#maybe Emma made her be Miss Honey
lives-in-midgard · 25 days
Love you
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Pairing: Evan Buckley x reader
Summary: After your and Buck's daughter said something cute you decide to surprise him at work.
Word Count: 730
A/N: Hey guys. This is the last one shot from the Buddie-August. I hope you like it!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
Buddie-August hosted by me and @buckys-wintersoldier
Prompt: with kids
911 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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After you and Buck dated for two years, you became pregnant and now have your beautiful and cute daughter Emma. During your pregnancy Buck was always there for you and protected you even more. He always made sure you were comfortable and not overworked. When Emma was born she began to be the light of your life. Buck loves holding her, cuddling with her and talking to her. She makes you both so happy and you always love to see when she learns something new.
That was one of the reasons why Buck was so sad when he had to go back to work. He was sad that he couldn’t spend as much time with you and Emma anymore and could miss when she does something new. You promised to send him some pictures while he is at work and tell him everything he missed. And when Buck comes back from work, the first thing he does is to kiss and cuddle his little princess. When she started to talk, and her first word was “daddy” Buck was so excited and told everyone. She started saying some random words and making you both laugh which made her laugh too.
Today was one of those days where Buck had a 24 hour shift. He’s been at work since yesterday and is coming back today at the evening. You missed him a lot when he was at work for so long and he missed you, but the good thing is that it means that he has the next two days off and will be at home with you.
The day started as normal as always. Emma woke you up early in the morning, later you had breakfast, then you both went for a walk and Emma took a nap. But then when Emma woke up and you gave her a kiss, she suddenly said something she had never said before.
“love mommy.”
“I love you too honey.” You said excited but then got sad that Buck wasn’t there to hear it.
“Do you want to go to daddy?” You asked and she began to giggle.
“Yeah, let’s go see daddy.” You said with a smile and picked her up. You quickly took your bag with everything that you could need and made your way to the car. While driving to the station Emma didn’t stop to say “daddy” because she was so excited.
As you walked into the station your daughter began to giggle because she likes being there and seeing the others. When you walked upstairs and she saw Buck, she immediately said “daddy.” Buck saw you two, began to smile and run over to you.
“Hey my little princess.” He said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey, babe.” Buck greeted you and kissed you. Emma made grabby hands and Buck took her with a smile and hugged her.
“Is this my favorite niece.” Chim said as he walked closer, making Emma giggle. The others greeted you as well.
“Wait, is everything okay?” Buck suddenly asked.
“Yeah, we just missed you and Emma wanted to tell you something.” You said with a grin and Buck smiled at you.
“Oh, is that so?” He asked with a smile, but Emma just laid her head on Bucks shoulder. You chuckled and then said.
“Maybe she says it again.” Buck nodded.
“Are you hungry? We were just about to eat.” Bobby asked and you nodded. You all sat down at the table. You sat next to Buck who was holding his daughter in his arms. After eating you talked a while with Eddie and the others.
“Love daddy.” Emma suddenly said and everyone began to smile.
“Aww, I love you too my little princess.” Buck said with a big smile and hugged her.
“I love you so much.” He said again and was so excited.
“Love daddy.” He gave her a few kisses and looked so happy.
“What about me Emma?” Chim asked but she didn’t say anything, and everyone started to laugh.
“Don’t worry, the day will come and she will say it to you too.” Hen said and you chuckled.
You stayed at the station for a while until they were called to an emergency and had to leave. Buck was so happy that you surprised him and can’t wait to come home later and spend more time with you two.
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@cevansbaby-dove | @buckys-wintersoldier
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themultifandomgal · 4 months
From 2010- The First Half Of Tour
Part 30
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1st March- Cardiff
“Ow ow ow" I cry as Harry, Louis and Zayn are pouring their cool water bottles on my legs after I spilt my hot water, lemmon and honey on them. I sit in Harry’s baggy gym shorts so that 1 I’m in loose clothing and 2 I’m not sat in my underwear
"Bloody hell YN how did you manage that?" My dad says on the phone
"My throat feels funny and it's good for your voice. Stupidly I tried doing my makeup at the same time and knocked it over” I sniffle
“Oh YN. How bad is it?”
“Well her thighs are bright red. Almost look sunburnt” Zayn tells my dad
“It doesn’t help she spilt the drink on her jeans which made the hot water stay on her skin longer” Niall says
"Paramedics are here" Paul says walking in
"Hi YN, I'm Nelly and this is Amari. Let's take a look shall we?" Kneeling down Nelly takes a look “ok luckily it seems to just be a first degree burn. Let's apply some aloe Vera on the burn and then we can wrap it up in sterile dressing. No need to take you to hospital"
"Oh thank goodness" I hear dad on the phone
"Can I still go on stage?" I ask
"Really? You've burnt yourself YN you can't" Zayn says to me shocked
"If you sit down and take it easy then I don't see a problem" Amari tells me
"Are you sure you're up for it tonight?"
"Yes. I missed to many shows last tour" I reply to Paul
"Just go steady tonight YN"
"I will dad. Speak to you later" I end the phone call. We let the paramedics finish up before I have to get ready.
During the show I end up mostly sitting on a stool unless I need to move to a different part of the stage in that case I just go steady with one of the boys by my side.
22nd March- Birmingham
"I wish I could take you on tour with me” I say snuggling cookie who’s licking my face while I sit cross legged on the floor “I missed you so much”
“YN you need to put the dog down at some point, I need to get your hair done” Erin says laughing at me
“Can’t you do my hair from down here?” I joke
“If I could I would, now on to the chair” Erin pats the chair that’s in my dressing room. Groaning I get up and put Cookie down on the floor who then runs over to Emma who’s sat on my sofa
“Do you think she thinks your her owner not me?” I ask Emma sadly
“No chance dogs have a sense for this kinda thing. She knows you’re her mum and I’m the cool aunt” Emma replies
“I wish I could bring her with me”
“I know, but I’ll bring her to all of the shows I come to, promise” I give Emma a smile to say thank you while I let Erin get on with my hair.
Hello Birmingham!' I say waving to the arena "I still can't believe that this is where Liam and I would come to see concerts and here we are on our second tour!”
"What was your first concert YN?”
"I think it was the sugar babes" I reply to Liam “I remember my mum and dad taking me to an 80s concert when I was younger so maybe it was that” I shrug
“You do love your 80s songs” Zayn says smiling
“I do I do”
"Now the next song we're going to sing is one of our current favourites to perform. This is One Way Or Another" Louis shouts into his Microphone and the music starts
"One way or another I'm gonna find ya. I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya. One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya" Harry sings putting his arm around my shoulders
"One way, or another, I'm gonna see ya. I'm gonna meet ya, meet ya, meet ya, meet ya. One day, maybe next week. I'm gonna meet ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll meet ya" I sing.
13th April- Sheffield
“Hello Sheffield!” Harry shouts into his microphone. The crowd all scream in reply “now today it’s someone’s birthday” the boys all then turn to look at me “and we want you to help us sing happy birthday”
“No!” I try to protest but it’s no use. The fans and boys all sing happy birthday as I see Emma bringing out a cake on stage
“Ok make a wish” Emma says, but I truly don’t know what to wish for other than Alex being here. I blow out the candles and everyone cheers. I give Emma a quick hug before she walks off stage.
14th June- Miami
“I’ve just found out that Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, Sam Claflin and Elizabeth Banks are here tonight” Erin says doing my hair
“How did you find that out?” I frown looking at Erin through the mirror. She digs through her back pocket then unlocks her phone. She does some scrolling then hands me her phone. On the screen is a photo of then stood in the pit chatting. The photo is captioned “guess J Law has forced the cast to see One Direction” 
“Isn’t Liam Hemsworth one of your celebrity crushes? Maybe you’ll be able to go on a date” Erin teases wiggling her eyebrows at me as she takes her phone back. I know she’s joking but part of feels like I can’t date. Sighing I close my eyes thinking of Alex
“I can’t… Alex….”
“Would want you to be happy. He’d want you to move on, maybe Liam isn’t the ‘one’ but maybe he can help you feel like you can date again”
“Your talking as if I know him and have met him Erin anyway he’s dating Miley Cyrus”
“Split up”
“I can’t keep up” I groan making Erin laugh.
By the end on the show I’m in my dressing room dripping with sweat when there’s a knock on the door. Thinking it’s just one of the boys I shout
“Come in!” not looking up I hear the door open
“Hi” that’s not one of the boys. I quickly turn around and see Jennifer Lawrence stood at my door smiling with Liam, Sam and Elizabeth behind her “I was told it was ok to come and see you. I’m sorry if we’ve disturbed you”
“No it’s ok hi” I walk over to them and hold my hand out “sorry I look a mess right now”
“Don’t be silly you look beautiful” Liam says making me blush a little. He’s a little older than I am, 23 I think he is while I’m 19
“We just wanted to come and say how good the show was. Your really talented” Elizabeth says smiling at me
“Thank you I’m glad you enjoyed the show. Have you met the others?”
“Then follow me” I say leading them towards Harry and Louis dressing room where I know all of the boys will be.
10th August- LA
“See you after the show” Liam says smiling at me before he pecks my cheek. I wasn’t planning on dating right now, but after Liam and I met we exchanged numbers then ended up going on a date. Things are just casual at the moment and we don’t plan on announcing anything anytime soon
“YN let’s go!” Harry shouts to me
“Yeah I’m coming” I shout back. I give Liam one more smile before walking towards Harry and Louis
“I can’t believe your not coming back home with us”
“Liam ask me on another date” I shrug
“Can’t say I like you both together” Harry mumbles but I clearly hear him
“Well it’s not your life H” I snap
“Don’t I know”
“What’s your problem Harry?” I step in front of him with my hands on my hips
“He’s goin to break y’heart”
“And how do you know that?” I frown
“I can jus’ tell alright” Harry then tries to brush past me
“No you don’t get to do that. Say shit like that then try and walk off”
“Woah what’s gotten into you two” Zayn says looking confused
“What did I do?” Liam asks just as confused
“Not you. Hemsworth. Come on we’re gonna be late” Harry walks off leaving me with the others
“He just wants what’s best for you” Zayn tries
“Harrys right we’re going to be late” I sigh.
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zoeyslament · 6 days
The Corpse in the Coffee Shop
Emma Matthews-Perkins doesn’t expect to walk into a crime scene upon making a late-night trip to Beanies to retrieve an item she left behind, and she definitely doesn’t expect her least favourite coworker and a woman she knows Zoey hates to be at the heart of said crime, but that’s exactly what happens. AKA: things get heated in Beanies and Gerald fucking dies.
“What the hell…!”
Emma dropped her bag on the floor, too stunned to even move. Behind the counter of pastries, her coworker hunched something large and wet and bloody, oozing scarlet onto the tile floor. 
“Emma!” Zoey’s face went bright red as she frantically scrambled to throw the body bag into the supply closet. “It’s not what it looks like, I swear!”
“Yeah, then what is it?” Emma’s hand tensed around her phone. She was debating whether to call 911, Nora, or maybe Paul to come pick her up. “Because it sure as hell looks like you killed someone.”
“It wasn’t entirely my fault!” Zoey hissed through gritted teeth. 
“Oh, you had an accomplice, fantastic. Listen, I don’t know who that is…was? I don’t know what you’re doing but you can’t…do it here.” 
“I know, I know.” Zoey slammed the closet door shut. “But I can’t hide him at home, Hailey would pass out if she found him somehow, and Lin- my friend thought it would be smart to drag him to Beanies, toss him in the bin outside for collection.” There was an awkward silence between them as Zoey glanced around the shop, which was usually shut tight at this hour.  “We’re closed, by the way! Why are you here?”
“I left my jacket here, damn.” Emma shifted awkwardly in place. “And why the hell would that be smart? What if Nora found out? You’d be fired and arrested! Actually, I don’t know why I’m not calling the cops on you right now!”
Zoey’s eyes widened. “No. Emma, don’t. Emma, please, I’m begging you, I need this job.”
“I don’t know if I want to work with a murderer! Who was that, by the way? Your boyfriend?”
“Sam? God, no, that was last week, this is, well…”
She pulled the door open again. The man’s body was uncovered now: he was pudgy, not obese, but not healthy either. He was wearing a white button down, now stained crimson down the front from a clear stab wound, and a pair of khakis caked in blood. He was balding, but what hair, both on his hair and his face, was left, was a sort of reddish brown. His wire-framed glasses were broken and crooked, his greenish-brown eyes glassy and pooled over.
“Yes, Emma, that’s exactly who you think it is, it wasn’t my idea but he…he needed to go.”
“Doesn’t he have a family? A wife and kids?”
“Yeah, well sure.” Zoey pushed the door closed again. “But-“
There was a pounding at the door, and Emma whipped around to see a blonde woman slip inside, tucking something small and metallic into the pocket of her thick fur coat. She recognized her; this was someone of status, someone she’d seen around town toting hundreds of dollars’ worth of clothing and food in designer bags. This was Honey Queen material.
“I’m sorry I distrusted you, Miss Chambers.” She spoke with a loud, posh voice, not unlike royalty Emma had seen in movies. The closer she got, the easier it was for Emma to take notice of her. She didn’t seem to notice Emma, perhaps too lost in guilt, or…pleasure, even?
“Yeah, yeah, can it.” Zoey grumbled. “We have a visitor.”
The blonde looked up at Emma and immediately brought a hand to her mouth in a gesture of shock and unease. That quickly faded, replaced by determination.
