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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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No 🧢 tion... Progress shot What do you see?...
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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Looking at the cloudy sky this evening and this is just came to my head..... Swipe to see———>
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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Progress clip of this piece inspired by @ayanfee__ So looking at this work over and over again has brought me to think about certain things.. Who am I? Where am I? What do I want? Why do I want what I want? What can I give to get what I want? What’s the aim of all this? This is a phase I find myself right now and I’ll fight till I find an answer. A lot of people have been clouded from what you’ll call the “REALITY” So can you answer this.. WHO ARE YOU?! #scribbleart
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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Title: unknown Inspiration: @ayanfee__ Progress: still on it Medium: digaital Type: scribbling #scribble #scribbleart
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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I’ll be spending the next few months creating art in various forms. I want to master my craft. I want to see what I’m good at and otherwise. Going back to the basics of drawing. This would cut across contemporary and digital art. Please follow me on TikTok as I’ll be dropping videos from time to time. Thanks a lot! 🤗 #tiktok #tiktokart #artistsoninstagram
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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It’s going to be more of my art and less of me... A phase worth experiencing.
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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I’ll be spending the next few months creating art in various forms. I want to master my craft. I want to see what I’m good at and otherwise. Going back to the basics of drawing. This would cut across contemporary and digital art. Please follow me on TikTok as I’ll be dropping videos from time to time. Thanks a lot! 🤗 #tiktok #tiktokart #artistsoninstagram (at Lagos, Nigeria)
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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Throwback to when we worked all night for 3 weeks on a commission project for @wemabank . We literally resumed by 8PM everyday and worked till 4AM the next morning. Believe me, you don’t want to know how our days went 😂😂😂... sleeping during the day is an understatement. We were drunk of it.. We were called the night crawlers by most staff at the bank 😂😂. Can you imagine!🤣🤣 #wallart #interiordesign #wemabank #insidelife (at Wema Bank HQ.)
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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Let’s make art out of a drum. Some times it’s not what’s written but how it’s written. Progress on the art project at the isolation centre at Yaba. #artxgratitude #art #arteasynigeria #lagosstategovernment #fightcovid19together (at Lagos, Nigeria)
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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I’m grateful to have been amongst the 30 shortlisted fellows from over 150 entries across Africa to join the 6 weeks leadership program organized by Thanks to @peaceitimi for putting me in the right place at the right time. I have been a designer for six years and I have never been asked by any client of boss weather I was a graduate or not or what I studied in school. The earlier we come to understand that Degrees are good but aren’t essential for sustaining ourselves in this economy, the better for us. It’s all about what you are bringing to the table. What value are you offering? I have always thought of ways to have a positive impact to the society. I look forward to learning how to master my craft and helping others to gain more skill and better their lives. #kuwazaAfrica #kuwazaGLT
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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“It always seems impossible till it’s done”. Some people said “you’re risking your life going there”... some said “don’t allow the money get into your head” ..... others said “why did you even accept to work there in the first place? Are you insane?!!! I was actually very skeptical about posting my involvement in this project earlier on. To me working with the @lagosstategovt on this project hasn’t been about the money cause really how much can I get paid to put my health on the line and risk getting infected by this deadly #covid19 virus. When I was approached, initially refused the offer like every scared human being would. I mean there is a deadly virus killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world and you’re telling me to come work where the infected patients will be?! Really?!!! After praying about it. I did a thorough research on this virus, it’s origin, effects and prevention measures. I spent days reviewing news and updates just to make sure I fully understand what I’m getting into. I was moved to put myself in the shoes of every patient who thought getting infected was the end of the world which in a real sense wasn’t. So I thought to myself, if everyone only thinks about themselves and not others, how would we make this world a better place? The least I could do was to create an environment where these patients would literally forget their they are hospitalized and will be reminded daily that THERE IS HOPE! These thoughts influenced every piece of art I have created thus far and am still creating at the isolation centre, Yaba. I was filled with joy when I heard the feedback from @ayodejiosowobi when she tweeted about how the worlds on the walls of the medical ward kept her going even when she felt down and thought of giving up. Nonetheless, I’m grateful to everyone who gave me rational advice, making me see the two sides to things and making my own decision. I’m grateful for the support and encouragement from family and friends. I’ll keep creating art that heals! #covid19 #fightcovid19together #artxgratitude #artthatheals #art #wallart #graffiti @profosinbajo @profakinabayomi @lagosstategovt @jidesanwoolu @ncdcgov @who (at Lagos, Nigeria)
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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If you are an artist yourself, you know how difficult it is to express your internal landscape. In fact, words alone are not in the least sufficient to express what you feel deep inside. Even more so, language simply cannot describe the colorful and vivid ideas and mental images you have in your mind. Luckily, art has become the vehicle that allows us to express that which cannot be put to words. And it is surprisingly effective at doing precisely that. Beautiful art appeals to our emotions and connects with us on a deep level. Creative artists stimulate us, create intense feelings, nurture our curiosity, and boost our creativity with their magnificent artworks. At the best, inspiring pieces of art encourage us to strive for greatness. Grateful for everything #art #artthatheals #fightcovid19together #graffiti #wallart #paintings (at Lagos, Nigeria)
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
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Ever wondered who the great minds behind the art brand @arteasynigeria are?! Well swipe right to see them. These guys are more than friends, they are family. The very first day I told them I wanted to solve problems in the art industry, they bought into the idea and decided ever since to embark on this journey. Three solid years have passed since we started Arteasy Nigeria 🇳🇬. We have faced unprecedented challenges, solved problems, 😂 gone broke, argued a million times.... but despite all this, they have proven to me that impossible is just a word. Big thumps up to you guys @kings_nsa @abolarinwa_sam @m.derin_ @daniel.o.thompson #ARTXGRATITUDE #powerofart @artxlagos @arteasynigeria (at Lagos, Nigeria)
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worldsartist · 5 years ago
Video of another patient who recovered from #covid19 @who @_ncdcgov_ @profakinabayomi @jidesanwoolu @lagosstategovt (at Lagos, Nigeria)
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