#Rashad Basri
aurriearts · 4 months
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@cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal’s sidestep Rashad (they/he) and their no good, very bad month+ post-puppet crash/early reve. and a rashadbreak amogus for shits and giggles
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Two Truths & a Lie: Rashad Edition
I was immediately tagged back by @disastersteps which, fair play lmfao
RULES: post a 24-hour poll containing two truths and one lie about your OC. have your followers try to guess which is the lie.
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(Art by @the-cooler-sidestep, because this piece always makes me laugh)
I'm going to tagging @gonesoft-ish, @godshaper, and @nebuluxx (I know you have multiple steps) this time around
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Personally, truly, I blame @the-cooler-sidestep for this because I probably would have just drawn gay little wolves on my 4 hour flight.
I’m glad I drew Rashad’s fancy suit Instead :>
@cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal is the victim of today (it’s past midnight it’s a new day ok-) and I had! A lot of fun if that isn’t apparent.
Wow there’s a speedpaint under here, who would have guessed?
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tfw the special directive put too much and too little growth serum in your respective vats
based off a convo with @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal. Rashad doesn't like being tall and Jonah was fine with being 5'3" until about ten seconds ago. Now they're both gonna be dramatic about it
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groan-taire · 1 year
Rashad Basri is a dark-skinned agender person with perpetually-messy wavy black hair that is kept about jaw-length (chin-length during rough patches). They tend to keep a five-o-clock shadow. I've described them before as being a bit on the gaunt side, tall and lean, with an angular face, a hooked nose, and deep set, almost black eyes. There tends to be a sadness to the set of their features, I think
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them! @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal's sidestep
did take some guidance from your icon too so I hope I managed to get them more or less right (also have a version without filters and bg under the read more)
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konyaduagrubu · 1 year
#Dua - Acil Rızık için!.. Kim Zenginlik İstiyorsa Her Gün 100 defa Okusun Dinlesin İnşaallah Allah Kabul etsin Kardeşlerim, #Youtube #Video Link https://youtu.be/I31J-YQO6IQ?si=ByCBvndLWXcnzCvt Allah Teala Fakir Fukara ya dağıtacak kadar çok nasip etsin İnşaallah! Müjde Kardeşim Müjde! İşte O Müjde Kuran Kerim Duha Suresi #DuhaSuresi وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَى Ve le sevfe yu'tike rabbuke fe terda. Yakında Rabb'in sana verecek, sen de hoşnut olacaksın. #Konya #Dua #KonyaDuaGrubu
Konya Dua Grubu اللهْ Dua Kapısı Açık! En Güzel Dualar, En Etkili Dualar, Çok Etkili Dualar, Denenmiş Dualar, En Güçlü Dualar, En Hikmetli Dualar, Dua Kapısı, Dualar
Hz MEVLANA diyor ki; Gel, gel, ne olursan ol, yine gel, İster kafir, ister mecusi, İster puta tapan ol, yine gel, Bizim dergahımız, ümitsizlik dergahı değildir, Yüz kere tövbeni bozmuş olsan da, yine gel... Hz Mevlana
Kuran Kerim Duha Suresi #DuhaSuresi وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَى Ve le sevfe yu'tike rabbuke fe terda.
Çeviriler Bayraktar Bayraklı Yeni Bir Anlayışın Işığında Kur'an Meali Gelecekte Rabbin sana verecek ve sen hoşnut olacaksın.
Mehmet Okuyan Kur’an Meal-Tefsir Rabbin, yakında sana (nimetler) verecek ve sen memnun olacaksın.
Edip Yüksel Mesaj: Kuran Çevirisi Efendin yakında sana verecek ve sen de beğeneceksin.
Erhan Aktaş Kerim Kur'an Yakında Rabb'in sana verecek, sen de hoşnut olacaksın.
Süleymaniye Vakfı Süleymaniye Vakfı Meali Rabbin ilerisinde sana verecek ve memnun kalacaksın.
Ali Rıza Safa Kur'an-ı Kerim Gerçek Çünkü Efendin, yakında kesinlikle sana verecektir. Sonunda, hoşnut olacaksın.
Mustafa İslamoğlu Hayat Kitabı Kur’an ve zamanı gelince Rabbin sana bahşedecek, sen de (bundan) hoşnut ve memnun olacaksın.
Yaşar Nuri Öztürk Kur'an-ı Kerim Meali Rabbin sana verecek de sen hoşnut olacaksın!
