#maybe i get frisky and put an oc
lemm-moxx · 2 months
Gang im drawing a a ref sheet for how i stylize all the main goobers and whhhhhhhhwhwwho do i put in the last box man😞😞😔😔 (putting images rn as placesholders for ref) (does anyone haave any suggestions I'm begging)
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evilminji · 4 months
As I have recently discussed, with the ESTEEMED Quirk Scholar @mayfay !
Suprise Quirk Accident Babies! Gotta love um!
They're the, ironically enough, love child of "suprise child acquisition" and "suddenly pregnant" troupes! But SPEEDRUN! Because THAT IS A TODDLER/BABY! Right here. Right now!
And now YOU! Yes, YOU! Get to deal with it. All those vague "do I want to be a parent someday? Would it be SAFE? I am READY?" Questions AND MORE! Suddenly NOT SO VAGUE.
Suddenly VERY RELAVENT. Immediate. People are asking you questions you are GOING to need to answer. And?
You are not the only parent.
You might be JUST out of fucking high-school. Staring down a top lister, high 20, maybe TOP TEN, Hero. Who is society gonna choose here? Your barely adult ass... or them? You might never see your kid again if they decide to take them. Decide to be an asshole.
They have enemies, too.
Can... can you HANDLE those enemies? To protect your kid?
It's been less then fifteen minutes. Fight has barely ended and your sitting under a shock blanket. Decisions are going to have to be made. And all you can think is the sound of your own panicked screaming. Static white noise. The reporters and shady Goverment officials already circling like sharks. Gotta make a decision. Gotta make a decision. Gotta....
It is? The BEST.
The more unlikely the combos the better! My asexual ass is thriving! Fuck yeah! Free baby, no sex!!! You can have platonic child rearing shenanigans! Interesting Self Insert Setups! New OCs! Character dramas! Or romance, if your into that sorta thing!
But you know what I think would be funny as hell?
The continued bloodline curse of AfO being so Platonicly Yandere at his own kin that they go Rabidly Feral Wet Cat and try to claw his throat out, bare minimum! Because obviously HE isn't the problem here! No, no, it's everyone ELSE that caused the issues last time! He doesn't have to learn from past mistakes! He's perfect! (Spoken by the world's most delusional man)
He ALSO has lost track of how many minor quirks he has shoved in metaphorical pockets at the moment. As he is, as always, a kleptomaniac. The way the react to each other? Cascade and shift? React to OTHER outside quirks?
Ha! He's never fucking studied that. Why would he study that!? He has power to steal.
So... set the scene~
Toshinori v. Afo: Kamino Ward.
Make the changes you please, add or subtract Heros, but the BIG TWO are there. They clash. Like Titans. Like GODS. AfO getting frisky with his quirk use, throwing everything at the wall. But?
Oh. This time. THIS TIME, you bastard! Toshinori is NOT ALONE!
The power of community, of an ARMY, is not to be underestimated. They make be struggling. Have broken bones and worse. But they know he just... just needs ONE shot! They... they can give him one shot.
Even if it's the last thing they ever do.
Because? They are god damned HEROES.
AfO feels his legs rip out from under him, just as he's about to dodge. It's going to be a killshot. He may... potentially... THEORETICALLY... conceivably... possibly... panic... just a bit. MAYBE. A microscopic amount.
He lashes out.
With everything.
And he DOES mean everything. Yes, including that "grow flowers" and the "summon apples towards you"Quirk, for all the good THOSE would have done.
Something? Happens.
The blast hits the Oaf infront of him... and? Resonates. Like the striking of a great clear bell. It RINGS. Deafening. Without noise. The damn brat...rewinds? No. He's not younger. He RESETS! OH YOU MOTHER FU-!
Something sliding off him. Like dust. From the reset. Drifting towards other dust.
Swirling. Some merging, like planets forming. Most not enough. Turning grey and falling to the ground. But... but he can SEE it. A whisp of white hair gets in the way. HIS hair. Ha. Ha ha hA HA HA HA HA!!! Reset! NOT JUST YOU, ALL MIGHT!
The heroes are getting up. It doesn't matter. He'll just put them BACK on the ground.
INTO it this time.
But then?
The dust from him, all might, so many others. Solidifies, compresses, the pops like a firework. Dumping a very started black hair, blue eyed, toddler on the ground.
AfO connects the dots first. He has AfO hair texture. Quirk weirdness just happened and their is ALWAYS a cost or drawback to Quirks. Such as... any overflow creates an infant? Did he just make his own child?
Not risking it.
He lunges.
All Might lunges for the simple reason of "oh GOD SUPERVILLIAN AND A BABY!" D:> same as every other hero there.
Meanwhile DANNY? Retired Halfa Superhero, Zone Councilman, and LATE to his DnD night... is beginning to suspect THIS is what Clockwork meant when he said "some roads take longer to get home".
Was that that a "Lol good luck buddy"!?
@mutable-manifestation @babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @hdgnj
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fandomxo00 · 1 month
House Of Gold - Part 4 - Make You Mine
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pairings: Logan Howlett!Human!AU x Audra Everly!OC
warnings: flirting, kiddos and some angst, drinking, Wade fucking Wilson is his own disclaimer, and finally smut, p in v and oral
word count: 3.5k
The two of you went back and forth on the way to his house, it was away from the city about 45 minutes away. You didn't know how he managed but he chipped away at your hard exterior. His easy ability to make you trust him was a danger power that he had over you. He didn't have a piece of your heart, but he was certainly trying. 
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When you arrived at his house, there were cars lining the driveway and you were surprised at what you saw, your eyes immediately scanning the house and staring at the small details. "I will admit I don't do the landscaping, but I did design it."
"It's beautiful." You beamed, smiling over at him before he turned off the car, before he turned his body towards you, the familiar soft look in his green eyes. You leant in closer as a smile twitched on Logan's face then he reached out to tuck your hair behind your ear. There wasn't a huge height difference, but you had to look up into his eyes, as he cupped your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your skin. 
"You're beautiful." He murmured, before leaning in to softly place your lips on his and as you kissed him back there was a knock on the window. Logan's eyebrows furrow as he turns towards the figure to see a lanky man with brown hair standing on the other side with a shit eating grin. "What do you want?"
"Who's this?" He asked, pointing to you as Logan opened the door, letting it swing into his friend, before turning back to you. 
"That's Wade."
"So she's heard about me but-."
"Shut up." Logan replied, as Wade ducked down to see your face. 
"I'm just joking he told me all about what happened in the bathroom, every frisky detail."
"That's good to know." You retorted as you pulled your seatbelt off and opened your door. Wade and Logan met you on your side of the car before Wade properly introduced himself.
"I'm Wade, Logan's best friend and my hall pass." He joked. 
"Alright, get inside." Logan grunted, nodding towards the door before glancing over at you with a tightlipped smile. "Sorry he never shuts up."
"He's funny." You smiled, as Logan opened the door for you, and you walked inside. The house was quiet, but you could see the backyard from the front door, living room and kitchen on their respective sides. 
The two of you went to the backyard and as Logan opened the door, everyone cheered for the host. His friends started to come up to him as you slipped away to the cooler to grab a wine cooler. "Long time no see." Eva teased as she came over to you, rolling your eyes as you shut the cooler before standing straight. 
"Don't start with me." You warned with a teasing look on your face before you tried to screw off the cap but it wasn't a twist. "Do you-."
"Here." Logan interrupted, reaching for the drink, letting it slip from your hand before unscrewing it with his bottle opener. Then he handed it back to you with a soft smile before turning to Eva.
"How are you, Eva?"
"I'm doing fine, how about you Logan?"
"I'm great."
"Save me the awkward small talk." You refuted, before walking away from the two. You walked over to a picnic table with a bowl of watermelon sitting in the middle of the table. That's when a woman with black hair slid into the spot across from you and reached for some watermelon. There were two girls, one with curly dark brown hair and another with straight black hair sat next to her on the right and a boy maybe five sat down on her left. You shot your eyes back at the girl as you realized she looked familiar, was she one of the kids that came to your shop? Oh this is sunglasses girl. 
"Hey, I'm Vanessa, I know you've met Wade, I'm his wife." She introduced with a soft smile, before putting the palm of hand on the girl's head. "This is Ellie and Peter, there Wade and I's kids and this Logan's daughter, Laura." You turned your head to the girl black hair, as she stared over at you, a knowing look in her eyes, she regonized you too.
"I know Laura actually." You hummed, smiling over at Vanessa. "She comes into my grandma's shop, Rose Mary's."
"She doesn't steal anything right?" A voice said, as your attention was once again drawn to Logan as he stood next to his daughter. 
"I pay for my books." Laura scoffed before pushing off the table and grabbing her sunglasses from her pocket before slinking off, Ellie followed behind her. Logan stared after Laura, there was a mix of guilt and confusion on his face, his mouth opens a little. 
That's when Wade makes his entrance, slipping right into Laura and Ellie's spot and wrapping an arm around Vanessa. He started prattling on, Logan pretending to sip his drink as he stared off into space or looked around for his daughter. Eva and Justin eventually joined the group, they slipped in on your side.
"Does Audra bite?" Wade questioned, looking up at his friend that was still standing over his shoulder. 
"What?" Logan replied, his eyes going to Wade with a look of anger crossing his features before he glanced over at you to see you looking up at him before glancing over to the spot next to you. 
"Off in his own little world, wonder what he's thinking about." Wade egged on, winking over at you as Logan moved over to sit next to you, the new smell that you associate with Logan stewing right next to you. He had even moved in a little closer so his shoulder would lightly bump yours if he moved. The conversation went on for a while before Logan stated he needed to start making burgers and hot dogs, Justin following him inside to help him. Wade mentioned something about finding the girls and Peter went along with him. Leaving you, Eva and Vanessa sitting at the table, the two of them chatting up, you went to go get another wine cooler before going in and out of their conversation. 
It was hard for you to stay present at times, your mind going blank as you stared off into space, your brain no longer processing the words said to you. Eva was familiar with this and knew it was just another part of you. When you were young, you were diagnosed with Asperger's but as time went on it was renamed to Autism level 1. Which didn't mean that you were less autistic than others, but that you were high functioning. You knew it was a part of the reason why you shut down, unaware of what to do in new situations, when your mind is set on a plan and it changes without your consent, all of the things that came with life but that even as you learned new skills from therapy. It wasn't something that you could really fix about yourself, you didn't need to be fixed, you just needed to be accepted. Being accepted is one of the hardest things to do when everyone tells you don't belong, you aren't normal enough to fit in with one crowd and your not 'autistic' enough to be disabled (from other's perspective). This lead you to stop telling others after high school, you didn't want people to treat you differently, though it was apparent that a lot of people still didn't understand you. You didn't tell many people about your diagnosis, by all other standards you were a normal child, though your mother would state you had behavior issues and had a problem with eating too much. 
But as you grew up you realized those things weren't your fault, but your moms, she never took the time to accommodate any part of her life for others. She didn't make you food most of the time and when she did, she enabled you, from a young age you struggled with listening to your body, you wouldn't know your pain until later in the day after an accident happened. Sometimes you could understand when you were full, growing up this especially harder because you were in a constant state of masking who you are. With you, when you start not listening to one thing, you start not listening to everything, so if you are trying to ignore emotions to please your mother, then you aren't listening to when your full from dinner. Your mind and body connection was very strong, it was very easy for you to spiral in the other if your mental or physical body was hurt or in distress. 
It eventually got easier to listen to your body, when you no longer had to mask for days at a time, you got to know yourself, you got to know your triggers. Then you worked on how to manage when you were triggered and for you it's all about what you want over what your mind tells you. If you can focus on the end goal, then it's a lot easier to get there, if you start dwelling on every field marker than you might get ran over by other players. 
"You and Logan are alike." Vanessa stated, as she caught your attention. 
"You both space off for long periods of time." She joked, as Eva snickered, you glanced over at your best friend with a questioning look. 
"She's right." Eva shrugged. 
"I barely know the guy." 
"That's why it took you two hours to get here?" Eva asked.
"You literally set it up so Logan would pick me up, Eva, I'm not stupid."
"Do you like him?" Vanessa probed, a curious look on her face. 
"The problem isn't about liking him, it's about my intimacy issues." You blurted, thanking your mind for having no filter. 
"And Logan doesn't?" Wade perked, walking back with the girls and Peter. Vanessa laughed as her eyes shined while looking over at her husband. "But you like him?"
"Why does this feel like high school, right now?"
"Are you dating my dad?" Laura grumbled; her arms crossed over her chest. That's when Logan and Justin came out and the two continued to talk as everyone went silent. When we didn't reply to Laura, she repeated herself, but turning around to face her dad to ask if he was dating you. She didn't talk all the time but when did speak she adamant and loud. You felt your cheeks flush red as you looked down at your hands. 
"Honey, no."
"Don't lie to me." 
"We were just messing around, Laur." Wade promised, as she rolled her eyes at her best friend's father. 
"She gives me free books." Laura added. 
"That's nice?" 
"Hey, we should do s'mores tonight." Ellie suggested. 
"That's a good idea, Ellie-bear, let's go check if Uncle Logan has any in his pantry." Wade ushered; his voice dipped in sarcasm as he led his daughter inside. 
Curiosity got the best of Laura and Peter, they followed him inside, if you were them, you'd ask for some chocolate under the table. You realized that you really haven't interacted with Logan much and you couldn't just ask him to get you accountable in this, you had to try and push yourself. So with that, you stood up from the picnic table, walking over to throw away your bottle before grabbing another from the cooler and going over to Logan, who had finished placing all the meat on the grill with a spatula. Logan smiled over at you as you walked over and you put a hand on his shoulder. 
"Well, everyone knows." You murmured. 
"I guess so." Logan replied, his eyes on yours to see your reaction as you shrugged. 
"I mean it's not the worst thing to be associated with you." You joked, your hand moving down his bicep before dropping to your side. His eyes looking over at your hand before shooting to your eyes. 
"How many wine coolers have you had?"
"This is my third." You affirmed, putting a hand on your waist. "You know, you make some serious eye contact." You giggled, as the crinkles by his eyes wrinkled while he smiled over at you. 
"It's not my fault your eyes are that way."
"What way?" You laughed, as he shook his head as a smile spread over his face, his adam's apple bobbing as he glances over at you with his smile lines lightly indented as he gives you a hazy look. 
"All y/e/c and you always have this glimmer..." He trailed, his fingers coming up to gesture at his eyes.  You lick your lips as you look over at him, your silence spoke volumes as the two of you look away from each other and still have small smiles stuck on your faces. 
Then Logan's hand moved forward as his attention went back to the grill as he pressed down on the burgers, his arm flexing slightly. But mostly just drawing all of your attention to his strong arms and long fingers, you then started thinking about where those fingers have been. You felt a familiar flush on your chest as you brought your wine cooler up to your mouth to sip. When he sets down the spatula, his hand flexes, before he reaches for his scotch. "Why scotch?" You pressed. 
"My dad drank whisky, I guess something to-I don't know." Logan trailed, you noticed the difference from when the two of you were alone, he was more hesitant to talk as openly as he did with you in private. 
"To feel close to him." 
"Yeah." He sighed. 
Logan glanced over at you; he didn't have much emotion on his face as his hand reached out to skim your fingers. Then he glanced over at Wade and nodded at him to come over. Wade leaned into Vanessa, whispering something to her before walking over to the grill. "Can you watch the grill for a second?"
"Yeah, a second? That's pretty quick, even for y-." Wade started as Logan's hand came up to slap his friend in the back of the head before he reached out for your hand. 
"Where are we going? You know you have a weird thing for dragging me away from public places-."
"Yeah, I know." Logan murmured, as he pulled your hand, moving you away from view of the windows, his other hand coming to your waist to pull you into him as he placed his lips on yours in a frenzied kiss. Your hands go to his hair, pulling his head closer to yours as you smashed your lips against his, teeth and noses clashing, but you didn't care if you couldn't breathe because this man so easily consumed you. His tongue slipped into your mouth, and you sucked his tongue before moving back to breath. As you tried to catch your breath, his head ducked down as his lips connected with your jaw, leaving feather light kisses along your skin. 
"I thought you didn't want to rush this." You breathed out. 
"You taste good." He grunted against your skin, "Everywhere." His nose rubbed against your jaw as he paused, taking a shaky breath.
"Don't stop." You pleaded, moving your face to level with his before leaning in to kiss him. You moved one of your hands to the one he had wrapped around your waist and started moving it lower on your back. He continued to slide down your back before cupping your ass in his hands and pulling you into his chest as he continued to leave soft kisses on your lips. You wanted to soak this in, knowing that later in the night you were going to crave this, crave this crush that you have him, and as you look at his lips all you wanted to do was bite his bottom lip. The closer he got the harder it was for you to resist. You wanted to feel the rush, you wanted to turn on Logan. Maybe this was all your tipsy thoughts, but you were sure sober you would crave him just as much as you did earlier. 
Then he crouched down, his hands going around your thighs and lifting you up. Your legs wrap around his waist, as your forearms rest on his shoulders while you kiss him. Logan started towards a door at the end of the hallway. "I want to feel you." He groaned against your lips as you hummed against him, one of his hands coming to your ass you ground your hips against his. Logan set you down on the bed and you were quick as your hands went to your skirt and panties, pulling them down your legs as you watched Logan undoing his jeans and tugging them down his thighs. You flung off your shirt, leaving you in a black completely lace bra that clung to your breasts. Logan groaned as he moved down to lay kisses on your chest before peppering them on your breasts. 
"We don't have time, Logan please." You begged, your hands coming to his shoulders before your hands down to his back and feeling his back muscles against your skin as he pushed your knees apart and threw a condom over his dick. Your hands pushing up his shirt, before grabbing on to him as he filled you, making you moan aloud. He didn't waste time as he started pumping in and out of you, his hand coming down to cup your sex and rub at your clit. Your head shot back at the pressure. "Logan." Dripped from your mouth like a prayer, as he knew the right place to reach inside of you to make your legs begin to shake. He didn't even have to try to get you off, what would happen if the two had actual time to have sex rather than the hot quickies? Your hands continue to move up his torso, feeling him all around as he fucked you. 
Logan's arms moved out to the side of your head, his hips pounding against yours, your eyes actually rolling back as your arm shoots back to grip at the comforter below. Your hand came down to continue the ministrations on your clit, "Yes baby." Logan growled, his voice dark and he ground his hips into you as he bottomed out, before slowly pulling out and bottoming out, making choke out moans pour of your mouth. "I can feel you, Audra, you're so fucking tight." 
The deep timber of his voice and the way his lips started to suck at your neck, your orgasm shot through you like a freight train, the sounds you made were uncontrollable. Logan was quick to pull out of you, before standing up and throwing off the condom. His hand started jerking his cock as he stared down at you. You sat up before moving forward on your knees and reaching out for his cock. Your hand started to move up and down his shaft before you leant forward to spit on the tip of his red angry cock. Then you opened your mouth, letting his cock slide, moving your head back and forth on his dick. You resisted the urge to gag as loosen your jaw and breath through your nose. Your eyes watery, a tear of pleasure dripping down your face as you pulled him in deeply and swallowed around him. The groan that fell out of his mouth, made your knees weak as his mouth drops open. Then his eyes squeeze shut while his eyebrows dipped down to show the pleasure written all over his face as he came in your mouth. "Fuck." He breathed, as you pulled off of him and started to catch your breath. 
He met your lips in a soft kiss, your lips softly smacking together as he moves his head to the side. Logan pulled back to look down at your eyes before looking over at his alarm clock. "We gotta get out there." He murmured, moving over to kiss your forehead before leaning down to pull up his jeans and grabbing your skirt. You reached for your clothing and slipping your legs inside as you stood up and shimmed the skirt up over your belly. Your hands going up to your breasts to fix them as they spilled out and the straps were twisted from the friction against the bed. Logan gruffed at the way your hands cupped your breasts for a second, subconsciously checking them, before you reached down for your shirt. He adjusted his clothing before turning to fix his hair in the mirror, you walked over to him to run your fingers through your hair and fix the knots. When you looked over at Logan he was already looking at you, you turned towards him, your hand reaching out for his chest as you lightly kissed his lips again. 
