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mayatara · 4 years ago
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#Aquamarine #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #アクアマリン #三月誕生石 #海水藍寶石 #海藍寶 #海藍寶石 #能量寶石 #藍色的寶石 #手作飾品 #天然石 #天然石好き #gemstones #Ilovegemstones #gemstonelover #天然石アクセサリー #SterlingSilver #ハンドメイド #mayatarajewelry #天然石色彩能量 #pendant #ペンダント #項鍊 #手工項鍊 #墜子 #手工墜子 https://www.instagram.com/p/COxlH7DhuMs/?igshid=gguqn6rrkes3
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astralsecrets · 6 years ago
5 Jan: LDs, flying through majestic surreal landscapes and making out with my teacher
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some house, looking through clothes my mom found in trash, then also some toys which are to be donated to a kindergarten, checking if they are complete and playing a bit with some of the games. Then for no reason I see my teacher sitting at the end of this room, with it's back turned to me and I get lucid. I go towards him and surprise him by touching him softly in his back. He is wearing a light brown shirt and he looks to the side to see me. I move my hand down his arm and gently caress him. He shuts his eyes in total surrender. So I kiss him. I notice his lips a bit dry, but soon our salivas mix and our tongues intertwine, while I caress his shaved head. I enjoy every bit of it. Then I realize there is someone else in the room. We stop and I turn to this person. It looks like my dad, he doesn't seem to recognize me. He turns away quickly and heads to a door. As he opens the door, he looks back one more time and his physiognomy changed. He is taller, slimmer, more tanned and dresses like an Indian man. I follow him but lose him in the movement of people outside. My attention also gets drawn by the majestic landscape and I don't follow the man anymore. In front of me are some amazing mountains covered in luscious green vegetation. And there are people going up and down the mountains, apparently carrying things, picking up fruits, going about many different activities. Strangely, the mountains seem extremely tall ,but people have the same apparent dimension whether they are at the top of it or down at its base. I see a huge strange black bird flying over my head. It is the size of a big eagle, it has a beak like a toucan and strange wings that make a half-moon shape with the first two feathers on each side slightly round and color red. I follow its flight and to my left I see what seem like clouds made of liquid water, which give the impression that everything beneath it, is underwater. There is a type of tree whose top touches the liquid cloud and behaves like kelp in the ocean. Then I turn my attention again to the mountains. I realize the contours of the mountains, the hills and valleys, the rocky surfaces, are all fractal shaped. I decide to take off and fly to see it up close. I am mesmerized by these patterns, and the psychedelic colors they have and then I almost wake up, but instead I have a FA in a totally white empty house. I remember I left my teacher back in the other house and I go around this house calling out his name, hoping to summon him back. Going through some corridor I spot someone that looks like him and other people going after, but when I get closer, it isn't him. But he is also a teacher to these people, who admire him and are respectfully walking him out as he leaves. I am starting to feel the LD fading away, so I decide to get out of here and do my own hing. I find a window and jump to outside. It's again a beautiful landscape with green hills, but this house is right on the slope. I have to climb some moss covered rocks to reach the top of the hill. Some lady who had made some comment to me inside, followed me out the window and insists on asking me something about mind training. Something like, if I feel that realization is a consequence of how much time you practice. If it is an inevitable consequence of your time dedication to practice, because she is feeling frustrated for not seeing results. I don't remember exact words I said, it was very short answer, but it was something in the line of "no, it's not just time related, more about quality and merit." Then on the top of the hill I see a valley below, but really far below, like we are many kms of altitude up. I decide to jump and fly some more. I enjoy it for some time, once again absorbing the details of the majestic landscape. Until I start descending and land in some city below. I land in a town square between some classical buildings and there is a giant painting on the floor with a reproduction of some classical work of art. I dig my hands in the floor and have fun picking up elements from the painting and throwing them in the air to watch them slowly fall like confetti. Then I want the painting to become a giant trampoline and I have fun jumping and doing flips in the air. When I am done with it, I walk down a street. The LD is weaker and I don't remember exactly what happened but I end up in a TV studio, where a famous morning show is being recorded and I am sitting with the live audience. The show hostess is demonstrating some modern appliances and its uses and we are offered some bread cooked by a bread machine. I taste it and it is completely bland and tasteless. I feel this is boring and once again I aim for a window to change scenario At some corridor outside the recording area, I see a window. I look through it and down below I see a moat or a lake. I am about to jump to it, when I notice it is full of big animals swimming. First they look like crocs, but on a closer look, I see they are mainly big fish, turtles and some mutant creatures, like fish but with tiny arms and hands. I decide to go get the tasteless bread and feed it to the animals. The bread wasn't a lot but seems to multiply as I split it into bits, so I keep feeding the animals for quite a while. Then I wake up. .
