#max literally just told her she smelled nice
walkswastes · 4 months
if you compliment lucy she may ask you to have sex with her. i don't make the rules.
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ansbobcar · 2 months
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EP 3. Blackmail? I didn't do that to him!
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Ask any girl regarding their confessions on their current prefect, and it is guaranteed that Rayne Ames will shut it down.
ANONYMOUS #1: I thought he had a soft side but there’s absolutely nothing in there! He literally ignored my invitations to hang out.
ANONYMOUS #2: He embodies the qualities of an Adler to a T. Maybe that’s the problem, he can’t see a girl or woman the same way he sees magic.
So why would it be any different with Darren Randel?
"I couldn't give a shit about you," he truthfully told her the morning after her slip up. "I'm just following the old geezer's words if that’s where the feelings came from."
‘How is he worse at being a jerk than me?’ His comment ruffled her as she let go of the shy buck, Bunnelton the XII, from suffering through her embarrassment.
“Look, I couldn’t give a shit about the old man’s orders!” She managed to string with no stutter but her face was losing it because of how his eyes simply assessed her like she was a poo pellet. “I wasn’t even trying to flirt with you yet!”
‘What is up with her?’ Every other girl would have just accepted and backed away. “What do you mean ‘yet’?” He scoffed incredulously. “What? You think enough effort will do anything?”
"I can cook!" she protested terribly. So did others, she wasn't special in this regard. “As I explained yesterday, it’ll be a win-win-win situation for all 3 parties right here!” 
“I barely even know you.”
“Then we can start out as friends!” She cut him off from replying.
"Let me try confessing 3 times, if you reject all 3 times I'll stop trying to bother you like this," she tried to plead. She needed time which wasn't likely if the Summer was coming up. She'd be busy with internships by then. There must be something he... a bulb lit up in her head as she gambled her chances on it.
"Agree or I'll tell the whole world you're secretly keeping 10 ra"—instantly he slapped his hand over her mouth—"bbits in the school's forest and I'll personally make coney dogs out of them," she mirrored his eyes which scrutinised her muffled words.
"Coney dog?"
"It's basically a hot dog," she dead-panned. "With extra stuff on top."
'She's... going to make them into sausages?' Scepticism slowly traced his face as each rabbit transformed into a large tube of reddish meat in his mind. 'Not Bunbun, Bunnifer, Bunaldo, Bunnelby, Bunnelton the XII, Buns, Bunster, Bunnykins and Bunno!’ His face paled to stone at the thought. He had to secretly ask permission from the principal to make it work since there were complaints in the dormitories smelling like shit a few months back.
The food offer was tempting since she could handle things while he was gone and Max could continue doing his own things too. It's been a while since he's had a fulfilling meal as well, glancing at the content figures of the bunnies hopping around.
"Fine. Only 3 times."
"Cool," she chirped, her shoulders slouched before she dropped herself back on the floor. “Another chance is nice…”
“But don’t butt into my business,” he added. “We aren’t friends yet.” 
"What do you want for dinner?"
"Something with vegetables."
The day continued as normal with the troublesome girl being busy with catch up classes to get asked out for duels and taking care of the rabbits again, so he knocked on the Adler Dorm’s Kitchen and saw her already prepping the ingredients. Chopping up the vegetables with ease. “Do you like tomatoes?”
“As long as they’re vegetables.”
“Alright,” continuing to cut through the ingredients as the water was simmering to a boil.
Although it might’ve not been as clear, there was a child-like wonder in his eyes as she gave him a sip of the soup to taste.
“How is it?”
“Like nothing.”
“Pass the salt and sugar, please.” He did as told as it was clearly labelled and she dumped what he could only assume to be an estimate as she picked up some more herbs, spices and… lemongrass(?) to chuck into the soup.
“Here,” she held up a small sauce tray to him. He took it.
“It’s more sour now… and spicier.”
“You want more or…”
“It’s fine.”
“Rice?” He nodded his head as she turned off the heat on the stovetop and removed her apron to wear her robe before taking out some bowls with pre-added rice and scooped up the still hot soup into it.
“I like seafood so I put some shrimp, cut up squid and such in there alongside the vegetables. Hope it’s nice. Also this isn’t how it’s usually eaten but it’s easier to eat this way,” she explained.
He took a sip and as if he was filled with deja-vu, he felt… like he could see her again. 
An unfamiliar yet strong aroma wafted through the air, causing him to reach the kitchen with a slight spark in his eyes. “What did you make today?” He asked, excited for her next attempt at a recipe as he climbed onto the chair with his small limbs.
“It’s a bit spicier than mummy intended,” she chuckled as she brought the pot to the table with her mittens. Their father slowly brought his slightly shrieky baby brother over to his raised chair as she collected everyone’s bowls and cutlery. “But that’s why I made sure to put water here!”
“Will Finn be able to try it?”
She smiled at his words. “It’s a lot of salt for him to eat fully, so we’ll only let him have a taste.”
“Alright, thank you for the meal,” before he scooped up a spoonful of the soup his mother had given him. “AH!” He burned his mouth as he swallowed it.
“Remember to let it cool down a bit!” The auburn haired girl reminded him, taking him back to the current moment.
To which he chuckled, hiding back a smile. How does a soup made by a random girl he wasn’t friends with made him be reminded of a peaceful time he hasn’t had in a while?
“It’s a lot less spicy than I remembered,” he reminisced, following her advice as he scooped up some rice with the soup and blew onto it before taking another gulp of it. ‘Yeah. She would’ve refined it if…’
She lit up at his words, “Oh! You’ve tried Tomyum before?” Completely superseding her shocked reaction. ‘Rayne can chuckle?’
“When my mother was still around…”
“I see,” and thus they ate in silence. To Rayne, the meal was rather hearty, finishing the entire pot through sheer nostalgia much to the girl’s confusion.
“H-how old are you again?” She asked, not wanting to immediately call him a child.
“I meant your birthday.”
“March 3rd.”
She paled. ‘A guy taller than me, younger than me?’ Her eyes widened like saucers. ‘And an orphan?’
“What about you?”
“February 18th.”
“... you’re older than me.”
She went to clean the dishes instead and he quietly helped out too. ‘He isn’t leaving me any time soon is he?’ Resigning herself to her fate. ‘I’m gonna die before I can properly ask this guy out aren’t I?’ As she handed over the last bowl for him to wipe clean followed by turning off the tap.
“I have a question,” he began slowly. “‘Impart Zero’, is that a dispelling type of spell?”
‘This is outta nowhere!’ She nodded as she quickly stashed away her items in her robe. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, usually someone chants a single word when casting their basic spell.” Atleast, that’s how he understood the concept of personal magic.
“There is no basic spell for Impart,” she sighed much to his puzzling look. “Because it’s meaningless on its own.”
While magic like Partisan functioned by summoning large blades at varying magnitudes of force and size through, something like her magic had no tangible form to counter the blades summoned. She pointed out.
“That’s true, you never summon something when you chant it.”
“Impart Zero simply reduces the magnitude of what I find unfair to nothing. In magic contexts: Yes it’s like ‘Dispel’ just better and more effective,” she searched for her keys and rayne felt like he had hit a road block. “It’s the easiest spell for me to do because it doesn’t require me to think about anything except the target. Usually focusing on their magic is the easiest.”
‘Perhaps that’s how she caused trouble with a singular spell.’
It’s subjective but at the end of the day, a mindset of inferiority and entitlement stems from it.
“Have you ever explained it that way to anyone?”
“Nah. Why would I?” She grinned manically. “The thought of someone being able to dispel any magic thrown their way sounds more menacing right?” Her eyes then seemed to become more aloof in a heartbeat as she kicked a stray pebble up the stairs. “I’d rather be a no-name nobody than be saddled with so many burdens because I’m useful to others.”
With a less bright smile, she waved him off. “See you tomorrow then, I’ll make something light.”
“See you.”
_ _ _
"Morning Rayne," Max beamed as he scooted over for his roommate to sit down. He looked around to find no silhouette of the transfer student or her chipper steps. "She's not here?" Odd.
"She's not," he curtly replied, placing down a packed lunch wrapped in a bright orange cloth, which piqued his friend's interest.
"Did you make breakfast today?"
"No, she did."
"She must've left rather early then." He just hummed at his words, watching as the rabbit loving boy opened the lid. A beautifully presented slices of bread alongside cleanly cut avocado and an omelette. Alongside a note attached at the side.
"I've got something urgent to take care of, I'll be back soon," he read aloud. It had an exclamation mark too. How chipper. The teachers seemed aware of her absence when they took attendance. Classes seemed a little more like last year, quiet and possibly boring without the girl’s interjections.
Thankfully, he was called over by the vice principal for a quick meeting with the other prefects. There was a wolf roaming last night on the 2nd year floors and it hadn’t been found yet.
“So a lycanthrope?” Abel Walker, the Lang Prefect suggested. A logical conclusion. “There haven’t been many sightings on campus since a few years back. So it’s probably a curse.”
“What do you even want us to do?”
“If the wolf is in deed a lycanthrope,” the vice principal gestured; “Find the student, and make the necessary arrangements.”
‘How crass,’ Rayne told himself as the meeting ended.
_ _ _
It’s been 2 weeks since she transferred. 2 weeks didn’t mean her previous schedule, inner workings and attentiveness had disappeared and adapted. She never slept during lessons, was always up and done with a run by the time she met the rabbit caretaker, and paired with the additional classes she had for advanced magic spells class and their other assignments, it was unnerving that she was so sprightly. Radiating that perfect student energy (even though she was anything but a perfect student) without cracking under the pressure of being behind in at least 5 subjects.