The two of you made your way back outside, you were glad that you were only gone maybe 15-20 minutes, the two of you knew what you wanted and what you needed to do to get there. The group of you gather together for supper, enjoying burgers, hotdogs, chips and various fruit plates. Conversation flowing naturally amongst the group, as you sat next to Logan and Laura. 
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forbiddenpettadcau · 5 months
Jax woke up with a busting headache. He groggily looked down at his chest and saw Friskies curled up.
He smiled softly and scratched Friskies's ear. He groaned and he wondered what made his head hurt so badly.
"Friskies, get up..."
Friskies sat up and tilted his head. He sniffed really close to Jax's face. Jax's headache got worse. It was becoming unbearable.
"Ugh... maybe Caine will have something..."
He got up and rubbed Friskies's chin with his finger.
"Stay here. I'll be back."
He left the room. His migraine was at its peak now. He covered his face and sneezed into his arm... then it became a fit of sneezing.
The odd animal-like humanoid creature, Springy, let out a growling noise and approached him, stumbling with every step he took.
"What are you doing, Swirly-eye?"
Jax coughed a bit. The areas around his nose and cheeks were getting red. Springy made a 'cawing' noise, similar to a crow, and put his paw on his shoulder.
"I'm fine. Probably just a minor cold or something."
Oddly enough, he sneezed less after he walked away from his room. His head still hurt and his body felt groggy though, so he still wanted to talk to Caine.
Springy and Jax headed to the main area, where everyone was. Zooble seemed to notice Jax's behavior immediately.
"Jax, are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine, just a bit of a headache."
He sneezed again. Zooble stumbled backwards, falling into Gangle's arms. They both looked at him, surprised. Jax groaned.
"It'll probably go away at some point. Just ignore it."
Caine noticed Jax's behavior as well.
"Jax, you don't look so good!"
His voice was loud and obnoxious as usual. Jax's headache got worse. He raised his voice.
"Lower your voice, Caine!"
Caine summoned something out of thin air.
"Take some tylenol and get back in bed! Don't wanna spread something around, do you?"
Jax sighed heavily. He took the medicine bottle and headed back to his room.
He sat on his bed and took two of the pills, then he laid down. He already felt a lot better, but he couldn't figure out why.
Friskies hopped onto the bed and laid down on Jax's chest. Jax scratched him behind the ear, then he had to sneeze again. That's when it hit him. His heart sank.
"Oh no... I'm allergic..."
Wasn't expecting that, were you?
(It actually wasn't my original plan, but I randomly had this thought in the shower and I decided to do it)
Also, Springy is one of my OCs. Like Zooble, he is a mix-and-match toy, however, he is an animal in a humanoid body. He isn't a mammal if that gives you any ideas.
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aliypop · 1 year
Loving You
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Word Count: 1,115
Writers Note: Alright another smut but fluffy
Pairing: OC x Elvis
Plot: With the temperatures dropping in Memphis on an early morning in October of 1957, Elvis and Cecelia decide to spend the morning finding ways to keep warm.
Taglist: If you wanna be tagged let me know!
Graceland October 1957
The Tennessee Fall winds whistled as the beautiful colors of orange, brown, and rustic red leaves twirled around from their tree branches and onto the grounds of Graceland. For once, on the big pile of land, it was peaceful from the animals to Elvis's cousins, who'd usually be running amuck in the house by now. But right now, there was a sweet, sleepy haze glazing the mansion like morning dew on the grass. In the master bedroom laid Elvis and his new budding romance, as the papers would say, Cecelia Valmos. Who was all cuddled up in his chest. Elvis's arms were around her waist, and his face was on her shoulder,
"Cece wouldja quit wigglin..." Elvis commanded with sleepy laughter.
"I would if I wasn't so cold." her morning voice was raspy and still filled with sleep. 
"Keep movin like that, and you'll be gettin warm quicker, mama..." his hot breath touched her ear, and her body pressed up against his already hardening cock.
"You promise, Mr. Presley? she teased as she soon felt passionate, sloppy kisses on her shoulder blade. Elvis then took his hand as he gave her thigh a playful squeeze,
"Mmm... Elvis..." 
"Already calling my name, and I just begun baby..." he kept creeping his hand up slower under her pink negligee. Trying to get to the prize that was her pink silk panties, lacing a finger around the band, he shimmed them off her, watching her body shiver at the cold breeze grazing against her feverish spot.
"Won't be needing those." he laughed as her heart rate quickened, 
"Then I guess you can lose the pants, sweetheart..." Elvis could hear the smirk in her voice as she began pulling down his pajama pants, "A frisky little kitten, heh..." pulling her on top of him as she giggled, 
"They don't call me the rock n roll pinup for nothing, baby." peppering his skin soft kisses as she saw the love and lust he had for her in his hazy blue eyes, 
"You look beautiful..." his hand grazing her cheek as she leaned into his touch. 
"You're just saying that to get under my nightgown." Cecelia joked,
"Is it working?" he winked, watching her pull the dress over her head as she flung the material somewhere across his bedroom. He'd seen her body in this state many times, but it was always a gift to know it was all his to look at and love. "Think that means yes...." he mumbled.
"How do I look..." she posed, 
"Like you could give Marilyn a run for her money."
"Do you mean it?" she blushed as he gave her a quick peck on the lips.
"Doll... I mean it," he smirked. The kiss between the two was as sweet as candy and as pure as cane sugar. Small kisses trailed down his jawline as Cecelia yawned in the middle of it. A lazy, passionate morning and the couple was excited about it either way.
 "You wanna maybe put me in the game, coach..."
"How good is your tackle?" before Cecelia could even process what happened. Elvis was on top of Cecelia, kissing her legs, stomach, breast, and finally, her lips again.
"We don't have much time before everyone else wakes up," she whispered in his ear.
"Just makes it a fun challenge." Cecelia gripped Elvis as she felt her walls expanding to his size. She always loved the sensation of the stretch, the pain, and pleasure, the shiver down her spine.
"You okay, baby?" his face was full of concern. "I can stop i-i-if you want me to ."
"It's okay, just adjusting, is all." holding his face.
"Cil, if you're in pain..."
"El... I'm fine. I've had cramps that hurt worse." She laughed, "Oh, you can move now." She held his hand as she felt him move, a bit slower than they'd usually go, but she loved it nonetheless,
"This okay?"
"Perfect." she gasped at each jolt of his hips and every sensual kiss. Her fingers in his hair as he pulled her closer to him,
"Cecelia... Fuck..." he grunted in her ear,
"You like that baby..." she pulled at his hair again,
"Mhmm..." his hips quicking up on the pace, his breathing a bit shaky. He was starting to get closer to the finish line until he felt a bit of a weight change. 
"Hello, gorgeous."
"Gorgeous, have you seen yourself in a mirror." she teased, her hands laying on his chest as he kissed both palms of her hands. 
"I have." he laughed as a grunt escaped his lips. Cecelia had looked like an Angel sent down for him to love, with the morning sun shining down on her. But his favorite view was her rising and falling on his cock, the sounds of her moans, his hips thrusting into her, the sounds of skin on skin. It made his heart beat,
"Oh, baby!!" 
"Elvis! Fuck... Faster baby, faster!" 
"Right there, Cece!"
It was as if the two were scratching the itch the other couldn't reach. When Cecelia arched her back and held onto his legs, it was game over for Elvis, his hips moving faster than the flash could even run.
There were curses that his mother would disapprove of leaving his lips, but he'd sin every day if it meant he was buried deep into his heaven that was moaning,
 "Elvis, don't stop... Give me all you got!"
"Can you take all that I got." kissing down her neck, nearly pounding into her, pouring all the love he had for her into each and every thrust.
"Baby!! Ah!"
"You feel so good wrapped around me, baby!" Finally, the coil for them both snapped, and Cecelia's eyes rolled as she had, had quite the most mind-numbing cock drunk orgasm. 
"Cece, you okay." he laughed a little,
"Need me to..."
"Don't you dare pull out..." she commanded.
"Yes, Ms. Valmos."  
Pulling the covers back on top of them, Elvis laid down with his arms around Cecelia.
 It was a peaceful and serene morning at Graceland, no longer cold. The winds whistled, and the fall leaves fell from outside the window. But all the love was from inside, 
"Honey, I think I just rolled over one of your rollers..."
"Mmm... Don't worry about it." Cecelia kissed his chin, "Mind singing us back to sleep?" she murmured,
"Mmm, but it'll cost ya." he teased, 
                 I will spend my whole life through
Loving you, loving you
                  Winter, summer, springtime, too
Loving you, loving you
                Makes no difference where I go or what I do
You know that I'll always be loving you
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sunnyrealist · 7 months
🌶️ Chapter 33: The Greatest Treasure 🌶️
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Art: Chapter art was created by @giselsann-opencommissions. The full NSFW artwork is available on AO3. I made the mistake of posting it here and got flagged, so hopefully this works with the guidelines. Please do not follow the link or read this chapter unless you are 18+.
Chapter Background and Summary: Sebastian and Kate are at the end of the second day of their adventurous camping trip in the Scottish Highlands. They have had a great deal of time to get to know each other on a deeper level. The two have impressed each other with their skills - Sebastian with his navigation and Kate with all of her perfectly prepared meals. This chapter features conversation about their family holiday traditions, as well as some rather enjoyable time skinny-dipping in a river.
Pairing: 25-year-old, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x Kate Mayflower (my OC)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI. For this particular chapter - outdoor sex, skinny-dipping, and a couple other mentions of gettin' frisky.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Please leave some feedback. A comment, like, or Kudos would be quite motivational. 🥰
Chapter 33: The Greatest Treasure
Placing the blanket, her sketchbook, and an assortment of freshly picked purple wildflowers in her bag, Kate closes it up and reduces its size, sliding it into her pocket next to her wand. Sebastian watches her as she takes a final look at the secret forest clearing, sighing. 
“Maybe one day we’ll return here,” Sebastian suggests. “Now, we know where purple heaven is.”
Kate is exhausted by the time they decide to make camp again, about four hours later, just outside the edge of the forest near a river. Her feet ache from all of the walking. Sebastian offers to fill a bucket with hot water so she can soak them while he sets up the tent. She gratefully accepts, finding a large boulder on which to perch. Pulling off her boots and dropping them to the ground, she plunges her feet into the warm water, her eyes closing momentarily in quiet contentment. 
As Sebastian sets up the different components of the tent, he removes more and more of his clothing, despite the cool temperature. First, his tan jacket is dropped onto the ground, then his vest and tie, and finally, he lets his suspenders down, clad in only his white tunic and brown trousers. Kate feels a bit guilty for ogling him while she relaxes, but he seems to enjoy it. He catches her staring and fully plays into it, giving her cute little smirks and even starting to flex his arms, causing her to laugh in response. 
When he is finished, Kate urges him to take some time to relax as well. They both enter the tent, and Sebastian wastes no time in grabbing a book and flopping onto the bed. She opens her extendable bag so that she can prepare dinner. She disappears down the ladder, and soon, plates, wine stems, and silverware float through the air onto the table. A bottle of wine is next to fly up, followed by a bowl of French salad, a jar of vinaigrette, a loaf of steaming brown bread, and a butter dish. Sebastian’s nose is drawn to attention by the scent of roasted chicken, baked potatoes, and asparagus with a creamy sauce. He sits up and gawks as the platters glide through the air towards the table. Soon, his sweetheart reappears to tell him that dinner is served.
“You know, you never told me if I was right about your favorite season. Is it spring?” Sebastian asks, slicing the warm bread and spreading butter that melts almost instantly. 
“Oh!” Kate puts down her fork. “You’re right - we didn’t finish our conversation.” She pours herself a little more wine, topping off Sebastian’s glass as well. “You were initially correct - my favorite season is summer. But after your description, maybe it should be spring!” 
“This vinaigrette is delicious,” he remarks. Grinning, he takes another bite of his crisp and cool salad. “I guess I can understand why you love summer. No work.” 
“That’s exactly right,” she replies, sipping her wine. “It’s the best time of year. I get a break from Agnes and the students, and I can do whatever I like.” 
“So, then… What is your favorite holiday?” Sebastian asks, moving to carve the roasted chicken for them both.
“Christmas,” Kate answers quickly. “Definitely Christmas. I don’t like the cold, but I love spending time with my family. We have so many traditions. I bake biscuits with my family’s cook - gingerbread biscuits with sweet icing. My papa grows a fir tree every year just for the holiday, and my sister and I decorate it as soon as he cuts it down and brings it inside. My mum gives the best, most thoughtful gifts; I feel like I am pretty good at that, too. Maybe I got that trait from her,” she muses. 
Sebastian grins, placing a few cuts of chicken on her plate. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
Kate’s smile falters slightly at the comment, knowing that she is unlikely to approve of Sebastian, but she recovers quickly, moving on to a new topic. “And then… my entire extended family on my mum’s side - the Becketts - gathers for a huge party at our manor. My mamma, sister, and I decorate the ballroom with a new theme each year. Last year, the theme was peppermint. We had floating candy canes as props, and there were white and red lights all around the room. When we had dinner, we had a deep red tablecloth, with a red and white striped table runner. We placed a candy cane over each plate. It was so cute!” 
“I love Christmas, too,” Sebastian adds happily. “My parents always made it special for Anne and me. We never had a huge party - our family was small. Solomon would join us for the Yule dinner and then promptly leave after dessert. Afterwards, my parents would present us with our gifts - new books and clothes and always one particularly exciting item. Our last Christmas together was when we were nine. They gave us a set of Quidditch equipment and gear. My dad taught us the rules of the game during our last year together. He had been a Beater for Slytherin in his school days, and it was his wish for me to eventually become a Beater as well.” He pauses, his eyes shining. “Which I did. And Anne was a Chaser… until… well, you know.”
Sebastian distracts himself by cutting his chicken into manageable pieces. Kate knows better than to ask him to tell more when he has that look on his face. She gives him a moment to think and breathe.
“I’m trying to remember my favorite gift,” Kate finally says. “But I don’t know that I ever had a favorite, really. It was more about spending time with family for me than anything else. I always loved watching my parents exchange gifts with each other. You could always tell how much they loved each other. My mum would always give a new exotic plant to my papa. He would always pick out something luxurious for her like perfume or jewelry. Those are the kinds of things my mamma likes.” She pauses. “Christmas… I think I enjoy it so much because every activity is just… filled with family, togetherness, and love. And then afterwards, there is still joy - there's the promise of a new beginning on New Year’s Eve.”
It’s quiet for a moment as they continue to eat.
“Someday, I want to share all of that with you, Sebastian,” Kate murmurs. “We can make our own traditions.”
He nods. “I would like that, too, Kate. It’s been a long time since I was able to enjoy the Yule holiday. This year will be different. I can feel it.”
Both of their minds are swimming with thoughts of spending Christmas together this year - and beyond - as they finish their dinner. Kate enchants the dishes into cleaning themselves as she preserves what is left of the bread and chicken for sandwiches another day. For dessert, she brings out bread pudding with a saucer of butterscotch syrup, which she pours generously. 
Afterwards, they each select a book to read, laying side by side on the bed. Kate’s eyes grow more and more sleepy, and eventually she casts Divesto to disappear her clothing and slips under the covers. Sebastian does the same and casts a spell to darken the tent. He gently moves Kate closer. Practically asleep, she snuggles up to him. Her arm relaxes across his body, her head resting on his chest. For a long time, he listens to her steady breathing, waiting until she is undoubtedly asleep. Then, he kisses the top of her head.
“I love you, Kate Mayflower,” he whispers so quietly that there is no chance she will hear. “I’m going to marry you. I’m so in love with you, sunshine.”
Sebastian’s eyes begin to close. The comfortable feeling of her body against his calms him, her skin soft and warm. 
A moment later, Kate begins to lightly snore, and a smile grows on his face as he opens one eye to glance at her in amusement. Then, he finally falls asleep a few minutes later.
The next morning, Sebastian wakes up first, feeling Kate stir shortly after he opens his eyes. He is curled up against her back, clinging to her.
“Good morning, my love,” he whispers in her ear, then kisses her cheek lightly.
“G’morning,” Kate replies in a voice still laced with sleep. 
Sebastian kisses his way down her neck to her shoulder, his morning wood pressed against her arse. Because Kate had complained of soreness the other day, he decides not to push his luck. He’ll let her lead when she’s ready. She turns around to face him and leans in close to kiss his lips slowly and languidly. He softly moans into her mouth as her hand teasingly runs over his cock in a featherlight touch. Before long, Kate’s hand wraps completely around him, and later, her mouth takes over until his seed spills down her throat. 
Afterwards, Sebastian is treated to a ham and vegetable quiche, baked pears, apple cider, and toast with butter, cinnamon, and sugar. His girlfriend takes care of it all, clad only in one of his collared, button-down shirts, and he begins to wonder what in Merlin’s name he has done to warrant being served like a king. 
“Seb… wait!” Kate cries out after taking just one step out of the tent. She stands in place, looking warily at him and then the river at the end of the path ahead. “What… what if someone sees us?”
Sebastian stops, turning around with a grin. He makes his way back towards Kate. “They won’t. No one comes here, my sun. I’ve done my research. Trust me.” He takes her hands in his. Gods, my shirt looks good on her. “We wouldn’t be making this journey towards the castle, in general, if this area was well-traveled. There would be no point in looking for artifacts and valuables in a place that has already been raided by countless people. This part of the Highlands is warded off to muggles in the same way that Hogwarts is. It’s part of Blackfold Castle’s magic.”
Kate nods, pulling Sebastian’s shirt down as far as it will go. It’s like a short dress on her. “Alright. I trust you, my moon. I’m just a little nervous. I’ve never done this - entered a body of water without clothes on, I mean.”
“Well, there will be no other opportunity to bathe, sweetheart,” Sebastian explains, guiding her forward, “At least, not until we arrive back home days from now. You’ll just have to be a little brave. Remember, I’ll be with you. It’s safe. And, besides, the sun has barely risen…”
“True,” Kate acknowledges as they begin walking together. It’s quite early still. She adjusts the bag slung across her body, carrying towels, soap, and shampoo. “I don’t think I could bear to not bathe for that long. And… for that matter, you shouldn’t either.” She plugs her nose, waving her hand around, and giggles.
“Oh, come on,” Sebastian laughs. “You know you love my natural scent.”
“Not after two days of hiking,” Kate muttered, cackling.
Sebastian smiles, continuing to guide her towards the river. Both the sun and moon are visible at this early hour. 
“It’s rather cold out,” Kate notes unhappily. “I can only imagine how unbearably frigid the water might feel...” 
“Yes,” Sebastian replies. “But we can use warming charms to make the temperature more comfortable.”
They reach the riverbank. Kate stares as Sebastian nonchalantly removes his tunic and trousers, fully nude with his eyes on her. Noticing Kate’s hesitation, he steps towards her. “It’ll be okay. I’m with you. I’ll help you get warm.” He begins to work at her buttons, and when finished, gently slides the shirt off of her shoulders and arms. Kate’s nipples harden in the cool air. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her in close, his hands resting just above the curves of her bottom.
Letting her go after a moment, Sebastian grabs his wand from the pile of discarded clothing and casts a warming charm. Kate feels the air all around them heat up to a comfortable temperature. Following Sebastian, she cautiously dips a toe into the crystal clear water. Her brows rising, she looks at him in confusion, as the river itself feels like bathwater. He observes her in amusement as she moves forward without any further hesitation.
“It’s a charm intended to heat a certain radius around us. If we stay close together, it’ll be warm for us both,” he explains as he wades into waist-deep water.
“I’ve never heard of a spell quite like that,” she responds in amazement, following him. “You’ll have to teach me. That would really come in handy in winter.”
