#maybe on. my spring break or something..........
@steddie-spooktober day 3: apples | rated: G | wc: 998
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“Wow, he’s really good at that.” Robin remarks as Eddie sloshes back up out of the bucket with yet another apple caught in his grin, “Who'da thunk, huh?”
“Yeah…” Steve breathes, watching Eddie’s hair drip down over his forehead and down his neck, “He’s really good with his mouth.”
Robin chokes on her most recent swig of cider, “I’m sorry, what?!”
“Uh…” Steve feels his face turn hot, “Huh? I didn’t say anything.” He moves to turn away back into the Hoppers’ cabin, an excuse of the bathroom or a new mug of cider ready behind his teeth and Robin on his heels
“Oh no you don’t; you explain yourself this instant Steven Marie Harrington!” She demands, voice much louder than he’d like it to be, “What did you just say about Eddie Munson’s mouth??”
“Nothing that anyone—especially the Eddie in question—needs to hear! Quiet down!” He whispers in a harried tone.
He pulls her into Hopper’s tiny bathroom, snapping the door shut behind him.
“You have a crush on Eddie Munson?! Our Eddie Munson?”
Steve leans back against the door and sighs, letting himself sink to the floor. “Still too loud.” he says, not actually meaning it.
She must’ve been able to tell that he’s trying to stall, so she sinks onto the shallow edge of the tub to wait. One of her knees knocks against the bowl of the toilet, the other against the wall.
“I think I have for a little while now. Since spring break at least.” he confesses, now that he’s in the proper position to do so, here on the bathroom floor.
“You found time to get your first crush on a guy since figuring out you’re bi, and it’s during yet another upside-down related catastrophe.” Robin states rather than asks. “You’re something else, Dingus.”
“Gee, thanks for your support.”
“You have it always, obviously,” she waves him off, “Just surprised that the first I’m hearing about it is when your horny lizard brain tells me for you.”
“It’s been getting really annoying lately.”
“What, having a big gay crush on someone? I feel you.”
“No, lizard brain is being really annoying lately. But yeah, also that.”
Steve’s gaze is stuck on the slightly mis-matched piece of linoleum between his feet, but sees Robin nod her head in his periphery.
Neither say anything for a solid 45 seconds, until: “So what are you going to do about it?”
“Something… eventually… maybe…” he hedges, “Just ‘cause he’s into guys too doesn’t mean he’s into me.”
“Oh yeah, of course he isn’t.”
He rolls his eyes at the sarcasm. “I’m being serious Robin.”
“Me too.”
Steve finally looks up at her.
“Don’t give me that look, I’m being serious about my sarcasm, Steven. Of course Eddie’s into you; you saw how he was flirting with you during the whole Vecna fiasco!” Robin flails her arm around in emphasis, “How he’s been flirting with you ever since.”
“What if that’s not just for me though, he’s annoyingly charming to everyone!”
“He may be charming,” She grimaces (“Hey!”), “But that doesn’t mean he’s out here flirting with anyone!”
“He just feels comfortable with me.”
“Everyone our age knows about Eddie, Steve, and he’s still been his same dorky self with all them. You’re the only one he’s been flirting with nonstop.”
Steve opens his mouth to respond, but closes it again. 
Damn, she’s got a point.
Eddie never calls Jonathan ‘sweetheart’, or Argyle ‘big boy’... he’s heard him say once that Hopper was his first crush when he’d had one too many drinks, but she’s right.. Eddie’s only flirty with him.
Steve suddenly feels all swoopy inside. And it must show on his face somehow, because Robin says “Ew gross, you’re thinking about him aren’t you?”
“No, I’m thinking about Hopper– of course I’m thinking about him!” Steve grins, then pushes him up off the floor. “Okay, okay, I just have to make it through the rest of the day, and I’ll ask him out tomorrow when he comes in to bother us for a free rental at work.”
He looks down at Robin, searching her face for any sign that it isn’t a good plan.
She nods, “Good. Now where are you going to take him?”
The answer to that one was simple, “Movie date at my place.”
Robin snorts, “A bit presumptuous, eh Stevie?”
The floaty feeling in his gut turns into a boulder, “I mean— That’s not what— Obviously I’d love it to—” he cuts himself off for the last time at the smirk on her face. “Oh fuck you.” He shakes his head in fond exasperation as he turns, heading back out of the bathroom.
Robin’s teasing him still when the back door opens and Eddie waltzes in, the round, decorative basket Joyce had been using to put all the apples people fished out of the barrel in his arms and a(nother? The same?) apple lodged in his teeth.
He spots them and puts the basket down on the island, spinning dramatically to lean onto the tabletop to face them.
His hand comes up to grab onto the apple, snapping off a bite and sucking away the juice as he takes it away from his mouth, “Hey Stevie, Birdie,” he says over a mouthful of crunching fruit.