Ali Bulaç Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Türkçe Anlamı Elbette Rabbin sana verecek, böylece sen hoşnut kalacaksın.
Elmalılı (sadeleştirilmiş) ileride Rabbin sana verecek de hoşnut olacaksın!
Muhammed Esed Kur'an Mesajı Ve zamanı geldiğinde Rabbin sana (kalbinden geçeni) bağışlayacak ve seni hoşnut kılacak.
Diyanet İşleri Kur'an-ı Kerim Türkçe Meali Şüphesiz, Rabbin sana verecek ve sen de hoşnut olacaksın.
Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Yüce Meali ve ileride rabbın sana ata edecek öyle ata edecek ki rızaya ereceksin
Süleyman Ateş Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Yüce Meali Rabbin, sana verecek ve sen razı olacaksın.
Gültekin Onan Elbette rabbin sana verecek, böylece sen hoşnut kalacaksın.
Hasan Basri Çantay Kur'an-ı Hakim ve Meal-i Kerim Muhakkak Rabbin sana verecek de hoşnuud olacaksın.
İbni Kesir Şüphesiz Rabbın, sana verecek ve sen, hoşnud olacaksın.
Şaban Piriş Kur'an-ı Kerim Türkçe Anlamı Rabbin sana verecek ve sen de hoşnut olacaksın.
Suat Yıldırım Kuran-ı Kerim ve Meali Elbette Rabbin sana ileride öyle ihsan edecek, ta ki sen de O'ndan ve verdiğinden razı olacaksın.
Ahmed Hulusi Türkçe Kur'an Çözümü Elbette Rabbin sana verecek de razı olacaksın!
Edip Yüksel (Eski Baskı) Mesaj: Kuran Çevirisi Rabbin yakında sana verecek ve sen de beğeneceksin.
Erhan Aktaş (Eski Baskı) Kerim Kur'an Yakında Rabb'in sana verecek, sen de hoşnut olacaksın.
Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament And your Lord will give you enough; you will be pleased.
The Monotheist Group The Quran: A Monotheist Translation And your Lord will give you and you will be pleased.
Edip-Layth Quran: A Reformist Translation Your Lord will give you and you will be pleased.
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islamoriente · 5 years
Recomendaciones del Imam #Sadiq(a.s.) para ti (narraciones de Inwan Basri).Tomado de Ar-Rashad "Aquellas cosas relacionadas con el conocimiento son: Pregúntale a quienes tienen el conocimiento por las cosas sobre las cuales tu posees poco o ningún conocimiento y nunca hagas una pregunta por fastidiar o por probar el conocimiento de los demás, nunca confíes en tu propia opinión, recurre a la precaución lo que más puedas y húyele a la opinión personal en los temas religiosos así como huyes de un león y no dejes que tu cuello sea el puente para otras personas..." #IslamOriente https://ift.tt/2ZR8FIm
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aurriearts · 5 months
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regene sibling au with @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal's Rashad :3
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aurriearts · 6 months
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rockband au rashad for @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal 🫶
(referenced from image of geoff rickly)
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A little gift for @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal who did the equivalent of letting off a small explosion in the group chat with some first escape vs bad end parallels.
And the visuals it inspired were like! Really fucking good!!! So. Started scribbling.
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22 for Rashad/Wei and 87 for Rashad/Ricardo? 👀
22) What is something - either character - doesn't like about the other?
Rashad doesn't care for how inflexible Wei can be, which is just the pot calling the kettle black. Mostly, what they actually don't like about Wei is how long it takes him to consider other positions than his own. They don't really see themself as having the time to wait around for him to realize why they're doing what they're doing or even if he can be gay and attracted to them.
Wei doesn't like how little Rashad takes care of themself on their worst days. They can be so tunnel-visioned sometimes. So focused on others, which means the neglect themself, which Wei feels makes it harder for them to do the former. But also he cares about them and doesn't want to watch them burn out. He's watched too many friends nearly drive themselves into early graves.
87) If they ever lost one another in a public place, how do they find the other?
The jokey answer is that Rashad would just look for the gaggle of people thinking "Oh my god, it's Charge!" and the Ricardo would just look for the tallest fool in the crowd. Truth be told, they'd likely just call each other. Granted, Rashad doesn't give great instructions and Ricardo's ADHD probably doesn't help him find obscure things Rashad describes seeing, but they'll figure it out. Eventually. Barring that, there is always the jokey answer.
