#maybe aki actually loves sweets?????
meownotgood · 2 years
Heyy, how are you doing :)) I’m sorry that you’re shadowbanned I hope you get out of it soon! What do you think of reader that loves to bake stuff for aki 👀 since the poor sweetheart is always cooking for others. How would he feel when he gets baked goods and sweets instead.. He’d probably be really grateful for having someone care so much that they took their time to specially bake/cook for him and feed him <33 Aki seriously deserves sm love and care :(
hey, I'm doing well!! thanks for asking!! I hope so too T_T
omg that'd be so cute!! aki is so used to cooking things for himself or for other people, so he'd be so surprised if you like to make things for him... he'd probably be really embarrassed but flattered, he wouldn't be able to turn down anything you bring him. he'd be blushing every time you hand him something new, or when he sees you left a new basket of homemade sweets on his desk at work. he's always so excited to go home and try everything; I can imagine him making a big affair out of it, like brewing coffee or pouring a glass of milk just to go with the cookies you made him.
he'd insist on eating everything (of course he gives some to denji and power, too) so nothing you've made will ever go to waste. there's something so special about it, something that makes his heart flutter every time he eats something you've made just for him. he always feels like anything you make tastes better than usual. even the most basic things, like chocolate chip cookies, or blue berry muffins — when you're the one who's made them, aki is sure they're the best he's ever tasted.
he makes sure to carefully wash whatever containers you gave him before he gives them back to you, and the next day, he always tells you how he liked it afterwards.
"thank you for the strawberry cake you brought over the other day. it was delicious. did you use fresh strawberries? you'll have to bake some more for me, or show me how to make it sometime. denji and power are already begging for more of it."
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
don't you want to be a cult leader? - danyal al ghul au
this is mostly a joke post but i thought it was funny and had to share so--
his first mistake was, obviously, inheriting his father's inability to see an injustice and stand still. -- actually, danyal's first mistake was his lair being so big. a mountainous island with a large temple in the center resembling his old home in Nanda Parbat? With sprawling foliage and rivers and streams and waterfalls galore? What was he going to do with all that space? Let it go to waste? He had plants there! Native trees of the ghost zone growing from the soil! He couldn't let it all be left unchecked!
So naturally after helping a fellow teenage assassin ghost -- who he later learns is named Akihiko, -- from Walker of all people, he sent them over to hang low at his lair until it was safe enough for them to wander around the Zone. Walker couldn't get through Danyal's astrofield if his life depended on it, and trust him -- he's tried. Danny was clearing out debris from his stupid transport vans for weeks.
Honestly it wasn't so bad, he and Aki really quickly became fast friends and Danny loves having a sparring partner close to his level again -- he hasn't had this much fun fighting since he left the League. Aki was very dedicated and levelheaded, the both of them clicked really well because of it.
Nonono, the real trouble began after Danyal met some long-passed League members and allowed them to come join his island as well. Apparently they had made a few enemies of the zone, and maybe Danyal still felt some loyalty to the League. He couldn't just let them be left to rot. Their zealotry could be overlooked so long as they kept it contained and helped him take care of his island.
And it.. snowballs from there? He meets a teen squire aptly calling himself Ambroise -- whether that was his living name or not is yet to be seen -- who died during feudal france, who is just about as dramatic and passionate as every french stereotype makes them out to be. He calls Danyal "my moon and great muse" -- which is both flattering and little uncomfortable, but Danyal's grown up in the League as the Grandson of the Demon Head, he is used to mild worship. he passes it off as nothing more, nothing less. -- and while his energy is overwhelming on the worst of days, he helps Danny draw out of his shell more in ways that Sam and Tucker still struggle with.
Him and Aki butt heads a lot, but the two seem to hold the other in at least some positive regard, so Danny doesn't worry too much about them fighting while he's gone. It only becomes a mild issue when Aki also begins calling Danny "my moon". It's a little sweet, so Danyal brushes it off.
Then he takes in a troupe of ghosts some time after he defeats Pariah Dark and they begin calling him "great one" just as the yetis do in the far frozen. This is where he meets the twins -- a pair of sibling ghosts who call themselves Trixie and Missy (short for Trick and Mislead) -- who aren't quite as passionate as Ambroise but more energetic than Aki. Eventually they also start calling Danyal "my moon" and attach themselves to his hip, even within the living. They like to hide in his shadow and cause trouble for the rest of the students. He makes sure they don't hurt anyone.
He's pretty sure Aki is jealous, same with Ambroise, but he can't be too certain other than the fact that they become much more lingering (re: clingy) whenever he visits the island.. Something he's trying to do much more often these days due to the increasing amount of people living there now. Since when did he become so popular?
Then there's Pēnelópeia from the Greater Athens, who ran away from home and joined his Island after he ran into her while she was being chased by Skulker -- and he's pretty sure the reason was because of her chimeric appearance. Her strange eyes and mismatched wings and lion's tail and talons. She assimilates into his friend group very easily, she gets along well with Ambroise and Trixie and Danny usually finds the three of them climbing the trees to pluck the most fruit from the top. They can fly and he knows it, but they prefer to climb.
Then finally there's silent poet Akkara who comes from ancient mesopotamia, who gets along most with Aki -- which is no surprise there considering their similar personality dispositions. he watches Aki and Danyal fight each other and leaves comments on this or that that he notices. He writes Danyal poems on clay tablets and leaves them by his room.
They're one big mismatched group of outcasts, and Danny's got the other ghosts on his island to tend to, because they're living on his island and he wants to be hospitable even if he struggles with that. But he spends the most of his time with them.
Sam and Tucker are making fun of him. Tucker jokingly tells him 'careful Danny, at this rate you're gonna start a cult'. Danny really wishes he had taken that joke more seriously.
He just. keeps. collecting people. Wayward souls lost in the zone, looking for shelter or refuge from something or other -- whether that be another hostile ghost, or a past afterlife, or just a purpose. Danyal finds them, he takes them in, offers them a place on his island until they are ready to leave. Many seldom do. He's not complaining -- he has the space, and it feels like it's only ever growing.
His close friends, his "inner circle" as he's heard the others call them, keep insistently calling him "my moon". He starts calling them his stars, because then it only feels fair. They're his stars, this is his constellation. It becomes a thing; little star halos begin forming behind their heads, picking them out from the rest. He loves them so much, it's hard to place. Sam and Tucker are also his stars, but they reside in the living realm, they're his tie to Life. Meanwhile, his friends here know what it's like to be dead, and sometimes its nice to relate.
Those living on his island keep calling him "Great One" and he's beginning to notice zealotry in their care for his island. He really, deeply appreciates it. His close friends gain nicknames -- as his stars, it's only natural for him to pick them out from the cluster in the skies. Akihiko, his Sirius and bright star. Trix and Missy, Castor and Pollux, the twins and troublemakers. Ambroise, his zealous Antares and close friend. Penelopeia, chimeric and loyal Vega. And Akkara, his Arcturus and strength.
It's ridiculous how long it takes for him to notice; he is, of course, a deadly trained assassin. He is meant to be observant -- and normally he is! But somehow this becomes a blind spot. One that becomes too big to be dealt with by the time he realizes it.
He should've noticed when Aki, his Sirius, stood beside him one day while Danyal looked over his island and saw the sprawling spirits carrying on about their afterlife and bowing to him as they saw him, and said: "I looked down into the depths when I met you; I couldn't measure it." They aren't one for flowing prose, it took him so off guard he was silent for over a minute before he finally spoke.
Danyal should've recognized devotion for what it is, and yet he didn't. He should've recognized it when Antares began spouting praises about him, crowing about his radiance and resplendence to the heavens. He just brushed it off as Ambroise being Ambroise. He should've recognized it when Trix and Missy nearly broke Dash's leg after he knocked Danyal's books out of his hands, he excused it as them being protective. Of them coming from times where such violence may have been customary -- after all, that's what he used to be like. What he was still like, sometimes, when his emotions nearly got the better of him.
He should've noticed it when the people living on his island followed his word like gospel, looked at him like he hung the stars in the sky. When his friends gifted him a shawl with the moon phases delicately embroidered into it, with silver, shimmering thread and moving stars lovingly stitched into it. Their constellations seen clear as day in the dark fabric. When he found small shrines dedicated to him -- but they lacked any image of him beyond stones carved to look like moons, so he ignored it. When the religious imagery began popping up.
He really, really should've noticed it when a bunch of cultists accidentally summoned Antares, and Antares had turned to him when he arrived and called them heretics. But he was so centered on the fact that they had kidnapped one of his stars, that he hadn't paid much attention to what Ambroise had said.
Sages say that faith is blind, they should also say faith in you is even blinder.
It really only hits him one afternoon while he's sitting in Sam's room studying with Tucker, Missy and Trixie lounging at his feet, Aki sat on his right, Penelopeia braiding his hair, Ambroise draped against him, and Akkara lurking over him. Its one of the rare few times they're all in one room together.
It hits him like a bolt of lightning. He looks up from his textbook. "Oh Ancients," he says in no amounting shock. Everyone looks up to him.
"I've become my grandfather."
