#maybe uncle
teecupangel · 1 year
Just pictured it: Desmond with twelve younglings around his legs and a pair of slings on his chest with the twins inside, carrying a padawan or two under the arm 'cause he's a single dad now and they are all on the run – or at least until Dadsmond can get them all to safety and a responsible, functioning non-Bleed adult in charge while he goes to drive his hidden blade through Palpatine's eye.
And if he ends up acquiring one or several million clones down the road, it's all in the name of the free babysitting service, because we all know that foundlings are the future.
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The original "Desmond adopts Jedi Younglings" idea.
So this is now the “Desmond adopts lots of people and they have a flying ‘home’” idea.
For the “Desmond stays in Tython to be a dad” with @fanworldbuildingfun, here’s the link.
Desmond was just trying to find Yoda who was in charge of the younglings in the fucking first place, instead, he has to deal with first upgrading his emergency ship because the last time he tried leaving the younglings in his secret hideout (a planet with coordinates that have been long lost), every youngling joined forces to give him sad puppy eyes and begged him not to leave so he’s left with no choice but to upgrade to a more fortified ship with lots of secret hidey holes and ‘tunnels’.
He was not naming it Monteriggioni 2.
… He was naming it fucking Monteriggioni 2 after he finished adding a smaller emergency ship underneath the main ship now with hologram statues of his Assassin ancestors.
His naming sense was absolutely whacked at this point.
He just couldn’t be normal and named it Aquila…
Or Jackdaw.
What was a Jackdaw?
Anyway, during all these upgrading, he got in touch with Obi-Wan to ask for information about Yoda and he gets two newborn twins for his troubles as Obi-Wan swans off to god knows where because of…
Okay, Desmond didn’t know why.
Self-imposed punishment?
Lost of hope?
Desmond knew he should look for Obi-Wan and knock some sense into him (probably punch him once or twice, Desmond saw it work… in tv back in his time) but Obi-Wan warned him that the Empire would be looking out for any force-sensitive people to either take in or to kill. Obi-Wan was a danger to Desmond and his children (not his children, charge would be more accurate, no matter what others say) before he swans off to god knows where.
Desmond realized that the children had to ‘stop’ learning the force. At the very least, until he was sure he could upgrade his ship to cloak against any doodah that the Empire had to find force-sensitive people.
How does he do that?
He distracts the kids with games instead, gets a droid to help him take care of them and…
Accidentally build a Brotherhood daycare instead because Desmond’s way of playing is very… stealth and freerun oriented.
Look, he knows it’s weird for the ship to have such high ceilings but he needs them, okay? Can’t do air assassinations if there’s not enough vertical distance, of course.
Oh and the dudes who did his repairs? Clone troopers who went AWOL because of one reason or another. And then the empire learned about them while Desmond was there and… things just sorta happened and now Desmond has a crew of renegade clone troopers?
Who may also be helping take care of the kids?
It’s really a good thing Desmond upgraded his ship.
Along the way, he meets up with a surviving Jedi Master and his Padawan who have… been gathering force-sensitive children as well and Desmond just let them in because he wasn’t heartless. Vanzell Mar-Klar starts training the kids and everybody else in force-related things but he does say Desmond’s kids (not his kids) have become… ‘wild’. Desmond has no idea what that means and Vanzell Mar-Klar seemed a bit wary but mostly just curious so Desmond didn’t really push… for now.
But because there were now force lessons all over the ship, Desmond knew he should upgrade their cloaking system so one of the crew members suggested they go to Bracca as they may find scappers willing to upgrade their ship using parts they have salvaged. They get to Bracca and Desmond notices a young scrapper that just pings gold to him.
And then the Inquisitorius came just as he had been talking to the young scrapper and Desmond thought they were there for them then they attacked the scrapper he was with and…
Vanzell Mar-Klar definitely looked like Desmond got him the best Christmas present ever even though they left Bracca being chased by the Empire.
At least Cal seemed to be just as lost as Desmond right now.
Good to know he isn’t the only poor soul winging it at this point.
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carebooks · 7 months
overlooking all the other reasons why the show went downhill: katara’s feminine rage missing, aang getting guilt punched every episode, bumi being ooc, almost zero gaang bonding episodes, three episodes compiled into one (done twice), azula being introduced too early + given too much screen time, the cave of two lovers being in s1 when it was a s2 episode— all of that is valid but the show can really be pointed out in two ways where they went downhill:
aang never waterbended once during a season where it is literally called book one: water.
yue’s wig.
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bonivers · 7 months
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ddeck · 4 months
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part 2 out of 2 for an art trade with @ominouspuff with Cody and Boba hanging out post war
thanks so much this was so much fun<3
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 10 months
Dick froze halfway across a rooftop, the lights and gunshots of Bludhaven disappearing in an instant. A scowl flashed across his face, teeth clenched and bared, before he forced it back. His face smoothed back out and his voice took on a pleasant, amused tone. "Slade. How did you get this frequency?"
"Nevermind that," Slade scolded. "We have more important things that need discussing, and information to be revealed."