He gives her a lopsided smile, reaching out his hand so that they can move together towards deeper water. Kate grins brightly in return, accepting it. A moment later, they step forward and almost instantly disappear under water, the bottom dropping out unexpectedly. Gasping, they both reemerge, splashing around. Kate dips back underwater over her own volition, smoothing her hair back and then coming back up to tread water with Sebastian. She begins laughing, and soon, he does, too. 
“Maybe let’s swim a little further? Maybe there’s somewhere we can comfortably stand,” Kate suggests. 
Before Sebastian can so much as nod, Kate begins swimming away, using a backstroke. “Catch me if you can!”
Sebastian chuckles and takes off after her, but she’s surprisingly fast. He remembers her stories of swimming in the lake near her childhood home and quickly realizes he has an actual challenge on his hands. By the time he comes anywhere close to her, they have traveled a significant way away from where they began and seem to be in a densely forested area. Huge, ancient trees line the river, some roots exposed and underwater. 
Finally, Sebastian grabs onto Kate’s foot, and she screeches playfully as she is dragged out of position. He is finally able to find solid footing and pulls her directly to him.
“Got you!” Sebastian yells to Kate’s giggles as he draws her body flush against his. “You’ve fallen into my trap. You can’t escape me now!”
Gazing upon each other quietly for a moment, Kate’s heart drums. “That’s fine… I wanted you to catch me,” she admits. With care, she reaches up to push Sebastian’s bangs out of his face, and he leans in to kiss her. 
Their lips meet, gently at first. Her hands join at the back of his neck, her breasts pressing against his chest. Sebastian’s fingers explore the curves of her hips as he deepens the kiss. Her tongue runs along his lower lip, requesting entry, and soon, it dances with his. Kate sighs with contentment as his hand glides past her hips to her arse, squeezing. Out of breath, she pulls back, only for Sebastian to chase her mouth once more. His desire could not be more obvious as he grinds against her. She moans into his mouth. His breathing deepens as one of his hands reaches up to cup a breast, running his index finger over her nipple.
“Seb… Sebastian…” Kate chokes out.
He kisses her feverishly as she hops up, wrapping her legs around his waist, trying to satisfy her own need for friction. 
“I want you… so badly…” she whines as he begins to kiss down her neck. He sucks and bites, leaving bruises in his wake as she gasps and arches her back. “I l-love you, Sebastian…”
“Kate… I love you… I want you… I want you more than I’ve wanted anyone… I swear it…” he responds breathily. “Are you sure… you’re up to this?” He opens his eyes to sincerely gauge her reaction.
“Gods, yes,” Kate assures him, thankful he checked in first. “Please don’t make me wait…” She tightens her legs around his waist and pushes herself against his arousal, moving up and down along his thick length as he groans in need. He slips a hand between them, using his finger to massage her clit. 
“I’m ready - I swear - I’m ready, my love…” she insists, her lips against his neck. “Are you sure we’re really hidden?” 
“Yes, I swear,” he rasps as Kate tears her face away to examine their surroundings. 
She notices the tree roots growing outside of the soil, the ones that plunge into the river’s depths. She leans backwards, her legs still tight around Sebastian’s hips, to grasp at the roots. She tests their strength and puts half of her weight into her grip. Her breasts are now on full display as Sebastian guides his needy cock towards her core. With his eyes on her face, he slowly enters her, centimeter by tight centimeter.
“Fuck,” he whispers, fully sheathed. “Oh, fuck…” 
Without any hesitation, without giving her a chance to adjust, he begins to thrust into her. His face contorts in pleasure as he achieves a steady pace, taking satisfaction in her whimpering. When Sebastian opens his eyes once more, his view is that of a -
“Goddess,” he gasps. “You’re a goddess. So fucking beautiful…”
Her arms are outstretched behind her, holding on desperately to the tree roots. As he pounds into her repeatedly, her mouth falls open, her breasts bounce, and the water splashes around them. She cries out as his thrusts become harder, faster. 
“Bash,” she moans. “I love you, Bash…”
His cheeks are tinged red with exertion as her noises become louder and louder, the splashes increasing in size. His gaze focuses on her face as his grip on her bottom becomes more firm; he can plunge deeper than before. Her wailing practically reaches the level of shouts. 
“Please,” she begs. “More… I’m so close. I’m so close…”
Gritting his teeth, he slams into her, channeling all of his energy into his frantic thrusts. He can feel himself coming undone as her walls tighten around him. She screams his name as she finally lets go. Her vision of his face and strong physique goes white; she shudders and moans. Sebastian doesn’t hold back anymore. He spills deep inside of her with a grunt, trembling as he holds himself in place, totally bottomed out as the last of his cum spurts out. 
They both pant as they revel in the aftershocks of lovemaking. Kate slowly lets go of the tree roots and brings her hands back to Sebastian’s shoulders, her muscles burning with exertion. Her face very close to his, she kisses each of his cheeks, then his neck. Finally, she presses her lips to his slowly, with all of her adoration.
“I love you,” Kate whispers in his ear as her hands run up and down his scarred back. “Sebastian, I love you. Please don’t ever leave me. I couldn’t take it.”
“Neither could I,” he replied softly, his hand in her wet hair. “I love you, Kate, more than you know. You’re everything to me. Everything.” 
Sebastian adds two more pieces of firewood to the stove and then returns to Kate, spread out naked on the floor, nestled among a pile of blankets and pillows. He lays down next to her, taking her in his arms again and swinging her body back on top of his. They kiss in an unhurried fashion, lazy after another round of intimacy.
Sebastian looks at her as though she is a deity. His eyes are filled with tenderness and so much love. “Kate,” he begins softly. “Can… can I speak freely to you?”
Her gaze is filled with trust as she listens attentively. “Of course, my love.” 
He smiles. “I know I tell you I love you all the time. I just… I want you to know how much I mean it.” His fingers reach out to brush some of her floral-scented hair, still drying, behind her ear. “Kate… My whole life, I’ve never thought much of love. In Azkaban, there was nothing for me to do but simply survive, and afterward, I never dreamed I would find someone like you. I never thought I would find a woman who might accept me for who I am, despite my past and all of my flaws. But yet… here you are, in my arms, making love to me, making me dream again of an actual future. You make me want to be a better man, and I promise you - I will be. I want to be the man you deserve. I want to make your dreams come true. I want to marry you and have a family with you. You’re my sun. My sun. I don’t want a life without you. I know we haven’t been together long, and I don’t want to scare you, but I feel it so intensely now - I don’t think I could survive a life without you. I love you.” He kisses her cheek, whispering. “I love you.” A kiss to her other cheek. “I love you.” He presses his lips to hers, a tear falling from his eye.
Kate brushes his tear away. “I love you, Sebastian. I mean it. I love you so much. There is no one for me but you. You’re my future. We were meant to meet, to find each other. You are my destiny. I know it. I know it.” She kisses him deeply. “I never thought I would feel love like this. In truth, before I met you, I had begun to give up on it entirely. Sebastian, you make me so happy. You’re the moon to my sun. The world just wouldn’t work without us together.” 
Sebastian holds her as tightly as he can, kissing her hair, her nose, her chin, her lips again.
“I will follow you anywhere, my love,” Kate whispers. “I can’t wait to explore the world with you.”
“And today, we’ll really begin to explore,” he replies. “Our first destination is only a few hours’ hike from here. It will be a difficult trek, Kate, but I’ll be with you the entire way. By the afternoon, we’ll search the first cave. Perhaps we shall find some treasure there.” He kisses her cheek again, and his voice deepens with sincerity. “But, to me, Kate, you are the greatest treasure I’ll ever find. No riches, no magical artifacts from time gone by could ever compare to you.” He kisses her hand. “Now, my love, it’s time for us to pack up and go. Let’s explore.”
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entomolog-t · 6 months
Hello, I would like to ask who your OCs are? I'm new here, and for one, I don't know anything about your OCs. I would like to learn about them
No worries at all 💕 I'm always happy to answer OC questions!
I've got 4 main ongoing stories you can find on My Masterpost which also provides a short description of each story!
I'll include some quick/silly character descriptions down below !
Definitely recommend the masterpost for some better information. The post also shows the tags I use for each of the stories so you can easily search up asks/art pertaining to them (my art tag is entodraws). I tag oc posts with the character name followed by "oc" with no spaces (ie AedesOC) which should help searching, although I know the tagging system doesn't always work .
Aedes - Tiny vampire man who need's a hug but instead got frisky in the most traumatic way he could manage.
June- Big pretty lady who clearly doesn't abide by the 5 second rule and puts things in her mouth that maybe should have been left on the floor.
Sal- Dirty stinky lil wild mullet man who is the embodiment of cringey pet dad to a least one spider
Mark- Combination germaphobe arachnophobe tech worker who moved to the middle of nowhere to give his mental health a break, who now has to deal with a dirty lil bug loving man testing the limits of his strained mental health.
Betty- A perfect little spider princess. Very sweet. Knows a few tricks.
Bram- Mysterious Bug man monster thing who really sucks at charades
Dawn- Redneck woman thrown head first into a sci-fi nightmare just trying to get her chores done
Honey- A not so obedient hunting dog who causes 90% of the plot progression through being a little shit.
Tamius- Snarky lil genius savant who continually managed to get himself in situations
Rose- Dumb jock who throws people in her spare time. Has the fashion sense of Adam Sandler.
If you have any specific questions ask away!! I can't promise that I will answer right away (especially if its something I want to draw a response to) but I never delete asks !
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rank your sidesteps (and maybe your wayhaven detectives if youre feeling frisky) from "most likely to enjoy pineapple on pizza" to "will start a physical altercation over pineapple on pizza"
Oh, gods, you've broken my scale of "weird little things I don't really need to know about my OCs". Ok, um. Hm.
Seongwon - Starting a fight to get pineapple pizza added to the order. Anathema talked her into trying it and she rather likes it. Gets annoyed when people make a fuss about it. It's a pizza order and she's hungry.
Remus - Sweet tooth from hell. Like, his vice is alcohol, but it manifests as those fruity cocktails that are mostly simple syrup, so sweets is a close second. Adding pineapple on pizza just means extra sugar to balance out the pizza sauce. He's stolen the whole box on pizza nights at Rangers HQ.
Rashad - Never had it. It's traditionally served with ham and Rashad tries to eat halal when they can.
Corin - Aggressively ambivalent. High key hates eating, anyway, and would live off of meal replacement shakes and filler calorie drinks if Julia wouldn't harass him for it. Adding pineapple to pizza is going to neither improve nor degrade a pizza for him because it was always going to be wretched anyway.
Mateo - Personally dislikes it, but he's not going to make a fuss about it. There's probably enough other pizza to go around. In the situation that there's only pineapple pizza (which, let's be honest, is an Anathema or Ortega prank), he's picking off each piece and flicking it at the prankster.
Cassian - Has tackled Anathema to rip the phone out of her hand when ordering pizza to keep her from ordering pineapple pizza. Mostly for the bit, but also because they hate the smell of Hawaiian pizza. Ortega tried to talk him into trying a bite and got a kick to the gut.
Isaac - The things he puts on pizza upsets Tina and Verda. He's actually banned from placing pizza orders for the group. Pineapple on pizza would be a mercy comparatively. But, yeah, he likes it.
Julian - Hates the texture of pineapple, but likes the flavor. He's tried to experiment with how to impart pineapple flavor to pizza without physically putting pineapple on it. It's not gone well.
Raine - Doesn't like pineapple on pizza, but also doesn't like when people are assholes about others' eating preferences. He'll order Hawaiian pizza just to spite someone being loud about hating it. He'll even eat a few slices for good measure.
Thank you for the absolutely wild ask. This was a lot of fun!
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kwillow · 2 years
Also kinda funny thing, my oc is also kinda girl crazy like Ambroy lmao she likes girlies as she grows up (dragons kidnapping maidens much you need a tower to hold a pretty woman in?) but she's respectful never bothers his staff she knows he'd kick off but absolutely would check out other woman with him at events he's like ooh she's not bad. And she's like oh yea that dress compliments all the right places. And he's what. Harlot wench whore cease. And she'd laugh and assure him oh what chance does she have against such a gorgeous refined man such as himself so dazzling everyone in the room keeps looking at him they know they can't rival him.
Slightly NSFW following up on devoted anons whore daughter lmao I'm gonna do a few spaces then put it so hopefully you don't have to see if you don't want to
But also sometimes has girls in her room and Ambroy probably gets jealous lmao. She is a thot affectionately likes girls will love on girls likes one little bastard unicorn man. Would tease if he's getting huffy like aw my golden treasure don't be so jealous, you can come sit on my face too if you want. Cause she's a whore she's nasty she knows vulgarity and it's probably a bit flustering tbh like ma'am I do not wanna know what you're doing to those girls! I can imagine him shoving her face away lightly smacking at her lmao or who knows maybe he's into it just a little
Oh that's fun, hahaha!
I mean, she's better than he is for keeping her hands off his staff - er, at least when he was younger, he would get frisky with the female servants at times, to the point where his father refused to let him have personal female attendants. When he's older, though, he learns to maintain more professional boundaries... though not so professional that he would think better of having his maids wear ludicrously low-cut dresses, it seems.
He's enough of a lad that he'd enjoy having someone to check out ladies with, but you're right that too many compliments towards others would make him flip to "okay shut up about her what about how pretty I am"
Such language direct at him would fluster him for sure. He's certainly no angel (haha) or prude; he can be shockingly vulgar himself, but he's more used to being the pursuer than the pursued. There's also the matter of her being physically larger than him - he's used to being much taller than most people and especially women, so having someone who can look down at him and say such things, well, it's not a power dynamic he's used to. Is that to say he wouldn't secretly be kind of into it? Well... his aasimar version has a secret shameful attraction to the monstrous feminine, so, one could extrapolate certain things from that. What things - perhaps I shouldn't say on a good wholesome website like Tumblr.
(Oh and no worries about salacious stuff when it comes to my characters, I don’t bring such things up on my accounts often just because I prefer to write and draw my guys to be amusing and terrible rather than arousing, but it is a factor in their lives, and it doesn’t bother me.)
A lot of mythological creatures seem to have a particular fixation on girls, don't they? (Pardon the meme, couldn't help myself.)
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Oh also completely forgot but important she has a forked tongue not immune to wiggly forked tongue which she has superb control over so she will stick her tongue out at him and move the forks to make a <3 shape at him with her tongue cause I think it's funny
That's super cute. I'm sure he'd be jealous that his tongue is weird but can't do anything cool like that.
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vancilocs · 10 months
20-33 for a royaltines couples of your choice? (i lowkey wanna know about the vampire guy a bit)
i dont have TOO much about him and his partners but we'll see what we can do. also fenrir n merope
20. What are they like when sharing a bed?
Given that he's on a brink of starvation constantly he's very cold and bundles himself up always but cuddles on top of that are nice. If he's snacked on his partner he's the cuddler instead
Sometimes Fenrir is big spoon, sometimes they're comfortably apart, maybe with a toddler in the middle
21. Who is better at games? Does the loser take it graciously?
He wins when playing against Konoe's bodyguard, is equal against Rachne because both know all the illegal gambling tricks, usually loses against his girlfriend because she's the head treasurer of the kingdom and knows maths better and can count the cards. With Rachne it's strip poker and things get heated
Fenrir lets Merope win sometimes, he knows the illegal tricks just as well and could beat her any day
22. Do they ever share clothes?
Rachne might steal some of his, the others don't share the fashion sense
Merope takes Fenrir's large shirts and big cloaks any day
23. Your OCs are on a trip and there’s only one bed! What do they do?
Share, no issue
If they fit, share
24. What do your characters think about marriage? Are they for or against it?
All of them are in their fifties, if they wanted to be married they would have already and also the logistics of three people sharing their vampire is too much to consider. They have all given him a ring though, he wears all of them at the same time
They're happily married but both agree that they got married way too fast and without knowing each other well enough
25. Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
His partners like his hair, large ears and little fangs that poke out, he likes Rachne's spider legs, bodyguard's height and muscles, and treasurer's legs and figure. He's usually mistrusted on sight because he's so clearly a vampire (bc he's so hungry the fangs poke out etc., a well-fed vampire is barely distinguishable from a regular person) so it's comforting to him that they don't shun him for his looks
Merope likes Fenrir's hair and ears, and his size and tattoos, he likes her hair and body, especially boobs n butt
26. Do any of them have bad habits that the other can’t stand?
Not sure so far. Sometimes he might have a glass of ethically harvested blood to take the edge off and his partners don't like the taste of that but they're very understanding of his diet
Not quite but Merope is hypervigilant if she sees even one feather somewhere she's checking if Fenrir is pulling them out
27. Who is more down to earth?
Mainly Rachne, he's from the humblest beginnings
Fenrir from his adventures in his youth
28. Are they affectionate in public? Is it too much?
Not very, Rachne would bring bad publicity, in public the bodyguard is too busy keeping guard near Konoe, treasurer prefers not to. Also vampire himself is usually keeping an eye and ear out so he's not very relaxed in public
They hold hands or link arms usually, but that's about it
29. How are they affectionate in private?
Spending evenings together when they can, vampire slinks through his secret tunnels around the palace from one partner's quarters to another when they have the time. Kisses, cuddles, baths together, getting frisky, allowing him to have a snack
Cuddles, braiding and brushing hair, kisses, Fenrir listens to Merope read out loud
30. How does your OC react to being broken up with?
He would accept it but also ask why, then leave
Badly, Merope would run away crying
31. Do they fall in love easily?
Not really, he's fairly guarded. Rachne is very similar and likes to keep it casual for a long time. Bodyguard put work ahead of love usually, treasurer is the softest
Merope a bit easier, she was out there as a teenager leading romance novels and imagining the knight in shining armor whisking her away from her home to love her forever. She kinda got it? Fenrir is a bit more stubborn
32. Your character is in love, do they confess? If not, how long do they wait?
He wants to be sure the other feels the same, and while he is a spymaster who knows everything going on in the palace and has his spoons in everyone's soups that's one thing he's never convinced about. Most opportune moment would be after he's gotten to feed, make it part of aftercare
Merope would want it to be romantic and soft, but also she can't keep it a secret for too long. Fenrir can go without for ages, he trusts that his actions would show it
33. Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
Not sure yet, maybe the bodyguard after getting half his life succed out of him
Merope when Fenrir was going out on a horse trip on their honeymoon, he got flustered and said thanks and left
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priafey · 1 year
Gwilin of the Day: "Get Footsie'd" Gwilin
Today's Gwilin of the day is brought to you by: LadyTanithia on ao3!
Dalliances with Dunmer [Chapter 12]
Published: Apr 28, 2022
Rated: Mature
Length: ~4500 words
Featuring: Fem. OC, Talvas Fathryon
Set in: Ivarstead
I dove into this chapter thinking I was in for a real corpulent chunk of story "meat", but all that was available was a couple of dainty bites. Such high hopes, such little Gwilin...
Currently, Gwilin only exists in this fic within a scarce few 300 words near the beginning of this chapter. I got about 1000 words in when I realized Gwilin would make no further appearances in the story, and immediately lost interest.
I have to give it to the author, those 300 words were fun: a pleasant, if frustratingly tiny, nugget of frisky playfulness from Gwilin as he gets his nether regions played with by the author's OC's foot under a table. When they part, Gwilin is rather forward in letting her know he's eager for them to meet again. No doubt so they can finish what she started.
Moment that my mind chose to fixate on: When he took her foot and moved it to his crotch. Manslut Mode activated...
