#maybe i will start on this while i work on my other longfics
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mariyekos · 9 months ago
One day I want to write an AU where Dante and Vergil were actually born a few hundred/thousand years pre-story, which is something Dante tries to hide while Vergil doesn't. I have 2 main ideas for it- DMC1/3 Fusion AU and DMC4 AU. These got long, so I'm putting them under the cut!
In the DMC1 AU, it'd be sort of like a combination of the anime, DMC3, and what you see in DMC1. Dante'd look like he's in his late 20s for this one. He and Lady would meet because they've both been hired for the same job, then encounter each other on some odd jobs before they end up working together on a big one. Maybe Arkham killed Kalina Ann when Lady was a teenager, but didn't manage to enact the rest of his plans right away so Lady's been chasing him for a decade, hunting demons in hopes of finding a lead. Dante meanwhile just likes the human world, so he goes from place to place hunting demons until it gets too suspicious he's not aging and he has to leave. This AU'd have branching paths at the big job they take take together: the Temen-ni-gru or Mallet Island. In both cases Dante and Vergil haven't spoken for a while. Vergil's gone silent for years or even a decade or two in the past, but he'll have a bad feeling about this particular silence (for good reason).
The main difference between the two would be who Arkham allies with. In both cases, Lady isn't aware of how old Dante is, or just *who* he is until partway through. She knows he's part demon, but with the way he acts she assumes he's actually in his late twenties and the kid of a demon that was probably fairly powerful, but unknown. But the truth would come out partway through, which...would maybe change things, maybe not. It would be a shock regardless.
Back to the branches though, in Mallet you could go with the plot where Arkham is trying to revive Mundus, so Dante intervenes. This one would have a Nelo Angelo bit (making Dante feel terrible because he'd just allowed Mundus to do whatever he wanted with Vergil for who knows how long, all because he hadn't bofhered to check up on his unusually silent brother). I might have a sort of B-plot involving Lady, Arkham, and Trish to accompany the Dante, Mundus, and Vergil angle.
With the Temen-ni-gru, it would be your classic Arkham+Vergil relationship, but with a much older Vergil he wouldn't be tricked by Arkham this time. Arkham would think he has Vergil in the palm of his hand until he clearly doesn't and Vergil deals a fatal blow as soon as Arkham pulls off his betrayal. I think Lady would be pissed Vergil stole her kill, but ultimately have to back down for the Dante vs Vergil fight because with that many extra years under their belts, she'd be no match. Seeing them would be an interesting contrast though, because Vergil so clearly clings to the past (he'd be in a more Renaissance style than Dante) while Dante's all about the present and human world. This one...I think would be harder to resolve than the other one, because I'm not sure how Dante would convince someone so set in his ways (again, hundreds of years old at a minimum) to change, but it could be fun to play with.
As for the DMC4 AU, this one would be a case where Nero is still a teenager, and Dante's really surprised because oh boy, who in the *world* managed to convince Vergil to sleep with them when he'd been so uptight for centuries? And Dante's excited to have a family member and can't help but mess with them.
I think in this one it might also be fun if Fortuna was aware that Sparda had children because then you'd have a case where people potentially worship said children, whether or not they realize it's Dante. Maybe Vergil ruled Fortuna for a little while after Sparda left and that meant people knew he existed. Dante hadn't been aware he'd apparently come back, but Nero's proof enough so he's really going to have to have a talk with Vergil the next time he returns from his travels. I'm not set on whether the people of Fortuna would know that Sparda had twins, or if they'd just know about Vergil and thus be in denial that Dante could possibly be the son of Sparda because he's *so* different. In either case eventually people (or at least Nero and Kyrie) would have to reconcile Dante with the figure they'd been worshipping and that would be hard (and for Dante, hilarious). I think in this one I might make Lady part of a bloodline that has fought alongside Sparda since he split the Human and Demon worlds, sort of like the Castlevania series with Alucard and the Belmonts, while Trish would be someone Dante recruited a few decades to centuries ago (importantly, she's younger than him).
In this one I think part of the driving force would be that Dante wants humanity to be able to protect itself/prove its worth, or for Nero to protect them/prove his worth, because if they/Nero don't then Dante's worried Vergil might instead deem humanity a scourge and do something bad.
The plot of DMC4 revolves around humans using demons to fuel their own power, and in this case I think Dante will have found out about what Fortuna was doing too late to erase what they've done, so it's a case where humans need to prove that there are more good humans than bad humans so Vergil doesn't slam down the hammer. Dante can encourage them in the right direction, but he can't carry them the whole way. If he does then Vergil will deem his interference proof of humanity's weakness and do...Dante isn't totally sure what, but he doesn't like how Vergil's been the past few decades and he's increasingly been feeling like Vergil might decide he's had enough of the human world and side with the members of the demon world Dante *knows* have been slipping through the border to speak to Vergil. And while Dante doesn't think he'd *lose* to Vergil, the battle would lead to immense destruction and would weaken them enough that Dante's fairly sure Mundus or some other demon would take advantage of the chance to invade the human world while they're in no state to defend it.
...Anyway! That's two/three ideas for first that I will...maybe get to, one day, once I finish the million other fic ideas I have. I just really like the concept of "totally goofy guy is actually super old" or "frustratingly unserious guy is actually one of the guys you grew up worshipping, somehow." I think there's a lot of room for fun there.
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haza1ll · 8 months ago
this post is for @sugarpasteltmnt
this might end up being really long and rambly and sappy but maybe not who knows.( it was) (and also featuring numerous spelling errors i am way too tired to fix and i am not re reading what i just wrote) SO. yknow how when chap idek..25(?) came out and i was all like “yeah so i made this animation for TNV and ill drop it when the fic ends” in your ask box? so. I FINISHED IT RAHHH. technically it has been finished since i sent that ask but ohhh my goodness did it need polishing. i haven’t animated in 4 years before that and omg it felt so good getting back into it but IDFK SOMETHING IS STILL NOT UP TO MY STANDARDS. i feel like i could have done so much more with it and i deffo wanted to but as soon as i told myself “oh yeah this is basically done” art block literally sucker punched me in the gut out of NOWHERE. I COULD NOT PICK UP MY I PAD. I COULD NOT DRAW. I WOULD STARE AT THE WIP ANIMATION AND BE UPSET BC I DDINT WANNA WORK ON IT AHH. that goes with saying. i kept having this thought in the back of my head “you need to finish it. you have a wip sitting. finish it. go do it. what are you doing are you STARTING ANOTHER PROJECT??? anddd yeah i got super distracted with other stuff and other projects and then i started spending my free time rewatching 2012 turtles and omg this summer has been a mess. i have all the free time in the world and i choose to be the least productive as possible with it even though i have a job that lets me literally sit on my phone and do whatever i want if no one is there. (i’ve brought my switch to work numerous times ☠️) what i was trying to get at is the fact that TNV has inspired a lot of the old me to come back and i lowk missed her. i really missed the point in all those words up there but im here now so whatever. BUT. TNV made me make a tumblr account, i got back in to animation AND digital art in general, got back into longfics that are ongoing, AND it also helped kickstart ideas for writing. i’ve got so many stories now!! you are such an inspirational person pastels i just- every time i read a new chapter of yours it made me wanna go get up and do something. i wanted to create something. because at the end of each chapter, i would think- “woah. a person out there just wrote this. they just sat down one day and committed. i wanna do that” so i did that. just huge thank you and shoutout to you pastel. like damn. idk no words from me here. just a bunch of platonic hugs and kisses and thankyouthankyouthsnkuou for this lovely heart wrenching but also sweet story. i love this fandom (tmnt) so SO much and i think it’s so awesome how interactive you are with your own personal NV fans. crazy how we’re all here because of a bunch of turtles. 
