#maybe he even hides out in the happy fun ball once yussa knows it well enough to bring him to a safe room in it
aeoris4lovers · 2 years
personally i think part of the reason yussa says caleb widogast the way he does, with such a weary but (not so) secretly amused voice, is because caleb sends to him all the time and insists on using up words to say “this is caleb widogast” every single time, as if yussa wouldn’t know who it was by the millionth call of the night.
once the nein spread out to do their separate things, caleb definitely started using sending constantly. he does it to everyone, but essek and yussa are the ones who (lovingly) make fun of him for it the most because 1) they can make sense of his wizard babble so he has even more to say to them and 2) they’ve experienced the chaos of jester’s sendings firsthand so they can fully appreciate the comedy of the fact that caleb is even more likely than her to call them at some ungodly hour of the night and talk their ears off about something.
caleb may be much more serious than her on the outside but if there’s one thing he learned from her, it’s that sending is a fantastic spell to abuse when you really really want to annoy your favorite wizards at 2am. what he did not learn from her, unsurprisingly, is that you really don’t need to waste words saying who you are every time you decide to annoy them.
when the three of them are together, essek and yussa absolutely do not let him live it down and have an unspoken agreement to exclusively call him by his full name just to make fun of him, which is fair enough considering caleb will absolutely never stop doing it.
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sockablock · 4 years
in light of the truly heartwarming response I got to part one of this story, please enjoy: How To Build a Magic School, Chapter 2
It took a special kind of mind to follow the Mighty Nein’s conversations once they really got heated. It helped, at least, that they were seated in close proximity, sprawled across a ring of crates in the main tent, but the fact of the matter was that trying to pay attention to seven people all chiming in at once was already giving Essek a mild headache. And minor neck pain.
“—kind of disguise,” Veth was saying. “I know it’s been a couple years, but folks here…they might not be happy to see a…a...”
“A foreigner,” Fjord said, diplomatically.
“A Xhorhastian,” Yasha tried.
“A drow,” Essek came to their rescue. “No, she is right.”
There was a sharp and semi-affronted exhale from Jester. “Did you get any funny looks when you arrived? Did anyone say anything to you?”
“And do you remember which ones they were?” Caleb added quietly.
Essek hesitated, trying to remember, but through the bright haze of sunlight and hot summer, the furious clamor of construction outside—
“I…do not think anyone saw my arrival.”
“You’re wearing full black and carrying a pink umbrella,” Beau grunted. “Are you sure?”
He hesitated again. “Ah…no.”
“All sorts of interesting people have visited us since the school project started,” Caduceus said. In line with the conventions of his personal narrative, he was attempting to make tea over a tiny, portable burner. “You probably won’t be the strangest thing they’ve seen or will see, working here.”
“They’ve already seen Fjord—”
“Hey! That—why—”
“The people of Felderwin can be touchy though,” Veth continued, smugly ignoring Fjord. “I don’t really think you can blame them, either. If it wasn’t the goblin attacks for years before that, it was the, well, the huge invasion where a purple worm ate the ground and half the town caught on fire.”
She maintained eye contact with Essek as she said this. Her gaze intensified when he shrugged. 
“That is…fair enough,” Caleb cut in. “But I would feel…ill at ease to force you, Essek, to hide if you did, ah, did not wish to…”
Essek gestured vaguely at his appearance. “Actually, I had assumed I would be needing to disguise myself. I have masqueraded as a high elf before, and it would not be difficult to do so again.”
“Isn’t that a lot of spells wasted?” Fjord asked. “Won’t it be annoying to have to keep that up?”
“It’s not that hard,” said Veth, under her breath.
“Oh, oh, I could Polymorph you!” Jester clapped her hands together, enthused. “I can make you anything! You could be an elf, or a tiefling, or a firbolg or a—”
“I appreciate the offer,” Essek said smoothly, “but I do have a few resources at hand. A simple ring of illusion would do the trick.”
