#maximoff twins are Romani
chaoticace2005 · 2 years
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I don’t usually post too much stuff on the x-men but @xxqueenofdragonsxx has been getting me into the mood. Happy holidays man, these next few posts are all for you.
Maximoff Twins art by @punchpolygons
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hersheysmcboom · 29 days
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munchkinmarauder · 11 months
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver (2024) variant covers
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The first one is my favourite 😍
Credit to all the respective artists who can be found here : https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/comic/2759521/scarlet-witch-quicksilver-1
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morgangalaxy43 · 2 days
Wanda and Pietro would’ve made a lot sympathetic if the twins were actually Jewish and Romani like in the comics and it would’ve been so much better and more interesting if we actually saw them being manipulated and tortured by Hydra
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Doctor Doom gets ruined AND WHITEWASHED AGAIN!
4 attempts to get Doctor Doom right
And we STILL can’t get this right
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A master of magic and science. A man who rivals Doctor Strange and Reed Richards as the most powerful sorcerer and the smartest man alive. He rules an entire country with an army of Doombots. Considered to be one of the greatest Marvel villains. And they still can't get him right. They have to make him a fucking Tony Stark variant. Tony Stark is not Victor Von Doom and Doom is above Tony Stark.
Victor wearing the mask always is integral to his appeal and aura like Vader's mask. It not only hides his vain scars he caused due to his failures, but it closes him off from humanity and makes him believe he’s beyond it.
As far as I'm concerned Marvel Ultimate Alliance and EMH are the only good adaptations of Doom
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Doctor Doom being a romani man with a background CENTERING his family's racial persecution. with his ethnicity at the forefront of his motivations and his tragedy. and they really just brought back Robert Downey Jr.
Being romani is INTEGRAL to doom’s character and without that he’s not doom. he NEEDS to be romani and played by a romani character. full stop, don't believe me? Read Book Of Dooms.
Since 1964 Victor von Doom has been established as a Romani character. His childhood was filled with antiziganism and his parents deaths were caused by it. This later led him to become Doctor Doom and overthrow the Latverian government to protect his people
I am so fucking sick and tired of this whitewashing bullshit and the ethnoerasure of Marvel characters.
The Maximoff Twins, The Ancient One, Moon Knight and now fucking Doom.
God fucking forbid an actual Romani actor PLAYS A ROMANI CHARACTER.
But no they pulled another fucking multiverse shit all so RDJ could return and it all feels like blackface from Tropic Thunder
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If you wanted evil Iron Man so fucking bad, why didn't you just do Superior Iron Man?
The LAZIEST, DUMBEST, most CONTRIVED BULLSHIT casting ever, Marvel continues to not beat the whitewashing allegations. Doctor Doom deserved better.
Romani actor Charlie Clapman was right fucking there AND HE ENDORSED IT!
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I'd even suggest Romani actor Óscar Jaenada as Doom. Again another Roma actor who's actively interested in playing Doom
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And you know what? As bad as the 1994 movie was, Joseph Culp the first actor to play Doom in the Fantastic Four (1994) movie by Oley Sassone & Richard Corman. Culp was also white but he very clearly cared for the comics background of Victor von Doom
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and you also know damn well they're going to erase everything about Magneto too that makes him who he is… which is his entire fucking background. how horrible of a person do you have to be to repeatedly disrespect the minorities who created these stories?
Doctor Doom is Roma Romani. He is not white. The MCU loves to whitewash its Roma and Jewish characters and it’s time we called them out for it. Dr Doom is not a white man, he is Roma!
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They will never nail down the complexity of Victor Von Doom
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Every year Doom goes to hell to fight Mephisto to rescue the soul of his mother. He finally won her soul with the help of Doctor Strange only for her to reject him.
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No evil Stark replicant will ever fucking match the complexity of Victor Von Doom.
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I don't care if this is a one time thing for RDJ. They specifically chose to do this when the fans were begging for a fucking Romani actor. It also doesn't fucking help that Marvel has erased nearly EVERY fucking ethnic character has been whitewashed.
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver: Erased Romani heritage and whitewashed. Moon Knight & Wiccan: Casted non-Jewish actors. Sabra: Featured in anything at all, and actress is an IDF soldier to make matters worse.
