#maybe 7 times i can never rememebr
familyvideostevie · 2 years
Wait! You like The 1975?! May I ask what are some of your favorite songs from them? I’ve just started to rediscover what made me fall in love with them in the first place and am listening to their new album :) Anyways, I hope that you have a great day and happy Friday!
oh baby do i like the 1975. DO I! i loved the new album, my fave songs from it are happiness, looking for somebody (to love), wintering, and about you, but i really do love the whole album! as for their other stuff, i am a self-titled album truther. i LOVE that album, it was huge for me in 2013. one of my all-time faves is menswear but catch me bopping to literally anything on that album. (other faves are if i believe you, medicine, the sound, Paris, TOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIME, if you're too shy (let me know), and so many more ugh!
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praisethepizzagods · 4 years
WandaVision Theory
Okay so this contains some spoilers (mostly specculation really) from wanda vision so... spoilers below cut.
We have all seen the casting for Spiderman 3 & Doctor strange 2.... It includes people like: Andrew Garfield (spiderman) Tobey Maguire (Spiderman) Xochitl Gomez (America Chavez) Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) Tom Hiddleston (Loki) Among others.... lots of universes being mixed here guys. So I have a theory... Blame my friend for this thing being birthed she had to listen to this as it came out. Peter/Pietro (since xmen pietro is called peter, but wanda knows his as pietro) maximoff is Loki, last we saw loki he had the tesseract and was fleeing, loki is trying to find out the state of the awvengers post end game, and yeah loki likes to fuck with thor & in the comics he lovveeesss just winding people up (God of mischief ffs), so he is trying to find out what the fuck is going on, he is curious about wanda's level of powers (like she is one of the most powerful mcu characters, hes gunna be curious), wanda as we know has a town hostage and is controlling everything, this is similar to avenegrs where loki wanted to rule earth, so hes seeing if she could be of use to him/try figure out a way to get his end goal. End of wanda vision season 1 - wanda looses complete control, she snaps. She breaks the multi verse because she has been believing this pietro is her pietro but with a different face... she finds out it is loki in pietros body which causes her to loose total control and snap a rift in the multi verse OR sword cause her so much stress, vision is questionign everything/realises what wanda did (Sees the footage maybe?) or she has to watch him die again and wanda is so torn over by emotion that she looses control, pietro/loki then realises that oh fuck this is about to go down and wanda uses her powers to try control more and either knocks pietro loki back into loki for or loki shifts just before to do a reveal, he may even try and fix this and help wanda because he knows intense powers and notice she is going insane????? But this ends in her bringing in all the spidermen into the MCU. Bringing deadpool with em. Bringing america chavez with them (She lives in a paralel universe and thats where she got her powers so wanda drags her into MCU because hey, she snapped). Doc strange 2 happens which is about the multi verse. Strange appears at end of wanda vision kinda like "Oh no...." like he's seeing what is about to happen and sees wanda is about to cause he doesnt see this coming,  So doc strange 2 is now begining wanda has lost control and merged all theses universes into one - sony,fox,the new characters universe etc etc etc are now all in the MCU universe there is many spider men now (Like into the spider verse) kidna like that level of how it happens they just got ripped into this reality. In spider man 3 this is also playing a part because all the spidermen are still here (Showing this could be a long winded issue/they cant get back to their universe because wanda doesnt know how she did it, doesnt want to do it/cant do it again) Back to doc strange 3 - this movie will be directly dealing with the immediate backlash of this, the many spidermen, deadpool, america chavez all appearing, strange realising what has happened, trying to fix this, loki also there because he doesnt even know whats happened but DAMN is he interested because THIS level of power.... thats interesting to him. Loki's disney+ series happens after the multi verse of madness/during it (like loki's show is bought up in it like "lokis fucking president?!?!?!" like thats another thing thats gone wrong from wanda's melt down and destroying the multi verse, and another thing for strange to to and do damage control on. wanda cant fix this, shes now gone fully off rails, if she watches vision die twice she wont be coming back from that we know. so strange is also trying to help her on how to use her powers as she never reallllly has had training, strange might know people who can help her deal with this insane amount of power. Strange cant fix this alone he needs wanda to try and fix this, and the issue could be a permenant one ( i recon it will be permenant and all wwhat phase 4 & 5 will be about) Doctor strange 2 sees them going between thesee multi verse's they have discovered (maybe strqange & wanda, maybe strange & wong, maybe wanda and someone else who knows... but they are trying to find out how far this damage has gone End of doctor strange is them realising this isnt a quick fix, the world has gone insane as there is all these new ones, ("WHY ARE THERE 3 SPIDER MEN!" - JJJ shouts (cause hey he was in the tobey mcguire spidermen ffs we get him with this package too) spider man 3 then happens & tom holland (The spider men will be refered to by their actors names) see's that um theres another spider man??? what the??? he finds him and they all find out they are the same spider man. This movie plays out similary to into the spiderverse but they dont all go at the end of it because this is a long winded issue. But... now we have america chavez, shes just been bumbling round the MCU being a hero cause she's here.... Monica as you rememebr from wanda vision has her internal sequencing rewritten each time she goes through the hex, this gives her powers cause she has gone through the hex so much at this stage in wanda vision.... So Monica = Photon America Chavez Cassie = Stature Kate bishop = Hawkeye Tom holland = Spiderman How did kate get here and Cassie? KATE So clint stepped down, hawkeye disney+ seems to be like fractions, clints training kate (maybe his family left after end game because jfc clint is probs a wreck, or clint didnt stop so hsi wife left.... maybe they live in iowa happily who knows) Clint was going solo for a while in newyork, when he met this other hawkeye (Hey maybe kate got dragged through the multi verse or maybe she was just a great archer rich kid in newyork who saw hawkeye had fucked off after the blip (maybe she was working during the blip, but towards the end? in comics she took hawkeye mantle while clint was off beign a depressed noodle and he then found out there was 2 hawkeyes and confronted ehr and agreed to train her so maybe somehting simialr to this is what happens in hawkeye) But anyway Clints training kate in new york and yeah shes good. CASSIE Scott after end game & Hope continue being antman and the wasp, but cassie eventually takes over the suit from them (Maybe something happens in antman 3 quantamania that means neither scott or hope can use the suits any more because it will tear them apart, like hank cant use the suits because it takes too much of a toll on his body now and he wouldnt surive it really...) so cassie has taken over the suits and is now operating under the code name stature. This then begins the next arc for the avengers now they have got people powered up, and atleast 1 person from this destruction of the multi verse (America chavez) but we may have more that are discovered over the course of phase 4 that were bought through with the multi verse. So, where does this go??? The young avengers is the next big arc.... Maybe wanda (&peter maximoff? not sure how that would work as young piettro (evan peters one) was from the 80s or something in xmen so is an adult not a kid like he is in wanda vision, which adds to my this isnt pietro but loki thing) But maybe wanda is leading them, maybe not. But the multi verse cant be fixed so they have these heroes now and the avengers kinda died after end game cause tony died and steve fucked off. Sam helps train but hes off with bucky alot too doing a buddy up thing together, but as sam is the new cap he also heads up this young avengers kinda as a mentor for them. Now... right now your pronbs thinking "Morgan stark though" Morgan has a suit... but morgan is still even in 2030 (hawkeye is 2025...) morgan would only be 7..... so she isnt really old enough.... But who else had an iron man suit in the comics? who may of got dragged through the multi verse? Enter riri williams aka iron heart. That takes us up to about end of phase 5 with the rise of the young avengers & champions maybe??? Hi and thanks for coming to my ted talk
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crazyspookies · 5 years
Ah yes, RECAPS, IMPRESSIONS, OPINIONS, THEORIES click here to get ur fix ---->
1) SAM YAO: Okay, Five, you’re approaching Pittaway Farm. It was a fungus farm owned by Comansys, the company Moonchild used to run. So yeah, sorry. With this and the Glass Protocol, it’s been like a revisit of your greatest life traumas. But we think Moonchild’s gone now, right? Or just along for the ride.
TRip down memoery lane eh. But Honestly if it were me i would have asked her to call herself a different name and change her voice?? I know we players like moonchild in a way but lets be fair, if brain moonchild says she’s not like the original one anymore then im pretty sure it would be much less damaging to have her in Five’s mind as a new person and not, you know, a constant, inescapable direct connection to their trauma. The literal voice of the source of their trauma.
Like, i’ve always imagined this whole thing with brain moonchild to be the worst thing they could have done to five when it comes to moonchild? And even if your five still hears her for trauma reasons, like they’ve heard sarah before, they at least would have the knowledge that its their own head playing tricks. But in this case? There’s a literal, alive entity inside five’s head. and she still can just, control their body if she really wants to! The threat that their autonomy could be taken away at any moment by the voice of their abuser. Imagine being unable for your very thoughts to be private ever again. I dunno, i think it was a really shitty thing to do.
2) Obviously, I saw that present he sent you, Five. Amazing! Heart’s desire stuff. Did you know he sent Janine Field Marshall Montgomery’s actual desk to say sorry for rogue ANNIE? [laughs] She can’t fit it in her office, so it’s sitting in the greenhouse now.
The idea that valmont sent us presents is so weird and not in a good way. Don’t trust a bitch.
