#maybe I'll try and write a one-shot with them all in if I can't think of anything
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Clone OCs!!!
So I have something that might be in the works (and I say "might" not to be annoying and tease you about something that is happening but because I legitimately don't know if this thing will ever see the light of day lmao) but I had some ideas for some clone OCs while thinking about said mystery thing and decided to share them with you guys (mainly to free them from my brain)
Tagging people who may be interested: @inkstainedhandswithrings @saturn-sends-hugs @the-bi-space-ace @floundrickthewayfarer
No. 1: Io (pronounced eye-oh); He/Him
Pilot for the 212th Battalion, Io is a force to be reckoned with. Known for being somewhat reckless and a little bit of an adrenaline junkie, Io's flight techniques tend to push the boundaries of recommended protocol. A generation two clone, he acts like an older brother to the younger crew members and isn't afraid to tease them relentlessly, sometimes threatening to input a request for them to be transferred to a different battalion for being annoying.
Despite his more laid-back approach, he still respects authority, particularly his superior Commander Cody.
No. 2: Tabs; He/Him
Considered by many to be an absolute ray of sunshine, Tabs is a medic for the 212th. Despite being one of the younger members of the group, he still demonstrates and incredible level of skill, partially down to his strong sense of protectiveness over his brothers, including his batchmate, Tinker.
He may seem soft and squishy on the outside, but he has an iron will. In stressful situations, Tabs can easily snap into focus mode, taking the lead when necessary and helping others navigate difficult times. He's considered by many to be one of the more well-behaved members of the crew, but he isn't afraid to have a little fun now and again.
(And yes, the hair is bleached).
No. 3: Tinker; They/Them
Tabs' batchmate, and the younger of the two, Tinker is one the 212th's best mechanics. They tend to be a little more reckless than Tabs, but still hold the same strong level of protectiveness over their crew.
Tinker isn't afraid to get their hands dirty and will throw themselves into every situation no matter how messy. They also tend to resort to humour to defuse stressful moments, usually making themselves or their brothers the butt of the jokes. They'd follow their brothers to the ends of the Earth (so long as those ends aren't in the offices of the superiors. At that point, they're on their own).
No. 4: Dixon; He/Him
A little more stoic than some of the other clones, Dixon is more tactical in his approaches, choosing his methods carefully rather than throwing himself straight into the inferno. As an ARC and first generation clone, he acts as an older brother to the others and tries to keep them in line as best as he can (though normally with a bit of humour and leniency).
While he may not be familiar with the younger clones in the 212th, nor most of the Batch, he does know Echo, having been one of the ones to mentor him (and Fives) during ARC training. He commands a great deal of respect but knows that that comes as a response to the respect he shows for others. Dixon may be a skilled close-combat fighter, but it's his strategic skills that make him a man you don't want to mess with.
Links to picrew and other general ramblings below 👇
I had an idea for something the other day and was like "I have to right this down" but it didn't quite go the way that I was expecting. Not that I hate it (though it maybe needs some tweaking), more that the original plan was for it to be one of my usual standalone one-shot things. HOWEVER, the damn thing doesn't actually make sense by itself and is effectively the middle chapter of a fic. 🙃
So now whether or not I ever publish this thing will be entirely down to whether I can actually think of a plot line for the rest of it. I've had a couple of ideas here and there (including these OCs who, funnily enough, don't even get a mention in the thing I wrote lol) but in terms of becoming an actual thing? Who knows? 😀
Anyway, here's the picrew I used :)
#my brain is all over the place atm#it's just random clone thoughts left right and centre#whether or not you ever see these guys in anything will be entirely down to whether I can work out what I'm doing with that mystery thing#maybe I'll try and write a one-shot with them all in if I can't think of anything#Steph rambles#clone ocs#clone trooper ocs#star wars#the clone wars#the bad batch
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One Call Away
[Wade Wilson x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: During one of his "jobs," Deadpool gets a call from his favorite gal [GIF Creds: jdsheart]
WC: 1970
Category: Fluff, Major Comedy {TW: Deadpool’s Humor/Nonfiltered Personality}
This man is so hard to write. I’m always stressing the noggin when it comes to planning and plotting 😔
"And away we go..."
One neck crack and a couple of hip twists later, he was off like Aladdin and his fucktoy carpet, scaling the building similarly to a chameleon on LSD.
The only thing that was missing was some epic music.
He'd been chasing this baddie around the city for almost two days now. Some big-shot mob boss with ties to Hydra, or the Mafia, or the Yakuza, or some other three-letter-acronym organization. It was hard to keep track of them all at this point. They were all the same, except for the name.
They all had their own agenda.
Kill him, keep him prisoner, pay him off...
Wade never cared enough to listen because it was always the same. He just got hired to do the dirty work, and the pay was good.
The killing was better.
This one, however, was particularly good at eluding him. He'd been trying to get his hands on this man for a few days now. It wasn't as though he was trying to be stealthy or anything, either. He'd walked right up to his front door, knocked, and was greeted with a spray of machine gun bullets.
So, the usual.
But then the guy ran and didn't stop. It was like the fucking Roadrunner met Sonic the Hedgehog, and they decided to fuck around and find out.
Wade was getting real sick and tired of being a Roadrunner, too. He had a reputation to uphold. He wasn't known as the Merc with the Mouth for nothing. He was supposed to be the one doing the running and the killing.
Not the other way around.
Finally, finally, he managed to reach the roof where the guy was currently taking cover behind a small brick shack. The sun was rising, but it was still dark, and there were a couple of floodlights shining on the rooftop. It made him think of the night he'd had that heart-to-heart with Blind Al, even though all she really wanted was for him to bring her some of that special brownie mix.
What a night that had been.
But anyway, this monologue is starting to get too long, and we should probably move things along, eh?
So, the baddie.
His name was something long and non-English.
Salvatore, or Santino, or Salvation... Whatever the fuck it was, it didn't really matter. What mattered was that it was time to make him dead.
He stepped around the corner and was met with a spray of bullets, all of which lodged themselves into his Kevlar vest.
"Oh, come on!" he yelled over the sound of the gunfire. "This is real leather, you know. I'm tired of all the offscreen sewing and shit."
When the spray finally ended, he took a moment to catch his breath.
"…ow," he whispered to himself.
"You shouldn't have followed me here," the man said.
"Yeah, whatever," Deadpool replied. "Look, I'll make this easy for you. You drop down and give me fifty, and I'll let you keep that hideous mustache you're sporting."
The man's eyes widened in surprise.
"It's not that bad, is it?"
"Yes, yes it is," Deadpool assured him. "You got a squirrel living in it or something?"
"It's just a little bit of gray, you dick," the man argued. "What about you? What's with the mask? Are you hiding a mustache under there, too, or something? Maybe some acne scars?"
Deadpool shook his head and stepped forward, his guns drawn.
"Don't come any closer!"
"You know, this would be much more intimidating if you didn't look like a cartoon mouse."
"Stop it with the mustache!"
"Alright, alright," Deadpool said. "Enough with the mustache. But what is it about your hairline? I can't put my finger on it."
The man sighed in exasperation and pulled out his pistol, aiming it right at Deadpool's face.
"Hey now, don't point that at me," Deadpool scolded him. "That's not a very nice thing to do."
He ignored him and pulled the trigger, a loud boom ringing out as the bullet fired. It whizzed by him but missed its mark.
"You really are a dick," He grumbled before aiming his gun right between the man's eyes. And he was going to shoot, honest.
He really was.
But then his phone rang, and he was well-reminded of the current song playing through his head.
I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man. I can shake-ah my fanny, I can shake-ah my can!
Needless to say, he was distracted.
He lowered his gun and looked down at his pocket, where his phone was still ringing and still vibrating against his leg.
"Shit, hold that thought," He said to the guy, and he holstered his gun.
"Wh-what the hell are you doing?!"
Deadpool put his finger up to shush him before pulling his phone out of his pocket to answer it.
If you're an evil witch, I’ll punch you for fu—
"Heyyyy," he said in a sing-songy voice, "you've reached the phone sex hotline. For kinks and fetishes, press one. For booty calls, press two. For your favorite mercenary, press three."
"Ey, pendejo—" His opponent started, but he cut him off by snapping and raising his finger.
"Cut it, Tuco Salamanca. Breaking Bad called and wants its meth-cooking mustache back."
"Anyways, this is your favorite merc speaking. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?"
"Is this a bad time?"
Wade's eyes widened in shock, and his jaw dropped open when he heard her voice on the other end of the line.
"Baby girl! Is that you? Oh, how I've missed your voice. It's like hearing an angel, or an angelic chorus, or a whole bunch of angels, but you're the most important one. Like, the lead singer or something."
"I literally saw you last night." Your voice was always drenched with the most amazing kind of sarcasm, and he'd missed it.
"It's only been a few hours."
"That's a short amount of time."
You sighed, but he knew you weren't really annoyed.
"Anyways, you sounded busy," you continued, "so I'll just let you go."
"What?! No! Don't hang up!" He shouted into the receiver. "I've only fiddled with my pistols! Nothing interesting is happening right now!"
"Your pistols, huh?" You asked a hint of mischief in your voice.
"Well, yeah. They're the most important part of the mission, you know."
In the corner of his eye, he could see his target making his way towards the edge of the building. Quickly and efficiently, without dropping his attention from his conversation with you, he lifted his gun and fired a shot at the man's knee.
"Ah, fuck!" the man screamed in pain. "My knee!"
"Hey! Language!" Deadpool scolded him. "The lady of the house is listening!"
"Lady of the- what the fuck?!"
"I said language, you mustachioed rat!"
"Mustachioed rat?" You asked.
"Sorry, babe," he replied. "You know how excited I get when Downtown Abbey is on."
“There’s gunshots in Downtown Abbey?"
"Gunshots? Oh, no, no. That was… uh, a car alarm. Yeah, the neighbor's car alarm was going off."
"Uh-huh," you said, not sounding very convinced. And, of course, that was right around the time the guy's gun went off again, this time hitting him square in the shoulder. It made the phone fall out of his hand and clatter onto the ground, but the call was still connected.
"Dammit!" He yelled, looking at the fresh blood dripping down his arm. "That's gonna take forever to heal!"
"Who are you talking to?" The man demanded, his gun still aimed at Deadpool's face. "You're working with someone?"
"Hey, now, I don't remember giving you permission to talk," Deadpool told him, holding his bloody arm up to his face. "Look, I've gotta call you back, babe. I know it's been so heartbreakingly long—"
"Again, only a few hours," you said.
"—but duty calls. Love you, bye."
"Love you, bye."
With that, the line disconnected.
"Ugh," he groaned, his heart aching for the loss of your sweet voice. "I miss her already."
"Ey," his opponent growled, drawing his attention. He started speaking in rapid-fire Spanish, which Deadpool didn't really understand, but he didn't have to. The guy was just ranting and raving.
"Alright, alright, chill," Deadpool said. "Just calm down. It’ll all be over soon, little buddy."
"I am not little! I am a giant!" The guy protested, and Wade could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. "And I will not chill!"
"Well, can't argue with that, I guess," Deadpool said with a shrug, and he took aim. But before he could pull the trigger, the guy was running again.
"Hey, what did I tell you about running?!" He yelled, but his voice fell on deaf ears as the guy reached the ledge.
"I am a giant!"
"No, you're a giant asshat!"
"I will not be bested by some masked buffoon!"
"Buff? Me? Why, I never!"
"You're the biggest asshole I've ever met!"
"You know what? I am a big ass! A big, round, bubbly ass." He paused for a second. "Hey, what's your favorite flavor?"
"Fuck you, you red-clad imbecile!"
"You know, I'd ask you out to dinner first, but we're kinda past that now."
"Alright, enough stalling," Deadpool said. "It's time to end this."
"Yes," the guy said, turning his gun back on Deadpool. "It is."
Of course, Deadpool being the smart-ass he was, he'd already taken a step to the side. As the bullet whizzed past him, he reached for his gun.
"Now, where did I put that thing? Oh, there it is."
He aimed the gun and fired, and the man fell back onto the ground. The bullet hit him right in the middle of his forehead, his blood splattering all over the concrete.
"Ha ha! Fatality. Deadpool wins!" He said, his voice taking on the deep, grounded tone of the narrator from Mortal Kombat. "Flawless Victory."
He stood over the body for a few seconds, reveling in his victory, before he felt the presence of another.
The gun on his right side got ripped from its holster, and the barrel was aimed back into his face, as it always seems to be.
But, he already sensed it was coming, so his fingers wrapped around his other and aimed that right in the golden spot… and let’s just say, The Golden Girls was a little less golden and a lot more crimson.
"Wow, this has got to be a record," He said as he bent down to stare at the new one’s anguish. "Two dead ugly mustaches in the same day. You can call me Sweeney Todd because shit… I just shaved you the fuck up."
He didn’t give the poor bastard a chance to even whimper before he fired another two shots into the man's head. All in all, this had been the easiest payday he'd had in a while.
He picked up his cell phone and slipped it back into its pocket before bending down and scooping up the mustache man's pistol.
"Ooh, lookie here, a nice, shiny new pistol," he said to himself. "Just what I've always wanted. Well, I don't actually need it. It's not like I have any other holes in my body, but you know what they say. The more the merrier."
He stuffed the gun in his holster and turned around, heading back the way he'd come.
"Time to get back to the good stuff," he said. "I have a date with my favorite girl."
He hopped up onto the ledge and looked down, his eyes locking on the window to his apartment.
And when he arrived, bloody and battered, you could only smile while holding up little ole Mary Puppins in all her drooling glory.
God, how he missed his girls.
#deadpool#deadpool 3#deadpool and wolverine#hugh jackman#ryan reynolds#wade wilson#deadpool x reader#wade wilson x reader#ryan reynolds imagine#ryan reynolds x reader#wade wilson/reader#wade wilson imagine#deadpool imagine#deadpool fandom#deadpool fic#deadpool x you#deadpool x y/n#deadpool x fem reader#deadpool x yn#fanfic#fanfiction#reader#fluff#marvelfic#marvel x reader#mcu x reader#wolverine x reader#wolverine x you#wolverine x yn#wade wilson x you
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hii!! can u write a se-mi x female guard reader and theyre already lovers even before the game started. when reader realized that se mi is in the game, she secretly protected her. when the reader revealed herself to se mi in the bthroom they kinda argued,,
✧₊⁺ i'm mr. loverman (and i miss my lover)
se-mi x fem!reader
✦ synopsis: you're so in love with your friend with benefits that you'll risk your life to keep her safe, even if it's all to let her go in the end.
content: angst, guard! reader x player! se-mi
authors note: hi!!! tysm for your request, i hope u like it!

⋆。°✩ her fingers feel so good inside that, combined with her lust-filled face that roams your features, you think you can cry from the sight alone.
"yes, yes, yes, just like that" your head hits the wall with a choked moan once she allows you to finish.
as you're coming down from your haze, she kisses you.
her kisses so rough, that you're used to being out of breath afterwards.
she lays you in bed, gently getting on top.
"you're my pretty girl.. and i'll miss. you. so. much" she says, kissing you after every word.
please, make it never ending.
"why can't i go with you?" you pouted as she shook her head no.
"i need to take this trip by myself. i told you.. i need to solve a few issues before.. we get more serious" she says as she hears your sigh. "i want that baby, i really do."
you nod, a bit hesitant, resting your head on her chest. you can feel heart beating, which pulls a smile from your lips.
"we can have a morning quickie, as a goodbye"
she hums as she kisses your forehead in agreement.
"mmm.. such a nice way to say goodbye." she replies as you chuckle. "but i still need one more round, just.. to make sure i'm leaving you all satisfied"
you smirk, lifting your head as your eyes find eachother. your lips meet hers once again.
"make me" she grins, quickly getting on top, covering the naked bodies with the white sheets.
⋆。°✩ you place the mask over your face, following 015 to the 'red lights, green lights' room. stepping in, you remove the mask and drop the case on the floor, putting the weapon together.
practicing the aiming, you check the new players. you would judge them but, weren't you just one stupid more?
as you got ready for the game, the doll turned around, letting you hear the little song you knew all too well.
everyone started running, slowing the pace as it screamed red light.
you found an already familiar face guiding the newbies, oh? well he's..huh. player 456. that's actually cool.
you scanned the room as the game kept going, finding a face you had imprinted in your brain.
huh, she's pretty.
she has..
pretty brown eyes, short brown hair, piercings.
your eyes shut closed, trying to supress the angry scream.
the girl looked just like se-mi!
no wait.
it was fucking se-mi.
pulling your hair, you tried to focus during the game, you can't lose it now.
you tried to keep your shots far away from her, trying to not make her flinch or anything that made her move.
as she got to the finish line, a sigh of relief ran through your body.
you couldn't face her now though, that'd be reckless.
⋆。°✩ as the night came, you stirred in bed. shivers running through your body as you kept thinking about her.
you slowly got dressed, walking where the players went through to go to the bathroom, you nudge your partner to go.
i mean, you weren't a big thing here, but they respected you as a triangle, at least the newbies (circles).
so as he left, you stood there, checking on her through the small window.
you located her on the bed, asleep. she was all alone and you almost ran in there to sleep with her, but you couldn't.
pressing your lips together, you sighed, hoping everything could end soon.
⋆。°✩ a new day, the end of a new game. you prayed that she made it, as you couldn't be there present for it.
you stood on the bathroom door, guarding, as you kept thinking.
how could you ask them without being suspicious?
maybe grab a circle and ask, then kill him.
or um.. maybe go down to the bathroom door? like last night and look for her?
no, maybe you could-
no need, because as you kept thinking of ways to find out if she was alive after 'six-legged pentathlon' while taking custody, she stood there in front of you.
"can i go orrr.. you'll shoot me?" she smirked, eyeing me up and down.
you swore, if she kept being a brat, you'll throw the mask and kiss her. a few ways to makeout and have a quickie came to your mind.
you nod at her, your gun pointing to the door as she enters, leaving your sight.
at least the brat was alive. thank god.
⋆。°✩ as you kept with your nightly ritual, you found yourself in the little hallway where the players walked for the bathroom.
you could see her chuckling, she was sitting down with a few guys, manspreading as always.
your eyes roamed her body, and then her face. she was so attractive.
you wouldn't judge any of the girls here if they fell for her.
judge doesn't mean you wouldn't shoot them though.
⋆。°✩ a new day, a new game.
as you stood there, your eyesight found her. she was scanning the room, walking with the same group you saw her yesterday.
moving aside with gun in hand, you stared as her brown eyes started to show a hint of fear as the platform begin spinning.
she does the first round, the second one.
but on third one, something feels weird as you see her talking with this guy, a frown on her face.
your heart shatters as you see her three partners run to a room without her.
fuck no. she's not gonna die here.
you stare side to side, as the guards are busy, keeping their focus on otherways.
you get close, poking her with the gun as she turns around, surprise all over her face. you could see that she'd given up. that broke your heart even more.
"196 and 133 are missing one. run" you mumble, but she can still hear you.
she stays there frozen as you poke her again. she seems to react this time as she runs with them into a room, although she keeps turning back to stare, trying to find out more about you.
you go back to your position. once mingle ends, you let out a breathing that you didn't even knew you were holding.
⋆。°✩ you can't sleep that night, knowing she's there, probably staring at the ceiling thinking about what happened today, just like you.
you miss her so much you feel like you're about to leave everything to go and help her.
because you would. you'd drop everything for her.
⋆。°✩ light's out was next. you knew that.
you can never be too careful, right?
as you run downstairs, placing the mask on your face, you find another guard with the triangle instead of circle, like you're used to.