The MCU is full of ethnic erasure, military propaganda & racism. it’s disgusting this is continuing with Dr Doom’s casting. remember to continue to boycott marvel, because of the genocide they support by casting an iof solider to play a character from the zionist terrorist occupation
Dr Doom is one of those villains that it should be IMPOSSIBLE to fuck up but wasting him on a cheap Iron Man nostalgia casting pop might be the way
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scarlet--wiccan · 4 days
Agatha All Along, the highly anticipated follow-up to WandaVision, begins airing this week on Disney+. Now is the perfect to revisit some important information about both shows and the context in which some of Agatha's new characters are being introduced.
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WandaVision primarily followed the character Wanda Maximoff and expanded on her family history by introducing her late parents as well her twin sons, who are born from magic and age rapidly over the course of the series.
In the Marvel comics source material, Wanda is part of a large, multigenerational family of Jewish and Romani characters whose stories frequently reflect the systemic violence and oppression that both communities face-- including Romani Holocaust victims, who are critically underrepresented in both education and media. In the MCU, these identities and histories are completely erased, and the characters are all played by white actors. Alternate versions of these characters also appear in the Fox X-Men films, and are similarly whitewashed.
The Romani people are a racialized minority that originated as a South Asian diaspora, and who face severe systemic oppression in Europe and North America. The modern Romani population is quite diverse, but they are not of white ethnic origin, and despite the fact that Wanda and her family have historically been drawn with white features, they are minority characters and ought to be considered as such.
Depictions of witches and witchcraft are often entwined with antisemitism and anti-Romani racism. In pop culture, witches and fortunetellers are typically portrayed as visual stereotypes of Romani women. In the real world, fortunetelling is a profession born from survival work, one which Romani families are often heavily policed and racially profiled for practicing. While Wanda usually subverts these tropes, they are often played straight elsewhere in the superhero genre, and any story about witches, especially one featuring Romani characters, needs to be critiqued in this context.
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Agatha All Along introduces viewers to a new cast of characters, including Lilia Calderu, played by Patti LuPone, and the enigmatic "Teen", played by Joe Locke, who is heavily speculated to be an incarnation of Wanda's son, Billy.
In the comics, Lilia is a member of a prominent Romani family in Wanda's community. Often lauded as the "witch queen of the gypsies," Lilia embodies many racial stereotypes about Romani women. In Agatha All Along, Lilia is depicted as an older Sicilian woman, however, being portrayed as a batty fortuneteller with a tawdry psychic shop, she still embodies an offensive trope. Although Lilia is far from "good" representation, this is not an improvement-- if anything, it's even more exploitative.
Billy was raised in a Jewish American household and places a very strong emphasis on his Jewish identity, in addition to having Romani heritage. His identity as a young gay man is always presented in conjunction with this heritage, not in spite of it. Though there is a significance to Locke being a gay actor playing a gay character, his casting-- if he is indeed playing Billy-- is not authentic. White gay representation should not supersede racial inclusivity, and it is not an excuse for whitewashing or Jewish erasure.
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Marvel Studios recently announced that the character Doctor Doom will be played by Robert Downey Jr., who is returning to the franchise after many years in the role of Iron Man. In the source material, Doom is also a Romani character with a very similar background to Wanda's. This identity is central to Doom's character-- although he is written to be both morally and politically challenging, the liberation of his people has always been a primary motive.
Clearly, this type of whitewashing is an ongoing pattern in the MCU franchise. Although "Teen's" identity is still unconfirmed and Lilia may, ultimately, be of little consequence, they are part of a larger problem, and Agatha All Along needs to critiqued in that context.
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feathered-mushrooms · 2 months
Lensherr - Maximoff - Dane Hair Head Cannons
Erik’s signature silver white locks are a physical mutation. His original hair was brown with a hint of blonde and was much curlier as a boy. After the camps his main mutation manifested and he thought that was it, until he noticed what he thought was grey hairs. Except he was in his late teens. He assumed it was because of stress but the hair quickly changed shade over a few months. The hair also got straighter with this mutation but can still be teased into curls. 