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8297989 https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/mayatara/5-jan-lds-flying-through-majestic-surreal-landscapes-making-out-my-teacher-86018/
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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竟然忘了稱重量尺寸……手邊還有兩顆小的待完成,今年就盡情創作~ #大顆蛋白石 #天然蛋白石 #非洲蛋白石 #歐泊 #十月誕生石 #Opal #africaopal #engravedring #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhZtEJS480/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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熱情的紅寶石跟寧靜的藍色藍晶石是絕妙的組合, 支持我們了解當下應該行怎樣的路,提供勇氣和智慧,紅寶的快樂能量與藍晶石的和平能量相結合, 幫助我們的生活更加美好。 #rubykyaniteearrings #月光石耳 #rubykyanitestone #紅寶藍晶石 #紅寶藍晶共生 #RubyinKyanite #RubyKyanite #moonstoneearrings #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #mayatarajewelry #紅寶藍晶礦 #手工純銀耳環 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnTw7PryMTf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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這顆黝簾石的紅寶部份在中間, 像是眼睛那樣的形狀, 眼睛飾物在很多地方都有出現, 像是土耳其惡魔之眼、埃及荷魯斯之眼以及台灣原住民的祖靈之眼。 有守護配戴者,戰勝邪惡帶來幸運的寓意。 淚珠形寶石是有著永恆的魅力,面臨逆境時,鼓勵我們支持下去的象徵,是喜悅的淚水,是浪漫和女性的氣質。 @mayatarajewelry (Sold) #紅綠寶 #黝簾石 #zoisite   #ゾイサイト  #菱錳礦 #菱錳礦手工項鍊 #手工純銀墜子 #印加玫瑰 #粉色寶石 #阿根廷石 #紅紋石 #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #愛情之石 #Rhodochrosite #Rhodochrositenecklace #handmadenecklace #手工項鍊 #ロードクロサイト #ロードクロサイトネックレス #能量寶石 #眼睛飾品 #眼睛項鍊 #淚珠項鍊 #eyenecklace #tearnecklace https://www.instagram.com/p/CnEZHC5yibt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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使用三串不同顏色Akoya海水珍珠, 加上碧璽(電氣石)與祖母綠的點綴結成一長項鍊。 @mayatarajewelry #日本Akoya #海水珍珠 #祖母綠 #碧璽 #電氣石 #14KGF #110公分 #長項鍊 #毛衣鍊 #seawater pearl #multicoloredtourmaline #zambiaemerald #longnecklace #43inch #mayatara https://www.instagram.com/p/ClGlZJnyrSc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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法蘭西玫瑰紫水晶與粉色碧璽的互相輝映, 在月光下,在花園中跳起舞來了~ @mayatarajewelry  #六月誕生石 #月光石造型項鍊 #月光石項鍊 #奶油體藍暈月光石 #圖騰 #法國玫瑰晶 #淡紫水晶 #碧璽 #Amethyst #Rosedefrance #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #Moonstone #tourmaline  #artclaysilver https://www.instagram.com/p/ClD5q74yGKI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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一月誕生石的石榴石是個大族群, 依微量金屬的含量,有綠色、暗紅、鮮紅、紅橙、粉紅色系的。它是最受人歡迎的寶石之一。 石榴石可讓人擁有難以抗拒的魅力,招來幸福及永恆的愛情,增加自信,迎向光明的前程。 心形墜飾代表生命力和愛,增添個人魅力,對於渴望戀愛,想了解戀情的真實面時,它能發揮力量療癒心理。 設計師手工製作的珠形花邊跟心形花絲墜飾相呼應~~ @mayatarajewelry #玫瑰榴石 #紫牙烏 #玫瑰榴石項鍊 #玫塊切工 #心形花絲 #純銀項鍊 #心形墜子 #一月誕生石 #增加個人魅力 #Rhodolite #Rhodolitenecklace #filigree  #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkXcdEOyZuT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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#Vessonite #綠色系寶石 #Vesuvianite #HandmadeNecklace #天然符山石 #鎖骨鍊 #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #ベスブ石 #idocrase #手工項鍊 #5月生日石 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQrjoMyuJ8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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斜紅磷鐵礦的紫色非常優雅,深受國外設計師們寵愛,在國外的水晶療癒上,被稱為療癒與希望之石,帶來平衡與穩定,帶來精神上的支持。