“What are we gonna say about you, though?” Beauregard asked. All heads turned toward her. “If the court wants to know about you, a random mage and one of the first hires of the magic school, what are we supposed to tell them?”
They considered this.
“He’s a…family friend?”
“Whose family?”
“Well, I’d like to think of us as a family—”
“Why don’t we say he’s from Nicodranas?” Jester suggested. “We could say he’s, um…oh! That he was recommended by Yussa!”
“Yussa?” Essek echoed.
“Actually…that doesn’t sound half-bad,” Fjord mused. “Master Yussa is a mage that the king recognizes, yes?”
“Ah, he is a mage?”
“He’s a friend of ours!” Jester beamed. “A super powerful wizard that lives in the Open Quay. He’s pretty powerful, Essek. Maybe even more powerful than you!”
This was delivered with a winning smile. Caleb sighed. “From what I gather, Master Yussa is much older, and has had quite a few lifetimes’ worth of practice. He is also…quite reclusive, and therefore not exactly what we had in mind for this school.
“And he said no,” Beauregard muttered.
“Yes, danke, and he also turned us down. The point is, we can pretend you are acquainted with him. That should be enough to assuage the court.”
“Will this…Master Yussa agree to such a thing?” Essek asked.
Caleb answer with a faint grin. “He is a wizard who feels he is…not so beholden to court pressures. Also, he owes us a favor, as is.”
Essek couldn’t help but match Caleb’s expression. “Is that so? Then I find I quite admire this man.”
“We saved him from the Happy Fun Ball,” Yasha supplied, a collection of syllables that no betting man would have ever predicted to come from her. “He likes us.”
“He loves us,” Jester corrected. “He has our Little Willi and his assistant Wensforth practically worships us and everything!”
After the pertinent information had been properly located, Essek nodded. “That is, er, lovely. I owe him my thanks.”
“Now we just gave to give you a new name,” said Veth. “I don’t think we can keep calling you ‘Thelyss,’ unless we want the idiots on the Committee getting suspicious.”
“The…excuse me?”
“The Arcane Restoration Supervisory Committee,” Caleb sighed, “is a group of concerned officials—”
“—nosy dillweeds—"
“—that was formed to manage—”
“—to oversee our current rebuilding efforts. It is very likely,” he continued, giving Beau a look, “that this is the court’s way of reconciling with the fact that an unknown quantity has been handed the reigns of the Dwendalian Empire’s arcane future.”
“I know that,” Beau countered, “I just don’t like them.”
“Caleb is the unknown quantity,” Caduceus added.
“…I see,” said Essek, eventually. “Should I, ah, be concerned about them?”
“Probably not,” Beau said. “They’re just a bunch of nobles who think they understand the first thing about magic.”
“You being an expert on the subject, of course,” was what Essek did not say, because self-preservation interrupted just in time. Instead, what left his mouth was:
“I had also anticipated concern about my involvement—that is, Shadowhand Essek Thelyss’s involvement—in this matter. If necessary, I can masquerade as someone else. I, ah, will still need an umbrella during the daylight hours, though. Or perhaps a large hat?”
The elongated squeal from Jester atop the milk crate filled him with regret.
“What was the name you used last time?” Fjord asked. “Desden…Desbin…”
“‘Dezran Thain,’” Essek supplied. “Actually, I could employ that title again.”
“Uh…is that a good idea?” Veth asked. “Wasn’t Dezran a friend of the Assembly’s?”
Essek shook his head. “Strictly speaking, Thain was just a very minor lord that lived in Nicodranas. When the peace talks began, he was called upon by Da’leth to play tour guide and host due to his interest in magic and local familiarity. Only he, de Rogna, and Tversky knew who I really was.”
“It is…not bad, as far as our plans go,” Caleb said after a while. “It aligns with the story that you are Nicodranian, and it might actually sit well with the court members that had favored the Assembly. As for those who supported us against them…”
Beau rolled her eyes when Caleb’s gaze fell on her. “Yeah, yeah, an Expositor will vouch for him.”
