#maybe he was Mormon tho
headedoutleft · 4 months
Boise, Idaho has like, perfect weather, but I have a high level of suspicion that it is boring af if you don’t want to do outdoor activities constantly
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mercutiotakethewheel · 4 months
ok so realistically i know theres important character reasons Kendra (and Seth and Warren by extension) never suspect Gavarog. It’s the old society trick to set up threats as team bonding exercises, etc, etc. plus this is a new and unfamiliar world thats rapidly overtaking her real world and replacing all her existing relationships, and right now Gavarog’s like the only member of her magical-worl peer group, so she doesnt want him to be a traitor, just like she didnt want Vanessa, her only female mentor to be a traitor, etc , etc.
but also i wholeheartedly 100% believe that every time Gavin did some truly bizarre, weird ass shit Kendra was just like. damnnnn…. average home school kid behavior.
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2024skin · 15 days
Thinking about the gay Mormon kid I met in middle school and how all the other Mormons were convinced he was gay-faking and actually straight
#mormon children are so funny they be like ''if someone hears me say fuck i could be disowned and excommunicated. i support u being gay tho#i'll always support you the way you are'' <- actual unironic convos i had with my mormon friend in 5th grade#like days apart first she was like i can never swear and then when i came out to my class as bi#she was the Nicest straight person about it like of course the other girls who were questioning or already knew were supportive#straight kids had a more diverse opinion on it lol but this mormon girl got me she was so good#definitely part of my gay awakening bc i spent months being like ''i cant be bi bc if i was i would have a crush on Her. but i dont''#''i only feel this way bc she has beautiful red hair and freckles which i adore and she is super sweet to me. thats not gay''#and this went on for 3 months and then i had a wet dream about a different girl and i was like OH. well the evidence is growing#wow these tags have nothing to do with this gay mormon kid lololol nothing much to say about him#i didnt know him very well tbh like we spoke a little bit and he did come out to me but most of what i learned about him was rumors#and def i feel like he got the typical gay kid treatment of being ostracized lied about and picked on#idk why you would choose to subject urself to that if u arent ssa like it is not easy to be out in this area#its maybe not Dangerous bc more people are coming out every year but its certainly still viewed as a severe sin#its not seen as a neutral thing by mosr churches although several churches have sprung up that specifically welcome and accept lgbt people#thats a super interesting divide to me bc i Still meet christians who cant even hear about gay people without talking#about how sad gayness is and how gay souls are in danger and the last time i ever visited a church the sermon was homophobic#yet the city decorates for pride every year and even certain churches will decorate for it#the culture is certainly changing lolol but as long as there are ''gay love is sodomy'' christians around here#then its always going to be a struggle for lgb youth bc they are straight up hostile
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marsbotz · 1 month
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also i need u guys to see this sorry.
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vitamin-zeeth · 7 months
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panlight · 7 months
Hi! I love your blog and your opinions so i've been thinking about some stuff. I don't know if you received this already and i'm sorry if you did. Ive been reading some fics, post BD canon, and thought about some stufff. Especially about nessie/jacob. I have no ideia how this will play out. Do you think the cullens will have to leave the town by the time nessie reach maturity? i think so, considering theyve been there for 8 years and carlisle will have to be what, 33?
If so, what will happen to jacob? he will tag along with nessie, of course, but what about his alpha duties? he will be far from his family for the next 80 years? that sounds so fucked up. i simply cannot imagine how stephanie thinks this is a good thing. nessie cant have children once she reaches maturity (even tho i DOUBT smeyer will leave her without children) so her child will have to turn into a vampire later? she wouldnt make ness/jacob lose their child. or shell make ness pregnant before she turns seven?
Anyways, another question: how do you think Edward (and bella and the cullens) will react to jacob/ness wedding and pregnancy? Some fics show edward pissed the fuck off but some hes just okay, having accepted the fate (he had 7 years to get over it). Also, i'm pretty sure he'll flip on jacob if they have sex before marriage and the thought of nessie being married at 7 years old terrifies me. i doubt they'd wait until marriage, tho. they are young and non mormon i mean, i'm sure smeyer will make them wait for marriage and have renesmee married AND knocked up before she reaches full maturity. but realistically, they wouldnt wait till marriage and i hope they wait long before marrying. what are your thoughts? how would edward, especially, react to marriage/pregnancy and pre marital sex? sorry for the long ask. i've been spiriling around twilight after some years hehe
The whole thing is just such a nightmare that I have to hope she "did not think it through" because the idea that she DID think it through and thought "yes this is great!" is even worse.
