#maybe theyre nice but theyre being real dumb
oly-toledo · 2 years
"The Wild Card game is meant to reward the team with the better record" is the stupidest fucking thing i've ever heard, can i punch that commentator or...
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milksteakkk · 9 months
(resending this dw :D)
i saw ur ask on the rarepair tumblr, and i NEED to know ur duntrent dynamic, like, trent is the mean one?? pls tell me i need that in my VEINS
(ty for resending i am very dumb </3)
just to start off, when i say "mean" i dont mean just an outright dick for no reason, i mean "trent wouldnt be the nicest to duncan and i dont think duncan would really match that energy" if that makes sense
so the way i see it is that trent and duncans rivalry is a little bit one sided on trents part. theres evidence in cannon that trent holds more animosity towards duncan than duncan does towards him. sure duncan makes jabs, but theres no real malice or hatred behind it, whereas trent has openly talked about his dislike and distrust of him and has even insulted him for doing something that he himself has done ("only duncan would throw away a chance at a million, idiot" knowing full well that he also did that 😭) so he clearly has so problem with name calling or displaying spiteful behaviour towards him (which is why i have a problem with trent being portrayed as nice all the time and honestly kinda spineless but we'll get into that later)
if trent and duncan ever were to have feelings for each other, i dont think trent wouldnt be willing to admit it and would push him away as a result. duncan would retaliate ofc because thats just who he is but trent would be the one to start shit most of the time i feel
now onto duncan. as much of a prick he is, i dont really think he would be mad at his feelings for trent, more so confused, and trent pushing him away and shrugging him off wouldnt help at all. he understands why trent is upset at him, but to duncan its not as big of a deal as it is for trent. after all, he didnt seem all that remorseful for convincing gwen that he was crazy and the dating her after they broke up
i dont know if they could never confess their feelings to each other normally. i think it would happen in some big emotional blowout, maybe duncan gets sick of trent constantly shrugging him off and trent finally snaps or something like that
something i also wanted to talk about is how people portray trent in general. it kinda irks me when people write him as calm and nice all the time, acting like he doesng have the capacity to get mad or upset which he most definitely does!! he _can_ be mean!!
he insults duncan! he thinks justin is annoying! he made a bet with leshawna that lindsay wouldnt remember tylers name even though tyler was clearly upset about it! hes got beef with geoff for some reason! his first interaction with cody was him literally threatening to "rearrange his face"! when people flanderize him into a total nice guy, i cant help but cringe because its not accurate
but yeah. um. theyre kinda like bubbline to me. thats all thanks for asking <3
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a discussion idea! (long post)
my husband and i were chatting last night while cleaning up dinner; he pitched a fun idea that could be a great topic of discussion in the simblr community. maybe this should be a SQotD submission - IDK but: he asked how i feel about sims 2 expansion packs now compared to when they came out. initially, i said "yeh idk, i guess the same?" and that was that.
i put a more thought towards his question and realized, i do feel a bit differently about some of the EPs now compared to when they came out - all under the cut!
university: i was SO SO excited about it bc i didnt go away to college like my friends did so it was a way to vicariously-ish get the experience and a bonus was zombies! now tho? yea i still enjoy it even tho the dormies eventually start pissing me off bc theyre just so damn dumb lmao
nightlife: same level of excitement. i LOVE cities and i love vampires too. this scratched the "i need to go downtown chicago" itch when i couldnt from lack of transportation and safey being a v smol person afraid of the worst. i played all my sims in "downtown", specifically, 107 Custer Blvd. I made-over that lot dozens of times, it's seen dozens of different families and had a million different lifetimes. Nightlife still stands as my fave TS2 EP and 107 Custer - my all-time favorite lot to play.
open for business: initially, i had ZERO excitement over this pack. i personally, right out of high school basically, had NO interest in working myself (i didnt, i went to community college and got by ok w/ chore-money basically) so why the hell would i want to put my sims to work too?? i also didnt care for the music (i like it more now tho) as an Adult - i do enjoy this pack more than i ever did when i was a clueless near-20-yo. also, love the servos but i dont play w them nearly as much as i should being a bot fan and all. (i should fix that)
pets&seasons: i was pumped for these bc MORE IMMERSION AND REAL LIFE STUFF!!! also, weather and animals LOL. i still love these packs the same as i did when they initially released. just kinda wish plantsims werent annoying for me to play, i love them from afar tho! werewolves are neat but theyre also kind of a PITA to play.
bon voyage: EH i dont really go on vaca a lot myself, my sims dont either for the same reasons: money! im also still scarred from the one time i did send my sims on vaca and they got STUCK THERE!!! it broke all my shit and i had no way of fixing it bc i didnt know about MTS, MATY and etc to ask for help/guidance. RIP to that family lmao i hope theyre still having a nice time in the vaca-void theyre prob still floating around in! (note: ive never found bigfoot, some day i wish to!)
freetime: we all have hobbies right? it was all fine and good until the fire nation attacked i was being inundated with a ton of hobby spam, be it notifications, the hobby sims and the lots. it was a lot. its far more manageable now thanks to mods so i dont mind playing into hobbies. i do appreciate the return of the genie tho!
apartment life: ok, look. i thought this was super cool then but now, after living in apartments myself, i despise them and dont put my sims in them anymore either. i do love the witches tho, prob my fave aspect of this pack!
edit to add rankings: nightlife, seasons, pets, apartment life, uni, ofc, free time then bon voyage lmao
id be interested to hear/read you guys' comparison's to the different EPs we have for Sims 2 or any of the sims games tbh. id go over The Sims but i dont have all day lmao ill make a different post on that some time bc i always get in my feels over the OG.
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drowningindango · 11 days
you might have made a post about it before but im dumb and dont know how to look ykyk- UHH- do you have any madaobi fic recs? your honor i looooove themm
especially darkfic, anything focusing on madaras manipulation and psychological torture of obito or just the more messed up side of it. i love when theyre complicated and messy and madara is madara and obito has that little cute bit of stockholm syndrome that makes his adult self so adorable
Well, anon, I can definitely try :) and, no, I haven't made a rec post before as far as I remember
I know you said darkfic, but since you didn’t specify whether you’re comfortable with nsfw (sex) or triggering topics, I’ll add some warnings for the individual fics anyway. 🤔 (Please also check the tags of the fic before reading)
I’m also tailoring this list to your interests mostly.
(So if anyone else wants to ask for madaobi recs that go into a different direction, like wholesome fluff, horror, any other genre, hit me up xD my personal taste goes more into the direction of them being like yin and yang, push and pull, give and take, where the power dynamic can be flipped in the blink of an eye)
oh, uh, and if you click on the fic titles it'll link you directly to the fic
Rec list:
Between Black (narzissus)
Nsfw, sexual content, canon compliant. Can definitely recommend this one for you. :)
find your way by moonlight (blackkat)
A fic that really got a nicely written messed up dynamic between them. Multiple warnings here: Obligatory nsfw and dub con/non con warning. madaobi is not the main ship of the fic and is not the endgame!!! And as far as I remember, it gets cut off very early in the story. The reason I still recommend the story is because it got exactly that complicated stockholm syndrome and manipulation going on that you want, and the story dives right into that with the first chapter. (And it’s deliciously good). …I admit that I’ve literally only read the madaobi parts xD
Sealed off (Glove)
A short fic by my good friend Glove (who has written a lot of madaobi fics and I can warmly rec them all, but I picked a few that fit your taste specifically). 💕 Sfw, gore. Features the seal on Obito's heart.