“An Expositor?”
“Gods, fine, this Expositor.”
“Thank you.” Then he gave Essek a nod. “That about covers it then, ja? This story, we can tell the court, and then—"
“Wait, hang on—” And this was Beauregard again, leaning forward, staring directly at Essek.
“Yes?” he said.
“What did you tell your court?” she asked.
Mother had spoken to the Bright Queen alone. This was not technically out of the ordinary, as the Umavis of Rosohna frequently met to discuss state matters too selective for anyone else. But Essek was unused to being considered “anyone else,” which was why the situation still rankled, in his mind.
“Tell me again,” he turned to face his mother, floating clothes and books drifting past his head. “Is that all you said?”
“Whatever do you mean?”
At his still-annoyed expression, his mother sighed. “Yes, dear. I just told Leylas that this was a unique opportunity for you to integrate yourself within the Empire and gain ample information that would otherwise be inaccessible. We all saw how abruptly the war ended, and how quickly the Assembly seemed to fall afterwards. No one can blame her for being curious.”
A small inkwell drifted across the room as Essek resumed packing. “And then?” he prompted.
His mother sighed again.
“And then I reassured her Majesty that there were plenty of souls that could temporarily come together to fill the void you would leave behind—”
No doubt all from Den Thelyss, Essek thought.
“—and that even in absentia, you would still be serving as a valuable font of information for the Dynasty. Which, after all, is what the Shadowhand is meant to do. And of course, should it ever be required, you could always be called home.”
“Indeed,” his mother smiled. “Though, of course, this is all under the assumption that aside from your prospective employer, nobody else will know who you truly are.”
Essek gave this due consideration.
“I have a feeling that the rest of the Mighty Nein will be told, Mother.”
The Umavi of Den Thelyss was not an easy woman to read. Her expression gave nothing away as she said, “I see.”
“But,” Essek added, because he felt he needed to, “I don’t think anyone else has to know.”
She reached out slowly and plucked a mirror from the air.
“I have more faith in you than that, my dear. I am confident you will ensure it is so.”
“—temporary leave of absence,” said Essek, now, to the Mighty Nein. “I have been the Shadowhand for most of my life, and a diligent scholar of the nation before that. I was owed some vacation days.”
“Vacation days—” began Fjord.
“But how temporary?” asked Beau, cutting him off. “I thought it’d be hard for you—you know, as you said, the Shadowhand—to just up and leave, after all. How long can you stay here?”
Essek gave her a wry smile. “Fortunately, I expect my definition of ‘temporary’ is somewhat different than yours.”
“Longer,” said Caduceus.
“Longer,” he agreed. “It is very safe to assume that I can stay for at least a decade, if I wish.”
“And I certainly hope you do wish,” said Caleb quickly. “There are many things we will need to accomplish, after all, not just today during construction, but in the future. And, ah,” he added, a little more pointedly, “I do feel as if I should thank you again. For everything you have done for us, and now today in volunteering your expertise.”
“Man, we’re really going to need it,” Jester groaned, throwing herself back across the milk crate. “The Committee keeps telling us to go faster, hire this person, that person, build the school different—everything.”
Caleb chuckled. “Yes, but that all can be explained tomorrow,” he said. “For now, though,” and he stood, crouching to avoid the ceiling of the tent, “let me show you to where we are staying. I expect you must be tired, ja? If not by the travel, then at least the time difference.”
For just a moment, Essek thought about saying otherwise. But there was something in Caleb’s hopeful expression that made him pause.
He yawned very minutely, and smiled. “It would be nice to put my things away,” he admitted. “And, ah, perhaps have a short rest.”
“Of course, of course,” Caleb gestured to the door, but did stop to address the group at large. “I’m sure I’ll be back soon,” he added, “but if anyone needs me…Jester?”