"039, what are you-" you cut him abruptly, choking him with your arm.
once his body goes limp, you hide it behind the door.
you start looking for her, she's not in her bed.
a bad feeling running through your veins.
fuck it. it's worth it for her.
as you hide your gun, you enter the common room. the light's are flashing, making it worse to locate her. everyone is in such a rush, they don't even see you. if they did, they're too busy being stabbed to death.
where is she?? WHERE the fuck is she????
you look near her bed, she's not there. you stare behind, the sides. she's. not. there.
you find her friend...min su? on top of a bed, quickly, you run to him. once you're close enough, you could hear a whimper.
no. please. not her.
"se-mi?" you scream with fear, voice almost trembling. "se-mi!?"
your eyes find her cornered against the wall. she already has a wound close to her neck.
what's it gonna be? your life of her's?
there's no doubt.
you aim and shoot. his body falls on top of her as she gasps. her gaze finds yours.
she throws his body to the ground, running to your side.
"who the fuck are you?" she tries to pull the mask as you stop her, holding her wrist.
"not here. bathroom"
she follows you to the bathroom, her body shivers.
"are you cold?"
"no. just.. had a very close death experience" she replies coldly.
there's nothing left to say other than pressing your lips while nodding.
once you get there, you step in first, checking to see if it's empty. you sign her to follow you as she enters, closing the door behind her.
she swiftly pushes you against the wall, holding a shard of broken glass to your throat. "who. the fuck. are you?"
"if you let me, i'll show you" she hesitates but backs up. you remove the mask and everything that covers your face and hair.
her mouth opens in shock. please, not this.
"you're fucking kidding me right? is this some kind of sick joke?" she says, staring wide eyed. "you were the one who helped me today and..oh my god. this entire time it was you"
as you try to get closer, she slaps your hand, rejecting you.
"se-mi, please"
"i can't believe you accepted this. do you have fun killing people? what if- what if you had to kill me?" anger slips through her words.
"i-i dont, se-mi" your eyes close, a few tears threaten to spill. "you lied to me too.. there was never a trip-"
"it's different! i came here to fucking end my debts to have our happy ending! you're just here for pleasure!
"it's not pleasure se-mi. i get fucking paid for this too, i need the money as much as you do" your voice elevates.
tears roll down your cheeks. it's useless.
"can we talk better outside?" you hiccup. "may-maybe when this is done we can get back home and-"
she dry chuckles, shooking her head no.
"you're fucking insane if you think there's an 'us' outside after this"
she must've seen your fat tears rolling down your cheeks because she attempts to comfort you, the habit being stronger than her. she closed her fist before any move, trying to control herself.
"right." you try to move but all you could do was try to breathe. if you didn't left this place in 2 minutes, you'll have a breakdown.
her gaze filled with anger, starts to disappear once she sees your teary eyes.
"fuck. im- i didn't meant- i" she stutters as her hands cover her face. "i fucked up, i didn't mean to say that-"
its too late, because you start placing all to cover yourself once again. she grabs your arm to stop you as you remove her grip.
"princess, i'm- exhausted and i'm confused and i'm fucking pissed i had you here all along, and my fucking 'friend' tried to kill me and he died in front of me because my girlfriend is the guard at this fucked up place and-" she pulls her hair as she takes a deep breath, clearly stressed.
she closes her eyes, this must be a fucked up nightmare, she thinks.
"baby- i'm sorry."
"you're not the only one who's been having it hard sem. you think this is a birthday party? you get paid to murder your own partners too. you killed them everytime you hit the circle. i need this too. the money- it goes all to my parents se-mi. i don't kill for fun. you need the money to pay your debts and i need the money to keep my parents alive." a sob escapes from your mouth as she looks at you, regret takes over her.
"but i'm fucking glad you lived though. as i'm also glad you lived in 'green light, red light' when i tried to avoid shooting near you to stop you from flinching. as i'm glad i kept you alive, even if i had to stay all night on the door to look after you while you slept after the games. as i'm glad i fucking saved you, while your friends left you to die."
you grab the mask, turning around as her mouth agapes like a fish, trying to find some words to say.
she has none. she knows you're right. or maybe you're both morally gray. you're as fucked up as she is.
and maybe now, she realizes it would've been better if there were no lies from the beggining.
"baby.." she murmurs as you start to head out the door, walking away.
"take care se-mi. i- i did everything i could. i had to pick between your life and mine. and i chose you. there's a big chance they'll kill me if they see the tapes, but at least you get out of here alive." you said, placing the mask again to cover your face.
and you leave. and she lets you leave.
and she cries against the wall until there are no more tears left to cry.
maybe she lost the game, but most importantly, she lost her lover.
and now, there's not a home to come back to, because you won't be there when she does.
#player 380#player 380 x reader#se mi#se mi x reader#se-mi#se-mi x reader#lesbian#squid game#squid game 2#wlw
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Hihi!!^^ Could you please make a bllk and/or bonten hc where she has a friend who always tries to one-up her to get her bf?
You can include all the characters you like and if you do, have fun writing it!!^^
Friend trying to win your bf over/talking shit behind your back
Characters: rindou, ran, mikey, chifuyu, wakasa,
Note : Hiii! Thank you sm for this request! I hope I did it well and you'll like it ! I did both bllk and tr but I'll do it for more fandom I write for bc I like it lslsls like genshin and windbreaker
Tell me if anyone want one with a character in particular (hc / one shot...)
Bllk ver.
m.list | rules
Acts sarcastic around her all the time
Fake being interested then stop listening and ignore her
"Is that so ?" With a eyebrow lift and his face unbothered
He wants her to feel bad and like shit, seek attention she'll never have because he's more busy with anything else than her
He wants to feel 10 time worse than what she tried to make you feel
He's mean about it, giving her false hopes
But he never hides it from you, you know it all and honestly you're the one feeling bad for her
He has to remind you himself the shitty friend she is and that she deserves it
He's not that mean, he knows you like her dearly and does his best to not sighs when she talks
No needs to say that from the start he doesn't really like her
But when she starts talking shit about you behind your back, with him around ? He really got that she was on another planet
It got worse when she speaks to him directly, how she put herself above you, with a fake empathic smile
"Weird way to flirt with a taken guy, talking shit about his girlfriend"
He sounds unbothered but his eyes are cold while he drinks
He probably drink it in one shot and move back to you and tells you
Younger Wakasa would've probably killed her on spot
Older him is more composed, but not without thinking the same
He feels you tensed when she starts speaking about your common dance class, his arm tighten around your shoulders, as if he was asking what's up
His eyes turn cold when she ask him how bad you were at it after he came once
"Excuse me ?"
She sits up straight and, sadly, couldn't turn her gaze away from her when she wishes she had
"I think you're the only one remembering it that way."
He's not joking around when it comes to you, and she for sure regretting it when everyone stopped listening to her around the table
He's silly and kind, it's good to be around him you get that and all your friends feel safe around him for this reason
But you never expect to one of them to turned it against you when he's just nice and making sure they're safe
You're choked the first time you heard her talking like this about you while you were go for a few minutes, with him sitting next to her
"I've never noticed though, I have no idea what you're talking about"
He plays dumb but you can tell in his voice is not joking around anymore
She's doesn't insist when you came back, but he makes sure to mention it so you can defend yourself
And when everyone take your side you felt slightly better, even more with him taking your defense without hesitation
That's the worst idea anyone can have
Mikey thinks so highly about you, maybe a bit too much but that makes him your number one supporter
Looking down on you to try to win him over is the dumbest thing to do
He's quick to react, the second she pushed you down to her up, his eyes are on her and he's moving closer
"Talk shit about my gf one more time, I dare you"
He doesn't do anything else, doesn't touch her but that's because he respects woman and don't fight people who can't defend themselves
Or else he would've hit her in the face
"Get out while I'm still being friendly"
No need to say you never heard of her again
#tokyo revengers x reader#tokyo revengers imagine#tokyo revengers hc#mikey x reader#rindou x reader#rindo haitani x reader#ran x reader#haitani ran x reader#wakasa x reader#tr fluff#tokyo revengers headcanon#tokyo revengers fluff
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Clumsy - Oscar Piastri
A/N My first one-shot here! Still figuring out the tagging and stuff, but I hope you like it.
Summary: Oscar's girlfriend is extremely clumsy, always managing to get a new bruise or a new cut just a few days apart. One day she falls down the stairs and needs surgery, Oscar drops everything to be with her.
Words: 2139
Being a teacher at an elementary school was always my dream job, and after finishing my master's degree, I am finally able to do what I love; teaching the young ones and laying the first stones on their path to knowledge. Even though it is difficult at times, to manage the fidgeting children who tend to get distracted easily, it's still what I love. Seeing success when another one manages to read a full sentence, solve a math problem, or write a rather difficult word with the correct spelling is priceless.
But being a teacher also means I'm not able to accompany Oscar that often. It's just not ideal to travel over the weekend; landing late on Fridays and having to leave exactly after the race, while also trying to prepare the classes for the upcoming week and maybe even needing to correct work from the previous one. I love summer break because it means I can be with Oscar more often, but in the meantime, we make the best out of the situation. We FaceTime frequently, chat while the other is occupied, and just savour the time we can spend together.
This week is another one when Oscar left for a race, and I have to stay behind. Luckily, I have a short day at school today, allowing me to go before lunch and finish some things. Well, if it weren't for my clumsy self. Oscar always jokes that I get at least five new bruises while he's away, and he's probably right, but I can't do anything about the stumbling, the brushing against door frames, or knocking my little toe into anything. But today, my bad luck took it one step too far, and I slipped on the stairs at school, hitting my elbow on them and feeling a sharp pain shoot down my arm.
I've fallen down these stairs before, but I've never been in so much pain. One of my coworkers found me, and after a quick look at my already bruising elbow, we decided to call an ambulance. Now, hours later, I have a diagnosis and finally some time to tell Oscar what happened. I already have a few texts from him, nothing too worried, just some updates about his day and a question about how mine is going. With a sigh, I call his number, bracing myself to tell him everything while not even being able to fidget with my fingers for distraction.
It doesn't take long before Oscar picks up like he's been waiting in front of his phone just anticipating my call or text. "Hey, Oscar," I greet him and hear some shuffling in the background before a door closes and Oscar speaks up.
"Love, everything okay? Shouldn't you be at work?" he asks, his voice already laced with worry. I close my eyes for a moment. Oscar didn't even know I was supposed to be out of work early today and just assumes I should still be at school teaching or supervising the little gremlins.
"Please don't freak out," I start, and I hear a nervous chuckle in response.
"This is not a great starting point for that request, but I'll try."
He's right, but I don't even know how to phrase what happened easily, so I just start with the simplest explanation I can think of. "Well, I kind of fell down the stairs after finishing my last class."
"Again?" Oscar laughs, and I can't help but smile a little too, though I roll my eyes at the same time, even though Oscar can't see me.
"Hey, I can't do anything about being clumsy," I protest, but I only get another laugh in return. Usually, I would laugh with him, but the light throbbing in my elbow, down to my fingers, stops the light mood I'm in.
"Sorry, but I reckon you don't just call to tell me that," Oscar apologizes softly, and then he gets back to the reason for my call. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for all the questions he's going to have.
"No, I might've smashed my elbow pretty badly, and they brought me to the hospital." I tell him the first facts, and immediately the laughing Oscar is replaced with a worried one.
"That bad?" he asks, and I can almost hear the pain in his voice. As much as he likes to joke about my clumsiness, he also hates it when I get injured, even if it's just a little bruise or a cut.
"Unfortunately, I managed to break it and need surgery to fix the broken pieces back into place. It'll be a long recovery because I was pretty successful in splintering the bone into pieces," I tell him what the doctors explained, just in the simpler version. They explained a lot about how they need to make sure there are no little bone fragments left in the joint and the recovery process I'll have to go through.
"Fuck!" Oscar curses, and I can hear him pacing, probably in his driver's room. I can only imagine the distressed look on his face and how he's probably ruffling his hair while a thousand thoughts swirling through his head. Well, at least he's giving me an insight into what's going on in his mind, because he starts rambling.
"How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need anything? I could send Margaret over or someone else if you need anyone by your side right now. Did they say anything about the recovery? Will your arm be able to move normally or will there be any lasting damage?"
"Oscar, stop." I manage to speak up when he takes a deep breath. It's sweet how he's trying to help me from afar, even thinking about sending our elderly neighbour to me, but I need him to calm down.
"Sorry, kind of freaking out right now," he mutters, and I smile just a little bit.
"I could tell." I still remember the first time Oscar rambled that much and how surprised I was by the speed and number of words coming out of his mouth. Usually, he's calm, collected, and limits his words to the necessary ones, but when he's really worried, everything just comes out.
"Don't worry, I don't need anything right now. Just hearing your voice makes everything feel better," I tell him, which is the truth. There's nothing I need right now, except for him, and he just helps me by being here on the phone, even though it's not the same as having him in person.
"That's good," Oscar says, and I can hear that he's stopped pacing, probably calming down a little.
"Is there anything you know about the surgery?" he asks after a short break, now sounding like his calm self again.
"We're currently waiting for a free spot in the OR. It's not urgent, but they'd like to operate before the swelling gets too bad, and luckily, I haven't had lunch yet," I explain what the doctors told me. This isn't an emergency, but waiting too long isn't ideal either, so they're going to squeeze me in as soon as one of the ORs is available.
"I bet you're hungry," Oscar grins, and I can hear it in his voice. I've learned to recognize that tone through the phone—the soft change when his lips are curled upwards.
"Starving," I confirm with a soft laugh. My stomach is already growling, but there's no way to get food until after the surgery. I can wait if it means my elbow will be fixed.
"I promise you your favourite food as soon as I'm with you," Oscar says, and I know he's not lying. He would probably even order food into the hospital for me if that were possible, but they wouldn't bring it to me, so I'll have to wait.
"Looking forward to it. Hopefully, I'll be home by then," I mumble, knowing it will take some days until Oscar will be back home, and who knows, maybe they'll send me home just a few days after the surgery.
"We'll see," are Oscar's last words about my injury before we start talking a bit about his day. I get the feeling he's trying to distract me, and it's working perfectly. At one point, Oscar needs to leave for some duties, and luckily for me, a nice nurse comes in just a few minutes later to inform me that my surgery is starting soon.
The way to the OR and the prepping feels like a blur, and quicker than I thought, I'm with an anaesthesiologist. Drifting into sleep feels like a relief because I know my arm will be fixed. Of course, recovery will take its time, but I'm sure I'll manage it just fine.
Waking up after the surgery almost knocks the air out of my lungs because it feels like my arm is falling off. The nurse helps me take a few sips of water, gives me some painkillers, and then I drift back into sleep, even though I just woke up from a deep slumber.
The night is blurry, waking up from time to time—sometimes from the pain in general, sometimes from the nurses, and sometimes from the pain of a sudden movement. But somehow, I make it through the night and feel slightly better in the morning. Blinking, I try to figure out what time it might be when I spot a familiar figure sitting beside my bed, watching me closely.
"Os?" I ask groggily, not sure if he's really sitting there or if the pain meds are playing tricks on my mind. But just seeing the soft smile on his lips makes me hope that he's really there and not just in my imagination.
"Hi, love," he whispers, fingers reaching for my uninjured hand, softly holding onto it, letting me feel the warmth of his touch.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, slowly realizing that he's indeed here and not with his team for the race weekend.
"Being here for you," he simply states, like it's obvious that it wouldn't even be a question for him if he had to choose where to be right now.
"Your race..." I whisper, knowing how important it is, not only to him but to the fans, the championship, the team, and everyone else involved. I would like to ask him if he's insane, if they made it hard for him to leave, but no words leave my lips.
"You are more important," Oscar states, and my eyes well up. How can he be so perfect?
"Thank you," I try to squeeze his hand a bit, but my grip is pretty weak. Oscar starts letting his thumb brush over the back of my hand, and I relax under his touch. His eyes wander over me before he asks a question.
"How are you feeling? Is the pain manageable?"
My eyes linger on my heavily padded elbow for a moment. Right now, I don't feel anything but a dull pain. But it seems like Oscar's touch makes it disappear with every soft stroke of his finger on my skin.
"You make everything seem better just by being here," I state, my voice laced with tiredness, and Oscar smiles softly.
"So, I guess they gave you some nice painkillers," he grins. I can hear it in his voice, and I can feel my lips pulling into a crooked smile.
We look at each other for a moment, but my eyes are getting heavier and heavier, and I have to fight to keep them open for a few more minutes.
"Can you come in?" I ask Oscar, who looks conflicted at my question.
"I don't know," he says, gesturing to my body, indicating he's scared of hurting me in any way, but I just need him close now for recovery.
Oscar sighs softly before standing up. "Okay, anything to make you feel better," he says, gets rid of his shoes, and carefully shuffles into the bed beside me. I need to stay on my back because of my elbow being propped up in some bedding, and he lays on his side beside my good arm, resting his arm over my belly and searching for the contact I need. I rest my head against his chest before a thought comes into my head.
"Did you bring the food?" I ask, remembering what he promised, and even though my mind is hazy, I realize he probably already knew he was coming home early when he promised me the food.
"Yes," Oscar confirms, and I can only hum the following words, close to falling asleep.
"Love you."
"Love you too, my little crash pilot," Oscar whispers, holding me in his arms while I slip into the sleep of recovery.
#oscar piastri fic#op81 x reader#op81 imagine#oscar piastri x reader#one-shot#f1 x reader#f1 fluff#oscar piastri fluff#op81 fluff#f1 imagine
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to leave you behind
a/n: let's not talk about how long its been or the fact this is likely (maybe) the last time i'll write for s&b...
summary: reader takes jurda parem instead of nina and kaz is losing it
To Y/N, they'd all accepted their imminent deaths far too easily. They'd done the impossible, they'd broken into the Ice Court. They were not about to die in a tank, a few hundred metres from the Ferolind and freedom.
She glanced over at Kaz. They'd hardly spoken since he'd fainted in the prison wagon. He'd been avoiding her gaze whenever they'd been together and barely acknowledging her existence.
Y/N was growing tired of it. She loved him, she'd come to accept that truth whilst wafting through the crowds at the Ice Court. Perhaps, deep down, hidden and suppressed, he loved her too.
But she had been waiting for too long. Her heart was aching and her mind was tired of the not knowing, of the constant hatred and love all at once.
Y/N looked from Kaz to the rest of their group. She loved them all in different ways. She trusted them all and knew that she'd gladly die for them all.
Which made the next decision that bit easier.
She turned to Kuwei. He noticed her gaze and looked back at her. Y/N didn't speak. The boys eyes widened.
"You don't understand -"
"I understand, Kuwei," Y/N said softly.
Kuwei reached into his pocket and pulled out the little leather pouch that had begun this whole heist.
"Y/N, what are you -" Kaz trailed off as his eyes fell upon the pouch, its rim stained with a rust-coloured powder.
"You're all out of tricks, Kaz," Y/N said, taking the pouch from Kuwei. She shrugged, a sad smile on her face. "What else is there?"
"No, Y/N, don't be ridiculous," Inej warned.
"Personally I think this is my greatest idea yet," Y/N replied, trying to hide her shaking hands. "Besides, not everyone gets addicted after the first dose."
"You can't risk it, Y/N!" Inej exclaimed.
"No, Y/N, she's right, it's not worth it," Nina said. "I'll do it."
"No," Matthias said, shaking his head furiously.
Y/N laughed tiredly. "I have no one to fight for me, Nina," she said softly, trying not to look at Kaz. "You do."
The voice echoed out from amongst the Fjerdan ranks, counting down, getting ever closer to the end. Y/N took a deep breath in. She mentally counted to three and then turned to look at Kaz.
She was aware of everyone else around them trying not to look. Y/N shifted her weight from right to left, bringing herself closer to Kaz. Their elbow brushed.
Y/N raised her hand and gently placed it against Kaz's cheek. She let her thumb trail over his cheekbone. He flinched, his eyes closing tightly. Y/N swallowed the disappointment.
"I expect ten percent of your cut for this, Kaz," she whispered.
Before anyone could realise what was happening, before Kaz could ground himself back into reality, Y/N tipped the parem into her mouth, forcing herself to swallow it in one stodgy swallow.