Their arrival into the classroom was met with some odd glances and murmurs but nothing out of the ordinary since her arrival.
“For today’s lesson we will be joining Professor Lucci’s class and conducting an exercise together,” their teacher summarised today’s exercise as a door appeared to her left. She gestured to pass through it without any reluctance and setbacks her pupils. They were surrounded by gigantic hedges with roughly 40 students and 2 members of staff in the vicinity but the robe they were wearing was of a different colour. 
“Are they in the smarter class?”
“No. They’re just from the Lang dorm.”
“Today’s exercise is simple, the goal is to ‘Get out of the maze’,” the blonde man explained, showing an image of the exit. “Use what you have learned to escape and you may earn yourselves a silver coin or two.”
The others seemed to shift at this statement followed by a sense of belief. ‘That’s it?’ Something was amiss as they added on a few more details.
“Since you are in the advance class though, I’m sure 30 minutes is plenty of time to get out of the maze but you will have 40 minutes in total still, you may begin… now.”
Before she could even face her only friend, he surfed off and up with a single spell leaving her with the rest like sitting ducks.
The audacity that Rayne Ames had to abandon her in the centre of this goddamn corn maze! She looked around as students began to form small groups or walk straight ahead with their wands in hand. She didn’t even know any of these people! All of her assignments had either been alone or with that fucking half-piss hair, so she never fucking knew anyone as she watched her dorm’s students throw ideas and concerns at each other.
‘Focus!’ She tried to snap herself out of spiralling into a deepening loss of place. She had to complete the exercise. Technically, raising her palm at a hedge, she could bulldoze herself out with that lethal spell right away and dash straight out but the only issue would be the the blonde teacher’s statement which riled up everyone. 
‘You may earn yourselves a silver coin or two…’
To earn implies a challenge to be completed, she stretched herself first. Then the silver coins are rewards that people want? That would make the most sense from what she had gathered. 
“Venetris!” A student chanted to evaluate the terrain across the hedge directly. Nothing, it was pure grass and branches. “Let’s move, guys!”
It is a simple spell after all, allowing everyone to see through a certain portion of wherever it is aimed towards. The advanced version which has an effect on a much greater distance is Vitriniae at the expense of only being seen by the caster since it’s a self using spell.
“Repeat after me, Ms Randel,” her advanced spells teacher began once more, aiming her own wand towards the wooden box just days ago. “Vee-tree-nee-ae,” she uttered the syllables slowly before repeating it as a spell. “Vitriniae.”
“Vinitriae.” Unable to see through the box herself, she realised her mess up. “It was supposed to be Vitriniae!” The common problem with this spell amongst students in particular is the pronunciation since it’s similar to Venetris which requires less magic to use.
“From the top Miss Randel.”
She took a deep breath as she channelled her magic power towards her eyes. “Vin… Vitriniae,” she calmly uttered, now able to see through and evaluate the terrain for possible challenges. And unlike everyone else, who seemed adamant in avoiding these areas as possible traps and loss of time, the brunette crashed straight into one head on. Or rather three. One-time. Consecutive. Pressure Sensitive. Booby Trap. Spells.
‘Why does he get to fly?’ She huffed to herself, as she noticed a group of Adler students clumped together at a corner. With another spell, it revealed a magical creature, a Riddle Sphinx infront of a pale-haired student who seemed to be shaking in their shoes with each riddle answered correctly.
“30 white horses on a red hill,” it began its last riddle. “First, they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.” A sense of loss pervaded the air. He didn’t know what was supposed to be answered, maybe if they had Orca students it would’ve been easier. Was it asking him what that correlated to?
“5 more seconds.”
“A ranch?” The student stammered out.
Ready to take out his wand, he would try to pull off a smoke spell to let the others pass on without him. A Riddle Sphinx only focused on a singular riddle compared to its other counterparts. Aorio Morris was going to lose this test, he gulped as the golden sand being roared.
“Teeth.” another girl with reddish brown hair jumped in and slumbered the being with a simple yet forceful kick. “Move along now, people,” she ordered as the others continued their plan before she hopped off in another direction. 
“Perceptive,” the blonde professor murmured to himself through the magic mirror. “Has she earned any coins yet?” As a new transfer student, her magical progress since her initial arrival has been nothing short of exponential. 
“That’s surprising.” She’ll get them soon.
_ _ _
After defeating over 10 opponents, and only receiving about 4 silver coins from, she continued to search for more, finding the coins to be shaped oddly. Like a flattened cone. A bit of a coin… even though it was considered a coin? She’d have to ask later about it’s value.
Hidden with an invisibility spell in the distance was none other than the boy she had knocked out weeks ago. Gritting his teeth, he patiently watched for an opening. ‘I’ve done my research and practice into this spell.’ She was a one liner after all. There’s no way she could be stronger than him, watching as she walked herself into another obstacle. ‘I’ll utilise Burst in tandem with Nalcos to throw her off guard,’ readying his wand as a different creature towered over her. An iron golem. A man-made being created to help in magic training exercises. There were roughly 3 types of golems: heavy defence, speed, and magical power. The one with bulky arms screeched harshly towards them, cranking it’s arms as he glued her feet to the floor. ‘Focus on it and then you can admit your inferiority!’ However, these too would be quelled with her magic by thin air.
Wirth found her frustrating after destroying his worth and reputation. “You think I want to use my magic on you?” Evading his mud, she led his attacks towards the obstacle, each reaching a new level of power than the last and voila! Collapsing to bits, 2 silver coins spawned. Taking a huge side step, to pick them up, she walked over towards the vengeful student. “Here, you can have one. You guys seem particularly fond of these things. I’ll take the other one.”
‘What in the…’
“Why did you even transfer here?!” A sense of inferiority bubbled in him. “I don’t get it,” he clenched his fists. Why would she give it away so easily? Did she not want to become a Divine Visionary like Margaret Macaron from Orca?
“Partial credit is partial credit,” she hummed, ignoring his question. “If you want to do a duel or something again just find me around!” sprinting off into the distance, leaving him baffled by her existence once again.
_ _ _
Barely 5 minutes were left on the clock and she was still inside. The only one left inside. Was she trying to fail the exercise? For Rayne Ames who had already completed it with ease, earning himself an additional 2 coins, he couldn’t fathom her sluggish pace. Even the weakest students had passed the finish line. He walked towards the teachers who had a rafflesia mirror to see the progress within the maze.
She was against a different obstacle this time, one completely immune to magic spells. She should’ve spent her time to run for the exit instead of tying up the man-made ram. What a waste. ‘Neutralising a deadervant doesn’t produce coins, that’s a different exercise.’ Perhaps, Darren Randel’s weakness was her ambitious conviction in pursuit of challenge.
But her next actions felt… comical. After looking at each side, she held her palm wide open, pooling a large magnitude of magical energy. She chanted a lethal spell that would be taught the following year, “Eradica Maxima.” Bulldozing the garden the blonde professor had shaped. Rather overkill, as the gingerhead’s heels dug themselves to a halt from bumping into everyone at the finish line. instantly the buzzer went off. Her robe abandoned in the decimated grounds.
A short lived round of applause erupted for her performance. She bowed before pivoting into a sprint back to the maze remains and returned at a slightly slower pace than before. 
‘What did I just witness?’
The teachers then debriefed everyone regarding the class, showcasing a magical chalkboard of their times. Rayne Ames ranked first; Darren Randel ranked last.
“You know, you can collect a demerit if you continue to reach the time limit of the exercise,” another voice told her. It was Max Land.
“6 demerits means expulsion and we have our midterms coming up!”
_ _ _ _ _
I'm realising Darren's Explanation of her magic sounds like it's Billie's Unfair Negating Ability from Undead Unluck. Of course, keep in mind that it's Darren and Undead Unluck has some crazy power system that focuses on beliefs (manifestation shits). Sorry for the spoilsies randos who are getting into UU.
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 20
oh what happened to her parents and cookie? when did the fire happen? it says years but years could 2 to 20 but she feels like someone who wont say 2 years sooo ancient, uk? so im going to guess 5+ years ago to 19 years max wait how old is our baby?
And who is that shadow sitting in the dark? WHOS THAT SHADOW HOLDING ME HOSTAGE IVE BEEN HERE FOR DAYS (stockholm syndrome by 1d)
omg we could have died and become a vampire and yoongi as our sire woah WOW idk if thats hot daddy or literal dad SHIT FREUD WOULD HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS
why does yoongi care? is it the caring of an old person who lived life and wants better life for the young ones or some motive? i dont get it
yay 2seok 😭we are hurt again 💀 honestly how do they put up with her? (no hate to her), like where is the mom mode? the i told you so? like why are you such caring besties? also why am i feeling like oc is a character themself and me at the same time??? like i dont want her to be scolded, heck she didnt know shit but i wanna be scolded???