Eye to eye (Glove)
No sexual content, but non con intimacy. Very manipulative. Another short fic.
Promise of spring (Glove)
Warning: mentions of mpreg and forced pregnancy. No sexual content. Definitely contains psychological torture for Obito xD
Longing (Nalyra)
This one has other ships besides MadaObi (mind the tags), if you dislike that, skip this one. but 👀 it sure got aaaaall the manipulation, messy relationships etc. aspects for madaobi. And it does it well. Warnings: nsfw. It's smut. Lots of it. xD
Your Warmth Burns Me (DualDreamer)
Idk, I'll be so bold to throw in my own fic here, even though I don't know if it falls even remotely under your parameters. It's definitely not a darkfic. But it's dealing with complicated feelings Obito has and it's veeeeery short. Sfw.
This is my secret tip where I don't give a hoot about the parameters. xD Read any fic that's by enquiring_angel!!!!!!!! Just scroll through the madaobi tag on ao3 and if you see that name, click on it. She has such an amazing grip on the characters, I love her writing so much.
Secret tip: use online translator to read fic
Madaobi has a lot fans in the Chinese community on ao3. Can’t read Mandarin? Use a translator! Often the result will be a bit clunky but I found that once you get used to it, your brain can bridge the gap (like names that get messed up by the translator, or any grammar/sentence structure issues). There are some real gems out there. <3
Otherwise, I can only recommend looking on ao3 by yourself. If you filter out any languages you can’t read (and maybe add some tags you prefer), the number of madaobi fics is small enough and not too overwhelming to navigate. (There are probably some fics I missed because I didn’t read them/they’re not up my alley, but might be to your liking?)
I hope this list helps out for a start. ^^
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favvnsongs · 5 months
anyway. chucker cope sesh for the rest of forever. can't not think of tucker actually maybe for even just a little bit being able to get alpha back. being able to sorta come to terms with one another and there aren't so many burned bridges or so much blood in the water. or or or. having to - getting to - actually say goodbye lmao. ai don't live that long in the human span of things, and yet it's also just an eternity of being of Use to someone and something that they have no real say in. fuckign uh, cycles. leonard and allison church and tex alpha and tucker asdfghjkl. that losing alpha over and over and Over wasn't ever some sort of failure on tuckers part. it was never his fault. "well maybe if -" because there Has to be this part of tucker that drowns himself in the could have should have would haves. "was I a good kid?" "dont get jealous, just listen to the story" and like. despite the bickering and drama of it all, tucker was and is and will be Good. prolly some part of him wouldn't mind having alpha slowly deteriorate inside his head for however long he has left. epsilon letting go of tex and tucker letting go of church but the thought of full circle "hey, I always hated you the most♡" "yeah, I know ;__;♡°` hurry up and die you fucking prick" bc theyre both still so so fucking dumb and emotionally messy and it's maybe nice to be able to indulge in their fondness and respect and appreciation towards one another while Also having one last chance to lean into the blood gulch glory days banter again??
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fernwebs · 5 months
TF2 OC Infodump... About this silly guy
Tumblr media
Minion's relationships with the mercs
Engineer - Engie is like one of the only people that can understand him (literally not emotionally) because of his thick ass accent. Minion likes to talk to him. Minion yaps to him a LOT, about almost everything.
Medic - Minion WILL find any way possible to be the one to deliver Medics orders personally. He also likes to include extra organs in almost every shipment. Minion makes his feelings towards Medic very obvious, but Medic continues to play dumb to keep getting those extra organs. Minions bird is the cause of at least 3 archimedes going missing.
Spy - Spy has photo evidence of Minion doing weird shit (staring at medics ass or smth idk). Minion is VERY aware of this and gets very nervous when hes doing anything at all because hes afraid that Spy is taking a picture of him.
Soldier -  Soldier is one of Minion's best friends, but Minion is scared that Soldier will grab him. Because he did, once. Minion got accused of not being faithful to America.
Sniper - Minion thinks he's weird because of the jarate thing. Hes scared that Sniper will throw jarate at him. Theyre probably buddies though, because they are both from places that have like weird animals, and they'd probably talk about that.
Scout - Theyre probably buddies because they both are falling for someone who barely likes them back. They encourage eachother. They're also relatively around the same age.
Demoman - Demoman is one of Minion's best friends along with Soldier. They'd also be drinking buddies, maybe not too often but they would. Minion gets really emotional when hes drunk, so he'd probably overshare to Demoman.
Heavy- I think theyre only acquaintances because they both cant quite understand each other (considering they both dont speak fluent english, and their native languages are different) BUT i think if they ever hung out they would cook for each other / bond over food.
Pyro - He probably hangs out a lot with Pyro because of Louise, he draws with Pyro when hanging out with them and Louise.
Bonus: Miss Pauling - I think he respects her a lot as a person and thinks she's cool. He probably tries to convince her just a little bit that scout is cool.
Louise - They are literally the father daughter duo EVER!! minion loves louise as a daughter so much and he cares so much he would take a bullet for her.
Eddy - Even though they might argue or have their differences sometimes, Eddy is always Minion's best friend. Minion truly appreciates Eddy and is grateful that Eddy is in his life.
Smissmass Presents
Spy - Lint, like he WRAPS IT to make it look like an extravagant cool gift but he actualy needle felted to lint to make it into a middle finger
Soldier - a tabo becuz he heard that soldier like bucket
Medic - he would buy him like 8 presents and make him custom advent calendar but its just pics of him and its the same picture each time for 12 days
Demoman - probably a nice bottle of wine or a case of his favorite alcohol
Scout - shitty art supplies because Scouf draws a lot, minion thinks those are the best art supplies in the world
Heavy - He would try to make a sandwich but with hawaiian rolls
Engineer - a book on how to learn tagalog
Pyro - 200 pack of jumbo crayons
Sniper - something very australian related
Bonus: Miss Pauling - A world globe you color in places for everywhere you've been.
Louise - Literally ANY toy besides a puzzle because he knows shes sick of if
Eddy - joke gifts like a mug or t-shirt that says something retarded, but if a real gift he'd buy something that was on eddys wishlist or something
on the bonus ones.. Louise and Eddy are my friend's OCs
thanks for reading chat!!
