#maybe he will just eat the stuff. maybe he will shapeshift and try a bad idea. maybe he will save this for later when he has a partner who
furby-organist · 2 years
> He is developing Bad Ideas. Hee hoo.
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
Puppet (or maybe actual) cryptid reader x Wally
I have so many ideas how to turn scary to spoopy
MOTHMAN - Fluffy little fellow that is extremely socially awkward
SIREN HEAD - little rockstar with another mouth on their neck. Horrible eyesight, and probably has a spare speaker everywhere hidden
SKINWALKER - just a silly shapeshifter who steals food and plays silly pranks
LOCHNESS MONSTER - professional mer-person, carry’s around spray bottle to sprits people who curse scales and SMOOOOTH. Skin
BIG FOOT - hiker, and buff as heck, socially anxious but always whispers out a ‘Language’ adnormally tall
EL CHUPACABRA - actually has a pet goat named baby. Fluffy!!
them is just off the top of my head. Their just silly little guys with silly inhuman features
Hey again, 112!! Glad to see you like my stuff enough to come back!! This sure is a lot of ideas!! I don't think I'll be able to quite capture your vision... but I can try!! I'll do my best!! I don't know a bunch about all these cryptids, but I know a crap ton about mothman, funny enough, since I listened to a podcast episode about him. Enjoy!!
Wally x puppet cryptid!reader Headcanons🍎👻
Burying your face in your neck fluff
Your fluffy little antennas perk up or droop depending on your mood
Seeing Wally always makes them perk up
Wally loves petting your fur
You have really bad luck, accidents always seem to happen around you
That's okay Wally loves you
You give people nightmares when you're in a bad mood, so you try to stay near Wally since he makes you happy
Siren Head-
Generally loud as balls
Bumping into crap since you can barely see
Sometimes you pick up frequencies from radios
Wally loves to sing and dance with you
You're used a lot in Sally's plays for music and sounds
Lochness Monster-
Scottish Accent maybe
Lifeguard at the local pool
"Don't forget to bring a towel!"
(I'm sorry I couldn't help myself-)
Moves really smoothly
Wally likes watching you swim
He will NOT get in though
He doesn't know why you'd wanna get wet
Doesn't like pictures
Getting your portrait painted is fine though
Picnicking in the woods w/Wally
Healthy snacks like granola bars and stuff
So tall you can pick the tallest apples off trees
Strong and tall enough you can pick him up so he can pick the high apples too
You eat so much
Everyone likes your pet goat Baby
Wally has basically adopted it as his child
You are a very happy family
You will literally steal pies off windowsills
That one friend who always has food in their bag
Not to share necessarily
But you will sit down with Wally and eat a bunch of food
Wowsers, that's a lot!! Hope you liked these, 112!! Thanks for requesting them!! I had fun writing them, and I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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zaptrap · 9 months
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(part 2)
redesigns of some old ocs! still kinda WIP but i like the direction they're heading. i don't really have in-depth lore/backstories yet but here's what ive got so far:
The Group:
A bunch of Serpentine who -through means unknown at this time- can shapeshift into humans... mostly. There's still some snake features but they can blend in well enough.
Each left or were banished from their respective tribes for one reason or another. Depending on timelines, the Merge may have further disconnected them from their tribes.
"Found family" but the family they found is a bunch of lunatics.
They all fall under that category of "is hundreds of years old, but look in their 20s" lmfao.
Dunno what they're up to in their day to day life besides eating and sleeping and avoiding arrest.
Likes to toy with people, and LOVES messing with her friends but they're used to it for the most part.
Conveniently, uh, wasn't eaten by Pythor lmao. Maybe she was banished from the tribe before they were entombed.
Likes to hunt and eat people, but hates when it's called cannibalism cuz she's "technically a snake, sooo 😒"
Can turn invisible, which is very useful for the aforementioned hunting.
Not really into "normal" food can still consume it if necessary.
Most likely to get arrested, or would be if she couldn't turn invisible.
Bek (Honorable Mention):
Whatever species the Great Devourer was lmfao.
Peak emo boy vibes except he's legit insane. Was never part of a tribe.
Besties with Xyla. Might be besties with benefits, either way they're really close.
They're both wanted in at least 4 realms for an assortment of crimes (kidnapping people and eating them).
More of strict carnivore, gets sick if he has to eat non-meat too often.
2nd Most likely to get arrested.
Not as openly antagonistic as Xyla, but can be a bitch when she wants to be.
Basically a vampire-idol LARPer, has an umbrella whenever the sun is out and can sing fairly well.
Is kinda frail/sickly. Not in the best physical condition. Likely abandoned by the other Fangpyre due to this.
Can turn people/objects into snakes via bite. Likes to threaten people with this to scare 'em off.
Likes ordering Goro around lmao, though it's usually simple stuff like errands or chores. They're best friends but...... complicated.
Picky eater, but likes candy and finger foods.
Least likely to get arrested 'cause she can just turn the cops into snakes lmfao.
Left the tribe to be with Arabella. She helped him when they were kids and he latched onto her.
He's a little bit... extremely obsessed with everything about her in every way. They're inseparable (they should be separated).
Big puppy vibes but also rabid dog in certain scenarios (if something bad happened to Arabella). Clingly/Simpy/Spineless/you get the idea.
Would be shy/introverted otherwise.
Can burrow or constrict people.
Can and will eat trash, he doesn't give a shit.
Hasn't been arrested..... yet.
But yeah that's what I've got so far, lemme know what u think or if u have any questions !! There's a couple others a haven't really designed yet, but I'm still trying to figure out what I wanna do with 'em lmao.
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 year
castiel x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Winchester. The sister Of Dean and Sam. We will be starting from season four since sadly we did not get Misha Collins as Castiel throughout the whole series. It will start off as a friendship, but it will grow more as the series goes on. I will be skipping some episodes even though they are great episodes they do not push the story forward. I am so excited to get to write this since they are not many Castiel X reader stories out there. Okay without further due Love War & Grace enjoy the Story.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Word count: 6,027
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, creepy men, small sexual comments, Spoilers for season four of Supernatural
Chapter four: It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
Y/n’s POV:
These last few weeks have been Interesting to say the least. I mean first we had a case in Pennsylvania that turned out to be a shapeshifter that was imitating old classic monster movies. I felt kind of bad for him and also to see Dean in that costume made me laugh for an hour after we saved him. Then Dean got ghost sickness yeah it's a thing, had no idea either.
And here we are in this town investigating a man who died from choking on razor blades from eating candy. Then my birthday is in a couple days so no reason to celebrate there. “Now how many razor blades did they find?” Sam asked Mrs.Wallace. Dean and I were looking around for hex bags. “Two on the floor, one in his stomach and one was stuck in his throat. He swallowed four of them. How is that even possible?”. She said sobbing and they have a kid too, poor family. “The candy was never in the oven.” She said to dean as he was sticking his head in the oven. “We like to check every possibility Mrs.Wallace. To make sure we don’t miss anything. And we are truly sorry for your loss.” I said to her trying my best to be there for her. “Thank you really.” She said with a bit of a sad smile to me. “No problem.” I said back with a kind smile. “Did the police find any razors in the rest of the candy?” Sam asked her. “No, I mean, I don’t think so. I just – I can’t believe it. You hear urban legends about this stuff, but it actually happens?” She responded and she's right it doesn't usually happen but some bitch decided to attack this family. 
Then Dean showed the hex bag that he found. “Mrs. Wallace, did Luke have any enemies?” Sam asked. “Enemies?” She answered with confusion. “Anyone who might have held a grudge against him?”  “What do you mean?” “Co-workers? Neighbors? Maybe a woman.” I can not believe he just said that. “Are you suggesting an affair?” She said upset. “Mam I am so sorry for these two” I said as I grabbed both Sam and Dean by their ears and pulled them out of the house. “ ow ow! Y/n” They both said. “Good I hope it hurts, her husband just died and her child is fatherless. Have a little more sympathy” I said as I slammed the door behind and walked back to her. “So sorry for their behavior, sometimes men will just act.” I said to her. “I mean do you think he's right that he could have had a secret woman” She asked me with fear in her eyes. “No no I look around in this house and I feel love.” I said back holding her hands.”Thank you really you are so kind. Your mother raised you right " Right mother."No need to thank me, I know how it feels to lose someone.” “I mean I think If someone wanted to kill my husband, don’t you think they’d find a better way than a razor in a piece of candy he might eat?” “You're right, my partners and I appreciate your time.” I walk out with determination to find this bitch.
“Y/n wait wait!” Both boys try to catch up with me. “Let's go, we have a witch to catch” I said as I got into the Impala. They look at each other with knowing looks of why I'm extra focused this week.
Sam and I are researching in the motel room while Dean is checking out Luke’s background. “Really? After that guy choked down all those razor blades?” Sam asked Dean as he was eating a piece of candy. “It’s Halloween, man.” Dean answered, flopping down next Sam. “Yeah, for us every day is Halloween.” “Don’t be a downer. Anything interesting?” Dean asked. “Well it was a witch for sure but not a typical one check out this hex bag.” I answered pointing to the bag. “Hmm, no?” I smile at that. “Goldthread, an herb that’s been extinct for two hundred years. And this - is Celtic, and I don’t mean some new age knock-off. It looks like the real deal, like 600 years old real.” Sam said, picking up the coin. Dean picked up the small charred bone.”That would be the charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby.” I said to him as a matter of factly.” Ugh” he dropped the bone. “Relax man, it’s like, at least a hundred years old.” Sam said to him, trying to make him feel better “Dean’s right it might be old but it is still a dead baby’s bone.” I said looking at them both. “Witches, man, they’re so friggin’ skeevy.” Dean shurred. “Yeah, well it takes a pretty powerful one to put a bag like this together. More juice than we’ve ever dealt with, that’s for sure. What about you? Find anything on the victim?” Sam asked him. “This Luke Wallace? He was so vanilla that he made vanilla seem spicy.” Dean answered.  “I knew he was faithful.” I said. Sam scoffed at our lack of leads. “I can’t find any reason why somebody would want this guy dead.” Dean said to us.
“Well I'm going to get some ice since nothing is happening right now.” I said getting my jacket. “Wait there's a witch on the loose and you want to go get some ice?” Dean asked me with disbelief. “Dean I am about to be 23 I can take care of myself but thanks.” I said walking out of the room slamming the door behind me.
Deans POV: 
“I just wish she would talk about it with us.” I said to Sam. He scoffed.”Right dean like we talk about our feelings all the time. And in this situation I don't blame her. I mean If I was her I would do the same.” Sam said, looking down sadly. “I mean it was not her fault that mom died and on her birthday she was a baby and for dad to tell her that, I have always wanted to shoot him for that.”Dean said with a little anger. “I hope one day she realizes it.” “Yeah me too” Sam said back, both feeling bad for their little sister.
Y/n’s POV: 
It’s almost 11:00 and I told the boys I was getting ice over three hours ago. They must be worried but I didn't care being drunk and sad. “What’s a fine piece of ass like you doing here alone” I look over from my drink to see a skivvy looking man leaning on the bar staring down at my chest. “First of all if you're going to hit on a woman try to at least keep your eyes up and second I'm drinking alone in peace not looking for seven seconds in heaven.” I said looking down, getting up to leave, referring to his nether regions.”OH YOU BITCH.” He goes to grab my arm as I turn around to kick his little weiner. But someone else stopped him.”I believe the woman said no.” It was Cas pinning the man's arm behind his back.”Ow ow okay I’m sorry.” Cas lets him go. I still kick him down.”Remember this the next time you think of grabbing a woman.” He shakes his head and runs away like a coward. I look back at Cas. “Thank you Cas but I could have handled that.” “I know you could have but I still felt like stopping him.” He responded. I smiled at that. “I'm happy to see you but why are you is there something wrong?” “No, I just felt danger for you” He said. “Yeah about that, how did you know?” “We're connected.” I look confused.”Since I was the first angel to respond to your prayer I have a trace with you. It's like that for all angels.” “Oh well thank you, would you like to walk back with me to my motel room?” I said walking out of the bar. “It would be faster if I flew us there.” “Yes it would but the air is good tonight and a beautiful sky to pair it plus I need to sober up a little more before I deal with Sam and Dean.” We start talking while walking.
”Y/n if you don't mind me asking why you were drinking.”  “It’s my birthday in three days.” “I'm confused, don't usually humans celebrate their birthdays with joy and gifts?” I chuckle at that. ”They do but my birthday is also my mom’s death anniversary.” He looked at me.”It was my one year old birthday and mom was tending to Sam and I cried. She came to check on me and I was fine. She went back to Sam to see old Yellow eyes standing over Sam’s bed.” “So if I hadn't cried my mom could still be alive.” He stopped walking, staring at me with sadness in his eyes. “You were a child” “My dad didn't seem to care as we got older and didn't celebrate my birthday. I started to ask why and he told me I think he always blamed me.” “ Y/n you are not to blame” “Thanks Cas you're sweet but I can't change the past that's why I try harder for the future.” We reach the motel. “Thank you for walking with me Cas good night.” “Good night Y/n/n” As we said our goodbyes I had the urge to hug him but I didn’t. 
As I try to sneak back into the dark room the lights turn on with both of my brothers sitting next to the lamp. “Well, well, well how was your ice y/n?” Dean asked me with sarcasm while Sam just sat there with that face of I’m disappointed in you. “It was great, actually I'm pretty tired so tell you in the morning all about it.” I turn to my room when Sam stops me.”Y/n we were worried for you when there's a witch on the loose you don't go missing for three hours.” “Look guys, I appreciate it but I'm not a little kid anymore. I will spend my shitty birthday how I want to.” They both look like they want to say something and Dean goes to but he gets a phone call. “Hello yes this is Detective Plant yes we'll be right there.” Dean goes to walk out. “There's been another strange death.” Sam and I follow him.
We walk downstairs to teens talking to cops about what happened. Man teen hood I miss it sometimes, the world just felt lighter back then. The main witness who was the friend of the girl who lets just say got a facial she didn't ask for. Tracy the friend is telling her account to the cop. I walked up to her. “Hi there, detective smith” I flash her my badge.”Your friend didn’t happen to know a man named Luke Wallace?” I asked her. “Um, who’s Luke Wallace?” Tracy answered with a little bit of confusion. “He passed away yesterday.” Sam and Dean are looking around for another one of the special blend hex bags. “I don’t know who that is.” Sam finds one under the couch cushion. Damn it another innocent person gone. And I couldn't stop it.
All three of us are now researching this. “I’m telling you, both these vics are squeaky clean. There is no reason for a wicked bitch payback.” Dean said to us. “Maybe cause it’s not about that.” Sam said, putting his book down on the table for us to see. “Maybe this witch isn’t working the grudge, maybe they’re working a spell. Check this out.” I look at the page and if this is what is going on, then we're screwed.”Three blood sacrifices over three days, the last before midnight on the final day of the final harvest. Celtic Calendar, the final day of the final harvest is October 31st.” Sam read. “Halloween.” Dean and I both say looking at the book. 
“Exactly.” Sam agreed. “What the hell are the blood sacrifices exactly used for?” I said a little mad and fearful. “Uh, if I’m right, this witch is summoning a demon, and not just any demon – Samhain.” shit “I read all about him when I was first reading about demons. Samhain is the damn origin of Halloween. The Celts believe that October 31st was the one night of the year when the veil was the thinnest between the living and the dead, and it was Samhain’s night. I mean, masks were put on to hide from him, sweets left on doorsteps to appease him, faces carved into pumpkins to worship him. He was exorcised centuries ago.” I told the boys.”So even though Samhain took a trip downstairs, the tradition stuck.” Dean said. “Exactly, only now instead of demons and blood orgies Halloween is all about kids, candy and costumes.” Sam added on to what I said.”Okay, so some witch wants to raise Samhain and take back the night?” “Dean, this is serious.” “I am serious.” 
“Dean, this ritual can only be performed every six hundred years.” I told him. “And the six hundred year marker rolls around…?” “Tomorrow night.” Sam answered but I wish he was wrong. “Naturally.” Dean responded with his regular sarcasm. Dean looked down at the page and saw the illustration of Samhain. “Well it sure is a lot of death and destruction for one demon.” “I sadly have an answer for that too, That’s because he likes company. Once he's raised, Samhain can do some raising of his own. Ghosts,Vampires,Werewolfs the whole shambang and yes Dean even Leprechauns.” “Look, it just starts with ghosts and ghouls, this sucker keeps on going, by night's end we are talking every awful thing we have ever seen. Everything we fight, all in one place.” Sam said to add on more. “It’s gonna be a slaughterhouse.” Dean was right, it would be, what a great early birthday present. I guess it's consistent with my life at least.
Dean and I are in the Impala watching the Wallace house and of course he's eating all the candy as usual. Good thing I saved my own stash. “You know you're going to get a stomach ache with all that candy.” I told him. “No, I have a stomach of steel little sis don't you worry.” “Okay don't say I didn't warn you.” Dean smiles at that. “Y/n about what you said about your birthday I want you to know that Sam and I would never blame you for what happened and that dad was a dick for telling you the way he did. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to Sam and I. When I found out I was going to have a little sister was over the moon Sammy too.I think Sam and I would be dead without you.So this is to tell you that we are sorry that you felt like this and that we will celebrate anyway you want even if you don't want to celebrate we will always love you no matter what." When he finishes, tears are falling out of my eyes. I hugged him. “Thank you Dean.” “No need to thank me.” We let go and Dean gets a call.”Hey.” “Awesome, yeah, I talked with Mrs. Razor Blade again. I’ve been sitting out in front of her house for hours and I’ve got a big steamy pile of nothing.” I slap him on the arm for the razor blade name. “Yeah, well I hope we find ‘em soon cause I’m starting to cramp like a –” “WHAT THE FU-” I said. Because there is little miss Tracy being all friendly with Mrs.Wallace, yeah I don't know the Wallallces my ass.
Sam,Dean and I are now at Tracy's school. Apparently she had a violent experience with a teacher here. Damn, choosing a pretty high schooler for a six hundred witch is smart. I hate that. We walk in the art classroom and see paper mache masks hanging from the ceiling. Dean stops to stare at them. “Dean you okay?” I asked him. “Of course I am, I'm ready to catch this bitch now where is this teacher.” I got that feeling again that he's lying. The teacher walked in carrying art supplies. “You agents wanted to talk to me.” “Ah, Mr. Harding.” Sam said as he shaked his hand.”Oh, please, Don.” He then shaked our hands.”Even my students call me Don.” “Yeah, we get it, Don.” Dean said annoyed. We pull out our badges.”I’m agent Getty, this is Agent Lee and thats agent Smith. We just had a few questions about, uh, Tracy Davis.” Dean said to Don. “Uh, yeah, Tracy, uh, bright kid, loads of talent. It’s a shame she got suspended.” “ We heard that you two had a… uh, violent altercation.” I said to him. 
“Yeah, she exploded. If Principal Murrow hadn’t walked by when he did, Tracy would have clawed my eyes out.” “Why?” Sam questioned. “I, uh, you know, I was only trying to rap with her about her work. It had gotten inappropriate and disturbing.She would cover page after page with these bizarre cryptic symbols, and then there were the drawings.Detailed images of killings, gory, primitive, and she would depict herself in the middle of them, participating.” Oh wow.”Symbols, what kind of symbols? Uh, anything like this?” Sam showed him the old coin. “Yeah, yeah, I think that might have been one of them.” Great, just great.”You know where Tracy is now?” Dean questioned him.”I would imagine her apartment.” “Her apartment?” I said surprised. “Yeah, she got here about a year ago, alone, as I understood it, as an emancipated teen. God only knows what her parents were like.” Great more goose chasing.