She HAS said that "the lovely thing about Jacob and Nessie relationship is that as long as he keeps phasing, he won't age." Which implies to me that a) she does intend for them to be a romantic couple in the future and b) she does intend for them both to be immortal.
The full maturity at 7 years feels so much like a "ugh I don't want to have to wait to write about her as a grown up so let's just skip ahead" sort of cheat to me, but again . . . did she think that through? The logic I've seen some fans apply is basically like, well different species reach maturity at different ages. A cat is an adult after about one year, while we think of humans becoming adults at around 18 years. Renesmee's not human, she's a hybrid and for her species adulthood is reached in 7 years so there's nothing 'bad' about it. But like . .. the optics? Terrible. And she's only been alive/on earth for seven years. She's only had seven years of life experience. That's . . . that's REALLY uncomfortable to think about. Physically she might be an adult, maybe even mentally in terms of brain development, but emotionally? Socially? Especially compared to Jacob's 20+ years of life experience at that point.
And given SM's questionable relationship with science and biology, I honestly kind of expect that she'll let Renesmee have children even after the seven years. I think that's the reason that female hybrids aren't venomous. That she's set THAT up to be like "oh they're not venomous . . . so they can get pregnant!" and Renesmee will be fertile until her eggs run out. But that's assuming that her reproductive system is anything like a human's and SM could fully just be like "oh it's not!!! she is fertile every 7 years and will always have twins" or whatever she invents (I think they will have twins because twins run in Jacob's family and while that's Not How That Works it seems like a set-up for super-amazing wolfpire hybrid twins who save the world).
In canon, Edward and Bella will probably be fine with it? SM sees this as a happy ending for Jacob (he gets his predestined soulmate) and a happy ending for Bella (she gets to keep her best friend around forever . . . as a son-in-law???) so I don't think she'll have them feel anything but normal parental feelings about seeing their little girl grow up and get married. She'll write something about Edward seeing the love in Jacob and Renesmee's minds and while Bella might be lowkey a little jealous she'll tell herself she's happy for them blah blah blah.
The headcanons of Renesmee rebelling or becoming evil or breaking the imprint are probably all more REALISTIC to what someone growing up in that nightmare of a situation would do, but I don't think that's what SM is imagining here at all. I think it will be about a girl who doesn't feel like she fits in, oh woe is me, a lonely hybrid. Nahuel will come back and there will be a love triangle with him and Jacob, because Nahuel is like her and understands, is the only male of her species and she's the only female who isn't his sister. But in the end she picks Jacob because "he's always been there for me . . . since the moment I was born" (BLECH) and they'll have amazing twins with powers that will somehow be able to stop the Volturi when they come back.
And yeah Jacob will be stuck living with the Cullens, or at least with Nessie, for the rest of forever. Maybe once Nessie's an adult they'll travel independently, but they are immortal and don't age, they can't stay in one place forever. Maaaaaybe in La Push if everyone's in on the secret, but canonically not everyone is. And how IS he supposed to be a good leader for his community if his #1 priority is being whatever Nessie, a half-vampire, needs? It's a huge conflict of interest and super unfair to him.
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
bartolomeo in any of your aus
(I want to see him simp for the straw hats)
Bartolomeo in All my aus - and quickly before I regret it
Edit: More
Edit: Even More
Son of the Fog AU - everything's the same except Barto heard rumors abt a haunted skeleton pirate and tried to find him to join his crew. He didn't, but he starts frothing at the mouth when he finds out that Premium Luffy Lore and Brook is his second favorite strawhat
Teach him a Lesson AU - In Loguetown Barto still gets his reverence for Luffy because Luffy acted the same when put in the same situation, but he also noticed how amused Luffy's captain looked, and so becomes a Luffy And No One Else stan
Yoinked AU - Barto never really meets Luffy, since Luffy doesn't have the freedom to be a pirate
Marine Dads AU (just dog dad tho) - Barto hears abt Luffy a lot later, post-marineford, but is very inspired by his story and once he finally meets him he starts crying and Luffy has no idea what to do because Barto hasn't even introduced himself yet
One Piece/Soul Eater crossover - Barto is one of Franky's peers and was a super tough bad boi but then Luffy and Usopp (accidentally) saved him from a witch that had magnetism powers that Barto was weak against in pitchfork-form and human-full-of-piercings form. Barto founded the Luffy cult and co-founded the Usopp cult, and joined in marineford-adjacent because he would follow Luffy and Usopp to the ends of the earth
Selkie Usopp AU - Bartolomeo is very passionate abt selkie and fishman rights, and somehow knows more abt selkies than Usopp and Buggy put together (he needed to know abt Luffy-senpai's beloved's culture lest he offend one of The Strawhats)