okay i really like to talk and if you let me, i will run my mouth. this is the internet so im gonna do just that. so more words for you to read 😁. AHEM. so like i stated before in the genuinely scary mess of words up there, i haven’t touched animation in a while, like, 4 years a while. yes i’ve done digital art here and there along the years, i haven’t been doing it nearly as much as i need to to use some programs to their full potential. layers are still confusing, and don’t even get me started on multiply and all that jazz. shading never comes out right on digital for me, i gotta work that one out. so, for this animation, i decided to go with a very rough style. nothing needed to be perfect, i just wanted to live my little life of trying to experiment with a bunch of different things all at once in one short animatic. I wanted to do that little ball bounce thing all animation artists start with (i kinda included that with the key). i also wanted to have a go at lip sync (no hate it was my first time) and also timing the animation with the music. i wanted to see how smoothly i could move a figure in and out of and out of the screen as well, which honestly, i think that part might be my favorite. i think i did a good job, and thats what matters. the animation itself lost a bunch of quality on importing it- no clue how it happened but now the ending is grainy af. ignore that pls lol- but it was sitting in my flipaclip for god, i dont even know, 3 months now? i kept going back and forth on if i wanted to share it or not, so im throwing it to the wolves and i guess whatrver happrns happens and im good with that. yay. im actually rrwlly tired now sooo *leaves this absolute pile of words with a video attached at your feet and stumbles away quickly*
also i’ve genuinely never posted anything so i’m learning how to use tumblr too ☠️
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fushiglow · 2 months ago
10 things I've learned about being a fanfic author over the last year
At the time of writing this post, I have been writing and sharing fanfiction for Jujutsu Kaisen for almost two years. This time last year, my in-progress longfic, Over the Threshold, started to gain popularity and, over the last twelve months, I think it's fair to say I have become somewhat of a BNF in the SatoSugu community... Sigh...
While every creative wants their work to be seen, there is a threshold (ha) past which visibility brings difficulties, and unfortunately I went over it (ha) in recent months. It has changed my fandom experience significantly, and not entirely for the better. While there have been friendships for life forged, beautiful memories I'll carry with me for the rest of my life, and more kind words and fanart than I can shake a stick at, there have also been opportunists, naysayers, and even outright bullies.
Seeing your name thrown around in fandom spaces with little regard for the real person behind the writing — for your character, for your circumstances, for your creative liberty — does force you to re-evaluate your relationship with your work and your audience. With that in mind, I thought I'd share the lessons I've taken from the last year as a fanfic author.
I really hope this serves as advice for any fanfic authors seeking more visibility on their work, and also generally encourages more thoughtful engagement with fandom creators. Let's go!
1. Writing for anyone except yourself is still a bad idea
That doesn't mean it isn't sometimes worth taking reader preferences into account. It's just about knowing when to disregard them. We write fanfiction for lots of different reasons that vary from fic to fic. Sometimes, making other people happy is a good enough reason to write a fic, as long as that's what you set out to do and you're under no illusions about that.
However, letting reader expectations creep into your approach to your other work in a way that doesn't serve your personal creative vision is a bad idea, especially because...
2. People disrespect fanfic authors even more than you thought
There are plenty of kind, supportive people in fandom. However, the unfortunate truth is they are vastly outnumbered by people who will gobble up your work without even taking a moment to say thank you for the meal and who will, in fact, demand more from you instead.
Trying to please entitled people who are impossible to satisfy, who bring nothing of value to your fandom experience, and who may even resort to bullying if you don't play by their ever changing rulebook is a pointless endeavour — so don't bother!
3. Your writing process is a constant work in progress
Because you are a constant work in progress. You can't always expect something that worked for you a year ago to work the same now. There are too many variables in play, not least your skill as a writer. If the stabilisers you put on last year are no longer helping, maybe it's a sign you don't need them anymore. Maybe it's time to take them off and try something new.
I am still planning a more in depth writing process post, but the simple truth is, my writing process can be summed up as...
4. Whatever works!
My main piece of advice when it comes to writing is always going to be, "at some point, you've just got to do it". Sure, there are tools and techniques you can use to aid the process, but ultimately it always comes down to you and the words.
There's no right or wrong way to write, and there's no point comparing your process to someone else's, because ultimately you'll do whatever works for you. Whether you're someone who religiously practises a warm-up routine before sitting down to write or someone who stares at the screen for two months straight before vomiting up a masterpiece whole (or someone like me who jumbles their way through with a slightly different approach every time), it's all good as long as it ends with words on paper.
5. Writing for an audience changes the game
For better and for worse! Having an engaged readership on a WIP has, on occasion, created unique and invaluable opportunities to elevate my work beyond what would have been possible by myself. I'm very grateful for the artist-audience dialogue that I know we all crave when sharing our work with the world but aren't always fortunate enough to experience.
However, being aware of your audience while writing also influences your approach in unhelpful ways, no matter how much you try to get around it. Ensuring that I maintain control of that dialogue (or, at the very least, a 50/50 back and forth) requires constant vigilance.
6. Community is a double edged sword
I think everyone in fandom is seeking community of one kind or another. Building a dedicated community around my writing and seeing real good come of it was an unexpected by-product of sharing my fic with the world, but a deeply rewarding one. However, communities aren't static and they require a collaborative effort to maintain.
Series come to an end, fandom trends shift, people move on. On the flipside, you build something so wonderful that others want to share in its benefits without contributing in meaningful ways. Seeing a community so closely tied to your work and your sense of self shift into something unrecognisable until you start to feel like a stranger in your own space is very hard. Furthermore, managing a community in a dedicated forum takes significant time and energy which could be spent writing, which is why...
7. The most successful fanfic authors are selfish
What I mean by "successful" is up to you. However, whether it's replying to comments, supporting fellow creatives in the fandom, or even tagging work for discoverability, some authors disregard anything that prevents them from getting words onto the page. Some people are here to post their shit and leave — and more power to them.
The more of yourself you offer, the more people come to expect until, eventually, the already generous act of writing thousands of words for your fandom becomes the bare minimum. This is often where the topic of "fandom etiquette" comes up, but fanfic authors are already taking on a disproportionate share of the burden simply by sharing their work in the first place. Anything beyond that is a courtesy we are not obligated to extend. We should thank authors who thoughtfully choose to extend those courtesies anyway, rather than vilifying them when they don't.
8. Guarding your enjoyment is paramount
If, like me, you're an author who does enjoy being an active member of the fandom community, then it's important to watch out for the myriad of things that can come between you and your stories. Fandom politics, or even just fandom trends, can have a huge influence on your relationship with the characters that originally inspired you.
However, what other people are doing with them doesn't need to have any bearing on what you choose to do with them if you don't want it to. Responding to fandom trends in your writing can be satisfying, but maintaining a degree of separation between wider fandom and the stories that really matter to you is crucial, I think. That being said...
9. Collaboration feeds creativity
Some beautiful moments have been born from throwing an idea back and forth with my fellow fans. Simple things can rapidly snowball into territory you would never usually set foot in, and expanding your creative horizons like that can only ever be a good thing! Being open with your ideas in fandom spaces is always a bit of a worry, but the reward for extending that trust far outweighs the risk in my experience.
Additionally, I think we get caught up in the idea of absolute originality, but if you're active in fandom, you're always taking inspiration from your fellow creatives. Freely crediting the people who have inspired me has only ever brought wonderful things my way, and I've even gone on to develop collaborative relationships with some of them. Fandom is more fun with other people!