We checked the apartment and no witch was in sight. We pulled into the motel parking lot. Sam walks over to Dean's side.”So?” “Tracy was nowhere I could find. Any luck with her friends?” Sam asked. “Nah, luck is not our style. Her friends don’t know where she is. It’s like the bitch popped a broomstick.” I said as we started to walk to our room. And a kid walks up to us as an astronaut. “Trick or treat.” The kid asked. “This is a motel.” Dean said rudely “So?’’ “So we don’t have any candy.” This is one of the many reasons I keep my own stash. “No, we have a ton in the uh…” “No we dont he ate it all” I told Sam and we both gave each other the look of this is really our brother. “Sorry kid, we can’t help ya.” “I want candy.” “Well, I think you’ve had enough.” I do a double take at that line. I slapped Dean on the head. “Here you go kid” I gave him my entire stash, some pieces being Dean's favorite. “Have a great Halloween” I smiled at him .”Thanks mam” He gave me a smile back. “You had more candy?” Dean asked me offended.”Well I thought you had enough.” I said giving him his own medicine back. He gave me his bitch face. We enter the motel room and Sam goes first.”Who are you?!” Sam shouted holding his gun at the stranger which turned out to be Cas.”Sam! Sam, wait! It’s Castiel.” I said as I brought his hand down then I looked over to a man just standing staring out the window.
 “The angel” Sam suddenly lets go of his guarded pose. “Him, we don't know” I said, nodding at the man.”Hello, Sam.” Cas Said to him and Sam looks like he’s meeting a celebrity.”Oh my God – er – uh – I didn’t mean to – sorry. It’s an honor, really, I – I’ve heard a lot about you.” Sam holding out his hand for cas to shake it. Castiel looks at Sam’s hand like he isn’t sure what to do with it. Sam shakes it a little, and Castiel finally understands and puts his right hand in Sam’s. “And I, you. Sam Winchester – The boy with the demon blood.” Damn that's one way to say hi to someone. “Glad to see you’ve ceased your extracurricular activities.” The man facing the window speaks. “Let’s keep it that way.”  “Yeah, okay, chuckles.” Dean said to him. “Who’s your friend?” I asked Cas. He didn't answer that . “This the raising of Samhain, have you stopped it?” He asked Dean. “Why?” “Dean, have you located the witch?” “Yes, we’ve located the witch.” “And is the witch dead?’’ “No but we're close.” I said. “We know who it is.” Dean said, defending us. Cas walks over to our bed table.”Apparently the witch knows who you are too.” 
He said picking up a hex bag. “This was inside the wall of your room. If we hadn’t found it, surely one or all of you would be dead. Do you know where the witch is now?” My brothers and I look at each other.”We’re working on it.” I said to Cas. “That’s unfortunate.” “What do you care?” Dean asked and he's right why would the angels care. “The raising of Samhain is one of the 66 seals.” Oh shit. “So this is about your buddy Lucifer.” Dean responded with sarcasm. “Lucifer is no friend of ours.”  The man spoke. “It’s just an expression.” I said to him, “Lucifer cannot rise. The breaking of the seal must be prevented at all costs.” Cas said to us seriously. “Okay, great, well now that you’re here, why don’t you tell us where the witch is, we’ll gank her and everybody goes home.” Dean said in his usual fashion. “We are not omniscient. This witch is very powerful, she’s cloaked even our methods.” Cas said to us back. “Okay, well we already know who she is, so if we work together –” Sam said, trying to calm down the people around him. “Enough of this.” The man spoke again very rudely.”Okay, who are you and why should I care?” Dean asked him. 
“This is Uriel, he’s what you might call a… specialist.” “Specialist of what?” I asked with concern. “You –  all three of you –  need to leave this town immediately.” He said back. “Why?” “Because we’re about to destroy it.” What the Hell? “I'm sorry I thought you said you were going to destroy the town.” I said, trying to laugh it off. Cas can’t look me in the eyes. “I did.” I can't believe this right now. “So this is your plan, you’re gonna smite the whole friggin’ town?” Dean asked mad.”We’re out of time. This witch has to die, the seal must be saved.” Cas said back very casually.” Cas do you know how many people are here? There must be a thousand.” “One thousand two hundred fourteen.” Uriel said, looking at me. “And you’re willing to kill them all?” I said staring, not backing down. “This isn’t the first time I’ve… purified a city.” Great, just great we have psychopath with us.”Look, I understand this is regrettable.” Cas said to us. “Regrettable?” I question how he is even okay with this. “We have to hold the line. Too many seals have broken already.” Hell no I am not about to let hundreds of people die including kids because angels messed up. “So angels mess up and families have to die for it.” I asked Cas. 
“It’s the lives of one thousand against the lives of six billion. There’s a bigger picture here.”  “Screw both of you, the bigger picture!?There are kids here, Castiel.” “Right, cause you’re bigger picture kind of guys.” Dean said, jumping in to back me up. “Lucifer cannot rise. He does and hell rises with him. Is that something that you’re willing to risk?” Cas asked us back. “We'll stop this witch before she summons anyone. Your seal won't be broken and no one has to die.” Sam said to join in with his siblings. “We're wasting time with these mud monkeys.” Uriel said, Oh, so he wants to call names. We will call names.”I’m sorry, but we have our orders.” Cas said, trying to justify this. Sam just looks betrayed.”No, you can’t do this, you’re angels, I mean aren’t you supposed to – You’re supposed to show mercy.” He said with disbelief. “Says who?” Uriel questioned, sounding annoyed.”We have no choice.” Cas said to us. “Cas of course you have a choice, we all do. You're telling me you never questioned an order?” I asked, staring at him.”Look, even if you can’t understand it, have faith. The plan is just.” He responded back.”How can you even say that?” 
“Because it comes from heaven, that makes it just.” Cas is just so sure it's a little scary.”Oh, it must be nice, to be so sure of yourselves.” Dean said, jumping back in.”Tell me something, Dean, when your father gave you an order, didn’t you obey?” Damn Cas. I jumped in again.”Well sorry chicken wings. You won't be killing a whole town today.” I said while looking at uriel. “You stupid little girl, you think you can stop us.” He said getting closer but I'm not backing down.”No, but if you’re gonna smite this whole town, then you’re gonna have to smite us with it, because we are not leaving. See, you went to the trouble of busting him out of hell. I figure he's worth something to the man upstairs. So you wanna waste the golden boy, go ahead, see how he likes that.” I said nodding at Dean. “I will drag him out of here myself.” “Yeah, but you’ll have to kill me, then we’re back to the same problem. I mean, come on, you're gonna wipe out a whole town for one little witch. Sounds to me like you're compensating for something.” Dean said. I look at cas and really stare into those damn blue eyes for me to let him know. “We can do this. I know we can find the witch and kill her. Those families deserve a fighting chance.” He stares right back.”Castiel! I will not let these peop–” Uriel tried to speak up. “Enough!. I suggest you move quickly.” “ Thank you Cas really.” I put my hand on his shoulder and let it linger for a sec. It felt so warm. I turn to my brothers. “Let's go catch a Witch.!” 
Castiel’s POV:
Uriel and I are at the park watching the children play. “The decision’s been made.” I said. He laughed at that. “By some mud monkeys.” I don't understand him sometimes.”You shouldn’t call them that.” “ You don't want me saying that because you're sweet on that Winchester girl.” What no.”Of course I'm not. I'm not even fully sure what that means. It's just she’s one of my first prayers ""Castiel you will learn that humans are not worth your time all they are savages, just plumbing on two legs.” “You’re close to blasphemy.” Uriel sighs at me.”There’s a reason we were sent to save him. He has potential, he may succeed here.” I sit down next to him and he sighs again.”And any rate, it’s out of our hands.” “It doesn’t have to be.” “And what would you suggest?” “That we drag Dean Winchester out of here and then we blow this insignificant pinprick off the map.” “You know our true orders. Are you prepared to disobey?” Uriel just looks at me. Sweet? What does that even mean? I would do anything to protect her but that’s just what angels do for all their prayers right?
Y/n’s POV: 
We found out that Tracy was not the witch but in fact her teacher damn plot twist. We head downstairs in the basement and see him about to stab her. I shoot him full of lead. We get her down from her rope. “Thank you, he was gonna kill me! Ugh, that sick son of a bitch. I mean, did you see what he was doing? Did you hear him? How sloppy his incantation was?” Wait what? “My brother –” Oh shit. We go for our guns again but she knocks us back with a spell.”Always was a little dim. He was gonna make me the final sacrifice, his idea, but now, that honor goes to him. Our master’s return? The spellwork’s a two man job you understand, so for six hundred years I had to deal with that pompous son of a bitch. Planning, preparing, unbearable.” She was getting a chalice and went over to her brother I guess, and used a knife for the bullet wound to bleed into the cup. The spell is still working to keep us down. 
“And you get him with a gun, uh, love that.” She said to me man I hate my gun right now. “You know, back in the day, this was the one day you kept your children inside. Well tonight you’ll all see what Halloween really is.” She puts the chalice on the table and starts another spell while she does that Sam gets blood from Don and smears it on our faces. I see what he's doing. She finishes the spell and the ground cracks open for black smoke to rise up for it to possess Don’s dead body. He gets up and we hear kissing sounds oh God I'm so sorry. “My love.” “You’ve aged.” “This face… I can’t fool you.” “Your beauty is beyond time.” Then we hear a neck snap that was cold, loved and died for nothing. “Whore.” Samhain walked and stopped in front of us but did not do anything. “What the hell was that?”  Dean questioned Sam. “Halloween lore. People used to wear masks to hide from him, so I gave it a shot.” “You gave it a shot?!” “Well good thing he hit the bulls eye.” I said getting up. 
We’re driving to the cemetery when Sam speaks. “So, this demon’s pretty powerful.” “Yeah.” Dean and I both said. “Might take more than the usual weapons.” “ Sam, no you can't use that, it's not good.” I said to him knowing he was talking about his physic powers. “Y/n’s right. Don’t even think about it. Ruby’s knife is enough.” Dean agreed with me. “Why?” Sam questioned. “Well because the angels said so for one –” “I thought you said they were a bunch of fanatics.” “ They are but Cas is right about this. I trust him.” “I don’t know, guys, it doesn’t seem like they’re right about much.” I mean he's right they were going to kill a whole town. “Well then forget the angels, okay? You said yourself, these powers, it’s like playing with fire.” Dean said. He picks up the demon knife and hands it to Sam “Please.” Sam takes the knife but does not say anything. I hope he realizes that we just care.
We walk down into the crypt to a lot of teens locked in. who would want to party next to dead people teens man. “Help them.” Sam said to dean and I. “Wait no we cant let go by yourself!” I said. “Do it!” He runs off after Samhain. Dean and both look at each other. “Get back!” I yelled at them and raised my gun to shoot the lock off. The cage opens and they run out just as they do the grave doors crack open and zombies come out. “Bring it on rotters “ I said as I went and stabbed the zombies. Another one comes up behind and I go to stab it and it goes right through her. “Dean we got ghosts too!” I said as she threw me back. “Zombie ghost orgy huh? Well, that’s it, I’m torching everybody.” He said he grabs the fuel and lighter and lights all of them like the fourth of July. We run after Sam and come in to see him using his powers Damn it Sammy. But he's successful and Samhain is sent back to hell. Sam looks at us both with guilt in his eyes.
I am walking in the woods trying to clear my head about everything, not just Sam but tomorrow. I hear wings flapping and turn to see the angel I didn't want. “Tomorrow. November 2nd, it’s an anniversary for you. But not just an anniversary a birthday. “ I scoff at him holding myself back so as not to hit him.”Your point being Uriel.” “My point is that you and your brother keep on getting in my way.” “Sam using his powers and you distracting Castiel.” “Distracting Cas? What the hell are you talking about.” “Don't you take that tone with me Girl. You don't think I don't know how many times you pray to him or he just comes.” “I can't control what he does. And he is not your dog so stop trying to control him.” I said and he did not like that as he came even closer. “The only reason you’re still alive with your brother is because you’ve been useful. But the moment that ceases to be true, the second you become more trouble than you’re worth, one word. One, and I will turn you to dust.  As for your brother, tell him that maybe he should climb off that high horse of his. Ask Dean what he remembers from hell.” 
With that ending he flies away. What Dean remembers? I knew he was lying, oh Dean. I hear wings again. I'm ready to swing this time but it's Cas. “What do you want?” I said as I kept walking as I was still mad at him. “I wanted to make sure you were okay” I can’t believe him “Cas you can't do that, ask if I'm okay when you were about to kill everyone here.” “Our orders –” “Enough with these orders, did you really want to do that?” “Our orders were not to stop the summoning of Samhain, they were to do whatever Dean told us what to do.” what? “It was a test, to see how he would perform under... battlefield conditions, you might say.” “So he failed, you know what if we had to do it all again I'm one hundred percent sure that we would make the same choice. This town these kids that are breathing right now are still here because of my brothers and I.” He looks at me. “You misunderstand me, Y/n, I’m not like you think. I was praying that you guys would choose to save the town.” “I was hoping you would Cas.” 
“These people, they’re all my father’s creations. They’re works of art, and yet, even though you stopped Samhain, the seal was broken and we are one step closer to hell on earth, for all creation. Now that’s not an expression, Y/n, it's literal. Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul?” I smile at him so happy right now. “Of course you can Cas, you can always tell me anything. ""I’m not a… hammer as you say. I have questions, I have doubts. I don’t know what is right and what is wrong anymore.” “Cas it's normal to feel that way, that means you care to stop when someone tells you to kill an entire town.” I finished. He looks up at me and I can see a small smile? “Happy birthday Y/n I'm sorry I don't have a gift for you.”  “That's okay Cas you already gave me the best gift of all. You told me you care.” I look at him.  “Good bye y/n” “Bye Cas”. He flew off and with me having the most happy I've been on my birthday I have in a while.
That's it hoped you liked it! Excited for the next few chapters we meet Anna. Sorry, this took long some things happened I also went to the SPN convention and Mark Pellegrino gave me a hug!
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yasartmeme · 1 year
Okay listen I know A Day Of Fallen Night came out in like January and I did buy it then but then life stuff happened but I’m finally sitting down to read it and I’m gonna put all my thoughts here and post it when I finish it
Okay that was just the PROLOGUE? It slaps but also that was like a story of its own
Okay so I’m like a quarter through now and I have thoughts
Kanifa is adorable and Samantha Shannon if you touch one hair on his head you will be hearing from my nonexistent lawyers
Is Wulf actually the child of Kalyba? That would be wild
Also, I genuinely have completely lost track of all the people in Wulf’s storyline apart from his Inys family and Regny I don’t know who the fuck the rest of these people are and I’m not sure if I’m supposed to
The conclusion I’ve come to is that Hroth is fantasy Iceland. Am I wrong?
Y’know I was expecting Dumai’s story to be a whole thing of the Emperor being evil and trying to kill her for being an illegitimate heir or something but my expectations have been subverted and now I love him
Hot damn like half of this book’s side characters just bit the dust in about half a page
Listen I know their deaths were mentioned in Priory and I knew it’d happen but Glorian’s parents dying still hurts
Poor Glorian
Also where is Wulf? Is he dead? Lost at sea? Is he okay? I need him to be okay
Siyu’s run away again
That girl is a Grade A flight risk
I honestly did not see Nikeya as a love interest coming but its clearly heading in that direction and I think its gonna cause all kinds of chaos
KANIFA NOOO Samantha Shannon what did I just say
This is almost as bad as when Kit died, all these poor loyal friends dying for dramatic effect
I love Wulf’s family so much. Mara gives me Meg vibes
Glorian is a badass and her and Wulf are suprisingly cute together
Okay I do not trust Canthe at all, I feel like she’s lying about everything
I’m trying to figure out who she is. I’ve got a running theory that she’s Kalyba (the Lady of the Woods) which I know is kind of insane but hear me out: who else do we know that’s seemingly immortal and ate from the hawthorne tree, who can also shapeshift into whatever form, who has been married and has lost a child? Plus they keep drawing attention to the loveknot ring (which is gold which Wulf said is for royal marriage) and I feel like that can’t be just a coincidence. The only question is why she’d be helping the priory. Maybe she wants to earn their trust so they’ll let her eat from the orange tree? That’s what she wanted from Ead in the first book.
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I’m trying so hard to figure this out but I think I’m losing my mind
Aaaand the Emperor is dead
Someone should keep a kill count going on the number of dead leaders/royalty and authority figures in this book, if you took a shot every time like a drinking game you’d be hammered by this point
Or dead
I’ve said it before but I love Wulf, he’s so earnest and sweet and he’s just trying to be friends with everyone
He had every reason to refuse to believe in the priory or be suspicious but he just welcomed them as family with open arms
Y’know I wasn’t that invested in Nikeya and Dumai earlier but they’ve really grown on me, they’re super cute
I literally almost threw the book across the room in excitement 
I’ve never felt more alive that was insane
Should I become a detective?
I feel like a genius
God these battles are brutal
I’m distraught
That bit where Wulf is talking to baby Sabran is so cute I might die
Dumai better not be dead, I won’t cope
Okay well I’m interpreting that epilogue that she’s completely fine living her new life on the mountain and Nikeya can go and visit her and everything is fine
In conclusion, this was amazing and also I read about half of this book in the past few days reading as much as possible and now I think I need to like sit and stare at nothing for a bit
Or maybe a nap
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dungeonsandblorbos · 2 years
Campaign Intros: Grovington College
Grovington College is another short and sweet campaign that only lasted about 5 sessions from my freshman year of college. this one was done in the Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors system, though, which a Powered by the Apocalypse-based system. it's the other one where Indie was my PC, and my notes are a little bit better, but still absolute trash. so, i will just copy/paste this disclaimer from the last campaign intro:
did i memorialize some funny out of context quotes and snapshot moments? you betcha! did i manage to write down enough info to reconstruct the basic monsters we hunted? yeah, barely. did i bother writing down anything about my fellow PCs? actually, i did this time! and yet i still managed to leave out some crucial details! did i bother noting where the college actually is or anything about its layout or the nearby town? only the barest most plot relevant details! did i do anything to help me remember who NPCs were or what they looked like? nah!
my memory isn't very good in general, but between the effect of time and bad notes, my memory of this campaign is very minimal. any story times from Grovington College will be very brief and won't have a lot of context because i probably don't know either
so ~anyway~
the setting
Grovington College is a school in the sleepy college town of Grovington, Massachusetts, USA. its mascot is the Gecko, for some reason. as the town is home to a disproportionate amount of supernatural activity, the college also hosts a chapter of the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, a sort of secret demon-hunting organization. notable clubs at Grovington College include the Grovington College Cryptid Club and Rocks for Jocks
the town of Grovington is also home to the Harpsburg Museum of Natural History and an amusement park called Harper's Holiday Fun Land (or maybe that's in the neighboring town of Pleasantdale?)! there's also a bar/club called the Country Porch, a restaurant called Ernie's Waffle Shack, and an annual slasher movie festival downtown
Chapter ΦΧΧ (Phi Chi Chi) PCs
Indigo Sullivan: my PC! you know him, you met him at this post here. he's an ambidextrous psychic smartass whose wardrobe is mostly hideous dad sweaters and hawaiian shirts. yes he is queer how could you tell? at this point in time, he's a sophomore majoring in psychology and minoring in stats
Professor Edward Bellwether Germory III: a professor of comparative philosophy and art history. eccentric and obnoxious about being rich. he has a butler who does all his texting for him. supposedly somewhat handsome but dresses like a seventy-year-old man. cannot drive
Wesley: a were-dog! and a lesbian, obviously. likes stealing stuff. good with kids. once dressed up as a man to trick a succubus into trying to eat her, because Indie refused to be the bait
Cider: they/them. a Brotherhood patented android called a Cypher. good with cats, and toads. hates Bobby Flay
Important NPCs
Japes, the butler: Edward's butler and sometimes chauffeur. usually the one who drives our Brotherhood taco truck (like a spy van, but a taco truck! it's bigger on the inside). texts exclusively in emojis
Clementine: Cider's cat friend. she has a tag on her collar that reads "i’m not lost; i just wander around campus." may or may not be a shapeshifter in disguise
?: a mysterious old Korean woman who runs Chapter ΦΧΧ. you don’t know her secrets. she doesn’t know or care about yours
Juan: a were-dog whose animal form is a scotty dog. associated with the Brotherhood. has a Funko Pop Snoopy keychain, and a locket with a picture of him and his husband, Owen. his music collection includes: Ladies of the 80s, Duran Duran, and the Hamilton soundtrack, somehow on a tape that only plays backwards. he has a custom miniature chainsaw that's optimized for use as a scotty dog. at one point, he asks Indie and Cider if they, quote, "wanna surf on the car like Teen Wolf?" clearly a very responsible adult
Kelsey Sugarman: president of the Cryptid Club and a genuine believer. wears poodle skirts and has a cryptid radar she tries to use on everyone at a combined Cryptid Club/Rocks for Jocks hike
Mitch: a himbo in the Rocks for Jocks club (he's a geology major). he's awkwardly attractive and has an iconic green faux letterman jacket. he randomly gives Indie his number at a party (it's on a card) and they start dating soon afterwards. Kelsey's cryptid meter went off on him (or, at least, the dog hair on his clothes), so he may or may not be some sort of supernatural being himself--we didn't get far enough into the story to find out, unfortunately
Paleontology Paul: he's back! only this time he works at the museum. just as dorky and knowledgeable about dinosaurs as he was in the last campaign. dresses as Alan Grant from Jurassic Park for Halloween, because of course he does. must be ordained because he blesses some weapons for us at one point, and afterwards they make various animal noises and do extra damage to evil things
Wren: a seven-year-old half-demon child we babysat and took trick-or-treating on Halloween. likes dinosaurs and is kept on a kiddie leash. absolutely adores Wesley, who gives her piggyback rides. may or may not be the anti-christ?
the plot
there isn't one. it's more of an episodic campaign, like North Pines Camp was
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carlosfruitsnacks · 3 years
maybe a Carlos fix where he teases the reader about stuff, in which the reader grows insecure about? and Carlos finds out and just "oh fuck" and makes it up? its alright if you can't write it, but thank you anyway! :]
"You're Perfect"
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— being friends with Carlos has made you quite self-conscious more often than intended. He's the best at pointing out the traits you view as flaws until one day he hits a bad spot. Carlos notices a little late but tries to assure that you're perfect (and accidentally confessing to you)
— slight angst to fluff
— gender-neutral reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong though I will refrain from using too much Spanish.