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danyal al ghul au#dpxdc au#dp x dc au#dpxdc prompt#ive been playing cult of the lamb recently and you can tell#anyways i thought this was funny to think about. its specifically danyal al ghul bc that makes it even funnier#tfw you accidentally become a cult leader. rip to you danny you have a cult following#not at ALL an accurate depiction of a cult but i still think its funny. innaccurate cult depictions. ur in too deep to change it now danno#sam and tucker: hey dude... this is a cult | danny still learning how to People: what. no. these are all my friends and refugees.#his inner circle are all Insane about him they just show it in different ways. Sirius is as equally zealous as the rest they just don't#show it as much. which has mistakenly convinced danyal that they are the more logical one. no danny. they would kill for you#danny: i am being hospitable | sam: you created a cult | danny: i am being hosPITABLE#i dont like ghost king aus but i love danny being in positions of power it just has to feel earned. 'accidental kingdom acquisition' is my#favorite trope it just has to be done correctly. 🫵 build that bitch up with your bare hands and not realize until its too late you fool#'becoming a world power by accident and im in too deep to back out now'#danyal. a raised assassin (has no threshold for normal behavior): *sees utter devotion towards him* yeah this is fine and normal.#danyal: yk i dont see this ending horribly. *goes and collects more followers* yeah this is totally cool. welcome to the constellation#danyal: *saves a few people and houses them in his lair* (everyone liked that [to a worrying degree actually])#his inner circle: my moon! | danny: my stars :]#danny: ive become my grandfather. | danny: ... | danny: idk how to feel about that honestly.#those poor cultists that kidnapped antares were subjected to a 3hr tangent about 'the radiance of the Moon and his resplendent generosity'#before danyal found him and got him home. who were the cultists summoning? who knows! but they got Objectively the Worst out of the#constellation to summon by accident. actually they're all bad there's no picking who. they're all various amounts of Unhinged Danny just#Never Realizes It because he is also Unhinged and thinks some of this shit is normal.#like yeah thats totally normal behavior he has no questions whatsoever. this seems like Typical People Stuff.
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batterygarden · 2 years
Aki Hayakawa bf headcanons
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cw: F!reader, she’s shorter than him, sliiightly suggestive moment .. MDNI
Sigh he’s… really good at being a boyfriend. He’s intimidating but sweet all at the same time.
He loves a nice passenger princess and loathes sitting beside you while you drive. Not that he doesn’t trust you, just… your technique behind the wheel has him stressed. 
“No no please don’t merge now i'm not sure if— woah, okay that was close now just— noo stop we don’t turn here! Baby do you not know the—check the — okay pull over actually! It’s okay I can drive! It’s fine, please let me drive.” 
He calls you a menace to the streets 😔 
He likes to go to concerts and house shows with you. Ugh he loves an indie punk mosh pit for sure. He doesn’t seem like he’s that into it in the moment—maybe listening with a little head nod while his hands remain secured around your waist, glaring at people who shove into you, but you can tell in the flush of his cheeks and lit up eyes that he’s thoroughly enjoying his night. 
He has the advantage of always seeing the stage with his height, something you say he takes for granted when some equally tall guy decides to stand directly in front of you. But Aki has enough audacity to nudge you both in front of any perpetrators whenever your vision is blocked.
Lest we forget… this man has no manners! To most people, Aki can be direct to the point of rudeness—his demeanor could even be described as harsh. 
Especially when it concerns his sweet little girlfriend. He doesn’t fuck around when it comes to you. He’s protective. He cares about your comfort and safety before anyone else’s and isn’t afraid to hurt feelings that aren’t yours. 
Not that he doesn’t know you can stick up for yourself—he respects your ability to handle most situations. But he also knows when you shouldn’t have to handle it yourself. If somebody at the bar won’t stop grabbing your arm and you’re uncomfortable, Aki will be the one to tell them to back the fuck off. 
If some man makes a joke about your outfit being slutty, Aki will be the one to back hand him across the face! He knows you could have done it but it’s nothing you needed to mess up your nails over. 
He’s cute in little ways you wouldn’t expect. For example, you didn’t imagine when you first met him that this 6’4” cigarette-smoking death machine was into cartoons and animation but damn!! He is. 
He’ll watch wholesome shows with you like sailor moon with the straightest face, looking bored out of his mind with his arm over your shoulder, then turn to you when it’s over like “that was delightful :)” 
He has a small trinket and keepsake collection <3. And he’s not embarrassed about it. He will shamelessly steal a little frog keychain he finds under the seat in his uber and place it on his night stand beside his miniature Radio Flyer wagon and the light blue rock you found for him. The rock supposedly looks like his eyes, he thought the gesture was cute. 
He wants to match his jewelry with yours. Lets you pick out the earrings you want and asks you to get him a pair too, sliding his credit card into your hand while he looks at watches through the glass at the store. 
He knows they’ll be nice and look good on him—he trusts your taste and style recommendations explicitly—but he also wants to match because it makes him feel more connected with you. 
He’s a touch possessive. He likes to be reminded you’re his. And he’s yours. He wants you wearing his clothes, he wants you borrowing his cologne, and he’d never admit it but he likes when you leave the house with love bites on your neck. 
Not that you mind—honestly he’s earned the right to possession after taking such good care of you all the time. 
It took you a while to get through your pretty head that Aki likes helping and caring for you. 
Like he’s into it if you’re needy… triple and quadruple texting, calling him to ask for rides, pouting if you can’t hold his hand… you make him feel valued.
But even when you’re not needy he enjoys going out of his way to make your life easier. 
He’ll do your dishes when you don’t ask, make your bed, give massages. You don’t have to mention it. 
“Noo you don’t have to do my laundry Aki, I swear. You surpassed your chore limit today like, long ago.” He’ll retrieve the towel he used to dry dishes and be like I needed to wash this anyway, I’ll just throw your stuff in the machine with it! 
He uses your claw hair clip to hold his hair back when he’s doing stuff around the house. <3
He also religiously adheres to the sidewalk rule <3
So emotionally intelligent it’s insane. This man is in therapy & it shows in his communication; he knows how to word things gently but honestly!
“It’s valid to feel that way. For sure, s’just.. I disagree that you need to go to those lengths for her when she keeps blatantly disregarding your feelings.” 
He’ll let you smoke one of his cigarettes if you’re reeally persistent but he’s always weird about it. 
“Just… wish you wouldn’t. What if you got lung cancer or something.”  “Oh yeah? Maybe I’ll catch up and I can get it the same time as you.” He’d roll his eyes. “Ha ha. Y’know it’s different when I do it.” 
“How so?” “I’m tough. and you’re not even addicted yet.”
He loves getting domestic with you! Cooking together with his phone playing quiet background music, watching a movie with you in his lap, letting you do your skin care on him. These are by far Aki’s favorite activities.
Heavy on the skincare part—Aki was blessed with perfect skin since birth so he never really put much thought into cleansers or anything, but the first time you did a facial for him was one of the best days of his life. 
You’d laid him down on your bed, straddling his waist with a towel full of products laid out next to you, and Aki said it felt like you were about to perform surgery. You wet his face with a damp cloth then, and started rubbing some mysterious soap into his skin with a touch like warm flower petals. Your hands felt so soft. When you started wiping some fruity scented blue gel over his skin after, it felt so soothing he almost moaned. The whole thing was so relaxing he had a dream about you washing his face again when he fell asleep that night. He never explicitly told you how much he loved your skincare, but you picked it up when he started asking you to do him next every time you washed your face at night.
You’re his sensitive little baby so he never goes overboard but… Aki does tease you sometimes 💔. He can’t help it—he was an older brother once, so tasteful bullying is kind of ingrained in his DNA.
Like you oversleep then almost rush out the door with an inside-out shirt and toothpaste on your chin and he instinctively says you look scrungly. There’s a pause then he apologizes. 
Or you’ll say you didn’t think pulp fiction was that insanely good of a movie and he’ll move your fresh cup of tea onto one of the really high selves only he can reach until you take it back. 
He’ll also mention it immediately if you’re ever stinky. Fresh from the gym? Forgot to put on deodorant today? Aki can tell and he will let you know. <3 He’s nice enough to accompany you in the shower though! 
denji bf hcs 1 & 2
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dulcibella-dreams · 8 months
Makoto or Akihiko with a smug and assertive f!reader? 🙏 love ur work
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Akihiko Sanada and P3 male protag with a smug and assertive f!reader
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SJJSKSKSJSJSJSJSJJSKS sorry I saw this in my inbox and got like a happy attack because like :( ty. Thats literally so sweet :( I will be doing both of the boys! Because as much as I am pushing my 'fill Tumblr with Makoto fics' crusade, Akihiko was my first love (p3p was crazy). I assume this is more a dot pointy request rather than a story like request? I am so sorry if you meant the latter 😭 either way, I hope you enjoy and WOW this authors note is long <3
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Akihiko Sanada
- Ohhhh.....his little fangirls *despise* you.
- Not only because you're all personal with THE Akihiko
- But because to them, you're *disrespecting* him.
- Your teasing, your advances and your initiative kisses were absolutely vile.
- Akihiko though, he loves your affections...when...well, when he gets the memo.
- We all know he's the king of missing social cues.
- But when you throw a confident: "Hey Aki... Looking good!"
- It's a two way street.
- A) He absolutely does not recognise your intent was to flirt with him and thinks you're hyping up like Junpei would or something (he's stupid)
- B) Awkwardly standing there and cartoonishly rubbing his head as he awkwardly laughs and stutters. (he's stupid)
- He IS blushing. You make him blush really easily, actually. It starts from his neck and quickly creeps up, turning his whole face a sheen of pink. His ears are redddd though...
- After a moment of his brain making the windows reboot sound, he throws out the most DISMEMBERED ATROCIOUS NONSENSICAL SENTENCE YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR *LIFE*
- "h-haha girl...you...you...you're more...more even...even..?..."
- you literally have to shush him (affectionately)
- If you're feeling particularly malicious ..
-You'd reach up and wrap your fingers around his collar, pulling him towards you, mere inches from your lips. After a moment, you'd give him a sweet, tender kiss.
- You'd think he'd have some fight in him, quite literally being a boxer
- but it's not like he doesn't like when you're assertive....
- If anything, it's a reminder you really do love him. That you do want him. That you're not superficial, something he deals with literally everyday.
- He loves you, so so much and will probably randomly blurt it out at the most inopportune moment.
- Most likely when you're at hagakure together <3
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Makoto Yuki/Minato Arisato
- He is incredibly perceptive, absolutely unlike Akihiko
- He'll pick up on every glance from across the room, every underlying meaning of the things you say.
- Should you try, your little attempts to embarass him will always be fruitless
- He will literally respond with a blank face and say "That'a cute."
- If instead you're assertive when it comes to physical affection, he won't say it (nor show it), but...he absolutely melts for it.
- Absolutely so stupid, butterfles in his stomach, weak knees for it.