I. Compellingness
This Gwilin didn't start off too compelling, being characterized rather plainly as "friendly" and "positive", but his reaction to the author's OC putting the moves on him and his goodbye to her teased the existence of a surprisingly slutty –perhaps even coquettish– side to this Gwilin. Too short to rate any higher than 5/10
II. Swagger
Foot to crotch move was rather swag. 7/10
III. Talent
Nada... other than telling fun stories about Narfi and keeping a straight face while he gets fondled, maybe? 4/10
IV. Backstory
None to speak of, but, I mean, come on. It's 300 words. No tally. __/10
V. Pleasure of Reading
Most of this story is told in a matter-of-fact way. Not a whole lot of colorful prose, which doesn't usually bother me, but even I was left feeling like a little more picture-painting and less "x happened, then y happened, then z happened" would've been nice. 5/10
VI. Horniness
Good amount of horniness from Gwilin, for the amount of text he inhabits. 8/10
Final Tally
autistic ass
gives this Gwilin a 5/10!
0 notes
ramonadecember · 1 year
For Ardem:
Eros 1, 3
Philia 1, 5
Storge 1, 4
Agape 5
Ludus 1, 2, 5
Pragma 2, 3
Philautia 3, 4, 5
oc love asks.
I didn’t forget about these last ones, things have just been… a lot lately lmao. have some of my big boy.
Eros/1: I don’t think Ardem can be considered romantic in general, let alone in the ‘traditional’ sense. it’s been a slight issue in the past with more than one partner thinking he could stand to be a little more so. Ardem is under the firm belief that they knew what they were getting into, knew he wasn’t like that. that’s only ever started to change when it comes to Dorian, he’s been the only one Ardem has really wanted to try with. Dorian deserves the romance that he’s so often been denied in his life, and Ardem maybe wants to provide that to him…
Eros/3: Ardem isn’t the biggest fan of PDA, mostly because he isn’t a fan of anything that makes him look ‘soft.’ gotta be a cool tough guy at all times. so if there is PDA, it’s not gonna be sweet or tender, no little cuddles or hand holding. he might try to go along with it for the sake of a partner, but he wouldn’t initiate, and he’d likely end up shying away from it. if he’s feeling particularly frisky he might ‘slip’ and pull his partner into a kiss regardless of people who may be around, but it still wouldn’t be a gentle thing. it’d also depend who the ‘public’ was though, because there’s definitely situations where it’d be off the table entirely. 
Philia/1: I don’t know that Ardem necessarily had/has someone he considers his ~best friend~. he always had a group of friends he was close enough with, and his little mercenary squad was practically like a small family, but there was no one person that stands out or that he was especially close with. Ardem was excited to meet Iron Bull, thought he was going to find a close connection there, someone who got him, but it’s actually been… pretty up and down, so not the bff-in-the-making that Ardem had hoped for. he’s slowly building friendships within the Inquisition though, so maybe one of them will get the title eventually, ha. he vibes with Cullen a lot more than he thought he would, and even before the eventual relationship with him, Dorian was the person who seemed to get him the most, so…
Storge/1: he def has his parent’s unconditional love. Ardem knows that he’s not always the model son, but his parents considered just like… being together and bringing a child into the world of their own accord to be such a gift in itself when the alternative was a life under the Qun, and they love him SO much, and have always made sure he knows that too. They found the work he did pre-Inquisition to be respectful, and were proud of him, particularly when he got put into a leadership role. They didn’t need him to be perfect. And I think it’s kinda like… no surprise that after the support he’s received (from them and others) that he was kinda blindsided by how much being a part of the Inquisition made him feel like such shit, ha…
Storge/4: Ardem has one sibling, a sister not too much younger than him. they have a fairly ‘typical’ sibling relationship, I’d say. they’re not wildly close, but they get on just fine. he’s definitely not ~the protective older brother~ or anything, but she’s also nearly as… rough around the edges as Ardem is, and she can handle herself. the only time it sort of ramps up is when Sera finds out and ‘jokes’ about setting them up, because Ardem recalls her comments in the past about ‘wondering what your women look like,’ and Ardem is still too unsure if they were mean spirited, a little fetish-y, or Sera truly being into a woman who could snap her in half for him to be super comfortable with that lmao. 
Agape/5: between mercenary and Inquisitor, there hasn’t been a lot of room for Ardem to empathize with his enemies. Ardem is more than the ‘strike first, ask questions later’ brute he seems to be, he actually really likes the tactics and the strategy and the planning and that kind of stuff (which is why he manages to be buddies with Cullen, I think lol), and both ‘jobs’ have allowed Ardem that opportunity (more so the Inquisiton than mercenary work, because often a lot of that was out of his hands, be it because he wasn’t in charge or it wasn’t what whoever they were working for asked for), but I wouldn’t call choosing not to like… immediately resort to killing ‘empathy’ necessarily. 
Ludus/1+2: Ardem isn’t skilled at flirting, and he doesn’t really have any particular lines he uses, but he also hasn’t put a lot of time or effort into making that not the case. He’s not super subtle in his attempts, but his methods can be… questionable, which lead others to wonder ‘is he …….flirting?’ lmao. Ardem can have very ‘kid pulling pigtails on the playground’ methods of flirting, which isn’t ideal, because there’s playful teasing, and then there’s whatever comments Ardem makes, ha. he’s definitely pulled back a little on that since realizing it uh, can really be taken the wrong way, but it’s still sort of the case. And this ties in with the below question, but his other move is doing things to show off/look impressive/etc. in front of the person he’s ‘flirting’ with. again, his methods are… a little juvenile, but…
Ludus/5: I don’t know that they really count as seduction techniques, but what really ‘works’ for Ardem is competence. There’s just something very, very sexy about someone who’s good at what they do, and who knows it too. He’s not opposed to cockiness when it’s warranted… It’s def like, at least what can create a spark of interest  in him towards another, and it’s something that attracted him to Bull in their early days of the Inquisition (as well as the fact he’s a mountain of meat + someone Ardem (wrongfully) thought he’d have a Qunari-based connection with), and later Dorian (Ardem didn’t have a lot of experience with mages but he still knows that the skill Dorian shows sure is something special).
Pragma/2: the biggest challenge in the past that Ardem had to deal with while in a relationship was the loss of his father. Ardem took it hard, he struggled, and he… wasn’t great to the person he was with at the time because of it. he has a hard time being open and dealing with feelings, and how closed off he got at that time ended up being the final straw in a relationship that was never gonna last anyway. which brings us to the real biggest challenge Ardem has in any relationship, and that’s letting it get past a surface level thing. even in longer relationships, Ardem has made sure it never gets the deep. he doesn’t like to be/feel vulnerable or to look ‘soft’ as previously mentioned, and it means even his partners are kept at a distance. Dorian may not be the least emotionally repressed either, but Ardem knows he has to do better if he wants to keep Dorian. and he really, really wants to keep Dorian. 
Pragma/3: his parents are not still together, but only because his father passed away a handful of years ago. they’re relationship was something special. as mentioned earlier… they were living free of the Qun and that gave them the ability to lead the lives they wanted with the partner of their choosing, and they made the most of that. there was so much love between them and it showed through in everything and set a great example for their kids. it’s honestly a little weird that Ardem is so relationship-averse when that’s what he had to look up to, and he could definitely stand to learn from them and strive for a love like that. 
Philautia/3: Ardem holds himself to the same standards as others, if not higher ones. as a leader, both pre- and within the Inquisition, and so he thinks it’s important to set a good example. and like… yeah, we know the guy is uh. rough around the edges, he doesn’t always say or do the exact right thing, but in his actions, where it counts, he’d like to think those standards show through. he owns up to his mistakes, he doesn’t make excuses for himself, and so he sure doesn’t allow them from others, and he expects them to take responsibility for their choices as well. Ardem doesn’t think these expectations are particularly hard to meet, just the decent thing to do.
Philautia/4+5: again I’m combining because one sort of overlaps with/leads into the other. the quality about himself that always made Ardem proud was his ability to not give a damn. That’s not meant in the way it could easily be taken, where like… someone who says that is usually an asshole who doesn’t care about who they’re hurting, it’s meant in a way where like… Ardem was able to let so much just roll right off him. He was very secure in himself and his choices and his life, and if he wasn’t actually harming anyone, then Ardem didn’t care what anyone else had to say about those things. that quality of his has unfortunately kind of… gone away quite a bit in his time with the Inquisition, because that time has really changed Ardem’s opinion of himself. never before has he been so unsure of himself and his capabilities, never before has he let people’s words get to him so much. Ardem has kinda lost his sense of self.
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luminnara · 3 years
Goddamn, Shit-Sucking Vampires | Lost Boys x OC  CH 1
Summary: Vera is an unusually vicious bloodsucker who's never stuck in one place for very long...until a mysterious feeling pulls her right to the murder capital of the world: Santa Carla, California. Now, she needs to figure out why exactly she's there, where she fits in amongst the boardwalk's nighttime denizens, and how to cope with her own personal vampire-related problems. Poly Lost Boys/OC, starts just before the movie
Also posted on AO3
My requests are open!
Chapter one | Chapter two
Warnings: Blood, gore, smut, all that good stuff
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Vera had been to a lot of cities, some of them twice, some of them three times, some even more, but none of them were quite as unique as Santa Carla. The boardwalk was crawling with lost souls, kids with nowhere else to go, and she was one of them; no family to call her own, no real friends, barely any possessions…Vera was a wanderer, a lone soul, a lost girl. She drifted from town to town, hanging around for a day or two if nothing interesting happened before moving on...and honestly, nothing very interesting ever happened. 
Sometimes she took the bus, if she had the money from odd jobs or pick pocketing her meals, but for the most part, she was left to her own devices. She traveled on foot when she had to, avoiding major highways unless she was feeling up to a fight. During the day, she took refuge under bridges if she was broke, or motel rooms if she had a little cash. If she felt particularly frisky, sometimes she even managed to seduce locals into helping out, but for the most part, she only had herself as company, traveling by night for no reason other than an insatiable wanderlust and nobody else to spend her time with.
Nothing had ever held her in one place. She had started traveling a long time ago, when she realized she had no reason to stay in her hometown. Plus...people started to grow a little bit suspicious when they noticed too many bodies cropping up. The world was changing, and for someone like her, it was best to stay on the move.
After that, it became a habit, and she got used to wandering and never having a place to call home. Did it ever bother her? Sometimes, when she was resting, it did. She could stop and look at the stars, with some kind of foreign aching in her chest, but it was rare that she thought about it. It had started up years ago, and she had forced herself to get used to it. She had never found any cure, and while she lingered around the east coast, it had finally dulled to a strange, quiet pain. A constant throb in her chest, next to her heart, some kind of strange tightness that she was happy to forget whenever she could. It was becoming more frequent, though, as she neared California, and she chalked it up to the fact that she had been alone and hungry for far too long.
She would have to do something about that soon. She hated feeling hungry.
Vera hopped off the bus when it stopped in Santa Carla, a coastal town that boasted a crowded boardwalk and just the kind of nightlife she needed. From the road, she could see the bright lights of a Ferris wheel and even a roller coaster, and she couldn’t help but smile. She had always liked fairs and carnivals. They were fun and exciting, and good places to pickpocket. Plus, the chaos made it easier for her to go unnoticed.
At the bus stop, she was greeted with boards and telephone poles covered in missing persons ads, and it was an oddly comforting sight. She would fit right in.
“Murder capital of the world, huh?” she said to herself, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. She had seen the graffiti on the back of a big WELCOME TO SANTA CARLA sign on the way in, and the flyers only added to the town’s reputation.
Yeah, this place was worth checking out.
The pier was bright, neon signs and carnival rides lighting up the night. Kids and adults alike were enjoying their summer, stuffing themselves with treats or screaming their way around the roller coaster. It all looked fun, she had to admit, and maybe once she had a chance to grab some cash she could hang around and enjoy herself. She could use a break from running constantly, and she was finding that the boardwalk was already making her happy. 
As she walked through the crowds, Vera spotted every kind of person, from middle aged parents toting along a family of four to dirty vagrant children to punks to a couple of weird kids lurking around the comic book store. There were pizza places, cotton candy carts, all sorts of dine in restaurants and bars...Santa Carla seemed like it had everything, but mostly, it was a good place for someone like her to spend some time. 
She sat herself down on a railing, trying to ignore the hunger pains she was feeling as she people watched. Beyond the homeless kids and the weirdos, the boardwalk was full of partygoers, and it looked like summer vacation was in full swing. There were a million smells in the air—cigarettes, weed, funnel cakes—but none of them really caught her attention. She let out a sigh, leaning her chin on her hand. She hated being indecisive about dinner. 
“Ugh, Surf Nazis,” a woman whispered to her friend as they ran by. 
“Gross,” the other wrinkled her nose.
Vera looked past them to the men that were shouting about their asses as they left and she snorted. 
“What’s wrong, girls?” One of them yelled. 
“Come back, we’ll show you a good time!” Another cackled, tossing an empty beer can over his shoulder. 
Vera rolled her eyes. Disgusting, pathetic creatures, all standing around a trash can as they smoked. They smelled awful, she realized with a wrinkle of her nose, and it wasn’t just from their smoke. They were nasty, leering at girls and laughing loudly with each other when the women they were bothering scampered away. 
Well, they weren’t her first choice, but at least she had found a meal.
She hopped off the fence and sauntered in their direction for a moment before turning, giving them just enough time to notice her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw them perk up, and before long, all four of them were following her through the crowd, shouting profanities as she made her way down to the pier. 
“Hey baby, where you goin’?” one yelled, jogging to keep up with her pace. 
Vera looked over her shoulder. “Down under the boardwalk...unless you’re chicken.”
She heard a chorus of hoots and whistles and grinned to herself. Men were so easy. 
“I call first dibs!”
“I wanna piece of that ass!” Another yelled.
They always did. Vera was a short girl, only around five feet tall, and stocky. She carried her weight in her legs, giving her thick thighs and a round butt that could never quite stay covered by the denim shorts she loved to wear so much. 
Boys liked the way she looked. They liked how she seemed so easy to grab, so soft, so touchable. As the Surf Nazis followed her down the rickety stairs to a secluded spot under the boardwalk, their hands were already moving, unbuttoning pants and reaching for Vera as if they were entitled to her. She smiled sweetly as she backed into the shadows, cooing for them to follow, grinning sickly when they obeyed. They always did, like lambs to the slaughter, never clever enough to recognize her predatory gaze and dangerous movements until it was too late. 
Sometimes, if they were lucky, they could catch a glimpse of her bra or panties before it was over, but tonight, Vera had little patience for the dirty fingers that tried to pull her shirt off and her shorts down. Their faces leered down at her, even in the darkness, grunting as they palmed themselves through their pants.
She gave them a second to enjoy it before her lips twisted into a sick grin and she reached for them, nails like claws and teeth like fangs. The air was suddenly filled with the sound of their screams, but the waves crashing against the sand drowned the grisly noises out. As she tore into them, she laughed, loving the way they were so terrified now that they had completely lost any sense of power over her.
 Boys always liked the way she looked, until she was covered in their friends’ blood.
David was having a boring night. 
His boys were under control for the time being, lounging on their bikes next to him. Paul and Marko were laughing loudly, occasionally punching each other just for the hell of it, and Laddie was reading a comic as he clung to Dwayne. Star had decided to stay home for the night, and nobody was complaining about that; at the thought of her, David growled to himself, grimacing at the reminder of the troublesome bitch. Max had wanted a daughter and a good mother for Laddie, and what had they ended up with? A mopey, whiny little cunt who refused to kill and feed like everyone else.
Feed...damn, he could go for a snack. He could practically taste blood in the air as he thought about grabbing a bite, fangs threatening to lengthen. He hadn’t even thought he was that hungry, but now that he was thinking about it, it was bugging him, and when David got the urge to feed, there were very few things that could stop him. The hunger would sometimes gnaw at him the way it did a newborn, and even Max was occasionally put off by it. It was something he expected from a younger vampire, like Marko, maybe, but David? His appetite could be insatiable, truly monstrous in a way that most others’ weren’t. 
The boys picked up on his hunger and he heard a few growls of agreement before he nodded for Dwayne to take Laddie back to the cave. The kid was never allowed to go with them when they hunted, and Dwayne was capable enough to grab something for himself if he didn’t catch up with them. Ever since Laddie had gotten his pesky little hands on their bloody wine bottle, they had been stuck with him, and if Dwayne hadn’t turned out to be so good with the kid, David would’ve been irritated beyond belief. 
It all worked out, though, and Laddie fit in well with the rest of the group. David just had to keep reminding himself to be patient. 
“Anybody catch your eye?” Paul asked as his brother took off down the beach with their youngest member.
“Absolutely fucking no one.” David sneered.
The tall blonde straightened up to sniff the air. “Get a whiff of that, though…”
David paused, mimicking Paul. He was right. There was a metallic scent on the breeze, the sweet smell of fresh blood. It made him thirsty, and as he led Paul and Marko down the boardwalk, it only grew stronger.
“Shit,” Marko mumbled as they started down the stairs to the beach. Once they had broken free of the crowd, the scent had hit them like a train, and even David was having trouble controlling himself.
“Careful,” he warned, voice coming out with a ragged, heavy breath. 
Murders happened in Santa Carla all the time, and not only because of the Lost Boys. It was a rough place, full of drugs and vagrants, and the violence only helped them blend in. Someone had probably gotten themselves in trouble under the boardwalk, and at this point David was just hoping that the killer was still around to sate his hunger. They never fed from corpses, so stumbling across them never yielded any good results unless they were in the mood to rip them apart for shits and giggles.
David was not in the mood.
He led Paul and Marko off the stairs and through the sand, hurrying now as the blood filled his senses. It was so fresh, and there was so much of it...this wasn’t normal, even for the murder capital of the world. What kind of sadistic human would cut someone up enough to spill so much blood? What the fuck was going on under his boardwalk? Sure, it was something he would do, but other than his boys, who could possibly be that brutal?
It was in the shadows of the pier that he finally got the answers to all of his questions. 
Just like the blood had, her scent hit him like a freight train. He could tell Paul and Marko were just as confused by the way they stopped and hissed, fangs already out as they looked down at the bodies littering the sand. It was a gorey scene, throats and stomachs ripped open, Surf Nazis gutted with their pants down. 
And in the middle of it all, she had the audacity to glance up at David, and then completely disregard him as she turned back to her final victim. She wasn’t worried in the slightest about the three males, and that pissed David off a little. When he would have snarled a warning at her insolence, he found himself distracted instead, head tilted and lips parted as he drank in her scent and checked her out.
She was wearing shorts that barely covered her bloody legs, ratty combat boots on her feet and an equally ratty denim vest over a ripped up black shirt. Her ebony hair was cut into some sort of shaggy mullet,  falling around her shoulders. It was long and wavy and glossy, but tousled and messy, no doubt thanks to feeding. 
He could only stare in shock at the black-haired girl that was feasting on a Surf Nazi. He couldn’t decide if he was angry at someone else hunting on his turf or happy to find a real female vampire, one that wasn’t stupid and whiny like Star, but the one thing he knew for sure as he took a step towards her was that he was just the tiniest bit turned on.
Paul and Marko could both smell the tiniest hint of their leader’s arousal, and it excited them. They weren’t used to supernatural girls, and the thought of getting a turn with her was enough to make the air heavy with the scent of lust as they followed David. 
Paul let out a low whistle behind him. “Shit, first time I wouldn’t mind bein’ a Surfer. I’d take a little of that sugar right now, know what I’m sayin?”
The vampiress lifted her head from her victim and smiled, drunk on blood and high off the hunt. “I don’t usually share meals, but I’ll give you the rest of this one if it gives me a free pass back outta here.”
Paul tensed to take her up on the offer, but David stopped him. “Free pass?”
The girl sat back from the still-whimpering Surf Nazi, blood running down her chin. “Figure you wouldn’t want me in your territory. Sorry. Didn’t realize anybody else was here, else I’d have been moving on already.”
David smirked. “No need, sweetheart.”
She furrowed her brow. 
“It’s feeding time, boys. Grab a snack.” David grinned, allowing Paul and Marko to surge forward and rip into the Surf Nazi. He watched with a twinge of annoyance as Paul turned from his meal and pressed his bloody lips to the girl’s, but that annoyance turned into surprise when she kissed back, albeit lazily. 
