#Rashad basri
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aurriearts · 18 days ago
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(image desc in alt text) sidestep and serendipity au pre-hb stuff w/ @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal's Rashad <3 there’s third wheeling, and then there’s whatever's happening in the car lol. bonus eepy sura being carried by rashad :3
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Describe You OCs in Memes
Hello! I was tagged by the amazing and talented @grapecaseschoices to describe my OCs in memes and, uh.....I have a lot of OCs and few memes on hand, but I'm going to be a good sport about this and try for four memes per character. Even so, I'll have to break these up into two character per reblog. I'll tag two people for every two I add. So here we go!
Rashad Basri
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Remus Ramirez
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Tagging @silvery-bluish and @autistic-sidestep for now. Round two coming soon!
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swordsandspectacles · 2 years ago
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Personally, truly, I blame @the-cooler-sidestep for this because I probably would have just drawn gay little wolves on my 4 hour flight.
I’m glad I drew Rashad’s fancy suit Instead :>
@cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal is the victim of today (it’s past midnight it’s a new day ok-) and I had! A lot of fun if that isn’t apparent.
Wow there’s a speedpaint under here, who would have guessed?
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the-cooler-sidestep · 2 years ago
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tfw the special directive put too much and too little growth serum in your respective vats
based off a convo with @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal. Rashad doesn't like being tall and Jonah was fine with being 5'3" until about ten seconds ago. Now they're both gonna be dramatic about it
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groan-taire · 2 years ago
Rashad Basri is a dark-skinned agender person with perpetually-messy wavy black hair that is kept about jaw-length (chin-length during rough patches). They tend to keep a five-o-clock shadow. I've described them before as being a bit on the gaunt side, tall and lean, with an angular face, a hooked nose, and deep set, almost black eyes. There tends to be a sadness to the set of their features, I think
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them! @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal's sidestep
did take some guidance from your icon too so I hope I managed to get them more or less right (also have a version without filters and bg under the read more)
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konyaduagrubu · 1 year ago
#Dua - Acil Rızık için!.. Kim Zenginlik İstiyorsa Her Gün 100 defa Okusun Dinlesin İnşaallah Allah Kabul etsin Kardeşlerim, #Youtube #Video Link https://youtu.be/I31J-YQO6IQ?si=ByCBvndLWXcnzCvt Allah Teala Fakir Fukara ya dağıtacak kadar çok nasip etsin İnşaallah! Müjde Kardeşim Müjde! İşte O Müjde Kuran Kerim Duha Suresi #DuhaSuresi وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَى Ve le sevfe yu'tike rabbuke fe terda. Yakında Rabb'in sana verecek, sen de hoşnut olacaksın. #Konya #Dua #KonyaDuaGrubu
Konya Dua Grubu اللهْ Dua Kapısı Açık! En Güzel Dualar, En Etkili Dualar, Çok Etkili Dualar, Denenmiş Dualar, En Güçlü Dualar, En Hikmetli Dualar, Dua Kapısı, Dualar
Hz MEVLANA diyor ki; Gel, gel, ne olursan ol, yine gel, İster kafir, ister mecusi, İster puta tapan ol, yine gel, Bizim dergahımız, ümitsizlik dergahı değildir, Yüz kere tövbeni bozmuş olsan da, yine gel... Hz Mevlana
Kuran Kerim Duha Suresi #DuhaSuresi وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَى Ve le sevfe yu'tike rabbuke fe terda.
Çeviriler Bayraktar Bayraklı Yeni Bir Anlayışın Işığında Kur'an Meali Gelecekte Rabbin sana verecek ve sen hoşnut olacaksın.
Mehmet Okuyan Kur’an Meal-Tefsir Rabbin, yakında sana (nimetler) verecek ve sen memnun olacaksın.
Edip Yüksel Mesaj: Kuran Çevirisi Efendin yakında sana verecek ve sen de beğeneceksin.