10. But ultimately, writing is lonely work
No matter how many friendships you forge, you still have to retreat into solitude to write the damn story eventually. Writing doesn't lend itself to active human connection as much as art or music. You can chat to someone while drawing or play an instrument alongside another person, but when you're writing, you have to go it alone.
And the worst part? Even when you eventually share your story with the world, no one will ever care about it as much as you do. Writing is such a deeply lonely experience most of the time, I think — which is why it's so important to hold onto all the things that make it worthwhile.
And that's that! I have been stewing on all of these thoughts privately, but I wanted to share them in case they're of value to someone. I tried to keep it as measured as possible, but I acknowledge that I'm in a bit of a bitter headspace about fandom in light of the Discourse TM and subsequent harassment over Christmas.
I don't think it will stop me writing stories for this fandom, but I do think it will make me more guarded in my interactions with the wider community, and I think that's a shame. I joined this fandom as a fan first and a creator second, and I'm deeply sad to feel like some of the parts I used to enjoy most are no longer accessible to me.
This experience has certainly got me thinking more critically about the trend of fandom creators seemingly becoming more distant as they gain popularity. The word "arrogant" is often thrown around, but I think it's much more likely that taking a less active role in fandom spaces isn't as much a choice as it is a necessary measure for the sake of wellbeing and even safety.
Fascinating in a sort of sick way.
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guzhufuren · 21 days ago
Hey, I've noticed you've been pretty quiet lately and I hope you're doing okay. I know we're not friends or even mutuals so I'm sorry if I'm overstepping by messaging! I hope the world will treat you kindly and that you can find comfort and support if you need it 💕
hi sweetheart wow this is so genuinely nice and kind of you, thank you so much for caring to the point of reaching out
i'm on the way there! i will be okay, hopefully soon. it's not serious, i just had a medium sized break down after receiving a very negative comment on something i made, in mix with a bit of unrelated loneliness and yearning on top of that, plus many many 4am drowsy what-am-i-doing-with-my-life regretful thoughts that i have had in the last months swimming up. like for my unwellness history it's really only about 6 points on the scale where the maximum is 10, so not big. i turned all social apps off but couldn't shake off the distress caused by that one stranger on the internet being unkind to my project, despite knowing they were misunderstanding and were also not in a state to understand at all, so i was kind of confused about what's up with my brain and why it can't move on
and it was a good choice! because after being only with myself without any internet distractions for the first time in years, figured out in just a day that mood swings have been back for a while, over one month at least (so anger issues weren't totally Yunho's fault actually bless him), some other parts of mental health worsened too
got a grip on myself, went to my doctor, got back on meds, now i'm sleepy every minute of waking hours while my body is getting used to them again, but it's gonna be fine. received advice on how to write a mood log, turns out very helpful as additional treatment to keep hypomania and anxiety under control. i even started working out, doing memory exercises and preparing my exam notes tentatively, which is so hard and scary, oh my god, but i must. job search is even scarier but i'm working myself up to finding a good one with little, very very very very tiny steps but they are moving
in the first day of self made quarantine i rewatched the queer korean show Love for Love's Sake that cured me from depression for a while and from any possibility of suicidality for a lifetime last year. it didn't work the trick again, because i'm really not living in the best or even just calm psychological environment to let it do its magical healing thing the way it should, but it did give me new clarity and make me intensely cry some shit out, so that was also very nice
accidentally found the best fic ever and it brought me so much very needed comfort in the past week. it's sweet, funny and stress free. like a warm blanket. or a cup of vanilla cocoa that makes your cold toes tingle in winter. or a hug from the love of your life. first atz and woosan fic to enter my hall of all time longfic favourites. very rare honor but it deserves it completely
also found a bunch of bloggers who post videos of the ocean in Thailand, some even stream the beach 24/7. it's so cool, i watch it in the evenings for short periods of time. helps making it bearable to just survive here a little bit longer until i am able leave
i sort of of really like that when i don't spend 12 hours a day on the phone doing mind-numbing scrolling or posting, there is so much free time to do cool stuff? i have kinda felt like i can be back on here for a couple of days, but i still freak out a bit for two reasons. first, that bad comment is still hanging there and it still makes me too upset to open notifications or my own blog page, which is ridiculous but that's how my dumbass unwell-brain-made feelings are. so i will see how that goes away and i get over it like an adult. second, i'm scared to be sucked back in the addiction to the colourful little hellsite app so i usually end up throwing the phone away in panic after 5 minutes of the app being open. maybe i will work up to it more gradually, don't know, let's see how that goes too
thank you again my little treasure, i will happily take that kindness and comfort you offered here as you are a part of the world. and you can message without worrying anytime, no mutualship or officially labelled friendship necessary. i'm very cool with small amount of interactions, just not big on chatting online one on one for long and don't enjoy it super much. and also with how often i see you around we are considered friends for sure. so thank you again for being so sweet i really am so grateful to you for this, one hundred friend hugs in return
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qoldenskies · 2 months ago
What will you be writing after Canary Continuity?
i think i've answered this before but i shall DO SO AGAIN. good time to pitch my future projects :)
right after i finish the epilogue, my next project is a long oneshot "the kickback is automatic" (ily crane wives) which is a human au that's essentially all about donnie and raph's parentification. splinter cant work due to disability, raph is forgoing college to focus on keeping them sheltered and fed, leo had to drop out because of mental health issues, and mikey is struggling socially in school due to being openly queer (+ struggling with his grades due to adhd), so donnie is the only one with an actual idea for his future, being in running start as a straight A student WHILE working-- and then rent is unexpectedly raised and they dont have enough, and he's terrified of stressing out raph more, so he starts taking extra work under the table. things spiral from there.
afterwards is where we went wrong, which is my next longfic! its a separated au about donnie and mikey unexpectedly meeting each other and trying very hard to connect and become a family, but both of their respective older brothers really don't want them to-- and i mean really. mikey is set on defying raph and moving forward with what he wants anyway, but donnie is torn between leo who needs him despite being so desperate to drag him down with him (+ draxum who is acting more and more erratic and aggressive) and the promise of a family that actually cares about and respects him.
^^ although i plan on drafting a HUGE chunk of it before it comes out, so i plan on knocking out some bad things happen bingo oneshots in between. i have a lot of strong ideas for that.
and afterwards? fuckin'. idk!! originally i considered doing something raph-centric? but i might go for some mikey-centric angst instead because there is a CRIMINAL lack of it, and a lot to work with when his mystic powers are so strong. mmmmm maybe a story about them getting out of control and slowly tearing him apart .... we shall see. that's a faaaaar in the future thing and idek if the hyperfix will still be going strong by then LOL
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lunarleonardo · 2 months ago
So you write a lot of fanfiction uwu… but do you read any fic too? ;3c
Ik you don’t have public bookmarks but do you have any saiouma fic recommendations?? Can be whump or not but!! I’m curious!!/gen
Plus we need something to tide us over while we wait for new chapters!!/lh (its ok if not please don’t feel pressured to!!!!!)