She smiled as her lips moved against his, a hand moving to tangle in his wild hair. Fire tore through Paul and he growled, pushing her down until her back hit the sand and her chest touched his as her breaths turned into frenzied pants. 
Hands ran down her sides, hard nails digging into her skin as Paul nipped at her lower lip. With a whine, she arched up against him, tugging at his hair until he snarled.
“Paul,” David growled a warning. 
Paul sat back up with an irritated grumble, licking his lips before plunging his fangs into the Surf Nazi and leaving Vera alone.
David had to admit, he had never met a female vampire that wasn’t stuck in limbo like Star. They seemed rare, or at least they were around California, but Max had always told him that girls of their kind were a special breed. He was already feeling a tug toward her, some kind of something pulling at his chest whenever she moved, and before he knew what he was doing, he was crouching down to suck up the last few drops of blood while his boys turned their attention to the killer.
“What’s your name, beautiful?” Marko asked, playing with a strand of her hair. 
“Vera,” she answered with the sweetest voice either of them had ever heard, practically a purr. 
Paul sighed, leaning in again. He was head over heels already. “What brings you here to our little corner of the world, Miss Vera?”
She blinked, and they were fucking mesmerized by those lashes and those hazel eyes. “Just passing through, boys. Don’t wanna step on any toes.”
Paul groaned. He wanted her to stay. She smelled amazing, and when she had returned the kiss he hadn’t even realized he was giving her, he felt jolts of electricity shoot through every part of his body. 
He wanted more.
“Damn, babe, you’re breakin’ my heart,” he said, holding her face so that he could lick blood off her chin.
“No fair,” Marko nudged his brother. “I want a taste…”
David looked up from the drained corpse, listening as his boys slurred with love drunk voices. Max had warned him about females, about those with foreign sires. They could trap you in a web of lust, keep you dumb and happy there for as long as they wanted, rob you blind and kill your entire family...but somehow, he got the feeling that Vera wasn’t even trying to fuck with them. There was no misty, foggy sensation that would signify magic, no eye contact, no focus. As he rose to his feet, he realized he was walking towards her of his own accord, the only spell being that strange, unspoken one that kept pulling him to her.
He had an inkling of what it could be, but he didn’t dare get his hopes up.
“Got a place to stay, darling?” He asked as he shoved his boys out of the way and knelt before Vera. 
She leaned toward him, a sweet smile on those bloody lips that told him she was confident enough in her ability to handle them all. She was calm, completely in control of herself, even when faced with three healthy male vampires. Her eyes were half-lidded, long lashes fluttering whenever she blinked. 
When her tongue slipped out to lick blood off her lips, David’s eyes widened at the sight of something he had never seen before. It was split in two, each side moving of its own accord easily. Paul let out an eager noise, Marko shoving him with his shoulder to try to get a better look. Vera just laughed at their fascination, pulling her tongue back into her mouth and smiling. 
David could feel her breath on his cheek as she took in his scent and he couldn’t help the shiver that went up his spine. He wanted to touch her, to kiss her better than Paul had, to fuck her and hear his name on her lips. He wanted to show her how strong he was, to impress her, to prove himself for some reason. He would kill a hundred surfers if he had to, if it would grant him her favor. He would sit out in the sun and burn himself if it meant he could be hers. 
He had never felt this way about anyone, and it was pissing him off.
Vera laughed to herself. She could smell his desire, and she knew that it was because of her. Just like those Surf Nazis, these vampires wanted her, but at least she liked this little pack. What’s more, that aching in her chest had stopped when they showed up, and she had a feeling she knew why. 
It was a little bit terrifying, though, and she wasn’t about to stop and think about it. 
“What are you suggesting?” She asked, brushing her fingers along his cheek, a smear of blood following. 
“Stay with us,” he breathed, blue eyes locked with hers. 
“Darling, I don’t even know your name,” she quipped, never shifting her gaze. 
“David,” he said with a slight growl as he felt himself getting lost in her eyes. 
“David,” she repeated, voice soft and breathy. Her hand moved to cup his cheek and he leaned into it, nose twitching as he smelled the fresh blood in her wrist. It was sweet, sweeter than any blood he had ever encountered before, and all he wanted to do was sink his fangs into her flesh and get a taste.
Vera heard a sigh and finally took her eyes off David. The other two were watching, just off to the side, staring hungrily at their leader and the new girl. 
“And what about you two?” She asked, hand sliding down to the side of David’s neck to keep him in check. She was confident enough in herself to handle him, but at the same time, he put her on edge. There was no way she was going to let her guard down around him yet.
That was the thing about female vampires, though; they had the uncanny ability to always put on a facade, and Vera was no exception. David made her nervous—they all did, honestly—but she wasn’t about to let them know that. 
“Paul,” the tall blonde said quickly, rushing forward as if he would die without her touch. He pressed his nose against her throat, breathing her scent as if he was starving. 
“Marko,” the smaller one followed, desperately reaching out to touch her hair. 
“Paul,” she purred, earning a growl. “...Marko…”
Another growl. 
They acted like they needed her, all three of them, but they were behaving themselves. She had no doubt that if she gave them the go ahead, she would be naked within seconds, but for the moment, they were listening to her. She had never experienced something like this before; usually, other vampires ignored her, or threatened her until she left their territory. These boys seemed to adore her, and she had to admit, she liked it. 
“Paul, Marko,” David said roughly. “Clean up so we can go home.”
With a groan, the younger two did as they were told, dragging Surf Nazi corpses into the ocean before wiping their hands and faces clean. 
“You’re their leader,” Vera said, more as an observation than anything else. “Are you their sire?”
David smirked as he helped her to her feet. “Depends on how you look at it.”
She raised an eyebrow. “There’s only one way to look at that, David.”
He melted when she said his name, leaning in to catch another whiff of her scent. It was sweet, like honey, sticky and sick, and all he wanted was to drown in it. “What have you done to me, Vera?”
She smiled and took his hand, raising it to lick blood off of his fingers. “Nothing on purpose, I promise.”
“Whatever it is, I don’t mind,” Paul suddenly grabbed her from behind, arms snaking around her waist as he buried his nose in her black hair, inhaling deeply and letting out a happy sigh. The feeling of her there in his arms, pressed up against him, was enough to make his fangs slide out again, and he couldn’t help but swipe his tongue up the side of her neck.
David snarled, snapping only inches from his brother’s face. “Behave.”
“You say as if you are,” Vera snorted, giving David a gentle push and easing her way out of Paul’s grip. “But you boys are all very sweet. I don’t mind the attention.”
“Oh, you have our attention, sweets,” Paul whistled as she turned and bent over to wash her face and hands at the water’s edge, giving them all a good view of her ass. A low rumble rose in David’s throat as he appreciated the sight, and Marko echoed it. 
“So greedy,” Vera mocked as she straightened up again. “Are you this nice to every bloodsucker that hangs out on your boardwalk, or is it just me?”
“Just you, that’s for sure,” Marko said, almost cackling.
“The others aren’t so delicious,” Paul cooed with that signature laugh. 
“Oh, aren’t you a charmer?” Vera said, walking back to them. Now that her arms and legs were clean of blood, they could see that she was covered in tattoos, and David wondered if she had them as a human before she was turned, or if she had found some way to make the ink stay in her regenerative skin.
Paul gave her a cocky grin and David rolled his eyes. His brother was such a flirtatious bastard. He was a lady killer, literally, even more than David was, but Vera didn’t seem to mind his advances. She seemed comfortable with Paul, taking it all in stride.
It made David just the tiniest bit jealous. 
“Come with us.” He said it more as an order than an offer, extending his hand out to her. 
“Unless you got somewhere better to go,” Marko joked. 
“And there ain’t nowhere better,” Paul snickered.
“There aren’t too many places to hide from the sun on a boardwalk,” Vera snorted. She was finally coming down from her high, the thrill of the hunt fading again and giving way to her less monstrous personality. “I was going to have to find a good spot anyways…”
Now that she wasn’t operating solely on instinct, she could take a moment and think about her situation. Three male vampires, none of whom had tried to kill her for stealing prey in their territory, seemed to be absolutely obsessed with everything about her and wanted her to go home with them. One had even kissed her and she had kissed him back, because it had felt so right. She allowed them to touch her, to taste her skin, to share her meal. They were stronger than her, and they outnumbered her, but she still felt like she was...in charge? 
David, the definite leader of the little pack, was looking at her hopefully. His face was stony, but she could see excitement in his blue eyes, and when she smiled, there was a spark of something in those irises. 
“Just don’t kill me in my sleep,” Vera joked as David took her hand and began leading her back up to the boardwalk. 
“No promises,” Marko leered as they followed.
“You look good enough to eat, babe,” Paul growled playfully, lunging forward to cop a feel of her ass. 
Vera only laughed, but David snarled dangerously at his brother, moving his arm to Vera’s shoulders and pulling her against his side. 
“Relax, you big angry beast,” Vera said with a grin, raising her hand to his chin and giving a teasing scratch. 
David huffed and Marko hooted with laughter. “Damn, she’s way more fun than you, David!”
“I dig this chick,” Paul snickered.
“You better share her,” Marko whined.
David smirked as they climbed the stairs back up to the boardwalk. Could he manage that? He only ever shared things with his brothers, but even then, he was terrible at it. Vera had some kind of magnetic pull on him, yeah, and his mouth watered at the thought of keeping her around, but Marko and Paul were both obviously into her...and she was into them. 
She was into all of them.
He needed to talk to Max. He honestly hated having to ask his sire for help or advice, and he avoided it whenever he could. Max had never been very nurturing, despite wanting everyone to act like a big family. It worked out for the boys, sure, but Max was…not a great father. A patriarch, yes, always seated at the head of the metaphorical table, but he was cruel and cold towards David, and he had been from the very start. He thought they all needed a stern hand to keep them in check, and David didn’t like that. 
Still, Max let them run free, and he knew more than David did about their own kind. He was helpful, sometimes, in his own way, and his son was going to have to defer to him. He had questions about Vera, about the pull he felt toward her, and Max was the only one with the answers.
As they returned to the boardwalk and joined the crowd of humans, Vera was pleased to see that the sea of people parted for the boys. They stepped aside, glancing with mixtures of emotions at the little pack. Girls looked dreamy, parents grabbed their children, Surf Nazis raised their lips in sneers. Was it because of their reputation, or did the humans somehow know that they should be afraid of the predators that stalked Santa Carla? She hoped it was both. She hoped that these boys were wild and rowdy enough to rule this boardwalk, and she hoped that they liked her enough to keep her around. 
She glanced up at the sky, a few stars twinkling despite the light pollution from the city. For the first time in a long time, she wasn’t itching to hop on a bus or hitch hike to the next town. For once in her life, Something was occupying her mind, and the wanderlust was giving way to another, completely foreign feeling. The ache in her chest was gone, but it was replaced by a strange, burning, almost longing that she had never felt before. It was almost similar to the emotions she experienced during bloodlust, but she was in control of herself. Her fangs weren’t poking through, her eyes weren’t shining...she was happy and her hunger was sated, so where was this coming from? 
She was still avoiding the one train of thought that would bring her to the right conclusion. It was just too much to consider, especially with everything happening so quickly all of the sudden. 
They came to a halt when they reached their bikes, Dwayne already back from dropping Laddie off. From the looks of it, he had grabbed a bite on the way, jeans stained with fresh blood that the humans would just assume was from a fight. 
Vera stopped. There was another male here? She was finding it hard to believe that she had stumbled across a pack of four males without any females, but she couldn’t smell much in the way of estrogen on them. It was just odd; vampires didn’t usually live in bachelor groups like these, but she supposed it wasn’t entirely unheard of. It was just strange that they hadn’t found any girls they wanted to keep around for all eternity.
Most people got lonely eventually. Maybe these four were all actually lovers...but she hadn’t seen any marks that would mean they were claimed, and she hadn’t smelled or sensed anything that would lead her to believe that they were serious.
The one leaning against the bike was tall, long dark hair falling around his shoulders and a curious, but serious, expression on his handsome face. She felt frozen under his gaze, uncharacteristically nervous, like a deer in the headlights. It was like he could see right through her, and she didn’t know if she liked that or not.
“Dwayne, this is Vera,” David said as he tugged her along. She found a way to make her legs work again and followed, letting a smile curl its way onto her lips when Dwayne bowed his head to her. 
“And she’s tough,” Marko said, bouncing over to his bike. 
“And she’s gorgeous,” Paul took her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss as he passed her.
“I can see that,” Dwayne said, his voice deep and smooth, a seductive smile on his lips. 
David narrowed his eyes, but tried to hide the movement with a smirk. “Keep an eye on her. I’m going to visit Max.”
“Oh, I’ll keep both eyes on her,” Paul winked as he beckoned for her to sit behind him on his motorcycle. 
David rolled his eyes, desperately trying to not make a scene. “Control yourself. I’ll be back.” 
He pressed a kiss to Vera’s head, inhaling deeply before leaving her side and stalking off down the boardwalk. He could already feel his sire tugging questioningly at his consciousness, curious as to why David was so eager to speak to him. His son had always been good at blocking him out, keeping his mind locked down unless he needed something or there was trouble that called for Max’s attention. The others were more open, but Max didn’t have as strong a link with them, and while David was supposed to be his prodigal son, he was so...secretive. Private. Closed off. For him to be willingly heading to the VideoMax store for anything other than annoying him or hitting on Maria out of boredom, something very important had to be going on, and Max was beyond itching to know what it could be. 
“Who’s Max?” Vera asked, joining Paul to perch on the back of his bike. 
“David’s sire,” Marko answered. 
“A grouchy old bloodsucker,” Paul grinned. 
“He runs the video store. He hates it when we crash.” Marko laughed. 
“But...that cashier is pretty cute,” Paul said, thinking of Maria. “I’d love for a bite of—”
He was cut off by the breath leaving his body when Vera wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his back. 
Marko hooted with laughter at his brother’s reaction and Dwayne let out a chuckle. Paul was absolutely speechless, and Vera wasn’t even making skin on skin contact with him. 
Until she felt him tense, smirked against his back, and slid her hands under his mesh shirt. 
If Paul could blush, he would have. He would have been a shade past tomato red. The feeling of her fingers running over his abs was all he could focus on for a moment, and all he wanted was to kiss her again, feel her again, maybe get a little tongue action...
“You’re supposed to behave yourself, Paul,” Marko taunted as he caught a whiff of the lust in the air and felt his brother’s excited thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah,” Paul snarled. “I don’t need this shit from you.”
“I’m just repeating what David said,” Marko said defensively. “You’re the one who can’t keep it in his pants.”
“Well, aren’t you just the perfect little angel?” Paul shot back. “I’m the one with a goddess on his bike, might I remind you.”
Marko scoffed, lip raised in a nasty little snarl. “Not for long, Paul!”
Vera smiled as they bickered. Paul’s arousal hung in the air, but she didn’t mind; in fact, she liked it, and she hugged her arms around him tighter as he squabbled with Marko. She was eager to get back to wherever it was that they called home, and she was eager to sleep surrounded by them and feel truly safe for once. She was used to being alone, and she wasn’t scared of it, but she was always on edge, always ready to run or fight. It made her a light sleeper, and the concept of not having to worry was more tantalizing than any of these boys were on their own. 
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suaslicious · 2 years
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Reply not needed
Mommy Minju and Hyewon brings OC to a fashion event.
OC doesn't really have a good fashion sense so they become OC's personal stylist. They dress OC up, putting OC's jacket on and tying his neck tie for him, unintentional teases OC by showing bit of cleavage and brushing his dick with their hands/ legs .
Looking at their professionally done makeup,their perfectly fit outfits,plus the teasing makes OC hard. They usually spoil OC and would have helped release his tension but they told him to wait for tonight. (maybe there is a reason they want him to save his cum🧐)
You guys arrive at the fashion event and eventually a private room where the ladies can try out their new lips sticks and have an exclusive look at the outfits. OC gets hard and Hyewon and Minju has to deal with his problem before exiting the room. Let's just say Hyewon and Minju has a way with convincing the staff in doing what they want. The staff leaves to give you guys the personal space
Hyewon and Minju could for further lewd here. "These lipsticks looks good but I think they can be better." Hyewon looks over to Minju with a smirk. Their plan is to mix your cum with the lipstick for the perfect colour and texture. Their perfume will cover any smell😉
Optional (because i'm greedy): Other idols from your ult list can show up in the private room because they also want the 'secret lipstick' that makes Minju and Hyewon looks so good.
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their lips look so good to cum on
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
Short Story: Spoilers Pt. III (Final)
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Amazing banner and linebreaks by @awrkives
Summary: It wouldn’t be fair to say Jayden is the only pediatric patient Nurse Tae adores, but he’s definitely one of his favorites. And Jayden’s mom Sydney is the sort of parent who makes a shift in the PICU ward enjoyable, but that’s neither here nor there, because at the end of the day, Taehyung is a professional. He has a job to do, a job that is to take care of the children and their families during their stressful stay in the PICU ward. Catching feelings is definitely not allowed.
Pediatric Nurse Taehyung x Single Mom OC
CW: nothing really, fluff, some frisky behavior, parenting
.Read on ao3 here or below the cut
Previous | Masterlist
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“So where are the bats?” Taehyung demanded, looking up at Jayden over his shoulder. “I was told there would be bats.”
“They’re sleeping,” Jayden informed him. Then, with a bright smile like he knew he was pushing his luck, he added, “Be patient, Tata.”
“Let’s put our blanket there,” Sydney suggested, but neither of them were listening to her. Why would they? They were having too much fun joking around like best friends who’d seen each other only days ago, not almost nine months ago. She’d spent all that time stressing the fuck out about “officially” introducing them and instead, as soon as Taehyung had walked through their front door, Jayden had just yelled at him, “Hey, you’re my favorite Nurse Tata!” And that was that.
OK, maybe not quite “that was that” yet, she still needed to explain to Jayden that Taehyung wasn’t exactly here as just a friend… or as much as that should be explained to a three year old. But he was three, not stupid. He’d figure it out, wouldn’t he? When his favorite Nurse Tata and his mama held hands or kissed? But what did a three year old know about boyfriends or dating? Maybe it would be enough for him to see Tae was always around and everyone was happy.
“Need some help?” Taehyung asked. “Here, hop down, Jayden. Let’s help your mom.”
“This is a good spot,” Jayden decreed. The little grassy area by the bridge was filling up, as it often did on these warm summer evenings, but there was plenty of space to spread out the Avengers blanket they’d brought from home, big enough for all three of them to sit. They’d brought snacks too, even though they’d eaten dinner before they came. 
Taehyung and Sydney spread the blanket out while Jayden ran around beneath the fanned-out fabric, then leapt into the center. They were calmed as they joined him. Sydney’s heart jumped as Taehyung slung his arm around her shoulder and dragged her close. So much for being subtle with the PDA… but Jayden didn’t seem to think anything about it at all. He held the Gatorade bottle up, wordlessly expecting someone to open it, and Taehyung did, letting go of her. 
“It’s blue,” Jayden told him. “My favorite.”
“I like the orange one.”
“Nope?” Taehyung laughed. “Just… nope?”
Jayden giggled, “Yeah… nope!”
They’d brought a couple of his toy cars along to entertain him while they waited, since it was just starting to get dark. The air had a thick quality to it, warm and heavy, the beginning of summer. When Taehyung slid his arm around her shoulder again and dragged her closer once more to lean against him, Sydney had a vision of hot days spent boating with her parents on Lake Travis, and swimming at the hot springs before eating sno-cones, and grilling out at her uncle’s place. With Taehyung. He’d be there, and she thought for sure he’d get along with her family. Her parents liked him as a nurse, and they knew she was dating him, and they’d kept their mouths shut, accepting it with that same loving amusement they had every time she’d made a decision in her life that surprised them. She made good choices though. Jayden’s father had been her one bad choice, maybe, but Jayden was a good choice. And now, the first summer she’d get to enjoy with her son without any major health scares or surgeries on the horizon, she’d have Taehyung here for it too.