“If you so much as utter a word about this, I will make your life a living hell.” She wasn’t any taller than Emma, yet Emma could feel the sense of pride emanating from this woman. It made her want to shrink into the corner. Emma wasn’t one to back down from a fight, even in youth she would spend afternoons in detention after “incidents” in school, but this woman meant business. A matter of class, really. 
“Back off. Emma’s had her fair share of illegal activities. Does the smoke club ring any bells?” Zoey fumbled around behind the counter, pulling out all sorts of cleaning supplies. “Or ‘Perky’s Buds’?”
“Selling weed is a lot different than actual fucking murder.” Emma pointed out. “Even I wouldn’t-“
“Now that you’re here, you’ll either help us, or stay quiet.” The blonde snapped. “It’s an unlucky day, fate forcing both Chambers and her little friend upon me.”
“She is not my friend.” Emma and Zoey growled in unison. The blonde frowned disapprovingly. 
“It doesn’t matter. We’re all friends, for tonight. Miss…?”
“Matthews. Mrs. Matthews, actually.” 
“For now.” The blonde’s voice darkened. “I suppose you know who I am, then?” 
Emma’s thoughts failed her. Though she knew the woman was one of the so-called fat cats of Hatchetfield, she couldn’t but a name to the pale, unforgiving face. “I don’t.”
“Linda Monroe, president of the Hatchetfield Boating Society.” There was a great sense of pride. Emma felt that she enjoyed introducing herself. “Linda Murry, now, I think.”
“And who’s the man in the closet?”
Linda went even paler than usual. “That…would be my husband. Ex-husband, I suppose.”
Zoey went over to the door and threw it open, letting the cadaver topple onto the ground with a dull thud. “Supplies are in the back. Emma, now that you’re here, are you gonna help?”
Emma was too paralyzed by the fear of what “help” meant in this scenario to even lift a finger. Mentally, she was berating herself: Why didn’t you just call someone, anyone? Your life could be on the line, Emma, you fucking idiot! 
Zoey was already hard at work. Before Emma’s eyes, the body of Gerald Monroe was being taken apart bit by bit. Zoey hacked, Linda supervised, and a balding head rolled into the cabinet that held up the espresso machine. 
“Why did you…how did you…” Emma stuttered. “Is he really…”
“What do you think, Mrs. Matthews?” Linda turned to her, ignoring the carnage unfolding at her feet. “Yes, he’s dead. He cheated on me! Ten times, if you can believe. I don’t know how I’ve been so blind and stupid. Shame on you, Gerald.”
“You weren’t exactly loyal either.” Zoey quipped, tossing a dismembered hand over her head carelessly. 
“Holding hands with another woman isn’t cheating. What Gerald did is, and he’s paying the price now, isn’t he?”
Emma gulped. She was in over her head now, she knew she should have split when she had a chance. Now, body parts and blood covered the tile, Zoey was covered in a layer of guts and gore so thick she looked like a lioness after a hunt. 
“Throw them in the bin,” Linda instructed. “And then we can wipe up and never speak of this again.” 
Emma spoke up. “Are you two seriously not concerned about the police finding out? Zoey, you’re dating a cop!”
“And if you knew I was dating Sam, you’d know that he and his goons wouldn’t suspect me of a thing. In fact, Sam himself is dead and gone, I did that, and here I am, continuing the streak.” She panted, pulling out a Clorox wipe and scrubbing her palms. “No one is going to guess a thing, unless…you tell them.”
Suddenly, Emma felt a bloody hand shove her up against the wall. Zoey had flown to her feet, and there was a knife to her throat, and Zoey was staring at her, eyes wild, hair unkempt. “Do you know how easy it would be for me to slip some rat poison into your husband’s fucking black coffee? I’ve proven before that I can get away with murder. Don’t even think about ratting me out.”
Emma was painfully aware of every part of her body, every vein dragging every blood vessel to her heart, pounding like a hammer against a nail. From the corner of her eye she could see Linda looking at her with a satisfied grin. This was the weakest Emma had ever felt. 
Zoey withdrew the knife, but kept it brandished in one hand. “Got it?”
Emma nodded. “I’ll help clean up. I open tomorrow.”
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imagines-ahs · 4 months
Chapter Forty-Nine: Sangria.
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Summary: Wilhemina Venable felt it was finally time to leave Kineros Robotics and get a job with people who weren’t such morons like Jeff and Mutt. What she didn’t expect, however, was for her new boss to be so damn insufferable. She didn’t expect to fall in love with her, either.
Tag List: @mayfair-fleur @mistysswampmud @paulsonsratched @msvenablx @notmeellaannyy @rwoolfe @golddustdykes​ @lovingsarah @slut-for-sarah @geinobinarie​ (message me to be added if interested!)
At night, Wilhemina caught herself missing the warmth of another body next to her. Floratta Blue lingered in the air only slightly, and Venable wished she could smell more of it. Fear clouded her senses before sleep could, trying to trick her, trying to scare her. Wilhemina closed her eyes and thought about Billie; about the kiss they shared just before she entered her car and drove home that evening. Nothing would change in the morning. Nothing would change in the week. Right?
And so Monday morning arrived, and with it came a very self conscious Wilhemina, whom took way more than usual to get ready for the day. Pants, sweaters, skirts…? Have I ever worn a skirt to work? Venable didn’t think so, but when choosing an outfit the purple, mid skirt was the only thing that made her comfortable enough. So the skirt it was, with a purple sweater up and tucked on the waist and purple boots to finish the look. After placing a small kiss on Purpura’s head, Wilhemina followed to Billie Dean Howard & Co., fingers drumming on the wheel and lower lip caught between pearl teeth. Would Emma already be there? Would Billie Dean already be there? Would anyone know? Well, Jenny knew. Would Jenny say something? Blushing was never an option to Venable.
When the doors of the elevador opened on the seventh floor, Wilhemina couldn’t help but gulp. She walked a little slower than usual, with her head up high as it always were and heels clacking on the marble. Everything felt different. As she entered the main office, there was no sign of anyone there yet, but Venable’s heart had picked up in speed anyways. She took a deep breath and set her things down, coat on the backrest and bag on top of the table. The air was chilly, and the Christmas decorations had already been turned on. Brown eyes watched as the lights on the small Christmas tree right in the middle of the room changed colors, contrasting with the white marble that bathed the rest of the room. I do like how these look. Perhaps Wilhemina would hang a light or two in her house… maybe Billie Dean could help? She has her own life. Venable didn’t expect them to spend every second of their lives together, after all. Hell, she didn’t even know how Billie would feel this morning. I miss her lips already. Shaking the thought off, Wilhemina walked to the kitchen in order to get herself some coffee.
Billie Dean was always hungry, that was no news, but this morning she made sure to stop at a bakery nearby and get both herself and Wilhemina a croissant. When she took the first step into the office, Billie couldn’t help but be somewhat glad she had woken up earlier than usual due to the excitement of seeing a certain someone today. When her alarm went off in the morning, Billie Dean had already been getting dressed with a warm sweater and jeans. Honey eyes lighted up softly when she saw the purple purse on top of Venable’s table. Billie looked around; there seemed to be no one else in the office but the two of them. She bit her lower lip, purse on her forearm and bag of croissants in hand. “Wilhie?” she called softly.
In the kitchen, Wilhemina had already poured two mugs of warm coffee. W and BD. She barely had time to take a first sip before the sweet voice invaded her ears. Suddenly, her heart that had only now started to calm down began to beat fast again. The corners of her lips already arched up, and her skin wanted to turn red. Venable cleared her throat. “In the kitchen,” she called back.
With a smile that nearly went from ear to ear, Billie Dean bit her lower lip and walked that way. She peeked into the kitchen and her heart skipped a beat; how was it possible that Wilhemina looked even prettier than the night before? “Hi,” she said softly. She’s wearing a skirt. Billie tried not staring.
“Hi.” Venable allowed her hips to rest against the counter before setting the mug down on it. Her cane now rested on her thigh, beside her. She looked at honey eyes. I’ve missed her.
Gosh, she’s fucking gorgeous. Billie slowly walked into the kitchen. She placed her purse and the bag of croissants on the table before making her way towards Wilhemina. As she got close to her, Billie Dean found herself nervous; should she kiss her? Would Venable be uncomfortable if she did? I prefer to be wrong for giving her affection than for making her think I don’t want to be around her. That had already happened once, and it was one too many times for Billie’s liking. With palms a little sweaty and giving time for Wilhemina to pull away if she wanted to, Billie Dean reached to caress Venable’s hips. Her thumbs traced the rough cloth of her skirt, eyes glued on dark brown ones. Wilhemina seemed to have forgotten how to breathe, for no air seemed to get in or out of her lungs. Billie licked her lips. “Can I kiss you?” she whispered. Venable nodded and closed the gap between them right away, eyes closing as she savored the cherry she had been craving since the day before. Their kiss was slow, tender, and when they pulled away, Billie Dean felt a hand caressing her own waist back, and another cupping her cheek. She leaned against the palm. Their eyes reconnected. Billie thought she was about to melt with how deep Wilhemina stared at her. “I’ve missed you,” she said without really thinking, for thinking was hard when she had Venable’s lips so close to her own.
The words sent a shiver down Wilhemina’s body. She felt her chest engulfing in something warm, something good. “I’ve missed you, too.” She bit her lower lip, trying to stop a smile from spreading too widely on her cheeks. “You look beautiful.” I can’t feel the tobacco anymore.
“Look who’s saying,” Billie Dean teased. “With that pretty skirt.”
“Oh,” Wilhemina chuckled. Her cheeks tinted as her eyes looked away from Billie’s. I should have chosen the trousers… Her insides wanted to grow with discomfort from being noticed, but how actually uncomfortably was it? To be noticed like that, with a compliment, with loving eyes? Venable wasn’t used to that. “How are you?” She asked, trying desperately to get the focus away from herself. The hand on Billie Dean’s cheek now pulled a strand of blonde hair away from honey eyes, and then it slipped down to rest on the small of Billie’s back, lacing there with her other one. Billie Dean slightly stepped closer in order to get more comfortable. We’re in the middle of the office.
She’s shy. Billie knew she had to take it easy with compliments, but that wasn’t necessarily a natural thing for her to do; Billie Dean valued honesty, and so she was honest, too. “I’m alright, thank you. What about you?”
“Me too.” Venable struggled to keep the blush of her cheeks contained, for it wanted to jump out and crawl all over the skin of her body. I would never allow Emma to kiss me in the kitchen like that. “I’ve poured you some coffee.” Wilhemina looked over to the mug with the ‘BD’ initials on top of the counter; she wanted to pull away and grab it, hand it to Billie, but her hands seemed to fit so well on Billie Dean’s body they refused to move. Billie didn’t seem to mind; not at all, for she stood there comfortably, her own hands resting on Venable’s shoulders and caressing them.
“Thank you, darling.” Billie looked over to the mug before looking back at Wilhemina. She’s always thinking of me. With her lip between her pearl teeth again, Billie Dean stared at dark brown eyes. It feels so good to be here, with her.Her thumbs began to trace soft patterns on Venable’s cheekbones, feeling the warmth that radiated from the skin there. After a second, she spoke again. “Thank you for keeping me in mind.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that, Billie.” Wilhemina’s voice was quieter as well. She gulped, lips tingling from being just inches away from Billie Dean’s. We’re in the middle of the office, the thought slipped in again. I don’t think I care much about it right now. They were alone, after all. “I keep you in mind because you matter to me.” Shut up. You’re talking too much.
You matter to me. Billie would tattoo these words in her heart. Opening a sweet smile, she leaned to peck Venable’s lips, lingering there a little. All of the degrading voices disappeared right there and then inside Wilhemina’s mind. “You matter to me a lot,” Billie whispered, soon kissing Venable again. It was even slower this time, even more tender. Their lips met again and again in a sweet symphony, enjoying each other, savoring the touch. Until heels began to be heard from the main office. Wilhemina was the one to pull away this time, instantly reaching for her cane and standing up straight. Billie Dean got the cue and took a step back. Quick change. She would respect Venable’s ways.
“Sorry,” Wilhemina blurted out, because Billie looked a little lost and because she was not dumb. “I just—I don’t want to embarrass you. We’re at the workplace, after all.”
Embarras me? Billie Dean shook her head. It was not the time nor place to discuss that, though. “You could never embarras me,” she said instead, only to make sure Venable wouldn’t dwell on that until they could actually talk about it. “Besides… I’m the boss. It’s my workplace.” With a teasing smirk, Billie winked at Wilhemina and reached for her mug of coffee. The blush that spread all over Venable’s chest and cheeks was priceless. She let out a chuckle, taking a sip of coffee as she eyed Wilhemina. She did hate me for it back then. What a funny contrast.
Oh. Venable gulped. Again. Her legs got weak for a second, and her lower stomach turned into a puddle of something. She bit her lower lip, failing to stop it from curling up at the corners. “Indeed.” After clearing her throat, Wilhemina reached for her mug as well. I feel… a thing. The coffee didn’t feel as hot anymore.
Just as Billie Dean was about to tease Wilhemina again, chatter and more chatter filled the atmosphere. People had arrived, and so she looked at Venable and quickly leaned to peck her on the cheek. “If you’re hungry, there’s two croissants in the bag,” she whispered and pulled away.