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
Congrats on finishing Trollstopia! What are your final impressions?
okay, closing thoughts, none of which are particularly "clean" or "organised" or whatever but theyre what i think
so many of the morals were either nonsensical (keep it up) had good intentions but fumbled the execution (race to the crest) or outright harmful (potluck poppy). the show is at its best when you treat it like a sitcom, and not a cartoon that was teaching kids that other cultures foods are icky and undeserving of respect if they arent exactly like their own
it was so. so sorely felt that they were forced to have a song in EVERY episode instead of every other episode. dont get me wrong, some of them were good! (off the top of my head, i like "make some noise" and "a song so sweet" (synth has a really nice singing voice and they shouldve let him use it more!) and all of dantes ones were really funny bc they were usually silly lyrics on top of real life classical pieces) but most of them were........ well. forced. i hope in the tbt cartoon they go back to one song per 2 episodes, so they can make the songs actually DECENT (most of the time)
val started off as a HORRIBLE character, utterly unlikable in every way and it made every episode about her intolerable. she slowly got better though, after s1 it was like the writers realised they made her a terrible person (did they see the reaction to her? WAS there a reaction? did people love her back then?) and they toned her down and slowly made her actually develop as a character in ways none of the others did, and she actually ended up being pretty good! i like how she started mean, then grew to regret how she used to be and wants to be better. its just... yknow. its trollstopia. they fumble the execution sometimes. val did nothing wrong in murray duty, thats a dumb rule
as much as i love holly darlin........ i wish they went in the exact opposite direction for her character. in world tour, country trolls are established as being pretty gloomy (but not complete sad sacks!) so having holly be optimistic and upbeat to the point she rivals (and surpasses!) poppy? it does NOT make her a good representative of her tribe, and for the most part it seems like they forgot country trolls are supposed to be gloomy anyway... but they remembered in "the farmer and the hound"! overall i wish holly was a more subdued, melancholic character. she can still show southern hospitality (actual southern hospitality. not just her SAYING she has southern hospitality. also lonesome flats isnt even in the south of troll kingdom) but she can be a lot more quiet about it. maybe holly can ALSO develop as a character the way val did, and slowly start to show more outward joy as the series progresses, similar to branch getting happier. she and branch could even have been besties, since branch said he liked country music in the movie!
i wish they spread the focus a little more. obviously val and holly were the "main" ambassadors and i fully expected them to get the most focus, but it felt like dante got way more focus than like, the entire funk tribe combined. and to an extent i get it i mean dante is an incredible character and was clearly the crews favourite so it makes sense they used him a lot even if he wasnt the star, but... couldnt it have been spread out more evenly? maybe when you look at like, statistics itd look better but it felt like dante was always at the scene of the crime (it was a lot better in s7 though! perhaps they learned...) and i wish characters like laguna and lownote got a bit more love
and finally: i cant wait for the tbt cartoon. i know none of the main trollstopia characters will be in it and ill miss them dearly but im so excited for whats in store
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aprillikesthings · 9 months
I am still a little obsessed with this
I had an idea for a Catradora fic like a year ago and ugggh I'd need to rewatch the whole show to do it any justice and I dunno if I have the patience
Anyway have some barely-edited info-dumping I did last March in a tiny discord server for a completely different cartoon ship*:
The other night when I couldn't sleep it occurred to me that there could/should be a very realistic fic out there of catra and adora, after the events of the last season, having a very passionate but over-dramatic relationship for a couple of years, then breaking up and getting back together multiple times before one or both of them decides Actually, we have to break up, for real, we are slowly killing each other over this; and one of them moves away and they both get therapy of some kind and both try dating other people but it just isn't working out (I can absolutely see Adora in a relationship that's perfectly fine and healthy but also boring as fuck, and her just thinking: huh, I guess normal people are supposed to feel like this? but it just feels like it's missing something, but the thing it's missing might just be a lot of arguing and crying and make-up sex, so like, I should just. stop missing that. probably. And Catra ending up in a bunch of short-term things where all of them end with either the other person going dude you are in love with someone else and I can tell or her feeling guilty and breaking it off bc the other person is obviously more into her than vice-versa)
And anyway after like ten years or something they see each other but one or both is still dating someone else and it's like ha ha our younger days were SOMETHING ELSE weren't they, oh did you get therapy oh good me too, I'm glad you're doing well, nice to bump into you :) but they're both internally screaming because yeah those feelings are Still There, fuck fuck fuck
The current partner of whichever of them dumps them bc "you're still in love with your ex" but neither of them say why the dump happened and the dumped one doesn't say anything to the other, which means they hear about it through the grapevine, and their heart goes YOOOOO and their brain goes "I thought we were actually done with this and being Good about it fuck fuck fuck" and theyre both :) still normal to each other :) all the time :)
PINING I love pining hhh lol
But yeah there's, I dunno. A party? with a lot of people? maybe they each have one (1) drink, not even enough to impair them, and the next thing you know they're making out in a closet or something somewhere, and then one or both of them is crying hysterically, and after a lot of talking they're like, I want to try again. But as actual adults who've had time to grow up and have a lot of therapy. So they do, and it's good, and all their friends are like Oh thank god you two are both the stupidest motherfuckers on earth.
Halfway through the first post I realized I am half re-writing one of my fave Sherlock fics but putting it on top of She-Ra characters and adapting it to spop's plot but it'S JUST A GOOD STORy and honestly how it would actually happen
Because they were SO YOUNG in the show and neither of them had ever seen a healthy relationship modeled, ever, by anyone; and they're both heavily traumatized on top of it. And love isn't always be enough to deal with all of that. It's just not.
Me: this would make a good romance novel if we could file off the serial numbers
Also me: it's only interesting to me because it's THESE CHARACTERS like how the fuck would you include the backstory lolol
My dumb brain is like, "look I know spop ended three years ago and also, this is obviously the kind of story that AN ACTUAL ADULT writes, generally speaking; so nobody would read it, but what if you spent a year writing this"
But also half the plot feels like it's lifted from The Speed of Objects in Motion by holyfant (linked above) which is still, easily, one of my top-two Sherlock fics of all time, bc it's just so painfully realistic--they do end up together again at the end, but there's a lot off off-again/on-again and arguing and then a few years they're not together in the meantime
Anyway, re: spop: Fate and destiny are great but real happily ever afters would be so hard with everything that lead up to the end of the series
>:( at myself for being like "oh it would take a year to write this" bc if I had actually done it I would be done by now pfffffft
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aroacesigma · 1 year
do you have any sigzai hcs (or just hcs about sigma or dazai separately)
you're going to regret asking this . headcanons under the cut cause im gonna feel annoying otherwise . most of them are what i headcanon as happening like post canon in a nice world where everyone is alive and happy lol
sigzais <3
ok so to me they are THE transmasc qpps ever . i might be projecting a little but both dazai and sigma are both so transmasc to me. on one hand you have sigma who wears 10 billion shirt layers and a long ass coat and goes on and on about being an ordinary man, and then on the other hand you have dazai who also wears clothes like that and bandages over his chest
hc sigma as oriented aroace with ???? orientation . hes just very confused . theyre so confused . and dazai as bi aroacespec and not particularly averse to any stuff just doesnt feel the attraction most of the time
poor sigma has spent all this time around fyolai like 'god why the fuck are people like this' and then he meets dazai and is like ohhhhhhh. oh .
when sigma joins the ada (and they will u mark my words) him and dazai end up sharing an apartment
at first dazais excited because maybe he wont be living off horrible cooking
unfortunately sigma also cannot cook for shit . he fucking sucks . legitimately the only thing he can cook is cookies in a packet mix .
sigma is unfortunately going through the same phase that kids of controlling parents go through when they finally get freedom, which is making a bunch of stupid decisions . dazai , being the wonderful boyfriend he is, is encouraging all the dumb decisions because he thinks its funny
most of their dates is just going to cafes because sigma has the worlds most horrendous sweet tooth and sigma has no moral objections to guilt tripping him into it
despite being pretty bad at it themself, sigma has a tendency to hit dazai with a pillow until he takes care of himself
vice versa dazai will be a distracting little bitch and wont stop if he thinks sigma is overworking himself
he/they sigma is so real to me btw just need everyone to know this . they like messing around with neos as well sometimes i think
even though he's pretty much always tired , isnt really a huge fan of coffee , definitely prefers really fancy tea and energy drinks
decided to run with the whole purple thing cause of his hair , abolutely loves the colour. anything he owns is purple if they can get it .