- Running up to hug him once he comes back to the dorm.
- Initiating kisses, hugs from behind, reaching for his hand while you walk to school- you name it.
- He'll always be calm about it, and half of the time you're just trying to elicit a reaction from him
- "Try as you might, you know my charms work on you." You'd joke.
- "The only chance you have is if you use Marin Karin..." You tried not to laugh. You laughed anyways.
- Trying to be smug with Makoto was an uphill battle, but it was so, so fun
- And it probably just ended up with you two laughing.
- You were always proud of that fact, actually.
- No-one makes him laugh...except you, apparently.
-He needs someone strong spoken and assertive like yourself, because you're his perfect counterbalance.
-Overall, while being smug and assertive with him is pretty much ineffective, it does indicate your interest, and maybe, could even create a medium for flirting to occur...
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suiana · 1 year
he was there, and then he wasn't (various yandere characters x gn reader) (angstober day 3)
he was there when you first met.
helping you up after someone bumped into you, you couldn't help but blush at the handsome male who helped you up to your feet. calling you adorable with that attractive voice of his... wait, did he just give you his number?! is he implying that he wants to see you again?!
he was there when you two went on your first date.
you had decided to meet that cute guy who helped you up a few days back. i mean, what could possibly go wrong? he looked nice enough, talked charmingly... you're sure it would be fine. and if it doesn't, you could just pretend to have never have met him and go on with your life! what's the worst that could happen?
he was there when you decided to confess to him.
okay, so that first date went better than expected and now you two were dating, fantastic. you two were like two peas in a pod, the perfect duo, soulmates even! geez, you wonder what your life would've been like if he hadn't been there. must've been really lonely since you now felt that your soul is complete.
he was there when you moved in with him
your relationship had progressed really well and smoothly! apart from a few bumps here and there caused by his jealousy and possessiveness, everything else was great! he was an amazing boyfriend, loving and caring for your every need, and he was a great cook! what more could you ask for? plus that dick was 10/10.
so when he brought up taking the next step, of course you agreed! it's like being a married couple already hehe ♡
he was there when you two first fought.
okay so you two got into your first little argument... could you guess what it was for? that's right! he got jealous that you were spending more time with another man, aka your coworker!
it was horrible. i mean, isn't he being too possessive? sure, it may be endesring at first but after a while it gets too suffocating... maybe you should bre-
oh and he's already apologizing with flowers and tears in his eyes?! shit now you feel bad :( why would you even think of breaking up with your sweet boyfriend? he's just perfect for you! so what if he's possessive? you can overlook this tiny fact haha...
he was there when he proposed to you.
you couldn't believe it. is this... actually happening?! the love of your life proposed to you?! holy shit you can't control your feelings right now...
and so, you sobbed into your lover's chest, happily telling him you loved him as he chuckles, stroking your head in an attempt to comfort you. all while having natching rings on your fingers, promised to each other forever more.
and he was there when you realised that it was no more than a happy dream.
and it was the day of your wedding. the day you longed for, only for it to be ruined when you were informed that your lover had been caught in an accident, taking his life away.
sobbing your heart out, it felt like the world had come crashing down on you. you had promised your life with him and he just left so suddenly?!
maybe this was the way the heavenly beings above pulled a joke? causing you to meet your soulmate, making you two fall in love, and then taking him away from you at your happiest? whatever it is, you were now crushed, as though a part of you had been taken away.
seriously... if you knew this would've happened, you wouldn't have gone out on that god forsaken day. because while the times with him were the happiest, the times without him now would be ultimately depressing.
for he was your other half, the one who completes your soul. and when he left, he took half of your soul with him.
dazai osamu(?), gojo satoru, venti, childe, welt yang(?), jingyuan, aki hayakawa, your faves<3
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violetarks · 2 years
"maybe if you weren't a fool."
anime: chainsaw man
characters: denji, hayakawa aki, higashiyama kobeni
summary: it just takes them a while to figure out you actually have feelings for them. if they had actually tried, then maybe they would've noticed earlier.
warnings: g/n! reader, they/them pronouns used, second person pov, oblivious characters, kinda' sad in kobeni's part
↣ denji:
"you're treating me to lunch again?" he mumbles, walking beside you as you exit makima's office. you take off your jacket; it was always so cold in her room, and you never understood why. "hell yeah! thanks l/n!"
you smile at him, texting aki and himeno that you wouldn't be able to make it to lunch today. himeno sent you a sad face and aki gave you a thumbs up. whilst younger than the two, they had enjoyed your company at lunches. "it's okay. i like spending time with you, denji." you say to him.
he flushes at your words. you've always been incredibly nice to denji, treating him out to lunch, picking him up so he doesn't need to walk around (power always comes along and demands she sit in the front with you, and you let her), and even giving him spare shirts since he always seems to tear his ones up.
"i like hangin' out with you too, l/n." he claims, watching you smile at him again, "you ain't mean to me like topknot, and power always steals all me food. but you don't do anything of that... you're super cool."
"thank you, denji." you chuckle out, heading into the nearest cafe with him at your tail. being a devil hunter was by no means easy, so letting out steam helped quite a lot. "anything you like the look of?" you ask as you sit down in a booth isolated from everyone else.
"the waf—wafe—"
"yes, those." he replies, thankful for your help. he pokes a finger at the menu, where the picture sat beneath his index. "can i get that?"
you nod your head. "sure thing, i love waffles too. what flavour did you want?"
"there's different flavours?" he mutters to himself. below the picture are the said flavours. he gasps, "there's so many! l/n, i don't know which one to pick!"
you stifle another laugh as you say, leaning over and pointing on his menu, "let's start off with the cinnamon ones and the chocolate ones. you can finish two servings, yeah?"
his jaw drops a little as he frantically nods hos head. you grin, looking back at your menu. "good. and i'll get some noodles. i had to skip breakfast for a devil." you wave over a waiter nearby. "what drink?"
"nothin' too sweet or sour." he says, not really knowing what to ask for. you give him two options and he chooses the second, not remembering the first. after the waiter takes your order, he sits happily. "thanks again, l/n."
you watch him wait excitedly and smile softly. he was just so cute. "it's alright, denji. i know that we're co-workers, but i want to see you enjoy yourself outside of the public safety division." you claim, seeing him stare back at you, "we're the same age, so i can show you what it's like to be a teenager. ah — as much as i can."
denji watches you cross your arms and lean against the table. "i'll try and help you live a happy life." you say earnestly.
his heart leaps, your kindness knew no bounds with him. "i will, i promised pochita and now i promise you!" he says, jutting a thumb into his chest, "why is it that you are so nice to me anyway? did aki tell you to?"
you shake your head. "i just don't want anything bad to happen to you. having you around is nice, and you always know how to make me feel better." you claim, drinking arriving at that time. you stir your straw. "you're... important to me."
denji stirs. he doesn't know what to say to that, or even how to act. his heart was beating so loud, he would yell at it to shut up, but he didn't want to embarrass you. sweet you, always so generous. he's feeling overwhelmed by you.
you were never pushy with him. never ordered him around or forced him to do certain things. you gave him that choice. and if he rejected the option to do something he didn't want to, you only said 'okay' and tried to figure it out. times like that, you were especially cute, sitting at your desk and scribbling on paper, concentrating hard.
denji would usually sit right beside you, leg against leg, and watch over your shoulder. he liked it when you spoke out loud, he could hear your thoughts. your voice wasn't always smooth, sometimes quick and heavy as you trudged through your problems. but you were just so dreamy to him.
and soon enough, he's standing up.
"can i borrow your phone? i need to call aki." he claims, beginning to sweat with nerves. you blink once and hand him your phone, open and on aki's contact. you tell him how to call someone, and he thanks you before rushing out the door.
he hides around the corner before calling aki, who answers in a heartbeat.
"y/n? aren't you at lunch with denji?" he speaks, some soft music in the background.
"it's me, i think i'm hurt." denji blatantly says, earning a grunt from the other side, "i'm serious! my heart hurts 'n i wanna' run like... 7 billion races! i think it's a devil attack!"
aki sighs out, "when did this happen?"
"when l/n was sitting in front of me. they were tellin' me 'bout how much they care about me." denji admits. he then grows irritated. "ugh! also! this waiter looked at them way longer than he needed to! i wanted to strangle the guy!"
aki feels as if he was being stupid on purpose. "denji, you have a crush on y/n. that feeling you have? it's called attraction." he explains, shaking his head at the table while himeno wonders who he's talking about. "and if you haven't noticed, they have a crush on you too."
"you mean they like me?" he whispers, pointing to himself in a puzzling daze.
"yes, you moron. it's so obvious, even power knows." aki explains, rubbing his temple, "now do whatever you want, i haven't finished eating. bye." he hangs up without a reply from denji.
the blonde grows even more confused. he liked you? when did that happen? and when did you start liking him? it was all too strange for denji.
though he marches back into the cafe and sits down in front of you, determined look on his face. you blink at his changed demeanour. "are you okay, denji?"
"yes!" he answers loudly, earning a hush from staff while he returns the phone. he sits small again, food in front of him in no time, and he is no longer paying attention to the hot and good-looking food in front of him.
instead, the delicacy of your touch and how you carefully gather soup in your spoon before drinking it. "this is really good. you want to try some?" you offer, already putting some noodles, broth and some of the rest of the ingredients that was in your serving.
he graciously takes it from you, still surprised by the revelation he was facing. "thank you... you're so nice to me..." he says quietly, feeling his face heat up at your reaction.
"because i like you, denji." how could you say it with such a straight face?
you were so very under control, and he thinks to himself 'how the hell am i going to get them to be mine?'.
you could almost slap him. he should know that you were already his from the beginning.
his stupidity amazed you.
↣ hayakawa aki:
aki was a tough one. he was so cold when he first joined the public safety division, granted you were the same when you joined only three months before him, but still. you were both after the same thing, and both under the care of himeno, who had just lost her partner.
she grew attached to the both of you, and cracked your shells quite easily. you were thankful for her charismatic nature, it made you feel like you were going easy. himeno was like an older sister to you. and just like one, she knew when you had developed feelings for aki.