She saluted cheerfully, for the spirit of it. “Got it!”
“And of course, Veth, you are the Professor in charge.”
This was answered with an expansive wave, and a grin.
“Of course, Headmaster! Leave everything to us!”
“So…Headmaster, eh?” One pair of footsteps—and then sheepishly, another—began to crunch through the freshly-dewed grass. All around them, spanning the entirety of the field, a legion of masons and stonecutters and workmen cut, sawed, hammered, and hefted the thick wooden frame of an enormous building in its first stages. A group of surveyors stood at the center, arguing as more lumber was lugged into view, directing the flow of Construction and Progress.
“Apparently so,” Caleb said, “though I have to admit, I am not quite used to that title yet.”
Something enormous soared overhead, momentarily blotting out the sun.
“Would you prefer Professor Widogast?”
Caleb sighed as the shadow vanished.
“I prefer ‘Caleb,’ to be truly honest.”
Essek chuckled. “Then for now at least, I will oblige.”
He glanced up as the next shadow approached, squinting to see in the bright morning light. After rubbing his eyes and blinking a few times, he could make out the shape of a massive carpet, carrying sacks of sand and brick.
“Spoils from the remnants of Soltryce,” Caleb explained, before Essek could ask. “We found quite a number of things in the basement of that school, some…well.” His expression went dark, and not just because of the shadow overhead. “Many of those things we managed to release. Some, ultimately, had to be destroyed.” But then he gestured to the enormous architectural undertaking around them and added in a lighter tone, “Some things, though, ended up being rather useful. Like the, ah, look, over there—”
Essek blinked again, and this time spotted what appeared to be twelve hulking stone statues, moving slowly between a line of workers. Each had gait like rock grinding on steel, and were lifting whole logs like they weighed nothing.
“Guardian constructs,” Caleb said. “They were a nuisance to battle, but once de Rogna was gone, they went dormant and stopped fighting. We figured out how to pilot them later.”
Essek looked suitably impressed by this. He shifted his umbrella into his other hand.
“Really?” he said. “And are you now their master?”
“Oh no, nein,” Caleb quickly shook his head. “Honestly, it was suggested, but I…there was something that bothered me about the idea of having control of them. And not just I, but…it felt wrong to let any single person control a fleet of sleepless warriors. So Beauregard got creative.”
Caleb pointed to a wooden sign that was nailed into the ground a few feet from their path. A handful of workers was crouching next to it, carefully reciting what was scrawled across its surface. After a moment, to Essek’s genuine surprise, he realized they were practicing an arcane incantation.
“How do—”
“A pronunciation guide,” Caleb said. He was—yes, he was smiling about this. “We managed to translate enough verbal commands to make them usable for anyone who can read Common.”
“But…but…that’s everyone,” Essek said, hurrying a bit to catch back up. It took him some effort to tear his gaze from the sign. “Are you not…are you not concerned about this information falling into the wrong hands?”
“Ah, but if anyone can use them, then there is no problem. The playing field, as they say, has evened out. That was Beauregard’s idea, anyhow.” At the silence that followed, Caleb tilted his head and said, “Think of it this way, ja? A magic sword controlled by an evil person is not so dangerous if even a peasant can tell it to stop. What is the use of a weapon of war that listens to everyone’s commands?”
“Yes, but…” Essek struggled to find the right words. “Now…now…right, but now the sword is a, a, a butter knife! What would be the point of that?”
Caleb was quiet for a moment. Then he managed a trying smile. “That…depends on what you need though, no? Right now, what we are looking for is not war. It is toast. Er…that is, a metaphorical toast.”
“But…still, if that is the case, anyone could steal your constructs,” Essek said, somewhat subdued. “Should they not be guarded? As you would protect a prized tool?”
Caleb actually snorted at this. “If anybody attempted to do so,” he said, “they would receive quite an earful from the Chief Surveyor. They would not dare.”
And then Caleb turned, met Essek’s gaze, and it looked like he was waiting for cheerful agreement.