Steve blinks once, then turns to Robin, “I’m not going to survive 'till tomorrow.”
Before she or Eddie can react, Steve is striding across the room and pulling his sodden friend to him in a tart, apple-flavored kiss.
Robin says something about being lookout, but Steve’s too busy feeling Eddie’s mouth on his.
Until Eddie pulls back that is.
“Shit– Eddie, I’m so sorry, I—” Steve stops when Eddie’s finger comes up between them.
Eddie chews once, twice, a third, then swallows down the rest of his bite.
“Okay,” Eddie breathes once his mouth is clear. “Now, where were we?” He tosses the apple over his shoulder and descends upon Steve once again.
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divider from @saradika-graphics!
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chonnysinferno · 6 months
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uhhhh fart and mint i n, yea and soul cause. astrjum watned to draw. himsrlf i guess
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lerildeal · 7 months
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doodles for a game I haven’t played in over 5 years 😔
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spamsandsuch · 7 months
erm. what the spamton
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neptunesailing · 1 year
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mayoi (enstars x hnk au)
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#nep draws things#ensemble stars#enstars#sketch#mayoi ayase#enstars x hnk au#hnk au#ouoououououu i am soooo proud of the mayo on the right hjhjrhgrghrhgrhghgrghrhg he is so !!#showed this to a friend before i posted and they said his hair would taste like frozen grapes and i had to break it to them that it'd break#their teeth JHDHJFHJSDHJFHJSHJFSJD anywayy i might redraw the aira one.. he needs some attention too ^_^ sorry i only design for hii.ai /#alkaloid but THEY ARE MY FAVS........ by this logic i should be drawing more sw.itch but . i just . *waves hands* alkaloid !!! alkaloid so#special to me.. anyway tatsumi has another job other than patrolling with mayo which is why mayo has the winter uni and tatsun has the norm#i was maybe thinking tatsun would be a healer like rutile is..? nothing is set in stone (pun intended) for now ahha but tatsun can still#fight jsut fine!! hes more of a watcher for mayo. mayo fights more since his hardness lvl is much higher than tatsun's. during the spring a#stuff tho i think mayo kinda hides around? still not sure.. youd probably see him around tho in the shadows (ala canon i guess) and i guess#thats how hiiro and aira get to know mayo outside of patrols.. OH the reason why mayo is on winter patrol is because he gets too nervous#working with other gems and he kept messing up and hiding away whenever he did mess up so :((( yeah he usually fights by himself OH I SHOUL#EXPLAIN WHY HE CAN SPLIT INTO 2 its because of the spinel law something somethign rotated at 180 degrees at some axis but ANYWAY his hair#is longer in his singular form but you can see in his split form his hair is cut differently than how we normally see mayo's hair- and also#theyre mirrored!! their braids are on different sides and the side w/o the braid is shorter!! and the moles are on opposite sides too heheh#holy shit i wrote so much in the tags..... anyway THANK YOU SOS SO MUCH TEA FOR REMINDING ME OF THE HNK AU AGAIN AND ENABLING ME TO GO#INSANE OVER THIS AU AGAIN UR AMAZINGGGG <333333
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supersymmetries · 6 months
i've finally reached the part in the semester where we're covering the second law of thermodynamics. matt bellamy we're in it together now
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pkmnnursecass · 7 months
//Howdy! It's me, the mod, skrelp/elliot/apollo/citru/honeyloupe/etc. I'm here to ask for opinions~
So we recently hit 60 followers! Which is...a lot!! To me, at least. I am but a humble country bumpkin when it comes to internet percentages -_- I wanted to do an event when we reached 50, but that coincided right around the time the whole Vocational Vacation thing happened! So now I'm back and ready for action 🎊
There's two (technically three options) for an event. Sorry if the explanations are...long. I am bad at being concise I guess
The first option is a Cassidy Backstory Extravaganza! Back in Janurary I wrote a bunch of short stories revolving around her life, growing up, and kind of what makes her tick? The event would work as follows: I release a masterpost with all the stories' names, contents warnings, and maybe an emoji(?) then, you send in an ask with that chapters name/emoji and I post it 😎👍 it'll be like one big, blog specific ask game! at the end I'll make like an epub file where you can read them all, even the ones who aren't picked! MEANWHILE, I'll also have like...all the mean Pelipper things open- so you can read a chapter, find out something bad about Cass' life, and send her mail accordingly idk
The second option is one of two events I had planned. One is a blog takeover type thing with Cass' friend from college (with gay shenanigans, etc.). Another is where Cass fights a cassowary! Whether she loses or not is up in the air. I'll either decide on my own or make another poll if that one wins!