This physical mutation ended up being genetic and he passed on odd color hair to Lorna and Pietro. The difference being his kids were born with it rather than developed it later in life. 
Erik was thrown quite a bit with how similar he and Pietro ended up looking. The same silver hair, except Pietro kept the curl, even if he often straightens it. 
Pietro never had a problem with his silver hair. Yes growing up with the Romani he was often teased for being the whiter of the twins, but he saw it as something cool and unique to him. 
Lorna hated her hair when she was younger. She was the victim of intense bullying even before her true mutation manifested. People saw her green hair and assumed she was mutant and something to hate. 
It took a while but she grew in to it. Her hair acceptance came with her acceptance of being a mutant. 
She also inherited her fathers curls and quite enjoys them.
Wanda did not inherit any interesting colors. She takes after her mother and while her brother has her fathers face and her mothers features, she has the opposite. 
She keeps her hair long and has learned to care for her curls since she was young. In fact she was the one who taught Lorna to take care of her own hair, and is the one who forced Pietro into taking care of his even if he tries to straighten it. 
Overall they are just a messed up family with pretty hair. 
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tommystummy · 2 months
Sadly no. Doom is gonna be played by RDJ, despite Doom being explicitly Romani in the comics (yes I have a lot of thoughts about that)
There are SO many things to be said about the most prominent mutants in Marvel having their Jewish and/or Rromani heritage stripped away as if there isn’t a reason four of the most recognizable mutants in Marvel history (Magneto, the Maximoff twins, Nightcrawler) are all either Jewish or Romani and each have explicit ties to ethnic discrimination and religious oppression in their backstories, but bringing back RDJ to do the whitewashing this time seems especially heinous because you just know it’s going to be Tony Stark Again.
Hilariously though I am just now remembering someone kind of predicting this why they made a Hunchback of Notre Dame AU where Tony was Esmeralda.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
Marvel Studios, founded by various American Jews, recently released the first trailer for Captain America: Brave New World. 
Amid the excitement for the legendary Captain America saga to continue with Sam Wilson at its helm, Jewish and Israeli Marvel fans noticed something odd: Sabra, Israel’s Captain America, will be portrayed as a former Black Widow instead of the superhuman Mossad agent she was originally intended to be.
However, erasing a character’s Jewish identity is not something that is entirely new to Marvel. 
Although a recent Wrap report indicates that Sabra will retain her Israeli background in the film following a backlash from fans, Marvel’s approach to dealing with Sabra highlights a complex relationship between the studio and its portrayal of Jewish characters. In short, Marvel has a history of minimizing Jewish representation in its works.
In Marvel’s upcoming Captain America: Brave New World, the Israeli-born Mossad super-agent Ruth Bar-Seraph, known as Sabra, has been reimagined as a Russian spy. Her powers include super strength, speed, regenerative healing, and the ability to transfer her life energy to others. 
Sabra, an Israeli cactus that’s prickly on the outside and sweet on the inside, is symbolic of the Israeli mindset. This significant reinvention intentionally deprives her of her Israeli identity and the deeply rooted Jewish trauma embedded in her story, replacing it with a more convenient narrative. 
By sidestepping these crucial elements of Sabra’s heroism, Marvel chooses to sanitize complex identities rather than embracing their power. In light of the ongoing war in Gaza, this erasure is particularly painful, as Israelis and Jews worldwide continue their struggle for authentic representation in the media. 
Marvel’s deliberate decision to whitewash Sabra’s identity ignores the genuine, contemporary trauma and historical persecution faced by the Jewish people. The decision underscores that the delegitimization of the Jews and their homeland cannot even be escaped on the big screen. 
Marvel’s latest attempt at a Jew-free superhero lineup doesn’t begin with Sabra. It has roots in the X-Men, Avengers, and Moon Knight — all major Marvel movie standouts. 
Magneto and Hydra
Magneto, born Max Eisenhardt to a Jewish family, was taken by Nazi soldiers to Auschwitz alongside his family. Surviving due to his mutant ability to control metal, he later assumes the identity of Eric Lensherr and befriends Professor Charles Xavier. 