Instantly, her blood began to thrum, power surging through it, the fire making it grow hotter. She could hear her heartbeat, pounding away over and over and over again. Her cheeks were burning, sweat was running down the back of her neck.
Her fire was screaming to be released. All it needed was one spark.
It didn't need any spark.
Y/N could feel it at her fingertips. It throbbed.
Her gaze moved across the Fjerdan soldiers. She could feel the gunpowder waiting to be lit. She could hear the pistols being loaded and cocked. She could feel the flicker of the flames dancing off the torches they held.
She tilted her head to the left. She focused her gaze on a bomb filled with gun powder.
Her fingers snapped. The fire shot across the space between them and hit the fuse, burning it up in seconds.
The bomb exploded.
Orange light lit up her face, she could feel the heat burning her skin. It was thrilling.
Everything was burning around her and Y/N could still feel fire burning through her veins, desperate to be released into the night.
Y/N took a deep breath in, letting the cold air burning her nose as she did so. As she exhaled, fire flowed from her fingers, lighting up the sky as it soared across and over the soldiers, sending them all scattering to the sides and into the water.
"Drive," Y/N said softly, looking ahead, staring at the fire as it burnt its way along the ground.
Kaz looked at her, a hint of fear in his eyes.
In the middle of the True Sea, there was no fire. Y/N's desire to burn the whole world to the ground had faded to a dull ache. Instead, it'd been replaced be a reluctant sense of acceptance for what was to come.
She was sat on the main deck of the boat, her legs dangling over the edge. It was quiet out here. Everyone seemed to be avoiding her and, when they did run into her, giving her pitiful looks.
Y/N sighed, tilting her head back, letting the ocean spray hit her skin.
"I'm presuming you can't just burn it out your system."
She didn't even react. "No. I'll be burning myself from the inside out."
Kaz stepped forward and pivoted on his heel so he had his back to the railing. He leant backwards, holding his cane loosely in his hand.
"I won't take anymore," Y/N said quietly.
"I wasn't going to mention it," Kaz replied.
"Then why are you here?" Y/N asked, turning her head so that she was looking at him.
Kaz didn't speak. He didn't acknowledge that Y/N had spoken for a while. Eventually, he looked down at her.
"I wanted to talk before it begun."
Y/N nodded, turning back to look at the water churning as they passed. "I fear you're too late."
Kaz glanced down. Her hand rested on the railings, shaking even as it sat there.
As the sun rose, the aches set in. Everything hurt, from her jaw to her toes. All Y/N could do was lie there, shaking, trying not to cry. Inej sat with her for a few hours, her cold fingers combing through her hair, massaging the back of her neck.
Nina, they had decided, was going to be a last resort. If she absolutely had to, she would lower Y/N's heartbeat enough that she went into a coma, allowing her body to work through the drug without causing her too much pain.
Every candle on the ship had been extinguished. Y/N could feel them burning even if they were the other end of the ship from her.
A few hours later, her skin began to burn. She lay on the bed, wearing the thinnest shirt she could find, unable to tolerate anything else touching her. All the blankets had been thrown to the side and her shirt was soaked in sweat. Y/N kept her eyes shut, trying to fall asleep, trying to pretend that what was happening to her wasn't happening.
When the tremors began, Matthias was sat beside her. In her delirous state she'd vaguely realised that they were all taking turns to sit with her, to watch her.
They're waiting for you to die.
"Do you need me to get Nina?" Matthias asked, gently dabbing her sweat covered forehead with a wet cloth.
Y/N shook her head. "No... not, not yet."
"Do you -"
"No," Y/N said, clutching her hands into fists. "No, I can't fall down into it, I can't Matthias, I can't."
"Okay, okay," Matthias whispered, dipping the cloth back into the water and then placing it back on her forehead.
Y/N didn't remember Matthias leaving. One minute he was next to her, the next he was gone and -
"Kaz?" Y/N whispered, turning her head to look at him.
He'd undressed to just his shirt sleeves, rolling them up to his elbows. He still had his gloves on and his cane was resting against the wall next to him. But he was there.
"Why... what -"
"We're taking turns," Kaz said, his voice hoarse and quiet. "It was mine."
Y/N smiled but, as she did so, the aches overwhelmed her. Her bones felt like they might burst through her skin and her head was pounding, being squeezed through a vice. Her skin was burning, her face was on fire.
She groaned, arching her back as she tried to escape the pain, to free her sweat covered back from the mattress.
A cold hand landed on her arm, pushing her back onto the bed. Y/N groaned, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her heart was pounding, she could hear it.
"Kaz, I can't - can't do this, I can't -"
"Don't give up," Kaz said, leaning forward. His hands were bare, holding her arm down and combing through her hair. "Don't, promise me."
"I can't, Kaz, I can't," Y/N sobbed. "Please, please just -"
"No, don't you dare," Kaz replied, his voice firm. "You're not dying on my watch, Y/N."
Y/N cried, her back arching again, her nails digging into her palm.
The door opened. Kaz looked over, watching as Nina quietly walked in.
"I could hear her heartbeat getting faster," Nina replied, shutting the door behind her. "I wanted to check..."
Kaz looked back at Y/N. He turned to Nina. "Please, Zenik," he said quietly. "Just do it."
Nina stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed. She took her wrist and pressed her fingers to her pulse point.
"Kaz," Y/N said, whimpering. "Kaz?"
"I'm here," he said, leaning forward. "I'm here."
"Stay till the end," she whispered, her tremors slowing down, her eyes growing unfocused.
"Y/N -"
"Promise me."
"I promise you," Kaz whispered, hand stroking her hair back from her face. He watched her eyes close as Nina gradually slowed her heart down. Y/N's eyes closed and her grip on Kaz's hand weakened, her body going limp as Nina put her body into a coma.
Kaz held tight to Y/N's hand. "I'm not going anywhere, Y/N."
#six of crows x reader#shadow and bone#shadow and bone imagine#shadow and bone imagines#shadow and bone x reader#six of crows#six of crows imagine#six of crows imagines#kaz brekker#kaz brekker x reader#angst#kaz brekker imagine#kaz brekker imagines#kaz brekker angst
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We Liked Your Vibe
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x f!reader x Din Djarin
Words: 3.4 k
Rating: M (it's mostly smut folks)
Summary: Din promised Dieter to a threesome, and you have caught their attention.
Author: Mod Mouse (I know I'm not dead)
Note: Happy Holidays everyone! This is my gift to @guelyury for the secret santa exchange set up by @dieterbravobrainrotclub! Thank you @sp00kymulderrI for setting this up! I hope you enjoy your gift.
On another note, I hope to start getting back in the grove of writing. With the semester wrapped up and my life in general calming down, I hope to start posting fics again. I don't think it will be as often as I was (I can't believe I somehow put two fics a week out lol) But I'll figure out something that works. Anyways onto the smut!
“Oh what about that one?” Dieter asked excitedly, nodding in the direction of a goth looking person strolling up to the bar.
Din glanced up from his whiskey, the melting ice giving a small tink against the glass. His gaze took in the figure, but he shook his head. “Not that one. Came in with a partner.”
Dieter signed dramatically and slumped over the bar counter. Din slid his drink away to keep him from knocking it over. This wasn’t the first time tonight. “Diiiiiiiiin” Dieter whined. “That’s the third one you’ve said no to tonight.”
“Yes but all you’ve shown me are couples. I said they had to be single,” Din replied raising his highball glass to his lips.
Dieter stuck his tongue out at him before turning his head to survey the room. His dark eyes roamed the space once again. So many people with others. ‘Was no one single in the tristate area anymore?’ The thought crossed his mind and he sighed. Maybe it was just going to be him and Din tonight.
That was until you saddled up to the bar, seemingly with the weight on the world on your shoulders. Dieter’s head poked up as you ordered a shot of tequila. You sprinkled some salt on the crook of your thumb as the bartender set the glass in front of you. Quickly you lapped the salt up with one hand and down the shot in the other, the sting of the alcohol barely affecting you.
Without looking away, Dieter tugged on Din’s sleeve. “What about that one?”
Din sighed, only getting slightly fed up with his husband. But when his eyes took you in, something stirred in him. You were very attractive to say the least despite not trying too hard. The favorite shirt that you choose, more for comfort than for attraction, stuck to you in all the right places leaving Din with a nice outline to admire.
Din hummed which was the most approval he had given all night. Dieter smiled a big goofy grin and practically jumped from the barstool. Though he quickly straightened his outfit to make himself just a tad bit more presentable. Din followed soon and Dieter quickly grabbed his hand dragging the older man over.
You hadn’t noticed them approach, your mind wiring a thousand thoughts a second. It was only when you heard someone say “Ya know we saw you from across the bar and we like your vibe.” You glanced up and blushed as you took in the odd couple. One man dressed in what you would call disaster chic and the other in a very monochromatic but well put together fit.
You smirked. “You know this is a new one for me.”
The messy haired one tilted his head. “Oh and how's that?”
“Well you aren’t a middle aged straight couple who’s only way to save their marriage is to have a threesome,” You quipped.
That got a laugh from the shorter man. “We’re about as opposite as that.”
You raked your eyes over both of them smiling. “You can definitely say that.”
“Oh where are my manners? Let me introduce ourselves. I’m Dieter and this is my tall, dark and very handsome husband Din.”
Din held his hand to you and you graciously took it. The size difference from his hands against yours sent heat fluttering to your stomach. “It’s a pleasure to me you,” Din said, taking interest in your reaction.
“Uh yes um ditto,” You stuttered, still taken aback. “Too bad I’m not dressed up.” You mumbled to yourself.
Dieter chuckled. “It seems our friend here sees something she likes.”
“Hmmm? Oh um yes” You blushed quickly taking your hand back.
“So how about it? Want to see where else there's a size difference?” Dieter asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
Your eyes darted back and forth between the pair, but you shrugged your shoulders. “I actually would love that.”
Dieter’s eyes widened and he clapped his eyes excitedly. “Perfect.” He dramatically pointed to the exit. “Let us make haste and love!” He hurried towards the exit.
You couldn’t help, but giggle at the man’s antics. You hopped off the stool throwing a few ones onto the counter. “Is he always like this?” You asked Din who offered his arm to you which you gladly accepted.
“Always.” Din replied, and you followed the chaotic Dieter out the door.
Dieter talked the whole way home to their apartment. It wasn’t so bad. You sat in the back with him as Din drove, and Dieter basically went over all of the kinks he had and what they both were comfortable with. It wasn’t what you were expecting considering your past experiences, but you were thankful for it nonetheless. You laid out what you did and didn’t like to do which Dieter was very receptive too. After your check in, it wasn’t long until you were making out with Dieter, his hands roaming all of you and trying to pull you into his lap. You giggle as you carefully straddled his waist, bracing yourself on the door frame.
A low purr emanated from Dieter as he nuzzled his face into your clothed breasts. You couldn’t help but giggled as he motorboated against the fabric. With your free hand, you tangled your fingers into his curly hair, giving his scalp a gentle scratch. Dieter squeezed your hips making you squeak from the surprise. He smirked and snaked his hands up your stomach, sighing at your soft skin. You watched as he pushed up your shirt, licking his lips at the sight of your bare tits staring him right in his face.
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “I see you weren’t interested in the support tonight.”
You chuckled and kissed his forehead. “Nah, the girls needed to be free tonight.”
With both of his hands, Dieter gently grasped your breasts in his hands rolling his thumb gently over your peaking nipples. You gasped, pushing your chest forward needing more stimulation from his fingers. Dipping his head, Dieter lapped at your nipples, the chill from his drink still evident on his tongue. You shivered as he lapped at your peaks, loving the contrasting warm and cold feelings. Dieter chuckled, pausing his motions and nuzzling his cheek into your chest. Playfully he bounced your tits saying, “Well I can be their support.”
You giggled at his playfulness. “Unfortunately I can’t have you holding them 24/7.”
Dieter pouted. “But I wanna.”
You smooth his curls away from his forehead. “I’ll see what I can figure out.”
That returned Dieter’s smile. With one hand still on your breasts, he sneaked his other down your stomach once more sliding them into your pants. You gasped softly as his fingers toyed with the lacey straps. Dieter smirked. “And you said you weren’t dressed up.”
You blushed. “I wouldn’t consider underwear as dressing up.”
“On the contrary, sweetheart. I am always an advocate of showing off the fanciest of underwear.” He purred his fingers rubbed against your clothed clit. Slow delicate circles send a pulses of pleasure through your body. Soft pants escaped your lips and you pressed your head into his shoulder.
Dieter chuckled as he continued his motions, dragging his fingers all around your sensitive bits. His dark eyes caught Din’s in the rearview mirror and he smirked. “My love I believe your eyes stay on the road.”
All Din gave as a response was a grunt, but Dieter could tell how worked up Din was. Dieter chuckled to himself as they pulled into their long driveway, the car gliding over the smooth concrete. Din turned the car off, quickly unbuttoning his seatbelt and opening the driver side door. It only took a second for him to open the backseat and carefully pull you off of Dieters lap holding you in his arms.
You bit your lip as Din nuzzled his nose into your neck, his noticeable erection pressing into your stomach. “Oh and what was that about not paying attention?” Dieter teased, closing the car doors behind you. Din growled into your lips and Dieter rolled his eyes. “I’ll get the door”
Din followed Dieter up the driveway, the footsteps of Dieter’s crocs guiding him into the house. You weren’t paying attention. All of your focus was the taste of whiskey against Din’s soft lips. Quick pants escaped your lips as the warm air of the house hit your skin. Din bit your lips sliding his tongue into your mouth. Gasping your fingers tangled in his hair giving them a firm tug. Din moaned, his cock twitching inside his pants. You chuckled and nuzzled your nose into his stubbled cheek.
“Oh that’s such a nice sound.” Din blushed, dropping his gaze. You kissed his cheek leaning in close before saying, “I like hearing you moan.” That heard another twitch in his pants as he carried you into the bedroom.
With your attention focused on other things, you could finally take in the space where Din had carried you. A giant bed lay against the wall with the soft silken covers adorning the top. Memorabilia from Dieter’s collection lined the wall while Din’s areas stayed relatively minimalist. You wondered how such an odd couple ended up together.
But quickly your mind returned to the task at hand. As gently as handling an animal, Din set you in the middle of the bed. It only took a moment for him to crawl over you, encompassing you with his wide body. You bit your lips as your hands slid up his button shirt, feeling his muscles tensing under your touch.
“Mmmmm what a lovely sight you two are,” Dieter commented as he sauntered to the edge of the bed. He made himself at home by the pillows as he watched the show.
You blushed under the attention of the actor, but continued your focus on Din. Your fingers danced over the buttons, slowly opening them to reveal the skin underneath. The sight was utterly delicious and all you wanted to do was lick the saltiness as you made your way down.
With a slow pull of your hands, you touched every inch of Din’s torso earning gasps from the older man. By the time you reached the tops of his jeans, he was panting, his full erection pressing against the material. Slowly you caressed his cock, feeling the magnitude against your hand. “Shit you are big.” You said, licking your lips.
Just like his shirt, you undo the button, shifting the material down freeing his cock. It stood at attention with beads of precum already pooling on the head. With a finger, you traced the prominent vein up the shaft to the head where you gathered the precum against your finger. Curiously you brought it up to your lips, not breaking eye contact with Din as the saltiness coated itself over your tongue.
You moaned at the taste and you could hear Dieter chuckling beside you. “He tastes better than any cocktail.”
Humming in agreement you shifted yourself bringing your head closer to Din’s. But as you go to take his cock into his mouth, Din stops you with a gentle push on your shoulder. You look up, worried you did something wrong.
“I want to treat you since you were so kind to agree to this,” Din voiced, a soft pink blush on his cheeks.
You couldn’t help but blush in return. With these sorts of nights, you were lucky if the man ever went near your vagina with anything other than his cock. Din was such a considerate person that it was a shame this was only for one night. You nodded, returning back to your original position. With dexterous fingers Din pulled your pants along with the underwear off in one fluid motion. You shivered as the cool air hit your legs. Din stared at you with his dark brown eyes as he trailed slow kisses from your calf to your thighs until you could feel his breath against your wet lips.
“I’m gonna devour you, little flower,” Din purred.
Dieter rolled his eyes. “We all love your chivalrousness babe, but someone is also getting lonely. And I mean, she did want to blow someone.” Dieter commented and you couldn’t help but smirk.
With a playful roll of your head, you opened your mouth ready for Dieter’s cock. Dieter smiled pulling down the waist of his well loved yet fashionable sweatpants, his own erection popping out. You lifted your hand giving Dieter a few pumps before kissing the head. His own salty taste mixed with Din’s was like a cocktail of lust in your mouth.
That was when Din took the opportunity to take a long lick up your lips ending on a flick of his tongue on your clit. You gasped from the sudden pleasure, making you open your mouth. Dieter took the chance and slid the full length of his cock into your mouth. You gagged a little though taking no time to adjust to his size.
Dieter leaned back his head against the headboard. “S-Shit we should have found you faster.” He slowly thrusted into your mouth, your tongue swirling around and up the shaft. “D-Din we gotta keep her.”
Din hummed in agreement as he lapped at your clit. Sparks of pleasure tingled in your stomach, making you moan against Dieter’s cock. The full balls slapped against your throat as Dieter’s thrusts started becoming faster. Dieter cursed with each movement enjoying himself immensely. His gaze wandered down to watch Din as he continued to pleasure you like you were his last meal.
“Shit babe, leave some of that for me. She’s gonna need it when I cum inside her.” You moaned at the thought of his cock spilling his seed inside you. Dieter smirked his gaze meeting your eyes. “Is that something you want, doll?” He asked, his thumb tracing your cheek. You nodded the best you could, and Dieter slowly pulled out of your mouth, a trail of saliva connecting you two.
“You heard the cutie. I think it’s time for the ol’ Johnson to shine,” Dieter exclaimed excitedly as Din shifted away from you. It was your time to roll your eyes at the other man’s antics. Dieter maneuvered around getting on his hands and knees in front of you.
“You’re ridiculous,” You teased hands cupping Dieter’s cheeks and quickling kissing his lips.
“Uh ya ridiculously horny,” He replied with a cheeky smirk.
You threw your head back against the pillows, a loud laugh filling the room. “God you’re funny.”
Dieter glanced over his shoulder at Din who had kneeled behind him. “See, someone thinks I’m funny.”
“Just give it a few years,” Din teased back as he gently pulled a very fancy buttplug out of his husband. Dieter moaned at the lack of friction and you preoccupied him with your lips. He pushed for dominance against you, but you pushed back with just the same intensity.
Din set the butt plug aside and squirted a dollop of lube onto his palm. Carefully he applied the generous amount onto his cock and Dieter’s hole. A soft gasp escaped Dieter’s lips as he shuttered against the chilly material.
With a quick peck of the cheek, you said “Don’t worry. You’ll be warmed up in no time.” Dieter groaned at your words, his own cock twitching at the idea of being deep inside you. With a slow push, Din entered him a deep grumble vibrating his throat as he felt Dieter pulse around him. Dieter moaned, resting his head on your shoulder as he adjusted to his size.
Gently you twirled his curls around your fingers, your nails massaging his scalp. It only took him a moment for him to be ready. Dieter gently pumped his own cock adjusting his hips to meet yours. He guided his cock up and down your slit, your arousal coating the head. You both moaned at the feeling.
But Dieter grew impatient. With his hand he guided his cock to your hole, gathering up the wetness glistening between your legs. With an eager but still gentle push, he buried himself fully inside of you. The noise that escaped his lips was down right sinful as his legs shook from so much pleasure. Small pants flowed from your lips as you felt Dieter filling you to the brim with his cock. It twitched inside of you and you squeezed around it in response.
“Fuck,” He whimpered nuzzling his nose into your neck, his warm breath ebbing against your skin.