Holding back a giggle, Wilhemina nodded. Her cheeks had grown even redder with the kiss, and she bit her lip tightly so no one would catch her grinning like an idiot. “Thank you,” she whispered back. Billie Dean nodded and took another sip of coffee, lips tugged up. The chattering began to get louder, and so dark brown eyes moved to the door; in no time, Emma and Jenny stepped inside the kitchen as they chatted about nothing at all.
“… but it’s stupid how they made it out to be ab—“ Emma stopped right in her tracks. Emerald oceans stared at Wilhemina, and then at Billie.
“Hi—hi!” Jenny blurted out as her eyes grew to the size of the Moon.
Fuck. Billie Dean felt her hands tightening the grip on her mug. She gulped. Her body suddenly craved for nicotine. “Hi.” From the corner of her eye, she saw how Venable stood up straight, head up high and free hand on her cane, holding it firmly.
Wilhemina wanted to jump on Emma and slap that stupid face of hers, but she was a woman of decency. So she decided she’d just be as far away from her as she possibly could. I can’t leave Billie Dean alone to deal with that. God only knew what Emma would say to Billie, and Venable would not forgive herself for allowing that to happen. Again. So she cleared her throat and took another sip of coffee. Silence had made itself room. Her eyes nearly pierced through Emma as she now focused on her. “Good morning,” her words were firm and collected, as cold as ice. They sent a message. Billie Dean’s body filled with goosebumps: how was it possible that Wilhemina managed to change her posture and mask her aura so swiftly?
“Good morning, Ms. Venable.” Jenny shifted her weight from one foot to another, clearly uncomfortable. Wilhemina hummed back at her.
“Good morning, Wilhemina.” Emma smiled cynically, voice raising in tone as she noticeably meant to mock her. “How is your cat?” Green eyes never once left dark brown ones.
With her knuckles turning white from squeezing the cane so much, Venable felt her molars hurting. Her jaw felt as rigid as a rock from tensing it so much. Who did Emma think she was? To mock her like that, to ask her about Purpura like that? It’s your fault. She’s mocking you and you deserve it for letting her in your life when you know you’re meant to be alone. Her heart picked up in speed. Breathing was becoming hard. “That is none of your business.” Even though her body wanted to start trembling, Wilhemina’s voice was as steady as it always were.
Uh-oh. Billie gulped. From all the things she had expected Emma to do, rub the intimacy she had had with Venable was definitely not something she had seen coming. And for her to use that tone with Wilhemina was expected even less. She eyed Venable. Her muscles are nearly exploding underneath the skin of her neck. Billie Dean feared she’d break a tooth or two. I want to hold her hand. It was not the place nor the time to do so. “Jenny, do you have the pictures you told me about?” She quickly said before Emma could try and answer to Wilhemina.
“Y-yes. It’s in your e-mail.”
“Perfect.” Billie now turned to Emma, whom kept that stupid smirk on her face. “Emma, how is the report I asked you for going? If I remember correctly, the deadline was today.”
“Correct. And it will be on your desk by the end of the day.” Emma nodded, arms crossed and chest puffed out.
“I should go to my desk,” Venable held her mug tightly and began to make her way out of the kitchen. She needed a Valium, and she needed it now. Her mind was starting to grow hazy, and she kept forgetting to breathe.
Something’s off. Billie Dean looked at Venable, watching how she walked as stiff as a wall, nails white on the cane. She wanted to go after her, but would that be the right thing to do right now? In the workplace? With how reserved Wilhemina was? Billie felt herself a little lost. “Jenny, we should—we should get going.”
“Right.” The girl nearly jumped up, leaving the room as fast as she could. Billie Dean followed behind, leaving Emma alone in the kitchen. When the door of Billie’s office closed, Jenny instantly took a deep breath. “She’s pissed.”
“Well, yeah,” Billie chuckled weirdly. “So am I.” Granted, right now she was more worried about Wilhemina than pissed at Emma. With her lip caught between pearl teeth, she reached for her phone in her purse and took a seat. Her thumbs worked swiftly as she wrote a text to Venable: ’Are you alright? Do you need anything? Text me or come to my office if you do.’ When she looked back up, Jenny had already taken a seat as well. “The nerve of that woman…” she murmured after a second.
The girl licked her lips, nodding slowly. “Yeah… I bumped on her at the elevator, so we ended up getting to the office together.” Is she… explaining herself? “She didn’t mention anything regarding you. Or Ms. Venable.”
Setting her phone aside, Billie Dean shook her head. “There’s no need to explain why you were talking to her, Jenny,” she said softly. “The problem I have with her is between the two of us and Wilhemina.” Noticeably, Jenny relaxed a little on her chair.
“I’m your friend, though. Not Emma’s.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be cordial to her.” The last thing Billie wanted right now was for the office to become a war. “Truly, don’t worry about it. Do what feels right to you.” She reached for one of the girl’s hand, squeezing it softly.
With a small smile, Jenny gave her a nod. She squeezed Billie Dean’s hand back. “How are things with Ms. Venable?”
“They’re alright,” Billie chuckled. “Why do you call her like that?”
“That’s how she introduced herself to me, and I definitely don’t want to get scolded by her.”
Laughing a little louder, Billie Dean shook her head. “She won’t scold you.”
“You don’t know that… plus, she might be sweet to you, but she won’t open up to me like that.”
Billie hummed. She crossed her arms and smirked a little. “Are you scared of her?” Jenny’s cheeks blushed. She gasped. “You are!”
“It’s not my fault! She won’t really talk to me or show any emotions, how can I know what she’s thinking?!”
Laughing yet again, Billie Dean shook her head. “She’s harmless.” The girl hummed. “She really is… and very caring.”
“Go on…”
“Go on, you owe me some details.” It was Jenny’s turn to let out a smirk.
“Don’t we have work to do?” Billie tried ignoring her own hot cheeks, but the corners of her lips kept on tugging up.
“Don’t even try.”
“Fair.” Billie Dean playfully rolled her eyes. “What do you want to know?” Her voice was a little quieter, now.
“Everything! Is she a good kisser? How’s her house? Have you two survived the weekend without sex?”
“Jenny!” Billie covered her face with her palms. The girl chuckled. “Yes, beautiful, yes.”
“Your answers.”
“You can do better than that for the person who practically forced you to tell her how you felt.”
Groaning, Billie Dean peeked through her fingers before setting her hands back down. She bit her lower lip as she thought. “Her touches are… very gentle,” she began slowly. “Her kisses taste like wine, her house smells like lavender and so does her skin… she has a cat who’s the sweetest animal I’ve ever met, and she changes completely when she’s comfortable. She’s always making sure I’m not hungry, nor cold, nor uncomfortable… she hates my cold feet,” she chuckled, eyes far away. “And she is… well, she’s everything I thought she was. We’re both not worried about sex… we talked, got to know more of each other… watched Ratatouille,” she chuckled again. “Ordered food, slept in, spent the day in pajamas… cuddled, stared at each other… kissed a few times… and then Monday came, and we met at the kitchen before, you know...” She blinked twice, honey eyes focusing on Jenny again. The girl had a bright smile as she watched her. “Satisfied?” Billie arched an eyebrow.
“Very much so.” With her smirk growing more and more, Jenny kept on staring at Billie Dean.
“What?” Billie’s cheeks kept on getting hotter.
“Nothing,” Jenny shook her head. She let out a chuckle as she looked down and to her phone, starting to type on it. Billie Dean frowned. “I just think you’re in love,” she said after a minute.
Billie Dean hummed. I am. She reached for her own phone as well. There were no texts from Wilhemina, nor had she seen the one Billie had just sent her. I hope she’s okay. Taking a deep breath, she looked back at the girl. “Should we look at the pictures?”
In the main office, Venable stared at the computer in front of her. Her hands had only now stopped shaking, and her heart was finally going back to normal. She had taken a Valium about ten minutes ago, in the bathroom. From the corner of her eye, she could see Emma on her desk, working as if everything was normal, with her hair perfectly done and makeup in place. I should have never let her in. Was it a mistake to let Billie Dean in, too? Wilhemina nibbled on the inside of her cheeks, trying desperately to focus on the excel sheet in front of her. Will Billie hurt me, too? Venable took a deep breath, eyes refusing to leave the monitor. Stop. Stop it. Billie Dean wasn’t like Emma. She hesitantly began to work on the report, using all of her inner strength to not allow her mind to slip at any dark places. It still did, from time to time, but the thoughts eventually calmed down. And then they became normal again, when the report was nearly done. She kept on working, only stopping when everything was ready to print. Reaching for her cane, Wilhemina got up. She waited for the papers to be done printing and reached for an envelope, slipping them inside before making her way to the hallway. As she had just walked past the kitchen, a voice invaded her ears.
“Wilhemina?” Emma called from behind. With a frown, Venable turned around. Oh, fuck off. “Can we talk?”
Holding back a chuckle at how utterly delirious that question was, Venable shook her head. “No, we can not.” She promptly turned back around and kept on walking towards Billie Dean’s office. A hand reached for her arm, and she instantly pulled away. “What the fuck are you doing?!” she whisper-yelled.
“I just want to talk!” Emma took a step back. “You owe me that!”
“I don’t owe you anything.”
“Oh, please.” Emma had that smug look on her face again. Venable could feel her blood starting to boil already. “You were screwing me not a week ago!”
“Shut up!”
“It’s true! But now that you’re fucking the Billie Dean Howard, you can’t even talk to me?” Emma chuckled bitterly. “Why did you do that?”
“Do what?” Wilhemina’s words barely managed to find their way through her teeth.
“Don’t play stupid, Wilhemina. Why did you leave me for her? Couldn’t you have the decency to tell me before doing anything?” Venable’s molars were back at hurting. Emma took a step closer, causing Wilhemina to back away. “She’s not good for you,” Emma whispered, eyes nearly piercing through Venable’s. “She’s going to use you, and then she’ll discard you. That’s what she does. She can have any thing, any time.”
“Shut up,” Wilhemina hissed out yet again.
“Do you know what she did to Terry?” Emma waited for an answer, but Venable only stared at her. “You don’t know, do you?” Green eyes kept glued on brown ones. “It started just like that… and then she was fired when Billie Dean was done playing with her. That’s what is going to happen to you, too.” Slowly, Emma reached to play with a fiery lock.
Wilhemina moved her head away. “Do not touch me.” She fought not to allow her eyes to fill with tears.
“Meet me for lunch… I’ll tell you everything.”
With her body as tense as an elastic being pulled too hard, Venable shook her head. “Leave us alone,” she growled and turned around, stopping to walk only when she reached Billie Dean’s office. Taking a deep breath, Wilhemina closed her eyes for a second; matching tears slipped down, and she quickly wiped them away. Once she opened her eyes again, Venable cleared her throat and knocked at the door, posture as neat as always. In no time, Jenny peeked out.
“Oh,” the girl quickly stepped aside. “Come on in.”
“Thank you.” With her breath a little labored again, Wilhemina stepped inside. Her eyes instantly fell on Billie; on how gorgeous she looked, sitting behind the wooden table with her eyes focused on a stack of papers on top of it. As her heels clacked on the floor, honey eyes looked up to meet her. Billie Dean opened a smile, and Venable felt her insides melting a little.
“I’ll go get some coffee.” With a wink to Billie, Jenny was quick to close the door and leave them alone.
Billie Dean couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as she sat up straight. She doesn’t even like coffee. Her eyes went back to Wilhemina again. She looks nervous. “Hi, darling.”
Darling. Venable bit her inner cheek. “Hello.” She stepped closer, setting the envelope on the table. “The report you asked me for.”
“Perfect.” Billie Dean backed the chair away. “Come here.”With a gulp, Venable walked around the table, standing right in front of Billie. With a smile, Billie Dean got up. They stared at each other, and only now, up close, Billie realized the tiny, almost unnoticeable smears of tears on Wilhemina’s beautiful cheeks. She frowned. “You were crying…” What did that woman say to her? Instantly, she reached for Venable’s free hand and tangled their fingers together. “What happened?”
Wilhemina took a deep breath. She kept her eyes glued on honey ones, afraid to look away. “Nothing happened.” Don’t you dare.
Oh no. Billie didn’t like when Venable lifted her walls like that, for it nearly always meant something bad. “Wilhie…” Her fingers caressed the digits between them, and she could see, behind those dark brown eyes, the inner struggle going on inside Wilhemina. “Was it Emma?” It was hesitant, but Venable nodded before looking down. Billie Dean’s frown grew. “What did she do?” She’s not caressing my hand back. Billie had a feeling she already knew what Emma had done.
Good. Explain yourself, now. Wilhemina squeezed the cane a little harsher. “She just… she asked me out for lunch.” She looked at Billie Dean again. Should I trust her like that? Was it safe to let her in? Would she be another Terry? What had even happened between Billie and Terry?
“What—what did you say?” Does she regret me?
“I said no, of course.” Venable watched how Billie’s chest had begun to move a little faster. She’s nervous. Wilhemina could feel herself starting to grow overwhelmed, and Billie Dean’s fingers no longer felt right tangled in her own. As gentle as she could, Venable pulled her hand away. Billie blinked once, glancing down at their hands. The look that settled on Billie Dean’s face caused Wilhemina to feel even more disappointed in herself. I’m hurting her. But her whole body refused to allow itself to be touched, to be felt, to be noticed as something that existed in physical form. Billie only nodded, waiting for Venable to say something else, anything else. Wilhemina’s jaw was tense again. “B-Billie, what happened between you and Terry?”
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shortmexicangirl · 1 year
graphical representation of how songs on Speak Now (Taylor's Version) correspond to different miraculous ships/characters because YEAHHHH DATA!!!