In one of the most poignant Jewish scenes in Marvel movies thus far, X-Men: First Class depicts Magneto drawing strength as he remembers lighting candles with his mother before the Nazis uprooted his life and sent his family to Auschwitz. In X-Men: Apocalypse, Magneto returns to the concentration camp and uses his powers to destroy it. 
As arguably the most famous Marvel character visibly rooted in his Jewish identity, Magneto exemplifies meaningful representation. However, he is also one of the most infamous villains in comic book history. Jews have a long history of being demonized and scapegoated, and Marvel’s choice to perpetuate this narrative rather than challenge it is troubling.
Magneto’s mutant legacy lives on in his two children;  Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Wanda possesses intense telepathy and telekinesis, while Pietro can move at superspeed. In the Marvel comics, their Jewish heritage is integral to their identities. With a Romani mother and Jewish father, both Holocaust survivors, the twins are armed with a powerful legacy of resilience. Having fought both with and against the Avengers, the Maximoff twins are among the most compelling characters in the Marvel universe. 
However, in X-Men: Days of Future Past, devout fans debate Wanda’s blood relation to Magneto. The fact remains that the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has presented Wanda and Pietro without a religion, hailing from the fictional country of Sokovia, and devoid of any connection to their Jewish identity.
In the MCU, Wanda and Pietro’s powers result from experiments by the evil Hydra scientist, Baron von Strucker. Originally, Hydra served as the advanced technology and weaponry arm of the Nazi regime during World War II. Hydra soldiers share the fascist red and black, the straight-armed salute (performed with both arms), and an eerily familiar “heil Hydra” chant with their mainstream Nazi counterparts. 
Beginning with Captain America: The First Avenger, Marvel has largely downplayed Hydra’s Nazi roots, transforming it into a generic, timeless evil organization. By downplaying or outright ignoring Hydra’s origins as a Nazi faction, Marvel seeks to avoid the disturbing historical implications and instead focuses on Hydra as a broader symbol of tyranny and corruption.
This revisionist approach not only dilutes the gravity of Hydra’s origins but also conveniently sidesteps the uncomfortable reality of depicting true historical atrocities, thereby diminishing the impact of the narrative and the lessons it could impart about the dangers of fascist ideologies. 
The ongoing conflict between Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D. with Hydra, persisting throughout the MCU, is presented as a battle between American strength, embodied by Captain Steve Rogers, and a vague evil represented by Hydra and its endless heads, minimizing the profound impact of Nazi ideology on World War II.
Considering Marvel’s popularity among young audiences, this depiction misleads impressionable viewers into believing that WWII was merely a struggle between America and a technologically innovative bad-guy. Hydra persists throughout the MCU, threatening the forces of good in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 
Yet, as the technology arm of the Nazi party continues fighting, its despicable origins are conspicuously absent. If a young fan beginning their Marvel journey learned lessons about the war from these movies, they would identify a fictional Hydra, not the very real Nazis, as the primary antagonist, thereby doing a disservice to the depravity of the Third Reich.
Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde, another mutant in the X-Men universe with repeated movie appearances, is another revealing example of Marvel entirely revising a Jewish character’s identity to be more palatable for the big screen.
Kitty has remarkable phasing abilities, meaning she can pass through solid matter. Various websites, including fan sites and her official Marvel biography, emphasize her commitment to Judaism (see here, here, and here).  
In the comics, she has been seen wearing a Star of David, reciting blessings, and drawing parallels between her experiences of being marginalized as a Jew and as a mutant. These sometimes invisible identities deeply influence her worldview.
However, Kitty appears in four X-Men feature films, and her rich cultural and religious background is consistently absent, leaving a void where her Jewish identity should be. This omission not only strips away a layer of her character’s depth but also underscores Marvel’s pattern of erasing Jewish identities to fit a more generalized narrative, thereby failing to represent the nuanced experiences of Jewish characters on the big screen.