I'll be honest... I don't know how bookmarks work. I never use them. I have a big google doc where I link every fic I enjoy and save stuff from there. I didn't know ao3 bookmarks could even Be private @_@;??? It took me like 30 minutes trying to figure out how to make a series. I feel like a 70 year old man using the internet for the first time trying to do anything on ao3
I went over some general fics I liked here, but Saiouma fics... qwq oohh ones that I enjoy are so difficult to find, much less LONGFICS like what I do. I started writing because whump was so agonizingly scarce in the Shuichi tag (i also have major character death filtered out so maybe thats why but still (  ̄- ̄)). Umm let me check my library!!
ok so there's "a faith most particular" by defectivehero. It's 2k words, short and sweet and fluffy. It makes me laugh. I like the idea of Kokichi doing stupid nonsense like this. It's cute ^w^
There's this mer fic! It's called "A Song of Sacrifice" by SomeoneSpoopy. Kokichi is a siren! And he can't read. It's awesome B) I also love love love mer fics in general and speaking of mer fics
"Where the Music Meets the Ocean" by paris_23. I'll be one hundred percent honest I almost stopped reading this because I wasn't really clicking with their characterization at first, but then I reached the end of chapter 1 and fell in love. I love how Teruteru is there. I love the ending. I love how funny mental visual of Lifeguard Kokichi is. This fic is the reason I want to write a mer fic but struggle to because every idea I have comes from this (/pos). Worth the read, it made me feel nostalgic for a life I've never had
I think I mentioned Hoarding Humans on the last post... still one of my all time favorites. Okay here's another shorter one,, I reread it a lot when I'm in Stasis and it makes me feel better. Do mind the trigger warnings though, "Sleepless" by ToxicPineapple. Short and sweet and Shuichi trenches. Absolutely peak
I do NOT remember if I mentioned this one last time but I'll recommend it again cus it's that good, "Steps from Your Pulse" by A_Viscari. I like the whole "postgame Kokichi with claustrophobia" thing but this fic gave me a whole new perspective and I Looove it!! ♪ヽ(´▽`)/
"you're in love and i'm unlucky" by Holy crap it's defectivehero again I didn't even notice O_O ok umm basically Shuichi is the one who falls into the floorboard like the absolute AMATEUR he is. I love caretaker!Kokichi so much I'm so insane over them
I skimmed through my entire library and that's.. kind of. all i have. q_q Other ones are either really old and thus kind of lacking in...grammatical correctness... also "shumai" causes me physical pain and i can only endure it in so many fics LOL. So I think I'm just picky ;_;
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eusuntgratie · 2 months ago
2025 wips
thank you for the tag @anincompletelist <3
i am a perpetual too-many-wips disaster so i'm always grateful for an opportunity to lay out what i'm working on.
malex pretty woman au (roswell new mexico)
my next big project is the malex pretty woman au. alex is the rich, detached businessman, michael is captivating in tiny blue shorts and thigh high boots. do you see the vision? i need to make a banner and pick a title!
(i make ONE comment to @bigassbowlingballhead about craving a certain type of fic and suddenly i'm being enabled into my next longfic 🙃). i am genuinely so excited about this one. i've got about 5k written and the whole fic is plotted. i'm thinking this will be in the 25-30k range? maybe? honestly jon is better at estimating my word counts than i am so who knows. still not sure if i'll finish writing this one and then edit and post chapter by chapter or what i'll do, but i think i'll be able to get this one up this year.
firstprince exes (rwrb)
if i have another big project in me i would LOVE to finish my outsider pov firstprince exes fic. i love love love this weird little fic but it is a real challenge to write.
sequels & additional chapters
part 3 of conformation (rnm) will be just alex and michael after their fun with maria at the club. maybe alex will make good on his idea of tying michael up and seeing how much he can take. i could write millions of words of sub!michael please do not tempt me.
chapter 3 of after hours (first prince/rwrb) aka mechanic alex will be alex and henry's first date.
one shots
come back inside is a malexa morning after the airstream scene fic...what if michael convinced alex to stay? this is probably more than half written. malexa my beloved 😍
hunting guide au (tknp, men's hockey rpf). tk hires pat for a guided hunt with his young daughter.
these might not happen 😐
shadow is a buddie fic that was gonna be a big bang fic (which will never happen) but i *could* finish and post the first few chapters as a one shot. featuring baby eddie having his mind blown by a slightly older, extremely gay buck at a college party while visiting his sister.
i wanna be adored is an elliott/marco, marco gets dropped into crystal valley fic that i've written about 5k for but can't quite get to do what i want. when i started writing it there were no kissingchambers fics, but there are lots now! so if you like them you should probably just read those bc this bad boy probably won't see the light of day even though i've got about 5k written.
dumotanger omegaverse college au (men's hockey rpf) - y'know i really love this one and i am unhinged about dumotanger but i think there's just something missing here that i haven't been able to figure out. i'd love to finish it if i do though! i've got maybe 3k written.
okay those are the ones with something significant written. i have LOTS of other abandoned wips and ideas, plus i always like to do some kind of short prompt series. i haven't done femslash february in a while so maybe i could write a few ficlets for that? maybe do some shuffle prompts again? hmmm. we'll see, we'll see.
my askbox and dms are always open for questions about my fic, wips, ideas, etc. <3
open tag for anyone with wips they wanna share!!!
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milkywayes · 1 year ago
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dreamt a cipher
a shepard/garrus post-destroy ending longfic.
[AO3 link]
I’ve debated a while about when to start posting this. Now it’s the new year, and I’ve been working on Cipher for over a year and a half, and I’ve waited long enough to start sharing it with you all. I’ve decided it’s finally time to start uploading while I work on the final chapters.
I started writing this before I ever drew a single piece of fanart for Mass Effect. It’s all the things that were bouncing around in my head after choosing the destroy ending with a mostly-paragon Shepard—consequence and responsibility and self-recrimination; her relationship with Garrus and with herself; their ties to each other and how much weight they can bear; their differing perspectives and how they slot together—all that fun stuff—compressed into a story, a place, a narrative. 
I believe in the power of love, and I promise a happy ending. They’ve just been taking the long way to get there. Feel free to yell at me in the meantime.
A huge thank you to @callista-curations for her meticulous and invaluable beta work, and to @that-wildwolf and @gammaraydeath for being the best hypemen I could ask for!
A more detailed list of warnings can be found on AO3.
I've posted the full cover art here.
Pairing: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian Rating: M (subject to change) Important Tags: post-destroy ending - angst with a happy ending - slow burn (of sorts) - arguing - reconciliation - survivor guilt - minor original characters Her own personal Noverian peak. That’s what it was supposed to be. Nothing but the discovery: no distractions, no comfort, no windows looking out—no familiar faces. But it's starting to look like her winning streak might have ended in that pile of Citadel rubble, if it ever extended that far to begin with. ──── “How does the Earth idiom go? No use beating a dead—” A long-suffering sigh. “What was it again?” “A dead horse. And yet, you’re here. Beating it.” Pot, kettle. She wishes he’d just fucking say it.
-> AO3.
Read the start of Chapter 1: Constant Velocity under the cut!
The overhead lights flicker as they always do when the data screens are up and running. It’s not something one gets used to, even so. It stings at her ocular nerves—or something like that, anyway, somewhere along the delicate wires that extend from her eyeballs into her brain—but her focus on the data doesn’t waver.
“In that case,” says Shepard, squinting against the ache, “what we need is salvage from a relay outside the immediate burst zone. Four jumps away. Five, if possible. There’s no point to any of this if we can’t scrape together a control group.”
She glances back at Elsawy, who so far hasn’t made it more than a meter into the room. She nods without looking up from her omni-tool; orange shimmers off her shiny, black hair, giving her the uncomfortable air of a Cerberus operative. Not the worst comparison, except that Miranda would waste no time letting her know if her logic took a faulty turn somewhere. Elsawy’s just as likely to agree now and write a message detailing all her crap conclusions later.
Leaning her hip against the conference table, Shepard shifts her weight off her left leg, bites down on the sigh that almost manages to slip out. Once in the clear, she grouses, “Where the hell is Meyer? He’s the one that called this meeting.”
