#maybe they could have been prevented
blurred-cat · 11 months
i'm sure it's been asked before but Having A Good Life an Entitlement or a Privilege? should to goal of a society be to ensure all the needs of its members are met or should their needs only be met because they are valued enough?
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tswwwit · 8 months
I feel like if Dipper were ever reincarnated as a demon, he wouldn't fit in super well with the others. Yes, he's been raised to vie for power and step on everyone in his way using whatever means is necessary - it's the same toxic bizz as when he was a human, appealing to gender norms. He's tougher, scarier, more powerful (than ordinary humans, that is), but when it comes to asserting control - being Evil - he doesn't have it in him. Given enough time, I think he'd grow pretty vocal about leaving living things alone. NOT torturing organisms for the hell of it, or stealing people's souls, or conquering planets. Sure, he's a demon. That's no excuse to be a MONSTER.
It's a VERY unpopular opinion amongst neighboring demons, and rumor spreads fast about the Goody Two-Shoed Activist imp raining on everyone's blood-splattered parade, so much so that it makes it to Bill, who's immediately intrigued. Call it intuition, but only one soul's capable of overriding goddamn demon nature for some preachy bullshit about "Doing Good." Lucky for him, demons occupy the same plane of existence, so all it really takes to verify the guy is a snap of his fingers, and POOF! He's floating right next to him. Sure enough, Dipper's fashioned himself a new and improved demonic form, and it is lovely!
No one likes Dipper's kumbaya "Can't We All Just Get Along" ideology, but Bill's almost instantly smitten with the guy, whoever he is, so he's gotta be at least somewhat powerful. Demons take notice when the all-powerful Bill Cipher starts lending his time (and magic?) to some low-leveler like Dipper. Is he being blackmailed? Are they working together? No. Not possible. Bill doesn't "work" with anyone, save for whatever human catches his eye every few decades. Doesn't look to be doing him any benefit, either. The opposite, even. Lending power to a saint like Dipper only makes it harder to cause chaos, after all. Why would he actively go against his OWN best interest to cater some imp's? It's almost like he's. He's.
A henchmen.
(Bill's also 30% more affectionate the first month they reunite, because he still can't believe that his adorable little human husband came back as the same SPECIES as him! He'd never complain over having a sweet human to squeeze, but one with teeth and claws and cute pointy ears doesn't hurt).
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#answers#I can't help but picture demon dipper starting out all like#I'm Bad 😡 I'm Mean 😡 I'm Evil As Heck!! 😡#And still having a HUGE hatred for things that are Unfair or Unjust. One time he saved a kitten from a tree and got embarrassed about it#Eventually he just has to give into his nature and speak up about all the BULLSHIT he sees going on around him#Sorry Dippin' Dots even the society that 'raised' you can't prevent you from your do-gooder ways#Don't worry Bill loves you for the stupid idiot you are#Everyone is completely BAFFLED by Bill acting like a friggin' henchman though#I bet they don't even peg it as romantic interest at first. Dipper sure doesn't#He's thinking this is some Grand Scheme to convince him back into the evil fold#And to be fair Bill's very tempting in that respect. But not leaning as hard into it as he *could* be#Maybe he thinks Bill's trying to 'mentor' him for something. Seems like the kind of thing Bill would imply and let Dipper fill in the gaps#They're technically not the same SPECIES since Dipper's probably some human-shaped 'demon'#And Bill's originally from a two-dimensional weird universe. Technically speaking he's His Own Thing#Aside from whatever refugees escaped that plane. If any.#Demon covers a LOT of different beings that don't have much or any genetics in common#But you KNOW Bill's thrilled as hell that Dipper's Slightly More Immortal than usual!! This one's gonna last a WHILE#*slams fist on table* Give Dipper A Tail With A Tuft That Bill Can Pull To Be Annoying#Final thought: In this incarnation Bill might have been wondering where the hell Dipper got to since there's no human around#Given a long enough time he might even wonder if he was LOST#So you know that when Dipper reemerges on the scene everyone else was dealing with a VERY unhappy Bill Cipher for QUITE a while
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ineffectualdemon · 8 months
The idea that men don't ever belong in the same space as women or that they are creepy to want to be in those spaces cuts off even cis men from much needed community
When I was a young mum (before my gender journey) the few single dads (or dads whose schedule let them come to these groups more than mums) were always nervous or worried they would be unwelcome at baby groups or mums groups
Their babies needed socialisation and play just as much as ours
And they needed support and reassurance and help just as much as the mums did
But they either felt unwelcome or had been made to feel unwelcome in these spaces before
And while I tried to reach out to them and reassure them that they belonged there were women who eyed them with obvious suspicion and subtly excluded them from the conversations
These are dads who are there to do the right thing by their child and they are being treated like some kind of predator for that
The belief that men can only be predators. That they have no sense of self control and can only want to hurt women is so harmful
It's harmful to the trans community
It's harmful to men
It's harmful to women for many many reasons
Are there men who are bad?