“They didn’t, she is just being dramatic. I fed her my blood before she could die, she’ll heal”, Yoongi answers him dryly. wow so normal, and good news
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also rip dogecoin dog
jin i doubt you wanna call him a vermin
I am tired of vampires messing with my brain.” mood
oh somebody crying on ur chest and u cant do anything other than tell them "they are strong and was just a child, was never their fault" you know it does nothing much for them, but some comfort for the night, a little amount of time until the pain and demons are back again, that shit hurts a lot, eat me away but i have to strong and fine for her cuz she deserves it fuck im rambling bye lol
Hoseok was nice enough to carry a TV up to your room and install it on your dresser. he is the man yall 😭😭😭
I don’t want to be the one doing the finishing blow.” .. “How are you so sure?” CUZ U DID THIS TO URSELF INSTEAD OF HURTING HER KOOK, U STILL HATE URSELF, filled with guilt and self loath, it shows ur humanity and the fact that its better you than anyone else heal please, let yourself heal. you did whatever you could, everything is not in your control and hence is not your fault
did jin put hard raisins in the cookies??? i soak them, that way they are chewy in the soft cookies
I feel like a bitch, but fuck it’s getting so exhausting to pretend that their sweet gestures are working.” ... “Because I don’t want to hurt them. They are doing so much for me”.. "I don’t want to hurt them by telling them that what they are doing is working shit.” wow somebody really decided to call me out
“Shit ___, I thought he liked you. Why would he do that to you?” fr, that too he tried to protect with the ring and stuff, what did they do to him?
YES SHE CONNECTED THE DOTS MY SMART BABY I LOVE U I smelled orange blossoms and cedarwood ooh thats what they smell like
Why k-kill me for it? W-what, what did do to them?"  changed taehyung and they hated it i guess
If I hadn’t angered them so much or provoked them so much maybe they wouldn’t have hurt me."  NO U DIDNT BABY, ITS ALL THEIR FAULT
Jungkook watches you as you blow your nose and wipe your eyes ... you force down a new wave of sobs... you hit your own chest to get rid of the pain. fuck that pain, that hurts a lot
He knows that gesture, he had done it a million times before in his lonely, isolated life. And it rips him apart to see you having to do it too. You should never have had to feel so broken. fuck i feel the same, knowing how much that hurts and never want them to feel, but kook and her are hurt and nothing can change it
its funny that you never feel the same for yourself, you felt that for somebody, now change that somebody to yourself whats so hard about it? too hard
“Did you just use my words against me?” stop he is cute im giggling through runny nose
“You’re cute Kook”, you tell him fondly, pinching his cheek. He lowers his eyes and scrunches his nose up UWUW THEY ARE SO CUTE SHUT UP PLS
“___ stay away, I’m dangerous again”, he squeaks. u were fine just now
right, we cant change his mind, and she cant change her mind either and taehyung just idk ah
You just never should have chatted up Alpha."  true, but im sure joon would get to us somehow and that means tae and jimin too. maybe it will take longer thats all
“You’re finally done withering away?” he asks coldly. how nice
Hoseok scratches the back of his neck, “yeah uhm, that’s fine too.” pls hes trying his best
“sure, I can smell the honesty in your sweat.” Hoseok smells himself, furrowing his brows. hobi baby really believed for a second there lol
I got broken up by my boyfriend in the rudest way possible and almost died. fr
“Hey”, Jungkook says, waving his hand shyly. HE IS UP AGAIN YAY
“I have my methods, trust me.” ok min suga genius jjang jjang man boong boong
“Nothing, I just can’t stand you.” i just know jimin would have said, then sit down
“W-what?” he stutters, looking at Yoongi with big eyes. EXACLTY LOOK AT LIL BABY, U CANT BE RUDE
“let’s go eat Kook, I’ll show you how to hunt animals.” “Really? You can do that?” Jungkook gasps, seeming excited. YES AND IT BEGINS YALL YEEHAW
“I can’t decide if I like this dude or not” fr hobi
“What did you do in your room yesterday?” she danced to itzy, thats all
“I didn’t slip on the pillow, I tried to kick the pillow and slipped on the carpet which resulted in my twisting my ankle and then falling on my tailbone” beautiful, i can totally see it. cuz i did fall similarly once
“Even better, shit I would have loved to see that”, he wheezes. tag urself, im hobi
Jungkook drags himself into the room, plotting down next to you with a loud yawn that exposes the back of his throat to all of you. wow that too in those pink briefs and socks THAT ARE PULLED UP ALL THE WAY worse than what we wear when delivery guy comes
was he that sleepy he didnt smell her? mood cuz thats the type of vampire i would be, sleeping for hours
“Hey ___”, he says, laughing awkwardly. MOM HES SO CUTE FUCK
“Yeah, ha. Hahaha”, he scratches the back of his neck. He is so flustered, you know he is. 100% i just know his neck would be all red
He seems to be proud, watching Jungkook with a fond smile. So he did it on purpose. Make him chuckle with a funny story and lessen the anxiety he feels. He is so sweet sometimes. irl its jin the ice breaker and its soo good uknow??
“Stop talking to him like that!” you speak up. PERIODT UR SCARING THE BABY
“You will not go to your apartment on your own” fr thanks yoongi what joon or jimin is waiting right there???
“It’s decided then”, you say and drag him with you by the collar of his leather jacket, “come now.” AAH TOO HOT FUCK THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS THING
Protection. You think I’ll let you drive without it?”
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It squishes your cheeks and hurts your nose as he pulls it down, making you groan. “Jesus, you want to strangle me?” “Sometimes yeah” I LOVE THEM
That’s the problem with Yoongi. You never know if he was joking or being serious. ngl taehyung did that too, in the previous chapters
“My plants, I need to take care of them”, they are prolly dead 💀
“Aaaah that”, you smirk. “Princess seriously, invite me inside.” FUCK SHE IS REALLY TEASING AND TESTING HIS NON-EXISTING PATIENCE thats both hot and funny as fuck, sorry yoongles 😭😭
“I don’t like the fucking games you are playing today, you hear me?” “Yoongi pull your knee away this instant” He pulls away immediately and steps back, fixing the heavy rings on his fingers. what a rude but cute distinguished gentleman
oof what a bad boi “You are such a freaking dick, no wonder you have no friends” shots fired oof
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If he would have been the one to find you….” he trails off, blinking rapidly. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHO?? NAMJOON YOU MEAN??
“you are literally such a good person and I fucking hate it.”yup figured that “You made him good. Taehyung, you gave him back his humanity, made him vulnerable, reminded him what happiness feels like and I hate you for doing this to him.” there, asshole said it
I just hate that you are the reason Taehyung hurts.” but its you tho, use 2 braincells for that
“….did you get it?” his voice slowly comes back again, as if you were finally submerging from water, “Save. Him.” bruh, leave his alone for that
OH YOONGI FUCK WHERE WERE YOU, no actually its good u stayed inside, we got some info
damn this was long anyways feelings were feelings, emotional as fuck now
oh what happened to her parents and cookie? when did the fire happen? it says years but years could 2 to 20 but she feels like someone who wont say 2 years sooo ancient, uk? so im going to guess 5+ years ago to 19 years max wait how old is our baby?
in Sanguis Alpha she is around 23-24 and the thing with Cookie happened when she was around 10 😭
omg we could have died and become a vampire and yoongi as our sire woah WOW idk if thats hot daddy or literal dad SHIT FREUD WOULD HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS
that would actually be so hot nfdnasf 🥵
why does yoongi care? is it the caring of an old person who lived life and wants better life for the young ones or some motive? i dont get it
gaah these are the right questions indeed 👀
also rip dogecoin dog
THE DOG DIED??? why would you just drop that so casually noo omfg I'm genuinely so sad right now 😭😭
jin i doubt you wanna call him a vermin
JFAJDSF he gives no fucks and I admire him for that <3
oh somebody crying on ur chest and u cant do anything other than tell them "they are strong and was just a child, was never their fault" you know it does nothing much for them, but some comfort for the night, a little amount of time until the pain and demons are back again, that shit hurts a lot, eat me away but i have to strong and fine for her cuz she deserves it fuck im rambling bye lol
no but I love that she has Hobi to comfort her :( he is such a good person and amazing friend 😭
Hoseok was nice enough to carry a TV up to your room and install it on your dresser. he is the man yall 😭😭😭
him him him him him !!!!!!!
I don’t want to be the one doing the finishing blow.” .. “How are you so sure?” CUZ U DID THIS TO URSELF INSTEAD OF HURTING HER KOOK, U STILL HATE URSELF, filled with guilt and self loath, it shows ur humanity and the fact that its better you than anyone else heal please, let yourself heal. you did whatever you could, everything is not in your control and hence is not your fault
did jin put hard raisins in the cookies??? i soak them, that way they are chewy in the soft cookies
jfjadjf I feel like no matter he would have prepared him, Kookie would have hated them fnadsnf
I feel like a bitch, but fuck it’s getting so exhausting to pretend that their sweet gestures are working.” ... “Because I don’t want to hurt them. They are doing so much for me”.. "I don’t want to hurt them by telling them that what they are doing is working shit.” wow somebody really decided to call me out
I feel that, I'm sorry you have to feel this way :(
“Shit ___, I thought he liked you. Why would he do that to you?” fr, that too he tried to protect with the ring and stuff, what did they do to him?