As it is, it’s three people in attendance and she’s the only one talking. She could’ve achieved the same results with a voice call from her quarters, where she could elevate her leg in peace and without witnesses. In the dark.
“Lab Two,” answers Elsawy, finally ripping her attention off the omni-screen and gracing Shepard with a second of eye contact. Maybe in another life she could appreciate the effort—Jesus, as if she hasn’t had her fill of lives already. “We’re close to a breakthrough on the initial output patterns. Sorry. He’s been feeding his data to me.”
“Right.” She blinks once, twice, in time with the flickering. It doesn’t help; it never does. “I’ll swing by later, then. Anything else he asked you to relay?” 
“Just that, Commander.” Elsawy is mumbling just enough that her voice has to compete with the drone of the air vents. The translator takes a second to filter out and amplify it. The result is less than perfect: “More salvage—” bzzrt—“bigger picture, you got it.” She narrows her eyes, and Shepard raises a brow. “Left leg or—” bzz!—“left hip?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s nothing relevant,” she says pleasantly, forcing herself to stand up straight again. There’s a brief tremor shaking up her hamstrings; she waves a hand to distract from it. In the frenzy of the lights, the movement looks jerky, nervous. She soldiers on. “Old field injury. Unrelated. Anything can set it off.”
Funny, kind of, since it’s that very leg that ends in the most perfect, cooperative example of a foot she’s ever had the pleasure of treading on. It’s cloned; a replacement. Not the only one either. They should’ve just done away with the whole limb, but she hadn’t been consulted. Same with her trick shoulder. Not even Cerberus had managed to get that one back on the straight and narrow.
“I’d rather you bring it up with the doctor,” replies Elsawy. This is, apparently, what it takes for her to finally speak at a reasonable volume. “If we manage to fill even one of the data gaps…”
“I know,” she says. “I know, and I’m telling you, it’s unrelated.”
-> continue reading on AO3
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myreia · 3 months ago
AO3 Year End Roundup 2024
Thank you for the tags, @anneapocalypse & @lilbittymonster!
Tagging: I'm not sure who has done this since I'm a little late to the party, but throwing tags the way of @thevikingwoman, @roguelioness, @galadae, @galadrieljones, @astrology-bf and @syrcus! 💕
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—Words posted: 133,357
—Additional Words Written: A little over 30,704 from two long fics I started but then got distracted by other things. Hopefully I will be getting back to them this year!
—Grand total of words: 164,061
—Fandoms: FFXIV
Technically Dragon Age as well, but since these were reposts of fics from 2018/2019 I deleted a few years back, I’m not going to count them.
—Works: 10 (technically 39 but anthology publishing, y’know 😂)
—Highest Kudos: Since I posted my ffxivwrite fics as an anthology, I’ll count the next highest. Desiderium was published in August and is part of my (super belated) Wolcred week series. It’s currently sitting at 39.   
—Highest Hit One-shot: Most of my fics this year were multiparts, so this one goes to Anthesis (post-Endwalker Wolcred smut wooo). It’s currently sitting at 311.
—New Things I Tried: I wrote a bunch from different character POV’s! While I always enjoy writing from Aur’s POV, it is a lot of fun to explore different viewpoints and visit different characters’ perspectives. The whole structure of my (unfinished) wolcred week series is based on doing one fic from Thancred’s POV followed by one from Aur’s. I also touched on Alisaie, Fordola, Minfilia, Ryne, Rielle, Sidurgu, Aymeric, uh… so many. I was experimenting a lot with ffxivwrites, which was fun!
I am also being more adventurous with how I am incorporating sex scenes into my work. Apparently I did not one but two strip teases, one for Aureia and one for her Azem so. Hm. Maybe they are more alike than Aureia believes lmao. Also shout-out to Thancred’s moment of disassociation in Surrogate. I think I’m just being more adventurous in my approach to sexual situations in fic.
I am also much more grounded as a primarily longfic/multipart writer. This started last year with Divergence of the Heart, but most of my previous fanfics (especially in my Dragon Age era) were one shots or one shot collections. I’m really happy flitting about with novella-length stuff, it sits in a good place for me.
—Fic I Spent the Most Time On: Desiderium, since it had a lot of different threads to pull on. I also spent a lot of time on a post-5.3 untitled ShB fic that has some of my favourite Wolcred moments in it to date, so I’m excited to return to it once I finish the series I’m currently working on.
—Fic I Spent the Least Time On Steer took no time at all, it just came and went like that. Which I suppose is the purpose of the exercise!
—Favourite Thing I Wrote A scene in the aforementioned post-5.3 untitled ShB fic which I can’t really say much about other than I am excited to share it whenever the whole fic is ready! From the published stuff:
I love Aureia and Yda’s dynamic in Castaway and Yda being the one to break through some of her walls in ARR
Aureia and Thancred’s balance between hope and concern when they first arrive in Old Sharlayan in Desiderium
the aftermath of Aureia’s red magic experiments to slow her light sickness in The Heart’s a Withered Fortress
Aureia and Sidurgu slowly growing closer and closer together, as seen from Rielle’s POV in Stable
Sally, a Rielle character study that made my heart hurt
Stamp, a Fordola character study
—Favorite Thing I Read: Eleos [General, rated Mature, 4,018 words] by @astrology-bf. It is an absolutely fascinating look at the WoL from the perspective of a Garlean soldier, and it raises many excellent questions about the nature of war, loyalty, purpose and mercy. Marius and Ifan’s conversation is such a fascinating moment, and I’ve been thinking about it since I read it on tumblr.  
—Something I Finished: Four out seven Wolcred week fics done! Maybe I’ll finish the series before the next wolcred week comes around ahahaha.
—Miscellaneous Highlights: I think ffxivwrites was a highlight for me. Since my fanfic preferences have turned towards multiparts it was nice to challenge myself to keeping things contained. I re-learned how to write one shots and I think I went in new directions I didn’t necessarily expect if I had had time to think and structure things out!
Another highlight are the two gift fics I wrote this past year which are very precious to me. Familiar Shores (WoL x Tansui) for @thevikingwoman and Seasons Passing (WoL x Y’mhitra, WoL x Aymeric, WoL x Yugiri, and WoL x Erenville) for @lilas! I adore both their WoLs, and it was so much fun writing them and exploring their relationships.
—Writing Goals for 2025: Finish the wolcred week series before June! The next three entries are all going to be some form of multipart, but I am excited for them since they explore much more than just Aureia and Thancred’s relationship, but their relationship within the context of other relationships and friendships. I am a bit nervous about what I have cooked up for Fic #6 since it is going in A Direction that may not be very popular, but it is very true to Aureia and I am excited about it nonetheless.
Other than that, I want to return to my two unfinished longfics, and then see where things take me. I have so many ideas, and I’m really enjoying fleshing out Aureia’s series and hitting all the different moments that are important to her from ARR-ENW. And I’m sure whenever I do get around to playing Dawntrail, I’ll have more ideas to add to the list!
Aaand maybe I will publish my 100th AO3 fic this year, who knows. 😈
—Final Thoughts: 2024 was such a fun year for fan fic writing. Since I write for a living, I’ve struggled for the past several years finding a balance between time for professional writing and hobby writing, and I think I finally found that balance. FFXIV is such a fun sandbox to play in, I’ll have many stories to tell and many ideas to dig into for a while.
I think sometimes I worry about not really being able to participate in the tumblr fandom properly because I'm unsubbed for an unknown amount of time (which means I’m missing out on the newest content, gposing, and everything that’s only possible with a regular sub). The nature of an MMO kind of leaves you with the feeling that you're not present if you're not continually active in game, but I don’t think this is really true. I can still do my thing and write and make stuff and be invested in the game and my character without playing regularly. There’s more than enough story for me to chew on from the stuff I have played, and with video game fandoms I enjoy taking a step back from the game and going on to play other things while I let the story and characters sit with me.