3) MOONCHILD: Five, I never like to interrupt. I’m a very peaceful person, but -
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4) MOONCHILD: Those lights are going to erase some of your memory.[...] The bulbs burn out every six days, so someone else has set them up here recently
WELL, GREAT. As i don’t have enough people i suspect with no evidence except extremely vague clues i have never felt so undecided about.
6) an enormous AK-47-style Nerf gun? MOONCHILD: Sorry about that, Five. When we get that memory retrieval device, you’ll understand why you’re holding it.
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(can we all just take a moment how dope and funy going around with an ak-47 NERF GUN is because i def would want one)
7) There are 12 levels of that building, Five,
Oh my god. It’s like a videogame. Each level is different, nice pixel art, whole building filled with spores and shit, five with a ak-47 nerf gun dealing with the things they find in the building and the weird things they encounter that are part of it.
8) MOONCHILD: [...] are hallucinogenic if I know my shrooms, and you know I do.
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9) "If you knew what you’d seen here, you’d want to remember it.”
WELL YES IM SURE I WOULD HOW CONVENIENT THAT YOU CAN’T TELL ME. Why Can’t she tell us though? Did the thing that just happened mess with our minds in some indescribable way with the effect of messing moonghost up? Or was it the UV lights that had that effect instead? That would be weird, moonghost can rememebr and know things five can’t so i don’t see what could interfere with Her process...does it mena there could be a way to render her mute for good?
10) “But that one is still thick as two short ones. It’s going to walk straight into that spilled liquid”
Nononononononono we shouldn’t be ANYWHERE close to that thing this is a bad idea why do we always do this
SAM YAO: And there it goes, into the puddle! Oh crap, Five. Five, you have to get out of there.
SAM YAO: Yes! It’s killing the V-type. Wait, no. No, it’s not. But the V-type definitely doesn’t like it. It’s recoiled like a cat when you spray it with water
WEll at least that’s useful??? Could come in handy later. Also if we keep in mind the thing about the giant fans veronica found out, maybe we could use something like that as a weapon to slow v-types at some point in open field.
1) COLONEL SAGE: Thank you, Sam. It’s good to be back in the field and running alongside you, Runner Five.
He’s...so nice and polite......maybe....im wrong about him.....
2) Jones asked me to pass on his sincere and heartfelt apologies for being taken in by that rogue element in the ANNIE device. He has good in his heart, but he’s suspicious where he should be open and trusting where he should be cautious. I’ve had a chance to talk with him as he works on the cliff excavations, and I think he’s understood where he went wrong. I’m sorry you went through that, Five. I’m pleased to see you.
I mean. The man IS a bit of a wild card...a bit too instense...could have been a trap..or not???? But it COULD.  I’m usually so sure about who is a villain but this time i keep goig back and forth not being sure. Like, the whole annie thing felt SO much like being herded towards a death row like sheep to the slaughter by jones it was uncanny....But Sage always sounds so considerate of other people...hnggg. Jones is so intense that maybe he just sounded creepy?? Sage’s way of thinking is useful but something that could so easily be turned into cult blabber. So, either a) Sage is deceptivly nice and actually a cult leader and told Jones to do it, b) Jones was acting by himself twisting what he learned from Sage , c) They are both innocent and something else is to blame (meh).
3) SAM YAO: Still, lots to celebrate today. Veronica’s got some good leads on the V-type problem. The country’s coming together at last, and the Exmoor Militia are welcoming the Undaunted home.
AwWww They deserve it, its been so long and they’ve had such a hard time, it’s nice that they’re finally together :’) Not that there won’t be trouble, of course... Like, there’s only 2 options: cute fluffy mission where you enjoy the party and the problems are minimal like, ohno the champain’s beens stolen! or it will be the kinda missino that goes oh no there’s assassin’s on the roofs!. We’ll see.
4)COLONEL SAGE: Yes, and I -
JULES: Five, good to see you. As for your company, any friend of Abel’s is… allowed within our borders.
safsdafsfsdafsd is it bad that i felt so smug about this lol. The game has been trying to make me love sage and everyone has been singing praises of his numerous kindnesses and i’ve been both charmed and been a bitter peter about him but it just feels terribly funny that jules is completley unaffected by him and is like“move over My Friend FIVE is here and we don’t know you or care much about you” and it’s so terribly delicious i feel like an old rich woman being shown favoritism and being all smug about it
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(im not sure if both of u stan them but) stray kids 1. 3. 4. 5. 7. 15. 18. 19. 20. lmao
1. Who’s your bias?
AUSSIE LINE!! Like my first bias was Felix and then Chan just existed and i realised I was in love with both of them. They’re both just such good people. I jsut love them so much! Felix’s freckles literally make my knees weak by the way… just a fun fact about me. 
3. Who’s your bias wrecker?
Vocal! King! Kim! Woojin! He very very quickly became my favourite kpop vocalist and i love his smile and his laugh! He’s best boy with a voice of pure honey!! also i like his face very very much
4. Hyung line or maknae line?
how DARE YOU!! The audacity!!! ME???? PICK BETWEEN MY BOYS?!?!?! I could never! 
5. What is your favorite era?
My favourite era is I am: Who. I am Who has my favourite songs in it and i just love that album so much. But Miroh era is quickly becoming my favourite cause it’s my first comeback and I’m just so emotionally invested in these 9 morons. (okay but Jisungs hair in I am Who is just the best Jisung and Felxi hair and you can fight me on this!) 
7. What’s the first song you heard?
Well Admin Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) introduced me to Stray Kids and we listened to a bunch of songs in one day so i cant really remember which song was first… WAIT NO I REMEMEBR!! IT WASNT WITH ADMIN Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) IT WAS HELLAVATOR AND IT WAS PREDEBUT!!! HA! It was so fucking long ago! But it was hellavator and then i completely forgot skz existed for like…. 10 months
15. What’s a concept you would like to see them try?
Well i mean, they wanna do a Monsta X concept, I want them to do a Monsta X concept…. Miroh was close but im watiing! 
18. Your favorite title track?
My Pace or Get Cool :D My Pace makes me all emotional cause it’s all “you do you! You’re great the way you are! Don’t compare yourself to others” and that makes me WEAK But also Get Cool has the iconic Chan line “Don’t matter if the world is a cold place.. cause I’m getting COOLER” which is a line me and admin Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) never fail to scream when we listen to it together! 
19. Favorite choreo?
Mirror or Miroh! Mirror cause i LOVE that mirror image symmetry shit! and Miroh cause it has a māori haka influence in it which i die for honestly. any time māori is mentioned (im looking at you Zone) i fucking die! 
20. Favorite live performance?
oh god, either Miroh or Victory Song. acutally yeah victory song! ITS SO GOOD AND SO POWERFUL. Also LEE FELIX WITH HIS VOICE DEEPER THAN THE MARIANAS TRENCH RUINS MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! FUCK HIM THOUGH WHYY DOES HE DO THIS TO ME also @Chan stop showing your abs, it’s a personal attack against me and i do not appreciate it. 
~Admin (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Worry not my child they are literally my ults.
1. Who’s your bias?
Han Jisung owns my heart and soul. He’s been my bias since the beginning, we’re so similar and I love that for us. He’s the smartest dumbass and that just so gotdamn relatable. He’s also so funny and loud and annoying and his members will never let them live. Also fucking relatable, @admin (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ALLOW ME TO LIVE YOU BITCH ♡♡♡♡♡
3. Who’s your bias wrecker?
Minho, Hyunjin, and Jeongin are tied, I just can’t pick between them. Minho is the weirdest person (that Miroh heart version dance practice is priceless, and I also do the exact same thing constantly, but I’m not an actTuAL KpOp iDOl yOU AbsOLUte InsANE PeRsOn) and also forever done with everyone. When he did that dance on Dingo School where he had to dance Miroh and change concept every like five seconds it killed me. Hyunjin is too pure but also not at all in anyway pure, ‘safe show’ shut the fuck up you nerd, I saw you dance to The Eve, don’t even with that shit. Jeongin is the sweetest angel and I just want to protect him at all costs, but he’s also a little demon and I love it. He’s my son and I didn’t know I was prepared to be a parent, but life just do you like that sometimes. 
4. Hyung line or maknae line?
I. hate. this. question. what kind of satan came up with this????? (I also think it is important to note that I spent at least five minutes trying to remember how the fuck to spell satan for this answer)
5. What is your favorite era?
Aesthetics wise??? I Am: You. Changbin’s X through his eyebrow is still the best styling decision in kpop, fight me. Also Get Cool is iconic and everyone looked so good in My Side. Musically, I gotta go with I Am: Who, it’s the first kpop album I’ve ever owned and it has my absolute fave skz song Voices on it.
7. What’s the first song you heard?
As Stray Kids, I listened to Hellevator within hours of it coming out. But, I also watched the show and that compelled me to listen to 3racha, so really my first song was Runner’s High.
15. What’s a concept you would like to see them try?
Just like admin (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧, that Monsta X vibe. I think they’d do it so well. Miroh era has a bit of it, but I’d love to see them go full blown powerful horny on us. Or maybe something just outright bittersweet, a Spring Day with that soft aesthetic would be so cool, or something like Euphoria that’s just beautiful and lovely.
18. Your favorite title track?
Including pre-debut, Hellevator, cause lord that song is too relatable, the rap is beautiful, and Jisung’s high note is my religion okay. Sorry mom I’m not Jewish anymore, Jisung existed and I strayed (get it, ha at least I make myself laugh). Post-debut???? Get Cool cause I need that sheer happiness in my life and they are so cute oh my lord???? Miroh cause I love a good uprising and also everyone’s looking so so good???? My Pace cause we gotta get that good good (side note: fite me Luhan) passionate uplifting mess. Also na nananana na na na nanana, what inspiring lyrics boys, you really know how to bring a tear to a bitches eye. 