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full breakdown of each song and their corresponding category under the cut!
mine - feligami
“You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded / You say we’ll never make our parents mistakes”
sparks fly - marichat (in elation)
“Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain”
back to december - first half of s5 ladynoir
“You gave me roses and I left them there to die”
speak now - adrienette (in emotion)
“Horrified looks from everyone in the room / But I'm only lookin' at you”
dear john - adrien @ gabriel agreste (gabriel agreste SUCKS #1)
“Well, maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame / Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love and take it away”
mean - marinette @ gabriel agreste (in pretension specifically) (gabriel agreste SUCKS #2)
“All you are is mean / And a liar, and pathetic / And alone in life, and mean / And mean, and mean, and mean”
story of us - s4 ladynoir
“A simple complication / Miscommunications lead to fall out / So many things that I wish you knew / So many walls up I can't break through”
never grow up – emilie @ adrien
“You got nothing to regret / I'd give all I have, honey / If you could stay like that”
enchanted — love square
“These are the words I held back / As I was leaving too soon / I was enchanted to meet you / Please, don't be in love with someone else”
better than revenge — marinette @ lila
"She's not a saint and she's not what you think, she's an actress"
innocent — ladybug (in strike back)
“Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days? / Always a bigger bed to crawl into / Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything / And everybody believed in you?”
haunted — ladynoir (post chat blanc)
“I'm holding my breath / Won't lose you again / Something's made your eyes go cold”
last kiss — ok… i’ve always said this song is ladynoir because i miss them and i’m biased but post revolution it’s gotta be adrienette
“I do recall now the smell of the rain / Fresh on the pavement, I ran off the plane / That July ninth, the beat of your heart / It jumps through your shirt / I can still feel your arms”
long live — ladynoir (always but especially in revolution)
“Long live all the mountains we moved / I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you / I was screaming, "Long live that look on your face" / And bring on all the pretenders I’m not afraid”
ours — adrienette
“I love the riddles that you speak / And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos / Will be ignored, 'cause my heart is yours”
superman — ladrien (adrien’s pov) (these specific lyrics are LITERALLY that chat blanc ladrien scene)
“I'm lovestruck and looking out the window / Don't forget, don't forget where I'll be / Right here, wishing the flowers were from you / Wishing the card was from you”
electric touch — adrienette (post kwami’s choice)
marinettes pov: “Just the first time ever hangin' out with you tonight / I've got my money on things goin' badly / Got a history of stories ending sadly / Still hoping that the fire won't burn me / Just one time” adriens pov: “I've been left in the rain, lost and pining / I'm tryin' hard not to look like I'm trying / ‘Cause every time I tried hard for love, it fell apart”
when emma falls in love - marinette dupain-cheng
“When Emma falls in love, she paces the floor / Closes the blinds and locks the door / When Emma falls in love, she calls up her mom / Jokes about the ways that this one could go wrong / She waits and takes her time / 'Cause Little Miss Sunshine always thinks it's gonna rain"
i can see you — feligami
“I've been watchin' you for ages / And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it / But what would you do if I went to touch you now? / What would you do if they never found us out?”
castles crumbling — ladybug (in strike back)
“And I feel like my castle's crumbling down / And I watch all my bridges burn to the ground / And you don't want to know me, I will just let you down / You don't wanna know me now”
foolish one —adrigami (kagami’s pov)
“Cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings / I'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring / And you will say you had the best of intentions / And maybe I will finally learn my lesson”
timeless — love square
“We would have been timeless / Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this / So, even in a different life, you still would've been mine”
ok and i'm DONE! join me next time i try to push my taylor x miraculous agenda on you all
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 10 months
no choice but to love you pt. 6
AO3 Link (a little behind, but better edited)
“Is that little man your Timothy?” the grandmotherly woman asked, adjusting her glasses to better peer at him. Tim knew his cue well and stepped out from behind his mother with a shy little wave. He was always so good about them trotting him out in front of Gotham’s elite and Jack’s business partners.
“It is,” Janet confirmed, easily steering them both closer so Emma could get a better look. “He prefers Tim or Timmy.”
“Oh, honey. You know, you just missed bring your kid to work day,” Emma said as she slid her top desk drawer open to rifle through it.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he said, clearly unsure of what that was or why it was important to note that he’d missed it, but polite to a fault. “Going forward, I’ll keep that in mind.”
Emma laughed, ridiculously charmed by this little gentleman that memorized Jack’s “business talk” like a second language even if he didn’t seem to understand entirely.
“Aren’t you just the sweetest little boy?” she asked and pulled out a small handful of round candies. “I could just eat you up. Here, come take some candy.”
Tim’s hand twitched in Janet’s and it became an honest struggle not to laugh. Not that it was funny that a careless internet search had half traumatized her child, not at all, but an honest fear of cannibals hiding in plain sight was probably not a bad fear for a child from Gotham.
And it brought her a valuable lesson about bringing shop talk to the dinner table as well as leaving her laptop unsecured and idling, ready to be taken advantage by little geniuses.
“Go ahead,” she murmured, nudging him a little. He shot her a wild look before shuffling forward to pluck a red candy from the offered bunch, quick as a bird with a worm. Before Emma could offer another, he was back tucking himself against Janet’s side. She smiled a little. “Sorry, Emma. He can be a little hot and cold.”
“Don’t you worry about it,” she said and deposited the rest of the candies back in her drawer. They both politely pretended they didn’t hear the soft crinkling of plastic as Tim unwrapped his treat and popped it in his mouth, quick but shy. “Jason used to be the same way, you know. One day he’d tell me all about his classes and what he got to read that week – and believe me, he said got to – and the next he would look at me like I was trying to poison him. Of course, that’s also the time I switched my Lifesavers for raisins… Say, you don’t think that had anything to do with it, do you?”
Janet laughed appropriately at the joke, nervous at the thought of Jason. Not that he seemed like a bad boy – a bit reclusive, maybe, but someone new in Tim’s life. “He sounds like a character.”
“Oh, he’s a delight,” Emma assured her. “You’ll love him, I promise.”
“Ah, so you…” Know.
“I do,” she said with a firm nod. “I’ve managed Mr. Wayne’s calendar for most of his life and his daddy’s before him. He hasn’t been going around shouting it from the rooftops, but it’s a little hard not to make the connection.”
It made sense even if Janet was struck by the urge to just start screaming. The secret was out—there was no popping a pin back in this grenade. From here on out they would have to move fast.
Janet looked down at Tim. Tim, lips shiny and red, tipped his head back to look at her. There was nothing but calm trust in his eyes. He was being so brave about this, about everything. She owed this to him.
“I just hope they’ll like him,” she confessed. She looked back to Emma, smiling awkwardly, only to be met with a knowing look. “I know the timing is… bad.”
“You’re afraid of Ms. al Ghul,” she concluded. “She’s a bit of a character herself, but she loves her family.”
Well, that’s what Janet was afraid of.
Tim wasn’t her family. Hell, Dick Grayson was Bruce’s cherished first son and the spats between him and Talia were frequent and well documented. Talia, the bold woman that appeared nearly a year ago seemingly out of nowhere to take her place at Bruce Wayne’s side. The two weren’t married, true, but they were clearly partners in their shared life.
But Bruce told her not to worry about Talia. She had to trust that Bruce knew what he was talking about and that Tim wouldn’t be sent into the lion’s den.
“I just worry,” she finished quietly. No one could blame her for that. “Is Bruce free now?”
“Oh, yes! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you for so long,” she said and smiled at Tim again. Janet felt him press closer and knew that she was going to have to have a conversation with him about how Emma was emphatically not a cannibal. “I just wanted to meet the new baby.”
Tim normally would fight the baby allegations to his last breath, but he was clearly cowed by such a fearsome foe. Janet nodded to Emma one more time before pulling Tim through the door behind her and into Bruce’s office.
Bruce looked up from his computer as soon as she cracked the door open, eyes immediately falling on Tim. He shuffled in beside her, eyes also finding Bruce. For a long moment, the father and son simply looked at one another.
Tim broke their impromptu staring contest first to look up at Janet again. In a whisper a little too loud to be secret, he asked, “Is that him?”
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queen-dahlia · 1 year
𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐯𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧
𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟲 + 𝗟𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿
Kougyoku/Ruby/Red Jade. I decided to go for the Ruby Country instead, will edit this once Act 3 is out xD
Note: Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect grammatical errors.
// : alternate translation | ⫘⫘ : flashback | 4:4 answer
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Jin inspired me to look for Luke, but the search was more difficult than I expected.
Emma: "Hmmm... this would be the place."
Cyril: "No… Isn't it over there?"
Together with Cyril, we wade through the surrounding bushes to find Luke.
We were searching all over the court, but there was no sign of him.
(I made some honey cookies, too.)
Clavis: "Luke never misses a hint of honey, no matter how far away it is."
Nokto: "Whether he's on official business or eating, as long as he smells the honey, he'll definitely come."
(… Maybe the scent is not reaching him.)
Stepping away from the bushes, I put the basket filled with cookies on the ground.
When I opened the lid, the fragrant scent mixed with the scent of roses and flew up with the wind.
(I'm sure this will—)
???: "Wow, that looks delicious."
A hand reaching out from behind snatches the cookie away.
I wanted to hold the black gloves that entered my vision head-on, as if they were a slap in the face of reality.
Gilbert: "Hmm... is this a honey cookie? They are delicious with just the right amount of sweetness."
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(I caught a completely different person.)
Prince Gilbert ate the cookies without hesitation.
I hurriedly took the basket away from him, and he looked blatantly unhappy.
Gilbert: "I'm a guest of honor."
Emma: "Just because you're a guest of honor doesn't mean you're allowed to do whatever you want."
Emma: "I made these for Luke."
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Gilbert: "Eh, you're serving another man a home-cooked meal while I'm here? I'm so hurt."   //   "I can't believe you would cook for another man when you have me. That hurts my feelings."
Emma: "… I won't play along with that joke."
Gilbert: "Even though you promised me you'd teach me how to love? Little Bunny, you're so cold."
(… Prince Gilbert is the same as usual.)
The emotionless red eye and the refreshing smile that seems to have no meaning have not changed at all.
Maybe I'm the one who has changed.
(Just facing him like this is painful. …What is this?)
Gilbert: "In general, Luke isn't here, right?"
Emma: "That's the problem."
Gilbert: "… Ah, you're still looking for Luke?"
(I can't believe you can tell just from the conversation we just had.)
Gilbert: "If you leave him alone, he'll show up sooner or later, you know?"
Emma: "I want to see him now. The cookies are getting cold."
Gilbert: "Then I'll eat it for you."
Emma: "I'll make another one next time. For Prince Gilbert!"
Gilbert: "…… Didn't I tell you? Once in a while, I want to eat something other than cookies."
Emma: "For example…"
Gilbert: "Like Little Bunny's favorite food."
(My favorite food is... I have so many sweets, I can't even narrow it down.)
(I made cookies because they were suitable for mass production, but I think I'll prepare something more next time.)
Gilbert: "Hehe, I’m looking forward to it."
Prince Gilbert smiled innocently and didn't seem to be lying or flattering.
(W-Well, more importantly...)
(As Prince Gilbert said, I wonder if he will come out after a while.)
(If he's not there after all this searching of the court, it's possible he's out on the town…)
(But I don't know why... I can't stop feeling uneasy.)
Gilbert: "… Are you worried?"
Prince Gilbert leans over and looks into my face.
When I leaned back at the sudden closeness, I was gently pulled by the shoulder from behind.
Cyril: "You're troubling her, Prince Gilbert."
Gilbert: "Hey, you're here."
Cyril: "I am. Even though you noticed."
Gilbert: "Ahaha, her bodyguard? Your master is funny to assign an ex-soldier of Obsidian as her escort."
Cyril: "That's how much he trusts me."
Gilbert: "It's a feeling that I don't understand. People will betray you without hesitation."
Cyril: "I have no plans to do so."
Cyril: "Young lady, if you don't want to spread any more strange rumors, please be careful of the distance."
Emma: "Yes… Thank you."
(Never let your guard down... Just like Cyril said, I have to be more careful than ever.)
When I carried the basket again with alertness, Prince Gilbert shrugged his shoulders deliberately.
Gilbert: "That's terrible. I was just trying to reassure the little rabbit."
Emma: "Which part of it?"
Gilbert: "All of it."
Emma: ". . . . . ."
Gilbert: "When you feel uneasy for no reason, you should try to sort out the cause in your mind."
Gilbert: "There is always a cause for "uneasiness," even if you are not aware of it."
(… He can see through that kind of thing.)
Gilbert takes one step closer and lightly pokes my forehead with his index finger.
(The cause of my uneasiness… It's true that he might come back at night, but I'm in a hurry to find him.)
(There is also the fact that Jin is looking for him, but why...)
Clavis: "The anti-monarchy group was originally cautious. It's only recently that they've started showing some signs of activity."
Clavis: "Perhaps someone is behind the scenes?"
(… Why did you disappear "now"?)
Luke: "Come on, Gil. You're on the side of the weak, aren't you?"
Luke: "What you are doing is threatening Emma."
Emma: "Does everyone know that Clavis is working with the anti-monarchy faction and sending assassins?"
Luke: "I don't think so. Chevalier probably knows, but I am not sure about the others."
Rio: "Then how did Prince Luke know?"
Luke: "Hmm... wild guess."
Clavis: "I don't like it when you make me work for you, but I have no choice."