Din took this as a sign to begin thrusting. It was slow at first, gauging how you were handling everything. In and out Dieter’s cock rubbed against the sensitive areas inside you, and you moaned. Fingers pulled at Dieter’s curls earning a new set of moans to the symphony of sex.
Din grunted as he pulled his cock almost out of Dieter before plunging it back inside of him, sending Dieter deeper inside of you. The trio moaned as everyone was feeling on cloud nine. Din sped of up thrusts, the need for gentleness over. He draped his torso over Dieter’s back, leaning in to bite on the actor’s shoulder.
Dieter twitched inside of you, and you smirked. “S-Shit I should bite you more,”
Dieter moaned as Din’s thrusts became more erratic. It was clear that Din was close to cuming and by the way Dieter felt inside of you, he was close too. Your hand slid down your torso and your fingers began circling your clit, speeding up your motions as you felt the heat in your stomach began to grow and grow.
With each circle you squeezed around Dieter, earning a moan each time. Your fingers pressed on a particularly sensitive bit and you moaned, sending your legs shaking. Dieter couldn’t hold on much longer. With a few more thrusts from Din, Dieter leaned his head back and came hard inside you. You could feel each bit of cum drenching your walls.
You played with your clit as fast as you could, using your entire hand to gain the pleasure you need. Soon you joined Dieter in the realm of orgasm and came with the tensing of your legs. As you came down from your high, a series of grunts filled the room as Din filled Dieter with his own high.
All three of you were left panting against the bed. Din was the first to pull out, and with a tilt of your head you could see the cum cascading down Dieter’s leg. Din gave Dieter’s ass a few taps before slowly getting off the bed to grab a towel from the bathroom.
Almost reluctantly Dieter pulled out of you, his gaze drifting down to see his own seed dripping from you. “Fuck that’s such a pretty sight, doll.” Dieter moaned as he leaned down. You followed his gaze with curiosity. Dieter glanced up. “What? Think I would miss an opportunity to taste the both of us? Not a chance.” With a quick swipe of his tongue, he gathered you and his own arousal on his tongue savoring the saltiness. You gasped at the overstimulation and latched onto his curls for grounding. This only spurred him on, and soon he was devouring like he hadn’t eaten in days. Another orgasm ripped through you, surprising you with how quickly he made you cum. That made Dieter’s ego skyrocket, and he chuckled as he detached himself from you.
“S-Shit…how?” You asked, panting, mind fuzzy from the pleasure.
“I can’t give away all of my secrets,” Dieter winked before he settled beside you. His arms pulled you in for cuddles which you gladly appreciated. The warmth from his chest filled you with ease as you wound down from the activities.
Din reappeared with the washcloth, and with effortless gentleness he cleaned the both of you. He tossed the material aside, dealing with it at a later time, before settling on the other side of you. You practically purred at the feeling of the two men sandwhiching you.
Everything was quiet as you laid there. Din gently drew imaginary shapes on your skin, and Dieter twirled your hair in his fingers. “C-Can we do this again?” You asked hesitantly not wanting to break the magic of tonight.
Dieter chuckled against your hair. “I was hoping you would ask that.” You smiled in return happy that your crappy night had turned into something you had a feeling would last a long time.
Credit: @inklore
All Works Taglist:
@for-a-longlongtime @romanarose
Pedro Characters Taglist:
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges
@carusolikey @thebeldroramscal
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@pascalsanctuary @readingiskeepingmegoing
#dieter bravo x reader#din djarin x reader#din djarin smut#dieter bravo smut#crow and mouse writings#mod mouse writing#secret santa#dieter bravo#din djarin#dieter bravo fanfiction#dieter bravo fanfic#dieter bravo x f!reader#din dijarin fanfiction#din djarin x you#the mandalorian#the bubble#pedro pascal#pedro pascal fandom#pedro pascal characters#pedrohub#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro brainrot#fanfiction
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Hi, how are you? I saw your requests are open so can you please write a social media au where charles leclerc is dating a singer similar to Taylor and Travis's relationship and just the internet reactions to it the rest is up to you, thank you 🫶🏻
sabrina carpenter as face claims if you're okay with it
Charles Leclerc x singer!reader
Summary: Everybody wants to attend Y/N's world tour and that clearly includes the Ferrari star driver, Charles Leclerc. Though when at a concert, he doesn't get the chance to speak with the famous singer and ask her out, and then gets asked about it in an interview, he isn't shy to admit what his intentions were. Maybe that'll bring Y/N's attention to him... and it definitely will bring the fan's attention. Soon enough, rumors about the couple dating start running around.
Warnings: I worked on this for like 8 hours straight so it's very much possible there are some mistakes or spelling errors I didn't even notice after all that time XD.
Author's Note: Here you go Anon, hope you'll like it! I used Sabrina Carpenter as face claim because let's be honest, she has great photos for this type of social media au and is a singer as well. I made this more like a story of how Y/N and Charles started dating and the fans reaction to that and also somehow tried to replicate Taylor's and Travis' way of meeting, some events and timelines, but to match it with Formula 1 world. Thanks for the request and enjoy! :)
yourusername posted on instagram


liked by arianagrande, charles_leclerc, blakelively and 7,230,197 others
yourusername It's always great to be home, even if you're on a world tour!🇺🇸 Thank you LA for having me, singing in the rain with me and creating special atmosphere I'll remember my whole life!❤️🔥 And now Rio de Janeiro is waiting as the next stop of my Heart On Tour!✨🎤
view all 15,492 comments
user1 NO ONE looks that good in the rain except her
arianagrande perfect💋
liked by the author
user2 the concert was so good y'all don't understand now I can't live without knowing I'll see her sing again 😭💔
user4 Real angel right here 🤍
taylorswift Nothing screams girl power more than you honey!❤️🔥
yourusername thx sm taylor!!! you're literally my biggest inspo ever, love youu 🥰
user5 I love how they're fighting for the most successful and profitable tour ever but still support each other!
user6 omg stop it this is so sweet🥹
user7 The tabloids that constantly try to pit them against each other should be embarrassed XD
user9 taylor swift & y/n y/l/n... the best celebrity duo ever😻
user10 ur literally the people‘s pop princess
charles_leclerc Great concert!😍
user12 lol user11 the fact that Ariana herself is under this post as well 😭
user13 not charles trying to shoot his shot with your queen
user14 Why is my fav f1 driver randomly commenting under Y/N's post?!🤠
user15 waiiittt does this mean he's been at the concert???
user16 omg NO WAYYYY🫢
user17 guys I think he was trying to flirt w her and you kinda ruined it💀
liked by charles_leclerc
user17 what the hell-
user18 you left a whole country speechless💗
user19 More like the whole world!!!
spotify WOW 🤩
user20 I wanna be Y/N so baaad
victoriassecret If you ever retire from singing, come and be our angel!💘
user21 so who's here just to first handedly look at charle's sus comment? admit it🤨
user22 meeee
user23 I thought I'm the only one 😭
user24 well when you put it like that user21...
user25 I wish I could repost comments on ig 😃
user26 🫢🫢
user27 Yeah me too guys
user28 honestly i'm not even ashamed🤷♀️
user29 Models are lucky you’re not a model
user30 FR
user32 i seriously dont get the hype she has 🖕
user33 Then go away lol
user34 I can sense the formula one side of twitter is going to eat this upppp
user35 It's so funny how the crazy fan girls can get hyped over one comment... like be fr yn is a world famous singer ofc charles knows about her and can be her fan 🙄
user36 yeah plus I think she said herself she knows him too and is f1 fan bc she watched it with her dad or smth
user37 OMG they're each other's fans?!🥺 Idgaf about being crazy fan girly if it means we'll get this romance story!!!
user39 maybe i'm broke now but this concert was worth the money

interview with Charles


instagram direct messages between Y/N and Charles
charles_leclerc posted on instagram




liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc, yourusername, shawnmendes and 2,590,231 others
charles_leclerc Good days off. ❤️
view all 4,385 comments
user1 no way a woman made it to his babygirl filter instagram feed😧
user2 it's not a woman anymore... it's THE woman
user3 Uhmm...who is that girl?? In the second picture??
user4 I have a feeling that it's Y/N Y/L/N 🤭
user4 No way oh my god?!
user5 calm down guys it isn't confirmed or anything😑
carlossainz55 You are giving everybody a headache mate
liked by the author and yourusername
user6 you tell him carlito!!!!!
user7 OMG look at who liked his comment😃
user9 ehm charlie honey... who is that???🧐
user10 Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/NNNN
user11 Manifesting in real life lmao
user12 whats hapeningggggg
user13 he isn't single anymore 💔💔
user14 but it's y/n ❤️🩹❤️🩹
user15 I hope so 😔❤️🩹
user16 What a way to start my day
user17 i literally spat out my morning coffee
user18 this is such a random soft launch help😭
user19 You see, I know that blonde hair from somewhere... 😏
user20 DAMN
user21 sorry not sorry but that's clearly y/n in the third pic🤷♀️
user22 ��💯💯🥇🏆
scuderiaferrari Let's rock the next Grand Prix!❤️🔥
liked by the author
charles_leclerc ❤️🔥
user24 interesting choice of emoji that's associated with y/n and the heart on tour 🥸🥸
user23 SUS
user24 Hard smash
user25 i love that even while soft launching he can't let go of the aesthetic filter he uses for his whole ig💀
joris__trouche lol true
user25 ohhh hi joris😭
user26 Idk who she is and tbh idgaf 'cause she's hooot 🥵😩

yourusername posted on instagram




liked by charlec_leclerc, f1, emilia_clarke, pascale.leclerc.355 and 8,016,555 others
tagged: scuderiaferrari
yourusername cruising down the street in my red car, feeling the wind whisper secrets, oh so far. 💄🎸🏎
view all 19,120 comments
user1 i never knew i needed ferrari coded y/n to live till we got her 😩
yourusername me neither babes
user1 oh my god what does that meeaaannn???!!!
user2 pop princess is living the dream so happy for you and all of your success
scuderiaferrari Everybody is a Ferrari fan ❤️
yourusername ofc!!🫡
user3 Yes we are... just pls stop giving us depression
user4 ohhh the caption screams NEW SONG
user5 right?! it's giving ✨lyrics✨
user6 let's pray for a release soon
user7 🙏🙏🙏
charles_leclerc Red suits you ❤️
liked by the author
user8 omg
yourusername wonder why ❤️
user8 OMG
user9 i dont want to be delusional... but c'mmon they gotta be dating
user11 ...so we're not talking about how the gp ended (or started) for charles, right?🥲
user12 idk what you're talking about🥲
user13 formation lap? naaaah it didn't happen🥲
user14 um so like you’re actually perfect
spotify you are GLOWING 🤩
user15 mommy- sorry... mommy-sorry... MOTHER
lilymhe my girl crush strikes again
liked by the author
user16 she's just like us xd
user17 I can't blame you Lily😌
user19 Yall think she's real?😍
user20 congrats on dating our babygirl driver y/n!
user20 (delulu is the solulu if you're wondering)
user21 Does Charles' mom in the likes mean something??🤔
user22 i bet he talks about y/n at home 😏
user23 you two are making me too obsessed with this couple that isn't even couple and their family relationships
user22 isn't couple YET!
user24 That's the thinking I like user22 😂
user25 ICONIC❤️🔥

yourusername posted on instagram






liked by maxverstappen1, sophiet, charles_leclerc, kellypiquet and 11,920,374 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername secret's out i guess... love u with my whole heart and i'll be forever glad you went to my concert!💝
speaking of music, he's also my muse y'all so be prepared for new album coming soon 😚
view all 20,199 comments
user2 only acceptable reaction
user2 again, only acceptable reaction
charles_leclerc Proud of you mi amor!😘
liked by the author
yourusername and i'm proud of you too honey 🥹🫶
user3 they're so sweet I caaaaan't
user4 FINALLY!!!! big congrats to you both
arthur_leclerc How did he even get you to date him?😆
yourusername let's say your big bro can be charming when he wants to... 😌
arthur_leclerc Okay NO NEED for details😅
yourusername xdd
user6 everybody's roman empire im afraid😍
user7 how can you both be so damn hot?!
carlossainz55 Does this mean free tickets? 😏
yourusername we'll se about that
landonorris pls y/n
danielricciardo hiiii y/n
alex_albon think of my gf y/n
yourusername okay okay you convinced me
maxverstappen1 I bet it was Alex's comment that convinced you
yourusername ...no need to expose me like that max emilian ☹️
user8 they're the IT couple
user9 Look at how cute Charlie looks in the 5th photo🥰
user10 OMG YEEES
user11 hey am I the only one who's instagram is glitching and not working???
user12 loool Y/N and Charles broke the internet😭
user13 Yeah and they took it too literally 'cause my ig is acting weird as well 💀
user15 look at my fav couple 😻
user16 I hope she'll bring him luck in the next f1 season
scuderiaferrari Everybody is an Y/N fan ❤️
liked by the author
charles_leclerc 🫡
user17 FACTS!!!
user18 mommy and daddy right there
user19 idgaf about her and Charles THE QUEEN IS WORKING ON MORE SONGS YEEEES
f1 Welcome to the family Y/N! 🫶
liked by the author and charles_leclerc
user20 she's the best wag ever 💕
user22 I'm looking at the third photo respectfully 🤭
user23 i love this soft side of Charles omg🥺
user24 righttt? he should post photos like this as well, its better than those professional ones on his profile
user25 Totally agree with this
user26 my jaw dropped but I'm happy about it
user27 idk but charles & y/n definitely won my heart
user28 😍😍
user30 Y/N Y/L/N you'll be forever famous!❤️🔥
Enchanted Wheels by Y/N Y/L/N (lyrics):
Cruising down the street in my red car,
Feeling the wind whisper secrets, oh so far.
Monaco lights, they dance in the night,
As I search for a love that feels so right.
In this city so bright, I'm lost in the haze,
But I know deep inside, I'll find my soul's maze.
I'm chasing dreams, like chasing the moon,
In this journey, I'll find my love soon.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
Driving through the streets, past midnight's hour,
Looking for heartbeats that give me the power.
In every stranger's eyes, I see fleeting sparks,
But I won't settle for less, only love from the heart.
Monaco's captivating, but love's the real deal,
I won't let go until my heart can finally heal.
The city's alive with endless possibilities,
Somewhere out here, there's a love meant for me.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
I've been searching high and low,
Through the crowds, I hope you'll show.
I believe in fate, destiny's plan,
Perhaps you're just one turn away, my soul's lifeline.
Enchanted wheels taking me away,
Through the starlit skies, where love will stay.
In the magic of Monaco, my heart takes flight,
Hoping destiny guides me to my soulmate tonight.
With every passing mile, my hope grows stronger,
In this journey for love, I won't wait any longer.
Enchanted wheels, lead me to my greatest win,
In Monaco, I'll find my soulmate, love from within.
Author's Note: Wow, this took m longer than expected (and the worst part was finding that one picture that somehow matches Charles' instagram filter), but I'm really satisfied with the result. Hope you liked this social media au and once again, I'll be grateful for likes, comments, reblogs, follows and every other way of showing your support. Also a little disclaimer: I didn't write the whole song, just a part of it and then helped myself with AI because I'm not really good in songwriting. Though I'm still curious if you liked the bonus, so let me know. Good night! :)
#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc#formula 1#formula one#f1 imagine#f1 fanfic#fanfiction#fanfic#social media au#social media fic#social media#sabrina carpenter#aesthetic#singer#tour#couple#iconic#twitter#instagram#song#songwriter#story#romance#pinterest#pop#pop music#celebrities#f1 gossip#gossip#reading
798 notes
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UGH okay, my craziness aside; could you try “I think I’m in love with you” with Matthew Patel? It doesn’t matter who says it, I jsut think it’d be adorable (I adore that funky theatre punk so so much <3)
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night!!
"Do it!"
"Come on, Lord Matthew!"
"We're getting impatient.."
"Maybe we'll go in and tell them ourselves-"
"Ladies, that's enough! I will tell them myself...i-in a minute. First, I need to rehearse what I'm going to say..I can't mess this up."
The demon hipster chicks could only stare at their master with blank expressions, knowing damn well that he was stalling the inevitable:
That being his confession to you.
You two go back as far as middle school, with you being the first friend he ever made who didn't mind his weirdness or mystical powers. Plus, you shared his admiration for the theater and dramatics when he started obsessing over those, becoming his number one supporter.
Until now, Matthew never thought he'd fall for you like he did Ramona. But he feared rejection, ridicule, or worse--the relationship being extremely short-lived and him never getting to experience a "true love's kiss".
Once was painful enough.
He couldn't go through that again.
Of course, his demon hipster chicks knew all about this and the months he's spent pining after you. As much as they didn't like you "stealing" away his attention...they realized you made their master genuinely happy.
And above everything else, they wanted him to be happy.
So they were thrilled when he summoned them, seeing that they were at the doorstep to your apartment and squealing upon noticing the giftbox he had for you.
Finally, he seemed ready to move on from Ramona.
Yet....he had spent ten solid minutes pacing along the floor and trying to hype himself up, his confidence totally shot, before he eventually stopped in front of your door again.
"Okay, I got it! Erm..."Roses are red, violets are--" no, that's stupid. It's too cliche! Everybody uses that!" Shaking his head, he tried to think of something else. ""Hey, would you like to be the Romeo to my Juliet--" ohh, what am I saying?! That's not romantic!! That would mean our relationship could end in tragedy...UGH!!"
"Don't overthink it, my lord." One of the demons whispered to him. "Just tell them how you feel."
"....it can't be that simple, can it?"
"..alright. I'll take your advice. I'm going for it." With a nervous swallow, he bowed his head and raised a hand to knock at the door-
Only for it to swing open, causing him to freeze in-place and look up to see you on the other side. He quickly hid both hands behind his back, hoping you didn't see the gift. "H-Hi.."
"Oh hey, Matty. Hey, girls." You smiled, looking past him and waving to the demons. But as your gaze shifted back to his, you wondered why he seemed extremely nervous. "Are you feeling okay?"
"..yeah. Just..wanted to see how you were doing." Pink was starting to dust his cheeks. "Did you uh...know I was going to come visit?"
"Um...yeah? You texted me earlier."
"And I saw you outside my window and figured you forgot the spare key."
"Shit..did I?" Matthew checked his coat pockets, feeling more embarrassed to know he forgot such a simple thing. All because he couldn't stop thinking about you. "I guess I did forget.......how about I go get it?"
You blinked in confusion. "Huh? But you're-"
"I'll be back, I swear-?!!"
The second he tried to run away, two of the demons grabbed a hold of his arms, dragging him into your apartment, while the other two guarded the door it in case he attempted another escape. He yelled in outrage, putting up a bit of struggle before they let go.
At this point, he was seething red, prepared to yell at them for their betrayal and the humiliation it brought upon him...
But they just winked and disappeared, the last one wishing him luck.
Of course.
"I can't believe it! The nerve of those-"
"What was that all about? You're acting kinda..odd, Matthew." Raising an eyebrow, you sat down on your sofa, having no clue why the man in front of you looked so flustered.
"I....have something I need to say." He decided to sit beside you, sighing heavily. "[Y/n], I think....I..I..."
"...I-I think I'm in love with you!" Finally blurting it out, he closed his eyes and handed you the box, too afraid to see your expression. "I know it's sudden but..you've always been there for me. Ever since I found my passion for theater. Ever since Ramona dumped me...you were by my side. A-And I feel like I took that for granted. I thought I only wanted revenge against those who wronged me....but no. I want something better. I want love...and I want to be yours. So please...let me prove that I can be a good boyfriend and not evil!"
Part of him wanted to curl up and die as he continued babbling on and on about his feelings, thinking about the hundreds of other ways he could have done this.
He could flawlessly play the role of a love interest in a musical or play and move the audience to tears so effortlessly. But off-stage, he felt like a bumbling lovesick idiot who isn't making any sense to his crush..