Myths & Gods AU - Barto was rejecting gods for his whole life when he got stabbed, his arms broken, kidnapped and thrown into a field to die after a gang fight. He couldn't exactly figure out where the hell he was, only that the place was full of flowers (that were god flowers but he didn't know that). He ended up chewing on a sunflower because the seeds are edible maybe and Luffy appeared like 'Hah! First time In a while I've seen someone do that' and then brought everyone over to see the hobo sleeping in their flowers, and tell Sanji to feed him. Barto will now tell everyone that asks that the gods are awesome and they saved him and he's still a pirate but hes borderline door-to-door Mormon because he just won't stop talking abt how the gods helped him in his lowest hour
One Piece/Fruit's Basket Crossover Au - Barto was a delinquent kid (and still kinda is) that, in middle school, ended up in a gang fight with high schoolers. He and his little gang was losing miserably but then they saw a crying "girl"(Barto wasn't sure at the time) with a broken nose that pointed at the towering highschoolers and Luffy, Zoro and Sanji all came out, Zoro with a baby strapped to his back, and they all proceeded to beat the shit out of those highschoolers. That cemented them as the coolest people Barto knows, but then Luffy went up to him and said he had really cool hair and he looked like Brook. Barto had no idea what that meant but it started his massive fanboy crush as well as his entire gang's matching massive fanboy crushes
Wing AU - pretty much same as canon except Barto's got some wings with a lot of dye in them, so much it's hard to tell what kind of wings they are. He can't control his wings flapping when he's excited and he's always tripping around Luffy because he keeps accidentally flying a centimeter and then falling
Roger's Ghost AU - Bartolomeo occasionally thinks abt killing himself so he can be part of Luffy's ghost posse but he never does, he also does a lot more research into the origins of the strawhat because he doesn't want Luffy to be cursed (he knows about the curse even if none of the crew does, it was by accident)
Sun's Personality AU - Bartolomeo is in denial that Luffy isn't entirely Him, tries his best not to wonder if it was Luffy that inspired him or Nika. He had a bit of a strained relationship with his devilfruit at first but learning that Strawhats liked cohabitation with their devilfruit meant Barto put some effort into actually knowing his devil, and they ended up having more in common even if his devil is very straight-laced and traditional while Barto is Barto
Halloween au - Bartolomeo is a cockatrice that is absolutely obsessed with Luffy and draws fanart that borders on furry art of him All The Time and if anyone says anything derogatory about any of the crew he turns them into stone. He has dog ears that he wears in private
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gutsfics · 23 days
What’s Neel’s family like? Friends? How did he become Hunt’s assistant?
Neel is kinda-sorta a self insert so im not gonna go to into detail about his related family but i will say: big and mormon. his immedeate family left the church when he was a kid though so hes normal. mostly. not really.
his other family is that he's Chris' second divorce! it was amicable if awkward and theyve grown past it. mostly. kinda. like they can work together. the feelings between them are a little muddied bc they do still love each other but also they wanted different things out of their lives
since he's lowkey A Version of the hwu mc (basically an amount of what isnt canon for hwu!Avalon is canon for hwu!him, & since rcd!Avalon never went to hwu he is the Only hwu mc in the rcd version. barring the differences between hwu and rcd of course. he never started his own production studio in either lmao) hes friends w all of the main cast of hwu. hes closest w Holly and Ethan bc he still regularly works with/sees them, next is Crash, then Addi, then Lisa and Aria. he & Marco weren't ever super close but they do hang out from time time to time :) they do like each other a lot, its just that theyve got their own things going on. also Chris-but-kinda-not and he and Hunt have Something going on. its weird tho.
so in hwu, during maybe his second or third year he becomes Hunt's like TA for a work/study thing bc by that time Hunt's started making movies again & doesnt have as much time to focus on his teaching stuff. it was initially going to be just for the teaching stuff, but he was a good enough teaching assistant that he eventually became Hunt's straight up assistant
for rcd, Hunt only taught a single year before being like Actually Fuck This, but the students w a lot of potential did stick out in his mind as people to watch and/or work with (like Addi), & he just remembered Neel from that. originally Neel was doing something other than assisting him (im stuck between set design, best boy (either electric or grip works for him), and cinematographer. but he can do all of these and more. this is where the self insert part gets a little wish fulfilling lol) & Hunt liked him enough that he kept hiring him for stuff, & eventually his roles kept branching out to other stuff to the point that Hunt just dubbed him "assistant" and put him on a constant pay. he calls himself Hunt's Most Special Little Guy On Set bc he knows it pisses Hunt off lol but it is accurate bc he does A Lot for Hunt. i just love it when there is A Guy who is the lynchpin for an entire business & if he stops working it grinds to a hault lol hes part of a union btw and Hunt is a really good employer
tysm for sending this in <3 ilu
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stardust-sunset · 11 months
For the ask game: Butters! I can't decide on which questions so... all of them! (Or how ever many you feel like answering.)