— none
hello anon! I hope you enjoy this <3
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You don't really know how your friendship began with Carlos, it just happened unintentionally. It was pretty odd at first but it was eventually going fine, he's now your best friend, not that you would admit it out loud. Carlos wasn't exactly ecstatic being close with you though it's a relief he's not annoyed or uncomfortable with you. He just rolled with it even if he's not the best person to be friends with, he was alright.
You can't say that Carlos is somewhat flawless. Sure, he's snarky, intimidating at given moments, and harsh but he's amazing in many ways. For starters, he's handsome, you can't ignore that fact. He's clever, how else would he pull off pranks and get away with it? And he's talented, other than shapeshifting perfectly, he's fantastic at playing the guitar. Carlos is way ahead of you and you couldn't help but feel...less when with him.
Today was like any other, you're hanging out with Carlos by the town's square. Both of you eating empanadas and just relaxing. You were blabbering about a hilarious story, you couldn't really tell if he was listening or if your voice was just another noise in the surrounding. Suddenly, he sighs and fixes his bangs covering his eye, he gives you an irritated look so you stop talking.
"Dios, your voice sounds tiring, [Name]. You should save your voice if you're going to say something actually important"
Carlos told with a firm grin and you can only nod. Throughout the day, you were quiet. You were embarrassed as your throat grow tight by what he said. You know he's just teasing you, it's not the first time. When Carlos told you that you were too soft, it goes unnoticed. Then he points out how lame your jokes are, you try to think of something better. You two were reading a book and you pronounced a word wrong, he laughs and says you're stupid. You've been thinking about it ever since, striving to correct the small little things Carlos found unpleasant.
You keep reminding yourself that he's just teasing you and not belittling you. But he never apologized or seemed aware of how it's affecting you, your appetite is lost when you realized that. When he'd make fun of something you're uncomfortable with, he never apologizes. Carlos wasn't the type to say sorry, maybe it's your fault for expecting that he will. You stop eating empanadas and shove the rest to him.
You try to think of happy thoughts. Carlos is a nice guy, he has some decency left in him. He'll walk you home, hang out with you and even bring you free food. You should be grateful because you're friends with him. A forced smile was on your lips when Carlos swiftly looks at you, he rolls his eyes and continues eating. Shit, he's so perfect, and what does that make you?
No, stop that [Name]
You reminded yourself but the thoughts keep invading inside of your head until you couldn't take it anymore. Luckily, Carlos walked you home before you broke down and cried. It was hard bottling up all those distressing emotions. You found yourself looking in the mirror, you couldn't imagine how you ended up being beside Carlos. You tried to seem deserving of his presence and that you're not a waste of time. It was only now after all those years did you doubt your friendship with him. You went to bed that night with a heavy heart.
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Carlos invited you to hang out with a couple of teens. You meet him at the town's square when you arrived, all eyes were on you. With a gulp, you forced a smile and waved. One of them eyed you from head to toe and gave you a disgusted look then pointed.
"Who invited you here?"
"It doesn't matter, come on let's head by the river"
Carlos cuts you off and everybody began following him, you let in a sharp inhale, trying your best to shrug it off then follow suit. They all decided to take a dip in the river since it was a hot day. Carlos along with others started removing some of their clothes, when he was shirtless your jaw dropped. Mierda, he was gorgeous. Freckles decorated his skin as he splashed into the river. The sunlight illuminating him made him appear so ethereal. Is this even right to look at your friend that way?
They all played with each other, Carlos pulling pranks on some of them while you were sitting by the riverside watching them have fun. You wished you were worthy to be in the water with him. You sigh and felt your eyes grow wet as this feeling of longingness consumes you. Insecurity wasn't unfamiliar, you felt it every time you were with him. When you thought you were ignored, one of the teens call out to you.
"Hey! Aren't you joining us?"
You looked up to see them gazing at you, waiting. You were hesitant but you wanted to join so badly. Abruptly, Carlos chuckles and looked at you almost devilishly. You blushed on the spot as you feel your heartbeat banging inside your ribcage.
"Nah, [Name]'s not quite fun to be with"
Carlos teases but your eyes were unblinking, not believing what he just said. You were having second thoughts about the times you were hanging out with him. A boy looks at him with a raised brow.
"Huh? really?"
"Take a look at [Name], that face barely says anything interesting"
A few teens laughed at his joke. Your stomach dropped, your lips begin to quiver. You wished he would take that back or contradict what he said. Yet Carlos doesn't do anything and continued to act like you didn't matter to him. Maybe you didn't. Who were you to be friends with him anyway? You sniffed and stood up from your spot, when you turned around you can hear him snickering with somebody behind you.
"Oye, Carlos, why are even friends with [Name]?"
You held in a breath, you can hear Carlos sighing and water splashing around. You prayed that he would just shut up.
"I don't know. [Name]'s nice and all but they're too loud and can't read a word properly"
"[Name]'s kinda good looking, you know"
"I don't find [Name] attractive, cabrón. I can't barely stand them"
The conversation doesn't pick up from there. That was the final straw. Carlos was only friends with you because he loved making you feel like shit, was that even what a friend is? For fuck's sake, he's only close with you because it benefited him, it made him feel better. You let the tears stream down your cheeks as you lock yourself in your room. He was such a dick for shit-talking you like that. The worse part was that you don't hate him for it, you should've known you weren't good enough for him to consider you his friend. You felt sorry for wasting his time. Eventually, you grew tired of sobbing and fell asleep.
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Carlos hasn't heard from you for a week, he assumed you got sick or something until he heard that Mirabel saw you by the market. He sat on his bed thinking, were you avoiding him? But why? When he invited you with the others by the river you were quiet then suddenly you're gone, he had to make up some lame excuse to find you but all in vain. When he ate some empanadas alone, he missed hearing you talking his ear off. Carlos perks his head up, did he somehow do something wrong? Oh mierda, he starts pacing around his room.
He knew deep within that all his teasings were just jokes and mixed signals because newsflash, he's absolutely in love with you. The problem with him is that he's shit at expressing it. He'll accidentally say the opposite of what he meant because he's scared that you'll find him weird. When he said you were too soft, he meant that you're so kindhearted. When he said your jokes were lame, it means that he finds it endearing that you're trying to make him laugh. And when you mispronounced a word, he didn't mean it when he told you that you were stupid, it was just his stupid mouth not knowing how to say compliments.
Carlos felt like he was about to have a heart attack when he remembered what he said to you yesterday. When he said you weren't fun to be around, he thought you'll challenge him and prove him wrong but you didn't. Oh, and when someone asked him about you, he lied, and when they said you looked attractive, he fucking panicked that someone was gonna steal you away from him so he also lied thinking it'll prevent them from approaching you. Yup, Carlos was a dumbass.
He decides to look for you and apologize once and if he really made you upset or to not want to be friends with him anymore, he'll never forgive himself. Carlos basically rushed out of the house and towards your own, praying you'll be there. He thanked the heavens above when he saw you sweeping the leaves in the front yard. He walks to you, ignoring the loud pounding of his heart.
Carlos calls out softly, your eyes go wide for a moment but looked away. He tried to say something but his mouth won't let him, shit, he was so nervous.
"What? You're going to continue talking shit about me, Carlos?"
You spat at him coldly. You were definitely upset and it's his fault, great job Carlos. He badly wanted to explain that he didn't intend to take the teasing too far.
"Look, how about you go to your other friends and leave me alone"
"No, I...I need to talk to you"
Your face scrunched at him, Carlos gulped when he saw the frustration in your eyes. You stop sweeping and point at him.
"I'm tired of you belittling me every time! I'm sorry if I'm not tough like you or smart or fun to be around-!"
You inhaled deeply as you ranted. Carlos stood frozen in his spot, taking in every word you say to him. You accidentally meet his eyes and you grow soft, you shuddered and your lips morphed into a frown.
"I'm sorry if I'm not...perfect"
Embarrassment creeps in so you turn away, avoiding his piercing gaze. Meanwhile, Carlos was internally losing his shit. He wanted to punch himself for making you feel insecure about yourself. He takes a gentle approach and pulls you into a hug, you can tell that he was not used to the gesture but you hugged him back.
"I'm so fucking sorry for making you feel like shit, [Name]"
Carlos whispered, you buried your face on the crook of his neck, and his heart completely fluttered by this.
"I didn't mean all of what I said. You're so kind, funny, and cute-"
Oh shit
Carlos bit his lip with wide eyes, he didn't mean to let that slip. Eventually, you pull your head back to look at him with those precious eyes, he turns weak.
"Do...do you mean that?"
"Yes, you're...you're perfect just the way that you are"
You couldn't believe what you were hearing, you were a bit suspicious but it melts away because a smile erupts on your face. Carlos thought he was on the right path, finally, his mouth is saying the right things.
"I don't want you to feel bad for being friends with me. I love you-"
Oh fuck
You watch Carlos pull away and stumble back. He clasped a hand on his mouth then turned away with owlish eyes and blush. Santa mierda, did he just fucking say that? He ignores the red tint on his cheeks as he faces you.
"I mean, I don't love you-! Like, uh, I do like you...a lot for long time now-shit!"
Carlos groans as his face grew redder within seconds, he hides his face with his hand. He was really trying to be careful not to say his true feelings about you while trying not to insult you. Well, that didn't work great because he just accidentally confessed to you while acting like a shithead. Oh dios, you're going to think he's stupid and you're never going to be friends with him again and-wait are you holding his hand?
Carlos' eyes almost burst out of their sockets when he noticed your hand linked with his, he felt like he was going to faint any second now. You chuckle at the uncharacteristic flush on his cheeks, it was hard to stay mad at him like this. You take him out for a small walk, still holding his hand tight. Sooner, Carlos took the courage to look at you, he feels like floating with the way your hand fits perfectly with his. He could spend forever like this. Carlos exhales in content
"You're so perfect, [Name]"
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jazzyblusnowflake · 2 years
Not a big fan of NSFW (I tend to just ignore it,nothing against anyone who makes it,it’s just not really my thing) but I would like to see the siren thing expanded upon. Seems like something with potential.
Nah man i was just joking, i already have enough fics i want to clean up and finish as it is. MAYBE i might get pissed off enough at the lack of good tordedd fics someday and try to actually write one on this, smut or no smut.
the thing is i have way too many AUs in my head aside from the siren or shapeshifter fox thing i drew but there's hardly ever enough time for me to get too invested in them, so i just draw snippets every once in a while if im in the mood.
but if anyone else would like to use the ideas to make any content they can ask 🤷‍♀️
so far for the siren AU i had this:
Tord is an outcast siren because of his color, normal sirens are blue-ish colored in order to be able to blend in and hide in the water, Tord is red which is kind of like the equivalent of an albino, he's easy to spot, and slows down packs that go for hunting fish/bigger animals/humans.
he was abandoned as a kid and he relied on man made stuff that fell in the water by the beach to make a living for himself, which meant he lived nearby the beach, which kind of worked in his favor because the seaweed and vegetation there is slightly red colored that helps him blend in. he found an underwater pathway to a lagoon in a cave and tinkers with stuff there, its like his small home to him. he even has books there that hes found or stole by nearby places.
he has lots of scars from being easily spotted by bigger wild animals and attacking him, AND also he has hurt himself on occasion while tinkering and experimenting with the stuff he finds.
its kinda almost like Alberto from the movie Luca except he doesn't go on land lol.
Matt and Edd are roommates and they are art students and Edd discovers the cave and goes in there like a secret hide out of sorts to get inspiration for his work. Tord observes him and plans on eating him if he's ever spotted.
Sirens have magic in their voices, aside from the alluring singing they can also learn other creatures language by having a mouth to mouth contact with them. this comes useful when they want to negotiate territories with other creatures. which means after Tord meets Edd and plans on talking to him his first course of action was to straight up french kiss him- Edd has mixed feelings about that....
Tom is also a siren but he was cursed to have a bad voice so he was also an outcast, but he relied on hunting viciously and didnt have mercy on others if it meant he could have food.
He finds Tord and wants to kill him for exposing himself to a human and planned on killing Edd too.
shenanigans ensue with Tom getting stuck in one of Tords contraptions with a harpoon through his tail and Edd brings Matt to meet Tord, and Tord explains the Tom situation and they all decide to help him on the condition he doesn't kill any of them.
Edd and Matt bring Tom and Tord food every once in a while just in case cuz the fish around the beach are small. Matt brings a guitar one time and Tom was fascinated by something that could make music without a "voice" and Matt teaches him how to work it and Tom decides that he will no longer be plotting to eat these dumbasses.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand thats about the most i have for this AU. like i said, the nsfw stuff isnt really necessary lmao- but yeah i do have some nsfw headcanons too but theyre not important since youre not into it lol.
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serasvictoria · 3 years
I've Got Dreams To Remember
Pairing: Incubus Hvitserk/Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 8244 (yeah, I don't know what happened either)
Summary: A certain young man keeps showing up in your very x-rated dreams.
Notes: I fully realise that the contents of this might not be for everyone, so I’ll just say that according to some stories Incubi are capable of shapeshifting. A certain aspect of this has been inspired by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie's absolutely brilliant fic, Take Me, so if you've read that you'll know what I'm talking about. And if you haven’t read it, what the hell are you doing? READ IT.
There is another moodboard all the way at the end of this to provide a visual for something that I describe in this so have a look at it at the end.
Tagging: @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @vikingstrash @quantumlocked310
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He only ever came to you in your dreams.
The dreams were interesting to say the least and he always played a very big part in them. You often wondered what deep and dark recesses of your brain had conjured him up, because you would definitely remember if you had encountered someone like him in real life.
It first started about a month ago. You’d gotten out of a particularly nasty relationship a few months before. You were still trying to navigate your way through this new life that you now had and while your friends were busy with trying to get you back onto the dating scene, you persisted in that regard. You weren’t looking for a new man in your life, but you still had needs. Sure, you had your toys, but they were a somewhat poor substitute when what you really wanted was for someone to grab your ass, lift you up and fuck you up against a wall.
Maybe that was where he had come from. Because that was exactly the scenario that you got the first time that he showed up.
It was a fairly generic one where dreams were concerned. You were in a bar with some people, a wide assortment of people that you knew in real life, when you could feel someone’s eyes on you. You looked up and stared straight into the half shaded face of a young man whose eyes you couldn’t actually make out, but you saw the smile that graced his lips and boy was it hungry. You only glanced away for a second and when you looked back again, he was already gone. You’d resigned yourself to missing your chance, when a hand suddenly grasped your wrist, dragged you outside to a nearby alleyway and gave you exactly what you’d been thinking of during your waking hours.
When you woke up, you had never found yourself feeling so satisfied before. You threw the blankets over your head, rolled over and tried to fall asleep again, but sleep didn’t take you for a second time that morning sadly enough. Later that day, after getting out of the shower and glancing in the mirror before combing your hair, you stared at your reflection in confusion or to be more precise at your bare skin. In your dream, your mystery lover had bitten your shoulder and there, right there on your shoulder, were teeth marks. But that was impossible, right? Maybe the dream had been that intense that it had somehow tricked your body into believing that it had been real? Did things like that even happen?
You didn’t dream of him the next night. Nor the following five nights. Not that you were keeping track or anything. He eventually put in another appearance though. The setting for that dream wasn’t particularly inventive either and you were almost embarrassed that your mind was even coming up with stuff that gave you the impression that they should be storylines in bad porn movies. It was a department store this time and you were looking at underwear. Your fingers continuously ran over the lace trims of various bras and touched the silky panties that came with them.
Again, you felt eyes on you and it was the same young man as from your previous dream. Apparently, dream you was in a frisky mood so you held up various bras in front of your chest, most of which he disapproved of, until you came across a bright red lace number that he seemed to like. When he finally found you in the fitting room shortly after, you were wearing the set that he had wanted to see you in before tearing it off your body and fucking you up against the full length mirror.
That was the first time that you’d gotten a good look at his face. Frankly, you were impressed with what your mind had come up with. He had long dirty blonde hair that he wore in a ponytail and that you longed to see loose. His eyes were green one time and when you looked again they seemed brown. That was one of the parts about him that mystified you. That and the part where you constantly wanted to kiss the tip of his nose and his ears. That was definitely an odd experience to say the least.
He was tall and lithe of build, but with surprising strength in his arms. The way that he would hold you was intense, like he never wanted to let you go. When his shirt came off, you found yourself staring at the intricate tattoo that covered most of his left bicep and part of his chest. It was some kind of Viking design and it looked old, but it was probably meant to look like that. You found yourself tracing it with your finger a number of times, something that seemed to amuse him.
Whenever you woke up, you were annoyed that you had been torn out of this perfect little dream world. The dream world where you were fucked six ways from Sunday. You were so thirsty for this young man that you had created that he was in your nighttime fantasies pretty much every single night now. In your dreams he left you so satisfied that you had no idea why you ever wanted to leave. If only you could stay asleep and feel this bliss forever. What would make them even more amazing was if the fantasies were better. You always swore that you were one dream away from having him come round to your house so he could have a closer look at your plumbing.