There's no way you could love him back.
Not after seeing him like this.
Yet after feeling the box being removed from his hands, Matthew bravely opened his eyes, watching as you took out the black and red roses he put inside it. The thorns have been clipped off, allowing you to twirl the stems in your fingers for a moment or two.
Then you looked at him with the brightest of smiles, laughing softly. "Of course you'd give me roses, you dork. That's so....you." You set them aside before moving closer, taking his hands into yours. "I'm trusting you to uphold that promise."
His heart was soaring.
He must definitely be dreaming right now.
"S-So...it's a yes?"
You chuckled, nodding. "Yes. And...I promise to be with you for longer than a week."
That got him choked up. He couldn't say anything else in that moment, as his only response was pulling you into a tight hug and hiding his face in your neck.
Thank god he didn't ruin this.
You just smiled and held him close, relieved that he finally decided to try loving again. When he calmed down enough to look back up into your eyes, that's when you both decided to go for the kiss--just in case he had any more doubts in his mind.
And there were sparks galore.
#clanask#scott pilgrim x reader#scott pilgrim takes off x reader#spto x reader#matthew patel#matthew patel x reader#fluff#dialogue prompt
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Could you write a longer one shot or smth about that pogue!reader x enemy!rafe? I love the concept sm!!💕💕
this is the post I'm thinking about:
thinking abt sweet lil pogue reader who cant stop thinking abt rafe..her supposed enemy even though she rubs her sticky cunt to the thought of him atleast 3 times before she can sleep..
our little secret
rafe cameron x pogue!enemy!reader
summary: you and rafe both have completely opposite but big reputations but something about him draws you in. in a sort of way that you can't quite explain, nor could you try explaining to your friends
cw: 2 year age gap, innocent and sweet reader, virgin reader, masturbating, suggestive, idek
note: i think id be willing to write more on this topic but i kept this mostly brief. requests open for spn and obx!!
you and rafe are complete opposites in nearly ever sense. rafe cameron is the king of the kooks, a drug addict, a party animal, with raging anger issues. you on the other hand are a sweet little member of the pogues, refuse to touch any drugs, and would rather be at home relaxing than go to a party. on top of that, your two groups are complete and total enemies. you and rafe are supposed to be enemies.
but rafe's always been nice to you, or atleast he's not a complete dick to you. whenever he sees you in public while you're alone, he always finds some sort of reason to talk to you.
"where's your little pogue friends, princess?"
"looking lonely, huh?"
"tell jj he better not show his damn face at one of my parties ever again. think you can handle that, princess?"
and during the altercations between the groups, he stays away from you, harassing the others, never you.
and you know it's wrong. he's a dick to your friends, he treats them like trash. but there's something about him.
maybe it's the big blue eyes or the height difference or the hair. or maybe it's the sweet little nicknames he calls you, and the longing looks he gives you.
whatever it was, it had you shoving your hand down your pants before bed every night. your mind came up with the wildest scenarios, the dirtiest shit.
rafe pinning you against the bathroom sink at one of his parties.
him pulling you away from your group and shoving his dick down your throat.
him calling you dirty names while you bounce on his cock, your tits in his face.
after one particular incident, you find yourself getting home asap to touch yourself. rafe had approached you at a party, where you stood alone. unlike the rest of your group, you were rather shy and all your friends left to be social.
as you stand alone, you sip on the cup that jj had filled for you earlier. you look around, nervously, hoping one of your friends returns to you soon. your heart starts beating faster as rafe cameron approaches you. he gives you a sickeningly sweet smile.
"hey princess, where are your little pogue buddies at?"
"with other friends.." you mutter.
"really? they're leaving a sweet little thing like you all by herself?"
"yeah i can take-" you start but you're interrupted.
"what the fuck are you doing?" jj suddenly asks, barging into the scene, pushing rafe away from you.
"fuck off, maybank, i didn't touch her," rafe says, putting his hands up, "i'll see you later, sweets." he winks at you before walking off.
later that night, as you lay in bed, you find yourself thinking about the incident. your hands are neatly laying on your stomach and as you think more and more you find yourself shoving one down your pj pants and underwear.
you sigh as your hand makes contact with your sticky cunt. you rub over your clit for a moment before spreading your lips apart, running a finger over your hole and spreading your slick along your cunt.
a few seconds later, you're shoving a finger up your cunt and whining. for the life of you, you could not get a good angle, ever. you always saw people raving about and talking about how good it feels to finger yourself or get fingered, but you could never get the right angle or feeling by yourself.
after a few moments of absolutely no pleasure, you pull you hand back, groaning. your phone buzzes and you jump a bit. your free hand reaches for it and you pause as you read your newest notification.
'rafecameronobx has requested to follow you'
#obx#outerbanks#rafe cameron#rafe cameron x reader#pogue!reader#rafe cameron imagine#obx fanfiction#outerbanks fanfiction
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Aww congratulations on hitting 32k followers! You truly deserve it. Your drabble celebration sounds so cool as well, tysm! Can I please request 👑💥⭐️ with Mikey from Tokyo Revengers? I absolutely LOVE Catalyst, I've re-read it so many times. You write Mikey angst so well, I can't get over it. Of course you don't have to accept this request at all. Thank you anyway for doing this, best of luck with your blog. And congrats again! 🥰
thank you bby <3
👑 — “for you, i would do anything." 💥 — “are you hurt?" ⭐️ — stepping infront of the other to shield them
word count: 673

it happens suddenly.
what begins as a normal toman meeting, ends up becoming one of the scariest nights for you. mikey usually kept you away from all and any gang fights, and besides being friends with a lot of the members, the only interaction you had with toman as a gang was when you ocassionally came to meetings.
the only reason why you'd been there that night was because you and mikey had a date planned afterwards, so you told him you didn't mind waiting around while he did toman business.
(it was that and because you always secretly enjoyed watching mikey look all intimidating and hot when he led meetings).
you're at the front, slightly off to the left when it happens. a sudden bang echoes that has everyone jumping and yelp to leave your lips as your eyes instantly turn to see where the noise had come from. you can't see it, not clearly over the multitude of toman members, but a rivaling gang that toman has been dealing with for a few weeks launched a surprise attack.
it was chaos instantly.
in the midst of everything, you'd gotten shoved back; you'd been trying to make your way to mikey, heart racing and body tense with fear, but a lower member of toman had tried to get you out of the way of danger.
initially, you'd been happy with that. you were further away from the fight, left somewhat isolated as you anxiously tried to catch any sight of mikey that you could.
then, one of the guys from the rivaling gang found you.
he grins, wide and scary, and instantly you learn what that loud bang from before had been when the guy pulls out a gun.
"what're you doing out here all alone, sweetheart?"
you're paralyzed with fear. panic strikes you that you can't find the words to speak, at least, nothing coherent - you end up mumbling pleas as he steps towards you, the gun still point threateningly at you.
you think you're going to die. maybe worse. you're not sure. but then, suddenly, there's a shadow falling in front of you and your eyes widen at the sight of a familiar head of long blond hair.
he doesn't turn to face you, keeping his narrowed and dark gaze on the boy in front of you, but his hand does reach back to grab you, squeezing reassuringly.
"hah!" the boy laughs, a wild glee racing in his eyes. "who would've thought i'd be the one to finish the leader of toman!"
your heart plummets, eyes focused on the way the boys finger moves to press on the trigger, mikey's name leaving your lips in a shrilled cry.
only, the shot never rings out.
draken appears from seemingly nowhere, slamming his elbow into the guys head and knocking him to the ground. with practiced ease, draken rips the gun from the boys hand and keeps him pinned to the ground, turning to his best friend and leader.
"leave him for me," mikey calls, the first time you've heard him speak since the meeting got interrupted. he sounds angry. "i'll deal with him in a minute."
draken nods and then mikey turns to you.
his hands cup your cheeks, brushing hair from your face and gaze softening as he stares down at you in worry. "are you hurt?" his voice comes out in a soft whisper, laced with concern and barely shield panic as he lets his facade as the leader of toman fade away in the presence of you.
you nod, numb; reaching for his hands, you squeeze his wrist. "m-mikey, you could've gotten hurt-"
mikey just shushes you gently, shaking his head. "doesn't matter," he soothes, “for you, i would do anything."
and you want to argue, because your heart is still racing at the fear of the gun and the thought of losing mikey. but you know there's no arguing. so you simply nod, leaning into his touch and seeking and relishing in his comfort.
#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers x reader#tokrev#tokrev x reader#mikey#mikey x reader#sano manjiro#sano manjiro x reader#32k drabble celebration
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Times are Hard for Dreamers - Choi Beomgyu



synopsis: Friends Beomgyu and Y/N try to have a good day at the fair.
pairing: College student! Beomgyu x College student! reader
song: Times are Hard for Dreamers - Amelie
warning/tags: cursing, fluff!!, me trying to be funny and failing, friends to lovers, I wanted to make it jess and nick coded but Beomgyu is just too sweet... reader is an overly optimistic person!!!!
Wc: 3.6k (I swear im not doing this on purpose D:)
A/N: Beomgyu fic... we win. I actually really wanted to write a Beomgyu fic for awhile but I didn't really have an idea, UNTIL NOW!!! I have like half of vampire in the corner worked on, but I started school, so idk IDK I'll have to see where I can go with that story. I also get so many ideas for longer fics, but I can't lock in :( In the meantime, I want to continue writing one shots!! :3
Beomgyu leans his head against the headrest, stretching out his arms and grunting before checking his watch again. He closes his eyes in frustration before looking back at your front door, his sunglasses dimming his overall view. When you told him 12 pm, he should've known better, should’ve read in between the lines, the way you excitedly ranted about the day you had in store for the both of you. He should've known when he surprisingly got you tickets to the very popular fall fair, that you would overwhelm yourself with planning. Now, 30 minutes later, he watches your front door intently, praying it opens. And it works, out you come prettily dressed in a tan long sleeve and plaid long skirt, both accentuated the curvature of your body so nicely, he wishes you could go back in so he can compose himself. But as you smiled widely at his presence, sending him a wave before adjusting your bag over your shoulder, he settled for a nervous cough and looked away, only looking back at you when you were finally sitting in the passenger seat. He scowls at you playfully.
“Oh. Beomgyu we have to leave by 12 or we're gonna miss the opening…Oh Beom, please sleep early and get here on time, Oh Beom-” He mocked, only letting out a laugh when you punch his shoulder.
“It's still 12…we’ll make it if you just drive, like now!” You roll your eyes playfully and start messing with his radio and he just scoffs, putting the car on drive.
Beomgyu honestly couldn't care less about this fall fair, if it were up to him, he would've been home, relaxing after the terror from being buried in papers and exams and research during midterms, but he didnt think twice of buying them. When he saw the posters all over campus he knew you would want to go, he already pictured the way your eyes would brighten from the mere mention of the mazes, the games, the snacks, he knew you would just obsess over the last activity of the day, fireworks. And when he mentioned it to you, he was right.
“I-I would love to!” You exclaim turning to your friends behind you, some of them snickering knowingly.
“Hey gyu, where are our tickets?” Yeonjun bumps Kai’s shoulder before feigning ignorance.
“Shut up.”
So maybe his crush on you wasn’t exactly hidden, he was a man after all, and it was only natural that someone as optimistic and bright as you would catch the attention of a pessimist that lacks that brightness in his life. He loved to act like he didn't care much about anything, but he cared a lot about you. He couldn't fight the urge of showing it, catering to your likings with fake annoyance, but in reality he lived for your excitement, it only fueling him to continue, he was surprised you've been the only one to not catch on, or maybe internally grateful you hadn't, he didn't think he was ready for that yet.
But he thought of it, especially now as he heard your raving about the itinerary for the day, having done your research on the different activities and food stands being offered at the event, and he was glad to be the first one to ask you, he couldn't imagine you doing this with anyone else, he would rather die.
“Jesus, does it tell you how I'm gonna die on that paper?” He teases anyways, and you grunt.
“I want to take full advantage of today, we deserve a day of stress free fun!”
“I guess I can agree.”
“Trust me Gyu, we're gonna have so much fun, you're gonna want to come back.” You promised. “This paper is gonna be our lifeline today, just as long as we stick to it, we should be able to do everything! Here’s your copy.”
He laughs at your ridiculous planning but believes in you anyways. He just wanted to spend time with you, grateful to have you all to himself, so he was more than willing to follow a piece of paper if it meant it was guaranteed.
The car ride was meant to be a long one, the directions sending you out of the city you both occupied, to the closest open field your campus can find to set up. Yet, the drive didn't feel as long as Beomgyu expected, your voice causing him to lose track of time, paying attention to your silly stories and gossip he hated to admit was pretty interesting.
“So, they were not dating? Just fucking?”
“Ningning said that she said they weren't…and now they're just not talking anymore…”
“That's annoying…”
“That's what I'm saying!They definitely like each other, they’re just dumb.He’s gotta step up.” You roll your eyes and he can't help but feel the pink heat rise to his face.
He finally parks, turning off the ignition and turns to you, once again taking in the sight. You were everything, he thought, there's not a single sweet word that doesn't describe you. Watching you as you straighten the paper, he watches your delicate fingers scan the page, before speaking.
“Okay! Well, we missed the opening ceremony but it's fine, I didn't care much for it anyways…First on the list is for you. Let’s start with…coffee! yay!” You say hoping out of the car, him laughing at your excitement. Giving the worker the tickets, you immediately head towards the coffee stand to the right, ignoring that Beomgyu was in awe of the set up. It was the middle of the day, but the entire fair was lit up like those old carnivals you would see in the movies. Laughter and screams could be heard from every corner, the smell of popcorn and sweets mixing together and clogging his nostrils, he could see why you were excited, this place was like a manifestation of your personality: fun, nostalgic and comforting.
“Beomgyu! I got your drink!” you yell from afar, and he turns around, walking, stepping towards you before, watching in horror as someone cuts him off, bumping into you and spilling both coffees on your chest.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Beomgyu says turning to the offender, as they apologize profusely.
“Are you okay?”
“-you okay?” they both asked frantically, Beomgyu already taking your hand, starting to lead you to the closest stand with napkins. He completely misses the way your face turns pink, before you laugh awkwardly, distracted from his own flustered feeling, he feels like a Victorian man by just the touch of your soft hand, the hotness spreading from your connected hands to all over his body.
“Good thing, it wasn't hot coffee right?” You squeeze his hand before taking a napkin.
You turn to the apologizing stranger, “it's fine! You're fine! It was an accident!” you say, before turning back again and smiling at Beomgyu, “it was an accident.” Now softer, trying to ease the scowl on his face.
After politely rejecting the strangers' pleas to help, he finally leads you to another nearby stand, hoping to find a shirt to replace the sticky top you were now stuck with. After looking at the selections, the only one in your size was a muddy green shirt that had a random koala bear with sunglasses on with the words, “Koalified to party” Beomgyu looks at you with sorry eyes, as you gulp at the shirt.
“So much for cute pictures today…” You say from behind the fitting room curtain.”But it's okay! This is gonna be a fun story to tell the group!,” You laugh lightly, walking out of the makeshift fitting room only to Beomgyu trying to stifle a laugh. You flick his forehead before continuing,
“No! It looks good! You look good!” He laughs.
“Well, forget coffee! Back to the paper! Next stop…um…the swings!”
The high swings were towards the back, and Beomgyu noticed every time you looked down at your watch, you’d start walking faster, the furrow of your eyebrows becoming more evident as the walk continued. Once you got to the front, your smile came back and shined brightly towards the worker before dropping completely when he pointed out the line that stood behind you.
“A-and um… how long is the wait?”
“All ride lines right now are going to be about two hours or so.” the worker says, apologetically looking at you both.
Beomgyu is starting to realize what type of day this was going to be, and he wanted to suggest going home, or finding something else to do, trying to avoid even more disappointment. If he had known it was going to be this packed or this difficult to enjoy the day, he wouldn't have suggested it at all and you would have had to plan an entire day just for it to completely fall apart in front of you. But when you turn to him with determination in your eyes, he remembers you are never one to back down.
“Okay, new plan! We no longer wait for the rides, let's just play some games! Maybe head to the maze after! That should still give us time to make it back for the fireworks!” you say, your smile was not as big as it was 3 hours ago, but it was still there. Beomgyu wanted to check on you just in case.
“You okay? We can always just-”
“No time for that! We have the paper!” You say already walking away.
It had been two hours into playing games, and after you exclaimed how obsessed you were with the giant light brown teddy bear that hung from the corner of the stand, the bow that laid just below its ear making you squeal, you both took turns playing trying to knock down the obvious glued golden cups. You and Beomgyu both lost about 100 dollars combined. The carny had been a bored looking teenager, would laugh every time he saw you guys walk back to the end of the line, but you both were too frustrated to even care. Beomgyu honestly didnt want the stupid fucking bear, it wasnt worth it, but in his mind, you needed this win (and he wanted this win for you, so bad)and so each time it was his turn, he would throw the ball more aggressively, trying to fight the look of disappointment on your face when the cup would resist the blow. He didn't want to feel bad, but he did, immensely, as he watched you throw the ball and grunt loudly. You start rubbing your temple out of sheer frustration before sighing.
“One more go…Just one more go, okay?” You say to him, and he watches you line up one last time, the look of determination etched on your face. Only for the small child in front of you to knock the golden cup, the ringing congratulatory bell going off as you watch with a straight face. The cheers were so loud and in Beomgyu’s opinion, obnoxious, that he wanted nothing more than to just comfort you, take you away from the scene and offer you some solace, but the fear of rejection kept him from doing so.
“Well, it's maze time.” You say as you watch the child and their parents walk off with the giant bear, your eyes reflecting shame, embarrassment and sadness. Beomgyu decided that his heart could bear the negative emotion in your eyes, it wasn't you,he thought.
“Hey what if we just get out of here? Get something to eat, yeah?”
“N-no we cant! The paper! The maze! fireworks! We can't miss the fireworks! You bought me these tickets, we can let them go to waste!” you panic, but your eyes look defeated. Beomgyu doesn't want to burst your bubble, he really wishes things could have been different, but he can't stand the thought of watching you get disappointed again. With the way things are going, he knew the fireworks were gonna follow the same fate. He knew you to be optimistic, never letting things get you down, but he wasn't so sure as to why you were so determined for this day to go perfectly. You had never been so obsessed with the details before.
“y/n… it's okay, really! … l-lets just go…” your eyebrows, that were slightly slanted and eyes that were soft, immediately switched to anger, with now furrowed eyebrows and flames in your eyes.
“Y-you can go then. But I'm going to the maze. Don't follow me. ” You say stomping away, leaving Beomgyu shocked and guilty. He wasn't sure what was going on, what had made you so determined to finish the day, even if it meant you were no longer standing by the end of it.
He felt horrible. All he wanted was to see your smile again, to see you enjoying the fair like he had hoped you would, yet this mysterious pressure was nearly forcing you into a breakdown. He wanted to fix this, needed to. He was determined now, no longer caring if he looked too doting, even if it made his feelings visible to you, he was going to make it up to you. Starting with that fucking bear.
He stalks up to the stand, where the same bored looking teenager now stood with an amused look on his face, watching Beomgyu stand mere feet away from him.
“How much for the bear.” They had replaced it with a new one already.
“Not for sale, man, you gotta win.”
Beomgyu stares at him, hoping to read him well.
“Ill give you 50 bucks for it.”
“Ha! Make it a hundred and you got a deal.”
“120, and I'll throw in a ferris wheel ride with my buddy over there.” Beomgyu blushed at the thought. That sparked an idea.
“During the fireworks?” the boy thought about it for a second.
“I guess I can make that happen…might cost a bit extra though…”
“Fuck, whatever. Deal.”