oh this should be fun-
My first interpretation of them
Honestly I just felt bad for him. I basically knew him as the kid who got grounded all the time and he seemed sweet enough, he was actually one of my faves from the beginning haha
2. When I think I started to truly like him
Honestly the Fun With Veal episode. And in the Butters’ Bottom Bitch episode where he just kept going ‘do you know what I am saying?’ I just thought it was funny lol
3. A song that reminds me of them
(Kinda a joint one) but You and Me (But Mostly Me) from Book of Mormon is SO Butters and Cartman. Also The Weight of Us by Sanders Bohlke.
4. How many people I ship them with
I don’t really do ships lol, I liked him and Charlotte tho, they seemed cute.
5. My favorite ship of them
Probably him and Charlotte
6. My least favorite ship of them
Him and Cartman. Absolutely him and Cartman.
7. A quote of them I remember
“I’d rather be a crying little pussy than a faggy goth kid anyway.”
8, My favorite outfit on them
Professor Chaos or his Stick of Truth costume
9. My least favorite outfit on them
The bear suit Paris Hilton made him wear in Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset. I felt awful for him
10. Describe the character in one sentence
Sunshine boy with horrible family members
11. What’s the first thing I think fo when I think of this character?
His accent. I dunno, I just have a knack for remembering stuff like that lol-I could honestly just listen to his voice all day, it’s soothing for me
12. Sexuality hdc!
I’m torn between him being pan and being straight lol, but I do think he’s on the ace spectrum.
13. My favorite friendship they have
Him and Kenny. Definitely
14. Best storyline they had
Butters’ Very Own Episode. I felt bad for him but it’s one of my favorite episodes
15. Worst storyline they had
Probably in the earlier seasons when he was just used as Kenny’s counterpart for the shows punching bag. Idk, it just felt like he didn’t really have any character or personality back then
16. A childhood headcanon
He lived on a farm for a little bit when he was a baby. They moved from Hawaii to say Oklahoma, then to South Park when he was three. Hence the accent. He also had a pet chick up until he was 7 or so named Toast. His parents made him give the chick away tho
17. What do you think their first word was?
Probably just mama or something. I do have a headcanon he still calls his mom (or his unofficial mother figure) mama sometimes.
18. How do I think he was as a kid?
He was probably really hyper. He subdued when he got older tho because his parents kept grounding him for accidentally breaking stuff when he would run around
19. The most random ship I’ve seen with this character
Butters x Craig. Like ???? They never interacted in the show lol-
20. A weird headcanon
Butters has a huge sweet tooth and if there’s candy or sweets in his vicinity he’ll devour it in an instant and likely suffer from a bellyache later
21. When do I think they were at his happiest?
Probably when he moved out and went to college tbh. He was just happy to get away from his toxic ass family. Or when his grandma finally dies.
22. When do I think he was at his lowest?
I do headcanon that when he’s in middle school he finally snaps. He becomes angry and kinda becomes a bully because he doesn’t feel like he has anyone who cares about him, it’s probably only for a few days at most but he just snaps at everyone, makes fun of everything everyone does, but after a few days Kenny (and maybe Cartman or Kyle) kinda confronts him and he ends up apologizing and trying to find someone to talk to.
