
And then, suddenly, as if he had woken up from a dream, he notices something: your smell has not vanished.
Turning his view, he sees you. You are still there, or maybe you are back there.
Now it is you who are on the side of the light, and he is in the corner of the cage. The Bird of ill Omen has become the broken toy, left alone among his masks.
"What's up?" No matter the crack inside, Uta always looks so mature, peaceful, even after he has threatened to kill you.
You take a step towards him, but your outstretched arm continues to secure yourself to the door jamb. If you left he wouldn't follow you, you know that right?
"I ... I think I'm crazy, Uta ..." You too realize how much your behavior is against logic, how foolish it is to remain - to search - in your nightmare. But on the other hand, humans ... no, people, when they are desperate, lose the light of reason, and do wrong things. Things the world says are wrong. That world, which claims to be the only one, when it is nothing more than a facade, a corner of something much larger.
"Yes, I think so too." He really thinks so. You have to be crazy to still be there, at least as crazy as he is. "Why are you still here?"
You shrug your shoulders, hugging yourself more out of shyness than out of fear - yeah, you're no longer afraid, it's as if you've run out of batteries.
"I ... as long as I'm alive I can choose, right?" It came out of your lips so naturally that you didn't even realize it was you who uttered that sentence, yet it's a truth so deep, so intense that it has guided you from that damn night to this day.
"And what are you choosing?"
Your eyes cast a fleeting glance outside, at the glimmer of the city, and without hesitation you gently accompany the door to close, imprisoning you. Imprisoning both of you.
Maybe it's a prison, but this time it's really your choice. You are with that Bird of ill Omen, but you are not tied up, you are not thrown to the ground in a cold corner. You are with him, surrounded by works of art that stare at you impassively, but it was you who decided it.
"I choose not to ignore anymore ..." Your fingers intertwine with each other, you play with them as if you need to keep them busy as you approach him. He is waiting for you. "I want to understand."
"How can you understand?" He would like to tell you, but he doesn't say a word, because not even he can understand you. What kind of mask would suit you? Who knows, yet he has learned enough about you that he should be able to think of at least one. But no, you are always there, hoping for something, believing that after all, living is worthwhile.
So he stays there, even when you lean against him. Not a contact, but a fusion. Stomach against stomach, lungs against lungs, heart against heart. Your hands cling to his arms only to hold him closer, and as he looks at your closed eyes he knows you're listening to him. You're trying to feel his every breath, every twitch of him. You want to get inside him, and he lets you do it - isn't that what he wanted too?
The predator and the prey united in a single entity for an eternal instant.
It's all so against the moral and social rules, but what do you care now? You already know he could kill you. And in that world that goes round and round without stopping, a black writing in an ancient language that also goes around a greedy neck could be your starting point for putting the pieces back together. Maybe it's a disease, maybe it's madness, but deep down, why not? Why not go a little further? Better to die than to be afraid to live, right?
"How much confidence ..."
His voice further softened by his whisper makes your previously closed eyelids lift. His nocturnal eyes look at you slightly narrowed, a slight upward crease caresses his lips without even knowing it. It is difficult for Uta to do something without being aware of it.
He is very beautiful. Beautiful and awful.
"Can't I?"
The world out there, the crazy little world is gone.
"Well, why not ... you are my food, after all."
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