Does the patriarchy reward or protect those men a lot of the time?
Does that mean most men are inherently evil?
Of fucking course not!
And things won't get better if we don't believe men in general can ever be good and support men who are reaching out for community support
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connecting-the-stars · 2 months
Cody and Fox Dynamic is so interesting to me (there was a great post discussing them - I’ll have to find it)
Their moralities is something I want to dissect:
“You can’t save them all”
Fox: “I know.” Still cares and mourns those he failed to protect. Sits heavy upon him as the industrial planet marches ahead without sparing the dead a glance, he drags himself after it. The next deaths hurt, and the next, and the next.
Cody: “I have to try.” Counts the dead and then counts again. Maybe it’s changed since the last time. How many has he failed? Were they shinies? Were they seasoned? This vulnerability let them be cornered, he will rectify this. Where are the gaps, where could there have been openings for advances? His heart seizes. The next deployment will be different. (It has to be.)
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lifeasasardine · 3 months
*some post talking about how bad it is that Mabel is given so much shit for being just a literal 12yr old, making her sound like the worst*
*the post begins to bring up that Dipper is also a stupid 12yr old who also made mistakes*
*the post then makes DIPPER sound like the worst human being imaginable*
man what the FU-
can we please stop acting like there's only pure good and the lowest trash in the world and not...yknow...people
they're both 12 year old children
they're gonna make mistakes they're gonna do stupid things and they're gonna be selfish
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yearnerspermit · 3 months
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This continues to be one of the best shots in the entire show and I will never shut up about it
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fauci saying “vulnerable people will fall by the wayside” and that some will die but that’s ok because we’re not going to see the “tsunami of cases” we’ve seen before is so dehumanising. so babies with no immune system, elderly people, disabled people, and people without adequate access to healthcare can all die of covid. but it’s ok guys because actually they’re just falling to the wayside and everyone else will go back to normal and be fine (sarcasm).
my death or the deaths of my family or friends wouldn’t be us “falling by the wayside”, it would be us being failed by our government, healthcare systems, and communities who have refused to take coronavirus seriously despite mounting anecdotal and scientific evidence of the harm this virus does. fact that people can accept the deaths of vulnerable groups just because they want to eat in a restaurant or don’t want to wear a mask is horrifying
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danothan · 11 months
tough pill i have to swallow is realizing that “getting better” doesn’t mean “getting to do more things,” getting better for me means taking better initiative in protecting myself. and THAT means making sure i do LESS things
#sounds kinda obvious but i only just realized it lmao#feels like i have to grieve a lot of my goals now but no one said the healing process would be easy#danbles#and for anyone else that has a disability that prevents them from doing smth#or trauma that makes certain triggers limit their opportunities#or neurotypes that make it harder for them to love smth like they used to#or whatever else#i don’t want to make it sound like you have to give up on the things that make you happy#I’M certainly not going to#but a huge value of mine has always been experiencing everything life had to offer#and everytime that backfires (whether it’s burnout; triggering a flashback; triggering an episode; putting strain on my body; etc)#i always just thought to myself ‘it was bad timing’ or ‘i haven’t gotten better yet’ bc the endgoal was to always get to that point where#i could experience it. i want to try new things all the time. i want to feel normal and be included in everything#but if smth keeps Making Me Feel Bad then maybe there isn’t a version of myself that can take it on#it’s not resilience to put yourself in harm’s way#idk how well i’ll be able to put this into practice tbh. i rly rly like exploring different experiences#even negative ones are valuable to me#but the least i can do for myself is recognize that i might not always be the problem#maybe i’ve already hit the limit on all the self-work i can do. maybe it’s the environment or situation itself that’s the problem#fuuck guys ​i feel like i’m going thru a stage of grief here why is this shit so hard 💀
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lucifer-kane · 1 month
"The Kratu, as I'm sure you know, have three genders we cycle through; male, female, ora." I didn't know that but tell me more
"My love only wants me when we're both in female form" BREAK UP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND
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pixelfont52 · 14 days
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
Feeling totally normal and not overwhelmed by the fact that Imogen talked to 3 Laudnas that didn’t recognize her completely and then her reaction when she called out for Laudna at the tree and Laudna responded with Imogen’s name.