23. Future headcanon
I wanna imagine that he lives on a farm, he has a bunch of chickens and goats (his favs) and some cows, pigs, even ducks. He gets a pet dog (a Border Collie) named Waffles. He kinda owns a petting zoo of sorts where younger kids just stop by and he educated them about animals and stuff. He also owns a bakery. He names it ‘Buttery Bliss’ or something
24. What do you think i’d a secret they’ve never told anyone?
Probably the thing with his sphincter and how he has to wear diapers in school sometimes. He probably only told AWESOM-O because he thought it was just a robot. But after that he didn’t tell anyone because he would definitely get made fun of :(
25. When do I think he’s acted the most ooc
Probably in The Worldwide Privacy Tour. Kyle even said ‘this is really out of character for you, Butters.’ so probably that lol, or in Going Native. I mean he literally wanted to kill a bunch of innocent people
26. When do I think they were being “themselves” the most?
Honestly? Probably when he was singing the Loo Loo Loo song, it kinda just showed his cuter side. Or in Cartman Sucks when his parents sent him to the Pray teh Gay Away camp because he was just so oblivious to where he was but still stood up for himself and his friends in the end
27. If they could meet a certain character from a different show/movie/book, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Hello kitty. This kid would be in HEAVEN if Hello kitty was real. Either Hello kitty or Tails the Fox. Him and Tails are pretty similar. Plus fluffy fox meets sunshine boy, they’d get along-or just him in the pokémon world. Yes.
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
Probably when he was trying to get the Hawaiian tourists killed in war
29. How do I think they’d be as a parent?
Honestly? He spoils the shit out of his kids. He’s a huge pushover, but not to the point where his kids become spoiled brats. He probably exposes them to animals early so he could get them to know what’s good and what isn’t when on the farm. He supports his children, but he’s probably a very sheltering parent if that makes sense. Has no idea what he’s doing at first but eventually gets the hang of it. He loves playing make believe with them, would totally play dress up and such.
30. The funniest scene they ever had?
When he’s Professor Chaos and trying to be all menacing and Dougie has to keep telling him the Simpsons already did his idea and he’s just like ‘aw hamburgers :(‘
Hope this is good!
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shebben · 10 months
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The two at the top are of my best friend @skelelun (left) and me (right) in the game sky: children of the light. The bg is very basic but it’s probably my first one that actually looks good and isn’t just a blank color.
The bunny is my melody as a human. I don’t really like this one anymore. I don’t know why tho. It looks off? Maybe it doesn’t have enough texture or the background is too simple compared to the details on the dress.
The raccoons are things I drew for a friend that I just recently started talking to again after I stopped going to church when the pandemic hit. It’s so awkward tho since mormon topics come up randomly and it is so fucking hard not to go on a ginormous rant about how horrible the church is. Not saying what they actually believe in is bad but the prophets and tithing and stuff are just really gross. We don’t really have much in common anyways so idk how I’m gonna keep this up since we’ve finally caught up on each others lives. He’s very sweet tho. I send him giant paragraphs that you have to press on to see the whole message and he sends me back the same thing answering every single question and more lmao. I’ve never had a guy friend do that. He’s so autistic it’s incredible but I doubt his family acknowledges that. They’re probably just like “oh he’s just shy…” hopefully he doesn’t feel how I felt when I was undiagnosed. Sad and feeling like a failure yknow. Hopefully I haven’t overwhelmed him with my giant texts bc I tend to get really excited when I talk to new people and just barf a bunch of information and junk on them… also all he does is read books like bro no tv??? No video games??? No mlp????
Today and yesterday I woke up at 9:30am and stayed awake. I haven’t done that in a long time. Usually I wake up at like 11:30 or something. Today was a bit harder tho. But hey, I’m getting better ig lol
Bye 👹
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lunadreamscaper · 2 months
Basic Info and Introduction Page
I am the mostly present host of our system, still the same ol Larry Da' Cat! you all remember, just rebranded!
i'm also gay as fuck and an ex mormon (ex cult) now, also it's been literal fucking yearsa So any and ALL past drama is no longer relevant to who we are or what we believe in. B)
(you can ask questions about the past drama if your intentions are genuine but I can't garuntee we'll respond to them but it's a possibility)
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With that being said. Here are the headmates that will probably be interacting with this post the most
Luna Dreamscaper (me) • she/they • host • (no sign off usually except for 🌙)
Johnny Ghost • he/they • brother • ���
Frank • he/they/she • brother/co-host • ⚠️
Jimmy • he • shows up sometimes • 🦐/⚰️
Hunter • he/them • brother/friend • 🐦‍🔥/⚜️
yes we have a Johnny Toast, no he is not dating Johnny Ghost. (please do not ask headmate/alters if they're dating just to live your shipping fantasies. no one likes it and also it's weird/lh)
no they aren't my literal brothers but found family bc we can do that lol 😭🙏
it's an 80% chance that you'll mostly get Luna (me) tho lol.
we are not comfortable with people asking to talk to specific headmates but I can grab their opinions on things... maybe.
remember that we are people and not fictional characters lol 💜🩵💙🖤
assholes get thrown into the sun -🔦
We are bodily 22! Headmates ages range from 18-22 as well.