Clavis: "I'll go over it again; you don't mind if Nokto comes along, do you?"
Chevalier: "Yeah, but not Jumbo."
Clavis: "Why?"
Chevalier: ". . . . . ."
Chevalier: "Yes. Report to me alone any important findings regarding Eyepatch."
Chevalier: "Trust neither the prince, nor the bureaucrats, nor the servants, nor your butler, nor anyone else."
Emma: "Why is—"
Chevalier: "A number of people from Obsidian's side have already infiltrated the castle."
Chevalier: "It seems that the Worldwide Disaster has begun in earnest... Interesting."
Gilbert: "What's wrong? You look pale."
Prince Gilbert's words fall on deaf ears.
(No way.)
(… No, it wasn't. Now I'm thinking too much.)
The heart starts to beat wildly.
My exhaled breath was blatantly trembling.
Every time I tell my heart that it's different, it hurts like a sharp thorn piercing my chest.
(… Calm down.)
(I'm jumping to conclusions because of Luke's absence.)
(Maybe this is all part of Prince Gilbert's schemes?)
Perhaps seeing through my confusion, Prince Gilbert deepened his smile and cupped my cheek in his cold palm.
Despite his gentle touch, I felt malice touching me.
Gilbert: "What answer did you come up with?"
Emma: "… N-nothing."
Gilbert: "Liar."
(Even if... even if my hunch is correct, Prince Gilbert will surely dodge it.)
(… Prince Chevalier might know something about this…)
(More importantly, I can't wait to see Luke now.)
He was a prince who was kind to me.
He always took care of me when I was pushed by Prince Gilbert, and his concern saved my life many times.
Because he is that kind of prince, I want to believe in him.
Emma: "I must find Luke..."
???: "Did you call me?"
Emma: "!?"
A hushed voice sounds as if to break the tense atmosphere.
The person I was looking for appeared in the garden in a strange way, though I couldn't see him because Prince Gilbert was the obstacle. **
It's just as usual as it is disappointing—
Gilbert: "Ahaha… Didn't I tell you, Little Bunny? If you leave him alone, he will come back soon."
Gilbert: "I don't know what you were imagining, but your face is funny."
Luke: "… Gilbert, what did you do?"
Gilbert: "You're the one who did something."
Luke: "Huh? You're talking nonsense—"
Luke: "More than that, I can smell the honey."
(I got distracted all at once.)
Luke stares at the basket and smiles bitterly.
Emma: "I made honey cookies. Please have some if you like."
Gilbert: "... Even though you won't give it to me."
Emma: "Prince Gilbert would eat it all."
Gilbert: "If it runs out, you can just make some more, right?"
Luke: "You're not being mature."
Opening the lid of the basket again, Luke reaches for the cookies.
(Really, as always…)
Prince Gilbert's hand was also in the mix, but I decided to let it slide.
Emma: "Luke, where have you been?"
Luke: "Outside. …I was just walking around to get things off my mind."
(I guess that means he was taking a walk. It seems my fears were wrong.)
Emma: "I'm glad everything is alright. Jin was worried about you, you know?"
Luke stops for a moment and grabs the cookie again.
Luke: "Why? I ain't doing anything to worry him."
Gilbert: "What are you talking about, a man who suddenly disappears without telling anyone where he's going?"
Luke: "… I'll be careful."
Emma: "I would really appreciate it if you would—"
(. . . . . .)
I casually looked up at Luke's face and saw his leaf-colored eyes, which were dark and stagnant.
Maybe it is just the light that makes it look that way, but a sudden chill runs down my spine.
(Is it my imagination…?)
Gilbert: "Little Bunny, I think you should worry about yourself rather than worrying about other people."
A soft voice brings me back to my senses.
The last piece was absorbed by the mouth of Prince Gilbert.
Gilbert: "Even right now… heh heh."
Emma: "What is it?"
Gilbert: "No? I just thought Cyril was in trouble."
Cyril: "… Don't say anything unnecessary."
Gilbert: "It depends on my mood."
(What is he talking about?)
It only stirs up anxiety, but the core of the issue is clouded.
When I turned to Cyril, he just shook his head with a bitter look on his face.
Luke clapped his hands on purpose, perhaps feeling uncomfortable with the strange silence that suddenly fell.
Luke: "By the way, there was a huge commotion at the castle gate before I came here."
Emma: "Commotion?"
Luke: "Oh, it's just... Some guy with a katana is making a lot of disturbance."
Luke: "It looked like it was going to be a lively situation, so I ran out to the garden, but I wonder what happened in the end."
Gilbert: "… Not a sword, but a katana…?"
Luke: "Yes. If I'm not mistaken, it was a weapon used in the Ruby area. It has a unique shape."
Luke: "He was a very flashy guy, too. He looked kind of angry."
(A man with a flashy appearance and a katana...)
(... Oh, is that—)
Gilbert: "… Wow, I heard he was in Tanzanite, so I let my guard down."
Emma: "Prince Gilbert?"
As soon as I thought I heard a muffled murmur, Prince Gilbert quickly flipped his cloak.
Gilbert: "I've got to go, I've got urgent business to attend to."
Emma: "Eh…"
Luke: "Hey, you can't just eat and run."
Gilbert: "I'll thank you at night."
With a fluttering wave of his hand, the black figure quickly disappears into the distance.
(He seemed unusually impatient, but I wonder what's wrong.)
(… Oh well.)
Emma: "Luke, about that guy who was making all that commotion—"
???: "Please wait! Akatsuki, calm down!"
???: "I'm calm enough."
???: "Your eyes are bloodshot! Emma is safe!"
???: "I won't believe it until I see her with my own eyes."
(Oh, I knew that voice...!)
Cyril: "Young lady!?"
As soon as I started running, Cyril and Luke followed behind me.
Before long, I saw several soldiers and Rio chasing a man dressed in shiny clothes.
The traditional costume of the Ruby Country, far away from here, which is unfamiliar to us here in Rhodolite, flutters in the wind,
My eyes meet the eyes of a man holding a katana, which, unlike a sword, has a unique curve to it.
Akatsuki: "Emma!"
Emma: "Owner—!"
Luke: "Owner?"
Emma: "The owner of the bookstore where I work and patronize."   //   "The owner of the bookstore where I work—I'm a fan of it."
Luke and Cyril: "Eh."
When I changed the words and conveyed it, Luke and Cyril widened their eyes.
A person who usually travels around the world in search of rare books,
Despite the clothes that made it difficult for him to move, he ran through the garden like a gale and came to my side.
Akatsuki: "Are you all right?"
Emma: "Y-Yes."
(By the looks of it, he seems to know the situation I'm in.)
(… No, it's obvious.)
Rumors about me are circulating throughout the city, and people I know would visit the bookstore.
Emma: "When did you return to Rhodolite?"
Akatsuki: "A few days ago. …I heard rumors that a "Trampling Beast" had appeared in Rhodolite, so I hurried back."
Emma: "… You're worried about me."
(The owner, who is supposed to be in another country, even rushed over like this.)
Akatsuki: "I had a bad feeling about this."
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Akatsuki: "I've known for a long time that that man was interested in you."
(... "You've known for a long time"?)
The normally mild-mannered owner looks around with a demonic expression on his face.
Rio and the soldiers, who arrived late, couldn't hide their confusion.
Akatsuki: "Where is he?"
Emma: "… Um, who?"
Akatsuki: "Gilbert von Obsidian."
Luke: "He was here a while ago, but then he just disappeared."
Akatsuki: "… He ran away?"
(He's angry… I've known the owner since I was a kid, but I've never seen him look like this.)
Rio: "Just for the record, what are you planning to do after meeting Prince Gilbert?"
Akatsuki: "Kill him."
Everyone: "!?"
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Akatsuki: "How dare he commit a shameless act on my daughter in front of the public…"
(Shameless act… Huh…)
(Uwaaaa!? The owner even heard about it!)
Even though I forced it out of my head, I remember the feeling of his cold lips.
(I see… Maybe… He heard what happened yesterday, and this is how he got into the castle...)
(The owner is so... overprotective that sometimes I think he's my dad.)
After covering his face with his hands, the owner finally pulled his katana out of its scabbard.
Rio: "I'm sorry, Emma. I can't stop him!"
Emma: "Owner, please! Calm down!"
Akatsuki: "Even if you ask me, I can't let a man who deserves death live."
Soldier: "Sir Cyril! Stop him!"
Cyril: "No, no, no, his eyes are set on something, and I can't do it or he'll kill me." **
Luke: "Ah… I don't know…"
Luke: "… For now, I'll get you some tea."
Akatsuki: "I am sorry."
I guess the desperate pleading of Rio and me, and the honey tea that Luke had brought, had done the trick,
The owner finally put his katana away and took a deep breath in the garden's tea ceremony space.
Rio: "… I'm so glad you had second thoughts. I know what it's like to want to kill."
Akatsuki: "I haven't given up on that."
Emma: "Please give up..."
Akatsuki: "No, I must take responsibility."
Akatsuki: "… It's my fault that Gilbert set his sights on you."
Emma: "What do you mean?"
(Does the owner know Prince Gilbert in the first place?)
The world disaster, the trampling beast—there are not many people who can call the infamous prince aside.
As if he understood my question, the owner pulled out a tag from his pocket.
Perhaps due to its age, the color had changed, and it was somewhat dirty.
But the national emblem of Obsidian was clearly engraved on it,
Luke, Rio, and Cyril were all speechless.
Rio: "This is..."
Akatsuki: "Pass."
Akatsuki: "Obsidian has strict information controls, restricting the comings and goings of merchants."
Akatsuki: "But I am a book merchant of the Imperial Court. I am allowed to go in and out of Obsidian."
Emma: "… I didn't know that."
Akatsuki: "For Rhodolite, the country name "Obsidian" is taboo."
Akatsuki: "I couldn't tell you because of that, but I always brought back souvenirs."
Akatsuki: "That black book you've been liking lately…"
Gilbert: "Of course. That's a very popular book in my country."
Emma: "I see... you mean this book was from Obsidian!?"
Gilbert: "Yep. You didn't know?"
Emma: "Yeah… I never thought there was a book from Obsidian here in Rhodolite…"
(… If I think about it for a minute, I would realize that the owner has a connection with Obsidian.)
Akatsuki: "It all started with a little chat."
The owner sips at the honey tea and stares off into the distance.
Akatsuki: "When I sold books to Gilbert, I often mentioned you as small talk."
Emma : "… Like what…"
Akatsuki: "It's not much."
Akatsuki: "There's a girl in Rhodolite who loves books. A girl who is kind and compassionate to everyone…"
Akatsuki: "What books does she usually read, what kind of things does she like, what happened to her the other day…"
Akatsuki: "The more I talked about you, the more interested Gilbert became."
Akatsuki: "The story of a kind-hearted girl from a foreign country must have been a kind of entertainment for him."
Akatsuki: "I also ended up saying that this was something I was not involved in." **
Akatsuki: "I never thought this would happen…"
The owner, with his head in his hands, seemed to seriously regret his decision.
(I was a bit surprised, but relieved…)
Gilbert: "I know everything about her."
Silvio: "Such as?"
Gilbert: "There's a bakery near her house, run by an elderly couple. She likes their sandwiches."
Gilbert: "She likes to go to a hill overlooking the city with a sandwich and a drink and read a book."
Gilbert: "One time, she read from morning till evening, and she caught a bad cold."
Gilbert: "At the time, everyone in town was worried. It seems there was a bit of a commotion."
(—I'm convinced that the owner told him all of that, too.)
A sigh of relief is breathed as the identity of the unseen horror is unexpectedly revealed.
Luke: "… Hey. Why is he so interested in the story of a common woman?"
Akatsuki: "I don't know. I've never asked why..."   //   "I don't know. I never heard the reason…"
Akatsuki: "Perhaps it was because of the resemblance."
Rio: "Of who?"
Akatsuki: "Emma."
Emma: "I'm like Prince Gilbert…?"   //   "Prince Gilbert is like me…?"
Luke: "No way."
Rio: "That's not true!"
Cyril: "Uh… certainly."
Mixed in with Luke and Rio, who shake their heads in dismissal of the joke, I hear only one affirmative voice.
Everyone's eyes were on Cyril.
Cyril: "… Well, to be precise, it was "similar," wasn't it?"
Cyril: "You see, young lady, you are the kind of person who looks out for others and not yourself, aren't you?"
Cyril: "You protected Prince Gilbert from the deadly blade during the soiree... That's how it is."
Akatsuki: "Oh, yes. He's a different man now, but he was once a man with a beautiful heart."
Akatsuki: "... To the point of being very dangerous."
(. . . . . .)
Emma: "Prince Gilbert's heart is full of scars."
Emma: "… You've been hurt so much that you've probably forgotten how much pain you're in."
(… He's suffering.)   //   (… He's in pain.)
Emma: "If that is indeed the case... how did Prince Gilbert become a beast?"
Emma: "… How can I turn you back into a person?"
I ask with hope in my heart that the owner and Cyril might know something.
Cyril seemed to have no idea, but the owner did.
Akatsuki: "I don’t know. You must never know the reason."
Emma: "… Is it a national secret?"
Akatsuki: "It's not like that, but if you know, you'll end up becoming a traitor to the country of roses."
Emma: "Eh…"
Rio: "… What do you mean?"
(Traitor... that can't be right.)
(I love Rhodolite, and I know all about it.)
But for some reason, his expression becomes tense.
It was as if I had something to be guilty of, even though I had no idea what it was.