Erhan Aktaş Kerim Kur'an Yakında Rabb'in sana verecek, sen de hoşnut olacaksın.
Süleymaniye Vakfı Süleymaniye Vakfı Meali Rabbin ilerisinde sana verecek ve memnun kalacaksın.
Ali Rıza Safa Kur'an-ı Kerim Gerçek Çünkü Efendin, yakında kesinlikle sana verecektir. Sonunda, hoşnut olacaksın.
Mustafa İslamoğlu Hayat Kitabı Kur’an ve zamanı gelince Rabbin sana bahşedecek, sen de (bundan) hoşnut ve memnun olacaksın.
Yaşar Nuri Öztürk Kur'an-ı Kerim Meali Rabbin sana verecek de sen hoşnut olacaksın!
Ali Bulaç Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Türkçe Anlamı Elbette Rabbin sana verecek, böylece sen hoşnut kalacaksın.
Elmalılı (sadeleştirilmiş) ileride Rabbin sana verecek de hoşnut olacaksın!
Muhammed Esed Kur'an Mesajı Ve zamanı geldiğinde Rabbin sana (kalbinden geçeni) bağışlayacak ve seni hoşnut kılacak.
Diyanet İşleri Kur'an-ı Kerim Türkçe Meali Şüphesiz, Rabbin sana verecek ve sen de hoşnut olacaksın.
Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Yüce Meali ve ileride rabbın sana ata edecek öyle ata edecek ki rızaya ereceksin
Süleyman Ateş Kur'an-ı Kerim ve Yüce Meali Rabbin, sana verecek ve sen razı olacaksın.
Gültekin Onan Elbette rabbin sana verecek, böylece sen hoşnut kalacaksın.
Hasan Basri Çantay Kur'an-ı Hakim ve Meal-i Kerim Muhakkak Rabbin sana verecek de hoşnuud olacaksın.
İbni Kesir Şüphesiz Rabbın, sana verecek ve sen, hoşnud olacaksın.
Şaban Piriş Kur'an-ı Kerim Türkçe Anlamı Rabbin sana verecek ve sen de hoşnut olacaksın.
Suat Yıldırım Kuran-ı Kerim ve Meali Elbette Rabbin sana ileride öyle ihsan edecek, ta ki sen de O'ndan ve verdiğinden razı olacaksın.
Ahmed Hulusi Türkçe Kur'an Çözümü Elbette Rabbin sana verecek de razı olacaksın!
Edip Yüksel (Eski Baskı) Mesaj: Kuran Çevirisi Rabbin yakında sana verecek ve sen de beğeneceksin.
Erhan Aktaş (Eski Baskı) Kerim Kur'an Yakında Rabb'in sana verecek, sen de hoşnut olacaksın.
Rashad Khalifa The Final Testament And your Lord will give you enough; you will be pleased.
The Monotheist Group The Quran: A Monotheist Translation And your Lord will give you and you will be pleased.
Edip-Layth Quran: A Reformist Translation Your Lord will give you and you will be pleased.
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islamoriente · 6 years ago
Recomendaciones del Imam #Sadiq(a.s.) para ti (narraciones de Inwan Basri).Tomado de Ar-Rashad "Aquellas cosas relacionadas con el conocimiento son: Pregúntale a quienes tienen el conocimiento por las cosas sobre las cuales tu posees poco o ningún conocimiento y nunca hagas una pregunta por fastidiar o por probar el conocimiento de los demás, nunca confíes en tu propia opinión, recurre a la precaución lo que más puedas y húyele a la opinión personal en los temas religiosos así como huyes de un león y no dejes que tu cuello sea el puente para otras personas..." #IslamOriente https://ift.tt/2ZR8FIm
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Too long to put in notes. Apologies ahead of time for my abundance of Sidesteps
Rashad: Doesn't, when they can get away with it. When they can't, they usually sleep on their side, slightly bent. Probably an arm hanging off the side of their slightly too small mattress.
Remus: Lavishly in a bed too large for him, snuggled up with too many pillows for any rational human being.