“What are you thinking about?”
Rolling over on your side, you looked at the man next to you in the bed. Despite the fact that you had been dreaming about him almost every single night for the past two weeks, you had never actually heard him talk. You’d heard him moan and groan several times, but to hear his lips form actual sentences was a new thing.
“Nothing,” you replied with a smile.
“I can read your thoughts, you know.”
“You can?”
“Yeah, I never told you?” He grinned at you and ran his fingers up and down your bare arm. “Maybe I could have told you if you’d wanted to talk, but you only want me for my body.”
“What? I don’t… I never…” You were flustered and looking for words after being so brutally called out. “It was never like…”
“It’s okay,” he said with a laugh. “I don’t mind. It’s what I do.” Since he saw the obvious confusion on your face, he continued. “I’ve been feeding off you this entire time.”
“Feeding off me? But I never feed you anything.”
“Your orgasms.” A frown creased your brow and he started laughing again before leaning in and pressing his lips against your forehead. “It’s what I need to sustain myself. I can eat other food as well, but it never quite fills me up the way orgasms do.”
“So the reason that you made me come multiple times is…”
“Because it fills me. Not my belly, mind you, but on a deeper level.” He cupped your chin and brushed the tip of his nose against yours. “I don’t expect you to understand, but I suppose a thank you is in order.” His hand slipped down, gently gripping your neck, applying just the slightest bit of pressure, before moving down to it’s destination and plucking at your nipple almost idly. He was gearing you up for another round and you found that you couldn’t actually remember how many times he had made you come already. “Can I thank you with this body that you can’t get enough of?”
“So now you want to talk?” He continued his ministrations on your chest as if you hadn’t been talking at all. You caught the playful smirk on his lips before he leaned in and started sucking marks on your neck. “What do you want to know?”
“You say you feed off me, but doesn't that mean that you want to eat me?”
“And why would I want to do that? I like to use my mouth for other things,” he said with a low chuckle. You hissed through your teeth when he sank his teeth into your skin suddenly and then licked the spot where he had bitten you. “Would be a waste to eat you anyway.”
“So the reason that you’re able to…”
He pulled away so he could look you in the eye. He grinned as he pushed his hand against your shoulder and he got on top of you as soon as you were laying on your back. “Are you getting shy on me now? After everything that we’ve done?” He nudged your legs apart and you could feel his erection pressing into your thigh. “But yes, that’s why my erections last so long. The aim of the game is not to come myself, but to make sure that you do.”
“Doesn’t it hurt?”
“I beat myself off when you wake up. It’s not like I can’t climax myself, but I can make sure that I stay hard for as long as I need to.” You could feel his tip pressing against your entrance, ready to slide in at any second. “It’s a dream. Anything can happen in a dream.”
“Sure. Wanna see?”
You didn’t know what he had planned, but you nodded anyway. His eyes lit up, his irises practically glowing green right now, and he started grinning, eager to show you what else he could do. He snapped his fingers and all of a sudden you were sitting on a red velvet sofa in what appeared to be some kind of high end bar. Your legs were wide open with him on his knees in front of you, his lips already on the inside of your knee and slowly working his way up.
“So you can change locations?”
“Honey, I can change everything.” You felt his teeth on the inside of your thigh, nipping at your skin playfully, mere inches away from the top of your legs. “Is the setting not to your liking?”
“How did you even come up with this place?”
“Experience?” He briefly looked up at you and shrugged. “I’ve been doing this for a long time.”
“How long?”
“Not telling.” He stuck his tongue out at you and then dipped his head down to lick a stripe from your entrance up to your clit. “I can never get enough of how you taste.” He moaned against your core. He spent most of his time with his face between your legs in your dreams. With what he’d revealed earlier, about how he fed on your orgasms, maybe that was the place where he could taste it the best? “Not really.” You moaned loudly when he spoke, because his voice was adding vibrations to what he was doing. You’d entirely forgotten that he had mentioned that he was able to hear your thoughts. “You just taste real good.”
A single finger slid inside of you, your walls instantly clenching around him, trying to pull him in deeper. When he adds another, you start whimpering and you know that you’re going to come soon. If you could, you’d have him in this position all the time. There had never been anyone in your life who had been this good at eating you out and who was so clearly enjoying himself as well. Your last boyfriend had been a disaster on that front, more often than not he would skip foreplay entirely, but he’d still expect you to suck his dick whenever he felt like it. Figures that you’d only be able to find an enthusiastic lover in your dreams.
Guys like that simply didn’t exist in real life.
You reach down to thread your fingers through his hair. The gesture makes him suck at your clit harder and thrust his fingers in deeper than before. He was practically devouring you at this point, lapping up your juices and making sounds that told you that he hadn’t been lying when he told you that he liked how you tasted. It was almost as if he didn’t want to waste a single drop. You keened out a noise as another orgasm positively engulfed you. You’d push him away and close your thighs if you could, but he had wrapped his arms around your thighs and was using all his strength to keep them wide open. Your muscles were tight as a bowstring, your back arched and pushed you up into a position that would start to hurt if you stayed in it for too long. He was relentless though, ignoring your discomfort and continuing his assault until he had managed to pull yet another climax out of your shuddering body.
When he finally released you, you collapsed onto the sofa, your entire body sticky with sweat. You blinked a few times to stop yourself from seeing stars and when you heard him chuckle, you swatted your hand in his general direction without actually hitting him. It took you a couple of minutes, but you eventually managed to sit upright again when your lungs stopped burning. He was still on his knees in front of you with an incredibly smug impression plastered all over his face. You nudged your foot against his shoulder and he fell backwards dramatically. Your face twisted when you felt the velvet against your sweaty body. It had felt pleasant on your bare skin before, but not anymore.
“I can do something about that,” he said cheerily and snapped his fingers again. When he saw the look on your face when you noticed where you were, he couldn’t hide his amusement. “No good?”
“This is terrible,” you replied with a wide grin. “I mean. Honestly.”
The flashing light underneath you made you laugh. He’d pulled this one from your bad sex fantasies again. A piece of paper slid into the tray on the side. He picked it up, looked at it with a frown before turning the piece of paper over so you could see it.
“I think there’s something wrong with this printer.” He shook his head and pressed a few buttons underneath your leg. “It really needs fixing.”
“Think you can fix it?”
“I can try.” He pushed his hands underneath your ass just as the light flashed again and a few seconds later he showed you the black and white printout of your behind with his fingers shoved in between you and the glass that you were sitting on. “That’s beautiful. Think I might have to frame that.”
“You’re such a weirdo.”
“I think that it’s funny.” He pressed his lips on yours hungrily and you could still taste yourself on his tongue. “I got this from your mind, remember? I really think we might have to work on the state of your fantasies though. They really could be a lot more inventive.”
“Maybe I’m just not very original.”
“You’re just not giving yourself enough credit, sweetheart.”
“Maybe.” You nipped at his lower lip and then pressed a kiss on the tip of his nose which was probably a little too gentle considering all the other stuff that you’d gotten up that night, but you hardly cared anymore. “You can probably come up with something a lot better.”
“I can try, but you’re probably going to be disappointed.”
One snap of his fingers and suddenly you were in the dark. You could also tell that you were alone. The other two times, you could always feel him around you, but not this time. You hugged your arms around your torso, feeling cold for no reason at all. All of a sudden a couple of lights switched on, bathing the room in red light, and you realised that you were standing on a stage. When you glanced at the side, you could see a pole right next to you. You instinctively reached out for it, feeling the cool metal against your palm and you held it as you walked in a circle around it. There were full length mirrors all around you and you briefly looked at your reflection.
The outfit that you wore left little to the imagination which was probably the point when you took the location into account. You were wearing a red triangle bikini top and a black pair of shorts that half your ass was hanging out of. The shoes, the infamous stripper heels naturally, had plastic, see-through straps and the platform heels had a iridescent sparkle to it.
When you had done a turn, your eyes scanned the place and you could see him sitting on a chair right next to the stage, looking up at you expectantly. He obviously wanted a show so why not give him one? Holding onto the pole, you slid down until you were on your knees and then you started skimming your hands up and down your chest. He was completely enraptured and kept reaching down to readjust himself in his trousers. Given how he usually remained rockhard throughout these dreams, the skinny jeans that he was wearing right now were probably incredibly uncomfortable.
You crawled over to where he was sitting. When you had reached the edge, you reached out to grab him by his shirt and pulled him up out of his seat. His eyes widened for a second or two before he composed himself again. He couldn’t resist leaning in when your face came closer to his, but you merely ghosted your lips over his before pushing him back into his chair.
“No touching the stripper,” you chided and then wagged a finger at him. “Or I’ll ask security to kick you out.”
“But you’re allowed to touch me?”
“Are you trying to tell me you’d have me kicked out?”
“No way.” He leaned back in his chair, arm hanging over the back and he started sipping at a cocktail that suddenly materialised in his hand. “Keep going.”
The only problem there was that you had no clue what strippers even did. Sure you’d seen a video, but those women were a lot more athletic than you were. You’d also seen Showgirls once, but that movie probably wasn’t the best example about what to do. The only thing that you had learned from that movie was how not to have sex in a pool and that licking a stripper pole wasn’t particularly sexy, just incredibly unhygienic. You swung your legs over the edge of the stage and put your feet on the arm rests of his chair, practically daring him to touch you. Having caught your intent, he didn’t move and then he had the audacity to feign indifference.
Sliding off the stage, you climbed onto his lap instead and started gyrating your hips against his. You reached up to grab a handful of his hair, pulled his head back and dragged your lips down the column of his throat. When he grabbed your ass, you slapped his cheek with your free hand.
“No touching,” you whispered in his ear. “I’m not telling you again.”
“Damn, baby.” He sounded impressed by how well you were taking control of this new situation. “That is such a fucking turn-on.” You pulled on his hair harder and since your mouth was still close to his ear, you took his earlobe between your teeth and gave it a gentle tug. “Holy shit. You’re a fucking natural.”
“Oh yeah?”
You leaned back so you could look him in the eye. His eyes sparkled with obvious excitement and a deeper, more animalistic need. Like he could grab you at any moment, throw you onto the stage and fuck you right there if you pushed him too far. Very tempting. Reaching to the back of your neck, you pulled at the bow that held the strings of the halterneck together and when it was loosened, they fell down your shoulders. You pushed the cups down until they hung loosely around your chest. The only thing that was keeping the top on was the string that tied together around your back.
His eyes flitted down to your chest and then back up to your face again. You wanted him to touch you, but after telling him off a few times, you weren’t sure if he was going to. So you placed your hand on the back of his head and pressed him against your chest instead. You felt him smile against your skin and then his lips started moving, shifting in the direction of your nipple.
A shiver ran down your spine and you looked up suddenly. You had the odd feeling that there was another set of eyes on you, but that was impossible since the two of you were the only people here. Looking up at the bar, you saw a young man who was leaning against the bar and watching the two of you intently. He was smartly dressed in a dark blue suit, his long hair loose and hanging down over his shoulders. Even in this odd red light, you could tell that his skin was too pale, so white that it was almost translucent and when he grinned at you, you could see that his canines were too long, too pointy. Without realising it yourself, you had frozen entirely and the young man underneath you had sensed it, looking up at you in confusion before following your eyes.
“What the fuck, man!” He suddenly shouted at the other guy, anger flashing behind his eyes. “The hell are you doing here? Fuck off!” The man at the bar shrugged and disappeared just as suddenly as he had appeared. “Sorry about that.”
“Who was that?”
“My brother.”
“Your brother?”
“Yeah, he’s a dick,” he said with a deep sigh. “Our mother would keep tabs on us when we were kids to make sure that we didn’t get into any trouble. You have any idea how weird it is when your mother enters the dreams where you’re trying to get off with a girl? Fucking embarrasing.” He raised his eyebrows at you when he noticed that you were trying to suppress a laugh and pinched your side. “I don’t know how the fuck it works, but my mother taught the little shit how to do it as well and so he just… I dunno… shows up sometimes like the little creep that he is.”
“Does that mean that he’ll come back?”
“No. He just likes to remind me that he can do it from time to time.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his head against your chest. “But fuck that. I don’t want to talk about my asshole brothers.”
“Ah shit. No. Not talking about them.” He pulled at the string on your back, pulled the bikini top from your body and threw it on the stage. “So this particular fantasy is ruined now. Let's start again, shall we?”
“Can’t we salvage it?”
“I’ve got something better.” The look on his face told you that this had the potential to be really good. “Do you trust me?”
“How bad is this going to be?” He tilted his head to the side, that wasn’t the answer that he had wanted to hear. “Yes.”
“I don’t do this a lot so bear with me alright?”
Another snap of the fingers and the strip bar starts to fade away. You were sitting on a bed now and you were wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that looked old. The new location was just as red (he really did seem to like that colour), but it didn’t look that special to you. In fact, it looked like a fairly cheap love motel, one where lovers would retreat to so they could enjoy each other's company for about an hour before going their separate ways again.
You got up from the bed and walked over to a table by the window to look at what was set out on it. There was a big bowl of strawberries and a bottle of ridiculously expensive champagne right next to it. He’d really pulled out all the stops, even in a dream. You were giggling to yourself when the door to the bathroom opened and someone appeared in the doorway. It took you a short moment before you realised who it was, but when it all clicked into place your mouth fell open.
Because leaning against the doorframe was a woman. Her dirty blonde hair was loose and still slightly wet, hinting at the fact that she’d been taking a shower moments earlier. She was wearing a silk bathrobe that was tied together by the waist with a big bow and you could see her hard nipples quite clearly through the thin material. The smirk was damn near unmistakable however. When she approached you, you instantly got the impression that you were her prey, there was just something very predatory in the way that she moved. She came to a standstill right in front of you and her mischievous eyes flashed bright green briefly.
“Feed me,” she said with a grin. You took one of the strawberries from the bowl and when you presented it to her, she held her mouth wide open, ready to be fed. You felt her tongue swipe over your fingers when you fed it to her and then she let out a single moan when she started chewing. A few seconds later you felt a finger against your chin so she could push your mouth shut. “Surprised?”
“Very.” You looked her up and down. The bathrobe barely covered the tops of her thighs and she reached down to play with the hemline, to make sure that your eyes stayed focused on her legs. “I didn’t know you could turn into a woman.”
“It’s a dream,” she stated simply. “Anything’s possible.” She leaned in to you and you closed your eyes, anticipating a kiss, but then her lips brushed against the shell of your ear as she talked. “I don’t do this a lot though. So consider yourself special.”
“All this to make up for your brother interfering?”
“Guess you could say that.” She took your hands and started pulling you along to the bed. When you reached it you thought that she was finally going to kiss you, but then she spun you round and made you sit on the bed instead. She pulled on the bow that held the bathrobe together and brushed it open, revealing herself to you slowly, like one might unveil a priceless painting. “Like what you see?”
Your throat had gone dry and you found that you had lost the ability to form words. He was beautiful when he was a man, but now that he was a woman, his toned torso had given way to soft curves and skin that looked so smooth that you wanted to do nothing else but reach out and touch it. She took a step closer and stood in between your open legs, a sweet smile on her lips as she looked down at you.
“You’re not talking.” There was a slight teasing tone to her voice as she spoke. “That bad?”
“No.” She took your hand and moved it up until it was covering her bare breast. You gave a quick experimental squeeze. “Just surprised. Takes some getting used to.” Your other hand moved up of its own accord so you could cup her other breast as well. “I mean, I’ve never been with another woman before.”
“You can. If you want to.”
While you had only ever been with men, the thought of being with a woman wasn’t something that you weren’t entirely opposed to. Especially not with someone as beautiful and seductive as this. She shrugged out of the robe and dropped it to the floor. The tattoo that was usually on his left arm had changed into something more delicate and feminine, pink cherry blossoms with green leaves and branches in between them that curled up her arm and covered part of her clavicle. You moved your hand up and started tracing them with your fingers, gently caressing her skin, her green eyes following your every move.
When you heard a soft giggle, you looked back at her face and before you could say anything, she’d pushed you back onto the mattress. She was on top of you a split second later and then you finally felt her soft lips on yours. You could still taste the sweet strawberry on her lips and on her tongue when she slipped it into your mouth. Your hands ran down her back, following her spine and then settling on her ass. Whenever you squeezed, she ground her hips down against yours and you were suddenly overcome with the urge to see her on her back with her hair fanned out over the red sheets.
Grabbing her hips, you flipped her over and since she’d just read your thoughts, she reached up and made sure her hair was spread out just the way that you had just imagined it. She started pushing your shirt up and you almost ripped it off in your eagerness to get naked for her, even if she’d seen you like that many times before. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and shoved her hand into your sweatpants roughly. Her fingers started rubbing at your sex, finding you very wet and very willing.
Pulling her hand out, you leaned back and pushed your pants down, kicking your legs to get them off entirely without moving too far away from her. When you were completely naked, her hand settled back at the top of your legs, her movements more hurried and urgent now. With your hands on her breasts, you started licking and nipping at her neck, moaning against her skin when one of her fingers started circling your clit.
“I want to make you come,” you groaned into her ear. “Never made you… fuck… come before.”
“But you give me so many other things,” she purred back. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to.” You skimmed one hand down her stomach and slipped your hand between her legs. “Jesus Christ. You’re so wet.” You were rewarded with a moan when you tried touching her the way you liked to be touched. It was almost as if you were moving on autopilot, like you instinctively knew what to do. “Please.”
She didn’t reply so instead you pulled your hand away from her, making her let out a displeased whine, and you pulled your face away from her neck so she could watch you suck your fingers into your mouth. You twirled your tongue around your fingers, making sure that she could see exactly what you were doing and then moved your hand down again. You pressed them up against her entrance first, teasing her with the slightest bit of pressure and then slipped them inside. She started tilting her hips up against your hand and the way that her face contorted in pleasure really was something that would be etched into your mind forever.
“Can I?” You repeated the question since you still hadn’t gotten an answer. “I really want to.” Pressing your lips down on hers again in a searing kiss, you murmured against her lips. “Please say yes.” You pressed your fingers in as deep as they could go, all the way down to the third knuckle. Since he had seemed to like it quite a bit when you did it earlier, you tangled your fingers in her long hair and gave a forceful tug. She gasped into your mouth and you knew that you had her. “I’ll just keep doing this until you say yes.”
“Fuck.” She shifted underneath you and you reluctantly pulled your lips away from hers. “I love it when you do that.”
“I know.” A triumphant grin formed on your lips and she was so obviously into it that it was hard to drop this act. Dipping your head down, you bit her neck suddenly and she squealed with obvious delight. You decided to thrust your fingers into her harder and she was so wet now that you could hear your digits moving in and out of her. “I want to make you come so bad.”
“You’re pretty good at this,” she moaned breathlessly. “Want to take this a little bit further?”
“I’ll give you what you want, but not like this.” She wrapped a hand around your wrist and gently pulled your hand away. She then brought your hand up to her lips and started licking her own juices off your fingers with such fervour that she could have been mistaken for a starving animal. Seeing that was so arousing that you couldn’t stop a moan from escaping from your lips. “I want you to do something else.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Check the drawers.”
You scrambled off of her, probably a little bit too fast, in your eagerness to see what was in there. You were expecting a vibrator, a buttplug even, but you must have pulled a particularly funny face when you saw what was in the drawer instead because she started laughing as soon as she saw your expression. You hooked your fingers in one of the straps and lifted it up, probably looking very much afraid to even touch it. Your eyes were wide as it hung from your fingers and you turned back to fully face her.
“You want me to wear...” You gestured at it with your free hand. “...this?”
“Well, yes, sweetheart.” She got on all fours and crawled over to your side of the bed. “That’s exactly what I want you to do.”