Why k-kill me for it? W-what, what did do to them?"  changed taehyung and they hated it i guess
If I hadn’t angered them so much or provoked them so much maybe they wouldn’t have hurt me."  NO U DIDNT BABY, ITS ALL THEIR FAULT
He knows that gesture, he had done it a million times before in his lonely, isolated life. And it rips him apart to see you having to do it too. You should never have had to feel so broken. fuck i feel the same, knowing how much that hurts and never want them to feel, but kook and her are hurt and nothing can change it
I feel so sad for them please 😭😭😭😭
its funny that you never feel the same for yourself, you felt that for somebody, now change that somebody to yourself whats so hard about it? too hard
YES 100% that's me for real
“Did you just use my words against me?” stop he is cute im giggling through runny nose
hoihihiihihih <3 him <3
You just never should have chatted up Alpha."  true, but im sure joon would get to us somehow and that means tae and jimin too. maybe it will take longer thats all
yes 100% it would have happened regardless, especially because Tae clearly had an interest in her (in whatever way) from the beginning, so it would have definitely happened
“You’re finally done withering away?” he asks coldly. how nice
he is so kind and sweet and loving <33 :)
Hoseok scratches the back of his neck, “yeah uhm, that’s fine too.” pls hes trying his best
he is just a lil pookie :( <3
“sure, I can smell the honesty in your sweat.” Hoseok smells himself, furrowing his brows. hobi baby really believed for a second there lol
“I have my methods, trust me.” ok min suga genius jjang jjang man boong boong
he would probably throw you if you said that to him at this point of the story fjasdjf
“Nothing, I just can’t stand you.” i just know jimin would have said, then sit down
lmaooao I meaaan
“W-what?” he stutters, looking at Yoongi with big eyes. EXACLTY LOOK AT LIL BABY, U CANT BE RUDE
HE JUST A LIDDOL BABY (he is meant to be a dangerous killer)
“let’s go eat Kook, I’ll show you how to hunt animals.” “Really? You can do that?” Jungkook gasps, seeming excited. YES AND IT BEGINS YALL YEEHAW
“Even better, shit I would have loved to see that”, he wheezes. tag urself, im hobi
lmaooaoa me for real
Jungkook drags himself into the room, plotting down next to you with a loud yawn that exposes the back of his throat to all of you. wow that too in those pink briefs and socks THAT ARE PULLED UP ALL THE WAY worse than what we wear when delivery guy comes
was he that sleepy he didnt smell her? mood cuz thats the type of vampire i would be, sleeping for hours
thiiss or maybe Yoongi's training is starting to work ohohooh
“Hey ___”, he says, laughing awkwardly. MOM HES SO CUTE FUCK
I love him :')
“Yeah, ha. Hahaha”, he scratches the back of his neck. He is so flustered, you know he is. 100% i just know his neck would be all red
yes gaaah I jujst ufcking locve him
He seems to be proud, watching Jungkook with a fond smile. So he did it on purpose. Make him chuckle with a funny story and lessen the anxiety he feels. He is so sweet sometimes. irl its jin the ice breaker and its soo good uknow??
yes gosh I miss him </3
“You will not go to your apartment on your own” fr thanks yoongi what joon or jimin is waiting right there???
I love protective Yoongi fnfnf
“It’s decided then”, you say and drag him with you by the collar of his leather jacket, “come now.” AAH TOO HOT FUCK THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS THING
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the meme is me for sanguis Yoongi for fucking real
It squishes your cheeks and hurts your nose as he pulls it down, making you groan. “Jesus, you want to strangle me?” “Sometimes yeah” I LOVE THEM
ngnnfadnfn THEM THEM THEM fuck they were so exiciting
That’s the problem with Yoongi. You never know if he was joking or being serious. ngl taehyung did that too, in the previous chapters
an i oop-
“My plants, I need to take care of them”, they are prolly dead 💀
honestly? 100%
“Aaaah that”, you smirk. “Princess seriously, invite me inside.” FUCK SHE IS REALLY TEASING AND TESTING HIS NON-EXISTING PATIENCE thats both hot and funny as fuck, sorry yoongles 😭😭
“I don’t like the fucking games you are playing today, you hear me?” “Yoongi pull your knee away this instant” He pulls away immediately and steps back, fixing the heavy rings on his fingers. what a rude but cute distinguished gentleman
he is all like "i may be a cunt but i ain't about that sexual harassment" JAHHAHA
oof what a bad boi “You are such a freaking dick, no wonder you have no friends” shots fired oof
If he would have been the one to find you….” he trails off, blinking rapidly. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHO?? NAMJOON YOU MEAN??
whooo does he mean helloo??
I just hate that you are the reason Taehyung hurts.” but its you tho, use 2 braincells for that
no but what if he isn't lying then waht?? hellooo???
OH YOONGI FUCK WHERE WERE YOU, no actually its good u stayed inside, we got some info
HAHAHAH you're like "good thing we almost died"
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
Favorite Weather
The Lost Boys
Tbh he just likes that it fits his aesthetic
Doesn’t like rain though
Sound of thunder actually soothes him
he likes the image of lightning casting light over the closed boardwalk
Feels like the clouds make the sign lights brighter
Loves to hunt in stormy weather bc victims are more likely to write of noises as part of the storm
Has realized that if he times it right and finds the right spot he’s able to be outside for sunset theses days
He doesn’t do it often bc, ya know, if he’s wrong about a spot he dies, but when he misses his human life he will
Even though the clouds block most of it he still thinks sunsets look pretty on these days
Hasn’t told the others he learned this bc he’s scared they’d mess up and die
If Max had gotten his way he’d have shown Lucy (maybe sam) this to cheer them up on day
Same as David but he thinks the rain adds to the vibe
He has a different jacket he wears on nights when he knows it’ll storm so he doesn’t ruin the main one
He’s a sadistic fuck who enjoys watching ppl freak out about storms
Literally cackles when a rando screams after lightning and thunder
LOVES hunting these nights
Sometimes kills extra ppl because he gets the most excited when prey tries to run and likes the extra challenge of seeing through the storm
With his heightened senses it isn’t really that much harder though
I feel like he wouldn’t try to get stuck by lightning, but wants to see if he could handle it
She loves the smell of rain
Will run around in the rain
Doesn’t matter if it’s a drizzle or it’s pouring she gets a wave of freedom from it
Convinces Paul, Marko, and Michael to do it with her once, only Paul was willing to do it again
He’s actually a lot like Star: likes running around
Rain is one of the only things he’s ok with ruining his hair
It’s the closest thing he gets to a shower
Star and him help fix each other’s hair afterwards
Likes making The others get wet bc he likes seeing their hair messed up so he can ask to help fix it
Purposely splashes ppl with water when riding his bike
Also jumps in puddles with laddie and Marko (Marko leaves the jacket at the cave tho)
Likes hunting in pouring rain bc it washes most the blood of and victims struggle running more
Clear Sky
It just feels fresh to him
Idk how to explain it but like hot and cold air has feelings to them and Michael would be more sensitive to that than others
there’s nothing making it cold but not enough sun for it to be hot and he is in such a good mood those days
He never got to see snow in Arizona and he LOVES it
Has always wanted to build a snowman and plans to at least visit a place with a ton of snow just to do it
He runs hot so it’s a nice change of pace
Always got jealous that other states got days of bc of snow ins
Clear Sky
If there is nothing in the sky that means vampire have no cover
He’s one of those ppl who gets really cranky when he’s hot or cold so sunny days suck for him and everyone near him forced to listen to his complaining ass all day
Like Edgar it means no vampires
DOES enjoy hot weather
He likes just a like bit of heat on his skin but not enough to sweat
When he is at the beach he definitely tans for at least 30 minutes
She likes how light reflects off water, how it reacts with stained glass decor, literally everything is prettier to her when the sun shines on it
Enjoys sitting on the porch or the deck and feeling the warmth on her face
Reminds her of the good parts of her life in Arizona: pool days, eating popsicles with her sons, and even staying in with the air conditioner blasting while she and the boys play a board game
I feel like he was originally turned on a foggy night so he sees them as good luck now
He definitely turned David on a foggy day too and sense it was the first success it only adds to this ^^^
Victims struggle to escape more
Easy to sneak up on ppl
Grandpa Emerson
Honesty I don’t know why
It’s his vibe
Like Michael he’s sensitive to weather but it’s worse with heat so he likes the sun blocked
Doesn’t like rain but gets excited for the rainbow afterwards
He always starts off upset when it rains heavily but the boys cheer him up and he ends up enjoying it
Hates going on the bikes in heavy rain bc it splashed but when it drizzles it’s just enough to feel refreshing
He does just wait inside the cave for it to stop most times
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suchabea · 2 years
The Interview
Sabrina’s agent set her up with a gig of a lifetime. An interview with a movie star on her Simtube Channel. Sabrina is just a video game streamer. This is big time. This is mainstream. The actor in question? Satoru Gojo, an international superstar. She’s a big fan of his work and is super excited that he got the lead role in a movie adaptation of her favorite video games.
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For it to be her first interview, it went incredibly well. He was easy going and funny. His stories were well told and engaging. She could literally listen to him all day. It didn’t help that every time he said her name, she felt a flutter in her chest. That’s new. She found herself easily flustered which she has never experienced before. 
He’s attractive, very attractive. Sabrina isn’t blind to that. She may be asexual, but she is capable of noticing these things. Holding eye contact with him made her nervous. Their interview was only meant to last 20 mins max, but he kept talking as if he wasn’t ready to leave. His agent appeared to be pretty pissed off screen. He had a schedule to keep, but it didn’t matter to him. 
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(Sabrina’s awkwardness intensifies)
The focus of the interview turned to her, going completely off script. Satoru wanted to learn as much as he could about her. She blushed at every compliment he gave. That’s also new to her cause usually she doesn’t care or is very dismissive of it. This time its different. She just couldn’t figure out why. 
After a bit of off screen harassments from his agent, he announced his departure. 
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He smelled nice. Very expensive. In a plot twist Sabrina didn’t expect, he asked for her number. 
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What was she going to say? No. Absolutely not. Of course she gave him her number. 
The Interview went viral. It’s the biggest hit on her channel. Millions of his fans swarmed to her video leaving all sorts of thirsty comments that made Sabrina laugh. 