I’ve taken up digital art recently and I have some ideas for comics when I get more experience under my belt, so that’s something to look forward to, too!
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eemamminy-art · 1 month ago
I always hate giving voice to these feelings because then it just wakes up the brain gremlin that tells me people are only acting out of pity after I say how I'm feeling, but I'm going to talk about it anyway because I keep feeling bad about it consistently
I keep going through these cycles where I'm hyping myself up sooo much because I really like the stuff I'm writing, like I'm really proud of it and excited to share, and then when I do there's just.. little to no reception to it.
Sometimes it happens that people offhandedly mention they've been reading my fics and it never fails to knock the wind out of me. No comments or kudos from them, but they mention in passing "oh yeah, I've been reading that lately" or "I read that oneshot a while ago, yeah" like it's a show on netflix or something and not like.. something I made and would maybe like to engage with others about?? It always makes me feel like maybe it wasn't that good if they don't find some way to tell me. Even just a kudos or a comment with an emoji, just something to acknowledge like "I read this (positive)" and that's it! Idk
And like I don't begrudge people for not reading my longfic... it's big. It's heavy in some places. I don't read much myself, it would be hypocritical of me to expect what I can't easily give in return. And I know people are reading it, surely, by the anonymous kudos and hits it has on it! It's even built up a decent amount of comments by now between a handful of consistent commenters (whom I cherish and adore btw, you guys know who you are! Please know that it always brightens my day when I see your comments) and my replies to them.
But I think it's eating me up a lot since I've started posting oneshots too, which are way more bite-sized. I know some of those have been heavy topics too, but not all of them are, and I can't help but just look inward for reasons as to why people don't read them. I was told once before that people hate anthology works, and even though I'm tagging as I go and being so thorough with labeling each one, there's probably people who swerve on it just for being an anthology in a single work. Maybe my summaries are not interesting enough. Maybe people see the art attached to the link and assume it's just art and not an illustration for a fic. Maybe it's just not that good. I mean, I always struggled to get engagement on my ffxiv oneshots too. Maybe the problem is just me.
But gosh doesn't that sound so bad? To land on that as the answer? Especially when I can read through what I've written and really like it, and then feel like a failure just because I posted it and any potential readers I had didn't bother to say anything? It sucks feeling like I'm not good enough. I know people like my art at least, I sometimes feel like I should be happy just with that. Or like I should be happy enough just writing it for myself. But damn, is it really so bad to want to excitedly share something I poured my time, thoughts, and emotions into?
Idk, this has been such a source of sadness for me lately, I felt like I should say something. I am genuinely getting so much out of writing, it genuinely does so much for me, but not knowing if what I'm putting out there is good or even liked just kind of sours my own good feelings a bit. And that really sucks! Because right up until I post something and get no comments on it, I can be giddy and proud and love what I've made.
And now that I said all this, I'm going to wonder if any praise or reassurance that follows it is sincere, or if it's just being said out of pity.
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fragilefirstchance · 5 months ago
It's Either Tourist Traps or Drugs
Gen, family-centric, rated T or M depending on installment
Do you like longfics? Gen fics? Reflective, OC-centric examinations of family dynamics? Maybe you'd like my fic!
Look at this fanart!!!! by Tardibabe and by ranchsoda92
Hi! I am not generally speaking active on Tumblr, but I just completed Part 5 6 of a fanfiction that is almost 150k words and which shows no signs of slowing down soon. I figured I'd show it to class. :)
Fragile First Chance and its follow-ups is a story about a nineteen-year-old boy whose legal name is Joss William [redacted] Pines but if you call him anything except Will you might end up in a fistfight. It's also a story about how the Pineses are basically good people with a lot of baggage.
Major themes are tagged and optional content warnings for individual chapters are included in drop-down tabs in the notes. For the most part, heavier themes are not gratuitous.
Below the cut you'll find a rough outline of each section. If you don't want spoilers, though, just head on over.
This story was well under way before The Book of Bill came out. It isn't perfectly TBoB compliant, but the themes and plot aren't really something that makes that an issue.
Part 1: Fragile First Chance
Dipper and Mabel Pines were sent to Gravity Falls at the beginning of summer for, from their perspective, no reason. In reality, it was because they were being sheltered from some very old family drama.
Will is May's son from her first marriage and Fil's son by adoption. He's nineteen years old, just getting out of his second incarceration, and a recovering addict. They planned to put him up for a few months, and after that Fil's weird black-sheep uncle agreed to give him a shot in Oregon.
Ford, of course, knew nothing about this. He's not happy about it.
Part 2: Learning to Breathe
Will and Ford are slowly acclimating to each other like two feral cats. They don't really have anything in common except insomnia and a mutual desperate quest not to get in too many fights.
Will doesn't like Gravity Falls. It's lonely, there's nothing to do, and it's full of weird bullshit he doesn't want to deal with. He's coping, though - Soos is pretty cool, the local teens are entertaining, and he ends up getting a long really well with the local bait shop guy and his dad.
Part 3: When Family Matters
Will has started to figure out how Ford works and make an effort to be nice to him. He also tentatively almost likes the guy. (cue Stan audibly sighing in relief off-screen.)
Also: Dipper and Mabel have figured out that their long-lost brother has reappeared, and there are certain family traditions about how you deal with long-lost brothers.
Part 4: Lancing the Wound
Ford and Will are both under a phenomenal amount of stress for a wide variety of reasons. By this point in the story, words like "panic attack" and "therapy" are coming up more often. They have more in common than they ever realized, although for two people with severe abuse-related PTSD, that's not necessarily a good thing.
The McGuckets are around to help. The Twins are too, although whether that's a good thing is open to debate.
Part 5: Nature versus Nurture
In the wake of Part 4, Stanford Pines is coming to realize that his mental health is a much more serious problem than he had previously realized. He struggles to come to terms with this and decide what to do next. This segment of the story is primarily about self-reflection and realizing that you need to change. We also get some serious discussions about the mental health industry (and how it tied into the gay scene in the 70s) by people who are personally invested in it.
Part 6: Definition of a Real Pines
This story arc just started and concerns Ford navigating his life as he tries to re-integrate with his family and society while working through a very difficult mental health situation.
We'll get to meet more of the Pines family. Shermie lives in Florida with his sister-in-law. (Note for those curious about the timeline incongruities: Shermie's age is- wait, look over there! *smokebomb, jumps out the window*)
Part 7: Consequences of Inaction
Will has pretty much adjusted to his new life, and the family as a whole had stabilized. However, there were some things left to rot outside the family while everyone was getting their feet under them.
This arc deals with Tate McGucket, straight-faced stoic extraordinaire, who may not be doing as great as he pretends he is.
Bonus: Erastus Kankerson's Toxic Ex
This is a stand-alone one-shot about Erastus Kankerson, an old friend of Fiddleford McGucket who dated him for a while after the divorce.
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ccmatta · 25 days ago
please, enlighten me of some more Linda headcanons 👁️👁️ (if you’d like to)
Ok, wow, so... I'm still building her, I don't know if I have that many (edit: I do, lol). I don't even have her last name yet lol. I just started liking her a lot after she ended up having a big role in my m2 longfic. But her real name is Lile (like Lily, but... different lmao). She's still a work in progress and I guess I'll have something more solid after writing more about her. that said, ok, the things I have for now (edit: and I'll put under the cut because it's getting too long lmao):
She's around 1 year older than Matt and Mello.