“You’re not sure.”
“It’s just… this is very much virgin territory for me.”
“You were doing fine just now.”
“That’s kinda different though, isn’t it?” You looked down at the strap-on that was still dangling from your fingers and she started poking at it playfully. It looked so silly that you couldn’t help but laugh. Truth be told, you were kind of curious about this kind of thing. “Are you sure about this?”
“Positive.” She pushed herself up on her knees and hooked her arms around your neck, pressing her entire body flush against you. “So. What do you say?”
“This is definitely one of the weirdest dreams I’ve ever had.”
“Yes or no.” She started kissing you, nice and slow, and then sucked your bottom lip into her mouth. Your hands snaked down her back and when she nipped at your lip, you gave her ass a hard slap. “Baby!” She started giggling, her fingernails digging into your shoulder blades when you grabbed her ass and squeezed her roughly. “I love it when you manhandle me.”
“That’s new for me as well.”
“I really am pushing your boundaries, ain’t I?” She pulled away suddenly and got on all fours again, turning her ass in your direction. She wiggled her hips and peered over her shoulder until you slapped her again. “Keep doing that and I’ll climax before you’ve shoved that thing inside of me.”
“Yeah right.” But you slapped her on the other cheek just for good measure. She pushed back until her ass was pressed against your hips and then she started moving backwards and forwards like you were already thrusting into her. “I need some help… with this thing…”
She faced you again in a flash, obviously excited by your willingness to do this. The harness was on you fairly quickly all things considered and then she lowered herself, gave you a quick wink and started sucking the large dildo into her mouth. So that’s what it looked like from that angle. You stroked her hair in very much the same manner like your previous partners had always done with you whenever you went down on them. Come to think of it, you suddenly realised that you had never actually had his cock in your mouth. That probably wasn’t all that weird considering this no climaxing thing that he appeared to have going on, but whenever you’d even attempted to kiss your way down his chest, he always stopped you.
You felt her tap her fingers against your hip and then she released the dildo with a pop. “You’re overthinking this. This isn’t about me. Never was.” Sitting up on her knees again, she stroked the side of your face almost lovingly and you eased into her touch for a few seconds. “Like I said earlier, the aim is to make you come.” She flashed you a big, predatory smile and then continued, “Speaking of. You do this right and afterwards I’ll push myself into you balls deep and fuck you until your fucking alarm goes off. How’s that for a tradeoff?”
“The way that you usually are?”
“Depends on what you want.” Her hand settled on your chest and she twisted one of your nipples between her fingers. “If you want me to wear that strap-on afterwards, I can do that. No problem.”
“You’ll probably be able to tell exactly what I want when I’m done with you.”
“You bet your ass, baby.” She winked at you and then a bottle of lube magically appeared in her hand. “I know that this is a dream, but I still need to use this.”
“Do you have any idea how weird it is when you do that?” She looked at you with her perfect eyebrows raised as she squeezed some liquid into her hand, applied it liberally to the silicone shaft and then the tube disappeared again when she was done. “Magicking things up out of thin air.”
“That’s what you think is weird about all this?” She rubbed her hands between her legs, applying some more lube on her pussy and started pushing her hips up against her hands. “I can change everything about this dream, even my gender, but when I make stuff appear in my hand that’s taking it one step too far?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I do.” She turned her back on you and pressed her ass against the sex toy. “Now get it over with and fuck me already.”
“That really wasn’t necessary.” You grabbed a handful of her hair, pulled hard and twisted her head back. She laughed breathlessly and pushed her hips back again. “I’m just going to have to fuck this attitude out of you.”
“Fuck yes! Teach me a lesson.” She was practically purring the words at you. When you pushed her forward roughly, she loudly voiced her delight. You pressed one hand firmly between her shoulder blades, making sure that her face stayed down. Grabbing her hips, you made her raise her ass in the air and then positioned yourself in front of her entrance. “I’ve been such a bad girl.” With one thrust of your hips, you slipped inside of her and she let out a long stretched out moan as you watched the dildo disappear inside of her. “You’re so fucking big.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at that sudden admission. For some reason she was playing the part that loads of women seemed to play in porn movies and when you started pumping in and out of her, she wouldn’t stop moaning about how good it felt and how well you were fucking her. This really was something else and whenever you glanced down at how her ass rippled whenever your hips connected with her, you couldn’t help but be completely fascinated with how it looked, practically unable to tear your eyes away from her.
Her noises started increasing and you kept slapping her already reddening ass in between thrusts. Pulling out almost entirely, you pushed back in so hard that her moans were starting to sound muffled. Never once pausing what you were doing on her, you slid one hand down over her hip so you could touch her clit. You ran the other one up her spine, tightened your fingers in her hair and yanked her up, pulling her against your chest.
“I wanna hear you,” you groaned in her ear and she started whimpering instantly. “You gonna come for me now?”
“Almost,” she mewled back. “I’m so close.” You speeded up the motions against her clit and she let out a loud cry, reaching back with one hand to wrap it around the back of your head. You were barely able to move your hips at this odd angle, but she didn’t seem to care from the way that she was bucking up against your hand and panting. When she started whimpering and rubbing her back against your chest, you could feel the muscles in her thighs constricting against your hand. “Fuck.”
A grunt of pleasure was torn from her throat and she arched her back, all her muscles going rigid all at once when her orgasm tore through her. You kept her pulled against you, absolutely delighted that you appeared to have done this right despite being slightly weirded out about it at first. When you released her, she dropped down onto the bed, completely out of breath. You lay down on your side next to her and studied her face closely. Her eyes were squeezed shut and you ran your fingers up and down her jaw as she caught her breath.
“Gimme a sec…”
You saw her swallow hard, her throat no doubt having gone dry. You got up off the bed and giggled when you looked down. Seeing that huge silicone dildo swaying about with every step that you took really looked hilarious. When you reached the table, you were ready to struggle with attempting to open the champagne before noticing that she’d already taken care of that. There were two glasses filled with the sparkly liquid standing right next to it.
When you turned back around, you saw that she was gone and that he was now laying on the bed in her place. You briefly frowned, sad that you hadn’t gotten a chance to say goodbye before realising that they were one and the same person. You heard him laughing from the bed when you walked back with the glass in your hands.
“What’s so funny?”
“You are.” You sat down next to him and waited until he’d pushed himself up into a sitting position before handing him the glass. He emptied the glass in one big sip. “Wanting to say goodbye.”
“I just forgot. Until earlier I thought that you were nothing but a figment of my imagination.”
“Oh no.” He threw the glass across the room and it bounced off the wall before rolling onto the floor. He looked down at your lap and flicked his fingers against the strap-on. “I’m very real.”
“Can you help me get this thing off?”
“Or you could keep it on.” He flashed you a quick and very dirty smile. “I’d let you peg me.”
You almost choked when you tried to imagine what that would look like and blurted out a quick, “One thing at a time please.”
“Spoilsport.” He tapped a finger on the harness and then it was gone. “You’d be pretty good at it, you know. Pull my hair a couple of times and I’m yours to do with as you please.” Before you could reply to that, he put an arm around your waist and pulled you back onto the bed. Moving you onto your back, he knocked all the air out of your lungs when he suddenly got on top of you and pinned your hands up above your head. “But I promised to do something else anyway. So I win anyway.”
He kept true to his word and fucked you with such ferocity afterwards that when you finally woke up the following morning, it was a damn miracle that you were even able to walk at all. And all that just because of a dream. In the many more dreams that followed afterwards, the woman made an appearance on more than one occasion. On some nights you would just get her and other times he would turn into her while he had his mouth on your pussy. You were never entirely sure about how the entire thing even worked. He wasn’t merely something that your horny mind had come up with one night. No, he was indeed very real.
A couple of months into this very odd arrangement, where he would satisfy your every desire while you were asleep, you were at the beach with your friends. They were convinced that you were seeing someone even if you always said that you weren’t. Maybe this little weekend getaway was a ploy to get more information out of you, but how could you possibly tell them that you’d met someone in your dreams? You’d sound like a bloody lunatic.
When the four of you were looking for a spot to spread out your beach towels, you passed two guys. One was sitting underneath a parasol, dressed in a black t-shirt and black shorts, making sure that no part of him even got out of the shade that was provided by the large umbrella over his head. He was scowling at another young man with long blonde wavy hair who was sitting next to him, strumming a blue ukulele.
Your small group settled down a couple of feet away from them and stripped down to the bathing suits that you wore underneath your clothes. You were wearing a red triangle bikini, somehow now also favouring the colour since your dreams were constantly bathed in it. Your friends headed down towards the water while you sat down on your towel and started reading the romance novel that you’d brought with you.
After a couple of minutes, you realised that you had completely stopped paying attention to what you were reading but were instead focusing entirely on the young man a couple of feet behind you who had started singing. You instantly recognised the song that he was singing. It was the song that the sirens sang to Odysseus in the Odyssey. You were so hypnotised by the song, that you’d completely forgotten about your surroundings. It wasn’t until something slammed into your upper arm that the spell was broken. Your head whipped to the side and you saw a frisbee laying next to you in the sand.
“My bad!” A voice called out to you and you picked the piece of plastic up to hold it out to whoever was approaching you. “I am so sorry! I should have caught that.”
“No problem. Not like I’m…” As soon as you looked up the words died in your throat and you instead stared at the young man who was now standing next to you with wide eyes. “Wait…”
“Well, this is a surprise.” He dropped down onto his knees next to you in the sand, a huge smile plastered all over his face, and he took the frisbee from your hands. “Definitely wasn’t expecting this.” For some reason, you reached out and poked a finger against his chest. You half expected that your mind was playing some kind of trick on you, as if your finger was going to pass right through him, but it didn’t. “See? Real.”
“Serk!” Another voice called out and he tore his eyes away from yours to look at whoever it was that had called his name. “Stop hitting on girls and toss the frisbee back!”
“I’m done playing!” He threw the frisbee back which the other guy effortlessly caught. “Tell Sigurd to play with you before he drowns someone with his singing.”
“Fine! But you owe me.” He winked at you and turned around to join the other two guys that you had passed when you had just arrived. Your eyes were drawn to his back or to be more specific to the long braid that swung back and forth as he walked away.
“Stop checking out my brother.” You blinked and turned your attention back on him. “You want me to introduce you? I mean, if you’d rather want to spend time with him than me…”
“What? No!” He chuckled when your words came out louder than you intended. “Not funny.” He ran a hand down your arm, mirroring the same thing that he’d often do in your dreams. “He called you Serk. Is that your name?”
“Short for Hvitserk.” He held out his hand to you. “And what’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you replied when you took his hand in yours. He repeated your name with a warm smile. “I erm… this is weird…”
“Is it?” He let your hand go and got to his feet. You panicked slightly, thinking that he might leave, when he suddenly extended his hand to you. “Come on. I wanna buy you a drink.”
“And then what?”
“I dunno,” he said with a shrug when he pulled you up off the ground. “Sit with me. Talk. I know you, but that’s the dream you and now I want to know the real you. That okay?”
“Sure.” He started pulling you along to the beach bars a short distance away. “I’d like that.”
And this moodboard is based on when I described female Hvitserk coming out of the bathroom.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
AU(s) where all the mod videos Tommy does, along with some other videos, are all alternate universes, and their residents end up in the SMP. Chaos ensues. 
Voice Mod AU:
Universe where nobody talks aloud. They telepathically communicate, and the closer you are, the clearer and louder you are, unless you have the control the lower your mental voice.
Post-apocalyptic world(because Tommy said welcome to the new world at the start, and I too that and ran with it). They’re the new versions of humans, created after life returned on the planett, and the telepathy is a survival method, because outward noise draws predators, inner noise does not. 
This also means they possibly have some other features similar to that. Like maybe Quackity’s duck wings being from some newly evolved duck species in the new world, Wilbur being a bit abnormally tall, or similar. I’m not sure. 
Oh hey, no, Wilbur can be like a tree hybrid or something, cause Treebur. 
Basically, evolution and telepathy.
Wilbur has a horse named Bert, he is speedy, and spends just as much time dragging his owner out of trouble than he does riding him into it.
The gang is basically just traveling the lands, exploring what’s about.
There are fish-horses, ender-horses, spider-horses, silverfish ponies, and horses that are somewhat like a breed between llamas and sheep in the world.
There are a lot of new horse breeds.
The Quackity of this universe wears clothes a lot like Manhunt Dream’s, hoodie-wise, but it’s all bright blue, and his mask has the :] face on it.
Size Mod AU:
Universe where people can shift and change sizes, though only to certain ones.
For example, Wilbur’s stuck small. He can shift to the size of a small dog, height wise, or that of a flower, but he can’t get big. Quackity can go smaller than Wilbur, or literally bigger than the Enderdragon. Both Tommy can be normal sized, or big, and Phil’s can be about the size of a tree, or become the size of a small mountain. 
They all live in a nice house in the plains and spend their time terrorizing the locals.
Wilbur has a little house within the house, and he uses his size to cause havoc more often than not. Quackity is equally guilty of this.
Sometimes when the kids are being particularly bad, Phil puts the smaller ones in a compost bin and holds Tommy off the ground until he starts behaving. 
Quackity’s a follower of the Blood God. Not to Techno’s length, but he goes and kills rabbits for him, and dedicates the chaos his giant form causes to the guy. In return, the four always have a flourishing harvest, and Quackity’s absolutely mean in battle. 
Wilbur sleeps in one of Tommy’s old shoes that he stole and made into a bed.
Honestly, Wilbur’s kind of like the house mouse. He steals stuff and vibes in his little home in the walls. The cats that occasionally slip in try to eat him a lot too.
Wilbur and Quackity are bird hybrids, Tommy’s a zombie hybrid(cause he’s fighting a zombie and saying ‘I burn’ at that little bit), and Phil’s an iron golem hybrid.
Quackity and WIlbur have little bird-houses set up around the area for them to dart into and hide if anything comes after them.
They all met when tiny Q and Wilbur tried to rob Tommy and Phil. They succeeded with Tommy, but Phil was less than impressed at the attempt. Somehow it resulted in them all sharing a house.
Dragon Mod AU:
Universe set in more medieval-themed world. Phil, Quackity, and Tommy are dragon hunters. Wilbur’s a mischievous dragon sorcerer who enjoys shapeshifting into a dragon to mess with people. The hunters were originally sent after him, but spent more time frantically running for their lives while he laughed at them.
Wilbur’s actually good friends with the actual Enderdragon, who he calls Keithette. It was with her blessing that he decided to pick on the hunters.
He just spends all of his time messing with them. That’s all he does. He messes with them. It’s originally more malicious, which means they had a ridiculous amount of deaths, but they eventually all grew fond of each other, so now it’s more playful. 
He helps them find treasure and scares off rivals. 
Tommy’s a trained medic. 
Quackity and Wilbur are...something? It’s a Skephalo situation. They could just be very affectionate friends, or they could be dating, or they could be messing with everyone. Nobody knows, and everytime they think they’ve figured it out, the two seem to magically know and do something to throw them off.
They’ve confused many, many people with their antics. 
(They’re probably messing with people though, because they definitely know what they’re doing)
When the actual Enderdragon and her egg mysteriously went missing, Wilbur rounded up his friends and asked for their help in finding her-so now the group is on a quest to find her and return her to the End.
Natural Disaster Mod AU:
Universe where world ending natural disasters just keep happening. It killed off a lot of people, but honestly, at this point, it’s been going on for years, and those that remain are pretty used to it.
Tubbo and Wilbur are followers of the Mule God, and were brought together by him. Jack and Tommy are two good friends who came together to survive. And Phil’s a top-tier survivalist who keeps an eye on the four, mostly because he’d feel bad if they died too often while they live in the area.
Though they’re all three different groups, they stick together and help each other out.
Tommy and Tubbo were childhood friends before the disasters separated them. A young Jack found Tommy and took him in, and Tubbo was saved and blessed by the Mule God. They’re still friends, but have somewhat grown apart with their differing lifestyles. 
Tommy’s a penguin hybrid. 
Tubbo and Wilbur have been known to try and scam people passing by, and they have tried this with everyone in the area too-the difference is the ones who stick around know better than to buy it. 
Whenever Tommy wants to hang out, he declares he’s rescuing Tubbo, and steals him from whatever he’s doing. Wilbur has long since accepted that occasionally Tubbo is going to be stolen, and doesn’t even blink anymore. 
Tommy wears green, and Tubbo wears red. 
Storm riding is a favored sport of Tubbo’s, where you grab a hang glider and get swept up into the storm. Jack hates it, but often gets dragged along anyway. 
Morph Mod AU:
Universe where shapeshifters are more common, and Tommy, Charlie, Phil, Schlatt, and Wilbur are all a clan of them. 
They co-exist with humans, and actually protect the local villages they live close too. 
They also spend a lot of time messing with people outside said villages, but that’s unimportant. 
Charlie and Wilbur prefer to be aquatic creatures. while Phil transforms into whatever works better for the environment he’s in. Schlatt just does whatever, and Tommy usually sticks to human form, only shifting when he’s bored or he needs too. 
Wilbur tried to transform into a horse once, while in fish form. He’s not sure what exactly happened, but long story short, he’s the reason for the myth of the hippocampus.
They have a house in the village, one out, and then general little areas meant for them in animal form. 
Because shapeshifters are strongly group-oriented, they prefer to shift in pairs or groups. Charlie and Wilbur typically pair up, as do Schlatt and Tommy. Philza doesn’t really have that instinct as strongly, so he just stays close to them instead. 
Laser Eye Mod AU:
Universe set in a futuristic setting, where, due to an ancient void deity becoming malicious, Tommy, Phil, Charlie, and Wilbur are selected to become plasma wielding cyber warriors(futuristic magical girls, basically) to fight back against such threats.
These four’s cybernetics were embued with magic to produce specific plasma that would be effective against threats.
Phil wields divine plasma, and it’s fired out from his cybernetic wings, which were implanted as a military experiment. He can even detach a feather to act as a plasma covered sword.
Tommy wields phoenix plasma, and it’s fired out of his cybernetic eyes, which were transplanted into him when he was in an accident young, rendering him blind. They allow him to see by scanning out the outlines of objects and areas, and feeding the image into his brain.
Wilbur wields soulfire plasma, which is fired from his prosthetic legs, which have a kind of mermaid-motif, with fins and all, and make him a fast swimmer.
And Charlie wields greekfire plasma, fired from his cybernetic arm-it can also fire slime-like globs that rapidly grow and incase the area they’re attached too. 
Wilbur was actually the first selected for the program, but he went missing shortly after, stolen and controlled by the void deity, who turned him into quite the obstacle for the others.
They eventually rescued him from it’s control, and after he recovered, he joined the fight. 
Endermen and endermen hybrids are common minions of the void deity-it seems to have End-based origins, being able to control them.
Lava Ravine Mod AU:
Universe where Phil, Charlie, Wilbur, and Tommy are all strangers, who get a mysterious invite to an unknown world. It seems like a lovely vacation at first, strangers aside, but things turn deadly when a seemingly normal ravine in the ground begins to grow, the lava inside it begins to rise, and our heroes find themselves unable to leave the world.
They soon realized they may have been selected for their ability to survive, but to do that, they’re going to have to all work together.
Tommyinnit originates from the world of RLcraft, Phil grew up in Hardcore Mode, Charlie is a fallen god from a world of chaos, and Wilbur has lived through a world like this before.
They build a giant glass and stone dome, and live within there, using their various skills to survive. 
Wilbur pretty much knows how this world works to a T, and is able to predict when the lava will raise and how quickly. He knows how to survive and work around the heat.
Tommy and Phil have a variety of skills from their lives before, not limited to first aid and cooking.