19. Favorite choreo?
Get Cool for the meme, Miroh for the sheer talent and oh my god Chan you fucking menace, Voices cause it’s so thematically and aesthetically perfect, My Pace for Hyunjin’s killing part in the second verse, I just can’t with that. I just love skz choreo okay, this is a judgment free zone.
20. Favorite live performance?
Victory Song… my boys out here tryina kill me. I am deceased, goodbye world, you were kinda sucky, but at least I saw Go Go live so who’s the real winner here?????
- admin Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
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transslyblue · 5 years
Also "1-99"
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?
Haha, closed. I don't like seeing the dark void that I call a closet
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Yea, but you can't really see them unless you're close
(3) Can You Whistle?
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame musical, the Tavern Song
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
Blue, but I also like a variety of purples and greens
(6) Relationship Status.
Single and not looking
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
69º F
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
Yea, unless I wake up myself
(9) How Many Followers?
118, but I need to go through and block any bots. (;w;)
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour?
Blue/green hazel. My eyes are multi-coloured so they have blue, green, and brown with a very grey look to them.
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?
I forget daily
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
I really want to get back to reading some more Lovecraft, but i don't have much time to read
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
"Minutes before librarians ate him."
(16) Favourite Anime?
Uuuuhhhhhh, hm. I guess it'd have to be InuYasha, but I like a lot of anime
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?
Err,,, it was a very close friend. Idk if they'd want me to say who they are tho
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Rocks and those snowglobe musicboxes
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
Yogurt and a protein bar. Ik, ik real healthy and filling
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
Depends on the song, but not really
(21) Favourite Animal?
Owls and cats
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Not really, but when I do it's the diving Olympics
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
I don't wear makeup. Though I have considered it
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
Either. Pool is safer though
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
Oof, idk if I can pick just one, so imma name a few. @ohhimarx @mirosuikaaa @masochist-incarnate they're all really friendly and nice
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Whichever is most convenient at the time
(28) What Makes You Happy?
The sound of rain, art, my friends talking to me, I have a list that I've posted, so I won't list out here
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
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(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?
Haha, I don't study;;;
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?
Blue-tiful lol, for real though probably bubble blue
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
Does Switch/ds count?
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?
Not really, but I won't bash on anyone who does
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Black, but is a Link being a meme
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?
I save more then I spend.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?
Yea, it's a pink pillow of Lion from Steven Universe and a music stand from when I was in middle school
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Kirby in general
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly?
Nope, but I have touched one before
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?
Yes and no. It really depends on how long I've been around them
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?
Omg yes! I remember a few and they were all lucid dreams! (I looked up the term from last time I answered this question)
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes?
Never been on one
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.
Of Mice and Men
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
Panic!At the Disco, Fallout Boy, or The Neighborhood
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?
Not really. There are some foods I refuse to eat, but otherwise I eat pretty much anything
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?
Nope! I actually like thunder
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
I enjoy reading. As for writing, eh. I'll write out my ideas but I'mno good at fleshing them out to be interesting
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?
Yes. But not too loud, just enough where I don't hear everyone around me
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?
Carve pumpkins! I really am bad at wrapping presents
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Hurts - Illuminated
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
Spring and dying from pollen
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now?
Idk, something salty tbh
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
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(58) What Is Your Gender?
I'm a transgender male, so i use he/him pronouns.
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
Both, but I like tea more
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
I'm not in school anymore soooo no
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
Idk. Questioning I guess
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
I already answered this one, so I'll say a new pokemon that I love. Rowlet!
(64) Favourite Social Media?
Bruh I am not a fan, but Tumblrs the one I'm on most.
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
Idk. I don't have an Instagram
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
(67) Are You A Virgin?
Yes, and I plan to stay that way for awhile
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
I use Suave, but I also use TeaTree when I get really bad dandruff
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
Depends on the place. But most likely I'd risk the motel.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?
My mom yes, my biological father... It's complicated
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?
I don't really watch movies, so none
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
I don't have an ex
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
Be the person you needed when you were younger. I have no clue who said it, but I live by that
(74)  What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?
Eyes in general are great. Idk how anyone can not find something they like in any eye colour
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
Voez and Pokémon Go
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
Yes, because no oen deserves to die. I'd do my best to help any homeless person
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight?
Haha, not today. Yet
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network?
Not really
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
I don't wear jewlery much. But I would like to get my ears pierced properly
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Closed! I don't want people or my cat to walk in
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?
I woke up, did laundry, answered these questions
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?
Pajama pants and a t-shirt
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
I've got none. Unless you want me to name what body wash i use. :/
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
Night person
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
Phone: Voez, Pokémon Go
Switch: Legend of Zeld: Breath of the wild, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Kirby Star Allies, Mario Kart 8, PuyoPuyo Tetris, Bayonetta 1&2, Hyrule Warriors, Just Dance 2017, Super Mario Party, Let's Go Eevee, Mario Odyssey, Undertale, Shovel Knight, Pokémon quest, Mom Hid my Game, Deemo, Sonic Mania, Detention, The Coma, Cave Story
3DS: Kirby Clash Deluxe, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, Kirby Planet Robobot, Kirby Canvas Curse, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirbg Super Star Ultra, Kirby Squeak Squad, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon Ultra Moon, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Pokémon Heartgold, Legend of Zelda Link Between Worlds, Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, Super Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Wario Ware Gold, Super Princess Peach, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Cooking Mama, Cooking Mama 2, Sonic Colors
Gameboy Color: Pokemon Blue, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening
This is over the course of many years
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
I had this dream where I was flying a red paper plane. It took forever to carry it up this tapestry, but i did it. When I finally took off this group of white paper planes were chasing me so I shook them off and landed, taking shelter in this museum. This museum held other people hiding and was actually an abandoned grocery store. Then I woke up.
I don't rememebr when this was, but I wrote it down. I have a few more if you're interested.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
Strawberry Ramuné
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
Jeans, since I can't wear sweatpants to work
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
Uhhh, probably a slob since I've been in pajamas all day
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
Stuffed animals
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
Idk. Haven't really wanted one. Maybe a connect the dots one.
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
Idk. I watch Pyrocynical and Markiplier, but other than that I listen to music, watch speedpaints, and speed plays of various videogames
4 notes · View notes
Spartacus : Vengeance Rewatch - Episode 7: Sacramentum
Sex Scene: there’s like 4 whole scenes in a whorehouse, all the sex is happening here.
“Cock”: 5
“Cunt”: 1
“Kill Them All”:  
“Fucking Gaul”: 1
Slow motion Face Punch: 2
Episode Name Dropped by: Glaber
Memorable Death:  MARCIA (for my heart), Sedullus (because brains).
Favourite Line:  “I rival any fucking man, in all things.”
 -  I have basically one clear memory of this episode. AGRON IN THAT HOODED CLOAK IN THE RAIN SMIRKING FOR ALL HE’S WORTH! Hot damn, I am excited for that scene!
-  Holy shit, Agron is even hotter in this scene than I remembered!!!
-  Ahh! Donar helping to free the Germans! I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, you can pry German Donar from my cold dead hands!
-   I love me some silent killing.
-  GERMAN SPEAKING AGRON GIVES ME SO MANY DAMN FEELS!!!! Seriously, when was the last time he spoke his native language? Does he do it with Donar? Was the last time with Duro? According to history slaves weren’t allowed to speak their native language, so maybe it’s been longer than his captivity. SO MANY FEELS.
-  The way Sedullus looks when telling Agron the other guard also speaks German, it almost looks like a test, like he wants Agron to prove himself first.
-  SAXA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Lucius kills someone, I’m oddly proud!
-  That face slice though.
- Sedullus is just …. He’s the reason Germans are given a bad name, you can see it already.
- LUGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH DAMN, HES SO PRECIOUS! I forgot he spoke English (though really, I’m assuming their speaking latin) in Vengeance, I thought he was mainly all German until WotD.
-  “Cock” in German, still counts!
-  OH THIS, THIS I REMEMEBR, AND I FUCKING HATE IT! By “this” I mean Sparty and his jealous suspicions of Agron. Sparty has such a double standard with Crixus and Agron. Crixus is allowed to be the leader of the Gauls with Sparty having basically no say in the matter, but the second Agron wants the same fucking treatment Sparty throws a hissy fit! I’m not trying to be biased, I can see there could be legitimate concers for Sparty with the Germans, as in Agron might separate from the cause and do his own thing with the Germans. BUT, the reason I have such an issue with this whole thing is that Crixus gets to do the same fucking thing BUT HE STILL GETS SPARTACUS’ RESPECT AND LOYALTY! Agron gets none of that, ever. I could write a fucking essay on this subject. To sum up, fuck you Sparty.
-   That Eagle is fucking majestic!
-   Okay, I have always liked Gallienus, he’s kinda adorable.
-   I wonder if Ashur feels a little sorry for what happened to Seppius when he sees Seppia crying. I mean she’s basically still a kid and she has no one, it’s hard not to feel for that.
-  Does Gannicus believe Glaber’s speech or does he recognise the propaganda for what it is? In other words, a load of shit.