Seongwon: Usually leaned against a wall, arms crossed, baseball cap pulled low over her eyes with her face tilted down. Can also be found in chairs like this.
Mateo: On his back, not sprawled, but not eerily straight, either. Head tilted towards the other person, if he's sharing a bed with someone.
Corin: On his side, eerily still and straight. One arm stretched towards the emptier half of the bed like he's looking for someone who's not there anymore.
Cassian: Sprawled. Usually halfway between on his side and on his stomach. Drooling just a bit.
Loren: Fully on xer stomach, arms half buried under xer pillows almost as if to prop up xer head. Blankets up to xer head. Barely visible.
Miro: Tosses and turns a lot. Sprawls across his own bed. Encroaching on his partner's half of the mattress when sharing. Switching to the other side of the bed doesn't solve his subconscious desire to force them off the bed.
I Wanna know how y’all’s sidesteps sleep— please with a cherry on top 🍨🍒
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aurriearts · 29 days ago
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got tagged for wip wednesday by @reapersmarch @kidhellion and @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal and hey i am like an hour and a half off but it's still wednesday somewhere so i am dropping a few of my wips here lol. so. 🫵 you. person reading this. show me your wips. if you want.
in order: scene from steady hands (serendipity and sidestep au), a void eyes thing, mirlene getting her own piece in the back studies series, baby sura at the laundromat aaaaand the puppetcrash scene panels im storyboarding currently \o/
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Rashad and Ricardo's first kiss wasn't after the Psychopathor fight. It was at the Rangers' New Years Party. They were on the roof, Ricardo was drunk, and they never mentioned it again
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swordsandspectacles · 2 years ago
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A little gift for @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal who did the equivalent of letting off a small explosion in the group chat with some first escape vs bad end parallels.
And the visuals it inspired were like! Really fucking good!!! So. Started scribbling.
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aurriearts · 10 months ago
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@cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal’s sidestep Rashad (they/he) and their no good, very bad month+ post-puppet crash/early reve. and a rashadbreak amogus for shits and giggles
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This template has been floating around, so I just couldn't help myself. Altered the text here and there for better phrasing and also because I despise the alignment system.
Portrait of Rashad is edited from a commission by Ryuichifoxe.
The song is Theseus by The Oh Hellos and the flower is aloe.
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[ID: Three digital drawings of Jonah Davis (any, except it/its), one of @the-cooler-sidestep's Sidesteps, and Rashad Basri (they/he), one of my Sidesteps against an eggshell background. The first two are colored. The last one has them in uncolored line art.
Image 1: A shot of Rashad from the chest up. The perspective is drawn to show what it looks like for Jonah to look up at the. Rashad is a dark-skinned SWANA person with sharp, gaunt features, a hooked nose, near black eyes, heavy stubble, and wavy black hair that stops just beneath their ears. There's a scar across the right side of their face, extending from above the eyebrow to just above their jaw. They are wearing a black t-shirt and a green jacket with the collar popped up. They look down in clear discomfort.
Image 2: A shot of Jonah from the waist up. The perspective is showing what Rashad sees looking down at Jonah. She is a pale skinned person with wavy, platinum blonde hair pulled back at the nape of his neck in a ponytail, soft features, an oval face, green eyes, and two small scars - one extending up from the left side of their jaw and one extending down from the bridge of hir nose. Xyr wearing a long-sleeved brown cardigan over a grey turtleneck sweater. Her arms are crossed over eir chest. A white speech bubble with a purple outline and text reads, "...Jesus Christ." with the word "Christ" italicized, underlined, and in all caps.
Image 3: A wide shot of both of them, standing about a foot apart, just looking at each other in upset. Rashad's shoulders are slightly slumped and Jonah's arms are still crossed. A little red measuring lines shows the distance between the top of Jonah's head and the top of Rashad's. The number next to it reads, "One foot, two inches"
End ID.]