And Charlie’s got a bit of godly power he can put to good use here, as well as many out-of-the-box ideas for what to do.
Charlie brought a card-game from his old world, and teaches Wilbur how to play. It becomes a favorite past time of theirs. 
Jump Mod AU:
Universe where enhanced individuals have recently begun to exist. Tommy, Wilbur, and Quackity are some of many who choose to use their new abilities for their own gain, becoming thieves. They were taken under the wing of master thief Philza, who was in the game long before he gained his new powers.
Or, well, they were thieves. A job gone wrong resulted in them being caught by authorities, and forced into a deal. Once thieves for their own gain, now they’re agents for the government, stealing back what was stolen from their country. 
All of them are generally more physically enhanced, with agility, endurance, and all that jazz. But they also have other abilities. 
Tommy’s faster than anyone. Wilbur can refract light, essentially becoming invisible. Phil can communicate with birds. And Quackity can change the density of anything he touches, himself excluded. 
Philza was actually caught because he stayed behind for his new partners. He had realized someone was looking into them, and didn’t want the younger ones going into that alone. 
Universe where everyone is a mob hybrid, and they live divided in tribes. Tommy, Phil, Charlie, and Wilbur are a tribe/keg of creeper hybrids, who protect their territory, and cause havoc for any trespassers who happens upon them.
No one dares settle there, because these four are just as likely to swear a village’s protection as they are to laugh as they set it ablaze. It’s purely up to how they feel at the moment, finicky keg that they are. 
However, there is a reason some do venture here. 
Every tribe/(name for grouping of specific mob) guards a certain treasure. For the creeper boys, it’s an orchard of apple trees that grow, not only red apples, but gold ones too-and rarely, a god apple.
If you do happen to stumble upon their territory unintentionally, your best bet is to appeal to Wilbur, as he does have a soft spot for people-of course, you’ll need to make sure none of the others think you’re taking advantage of that soft spot, lest they slowly and painfully kill you for even considering it.
Creepers are very friendly to them, and see them as one of their own. Other mobs, not so much.
The orchard is surrounded by a dense forest, that’s abruptly lets up to a clearing that rings around it. This is where the keg lives, in high tree houses all connected to one another.
Their forest is their pride and joy, and it’s filled with many exotic trees and plants from around the world. Bringing them an addition for it is a sure way to assure your survival, and even gain an alliance, if it’s a really good addition.
Likewise, messing it up even slightly will immediately get you murdered.
Black Hole Mod AU:
Universe where the sun exploded and became a black hole that’s slowly consuming the world. Though many perished, some survived, with the advanced technology in the future.
Wilbur, Charlie, Phil, and Tommy are some of those survivors. 
Charlie is a scientist, studying the black hole to see if there’s anyway to perhaps stop it, or survive within it once it consumes them.
Phil’s a former mercenary who came to the lab with Tommy, after finding the young student stumbling about the remains of a city.
Wilbur’s the former on-board scientist from the crew that first encountered the black hole. He was originally presumed dead, but suddenly reappeared one day, and was found nearby by Phil, who dragged him to the lab. He’s...different. He’s seen things.
Charlie and Wilbur graduated from the same university, and were actually working in the same lab before Wilbur joined his crew in space for an up-close study.
Philza has a bad habit of adopting any creature he finds, and it’s become something of a joke by the four. He adopted Tommy, he’s adopted Wilbur and Charlie, and he has quite a few birds and other creatures that followed him back.
Body Shuffle Mod AU:
Universe where glitches a common sight, and humanity has evolved alongside them.
The world basically...well, I wouldn’t say revolves around? But glitches are a large part of life at this point, and players have specifically evolved to be able to work with them.
A common glitch includes the Body Glitch, where random body parts will seemingly vanish off a person without causing them harm or effecting them.
Tommy and Charlie are Takers, people who have a special, glitch-specific gene that allows them to take a glitch effecting a being or item, and pull that effect from said being/item, and upon themselves.
They’re equally loved and hated, considering the rarity of the gene, and what uses it could be employed for.
The two have a business that they use this ability to take and relocate glitches for various purposes.
Philza and Wilbur are the two’s bodyguards turned friends, who protect them from less savory people, and suss out the ones with bad intentions.
Gas Mod AU:
Universe set in a modern fantasy world where a mysterious gas suddenly overtook the planet. Many died. A few survived-but for some of them, that was the crueler fate, as the mysterious gas began to make them monsterous creatures that sought flesh and blood.
Tommy, Charlie, Phil and Wilbur are the scattered survivors in a city overtaken by the gas, banding together to fight back the monsters born from the green fog, and stay alive. 
Wilbur was formerly a cartographer on a ship. He’s also half siren, and his most priceless possession is a diamond dagger given to him by his former captain.
Charlie is a doctor, as well as a wizard. His magic pet is a slime-like dragon. Yeah, he’s not sure where the little guy came from either.
Phil got a whole cocktail of heritage, but most are sky-related, so he’s got a strong grasp on air magic, which he uses to create safe bubbles for the gang to breathe freely.
And Tommy’s a low tier human-turned demon after death- an imp, basically. He causes havoc.
They all have to wear gas mask, which are heavily enchanted to keep the gas from affecting them.
The group basically just has a weirdly domestic life in the abandoned city, after they cleared out an abandoned apartment building to chill in.
Surgery Mod:
Universe where the gang are the experiments of a mad scientist having escaped.
Tommy is a poison-based experiment, Wilbur is a Nether-based one, Philza is an End-based experiment, and Charlie is an Over-world based one.
They were all grouped together in a cell because the older three are part of the Dimension Project, and Tommy accidentally imprinted on Wilbur when he was created, meaning he would have died if he was separated from him.
The four eventually decide that they hate this life, and stage a break out with the rest of the guys experiments. 
Once they escaped, they decided to travel the world as a family, exploring everything they’d never had the chance to see, and finding where they belonged in this place.
Lava Floor Mod AU:
Universe where all the oceans in the world have been replaced by lava. For Ninja, Tommy, Wilbur, and George, their get-along vacation goes south when they’re stranded alone on a chain of distant islands, far from any sign of civilization. 
If they ever hope to survive, they’ll have to put their issues to the side and work together to get to the one place unaffected-the Nether.
Tommy ‘Smokes’ Notfound, and Wilbur ‘Soot’ Fortnite are the two children of the struggling couple George ‘Specs’ Notfound and Ninja ‘Bow’ Fortnite, who haven’t seen each other in years, despite still being married.
The two, knowing how close their kids were, agree to meet up so the two can hang out, which is why they ended up on this vacation on the first place. 
Wilbur and Smokes would really appreciate if their parents could get along too-it’d make vacation a lot nicer without all the tension. And yes, they could worry about all the oceans turning to lava, but they won’t. Instead, they’re going to be gremlins who try to get their parents to make up, whether that means divorce, or becoming a happy couple again.
Rising Void Mod AU:
Universe where the planets are being eaten by the void. Tommy, Philza, and Quackity are all aliens who managed to escape the demise of their home planets, and crashed landed on Earth, with the intention of warning them of what was coming.
Unfortunately, the only guy around for miles is Ranboo, a conspiracy theorist who prefers his isolated mountain cabin to the city...and also is in complete denial about the existence of aliens, even if they’re standing right in front of him. 
Quackity is from a planet where ores and gems have a large part of fashion culture.
Tommy’s planet was the first to fall. However, Quackity was the one who was closest to be touching, and it leaves side effects-like him occasionally hearing it’s eldritch whispering calling for him to surrender himself to it and stop fighting-
But, y’know. It’s fine. It’s all good.
(Although he does happen to be the most aware of their inevitable fate, and uses humor to cope with the knowledge that no matter how hard they try, he and these people he’s grown to care for are going to die, and there’s absolutely no way to stop that)
Sky Grid Mod AU
Universe where Ranboo is a young, lonely god born to a grid-formed world. Though he has made many interesting creations, he decides he wants someone like him. Who can listen, and answer, and love, and hate.
And the universe loves him, so it answers.
It finds two souls who’ve died too young, and puts them into his hands to mold as he wishes. One, he creates in colors of green, like grass, and emeralds, and poison alike. The other, he creates in colors of red, like lava and poppies, and warm beds.
Their names are Tubbo and Tommy, and they’re different than what he thought they’d be. They cannot be controlled or remade, but they can bleed, and they can laugh, and most importantly, they can make choices.
And they choose to love him, taking him in their embrace as a friend, treating him kindly, and as one of their own, regardless of his power or abilities. 
The three make a home in the gridded world, finding themselves and never fearing the fall, because the world loves both it’s godling, and the people made within it.
Terraforming The Moon AU:
Universe where the remains of humanity have fled to the moon upon the destruction of earth. They unintentionally awake age-old space deities, who, luckily for them, feel like lending a hand-mostly. 
Wilbur is the only actual deity of the moon, but the rest of the SBI spend more time there than they don’t, because humans are interesting.
Tommy’s the youngest god, a deity of the stars within their young galaxy-it’s a position that was passed onto him by the former star deity, Clara.
Technoblade is the deity of both Mars and Venus. He’s actually been to Earth a few times before it’s destruction, and finds their cultures fascinating-particularly the Greek and Romans.
Philza is the god of the End. The oldest, he’s not just a deity, he’s a primordial of the end of all things. Truthfully, it was the very end of Earth that awoke him from his slumber, and it’s former inhabitants interesting lives that keep him awake.
They all pick a human to favor, and help out. Changes on the day.
Honestly, they aren’t necessarily malicious? They don’t really consider the fact that humans don’t have the same limitations and powers as them, so occasionally they fuck something up that somebody worked hard on, and don’t understand why they don’t just fix it already, not realizing that the humans actually have to take awhile to do that.
One Hundred Player Laboratory AU:
Universe set in modern time. 
Wilbur and Technoblade are two university students trying to do a study for their finals-unfortunately, the rats they were supposed to use are both oddly sentient, and incredibly chaotic.
Techno and Wilbur are doing a study of behavior, and other scientific things. To do this, Techno has built a large, complex maze/building thing.
And Wilbur purchased a bunch of rats-except, he probably should have been a bit more careful who he bought from, becomes these rats definitely understand human speech, are all not normally colored, and desire to be as annoying and detrimental to their grades as possible.
To put it lightly, it’s not going well.
George’s If You Laugh You Lose Rematch AU:
Universe set in a chaotic, light-hearted world.
Sapnap, Karl, George, and Dream are some of the world’s residents.
Karl and Dream are chaotic shapeshifters who enjoy messing with George.
Sapnap’s a mischievous nether spirit who likes to team up and help them do it.
Karl can shift into objects, and Dream can turn into animals. 
The whole world is comedic, and all it’s residents have a permanent case of the giggles-to the point of making a game of how long one can hold off laughing.
Sapnap usually takes the form of an enderman or enderman hybrid 
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Easy Aim (Is Only Exciting Once or Twice) Pt. 5 (Loki x Reader)
Loki’s turn to be a woman in every sense. Guys normally react pretty badly to our level of cramping but I don’t make Loki react too badly because he’s a warrior and probably has felt worse pain. If anything it’s more uncomfortable for him but not enough to warrant much reaction! 
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It’s Loki’s turn to suffer. 
You hadn’t come up with a way to get back at the god but karma was a bitch. 
Loki walked into the kitchen and because of his obvious mood the team became quiet. You’re pretty sure the temperature dropped like five degrees too. 
“Who pushed you out the wrong side of bed, seeing as you haven’t had your cereal yet?” Tony asked. 
You snorted into your bite of eggs. 
Loki scathingly looked at you and Tony.
“I will piss on your mother’s grave, Stark.” Loki bites at the man. 
“Loki!” You yelled at the man. Going for Tony’s mother was off limits. Kind of like how the team didn’t ask questions about Loki’s true parentage. 
Tony waved you off with a smile. 
“Oh, you didn’t get pushed out of bed. You woke up with a big red spot on the sheets, didn’t you?” Tony says with a light voice. 
Realization dawns on you. Loki drops the bagel he had picked up and looks to you with squinted eyes. 
Loki had obviously never dealt with this when he shapeshifted. 
You quickly stand, gather Loki’s breakfast and push him out of the kitchen, with little resistance, and towards the direction of your room. Ignoring the Avengers questions and concerns. You were so worried you left your own breakfast.
When you both reach your floor. You make him set his breakfast down in the living room, then push Loki to your bathroom and have him sit on the toilet. 
It’s too silent so you start talking to fill it.
“Usually when I’m about to start I get extremely horny the week before. Then when the actual day hits I’m cramping like crazy, mostly in my lower back.” You explain as you pull out a bunch of pads from under your sink. 
Loki looks at you with something akin to fear but it’s not quite fear, when you glance at him.
“That explains the pain...” Loki whispers with realization.
“The second day is the heaviest so you’ll need to check your pad more so than usual and keep a bottle of Midol nearby because the cramping is terrible. Wait, do Earth medicines even work on you?” You ask the god, freezing your looking to look at him but continue when he shrugs at you. 
“The second day you’re also going to deal with mood swings, like, bad so maybe stay away from people?” You tell Loki as you realize you didn’t give him night pads so you search under your sink again.
“The third day it lightens up and usually my hormones balance out. The fourth day you’ll still need to wear a pad, it’ll only be spotting but it’ll spot enough to bleed through your clothes. If you feel like randomly crying at the smallest things, or even something as random as someone sneezing that is normal.” You explain to Loki. 
“Wait, I have read about periods, to an extent, but why am I having one exactly?” Loki asks.
You leave the room to find a plastic bag for all the stuff you’re giving Loki, when you come back you explain to Loki who sits there patiently. “Your uterus is shedding it’s walls because you’re not pregnant.” 
Loki squints at you. 
“How many times does this occur in your lifetime?” 
“Once a month till you hit menopause.” You tell him flippantly. 
You smile as Loki looks bewildered. 
“When do you experience menopause and when do periods generally begin?” 
“Usually around fifty and they start around twelve but can start as early as eight years old.” You shrug down at him. 
Loki closes his eyes, rubs a hand over his face with a sigh. When his hand drops he shakes his head. “And males have the gall to call presenting females weak.” 
You actually laugh at that causing Loki to softly smile up at you. 
“I uh, suggest buying some panties that you don’t care about, comfortable too, because you’re going to get blood on them whether you like it or not. I would offer you my panties but that is...gross, for some reason, even if you are in my body.” You babble out to Loki who nods at you as he stands. 
You throw the pads he holds into the plastic bag you hold, throw the nightly pads in, throw in a new bottle of Midol then hand it to him. 
“Eat with me, I’ll answer all your questions after you put a pad on of course.” You tell Loki, leaving the bathroom. You’re pretty sure he can figure out the pad. 
You sit waiting in the living room on the big couch. 
Loki comes out of your room not long after and sits next to you, pulling his plate from the coffee table and getting comfy. 
You’re shocked but Loki decided to sit pushed up against you. You wrap an arm around his shoulders which causes him make a happy noise while he chews and leans into your arm. 
“I guess this explains last night.” You say randomly thinking about the way Loki reacted to you yesterday. 
Loki chews through his honey bagel and nods. 
“It also explains why I’ve been getting wet for the past few days.” He admits without thought. 
You look down at him with a raised brow. “Oh?”
“Yes. There was a time where Steve was lifting something heavy and seeing his muscles bulge made me wet.” Loki explains, eating away, not looking at you but speaking as if he has no care about what he’s sharing. Another milestone you figure.
“There was a moment where you were laughing at something Tony said and that made me wet, I could not fathom why.” 
You laugh a little shocked Loki is sharing this with you. 
“Also, when you were hard that made me wet.” Loki finishes starting to pick at some grapes you had grabbed for him. 
“You’ll tell me you got wet but refuse to tell me you have feelings?” You ask teasingly.
Loki glares at you. 
You smile. 
Loki goes back to his food and you settle further into the couch causing Loki to further settle into your arm. 
“I thought periods last for seven days, did I read false information? Why do yours only last four?” Loki asks after he’s chewed through some of his food.
You hum. “Well everyone is different. Some people last three days, some last the usual seven, some people don’t have them monthly, some do.” You explain. “However if they don’t have them monthly that’s because of a disorder or because they’re young and haven’t balanced out yet.” You thoughtlessly explain better.
Loki is quiet for a bit but then asks. “And you did not know this period was coming?” 
You laugh lightly as your hand around Loki’s shoulders plays with your hair. It’s soft and silky. “Well, I don’t take birth control, I had a bad reaction to the one’s they gave me so I can’t really predict when they’re going to hit me. I can generalize between a few weeks but that’s it.” 
Loki hums, licking honey off his fingers. It’s just as cute as it sounds.
It’s only four hours later when Loki starts. 
You had both moved back into the general public of the tower. You had needed to eat more since you didn’t finish your breakfast then settled in the common area.
You were sitting on the couch with Natasha wrapped in your arms and Clint trying to burrow into your side when Loki made an exclamation crossed with a groan, an arm wrapping along his stomach from across the room where he was reading. 
You perk up and look at him as he looks at you with wide eyes. 
Natasha knowing what’s going on says, “It’s normal if you feel like you’re pissing yourself, you’re fine.” 
Loki relaxes and nods. 
“That’s nasty, Nat.” Clint huffs. 
“It is a natural event for a woman’s body, something they cannot control and you dare call it nasty?” Loki hisses at Clint. 
“There’s blood man!” 
“You see more blood on missions, is there a difference?” Loki points out.
You’re smiling with Natasha, looking between Loki and Clint like it’s a tennis match. 
“Well, it comes out of their vagina.” Clint weakly argues back.
“I have no doubt you’ve put your mouth on a vagina and that failed to gross you out, your arguments are irrelevant.” Loki says going back to his book.
Clint lets a pitiful noise out of his mouth and looks to you and Nat. 
“Don’t look at us, we’re on his side.” Nat says with a shrug, settling back into you. You laugh as Clint rolls his eyes. 
You watch Loki out of the corner of your eye as you converse with Nat and Clint. Loki has an uncomfortable look on his face and his arm is still wrapped around his stomach. 
You tell Nat you need to get up and she groans but allows you to. Then, she climbs onto Clint. 
Out of everyone in the tower you did not expect Natasha to be the most affectionate. 
You grab Loki’s attention and get him to follow you back to your floor, again. When you have him laying on your bed you search in your bathroom for what you seek. 
Coming out of the bathroom a few minutes later you show Loki what you have by holding it up in both hands with a satisfied smile. It’s old fashioned, you probably should just buy a heating pad, but this was given to you by your mother and you can’t let go of it because of sentiment.
“What is that?” Loki asks with confusion etching his face, propped up on his elbow. He stares at the orange, rubber bag you hold. It’s the size of a decorative pillow.
“A water bottle.”
“Are you expecting me to drink it?” He asks slowly.
“No.” You laugh and make your way over to him. 
When you’ve climbed into the bed and cuddled up to Loki you place the warm bottle on his lower stomach and Loki actually groans. 
“I understand the intended use now.” He says in a grateful voice as the heat of the bottle penetrates his aching stomach. 
You smile at him but turn your attention to putting on a movie so Loki may rest here for awhile. 
See, thing is, it doesn’t stop. The cuddling, that is.
The next day Loki comes to you and asks if he may use your water bottle. When you tell him yes and go to give it to him he holds it, looking at it like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. 
“Would you mind.....holding me as I use this?” Loki says in a soft voice, as if afraid he’s going to be rejected.
You can see tears welling up in his eyes when he looks up at you, which you blame on the period. You smile at Loki and nod. 
“Of course.” 
As you lay there with Loki wrapped in your arms, a movie playing in the background, he says, “While I am trying to keep an open mind about this whole situation, the blood clots are disgusting.” 
You laugh, causing Loki to smile up at you. 
“Have you bled through yet?” You ask him after awhile, curious. 