-  Love how all the women around Glaber look empty, depressed, absolutely crushed.
- Poor Thessela, you can see the betrayal in her eyes when Ilithyia lies. Poor baby.
-  That crucifixion is pretty intense.
-  Okay I’ve been doing a hell of a lot of research on Spartacus (and Ancient Rome in general) but I now know the names of some background characters. Hey there Lydon patrolling the wall ;)
-   Crixus looks so damn attractive when sparring with Naevia, I think it’s because he doesn’t look angry when he’s fighting her. He looks calm and focused, it’s very sexy.
-  NASIR AND MIRA FRIENDSHIP!!!! We were robbed!!
-  Oh, you can see Mira’s heart breaking. She’s not a fool, she knows Spartacus doesn’t love her.
-  Oenomaus and Nasir shaking hands……..WHEN THE HELL HAVE YOU TWO ACTUALLY MET?!?!?!
-  Oenomaus should smile more though, it’s so damn beautiful.
-  I wanna cry!!!!! Every one is so happy to see Oenomaus, and he’s looking all proud of his children!!!! I NEED SOME TISSUES!
- I seriously cannot get over the amount of love I have for Agron kissing Nasir in front of his kin without any hesitation!!! All the feels man.
-  I like that Mira keeps on smiling genuinely when the Germans are brought in. She doesn’t care that she can’t understand them, there is no suspicion in her eyes, she accepts them. Unlike Crixus and Oenomaus.
- Nemetes (you fuck) looks at Sedullus with heart eyes.
-  Agron introducing Nasir to the Germans, Nasir smiling and shaking hands with all of them!!! MY HEART CANNOT TAKE THIS! Nasir feeling more comfortable with the Germans for the simple fact that they are Agron’s kin, it’s fucking beautiful. I just wanna stay in this happy little family without all the drama.
-   “Who will they follow?” SERIOUSLY CRIXUS ALL THE GAULS FOLLOW YOU NOT SPARTY AND YOU KNOW IT. fuck this whole jealously shit.
-  “Yes Dominus.” Oh fuck. Oh fuck. That is the most heart breaking, soul shattering thing Lucretia could ever say. fuck. Ashur needs to die all the time.
- Talking about yourself in third person isn’t a sign of sanity Ashur (I will vehemently ignore Lugo’s desire to refer to himself as such, he’s my baby).
- Oh the wig, poor Lucretia. But the red colour had nothing to do with Quintus, it was all about Gaia right?
-  How deluded is Ashur, how can he think Lucretia is falling for him, how can he think this is real? He is raping her.
-  Holy crap, Ilithyia is actually lying on that chair!! We hardly ever see the Roman’s lying on the chairs in the way they are historically supposed to!
-  I may not really like Seppia, but hot damn she is so SO attractive and especially in black. She should always wear her hair down, she’s gorgeous.
-  Does Ilithyia at least suspect that Glaber had a hand in Seppius’ murder?
-  Glaber has wanted Seppius’ men for fucking ages, but they don’t look like much….
-  I killed your leader, I forced you to come here, I conscripted you, I basically fucking own you….now swear your loyalty. -___- Do Romans not understand how to earn loyalty?
-   I really love it when Ilithyia isn’t playing games with Lucretia, like she genuinely really cares for her. That little smile, her soft voice. Shipper heart is sailing. (I just wish that Lucretia felt the same dammit)
-  Is Lucretia wearing the same dress she wore last episode? Or does she suddenly have 2 navy blue dresses when she’s never worn that colour ever before.
- Seppia’s body slave is an older woman, I really like this idea.
- “I seek vengeance.” –Get in line Seppia.
-  The Seppia / Glaber stuff is gross.
-  “I now gaze into his eyes and tremble at lurks behind them.”
-   Oh gods, Ilithyia and Lucretia talking about the cliff….yikes! But also, I mean it’s basically canon that these two are together right? They basically confess their love every chance they get (in their own fucked up way).
-   No one should look that happy with their hand inside an animal carcass pulling out organs. That’s just weird Agron.
-  Oh fuck shit. You can see the moment Agron gets it, when he realises that Crixus will always be above him in Spartacus’ eyes. He could offer Spartacus Glaber’s head and Sparty would find fault with it. This is the moment when I feel so much for Agron. All he’s ever wanted was for Sparty to trust and respect him, as he trusts and respects Spartacus, but it’s never going to happen.
-   Dude I really ship Gannicus and Marcia!
- Fucking Ashur.
-   OMG look at how they clutch at each other, I SHIP IT SO DAMN MUCH! Actually might be the only woman I ship Ganni with!
-  Ganni insulting Ashur is a beautiful thing.
-   “Gannicus has always been a man of few words.” LUCRETIA LOOKS SO FUCKING AMUSED, I LOVE IT.
-  Comparing Ganni to a Phoenix, I can dig it.
-  Can I just say that Craig Parker is a phenomenal actor. His voice and his movements are so much darker and slower than they were in s1, it’s like his whole body has switched with Glaber’s darkness. It’s truly amazing. Kudos!
-  “Ashur’s talents are of the shadows.”
-  Ganni don’t lie, you never stop craving the roar of the crowd.
-  Mummy and Daddy talking about the kids, it’s so sweet.
-  I’m confused though, now suddenly Sparty is on Agron’s side?!
- “Absent choice,” –those words get to me every time.
- Please stop talking about hypothetical Agron death!
-   Seriously Ilithyia totally thought Lucretia was talking about double suicide, AND SHE WAS ALL FOR IT. shit man.
-   Also, I super don’t find Lucretia slitting her wrist at all traumatic. Is that what all the blood and gore in this show does to you? I don’t actually mind.
-  I actually don’t like Oenomaus and Sparty being buddy buddy…and like, just beucase his wife cheated on him suddenly Oenomaus is all for Sparty’s cause?!?! I just feel like there were some conversations missing.
-  Oh look how quickly Agron loses his smile when Sparty comes around!
-  “I’m glad I risked my life for this lot,” – I love salty Lucius.
-   “I tire of hiding like frightened rabbits.” –why is it always the rabbits?
-  You can really see how hurt Agron is by all this, and I know the leaving early was on purpose and he was being petty but shit man, after all he’s put up with he deserves a moment to act like an idiot. the thing is, is that no one seems to see that he’s grown. He’s not the angry boy he was when he was GRIEVING HIS FUCKING BROTHER WHO WAS HIS FUCKING HEART. He’s healing and growing and genuinely wants to see their people safe and free, but everyone is stuck on him being angry and impulsive when drowning in grief. Give the boy a fucking break.
-  Seriously the amount of shit I can spew about Agron is endless.
-  MARCIA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-   “What would you have me do? Take up offer and turn on those I once called brother?”
-  “The whole world has slipped from reason.” –and it just keeps slipping and slipping.
-   I love that Lucretia’s plan give all the info for Ganni’s own plan.
-    Fuck me, every time Agron looks so happy at his Germans I get all warm and fuzzy. LET AGRON BE HAPPY!
-  The wrestling is fucking beautiful, and everyone happy and smiling is beautiful.
-  Seriously what is going on with Crixus? He’s super fucking depressed and not even Naevia’s smile is helping. He has his heart back and she is fighting to regain herself, but he had more life in him when she was gone. What gives?
- Lugo is fucking tragic. I love him.
-  Lugo making friends with Oenomaus, it’s precious.
- “Would that we were never parted.” – my heart is fluttering.
-  Oh my scheming wives.
-  It’s like, for one second you actually like Sedullus and it seems like he just wants everyone to get along, BUT THEN THE FUCKER TOUCHES NAEVIA! YOU DEAD BOY!
- Naevia’s fighting face is beautiful.
-  “Now I fuck the other side of you pretty little face.” –I dunno if I’m just being dumb, but I don’t understand this….like she one has one face, and there’s only one hole of someone’s face you can fuck……I’m so confused.
-   Fuck you Crixus for finding it funny that Agron is getting beat up.
-  Also, can no one tell that this isn’t a fight for fun??
- I’m sorry but everytime Lugo is on screen I shout “LUGO” in my mind.
- OH WHAT, Nasir has on this super intense (and fucking gorgeous) face when Lugo starts fighting.
-  HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM ACTUALLY SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE GOT A FUCKING HISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Okay but in all this tumbling and fighting, what the fuck happened to Agron. One minute he was on the ground under Sedullus, now he disappeared?!
-  I love this huge brawl more than anything. BUT I have issue with pairing Mira and Saxa together. They do it because they are both females and it’s a huge feminist thing right? (I ain’t hating on feminism at all here) but Saxa is a fighter with immense skill and Mira is not, at all. She is just learning how to fight, she’s nowhere near the level that Saxa is. It seems stupid to pair them together just because they are both girls. It’s almost an insult to Saxa, she should be fighting someone as skilled as she is.
- Sparty and Oenomaus taking shit down with one hit is everything!
-  Despite everything I said about Saxa and Mira fighting, seeing Mira kicking ass is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! QUEEN MIRA!
- Agron has suddenly materialized from nowhere to fight Sedullus again, okay sure.
-  Oh shit, dude right over the fire.
-   There is the briefest of seconds were I’m worried for Agron’s life, and clearly so is he!
-   Seriously, I get so annoyed with the editing sometimes. One clip, Agron is on his back, next clip he’s on all fours, clip after that he’s on his back again. C’mon people!