I’m Jewish. I don’t have a quote unquote Jewish-sounding name. I don’t look or sound Jewish, whatever that looks or sounds like… So if you didn’t know I was Jewish, you might not know… unless I told you. Same goes for my mutation. I don’t have to wear a visor or have blue fur all over me. I can walk around. Just a young woman of the world. But… I’m not. —Kitty Pryde, All-New X-Men Vol 1 13
Moon Knight
Unfortunately, Marvel’s belittling of Jewish identity endures on the little screen as well. One of the most highly anticipated TV series on Disney+ was Moon Knight, centered around, well, Moon Knight. In the show, Steven Grant is a goofy museum gift shop employee who struggles with dissociative personality disorder. His other identity is Marc Spector, a retired mercenary who becomes the Earthly representative of Khonsu, the Egyptian god of the moon.
Marc’s family embodies the American dream. Having fled Nazi persecution in Europe in the 1930s, Spector’s rabbi father sought a better environment to raise his Jewish family—a story many are familiar with today. 
The show switches between Steven and Marc’s perspectives, but hones in on Spector in episode 5, “Asylum.” Spector is immersed in the memory of a shiva from his childhood as a means of confronting his abusive mother. In the scene, mourners can be seen wearing Jewish prayer shawls, and Spector himself is even wearing a kippah.
Given that Oscar Isaac, the non-Jewish actor playing Moon Knight, confirmed Spector’s Jewish identity would be evident in the show, there is no mention of his father’s work, his family’s history fleeing antisemitic persecution, or any significant exploration of his Jewish identity beyond surface-level nods. 
This neglect strips away a layer of depth from Marc Spector’s character, reducing his heritage to mere background decoration rather than an integral part of his identity and motivation. Furthermore, it deprives Jewish fans of the same representation Marvel eagerly awards to other minority groups.
Despite its Jewish origins, Marvel continues to sanitize and diminish the Jewish identities of its characters, both on the big screen and in streaming series. 
From reimagining Sabra as a Russian spy to neglecting Marc Spector’s rich Jewish heritage in Moon Knight, Marvel consistently misses opportunities to genuinely represent Jewish experiences and identities. 
This pattern not only strips characters of their depth and authenticity but perpetuates a troubling erasure of Jewish culture and history as characters ascend from comics to movies. Marvel has demonstrated their commitment to representation as they bring their characters to life on the big screen, so why do they have a Jewish problem?
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juju-or-anya · 2 months
1. Damian Al-Ghul Wayne - Half Arab and Chinese.
2. Dick Grayson - Romani.
3. The Maximoff Twins - Romani and Eastern European.
4. Dastan - Persian.
5. O-Ren Ishii - Japanese.
6. Moises - Egyptian.
7. Tony Mendez (Argo) - Latino (Mexican)
8. Ancient One - Tibetan.
9. Raven - Half East Asian.
10. Thalia Al-Ghul - Arab and Chinese.
Plus, those they managed to fix later:
Katara - Inuit.
Sokka - Inuit.
Aang - Tibetan.
I have more, but these are the most important ones.
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celadons-penultimate · 3 months
I keep flip-flopping on whether I want Quicksilver & the Scarlet Witch to be re-re-retconned as mutants again.
On one hand, the twins are great w/ the Avengers; on the other hand, the Avengers range from being "colleagues" to "work friends", still leaving a gap of deeper personal connection that mutant community could provide. And with the uncommon powers they'd bring to the mutant mythos, it would be AMAZING to have Wanda Maximoff & Pietro Maximoff on an X-Men team (🥺 Maybe at the same time?? Maybe together w/ Polaris?? 🥹).
But either way, I definitely want them both to be allies of mutantkind. Even if they never are written as mutants again, they're still Romani & Jewish people; they would have no hard time empathizing w/ the persecution of others for being different & feeling compelled to help out.
If their adoptive(?) father Magneto can go from being an enemy of the X-Men to being an X-Men ally/member, I'd love to see Wanda & Pietro Maximoff have that shot, too.
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therese-lokidottir · 2 months
Oh, well look likely RDJ will playing dr. Doom. What you think?
Also aren't mcu have rule that not using one actor to playing more than one character?
I am kind sceptical with RDJ playing drm doom because well.... Things. Also if they doing that then either victory have some familial relationship with tony stark or they just two different unrelated person that have sam face or frm doom is tony stark variant.
Here's the other big reason why RDJ shouldn't have been cast; Robert Downey Jr is white, Doctor Doom is Romani. This is why I keep saying that MCU diversity is corporate and fake. They are still doing this.