"Is this about Constantinople?" He asked with a lilt, propping one hand on his hip. "Because I thought I told you, those geese totally counted as villains and deserved arrest--"
"I found a child vigilante. What do I do with it?"
"Ex-cuse me?" His fist clenched. "Is this a trick question?"
"What do you mean, 'what do I do with it?' You know what to do with it; you become its nemisis when their 15 and haunted them for the next decade." His voice was thinly-veiled rage. He couldn't stop himself from shaking. That poor kid, Slade has his sights set on them. He's going to torture that kid, or worse, and now I have to track Slade's trail back to wherever he found this kid--
"I can't do that! He's only eight years old!"
"There's this eight year old meta brat running around a Mid-West town in his pajamas while adults shoot at him. There isn't a mentor in sight, and one of the kid's rogues has threatened to skin him. What. Do. I. Do?"
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demaparbat-hp · 3 months
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Izumi (steambaby) sketches.
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flamingpudding · 4 months
Bat dad meet Ghost dad
Several years earlier....
"JAAAAAAZZZZZZZZ!" Danny flew excited through the Ghost Zone with a little kid in his arms rushing past some of his former rogues as he made a B-Line for his sister that happened to be in the Zone too, currently in a deep conversation with Frostbite about something Danny hadn't cared to pay attention to long enough. But right now he had exciting news he really wanted to share with his sister. Even now as adults Danny tented to live out his childishness whenever he could especially when he and his family went into the Ghost Zone.
The Halfa came to a screeching halt as he grined brightly at his sister who looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, slightly amused at her younger brothers giddiness. "What is it Danny?"
"I got a son now!" Danny declared happily holding up a young ghost teen by the armpits into his sisters face.
The 'son' in Danny's hands stared at Jazz blinking owlishly as if the teen boy still needed a moment to catch up with what was going on and Jazz blinked back at the ghost and then at Danny. That was not a child but a teen ghost. Going by the size the kid was probably around 14 or 15 and he looked very much traumatised and Jazz could not tell if that was because of Danny or because of how the teen possible died.
"Danny what did you-" Her brother did not let her finish her question as he started rambling excitedly.
"He is a baby ghost Jazz! Look how young he is! I found him floating around aimlessly, his hunt hasn't even fully formed yet and when i picked him up there was that instant connection! You know the same-"
"I have with Clockwork and Pandora! I instantly knew he was mine! Mine to protect! Mine to guide! When I saw him I swear I just knew, I ghost adopted him the moment I made contact! He is family Jazz-"
"I just know he belongs with us! Look at him and tell me he doesn't have Fenton charms! I am sure Dan and Dani will love him too! He is such a cute little ghost! There is so much I can teach him! I will be the best dad ever to this wonderful little baby ghost! And-"
"Daniel William James Fenton!"
Danny bite his tongue instantly silenced when Jazz pulled out the full name call. Both him and the teen in his arms stared at her a bit shell shocked and in that moment Jazz couldn't help but hide a small amused smile at how similar Danny and the teen in his arms looked when they stared at her.
"Did you explain any of this to him?" She indicated to the teen, who's name she by the way still didn't know. Danny at least had the curtesy to look a little ashamed as Jazz pointed that out and let go of the teen so they could float on their own. She sighed with a fond smile before looking at the teen that looked a bit unsure between her and Danny now.
"What's your name?" She asked them with a friendly and encouraging smile.
Current time...
Jason was in a little bit of a predicament. Originally he really thought he never would end up in this kind of situation espacially since he didn't think he would patch up things with Bruce any time soon. But we'll here he was...
Life liked proofing him wrong.
Like with he fact that Jason could use a ghost wail in dire situation. And that something like that would naturally call his ghost dad onto the scene since he collapsed after it.
And like with how he woke up in the bat caves med bay with both Danny and Bruce standing over him and glaring at each other. Or at least he thought they were glaring at each other that looked like a pretty annoyed stare in his eyes from Danny and Bruce's jaw was really tense from what was visible and not covered by his cowl.
So all Jason could do was endure at the moment. Aaaaand refuse to make eye contact with any of his present siblings. Mainly Dick because he wasn't sure how to interpret the others' smiles. For a moment Jason wondered if he could hide out in his ghost-dad's castle in the Ghost Zone for a while until whatever storm was brewing with Bruce was over.
There was also a moment in which Jason wondered if there could have been anything done to avoid this... confrontation(?). Before feeling the need to face palm because his Aunt that sort of has been giving him free therapy told him repeatedly that communication was key. He never regretted not listening to her more than he was right now.
To be fair. Communication with Bruce espacially hadn't been his strong suit for a while now before and after his death.
"So you are his Bat-Dad?" Jason did not like the way Danny, his ghost dad was using the word 'dad' right now. Oh good was he trying to challenge Bruce?
"And you are his Ghost-Dad?" Bruce grunted, oh now Jason was sure Bruce was giving Danny a glare, and Danny was getting that protective look in his eyes Jason was all to familiar with from his time as a dead baby ghost.