-  Where is Nasir though? Who did he end up fighting? Did he win? Did he aggravate his wounds?
-  That face slicing though is fucking brutal. Holy shit. I remember when I first saw it I had a few moments of “oh that’s gross”, then it was “shit that’s kinds cool”, to “super fake but I appreciate the shot”. Now all I can think is that it’s so fucking extra. SERIOUSLY, Spartacus has no idea why the fight broke out, he honestly has no reason to kill Sedullus but he does it anyways……. I don’t think that’s a good leader, even if it does work in Sparty’s favour.
-  Also that brain is a little stupid.
-  OH I SEE NASIR, I have no idea who he was fighting though.
-  I fucking hate the look Sparty gives Agron. He’s so clearly telling Agron that he is not in charge of the Germans….WHY DON’T YOU FUCKING DO THIS TO CRIXUS TOO!!!!
-   Aww, Nasir’s all bloody. I’m weirdly proud!
- Also, Sparty’s speech about animals and being brothers ….. the rebels were fighting the German’s too, so is he calling the rebels animals too?
-   Fuck, Agron’s speech. I’m not ready for the feels…. THE LOOK OF UTTER SURPIRISE ON SPARTACUS’ FACE WHEN AGRON DECLARES HIS LOYALTY MAKES ME KINDA MAD, Agron has never not been loyal to Sparty, fuck you Sparty.
-   Agron basically renouncing his kin for Sparty….it honestly breaks my heart, and not in the good way. CAN’T AGRON JUST HAVE SOME HAPPINESS FOR ONCE!
- Ooohhh I love the way Lugo says “Sedullus”.
-  “Lugo follow.” –guys, I seriously love Lugo.
- Agron beating his chest, what a sweetie.
-  Oooohhhhhh I see you Nemetes! Shit, I never saw him being so hesitant and wary and not actually giving a shit about Spartacus and his cause….i thought this whole Nemetes being a dick was a WotD thing, BUT IT STARTS FROM THE FUCKIGN BEGINNING. Shit man, I feel like there’s so much of this show that I missed.
- Why is Ganni always at a whorehouse.
-  Seriously what is with all these blue dresses lately?! BUT LUCRETIA IS A FUCKING GODDESS WALKING THE HALLS WITH THE FLOWY DRESS!
-  I don’t even have words for Seppia and Glaber sex.
-  I’m smiling so much at how brutal everything is, and seeing Ganni fight always makes me smile.
-  “Gannicus has made his decision.” –and in such a beautiful way. I love how he killed Ashur’s guy, it was beautiful and him giving up the Rudis is also beautiful and in this one moment in time I really like Ganni.
- I have the urge to watch GotA now.
-  Lucretia should stop scheming with anyone but Ilithyia. All these men she tries to persuade do the exact opposite of what she wants.
7 notes · View notes
bbgleeproject · 7 years
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[2/6/17, 10:41:50 PM] Roxy: andie and i have a showmance already [2/6/17, 10:42:01 PM] Roxy: we had    lots of  banter lol
[2/6/17, 10:51:17 PM] Roxy: lollolo [2/6/17, 10:58:27 PM] Roxy: I’ve been added to a felinenist alliance and now a menemist group lol
[2/7/17, 1:40:42 AM] Roxy: oh god I’m so fucked for this game everyone knows each other like buddys for life [2/7/17, 1:40:49 AM] Roxy: they just had like a 4 hour call and its still going lol
[2/7/17, 10:31:33 AM] Ruthie: (*) WILL YOU BE TRYING TO SHOWMANCE ANYONE THIS SEASON? (*) [2/7/17, 3:35:43 PM] Roxy: Yes. U.
[2/7/17, 11:03:34 PM] Ruthie: (*) NICHOLAS WON HOH.  HOW ARE YOU FEELING ABOUT THAT? (*) [2/7/17, 11:04:48 PM] Roxy: they do that exact  star thingy in  dreamworld smh [2/7/17, 11:05:33 PM] Roxy: use like [2/7/17, 11:05:35 PM] Roxy: (dance) [2/7/17, 11:05:48 PM] Roxy: (dance)  NICHOLAS WON HOH.  HOW ARE YOU FEELING ABOUT THAT?  (dance) [2/7/17, 11:06:02 PM] Roxy: good lol we good
[2/9/17, 10:49:08 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
(*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN YOUR CLIQUE? (*) [2/10/17, 12:32:42 AM] Roxy: Nicholas is bae and p I my cliwueare there
[2/11/17, 6:25:30 AM] Roxy: everyone isa  prisoner [2/11/17, 6:25:37 AM] Roxy: americans  and canadians and  aussies [2/11/17, 6:25:41 AM] wolfchief1998: you are the only prisoner. [2/11/17, 6:25:49 AM] wolfchief1998: with terrible grammar. [2/11/17, 6:25:52 AM] Roxy: I’m a prisoner caasue I’m into bdsm smh [2/11/17, 6:26:00 AM] Roxy: my grammar is fine I’m just too lazy to type welll
[2/11/17, 8:15:28 AM] Roxy: And I usually theow hohs lol [2/11/17, 8:15:46 AM] Roxy: In embb3 I thre almost all of the hohs [2/11/17, 8:19:55 AM] Roxy: Lelmoo where t f ddo u even live tbh
[2/12/17, 2:08:54 AM] Roxy: LOL [2/12/17, 2:09:02 AM] Roxy: im in a weird mood [2/12/17, 2:09:03 AM] Roxy: like [2/12/17, 2:09:05 AM] Roxy: im hyperactive [2/12/17, 2:09:10 AM] Roxy: and my sexual banter [2/12/17, 2:09:11 AM] Roxy: is like [2/12/17, 2:09:13 AM] Roxy: unstoppablee!!
[2/12/17, 2:10:15 AM] Ruthie: I can tell! :P [2/12/17, 2:12:58 AM] Roxy: ;)  you wanna do more than tell? ou wanna feel? [2/12/17, 2:12:58 AM] Roxy: jks [2/12/17, 2:12:59 AM] Roxy: bye
[2/12/17, 3:06:53 PM] AshleySarah ~Glee Host~: (lips) YOU NOW HAVE MONO.  NAME WHICH HOUSEGUEST YOU WOULD LIKE TO INFECT WITH MONO. (lips)
Chrissa Elijah [2/12/17, 3:07:13 PM] moioonelmo: roxy choose wisely!! [2/12/17, 3:07:34 PM] Ruthie: GOOD LUCK <3 [2/12/17, 3:07:36 PM] moioonelmo: and ill stand by your decision! [2/12/17, 4:48:25 PM] Roxy: Lol [2/12/17, 4:48:43 PM] Roxy: Julia wants me to kiss ellijah so that  nic cpuld be nommed [2/12/17, 4:50:40 PM] AshleySarah ~Glee Host~: Is that your answer???? [2/12/17, 4:50:54 PM] Roxy: No lol [2/12/17, 4:51:02 PM] Roxy: Its my musings [2/12/17, 4:51:21 PM] AshleySarah ~Glee Host~: Let us know your final decision!!!! [2/12/17, 4:54:53 PM] Ruthie: :* [2/12/17, 4:55:57 PM] Roxy: I probably wont say till abput 11 am my time during my break [2/12/17, 4:57:37 PM] Ruthie: Let us know soon! :) [2/12/17, 5:03:34 PM] Roxy: 11 is in 2hrs lol [2/12/17, 5:05:03 PM] Ruthie: :o :o :o [2/12/17, 5:05:10 PM] moioonelmo: #pressure [2/12/17, 5:05:26 PM] Ruthie: Decisions decisions [2/12/17, 5:05:40 PM] Roxy: Lol [2/12/17, 5:06:17 PM] Roxy: If I bite elijah I hurt an ally slightly and I become a sheep of the Julia rae cult [2/12/17, 5:06:36 PM] Roxy: But if I dont bite elijah I hurt the cult and they might go aftdr me for it
[2/12/17, 5:58:27 PM] Roxy: C.p this: [2/12/17, 5:59:54 PM] Roxy: As a fujoshi (google it) I cannot kiss elijah! Id prefferto watch him kiss another guy! So I kiss chrissa cause tgeir lip looks so sensual and invoting my pussy was like bitch if u dont kids this hoe im slappi, u
[2/13/17, 12:09:41 AM] Ruthie: (lips) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT ELIJAH WINNING HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD? (lips) [2/13/17, 12:26:37 AM] Roxy: Hungry
[2/14/17, 6:59:10 AM] Roxy: ugh coudlnt find anything [2/14/17, 6:59:55 AM] Roxy: elmo T_T [2/14/17, 7:01:20 AM] Roxy: elmo lol i joined an org about a tv show i never seen an episode of lol
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[2/16/17, 8:54:05 PM] AshleySarah ~Glee Host~: (*) How do you feel about Chrissa leaving? Do you think there will be a buyback? How important is HOH? (*) [2/17/17, 12:52:26 AM] Roxy: buyback  maybe   idc much she didn’t care for me   so meh
[2/17/17, 2:12:53 AM] Roxy: i want a new one each week! [2/17/17, 2:13:02 AM] Roxy: but idk that many ppl lol [2/17/17, 8:12:51 AM] Roxy: i wanna add chris  as a guest lol [2/17/17, 8:12:57 AM] Roxy: and maybe to the guest list for main [2/17/17, 8:13:12 AM] Roxy: he isn’t very iconic but he is the leader of the survivor community we play in
[2/17/17, 9:48:22 AM] Roxy: lol [2/17/17, 9:48:39 AM] Roxy: chris i joined an org about a show i never watched and the  things are about the show and i got no clue lol [2/17/17, 9:48:47 AM] Roxy: which reminds me that imma have to abstain from hoh [2/17/17, 9:49:05 AM] Roxy: it like a challenge where you gotta  put a  video in sequence like snces from an episode of glee lol
[2/17/17, 9:49:40 AM] Roxy: lul [2/17/17, 9:49:53 AM] Roxy: i don’t even like glee lol  I’m just here for ruthie