A few days later, an unknown number popped up on her phone. It was him letting her know he’s in town and asking her to lunch. She squealed. Another new thing for her. Who squeals over a non-date lunch with an attractive guy? Apparently her. 
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As she arrived at the sushi spot he told her about, a friend of his was preparing to leave. 
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He introduced her to Suguru Geto, his best friend and editor-in-chief of Couture Magazine. She knew him well as a renowned photographer.  Suguru greeted her with a kiss on the back of the hand before making his exit. Her heart fluttered AGAIN. This reaction started to freak her out. It’s not her normal. 
This lunch became the prelude to several lunches over the next few months. 
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She became the first person he’d visit when he’s in town. Naturally, their friendship flourished. At the same time she got to know Suguru a lot better as well. They were a package deal in a sense and she liked them both. Platonically of course . . . for now. 
(I’m not a fan fic writer, but I do read so I’m a little inspired lol. Also I didn’t make Gojo or Geto, I found good enough ones in the gallery and added cc I found. Also as a reminder, Sabrina is my enhanced simself.)
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I GOT SO HAPPY AT HOW EXCITED YOU GOT ABOUT WRITING FOR STEVE. I DONT WANNA RUSH YOU IN THE LEAST BUT YOU ARE SO TALENTED. WOULDNT A STEVE HC WHERE MAYBE UH (I’ll stop screaming now) he takes her to meet the whole gang officially maybe during the upside down stuff? Maybe she gets along with Robin or Max?? Love u byeeeee :)
btw im so sorry this is sm more than what you asked for but i get excited and carried away when I really like a request or prompt
Steve Harrington Introducing You to the Gang....
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~You’re so nervous to meet everyone at first
~You’re especially worried to meet Dustin cause you fear that if Dustin doesn’t approve, that’s it for your relationship
~The previous day, you were complaining to Steve about these pounding headaches you were having and the fact that you kept having nightmares that almost seemed like flashbacks from when you were 10
~Steve was the only one who knew about your trauma. You had seen your dad have a stroke when you were 10 and you were so scared you froze and when your mom walked in it was too late
~Once Steve found out what the symptoms of the Vecna attacks were, he remembered that you told him about this stuff, so he immediately drove to your house as fast as he could
~When you opened the door he practically tackled you and was kissing you all over your face
~He tried to explain everything as best and as quickly as he could but he decided it would be best for Dustin and Nancy to explain
~The entire car ride your leg was bouncing up and down as Steve drove to Nancys house
~Much to your surprise, everyone was super nice to you
~Dustin was ecstatic
~He was so happy to meet you because of how happy you made Steve
~They tried their best to explain what was happening but you were so confused
~“Have you had any hallucinations? Have you seen some sort of weird ticking clock?” Max was asking all of this with a worried look on her face
~You though back to earlier before Steve arrived at your house. You did have a hallucination but you assumed you were just tired
~You looked at Steve and he pulled you away so you could tell him in private
~“I, uh, before you picked me up I saw- well I thought I saw my dad sitting down in the chair he used to always watch the games in but when I turned it to see if it was him he-”
~You started tearing up and Steve pulled you into a hug 
~“It was like he was having the stroke all over again. Steve it was awful”
~Steve calmed you down really quickly and you walked back over to the group
~“Yeah. She’s been having hallucinations.” Steve said before turning to face you as he put his hands on your shoulders
~“But that’s all they were. Hallucinations. It wasn’t real. I promise baby”
~He pulled you into a hug and you nuzzled into his chest, feeling a sense of comfort as you smelled the cologne that he always wore
~“Awww... eugh. Can we get back to saving lives here?”
~“I’m comforting my girl here you little shit”
~“Comfort her by saving her life”
~When you guys were in the car to go to the cemetery you saw Max’s hands shaking slightly
~“Hey, you okay?”
~“Yeah I’m fine.”
~“Really? Cause you don’t look it.”
“Yeah I’m fine. This whole Vecna shit is just stressing me out.”
~“Tell me about it. If you wanna talk, you can talk to me though.”
~“Yeah thanks”
~You could tell Max really wasn’t all there but after a few minutes she suddenly asked you something you weren’t expecting
~“What was your issue?”
~“What do you mean?”
~“Everyone who’s being targeted has some sort of issues. What was yours?”
~“Oh... uh-”
~“Max! You can’t just ask that! Don’t answer that, babe”
~“No, no it’s fine Steve. Uh, when I was 10 I witnessed my dad have a stroke and I, uh, I got scared and froze. He ended up dying...”
~Steve placed a hand on your thigh, keeping one on the wheel
~“I’m so sorry. I didn’t think it’d be that serious. Mine’s kinda the same. Last summer I- I saw Billy get stabbed and die. And all I did was watch”
~You looked behind and saw that she was tearing up. You reached behind and decided to hold her hand. No one said anything as you all sat there in an awkward but comfortable silence
~When you got to the cemetery and the whole Vecna thing happened with Max, after Lucas comforted her she went to you and asked you how you coped with your dad
~“Well it took some time, a while actually, but I stayed with people who I knew would be there for me and help me through it. I tried not to distance myself because I knew it would just make me more lonely than I already was. Honestly Max, you want my advice? Stick with Lucas. I can tell he really cares for you”
~After that, Max didn’t wanna leave your side. She found it comforting that you knew somewhat how she felt
~She even forced Steve to let Dustin sit upfront so she could sit next to you in the car
~When you guys were in the car driving back to Nancy’s house, you dozed off for a second
~When you woke up you were back in your old room from when you were 10. You were confused as to how you woke up in a bed that you haven’t laid in for 8 years
~You looked around and saw photo frames of you and your dad. They looked like they were in order of when you were younger to older. There was one where you were on his back, your two front teeth missing. 
~Another was when you looked about 8 and you were in a blanket fort with him. You couldn’t help but smile as you thought back to the old memories you had pushed away to the back of your mind. 
~In the last frame, you were 10 and sitting on your dads lap in the same chair he had died in. You remember posing for the photo, but there was something different about it. Your dad. He looked pale and his eyes were open but there was no life in them. He wasn’t smiling at all. He looked just like he did after his stroke. 
~Then you noticed something you’d never seen before. There was a clock. You tried your hardest to remember where that clock had come from, but you’d never seen it before.
~All of a sudden you heard ticking all around you. When you looked back in the frame you saw something coming out of the clock. Spiders. You’ve always been terrified of spiders. You were confused as to how the photo was moving, but that though quickly left your mind as the spiders came closer and closer until they were crawling out of the frame and onto your hand
~You dropped the frame on the ground, the glass cracking. You started freaking out and hyperventilating
~You suddenly felt a sharp stinging on your face and you were back in the car
~The car was pulled over to the side of the road and you saw Max’s hand in the air
~“DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO SLAP HER?!” You knew the yell was Steve by the way his voice was an octave higher (Steve’s voice gets higher when hes scared or upset. argue with the wall)
~“She has a point”
~“Shut your mouth, Henderson, before I shut it for you!”
~“What the fuck happened?”
~“You fell asleep for a second and next think we knew you were hyperventilating and shaking” Lucas explained
~“I saw it. The clock thing. And I have a pounding headache again”
~“Here, I have Tylenol in my bag” Max reached into her bag and handed you one of the pills
~“Henderson, switch seats with Y/n. Now.”
~“How is us switching seats gonna help-”
~“I said now Henderson!”
~You switched with Dustin and Steve kept his hand on your thigh the whole car ride
~The next day Steve stayed up all night as you slept on his chest and he played with your hair
~Whenever you got too still, Steve would get worried and put his fingers on your neck to check your pulse, accidentally waking you up every time
~When you guys went to help Eddie as skull rock you had remembered something
~One time you and Steve were relaxing there just laying down on a blanket together. That’s when you had told him about your father.
~“Hey Max, can I have another Tylenol?”
~“Still, baby? Does it hurt that bad”
~“Yeah Steve, my head is killing me. Might take myself out at this point, just to get it over with”
~Everyone looked at you with worried looks
~“Relax guys, it was a joke. Yeesh the world is about to end and suddenly you all lose your sense of humor?”
~Everyone was talking bout the compass when ll of a sudden Steve turned to you
~“Hey babe. Remember what conversation we had here?”
~“Remember when you told me how you watched your dad die. How you just stood there like a coward and watched the man who did everything for you, die from a stroke?”
~“Steve, why the hell are you talking like this?”
~“I can’t believe you just stood there and watched your dad die from a stroke. You could’ve helped him. You had the opportunity to call 911 but you didn’t. I wish I was able to call 911 when I watched my brother die.”  You looked over at Max and she was staring at you with a disgusted face
~“I- I froze. I was 10 and I was terrified. I-I didn’t know what was happening...”
~“At least take responsibility for your actions. Don’t blame it on your age. God, why am I dating such a coward. I don’t want you anymore. I can’t be seen with some pussy.”
~“Steve what the fuck?!”
~You were crying at this point. You were hurt and confused. That’s when all of a sudden you heard a voice from behind you. A voice you hadn’t heard in 8 years.
~“He has a point, princess. You stood there. You stood there and you watched me die.”
~It was your dad. He looked exactly as he did in the frame. He was pale and his eyes were lifeless. He looked as though his soul drained out of him. Somehow you weren’t in skull rock anymore. You were at your childhood home, standing in the exact same spot you were in when you saw your dad die.