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glance and texture for Rashad? 👀
Holy Shit, Glitchy, you're a damn champion sending me new asks when I had forgotten this one rotting in my inbox. I'm so sorry!
Rashad Basri
Glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
I want to say anything but height, but they're 6'5" so it's high up on the list of things people first notice about them. It's made worse by the fact that they're very lean. A walking optical illusion of They Make People This Tall? It was definitely worse in Rebirth, when they were gaunt on top of being lean and tall. Looked a bit like a scarecrow with a mop of curls on top. Which might very well be their second most noticeable trait about them: the absolute rat's nest of hair.
Texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
Rashad likes heavier fabrics, which should be a hint that they should live somewhere colder. They like the weight and feel of stiffer, sturdier fabrics. Knit sweaters and wool coats. Reminds them that they don't need to worry about someone seeing their tattoos. They will stim with corduroy.
If they ever got rid of the tattoos, or got comfortable enough with them, they'd probably switch to linen and cotton and lighter materials.
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OC Speech & Mannerisms
Was tagged by the lovely @silvery-bluish and will be tagging some folks in turn such as @the-cooler-sidestep, @idlenight, @swordsandspectacles, and @groan-taire this time. So, here we go!
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Rashad Basri
No. Of Spoken Languages: 1 / 2 / 3+ (Sidestep fluency, but most regularly uses English, Spanish, and Arabic)
Tone of Voice: High / Average / Deep
Accent: Standard American
Demeanor: Confident (in armor) / Shy / Approachable / Hostile / Other (unassuming)
Posture: Slumped / Straight / Stiff / Relaxed
Habits: Head Tilting / Swaying / Fidgeting / Stuttering / Gesturing / Arm Crossing / Strokes Chin / Er, Um, or Other Interjections / Plays with Hair or Clothing / Hands at Hips in Pockets / Inconsistent Eye Contact / Maintains Eye Contact / Frequent Pausing / Stands Close / Stands at a Distance
Vocabulary: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️
Emotion: ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️
Sentence Structure: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️
Frequency: ⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️
Creativity: ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️
Bold All That Apply: Arse. Ass. Asshole. Bastard. Bitch. Bloody. Bugger. Bollocks. Chicken Shit. Crap. Cunt. Dick. Frick. Fuck. Horseshit. Motherfucker. Piss. Prick. Screw. Shit. Shitass. Son of a Bitch. Twat. Wanker. Pussy. (Also, a number of profanity in other languages)
This or That:
Straight forward and cryptic?
Finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind?
Masculinity, neutrality, or femininity?
Formalities or with abrasiveness?
Praise or equivocation?
Frankness or lies?
Excessive or minimal hand gestures?
Name-calling or magnanimity?
Friendly or blunt?
Important Questions:
Do people have a hard time hearing or understanding your character?
Almost Always / Frequently / Rarely / Never
Does your character’s point come across easily when they speak?
Almost Always / Frequently / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
Would your character initiate conversations
Almost always / Frequently / Sometimes / Never
Would your character be the one to end conversations?
Almost Always / Frequently / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
Would your character use ‘whom’ in a sentence?
Yes / No / Only Ironically
Your character wants to make a counterpoint. What word do they use?
But / Though / Although / However / Perhaps / Mayhaps
How does your character end conversations?
Walk Away / Ask If That’s Everything / Say That’s Everything / Give a Proper Goodbye / Tell Their Company They’re Done Here / Remain Quiet / They Don’t
What social class would others assume your character belongs to, hearing them speak?
Upper / Middle / Lower
In what way does how your character speak stand out to others?
Accent / Vocabulary / Tone / Level / Politeness / Brusqueness / It Doesn’t
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For Rashad/Wei/Ric-- 43, 48 For Mateo/Mortum-- 15, 30 ?
43) Who gets up early? Who stays in bed late?
Rashad gets up the earliest, if you count insomnia and PTSD nightmares as getting up early. Wei's close behind, as I don't think either sleep very soundly. Ricardo wakes up not long after, but definitely chooses to laze about in bed longer, especially if it's a day when they've got nothing planned. He's dragged them back into bed more times than Rashad can count or that Wei is willing to count.
48) If they ever had less that 5 mins to tell their S/O something before never seeing them again, what would they say?
As their relationships stand currently at the end of Retri...
Rashad: "There was nothing you could do to change this, but that doesn't mean nothing you did mattered. It mattered to me."