[2/17/17, 9:00:18 PM] Ruthie: Hey, Julia, are you going to try for HOH or are you really abstaining? (lips) [2/17/17, 9:00:47 PM] Roxy: um  if this  thingy requiring me of editing the actual video? [2/17/17, 9:01:01 PM] Roxy: or can i random.org scenes? lol
[2/17/17, 11:22:13 PM] Ruthie: (lips) THERE WASN’T AN ADVANTAGE IN THE HOH RESULTS POST THIS WEEK!  DO YOU THINK ONE WILL SHOW UP OR….? (lips) [2/17/17, 11:26:55 PM] Roxy: if it does ill be unable to find it due to my lack of knowledge of   glee [2/17/17, 11:27:03 PM] Roxy: also low key if there isnt a singing comp ill cry [2/17/17, 11:27:11 PM] Roxy: and if you do it after i get evicted ill cry harder
[2/18/17, 12:41:09 PM] AshleySarah ~Glee Host~: (*) WITH SO MUCH GOING ON IN THE HOUSE WHO DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN TRUST?? WHO IS DEFINITELY NOT TRUST WORTHY??? (*) [2/18/17, 4:00:06 PM] Roxy: Ur FACE
[2/21/17, 4:13:37 PM] Roxy: Lol [2/21/17, 4:13:48 PM] Roxy: I dont like glee cause its too fake for me
[2/21/17, 9:55:31 PM] AshleySarah ~Glee Host~: (party) I’m here if  you’re ready to get punished! (party) [2/21/17, 9:55:41 PM] Ruthie: PUNISH HER ASHLEY SARAH ;) [2/21/17, 9:55:45 PM] Roxy: omg  i accepted al lthe punishments in   dreamworld lmfao [2/21/17, 9:55:47 PM] Ruthie: (party) [2/21/17, 9:55:49 PM] Roxy: lmfaooo im ready
[2/22/17, 10:54:46 AM] AshleySarah ~Glee Host~: (party) WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON SUES TAKEOVER??? (party) [2/22/17, 4:08:58 PM] Roxy: Who? [2/22/17, 4:14:00 PM] Roxy: Oh lmfao
[2/25/17, 8:00:48 PM] Roxy: kurt is my fav so far cause like he is so fationable [2/25/17, 8:00:59 PM] Roxy: fuck you guys i think I’m going to watch glee episode 1 now   after this collage [2/25/17, 8:01:00 PM] Roxy: ugh [2/25/17, 8:01:05 PM] Roxy: tbh i rememebr watchign episode 1 before [2/25/17, 8:01:08 PM] Roxy: casue i was curious [2/25/17, 8:01:10 PM] Roxy: never finished it
[2/26/17, 7:17:09 PM] Roxy: ;P [2/26/17, 7:17:14 PM] Roxy: side note i had a glee daydream today
[3/1/17, 11:12:19 PM] Roxy: loool [3/1/17, 11:12:22 PM] Roxy: try to save yourself:: [3/1/17, 11:12:27 PM] Roxy: this is how i tried to save myself [3/1/17, 11:12:36 PM] Roxy: [2/03/2017 2:15:02 pm] Roxyearl (EMVivor Host): 2017-02-25, 1:00:39 AM] zach: if you use the veto [2017-02-25, 1:00:40 AM] zach: sydneys going up [2017-02-25, 1:00:41 AM] zach: ive decided . [2017-02-25, 1:01:00 AM] julia rae: why wont u put up roxy [2/03/2017 2:15:04 pm] Roxyearl (EMVivor Host): tea? [2/03/2017 2:55:59 pm] julia rae: i don't know why it's just me when literally it was other people's idea [3/1/17, 11:13:13 PM] Roxy: [2/03/2017 1:50:02 pm] nicholas: yeah but you shouldn’t assume you were safe [2/03/2017 1:50:06 pm] nicholas: week 1 i had to come to you [2/03/2017 1:50:13 pm] nicholas: when i was hoh [2/03/2017 1:50:38 pm] Roxyearl (EMVivor Host): sorry i just assumed you wouldn’t be foolish enough to nom me cause its such a useless move [2/03/2017 1:50:49 pm] Roxyearl (EMVivor Host): and i never  had it going for you  so  you’ve had no reason to either [2/03/2017 1:51:10 pm] Roxyearl (EMVivor Host): and  the one person you thought i was working with bussed me so idk why you’d wnana believe what he said PLUS he nonmed me [2/03/2017 1:51:42 pm] Roxyearl (EMVivor Host): pluses its pretty  obvious how bad my social game is in glee bb [2/03/2017 1:52:00 pm] Roxyearl (EMVivor Host): so  i assumed u wouldn’t be  foolish enough to waste your hoh like that [3/1/17, 11:13:24 PM] Roxy: XD this is my tryna save myself [3/1/17, 11:13:25 PM] Roxy: kekek
[3/1/17, 11:26:50 PM] Roxy: rather [3/1/17, 11:26:53 PM] Roxy: there were 4 noms [3/1/17, 11:26:54 PM] Roxy: *Are [3/1/17, 11:27:08 PM] Roxy: and 1 is a target of a majority  pre made in this game [3/1/17, 11:27:22 PM] Roxy: so ill be safe if  he doesn’t win pov
[3/3/17, 6:13:22 PM] Roxy: Yes lolits a buyback now [3/3/17, 6:13:29 PM] Roxy: It was 3-3 [3/3/17, 6:13:34 PM] nightoned: ouch [3/3/17, 6:13:41 PM] Roxy: And that hoe nicholas voted me out the hoh
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toomanyskeletons · 7 years
do all the oc asks ALL of them for AT LEAST two of your ocs (evil laughter)
you act as if talking extensively about my ocs does not bring me joy (i’ll only do two probably bc i do have some asks from other people so i’ll have to do those with other ocs, and i’ll try to stick to the same two for the most part.
or three. maybe three.)
anyway let’s begin
1. if they had a tumblr, what would they post about?
Sam: hmm i think probably some blog like. Mostly trans positivity posts with scattered posts abt how much she loves her gf
Amelia: considering her popularity status she’d run some blog like. U kno the blogs tumblr celebrities run i guess? So like. Reblogging a few general funny posts and answering select asks while getting like 200 every day.
 2. what’s their favourite colour?
 Sam: she likes blue :o like. Light blues. Also she keeps her hair dyed light blue as well
Amelia: purple. Honestly idk much more i can say about this.
 3. What makes them laugh?
 Sam: shitty puns and memes, mostly. The type of person who laughs out loud when u just say ‘egg’. She’s probably still into ‘xD tacos’ random humour.
Amelia: the polar opposite of sam in this regard. Laughs at intellectual humor. Like. rich fancy people. I know it exists but i cant think of any specific examples. Politely laughs at things people say are funny but she does not find them actually funny.
 4. If they had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
 Sam: “lmao dw i’ll probably just go to hell anyway” wait no context is important. She’s like. Actually how do i make this not sound bad rip. Uh. basically she is a business partner of lucifer who is actually p chill but that’s another story
Anyway that means like. If she dies she’ll probably just come back as a ghost or a higher tier demon.
O fuk now i really wanna draw that
Amelia: panicking and trying to find a way to not die. She had things she wants to do and a public record to maintain and jeez  i just realised how much ames has changed compared the the first universe she was in. i mean YEAH completely different life experiences but rip
 5. Do they have any annoying habits?
 -this is really subjective bc of what different people consider annoying but
Sam: people say she laughs too much. That is not her annoying habit is, her annoying habit is tellling lucifer when people say that so lucifer can like. Ban them from reincarnation or put a curse on them or something like that. Also sometimes when she cant be bothered to go that extra step she might go into the past and become that person’s grandmother.
...that second one isnt really an annoying habit to most people but to the one guy who has to help keep control of time, it is a very annoying habit and what makes up like half of his job doings.
 Amelia: sometimes goes very over the top with things. One time she stole a magic book by becoming a security guard at the place where it was kept and then took the book and ran. So like, instead of doing things illegally, she did it also illegally and got a month’s pay from it as well.
I guess she’s like. Extra™
 6. What’s their favourite movie genre?
I s2fg i have mentioned this sometime in one of the long texts i have written involving these characters but i cant remember so
Sam: tbh probably more realistic/contemporary stuff, rom-coms, slice of life, coming of age etc. Like. her life is a science fiction/fantasy movie she’s a time traveler working with the dark lord lucifer ffs. Also she’d probably get annoyed on tiny details while watching historical stuff like
“That never happened”
“Sam it’s fiction, it’s a movie, how would they have known that”
“Well maybe they didn’t know it but it’s still fucking annoying”
 Amelia: probably similar to sam, her life is fuckin busy and always people and she’s famous so like. Escape from her life is to indulge in the normal things.