I'll even say as someone who defends Wanda, they shouldn't whitewashed her, that was wrong. They shouldn't have done that, anyone who criticizes the casting and even refuses to engage in the content because of that I think has a more than valid reason.
The fact both Disney and Fox did it with the Maximoff twins shows how underrepresented the Romani people are. Of course, Fox did it twice with Victor Von Doom, and I knew the MCU would whitewash him too. I'm disappointed but not surprised.
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munchkinmarauder · 2 months
You know it's funny to me how the MCU can listen to social media and fan demands and fancasts when the demands are to cast John Krisanski as Reed or bring Evans Peters in as Quicksilver but when the demands are to cast Romani actors as Romani characters then we get crickets from them.
It's just deliberate ignorance at this point and racism I'm sorry but that is what it is. Not to mention there has been 10 years of discourse about the Maximoff twins casting, significant enough that it lead to people part of that discourse going on to make real change in the comics. The earliest depictions of Brown Maximoffs happened as early as the 90s and we have SW2015 do it and talk about Wanda's Roma heritage as a deliberate middle finger to the movies. This was reinforced by Quicksilver no surrender.
The Marvel rivals game followed the route of the comics and most fanart depicts the twins as brown and mostly importantly the comics have them as visible PoC. Yet the MCU would rather double down on the whitewashing of the twins and have now whitewashed Doom.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
Does Mcu pietro/Peter exhibit any racist stereotypes?
I answered a similar question, briefly, here. I've also touched on this subject several times in more general posts about the racism and whitewashing of the M C U Maximoffs. Here's the big one that I have in my FAQ, which is pinned to the top of my blog.
Although the M C U depicts Wanda and Pietro as white Europeans, there are several references to racial stereotypes and tropes, as well as other decisions that become more fraught when examined in the characters' racial context. This is particularly evident in Age of Ultron, when Pietro was still present. Deleted scenes depict the twins as street thieves, and some earlier concept art and costume sketches dress Wanda in a manner that is clearly influenced by gypsy caricatures, which the film's director, Joss Whedon, had utilized in past projects such as Buffy. Olsen, and I believe Johnson, have referenced this "gypsy, vagabond" archetype when describign how how the characters were developed.
This pattern continues in Wanda//Vision and Multiverse of Madness, although Pietro is obviously not present. Again, there is concept art of Wanda dressed in stereotypical gypsy attire, this time as a Halloween costume. The outfit was later replaced with a version of her classic comic book design, but was still referred to as a "fortune teller" getup in the script. After becoming the Scarlet Witch, Wanda is surrounded by many of the same orientalist motifs that follow Doctor Strange, but, paired with elements of her hair and makeup, including those stained finger tips, it's hard to not feel like the character was influenced by antisemitic and anti-Romani witch archetypes-- especially when she's planning to literally abduct and consume a child.
The X-Men character, "Peter" is much further removed from his Romani origins. By whitewashing Magda, removing all references to Romani Holocaust victims and survivors, and relocating the Maximoffs to an American suburb, the X-Men films are even more thorough than the M C U when it comes to Romani erasure. "Peter" lacks the sort of winking references and self-awareness of the M C U's Maximoff twins, but I do think that the decision to make him into a petty criminal felt kinda racist in context.
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earth-93 · 8 months
Stars & Stripes Hotline [Version 1.15]
Directory of C: \BrigadeFiles\Avengers
04/27/2006 12: 37 PM Total Files Listed: 16 File(s) 538, 687 bytes
Directory of C:\BrigadeFiles\Avengers\MAXIMOFF_PIETRO.txt
[file data =
Main Alias/Moniker: Quicksilver
Legal Name: Pietro Matheo Maximoff
Other Aliases: Pretty Boy, Silver Head, Speedfoot
Date of Birth: May 31st, 1985 (Age: 19)
Status: Alive
Species: Mutant
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender
Height/Weight: 6' (1.83m) / 175 lbs (79.38kg)
Hair/Eye Color: Silver / Blue
Timeline (1985 - 1990): Pietro and Wanda grew up in a Romani ghetto in Transia, raised by their maternal aunt and uncle. They never met or knew of their father until they were adults, and their mother Magda only visited them once when the twins were five. Magda spent most of her time with Wanda, and though Pietro was the last person she met with before departing, she was reportedly cold and sparse on words with him. Wanda has suspected it was because Pietro reminded Magda of their father.