The owner seemed to have noticed the subtleties of the situation.
Akatsuki: "Emma… don't feel sympathy for Gilbert. Don't empathize."
Akatsuki: "The kind-hearted young man is gone. The current Gilbert is now a "Trampling Beast".
The owner reaches for a stained tag that was on the table.
Akatsuki: "... It is easy to dye white to black. But it is difficult to dye black to white."
Akatsuki: "To sympathize with him means that you will be dyed black."
(… Owner…)
My image overlaps with the clutched tag.
I couldn't say anything back.
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To the poor little rabbit.
Thanks again for your response.
You asked me about me this time?
But… You want me to tell you about me when I was a kid...
Little Bunny just doesn't seem to be interested in the current me, huh?
I'm starting to get jealous of me as a child.
Jokes aside, I loved reading when I was a kid.
Then, I loved making all kinds of things.
I've always been good with my hands and could make anything if I wanted to. ...I still am.
That's right, should I make a dress for the little rabbit next time?
I can also process jewelry, so that is also a set.
The pitch-black dress, the obsidian necklace—it would be fun to dye the little rabbit in my colors.
By the way, now you're probably wondering what happened to my story as a child, aren't you?
I don't have much fun to tell you. So I won't tell you any more.
I want you to like me.
Gilbert von Obsidian
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bittwitchy · 1 year
Speak Now Taylor's Version Sentence Starters except its just the vault songs and better than revenge
change pronouns as necessary, combine lyrics if you want, yada yada, this is purely self indulgent tbh. BTR is here bc of the updated lyrics.
Better Than Revenge
"Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did" "time for a little revenge" "The story starts when it was hot and it was summer" "I had him right there where I wanted him" "She took him faster than you can say "Sabotage"" "I never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it" "I underestimated just who I was dealing with" "She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum" "She underestimated just who she was stealing from" "She's not a saint and she's not what you think" "He was a moth to the flame" "She was holding the matches, woah" "she's gonna find stealing other people's toys on the playground won't make you many friends" "There is nothing I do better than revenge" "She looks at life like it's a party and she's on the list" "She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it" "I think her ever-present frown is a little troubling" "She thinks I'm psycho 'cause I like to rhyme her name with things" "sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know" "pushing people down to get you where you wanna go" "they didn't teach you that in prep school so it's up to me" "But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity" "I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey" "You might have him, but haven't you heard?" "I always get the last word" "Do you still feel like you know what you're doing?" "I don't think you do" "Let's hear the applause" "Come on, show me how much better you are"
Electric Touch (Feat. Fall Out Boy)
"Just breathe, just relax, it'll be ok" "Just the first time ever hanging out with you" "I've got my money on things going badly" "Got a history of stories ending sadly" "Still hoping that the fire won't burn me" "Just one time, just one time" "All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life" "Got a feeling your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life" "And I want you now, wanna need you forever" "In the heat of your electric touch" "I've been left in the rain lost and pining" "I'm trying hard not to look like I'm trying" "Cause every time I tried hard for love it fell apart" "I've gotten used to no one calling my phone" "I've grown accustomed to sleeping alone" "Still I know that all it takes is to get it right" "Just one time, just one time" "I was thinking just one time maybe the stars align" "And maybe I call you mine" "And you won't need space" "string me along when you decide"
when emma falls in love
"When ___ falls in love, she paces the floor" "Closes the blinds and locks the door" "Jokes about the ways that this could go wrong" "She waits and takes her time 'cause little miss sunshine always thinks it's gonna rain" "I know that boy will never be the same" "'Cause she's the kind of girl that you can't put down" "And all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had a chance to love her" "And to tell you the truth, sometimes I wish I was her" "Hangs in the air like stars in outer space" "she disappears, and we all just laugh after seein' it all these years" "When ___ falls apart, it's when she's alone" "She won't walk away unless she knows she absolutely has to leave" "She won’t lose herself in love the way I did" "'Cause she'll call you out, she'll put you in your place" "met a boy with eyes like a man" "Turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand" "Now he'll be her shelter when it rains" "Little does he know, his whole world's about to change" "Yeah between me and you, sometimes I wish I was her"
I can see you
"I’ve been watching you for ages" "Spend my time tryin' not to feel it" "But what would you do if I went to touch you now?" "What would you do if they never found us out?" "What would you do if we never made a sound?" "'Cause I can see you waitin’ down the hall from me" "And I can see you up against the wall with me" "What would you do? Maybe if you only knew" "Then we kept everything professional, 'cause" "Something's changed something I like" "They keep watch for eyes on a stow" "So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet" "You won't believe half the things I see inside my bed" "Wait till you see half the things that haven't happened yet" "I can see you in your suit and your neck-tie" "Passed me a note saying, "Leave me tonight"" "Then you kissed and you know I won’t ever tell" "And I can see you being my addiction" "You can see me as a secret mission" "Right away and I will stop behaving myself"
Castles Crumbling (Feat Hayley Williams)
"Once, I had an empire in a golden age" "I was held up so high, I used to be great" "They used to cheer when they saw my face" "Now, I fear I have fallen from grace" "And I feel like my castle's crumbling down" "And I watch all my bridges burn to the ground" "And you don't want to know me, I will just let you down" "You don't wanna know me now" "Once, I was the great hope for a dynasty" "Crowds would hang on my words and they trusted me" "Their faith was strong, but I pushed it too far" "I held that grudge 'til it tore me apart" "Power went to my head and I couldn't stop" "Ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off" "And here I sit alone behind walls of regret" "Falling down like promises that I never kept" "My foes and friends watch my reign end" "I don't know how it could've ended this way" "Smoke billows from my ships in the harbor" "People look at me like I'm a monster" "Now they're screaming at the palace front gates" "Used to chant my name" "Now they're screaming that they hate me" "Never wanted you to hate me"
Foolish One
"My cards are on the table, yours are in your hands" "Chances are tonight you've already got plans" "And chances are I will talk myself to sleep again" "You give me just enough attention to keep my hopes too high" "Wishful thoughts forget to mention when something's really not right" "And I will block out these voices of reason in my head" "And the voices say, "You are not the exception"" "You will never learn your lesson, foolish one" "Stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love that ain't never gonna come" "You will take the long way, you will take the long way down" "You know how to keep me waiting," "I know how to act like I'm fine" "Don't know what to call this situation but I know I can't call you mine" "And it's delicate, but I will do my best to seem bulletproof" "'Cause when my head is on your shoulder it starts thinking you'll come around" "And maybe someday when we're older this is something we'll laugh about" "Now I'm sliding down the wall with my head in my hands" "How could I not see the signs?" "Oh, you haven't written me or called" "But goodbye screaming in the silence" "And the voices in my head are telling me why" "'Cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings" "I'll get your longing glances but she'll get your ring" "And you will say you had the best of intentions" "And maybe I will finally learn my lesson" "Ain't never gonna come" "Ooh, you will learn the hard way now" "Sitting 'round waiting for confessions of love, they ain't never gonna come" "you should've been walking out" "The day is gonna come for your confessions of love, when all is said and done" "He just wasn't the one, no, he just wasn't the one"
"Down the block there's an antique shop" "something in my head said stop, so I walked in" "On the counter was a cardboard box" "And the sign said, 'Photos twenty five cents each" "Black and white, saw a thirties bride and school lovers laughing on the porch of their first house" "The kinda love that you can only find once in a lifetime" "The kind you don't put down" "And that's when I called you and it's so hard to explain, but in those photos I saw us instead" "somehow I know that you and I would've found each other" "In another life, you still would've turned my head" "On a crowded street in 1944" "you werе headed off to fight in the war" "You still would've been mine" "We would have been timeless" "I would've read your love letter every single night" "prayed to God you'd be coming home all right" "you would've been fine" "We would have been timeless" "'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this" "So even in a different life, you still would've still been mine" "I had to smile when it caught my eye" "There was one of a teenage couple on the driveway" "Holding hands on the way to a dance and the date on the back said 1958" "Which brought me back to the first day I saw you" "Time stood still like something in this old shop" "I thought about it as I started looking 'round at these precious things that time forgot" "That's when I came upon a book covered in cobwebs" "Story of a romance tore apart by fate" "Hundreds of years ago they fell in love like we did" "And I'd die for you in the same way" "In the fifteen hundreds off in a foreign land" "And I was forced to marry another man" "Time breaks down your mind and body" "Don't you let it touch your soul" "It was like an age old classic" "The story started when you said "hello"" "In a crowded room a few short years ago" "And sometimes there's no proof, you just know" "I'm gonna love you when our hair is turning grey" "We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we made" "And you'll say, "Oh my, we really were timeless""
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forthegoob · 3 months
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Random thoughts on season 17 episode 7 :
Joe Goldberg style.
Oh Aisha, what a brilliant twisted mind of your. Your shot are amazing.
If Luke hold the baby at some point in the episode my ovaries will explode.
... The outfit of Penelope. Hello Queen ? I have the same skirt :)
Aww, Luke is affected by the fact the BAU are behind North Star. Honey, you didn't wrote this papers.
Tyler Green smiling ?! Did this happened before ?
OH, I have an anecdote. Back in, 2007 maybe, our dear mister french president Nicolas Sarkozy, wanted to send psychiatrist in kindergartens to identify children who could possibly become delinquent.
BAU files from 93 to 97 ? They need Spencer on that one.
Friends ? FRIENDS ? "Finally" oh Luke, you convince no one here... So it's the end of hope for Garvez, isn't it ? It's seems like they just leave that here. Ok there is the all thing about keep digging and finding treasure but... She kind of "friendzone" him in front of JJ.
Sabbatical ? Because you can't tell her he is on a mission, or because it's a hole in the story again ?
Prediction : Emma and the baby are both already dead.
Obviously Rossi slept with Gideon's wife. He was a dog at the time.
"Folie à deux", please say it again Luke. *Blushing*.
JJ and Luke work well, but I miss Tara and Luke.
Of course they made the long shot on Reid's desk, so we can identify with Jill's nostalgia.
The case story was good. We nearly have a case like in the good old days. I even had sympathy for Emma at some point.
Jill Gideon is already a brilliant character. Felicity Huffman was a smart choice, she is an amazing actress.
I wanna talk about criminology and psychology so bad, but I can't because I'm shit in English T_T I have so much though beyond just finding Luke cute. I swear it's frustrating...
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neondiamond · 2 years
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🦋 Recently Read Fics - September 2022 🦋
These are all the amazing fics I read over the past month (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 💜
🦋 Fangs Yells by @larrieblr (500, T)
Louis can never remember that he’s invisible in mirrors.
Without the ability to assess his appearance, Louis instead uses the judgment of his two-thousand years on this world to style his hair, palms carefully perfecting the frizzy mullet the band had decided on as their signature look. A stick of kohl rolls around on the counter; he stops it with a knuckle, then draws two strong black lines on his eyelids. A leather vest hugs his shoulders, and a Gibson Les Paul accompanies him to the stage of the castle they’ve seized as their regular performance venue.
🦋 Swings Said by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright (500, T)
A love story told by five swings who each were there to see a piece of it unfold.
🦋 Gray hair is our forever by @beardyboyzx (919, G)
Harry put his lips together and his smile became bashful, one hand coming back in Louis' hair to caress it lovingly.
He had seen Louis' first gray hair.
His boyfriend was growing older and Harry was there to see it happening.
"You've got one gray hair," he said, voice wet but full of wonder, as if that hair was made out of pure silver. "Your first gray hair."
🦋 Wordplay 2022 fic series by @larrieblr (1k)
A collection of lovely 250-word girl direction fics.
🦋 The Dress by @wabadabadaba (1k, G)
Emma couldn’t respond, as they were being ushered off the red carpet. They also realized Harry was yet again holding the train of their dress, even though it really wasn’t necessary. Harry claimed to be picking up the train to make sure Emma wouldn’t trip in their stiletto heels – as if they hadn’t had practice all their life in heels.
Now that they weren’t in front of hundreds of cameras, Emma twisted around to swat at Harry’s hands to let go. Harry giggled and jerked his hands to the right then the left as Emma tried to hit him.
“Harry, honey,” Emma laughed. “I’m fine.”
🦋 No other shade of blue by @sun-tomato (1k, NR)
“And why are we looking for this very particular, impossible-to-find shade of blue?” Niall asked.
“I need it in my house, in my life, I’ve been missing something, and I just know that that’s it.”
“So, are we looking for a paint or a fabric?” Liam asked sensibly.
“I’m not sure,” Harry admitted. “But I can work with either. The colour is more important than the shape it comes in.”
🦋 Falling For You by @louandhazaf (1k, G)
Five times Harry orders very particular drinks, and one time Louis finds out why. Featuring Starbucks’ fall menu.
🦋 Here Take My Sweater by @tommokat (1k, G)
“Just with me for my foot rubs and my sweaters, huh?”
“You got it!”
🦋 between the lines and my deepest desires by @bymadhatter (1k, G)
Harry’s made 4 unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. On his way after the fifth one, he gets stuck in the elevator with a fellow omega.
🦋 First Checkup by @jaerie (1k, E)
It was months ago that Louis found himself knotted by a stranger after someone spiked the punch at Niall's wedding with sex pollen. Now he has his legs spread for a different reason. Or does he?
🦋 Aqueous Transmission by @littleroverlouis (2k, E)
Louis offers some relief to her pregnant wife, Harry. Then suggests something new.