“Wait wait, you have to say ‘spoiler alert!’” Taehyung laughed at something Jayden was telling him. Jayden’s language was really blossoming lately; he was easier to understand than ever before, and his explanations were often very, very long, and hard to follow, but creative. She loved listening to Jayden explain the most mundane thing to her as if it was revolutionary. And now it was Tae sitting there, entranced by the story Jayden wove for him, only to break off and cover his ears at a spoiler.
“No no!” Jayden cried, flapping his hands at Taehyung. “It’s ok! The movie isn’t over!”
“There’s more?”
“If it’s not good, it’s not over,” Jayden insisted. It was cute, hearing the thing her mom always said parroted back by her child. She’d said that all along, every time Sydney had gone to their house on the brink of a breakdown: if things aren’t good, it’s not over yet, so just keep pushing through.
But now things were so good. Unbelievably good. This felt like the dawn of a new and truly happy phase of her life, not because of Taehyung, but certainly made happier by him.
“Here, Syd, open,” Taehyung interrupted her thoughts, holding a popcorn kernel in his hand. She did and he tossed it; it bounced off her cheek to the blanket. Jayden found this hysterical.
“Me me me! My turn!”
Sydney stayed still, but Jayden’s toss was worse. Taehyung tried it again and she caught it this time.
“Ok, toss to me, I’m good at this,” Taehyung insisted, pushing the bowl closer to Jayden. He posed, mouth open. Jayden tossed, a sharp short down throw that Taehyung hit upwards with his hand and then caught in his mouth perfectly.
Jayden jumped to his feet and pumped his fists, “Yes yes! I’m the best!”
“Good throw,” Taehyung agreed, high-fiving him. “Let’s do it again. Do you think Antman likes popcorn?”
“No! It’s too big for him!”
“But ants are strong, they can carry really heavy things,” Sydney reminded him.
Jayden considered this, then asked, “Are you strong too, Nurse Ta-ta?”
“I’m very strong.”
“Ok show me. Are you this strong?” Jayden demanded. He pushed up his little sleeves and flexed his little noodle arms while grimacing and glaring. Her precious son. No matter how hard he tried to look big and bad, he was her baby angel boy.
Taehyung rolled his sleeve up and flexed his bicep. Sydney failed to not lift her eyebrows in appreciation. She had not realized Taehyung was so strong until she’d seen his biceps while they were rock-climbing, and she’d still been surprised fully undressed. He’d admitted he worked out regularly. It’s important to be strong for my job, so I can lift and carry and move fast, he’d explained. Such a sweet answer, and he looked like he’d meant it. Also he looked banging.
“Wow!” Jayden cried, reaching forward and squeezing Taehyung’s arm. “You have big muscles! I bet you can pick up mama!”
“I can!” Taehyung enthusiastically confirmed.
“Tae!” She was glad the sun was going down, that no one would see her shocked expression. He had indeed picked her up. She had not expected it at the time, but when they’d gotten carried away cooking dinner, they’d discovered his kitchen counter wasn’t as comfortable as they’d expected and he’d been in a hurry to get her to the bedroom…  
She still hadn’t decided at what point she’d say goodnight to Taehyung tonight, but if he kept this up, and since things were going so smoothly, maybe Nurse Ta-ta would get to stay late… her parents would kill her if Jayden noticed...
“I can’t pick mama up but someday I can,” Jayden told him. “I drink lots of milk!”
“Ah, that’s good!”
“You drink milk too Nurse Ta-Ta?”
“I sure do.”
“You can be like Thor!”
“I don’t think I’m ever going to be as big as Thor…” Taehyung laughed, his mouth open, his eyes narrowed, his whole face showing amusement. He had such an infectious smile. Sydney could totally understand why she’d been so comforted by Taehyung in the hospital. His confidence and his mood affected those around him. Taehyung was the kind of person who said something and you just understood that to be the new truth now. 
They continued to kill time as it grew darker. Jayden joined some other kids who were blowing bubbles. Taehyung moved closer to Sydney again, taking her hand like he couldn’t stay away. She liked it. At one point he even leaned forward and kissed her forehead.
“Bold,” she joked.
“Yeah, Jayden might figure out I’m crazy about you too, not just him.”
What would her son think? But he didn’t seem to think anything at all as he finally came close to watch videos on her phone because it was too dark to run around now. And then finally, the murmur and squeals ran through the crowd.
“Look!” Jayden screamed, turning and grabbing at Taehyung’s shoulder. “Look, Nurse Ta-Ta! There’s them! The bats!”
“Agh!” Jayden cackled, somewhere between intrigued and terrified. He scooted back to press right between them, but leaned forward, his eyes wide open as the couple early brave bats who’d ventured out turned into a steadier trickle and then a stream. Dozens, hundreds of bats poured out of the cave opening beneath the bridge while the cars overhead passed without even realizing it.
Taehyung’s expression wasn’t that different from Jayden’s. Both of them had open-mouthed, wide-eyed stares at what really just looked like a smoky shadow. Only when an occasional bat darted close overhead could you really tell what they were. They set off into the night, off to find their food, unconcerned with the dozens of people who’d gathered simply to see them go.
“Batman!” Jayden giggled. 
“Only if they bite you, right?”
“No! That’s Spiderman!!” Jayden squealed.
“Then how did Batman become a bat?”
“He isn’t a bat! He’s just batman.”
“This is kind of confusing.”
Jayden laughed, it was too much for him, he was losing it over Taehyung’s ignorance as he insisted, “Batman has a lot of money.”
“Oh. So… Iron man didn’t get hit by a piece of iron either, I guess?”
“Nurse Ta-ta,” Jayden sighed dramatically, “It’s ok. I can teach you. Iron Man is easy. He had a sick heart like me!” He sounded so old sighing it like that. Taehyung barely held it together until Jayden turned away and he and Sydney could quietly giggle about it together. 
By the time the bat stream had slowed, it was definitely time for Jayden to go to bed. He got a little fussy in the car, until he realized Taehyung was coming home with them. For now. 
Taehyung hadn’t been in her house before, though he’d picked her up from it a few times now. It was in a small, older neighborhood on the outskirts, mostly owned by older people though young families were starting to move in. There was a hope the property values would sky-rocket as they were in lots of neighborhoods around the city. That would be nice. It was just a little two-bedroom but Sydney was proud of the place, which she’d bought while still with Jayden’s father. The house had been in her name, bought with her money, and so remained completely hers when he’d bailed. Memories of him didn’t linger here, nothing like that. This was her place, and she was glad the trash had taken itself out when he left.
Taehyung poked around with transparent curiosity as she rushed Jayden through his bedtime routine. They skipped the bath tonight since it was late but brushed teeth and washed their faces together like they did every night --it was the only way she’d found to keep herself honest about her own skincare routine. She started to realize that Taehyung hadn’t seen her without makeup yet but he had, while she was in the hospital with Jayden. 
“Ok, say goodnight to Tae,” she encouraged once Jayden was cozy in his Iron Man pajamas with sparkly white teeth and an obvious slump to his brain function. Jayden tore across the house and jumped into Taehyung’s lap; he’d settled on the couch, hands clasped as he studied the framed photos on the end table. 
“Are you sleeping with me?” Jayden asked. “Slumber party! I always wanted a slumber party!”
Taehyung grinned and easily answered, “Ah, not tonight. I have to go to work tomorrow.”
At that, Jayden tilted his head and asked, “Again?”
“Again? Yes, I work all the time…”
“Right now?”
“No,” Taehyung said, “I’m not working right now! I’m just with you two because I like you.”
“I like you too,” Jayden beamed and gave Taehyung a big hug. “Ok you can come to my house again. Mama, can we have a slumber party?”
“Another night,” she brushed off. “Come on, super-boy. Piggy back ride to bed?”
She let Jayden jump onto her back and ran through the house, taking a few loops just to get him giggling, before crashing to his bed. He giggled through some tickles, then made a show of tickling her, and then finally settled against his pillow for her to read two chapters to him from the Lego Batman comic book Alicia had brought over for him last week. 
“Did you have a fun night tonight?” she asked after closing the book. Jayden was slumped down on the pillows, lips in a sleepy pout.
“What do you think about having Tae around? That’s fun, right?”
“He’s my friend.”
“He is. Should we have him over again?”
“He can play with us all the time,” Jayden nodded, eyes closing. “I’ll share my toys.”
She smiled and kissed his forehead. That was the best acknowledgement she could hope for from a three year old. Would there come a time he would understand more and be upset? They hadn’t yet hit the age where Jayden noticed or had questions about his absent birth father, he just parroted what she’d told him, that families come in all shapes and sizes. He had no understanding of what it meant to be abandoned or hurt by those you loved, because she’d kept his world bright and loving. Taehyung was the gamble.
She went back to the living room, where he’d made himself even more comfortable on the couch, arm along the back. 
He grinned when he saw her and said, “I think you need a cat or something.”
“Seems like that kind of a house. Does Jayden like dogs?”
“It’s been hard enough just keeping the two of us taken care of,” she argued, collapsing down on the couch beside him. Immediately he wrapped his arms around her and dragged her close. The familiarity of it was still new and exciting.
“Well, now you’ve got me,” he said. “I’m good at taking care of people and things.”
“Oh yeah? We didn’t wear you out this first evening? I thought you might be scared by the bats--”
“Hey,” he complained. “I told you I don’t like bugs in strict confidence!”
“You were very brave,” she teased. “Bats are kind of like big bugs.”
“Yeah, I know. If one came close this night might have been very different,” he admitted with a laugh at himself.
“Jayden would have protected you.”
“I believe it. Nothing scares that kid, huh?”
“He has bad dreams sometimes,” she admitted. “He gets upset when people around him are upset, or if people in movies and cartoons are upset.”
“Yeah, he’s a sweet kid. Big heart.”
“Big healthy heart now.”
He leaned in, clearly about to kiss her, and she was eager for it. But shortly before contact, he froze, eyes still open. 
“Ok, see, there’s a very big moth right over there--”
“Are you kidding?” she laughed. 
“I’m serious, it’s-- see, if you had a cat, the cat could get it out of here.”
She couldn’t stop laughing. He flinched when the moth briefly lifted off the wall behind the lamp. His bug-phobia was not put on, and it was the most ridiculous fear for a man like him. She thought it was hysterical.
“So much for a man to kill the bugs for me, huh?” she teased as she pushed up and went to get a cup. 
“If you kill it on the wall, I’ll clean it up for you.”
“Prince Charming.”
“And I’m really good at uh… washing dishes,” he said. “Cleaning in general, I’m trained in it. And if someone is hurt I am great at helping and--”
“What are you trying to convince me of?” she asked, batting at the moth to get it to fly into the cup. She pressed her hand over the mouth and carried it to the door, where Taehyung quickly opened the screen so she could toss it outside to join its brethren around the porchlight. 
“Just because I’m not great with bugs doesn’t mean I don’t have my uses.”
“Oh I know you have your uses,” she chuckled. She caught his shirt and pulled him close for that kiss the moth had interrupted. “I like that you’re honest about things like that.”
“You would have figured it out pretty quick if that thing came flying towards me,” he admitted. Charming. He was so fucking charming. She didn’t give a shit that bugs scared him, or that she made more money than him, or any of the other things he’d sort of tossed before her since they started dating. It was amusing that he would act like she was the easy party here, the one bringing less baggage despite being the single mom. But she appreciated the respect and the honesty. She wasn’t ready to tell him yet, but she kept finding herself wondering if Taehyung could possibly be this perfect for them, so perfectly dropped into their lives when they needed him. Not that they needed him now. She was stable. Jayden was healthy. They had their lives sorted.
But she wanted him here. Jayden did too. And he wanted to be here. He kept looking around the living room like he was sizing it up, mentally mapping where his stuff could go. Maybe he was. Maybe that was supposed to scare her but… it didn’t.
“You like my house?” she asked him.
“Yeah,” he said. “But you don’t decorate it very much. You could pull off a really cool vintage style--”
“Oh!” she laughed. “You ass. I was going to hit on you but instead you’re criticizing my style--”
He was already laughing as he drew close, teasing, “Hey, baby, one of us is good at killing bugs, and the other has killer style.”
“You’re a monster.” But she did like his style. He put a lot more effort into it than she did, she’d learned after accompanying him on a date to the flea market, to watch the process by which he looked for clothing and trinkets for his apartment. 
“It’s ok. You’re style is sufficient--”
“Sufficient! This from the man who couldn’t figure out how to take his phone off silent.”
“Ok, hey, they moved the button--”
“They didn’t– Taehyung,” she interrupted him, swaying as his hands pressed around her hips. 
“Jayden’s already asleep,” she told him, having seen it when she set the cup in the sink.
“He had a busy night mocking me for knowing so little about superheroes.”
“Want to see the bedroom? See if the style is more your liking--”
“I don’t care about the decor. I can fix that later,” he told her, laughing into the kiss. 
“I didn’t invite you in to sass me about my decor!”
“It’s ok. You still have your uses.”
“Yeah, you’d already be enjoying the use of my tongue if you weren’t wasting time teasing me--” She yelped as he barreled into her, boxing her towards the bedroom. Except he didn’t know where the bedroom was and instead opened a closet. She was nearly tripping to the ground, laughing so hard, and certain she was going to wake up Jayden. She carefully closed his door, pointed Taehyung in the right direction, and then closed her own bedroom door behind them before tugging up her shirt. Taehyung fell backwards onto the bed, watching her with transparent hunger.
“Nothing snarky to say about the decor of my bedroom?”
“Who the fuck notices the decor when you’re taking your shirt off?”
“Good answer,” she smiled, and crawled over him on the bed. 
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Jayden sat at the table with his chin on his hands, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung stood by the counter, tapping his fingers on the linoleum. 
“It’s just us now, Jayden. One whole day.”
“Um, have you ever taken care of a kiddo before?” Jayden asked him, raising his hand like he was in preschool.
Taehyung gave him a scandalized look and gasped, “I took care of you in the hospital!”
“Yeah but my mom was there.”
“Oh. Good point. But, consider this: you were really sick then. And right now you aren’t sick at all.”
“My nose is a little runny,” Jayden admitted. And sniffed it for good measure. It did sound kinda gnarly.
“Ok, so first we’re going to blow your nose. And then we’re going to….”
“Play tablet,” Jayden suggested. 
Taehyung clicked his tongue, “No, that’s boring.”
“Ryan isn’t boring! He has every toy in the world ever made!” Jayden cried. “And he has two sisters. They’re babies.”
Taehyung snorted and shook his head. God, it really was remarkable how much this kid had grown even in just the last six months that he’d been dating Sydney. The language explosion was crazy; he was clearly doing wonderfully at preschool and the short conversations from when he’d first met Jayden had evolved into something more akin to a real dialogue. He was almost four and in some ways seemed so grown up.
“How come you don’t have any babies, Tata?”
“What do I need babies for when I can play with you? You’re way more fun than a baby.”
“Yeah. We play a lot,” Jayden beamed. It was true. They did. Taehyung loved it and loved how fondly he’d catch Sydney smiling, watching them on the evenings or weekends Taehyung spent with them.
But this was different. This was different now because Taehyung wasn’t just trading off with Mimi to hang out with Jayden when he’d had to stay home sick from school until Syd got home from work. He wasn’t just making a fort with Jayden on a Sunday morning while Sydney went to the store for pancake mix. It wasn’t even him picking Jayden up from preschool that one time because Mimi couldn’t do it and Sydney couldn’t get away from work and it was really fine, he didn’t mind at all, but it had been obvious how guilty Sydney had felt asking him for the help. As if he hadn’t chosen this, chosen them, as if he didn’t want to be involved with every aspect of their lives.
No, this was different because Taehyung had insisted. Because it was for two days while Sydney went to a bachelorette party in San Antonio with Alicia and some other friends from college. And because this was his chance to demonstrate to Sydney that he wasn’t just dating her and tolerating Jayden, but that he really, truly wanted to be a part of their lives. Both of their lives. In their lives, not just peeking in when it was convenient and they had time. He wanted to be reliable and relied upon. 
“OK,” Taehyung said, sliding into the chair Sydney had eaten her breakfast in before rushing out the door. Her dishes sat there, waiting for him, but he’d get to those later. For now, his focus was on Jayden. “Here’s what we’re going to do.”
“What’s the plan?” Jayden asked, looking immediately serious. A superhero on a mission; Taehyung immediately understood.
“Today we are going to defeat the evil villain Bored Man by having a day of yes.”
“What’s a day of yes?”
“A day of yes means that whatever we want to do, the answer is yes --as long as it’s safe,” Taehyung quickled amended as Jayden’s face lit up.
“I want to go to the Lego store.”
Shit, of course he did. But Taehyung nodded and added, “Ok, that’s at the mall. I want a soft pretzel.”
“Ooh, yeah!” Jayden agreed. “With cheese!”
“Ok we’ve got lunch figured out then.”
“For lunch? But what about something healthy?”
“I’ll cut up some apples to take too.”
Jayden nodded eagerly and sat up in his chair, clearly on board with this scheme. 
“You know what else is at the mall?” Taehyung realized. 
“Uh… the shoe store?”
“Dave & Buster’s.”
“I don’t know what that is,” Jayden sighed heavily.
“It’s a place full of video games.”
“Ohhhhhh we can play them?”
“We can definitely play them,” Taehyung smiled and held his hand out for a high five, which Jayden eagerly gave. “Ok, let’s get dressed.”
“I am dressed!”
Taehyung tilted his head, taking in Jayden’s Batman pajamas. He looked down at his own striped blue linen pajamas, not actually that different than something he might wear out, though certainly a far cry from normal in Austin.
“OK, I’m going to get dressed--”
“Wear your fancy pajamas,” Jayden frowned. “We can be pajama twins!”
“I’ll keep the top on,” Taehyung conceded. “But the pants don’t have pockets.”
“You need a purse like Mama’s.”
Taehyung scoffed, “I have a purse like Mama’s, but it’s at my apartment, I didn’t bring it.”
“Tata you’re so funny,” Sydney sighed. “Just leave all your stuff here and then you won’t forget it!”
Taehyung tried not to smile too big but failed. He tapped Jayden’s nose and nodded, “Good idea, kid. Ok, let’s pick out some fancy necklaces to wear on our yes day and then we’ll go.”
“Yay! Necklaces!”
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Oh god, having a kid alone for the day was so much more tiring than Taehyung had predicted. It was one thing when they were out with Syd and he got to just kind of play and make a poor attempt at steering Jayden the right direction when Sydney needed him to do something like go to the bathroom. It was another thing entirely when Taehyung was the one who had to realize that shit, Jayden was totally doing the potty dance and they were nowhere near a bathroom.
Taehyung scooped Jayden up from the arcade machine and made a run for it, shopping bags bouncing. 
“Coming through!” he called, twisting and leaping around people milling in his way. Jayden cackled with glee at the whole chaos of it.
“Run, Tata, run, I gotta goooo!” he belatedly decided.
“You said you didn’t have to go when I asked you five minutes ago!”
“I was just pretending!”
Taehyung bodied his way through the bathroom door and into the far largest stall and set Jayden down.
The bladder had not held. Jayden was wet, and so were Taehyung’s shirt and jeans. Jayden looked down at his own wet pants. He looked at Taehyung’s clothes. And he began to cry.
“Hey,” Taehyung said, crouching down. “Hey hey, it’s ok. I know it was an accident.”
“I’m all wet.”
“I know… ok, let’s get cleaned up…” But as he looked at their clothes, he realized there wasn’t really any clean up to be done. They didn’t have any other clothes. And they had only just arrived at the arcade. He definitely should have made Jayden go to the bathroom after lunch… 
Jayden was still crying. Fuck. He knew peeling off Jayden’s wet clothes wouldn’t be fun for either of them and there was nothing to replace them with. They should just go home… fuck, he’d fucked this one up. And after they’d had so much fun at the Lego store and eating pretzels and big sodas in the food court --ok he could see why the accident happened. 