Things we will post about:
Mostly VenturianTale but expect other things like Supernatural, Smosh, OCs, Strive SMP & Crow SMP (smps we're in), vents and rants?, stuff about plurality (mostly our own experiences tbh) and other stuff i like.
and we reblog a lot. because that's what tumblr is for😭🙏
we also call our VentrianTale PIE focused au "Shatterverse." B)
@pie-resurgence is our alt about more of our p.i.e. lore and related projects!
I love P.I.E. so much and the VT world and it's lore, we love receiving Asks about the topics!
also please reblog our art! we would appreciate that so much! 😭🙏
(post is long af but here's more info down below) 👇
the basic DNI's should obvious but here is a few specifics that we won't engage in:
endos make us nervous due to bad experiences so we will not interact.
this is very specific and targeted but i dont care: people who think they're their source. and actively brag that you did the terrible things that source character has done. we'll just block you lol.
we don't hate this ship or mind people who ship it but please don't ping us in anything Ghost x Toast or Jimmy x Gavin related. (also bad experiences. also makes headmates uncomfortable lol 😔✊)
Speaking of ships. anyone who comes to us complaining about what we do indulged in will get thrown into a Volcano. (Blocked.) unless it's actually problematic, stfu lol.
don't be weird/passive aggressive/mean towards mine, friends VT headcanons. VenturianTale was written badly let people do what they want. Unless it's problematic as shit. stfu pt 2
Please go to Google/do research about systems, DID, OSDD and general Plurality. (the only questions about systemhood we'll answer is how we interpret Johnny Ghost/Jimmy's plurality, or any other plural-coded characters)
Jordan and Isaac Frye supporters dni. see this post.
trying to bring back old dusty ass drama will not be tolerated lol (this probably won't happen but it's happened before because people are cringe
also mormons dni. yall got me fucked up lol
Okay that's it. for now. Thank you for reading this through.
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real-odark · 1 month
Dally but hes danny ocean
Johnny (or two bit idk) but hes rusty ryan
Pony but hes linus caldwell
Steve and soda but theyre the mormon twins
Two bit but hes basher
Darry but hes saul
Tim shepard but hes reuben
Curly but hes frank catton
M&M (twttin) but hes yen
Sylvia but she's Tes (or cherry? Not tryna ship dally x cherry tho tbh)
do you have any hc for a outsiders x oceans au 😭🙏
OH MY GSOH UR SO RIGHT i havent thoight about it but THESE R SO REAL
maybe tex as livingston and bob as benedict ⁉️⁉️⁉️ these rso good though im Eating tjem..,.,.
interests COMBINE⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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gxilgramore · 2 months
I Think My Musicals Hyper-fixation is Coming Back!
This is going to be sort of an aimeless post celebrating a form of art that i like, so keep that in mind while reading
I'd treat this as a negative thing, because y'know, musicals are not a popular form of telling stories so i'd be really afraid of caring about them again, but nah, if it comes back i'm fine with it.
A bit of context, it was in 2019, one of my favorite youtubers at the time jacksfilms made some inside jokes of 2 videos he had done some years prior, some videos about Alexsander Hamilton, i was curious and watched the videos and then discovered they were based on a broadway musical, at the time i didnt watch musicals so i didnt care at first, until i wacthed it and fell in love, that was the start of a 3 year hyperfixation with musicals, mainly hamilton but musicals in general, and in that time i discovered some of my favorite stuff ever, In the Heights, Book of Mormon, Avenue Q, Beetlejuice, it was great, of course with some bumps since wacthing broadway musicals is hard when you don't even live in the US (thank god), and by being a hyperfixation it was a nightmare for my friends that dont like musicals to listen to me yapping about them for hours.
The fixation was falling in 2020 but a thing, a tragic tragic thing happened, Hamilton on Disney+ happened and my musicals fixation was back at full swing, i don't like Hamilton anymore these days, my opinions on politics evolved to the point of seeing this musical as just a jerk-off for a friend (a right hand man if you will) of a guy who had a shit ton of slaves, and i cant accept this a progressive statement anymore, i just see it as a united states legacy jerk off, and nedless to say i dont like the united states very much. But yeah, because of this my musicals fixation insisted until 2021 where i did a video of one of my favs, the SpongeBob musical, a video im still proud of to this day.