smiles all happy while listening to music in a way that makes you think its something nice . its not . his only musical requirements are loud and screaming to drown out the Anxiety™
not my headcanon but i saw someone say once that they headcanon that occasionally people get an uncanny valley kinda vibe from looking at him cause of his weird origins and honestly i think thats pretty interesting
very happy to join the ada . not quite as impressed by the paycheck .
like , really not impressed by the paycheck . theyre struggling with the dwindling clothes budget . i can totally see him trying to decide whether he wants dinner or new earrings . and probably picking the earrings .
they get along with everyone at the agency really well . a few people dont really trust him straight up but atsushi and dazai vouching for him shuts that down relatively quickly
he gets along the best with atsushi
they have a friendly rivalry with kunikida . agency productivity going straight up just because those two keep trying to outdo each other
100% has multiple troll accounts online . he enjoys being a menace . not in the mean way , in the absolutely fucking infuriating kind of way
remained in denial (or more oblivious really) about being trans until he was 16 because he asked chuuya if everyone felt like that one time and chuuya was like well yeah (also trans and stupid)
on a related note (this one is kind of about dazai and chuuya but it still counts) mori was kind of like ohhh teenage boys are so much easier to deal with right ? kouyou decided it was best not to inform him that hrt gives you mood swings .
adhd. adhd. adhd.
hes a candy crush mum . its a problem .
eats everyone at the ada's food . but he doesnt eat the whole thing he'll just take a bite . its high up on kunikidas 'things that make me want to string dazai up by his legs and attach him to a ceiling fan' list
has been known to send 12 yr olds graphic violent death threats after losing to them in video games
he has the music taste of a 14 yr old cishet girl . i will let you decide what that entails .
my deepest apologies for making you read all this but i love them both dearly and i have lots of Thoughts
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quidfree · 1 year
who do you think is mischaracterized the most in the bnha fandom?
the bigger the franchise the bigger the fandom the bigger the range of interpretations, so everyone gets a good deal. probably i’d say golden trio are the worst offenders bc theyre the biggest characters so the most people care about them.
as to who is the ultimate winner… hmm. there’s a lot of nice/mean/deadpan going on with the trio.
izuku i think can get woobified/edgified to the nth degree, when in fact he should be a nice mix of genuinely shonen good guy empathy bleeder and unhinged self-sacrificial relentless weirdo. like izuku is so fucking strange really. when you think about it. but in the most 😀 im just a little guy 😀 way. no he should be bawling while beating someone into pulp and destroying his bones in the process. he still called his middle school tormentor kacchan 😃 like he is… very fun. deeply sincere despite it all (even in his grimdark era).
shouto gets made sooo boring sometimes, and not just when people reduce him to being this type of anime guy -> 😐. shouto is also deeply charmingly weird. hes deeply Noble and kind and good and all the sort of disney prince traits but hes also an angry antiestablishment teenager but hes also an awkward kid but hes also bluntly funny. i think of all of them hes maybe the hardest to get right tho so i have some sympathy for the way he often gets boiled down to only some of the traits, esp bc they get played for comedy. what does grate me is when people start taking the comedic bits as his entire real personality. and ignore how seriously fucked his upbringing has been in favour of other peoples angst.
maybe katsuki takes the win tho. like obviously. people love to either dumb him down to the extreme FUCK OFF IM ANGRY AND AN ASSHOLE or go in the other direction so he's actually a sensitive, kind soul who loves to a) blush b) talk about feelings c) raise children or something idk. and then theres the sadboi version. and the edgelord. there are bakugou haters and bakugou ride or dies. all of these takes are boring and wrong, and actually in a rare twist canon is 100% (...ish) good and true when it comes to him. he contains multitudes and they're all, like, on page. im not even going to go through them horikoshi does this very plainly for us.
actually scratch that you know who gets mischaracterised the most? endeavor. yeah that's right it's been too long since i went on one of these tangents. idc that canon has directly caused this with enji’s storyline i legitimately think that choice was a mistake and i dislike that every popular media has to have its villains explained or redeemed now. canon can do as it wills but there are some things that i just don’t want to move past. hes not a grouchy dilf who's earned forgiveness he was a grown ass man married with kids treating every member of his family like dirt for years. i do not care that he started wising up in canon his youngest child is like 16 by then it took him what TWENTY YEARS to get a grip? this man was so caught up in his ego about being number 2 he married a woman to breed a rightful heir, fully neglected the two kids he considered unworthy of that role, isolated the other two to push training on them from infancy, coped terribly with the mental strain this was putting on them, and didn’t think to reconsider his choices when a) one of them lost it and vanished into the void b) his wife snapped and disfigured the youngest, etc etc etc. i will not stand for the ret-conning this man is a loser.
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lazypanartist · 2 years
So of course Im gonna do a Bonus Thing for Donnie x Yokai reader like the rest but i just had... either a Big Brain or Big Dumb idea of the different readers and the brothers talking to each other hang on lemme just--
Mikey: I dunno... *sigh* What if I mess up confessing to Starsick?
Raph: *snorts* Please, theyre so delighted with anything you say to them they wouldnt even notice.
Don: *typing something, deleting something, typing again* You could probably say something along the lines of "mmme date? you? please yes?" and they'd think its cute.
Leo and Raph: *laughs*
Mikey: Oh shut it! >:[ I just dont want to ruin my chances...
Leo: Believe me, baby bro, they are ENTIRELY smitten with you. Just go for it! Heck, at least you arent in Don-Tron's shoes.
Don: *stiffens* Hey!
Raph: Night Eyes is...Kinda scary man, sorry. I dont know how you wont choke asking em out.
Leo: You think theres like a whole custom thing you gotta do? or can you just take em out for tacos and woo em with your knowledge of ant farms?
Don: *grumbling* I shouldve dumped the colony in your bed while you were asleep- Look, ill take em to a nice restaurant, maybe go dancing... once I text them....
Raph: You cant take em to Hueso's, Mikey called that one.
Leo: Hey, not to bat for donnie, but Mikey also called like....17 other places. He's gotta pick one. And anyways, Raph, whats your plan?
Raph: *blushing* I dunno what you mean.
Mikey, Leo and Donnie: PLEASE.
Donnie: You are, according to extensive data research and watching you and Origami with my own eyes, crushing HARD on each other.
Mikey: Yeah! Come on big guy, you gotta ask em out. You're so sweet on them and they seem like they feel real comfortable around you.
Leo: *nods nods* You gotta do it bro. You're adorable together, and I think youre really good for em. Plus im worried they might, like, cry or throw up if they try and ask you out.
Raph: Whatever *rolls eyes* ...and what about you, eh?
Leo: *blink* What do you mean?
Don: ???When are you finally gonna ask Homie out??
Mikey: theyre already dating guys. I overheard them talking about date night on saturday.