But no. No, this was their day of yes! They were not going home in tears!
“Ok, I have a plan,” Taehyung said. “Jayden, Jayden, it’s all good, I have a plan.”
“I need new pants.”
“Exactly. We’re in a mall, we can fix this and still get to use our unlimited gameplay card, but we have to work fast. Are you ready for this speed mission?”
Jayden’s lip quivered and his eyes were so big and watery but he nodded.
So Taehyung pulled Jayden back up into his arms, pressing the pee stains between their bodies to minimize the obvious evidence. He hauled Jayden and their bags out of there and to the nearest Macy’s, keeping him there as they tore through the kids section and the adults section. By the time they were paying, Jayden couldn’t stop giggling about not being able to get down, and about Taehyung acting like around every corner there might be a bad guy. He insisted Jayden keep his eyes peeled behind him to watch his back.
“But Green Hornet is tiny!” Jayden insisted. 
“Really? I thought he was a regular dude.”
“I don’t know!”
Clothes, underwear, and a package of hand wipes paid for, Taehyung hauled everything again to the bathroom. His arms were getting tired, damn. In the big stall they changed clothes, wiping down with the alcohol wipes and paper towels he got wet in the sink and hand soap. 
“This is silly,” Jayden admitted. Taehyung gave him a big smile about it, trying to be positive and not let Jayden catch any of his own feelings about it, which was that he was stupid and had just put Sydney’s son through something embarrassing and traumatizing because he hadn’t remembered to enforce bathroom breaks. 
“It is kind of silly, huh?” Fuck, and he’d have to tell Sydney about it because it wouldn’t be a good look if Jayden made some mention of taking a shower in a bathroom at the mall… He pulled Jayden’s pants up and lowered him into his shoes after making him stand on a shopping bag so he wouldn’t just be barefoot on the bathroom floor. Fucking disgusting. Only once Jayden was fully dressed did he shed his own shirt and jeans, traded for the new items. Not perfectly his style but they’d been in a hurry.
Jayden meanwhile told him a story, “One time um, I pooped at the zoo.”
“At the zoo, huh?”
“Everywhere,” Jayden whispered. “Mama screamed like this.” He slapped his hands to his cheeks and made a startlingly good Home Alone face for a kid who’d definitely never seen that movie. “I got new clothes again! Every time I have an accident! It’s crazy!”
“Oh! You mean you had an accident and your mom had to buy you new clothes?”
“Oh thank fu-dge.” Taehyung looked down at Jayden’s curious, tilted head as he did the last button on his new shirt. But hey, if Jayden could have an accident with Sydney, that made him feel less like a failure that it had happened for him, too. 
“I want fudge.”
“It’s yes day!”
“Oh right,” Taehyung grinned. “Ok. Fudge. But we should wash our hands and then go back to play games before our cards expire, right?”
“Yeah! I want to win! Hurry!” Jayden dropped to his hands to crawl under the stall door as Taehyung in slow motion lunged for him. 
“Nooooo, bathroom floors are so gross don’t do that!” he cried.
“Oh ok.”
“Let’s wash our hands really good,” Taehyung grimaced. Fuck, Jayden was going to tell Syd he’d crawled around on a bathroom floor at the mall… why were kids so chaotic?!
As if summoned, Sydney texted him right as they got back to the arcade, asking how things were going and sharing a picture of herself lounging by the pool with a margarita. Taehyung pulled Jayden close and they sent her a picture back from inside the Jurassic Park jeep ride.
Sydney: what shirt is that??
Tae: ehhhh bit of a bathroom mishap, didn’t want it to ruin our boys day
Sydney: sorry I should have wrned you to take clothes. I’ve learned the hard way he forgets when he’s having too much fun
Tae: glad it means he’s having fun!
He almost added “and that I don’t just suck with kids” but wisely held that off. He didn’t want to plant the idea. 
Besides, he didn’t suck with kids. He was just learning about caring for them when they weren’t in a bed at the hospital with a catheter. Jayden was healthy and full of life and very happy. He was running Taehyung into the ground with all his energy, but it was fun to try and keep up. This age was just so funny --the unfiltered joy, the unending enthusiasm, the blind and unwarranted confidence. Every game they approached, Jayden was certain they would “DESTROY” it. Every time they played a game that distributed tickets, he cackled and clapped. It was infectious. Taehyung couldn’t stop laughing too; he grinned until his face hurt.
When it came time to spend their tickets, Jayden slammed his hands against the glass counter and asked, “Are you thinking’ what I’m thinkin’?”
“What are we thinking?” Taehyung whispered.
“RING POPS! It’s candy for your FINGER!”
They had the tickets needed for two ring pops. In fact, Taehyung learned, they let you buy any of the prizes you wanted, which he could see how incredibly useful that would be. Except that Jayden didn’t have any meltdown or want anything beyond their range. He was happy with his Ring Pop and a little parachute man --though disappointed when Taehyung wouldn’t let him throw it off the second floor. 
Taehyung looked down at his disappointment, hesitating. Well. It was just a little plastic parachute guy. It wouldn’t actually hurt anyone as long as the parachute worked. 
“Ok, yes,” Taehyung relented. “But over here away from the people.” They found a corner of the second floor against the glass barricade that was in a sort of emptier area, not many people walking around beneath them where the vending machines were. Taehyung unwound the rubber bands and they got the parachutes puffed up, then Taehyung held Jayden tightly as they reached over the barrier and let them fall. He had never held anyone tighter, terrified of Jayden just like jumping out of his arms or something as they peered down. 
Jayden’s green parachute man floated clumsily but slowly to the ground. Taehyung’s blue guy had a parachute malfunction and just plummeted straight down.
“Oh no!” they laughed and cheered. Jayden’s laugh echoed in the tiled space. Someone walking below stopped and gave the parachute guys an odd look, then looked up to see where they’d come from. Taehyung and Jayden ducked out of view, giggling. 
It was a minor rule-breaky thing. No one got hurt but they both couldn’t stop laughing like they’d really gotten away with something as they scurried down the escalator to gather their fallen guys and head home.
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Jayden wanted pizza for dinner but Taehyung was worried that pretzel for lunch and  Taco Bell snack was already risking tummy troubles enough. But Taehyung wasn’t exactly a good cook --something Sydney had given him hell about several times now, and a trait her dad had sworn to cure him of. So to keep things simple, they made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and ate them with bananas and grapes and a bowl of peas which meant Taehyung felt pretty competent. He snapped a photo of the two of them watching Paw Patrol and sent it to Sydney, who was definitely tipsy already as she and her friends got ready for their night out. She immediately FaceTimed them.
“Mama you look pretty!” Jayden told her, leaning in with Taehyung to see her in the chaotic hotel room.
“Thanks, baby. Are you boys having fun?”
“We threw guys off the roof of the mall!”
Taehyung cackled at Jayden’s rendition, which flummoxed Sydney. 
“We let parachute guys jump from the second floor,” he tried to explain while Jayden shrieked, “We broke the mall rule!”
Sydney couldn’t follow but kept laughing, waving at friends off camera, but her smile was all for them as she sighed, “You’re cute. I miss you both so so so much.”
“I miss you even more!” Jayden countered. “Bigger than the sun!”
“I miss you bigger than the whole universe.”
“Tata what’s bigger than that?” Jayden whispered.
“I miss you bigger than infinity!”
“Nice one,” Sydney grinned and winked at Taehyung. He felt a bolt of longing for her. Spending the day with Jayden was awesome and he was glad she was having fun with her friends. But she was clearly fucking hot dressed up like that, and also he just wished she was here, and could curl up under his arm to watch a movie together. “What’s that look?”
“Everything ok?”
“Oh. Ha. I just miss you. You look really nice.”
“Thanks, babe.”
“Me?” Jayden asked, looking at the phone again after he’d been distracted by some grapes. 
“Other babe,” Sydney grinned. “Big babe.”
“Big baby? He’s not a baby! He’s a grown up! Silly Mama…”
“Yeah, silly mama. Ok, boys. Be good for each other. Go to bed on time like big boys and don’t destroy the house. I’ll be home before dinner tomorrow!”
“Don’t party too hard,” Taehyung winked.
“I’ll send you pictures if you’re worried.”
“Not worried, just jealous not to have you dressed up like that here! You ladies have fun!” he called more loudly to the phone. He heard several, “Thanks, Tae! Bye!” and “he is so cute!” that made him smug. 
“Now can we watch a movie? You said we can! I don’t want to go to bed yet--”
“We can watch a movie,” Taehyung agreed. He rattled off some options as Jayden helped him put the dishes in the sink. But of course Jayden wanted a superhero movie and begged for Spiderman, so Taehyung decided sure. He was pretty sure that was one Sydney had let him watch before and if it got too scary, they’d just turn it off.
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It was too scary. Taehyung didn’t even know which one he’d put on because apparently there were like seven. But it was scary and by the time he thought to himself wait a minute, this might be too much… Jayden had already parked his butt on Taehyung’s lap. Not to laugh, Taehyung realized, but because he was a terrified and fascinated little boy.
“Hey Jayden, I think this one is a little--”
“Don’t turn it off!” Jayden pleaded. “Please please please!”
“It’s too scary for me,” Taehyung tried.
“Don’t be scared! I will save you!”
“I’m worried this will give you nightmares. Look, don’t be worried about it, Spiderman totally defeats that guy and saves that woman and everything is fine.”
Jayden gave him a scandalized look and cried, “Spoilers!” Then threw his arms around Taehyung’s neck and snuggled close for the duration of the fights. But by the time they got to blasting and punching each other, he wriggled forward and stretched across Taehyung’s legs, basically snuggling with his feet, his little boy eyes glued to the screen. So Taehyung let it keep going because maybe he had seen it and he didn’t seem that scared… 
By the time it was over, Taehyung realized they’d sat up a little later than bedtime but he wanted Jayden to get the resolution of seeing that everyone was safe and happy. He was a shockingly obedient little boy as he changed into clean pajamas and brushed his teeth. He agreed they could make do with only one bedtime book since it was past bedtime. He hugged Taehyung good night and lay down in bed with his giant Spiderman action figure doll.
Taehyung went to the kitchen and cleaned up the dishes that had piled up from the day. He sang to himself as he tidied and thought about starting a load of laundry to look extra good but then worried he’d ruin their laundry. Ooh, but he did need to wash the pee clothes from the mall that he’d carried around in a shopping bag all afternoon. So he got that started and checked the doors were locked and sat down on the couch to watch a show of his own.
The knock on the wall scared the shit out of him. He gasped and spun, in the moment convinced there was a ghost. Sydney’s house was old, it could totally be haunted.
Except instead of a ghost, there stood Jayden, curled around the edge of the wall. He knocked again.
“Yes?” Taehyung asked.
“Um, Tata.”
“I think he’s outside my window.”
“Who is?”
“A bad guy.”
“There’s no bad guy,” Taehyung assured him, but stood. “I’ll check to prove it to you.” Back to Jayden’s room they went, and Taehyung crawled across his Batman sheets to peek out the blinds. And honestly, even though rationally he knew there was no one outside, he still got a flash of adrenaline, like holy shit what if he’s right? What if I have to fight someone off to keep him safe? Look, he’d die to keep Sydney and Jayden safe, honestly, he just wasn’t sure he’d do them any good that way. He’d probably die uselessly. 
There was, indeed, no one there. Jayden checked too. So Taehyung tucked him in again, booped his nose, and left the door cracked this time so there would be a little more light than the rotating star night light gave.
By the third time Jayden was out of bed, Taehyung was waiting for him. 
“Are you scared after the movie?” Taehyung asked.
“No,” Jayden said. But his eyes told a different story. He may as well have just nodded.
“OK. How about we have a slumber party?” At least until you fall asleep.
“That’s a good idea, Tata!”
“Ok, I bet I can fit in your bed.”
“No! You’re too big!”
“Are you kidding me? You have a big boy bed! I’ll totally fit!”
“We can try it but…” Jayden gave him a non-nonsense, skeptical look, such a copy of Sydney that Taehyung couldn’t help the laughter.
Jayden stuck close to his side as he brushed his own teeth. He waited in the hall while Taehyung changed and peed. And he did a bad job of hiding his giggle as they crawled into his Batman bed together. Thank goodness Sydney had recently upgraded him to an actual twin, and he wasn’t still in that little toddler bed.
With the Batman comforter pulled up to their chins and a Spiderman and a Batman toy nestled in around them, Jayden let out a deep, contented sigh. 
“Feeling less scared now?”
“I’m sorry I let you watch a movie that was too scary.”
“I liked that movie! I’m not scared. I just like having slumber parties.”
“Oh, ok good. Well I like slumber parties too.”
“This was the best day of my life,” Jayden sighed again. Taehyung lay there frozen, heart pounding at such a soft statement made in the dark by an overly tired and definitely frightened four year old. Despite the pee pants, the mediocre dinner, the scary movie, and missing mom, Jayden was happy. Taehyung was pretty happy too. In fact, truth be told, this was probably one of the top days of his life as well. He was exhausted. 
“Me too,” he whispered back. “I hope we get to have a lot more days like this.”
Jayden either didn’t hear him or was too sleepy to respond. His mouth had opened as his eyes closed, and the faintest snore snuck out as he relaxed beside Taehyung, finally feeling safe enough to sleep. 
And you know what? Taehyung decided not to bother moving to his own bed. Yep. It was totally a decision he made, and not just because a four year old wore him out so much in a single day that he wound up passing out beneath the Batman covers before he could actually remember to go to a bed where he could stretch out.
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“Is it good?”
“Yeah, it’s good,” Taehyung insisted, though kept his grip on Jayden’s head a moment longer, arranging a few of the tight twists around the base of the graduation cap he’d carefully situated.
“Is it good?” Jayden asked again.
“It’s perfect,” Taehyung nodded. “Hold still, I’ll take it out until we get there.”
“What if it doesn’t work again?”
“It will work,” Taehyung assured him as he carefully pulled the hat off the magnetic clips Sydney had left for him. “Because your mom is a genius and I am good with style.”
“Me too!”
“I know, we are two stylish dudes,” Taehyung nodded. Now, with the cap off, Jayden’s long curls didn’t show any signs of getting crushed, and it would be quick to get the cap back on -- something these cheap kindergarten graduation caps weren’t designed with it in mind. The first one they’d sent Jayden home with kept sliding right off his head, or they would have had to drag it down and pin it tight and uncomfortable. Genius mom to the rescue. And maybe some credit to himself, who was in charge of getting him dressed and ready for his kindergarten graduation because Sydney had an incredibly important greenlight meeting at work in the morning and would have to meet them there.
But it wasn’t some big favor, he was perfectly capable of getting Jayden ready -- even for something like this where Sydney’s mom had come by that morning already just to make sure Jayden’s white-collared shirt and navy slacks had been properly pressed. She’d been pleased to find they had been, and patted Taehyung on the shoulder and promised it wasn’t doubt in him, it was just her being her. He didn’t mind. He wasn’t offended. He liked Sydney’s parents a lot and didn’t mind the intrusion because it was a close family. He liked that about all of them.
He hoped soon he’d be more a part of that tightly woven Thompson cloth.
Mimi had gone to meet Papaw, leaving Taehyung to finish the hair and stylings, and then let Jayden direct him on his own attire. 
“I don’t want to stick out too much,” Taehyung said, buttoning up his loose shirt and pulling on a sports blazer.
But Jayden grinned, “I like your style! Style is one way we say to the world ‘here I am! See me!’” It was a direct quote from a book or TV show, obvious from the way he said it. At least these days he actually tended to see the media he obsessed over, but it did mean his spoilers tended to be actually true. 
“Well today I want my style to say, ‘I’m so proud of Jayden and here to celebrate him.’ What do you think?” Taehyung asked, holding his arms out and turning a slow circle once he’d pulled his maroon dress shoes on. Jayden put a hand on his hip and tapped his mouth in comical thought for a moment.
Then he smiled and announced, “It’s super duperific!”
“OK, you’re sure? I don’t want to stand out too much.”
“Mom already stands out because she’s the best mom so it’s ok,” Jayden told him. “No one will know you aren’t really my dad yet.”
Yet. Taehyung closed his eyes and let his head drop as Jayden giggled gleefully and ran off to get his own dress shoes. He had not meant to pull Jayden into this. First of all, he had a feeling Sydney would think that was an inappropriate amount of responsibility to place on a five year old. Second of all, there was the chance that Sydney would say no, that it was too soon, and even though he would be devastated, he didn’t want Jayden to be devastated. 
And third of all, Jayden was the worst secret-keeper in the world. 
So Taehyung had not meant for Jayden to find out his plans. But when he had casually asked Jayden earlier that morning if Jayden was ok with him taking Jayden to his graduation instead of his mom doing it, Jayden had shrugged, “It’s ok, Tae, you’re basically my dad. Maybe you should just ask mama.”
“Ask mama what?” Taehyung had carefully asked.
“If you can be my dad already,” Jayden had answered with a very dramatic sigh and eyeroll, like this was the most obvious thing in the world. “She really likes you a lot. I bet she would say yes!” And then he winked and gave Taehyung a thumb’s up. When Taehyung froze, not sure what to say because he was simultaneously melted and terrified, Jayden smiled, “OH, it’s ok. I’ll ask her for you so she knows I said it’s a good idea.”
“No! I mean… I can ask her myself!”
“Ok, you can ask her at my graduation!”
“Wait, no. Your graduation is about you.”
“Ok, you can ask her at Mimi and Papaw’s house,” Jayden suggested.
“But that’s a dinner to celebrate you, Jayden, and what an awesome job you did this year in big kid school!”
“Yeah! Mama will be double happy! It’s ok, if you get scared I can tell you the words. I saw it in a movie one time.”
“What are the words?”
“Dear Sydney --that’s Mama’s real name-- will you marry me forever and love me with your whole entire heart?”
Taehyung was practically on the floor at this point as he realized that if he did not propose to Sydney in the very near future, Jayden was going to do it for him. 
“Ok, I’ll practice that, but let me ask myself, ok?”
“Ok ok just hurry it up!” Jayden huffed at him. 
“Impatient little bug,” Taehyung mumbled under his breath. Jayden thought it was funny as he tapped his feet on Taehyung’s to get him to tie his shoes. After that, while Jayden grabbed his gown and hat, Taehyung snuck to the bedroom and grabbed the ring box to tuck into his pocket, just in case Jayden tried to steal his line.
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The auditorium at the school was already packed by the time they arrived on the heels of Mimi and Papaw and Sydney’s brother Nathaniel. No sign of Sydney yet, but Jayden had no worries that his mom would arrive in time. She never failed him, never had, never would. 
“You can go sit with the other dads,” Jayden told Taehyung, already trying to dart away to sit with his classmates. “They can give you advice on being a dad.”
“Are you needing some fatherly advice?” Papaw asked, appearing from nowhere. Taehyung’s hair stood straight from his scalp.
“No, haha, nothing, he-- we were just talking about--”
“Leave the boy alone,” Mimi interrupted, not having heard any of it, Taehyung fucking hoped. She beamed down at Jayden, straightened his cap, then laughed when he took off at a sprint to join his friends. “He looks good. You heard from Syd yet?”
“She’s on her way,” was all Taehyung could answer. “Let’s save her a seat.”
“Yeah, let’s sit. We’ve got time if you had something you want to ask me. I’m a father. I’m here for advice if you need it,” Papaw said, clapping him on the shoulder.
Taehyung nodded and tried not to shrivel up into nothing as he insisted, “I know, sir, no advice needed.”
“Sir,” Papaw laughed. “Still calling me sir… You’ve been dating my daughter a long time...”
“He’s polite and pretending to be intimidated by you. Find us some seats, if you want to be the big man. Syd better hurry up if she doesn’t want to miss it, those little beans aren’t going to sit in those chairs much longer if they don’t get this thing started,” Mimi fretted. Taehyung found himself shuffled along down a row until he sat with a space between himself and Mimi.