Okieeeee that's it! Again, sorry for the text wall. Tysm for 60 followers! This was my first pkmn irl blog so I'm glad at least some(?) people like it! hehehe ^^
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mirchloe · 2 months
frazie meets her match when she throws an acorn or a rock, and adam casually deflects it with his yo-yo. she's sweating. gobsmacked. words aren't coming to her. adam is walking the dog.
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Mod MCH here adding in some extra points from the previous post (cant link with anon) because undiagnosed ADHD go brrr and i'll occasionally think of something to say after i've already dusted my hands of the situation
don't suck the fun out of internet polls for fictional characters about arbitrary personal opinions just because you've based your entire personality around being a simp for said fictional character. its not cool or fun to shit on other characters and the people that enjoy them (or make ridiculous claims like "doing everything they can do get G'raha eliminated")
its fun to go feral and say crazy shit about the character you love. don't let that extend to shitting on the other characters and people that enjoy them when your favourite is up against another character. go touch some grass, feel the light on your skin, have a conversation with someone face to face. maybe enjoy your local sights? revaluate yourself and your enjoyment of something if it results in being hateful to others
-Mod Machinist
I will say this is the last we'll talk about it, if only because the drama i'm worried continued conversation will cause will drain the fun even more. This tournament has been fun and has legit been a joy and something I look forward to, but when I get online and think "i'm not going to read the tags anymore" or "I don't want to check the polls" it reminds me how really funny it is how very quickly (almost a month) the tune and attitude of something fun can change.
So instead of feeling like I have to scold a group of people or like I don't want to continue the polls I'm just gonna take a break and not interact with y'all until the finals! gonna practice what i preach, ya dig?
remember to have fun and stay hydrated! -Mod Fisher
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madegeeky · 2 years
Tomorrow Mr. Geeky and I's relationship will be old enough for it to legally buy alcohol in the United States.
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absentmoon · 2 years
im so brave(got up to have a snack
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arakiincel · 2 years
i need to read more…
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
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The Spring of Sapphic Satisfaction (2023) by VBL (me)
This is a rewrite in the form of a comic strip of Radclyffe Hall's The Well of Loneliness (1928). Her novel was about the butch lesbian heroine, Stephen Gordon. The ending is really sad so I wanted to rewrite the story so Stephen got another girlfriend who stays with her. Pipah was a character who came to me to fix that.
There's a glare on the last panel because it's already framed for an art show that they do in my local community.
The mediums are pen, ink and colored pencil. I hand drew/wrote it.
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burningivy · 1 month
ughhh I wish I didn’t have work or class. I just want to hop on a plane or drive or something and just go somewhere else
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dallasoverdueessay · 7 months
no schoolwork today (maybe a little reading or research) because i need to rest. i already feel guilty about this :P
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vraska-theunseen · 7 months
auauaugh i can't even imagine how im going to get through sophomore year 😭 i don't even know how i'm going to get through this semester i always feel like i'm scrambling. even though i can tell im making way better progress compared to last semester like i'm learning things quicker im getting more done i have experience to build on instead of doing 10 fitups of shitty t joints im doing 3 or 4 and that's because (even if my teacher has to come in my booth to show me how to do it) with each bead slowly i remember how i've welded before and understand how i'm supposed to do it but that's still so much time im still behind compared to where my teacher said we should be and i don't understand how everyone else is understanding and doing everything faster than i am 😭
#alex talks#week after spring break is going to be entirely taken up by one project my teacher said it might even take us two weeks and we have like 8#weeks of school total left and not even halfway through our projects so far and like i said i am still behind on those projects#that aren't even halfway through. every time i have to weld something i have to do it 3 or 4 times before i remember how welding works and#how to watch under the hood for what i'm supposed to be looking at to know where i'm supposed to be pointing and how fast i'm supposed to be#moving and therefore how to correct when im not doing that and with this stupid week long project we get one chance on each joint#i really like oxyacetylene i think i could get really good at that and it's actually fun bc with welding w a hood it's so dark &it's hard to#adjust and once you're running a bead that's it you're running it you're in there i have to remember everything but with oxyacetylene it#moves slow it's a way lighter shade i can see it i can pause in a bead and go back and fix things smooth them out#but people don't even use oxyacetylene welding anymore for like actual jobs bc it's so inefficient we're just doing it to practice for tig#i mean people still use oxyacetylene cutting and brazing which i haven't learned yet and probably very specific scenarios maybe like#idk very small seams or more artistic things people use it but not a lot out in the industry i mean#i had a nightmare last night where i was oxyacetylene welding a pipe i still have to weld and i blew a hole in it and it just kept getting#bigger and bigger and the metal rolled away from itself in a way that metal doesn't do and i couldn't control it and then i rolled the#puddle until it covered the blown hole mostly (not how anything works) but it was still charred and misshapen and ruined. so anyway
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