Loki scoffs. “Yes. I was wearing a nice pair of pants at the time. Natasha promised to get the blood out though.” He says with a frown. 
“If anyone here knows how to get blood out of clothes, Natasha would be the expert.” You chuckle out. 
“I must apologize to her. I was a bit snappy at the time because of the frustration of ruining a perfectly good pair of pants. She was close and received the brunt of my frustration.” Loki says, his fingers trailing down the side of your chest as he spoke, his eyes trained on the movie though.
Loki must not be ticklish, you absently think as his fingers drag over your sides and you don’t react. 
It happens again the next day. The day after that too, you both cuddle with the bottle and watch movies. 
When the period ends Loki still comes to your room and cuddles with you. It’s a routine now. Every evening, if there is nothing going on, Loki comes and you both relax into each other and watch movies and tv shows, casually talking or teasing the people in the movies. You refrain from teasing Loki personally until after the period has passed because you’d feel bad if you made him cry.
It’s nice, to say the least. 
What you don’t expect is Loki almost kissing you one day. 
It was a normal day, you were cuddling and watching Die Hard, teasing the actor when things were way exaggerated. You had been rambling on about how some of the action scenes could have ended had Bruce’s character did something else. You had noticed Loki looking at you with a twinkle in his eye but said nothing about it. You really looked down at him when he grabbed your chin and angled it just enough to where he could reach your lips. 
Loki pushes and crawls up, you laying beneath him, frozen. Your eyes roam his face, it’s a little weird looking at your face but you’re too invested in the moment, to invested in the switching bodies thing. His lips come to hover over yours, close enough you could close the distance in a blink but you stay rooted to the bed. You both breath each other in, eyes memorizing everything about this moment. 
Then the moment passes and Loki pulls from you. You let out a deep breath and blink. 
Surprisingly, Loki did not run, instead he cuddled back into you and continued conversation as if nothing had happened. You replied back casually, if not a little shaky from the anticipation you had just experienced. 
Tag list: @a-laufeyson​ 
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
Back again with more questions about the au!! XD
And don't worry, we all love your long responses!! The more you say about the au the more interesting it becomes :D
Do Skeppy and Bad need to eat? If so, do they have favourite foods and can they cook?
Does Skeppy have pets of any sort? Does he like animals or have any that he particularly fears? I find the idea of Bad comforting him after a not so nice encounter super cute!
It's pretty obvious they hate the littering teens but what about little kids. Does Bad often lure then deep into the forest to see all the prettiest flowers and cute animals? Has he ever tried to adopt one before realising that wouldn't be a very good idea.
Does Skeppy get defensive about the forrst when he's in the town, like cutting off people who try to say it's a horrible place, or is he good at controlling his emotions?
Do either of them actually need sleep or is it just for fun (or in Bad's case a way to pass time). Does Skeppy ever sneak into the forest depths to nap alongside Bad? Is Skeppy considered short by humans? I assume Bad teases him for being tiny since he's pretty damn tall/large (defending on form) himself.
Also do you have a favourite animal? N who's your favourite to draw in this au?!
Once again, so many questions '>_<. I always look forward to updates for in the dark, all the extra bits are so cool to learn about! I'll probs have even more after a while too haha. Hope you have a great day!! <3
Oh, that's a relief! Gonna ramble freely now :D
And, yes, hello, the questions! (with doodles now!)
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1) Food.
Bad doesn't really need rest or nourishment (his health is connected to the forest), but he indulges in both. Sleep, yes, he uses to pass the time (or have dreams, for the heck of it). And the desire to get food or hunt is part of the instincts leftover from all the times he connected to the forest animals for a long time. Desire to eat food though is purely his own, as a person and not a spn creature :D
Back when he was a human, he could cook pretty good, and I bet his favorites were pastries and steak. Nowadays, in the forest, he can eat meat pretty much any day, raw or otherwise. So, after being awake and coherent for long enough time, and reconnecting with himself a bit, Bad will miss eating baked stuff way more than any other food.
And, yes, getting fresh muffins is one of the reasons/leverages Skeppy might try to lure Bad to hang out in the town.
Rat eats and sleeps too, but Bad isn't sure if she does it out of necessity or habit.
Skeppy, oh, he is one of those people who can burn water. In part, the blame goes to his nature - or his lack of control over it - chaos inducing tendencies do not go well with following recipes.
Which is unfortunate, seeing how he does need to eat, and sleep, and so on. Sure, he can last way longer without any of those things than a human would, but he still needs them to survive.
So, his favorite food is pizza, and all home-cooked meals stayed in the past, when Skeppy still lived with his family.
2) Sleep.
So, yes, Skeppy needs to sleep! But I'd say he will not go out to the forest at night for it. Not at first, at least.
First time, he just stayed out for a long time, very far back from the forest's edge. And the forest is so dark, it’s hard to judge the time in it at evening hours… By the time Skeppy noticed that it got very late, the whole journey back would’ve taken him too long to get a good rest at home. But, really, he didn’t have to make it. Nothing in these woods would hurt him, as long as Bad is around, and he’s… here, Bad’s around. And he knows the best moss-covered nooks between the roots, and is very, very warm all the time, and is kinda worrying anyway… Bad knows his woods are safe for Skeppy, but he doesn’t want him going around town at night when Skeppy is distracted and tired.
And this is how the first sleepover happens: with Skeppy declaring he’s stealing Bad’s cape to burrito himself in for the night, and (after the pretend-fight about it), doing so while Bad is still wearing it. It turns out for the better though, because the cape is not that warm, even if cozy, but Bad very much is. Enough to sleep nicely through the night, and dream of the vastness of the forest, the quiet peace of earth underneath, and of the tree branches reaching for the sky, to pass on the wishes tied to them further.
Bad doesn’t sleep that night, just watches over the snoring cape-caterpillar snuggled to his side (in a very not-creepy way, oh no). He puts some old dry leaves in Skeppy’s hair to make fun of him in the morning, and totally doesn’t scare him, when Skeppy half-wakes up early in the morning to a glowing milky white eyes of not really human looking Bad staring right at him.
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Next time Skeppy stayed out in the forest for too long, and had to spend the night, he maybe did it almost kinda half consciously on purpose. Because he wasn’t sleeping well, and the loneliness and the stress of life were getting to him a bit, and. He is very much touch starved. And the dreams he had in the forest last time were pretty nice too. Like resting so close to Bad let Skeppy feel what he feels, perhaps? Anyway. It was nice. But he couldn’t just ask for stuff like that right upfront then, so the shame and creativeness lead his way.
At some point he will ask to sleep near Bad upfront, though (:
3) Kids.
Oh, little kids Bad doesn't mind. Also he remembers too much about being human to lure kids away, or think having one at the forest will be a good idea :D I'd say, if some little kid gets away from their parents or a common walking path, Bad could lead them back instead. Send them to chase after a bunny or a pretty butterfly, leading the child back to safety.
Bad never shows himself to the kids, and there is a bit of self-deprecation in this. Just like there is a bit of kindness in the way he treats people, despite always showing how angry and done he is with them.
That is a weird, interesting contradiction Skeppy is very fascinated with.
4) Height.
Skeppy is short by human standards :D And his less human form is even shorter, so Bad absolutely makes fun of him for that. Oh, I'm sorry "lightly teases him, with no mean intent to it at all" (c) Bad, smiling with all his long, sharp teeth
5) Skeppy and the townsfolk.
After knowing Bad for a while, knowing how Bad sees the forest, and how, despite his anger, Bad still can't help but watch out for some people of the town too... Yes, with all that, Skeppy will find himself getting angry at times over people bad-mouthing the forest.
But he can't really talk back here. After all, it was him, and his mischief that reawakened old rumors, old fears, made people more paranoid about the forest than they were before.
Skeppy's little pranks took hold, and him being in town and going around the forest doesn't let people forget how scary and dangerous this place can be.
So yeah, before he lets himself properly call out someone about being mean to the forest, Skeppy gotta face all that. Fun times :D
6) Favorite animal and fav. character to draw.
I think I like to draw Bad more, because he can shapeshift, and the horns/branches are fun to twist around :D But I liked doing Skeppy's reality breaking effects too!
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And idk if I can pick one favorite animal :D I just really like snakes, cats, orcas, and all corvids.
Thank you, this ask really made my day! Even if it took me a bit to answer it XD
In The Dark - masterpost
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years
For a while, after everything with Jack, it’s quiet. Sam gets up at the same time every morning out of habit but there’s no real need. It feels like there’s something—untethered, in him. A flying line that used to be caught on concrete, and now that the anchor’s gone he doesn’t know what to lash it to. Dean seems to be doing better but Sam knows it’s the same for him. They stay apart a little, in those first days, but they keep running into each other in the library—Sam looking at the bookshelves and Dean coming in from the garage with grease on his hands, and they look at each other and kind of shrug, kind of smile, but it’s—strange. Like there’s been some weight, counterbalancing the world, and now that it’s gone—
Sam goes for runs. Dean works on the car. They watch movies they meant to see when they were in theaters, and which can be watched now in the den Dean built for them, a six pack of beer between them and Dean hogging the popcorn. They drive through Lebanon together, pick up mail and groceries, and they argue over whether they’re having that tater tot hotdish recipe Donna sent again or whether they’re going to eat something that has a single vegetable in it, at all. They go out onto the empty abandoned farmland behind the bunker, and Dean’s found some battered lawnchairs from somewhere, and they sit with their feet kicked out into the long grass and pass a bottle of whiskey back and forth, and they watch the day slowly sliding into sunset, and then into night, and when there’s stars overhead Dean says, “Damn,” softly, and Sam laughs, just as quiet. Yeah. Yeah, that—about sums it up.
There’s a hunt, finally. Sam wasn’t even really looking, but he’s got the Google alerts set up and the hunt finds them, instead. He’s sitting in the kitchen with the remains of breakfast around, staring at his laptop. Missing women. Strange details, from the police reports. A mystery, that the locals can’t solve, and he’s got his teeth in his lip and he’s half-considering whether to just close the laptop lid and go—another run, another chore, just to not see it, even though it’s not like he doesn’t want to go—when there’s a scuff, and Dean says, “Hey,” easy, and then he’s caught, sitting, and Dean pauses and then comes up behind him, and leans in with one hand on the table and the other on Sam’s back, reading over his shoulder. Sam takes a deep breath. It’s like a thousand times before. A piece that had been missing starts to slide into place.
“Huh,” Dean says. His breath smells like coffee and Sam wrinkles his nose. Dean reaches around his arm and scrolls down on the webpage, reading. “Shapeshifter?”
Sam lifts a shoulder. “Could be,” he says, and he tries not to put any inflection in it. He doesn’t even know how he feels—he doesn’t want to affect what Dean might feel, either way.
There’s a look, aimed at the side of his face. Dean’s fingertips on his back dig in, just a little, warm and heavy. “Only a five hour drive,” Dean says, slowly. He stands up straight, but his hand doesn’t move. “Three women?”
Sam closes his eyes. “So far,” he says, and Dean’s fingertips slip away, and when he looks again Dean’s standing there in his robe with wet hair, healthy and burden-free and giving Sam this—Sam doesn’t even know how to read that face. Steady eyes, soft curve to his mouth. He shrugs one shoulder, too, hands in his robe pockets, and Sam huffs, smiles and doesn’t know why. That it can be a shrug, maybe. That it doesn’t feel like the end of the world. Just a job.
“I could get packed up in fifteen,” Sam says, offering, and Dean’s eyes crinkle, but he nods, and turns on his heel, and that means—a decision. Sam takes a deep breath and feels that dangling tether latch onto solid ground again. It’s been a month, free, but that’s the thing. They’re free either way.
Sam breaks his ring finger. Dean gets hit so hard on his shin, the bruise sinking so deep and painful, that they both think there’s been a hairline fracture, but the x-ray is clean and he’s just told to keep his weight off it for a few days. Sam drives home, Dean snoozing solidly in the passenger seat, and Sam keeps the radio down low but listens to the albums he picks (Zeppelin II and then Presence and then Zep III, both sides repeated twice), and he keeps smiling, off and on, the whole way home through the dark, because—they saved two women and stopped a fourth from being hurt, and they got the shifter, and it turns out—there’s still a reason, here. Still something.
He gets a crutch from the infirmary so Dean can stump down the stairs, bitching the whole way. It’s two in the morning but Sam’s not tired. Dean says something about a shower and disappears into the halls, grumbling about asshole shifters who get in lucky shots, and Sam’s left standing in the library with their bags, and he—god. God.
He pours a drink, from the good stuff Dean keeps in the crystal decanter. He sips at the glass and then presses it to his forehead, and smiles at nothing, thinking back. What an annoying goddamn week that case was. And yet, and yet. It was…
He sits, at the table. He sets his glass on a spare bit of scratch paper and runs his fingers over the carved-in marks. His and Dean’s initials are already worn smooth, nearly, from nights just like this. When he couldn’t sleep, and he couldn’t bear it. He can bear it, now. What a—gift.
Sam licks his lips. He sets his hand flat on the table, his splinted finger sticking out awkwardly. “Jack,” he says, to the empty air. The carved letters are rough, under his palm. “I guess—you can hear me. I haven’t—I haven’t been praying. I don’t know. It felt stupid. Weird. If you’re really a god now, then you know everything I might say. But maybe it…” He shakes his head and closes his eyes. The wood’s getting warm, from his palm sitting there. He takes a deep breath. “We went hunting, this week. I didn’t know if we’d—but it was exactly what we needed. We saved people, and we fixed something that was bad. Dean’s leg is gonna be okay. My hand hurts. But it’s—good. We did good. And it’s because of you, that we could do that, so I just wanted to say thank you.”
That’s what he’s been feeling, he realizes. All through the drive home. Just—thanks. That this is their life. That they can live it, now.
“Sam,” he hears, in Dean’s voice, and he opens his eyes, and—
Jack’s standing there, quiet, in the library. Dean’s leaned against the archway leading down to the map room with his crutch clutched in the other hand, and he glances at Sam but his eyes go right back to Jack.
He looks the same. Jeans, and that white jacket Sam picked out for him at the thrift store, and his hair falling softly over his forehead, and his face, set in gentle lines.
“Are you—” Sam cuts himself off. He doesn’t—what to say? What to ask?
“I heard you,” Jack says. He looks at Dean, frozen on the top stair. “Both of you.”
Sam’s attention snaps to Dean, who’s starting to flood up red in his ears. Jack smiles, small.
“I guess it’s…” Sam chews the inside of his lip. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to distract you or anything.”
“You didn’t,” Jack says, and of course not, because he’s—god.
“Why did you come?” Sam says.
Jack’s smile gets a little smaller, but doesn’t disappear. He doesn’t answer, either. Dean hitches his weight, puts a hand on the wall.
Sam licks his lips. There’s so much. “I guess—you already know anything I’d say, right?” Because he’s god. It keeps flooding up in Sam. That this kid, this sweet innocent kid that they’d done their best for, who Sam had taught to hold a gun and who Dean had taught to tie his shoes, he’s—everything. The alpha and omega, the spark of life in every cell. But that means he’s gone from them, too. Sam looks down at the table, trying not to show it. Knowing that Jack knows, either way.
“I know,” Jack says, like an echo. “But it’s good to say it, either way.”
Heat rises, at the back of Sam’s eyes. He smiles, even if it feels a little shaky, and when he looks up Jack’s just—himself. Exactly like Sam is going to remember him.
“Miss you, kiddo,” Dean says. His voice is thick. “And no one’s eating those dumb Sugar Smacks you made me get, either.”
“Yes, you are,” Jack says, giving Dean a look, and Sam laughs out loud, tears smarting at his eyes. “And you don’t have to miss me. I’m right here.”
“Yeah,” Sam says, and Jack smiles at him a little sidelong and then is—gone, without a rustle of feathers or a thunderclap or anything.
The library’s quiet. Amber lamplight, and the slight papery-dust smell of the air, and the wood under Sam’s hand. He pulls his hand back a little and looks. Dean’s knifework—angular but legible, and the edges still rough. He runs his thumb over the lines of the J. It’ll get smooth, eventually.
A flinching step, and Dean’s there, at his side. A hand, on his shoulder. “I’m no good at it,” Dean says, low, “but say thanks from me, too, okay.”
Sam knuckles away the wet from his eye. “Yeah,” he says, and has to clear his throat. “Yeah, I will.” Dean squeezes his shoulder. “And keep buying the Sugar Smacks, okay?”
Dean snorts. “I was gonna do that anyway,” he says, and Sam smiles, and gets a splinter from the table in his thumb. Dean helps pick it out with tweezers, under the lamplight. They get some sleep. They wake up again, to a cool and sunny morning, and get to live the life they choose.
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sillysnack · 3 years
Hey! I would like an Encanto matchup if it's possible, I saw your post (I don't see it anymore tho) that you had a block, feel free to ignore or delete this if you want :)
My name is Loréna, i'm 16, 5'2, i'm scorpio, INFP, and i'm peruvian and french!
I use any pronouns (even tho i tell people to use she/her to make it easier for them), i'm queer and i don't really have a gender preference.
In appareance, i have straight black medium hair, brown eyes, light skin and i wear glasses!
My friends say i'm kind and funny- I think I try to be nice and polite with everyone as possible.
i like being sarcastic sometimes but not in a bad way at all, just teasing.
I'm introvert, shy and very discret or even invisible to some ppl- I struggle with communication a lot (i'm neurodivergent), I still quiet most of time
But when i'm finally comfortable, I become very random
I love drawing and animating! Listening to music on repeat and being super comfortable and loud with my friends.
I forget A LOT of things, you could repeat me something important 100 times, I could tell you never did. Really depends on what i want to remember but in general... i forget-
I dislike a lot of food in general, I have eating issues (i don't eat a lot) and i'm very picky- 😅 tho I like sweet things! Like milk chocolate, I adore it, it's conforting.
I love cats!
I think i've finish... I'm sorry if some things are confusing, I don't describe myself correctly at all-
Like I said, feel free to ignore, take time for yourself <3 Thank you very much!
hii im sorry this took so long! i feel like it's short but i hope you like this :D
anyways, i match you with... 🥁🥁🥁
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camilo madrigal !
he loves the fact that you use any pronouns. camilo does his best to switch it up from time to time and often asks u if youre comfy with certain prns (could never be too sure yk!)
i think one of his fav things to do around you is shapeshift as you. cant explain why, he just does it out of love <3
ok i lied, i can explain why! previous bullet is an inside joke in your relationship. one time you approached camilo while he was practicing how he’d ask you out :]
a lot of your conversations with camilo are laced with sarcasm but it always ends up with you two giggling because why not! once u got comfortable around camilo, you two are just balls of energy bouncing off each other ☀
you two and camilo draw stuff together ! although camilo doesnt draw too much, since he’s busy admiring you (he’d say you’re the only art he’d look at)
camilo makes sure to take notes abt even the smallest things to help u in case u forget smth !
ohhh whenever camilo steals food from the kitchen @ casita, he makes you stand guard in case any of his family (esp. his parents & tia julieta)
^ once he gets back with one plateful of arepas & other snacks on one hand, he has a plate of sweet treats for you on the other!
AH i headcanon that cats dont like camilo but . u two are lovers who love cats !!!!!! camilo asks antonio to introduce them to any cat thats around. all the cat does when camilo approaches it is hiss at him, you & antonio just laugh at him 🙏🙏
that’s all !!! feel free to send in match-up requests in my inbox (encanto & maybe genshin IDK!)
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The Full Moon (A White Demon’s Love Song, Part 7.)
Series description: A new job was the reason you found yourself on a lonely road trip on the western coast, ending up in the woods of the Olympian Peninsula. Yet a sudden car malfunction was what cause your unplanned stay in Forks. To your surprise, there was a lot of sinister things going on under the veil of fog.