~“Daddy! I was 10! I’m so sorry Daddy I didn’t know what to do! I was just a child! I didn’t know-”
~Another voice came from the side. You didn’t see anyone standing there. Then you looked at the TV, and you saw a tall gray creature looking at you from inside the TV. Vecna
~“You’re fathers right. You stood there and watched. You watched your father die and did nothing about it. Is it because you wanted him dead?”
~“What?! No! I loved my dad! He was my best friend-”
~“Then why did you let him die, Y/n? Was it because you were tired of him choosing to watch his sports over playing with you? We both know you hated when he sat in that chair and watched TV, because that meant he was spending less time with you. Am I right?”
~“No! I would never do that to him! I was scared! I didn’t have a clue!” At this point you were sobbing and second guessing yourself. Did you really let your father die because you were upset he chose to watch TV over playing with you?
~That’s when the creature started crawling out of the screen and into the living room
~You tried to back away but your father held you in place
~“Face it Y/n. You’re a liar and a coward. You let your father die instead of helping him by calling the police. And then you had the audacity to fake being depressed about it for years.” The creature said as he inched closer to you
~“I wasn’t faking it! I was diagnosed! And I didn’t let him die! I was terrified-” Hot tears were streaming down your face as the thing was finally in front of you
~“Shhh” It stuck its pointy finger to your lips as if it was trying to shut you up
“It’s okay, Y/n. It’s time for you to stop faking the pain. It’s time for you to join your father”
*Meanwhile with the group*
~They all looked through the cassette tapes that Max had
~“WHATS HER FAVORITE SONG?!” Dustin screamed as they went through the different tapes
~“HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW YOUR GIRLFRIENDS FAVORITE SONG HARRINGTON?!” Eddie yelled as he tried slapping you awake
~They quickly put the tape in and stuck Max’s headphones onto your head
*Back with Daddy Vecna (IM SORRY I HATED THAT)*
~Vecna was lifting his hand, as if he was gonna grab your head, when you heard music
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality
~The thing looked to see where it was coming from, and you saw the your front door open and on the outside was Steve calling out your name and shaking your shoulders, Eddie freaking out and screaming ‘not again’ over and over, and the rest trying to wake you
Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see
~The gray monstrosity standing before you looked over at the door and tried to close it, but it wouldn’t budge
~He walked over to you and tried to lift his hand again
~Listening to the song, you remembered all the times you had had a dance party to it at 3 am when you were home alone because your mom was out of town
~You thought of all the times you and Steve sang this song in the car when you felt like going for a drive
~You remembered all the time you two had danced around together, all the kisses you had shared, all the hours spent laying in bed together
~Then you remembered the first time you had heard the song. You were 6. You were dancing in the kitchen with your Dad as your mom cooked. She was yelling at you guys to get out of the kitchen and stop annoying her, but she had the biggest smile on her face.
~Your father was a kindhearted man. He was your best friend. You weren’t jealous when he would watch the games, because you’d watch with him. Your father knew you were just scared. That’s when you came to your senses. This man holding you wasn’t your father. He was a figment of your imagination. And Vecna wasn’t really there 
~You looked back at the door and you were now in the air with Dustin tugging at your feet
~You couldn’t die. You couldn’t leave Steve. You had the rest of your life to live with him. You refused to die by some creepy ass slimy demon
~“You’re not here. This is all in my mind”
~“Believe what you want Y/n, but I’m here. Whether it’s in your mind or not, I’m here.”
So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
~You looked outside one last time before staring Vecna in the eyes
~You threw your head back, hitting your fake father, causing him to release you 
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
~You then grabbed a vine from Vecnas neck and pulled at it, causing him to bleed
Oh, baby, can’t do this to me baby
~You took that as a chance to run while he tried to recover
Just gotta get out
~Your fake father got in the way and you pushed him
Just gotta get right outta here
~“Are you going to leave me to die again Y/n?!” He yelled as you were about to exit
~“I never left you to die. And you’re not real” 
~As you were about to jump out, Vecna reached to grab you as he yelled no, but he missed
~The next thing you knew, you were falling from the air, and into Steve’s arms
~You immediately broke out into a sob as Steve held you close, mentally beating himself up for not noticing the signs sooner
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Day 66: Bond
There was a certain bond that formed between two people when all of your friends were paired off and dating someone. When the two of you were the only single people so you got paired off to share food, and be partners in games, and all other manner of things.
Harry supposed that tonight would be just one more of those nights as he arrived at Ginny and Luna's. And he wasn't complaining (not anymore, at least) it had taken a couple of years but he and Draco had warmed up to each other. They had compatible styles for partner games, Draco always gave Harry any treats with nuts and Harry gave him any treats with mint, and Harry genuinely enjoyed his dry sense of humor.
If he was being honest, he'd started looking forward to all of the time that he got to spend with Draco on Friday nights.
But things felt different the moment he entered the house, even though he couldn't quite put his finger on why. He spotted Ginny first, standing against the counter, pouring a couple glasses of wine, "Hey," he called.
She looked up and bit her lip.
"What?" he asked with no small amount of dread. He knew that look; it was the look she'd given him right before she'd told him she might be gay and in love with Luna, a look that said she was afraid of breaking his heart.
Ginny opened her mouth but no words came out.
"Ginny, what?" he said, taking several steps toward her.
"I don't know how to say thi-"
"Oh, good," he heard Draco say from behind him, "You're here."
His mouth stretched into a grin even before he turned around "He-" he broke off when he saw that Draco was standing with his arm around some bloke who Harry had never met before. "Hey," he finished.
"This is Matt," Draco offered.
And frankly, Harry would rather die (again) than shake his hand but before he could have any say in the matter Matt had stepped forward into his space and was gripping his hand. Hard. "The Harry Potter," he drawled. "My, my."
(Read more below the cut)
Harry glanced over at Draco who looked vaguely uncomfortable.
"Draco has told me so much about you. I could hardly believe that he was telling the truth." He leaned toward Harry conspiratorially, "He's known for embellishing the truth, you know?"
Harry wrenched his hand from Matt's grip, "Actually, I've found Draco to be honest to a fault. Hardly anyone else will tell me when my outfit doesn't match or I've got something stuck in my teeth."
Matt's eyes flashed and Harry's proverbial hackles stood on end he didn't like that look, "I-" Matt started
"Hey," Draco said, taking Matt's hand and drawing his attention, "Let me introduce you to everyone else."
"Nice meeting you, Mark," Harry called.
Draco narrowed his eyes at him, "Matt," he corrected, before mouthing, 'behave' at Harry.
"My mistake," Harry said, maintaining eye contact with the other man until he turned away and followed Draco into the other room.
"Okay," Ginny said, drawing his attention away from them, "First. Men are disgusting; I can't believe I thought I was attracted to them for so long."
"What?" he asked, slumping over to the counter and sliding onto a stool across from where Ginny was still mixing up drinks. He was feeling a little nauseous, fire rushing under his skin.
"That," she said, gesturing to where Harry had been standing talking to Matt and Draco, "The little pissing match to decide who's dominant."
"What?" Harry asked, "that guy is just an asshole."
She rolled her eyes, "Second, you're still an idiot."
"Wow. I'm just going to go home," he said. "Between you and the dude who was trying to break my fingers, I don't think it's going to be a great night."
Ginny leaned across the counter and instinctively Harry leaned toward her, "How long are you going to continue denying you have feelings for Draco?"
His brow furrowed, "I don't. We're just mates," he added.
"I rest my case. You're still an idiot," she said as she leaned back and started mixing drinks again.
Harry slouched on his stool turning that thought over in his mind, "That actually would make sense," he admitted.
"Harry, I love you, you know I do," she said. "But honestly, I can't believe you're just figuring this out. The rest of us have known for ages. We were all shocked when he walked through the door with Matt; he told us he was bringing someone but we thought the two of you were just making a joke."
"Well now what am I supposed to do?" he asked. "Why couldn't anyone have said something sooner?"
"Because we thought it was obvious," she hissed.
"Let's just get through the night," he sighed. "Then we'll deal with the rest. We'll need to come up with a plan."
He spent the rest of the night calling Matt the wrong name (Miles, Maurice, Mike, Max, Moses, Mitch, Mason) to the point that Ron either caught on and decided to help or got confused enough that he started calling him the wrong name, too. Harry also couldn't help but rub it in Matt's face how much better he knew Draco; telling inside jokes, asking Draco specific questions about his work and his parents, and reminiscing about fond memories.
Draco seemed a bit exasperated by it but Harry couldn't help himself. Once he started, he just couldn't seem to stop.
Eventually as everyone was getting ready to leave and Luna was saying good bye to Matt, Draco cornered him, "Do not move a fucking muscle," he hissed, "I am not done with you."
"I mean it, Potter. Stay right here," he said, jabbing him in the chest with his finger before he turned and made his way over to his date.
"Hey," Matt said, smiling at him much the way Harry imagined an alligator might smile at his prey.
"Hi," Draco replied softly. "I'll floo you tomorrow, yeah? There are a few things I need to take care of."
Matt frowned, "I thought we were going back to my place."
"No," Draco replied steadily. "I have a five date rule." He stepped back, "I'll floo you," he repeated.
And Matt looked pretty pissed about it, but he seemed to take the hint and disapparated on the spot without so much as a goodbye to anyone.
"You're all the literal worst," Draco fumed. "Except you, Luna," he added. "You're a goddess."
Luna gave a little curtsy.
"Seriously," Draco said, glaring at the room even though none of them looked especially repentant. "And you," he spat, spinning to glare at Harry, "You're the worst of all."