Fast-foward to 2024 and my Doctor Who and videogame soundtracks came back without a warning and i feel like slowly my musicals fixation is coming back, probably because of some Musical Hell videos, i love Diva so much, im sad she abandoned the reviews, im watching them once a day for a week now and it has being a blast, she is funny and her videos are thoughtful, they are not Nostalgia Critic style, where he just complains about the movie with shitty jokes, it sparked my interest again a little bit.
But some things have changed, im not interested in broadway anymore, maybe on off and off-off broadway but not broadway, the more i stared at the current state of broadway it just feels like a tourist spot instead of a place for artistic expression, i may be wrong but thats how i feel, but theater as an art form is more interesting to me, if it actually comes back full swing ill be focusing my energy on finding more experimental, left field or independent shit out of the broadway end, im not saying all broadway is bad tho, we still have great art there, im talking more of broadway as a capitalist institution instead of a creative body, the soul feels like it left the body ages ago somewhere more interesting, im excited to find new stuff that shows me why theater is great again, if you read this to this point and have any recommendations im really willing to listen, mainly if they have a proshot.
I love art in general, try to see everything i can and i hope i can see more musicals, and plays than ever.
I told you it was pretty aimless, writing things in boredom does that to you, but hope you liked it if you read all the way through, and if you want to write an aimless comment about your love for musicals you can talk about it, i will answer everyone, bye for now
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firecrackerhh · 9 months
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Because Viv based Adam on Mormonism specifically, and in Mormonism Adam takes Michael’s role.
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I would’ve told this person directly but they weren’t allowing comments on their post and I was gonna lose my mind if I didn’t say something.
No offense to them, it’s not their fault they didn’t know, but don’t fucking act like you or anyone else for that matter is the first word when it comes to anything involving the Lord and savior because there’s so many various interpretations of the Bible, it’s hard to believe Christian’s believe in one god when every Christian believes and follows God in so many different ways to the point where they use the Bible more as a justification for their own behavior and not because they actually follow the fucking Bible.
I bet most Christian’s haven’t fucking READ even a quarter of the fucking Bible!
And as for making Adam a villain, being the angel that organizes the extermination every year it makes sense that we would see the angels as bad in the demon’s POV.
If you think that’s being “disrespectful” to your religion then frankly I think you’re a whiny baby, I expect nothing less from you Christian types.
Jesus man, Christianity practically rules over some parts of this fucking country and you wanna cry like a bitch about how ‘disrespected’ you feel!? Fuck off. Cry harder.
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I’m sorry there’s only one way I can respond to this.
“OoOoOoOoOo I’m soOoOoOoO scaAaAaAaAared!”
If the good Lord has a problem with my fucking behavior, He can tell me Himself. He doesn’t need weak whiny bitch babies like you defending him.
And if I do end up rotting in hell when I fucking die at least I know there’ll be plenty of shitty “Christian” types there too, I don’t think God appreciates those who use His name for their own selfish ends, which, as an American, there’s beyond plenty of those types sitting in government right fucking now.
People who use the Lord as an excuse to be a terrible person do far more harm to the Lord’s actual message than any atheist.
You have anything to say about those people?
For the record I’m not religious myself (I grew up Catholic tho but thankfully my nona isn’t insane about it) but just cuz you yourself are Christian doesn’t mean you know everything about it, obviously.
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LMFAO are you seriously using the Hazbin Hotel tag as an opportunity to fucking proselytize? Holy fucking shit!
Maybe you should ask yourself why people want to ‘disrespect’ God so much to fucking begin with, instead of getting upset at people’s understandable anger towards a religion that supposedly teaches tolerance and love but gives them nothing but shame and fear.
Maybe you’re part of the fucking problem.
“I like your Christ, but not your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.”
🧨🔥~Firecracker out~🔥🧨
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emmetcounty · 5 months
That's a tough one these days, with so many big-tent conspiracies floating around in the public consciousness. I'll try to limit myself to specific conspiracies, though I'm gonna make one exception just cuz I find it so fascinating. I'll also try to avoid shit that's just reducible to blood libel, not only because that shit is fucking awful, but also because it's just lazy, there's no creativity or passion it's just antisemitic. Also note that I'm not an expert on conspiratorial thinking/conspiracy theories, nor am I an expert on any of these conspiracies. I'm not trying to be objective about these either, I have specific biases and I'm not gonna try to cull them here. So, with that out of the way, and in no particular order:
1.) A fun, and mostly harmless one is the genre of [Dead person] is still alive. It's so versatile that it still surprises me that it's been more or less self-restricted to musicians. I've heard Tupac, Michael Jackson, Elvis obviously. An unhoused dude I met, and maybe this isn't a conspiracy theory per say, was convinced that he was Kurt Cobain to the point of providing hyper specific details of Cobain's life that I had no means of confirming or denying. That day was odd. He said he wanted to just get out of the spotlight, which I think is understandable.