Leo: Guys i already told yo- wait were you eavesdropping on us...? nevermind. We arent dating. Homie's just a close friend, they dont even like me like that.
Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Splinter (who just wanted some cake and is now part of This Shit): 🤨😒
-- Elsewhere, at a cafe --
Starsick: Gosh i dunno what if Michelangelo's just being nice?
Night Eyes: Mh, no. He's down bad. He looks at you like you hung the moon in the sky.
Homie: Look, if he doesnt ask you out by the end of the week, hes probably just nervous. try confessing your feelings and see if that helps!
Origami: *nods* a direct approach is a good one.
Night Eyes: Which is why I'm asking ~Othello von Ryan~ to come visit me at a dance hall. after dinner, of course. Sushi, my treat. 💅✨
Homie: Ooohohoo~ Look at you, going in for the kill!
Night Eyes: Hes just so cute~ I like how he talks about space travel. so facinating!
Homie: So, when are you going to tell Big Red you like him?
Origami: *sputters, face red* What!! No! I do not! I just, he, um..!!
Starsick: Is nice to you, helps calm you down, encourages you to take care of yourself....
Homie: *counting on fingers* reminds you of a teddy bear, thinks you look cute when you pout, helped get you out of the foot clan...
Night Eyes: Is so painfully smitten with you yet you remain unaware.
Origami: >~< he's so sweet, and Im worried I might...be mean, or blunt, and it makes him not like me....How did you ask Leonardo out?
Homie: ...??? who, me?
Origami: ...yes??
Homie: Oh, we arent dating. We're just friends, he doesnt like me like that.
Night Eyes, Origami, Starsick, April (who was bringing their order and is now in the middle of all This Shit): 🤨😒
-📝 Anon
Everyone being friends and trying to help them ask each other out?? Leo and Homie being Big Gay Idiots is, like, my WHOLE Aesthetic!
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Extremely cathartic to hear these whiners get blasted on twitter by the creators of their supposed favourite show. I know for a fact theyre the same weirdos ive seen making statements like “the CR fandom is toxic and bad and theyre going to bring all their toxicity into our fandom, which has no toxicity and everyone is kind and nice to eachother and nothing problematic has ever happened here, unlike bad and evil critical role!!!”
I also believe theyre the same people who:
-misgender ashton when most optically convenient for them (ie he did something they didnt like)
-did the whole “ghelvan is an allegory for queerness” thing or whatever that was
-crying about imogen no glasses
Because the common denominator of these takes (besides being dumb) is that the person making them has to have a lack of empathetic understanding that other people have different experiences from you, in combination with lacking the understanding that actually, its okay if someone doesn’t agree with you. Like, its okay to not be in control of every narrative or microscopic detail around you.
So obviously I'm with you on "these people just hate CR for nebulous reasons which like, they can, but then just skip the season" and "an inability to accept other people have different takes on canon than you do says concerning things about your empathy, especially if all your fanon has characters conveniently matching your exact demographics" but I do want to point out that the people bashing Matt over fanlore are explicitly not CR fans. I think you addressed that too so maybe you're trying to say that it's like, the same broad attitude shared by these two groups of people? Which is true in some cases but not others.
I think that misgendering Ashton is not anger at canon. It's just transphobia; it's people thinking it's appropriate to be transphobic if a character is "bad". They misgender Ashton when he has a conversation with Laudna that fails to strike the appropriate tone of "fawning, yet sufficiently distant."
For glasses...I think a lot of the defense of glasses fell into this category of "no you cannot criticize our fanlore, for it is pure" but for what it's worth, joking aside? I haven't seen anyone complain about the lack of glasses in the new art (though I haven't been in the tag much today). I've seen people continue to draw Imogen with glasses, but like, I want to be clear: it's their right to do it. It's my right to say "I don't like this" but like, they can do it, and I'm only going to break out the mockery when it turns into "no you don't get it we're NORMALIZING wearing glasses, which is why we only ever draw one very specific style of glasses on one specific character".
And for Gelvaan as a metaphor for queerness...I think that one genuinely just came from someone seeing the real parallels of many a personal experience with homophobia (it is a small southern town! People do look at Imogen strangely!) and just either not having a strong enough grasp of the lore or being so quick to project their own experience they forgot to think through the implications to realize "oh wait, people look sideways at Imogen because she nearly killed a couple people; perhaps 'having psychic powers is kind of like being gay' is, as Taliesin's ALA panel speech indicates, a broken metaphor."
But it is true that (aside from Ashton) these do largely share a theme of people not being able to tolerate disagreement with their own interpretations, either from canon or other fans.
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kucherovv · 1 year
ok very long situationship discussion under cut bc i slept over last night and Ermm im processing it now
sooo it was pretty nice for the most part Like. idk when im JUST hanging out with them its very good. like laying in bed together is pretty much the only time its good
we hung out w our mutual rlly close friend and. idk if ivs said this but at some point there was another girl which is. fine because we're not dating or exclusive in any way (like, explicitly not exclusive) but it does make me want to kill myself. anyways we were talking about said other girl and there were hints that there might be a THIRD one but i genuinely dont think so bc situationship literally cannot leave their room rn bc of [mental health reasons i cant get into]
like i dont want to be naive but. yeah i think it was just something in the past bc they have always mentioned other people as friends at least and they only ever hang out w me and the aforementioned close friend. like they dont even see the other girl anymore
anyways also our friend was pointing out how situationship was IN A SITUATIONSHIP with someone else last fall semester before i rlly met them and wanted to start dating but the girl didn't want to and it like devastated them. almost like what is happening to me rn. and they were like "well let's not talk abt that because it gets too close to uncomfortable self reflection" ok
theyve told me before that like. they want people to be obsessed with them (hence the fucking around) but not obsessed in the way that people are when theyre dating. BUT after a break up the other person should continue to be obsessed with them. like theyre scared of the commitment or vulnerability or whatever that comes from reciprocity. its so weird i just dont understand how their brain works!
its just like. how can you expect people to give you attention the way that you want them to if you treat them like this.
also our friend was like "i would rather you guys stop entirely or date but i cant stand this in between" like YOU cant stand it IMAGINE HOW I FEEL LOL. ok anyways. and he also said he told situationship to just stop being involved w anyone which is funny. its so silly when they talk about our relationship like im not there 🥴😐
also its. not like i havent been honest or upfront abt my feelings bc ive told them maybe 50 times how i feel abt them. but its not something im going to push whatever
i was also talking to my hs friend who had a situationship turn into a real relationship and he was like "well are you guys having sex at least bc that makes jt a little better" NO WE'RE NOT!!!! its so weird bc we . basically did when i was visiting them this summer and then havent even kissed since then. silly!!! someone (charlie maybe) said we were slowburn and its like No. we're just regressing
ANYWAYS. i am not pushing or changing anything BECAUSE. they are withdrawing for the semester and going home then coming back in the spring. and going to therapy and meds in the meantime
so. this is very dumb probably but. i hope they get better so we can be in a fr relationship because i think we're very good together. and i think they like me more than the other girl. which sounds so stupid and desperate when u say it out loud but i really. do think they like me the best. and i hope that if they pursue a relationship w someone that its me .
ok typing that out makes it seem insane um. but yeah whatever fuckk me i guess
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ess-presso · 2 years
hello ess !