🦋 All You Need Is Lamb by @loveislarryislove (2k, G)
Louis works at a pet store, and Harry has a dog with very specific tastes. Somehow, Louis is always able to pick out the perfect things that Harry's dog will love. Maybe it's because he's perfect for Harry.
🦋 Congratulations, Mr. President by @onesweetworld18 (2k, G)
Louis holds his first meeting as PTA President at the Boo Hoo Breakfast on the first day of school. Harry is a supportive husband, and Niall is supportive, as always.
🦋 Keep Driving (without me) by @londonfoginacup (2k, T)
It is hour eight of the road trip and Harry Styles is going into heat.
“We should’ve taken two cars,” Ny Oh says.
“We should’ve left Harry behind,” Mitch grumbles.
🦋 The IT Romance Story series by @tommokat (4k, T)
Harry’s new job comes with two main struggles: the technology hating him and the IT tech that’s fixing it all.
🦋 The Origin of Love by @teamlouis2022 (4k, E)
A mini break in the countryside, terrible weather and slow morning sex are the best way to recharge Louis and Harry's batteries after a long tour
🦋 Battle Of The Balls by @greenblueish (5k, M)
“Rim of the hole, Haz, really?” he gazes at the camera again. “This is getting demonetised and honestly, rightfully so. How are we still allowed to make videos? YouTube, why don’t you just do yourself the favour and delete our channels?”
“After everyone sees that I win this game though,” Harry winks, dimples still showing.
or, the one where YouTubers Harry and Louis play Golf With Friends, go to the pub with Niall and return home six hours after posting the video.
🦋 We’re Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood (5k, T)
Hello Harry, this may seem out of the blue, and even weirder if you don’t remember me. We hung out for a few weeks back in the summer of 82. A picture of you showed up on my facebook tonight, I think because we have a few mutual friends on here. I know we haven’t spoken in forty years, but I thought I’d just shoot you a message. I hope you’re doing well. L
Or, the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
🦋 I Remember (The Distances We’ve Covered) by @lululawrence (5k, NR)
@ColleenisStylish: @LouisTomlinson my dad thinks he’s sat next to you on a train from Edinburgh right now, so if you could confirm that would be amazing. His name is Harry and he’s just had white wine and says you’re on red x
Louis glanced at the glass of red wine in his hand before taking a quick look around those nearest him on the train. Just across the aisle in a seat facing him was a man with graying, curly hair falling into his face yet somehow staying above his glasses. He was reading a book as he tapped his foot, seemingly oblivious to everything around him, and there sitting on the table in front of him was a half glass of white wine.
🦋 The Referral by @disgruntledkittenface (5k, E)
Louis has noticed that since he turned fifty, his sex drive has started to slow down. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for his younger boyfriend Harry. A problem solver by nature, Louis wants to do something special for Harry, to show him how much he appreciates him even after ten years together. When he suggests getting a referral for a sex worker to give Harry what he hasn’t been lately, it doesn’t take long for Harry to agree.
And then they meet Tom.
🦋 i swear i could give you everything by @alwaysxlarrie (5k, T)
Louis Tomlinson was not a morning person, so he really should have known better than to start leaving secret notes on coworker Harry Styles' desk before he arrived at the office at 7:30 in the morning. But he had to admit that hearing Harry's reaction everyday was definitely worth it. Not being a morning person might be his downfall in this situation, though.
🦋 Just the Start by @littleroverlouis (9k, M)
Louis is a fifty-two year old divorcé who has fallen into rut. He never anticipated a forced day of self care, and a chance meeting with a charming salon owner would shake him out of his comfort zone.
🦋 serve me up a little hope on the rocks by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (10k, M)
Louis is a bartender who doesn't take drink orders, but just makes drinks based on what he thinks his customers will like. Harry is just another customer. Or is he?
🦋 It’s easy to be loved (I know you wanna be loved) by @djtommotomlinson (14k, T)
Young single father Liam is less than pleased when a group of students rent the house next door on his quiet, suburban street. But then he hadn't expected Louis 'kid whisperer' Tomlinson.
🦋 after hours by @larrieblr (16k, E)
Harry moves like lightning as he slides the books off the shelves into the open, waiting abyss of his bag. Then, as Louis clears the other end of the exhibit just as quickly, he moves on to the display case next to it and the one after that. One flimsy book practically flies open as he picks it up, the paper held together by feeble strings on the spine. He leaves it behind. Not worth selling.
Or, a crime au set in 1980s Chicago.
🦋 All My Roads Lead to You by dandelionfairies (41k, M)
Harry’s stuck in a life he didn’t choose after leaving home at eighteen. Bartending and running drugs were never on his list. Louis is an undercover cop sent in to figure out exactly what’s going on inside of the bar. Neither could have known they’d be drawn to each other.
It’s obvious to Louis that Harry isn’t aware of everything that happens in the backroom. It’s obvious that Nick [Grimshaw] has used Harry’s vulnerability, insecurities, and naivety to keep the man exactly where he wants him.
Harry has never admitted to anyone who he is. They wouldn’t accept him. In fact, he has no doubt that if anyone found out he’s gay, he’d be dead. He doesn’t want to let that wall down for Louis. Because no one can know. But that’s easier said than done. Louis is everything Harry could have ever pictured.
🦋 I Like You, Say It Back by @pocketsunshineharry (43k, E)
“Lou, this is Harry,” Niall says, making Louis pivot straight away to look at Niall with round eyes. “Yes, that Harry,” his friend smirks.
“Hi, who are you? Niall didn’t tell me we were waiting for someone.” Harry says to Niall with a pointed look.
“I’m,” he stutters, “I’m very happy to meet you.” He decides to leave out his name and who he really is. He can already imagine the guy’s smile faltering and him leaving the pub as soon as he hears his name. That’s not what he wants, that’s not what his inner Alpha wants either.
OR the one where it takes a lot of time for Harry and Louis to figure it out. But they do, they always do, don't they?
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jamesmmorgan · 1 year
Taylor Swift Lyric Writing Prompts
We were both young when I first saw you / I close my eyes and the flashback starts / I'm standin' there / On a balcony in summer air / See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns / See you make your way through the crowd - Love Story (Fearless)
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain / and it’s 2AM and I’m cursing your name - The Way I Loved You (Fearless)
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?" / 'Cross the room your silhouette / Starts to make its way to me / The playful conversation starts / Counter all your quick remarks / Like passing notes in secrecy - Enchanted (Speak Now)
So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep / And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe / And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are - Last Kiss (Speak Now)
She’s the kind of book that you can’t put down / like if Cleopatra grew up in a small town - When Emma Falls in Love (Speak Now)
'Cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings / I'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring / And you will say you had the best of intentions / And maybe I will finally learn my lesson - Foolish One (Speak Now)
You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath - All Too Well (Red)
I said, ‘No one has to know what we do,’ / His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room / And his voice is a familiar sound / nothing lasts forever but this is getting good now - Wildest Dreams (1989)
I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy - Don't Blame Me (reputation)
There is an indentation in the shape of you / Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo - Dress (reputation)
Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere - New Year's Day (reputation)
And I screamed for whatever it's worth / "I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? / He looks up grinning like a devil - Cruel Summer (Lover)
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years? - Lover (Lover)
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings - Paper Rings (Lover)
Yeah, I showed up at your party / Will you have me? / Will you love me? / Will you kiss me on the porch / In front of all your stupid friends? / If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? / Will it patch your broken wings? / I'm only 17, I don't know anything / But I know I miss you - betty (folklore)
Your heart was glass, I dropped it - champagne problems (evermore)
I know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it - tolerate it (evermore)
I can't make it go away by making you a villain / I guess it's the price I pay for seven years in heaven / And I pulled your body into mine every goddamn night now I get fake niceties - happiness (evermore)
Now you hang from my lips / like the gardens of Babylon - cowboy like me (evermore)
I touch my phone as if it’s your face - You're On Your Own Kid (Midnights)
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing - Paris (Midnights)
Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you / You're gonna believe them / And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall / But I've found time can heal most anything - Fifteen (Fearless)
I'm thirteen now / And don't know how / My friends could be so mean / I come home crying / And you hold me tight / And grab the keys / And we drive and drive / Until we found a town far enough away / And we talk and window shop / 'Till I forgotten all their names - The Best Day (Fearless)
Your little hand's wrapped around my finger / And it's so quiet in the world tonight / Your little eyelids flutter 'cause you're dreamin' / So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light / To you, everything's funny / You got nothing to regret / I'd give all I have honey / If you could stay like that - Never Grow Up (Speak Now)
Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catchin' days? / And everything out of reach / Someone bigger brought down to you / Wasn't it beautiful runnin' wild 'til you fell asleep / Before the monsters caught up to you? - Innocent (Speak Now)
For a moment, a band of thieves / In ripped up jeans got to rule the world - Long Live (Speak Now)
Will you take a moment? / Promise me this / That you'll stand by me forever / But if, God forbid, fate should step in / And force us into a goodbye / If you have children someday / When they point to the pictures / Please tell them my name - Long Live (Speak Now)
Time breaks down your mind and body / Don't you let it touch your soul - Timeless (Speak Now)
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it / I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it - All Too Well (Red)
The rest of the world is black and white, but we were in screaming color - Out of the Woods (1989)
Is this the end of all endings? / My broken bones are mending / with all these nights we’re spending / up on the roof with a schoolgirl crush / drinking beer out of plastic cups - King of My Heart (reputation)
You drew scars around my stars / and now I’m bleeding - cardigan (folklore)
Love you to the Moon and to Saturn - seven (folklore)
How evergreen, our group of friends - champagne problems (evermore)
Forever is the sweetest con - cowboy like me (evermore)
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes / I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this / I hosted parties and starved my body / Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss / The jokes weren't funny, I took the money / My friends from home don't know what to say / I looked around in a blood-soaked gown / And I saw something they can't take away - You're On Your Own Kid (Midnights)
I took your matches before fire could catch me / So don’t look now - Dear John (Speak Now)
He was a moth to a flame / she was holding the matches - Better Than Revenge (Speak Now)
Remember when you hit the breaks too soon? / Twenty stitches in a hospital room - Out of the Woods (1989)
And I bury hatchets but I keep maps of where I put ‘em - End Game (reputation)
The ties were black, the lies were white / In shades of gray in candlelight / I wanted to leave him, I needed a reason - Getaway Car (reputation)
He poisoned the well, I was lyin' to myself / I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed / We never had a shotgun shot in the dark - Getaway Car (reputation)
We were jet set Bonnie and Clyde - Getaway Car (reputation)
And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? - my tears ricochet (folklore)
They told me all of my cages were mental / so I got wasted like all my potential - this is me trying (folklore)
I think he did it, but I just can't prove it - no body, no crime (evermore)
And I ain't giving up until the day he dies - no body, no crime (evermore)
Good thing my daddy made me get a boating license when I was fifteen / And I've cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a scene / Good thing Este's sister's gonna swear she was with me / Good thing his mistress took out a big life insurance policy - no body, no crime (evermore)
You're a cowboy like me / Perched in the dark / Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear - cowboy like me (evermore)
And the skeletons in both our closets / Plotted hard to fuck this up / And the old men that I've swindled / Really did believe I was the one / And the ladies lunching have their stories about / When you passed through town - cowboy like me (evermore)
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors / And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other - Sweet Nothing (Midnights)
I’m only cryptic and Machiavellian ’cause I care - Mastermind (Midnights)
You drew up some good faith treaties / I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone / You said I have to trust more freely / But diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire / And maybe it's the past that's talkin' / Screamin' from the crypt / Tellin' me to punish you for things you never did / So I justified it - The Great War (Midnights)
He said the way my blue eyes shined / Put those Georgia stars to shame that night / I said, "That's a lie" - Tim McGraw (Debut)
Corey's eyes are like a jungle / He smiles, it's like the radio / He whispers songs into my window / In words that nobody knows - Stay Beautiful (Debut)
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place - All Too Well (Red)
Sapphire tears on my face / Sadness became my whole sky / But some guy said my aura's moonstone / Just 'cause he was high - Bejewelled (Midnights)
Salt streams out my eyes and into my ears / Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness - Bigger Than the Whole Sky (Midnights)
Did some bird flap its wings over in Asia? / Did some force take you because I didn't pray? / Every single thing to come has turned into ashes - Bigger Than the Whole Sky (Midnights)
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die? / Years of tearing down our banners, you and I / Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts / Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first - Would've, Could've, Should've
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SOBH UPDATE almost the end
Something is ending, Bruce.
Yes Emma my darling, sobh is, this chapter is, yours and Julian's London chapter is, Kit's childhood is, Shadowhunters after TWP is, my everythingg is. Honey, tell me what's not ending.
how accurate is this 🤣
 Like, more dramatic than vampires, and they spend all their time being like, “oh, I am undead, how I am cursed, let me apply more eyeliner.”
Reminded me of Lily Chen I miss my bby.
and also,
 Emma, are my family.
as if he has not made that clearer ever since TDA even maybe CoHF.
This tiny detail:
Probably in the early mornings before anyone else (or the sun) was up.
THE HEONDALE NECKLESS TY WEARS(Jules's way of subtly saying your boyfriend is part of you and your family)
LIVVY HOLDING HER SABRE (v/ significant yk like the defender /protector on her flower card, GUARDIAN ANGEL LIVIA BLACKTHORN)
a small addition, I really do hope that Livvy's roses become red by the end of TWP and that no other red roses become white.
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Wait, what? People actually liked Matilda the Musical 2022?