2.) Fucking Havana Syndrome, oh my god. Just a group of CIA agents working 16 hours a day, living exclusively on a diet of coffee and Mormonism suddenly getting earth shattering headaches, and proceeding then to accuse the cuban government of inventing infrared brain lasers. Fucking hysterical, I hope they all have aneurysms. In a similar vein is the whole thing of cops ODing on fentanyl through touch alone. To anyone skeptical of that, these cops are almost always just having panic attacks, and in fact do not have any fentanyl in their bodies.
3.) JFK didn't kill himself
4.) The dead Internet theory. This one is a fascinating study of how and why conspiracy theories happen. The idea is that the Internet is mostly bots, manipulating and being manipulated by algorithms that their creators neither understand or are able to control. And like. There are grains of truth here and there, spread throughout the misinformation. For instance, there's a legitimate market on youtube for bots to boost engagement and views. Does that market account for the lion share of views on the platform? Absolutely not, its impact is marginal at best. Another example the theorists love are the numerous bot posts on Twitter. Twitter has always had a bot problem to some degree! That doesn't mean Twitter is all bots tho! So why has the theory gained traction? Because the Internet's a fucking complicated entity, and your average joe is looking for easy answers. As it is with all conspiracies, simple lies are often more preferable than complex truths.
5.) MOASS. Now, here's that exception to the no big-tent rule. It's my personal favorite conspiracy theory, but it requires a bit of explanation. For those of you who haven't heard of this one, Dan Olsen has a really good video on it, but for those who don't have two and a half hours, I'll try my best to sum it up: remember the whole GameStop thing where its stocks went up a bunch out of nowhere, and a bunch of redditors made a fuss about democratizing finance capital, then the whole movement sorta disappeared shortly thereafter? MOASS (an acronym meaning "the mother of all short squeezes") is a belief by the bag holders who missed the big wave of that movement. The idea is that the first wave in January of 2021 was merely the prelude to an apocalyptic financial crash which will be ushered in by "apes" (as the redditors call themselves) coming to own more shares of video game retailer GameStop than actually exist. They also believed (or in some cases still believe) that GameStop is gonna merge with the now defunct Bed Bath and Beyond. The reason I find this one so fascinating is not because of the deluge of incomprehensible nonsense that apes typically spew, nor is it the wild confidence that the movement inspires, but rather that it's so utterly disconnected from reality that it works as a very useful example of Mark Fisher's conception of capitalist realism. Like, these people have chosen to imagine an apocalypse so profoundly convoluted, that even trying explaining its structure can cause psychic damage, and they do this instead of think about their material reality for like. 30 seconds. Idk, it has a special place in my heart.
Honorable mention to COINTELPRO, because even though it was a real thing that really happened, and even though you can easily find sources outlining its extent, intentions, goals, and accomplishments, when you try to explain it to any normal person, you sound fucking insane. I know from experience 😔
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toxifoxx · 10 months
He's autism? Yes. Special interests??
Is he Mormon? This is Utah
Has he always lived in Utah or has he lived/grown up elsewhere before moving to Utah?
What attracts him to William (non romantically)? What makes him go oh I could work with that guy he has good ideas?
ABSOLUTELY AUTISM!!! obvious special interest would be animatronics i think ^_^
as for being mormon... hrmmmm... i'd say yes. he was born into a mormon family and was raised to be one as well. considering he talks about the devil and hell in his speech. i'd wager meeting william kind of made him more open-minded though (considering william is both trans and queer and at that point henry probably hadn't really met anyone else like that. probably still internalized homophobia tho) and he's not super strongly religious by the time fnaf 6 rolls around. mostly because i dont feel like touching mormonism with a 10 ft pole
i believe henry was born and raised in utah! part of the reason he is mormon is his upbringing. im thinking he's lived in hurricane for pretty much all his life but that is subject to change.
i think what attracts him to william is that they're subconsciously kind of on the same wavelength. both eccentric, a little bit strange, outcasts (william was, anyways, but he's more popular in utah since "trustworthy" accent + no one knows him pre-transition). both like technology on some level. and of course they're both FURRIES!!! i think henry likes william because william is the first person to actually Listen when he talks about wanting to make animatronics. maybe william brings up a rudimentary idea for the springlock system and henry's like oh thats really smart actually. and william probably shows him his fursona too
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