"i'm so sorry, y/n and aki, i can't come in today!" himeno sighs out over your phone in a distressed tone. you could call her out on her bullshit right then and there. "i've got a thing going on that i can't miss, take care of today's work for me? thank you!"
she hangs up before you can even respond, aki beside you only rolling his eyes before grabbing his sword against the wall and heading towards the first devil hunt of the day. "let's get going, y/n." he calls.
you walk after him, stuffing your phone into your pocket and holding your own weapon in its cover. "she's full of surprises." you comment, turning the corner as he does, "yesterday she was telling me about this nice place in yokohama she wanted to go to. i bet she's on her way there at this moment."
aki hums out, slowing his pace to walk beside you, "you're probably right. it's fine, we'll be okay."
you look back at him. his eyes are set on the path in front, navigating your way through the crowd of people towards the location of a devil that was due to be exterminated. he was always on track, never losing sight of what he had in mind, and never taking a break from all the stress. the bags under his eyes were obvious, beginning again. you could tell he was just so tired.
so after you deal with the devils for the day and head to aki's apartment, where power and denji are running amuck, you decide to help him. the door opens and the duo are automatically talking to the both of you.
"you're back already! was it boring? apparently you guys were in a hell of a big fight today!" denji claims, pointing to the tv. on it plays the fight from four hours ago, you and aki running around trying to dispose of the devil that was too quick and destructive for your liking. aki pinches the bridge of his nose. "man, you two looked stupid!"
"human, you brought snacks!" power calls upon you in the kitchen as you set your things down to rest. she's already grabbing at your pockets, making you raise your arms up to let it be easier. then, she pulls out a half empty pack of gum, holding it up high. "aha! i have found it!"
you peel off your jacket, throwing it on the counter as you chuckle, "okay, you and denji can have it. don't eat it all at once—nevermind."
aki has already disappeared into the washroom, and you follow along, closing the door to the bathroom to drown out the noise denji and power were making as they rattled into the bedroom. your friend is in front of the mirror, dabbing the open cuts on his face with rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. he's wincing a little before finishing up, dropping the bloodied ball into the bin with the rest.
his jacket was thrown into the bathtub along with his weapon, strewn cuts along the back and sleeves. you leaned against the countertop, watching his try to disinfect the slice on his neck and chin. "do you need help with that?" you inquire.
"no, it's..." he begins, trying to feel for the wound as he can't exactly see it, but he gives up, "yeah... yeah, please."
you shift over, now in between him and the mirror as you continue leaning against the sink. aki looks to the ceiling, in a bit of pain as you clean his cut, a gentle hand on his chin to move his head to get a better angle, ever so gentle. you've done this countless times, and he always starts to reject before ultimately accepting your help.
the first aid kit sits beside you and you grab another cotton ball. "i told you that i should've been the bait." you say quietly, hearing his exhale through his nose, "i'm just saying. you're better at attacking and i'm good at hiding."
"bait is supposed to be seen." aki argues with you, one hand bracing against the sink as he stands there, "and it was fine. not all of the building crashed down on me."
you knit your brow, throwing away the dirtied cotton balls. "most of it did. i could've gotten out of there, easy." you say, almost like it was supposed to 'one-up' aki. but it wasn't. you didn't like how he was the one all scathed as you left without a drop of your own blood. "next time, we follow my plan."
aki sighs out, closing his eyes, "whatever."
you pull away, allowing him to rest his neck and look at you. he seemed even more tired than from this morning. you busy yourself with digging through the first aid kit for the correct bandage. "listen, can i take denji and power out for a few hours? i'll bring them home by dinner."
"why?" he questions, watching as you put the kit back and begin to peel open a bandaid.
"they need to get out of the house every once in a while, y'know. they can come to mine, hang out there for a bit." you claim, holding his chin again and pressing the bandaid onto his wound, "it'll be fun for them. and they won't eat too much before they come back."
he thinks for a moment, seeing the ceiling above them swirl. but then he retorts, "yeah, okay. that's fine. call if you need any help."
you nod your head, resting your hand on his shoulder. aki turns his gaze back to you, about to ask if you were going to stay for dinner as well, when you carefully lean forward and plant a kiss on his cheek. it's soft and warm, like the feeling he gets in his heart when you commit your action.
it happens all too quickly and he's wide-eyed by the time you pull back. you only grin, squeezing his shoulder a little bit. "rest up, okay? they'll be gone for three hours. you know you need some shut eye, aki." you say, standing up fully and brushing passed him to the bathroom door, "don't worry about denji and power, i can handle them. i just... i want you to get some rest. do that for me?"
he unconsciously nods his head, face beginning to heat up at your action. the smile on your lips after his confirmation only worsens it.
"great. i'll see you for dinner, aki." you say, closing the door behind you.
he faintly hears you calling their names and gathering your things, heading to the door with your keys. you say something about having these new toys for meowy that you keep forgetting to bring, so power picks up her cat and denji in tow and follows you out of the apartment.
it's quiet for aki now. it lets him hear just how loud his heart was thumping in his chest as he looks himself in the mirror. he's watched you all these years, he knows how you act and you don't act that way with just anyone, not even himeno (although she has drunkenly kissed you as a thanks for grabbing her more beer, as she has done with everyone). would it be a stretch for him to believe you had feelings for him? why else would you kiss his cheek like that?
all of this is confirmed when he gets that text from a certain eye-patched devil hunter asking 'how did your date with y/n go?'.
he cooks you extra for dinner and buys you breakfast the next day.
↣ higashiyama kobeni:
"she's crying again!" power jumps, pumping a fist into the air and waving it around while you and aki come back from grabbing lunch. it's not hard to notice kobeni sitting on the couch, looking nervous as power and denji stand around her.
you sigh, putting the food down on the coffee table, "what did you two do?" kobeni has her knees to her chest, arms wrapped around her legs as she cries silently, slowly. you then think, looking to aki. "can you take lunch outside?"
he raises a brow before you nod your head to the girl. your friend understands, leaving two boxes of lunch on the table and picking up the rest. "denji. power. let's go." he calls, watching the duo chase him out of the room and outside.
"kobeni." you say, sitting down on the other side of the couch she was on. the girl only peeks out from over her arms, seeing now only you. your leg is over your knee, one arm on the shoulder of the couch and the other resting on your lap. "are you okay?"
she sniffles, "i... yeah..." kobeni pulls her legs back down to rest her feet on the floor. she plays with her fingers on her lap, aware of your gaze on her. "i'm okay..."
you furrow your brows, a frown on your lips. she glances at you with glossy eyes, and you let out a sigh, "alright." your arms spread out. "come here."
she lets a few tears fall before crawling over to your side, hugging herself as you wrap your arms around her, allowing kobeni to sit in between your legs as you leaned against the armrest. she wept noisily, crying into your shoulder about power's relentless teasing and how she was so scared during today'd fight that she would die. you can only listen and rub her back.
the girl was only a year younger than you, and had felt like she was on the brink of death more timed than you can count. you don't think you've ever encountered a devil hunter as scared of devils as she.
"you're going to be okay, kobeni. it's alright." you say, feeling her shiver intensely. your warmth shielded over her cold skin, and she could feel herself growing calmer by the second. "you did very well today. you cleared the area in time and saved lots of people. we were able to keep them away from the devil because of you."
kobeni sniffles, grabbing at your white shirt, "it was so scary."
you blink at her tone, sighing back and rubbing her shoulder gently, "i know, it was. but you did so well. thank you, kobeni." she reluctantly lets go of your warmth, and you see her tear-stricken face. it hurts your chest to see her this way, such a gentle person, erasing away. your brows crease. "you don't deserve to be wasting in a place like this."
she wants to reply, to say how much she wanted to go to school instead of sit here and cry. but you know all of that. which is why you look at her this way, and why you wipe the tears from her cheek, placing a kiss to her forehead. a common occurrence, and part of her knows that you do this to calm her down.
you know that you care too much for kobeni to stand there and let her cry her eyes out. you were right; she was too good for this kind of job.
"i'll get you out of here, i promise. help you find another job, one that pays well, better than the public safety division." you state, looking her confidently in the eyes. her frown is wobbly as she nods her head. "you'll be safe, and live a normal life. i want to give you what you want."
she nods again.
deciding that was enough for today, you lean away. kobeni keeps hold of your sleeve, letting you keep a hand on hers as you reach over and grab her lunch. "come on, lets eat up. you did a lot of sprinting today, and i've never seen someone dodge quite so skilfully." you comment, handing her some chopsticks.
she finally lets go of your hand to begin eating. you know that she needs to get full in order to feel better. so you start to eat as well. this is where small-talk ensues. you begin to talk about your days outside of the public safety division, and she will ask about certain details. you answer. a back and forth. sometimes, kobeni will be the one with stories. about how envious she was of her brother, the favourite, or how her parents never allowed her to outshine him. you despise those who play favourites.
as you talk, she begins to wonder: 'why do you do all of this? why are you so nice?'. you've never had a reason to do that, she's never owed you anything... at least, she didn't think so.
when you look at her, making sure she was eating her lunch, kobeni turns back to her food. you only smile and sit closer to her. "do you feel okay now?" you ask her.
she nods slowly. "mhm." she hums out. the tone of your voice, she knows it. it's the same sound that people make when they're interested in another, isn't it? she's heard it before, the other students who confessed to their classmates, she's overhead it. and your smile, it makes her heart kind of beat faster. her face burns at the sudden realisation that there was a possibility that you could be in love with her. "what about you?"
you blink at her twice as you tilt your head. "i'm, uh, i'm good. i just want you to feel better." you state, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. she gulps, the warmth falling onto her face. "i care a lot about you, y'know."
a sigh leaves her lips, "thank you, y/n..."
"you're welcome, kobeni." you say, retracting your hand and the intense warm feeling that she was experiencing, "now finish your lunch. our work is nearly done, i'll walk you home after, okay?" the little nod she gives you makes your heart flutter and your lips pull into a smile.
you were both glad that you were here, sitting next to kobeni and quietly eating lunch with her.