that fic rec sounds wonderful im v excited to read :) my turn: paper rings by apricusapollo (zar just reblogged this rec so maybe u already saw it but it sounds so good) but for good measure heres another: 10 things i (dont) hate about you by kjms (jegulus 10 things i hate about you au)
tay time <3 i almost do, today was a fairytale, & forever & always !
chatty time!
that line about harry becoming RAPIDLY obsessed with draco will never not make me feel insane. how did jkr (derogatory) even write that it sounds like something from a fic fr.
your star converse sound so cool, i think ive seen someone wearing the same ones around and they were so cute. i love them
i love the trojan horse & the story of troy too <3 it was prob one of the first myths i learned and the rest is history. also did u know that some people thought the trojan horse was REAL? like. people in my GREEK MYTHOLOGY course. maybe thts just a common misconception or something but idk. i find it very funny
little women 2019 is SO good. i love the entire cast sm and the vibes are just astronomical.
jumanji is SO fucking funny. ill never not lose my shit at the weapons valet part its just. so dumb i love it
americans being a novelty there is SO funny. youd think that they wouldnt be here in canada but oh. they so are. i think a lot of americans (at least west coast americans where our accents are fairly similar) think canadians are like. identical to them. but that is so wrong we habitually will make fun of anyone with an american license plate up in canada.
my cats! the oldest is named pixie. (she was really tiny when we got her & i was obsessed with fairies when i was younger lol) and ive had her since kindergarten. so like a LONG time. shes a mean old lady now but i love her. the other two are siblings! theyre a few years old but still act like kittens & their names are mike and el (yes after the stranger things characters i dont wanna talk about it) which is very unfitting because the cats are SIBLINGs but the characters are in a relationship. (for the record i suggested artemis and apollo as names but was swiftly shut down. i have a family of haters)
and yes we dont get snow here. at least my part of canada. i live at pretty much sea-level on the coast so its just rain sadly. but pretty much like. every other part of canada will see snow in the winter at some point or another !
and pansy x percy? wait i kinda love that. never wouldve thought of them together but they actually sound cute.
fuck james marry sirius and KILL remus?? honestly respect. (and "mummy's got a job to do" REAL LMAO)
and omg starting with the silmarillion? that is BOLD. i havent even touched that book yet. from what ive gathered via osmosis i think it can almost be read as an encyclopedia for tolkien's world. so its just a lot. godspeed with that!
and yes. the shadowhunters chronicles is based on hp fanfic. BUT i read somewhere it was actually draco x ginny so every day i pray thats true. (hey another rarepair) but fear not the series is actually good. and theres like a million sequel & prequel series within it so you dont really have time to think about the incest .
and yes podg! the movie with ben barnes is a HORRIBLE adaptation. like its so different from the book so beware. but its still mildly entertaining bc ben barnes is gorgeous so.
"drunk procrastinator" being ur movie title is so real. cue me every weekend when i have a big paper to write or something.
and yes! cats! you should get one. they will change your life i swear.
the amortentia trope is SO good. i eat it up every time. same with the veritaserum. bonus points if theyre doing a veritaserum drinking game/truth or dare>>>
thats actually a pretty useful weird talent. running late and need breakfast? cereal.
and yes! thats a gas station order! your best friend being your chauffeur REAL. i dont drive so my best friend is my chauffeur & im the gps & dj.
poppies & lavender are so nice. i have a ton of lavender in my garden and its so nice in the summer when it blooms. hydrangeas are so pretty too. the colours are absolutely gorgeous
pluto! i love pluto sm. one of my fav planets (i refuse to say dwarf planet. shes not a dwarf in my heart shes huge) aside from maybe neptune.
and oh my god. a phone call during a funeral? the ring tone being BABY GOT BACK? idk how you survived. i would have been mortified i could never show my face again.
saxophone is so nice. sometimes all you need is some smooth jazz and a massive glass of wine or something.
answering questions time:
poutine! omg im so glad you asked me this question. in short its just french fries covered in gravy and cheese curds. a lot of people think it sounds gross/think it looks gross (it does look...questionable sometimes) but i SWEAR its so good. very good comfort food & and strangely good when you go to the movies.
unpopular marauders opinion......hmm. maybe that barty would be well suited as a ravenclaw? i know his house has never been confirmed but he canonically got 12 OWLS so the boy is SMART plus he SLAYED being the DADA prof. (not that other houses arent smart. u know what i mean) (but i still love him in the slytherin gang. they have my whole heart)
unpopular opinion about life: its okay to be weird and just silly sometimes. some people are just so caught up in being "normal" that they forget that we're all just. people. like its okay to be silly and live our lives the way we want! (maybe not an unpopular opinion but i know there are people out there that are just. really stuck up & could do well to remember this LOL)
dream car - i dont drive so IDK LOL but ive always liked colourful cars. like give me a bright red or forest green or cobalt blue car. theres a SEVERE lack of colourful cars on the road nowadays its so sad.
i havent seen the apprentice! i dont watch a lot of reality tv in general but from what youve told me about it i might have to check it out cause it sounds entertaining.
i totally believe in soulmates both platonic and romantic. like theres gonna be people you meet in your life that youll click with instantly and theyll become a part of u in a way even if you drift apart etc. like my best friend is prob my platonic soulmate. ive known her for quite literally my entire life (i think i was only a few months old when i met her) and shes literally my sister .
hidden talent: maybe not exactly a hidden talent but im really good at geoguessr ! oh also i can untie almost any knot. i guess thats more of a hidden talent. kinda useless but really handy when my converse laces arent cooperating.💪
favourite villain: prob either loki or darth vader. in a way theyre both anti-heros and i personally love morally grey characters so🫶
ive never had my heart broken! i probably internalized effy's "nobody breaks my heart" from skins too much so. i simply dont let myself get close enough to people so i dont get hurt. works every time👍
ever broken a heart: i think i did indirectly whoops. but luckily only once. long story short one of my friends liked me on & off during high school, i got confrontational while heavily under the influence and told him i didnt like him that way. he DID ignore me for the rest of the year but yeah. the rest is history. i think he came out as gay recently so. good for him!
your question time!
favourite greek god/goddess?
fav marauders fancast(s)?
hogwarts house?
fav greek myth(s)?
soldier, poet, king? (praying youve seen this trend)
one thing you cannot leave the house without?
if you were from the percy jackson universe who would be your godly parent?
top 5 albums of all time?
do you believe in soulmates?
thats all for now. talk to u again very soon🕺
bee bee bee hello i missed you n i love u <333
on god , i love these type of stories that are partly based on taylor songs . paper rings is one of my favourites on lover , so this is going into my marked for later ! & i love 10 things I hate about you too !!!! (cameron is my favourite character . HE LEARNT FRENCH FOR HER!!!) your fics recs are absolutely stellar!!!
here’s one for you - (‘unbreakable heaven by sequin haze’ - based on ‘Cruel Summer’ , ft friend-with-benefits Jegulus & trans regulus !!! )
tay tay -
i almost do - WOLFSTAR - i think of it as wolfstar because to me it’s basically sirius to remus while he’s in azkaban ‘i bet sometimes you wonder ‘bout me’. And i very much think that remus has dreams about sirius touching his face and asking him to try over again , and remus is 🤏 this close to saying ‘okay’.
today was a fairytale - JILY - i think it’s so inexplicably joly after their first date !!! ‘this magic in the air // must have been the way you kissed me’ that to me is their thoughts in canon, after they kissed for the first time on their date. (also james’s smile would so take lily to another planet , just saying)
forever & always - JEGULUS - I can just imagine james telling reg ‘forever and always’ and then reg being in his head like ‘you promised me forever’ and james going away like a ‘scared little boy’ because reg got the mark. it hurts my poor little jegulus heart.
chatting <333 -
ISN’T IT ??? the woman was so concerned about making her characters at hetero as possible that she just made them gay squared. (and the amount of people i’ve seen asking for the fic when this quote is in a tt. like , babe , no it’s from the og books .)