"Does that make me special?" Harry quipped, arms folded across his chest.
Draco groaned, "Bloody fucking Griffyndors. I hope you're all happy," he grabbed Harry's arm. "Come on we are going back to mine to have a chat."
"I thought you had a five date rule," Ginny called.
Draco flipped her the two finger salute before apparating them to his house.
Harry always liked being in Draco's house; it was small and cozy, and it always smelled vaguely like chamomile. Just being here made his soul feel lighter, calmer.
"Alright," Draco growled, "Spill. What the hell was that?"
"What?" Harry asked innocently.
"Potter," he warned.
Harry sighed, "He's an asshole."
"And you know that how? You didn't even give him a chance".
"Draco his handshake was like a vice!"
Draco stared at him, "You've got to be kidding me. Are you that much of a child? He hurt your hand so you thought you should bully him?"
"I didn't bully him!" Harry exclaimed.
"No?" Draco asked. "You didn't use his given name even once." Harry winced, maybe that was overkill. "You spent the entire night trying to make him feel stupid and inferior to you. Which, let's face it, everyone does anyway because you're Harry fucking Potter!" Draco exploded.
"That's not fair," Harry said, betrayal slicing hot through his gut. Draco knew that he hated being famous, hated the preconceived notions attached to his name.
"Yeah well, neither was what you did."
"Draco, I-"
"No," he said, holding out a hand, "That was such bullshit, Harry."
"But he's awful."
"You didn't even give him a cha-"
"I didn't have to!" he exploded. "The first words he said to me were to disrespect you. He's an asshole and I will chase a million of them away from you."
"That's not your job."
Harry threw his hands up in the air, "I'm your best friend! Whose job is it, if it's not mine?"
"You don't just get to decide things for me!" Draco cried.
"Fine," Harry spat. "You want to date that wanker, go ahead. But I have seen his type before. Don't come crying to me when he's beaten you to a bloody pulp for looking at someone the wrong way." He pushed past Draco and made his way to the door, walking out and slamming it behind him.
He started down the sidewalk, debating trying to figure out where Matt lived and have a chat or maybe go over to Ron and Hermione's to get some advice and regroup.
But the further he walked, the more the anger faded from his veins, and the guilt settled in.
There was no choice really, he turned around and headed back to Draco's house once more. When he arrived he knocked on the door even though he normally would have just let himself in.
"Go away!" Draco shouted.
He knocked again, "Draco, please."
"No! Go away. You're the worst."
"I know," he called back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Please."
After a few seconds, during which fear settled heaving in Harry's gut, the door opened and Harry slipped inside, Draco was curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow to his chest.
Seeing him looking so small and sad made Harry ache. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I shouldn't have said that."
"Which part?" Draco asked bitterly.
He sighed and came over to sit on the couch beside Draco, "I'm not sorry for chasing him away. But I will always be here for you, no matter what. You can always come to me."
Draco leaned over and put his head on Harry's shoulder, "I know," he whispered.
"Forgive me?"
He nodded and they sat together in silence for a few minutes, both trying to collect their thoughts. Eventually Harry said, "I really wish you wouldn't date him."
Draco sat up, "Harry look at me."
Harry turned on the couch to look at him and raised his eyebrows.
"I won't ever floo call him, we'll never go on another date, and I'll never see him again." Something eased in Harry's chest. "But it's not because of what you said or did. It's because I, too, have had shitty relationships. I have also lived through trauma and I have had to learn from it just like you."
Harry looked down at his hands.
"And if you have concerns about someone, there is a better way to tell me than what you did tonight."
He nodded, suitably chastised, "You're right."
"I appreciate your concern, though," he added and Harry looked up to see that Draco's mouth was quirked up, he really must be forgiven, apparently. "And I genuinely forgot how petty you can be."
He shook his head and reached out for Draco's hand, "Draco, I want you to be so, so happy," he said. Then he added, "I'm an idiot."
Draco raised an eyebrow.
"And everyone knows it, you included, so you can't really hold it against me," he said.
"I'm pretty sure I can."
He huffed, "Just hear me out. I'm an idiot and I didn't realize until tonight that I'm a little bit in love with you. And it's fine if you don't feel the same but you are my best friend and I had high standards for you even before I knew I had feelings for you. It hurt me to see you with someone who treated you so poorly."
"Sorry," Draco said, "I need you to repeat that."
"I said, I'm an idiot," Harry started.
"Not that part."
"It hurt me to see you with someone who treated y-"
"Not that part either," Draco said.
Harry swallowed, "It's fine if you don't fee-"
"Harry," he grumbled. "Say the other part."
He rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm in love with you," he whispered.
Draco blinked at him, a smile blooming at the corner of his mouth, "Say it again."
A grin tipped up the corners of his mouth as well, "I'm in love with you."
Draco launched himself into Harry's arms and covered Harry's lips with his own, "say it again," he mumbled into the kiss.
"I love you," Harry repeated, murmuring the words into Draco's mouth.
Draco pulled back slightly, "I love you, too."
"I hoped that was the case," Harry replied.
After he kissed him again, Draco said, "Alright, fine. Now you get a say in who I date."
Harry grinned, "Is that so?"
He nodded.
"Will you date me, Draco Malfoy?" he asked, brushing his nose along Draco's.
"Yes," he whispered. Then with a smirk he added, "But we'll have to get my best friend's approval and rumor has it that he has very high standards."
Day 65: Question | Day 67: Soulmate (Take 1)- Your traditional soulmate trope or Day 67: Soulmate (Take 2)- just using the word 'soulmate' as a prompt, not the trope.
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darlingmulti · 3 years
Yes, Chef (Chef!Seokjin x Waitress! Y/N)
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You work as a waitress in a crummy restaurant in the middle of hick-ville. One day, a handsome new chef comes in and changes the scenery. Chef Jin is hot and talented and you immediately fall head over heels for him. Despite his good looks, the two of you don't get along. There is never a moment where the two of you don't fight. One night after you clock out, your grabbed, and end up in the back room... pressed against Jin's hot body? Will your fantasy finally become reality?
Pairing- Chef!Seokjin X Waitress!Y/N
Rating- 18+
Word count- 10.3k
Genre- smut, angst, slice of life, romance, fluff, enemies to lovers
Warnings- choking, degradation, teasing, exhibitionism, voyeurism, use of force, fingering, heavy clit play, nipple play, overstimulation, begging, marking, scratching, biting, masturbation, squirting, praise, spanking, groping, tummy bulge, swearing, hate sex
Grind me Down (Jawster Remix) by Jawster, Liliana Wilde
Flesh by Simon Curtis
Eager by AK diorr., BM
Go Fuck yourself by Two Feet
Piano by Max Changmin
Shoutout to my bestie @evie3511 for beta reading and helping with the summary!
“You were very bad today…” he whispered softly, and as he did his teeth caught hold of the tip of your ear, causing you to gasp and jerk your head away.
“I-I’m sorry?” you whimpered.
“You just keep fighting with me.” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion you couldn’t understand.
“You keep fighting with me,” You replied, chewing your bottom lip. This position wasn’t one you expected to be in with Jin ever, especially after tonight, but here you were, standing caged in his arms against his strong chest.
He dropped his head on your shoulder, and his warm breath tickled your neck, causing goosebumps to rise up along your skin, “I want you so bad,” He whispered against you, placing a kiss against your neck.
Before you could think you were replying, “I want you too,” the words spilled out much too naturally. You felt anticipation shoot through you as he chuckled against your neck, beginning to litter kisses along your hot skin.
You leaned tiredly against the cooler in the kitchen at work, eyes glued to your phone as you scrolled aimlessly through your instagram feed. Work had been an absolute nightmare today, though slow there were several tiny rushes throughout the day, and just when you thought you could leave one of the servers called in.
The managers had begged you to stay, citing how you were the best server, and they couldn’t possibly do it without you. After agreeing now all you could do was regret it, even if you might make some extra money it just wasn’t really worth it to you with how tired you were… not to mention dealing with people… ew.
“Y/N!!!” Your close friend, Jessie, could be heard squealing from across the kitchen excitedly, running over and grabbing your arm, “Did you hear the news??”
“What news?” You asked curiously, looking up lazily from your phone and raising your eyebrows.
“There’s a new cook!! He’s upstairs right now apparently!” She exclaimed, eyes shining brightly at the prospect of fresh meat. This was a restaurant after all, the majority of employees were female, any man was sized up by all of the girls as soon as he crossed the threshold. You tried your best not to do that, having given up on the prospect of meeting any good guys here. No matter what there was always a prettier server, or the guy had some fatal flaw, sometimes he didn’t even stay for more than a couple weeks.
“Oh wow,” you said, unenthused, your eyes trailing back to your phone screen, thumb poised to resume scrolling.
“I’ve heard he’s suuuuper hot, and- get this, he’s foreign!” She squealed excitedly, jumping up and down like a child.
“Jessie, come on. Why would a foreigner want to come work here? Who told you he was hot??” You asked, looking back up to indulge your dramatic friend.
“I don't know why, but he’s definitely foreign.. Well he apparently lived in Korea for a couple years.” she said thoughtfully, and then looked back to you to answer the next question, “He was here a couple days ago to get shown around, Elaina told me all about him. I guess she got to talk with him a little bit, she said he’s hot.”
Elaina was the restaurant's biggest slut, always finding new guys to screw. If it didn’t work out with one it wasn’t a problem, there was always another one. It was no surprise she had gotten to talking with the new guy, she would probably hop on his dick as soon as he walked through the d-
Your brain seemed to malfunction as you heard the kitchen door opening and looked up to see one of the most beautiful men you had ever seen in your entire life walk into the kitchen.