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blushblushbear · 2 months
The Kitsune’s if they were Yandere’s?😃
who says they aren't >;3
okay but no seriously--
TRIGGER WARNING FOR YANDERE SHIT--- manipulative, violent, toxic as hell, you guys know the drill
really brings the dere into yandere
he seems so cute and sweet and harmless
and he is!
he tries not to show it
and when he does show it he plays it off as haha cutesy I'm just a little guy
but he's got a jealous streak a mile wide
he jokes around about 'the great Aki saw you first'
but you do not understand the depths of his dibs...
has a lot of animalistic tendencies
and he plays it either as innocent or kinky
sorry I bit you, I just couldn't control myself <:c
but don't fall for it
he's marking you
also it's funny how the people he pranks for revenge involving you seem to have their pranks go 'horrible wrong'
welp, guess that guy only has one eye now but serves him right for talking like that to you
plays like he's joking when he acts a little possessive
'hey bud, they're spoken for >:T'
but the moment your back is turned he is giving them a look that they will see in their nightmares
likes to used pranks to remind people he's 'always watching'
and maybe he is maybe he isn't
it's hard to tell
always super sweet and loving with you
and maybe a little insecure
you love him don't you?? <:c
you'll stay with him forever right?? <:c
you're all his right??? <:c
he puppy eyes it but he's ready to take matters into his own hands if any of that ever changes...
don't buy those puppy eyes
I mean, all of them are but HIM ESPECIALLY
also SUPER jealous
is hyper aware of the way people might try and get into your pants
mostly cause he does the same thing lol
also a big fan of marking you and isn't even shy about making that known
what?? gotta give you a few bite marks to let them know you're mine
loves to put his scent on you, more marking
is usually constantly hovering
another king of the haha yeah totally :) then once your back is turned HE'S GLARING DAGGERS >8l
likes to have you wear his stuff so people know your taken
if someone is rude to you he'll pull them off to the side for 'a quick chat'
and they are never heard from again
very much standing behind you with his hand on his sword daring a motherfucker to try him
but he's super sweet to you always
constant love bombing
lots of gifts
lots of spoiling you
declarations of love and devotion as he kisses your hand
and you think he's flirting or just being a little romantic
but no he's so dead serious you don't even know
will kidnap you if it comes to that
worried about you being safe
also don't bring up the idea of you dying, either by natural causes or other means, cause it will trigger a melt down
tears and a little bit of violence and a whole lot of not letting you leave for anything
also is about ready to restart the clan wars if he sees the other kitsune touch you for even a second
violently or romantically
your his precious mate and no one else can have you
this dude is already lonely and violent at the start of his route so
surprising no one he can and will get that way again at the drop of a hat if it involves you
he is actually the most reluctant to backhand a bitch since he did all this growing for you
but don't get it twisted he did all this growing FOR YOU
without you he's not actually grown (at least in yandere form)
he will kill someone very quickly if he thinks even for a second that they'll hurt you
also another dude who will restart these clan wars over you
will rip out the other kitsune's throats if he sees them near you
also more marking here
he's actually very gentle with his marking
until he's feeling insecure
then he bites a little too hard
and is very tearful and apologetic afterwards
he feels like a monster
but he will do it again if jealousy takes hold of him
another one whose easily triggered to dramatics but his aren't always violent
well they ARE just not VIOLENCE you see
violent break downs
violent sobbing
may border on threats of harming himself if you leave
very manipulative but he gets away with it cause it all comes from a place of pain and you're a bleeding heart
will kidnap you and then swan about on how he's such a monster but he can not let you go but he hates himself for it
true drama llama
but when he's sweet or romantic it's like a poem
everything he does he does out of love
you just kinda wish cha boy was more fucking stable about it.....
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silvvermoon · 2 months
Y'know after seeing your prompts and all, I was wondering if you'd ever do a drabble of sub!Aki getting pegged (not requesting anything, just curious)
YES 1000000000000% I AM PEGGING ENTHUSIAST 🥹🥳🙃🙃 I honestly have actually been thinking about it a lot but my brain has been so caught up on dom!Aki that I’ve had to write all the smut for that firstly haha.
I’d love to write like a soft? gentle? sub!Aki getting pegged where it’s his first time with you not being a dom. and Aki’s kinda shy beneath your touch, tries to stifle back the soft gasps that fall out his mouth when you’re biting his neck and pressing in, the head of the dildo barely breaching his entrance and you’re only giving him shallow thrusts, worried that you’ll hurt him because this is new and even with all the lube and prep, aki’s so damn tight. but he relaxes when you press a kiss into his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his nose. he wants your lips against his while you make him feel so damn full, wants to reach out and pull you in closer until the dildo brushes up against that sweet spot inside him that he’s only ever found with his fingers. and it feels so fucking good just having you be the one to make him feel like this, his eyes tearing up each time your thrusts brush up against his prostate and Aki can’t hold it back, no, he’s drooling precum on his own stomach while letting out soft whines into your mouth and maybe he should feel the tiniest bit of embarrassment at being so desperate for you, but it feels so good that he wants to cry.
Yeah this turned into a drabble im sorry haha but I really wanna write a longer fic for this later!!!! Aki being pegged would look so pretty omfg
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lemonlover1110 · 2 years
Aki Hayakawa
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Pairing: Aki Hayakawa x f!Reader
Summary: You realize your feelings for Aki, even though you both agreed you didn't want anything serious, so you decide to end things without an explanation. Maybe an explanation would've avoided the current situation you're in. Both helplessly in love with each other yet not together.
You don't want to trick yourself once again, believing that Aki would actually have feelings for you. And Aki doesn't want to confess that he loves you first.
Warnings: MDNI, Smut, Angst, Cheating, Friends with Benefits, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex (f. receiving), Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Spitting, Miscommunication (Sort of)
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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You don’t remember how your arrangement with Aki began, you just remember that you two agreed upon sleeping with each other with no strings attached. It was easy at first. Extremely easy. He’d come over when he needed some stress relief or whenever he was bored, and he’d be ever-so-sweet with you. Or extremely rough, it really depended on his mood. You loved it, that’s all you know.
But things got lost in translation somewhere in between. You weren’t sure if your body confused the sweet caresses as something more, or if your eyes saw something in him that you hadn’t noticed before. Either way, your heart got the wrong impression. And it fooled itself into reciprocating those feelings, feelings that weren’t there for him.
You remember the night you broke things off with him. Such a bitter moment in your life. Knocking on his door near midnight, and he opened the door, a bit confused as to why you were there.
“Hey… Why are you here?” Aki asks, knowing that there’s no missed calls or texts on his phone. You look distressed, and it worries him. He thinks something bad happened to you. “Come in.”
You take a moment to decide what you want to do. You don’t want to sit down as you tell him your confession. You’re mortified at the mere thought. You shake your head, which confuses him even more. You stand in silence for a moment as you try to gather your words.
Would it be best to confess your feelings or just end it all without an explanation? You smile at him, trying to suppress the utter confusion, panic and sadness that’s behind your eyes. You open your mouth to speak, deciding to confess your feelings, but the words don’t come out. The phrase that you so desperately want to say doesn’t come out of your throat, instead you end up saying,
“Maybe we should stop.”
And he doesn’t argue about it. He doesn’t bother asking why. It makes you feel as if it meant little to him– Which is something that should’ve been clear to you. It wasn’t supposed to be more than a casual hookup. Something to blow off steam with each other. You made it clear with each other that you didn’t want anything else. Although he wasn’t as clear with you. Or you weren’t clear with yourself.
“Oh, alright… I’ll see you around.”
And that sentence made you so bitter. He didn’t bother saying anything else. He didn’t bother even asking. Yet, you knew he wasn’t going to. After all, you two weren’t more than just friends who’d occasionally hook up.
But in the end, you managed to move on. You started seeing other people, and allowed yourself to be free with someone else. This time you looked for someone who’d end up returning your feelings. For someone who was looking for the same thing as you.
You ended up finding someone, finally. Aki was at the back of your mind, but he’d easily be overshadowed by the affection and attention your current boyfriend gave you. Forgetting Aki, or mostly forgetting him was the easiest part. Ignoring the unresolved feelings that were there was even easier.
Until you’d bump into each other occasionally. The world is so big, yet so small. It didn’t happen much at first. He wouldn’t ask many questions at first either. It was either: “Hey, haven’t seen you in a long time” or “The world sure is small, isn’t it?”. Overall awkward interactions. But that was bound to happen. Your friendship couldn’t continue as normal when something not-so-traditional happened during a big part of it.
But you’re sure the world hates you when you continue bumping into each other. Awkwardly keeps happening at the same café you go to each morning. It seems that Aki no longer has the time to make his own coffee because you see him every morning. And oddly enough he’s in the mood to talk. About your interests more or less.
“I started that show that you really like and I can see why you’re so into it.” He begins, catching you off-guard. It makes a dumb smile appear on your face, knowing that he’s looking into your interests. It’s the bare minimum, but at the same time you and Aki aren’t seeing each other anymore. 
“Really? What season are you on?” You ask, letting yourself get lost in conversation. The line that usually feels like an eternity, moves much faster like this. Until it’s your turn to get coffee, and the conversation stops.
“We should go out sometime.” Aki suggests when both your orders are taken. You end up shrugging before you say,
“I don’t think my boyfriend would like that.”
Aki tries his best to remain neutral as his whole world flips upside down. Of course you have a boyfriend, why else would you stop seeing him? His lips turn into a thin line and he ends up nodding in response. 
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was disappointed. You believe it’s your mind trying to trick you, once again, but you learned your lesson the first time
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Aki tosses and turns in bed, the only thought in his mind being you. Maybe, just maybe, he had been going to the cafe to see you. Wasting precious money on a beverage he doesn’t need. Although, that’s his fault. He should’ve known something was up the moment you decided to end things with him. He didn’t take the hint though.