She's extremelly grounded, practical and knows what she wants. I can quote a scene where Matt asked her why she wore pigtails ("childish hair style" he said) being 16, she was like "I like it" -- and she's like that with pretty much everything. At the same time, she gets excited with silly things, is pretty lively and doesn't care too much about what others think. In my longfic, Matt describes her as something like "she can turn from a grown up to a child in a blink".
Which brings us to the fact that she meddles too much into people's lives. She has that mentality that people are a good source to create things and this makes her want to really get to know people, as if they're the art itself. It's her reason to get closer to Near (as much as she can because that boy is difficult lol), and even Matt (and I think Mello scares her lmao so she doesn't even try). People fascinate her. But that made her be seen as annoying growing up at Wammy's. And that leads us to something i'm not 100% set yet (but maybe 90% xD): all this makes her decide to study neuroaesthetics when she's at/after university.
She had a small crush on Matt for a while. And when she finally got closer to him (after Mello's left), it grew way stronger than she was confortable with.
A little quote that serves as an exemple of how I write her:
Linda: You look awful. Matt: I know. Linda: Want to talk? Matt: Not really. Linda: Okay, I’ll just sit at your desk and draw, then.
And this one from another thing i've just finished, when asked what she'll do after Wammy's:
“Well, following in L’s footsteps? Probably not. Near’s already gearing up for that. And even without–“, she nearly let something slip about Mello again, so she stifled the words before they escaped. “…without Near doing it, I’m just third in line, no chance. I’ll live my life. Go to college. Grow as an artist. There are some research fields I’m pretty interested in.“
Now, backstory that I'm still trying to figure out, so don't take it as a 100% done:
Before Wammy's House, she basically took care of her sick parent (maybe mental illness, maybe physical, who knows). And maybe that's why she's quite centered. She only had one living parent (either mother or father, idk yet), so when they died, the path was like random orphanage -> oh look she's so smart -> watari comes -> she arrives at wammy's. Or something like that. I don't remember how old she was when she appeared in my fic for the first time, maybe 12~13, and I don't think she got there too young either, so maybe around 10~11.
I thiiiiiiiiiink she's from Ireland? asfdhuasofhasoihd
I'm inclined to make her parent having some kind of mental illness because I write Matt pretty depressed after Mello's gone, and she knows how to deal with him.
Now random stuff. I'll repeat myself from the last post: oh she totally listened to Jonas Brothers and McFly. Any boyband, actually. Backstreet Boys? Oh hell yeah. If she could, her room'd be filled with posters. She liked manga too, mainly because of the art style -- and she read shoujo the most. She kinda dated some random guy at Wammy's.
aaaaaaaaand done :D ashdoasidh that's what my version of Linda is becoming. At the moment I'm pretty obsessed about her. I know she's basically an OC but I don't care, I love her and she's canon 😡 And I liked the way I wrote her and Matt interacting. How she grounds him and yet they can be completely silly together. And how she's the oposite of Mello; she's something stable. Something I believe Matt'd need after his boyfriend best friend left. And, by what I've wrote, she brings back something Matt thought he had lost inside him. (yeah, she was made initially to support Matt, but who caaaaaaaareeeesssss)
And the first drawing I made of her, to make my post pretty:
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varlaisvea · 2 months ago
this is a post about my OCs
i have to make a post about my OCs for an exchange. so here it is.
The Story
the closest i have to OCs are characters of the longfic i've been working on, which is currently titled Palimpsest. Here's a post which summarizes The Story So Far, and also gives a little background on this ~spicy portrait (nsfw-ish but sft) I drew of the two main characters. This is the only real visual reference I have for them and it's not great. Sorry about that. But, I included some imagery in the posts for each of them.
right now I have two good problems, but big problems. first, zerith-var's story fits thematically with mine very beautifully, so his existence has thrown a wrench into what i had planned for the story. second, this exercise of trying to make a post about my OCs intensified that crisis further... i don't really know what the story is about, right now! it'll be fine, probably!
anyway, I mostly have the two main characters fleshed out, but I have some other characters in the story who have interesting back stories, so I'll try to post them too. But let's start with the main characters.
In General
Perhaps it is problematique on tumblr dot com to make your OCs conventionally attractive, but sorry: while i am attracted to ever so many body types, as a power lifter, I love toned muscles. a lot of my OCs, including both main characters, are toned and notably muscular, but not beefy or dehydrated-looking. muscular like people who work at physically demanding jobs, maybe.
systemic gender oppression doesn't really exist in 2nd Era tamriel, which means there's no real need for the concept of queerness—people are what they are and love who they love, and it's not notable. my characters do not contemplate their gender/sexuality (why would they?), but by real-world standards, pretty much all of my OCs are bisexual/nonbinary—I consider this sort of the default in a world w/o gender oppression. of course they have tastes and preferences, but it doesn't really occur to them to classify/define/identify themselves by their tastes. however, all the friendships/relationships depicted in my story have a distinctly queer flavor. obviously. sometimes it can't be avoided, but in general i avoid using gendered terms (beyond pronouns) or identifying characters by their gender, as those terms mean totally different things in a world without structural misogyny. anyway. at any rate, both of my main characters are explicitly 'queer' as in they are both depicted having relationships with people of many genders.
The main characters' story takes place in the 2nd Era (ESO), but they feature heavily in the 4th Era (Skyrim) portion of the story. Their pages reference each other, but some information is repetitive, bc I wanted the individual pages to be able to stand alone, too.
Eymei Gwylanwe (she/her) — Altmer psijic witch from Sunhold. Healer, teacher, and practitioner of the Old Ways. Maaayyybe kindasorta partially responsible for the Great Collapse. Born under the sign of The Ritual.
Araszha-dar (he/him) — Khajiit siphoning mage from Riverhold. Later becomes the first Khajiit Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold. Appears in the 4th Era timeline as a spirit with very little memory of his life; he is indifferent about this fact. Born under the sign of The Lover.
More later i guess!
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zuzusexytiems · 3 months ago
I don’t think it’s annoying to talk about something you feel passionate about. You love JeanPiku, then yell it out! - Continue talking and shouting it out to all, don’t mind the people who become a nuisance!
What matters is that you’re happy, so keep doing what you do, either be random HC’s, some quick or detailed art piece, anything!
I can assure you that many people will love it too!
And to end it off, some questions! - Since there is a Castes AOT, how would Pieck fit in there and the relationship with Jean spark? - Or maybe any songs that fit the ship?
Have a wonderful day!
hello 🥺 first of all, thank you so much for your kind words. on days when I'm down and questioning myself, messages like these help so much more than you know, and pushes me to keep going 🥺💜 so thank you for taking the time to send this. I really appreciate it 🥺🙏🏼
anyway! aaaa I love this question so much 🥹 I've actually been planning a castes fic for a while now: I envision it to be something like toradora, wherein jean initially tries to pursure mikasa romantically (much like in canon castes), and pieck—the nerdy head of the AV club—decides to help him out in doing so. jean begrudgingly accepts.
in the process, though (and because they end up spending so much time together) it's jean and pieck who fall in love with each other instead 😅
I think it'd start off as something silly and funny, but as the story progresses it gets a little more serious, and we find out more about their backstories along the way. it might take a while to develop (especially since I still have a lot of writing WIPs 😭), but I'm really excited to work on it!
I also have jeanpiku school castes art if you're interested 🥹👉🏼👈🏼
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as for the songs, I have a playlist for my jeanpiku longfic, out of my league (OOML) :) you can find it here if you wanna give it a listen! :)
thank you again, and I hope your 2025 has been great so far! I hope you have a wonderful day too 🥹💜
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deadly-diminuendo · 5 months ago
Snippet Sunday
I'm finally getting into my creative mode again so I wanted to share a little taste of something new I am working on.