Aughhhh, its good, its perfect, its heartbreaking and real good. So much of Laudna's life did not have Imogen in it, much less the rest of the Bells. So much of her life was lonely, and sometimes hostile, and maybe things would have looked different if Imogen was there, if there were ghostly spectres of her friends whispering kindnesses and advice.
But she wasnt. they werent. No matter how much Imogen would have liked to be there, to extend a friendly hand, to tell her not to go- she didn't know Imogen, then. Facts set in stone. Things you cannot change, only witness.
But then- Laudna on the tree, the most real, most current version of Laudna yet, lost in a fog, with Imogen's name on her lips, first thing. Because- she did meet Imogen, eventually, and both their worlds tilted on their axes as a result. She didn't know Imogen before. But eventually, she did, so of course, of course, the first word, the last word in her lungs, is "Imogen". How could it not be?
She didn't know her before. She couldn't have. But she knows her now. She knows all of them now. And the now is what they are fighting for, right?
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Where were you when the Hoard struck? Did you ever manage to find Sirius? If so, can you give us an update on his condition?
Me and the rest of the Alliance were on vacation!
We figured we deserved a little treat after dealing with all the stress of, you know, saving the world and having our domains be ravaged by the radioactive maws of that foul beast...
So we all went on a nice trip to the beach! (I love the beach, you know.)
This was, of course, after we got everything settled, and after Herbert managed to reclaim his sweet Holly. We invited Sackboy, too, but for one reason or another, they couldn't come. Either he was busy, or Larry just forgot to invite him - I'm not sure! I wasn't handling the invitations.
We, of course, realized the horrors that had occured once the valiant heroes came home...
I guess we were too cocky, thinking the danter was all dealt with so soon. Fixing the damage the Hoard made wasn't too bad though - just annoying.
As for where my funky brother from another mother Sirius was, well...it took me a bit to find him.
Being a robot, he had coordinates we could track, but they were all over the place! He kept popping up this way and that way on the radars...until, finally, I found him scattered and damaged in the Metropolis.
He had a few bits missing. We needed to get those replaced, and of course, deal with whatever data corruption that Wormhole caused.
He's fine now - just a little wonky. Though I really hope something like that doesn't happen again!
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fefairys · 7 days
it’s literally so awesome how it doesn’t matter how careful you are, if someone you cohabitate with doesn’t take precautions against covid you are Just Fucked. why did she have to stop fucking caring. we have been so careful.
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gideonisms · 2 years
whats a moirail?
so in homestuck, the narrative spends quite a bit of time explaining the mating structure of a violent alien society. In this society, everyone ideally has multiple life partners and there are 4 setups: a love/hate thing, something similar to romantic love, a throuple where one party mediates between two people who have a love/hate thing, and finally something similar to a queerplatonic relationship. That last one is what a moirail is. Basically, the two people involved have a deep committed relationship where they are presumably not having sex, though they do typically share a house and a bed. The purpose of this is to calm at least one of the people down from committing murders and violence. Pal is pretty much doing this for camilla knives and more knives hect. He's her emotional support guy, whatever that means!
ted talk concluded! I'm sorry and have a great evening
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fullmetall · 2 months
thinking abt hohenheim 2day
#actually i started thinking abt him (and ed's abandonment issues) Yesterday#but that was After i accidentally smoked too much and couldnt actually put together a real thought other than 'wah' about it HDHSSHFHDF#hohenheim shows back up after Years and ed is fuckin Pissed#hates his guts wants Nothing to do with him#but there's still that. small part of him even amidst the Everything that is like. //well Maybe Maybe Maybe//#//maybe things could work out. somehow. some day. even though he's immortal. and things are complicated. maybe they could be Okay//#and by the time ed even starts to maybe come around to the thought of Trying to maybe hash it out. hohenheim fuckin Dies like For Real#i think abt like. how often ed play the What If game with himself yknow#like in the manga he's straight up like //i dont have any memories of That Man ever being parental towards us// and ed will tell Anyone-#-that he doesnt need - never Has needed - hohenheim#but he still thinks about like. what couldve happened maybe if hohenheim had stayed. if he had been there for them when trisha died#if he had been able to teach them the true cost of attempting human transmutation.#he wonders if hohenheim being there couldve prevented this whole mess#sure that fantasy crumbles when he remembers Father and the other homunculi and the fate of the country that's been set in stone (hah)-#-since its conception#everything is complicated and messy and logically never would have worked out no matter what#but ed's still a kid. he doesnt want to Understand he just wants his dad. or literally fucking Anything (as much as he'll deny it)#welcome back to another patented tag essay btw. my bad-#one day ill make proper meta posts. one day
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louderfade · 10 months
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from Is deep brain stimulation a treatment option for anorexia nervosa?
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