Wei: "Forgive each other. You were always stronger together."
Ricardo: "Make sure to only tell the flattering stories about me...and you were right. I wasn't ready. I'm sorry."
Mateo (or, specifically, as his puppet, Marianna)/Mortum
15) How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Because of the nature of their jobs involving a lot of secrecy, there isn't a lot that they can do involving talking about what might upset them or really getting to understand why they might be upset. So a lot of their comforts tend to involve distraction. Marianna will bring over a bottle of wine and Mortum will supply the gossip. They'll sit and laugh into the night. Buy each other a little peace to not think about their troubles.
30) Describe how one character would cheer the other up after a hard day.
If Mortum is having a hard day, Marianna will step out to grab some groceries and come back to cook. She (lovingly) strong-armed her way into bringing a portable stovetop into his lab kitchen and has been slowly filling his cabinets with spices and staple foods. She never tells him when she starts cooking, just lets the smell slowly fill the air and draw him in.
Cooking has always been a soothing practice for Mateo. It's a way to invite someone into your community, your family, your home. And with the way Mortum eats, he'd like to get the good doctor to eat a vegetable or two every now and then. And he likes the way Mortum smiles when he watches Marianna cook.
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The Final Run: Rashad Basri
Rashad Basri is my oldest Sidestep. My original, my main Sidestep, as it were. They're the entire reason behind my username (that and a silly Firefly reference). That being said, they have gone through several changes throughout the years.
The very first iteration of Rashad was immediately after my first run of Rebirth. I was new to the Interactive Fiction medium and, as such, I approached Rebirth quite like a video game. I randomized a name and made choices as I would have in those circumstances. As soon as I finished it, I knew I wanted to dedicate a few runs with actual characters. There were four main ways you could approach the museum, so I decided I would have four Sidesteps. Rashad was the first.
Rashad 1.0 was pretty close to the Sidestep we see presented to us in the canon: snarky, cynical, haunted and hunted and just trying to get to the next phase of their life. Their first scar, like most 'steps of the time, was Outsider. They wanted to destroy their past, move on. This was also a Rashad who had flirted with Ortega, who flirted with Mortum, who was more interested 
I made multiple runs for them, each time chipping away at little things to make them more, well, them. They became more reserved, more cautious, someone who regularly thought things through and made moves based on strategy.
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A template made by in July 2019 of Rashad's then stats and info, no longer accurate and complete with amateur art.
Then I went on hiatus from the fandom. I’m sure those who were around for it can guess why.
Retribution dropped at a perfect time for me. I was nearing the end of an incredibly stressful ordeal and getting back to FHR felt like…well, it felt like coming home. I loaded up my old saves and immediately wanted to beat past me with a stick. Rashad had five saves, all of them named in the worst possible ways, and I had no way of remembering what they’d done.
So I ran Rebirth with them again. This time, I filled out the places I’d shaved off them when I’d been making them softer. This version we’ll be seeing, scene by scene, in this Final Run is the culmination of all that I’ve done with them. Rashad’s been a character who’s been with me a little upwards of five years and they’ve been through as much and changed as much as I have in that time. I'm excited to share my thoughts with you all!
Name Meaning:
Rashad (رشاد). Arabic in origin. "Good Judgement"/"Rightly Guided"
Basri (بصري). Arabic in origin. "My Vision"
Character Theme: Dangerous by Son Lux
A city razed Oh, to bury you beneath it The best endure With the dead, our true believers
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Since you're offering,,, can I ask What does your [Sidestep] want to hear, need to hear, and dread to hear from their LI? for Rashad and Mateo 👀👀?
Ooh, excellent choices. I'm gonna list both their canon romances and AU romances, because I think these answers apply to both.
Rashad (Ricardo & Danny ¦¦ Ricardo & Wei)
Want: "I forgive you."
Need: "You're allowed to be angry about what happened. It doesn't make you a bad person."
Dread: "All you did was make yourself a monster."
Mateo (Dr. Mortum ¦¦ Hadley Prosper)
Want: "You can stay awhile. You're safe here."
Need: "You're not fooling me. Why don't you drop the mask?"
Dread: "You're exactly what everyone says about you, after all."
Coming back to this because this concept intrigues me. So it's a tag game now and I'm tagging @autistic-sidestep, @the-cooler-sidestep, @disastersteps, and @groan-taire (for Robin and Lucas) and y'all can tag more folks
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