Neither response felt appropriate. Something about this still bothered Essek, almost like trying an ill-fitting sock.
“I think, ah, that I prefer jam,” he managed eventually. “On my toast, that is. And perhaps, a cup of tea?”
Blessedly, this elicited a chuckle from Caleb. “Of course, of course. That I can provide. We are quite close to the tavern, as is.”
And indeed, after only a few more minutes, they passed through a thin line of trees and arrived at the edge of a small, but bustling town.
“Welcome—well, welcome back to Feldwerin,” Caleb corrected. “Though this time, I expect, you will be staying longer.”
When the war ended, Felderwin Tillage had been left in a state of utter chaos. Purple worms had torn apart acres of land, fields had been razed by advancing soldiers, and scores of houses, stables, and shops had been burned to the ground when the invasion began.
And then, the Cerberus Assembly had fallen, and more information flooded the populous. They’d been told, virtually overnight, that the Archmages had been secretly using this town as a testing ground. They’d unleashed uncontrolled magic here for generations, tricking and abusing the townsfolk for their experiments, forcing a local lad—the widower—to work for them, and when people fell ill, they’d blamed it all on molded fruit.
Suddenly, the villagers felt quite foolish. And then, they’d started to get angry.
So it came as a genuine shock to Caleb that when the time came to build their campus, Veth had stepped forward and said it should be in Felderwin.
“But…they’d never agree,” he’d said. “Why should they?”
But she’d shaken her head. “They will.”
And so, the next morning, Veth marched through the village center with Luc and Yeza following behind, the Mighty Nein scrambling to keep up. She’d stormed up the stairs of the Town Hall, looked the Starosta dead in his eye, and informed him that everything was about to change.
All they’d need, she said, was a swath of land outside town, far enough away that it wouldn’t interfere with the calm that this village had been so denied, but close enough that it was still in the tillage. She’d told him, when he’d protested, that yes, there would be mages, but there would also be student mages, young, burgeoning minds that would spend quite a long time at the school. They’d be trained there, fed and housed and cared for, and eventually, once they grew up and graduated, when they looked back fondly on their younger years, it’d be in Felderwin.
Besides, she’d added, tapping the side of her nose, now the King would have to protect this place. After all, it’d be right next to the Empire’s arcane center, and wouldn’t it be nice to finally have some proper defenses? Not to mention, if you needed to borrow any of the bright young masons and stonecutters we’d hired, well. That could be arranged, easy.    
Sometimes, she’d said, it doesn’t hurt to be on the map. Because then the world pays attention to what happens to you.
And then the mayor had said, Aren’t you dead?
And then Veth had informed him, I got better.
And so it was now, a few months later, that Caleb led Essek past the newly-rebuilt Brenatto Apothecary, toward the Glassy Grass Inn. It had become the go-to tavern for the Mighty Nein, not because they were unwelcome in Veth’s house, per say, but more due to a gentle conversation that Yeza had had with his wife about work-life balance after Caduceus had walked into the center of the shop during its busiest hours in nothing but a towel and a toothbrush.
After that, they agreed to at least sleep next door.
The bell overhead rang as they entered, though the sound was lost in the din of voices. Essek had barely shut his parasol before a burly man in an apron rushed past, carrying tray upon tray of drink and food.
“It’s gotten rather busy since we moved in,” Caleb explained. “Word got around, and apparently people quite like staying in the same pub as us. That, and old Littlebottle agreed to let our workers take meals and rooms at a discount. The barkeep.”
“Really?” Essek raised an eyebrow. “How generous of him.”
“Well, apparently he is grateful for the business. And, I expect, grateful that our project has kept his neighbor preoccupied. Apparently Veth and Yeza were responsible for quite a number of the scorch marks at the edge of his lawn.”
“Is that so?” Essek chuckled. “I find it easy to believe.” Then he added, as he watched Caleb wave to a face in the crowd, “It seems you have taken well to your new assignment. And life in this town.”