But he feels hurt. He realized he liked you too late. Well, he now doubts that confessing his feelings would’ve changed anything. But still, maybe it would’ve made his life better. He wouldn’t have wasted so much time on you. He wasn’t chasing after you per say, but he was rejecting people and canceling plans because of you.
He can’t believe that you actually have a boyfriend– It’s not that you’re unattractive, he just can’t believe that you moved on so quickly between what you had. Although it ended months ago. 
He didn’t realize it then, but he liked you more than just sexually. He enjoyed your friendship, he always has, but he started to appreciate you more. And he’s started to have thoughts about you, some that have never crossed his mind before. And he hates that he’s having these thoughts when he can’t touch you anymore. When he can’t show you how much he likes you. It’s his own fault though, he can’t blame you for it. He just wonders how things would’ve been if he had confessed his feelings.
It’s near midnight, and he’s so tempted to call you. He also has the option to just show up at your door, but he doesn’t want to interrupt anything that you and your boyfriend might be doing. Then he begins to wonder what he’s like. How different they are.
Aki grabs his phone, and squints his eyes as the sudden brightness hits his face. He gets adjusted to the brightness as he looks for your contact in his phone. He looks at the messages you’ve exchanged, and it’s truly nothing romantic. It’s barely even a conversation. It makes him wonder if there was ever a chance for your relationship to be something more.
The man keeps reading the last message you sent. One that he never cared to reply to, and he wonders if texting you at this hour is worth it. He’ll end up wasting his time, he thinks to himself.  He should just try to go to sleep. Take some allergy medicine and go back to tossing and turning.
His thumbs hover over the letters for a moment before he decides to shut off his phone. It’s not worth it so he ends up turning to his side and, once again, shutting his eyes. Within five minutes he opens his eyes and gets out of bed. He exasperatedly exhales as he looks for a change of clothes. He changes into a white tee and some sweatpants, nothing too fancy since he doesn’t plan to spend too much time with you. He doesn’t even have a plan of what he’ll do there. He just knows he’s walking out of his bedroom and looking for his car keys.
He exits his apartment and goes to his car, wondering if he’s doing the right thing. He gets in, turns on the radio to ensure he doesn’t fall asleep, and begins to drive to the apartment that he’s frequently visited in the past. The whole time he thinks about what he’ll do. What he’ll possibly say when he’s right in front of you. Or what excuse he’ll make up when he encounters your boyfriend. 
His mind goes a thousand miles per hour as he thinks about all the possibilities. But he really hopes his mind doesn’t go blank when he’s in front of you– Or your boyfriend. He sighs when he’s at the red light, the last traffic light before he turns left and arrives at your apartment complex.
His palms are incredibly sweaty, and his heart beats at an unusual rate– And this fastened heart pace isn’t the one that usually makes him happy. It’s not the one that makes him smile, and turns his cheeks to a sweet shade of pink. His stomach churns as these sudden nerves begin to take over.
He finally gets to your apartment complex and parks before he exits his car. He wants to begin to walk, but his feet don’t seem to listen. They don’t follow his command. He pats the side of his thigh and mutters, “C’mon. It’s going to be quick.”
He takes a deep breath before he begins to walk to your apartment. He walks up the stairs with less energy than ever before. He’s come to your door after long shifts, eyes barely staying open. Yet he walked with more energy then. He had no worries about seeing you then. But now he fears rejection.
He gets to your door and he stands like a fool, completely still for a minute before his fists go up to the door. He knocks twice, and he debates running away. But he ends up swallowing his pride and standing there, his hands going into his pockets. He chews on the inside of his cheek as he awkwardly stands outside your door. 
The door finally opens, making his eyes light up. He finds you in your pajamas, a little groggy after just waking from your slumber. You’re out of place for a moment until you realize who it is. Aki tries to smile at you, although it comes off weak. 
“Aki… What are you doing here?” You question, your voice revealing your confusion. There’s a lump in his throat, and he opens his mouth to speak but he can’t. The words he wants to say don’t come out– Truthfully, he doesn’t know what he wants to say. “You do know that I have a boyfriend, right?”
“Do you still think about what happened between us?” He asks. It makes your eyes widen, definitely taken aback. You aren’t sure how to react or how to respond. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, and I think you have too. But I want to know for sure.”
“That's an inappropriate question, Aki.” You respond, feeling your heart skip a beat. You feel your body get warm, thinking of the question, knowing that you’ve tried to suppress every thought about Aki. But you have. You think about him a lot when you’re with your boyfriend.
“That doesn’t answer the question… Do you think of me when you’re with him?” He almost stutters, but there’s this newfound confidence when he speaks. He looks right at you, and it’s as if he can read you like a book. 
“I love him, Aki.” You’re lying to yourself with what you say. The man you love is standing right in front of you, but you try to ignore those feelings. You don’t care if Aki confesses the most endearing feelings towards you, you care for the man that you’re with and you’ve spent so much time with him. He adores you, and you don’t want to break his heart.
“You do? But I bet you’re thinking of me when you’re with him.” He takes small steps toward you, ones that you don’t notice until he’s too close. Yet you won’t step back. His hands cup your face and his thumb begins to caress your cheek, “I know you’re thinking of me while you’re with him.”
“Aki…” You begin, about to claim that you love your boyfriend. But his lips land on yours and you can’t bring yourself to pull away. His soft lips on yours is something that you’ve been longing for, and you’ve just noticed.
Your hands go to the back of his head as the kiss deepens. His hands go down to your waist, and he picks you up from the floor. He carries you to the couch and he lays you down. His tongue is intoxicating, pressing against yours. When he pulls away, a string of saliva connects your lips.
“You don’t love him.” His mouth goes to your ear. He nibbles on your earlobe, giving you a moment to come to your senses and push him away. But you don’t as your hands go to the hem of his shirt and you begin to lift it up.
His lips begin to kiss your neck and his lips go down to kiss your breasts through your tank top, and down until he gets to your shorts. He begins to pull down your shorts, his eyes looking at your face. There’s this spark in your eyes when you look at him, and he doubts that you look at your boyfriend like that. That look is reserved for him, that he’s sure of. He throws your pants elsewhere and pushes your panties to the side.
Two fingers run through your folds, gathering your slick. He lightly bites down his lip before he asks, “You get so wet for me… Do you do that for him?”
“Aki…” You shut your eyes as he slips two fingers into cunt. He moves them slowly in and out of you, and before he can say anything about him, you say, “Please… Let’s not talk about him.”
Aki hums in response, curving his fingers so they press against your sweet spot. You notice somewhat of a pout through your heavy lids, but you don’t care enough. If not talking about your boyfriend is a big deal to him, then you two can stop. Thinking about the fact that you’re actually cheating on your boyfriend with your old fuck buddy is an uncomfortable thought, and you don’t need him to remind you. You want this to be something that you enjoy, and you know you’ll enjoy it because Aki knows your body so well.
Aki will bring it up again. But not so early on. He’ll allow you to make a mess around him first, and then he’ll talk about your boyfriend. Gloat about how he’s so much better than the guy you picked.
He dips his head, his tongue flicking your clit repeatedly. You’re softly moaning into the air, shutting your eyes as you get lost in pleasure. He begins to suck on your clit, and he makes sure to let you know how much he enjoys this by moaning. 
He loves the way your pussy tastes, and he’s missed the taste. He didn’t realize how much he missed it until now. Oh, but he doesn’t want to ever let this go again. He wants to eat you out every night. He loves receiving, but God, does he love giving. Especially to you.
You feel your orgasm slowly consume you. Your moans get louder with each movement of his fingers and tongue. Which leads you to groan when he takes his fingers out. His tongue moves down to your entrance, and he begins to tease you with it, letting yourself mutter a pathetic, “Please…”
His tongue enters your cunt while his thumb begins to massage your clit. It makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. You bite down your bottom lip, scared of being too loud. You don’t want the neighbors to hear. 
He swirls his tongue before he takes it out and focuses on your clit again. You hold your breath, your orgasm taking over you. Your thighs begin to squeeze around his head, which encourages him even more. And he’s the happiest man on Earth when he hears your sweet voice moan, “Aki…”
“Oh!” Your back arches as you reach your peak. Your legs quiver and finally stop squeezing around his head, which disappoints him. He pulls away, his lips coated with your juices and saliva, but he presses them against your own. 
He pulls away, and you notice through the dim light that he’s blushing. The sight makes your heart flutter, and you have to look away from him. For a subtle moment remembering that you have a boyfriend. Until he speaks, his voice deep and hypnotizing,
“You look so pretty when you come, baby.” He compliments you. His thumb tugs on your bottom lip before he asks you ever-so-sweetly, “Will you open your mouth for me, please?”
You do as he says, sticking your tongue out, and he spits in your mouth. It brings him so much satisfaction when you swallow without being told to do so. It lets him know that you’re wrapped around his finger. 
He grabs your hand and forces you to feel the bulge that’s in his sweatpants, bringing his lips to your ear and telling you, “This is what you do to me… I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Aki…” You begin, inhaling and holding your breath for a moment before you say anything else. You’re about to ruin your relationship– You already ruined your relationship. There’s no point in holding back now. “Please fuck me.”
He chuckles before he pulls down his sweatpants and briefs down. His hand goes down to stroke his cock a couple of times before he teases you with it. “Are you sure you want this? You really want to cheat on your boyfriend with me?”
“Aki… Please.” Your voice is so weak and pathetic, and as you say that he inserts himself inside of you. He does it slowly, giving you time to adjust to every inch. He bottoms out and gives you a moment before he slowly moves in and out of you.
You hate to admit how much you’ve missed him. How much your body missed him. He just knows your body so well– Or your body got adjusted to him. And now it won’t adjust to anyone else. 
Your body melts with every deep stroke. You haven’t felt like this in months. He looks down at you, so much adoration behind his eyes. But you end up looking away because you confused that same look for something else before, and ended up hurting yourself. You feel his hand go under your chin and he moves your head so you have to look at him.