It's the beginning of what I plan to be a short-multi chapter fic centred on an alternate start to how Astarion and Tav meet (and maybe just maybe I might make it into a proper longfic?)
This features Astarion POV during pre-tadpole times, nothing too intense, but definitely leaning into the angst. Check it out under the cut!
"Astarion stalks the streets like a ghost, compelled to haunt every tavern, every brothel, every inn. For nearly two centuries it has been so and so it shall forever be. No peace. No vengeance. No end.
The greatest ghost stories say spectres are meant to haunt their murderers. To torment, to terrorize, to torture them until their fear is so great their hearts cease to beat. Astarion learned long ago that it is the other way around. No, it is his own murderer that still torments and terrorizes and tortures him incessantly. Besides; the monster’s heart—if he ever had one at all—ceased beating eons before Astarion’s ever did.
Night after night the ritual begins anew: find a victim; make love to them with his words and with his body; surrender them to him.
Every move is automatic; the actions and words of an actor who has performed the same play a thousand times over. His legs know when to sneak invisible and when to strut with counterfeit confidence. His eyes lock onto suitable targets with the accuracy of a practiced hunter. His mouth repeats all those pretty lines that have lured fool after fool into the arms of temptation, into his trap.
He enters the Elfsong, attracting curious and greedy stares that tell him what the mirror no longer can. He is, of course, immaculately dressed—at least he can find some pittance of pride in good taste and tailoring—or nearly so as one can be without new clothes in decades. No one looks closely enough to see the snags, the stitches, the frayed edges. The scars." I'm really excited to keep writing this one! And here is a quick list of a few other things I am planning/working on:
a x reader lovers-to-friends-to-lovers one-shot that I shared a piece of a while back / post-game, tailor Astarion!
an admittedly rather self-indulgent series of short stories inspired by songs from my favourite band Blackbriar. Some smut, some angst, some 2nd person POV, some third person POV depending on the story - especially excited to include a smutty one-shot featuring my tiefling Tav Enigma (the one you see in all my screens for my stories)
maybe a few smutty one-shots featuring Astarion x other origin characters (honestly the one that I'm most inspired by right now is with Lae'zel - not a whole lot out there with those two.)
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
Okay, let me explain!
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Okay, you know what? Given that at least one person (hey there, @vengencefilledwriter) say after my shitpost yesterday, that they wanted to read about this... let me talk about how I very randomly started shipping Astarion with Themberchaud.
Because, yes. It is a crack ship in many ways. However, I will maintain that it actually totally makes sense.
And yes, Themberchaud is the chubby dragon from Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. I kinda talked about him a bit before (but tumblr search cannot be assed to show that to me), so...
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See, me shipping the two arose from Wishing Well, the Astarion-centric longfic I am writing right now (which is also the sequel to Voice of the Voiceless). The story takes place about a year after the end of BG3 and centers around Astarion and Tav finally visiting the other vampire spawn, who in this have simply settled the Grymforge, after it was abandoned by the duergar.
Given the story takes place completely in the Underdark and features a conflict centered around the duergar, I thought it would be a fun little thing to have Themberchaud show up at some point as a cameo.
Yeah, I thought wrongly.
Because then I started the research on Themberchaud, and oh boy, let me tell you guys, this dragon is actually such a poor little blorbo who in truth just needs a big ol' hug!
Yes, yes, I see you there, muttering: "But red dragons are chaotic evil." To which I just say: "Sssssssh! Listen!"
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Okay, even if you play DnD there is a very high chance that you never really encountered Themberchaud, because he is kinda locked into one place: Gracklstugh. The duergar city in the north of the underdark. And while the movie kinda plays his fatness as cute and funny, actually it is in his case super tragic!
See, Themberchaud is a slave. Because the duergar's masterful weapons can only be created in dragonfire, which is why for so many hundreds of years they have held themselves a dragon slave. The current one is Themberchaud.
Of course, given that dragons by nature have a rather big ego, they know well enough to not let him know that he is a slave. He has all the servants he wants, gets gold for his hoards and unlucky adventurers to feast on, and all they ask of him in return is that he keeps their forges running.
Well, and just to make extra sure that he plays along, they use some of the psychic powers they have gotten from their millennium of illithid enslavement to keep him content.
The fact that he got fed so much without having to hunt for it, is what made him so fat. And in fact that came as a bonus for the duergar, because the fact is, that Themberchaud has become so fat that he could no longer leave his hoard and hence very unabel to flee or fight back.
But dragons get stronger as they age and as such it becomes harder and harder to keep him controlled. Which is why he was supposed to suffer the same fate as all the other dragon slaves before: Get killed.
Something went wrong however. We just do not know what. Only that for some reason by the time the movie takes place, Themberchaud has somehow managed to escape Gracklstugh. But something is very clearly wrong with him. Because for one, he does not seem to have any capacity for reason in the movie - and also... his dragonfire somehow does not work. And remember: The duergar kept him for his fire.
Now, maybe his mind got just melted away by the psychic magic. Who knows. But yeah, that is the backstory there.
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Okay, did I successfully get you invested in the story of the poor dragon? Yeah?
Hopefully. Let me just talk about why I ended up shipping him with the sad vamprie boy. Which kinda brings me back to why Themberchaud did not just remain a cameo in Wishing Well. Because I was planning the story and hence researching, I realized something: Astarion and Themberchaud are weirdly similar.
They both were slaves for around two hundred years and barely know anything but slavery.
Their respective masters used mindcontrol of them, which would logically lead to them both having trouble to even know who they are. Were they begin and the mind control end.
Both of them were abused by their masters through food. While Astarion was starved, Themberchaud was overfed. But both is still abuse through food!
Their enslavement ended through some circumstance (which for Themberchaud is still unknown) the plan of their respective masters to kill them failed.
Throughout their enslavement they were kept from the sun. (Note: While it is not explicitly said for Themberchaud that he wants to escape the underdark to see the sun, there is some implication for that.)
Like, those are actually fairly strong parallels. Something that undoubtedly was not intended by anyone, because I kinda doubt anyone at Larian even had Themberchaud in mind, when they were creating Astarion.
Never the less: Those are parallels.
And those parallels made me decide against the Themberchaud cameo......... in so far that instead of being a cameo, he literally becomes the sixth ranger in Wishing Well. Because he and Astarion pretty much talk to each other for like 1 hour and instantly are like: *scream* "BESTIES!!!" With Astarion afterwards being very unwilling to abandon the big dragon once more.
I will spare you the shenanigans that happen afterwards, but let me just put it like this: When they get granted a wish, Themberchaud gets turned into the more handy form of a dragonborn, which allows him to travel to the surface world. Because, you know, see the sun for himself.
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Yes, yes, I hear you once again: "But that is just what happens in your fic!" Which, yes, sure. You are right. But you know what?
I still totally think that the two of them would totally at least platonically hit it off if they were ever going to meet. Because they just are so darn similar in their dramatic backstories as runaway slaves whose masters were trying to kill them.
Like, just look at all the bonding potential there!
What I love about it too, is that it has Astarion in the role of a caretaker for someone. Like, people (well, mostly Tav) took care of him, when he needed it and now he is capable to support someone else who has lived through similar shit.
And yes, in case you are wondering: No, Astarion does not break it off with my Tav in that stuff. Because polyshipping is a thing xD And that polycule is already just a bit bigger.
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And, just... Look people. I JUST WANT MY BLORBOS TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER, ALRIGHT?! *feral*
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