溫和的藕紫色,對於人際關係、愛情以及加強自身的魅力有絕對的加值作用。 它的硬度不高,請單獨保存喔~ @mayatarajewelry #磷紅鐵礦項鍊 #斜紅磷鐵礦 #フォスフォシデライト #LightPastelPurple #藕紫色的寶石 #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #Phosphosiderite #紫雲母 #能量寶石 #療癒之石 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQrGi0y5wA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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通常矽硼鎂鋁石晶體的通明度都很差,內部多裂多雜質,乾淨全透明的真的是少之又少。所以在市場上很難看到乾淨透明的寶石級矽硼鎂鋁石,更多的是半弧形素面。 Grandidierite是一種鎂鋁硼矽酸鹽,與石榴石類似,它的硬度也有7~7.5,硬度不低喔~ @mayatarajewelry #矽硼鎂鋁礦 #純銀項鍊 #handmadenecklace #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #Tealbluegemstone #Grandidierite #藍綠色的寶石 #少見寶石 #手工項鍊 #グランディディエライト https://www.instagram.com/p/CkKTE8pyDaQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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石榴石家族的一員,是一月份的誕生石。鈣鋁榴石通常呈現無色到橙色以至於接近黑色都有。黃色鈣鋁榴石商業上稱為[金黃榴石]。 #Garnet #Hydrogrossular #一月誕生石 #水鈣鋁榴石 #ハイドログロスラー #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #手工項鍊 #鈣鋁榴石 #鈣鋁榴石項鍊 #HydrogrossularGarne  #橙色的寶石 #溫暖人心樂觀個性 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFqSk3SUyS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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中央山脈及大片土石覆蓋的紅葉溪 雖然小時候的美麗家園變了樣, 但仍是我們的家鄉,希望您會如我們愛您一樣愛它。 古老的裝飾工藝,Pietra Dura(硬石拼貼),源自西元前的馬賽克工藝,在義大利文藝復興時期發展成熟。 之後Pietra dura傳至藝術和建築蓬勃發展的印度莫臥兒王朝 ;印度稱為parchin lari或parchinkari,是使用切割的鑲嵌技術,高度拋光的彩色寶石來創造圖像。切割所需形狀的原石會耗損石材,目前在台灣較為少見。 #馬賽克拼貼 #寶石馬賽克 #深山裡的挖山公司 #不能農耕可以挖礦 #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #花蓮紅葉村 #鉻透輝石 #純銀別針 #pietradrura #石英內含雲母 #藍線石 #碧玉 #砂金石 #豹紋瑪瑙 #白玉髓 #純銀 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjPxWS3vvdR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years ago
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油膽水晶(又稱石油水晶、閃靈鑽)負晶內有黃色包裹體, 還有黑砂、氣泡。體積不大卻極受歡迎。 國外帶回油膽水晶,較清透,肉眼可見黃色油膽內含物,其中包裹體之一的黃色水泡是會移動的(需戴放大鏡觀看)。 @mayatarajewelry #石油水晶 #油膽水晶 #赫基蒙戒指 #油膽水晶戒指 #石油水晶戒指 #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #閃靈鑽 #異象水晶 #QuartzwithPetroleumInclusions #Quartzwithoilinclusion #オイルダイヤモンド #sterlingsilver  https://www.instagram.com/p/CiXsNWAPXrK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 3 years ago
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錳黝簾石帶來喜樂的能量,有助去除負面思想及情緒,使我們有力量從過去的錯誤中繼續前進,引導並可治療過往在心靈或精神上的傷痛,去除罪惡感與恐懼的創傷,轉為積極的正向思考,對未來充滿希望,是很理想的治療石。 @mayatarajewelry (sold ) #錳斜黝簾石 #錳黝簾石項鍊 #紅寶石 #手工純銀項鍊 #Thulite #Thulitejewelry #Ruby #handmadenecklace #チューライト #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChNFYpqPc_0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 3 years ago
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藍晶石名來自希臘文中的Kyanos,是藍色的意思,跟其他藍色晶石一樣對應喉輪。藍色光澤可鎮定精神,穩定情緒,鬆弛緊張的心情,勇敢而慈悲。 藍晶石的硬度差異大,受到撞擊容易破裂的特性使它加工難度高。有美麗刻面的藍晶石格外珍貴,其中透明度高,呈清澄藍的藍晶石極為稀有,是價值昂貴的人氣寶石。 @mayatarajewely #寶石質 #kyanite #Kyaniteearrings #14K包金 #藍晶石 #藍晶石耳環 #14Kgf #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉#kyaniteearrings #藍色的寶石 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChJpHoqh4uM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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