He groaned loudly sinking lower onto the medbed. Why did these things always have to happen to him? At least he was lucky that his Ghost Aunt and Uncle didn't show up too.
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dealbrekker · 6 months
At first glance, "What are you two old gas bags talking about?" is hilarious coming from Zuko, and cracks me up every time. But on second thought, this boy would NEVER say such a thing to his father. Which just goes to show how safe he is with Iroh, how comfortable he is, that he can let his irritation show, over and over, knowing Iroh would never lash back out.
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thatssroughbuddy · 10 months
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he is trying his best
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samaraxmorgan · 4 months
Crack JJK headcanons but it’s all early 2000s uncle Sukuna:
The spiritual successor to Crack JJK headcanons based on nothing but vibes. Send me your own silly headcanons I would absolutely love to read them!!
He desperately tried to make Yuuji’s first word be “fuck.”
He got so sick and tired of having to watch the same Barney VHS tape while babysitting that he ripped the film out and blamed it on toddler Yuuji.
Yuuji always begs him to draw his tattoos on him every time he babysits.
One time toddler Yuuji broke Sukuna’s flip phone in half. Sukuna was too impressed to be mad at him for it.
He brought five year old Yuuji to a Slipknot concert and had him up on his shoulders with big noise cancelling headphones on… and also “forgot” to ask Jin permission to bring him beforehand.
He tried to do a trick on Yuuji’s razor scooter and accidentally broke it.
He took Yuuji with him to Warped Tour.
He got really embarrassed when Jin showed Yuuji his high school yearbook photos of him with a mohawk.
He has a leather jacket with pins and patches all over it and Yuuji LOVES wearing it when he comes over.
He cut Yuuji’s hair when he got into middle school and told Jin “I’ll be damned if my nephew has a bowl cut.”
When Yuuji got into a fight at school he asked him “did you win?” When Yuuji said yes he took him to get ice cream.
He had a white iPhone and dropped it, cracking the glass on the back; Yuuji colored in the cracks with neon pink sharpie.
The first time Yuuji snuck out Sukuna chewed him out when he got back home, telling him “I don’t care if you sneak off, but you fucking tell me next time.”
Whenever Yuuji gets in trouble at school, Sukuna is always the one to pick him up because the principal is afraid of him.
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brethilach · 2 months
thorin is such an uncle
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look at him. look at him right now and tell me he isn't the kind of middle-aged man who's trying to shake his smoking habit and needs a CPAP machine to sleep
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theerurishipper · 2 months
Hate it when people erase Dick and Clark’s relationship. "Dick doesn't have a super" ummm actually he does. It's Clark. "Superman and Batman are the World's Finest" WRONG. World's Finest is Superman and Batman and Robin. Clark and Dick are as close as Clark and Bruce. This has been a PSA
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iceiceicecold · 2 months
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thinking of making a top gun polaroid series out of this 😋
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
I love how extreme found family is in one piece. Like they took supernatural line of "Family don't end in blood" and actually made good on it. Because it's not just that the crew found each other even before that only really very briefly Robin, Usopp and Luffy could say that anyone biologically related to them raised them.
Like Luffy had Garp and that's his grandpa but he also had Makino and Shanks and the red hair pirates and they were a family unit and he also had Ace, Sabo Dandan and the bandits and they were a family as well and it's never who mattered more to Luffy or who actually raised him cause they all did. It'd be hard to put him in a nuclear family structure because so many people fill the same roles in his life in different ways and that's great like Kung Fu panda said "that doesn't mean less for one parent it just means more for Luffy"
And that's the thing I think sometime fandom can get very obsessive with trying to pin down who is whose surrogate father/mother how do they fit in the nuclear family structure and while that's fun and there's nothing wrong with head cannon characters that way I also think it's important to remember that not every relationship needs a title or definition sometimes you are just family and that's valid too.
Ace had Luffy and Garp but he also had the whitebeard pirates and his pops same with Sabo and the revolutionaries
Zoro with Kuina and his old kendo master, that was maybe more of a rivals, mentor mentee relationship than whatever Mihawk Zoro and Perona had going on but it's all family none the less.
Chopper with Hiririluk and Kureha. Perona and Moria, Usopp with the little village boys and Kaya. Shanks and Buggy with the Roger Pirates. They might not all have had defined roles with each other but it was still family.
Just like Sanji, Nami, Franky and Law and their more defined Surrogate familes
And people like Vivi Robin Usopp and Shirahoshi who had/have their biological parents/family that love them and raised them.
It's nobody that I've just mentioned properly fitting squarely into any of these categories because it's all complicated family is complicated and its messy and it's big and everyone in your family might not have even met but it's family and it doesn't end in blood and for some people it never started there either.
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stravacious · 1 year
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gary’s twin sister, nadine!!
i’m a sucker for the bonnie & neddy episode :’)
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seasideoranges · 4 months
i love your zukka art!! have you ever drawn them in a modern setting? i would love to see you interpret their clothing styles!!
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sincerest apologies that their outfits are kinda boring especially sokkas, designing modern clothing for the atla gaang is very difficult for me haha
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