In spite of this, Pietro was not bereft of affection in his formative years. Well before gaining his powers, he was an energetic child. One of the few things that could reliably relax him was his uncle Django's puppeteering. There would be less time for these puppet shows following the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, radically altering Transia's economy and forcing Django and their aunt Marya to work long hours to keep the family afloat. Pietro's rambunctiousness would shift to bitterness and rebellion as he got older.
Timeline (1990 - 2000): As true as it is today, Pietro had a short tolerance for insults, especially ones lobbied at Wanda, and was unafraid to pick fights with anyone should he feel slighted. Depending on the person, this attitude made Pietro a hero, a laughing stock and a bad egg all at once. In the case of his aunt and uncle, they were distraught over who Pietro could provoke, should he pick a fight with a non-Roma outside the ghetto. They kept Pietro out of trouble for a time by arranging him to help with the cooperative farm out in the countryside. He complained at first, but quickly found the fresh air and open spaces extremely uplifting.
Such a luxury was once more revoked due to radical changes in Transia. Following General Novoty's rise to power, Transia's economy was remade to serve a small aggregate of oligarchs, one of whom bought the cooperative farm out from the Romani. The rampant injustice of the world became cruelly apparent to Pietro and he soon fell into petty crimes with other young hoodlums, participating in the sweep of criminality in Transia following the fall of Communism.
Timeline (2000 - 2003): To quell Pietro yet again as well as bolster the family under desperate times, Marya took Pietro and Wanda with her to England to do seasonal work. Pietro continued his thievery, where he first earned the name "Quicksilver" for his uncanny evasion of the law. Pietro had reportedly been quick since he could walk, but his knack for speed became more and more uncanny until one day, where he and his group's getaway car was sputtering out and the authorities were on their tail. In his fluster, Pietro ran down the street faster than the car could have--entirely on foot.
Having resented the lowly status he had been forced to live all his life, Pietro reveled in his newfound powers. Such elation gave him little patience for the opposition he encountered among his gang almost immediately, be it anti-mutant bigotry or Pietro's own ego as he sought to take more active leadership. One supporter of Pietro was Toad, a fellow hoodlum that Pietro thought little of before.
Mortimer divulged to Pietro of his own mutant status and introduced him to the London chapter of the Brotherhood. The organization's rhetoric of mutant superiority was tantalizing to Pietro, but much to his chagrin he was barred from membership until he could convince his sister to join alongside him, explained away as the likelihood that she was a powerful mutant as well. Pietro had been aware of his sister's "hexes," as she called them, but was adamant that they were not a mutant ability, but some sort of witchcraft first taught to her by their estranged mother. Regardless of this, he begrudgingly carried out the request of the Brotherhood representative, who was none other than Wyndgarde.
Wanda was defiant of Pietro's cajoling for a few days until they returned home one night to see it in flames. Pietro witnessed Wanda break down in anguish, and in a state of distress himself could think of nowhere else for them to go but a Brotherhood safehouse. Neither sibling was aware that the flames were but a convincing illusion conjured by Wyndgarde, and that their Aunt Marya was sleeping soundly in the home the twins abandoned. The deception nonetheless succeeded, as by the time Wanda awoke from her grief had turned to wrath. For the first time in their lives, the roles were reversed, and Pietro found himself having to keep Wanda in check.
Timeline (2003): In spite of their youth and relative inexperience, the Maximoff twins were brought onto the Santo Marco mission. Pietro and Wanda were among those tasked with sniffing out intruders, aka the X-Men. Pietro personally confronted me, blocking me away from the rest of the team and wearing me down with rapid blows from all directions. The stride in his step was swerved courtesy of Bobby, while Wren took his feet off the ground altogether.
Pietro attempted a rematch with us in the city square during Magneto's confrontation with the Stranger, but that left him vulnerable to capture once the military swept through the country. He and Wanda were arrested and remained in captivity in the Neverland Containment Center for the next few months. They were among the many inmates who fled during our jailbreak, but in the chaos of it all a falling out apparently occurred between the siblings, and Pietro and Wanda went their separate ways.