Beomgyu thought about waiting for you outside of the maze entrance, but it had been 30 minutes and you were still not out. He had seen those that enter after you already come out and he began to feel nervous. Worried thoughts of missing the fireworks became worried thoughts of something happening to you in the maze. His worries got worse when your phone was sending him to voicemail.
So with tired arms and heavy grunts, he walks into the maze, keeping track of his turns, which he learned he didn't have to, you weren't that far from the opening, yet, you were scrunched down, head buried in your hands, crying.
“Y/N?” He says muffled the giant bear barely fitting through the small isles of corn.
“Oh thank god!- Wait what the hell?” You said, tear stained cheeks, and now wide confused eyes staring at the bear that covered most of his body.
‘Why are you crying?” He asks, and it almost looks like the bear is talking.
“I got lost…” You were lost in the presence of the bear, “D-Did you win this?”
He had questions too, but as he looked up and realized that it was finally dark, he pulled your hand and began to run out of the maze,
“Questions later! We're gonna be late!”
“You’ll see!”
Once you got to the ferris wheel, you watched as Beomgyu walked past the long line into the stand. Beomgyu notices you are about to interrupt, glossy eyes and all, but turns when he hears his name.
“You Beomgyu?”
“Is the bear your date? If not, it's gonna have to stay down here, it's not gonna fit.” the carny chuckles, Beomgyu glares back.
“Whatever gets me up there man.”
“Hey… A-Are we getting on?”
Beomgyu notices your face that was just laced with pure confusion. He smiles softly before leaving the bear behind, leading you to your cart, sitting next to you and securing your seatbelt. It's only then does he understand the gravity of the situation and he's thinking he might have flown a little too close to the sun. This was, very clearly, a romantic gesture, and Beomgyu had no plan, whatsoever. This was it, he planned getting you up here, watching the fireworks, but then what? What can you do on a ferris wheel in a platonic way? Talking! You could talk! Talk while you wait for the fireworks!
He tries to think of things to say, but how can he? when you are so close and he can smell your fruity perfume, mixed with a hint of coffee. Your lips ,that had always attracted his eyes to stare at them while you spoke, now don't have to say anything for him to notice them there, parted and soft before stretching into a shy smile.
“...How did you do all this?” he shakes his head.
“That doesn't matter, I'm sorry the day has been such a mess and I haven't been much help either…” You scoff.
“That's definitely not your fault, I'm sorry…the one that wanted to make this all perfect.”
“Yeah, why is that?” Beomgyu feels self conscious as you stare at him for a minute, before laughing awkwardly.
“Can I give you something? You promise not to laugh?” He feels the pressure from your words, fear of what may come next. Oh god, he thought, someone told you about his feelings… He nods anyway, accepting fate. You were now at the highest point on the ferris wheel, and Beomgyu begged for the show to start, scared of hearing what you were going to say.
You reach into your bag, before pulling a thinly worn folded notebook paper before handing it to him. Written on top was his name and a small heart next to it. He shivered at the sight.
“I-its a note… I wrote it the day of graduation” You laugh, “it's silly and it was never going to see the light of day, but I don't know…I felt ready. Well sorta…” You are looking away now, trying hard not to make it more awkward than you are starting to feel. The fireworks start, popping and lighting up the sky, but Beomgyu can't focus as he's now shakingly opening the note.
A confession note.
Beomgyu gasps, reading the contents, before looking at you. You’re looking up in admiration of the colors before you, the shapes that manifest in the night sky, a nervous smile sets on your lips, fingers nervously holding on to the rail of your cart. He knows you feel his gaze on you but refuses to turn to him.
“It's okay, Beomgyu! Really! I just…I needed to do something about this letter… I was holding on to it for way too long.” You're not really talking about the letter, Beomgyu believes. When he can't find the words yet, you continue.
“I just.. I hope this doesn't change us, I hope we can still be friends… Please…” Pleading eyes are what finally meet Beomgyu’s shocked ones and he finds you so beautiful in this moment, he can’t bring himself to say everything that he's ever wanted to. That he has waited for some kind of sign for two years, that you had occupied a space in his heart since the first day he's met you, that he did all this just for you, and would never ask for anything in return, that your smile and presence was more than enough. But instead, hoping to convey the mutual feeling or perhaps stronger ones, Beomgyu grabs your face by each side and brings you closer, and you let out a squeal, the fireworks only getting more aggressive and intense. And it matches the way Beomgyu’s heart is feeling, accelerated, like it's about to explode as he lays his lips on yours, feeling the petal likeness of your lips.
And the butterflies swarm all over his body when you finally kiss back, fluttering your eyes closed, and pressing further in, shivering from your own nerves slowly dissipating. He hopes you can feel everything he’s thinking, everything he wants you to know, but in case you didn't, he pulls back and looks at you, now possessed with the same determination you had all day:
“I dont want to stay friends. I want to be with you. I want this, all the time. I like you, Y/N. Please, tell me this letter still means something."He pulls a stray hair behind your ear, watching the pinkness in your cheeks get darker.
“O-Of course it does. It always will.” You whisper with shining eyes. Your hands that had been glued on the railing, now moving to his waist and wrapping them around and hugging him tight. He sighs and smiles widely, hands now holding you close, it was only then had he noticed that the cart was making its way back down. At the entrance, was the giant bear, sitting patiently as you both got off the wheel, trying to pretend neither of your hearts were still pounding from excitement and giddyness. The carny holds a fist bump with a smirk that beomgyu shyly returns before grabbing the bear.
“W-we missed most of the show, sorry…” He says after a moment of walking in silence. Remembering the taste of you, already growing addicted.
“No! Don't be… it was perfect, actually the whole day was.” You say, your eyes still beaming with what he can only hope for satisfaction and fondness.
He laughs at that. Before putting an arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer. Walking towards the car, you rambled about the maze, how the kid had to have had some steroid in him, he realized just how much the atmosphere has changed. The presence of something filled the air: the makings of new love.
"You gotta let me borrow that shirt..."
"Shut. Up."
A/N: YAY!! you made it!!! thanks you for reading!! Like always, let me know what you think! :3
#txt x reader#beomgyu x reader#txt fanfic#txt imagines#txt scenarios#choi beomgyu#hueningkai x reader#soobin x reader#beomgyu#tomorrow x together#taehyun x reader#yeonjun x reader#huening kai#taehyun#choi yeonjun#kang taehyun#txt fluff#txt imagine#txt x you#txt x y/n#txt fic
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teaching ranpo a lesson : ̗̀➛
RANPO EDOGAWA x f!reader
contents. nsfw dubcon, dom! reader, submissive!ranpo, tit sucking, bratty!ranpo, dry humping, panty fucking, ranpo tastes his own cum, pet names (reader calls ranpo “good boy” and “sweetheart”), reader jerks ranpo off, he eats reader out, praise
wc. 6.2k
a/n. okay but i wish tumblr didn’t remove my italics whenever i paste my fanfictions from another tab?? when is tumblr gonna start showing me the word count so i don’t have to write on other apps? so, just imagine the italics are there.
"Come in!" Ranpo called out when he heard a knocking on his door, and a pleasant surprise came his way when he discovered that it was you peeping your head through the entrance. "Oh, what a nice surprise!"
You shot him a cold glare before making your way into his room, slamming a pile of documents onto his messy table. You disliked Ranpo, so you didn't want to attempt making conversation, but he seemed eager to chat. Ranpo couldn't help but notice the chill in the air, but he brushed it off- as he always did, his eyes glinting with curiosity as he leaned over the table, examining the documents you'd brought.
"This is it?"
"Yep. All twenty cases that Kunikida has assigned to you." You muttered, crossing your arms as you watched him lean against his desk. "You have half an hour to solve them all before we get to close the cases."
"Half an hour, you say?" Ranpo chuckled softly, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Very well then, let's see what we've got here." He began flipping through the papers, his mind already racing with potential theories and connections.
Watching as he eagerly dove into his responsibility, you turned to leave him to his work. However, before you could even face the door, he grabbed you by the wrist, a little dissapointed that you thought to go so soon.
"You're leaving already?" He frowned, pulling you back. "I was hoping you'd get to see my genius mind at work as I solve all of these mysteries."
"I don't have time to watch you solve these cases, Edogawa. And you know I'd much rather do anything else than stay anyway." You rolled your eyes, scoffing as you snatched your hand away. He scrunched his nose a little, irritated how you'd insist on calling him Edogawa instead of Ranpo.
"Still calling me Edogawa, huh? After we've known each other for so long." He pouted slightly, but his eyes twinkled with amusement. "Well, maybe I should try something else to catch your attention."
"Try all you want. I'm leaving." You let out a displeased snort.
"Alright, let me give this a shot." He interrupted your path towards the door, still holding your gaze. "I'll admit, you're one tough nut to crack... What exactly is it that you don't like about spending time with me?"
You arched a brow. "The master detective asking me a question?" You shrivelled your nose. "Now, I can't tell if that's rhetorical."
"It's not." He grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "So, tell me, what's the matter with me?"
"God, you really are a piece of fucking work." You finally turned back to face him fully, pinching thr bridge of your nose as you prepared yourself for the rant of a lifetime- since he had been so kind as to ask you himself.
"Okay, first of all: You're a narcissist. You think the entire world revolves around you and that your ability is the best. You're lazy and irritating, you leach off of other people, and you refuse to do any work that doesn't interest you. And not only that, but you get kind people like Atsushi and Kenji to go out and run errands for you because you know they're too nice to say no."
His eyes widened at first, but his lips curved in amusement before he shrugged.
"Well, I'll admit to a little bit of narcissism. And maybe a touch of laziness. But I like to say that these kinds of things are what make me me!" He boasted, completely unaffected by your remarks.
Your eye twitched at his unfazement. "It's clear that nobody's ever taught you a lesson up until now, Edogawa. I would've thought that the boss would shape you up to be a decent person, but you're still the same, old egotist."
"Well, I'm sorry if I don't fit into your idea of a 'decent person.' But maybe there's something about me that you haven't quite figured out yet." He leaned closer, his voice lowering. "I don't need to be taught any lessons."
You saw how he attempted to take control of the situation, but you just lifted yourself up and walked over to him, backing him up slightly as you let out through gritted teeth:
"If it were up to me, I wouldn't let you walk around all high and mighty like the boss does" You had leaned so close to him that you were backing him into his bed.
"Oh really?" He challenged, his eyes glinting with mischief. "And what exactly would you do to make me stop, hmm? Torture me? The boss would have you kicked out in no time."
"You see, unlike you, I'm reliant on my strength outside of my ability." You pressed your palm against his chest and pushed him down onto his bed so you stood above him, your eyes glaring down at him. "And even if I wasn't, I wouldn't have the lip to talk back to people stronger than me."
"You're not stronger than me. You might have some physical strength, but your mind is weak. It's obvious that you've never encountered anyone like me before."
"Oh, I've encountered hundreds of narcissists like you in the past. The only issue with you is that I work with you." You flicked the button of his hoodie so it would fall off, leaving him in his button-up, tie, and vest. You pulled on his tie and leaned down so that his face was forced inches from yours. "What's a strong mind if you can't comprehend simple shit like shutting the fuck up?"
"I'm the one who decides what to shut up about." Ranpo grinned, his face inches from yours. His voice betrayed an unexpected level of arousal beneath his bravado. "And I'll never shut up, if that goes against what you want from me."
You loosened your grip around the end of his tie so your finger could hook around the top of it instead, pulling the tie off him.
"You're a brat, you know that?" You lifted your knee up to the side of his bed so that you started to straddle him- An action that caught Ranpo completely off guard because of how completely out-of-character it seemed for you to do, considering your rocky history with the cocky detective. His face flushed red as he glanced up at you, his pupils dilated and his jaw hung open just a little.
"What are you doing—?"
"It's obvious that no one's taught you how to behave before, and since everyone at the agency seems reluctant to, I guess I could fill that role." You glared down at him from the seat on his lap. "You're going to listen to me, and I'm going to turn you into a humble, hardworking, and kind detective."
"You're lying if you think that's possible," Ranpo snorted with a grin, his face flushed with excitement beneath your aggressive stare. Despite his protests, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the fact that you were actually willing to do something like this to the person you hated most.
"It is possible, Edogawa." You hummed. "And I know I can't hurt you physically, so I can torture you in some other ways." Your hands moved down to unzip the fly of his pants.
"Other ways?" Ranpo groaned, his face flushed red as he felt you unzip his pants and touch him through his underwear. "You... you're not actually planning to—?"
"Sh." You ordered. "If you want to ask me any questions, you need to say my name first. And be polite." You fished his erection out of his pants, which only grew harder by the second.
Ranpo's eyes widened, his heart racing in anticipation and fear, but he kept a fidgety smirk on his lips as he attempted to keep his composure.
"Oh, I have no questions. Just enjoying the show."
"Still quite the brat." You commented as you began to stroke the length of his cock, slowly sending shivers through his nervous system.
"Hah... well, aren't you just confident?" Ranpo teased, his breath hitching as he arched into your touch, his cock twitching eagerly. "If you wanted me this badly, you could've just asked. My door is always open."
Suddenly, your movements slowed down immensely, and your thumb swept over the tip of his cock, which caused a jolt. You glared at him with a deadpan stare, but kept stroking at a rate that was starting to get irritatingly slow. Ranpo couldn't help but growl in frustration as you teased him mercilessly, his hands clenching into fists beneath you, his breath hitching uncontrollably.
"Damn, stop it..."
"Stop what?" You asked innocently, swiping the collection of precum that emerged from his slit down to the base of his shaft, making it easier for you to stroke.
"God—" Ranpo's voice cracked as you swiped the precum, his body jerking slightly from the unexpected sensation. "You're not making this easy..."
"I wasn't planning to." You said coldly, leaning down to gather saliva in your mouth before spitting down at his cock to lubricate it more for your hands.
"Fuck..." Ranpo hissed out, his hips jerking upwards involuntarily into your hand, seeking more contact even as he tried to maintain his dominance. "Come on, let's stop playing games now. Stop teasing me..."
"Not with that attitude." You huffed, starting to speed up more at a steadier pace now.
"You... you have no idea what you're doing to me..."
"Oh, I feel like I know exactly what I'm doing... Does it feel good, Edogawa?" You asked in a babyish tone, like some sort of mockery. To that, his face contorted, a mix of humiliation and intense arousal. "Aww, what? Does little Edogawa like being the dominant one?"
"No— I mean... damn it, stop teasing me, already..." Ranpo groaned, his body trembling with the effort to maintain his composure as you teased him relentlessly.
"You're gonna have to ask a lot nicer than that if you want something. Have you no manners?" You went to grab him by the base of his chin by your left hand as your right hand slowly moved up and down his length again.
Ranpo gritted his teeth, his breath coming in quick, ragged moments through his nostrils.
"Stop teasing me... Please." He added, as if he were a a bratty toddler being asked to do something he really didn't want to do.
"That was a good start." You nodded approvingly. "Unfortunately, you can't undo bad manners with one good deed. I'm going to train politeness into your brain by fucking you until you can't take it."
"Don't be stupid. You can't train politeness" He spat back, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through him as you spoke; his hips arched up slightly, offering himself to you once more.
"Me? Stupid? But I can. Look at how you're arching for me right now." Your left hand began to travel down from his neck down to his shirt and vest so you could undo the buttons.
"Stop the attempts now... you're not getting me to submit like this." His heart raced as your hand continued to undo his clothes, revealing more skin.
"What do you mean? It's working." You hummed as you carelessly tossed his vest to the side, leaving him just in his unbuttoned shirt, which revealed his chest that panted uncontrollably.
"I'm not gonna give in so eas—ily." He gulped between his word as the pleasure hit him suddenly. His cock twitched in your hand, leaking pre-cum in anticipation.
"You will. And once we're done, I'm going to be the only member of the detective agency you'll listen to completely. You'll bend over backwards for me and you'll have the upmost respect for me." You stated as a matter of factly. "As for everyone else: You're going to treat them all with the respect and kindness they deserve and you're going to pick up your weight at the Detective Agency."
He seemed amused at your assertiveness, but his heart pounded relentlessly. "No one can control me like that. You're being dumb." He wanted desperately to pull away and give himself a moment to reassert his dominance to take control, but his body betrayed him, responding to your touch and words.
"You will." You pushed him back so his back laid completely on his bed, with you still sat comfortable on his lap. "And we'll start with tabletop manners. If you want something, you say 'please'. When you get it, you say 'thank you'."
"How do you expect me to apply that here?" Ranpo murmured, feeling both humiliated and aroused by your dominance, his body trembled slightly as fet your weight on his thighs.
"Easy. Like this:" You retracted your hand again, leaving him without touch for a moment. Once you had pulled your hand away, he felt a shaky breath leave his lips- Which was much less embarrassing than the whine he had suppressed. "You want me to continue?" You questioned coyly.
The man's jaw just ticked, and he looked back at you with the most unimpressed stare of the century. "Obviously..."
"Ah, ah, ah." You immediately tutted, shaking your head. "That's not what I just taught you. Try again."
You could see Ranpo'a eye twitch at your command, which made it all the more amusing for you when he finally let out a large sigh.
"Yes..." He whispered, hating himself for it but unable to resist. "...Please."
"Loud and clear. I didn't quite get that."
He felt like he was close to giving in, his cock throbbing in anticipation of your touch.
"Yes, I would like you to continue please." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Good boy." You teased with a delicate smirk, but one that could barely be seen through your glare.
Upon hearing such a sentence, Ranpo's eyes immediately widened at your praise, and his cock throbbed even more before you even touched it again. He squirmed a bit, his body aching for you to touch him. He knew he was being pathetic, but he couldn't help it. He was hopelessly obsessed with you. His face blushed brightly when you had praised him like that, and it was like such a reward was enough for him.
"I'm no genius like you, but I can understand you love being praised." You hummed sweetly with a stone-cold expression as your hand met his cock again to stroke. "I'm no monster, so I'll praise you when you do something good. That's our deal."
Ranpo gasped softly, his eyes rolling back into his head as your touch sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe how much he craved this from you, even though he knew it was wrong. His mind was a mess of desire and submission.
"When you do something wrong, you apologise and say that it won't happen again." You continued reciting the rules.
Ranpo nodded slowly, his eyes still rolling back into his head. "I...I understand." He said, knowing that he was giving in to you entirely. His heart ached as he realized how much he wanted to be owned by you, his hands needing grasped onto your thighs as he yearned to touch you. However, when you felt him on your thighs, you paused again, making him whimper at the lack of sensation.
"I don't remember recall saying that you could touch me. And I also don't remember you asking."
His face turned red.
"S-sorry...I just...I can't help it...I needed to—" He sounded desperate and filthy, his need for you was becoming more and more obvious as time went on. He cleared his throat. "...I'm sorry. It won't happen again." His hands retreated.
"What did I say you should do when you want something?" You queried. Ranpo swallowed hard, his heart racing
"A-Ask...I'm supposed to ask." He trembled, his mind a jumbled mess of desire and submission. He wanted you to take control again, but he also knew that he shouldn't give in to these urges.
"Good. So ask nicely." You offered. You realised how easy it was to get him to listen when your hands were around his cock.
"P-please...can I touch you?" He asked, his voice trembling.
"Touch me where?" Your brown arched.
"Your thighs... Please." He was practically begging now, his submissive side completely exposed.
"Of course. I can even take my tights off if that would make it nicer for you. Do you want that?" Your unoccupied hand went to stroke his chin, his eyes filled with need and desire.
"Y-yes, please...I want you to take your tights off."
You leaned your palms against the bed and hovered over him for a moment so you could pull your tights off your legs. He bit his lower lip nervously, his heart racing in anticipation as he made eye contact with you above him. Having your chest so close to his causes Ranpo's eyes to widen, but he knew that this was all for a greater cause, so he didn't dare to move. Once your tights were discarded of to leave your thighs bare, you sat back on his lap.
"There. Now what do you say?"