“Oh, Tae honey, you dropped something,” Mimi said, reaching for the box that had been pushed out of his pocket when he sat. Taehyung’s heart froze. He swooped down and grabbed it and stashed it more safely in his blazer’s inner pocket. Fuck, that was stupid.
“Just my wallet. Thanks.”
It was very obviously not a wallet. 
Thank fuck Sydney showed up at exactly that moment. She spotted them instantly and picked her way down the row while he leapt to his feet to let her pass.
“Hi, babe. Hey Ma, hey Dad. I made it, right?”
“You sure cut it close,” her dad said, shaking his head. “I know you’re important, but they couldn’t let you off the whole day?”
“Tae had Jayden. It’s fine, and I made it in time.” She was still short of breath as she slid her purse to the ground and sat tall to look around. “How did it go?” she asked Tae. “Cap’s staying on?”
“Yeah, you’re a good engineer.”
“You know I do computer coding, not mechanical engineer--
“I don’t know anything,” he grinned at her.
“Mama!! You’re here!” Jayden shouted across the room as the kindergarteners stood. Mimi was right, they really did look like little jumping beans, small but bouncy in their blue gowns and hats. Jayden waved with both hands and excitedly told the kids on either side about his family but of course they were busy spotting their own as their teacher tried to shuffle them to the side of the stage.
“Good, he looks good.”
“Yeah, everything went fine.”
“Thanks, baby,” Sydney smiled at him and took his hand, letting their clasped hands settle on his thigh. Less than a foot beneath the ring box her mom had definitely seen. He hadn’t had a chance to see Mimi’s reaction though...fuck.
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Watching her little man stride across the stage and strike his pose with the little paper diploma brought more than a few tears to Sydney’s eyes. She covered her mouth and leaned against Taehyung when he threw his arm around her shoulder. They leapt to their feet to clap for Jayden when it was time, alongside all the other kids. And then she dove around seats to get out to the aisle so she could scoop Jayden up into her arms when he sprinted towards her, blue gown flying around him like a cape.
“Hi mama! Look at my thing!” he cried as she squished him into a hug. Taehyung’s camera went off behind them. 
“I’m so proud of you, baby. Kindergarten is done! And now it’s onto first grade!”
“I know what comes next! I’m going to do so good at first grade!”
“I know you are!” She wanted more hugs, but he was squirming free of her. She kissed his cheek and set him down, beaming and yanking her phone out for more pictures as he hugged Mimi and Papaw and Uncle Nathaniel and tried to climb Taehyung to show him too. He crouched down, hugging Jayden, who gave him the exact same reception he’d given Mimi and Papaw. And why wouldn’t he? Taehyung had been a fixture in their lives for two years now. He’d lived with them for the last six, after his lease ended and his rent was going up. Mimi and Papaw hadn’t even said a thing about it, that’s how much they liked him. 
“Let’s get home, this boy is growing and hungry,” Mimi said once they’d shuffled to the side and taken a dozen pictures of each arrangement of their family. Jayden beamed and vibrated with excitement through each snap of the camera.
Taehyung immediately sighed, “I really am, thanks for worrying about me, Mimi.”
“Oh, you,” she laughed, batting at his arm. “Ok, three hungry men to feed, let’s get there.”
“And who are you not counting in that?” Papaw asked, giving her a pointed look.
“Kids first, Dad,” Nathaniel grinned at him. “You’ve grown enough. Time to take a step back and let the young ones get to the food first.”
“Like hell I will…”
“I wanna ride with Tae-Tae,” Jayden said, taking his hand and falling right in line behind Mimi and Papaw. Taehyung was too busy returning a friendly greeting from the other parents they knew to notice, but Sydney did. She didn’t mind it, sharing her son. Maybe she felt a little guilty she hadn’t been part of the getting ready that morning, but Jayden looked perfect, and he adored Taehyung, and part of raising her son was helping him forge these bonds with other people. Besides, most of the other kids around them had more than a mom. Taehyung had been an unofficial second parent for a while now. A long while. Long enough that Jayden didn’t really remember much of a time before him, only vaguely, and Mimi and Papaw talked about him like he was one of the family and…
It was just time, wasn’t it? Watching her son cross that stage terrified her because it reminded her how fleeting childhood was, how fast the years went by. Soon Taehyung would have been in Jayden’s life longer than he hadn’t been. Soon Jayden would be in upper grades. Soon Jayden would be walking across the stage at high school. And while she sobbed in the audience about it, she wanted Taehyung there with her, just like he’d been for every non-shift morning and evening and weekend the last six months. 
“Sydee, let’s go!” her mother called, spurring her into motion. She waved at Jayden as Taehyung buckled him into the backseat of his car before slipping into her own.  
Mimi and Papaw’s house was a short ride from the elementary school. She could already smell the food cooking in the backyard when she stepped out onto the sidewalk. Her aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins were already loud, getting a headstart on the celebrations since the school had limited how many family members could attend for each kid. Nathaniel had been their fifth, and now complained loudly that he’d been the good supportive uncle while their other brother Aaron was already here, eating and drinking.
“Here he comes!” Aaron called as soon as Jayden strode through the back gate. Taehyung had put Jayden’s cap back on, probably at his request, but hung back to take Sydney’s hand as they wove through the cars to reach the back yard where the full branching tree of her family had the party going. Her family needed very little excuse to celebrate like this, but her sick baby now healthy and finished with kindergarten was a good one. 
Jayden thrived under the praise. He struck poses and bowed as they clapped, then took off his hat and tossed it into the air like Sydney had shown him. Then he lost interest and took off after his cousins. 
Sydney’s grandma waved them over, demanding, “How was the ceremony? Tell me. I expect you took pictures!”
“We did. I’ll get them printed for you,” Taehyung promised, effortlessly charming her, as always. He slid into the seat beside her and began clicking through them on his camera, zooming in so she could see the details through her glasses. 
Aaron touched the back of Sydney’s neck with a cold beer to make her screech before teasing, “Did you cry?”
“None of your business!”
“Yeah you did.”
“Someday you’ll feel love and--”
“Hey,” he glared. 
But his girlfriend Victoria heard and laughed, “I’m not holding my breath. I already know he’s going to propose to me someday drunk after the Cowboys make it to the Superbowl--”
“Bullshit!” Aaron defended. 
“Watch your mouth,” their mom called while cousin Devin immediately jumped in to pick a fight, insisting the Cowboys would never make it to the Superbowl again so she might as well find a better man. They were loud even with barely-opened beers, and NFL wasn’t even the big dog here; as soon as they turned to college teams and Longhorns or Gators, shit was going down. 
Sydney ducked around them to find Taehyung, but he’d already migrated over to help her aunt and mom open the paper plates and napkins. He was always so useful. It had been strange at first to realize that Taehyung didn’t expect any coddling when it came to being around her family. From the first meeting, he’d made himself useful, not shied away from the teasing when he admitted he didn’t know shit about sports, endeared himself to her grandmother by praising her collection of vintage tea cups, and there’d been no going back. Taehyung spent his career in the PICU making himself a trusted and familiar part of each family in trouble, so why had she not expected him to make himself at home with her family as well?
Jayden went running by, flapping the wings of his gown and shouting that he was a bat while two of his younger cousins screamed and fled. There were four kids close in age, Jayden the second oldest. Her cousins had joked that they should just keep taking turns, which meant she was up next to have another baby since Aaron wasn’t in on that yet. She’d downed her glass of wine and they’d laughed at the time but… but maybe the thought hadn’t totally left her mind yet. She knew Taehyung wanted a big family. For the first time in her life, she could even envision a world where she had the time and love and energy for a child beyond Jayden. 
Life really was good now. Her aunts pulled her over to hear about the cute ceremony and talk about their memories of their own children’s ceremonies, how important it was for small children to see what a big exciting deal graduation was. She loved the opportunity to brag. But she found herself too drawn to Taehyung, who had now been pulled closer to the grill. Her dad was determined to make a grill-master out of him, even though Taehyung somehow managed to fuck up even the simplest cooking instructions. It was hysterical. It was endearing. It was one of the many, many things Sydney loved about this man. 
He turned to bend down because Jayden had a question for him. Taehyung dug something out of his pocket and handed it over and Jayden took off running; she couldn’t see from here what it was. Probably a rock or a toy car or something else. Taehyung had once admitted sometimes he kept a car or something of Jayden’s in his pocket during his work shifts, because seeing the sick kids hit him harder than it used to, and the car was a solid reminder that Jayden was healthy and happy at home. Yeah, the fucker had actually said that to her and somehow not expected her to cry. “It’s not like it didn’t hit my heart before but it’s harder, yeah, now that I have a kid at home.” He’d said that!
Taehyung laughed at something Aaron had said. Her brothers liked him too, her brothers who had hated every single man she’d ever dated --usually with good reason she just hadn’t wanted to admit at the time. Aaron was older and Taehyung was younger but the three of them were all fifteen when they played games together. She was secretly very proud every time Taehyung kicked their collective asses, though it depended on the game. He was terrible at NBA2K, even though he’d bought it for home so he could practice and keep up. “Lotta games in my future,” he’d explained when she found him playing at 2am the first time.
Sydney stopped. 
What the fuck was wrong with her? 
She looked around this family gathering to celebrate her son, her son she was raising with that handsome, kind, sexy as hell man over there making conversation about things he didn’t even give a shit about just because he cared about these people too. She saw her son running around, a ball of joy ricocheting between her and Taehyung, the people he understood as his parents. 
What was she waiting for?
She excused herself from the conversation she hadn’t been paying attention to anyway and marched right over to Taehyung.
“Hey I need to talk to you for a sec,” was her only explanation as she tugged him away, out of hearing. 
“What’s going on?” Taehyung looked immediately concerned.
She let her heart freeze for exactly one nervous second before saying, “I want to get married.”
“Huh?” He looked so shocked at first that it went right to her gut, but just as quickly he looked aghast and groaned, “No! He told you?”
“Jayden didn’t say-- what are you talking about?”
Taehyung was laughing, “Spoilers! It’s always spoilers with this kid--”
“What are you talking about--”
At his name, Jayden had come sprinting over though and demanded, “Why are you saying my name?”
“He didn’t say anything to you? About what we talked about this morning--”
“Oh! Did you ask her to marry you yet?”
“What?!” Sydney shrieked. 
“Spoilers! Spoilers!” Taehyung shouted, covering his face. 
Jayden looked thrilled with this outcome and, hands on his hips, scolded, “You should just say it when you want something.”
Sydney’s heart really felt like it was going to burst out of her chest as she insisted, “I am very confused right now. You two were planning-- oh my god, are you planning to ask me?”
Taehyung’s face took on a look of adorable determination. He grabbed her hand and dragged her along. Jayden skipped after them. Sydney could feel the eyes of her family on them, and maybe someone had even called over, but she was too flustered by this confusing turn of events. She’d thought she was being impulsive to say that but not--
They reached the big old willow at the far end of the backyard, the one she’d once admitted to Taehyung she spent a lot of time dramatically reading beneath when she was younger. She’d written in diaries for a while here, pretending some big magical adventure awaited her. Later she’d studied here, deciding for a while she was done with boys, only to fall back in with them, only to be disappointed again. She loved this tree. It was older than anything around it, and had survived until her parents bought this house, and would hopefully continue on long afterwards.
Taehyung took her shoulders and pressed her back against the trunk of it, then promptly dropped to his knee and pulled a fucking ring box out of his pocket.
“Sydney Thompson, will you marry me?”
“You have a ring?!”
“Of course I have a ring! I was going to plan some big crazy thing to show you how much I love you and Jayden and want to be part of this family with you forever but--”
“We know that.” Her heart was beating harder and faster. She’d been impulsive to bring it up but this was really happening.
“--but I thought I’d better hurry and ask before Jayden did it for me.”
“I don’t like waiting,” Jayden admitted. “It’s boring.” He’d found a lollipop from somewhere and sucked on it now, still wearing his gown, balancing on a couple rocks like this was a normal thing, for Taehyung to ask his mom to get married. “I was just going to help him if he was feeling scared.”
“I’m not scared. I just wanted to do something bigger than this,” Taehyung grumbled.
“I don’t care about big. I think we should marry Tae,” Sydney said to Jayden.
“I already told him that.” He slipped off the rock and crunched the lollipop. Taehyung had flinched and reached out to catch Jayden if he fell too far, still crouched and holding the ring. Dad instincts.
“And I already told you I want to get married,” Sydney added, looking down at Taehyung. His hair had flopped over his eyes in his haste to pull this off. She reached down to brush it away and he looked up at her so sweetly.
“I still wanted to see the ending myself,” he admitted with that grin she adored.
“We’ll marry you, Tae.”
He caught her as he stood, wrapping his arms around her and spinning her in a circle before he set her down and kissed her. Sydney had not really ever considered herself the romantic type but Taehyung sure brought it out in her. She laughed and kissed him and hugged him tightly as the deepest breath of relief rushed from his chest.
“Yay!” Jayden cheered. “Are you going to be my dad now?” Taehyung reached down and grabbed Jayden, dragging him up to join the hug. 
“You’re supposed to say yes,” Jayden pouted.
Sydney nodded and Taehyung answered, “Nothing would make me happier.”
“We’re already a family but now yeah, we’ll do it the real way.”
“Thank you,” Taehyung said. As if she was doing him some kind of favor! She laughed and kissed Jayden’s cheek and then kissed Taehyung again. And then let her head fall to Taehyung’s shoulder as he gasped, “Shit, I dropped the ring.”
“I’ll find it!” Jayden assured him, wriggling down. They all dropped to the ground, patting the dirt until Jayden found it and yanked it up. 
“Quick, put it on her hand before we lose it again,” Taehyung said. But Jayden thrust it at him before leaping to his feet.
“I’m going to tell Mimi and Papaw.”
So Sydney waited, breath quick, as Taehyung slid the ring onto her finger. It was a little big, but they’d get that fixed. He took her hand and pulled her close for another kiss.
“I wanted to make it a big thing when I asked you,” he admitted again.
“I don’t care about that,” she insisted. “This is big.”
“I had to improvise. Jayden was going to blow up my spot! And then you did it instead--”
“Well he’s right. Waiting is boring. I’m ready to be Sydney Kim, all right?”
“Wait, I thought I’d be Taehyung Thompson.”
“My parents will never understand that we’re married if I don’t take your last name--”
“Fuck, fine, I don’t care, I just really love you, Syd. I want you to be my wife.” The blunt statement was the final straw to make it real, even more real than the ring on her finger. 
“I love you too. Now kiss me one more time and then my family is going to descend. They’re trying to figure out if Jayden is telling the truth or not. Look, they can’t believe it--”
“He’s really going to call me dad?”
“Apparently he already decided.”
“I just… I hadn’t thought he’d already be thinking about that but this morning he just asked if it was time yet… he’s a smart kid. My kid,” he smiled. “My parents are going to freak out… I can get them here for the wedding, and--”
“Tae, baby, we don’t need to plan it yet,” she laughed, taking hold of his face. But his face was glowing, his ideas running away from him. She didn’t know the details yet of what he saw, but she knew it was going to be good. They were going to be good. Their family was going to be happy together, as happy as they already were but with the bow tied. 
“Mom! Dad! Come on!” Jayden shouted, waving his arms.
The laughter burst out of Taehyung; he clamped his hand over his mouth before choking out, “He doesn’t waste any time! God, he’s so your son.” Then, “Ah. This is the best day of my life, Syd. Hey, do you already know what kind of wedding dress you want? If not, I can help--”
“Oh my god!” she laughed. “Stop planning our wedding yet! We haven’t even told my parents.”
“I think they know.”
“Are you scared of them?”
“A little bit,” he grinned. 
“Well you were there for me when I was scared, so I’ll be there for you now.”
“Thanks, baby,” he said, lowering his voice on purpose because he knew it flustered her. She squeezed his hand and together they set off to confirm the happily ever after to Jayden’s story.
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The end, at least for now. Thanks for reading!
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What does a typical chill day look like for Sangwoo and OC?
I am so happy that these things are being asked to me. I genuinely enjoy writing little headcanons like this
So, onto the headcanons!
A typical chill day starts, of course, with you waking up either with: your face buried against his chest and his hand cradling the back of your head, legs together between the sheets and pillows askew, or: you wake up on your side, head using his arm as your pillow while he holds you close to him, a leg up between your own, his face buried back between your shoulder blades and a hand (most likely) up your shirt and either resting between your breasts or on your stomach
Typically a good 15 minutes are spent in bed every morning, waking up together while he holds your head and asks you how you slept while you cuddle into him. Maybe the two of you may kiss a little bit, if he’s feeling frisky his hand may be in your underwear, but otherwise things can be perfectly SFW in the mornings. Sometimes you wake up to a surprise on the weekend (or middle of the night) with him between your legs, but on relaxing days, the two of you typically don’t get too sexual.
After waking up all of the way, you’ll head to the kitchen together, maybe making some coffee if you felt like it while he raids the pantry and fridge. If there’s no food around, the two of you may make your way to the store, however there’s a lot of times on days like this where you stay in and just cuddle up on the sofa and nap together
While you drink your coffee, you typically sit on the counter by the stove while he cooks and stands between your legs, occasionally pressing a kiss to your lips or head. He may steal a sip of your coffee while you look out the window. Often ends up with you leaned into him, your arm lazily over his shoulder while you watch the clouds and birds outside and he has a single arm around you while he cooks. Will share his breakfast with you if you’re hungry, otherwise you simply sit with him while you drink your coffee and discuss what you might do today.
A lot of times you’ll do a few chores together. Dust, clean the kitchen, wash dishes while he dries them and puts them away. Maybe he’ll vacuum while you dust things off or rearrange the apartment only for it to end up exactly like it was before when the two of you get restless. Often after the cleaning and rearranging, you end up relaxed on the sofa lazily, an arm of his around you while you lean into him, legs pressed together and your head on his chest
After a few minutes of taking a quick break, it’s typically lunch time. Sometimes even on relaxing days the two of you might leave to get take-out and come back, stealing each others food and sharing from the containers. He may shove your chopsticks away with his to get to a piece of food you wanted just to be an ass, laughing when you roll your eyes and gently kick him beneath the table.
When lunch is over, the two of you end up on the sofa. Often times you laying beneath him, a hand in his hair while he picks something for the two of you to watch and snuggles into your chest. Sometimes he falls asleep on you like this, sometimes he’ll get tired and offer going back to bed and sleeping all snuggled up beneath the blankets. Will let you lay on his chest during naps in bed
You may wake up from your nap in a completely different position with him on top of you sleeping on your chest. Sometimes you’ll wake up to him kissing your neck and whispering for you to wake up and come downstairs with him. In such a case, you’ll hold his hand and sleepily cuddle into him on the sofa while you watch some more tv and just relax. Maybe you sit on his lap and end up falling asleep again while he holds in his warm arms you and rubs your back
By time it’s dark, the two of you are typically wide awake, laughing and joking with each other while you cook dinner together. He’ll cut the meat, you’ll cut the vegetables, while it cooks you’ll often just sit in the kitchen and talk or occasionally hold hands on the table and have a light thumb war you know he’ll win. If he was feeling lighthearted, the two of you may even play a game. Pouts when you win but will accept a kiss for good sportsmanship.
Dinner is a repeat of the morning, he’ll get you your plate of food while you get the drinks and cutlery and set the table. You’ll sometimes play footsies beneath the table, giggling and making him smile while you eat. You end up switching what happened previously, drying the plates while he washes them off and end up heading to bed a little early just to lay there together. You may talk a bit, things may be quiet, you may have a sleepy make out session before the two of you cuddle up and fall asleep
It’s always the relaxing days you enjoy the most. No errands, no disturbances, just a cuddly and happy Sangwoo to hold you in his arms and do chores with you
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