Pietro's tenure going solo did not last long. Shortly after we had regrouped back at the Mansion, he had appeared to begrudgingly ask our help in finding Wanda. We were still quite shaken ourselves, with the Professor still in a coma and Wren being MIA since Neverland. We eventually agreed to help, with Jean and Hank staying behind to tend to the Professor while Bobby and I accompanied Pietro. Hy happenstance, our respective missing persons problem was mutual, as Wren had given Wanda sanctuary in her family cabin in Colorado.
Pietro was understandably hesitant to go back to prison, though we swore we would vouch for both of them (At the time, he bluntly told us that didn't make it much better). With his relationship with Wanda relatively mended, however, he ultimately agreed to finally step away from the Brotherhood. The twins were given sanctuary on Muir Island for a time, and when Steve Rogers headed a reserve team of Avengers that would grant a pardon to convicted super-villains in exchange for service, the Maximoffs were quickly put through. That project is still underway, but if there's anyone on the planet who can take Pietro's bad attitude and whip him into shape, it's Captain America.
end of data]
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
you mentioned in one of your asks about the issues in previous scarlet witch solo. I get we got 100th parental reveal in that(and that to with problematic black story), but what were the other issues?
If you want a better take on this then I think this post might help you out because I don't want to speak over Roma fans when it comes to how the series handles Romani heritage.
I personally feel that Robinson went too far into this "magical g*psy witch" writing and reinforced that by giving Wanda a whole new mother and made it so that the Scarlet Witch title was something Natalya also had when the title of Scarlet Witch was given to Wanda by Magneto. Also I feel that his take on Pietro and Wanda's relationship actively harmed both characters.
Under the cut because it's a bit long~
There's a thing that writers do that drive me absolutely insane, they take a female character and in order to show her as this "strong independent woman" they have the closest male character (or sometimes just any male character) say something ooc; something to oppress them/gross them out/try to overpower their choice and then have the female character slap them back either physically or verbally. The use this moment as a defining moment for the female character, "see? she totally stood up for herself and isn't some meek woman! girl power! girl power!" Except Wanda was never a meek character, and Pietro isn't some controlling sociopath of a brother who can't stand the thought of Wanda being this independent woman who doesn't listen to her brother. I just feel the series is racist in different ways including making Pietro out to be this MoC who controls the women in his family. So issue #9 is one of the worst written things I've ever seen for the Maximoff Twins relationship and I hate it with all my heart. Robinson didn't care that Pietro and Wanda made choices together, he didn't care that Pietro listens to Wanda, he doesn't care about what really happened with House of M, how Pietro wasn't using Wanda for his own gain. I understand that as a fan of both characters Pietro is often used to uplift Wanda's character, but this was just terrible.
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Also I personally hate the 2015 solo because a lot of mcu wendy fans latched onto it and used it to fuel their racism against 616 Wanda and her fans, wanting only to focus on her being a "white witch". The solo starts off with Wanda going around trying to heal magic, she travels to and interacts with other forms of magic/magical beings such as Hecate from Greece or to Ireland etc. As she goes on her travels she deals with issues of magic going bad and her own issues and she worries if she's the one causing the magic to go bad because of her past, and I'm just really sick of Wanda constantly atoning for House of M and everything. So it's not just the 100th parent reveal but the fact that a white male writer is obviously writing about stuff he has no experience or place to write about and it perpetuates more stereotypes, and unlike in Quicksilver: No Surrender, Saladin using Pietro's history as a way to explain/draw readers into caring for the character and give us his backstory about his past/heritage, Robinson's take feels so hollow.
Like, it's a personal issue and I understand that the Maximoff Twins were being retconned because of the MCU, but the way the writer just dismisses Marya and Django like "oh they were just the people who raised me" like it meant nothing always annoyed me, compared to how Saladin speaks of their parents/their past. Like it's obvious one writer understood the characters and the other just didn't care to expand on them, just swept them aside for an oc.
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To conclude I will say the only good thing about the Scarlet Witch solo was how beautiful the art was, and that was the only upside to the series imo.
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