 Just as a side note this does take place in a modern-ish fantasy world so idk what fantasy movies would be considered there but. They exist. I’ll work this out sooner or later
 Also bonus character bc its fucking funny - Zeph: zephyr likes horror movies. She also likes to watch horror movies with her brother. Her brother does not share her same passion for horror movies. He has a certain threshold before he has to flee the room and cuddle someone. This is mostly why zeph likes horror movies. She is pretty picky with what she considers ‘good’ and spends most of her time making fun of horror movies.
And, like the rest of us, secretly freaks out when she is alone at night and hears a sound outside. But for significantly less long because she knows exactly how to make fun of it.
 7. What are their religious beliefs?
 Alright i might not (read: will not currently) answer this bc i’m still working out how to handle religion in this, bc basically there is historical evidence for how the world was created. But obviously that’s not the only component to religion?
Another point would be that actually i still havent got around to creating any religions yet.i still gotta get around to getting down a more detailed history of the world first but i am planning it
 8. What’s their current job (if they have one)?
Yes BITCH i have been WAITIGN for a question like this
 Sam: basically she made a deal with lucifer and runs many errands for them. But also they helped her a LOT when they helped her escape a shitty transphobic environment and also the two became best friends? So i mean she doesn’t get paid but that takes up a lot of her time
Also she, at one stage, becomes part of this thing called the council which i haven’t quite worked out how they work in this universe yet. Theyre a bunch of strong magic people who work in coordination with the Champion (more on this below) to put down rules about magic. Theyre a reused concept from this story i made when i was like. 10. So the idea does need some reworking.
 Amelia: amelia is the champion, which is basically the title given to the person who wins at a big magic competition. Its a p big job, lots of publicity and pr and often regretted by the people who do end up getting there
(like? This one guy? He was kinda like “oh yeah sounds fun” and then he fucking won and he was like “lmao i’ll lose next year” and then he kept the position for 7 years and after that got so fucking sick of it he faked his assassination and became a reclusive mysterious millionaire)
Anyway she enjoys it for the first while until there is a real threat of her being assassinated unlike the aforementioned dude
But she enjoys being around people to an extent, and like. She enjoys making people happy, so
 9. How do they react to confrontation?
 Sam: similar way to what i described before. Like. jsut the little things. Cursing them with the help of lucifer, becoming their grandmother, you know. The usual ways people deal with confrontation.
Amelia: curiosity, further questioning, keeping calm, kinda just. Being chill about it. She wants to make herself a better person, in general, and if someone is deliberately being a confrontational asshole she prefers to just state her point calmly.
 10. Do they have a criminal record?
 Sam: you know? Probably? She kills a bunch of assholes where it’s required, but also she legally doesn’t exist? So? Idk? She’s been arrested a few times, but considering there is no information on her existence at all-
*shrugs* idfk how the law works.
 Amelia: well, technically, no, she only did illegal things last universe and had a pretty fancy upbringing this universe, so there was no reason for her to do the illegals and also like. Public image and stuff. She worries a lot about public image.
 11. What’s their favourite plant?
 Another thing which i feel i have mentioned somewhere but idfk where
 Sam: likes hydrangeas. They’re pretty.
Amelia: can i just say. It is definitely not catnip. Actually. Maybe? Like. she had some pretty fuckin negative experiences with catnip where she destroyed reality for like a solid five seconds by accident and went to purgatory, but also she made two life friends out of it, so? Maybe catnip after all.
 12. Can they play any instruments?
 Sam: “does the kazoo count”
Amelia: nope
 But because this was boring, i’m going to do a special guest feature from her half brother ryan who is a semi-popular youtube vlogger/musician-y dude. or . whatever this world’s equivalent of youtube is. Uh. metube. Yotube. I’ll think about it.
 Ryan: he plays the guitar and sings and he’s damn fucking good at it and he knows it. Also he shares the same combination of forgetting how to outlet his anger in healthy ways + poor impulse control which means that about once every six months he has to buy a new guitar because he couldn’t get that song right and he hit the guitar against the floor.
(his dad is a writer and also an archangel,and one time he couldn’t work out how to start off a scene right so he exploded his laptop and had to use a typewriter for the four weeks while his other archangel buddy was fixing it - i’m getting off topic here)
 13. What are they proudest of?
 Sam: i guess just. Her life in general? Like. she’s survived up to this point, she’s doin shit, maybe not the shit she expected to be doing or the shit she imagined she’d be doing but she’s still doin it. Like. fuck you life. I survived. And she’s proud of that.
Amelia: that one time when she managed to keep her champion title the first time? And also when she made friends with the guy who she thought was a girl and also dead who turned out to be not a girl and alive and also was the champion for seven years rememebr that guy yeah that’s this guy. Anyway she made friends with him after settling some differences. And also when she stopped a whole organisation from murdering her yeah that was good too.
 14. What’s their biggest insecurity?
 Sam: okay this is Definitely Not Me Projecting here (hint: it’s me projecting) but she hates being seen as masculine at all and is very insecure when people refer to her or see her as masculine? Like if u call her butch She Will Cry and also why would you do that bc her and her girlfriend are femme as heck
Amelia: public image public image public image public image
Like. she doesn’t want to look bad, or like a bad public leader, but also, she just wants to do her own thing, u kno?
 15. What do they most often dream about?
Like. literally dream or daydream?
 Sam: probably. Mostly happy stuff. Plus random occasional vivid recollections of tramatic experiences.
Amelia: honestly who the fuck knows (i’d answer this properly but I am Almost Out O f Time)
 So yes almost out of time but thank you so much and doing this has inspired me to just completely rework my first book to make it more interesting
I know that sounds bad btu its not i promise i love oyu
(also there was a bunch of different formatting like italcs etc that was lost when icopied from here to docs sorry)
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lavieboheme930 · 7 years
Music Survey of the day
I really want to do this one every day cause it’s so much fun
SONG 1: 1999-Prince What comes to mind when you hear this song? Prince’s death.  Especially the line “Life is just a party and parties weren’t meant to last” Rate the singers looks out of 10? 10. He was one of my first celebrity crushes. What year was it released? 1982 I think
SONG 2: Changing Colors -Jason Castro Best instrument in the song? Guitar Third line? “That you don’t want to call me back.” Genre? folk
SONG 3: God Must’ve Spent a Little more time on you -*NSYNC Would it be good live? Sure What’s the name of the album? *NSYNC Last word: "You”
SONG 4: She’s So High -Tal Bachman Spell it without vowels: Sh S Hgh  Write the opposite of each word in the title: He’s Not Low HAHA I guess so What sort of event would you play this song at? I don’t know.  I think I heard it at a skating show once
SONG 5: Let’s Just Fall In Love Again -Jason Castro Is this song heavy or soft? Soft Have you seen the artist live? Yes, like 5 times now.  Met him all those times too How many times have you played this? Many. Especially when I used it for a skating performance
SONG 6: Give Me Novacaine -Green Day Is it a well known artist? Very  How many songs do you have by them? A lot How long does it go for? 3:26
SONG 7: I Am The Walrus -The Beatles Remind you of anything? When I was introduced to it while watching the Beatles Anthology...I love John Lennon and I fell in love with him in this video and I rememebr at 12 years old me calling my friend up and telling her John was sexy in this video How would you dance to this? Some psychedellic way I guess LOL Did you buy it or download it? bought it
SONG 8: You Are Not Alone -Michael Jackson Name the song something different: I’m Always There for You  Does it use a riff or a chord progression? I don’t know. Rate the album out of 10: 8.  10
SONG 9: Across the Universe -Michael Johns How did you learn about this song? From the Beatles actually.  And when Michael sang it on Idol. Are there any meaning to the lyrics? Yes very much so.   Describe the video: There isn’t one.
SONG 10: Man in the Mirror -Michael Jackson Seen any dvds of the artists? I owed one at a time Favourite song by them? Oh wow...this one is one.  Then Black or White, Will you be there, and Heal the world Any explicit lyrics? Nope.  
SONG 11: Spanish Harlem -Frankie Valli What would your best friend think of you listening to this song? Nothing, they know I’m a fan Your mum? She’s the one who introduced me to Frankie LOL Favourite line? None in this one
SONG 12: We Can Get You Down -Joey McIntyre It comes on the radio, what do you do? It’s never been on the radio :( Favourite part of the song? The whole thing Mood it puts you in? Very happy more so now after getting a pic with him <3 <3
SONG 13: Something to Believe in -Poison Does it suit the number 13? Wow...I guess if you want to believe 13 is bad luck What would you say to the artist if they were here right now? I love your music!! When would you listen to this song? Anytime. I love Poison
Song 14: Better Man -Pearl Jam If you could listen to one more song, would it be this? Nah What artist should cover it? I don’t know What do you think of when you hear the name of it? Nothing
Song 15: I Would Die 4 U- Prince Best part? The chorus Best lyric? You’re just a sinner I am told be your fire when you’re cold, make you happy when you’re sad, make you good when you are bad.” Worst lyric? None
SONG 16: Me and Bobby McGee How many times could you listen to it without getting sick of it? Maybe a few times Spell the artist backwards: No thanks. How much would you pay to see it live? It’ll never happen as she’s gone :(
SONG 17: Someday when I stop loving you -Carrie Underwood First word? One Last word? You Put both in a sentence: This one song has nothing on you.