He was caught off-guard when he noticed the faintest coloring of Caleb’s ear.
“Oh, er…is that so? Have I?”
“Well, I…just meant it seems you have made friends with the locals. And you, ah, move through the village with purpose, and had quite a lot to say about your endeavor.”
“Is that—scheisse, was I annoy—”
“Oh! No, no, not at all. I just, er…”
They stopped in the doorway leading up to the second floor, laughter and conversation winding slowly all around them.
“I just meant, ah…it is nice to see you so relaxed,” Essek finished lamely. “Retirement from adventuring seems to suit you.”
Caleb seemed to relax. “Well,” he murmured, “I am glad you think so. Though I must say, my retirement has certainly been eventful.”
“Better still than the typical hero’s retirement, no?”
“Ha! Lucky for me, eh?”
They stood there for a moment longer, as if neither were sure who should go first. But after a short pause, Caleb stepped back and began rummaging through his pockets. “Here, ah, here, take this,” he said, and pressed a small silver key into Essek’s hand. “It leads to my bedroom, but you can rest there while I see about getting you a room. And some tea.”
Eseek turned it over, looped a finger through the cord. “Oh, but I can’t just leave you to—”
“No, nein, I insist,” said Caleb. “I do not mind—”
“Are you sure—”
“Of course.” And with the air of someone playing a trump card in a social encounter, he added, “After all, you have travelled quite a distance, my friend. Please. I will join you in a moment.”
The Mighty Nein ate their sandwiches peacefully in the meadow outside their tent.
“I thought he’d be wearing different clothes.”
“I dunno. I just thought he’d look…less shadowy.”
“Like he wouldn’t be wearing that creepy mantle, or something?”
“Yeah! Like I thought he’d be in, like, summery clothes! Like a flowy shirt and regular pants and short sleeves and straw sandals. He is taking a break from being a spymaster, after all.”
There a pause as they pondered the likelihood of this.
“He…could be wearing that under the mantle,” Caduceus said.
“Sandals? Really?” said Fjord.
“But his skin, he probably could not wear those if he wanted to,” Yasha said.
“Hmm…that is a good point,” Jester conceded. “But still, all black? In the summer? That’s
“Not if he’s got, I dunno, ice under there,” said Veth. “What if he has a bunch of ice strapped to his chest?”
“Ice? Now, really…” said Fjord, but everyone else had started to ruminate on this.
“No stains,” said Beau eventually.
“No stains,” she repeated “If there was ice, there’d be stains. From it melting, right?”
“Or he’d be—ugh, gross—he’d be leaking,” said Veth. “Like there’d be puddles underneath him and stuff.”
Three of them snickered delightedly at this. Then Caduceus passed around more juice, and more sandwiches.
There was a cat on the bed when Essek walked in, sprawled out as if it owned the place.
Disguised drow and disguised fey regarded each other for a moment. Then Frumpkin stretched lazily, and yawned.
It occurred to Essek, as he continued to stand in the doorway, that this might be some kind of test. Minutes passed as he struggled to find the right thing to say—this was a familiar, was it not? And then he realized that anything he did end up saying would probably come across as rather silly. He decided to err on caution and simply nodded to the cat before sitting down on a worn wooden chair.
It ignored him completely. Essek twisted at his sleeve.
And finally, by the Grace of the Luxon, there was a polite knock at the door.
“Come in, come i—Caleb, that is much too much food.”
“Nonsense,” said Caleb, who had closed the door behind him rather inelegantly with a foot. Carefully balanced across his arms were two wooden trays absolutely laden with breads, cheeses, sliced meats and fruits that Essek at a first glance couldn’t name. A third tray floated behind Caleb, supported by a faintly-shimmering Unseen Servant, carrying drinks and utensils.
Not to be outdone, Essek gave a faint smile and flicked his wrist with a flourish. The trays rose out of Caleb’s grasp and drifted toward the table.