You expect to hear something sweet and loving from him, but instead you hear, “I know you’ve been thinking of me while you’re with him…”
You’re squeezing around him while he speaks, and he smirks, knowing that it’s turning you on. He can’t help but think about how you’re a naughty little thing. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?”
You shush him, trying to mainly focus on how he moves in and out of you and fills you up just right. Hitting all the right spots with every thrust. But you’ll admit, it turns you on. You like hearing Aki boosting his ego. And he’s right. He’s fucking right. “You don’t love him like you claim.”
Your hand goes down to play with your clit, trying to ignore his words. But he’s absolutely right. You don’t love him at all. In fact, the man that you love is on top of you. Another orgasm begins to build up quickly, as Aki’s cock moves in and out of you.
“You don’t love him, you love me.” He continues, and you’re subconsciously nodding. He’s right. You’re completely in love with him. “Repeat after me. You don’t love him.”
“I don’t– Love him.” Your mind is completely gone as your orgasm begins to take over. You’re finally telling the truth. Aki is groaning as he feels you tighten around him. “I don’t love him.”
“You love me. You love me.” He says, and you’re blocking out any noise at this point. Your second orgasm of the night takes over you, and you loudly moan his name as you come again. Aki’s thrusts get faster by the second as he chases his release. 
His head is on your neck, peppering it with kisses. His lips go back to your ear again, trying to convince you to say that you love him, but you’re not listening. He stops finally when he reaches his release, filling you up with his cum.
He pulls out, a bit disappointed although satisfied.
Neither of you say anything, although there’s much to talk about. He fixes himself up, and debates if he should just leave, or talk to you about this. Neither of you want to talk about your unresolved feelings though. 
“Aki…” You begin, and he looks at you, hopeful that you’ll be the one to confess. “Will you hold me for a bit?”
He hums without hesitation. You manage to make space for you both on the couch, and he wraps his arms around you, something that neither of you had done before. Something that you wouldn’t have brought up, and even if you had, something that he wouldn’t have agreed to.
You both love each other. You both know that. But you won’t speak about it, and you won’t do anything about it. You’re both cowards.
Plus, life’s moved on.
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🏷 @witchofoe @cactustattoo @dearsunaa @mykyoon @tojidilfs @b3ast1706 @crispmarshmallow @matchabluebeiry-for-nanami @nobody289x @nothisispatrick300 @tojianddabisslut @katsuwhore @septembersums @thisbicc @rumi-rants @chloee0x0 @dakumarauder @lovemarvel16 @lilithlunas @sarcasticallydrowning @dilfs-lover @celi-xxmoon
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fyodior · 2 years
husband aki thoughts :)
♡ getting the obvious out of the way. tho no relationship is perfect and he has a shitty past he is always the best husband to you he can be. the BEST
♡ i imagine it takes aki a while to warm up to physical affection in your relationship, but once you're married he realizes how comforting it actually is for him. he's always catching you for kisses when u walk by him, laying his head on your shoulder, running his hand up and down your thigh sitting on the couch, and always holds your hand in public together
♡ aki LOVES calling you his wife/spouse all the time and to everyone you meet, and even just refers to you as that at home bfdjfdj like hello my wife i am home for the evening and ur just ??
♡ i see him as the type of sleeper to want to go to bed cuddling, but will eventually separate to sleep on his side. he just needs the space nothing personal </3
♡ the SEX oh the sex. i imagine him being relatively vanilla at first but is always willing to try something out you suggest, his main priority is just making you feel good.
♡ wedding night sex ! !!! !! its very meaningful and emotional to him, slow with lots and lots of i love you's and sweet but passionate kisses. obvi it is a very very special night and he wants to treat it as such. also the thought of him fucking you in his suit and you in ur wedding dress OUGH
♡ the honeymoon sex PLS it doesn't matter where you are he is not letting you leave that bedroom, and if he does it's to go fuck somewhere else. he claims it is very important to consummate a marriage thoroughly jfdjfdj
♡ he loves the comfort and calmness of cooking, so he usually is the one to make meals, though he loves having u in the kitchen to help :) he is very adamant about you sharing at least one homemade meal a day, usually breakfast or dinner
♡ he is a listener and observer. will always happily listen to you ramble about your day/new special interest/friends/literally anything else on ur mind
♡ he is so so helpful around the house in every way, always making sure he does an equal amount of cleaning/tidying up, laundry, dishes, etc. and if he knows you've had/will have a really stressful day, he'll do a little extra to make your life easier
♡ i think something aki might struggle with is communication. he doesn't mean to be that way he's just inherently a quiet person that keeps to himself, and doesn't want to upset you. though if you sense there's something bothering him and ask, he'll always speak up.
♡ this is completely unfounded i just like the idea of it. you have lots of plants around the house and its so cute when you find him spritzing each one with water and maybe he even talks to the plants bffjdjfdjfdj im just making this up tbh
♡ aki would be very open to the idea of starting a family, but not for a while. he already had to to take care of power and denji he needs a break fdkfdfdj
♡ just thinking of waking up every morning to his messy long hair and joining him in his morning routine pls i want to marry this man right now
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rottingpirate · 2 years
Wondering if you'd be down to write some aki and angel soft headcanons (separately or together, your choice) with male reader. Like cuddling and all that sweet shit ❤️
Aki and Angel x M!reader sfw headcanons
Warnings: none, just fluff
I love them so much <3
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Aki Hayakawa
He’s definitely a good boyfriend in every way
Just the most loving boyfriend tbh
His kisses taste like cigarettes
I see him as getting flustered pretty easily
Hold his hand? Kiss his forehead? Cook him dinner? Light a cigarette for him?
He’s just smitten
He does kinda hate PDA
He prefers to express his love in other ways
Like by cooking you breakfast, giving you little gifts or calling you whenever he gets the chance
He likes picturing a nice and peaceful future with you
Maybe get a nice house and have couple of cats running around
He likes it when you play with his hair
Run your fingers through it, brush or braid his hair
It really calms him down
Remembers your interests and what kind of things you love
He saves his money to get it for you, be it flowers, accessoires or a perfume you wore once
Angel Devil
He hates how he can't touch you
He just wants to be able to hold your hand, hug you, run his fingers through your hair and all that cute stuff
Just any sort of physical affection
Will stretch out his wings and brush them against your back
24/7 cuddles and he would be the little spoon everytime
Once he's in your arms he does not get up for another 12 hours
He would give quick pecks and kisses whenever he gets a chance
He'd be way too shocked and freeze when you decide to actually kiss him
Will really think you have a death wish
I feel like he knows how to cook but he's just too lazy to do it
If you mess up while cooking something then he might come and fix it for you
Very lazy and will make you do small chores for him
You’ve joked about him only dating you to make you do all his work and chores
Cute dates where you get ice cream
I like to imagine that if you're about the same height as him then you two can get discounts at places for playing middle schoolers or something
At the end of the day, he loves you very much and would happily accept you even on your worst days
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vxnus-coquette · 2 years
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𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑥 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑒 𝑘𝑎𝑦?♡ 𝐚𝐤𝐢︎ 𝐡𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Cafe romance
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluffiness, suggestiveness, smut, smoking, denji and power being them ofc, maybe ooc aki
As you continue setting up the candle lit table for the event you planned tonight you can’t help but think a little bit. ‘what if he’s too tired? Hopefully he actually decides to just relax.’ Throughout the time, you have been dating Aki you seem to pick up the fact the he can never catch a damn break.
Rather It be work as a devil hunter or just denji and power, you’re surprised he hasn’t managed to pop a blood vessel yet. Even before those two moved into his apartment there was always something with his line of work. Not that you’d try to force him to quit or anything but you’d be lying if you said he didn’t worry you to pieces. Whether it be his stress level that kills him or one of those damned devils.
So that’s why you decided tonight, you’d force him to relax even if it killed you. So you went the extra mile tonight lighting the whole place with freshly scented candles. Buying you both a romantic dinner set up with a nice bottle of wine and purchasing the nicest silk nightgown you could find that hugs your curves just right fitting you in all the right places. And you made sure to send denji and power somewhere to keep them occupied
And you decided to go even further with it. Buying the best bath bomb you could find along with some rose petals. You scattered the petals all around the house and in the warm bubble bath you prepared for you both with strawberries and champagne on the side it was perfect at least you hoped it was.
You take a seat on the couch as you hear his keys starting to jungle before the door is opened. You watch as he walks through the door looking worn out as ever with his cigarette still hanging in his mouth dully lit.
“ hey love “ you say softly approaching him pulling him into your warm embrace feeling him hum approvingly before wrapping his arms around your waist. You feel him shift in your hold taking a minute to scan the room’s layout, already noticing the sweet aroma when he first entered. “ what’s all this for I didn’t forget our anniversary did i?”
You chuckle softly as his distress before taking his hand placing a small peck on his wrist watching as his gaze turns to you. “ Not at all I just want you to relax for me tonight is all”. You watch as he pauses for a moment his gaze softens as he glances down at you ‘how did he get so lucky?”,He wonders to himself before softy flicking your forehead. “You know your something else at times.”
You playfully swat his hands away “ I’ll take that as a compliment” You pull his halfway lit cigarette out his mouth as he gives you a small look of disapproval. “ You won’t be killing your lungs tonight so don’t even try it.”
He huffs at you playfully “Do you intend to micromanage me all night?” You laugh softly “No unless you keep fighting the urge to just relax with me tonight.”
You guide him to the table ushering him to sit down after forcing him to at least get a little more comfortable before you both bathe. You managed to get him to lose his blazer at least and, to slightly unbutton some of his shirt and to ditch that tight ass ponytail. You pour you and him a glass of wine as you both begin to talk about your days. You can’t help but be a little surprised about how good this is going right now, maybe a little too good. You push the thought out of your head though for his sake at least.
Throughout the dinner you can’t help but notice how tired he looks from the bags under his eyes to his tired demeanor which causes a small pout to form on your lips. You jump slightly being pulled out of your thoughts as his hand gently rest on yours. “ what’s with the look huh?”