Part Summary: As the relationship between you and the grumpy shapeshifter finally moved on to the better ground, you knew you were now in the position to ask to see more of the magic that Quilete people could do.
A/N: Okay, okay, okay. I'm back and... Let's get this bad boy running, shall we?
Tagging: @missdictatorme​
Word count: 4.6 K
Twilight playlist: ✨ Twilight Crackheads ✨
Series masterlist: H E R E
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Jacob sat there in dead silence for a moment, before he looked back at you, just sitting there, chewing the meat and staring at him with a small smile. - "Are you sure that you're in the right headspace? We can talk about this later if you want." - At that, you furrowed. You've asked him to show you the wolf again. Okay, maybe, you've been making a fairground attraction out of his abilities and you weren't afraid to tell it out loud, but you wanted to see the animal again. You were curious about seeing it. - "What are you after?" - You mumbled, taking another bite from your almost cold meal. Dear Lord, you've been sitting at the table for more than half an hour. - "You've hit your head, had a panic attack, fainted twice, and even though, you want to see it again. Don't you have any sort of self-preservation instinct? Or do you just find it exciting to have your life threatened all the time?"
It was played out as a joke and you both grinned, you even let out a small laugh... But it was just reminding Jacob of her. How excited she was to discover the werewolves, that she was fond of learning more about them - more so, there was a short fascination phase. Funny, how things sometimes replayed the exact way it was before. - "Hey, look at it from my perspective. I've been living my whole life listening to fairytales and legends, myths, stories... And now, I've learned that some of them are real. Of course, I want to see it again." - "It's not a magic trick. It's who I am, Y/N." - Jacob looked you dead in the eyes to scare you off a bit, but it hadn't made you even flinch. - "And I do respect that, Jacob." - It was just a whisper, but the five words meant a whole lot.
You were telling him that you're respecting this side of him and that you're not scared anymore. Well, that you're not scared of him, more so - which was fair, there was something way more malicious to be scared of. The cold ones, knowns also as the fricking vam-pi-res which you still couldn't say out loud. And now, it was your conflict as well, whether you wanted to take part in it or not. You were there and you should accommodate real fast, or it's going to cost a lot more than a slight concussion, two faintings, and obviously, making yourself an idiot out of yourself in front of fucking everyone. Which made you furrow. - "How do you even know I fainted twice and that I was acting like an idiot? You weren't here - Seth was with me the whole time." - "It's going to get crazier than it already is... Do you want me to answer this one?" - Jacob furrowed and you nodded. - "Are you sure?" - He asked once more. Again, you nodded
Maybe you thought that you're going crazy, Jacob couldn't tell what was going through that head of yours. So far, it seemed that not that much was going on there. And so, he went for it. - "We can see, hear, and feel our thoughts. The members of the pack a 24/7 access to every thought that has ever gone through your head, every feeling that went through... They can see everything. It's very uncomfortable and scary - but that's how I know what was happening here." - "Like all the time?" - "No, only when we shift and the person shifts around the same time." - Wow. How many boobies did the werewolves have to see? How much of the action... Did they see? Sex was the last appropriate thought in a situation like this one - but it was the most natural one.
Once more, your face was looking like a frozen Windows XP program as you thought about all the dirty secrets they knew about eating others... Well, there weren't any dirty secrets if they simply saw all of them, huh? That was one of the most fucked up things you've heard until that day. - "And can you like... Not share with them?" - You wondered after at least two-minutes-lasting silence. - "When you're good at playing mind games or you're a total asshole, constantly thinking about something unpleasant, theoretically, you can hide some of your memories... But trust me, we've been in each other's heads for enough of a long time. Mind games start to bore you to death after some time." - "But it's better than seeing someone bending Betty from the gas station over a table, ain't it? I'm sorry, but I can't stand the bare thought of seeing my friends... Doing stuff. Yuck." - At that, Jacob snickered - which fluidly translated to a burst of happy laughter. - "I'm talking years of being in each other's heads. Not just... Weeks or months. No matter how hard you'd try to conceal everything, there's always a small moment of vulnerability, which can tell others everything, especially when you imprint. Then you don't care about how the miserable singles perceive your all-day projection of a happy relationship." - Jacob mumbled then, his expression coldening at the end of his statement.
Again, there was this hint of sadness and the other Jacob taking over the wheel, steering the ship for now. Yet now, you were to jump straight into the sadness. - "Come again? Imprinting? And what's that about?" - You asked, reminding him that most of this is all news for you. You've never been inside the consciousness of the pack - you never saw Quil constantly gushing over his precious Claire, or before, you couldn't hear Sam thinking of Emily. At the start, it was sweet, but occasionally, it started to feel like flexing on the members who hadn't found the one yet. - "That's another form of slavery we, as the werewolves, participate in." - Jacob tried to joke around, but the tone of his voice gave him in. - "Okay, I'm ready to hear about that."
It wasn't making Jacob easy to talk about the imprinting, trying to explain it to someone - again. But he did. He talked about endless love where the wolf had no choice but to listen to the damn calling of his imprintee. He couldn't leave, he couldn't just stop loving them, the wolves had no choice in this matter. It was one of the most unfair and disgusting, weird things you've heard about that evening. But it made you think... Maybe this was why Jacob was so sour about Bella all the time. He imprinted - and she just let his trust go, becoming a vampire. She let him suffer, alone and unwanted. - "Did it..." - "No." - Jacob answered before you've even finished your question. So that wasn't what happened either - but you were positive that something similar to it had happened. The idea simply haunted you - how would it feel to fall for someone without choosing to do so? Without any reasoning?
On the other hand, it must've been extremely freeing. Not to think about doing right and wrong, just to do as your head tells you to - to love, admire and care for a person until the point it almost kills you, not to put yourself and your feelings in the first place... Damn. It had pros and cons. - "Okay." - You said when you've settled all the ideas inside your head. - "When we'll be doing it? I mean, when you're going to show me?" - Well, you certainly weren't fucking around. There was no question about IF Jake's going to show you, the question asked was starting with WHEN. On one hand, you've had the right to know more about it. On the other hand, it was none of your fucking business - especially with the vampires lurking around Forks.
And as usual for Jacob, he chooses the less logical solution. - "Tonight. I have a watch over the Ozette lake and I'm supposed to be alone there. Also, it's not probable for the leeches to track us out there." - Jacob was never the best with making good decisions, that was the first thing going on there. The second matter was that Jacob was sure you'd follow him into the woods - and if you'd drop dead again, Seth couldn't be the prince to rescue this time. The third thing about this situation was that it would be most likely the best solution, for a few days, to stick with one of the wolves. The trackers hadn't come across the few drops you've let in the forest when you banged your forehead into a damn root - they'd surely soon do so since it was quite smelly.
Now, when you were on board with everything, it also wasn't so crazy to ask you about borrowing a t-shirt from you. Sure, other boys and mainly Sam won't be too happy with how much did Jacob tell you - yet it was better than you walking around without having any clue. He could leave out some parts, for sure, but why would he do so? He was in a fucking shitty situation - no way in hell would he be pretending that everything on the planet is a-ok. - "Okay." - You chimed happily. Suddenly, you whipped folds with papers on the table, working as you ate the last crumpets on your plate. - "Also, there's this one problem." - "The money doesn't add up? " - Jacob asked back, his eyes glued to the TV. - "No, I'm just almost done with all the papers I was able to find there. You don't have the business for too long, do you?
At this, another bit of the conversation was started - Jacob told you how he got the old workshop from a mechanic who was too old to keep up. Of course, he paid something for the business, but it was more of a symbolic amount of money than a huge sum. Jacob also started to keep the record about all the gigs he has taken since he started to work as the new mechanic; yet despite his best tries, he was a messy person - your help was heavily appreciated in this field. This start-up was just what Jacob needed to leave La Push. He was still spending some time at the weekend in there with his dad, Seth, and his other friends, but now, he was trying to get through life on his own.
He dreamt about going on a vacation to somewhere where it's always sunny and warm, but he was still saving up for the dreamy trip of his life. Which, as you guessed, wasn't going too well. Jacob, being the good-willed idiot, was trying to help the needy people who couldn't afford to pay that much for a mechanic and there was a lot of small amounts of money he just... Let go. Just like with you, with Mrs. Peterson, and a ton of other people. So... He was most likely to spend his whole damn life in Forks. - "Yeah, but I mean... I will be done soon. What should I do when all the papers are sorted?" - You asked when the story was ended. - "Well, since you still have a debt, you might as well help me with the gigs, I suppose. Tomorrow, I have one in Sappho and then two cars in La Push, I think. And a routine check-up at the station... And then your car." - Jacob started to count on his fingers, naming every gig he had written into his calendar. - "I don't know anything about cars. And you've told me that you're gonna do something to me if I even get close to one of your cars. The cars don't like me either, just to let you know." - At that, Jacob laughed into the back of his palm. - "I'll be there and I'll show you your way around the cars, I swear. You won't be letting anyone's car blow up on my watch." - And there, it was the start of something so-called a friendship.
As Jacob promised, it could be around 8 p.m. as you both climbed into the tank he called a car. He made sure you've made yourself some hot tea and put it into a Thermo cup, some food, he so made you take your jacket and his raincoat just to be sure you won't feel cold. The whole ride to the unknown was quiet, yet in a nice way. You've been shifting on your seat expectedly, watching your surroundings. There were woods as far as you could see, nothing but deep and dark woods. Suddenly, Jacob turned off the engine and looked at you. You've been in the middle of literal nowhere, yet Jacob was sure you're just where you've been supposed to be. - "Well, come on, we're here." - The man smiled sadly. He was playing out the worst scenarios inside his mind for the last ten minutes and he was just praying you wouldn't fain when he'd show his wolf form to you. - "We'll be walking for half an hour," - "In this pitch-black night? Are you out of your mind?" - At that weak argument, Jacob snickered quite happily.
"I forgot you can't see that well in the dark." - The man scratched the nape of his neck as he looked around. - "But you'll be just fine, trust me. Let's go." - With a quite loud clap, he ventured to the forest head first, not waiting for what you wanted to do. Unexpectedly, you stood still at the trunk of his car while the wildest thoughts raced through your mind. That man told you, just mere hours ago, that there are vam-pi-res somewhere in the woods and now he wanted you to wander somewhere behind him, orienting only through the sounds of his heavy footsteps... Jacob was surely half-insane, you were one hundred percent sure of that. Suddenly, said crazy man popped his head on the other side of the trunk, making you squirm in fear. First, you ducked and tried to hide, but then, your mind clicked as your brain realized it's only Jacob
"Holy mother of shit." - The curse made Jacob grin, but he didn't say a single word as he leaned his elbows to the sides of the said trunk. - "I swear to God that I'll have a heart attack if you keep fucking around with me. You scared me to death."
"What are you so scared about? I've heard everyone looks better in the dark, Y/N, which makes me the best looking man in all of the Forks and La Push." - At that argument, a wide grin appeared on your face. Sure, you still were a bit tense, but as of now, Jacob's presence was calming you down... Which was a thing you thought you'd never say out loud. In the end, he was one grumpy and scary package. As of now, he was tall as a mountain and pretty well-built as far as you could judge; said man could also turn into a wolf at will, so it was a win-win situation. You had to be safe with him even if you didn't want to. - "Debatable." - It was not much more than a silent mumble when you answered Jacob. - "Come on. Don't be a sissy, nothing bad can happen to you. I can't smell anything inhuman in here. You're safe."
To be absolutely exact, Jacob couldn't smell anything other than you. Not that you'd be smelly or smelling funny, your smell was just outrageously strong, even in an opened, windy space. But he was sure that if any leech would be lurking around, he'd either see or smell them. - "Sissy?" - Was the answer you came up with, leaving the safe space behind the trunk. With never-before-seen confidence, you walked up to the edge of the woods, quite literally pulling your sleeves up in the process. - "You called me a sissy? Well, young man, you just outdo yourself. I'm no sissy." - And just like that, you stumbled to the pitch-black dark forest, walking a few steps forward between mossy, cold trees. At first, you still knew Jake's right behind to watch each of the steps you made, yet as the time passed by, the silence was growing louder and louder.
You've made it a few feet into the woods before you realized that you, in fact, were a total sissy. As you walked out of the edge again, you could now see Jacob resting his back on the side of his car, watching you with a small, daring smile. - "I gave you a minute before you walk back out. You impressed me with your time of a minute and fifteen seconds." - "Oh, fuck off. A forest is a freaky place when you can't see even a foot away from you. I almost hit a tree with my forehead." - With a sigh, you caught the straps of your backpack in your palms and looked at him. - "Well, lucky for you, I have a plan B."
First, you didn't know what he was doing - the man kneeled in front of you while showing you his back, waiting for you to do something. What you were supposed to do was in no way clear to you, to be honest. - "Are you climbing on it or not?" - Jacob asked impatiently after almost a minute of getting his knees wet. Were you doing... What? What did the man just ask you to do? To climb on his back? Well, who were you not to deliver?
With all the concentration you had in you and with the best skill you could have while wearing two thick jackets, you climbed on his back, making sure you were holding to his shoulders as firmly as you could. At first, it seemed to be working - with little to no actual force, Jacob walked at least half a mile with you on his back. The only problem was your ass slowly slipping down with each step he took. And suddenly...
"Oh, loca. Did you hurt yourself?" - As soon as Jacob heard a loud wet thud, he knew you've fallen directly on your ass. Yeah, it did hurt a little, but it was nothing you wouldn't walk off pretty easily. - "No, I think I'm good, it's basically nothing." - A mutter along with a sharp curse word left your lips as you tried to pick yourself hard. And you needed to say that it wasn't the easiest task when you couldn't see more than one and a half feet from you. Jacob watched you trying to find a tree nearby with a smirk on his face before he actually bowed down and made sure to pick you up bridal style.
"I can walk on my own, Jesus Christ, Black! I'm heavy!" - A quiet squirm hit Jacob's ears as he started running with you in his arms as if you were nothing but air. Even though you started to wiggle a bit to show you're not consenting to be carried, the man could hear your heart slowly calming down. Just like that, you felt very safe. - "We can talk about that once you start walking properly. You women really need to work on your marches, let me tell you that." - Jacob answered while making his way forward as if you weren't even there. - "It's hard to walk when you can't see for your dear life." - Was the last mutter you left out before curling up closer to the warmth he radiated as you tried to find a better position for yourself to relieve both him and you.
Jacob remembered the forest trail to lake Ozette from the back of his head. During the day, the place could be lovely when any leeches were around - it was a huge body of water laying as far as an eye could see, some shores were beachy, some of them were covered in reeds. When the summer was warm enough, it was one of Jake's favorite spots to take a swim at along with the boys, especially when they decided they are bored of cliff diving for now. As he thought about that, there were many beautiful spots around Washington the guides didn't talk about and which you definitely had to see for yourself - just like that one meadow high up in the mountains, or the canyon cutting the edge between Quileute and Cullen territory. There was just something simply magical about these spots.
It took him a moment to form the right kind of sentence before he started talking. Which, let's be honest, kinda freaked you out - the man was running around a pitch-black forest with you in his arms and nothing more than jean shorts and a plain t-shirt on, barefoot, let you add and he still found to breath to talk to you amidst all of that. - "You know, if we survive all of this in good health..." - Jacob started carefully. It was meant as a joke, but seeing your eyes widen in horror made him realize this wasn't funny to you. - "I mean, when all this is over, because, we will destroy those leeches and that's a promise, I think I have some secret spots for you that you might want to see." - "But... What about my car? Won't it be long repaired by then?" - Ouch. It was a good question, but it hurt the good-hearted Jacob right in the feels; this time, the mean, grumpy guy wasn't in charge.
Yes, he should focus on repairing your car as quickly as he was capable of just to get you out of Forks for good. As a reward, he wouldn't feel the heavy responsibility for another human being who was fully dependant on him and his pack in this scenario. On the other hand... - "What if we don't get the right parts, huh? I think you should start to prepare for prolonging your stay in Forks and by all means, you should find yourself a good part-time job. Newtons always look for a part-time worker." - Even if you could see just a sheer glimpse of his teeth, you knew he was basically smiling from ear to ear.
"Jacob Black, you're one of the best mechanics I've seen," - Wow. That was a huge compliment. Yet, then the second part of the sentence came to play and it ruined the nice thing completely. - "Truth is, I have seen like... One mechanic working. But you seem to be great at what you're doing and with your love for classic cars, there's no way in hell you wouldn't get my Beetle working." - "You meant do say the wreck, didn't you?" - "Oh, fuck you. No more compliments for you, you get cocky too easily." - To keep you in the headspace of winning that small quarrel, Jacob didn't say a word throughout the rest of the way. It wasn't much longer a mere five minutes later when something very bright hit your eyes.
Oh, it was the moon. It made sense - no clouds were in the sky, it was clear and you've also been miles away from the nearest small town. Here, as it reflected in the masses of water, the moon looked as big as never before. When Jacob put you down, you didn't wait for a signal that the proximity of Ozette if vam-pi-re free and just walked to the meadow surrounding it. As it was to be expected, it was cold as hell - there was a huge mass of water in front of you and the wind was blowing; yet your eyes were basically glued to the big, grey, shiny ball on the sky. - "I told you there are some secret spots you might enjoy." - Black grinned as he pressed something to your hand. At first, you just nodded with your mouth opened as you were unable to look away, yet as soon as you realized you're holding a piece of cloth, it hit you - Jacob walk walking back to the edge of the forest's edge, unzipping his jean shorts. It was happening.
With a soft thud, you took down your backpack and turned head first towards the spot the man disappeared at. Nothing more than a splashing of water and soft howling of the wind could be heard, yet you knew exactly what was happening. And when it happened, the sound reminded you of a quiet, strange explosion, you knew that this time, you've been perfectly prepared for what was waiting for you hidden just ten feet away from the nearest tree.
This time, when you saw it, you hadn't fainted. In fact, you stood perfectly still and watched the majestic animals slowly walking towards you.
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liang-rexy · 4 years
Little comic. It's @yutyrannus2019r my AU Danny, and @suekis-stuff 's AU Dan.
Page 4:
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This Dan regards Danny as a toy. So he wants to keep "playing" with Danny, which is basically what he means here.
But he didn't expect that Danny would actually attack him, because this Danny didn't fight back earlier (he's pretty sure that the kid is someone else with some weird powers or something, since normal people will die more easily and normally Danny will just go ghost… ) (he doesn't care about which Danny he is punching, though), and his Danny never bitten him. Biting someone is just so disgusting, in his opinion.
Some previous pages:
There are only four pages. 😂
My AU Danny can't fight like "normal Danny" does, since he really is weaker than Dan and his powers are limited, and he is likely to get killed later…
Unless Clockwork or this universe's Danny saves AU Danny. Or maybe this Danny will manage to escape this freaking place.
Or he can try to fight (do blood blossoms work here??) with the energy/ (powers???) he got from this Dan by literally eating (drinking?) a little bit of Dan's flesh/ ectoplasm (This Danny can absorb energy from some powerful ghosts) (but he is still terrible at fighting, and still too weak).
Or he can try to convince this Dan of his "evil" intentions by shapeshifting to a young version of Dan (he is an alternate version of the large ghost after all) (he definitely can "go ghost", but he still accesses to the same powers after switching to another form) (Transformation is more like changing appearance without actually changing power level for him, and it sometimes drains him no matter what form he is turning into) … At least it's going to confuse the older Danny and even get a chance of not dying in another universe. But it'll be a very bad idea if the other Danny sees him like that. He will probably die if both of the more powerful and dangerous Dannys attack him.
I don't know. I don't want my AU Danny to get killed.
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