“I had it,” but his former student was now smiling as well. “Though I have missed seeing an esteemed Gravaturgist at work.”
The food came to a gentle rest between them. “I have also missed showing off,” Essek said wryly. “It is hard to find someone in the Dynasty unfamiliar enough with Dunamancy to appreciate my skills quite as much as you d—you alldid.”
“We did make you teleport us around quite a bit,” Caleb chuckled. He picked up a small piece of bread and split it in two, offering half to Essek. “I do not think we ever repaid you properly, either.”
Essek examined the bread in his hands. “Well, if I remember the contents of your letter correctly, it is the world that should be trying to repay you. The Chained Oblivion? Really, Caleb?”
“Oh, ah…” The man actually had the nerve to sound bashful. “That was mostly an accident, as it were.”
“You…sorry, you accidentally defeated the Chained God? Is that what you are telling me?”
“Well, er, no, not exactly.” He picked up one of the small round fruits and held it between his fingers. “It was sort of an accident that we found it…or rather, we did not know what we were looking for.”
This sounded like the Mighty Nein that Essek knew. He motioned for Caleb to go on.
“We had been…following a dream of Yasha’s,” Caleb said. “She had received it from the Storm Lord ages ago, but with one thing and another, we had never had time to pursue this. There was…a place, an island in the sea, she had felt it was a place of great importance. We weren’t sure why, until we arrived and found…”
A place of starlight and iron chains, buried in the heart of a dead volcano. A chamber, a ritual-site, fading incense and chalk, ensnaring an obelisk and a shattered crystal and at its center, a pulsating, churning darkness—
A hole in reality, Essek would remember, lying awake that night. The bastards had found a hole in reality and then they’d jumped in—
And found themselves standing in a pocket dimension…or at least, that’s what they’d thought. The air swirled with dark mist, the sky alive and churning. The walls of the world seemed to lurch and expand and it was Caduceus who realized that the whole plane was breathing. Jester shifted them out, returning them to the chamber, and they began to pour through the notes left behind. They realized that someone had found a Divine Shackle, then turned it in on itself, re-directed the ritual, created a bridge that would grant them access to the very being of Tharizdun, the most ancient and chaotic of forces—
“But who?” Essek breathed. He held a gooseberry, though he didn’t know it yet. “Who was responsible?”
Caleb scowled. “They left their notes behind. Who else would it be?”
As far as the Cobalt Soul could tell, the archmages themselves had not originally been involved in any actual cult. But after Vence’s capture, and Tasithar’s transfer, a spark of interest had been ignited in the minds of some of the nation’s brightest.
“It is like your metaphor,” Caleb said. “Before, they were simply sailing on a boat—"
Essek hesitated. The horrible sourness of the fruit might’ve been muddying his concentration. “It is what?”
“Like they were sailing,” Caleb repeated. “And every so often, they could lean over the edge and skim the sea for knowledge from relative safety. But capturing the cultists had…inspired the Academy to instead, go for a dive. And so they dove, down into the deeps, plumbing the darkest tides for secrets. And of course, they ultimately encountered the monster of all monsters…”
From there, it had been a matter of getting the proof—about this, about everything else they’d done—into the hands of Cobalt Soul. But word got out, and whispers travelled, and more people than the Nein could ever have imagined rose up, demanded justice and retribution—
Essek remembered the reports he’d received on the morning of the fall of the Cerberus Assembly. The casualties had been extreme, but what happened afterwards, even more so.  
“You arrested them,” he murmured. “The ones that survived, anyway.”
“And still, quite a few of them escaped,” Caleb sighed. “That is of course not even including the fact that not all of them were guilty enough to fully imprison to start with. As I understand, Hass has left to see the world, and Lord Uludan is still a diplomat for the king.”
Essek glanced at a slice of cured ham. He wondered if it would be enough to counter the taste in his mouth.