“ it’s just you know how I don’t like seeing you like this” You say softly rubbing his hand as he hums at what you just said. “ I know and I don’t try to stress you out or anything you know “ he says softly kissing your hand.
“ which is why you need to let me do this more “ you get up going behind him softly rubbing your hands on his shoulders. You feel how tense his muscles are as your hands guide up and down them massaging his shoulders in the process. You hear his groan slightly tilting his head back relaxing in your hold. “ m’maybe I do”. You hum approvingly chuckling softly “ I told your stubborn ass that “
He doesn’t even argue as he turns into puddy in your arms. “ come on let’s go get in the tub “ you get up walking to the bathroom making sure everything is set up to par as he follows behind you slowly wrapping his arms around your waist.
You turn around placing soft pecks on his neck as his hands rub up and down your figure. “ let’s get you out of this huh?” He says before softly lifting your nightgown over your head taking in your figure causing you to flush slightly. “ I’m supposed to be taking care of you you know”
He hums before softly whispering in your ear “ don’t worry you got me next “. You jump slightly at how fast he manages to unclamps your bra as it falls to your feet. Next his hands begin to softly trail down your body from your breast down to your ass that his cups firmly as you moan softly into his shoulder “ mm’aki not too much”.
He chuckles at your reaction before slipping your panties off as they pull at your feet. You step out of them regaining your composure. “My turn now.”
You leave soft pecks along his jawline as your hands trail softly down his body down to his ass giving it a pinch. You laugh as he jumps slightly.
“ Y/N.”
“ okay okay sorry “ you say quickly kissing his cheek as a sense of apologies. You trail your hands back up rubbing his shoulders softly as you leave kisses down his neck before bringing your hands to his chest starting to unbutton his shirt. You feel his breath shutter slightly as you trail your hands down from his chest to his V line.
You gently glide his shirt off his shoulders keeping a steady pace of littering him and kisses then you decide to take it a step further trailing your kisses farther down along with your hands. You feel him tense slightly as you trail your kisses down his body down from his chest to his stomach as you toy with his belt teasing him. “ shit m’don’t be a fucking tease”
“ whatever do you mean love huh” you say softly pecking his v line as you slip his pants down along with his boxers. You take in the sight of his member taking in how fucking pretty it really was. From what it lacked in the girth it made up for and length not to mention his pretty pink tip. You decide to tease him a little further softly pecking his tip feeling him suck in a breath before leaving him high and dry getting in the tub.
“ damn tease “ he says gruffly getting the the tub but you could still hear the smile in his voice. “ you love it”. He doesn’t respond instead resting himself in between your thighs so that way your back is laying against the tub as his, head is resting against your chest with your thighs wrapped around him.
“ this is nice huh?” You say softly playing with his hair as he hums relaxing more in your arms. “ I told you sometimes you just need to relax for me “
“ maybe a will “ you sigh softly as you feel his hands trailing on your thighs as he places soft kisses on your chest. “ m’aki “ you moan softly as he takes on of your nipples into his mouth sucking it softly as you tangle your hand in his hair tugging it slightly.
Just as you both are about to take it a step further and shift your position you hear a loud crash followed by the fire alarm. “ Shit!” You hear power yell followed by denji calling her an idiot. You jump sitting up before looking at aki who looks like he’s about to commit a felony completely forgetting him relaxing.
Well so much for that completely relaxing evening
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yukii0nna · 2 months
I didn't get tagged by @wingedcatgirl plus I already did this for Camilla but to heck with it!
Alici Scarlet
"Aki listen to me, those guys are just jerks. So just be Aki and you'll be fine."
"One of these days, something will blow on this maskrade and we'll be having to leave. It's sad..."
"Aww Jack Atlas, I thought I heard ego and Jerk. Guess that's you "
"Trudge can be a good guy. Man I never thought I would ever say that"
"So all in favor of kicking Divine's creepy butt to the underworld say Ai. If not, you'll be missing out
"Yu-bunny, do you really think I'm that stupid? "
"I like to have secrets you know. Sorry if that makes me shady"
"Sera, let's have fun! After all a party is needed you know"
"So the son of a bitch wants to bring innocent lives into this ,huh? Fine, so he won't get the kiddy gloves anymore!"
"My bro is known for two things, a major sweet tooth and horrible taste in men. Figured I should be careful about the latter."
"I'm magical that way"
"I saw monsters, heck I used to deal with one every day. So I'm not letting you go down that road"
"Everyone is wondering if we're ghosts, actual demons or a witches. Maybe it's time to put some of the rumors to bed, big bro"
"She's a darling kick-ass and a duelist!? I'm in love!
"Hey, the nightmare is over kid. You're safe now. A fairy told me that."
@punkeropercyjackson @zexal-club @bakawitch @kousaka-ayumu @insomniac-jay @queen-of-twisted @achy-boo
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meownotgood · 2 months
omg 🫣 ok so i just saw your yandere thing and ik you said aki wouldnt and i agree!! aki would /never/ kidnap anyone…but maybe…maybe he would tell you to stay at his place, just for the night because it’s soooo late. and then insist he make you breakfast and then take you out for dinner and it’s suddenly it’s nighttime again and he tells you you should just stay over another night since you’re already here! idk i feel like he wouldn’t be full-on yandere, but maybe he just wants to keep you :3
yes!!! I actually made a post about yandere aki a while ago, I'll see if I can find it and reblog it for you... I think he'd still be his very sweet self but with how much he's lost and how he wants to keep those he loves safe, I could definitely imagine him becoming obsessed with you.
he just wants to keep you close to him. it pains him so much to imagine something happening to you — if he can't have you in his arms, you might get hurt. it would be easier if you would just stay with him always........
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atypicalsouda · 28 days
I have! a question!
what's your self inserts' favorite meals? and/or desserts? ôwô
Hey baby! Thanks for the ask, it’s a real interesting question! 😘
I’ll start with Sal (DR AU s/i). He loves meat, pretty much any meat. But I’d say some rare steak, fried rice and maybe some other side would be a big favorite for him. He also has a thing for cinnamon rolls, as he used to bake them with his father before living on the streets, and that’s part of the reason why he makes them for his partners sometimes.
As for Claine (Blush Blush kelpie s/i for Aki), I’m not sure he needs to eat. But, if he does eat I’d assume he favors things in an equine’s diet like plants and fruit. Seaweed, berries. I don’t know if he’s ever had an actual meal type dish. But, if he joins Aki at a summer festival or something, he may enjoy the food they could buy there, as he can technically eat anything in human form. Fried squid, etc.
Virtue (Yu Feng Changed s/i) favors oranges just like Puro, and all the other fruit he the other latex end up growing. (Everyone is friendly eventually in within my ship’s world, without any humans ever bothering them.)
For Tyson, (Pokémon s/i for Adaman) I see him enjoying meat as well. Tho unlike Sal, he prefers to eat it in dumplings or whatever else kind of sandwich-like food they may have in the Arceus world. Also probably potato mochi cuz that’s all they ever fucking eat there.
My other Pokémon s/i who finally has a name, Jordan, doesn’t really strike me as a foodie. I feel like he’s picky. I also feel like if he favors any food, it’s sweets. Puddings, ice cream, mousse. That kind of thing. Everything else he just kind of has an “eh I gotta something I guess if I don’t wanna die, obviously.”
My tlou s/i, Max, was definitely a junk food junkie before the apocalypse. Bbq chips, energy drinks. I really see him liking Mexican food, burritos and tacos. Pizza, hotdogs. Anything stereotypically American lol.
Anddd that’s it finally. I’m sticking with Sal for Scale, in a fantasy AU, and I’m also bringing Fuyuhiko with me. I don’t know a lot about it yet tho, cuz i haven’t gotten far with him or Poe yet.
Poe’s s/i even less. I don’t know a thing about him sides that I want him to be transmasc.
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saintkaylaa · 4 months
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Imma answer these from left to right! 🤍
1. I can but only if it’s okay with @velvetcrimsonkisses and maybe for a different fandom bc I loved her sm I couldn’t top that fr.
2. Yes I do! Just no one ever asks for csm and when I do post for them it doesn’t do that well so I think ppl don’t wanna see it😭 the most recent thing I have for csm is that drabble on aki! Here
3. Tysm for enjoying it! AOT and Levi were my first loves so they will always have my heart first. I hope the fandom never dies🤍
4. Hot take but I don’t think Gojo is hot and I find him really annoying😭 but lately the more I dissect his character the more I have come to appreciate him. But don’t tell him I said that because he’ll think he finally won with me. I clock him all the time in my smaus for a reason💀
5. Yes! Hidden Inventory GC WILL come back soon but I have a lot of requests that I want to at least put a dent in!! That started out as a fun original idea and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy that y’all are asking for it now!
6. Awe thank YOU anon🤍 I’m very honored you entrusted that prompt to me and that I delivered on your expectations 🤍😇 love you!
7. Awee idk about carrying a fandom, but the sentiment is sweet ty! Yea, DS is a show that me and my husband watch together and I think my second anime I ever watched? So it’s pretty special to me. Tanjiro is also so so special to me, I love him to death my precious son. It makes me so happy when y’all ask for other stuff that’s not jjk🤍🥹 keep requesting other fandoms and I can almost guarantee it will get done!
8. So I actually DO plan to make some of the pranks reverse so just hang in there for me!
9. Um wym? That’s defo Ino’s TikTok??
10. I think that’s cool!! If I’m understanding correctly Y/n is the person you were in a past life? If it is that totally makes sense! I always think of Suguru’s as the alternate timeline and Nanami as the true ending but your idea is way cooler.
11. Let’s kiss hot on the mouf, I’m feeling romanticle.
12. I’m a sukuna hater fr but I’m glad you like the way I characterize him bc I sure don’t 😭😭😭 but yea ive seen some where he comes off a little too soft or super modern but to each their own. i certainly don’t follow canon and I’m not gonna tell other ppl how to write either bc it takes a lot of courage to just be creative, and, or, share one’s creativity to the public. Tysm!🤍
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