I LOVE MY STAR CONVERSE TOO !!! very cute indeed they’re amazing . (still my red ones beat everyone and everything >>>)
people think the horse is real ?? like do they really have that little faith in the human race?? in the middle of the war being like ‘wow there’s a giant horse at the door of my city ! this isn’t suspicious at all , let me bring it in !’ is something someone would actually do 💀💀💀. like bro no , give homer his credit.
I LOVE LITTLE WOMEN SM TOO. I watched it for emma , and i came out in love with timmy & flo.
jumanji is honestly such a comfort watch it’s one of my forever favourites.
nah americans are genuinely so annoying sometimes. like especially the piss annoying tourists , always standing in the way. like i’ve heard too many of them correct the way brits pronounce things ( honey , it’s aloominum not aluminium. STFU BITCH) and when they start talking so you talk back and ask where they’re from , why they always say ‘dallas , texas.’ like bro was giving me her gps location , why not just say ‘america’ ??? (the worst one was when i saw someone say that ‘the ancients didn’t build stonehenge aesthetically’)
PIXIE , MIKE AND EL???? THAT’S SO CUTE AND ADORABLE OH MY GOD. (i agree artemis and apollo would’ve been a fucking amazing name.your family just don’t get it.) my friend actually has a cat named pixie who is also a mean old lady!! this pixie fuckin hates me she tried to scratch my guts out once. but i think she’s warming up to me now , because she took 10seconds to do that last time instead of her usual five.
bee u live in the 1% of canada that doesn’t get snow !!! ULTRA-RARE POSITION IN LIFE ACHIEVED !!!
i never would’ve thought of pansy and percy either, but i was scrolling and came across it , and i’m a pretty open-minded girl, so i was like ‘why not’ and i was pleasantly surprised. (here’s the fic i’m talking about - ‘the secretary by pacificrimbaud’ it’s really good !! )
fucking james marrying sirius and killing remus is the most controversial decision i’ve ever made , but i STAND BY IT.
for now i’m just staring at my copy of the silmarillion willing it to become smaller. idk if my brain can handle more than like a page a month.
AT LEAST IT’S NOT RON X GINNY !!!!! maybe i’ll give it a shot one day many years in the future. it seems like there’s at least 50 books and she’s… still not done.
i’ll read the book first , then , as i always do. I’ll watch he movie , but only for ben barnes. I love him.
DRUNK PROCRASTINATOR FOR THE WIN. ( me on the roof rn trying to write my paper that was due last week. and the other one that’s due tomorrow! hopefully lu shows up soon with the monsters and good vibes!! he has no homework (he does his stuff on time) so he’s just gonna be keeping me company.)
CATS CATE CATSSS . studying with one purring in your lap sounds so peaceful !!!
amortentia trope >>>>>>> (i’m actually writing a scene in the quaffle & the snitch , where reg is dared to make james fall in love with him. like a bet movie. i’m loving it already.) I LOVE THEM SO MUCH HONESTLY !!! ‘you love me ?? you’re lying.’ ‘i’m on veritaserum you dumb fuck i’m NOT. lying.’
cereal is my go-to for breakfast, but sometimes i do get apple turnovers on the weekend with my chauffeur. (i’ll be referring to the best friend as either ‘chauffeur’ or ‘lu’ (which is my nickname for him) because typing out ‘my best friend’ is going to take forever.)
thank fuck i got the gas station order right. lu is ordered to be my chauffeur. sometimes we go on midnight grocery runs to the big tesco. (once got drunk and bought the entire stock of lurpak. thankfully there were only four tubs !! (lurpak is rich people butter btw) ) i’m the dj , which is mostly tay tay. he involuntarily knows all the words to shake it off and my tears ricochet now.
YOU HAVE LAVENDERS IN YOUR GARDEN????? THAT’S SO AWESOME ???? they look so nice but i kill a lot of plants. but maybe i’ll buy another bouquet and keep it alive this time??
(and the baby got back was so embarrassing it’s UNREAL. but it was lu calling to ask if i wanted pizza , so at least i got pizza ?? )
jazz and wine and a best friend to dance around the kitchen with >>>>>> life made .
reviewing your q’s . -
poutine sounds amazing , people are just haters. why do americans hate on poutine when they have ‘jello salad’ like god hates a country but it ain’t canada , sweet pea.
HE WOULD SLAY AS A RAVENCLAW !!!!! and he slayed as a dada professor too !! (but he did traumatise my boy neville so minus one point for that) (he slays as a slytherin too , because i like him to be a part of that friend group , yk?)
YES DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! the world would be a better place if people stopped trying to make everything the same !!
when i was younger , i wanted a pink car. now i just want lu to drive me around forever. his car is black , so unfortunately not colourful .(the lack of colour on the streets should be a crime.)
THE APPRENTICE IS SO WORTH IT !!! i love it so much it’s so funny honestly watch it watch it !! New eps every thursday (watch season 17!!)
yes soulmates are platonic and romantic!!! i met lu in primary , and i think i’d just about die if he were to leave me . like he is life i love him , i’d kill for him.
I just searched up what geogueser is , and i’ve found my new hyperfixation !!! will be updating with my skills on this later. (i wish i had your lace-untying skills. 90% of the time i’m in 70 different positions before they’re actually untied.)
‘Luke i am your father.’ that’s all for this one.
love that you’ve never had your heartbroken !!! ( I have , last year. from a girl called victoria , who’s actually kind of a dick now that i think about it. can’t believe i was crying over some random bitch. lu & monster are the only consistent things in my life!!)
nah your friend a piss-bag for being all ‘ooh you don’t like me , WELL I DON’T LIKE YOU.’ that’s rude. if he was a real one , he would’ve stayed. bro came out as gay ?? i’m waiting for his apology 🤨🤨🤨.
my q’s !! -
god - apollo // godess - artemis. i love those two a lot actually. the sun and the moon >>>>>
now , vis a vis fancasts. i love andrew & ben , not dane . i love the edits of atj , he has such a big range of scenes , and i think some of his scenes are very james ! but my default james is this guy - (search up mo malik on tt if you don’t wanna click the link , it’s the pinned video on @motheh0e account with around 8.4 mill views.)
full respect if people don’t imagine him though ! as for reiky, i keep seeing him bent over some ladies knickers , and it makes me laugh a lot . but he could be james too , definitely!! he’s not my default though. My fc for evan is hugh laughton-scott , and for barty it’s maxen danet fauvel. (ik i spelt it wrong , i’m on the roof rn give me a second) & for pandora it’s elle fanning , and for lily , annalise basso. for pete , lewis capaldi is my favourite, his character is what imagine peter to be (if peter was good ). BUT MY FAVOURITE BY FAR IS OF COURSE REGULUS BLACK AS MR TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET!!!! i live for this one. whoever fc’ed him , i wish them only good things in life.