“With the…Assembly gone,” he said carefully, “there will not be a council of mages to balance the rule of the king, anymore. The nation has lost a powerful governing body and a source of great strength. What do you suppose this means for Dwendal?”
Caleb raised an eyebrow at Essek. “I certainly do not think the Assembly was doing much balancing to begin with,” he said, almost as slowly. “As for the King, well…the man is quite old, and very paranoid. He will be tricky to manage, and yet there are a number of good people surrounding him. In fact, the elimination of the Assembly could allow them to finally step up. That, and this nation has now witnessed a historic uprising of the people. For the first time in a long time, citizens are trying to make their voices heard. And unless the royal court wants more chaos, or to fall in the way that the Assembly did, for once, I think they will have to listen.”
Essek lowered his hand. He stared at Caleb. “But…they are just people,” he said, astonished. “How could they know what is best for the nation?”
Caleb’s expression changed, slightly. He was silent for quite a long stretch of time.
“My dear friend…they are the nation.”
“No,” said Fjord.
“No, Jester. I will not let you tape ice cubes to my armpit.”
There was a pause. Then a huff.
“Fine, I’ll ask Beau.”
After lunch, Essek was shown to a room slightly farther down the hall.
“It will likely be some time before we will be able to move into the school grounds,” Caleb said, “so I recommend you make yourself comfortable here.”
Essek was given another small key, tied to a leather cord.
He felt like something needed to be said. Gods, if he could just figure out what.
“I, ah…thank you,” he tried. “For…lunch, for everything, the room, and, ah, if you need gold—"
Caleb shook his hand. “Nein, please, no. It is, as they say, on the house. More accurately, on the dime of the royal treasury.”
There was another hesitation. Essek sought desperately for a solution, but when nothing came, he sighed. And gave up.
“I, um…am sorry,” he said. “If I…made a statement that was…incorrect.”
Caleb studied his expression. Then, he seemed to sigh as well.
“A school is for learning, is it not? Maybe we will be surprised by who teaches.”
“I just mean,” Caleb murmured, “that we do truly come from different worlds. That are, in many odd ways, rather the same. I just hope it will not be too much.”
Essek was not a stupid man. He opened his mouth again, to protest, but stopped when a hand brushed against his arm.
“You should get some rest,” Caleb said. “Unpack, adjust to our time zone, relax. Then tomorrow,” and here there was the faintest hint of smile, “I will give you a real tour of the school. You should have a voice in some of our plans, too, for the curriculum and into the future. And,” he added, almost as an afterthought, “it will be better to have everyone around when we finish the story. Yasha does very good sound effects for the Chained Oblivion.”
There was another pause. Not nearly as tense, but still quite bewildered.
“She does…what?”
“You did not think that was the end of the story, did you?” Caleb grinned. “That we toppled the Assembly and the Maw that Devours just vanished?”
Essek recalled the other reports.
“Ah,” he said. “More the fool I.”
Caleb gave him a friendly pat. “Once a bridge is built, it goes both ways,” he said. “It is funny how often we wizards forget that.”
Then, in the warmth of the hallway, he nodded.
“Have a rest, Essek Thelyss. I will be down the hall. Let me know if you need anything.”
Then he nodded, and turned around, and left.
“Jester, I—oh gods, that’s cold.”
“Hold still, silly! You have to hold still.”
“But I—ah—oh, oh gods.”
And later that evening, alone in his room, Essek summoned an exquisite onyx chest. He popped it open, and slowly all his worldly possessions began to drift out. Clothes, papers, books and components slowly floated across the room, settling into the proper drawers or hanging themselves in the closet.
And then, Essek collapsed into bed. With a wave of his hand, a small mirror appeared.
It was black, made from polished volcanic glass and set into a twisted metal frame. It had been a gift, and as far as mirrors went, it was rather lacking, but—
He sighed.
It would get the job done.
[Part 1] - [Writing Tag] - [The Bail Project] - [National Bail Fund Network]
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