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tfw the special directive put too much and too little growth serum in your respective vats
based off a convo with @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal. Rashad doesn't like being tall and Jonah was fine with being 5'3" until about ten seconds ago. Now they're both gonna be dramatic about it
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OC Kiss Roster
OC Kiss Week is coming up and while I have all my little bastards on my pinned post, I thought I'd share a quick reference guide for them. Feel free to also ask me more questions if you'd like. And, if you've followed me a long time and don't see the Step you like here, feel free to dig through my pinned post for the others.
Rashad Basri
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33 || They/He || 6'5"/1.96m || Asexual Demiromantic || Genderqueer || Platonic Only
Pensive and reflective, Rashad is an excellent listener and a loyal friend. He has a strong sense of morals and a quiet tenacity. Cautious and humble. Quite a bit awkward, but very sweet.
Rashad tries to keep themself much smaller than they are: hands in pockets, shoulders slouched, very tight and close body language. Tends to look down when they smile. He walks with a wooden derby handled cane. Wears secondhand 70s era clothes, often in muted but clashing colors.
You can find art refs for Rashad here and writing refs here.
Remus Ramirez
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37 || He/Him || 5'2"/1.57m || Loosely Gay || Binary Trans Man || Platonic or Romantic
Remus is a firework of a man. Bombastic and talkative, he makes friends and enemies very easily. Always cheerful, increasingly irreverent, Rey believes life is for the living and as long as he's here, he's going to keep living his best life.
Always fidgeting, Remus has very open body language and is constantly moving or gesturing. Talking is a whole body affair. Usually covers his burn scar. Walks with a sleek cane post-Retri. Dresses flamboyantly, in bright colors and wild patterns.
You can find art refs here and writing refs here.
Seongwon Kim
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36 || She/Her || 5'11"/1.80m || Greyro Lesbian || Butch Cis Woman || Platonic or Romantic
Seongwon is a stoic and straightforward woman. She tolerates little nonsense and tends to be honest to the occasional point of brutality. Getting her to open up is a struggle, but she is deeply protective towards those who do win her over.
Efficient to a fault, Seongwon doesn't expend more energy than she needs to. She can stay still as stone for hours without it bothering her. Unnerving amount of eye contact. She rarely smiles, but when she does, it's a small gesture.
You can find her art refs here and her writing refs here.
Mateo de la Cruz
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38 || He/Him || 5'6"/1.68m || Bisexual || Allegedly Cis Man || Platonic or Romantic
Cunning and driven, Mateo is a masterful actor and manipulator. He appears charming and affable, and at one time he was, but there's a deep bitterness and jaded view of the world. Despite this, he will shower those he cares about with anything in the world they could want.
Mateo's body language is open and inviting. He's quick with a smile and not averse to touch. In quiet, private moments, the facade drops and he appears pensive and lonely. Dresses in well tailored suits in flashy colors or patterns.
You can find his art refs here and his writing refs here.
Cassidy Cass Barrett
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35 || She/He || 5'5"/1.65m || Likes Men || Transmasc Egg || Platonic or Romantic
Stubborn, sharp-tongued, and abrasive, Cass will always speak his mind and everyone is the worse for it. Nothing is sacred to her. He has a hair trigger temper regarding his past, Ortega, and his reputation. Fiercely protective and possessive of those she loves.
Cass holds herself like she doesn't care about anything in the world. Good standing posture, miserable sitting posture. Closed off, defensive body language. He tends to dress androgrynously, in punk and grungy outfits. Will absolutely ruin furniture by propping his boots on it.
More art refs here and sadly no writing refs yet, but soon!
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Two Truths & a Lie: Rashad Edition
I was immediately tagged back by @disastersteps which, fair play lmfao
RULES: post a 24-hour poll containing two truths and one lie about your OC. have your followers try to guess which is the lie.
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(Art by @the-cooler-sidestep, because this piece always makes me laugh)
I'm going to tagging @gonesoft-ish, @godshaper, and @nebuluxx (I know you have multiple steps) this time around
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