Song 18: It Matters to Me -Jason Castro Make you think about? How many times i’ve met him and how he always seems to remeber me Remind you of any friends? Lisa, who I introduced to him when we went to see him this summer What genre best defines the artist? folk
SONG 19: Roar -Katy Perry Buy or download? Buy What’s one thing that could be improved? None What decade was the artist in their prime at? She still is
SONG 20: Radioactive -Kings of Leon What part of the song stands out? All of it. How much do you love the artist? Ehh...I’m a so so fan.  Got into them cause of Constantine mentioning their music. Has anyone in the band died? No
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Valentine Asks Bcuz Im a Fucko
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
3: Longest relationship you've ever been in?
about 3 years
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
its alright i guess 
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
i really hope not
7: Have you ever cheated?
8: Would you date someone who's well known for cheating?
9: What's the most important part of a relationship?
being friends 
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
flings are better 
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on "breaks"?
absolutely not 
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
around 7 maybe ? maybe more though 
13: What's one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
around 16 tbh but its not my business 
15: Do you believe in the phrase "age is just a number"?
ew fuck no 
16: Do you believe in "love at first sight"?
not really no
17: Do you believe it's possible to fall in love on the internet?
yeah but its kind of hard to stay in love 
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
i cant deal with people who dont at least try to listen to me 
19: How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
when they start acting distant 
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
yeah if they want to ? 
23: How many relationships have you had?
2 serious ones 
24: Do you think love can last forever?
probably not tbh 
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
not rlly 
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn't approve of?
nope fuck that 
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
please just leave lmao
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
occasionally but like i said its hard to stay in love 
29: What do you notice first about another person?
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
bitch idfk 
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
no im not that much of a bitch 
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
33: Do you want to get married one day?
i dont know 
34: What do you think about getting your partner's name tattooed?
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
36: Are you still a virgin?
37: What's more important: Looks or personality?
38: Do you enjoy love films?
ew no
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
i think so but i dont rememebr LOL
41: What's your imagination of a "perfect date"?
i dont know i just want to play video games and eat 
42: Have you ever read "Romeo & Juliet"?
yeah in highschool
43: What's more important: Your partner or your friends?
my friends 
44: Would you consider yourself "romantic"?
not rlly 
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
yeah i can see it 
46: Have you ever been "friendzoned"?
havent we All
47: Which "famous couple" is your favorite?
48: What's your favorite love song?
jenny by studio killers boi
49: Have you ever broken someone's heart?
i think so 
50: If you're single, why do you think you are?
bcuz im not good enough obviously 
51: Would you rather date someone who's rich but a douchebag or someone who's poor but a nice guy?
poor but a nice guy 
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
yessir but im bad at following it myself LOLOL
53: Are you jealous of couples when you're single?
kind of ?
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on Facebook)?
not very...i dont really care about that stuff 
55: Would you consider yourself "clingy", "overly attached" or "jealous"?
yeah probably 
56: Have you ever "destroyed" a relationship?
57: Do you think it's silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
meh if people feel that way theres something else going on as well usually so no 
58: Are you the "dominant" or the "submissive" part in a relationship?
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner's birthday or your anniversary?
60: What's your opinion on open relationships?
i dont mind them and id be in one 
61: Who's more important: Your partner or your family?
my partner 
62: How do you define "cheating"?
making any sort of romantic/sexual advance or saying to someone else 
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
64: Do you think Valentine's Day is overrated?
yeah kind of 
65: Would you consider yourself a "cuddler"?
Yeah i love to do me a cuddle 
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angel78 · 8 years
another failed attempt at seeing a new therapist
its literally pointless to try anymore. its honestly not even about “getting better” anymore its about the fact that i just want to be figured the fuck out already. i want to get it all out i want to understand i want to know what happened to me and what the hell is wrong with me... but i guess i’ve always done that myself anywhere. 
i have learned everything i have come to understand about myself in writing and art, mainly my own because that is where i am sorting myself out, but of course with others’ work as well. 
i was never allowed to see a therapist growing up, my parents didnt believe in mental illness and thought i was just crazy or dramatic or whatever else ive said it here before plenty of times. once i left renfrew i tried one or two but one i couldnt afford and the other made me uncomfortable. i had one therapist in wvu that didn’t help or understand at all and just made me feel like i was psycho and straight up would ask me if i paid before i sat down ???? when i finally came back to jersey, i tried to see another therapist in february and she turned me down entirely and said she could not help me or see me because i needed higher care and she couldnt be responsible for that. then finally i began seeing a therapist at my school who saw me for a few months who i thought i might finally be able to get something out of, maybe, but she told me she had to stop seeing me because i was too sick too and needed a higher care and i told her i refused to go to anything inpatient so she straight up said she cant help me anymore but we could have an appointment to find a good program for me and i never went because fuck you for that. right when things started peaking again she just didn’t want to help me anymore. i understand the “ethics” behind seeing someone who you deem “too unwell” to only be attending an hour long therapy session once a week but for gods sake she knew all of the reasons i couldnt do that and some of them were kind of bullshit in her opinion like me refusing to put school on hold again but some of them were fucking valid like money and not having a car at the time to even do an outpatient if i tried and my parents and just everything. 
then finally a few weeks ago i started seeing a new therapist, literally like the day after finding out my boyfriend has fucking cancer, and i saw her three times, spent the first two times having an insurance/money battle in the beginning, and the second time waited for her for 7 minutes after my appt was supposed to start and she still cut me off right after the allotted time was up technically not giving me the appropriate 45 full minutes ???? but not only that she called me by the wrong name ???? only says elementary shit like “so how are depression and anxiety” and just nods and doesnt offer any feedback when i talk. she didnt try at all to get to know my circumstances like i always had to fish for things to talk about because she couldnt even start asking me questions of her own since the first session which like how is that supposed to help me i came here because I NEED HELP and then even though the insurance sent me a document with this therapists specializations and eating disorders WERE LISTED AS ONE OF THEM she says that she doesnt know much about eating disorders and isnt trained in them so she doesnt know how to really help and she then went on to tell me she thinks i just need a higher care and that we could have our last session (the following week from last thursday which would have been tomorrow) so we can find a program together that i should start ???? yeah nice way to say see you never and take another $50 from me when you cant even rememebr my FUCKING NAME WHEN ITS SITTING ON YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN IN FRONT OF YOU AND YOU LITERALLY LISTED EATING DISORDERS IN YOUR SPECIALIZATIONS WHEN YOU APPARENTLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM ACCORDING TO YOU sorry im livid but anyway now im back to no therapist and that makes a consecutive three suggesting i needed a higher care but i guess at least this one was just a complete idiot and didnt say she refused to help me anymore 
so i just wanted to post a rant update about that and i guess from here i will just continue
i started class and my last week of training for my new serving job yesterday, i had class at 8:00 after not sleeping all night and have three more classes and then training again, i look cute today but no one lked my selfies on twitter so that was very nice also, im speeding frivolously, and ,,,,
my mom and i got into two big dumb fights over the last week over something so stupid but as always she had to go on and curse me off and tell me she doesnt want me in “her house” which is really funny because how can you call it your house when you 1) dont even have a job therefore do not pay bills 2) my dad, as much as he hurts me, just had to get a second job again to support my family when my mom doesnt even have one and doesnt even love my dad anymore but she’ll reap the benefits of having a man willing to do that for her 3) she literally left us like two months ago to live with her friend then decides to come back because “it was hard driving back and forth and i couldnt see the kids everyday” which honestly, to me, translates to it was too hard coming here every day just to bake cakes 4) she told me whenever she does get money (somehow???) she has full intentions of moving out and getting her own place so even if she did have money i guess making this number 5) she would be PUTTING IT TO GETTING HER OWN PLACE AND NOT THE HOUSE ANYWAY SO I REST MY CASE DOESNT LOOK LKE YOUR HOUSE TO ME BITCH and i left sunday night and went to be with vincent and i get to sleep with him all week and then yesterday my mom tried to send me a meme so i would respond and laugh and we could pretend nothing happened but im tired of doing that im tired of acting like just because im their child i dont deserve an apology like fuck if i dont even deserve help on my medical bills ???? i think i at the very least deserve an apology every now and again ???? especially since they are a signficant part of the reason I AM THIS WAY and then yesterday my dad texted me asking where ive been and i told him what happened and actually tried to have a mature conversation and tell him how i felt like an adult and why i dont think my mom acted fairly and he literally left me on read so thats how my family life is going
otherwise eating is impossible unless its in capsule form and and im overly paranoid and i cant drive without imagining a parallel universe every car that comes into my vicinity somehow crashes into me and not even in the suicidal way literally in the twitching at the sight of an approaching vehicle and shaking my head and closing my eyes while driving because all i can see are these traumatizing visions of things that have never happened to me and im really depressed and i have no friends 
and i really sound like a whiney bitch right now but i havent posted much about whats going on in my life lately and clearly !!!! i dont have a therapist to tell !!!!
i keep wanting to write and have fragments of words but it doesnt feel right yet and i know that
i have no money and my phone and car bills are due next week and i wont be making any money until next week MAYBE
literally the only good thing right now is that vincent is doing pretty well, its really hard to see him this way a lot of the time but its getting easier because im getting used to seeing him bald or how little he eats or helping him when he’s sick, as far as we know the chemo seems to be doing what its supposed to do, he is doing well, i hope it stays that way because he’s literally everything to me and the only thing that makes me want to be on this earth 
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