Ranpo looked up at you, his eyes glued to your thighs, which were now bare and exposed. His breathing was ragged, and his heart was racing. He could feel himself getting harder, aching for you.
"...Thank you..."
"Well done." You felt Ranpo began to knead at the softness of your skin at the same time you stroked him.
He moaned softly into the touch, his hands moving up and down your thighs, feeling the warmth and softness of your skin beneath his fingertips.
"M-more... I need more." He panted, his voice filled with desire and submission.
"Need more what?"
"More... of this." He said between gasps, his hands moving higher up on your thighs, brushing against the sensitive skin just below your waistline. "I want to touch more of you... Please."
"Like what, Edogawa?" You seemed bored with his lack of clarification.
Ranpo swallowed hard, his heart pounding in anticipation. His gaze flickered down to your hand, still stroking him gently.
"Your... chest." He croaked, his voice barely audible above the sound of his heavy breathing.
"My chest?" Your eyebrows raised a little, amused by his plea. "But do you deserve it?"
"I..." He cleared his throat, his body shivering slightly from the anticipation and excitement. His eyes filled with determination and submission.
"Do you think you deserve my chest?" You asked him directly now, watching as he trembled.
"Yes, I do. Please... I need you. I crave it. Please—" He begged.
"You don't need it. You want it." You corrected him.
"I... Yes, I want it. Please, give me what I want." He groaned, his body arching towards you, seeking out the connection he desired so desperately.
Your lips teased into a smile. "How about this: We do a little exercise to show appreciation to all of your coworkers. If you can say one nice thing about all of them, I'll let you hold my tits."
"A-alright..." He gulped, knowing that this would be difficult for him, as he wasn't the most expressive person when it came to compliments. But the challenge seemed fair- for the reward, anyway. "Umm... I guess Junichiro has a cool ability..."
"Ah- Stop there." You shook your head. "You need to sound more confident about your compliments. None of that 'I guess' shit."
"Y-yes, sorry." He swallowed thickly, trying to find the right words. "...Junichiro's ability is really unique and serves as a perfect defence for our team..." He let out a long, shaky sigh as he could still feel your hands wrapped around his dick. "A-And Dazai's intellect is incredible... It's almost matches mine." The final comment made your movements stop, which caused him to wince.
"No snarky comments either."
"S-sorry... I couldn't help it. I just want to hold you—"
"Not until you give all of your coworkers compliments. Say them. Now." You demanded.
"—'M sorry...! Uh..." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to think of something nice to say about each person. You listened as he continued to spew out more words of kindness, growing more whiny and helpless as he went on.
"...And Kunikida is great at handling the more technical aspects of investigations. He helps keep the whole team on track and ensures we don't miss anything. I really appreciate his contributions..." He could feel himself growing increasingly desperate as he spoke.
"Well done! Now was that so hard?" Your lips pulled into a kind smile as your palm ran down his cheek, which was flushed with a glowing pink colour.
His cheeks felt hot as he let out a shaky breath, feeling oddly relieved. "T-th-thank you... I-It's wasn't so hard..." he stammered, his heart racing as he anticipated what would happen next.
"Now. I'll hold my end of the bargain. Sit up." You pulled him over so you could read the other end of the bed. You rested your back against his pillows, allowing him to settle himself between your legs. "If you want to get a taste of my tits, you'll need to take off my shirt yourself."
His face was flushed and his hands were shaking, but he leaned over and gently pulled the hem of your shirt up over your chest, exposing your breasts to him. With a simple flick, he had unclasped your bra and discarded it carefully to the side as to not cast it too far away. His breathing was quick and shallow as he stared down at your bare chest, his hands trembling as he tentatively reached out towards your right tit, hesitating. He paused, not sure if he should go further.
"M-May I touch?"
"You may."
With a mix of excitement and nervousness, he gently cupped your breast, his fingers trembling against your warm skin as his thumb swept over your nipple, his fingers exploring every inch of your soft skin. His eyes were locked onto the fat of your chest, and your eyes darkened at how eager he stared at your chest- the wat he fondles your breasts while licking his lips.
"M-May I taste now, please?" he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"You may."
With a small moan of delight, Ranpo finally gave in to his desires and lowered his head towards your chest. His warm breath fanned across your sensitive nipple as he took it between his lips, sucking softly at first before beginning to tease it with his tongue. The way he dragged his tongue across you made it seem like he was trying to make out with your breast- He was so desperate to have it in his mouth. The delicate touch of his tongue sent butterflies through your stomach, and the small moaning noises emanating from his throat only served to heighten the intense sexual tension in the air.
As he leaned in closer, you could feel how his cock pressed between your thighs and up against your clothed cunt. As he sucked on your tit, he was pushing his tip up aright against you- Almost involuntarily, like he didn't even realise. Feeling the warmth and wetness that spread across his tongue, Ranpo couldn't help but become more assertive. His hands roamed up your body, seeking out your breasts, pinching and rolling the nipples in time with his mouth's movements. His cock pressed against you even more as he leaned forward.
But you held your hand against Ranpo's chest to push him away, and he whimpered as he lost connection with your nipple.
"Are you getting too excited, Ranpo?" You questioned, gesturing down to his leaking cock. "It seems like you're pressing up against me way too much."
His eyes flickered up to meet yours, filled with a mix of desire and defiance. He swallowed hard, his cock twitching against your thigh as he pulled back slightly, but not entirely.
"I... I can't help it.” He said softly, in an almost apologetic tone.
"It's like you're using getting to taste me as an excuse to get yourself off down there too." You let out a deep breath. "I told you, if you want something, you need to ask."
Ranpo felt a blush spread across his cheeks and neck as you called him out, his heart racing as he stared down at his erection. His cock throbbed again, as if eager to fill the void between them.
"I... I want to be inside you, please…”
"Well, after that, I don't think you deserve it." You huffed, to which Ranpo's eyes widened in shock and disappointment; there was still an undeniable spark of determination within them.
"Please! Please, don't do this..."
"How about another exercise then?" You suggested, causing his eyes to light up at the opportunity.
"Yes, another exercise...!" Ranpo breathed out in relief, his mind already racing with potential scenarios. He could feel himself growing even harder against his will. "What would you like me to do?"
"I want you to tell me how smart Dazai is... Without complimenting yourself in the process." You offered, watching how his eye twitched.
He bit his lip, thinking for a moment. There was no way he could take the opportunity to praise someone he knew he was smarter than, but he had to find a way to prove his independence.
"Dazai is... extremely intelligent.”
"Is that it?" You scoffed
"I don't know what the stakes are! I don’t know what I'm getting in return..." He grumbled.
"Good boys don’t ask for something in return. But, if you can compliment Dazai. I'll let you dry hump me and fuck my panties. That's all you get." You offered, but that still seemed enough to satiate his neediness. He seemed to hesitate at first, frustrated at his inability to resist praising Dazai but determined to find a way out.
"He is incredibly intelligent and... cunning." He added, knowing that even with his compliment, it would still be clear who was smarter.
"You can be nicer than that." You told him with another shrivel of your nose.
Feeling the heat between you two intensify, Ranpo let out a small groan of desire. He took a deep breath and tried to ignore the intense throbbing he felt between his own legs. Contrary to popular belief, it probably would kill him to compliment someone else- but the reward was too sweet for him to care.
"Dazai is... Incredibly intelligent- An underrated source of intellect for the team. He may not show it often, but his strategic thinking is one that has saved our asses on numerous occasions.” He said it all with a grumble, not even looking you in the eye- But you were satisfied, nevertheless.
"Well said." You smirked. "Okay. Now you can take off everything you need, except for my panties."
With a mix of excitement and nervousness, Ranpo began to undress you, pulling your skirt off. He crawled further towards you, his eyes fixated on your panties as he reached out to touch them, his tongue wetting his lips as he realised his great achievement..
He steadily pressed his tip against your panties, the precum already leaving a wet patch on the cloth. He couldn't stand that the fact that he couldn't feel your pussy instead, but the panties would have to do. So, with a soft moan, Ranpo began to grind against your underwear, his cock begging for more as he felt your wetness against him, all while his other hand slid up your leg to trace soft circles around your inner thigh. He let out a low moan of pleasure as his hips moved back and forth against your panties with more force, feeling the head of his cock rub against your fabric, on the edge of what he desperately craved.
"F-Fuck..!" He almost instinctively whimpered out. Even you couldn't help but let out soft whines as Ranpo's tip just about bumped your clit through your panties- An action which only caused Ranpo more motivation. Feeling the warmth emanating from your body, Ranpo's determination only intensified. His hand gripped your thigh tighter, digging into your soft skin as he continued his relentless assault on your pant-clad sex.
"Does that feel good, huh?" You asked, panting heavily.
Heaving as he continued to pleasure himself through your panties, Ranpo nodded whilst gnawing on his bottom lip, his eyes narrowed down at the space below between you in concentration.
"I... I can't take it anymore... let me..." He pleaded, pushing against your panties with his cock. "Please-"
"Please what?" You glared at him, narrowing your eyes at his desperately blushing face, which had beads of sweat dripping down his cheeks.
He groaned in frustration, his cock poking at your panties as he panted heavily.
"Please let me have you... I need... I need... Ngh~!" Ranpo stammered swiftly. "Oh, god- Please! I'll do anything—"'
You seemed amused by his begging, all while he was still thrusting his cock against your panties.
"You ‘need me'? What do you mean by that?"
"I... I need you, okay? —Fuck! I want you!" He confessed- backtracking when he heard his own mistake, hips moving faster and harder as he pleaded for release. "I just... can't handle this anymore..."
"You want to cum, is that it?" She chuckled, brushing her finger against his chin.
"Yes, yes, please... I can't hold it much longer..." He whimpered as he continued to grind against your panties, his hips pistoning up and down in desperate need.
“God, please, let me cum… I don’t even care what I have to do this time…”
"My, my, aren't you desperate." You cackled at him, teeth sinking into your lip as you attempted to suppress your own moans at the tension. He hadn’t been bumping at your clit so much anymore, rather sloppily thrusted against your clothed hole instead, but the warmth in the action was enough to cause you to sweat.
"You cum when I say it's okay for you to cum."
Ranpo cried out, his eyes closed as he moved faster, tears threatening to fall from his lids as his hips slammed against your panties, need coiling inside him.
"Fuck, it's too much... I can't—"
"If I let you cum, will you be a good boy tomorrow at the agency?" You asked him simply, seeing how messed up and blushy his face became. "You're gonna be nice to your coworkers and you're not going to be lazy?"
Ranpo panted heavily, his eyes glossed over in lust as he nodded hurriedly.
“Yes, yes of course... just... just let me cum... please..." He pleaded.
"What did I say about speaking more clearly?" You demanded. He inhaled sharply with another thick swallow, gyrating his hips as he pleaded for you.
“I'll be a good boy tomorrow! No more laziness, I'll be so good! Please— I’ll be on my best behaviour, just for you— Fuck!”
You smirked.
"…Okay, you can cum then." You hummed, seeing how his tired eyes lit up with the permission.
With a loud, shuddering whine, Ranpo finally reaches his peak, his fingers digging into your thighs as he found release. With a shaky arch of his own back, his seed spurted between your legs, painting your panties with his essence.
"God, you're so messy." You sighed.
"I'm sorry... I can't help it... you're just too..." He gulped, his eyes roll back, revealing his submission even in his post-orgasmic state.
"Well, since I was so nice and let you cum." You grabbed a fistful of his hair and forced his head down a little so he was forced to look up into your eyes. "It's your turn to make me cum."
Ranpo couldn’t help but blush at your touch when your hand grabbed a bunch of is hairs, his body still trembling from the aftershocks of his orgasm- but finding a new source of pleasure all the same. He whimpered softly, unable to meet your gaze as he was so fixated on your panties and how his own seed coated the fabric.
"C-Can I..?"
"I expect you to." You said darkly. "Eat up. And get a taste of your own mess before you do.”
He was reluctant, but did as you commander him to, tentatively reaching out to lick at your panties, his face flushed with embarrassment and submission. As he tastes his own seed, his face contorted a little at the taste, but his body tingled with pleasure, an unavoidable moan escaping him.
As his tongue dragged across the cloth of your underwear, he latched his teeth onto the edge of your panties, pulling them down slowly. When he had torn them down completely, it revealed your swollen, wet folds to his greedy gaze. The man looked up at you guiltily, his face burning red as his cock twitches in anticipation, leaking more pre-cum as he sees your panties still clinging to your thighs.
"Don't be shy now." You said, assisting him to fully remove your panties as you kicked them off to the side to reveal your glistening cunt. "I thought you wanted to taste me."
He nodded silently, leaning forward to taste you properly. He took a large strip between your legs using his tongue, tasting your sweet nectar as he starts to lap at your folds, his mouth exploring every inch of your wetness.
"That's it..." You shuddered as you felt his tongue inside you, finally feeling your own sense of pleasure. Ranpo’s heart raced with excitement when he sensed your enjoyment and he continued his assault on your sensitive flesh, pushing his face deeper into your folds, seeking to please you even more.
"F-Fuck... God, you use your tongue so well." You chuckle softly through your gentle moans. "See what happens when you use that mouth for better things rather than pissing people off?"
He hummed in agreement, his tongue continuing to wedge itself between your folds. With a groan, he licked harder, drawing your walls upwards, seeking to reach your throbbing center.
"You're gonna eat me out until I cum, aren't you sweetheart?" You grin, hands finding his way to his hair to run your fingers through the strands before stopping to grab a handful of it again.
"Mhm..." He moaned, his fingers twitching with desire. His tongue darted out, swirling around your clit, making you shudder as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. You had treated him so well that night, and he fully intended to return the favour.
The next day at the agency, Ranpo kept his side of the promise. For the first time— Possibly ever, Ranpo wasn't glued to his office desk anymore shoving treats down his mouth, instead, he was walking around and offering his assistance to anybody who looked like they needed it. It amused you to see him frantically searching for work to do while you were working on your own thing at your desk, pretending not to see his efforts, but you were glad that your intimate act with him didn’t go to waste.
"Would you look at that! I've never seen Ranpo so diligent!" Dazai commented to Kunikida, who was as equally surprised by the sight of the rare happening.
During the mesmerising scene, Kenji had happened to pass by Ranpo, which made him feel like he had been granted a glorious opportunity by the gods above. His eyes lighting up, the taller, brunette stopped Kenji in his tracks- Whom of which had been two boxes of files, tapping him on his shoulder with an awkward smile.
"Hey, Kenji, do you need help carrying that?" Ranpo queried with a hopeful gaze, to which Kenji stared blankly, blinking a few times.
"...It's a little heavy." He said softly with gentle beamed smile, trying not to offend him.
"Don't worry about it!" Ranpo reassured him, holding out his arms. "Where do you need me to take it?"
Upon seeing his eagerness, Kenji's eyes sparkled exponentially and he went to drop the boxes in his grasp.
"To the boss's office!"
Ranpo immediately felt like the weight was going to crush his arms when the heavy boxes had been dropped onto them. He struggled for a moment to hold them up, but eventually found his method to keep himself standing without feeling like his arms were going to break. After the wave of accomplishment had washed over him, he frantically looked over to you to see if you had been watching him with a hopeful smile— Which you had, of course, but your head was tilted down as to not let him know that you had.
"Maybe he's finally learnt that he has responsibilities at this agency." Kunikida suggested, staring as Ranpo uncomfortably waddled out of the office, the boxes threatening to break his fingers.
"I wonder what could've made him suddenly realise that though, considering he had never lifted a finger to help before." Dazai's eyes narrowed.
#bungo stray dogs x you#bungo stray dogs x reader#bungou stray dogs x reader#bungou stray dogs ranpo#bungou stray dogs dazai#bungo stray dogs#bungou stray dogs smut#ranpo edogawa smut#ranpo edogawa x reader#ranpo edogawa#ranpo edogawa x reader smut#ranpo x reader smut#ranpo x reader#bsd ranpo
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50Au Part 11
“FUCKING! I CAN’T BELIEVE- I'M GONNA KILL HIM WHEN WE GET OUT IF HERE!” Donnie growled, summoning some sort of definitely-too-big-for-the-lair-gun.
Raph wasn't always the most cautious before, but even he knew that wasn't a good idea.
“Dee, put that thing away! You're gonna blow the whole lair to smithereens!” He grabbed the back of Donnie's shell like he was a kitten, Donnie hissing and clawing in a much less cute way than a kitten would.
Donnie stopped struggling so much when Raph raised his voice, which Raph tried not to think too hard about. It made a lump of guilty claw its way up his throat, but Raph cleared it away and put on his ‘ Big Brother Voice’.
“ Look, I'm pissed at him too, but we can't go bustin' outta here willy-nilly and bust up the lair, ‘kay?” He gave Donnie a look, the softshell grimacing and reluctantly putting the gun away, “ You worked too damn hard sprucin’ this place up and makin’ it home again to just blast it to pieces. Now-”
He set Donnie back down and cracked his knuckles, “ watch your big brother do his thing”
Raph grabbed two of the bars and began to pull. He admittedly wasn't as strong as he used to be, but in his defense he'd been recovering from a lot of shit, so give him a break.
Still, it shouldn't have been this much of a strain. Where the hell did Leo find this thing!?
“ Not to be a pessimist, Raph, but I don't think its working,” Mikey muttered, leaning over his shoulder to examine the bars, “where did he even get this? There's no way we had it lying around the lair, right?”
Raph let out a grumble, “c’mon…Raph…Raph can bend ‘em easy,”
He strained and pulled against the bars, but they were just a little too tough for him.
There was a ker-chunk and a click and Raph thought maybe he had done it- until he turned and saw that Donnie had summoned some sort of saw tool.
“ Close your eyes, gentleman. I didn't bring extra safety goggles,” Was the only warning they got before Donnie flicked his goggles down over his eyes and began cutting into the metal.
It surprisingly worked. Raph looked down at his hands, scarred and rough from both injury and fighting. Damn. Maybe he really was gettin’ weaker.
It took nearly an hour, but Donnie managed to cut a hole big enough for them to squeeze through. And thankfully none of them ended up getting scratched, cause that was a one way ticket to a tetanus shot.
“ I was startin' to think that metal was too strong to break,” Raph admitted, chuckling a bit to try and tame the unease he felt. The lingering worry of him becoming weak was like a stone in his stomach, weighing the moment down despite it being s victory.
“ Well, it was mystic,” Donnie started for the lab, Mikey following behind him and asking what the new, new plan was. Since they had technically had,like, four plans fail now.
Raph breathed out a momentary sigh of relief. Mystic. Of course. So he wasn't becoming useless after all.
He followed Donnie and Mikey unto the lab to hear the new, new plan, Donnie already rambling about a hundred miles a minute and cursing Leo out every few words.
Raph, while he was definitely worried out of his mind, found that he too wanted to grab Leo and shake him til he understood what was going on.
But of course, he wasn't gonna do that. He'd be happy just to see his face at this point.
Wanted to write a fun silly part. Yes they have issues but also...whimsy.
I think this randomly writing and posting without editing and it being super super unofficial as an au is good for me probably. Let's me fuck around cause there's no stakes for me emotionally. Unless we start to like it too much then I'll probably take it too seriously like I end up doing for everything
Also the only part I have a solid idea for I can't even write yet cause I accidentally made too much lead up and I gotta finish out this first section smfh. I wanna write that part so bad but because this is so spontaneous/unplanned idk what's gonna happen between now and that plot point so :/
Part 1 | Part 10 | Part 11
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Imagine being high school sweethearts with kenny and quickly trying to have sex without getting caught because he’s so horny lmao like hes begging for some head round the back of the school lol
Don't Be Shy
I love love LOVE this request!!! Part 2 of YOU + ME and My Brother's Best Friend will hopefully be up by later tonight or tomorrow!! Please keep the requests coming guys, writing these are keeping me sane at the moment, the terrible twos are no joke 😭💀 AGED UP CHARACTERS!!