3. GRYFFINDOR !!!!! RAHHHHHHHHHHHH. (my first one was a slytherin but i lied on a tonne of the q’s and got gryffindor on my second account so I’M A GRYFFINDOR .)
4. orpheus and eurydice kills me every fucking time man. like if he’d just waited for one more second. they’d both be alive. but he loved her too much not to look at her. (trojan horse is a close second of course !!)
5. soldier . i see everyone talking about king and poet , but where’s the stuff about the noble soldier ??? (i wanted to be king and the almighty ruler so i’m a bit pissed. might pull a macbeth.)
6.phone . (obviously, but i’ll give you another few because that was too obvious.) purse (i lost it like three times this academic year already) & my bingo tickets from three years ago in which i won a tenner (reminds me of gold times.) also my planning notebook because i get a shit tonne of ideas on a walk. OOOH OOH ALSO MY HEADPHONE . need to bop out to taylor , of course.
7. just did the quiz and got athena ! not bad , if i do say so myself !!
8. folklore , evermore , 1989 , lover & rep. (all taylor but i have other faves. but without these i’d die.)
9.yes , of course !!! i think soulmates are there , very much. for example , lu is very much my soulmate , platonic , and i’d do anything for him. absolutely anything. ANYTHING . (for reference, i’d only ever share my food with him. )
q’s for your next journey to my ask box -
top 5 albums ?
hogwarts house ?
divergent faction ?
favourite fun fact ?
soldier , poet or king ?
gold or silver jewellery?
taylor or lana ?
cruel summer vs don’t blame me.
my tears ricochet vs the great war.
favourite candle scent?
pet peeve ?
what makes you laugh the most ?
do u have a middle name ?
how common is ‘eh’ and ‘hoser’ in canada ?
(that’s all for now bee , but i shall be awaiting your reply like a wife waiting for her soldier husband to return from war. don’t die on the battlefield, bee . come back soon !)
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cheeseandbretboy · 8 days
the painting i continued (from longer than a year ago) has too bright white highlights so i need to get rid of them AND quite possibly it would be nice to just give up and do whaeter and get on the train just ot look at all the stations i havent seen before nd cvt and listten to whip your kids on repeat again and again and have no money to afford to eat and find someone who is just so ?? and mean but not in that non self absorbed self absorbed way and stupid because everyone has too much to look forward to and too much to complain about and that makes everyone so yucky and hypocritical and ughghurejne me whenni have work tmr ALSO need to print out more movie photos AND anyone i meet gets so human and i get sick of them so easily but not myself so i will always be alone and thats a good thing unless im not listening to music then it is not so good bc i can hear my breathing an feel my skin also what even is life without music its just ------------------ no ty i do not want to be like amber or ritchie but oh i did thrift their shoes and also jasons but hes kind of an L WAIT that makes so much sense anyway that scene where they are walking in the store with the heavy combat boots that have been discontinued (why?) and a shotgun wow! imagine being tricked by a soda can what a loser anyway the sehleves ive built are really nice and after doing that with hands blistered and joints sore i realised i can fit everythign insdie it and oh god im gonna lose absolutely everything! and thn something even WoORSE hit me that none of this even means anytnign, what the flip, imagine this format will stop and we only live in the real world what then maybe just maybe musicals make sense and then i bash my head into my desk HOW COULD U FOR A SECOND THINK MUSICALS ARE OKAY blood is spurting just likein that scene in longlegs dilf, jokes no maybe nicholas cage hes too pasty this has gotten long uve recently discovered this rly underground and unpopular artist michael jackson yea nobodies really heard of him sigh WHY DO I HAVEA FRENCH BOOK OH GOD IM GOING TO HELL people should put everything ive ever ever made into a bible because that is all i am and i am so happy that is true so yea put this in as well and all my assigmnets and paintings and digital art from 2019 and old drawings and scribbles and south park doodles and short stories ad gore and all the deleted notes of measurrements (sigh why phone) and dont forget all the photos and the annotations i rubbed out later cuz they sounded dumb and too personal remember always to make ur writing as obscure as possible because people always look to make everything about them hey emotions are really stupid our brains are amazing at finding information so much of it but our conciousness is preoccupied with other stupid stuff like education and being horny so all we get is emotions that have been processed information so hey our thinking brain really is in the back seat and we cant change it yk im bnad! im bad! u knowit really really bad megamind... evan peters is eyeing me rn.. i did a really good job of diverting my mental problems its actually really good but i am hoping we can get back to them once they get fixed and maybe this dependence wiol go away too right maybe and wait a darn second are you telling me i wont find myself a tim burton anti hero what the flip unbelievable may i get a refund never sell your doc martens just break them in please the blisters and pus and blood will pass and they will be great i swear unless theyre the max platform types then u might have to keep getting pain but thats okay god dont tell me i need to work in the future although when i watched the movie for the 2nd time in cinemas there was 3 seconds where there was a doctor with a mask and wowww maybe i shld become one of those but i dontthink i have the right motivation maybe neurobiology maybe quantum mechanics mabe maybe even both like quantum mind god thats interesting but only after biology i need to get worried abt climate change and then realise OH MY GOD NOTHING MATTERS BUT OUR MINDS and thats
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hotluncheddie · 22 days
kurt’s chat being full of pervs is so real to me. like people see that sweet boy trying so hard to be liked and theyre like ‘NEED to fuck him…’ (theyre so me)
they trick him into doing the ‘shake salt into your mouth’ thing and ask him gross pervy questions…but he’s so dumb and eager to keep his ‘fans’ happy that he’ll answer!!! such a stupid little puppy…
ough his dom in the stream…silently watching him innocently tell chat what the ‘yummiest thing he’s ever had in his mouth was’, allowing him to bend over to ‘give his fans the full outfit’, showing the camera his underwear when they ask, doing the yoga poses and stretches chat wants see if he can do… until his dom decides thats enough of that and they wanna play with their stupid pup themself!! maybe… maybe still on stream but on his squirtsworld69 account instead…
- 🐶
yessssssssss squirtsworld69 im cryinggggggg lmaoooooooo
his fans are like ‘fit check?!’ So Kurt stands and does a 360 and poses like ✌️😙 and lifts his legs to show off his cute socks, flashing everyone what’s under his skirt.
and then chat is all ‘have you stretched today Kurty? It’s bad for your health to not exercise’ and Kurt flushes and says no but he's so happy that chat are so nice, so good at looking out for him. And he searches videos on YouTube and has chat vote for which one he does. Turns out they pick one that has him laying on his back with his legs up and his underwater out for basically the whole time.
and he’s a little red and out of breath getting up and down to read the chat. Going more red when he sees lots of 🥵🥵💦🍆 sent along with the 💝💕💖❣️💘 messages
his dom streaming him from squirtsworld69 tho <3 playing with his stupid sub and explaining some of the perverted messages chat send - "you want that huh? want all those strangers doing that to you baby?" touching and teasing Kurt and making him so so hard and stretched that he'll agree to anything - no brain left left in his little head
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