Okay so I recently watched Matilda the Musical 2022 on Netflix and I am...baffled by the score on rotten tomatoes. 93% rotten tomatoes score and 73% audience score.
Casting is a mixed bag, to be honest. And I don’t wanna get too much into it, but here’s my rating of the cast. Miss Honey, Mrs. Phelps, and Matilda Wormwood were great. Matilda’s parents convincing jerks but perhaps a little bit too much because I just found them grating when they were on screen. I usually love Emma Thompson but truly hated her casting as Trunchbull. The prosthetics on her face did not look good and it just veered into uncanny valley for me. She was neither fun nor intimidating, so it just felt confused. A weird point of contention I have is that Bruce isn’t actually fat and that bothered me. All the kids do a great job singing and dancing. They’re impressive professionals and it’s not their fault I hated all the songs.
Tim Minchin is a very funny comedian and has been connected to some very fun projects. That being said, I hated most of the songs in this movie. Most of them were overly upbeat, even when the material was supposed to be a completely different tone. Very few of them actually allow a moment of quiet or a feeling other than ‘go go go’ for me. One of the few instances where they do allow it, shockingly, is where Matilda is getting angrier and angrier (sorry, I do not know song titles) and just when it seems like it should reach a peak of anger, it just...dies. And then it goes into a slow song and she pictures herself in the air. It felt very similar to a build up to a sneeze that never happens. Also, the final song where we get everyone suddenly ‘revolting’ because they’re ‘revolting’ children living in ‘revolting’ times? I cannot stress enough how much I fucking hated that song and how little I felt the movie earned that moment.
The lighting of the movie was digital for the most part (I think) and honestly didn’t look good in a lot of scenes, IMO. On top of that, we get a lot of weird things that absolutely, 100% did not need to be digital or CGI. The hat floating ahead of Matilda is not good CGI and it’s a total waste of that anyway. Attach the hat to a line and then attach it to a drone and then just edit out the drone. Why was the newt CGI? Why did it never actually really touch Miss Trunchbull? I’m sure the figure being made of chains is from the book or something, but it just looked stupid. And it ultimately attacked a thing that didn’t matter because the chokeys were literally never once used on screen. It comes up once in a song, is destroyed by Matilda, and then dozens of them show up just to be destroyed again.
Also, maybe the pacing works better in the stage production, but starting with the song about how parents love their babies but Matilda’s didn’t and then immediately going into a song from Matilda about how her parents don’t love her felt unnecessary at best. And then we get random songs that feel totally unnecessary, like Trunchbull singing about hammer throwing. Matilda having powers literally doesn’t show up until an hour into this two hour movie and they’re used so infrequently before the final confrontation that the entire part just feels shoehorned in. Truly could not care less about that song. The thing that destroyed the pacing for me though was the repeated just standstill the movie would come to in order to let Matilda tell an over the top story that ends up being the secret backstory to Miss Honey.
Miss Honey, by the way, who’s barely there and seems scared of her own shadow. Like, I just have a lot of icky feelings about Miss Honey being cast as a black woman only to live in a literal shed and take a backseat to the story of how her mother died. Like by the time the movie ends and Miss Honey volunteers to take care of Matilda, I’m deeply confused because they’ve had very little interaction (Matilda’s spent more time with Mrs. Phelps at this point) and there’s literally no place for Miss Honey to even keep Matilda! Like that’s a sweet gesture, ma’am, but where the fuck is this child going to live? That’s answered a few moments later with Miss Honey suddenly and miraculously having a house, but there’s not really rhyme or reason to it.
And here’s the part where I’m just gonna list things that were bad compared to the 1996 movie because I’ve gotta, okay? Edit: to be clear, I know the 2022 musical is not an adaption of the 1996 movie. This portion is to say strictly from the elements that the two movies share, the 1996 movie did those moments better. These are the points I know are heavily biased and not necessarily fair for a movie but that’s going to happen. No one ignores the existence of the pride and prejudice miniseries when talking about the Keira movie and comparing them doesn’t mean they think the movie is an adaptation of the miniseries. That being said, here are some comparisons between movies.
Matilda 1996 overall has a more cohesive narrative and theme going through it. Matilda actually has a fun build up of her powers and because most of the powers are created through practical effects, the overall end result is more charming and better. You cannot beat the Little Bitty Pretty One scene. Nothing the new movie does comes close to it. No, not even with the movie’s arguably great child actors dancing very well. The chokey in the 1996 movie is actually intimidating is actually used on screen. The chocolate cake and the way they filmed it manages to actually be simultaneously the most decadent amazing cake in existence and also viscerally disgusting. Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman are playing awful people but they are charming to watch. The goofs in the 1996 movie (the pranks to dad’s hair and hat, the newt, etc.) all just land way better as goofs. Hell, the musical didn’t even commit to the dye OR the hat in a good way.
TL;DR: I love some of the cast but fucking hell, Matilda the Musical sucked ass IMO. I’m glad y’all liked it but holy shit, I do not understand it.
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prproductions · 2 years
Okay so the idea for this one is that there’s a princess and she went on trip across the seas but her ship ends up crashing and she’s saved by a band of pirates. Her name is Emma and she ends up falling in love with the pirate captain, Eloise, but the thing is Emma is engaged to Elliot who comes to save her after a week. The story starts with Emma back at home. Hope you enjoy!
I can still smell it.
The smell of the sea salt as water sprays my face. I can hear the birds squawking in the distance. I can hear the waves crashing up against the ship and each other. I can feel the wooden deck beneath my feet. I can feel the sun warming my skin. I can feel her on my skin. I can feel Eliose’s chin on my shoulder as she holds me close. I can feel her peppering me with soft kisses. I can hear her whispering to me:
“Good morning Princess.”
“Good morning Eli” I murmur back,
"Baby please, come and eat"
"'m not hungry" I mutter back.
"Please babe, I'll take you out in the boat if you do."
"But we're already on a ship?"
"No we aren't, we're on the balcony of our beautiful bedroom in our palace that you designed."
I’m suddenly brought back to reality.
I'm back home, with my fiancé, Elliot Maignac. This dazzling man with his jet black hair and crystal blue eyes is who I’m with now. His honey tan skin covered in sun kisses are the strong muscles that hold me now. I’m back in my glamorous palace, back to completing my usual duties, back to my actual life, not my fantastical vacation.
I look over my shoulder at him "I'll come downstairs, just let me get dressed first."
"Thank you baby." He places a kiss on my cheek before retreating back out of the bedroom.
I stand there a moment longer looking off into the distance then I slug over to my wardrobe and mentally think over my schedule.
I want something exquisite and glamorous, for my first outfit of the day. I have a ladies’ tea party at noon where all the royal snow bunnies will be in attendance, and I want to look better than them. I’m thinking I wear my baby blue *adjective* dress that shimmers with every step I take. It’s one of a kind, it’s expensive, it’s soft and delicate, perfect for a tea party, and most importantly it’s unlike anything that those snobby, bitchy, rotten coozes have in their closets. It’ll be perfect. It is perfect.
After the tea party, I’ll come home and re-dress for the speech I’m giving to human students at a community college about being your true self or something. This outfit needs to say “success” but it can’t be too flashy— otherwise I’ll seem condescending. Maybe this is a good time to break out that gold gown with opal embellishments?
Finally, I'll end my day by attending a high list gala to commemorate the unveiling of an art gallery on the southeastern side of the mountain, and I have just the outfit for the occasion. I just bought a red and white mosaic dress that came with a matching hand fan and hair piece.
I bounce over to my vanity with my dresses in hand where a slew of maids rush to prepare me for the day. While one feeds me my morning smoothie, three others set to work on giving me my daily massage with warm lotion made from goats’ milk. One time, the Duke of Levingston’s wife, Arya was caught with ashy elbows and was the talk of town for weeks, and I’ll be damned if I make that same mistake. Once finished, the girls separate and each work on a different task. One of them ties my long, coily hair into a web of twists and braids, while another washes and prunes my wings until they’re white and fluffy as clouds. The other two work hand in hand on my makeup. Finally, I’m ready to go downstairs.
“Thank you ladies, you are what I truly missed while lost out at sea.”
“Yes ma’am, thank you man.” The youngest maid answers.
I walk down my hall of mirrors to the floor ledge. I can see Eli is sitting at a table covered in dozens of pastries and fruit yet he hasn’t touched a single one. Instead he’s engrossed in building his model airplane. I smile, he’s so cute. He doesn’t notice when I fly down and take a seat, nor when I start eating the strawberry danishes on his plate.
“Is that the new one you just got?” I ask, turning his attention to me.
Stunned, he stammers out: “Uh- umm, no I’ve had this one for a while, I just haven’t gotten around to making it.”
“What model is it?”
“It’s a Tamiya F4U-1A Corsair in 1/48 scale” He babbled excitedly, “It has *insert chatter about model airplanes here(at least 3 sentences)*”
His hazel eyes sparkle as he rambles on about the plane. I could honestly sit here and listen to him all day.
“*Ahem* My lady.” One of the staff members interrupts us from the door.
“Yes?” I answer through gritted teeth
“Your chauffeur is here.”
Elliot shoots me a confused look.
“Ah yes, the chauffeur.” I smile, then turn to Elliot “I have a ladies’ tea party to attend, but I’ll be back before nightfall.”
I place a quick kiss on his cheek before I hurry out the door.
As the car drives down the mountain, I look out the window at the ocean. I look at the ships rolling along crashing waves. I think of the mermaids swimming deep beneath the waves. I think of the mermaid that we met while at sea…
Chapter 2
That was her name…
It was my fifth day out at sea and we were a two days trip from *place*. I was planning to escape as soon as we touched land.
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irishhills · 8 months
love letter
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Chris has never written a love letter before. The closest thing was when he was in first grade, and his teacher made him write a Valentine’s Day card for his mother. He wrote, “I love you more than anything,” and she cried. It took Chris a little too long to realize why she would have cried about that.
But sitting here, alone in his room, he has to write a real love letter for the first time in his life. Don’t most guys do this before they’re damn near twenty-one? And if any guy should be good at it, shouldn’t it be the guy majoring in creative writing?
A weaker version of himself would have taken it as a sign. That he and Blair clearly aren’t meant to be, otherwise, he’d have tons of things to say. But that’s just it. He never runs out of things to say to Blair, never tires of being around her, misses her even when she’s in the next room, watching TV or reading alone. It was so easy to propose to her. He just looked her in the eye, and everything he felt spilled out. Honey from a dipper. Her eyes make everything OK. They make everything more than OK. They are – and she is – extraordinary.
And that’s part of why it’s so hard to write it down.
Chris wouldn’t even think about writing Blair a love letter for Valentine’s Day tomorrow if she hadn’t written him such a beautiful one last week. Blair has always had pretty words of love for him, even when he didn’t deserve it, even when he wasn’t ready. She said she turned to Austen’s men. She related to them more than she related to the women. Even when she was sixteen, she could stand in front of Chris, shaking at the knee, saying things like, “I need you to understand how desperately and loudly I love you, Chris Egan.” And she meant it. And he meant it, too, even before he could make himself say it. He didn’t kiss her all those times because she was a safe and easy target. When he thought about kissing anyone else, it made him sick.
Maybe he should be writing all of this down.
He thinks about Austen’s men, too. Last semester, he took a Jane Austen course as part of his English lit minor. He wanted to impress Blair, probably the biggest Pride and Prejudice fan in the world. Chris remembers that he liked Pride and Prejudice, but he was probably a bigger fan of Emma. There’s just something about characters who can’t stop embarrassing themselves. He can’t help it.
But then he remembers what Emma’s man, Knightley, says to her when he confesses his love. If he loved her a little less, he might be able to talk about it more.
That’s it.
Beginning with a quote doesn’t have to be a cop-out or a cheap move. Not always.
He puts his cheap ballpoint pen to looseleaf paper and begins to write what he should have completed an hour ago.
Dear Blair, he writes, Though you are no Emma, I will be your Mr. Knightley …
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lyriccl · 11 months
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Unprompted Asks | Always Accepting!
@zorkaya asked: "Sit still, Emma," Zarina whispers as she continues to apply makeup to the other's face. The closeness is obvious, Sokolova doesn't miss the way the other girl's eyes shine when speaking with her. Her attraction and her comments are cute, they are adorable even. The silverette applies lipstick, trying to make sure that the color matches what she wanted. "Once I'm done, I'll let you look. You're quite beautiful, so I want to make sure I underline it correctly through this. Don't look away, you can close your eyes if you are shy, though." Zarina cannot help it, it's too fun to tease such sweet women like Emma.
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Honestly, it didn't matter to Emma that the woman before her had this edge she couldn't quite put her finger on. Some sixth sense telling her that Zarina had a darkness despite the honeyed words and radiant smile. In this moment, the younger woman didn't really care that the honey could've been laced with poison; if the poison was making her happy, then what was the harm?
The teasing and praise made Emma's face flush prettily, but she didn't dare close her eyes. No way she'd take her eyes away from the beautiful woman doing her makeup so meticulously. It was so unfair that Zarina was so beautiful, so Emma had the idea of asking her to do her makeup, maybe capturing some of that beauty for herself. Of course Zarina took the opportunity to tease.
Though it takes two to tango, and Emma always found herself wanting to impress the other woman.
"I at least hope I can see how this shade looks on your skin later." Emma muses, making a point to look Zarina directly in the eyes. She wouldn't let her resolve waver now, she's gotten so far already. "I wonder what the color would look like if I mixed it with your lipstick... we can try that too."
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