"Baby, please? Not even a quickie?" Kenny whined at you, as you continued to walk down the school corridor, shaking your head.
"No way, Ken. After school, yes of course, but in school where we could get caught? Nuh-uh!" You replied and he frowned, pouting his lips at you and trying his best to give you puppy dog eyes.
"But watching you in Physical Education babe, god and the fact you swore that skort too, it's so short and your boobs and ass looked incredible! Please?" And he was back once again on his tangent of begging and pleading with you, and he was starting to wear you down, and he knew it.
"Okay, what about, we don't have to have sex, but maybe even a quick blowie out the back where no one is during class times?" Kenny asked and you paused for a moment, seriously considering it.
"I'll think about it." Was all you said, before giving him a quick kiss on the lips and making your way to class.
He had a free period while you were in art, and having most of your work done, you decided to toy with your overly horny boyfriend.
Y/n: Hey Ken, can I ask you a question?
Kenny 🧡: Yeah baby, what's up?
Y/n: So I bought some new lingerie a few days back and I only got round to trying it on yesterday evening, I took a few pics for you, I just wanted your opinion on them.
Attachment: 5 images
Kenny opened them and his jaw dropped to his feet, you were so good at taking lude shots of yourself, and you knew this would drive him crazy, his cock was rock solid, and that's exactly what you wanted.
Kenny 🧡: I think I want you to wait for me in the disabled access toilet on the first floor.
And you smirked scanning his message before putting up your hand and asking to be dismissed to use the bathroom.
Unbeknownst to you, when you got there the door was locked, and you tried the handle a few times, before the person on the inside unlocked it, opened it enough for you to be pulled in by their hand and the door was locked again as Kenny pinned you to it.
"You think you're funny, hmm? Sending me those pictures of you looking like you were just waiting for me to come in and tear them off you and remind you who this pussy belongs to." He said, his hand going straight up your school skirt and right to your wet panties.
You let out a small moan at the contact and Kenny slowly pushed you to the floor on your knees, unbuckling his belt and pulling his jeans and boxers down, his large cock springing free and sitting against his stomach.
"Suck." Was all he said, grabbing your hair that was tied in a high pony and moving your face closer to his dick. You grabbed it with your hand, your tongue licking the bead of precum off the tip before hollowing your cheeks and taking him as best you could into your mouth.
Fuck this was just what Kenny needed, he'd been longing for you, your mouth, your pussy, anything as long as it was you. And his moans were deep and breathy, as you bobbed your head, staring up at him with a gaze of innocence.
"So pretty, Princess. Looking so innocent with your lips wrapped around my cock." Kenny moaned out, his hips bucking forward causing you to choke slightly, and he smirked.
"What's wrong, can't take it baby?" He teased before setting a quick pace with his hips bucking forward, you could feel his cock hitting the back of your throat, saliva and precum running down your chin, your hands on Kenny's thighs as you swallowed around him, earning a strangled moan from him.
"Fuck, your throat feels so good, what a little slut you really are." Kenny groaned once more, gasping as your hands cupped his balls, massaging them gently, your cheeks hollowing around him, sucking as best as you could, your eyes watering.
"Gonna make you look like a mess, slut." He moaned out, his hips quickening and his thrusts starting to become sloppy.
"Getting close, baby, gonna come in your mouth and you're gonna swallow everything I give you, understand?" Kenny asked, earned a hum from yourself in response as his grip tightened on your hair, moving your head quicker to meet his rough thrusts.
"F-Fuck, y/n!" Kenny moaned out, his vision going white as he came in your mouth, his back arching slightly, your head still bobbing up and down his over sensitive cock, milking every drop of cum from him, and swallowing, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you smirked up at him.
His hand cupped your face, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. "You have no idea the things I'm gonna do to you when we get back to my house." His voice was deep, and he offered you his hand to help you up, pulling you into a warm embrace.
"Thank you, baby. I love you." Kenny whispered into your ear, placing a kiss on your forehead before slapping you on the ass.
"Now get that pretty ass of yours back to class before we get in trouble." He said, and you laughed, a smile on your face, kissing your boyfriend before unlocking the door, sneaking out one after the other as Kenny walked you to your class, leaving you off with a kiss.
"I'll meet you at lunchtime." He said with a wink, before heading back to his free period.
Your teacher inquired as to why you had been gone for so long as you made up an excuse, saying you felt like you were going to be sick, but you and Kenny both knew that was was the furthest thing from the truth.
#kenny mccormick#kenny mccormick smut#kenny mccormick x reader#kenny south park#kyle south park#stan south park#stan marsh#eric cartman#south park#kyle brovlofski#south park x reader#kenny x reader#sp x reader#x reader#south park fandom#fanfic
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can you do a story about all the links with their readers from their times like in ur most recent story reacting to their reader getting hurt or if they get married or smth both is ok aswell
My first request!
Thank you Anon for sending me this request, I'll gladly write the links reacting to their readers getting hurt!
First Trio:
Time, Warriors, Twilight
Content under cut:
It was a nice day.
The girls were at the nearby springs to freshen up after a few days. Unlike the boys who could last a few weeks...maybe a few months at max without showering they needed to get out and wash themselves.
But they encountered a few monsters that they were confident in beating which turned in to a horde, monster after monster, they wouldn't stop coming!
"Where the hell did they all come from?" SSy/n uses her bow to get rid of a few that were surrounding the others, "This is insane!" FSY/n exclaimed "Yeah? It would be nice if SOMEONE could jump in and help!" BOTWY/n growled as she uses her weapon to eliminate a Bokoblin.
"You know I can't fight!" FSY/n huffed as she stood behind SSY/n at a good few feet away. "I think the WITCH can use her magic to eliminate the ratchet creatures!" "It doesn't work like that. I just used a big spell recently, I need to recharge" HWY/n uses her mace to hit another Bokoblin that exploded into purple smoke immediately. "How long do you need to recharge for?!”
“Ugh, it’s gonna take a few more hours.”
“It’s already been 2 days since! You’re just using this as an excuse so we have to suffer!” FSY/n protested
“Someone lead the monsters to her.” HWY/n huffed as she dodged more of the Bokoblins attacks. “How dare you say that—AH! ARROW INCOMING!” FSY/n yanks SSY/n in front of her as a shield as SSY/n was in mid shot.
SSY/n let go of the string to the bow accidentally aiming it at OOTY/n.
OOTY/n holds her side, immediately regretting it as she touches the arrow that’s stuck in her side. BOTWY/n looks at TPY/n with a knowing look which causes TPY/n to nod and run into the forest. “Someone cover her!” FSY/n yells out, still hiding behind SSY/n. LTTPY/n was quick to act and immediately went to get in front of the older Y/n but it wasn’t too long before the dragon arrived.
The monsters shriek at the sight of the scaly beast and are about to flee but D/N pulls her head back a bit before letting out a powerful flamethrower-like move. Majority if not all monsters were eliminated from sight, “Nice one!” LOZY/n gave a thumbs up to the dragon who huffed proudly, smoke coming out of her snout.
“Ugh, I swear I’m fine. I just need to pull it out” OOTY/n says, trying to assure everyone so they wouldn’t panic. “No, not here. If you pull it out, you may bleed out and we have no equipment on us…surprisingly” HWY/n looked over to LTTPY/n who looked away, “Well…If I would’ve known we would get hurt I would have brought my bag”
“Okay, so what now?” WWY/n asked, “Doesn’t one of the boys know healing magic?” “Oh, Hyrule?” LOZY/n asked, earning a pat on the head from BOTWY/n with a knowing smile. “Yeah, whatever his name was. We’ll get you to him” HWY/n suggested. “Alright, just promise me one thing. Make sure Time doesn’t find out I was hurt” OOTY/n sighs “Why? Shouldn’t he know since you two are close friends?” LOZY/n asked cluelessly. “Oh hun, trust me. It’s best if he doesn’t find out” OOTY/n warned lightly, BOTWY/n was going to push it but HWY/n spoke. “Alright, let’s get her back to camp. Keep it on the down low” Everyone nods in agreement.
“You can change back” HWY/n points to D/N who huffed, walking back into the forest.
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Every boy was scattered, however no Time in sight so they rushed OOTY/n into the nearby tent, however it didn’t slip past Legend who had his eyes on them since the start. “Psst, Wild.” Legend caught the attention of the cook who was cutting up veggies. Legend tilts his head over to the tent, “Check it out” Wild really didn’t want to but seeing BOTWY/n repeatedly looking in the tent made him curious.
Wild settles the knife down before walking over to her, “What’s going on?” BOTWY/n turns to him, “Ah! Well…” BOTWY/n moves out the way for Wild to look, he peeks inside to see OOTY/n with an arrow pretty deep in her side. “Are you Hyrule?” OOTY/n tilts her head. Wild pops his head out of view and looks at BOTWY/n with a curious and worried gaze, “What happened?” “Uh, I’ll explain that later. Where’s Hyrule anyway?” “He’s helping with Time” BOTWY/n looks defeated, “Of course he is”
BOTWY/n turns to the others in the tent, “Bad news, Healer is with Time” “So? Go get him!” FSY/n says her brows furrowed, “I can't, genius. If one of us goes then he’ll probably think we’ve all returned and try to find OOTY/n!” “So get him to go” FSY/n pointed to Wild who was taken aback because he was caught off guard. “Uh, Me?” “Yeah! So you better start running, go now!” FSY/n says “Can you go get him, please is what she meant to say” Wild sighs and nods.
Wild walks further, trying to spot Hyrule at least but he finds the pair. Time snaps his head towards the sound of the footsteps, his long ears twitching just slightly. “Hey…Old man, can I borrow Hyrule for a sec?” Hyrule perked up curiously, Time looked between the two before shrugging. “Go ahead” Wild nods, trying his hardest to remain calm. Hyrule got up and walked towards Wild about to ask what he needed but Wild rushed him away quickly. “Wild.” Time called out, making Wild tense and looking at him. “Have the girls returned yet? They’re taking a long while ""A-ah, I’m sure they’ll be on their way! You know how girls can be!” Wild smiles awkwardly and before Time could continue Wild rushes Hyrule back to camp.
“What’s going on?” Hyrule asked, “Just, go in there” Wild points to the tent. Hyrule opened the flap of the tent and his eyes widened at the amount of people inside the small place. “Oh hello, Are you Hyrule?” OOTY/n smiles softly despite the arrow still deep in her side. “Ah-yeah, That’s me” Hyrule nods timidly. “That’s great, mind pulling this out nicely for me?” She grins as she points to the arrow.
“Uh–sure! Let me see what I can do” Hyrule nods as he crouches down near.
However the problem wasn’t OOTY/n with the arrow…instead it was Time who was lurking around, sensing the atmosphere was off around the camp. He glances around…everything was in place, too in place.
“Rancher. Have you seen Wild?” “Wild? Haven’t seen him in a bit but if I had to guess he would be cooking up something or out doing trouble” Twilight suggested which earned a grunt from Time who walked past.
Stopping in front of the cutting board where Wild was just before he looks around…eyes landing on Legend.
“Vet? Have you seen Wild?” Time asked firmly which earned a small shrug, his points to the tent nearby.
“Girls are back, Wild rushed Hyrule in that nearby tent—“ With no time to waste, Time walked over to the tent with a stern expression.
Why were they all back? No one told him so? OOTY/n would always come to find him…
“ARGH!” A sharp cry came from the tent which sounded an awful lot like OOTY/n. He yanked the opening of the tent open to reveal Hyrule wrapping OOTY/n’s waist as the blood began to leak through already.
“What happened?!” Time came forth and kneeled in front of her, hands just hovering over her wound.
“Time, Questions can be asked later” HWY/n comments as she settles her hand on his shoulder, he takes a second before he groans. “Fine, I expect answers after” Time holds OOTY/n’s hand which made her sigh.
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Hyrule finishes with his healing and he sighs. “There, it should be good now.” Hyrule says, scratching the back of his head. “Thank you, you were a big help” OOTY/n reaches over and pats his head causing him to grow flustered.
“Better give those two some space” FSY/n stands up and it doesn't take long for her to leave. “No, no. You can stay—“ “Yes, leave.” Time cuts through.
Soon it was just the two of them and OOTY/n was internally whining…knowing how her Link is, especially when she gets hurt and he isn’t aware.
“I knew I should’ve come—“ “And watch us bathe? Now that’s a new low” OOTY/n tries to lighten up the mood but she receives a disappointed look, she scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Okay, okay…sorry”
“You don’t take things seriously, that arrow was deep in your side. It could have been worse and I wouldn’t have been there to protect you.” He gently cups OOTY/n’s cheek with his calloused hand. She nuzzles into the rough skin slightly before sighing, “You worry too much, It’s like you don’t trust me to make my own decisions.” “It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just I don’t want to see you get hurt when I should be the one by your side, the one to protect you always.”
“Sometimes you aren’t there–” “And that’s when I worry the most” Time cuts her off making her huff, she grabs his face which startles him and brings him closer. “Oh will you just stop that?! I’ll have you know I’m strong by myself but I also have others by my side. One of them fought in the war with heels and that’s something” She points out earning a slight chuckle from him.
“See? You should keep smiling, keep having a stern face and you’ll get wrinkles” She grins which earned her a sour expression from Time, “Oh stop that face!” She pokes his cheeks trying to make him smile but he makes it look like he’s straining. He wraps his arm around just above your wound and pulls you down on top of him causing you to squeal from being yanked down onto his armor chestplate.
“By the three–Take this off sometimes geez!” “No can do, I need it to protect myself…Maybe I’ll let you borrow it sometime, it’s clear you need it” he grazes his fingers across the wound making you flinch, you smack his chest plate and immediately regret it afterwards. “See? Protected.” “Oh you cheeky bastard.”
Well this wasn’t supposed to happen.
These monster’s were really starting to piss him off.
Coming out of nowhere and attacking? It’s crazy!
Of course he wasn’t seen on the battlefield but Wolfie was there, Mauling each monster in his way will definitely leave a bad taste in his mouth afterwards but he’ll deal with that later. He needed to make sure everyone was okay and no one got hurt.
Especially TPY/n.
He wasn’t about to let anyone get hurt but he had to make sure TPY/n wasn’t going to get seriously hurt.
“Ugh, can we catch a rest?!” FSY/n was on top of a rock, dodging at the rocks being thrown at her, “I think you’re having it easy up there!” BOTWY/n was wrestling with a bokoblin since she had misplaced her mace earlier.
“Maybe pick up a weapon and you won’t be struggling as much!” Wild teased as he went to slash at the monster…resulting in his sword breaking. “Crap.” He muttered, someone internally screaming in the background.
‘Kids…’ Twilight grumbled as he jumped from monster to monster.
He looked around just as everything cleared up, he couldn’t seem to find TPY/n. With his snout he sniffed the air to try and find her scent, he smelt that familiar scent with a hint of blood. He follows the scent, “Wolfie's got something!” Wind follows the wolf who was racing towards the forest, hopping over the bush and losing Wolfie Wind huffed. “I lost the wolf!”
‘Wolfie’ looked around before shifting back. Twilight sighed and looked around the place, The dense trees and everything wasn’t helping but he pushed forwards, determined to find TPY/n. He heard a twig snap and he whipped his head around to see TPY/n limping back toward camp, Twilight walks behind her and catches her by the waist.
“Hey, How’d you wonder all the way over here?” Twilight smiles at her despite her alarmed gaze, it softened after a bit as she sighed. “Had to get away quickly, but they followed me! They did a number on my arm.” She shows him a large cut caused by the claws of the Lizalfos, Twilight’s brows furrow as he looks at the cut, “That’s no good. Let’s get you back to the others” With no hesitation, Twilight swooped her off her feet and carried her bridal style.
“W-woah! Hey!”
“By the three goddesses, are you kidding?” FSY/n huffed as she looked at the cut on TPY/n’s arm. “Luckily, it’s not a very deep cut but it’s best to keep it clean to prevent it from getting infected or irritated.” HWY/n analysed the cut, Hyrule perked up. “I’ll get some stuff” Hyrule raced towards the nearby tent. “Huh? Oh alright then” HWY/n nods, awaiting for Hyrule to come back.
As everyone was distracted, Twilight sat beside TPY/n who was waiting patiently. “Does it hurt?” “Not really, It did sting earlier but it died down now so it’s fine” TPY/n informed “No need to worry, alright?” He nods but sighs, “I still can’t help it though. Just knowing that you were in any danger makes me worried. Just promise me you'll be careful next time or you'll always come find me." TPY/n only smiles. "Alright, I promise"
“Goddesses, They really have no shame with being like this when we’re around” FSY/n scowled at the sight of them, “You’re starting to sound jealous” Four shrugged “Am not!”
“I wonder if she knows we can hear her,” Twilight grins. “Oh she doesn’t, Trust me”
HWY/n was separated from the others, during a cave exploration you’d think everyone would stick with one another–Nope.
A rock slide which ended up with just HWY/n falling down and spraining her ankle, sucks to have no magic right now, nor have anyone around. It was eerie, quiet and unsettling. HWY/n grunts as she takes off her boot which reveals a bruise forming around the ankle. “Just great.” She sighs as she shuffles over and leans against the pile of rock as she alleviates her foot by putting in on top of a rock.
15 minutes went by and HWY/n was sure they had forgotten her—how rude! She was thinking of a way to get out, she can walk her sprained ankle off but she doesn’t want to. She can wait out for her magic to recharge and she can teleport herself out or..something useful to get her out!
She hears footsteps coming her way, ‘goddesses why now!’ She thought as she lifted up a nearby rock for protection but she just saw Warriors.
“Oh, it’s just you, Knight” HWY/n lowered the rock as he approached her, dropping his weapons to the ground gently and analysed the sprain.
“It’s only sprained, it’ll be fine—“
“We need Hyrule to heal this, you’ll be off your feet for the rest of the day…Let me carry you!-”
“Now just hang on, Knight! You don’t get to decide what happens to me…Where are the others? Did you leave them behind?” HWY/n looked behind him while he grew silent. She huffed “You left them behind, didn’t you?” “Well, You fell and no one was doing anything and I had to make sure you were safe, okay?” “How’d you even get down here in the first place?” He looked around awkwardly and cleared his throat, still not looking at her. “I jumped down a hole…”
“You haven’t changed, reckless, Impulsive and Selfless.” She scolds him. “It doesn’t matter, You’re hurt.” “I’ll walk it off” “Absolutely not! Geez can you just let me do this?” Warriors inspected her ankle as if it were broken. “Mild sprain, Doesn’t need immediate attention” “I knew that..” He lowers her ankle and reaches into his pocket to grab out a roll of bandages. “Oh aren’t you full of surprises?” She teases, he ignores her comment and rolls out the bandage until it’s fully out. He began to wrap it around her ankle efficiently which made her a tad surprised. “Huh, So you know how to bandage now?” “Learned from a certain witch who would scold me for every wound” He chuckled lightly at the oddly fond memories of HWY/n wrapping his wounds after every battle.
“Still needs work, It’s a bit loose” “Oh hush, at least you’ve been tended to” He snapped back playfully, comfortable with the small banter. Warriors sit down next to her as they rest against the pile of rocks, “They shouldn’t be too far away” HWY/n looks over to him before resting her head against his shoulder. “Hopefully it takes a bit” Warriors cheeks flush and he stiffens a bit, he was glad that HWY/n couldn’t see his face or else it would be an endless tease from her.
“Yeah, hopefully…”
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Okay, I swear there was no favouritism! I just had a good idea for Time's part but it ended up being a whole story compared to the others...
I'm on study leave and I have exams coming up, sorry for such a long break because I was on holiday but I'm going to be focusing on studying while writing because Writing is a way for me to rewind and relax.
Anyways! Everyone stays hydrated and safe!
#linked universe x reader#lu x reader#link x reader#x reader#lu time#lu warriors#lu twilight#lu chain#MIC'S Writing#Scenarios
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