The first thing you noticed was how tall he was, the second was his insane body proportions. His shoulders were broad and strong, while his waist was kind of small and tapered. His eyes were chocolatey brown, wide and shining, they had a mischievous glint in them. His skin was incredibly clear and a gorgeous golden brown that you had never seen on any of the boys in this nasty town. It was about ninety-nine percent hick country, so seeing a man like this in person was a dream come true.
His hair was pure black and shining, but he quickly covered it with a chef's hat. He was wearing the regular chefs outfit, black jeans and a loose fitting black chefs coat, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing firm and strong forearms that flexed as he followed one of the other cooks behind the line. He didn’t look nervous in the slightest, in fact he exuded confidence.
“Hey!” Jessie whispered and elbowed you rather hard in the ribs, bringing you back to reality and sending your phone flying out of your hands and onto the floor.
“Seriously!” you exclaimed, trying to act natural as you walked a couple feet to get your phone, glaring at Jessie who was watching you with knowing eyes.
“You were staring so hard dude, your mouth was wide open too!” She giggled and you glanced back at the man who had just come in, grateful he hadn’t seemed to notice you and Jessie just yet.
You shoved her irritably, “Shut up!” you muttered. You turned briskly to walk out of the kitchen, wanting to get away from her teasing and from the handsome man. Your face was getting hot the more you replayed seeing him.
He had plump lips, high cheekbones, a defined nose bridge, strong eyebrows, he was literally perfect.
“You look like you just saw a ghost,” one of your coworkers said as you grabbed a cup absently, wanting to drink some water.
“Oh?” you said absently, acting confused by the statement. You scanned the restaurant. There was only one table in the whole place right now, the rest of the crew would be here any moment, and you were looking at a hopefully busy Saturday evening.
You finished filling your cup and began sipping from it thoughtfully, your mind still on that perfect man. What was his name? What was he like? What did he look like under those loose chefs clothes?
“Excuse me,” you heard a soft, unfamiliar voice say behind you.
You looked up and behind you and could barely contain your shock. That perfect man was inches away from you, locking eyes with you. You wanted to look into them forever, but you thankfully had the sense to pull your eyes away, “Ah, sorry.” You apologized quickly, stepping to the side to let him get to the water gun.
“It’s alright, I’m Jin,” he introduced, holding out his large and gorgeous hand to shake. His fingers were long and slender, and his veins stuck out slightly on the backs of his hands, his nails were trimmed and clean too.
You stared at his hand for one second too long, causing him to raise an eyebrow but you raised your comparatively small hand to shake his, watching it disappear within his warm hand.
Wow… his skin was so soft. Was this guy really a cook? His forearms were completely unmarred, no burns whatsoever.
“I-I’m Y/N.” You introduced. Your voice came out squeaky and anxious sounding- fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you cursed internally. He probably thought you were a baby talking that way.
“Nice to meet you… That’s a pretty name.” He complimented and smiled at you sweetly, making your heart rate pick up. This man was dazzling! You couldn’t help but think it should be illegal to look this good.
“Thanks!” you said, sounding weird even in your own ears, you should get away before you embarrass yourself further, but he was standing right here looking at you, it would be a waste to walk away now.
“Is Jin short for something?” you asked, feeling dumb as the words left your lips.
“My full name is Kim Seokjin, well it’s Seokjin Kim here.” he corrected, “But I go by Jin since it’s easier for everyone,” he chuckled softly at your dumbfounded expression.
“O-oh, that’s cool.” you stuttered out, “So… that’s korean?” you questioned. That’s right, you encouraged yourself, keep the ball rolling.
He nodded affirmatively, “I was born there.” he stated.
“Oh that’s cool! Why are you all the way over here, then?” you asked.
“My parents have been out here a couple years now, they’re getting older, figured I should come live around here and take care of them. I saw an ad online for a sous chef position so I figured I would apply.”
“Well… that’s nice of you.. I’m uh- glad you’re here.” you said, and smiled what you hoped was a nice smile, and not too awkward.
He snickered and shook his head, “Well thanks!” he said and started to walk back to the kitchen. You were about to follow him when you heard an annoying sing-song voice behind you.
“Hello~~~!! You must be Jin!!”
‘There goes Elaina,’ you thought as her sickly sweet smelling perfume hit your nose as she walked past you. She went up and tapped the large man's shoulder, grinning as she confidently introduced herself.
You sighed and walked away to the counter in the middle of the restaurant, leaning your head dejectedly on your arm. You would give anything to have more time to talk with him… but with all the other girls it would probably be impossible. He certainly wouldn’t pay you much attention once he got a look at all the other damsels that worked here… Even with your lack of hope though, your eyes travelled to your hand where you could still feel the warmth of his wrapped around yours. It couldn’t hurt to dream…
The dinner rush was in full swing, you were juggling six tables, the kitchen was backed up with orders, and the restaurant was packed with people, conversations echoing off the walls as the printer at the bar went off almost nonstop. The bartender was cranking out drinks for the servers like crazy.
“Excuse me ma’am, how much longer on my order!” One of your particularly annoying tables called, snapping her fingers at you as you were rushing by with dirty plates to take to the back.
“Not much longer, miss.” you replied hastily and offered an apologetic smile.
“Can you check? Did you even put it in?”
“Of course I can! So sorry, miss!” you said and smiled before turning away, your expression dropping immediately. What did she think you were doing carrying all these dirty plates? Of course you would check if you were going in the kitchen, that was literally just common sense.
You came back into the kitchen, briskly kicking the door open and setting the plates down before striding down to the ticket line where the expo was plating whatever food he could and shouting at the cooks for more fries.
Jin was sauteeing something and the other two cooks were hard at work on the grill, fryers, and salad station. Jin’s expertise was obvious, even in a new environment he was shining.
“Hey how long on this ticket,” you muttered to the expo. You wished you could stare at Jin all night long, but you had customers to please, and besides you had already given up on your fantasies about him. The most your relationship would amount to would be casual friendship, if even that.
Yours was actually second in the line and as the expo looked it over, he realized only one thing was missing and it was actually on Jin’s side.
“Hey Jin, do you have the tostadas coming?” He called.
“Tostadas?” Jin called back, looking up in confusion at the expo, his brow was furrowed and sweat was dripping down his temples. Fuck. How could you focus on anything with him being THAT fine. Some of the other servers had come in to pine over the line and agonize over how hot the new chef was.
Yet even his hotness couldn’t distract as he said, “I don’t have a ticket for that.” and turned around flippantly.
“What do you mean?” The expo called, grabbing the ticket and pushing it across the shelf for Jin, who turned around to take it, looking it over intently.
“I made that already.” he argued, and pushed the ticket back at the expo, again turning away to continue his sautee job. You could feel your blood beginning to boil, and there was the fatal flaw. He might be a good cook, but he had a shitty attitude.
“Well we don’t have it!” You interrupted loudly, “I need tostadas ASAP!”
“Are you the expo?” He asked calmly, cocking an eyebrow at you. Ugh, he was so hot even being as big of a dick as he was being.
‘Don’t get sidetracked, you have a job to do,’ you thought to yourself.
“No, but who cares? Make me my tostadas!”
Jin rolled his eyes and pointedly turned away as the expo finished the first order and called out tiredly, “Jin can you please make me an order for tostadas ASAP?”
“Of course I can,” he said and glared at you before turning back around to continue.
“Glad to know we have another asshole cook on the team!” You called childishly, making the other waitresses gasp. You went back out on the floor without a care to go deal with the rest of your tables, and reassure your woman that her food was in fact coming up. This wasn’t going to be fun.
The night had finally slowed to a stop and you were getting ready to leave for the evening, printing your reports and organizing all of your checks at a table. As you were sitting you heard a voice coming from around the wall between the booth and the server station, and paused at the sound of your name.
“She’s always like that, you’re not an asshole.” Elaina was saying, her voice that annoying, honey sweet tone she took with men she was trying to impress.
“I won’t let any servers walk all over me,” Jin was heard saying, sounding nonchalant.
“Oh of course not!! You shouldn’t!! She’s a bitch because she’s jealous. She has always been the le-”
“Sorry, but I’m not here to gossip or talk crap. Thank you for the encouragement though,” Jin could be heard cutting her off, before you heard the door to the kitchen creak open as he walked away from her. You sighed and rolled your eyes, at least Elaina’s plan to use you as a tool to get with him didn’t work.
You were certainly bitchy earlier, that you would admit, but he didn’t help the situation either acting the way he did. You finished doing your report and slid out of the booth tiredly, it didn’t matter, tomorrow was another day…
Situations like the one that night seemed to happen all too frequently between you and Jin despite your best efforts. You really didn’t want to fight with him, he was unbearably attractive, smart, a good cook, and his voice was like silk, yet every night seemed to be a new battle.
First it was french fries taking too long, next it was the steak being overcooked, and the next it was an item rang in wrong, it was all trivial but it just seemed to add up. Everyday you saw him it became more and more tense between you two, you hated it, because despite all of that you were crushing on him. Not only was he hot, but he could be incredibly sweet at times. Plus he was so cute, and his jokes were hilarious. He never told them to you, but every time you heard them you couldn’t help but giggle at the stupidity of them.
Your work day was starting off shitty, as was normal. Jin hadn’t said hello to you when you came in, two servers called off, and the restaurant was in shambles when you arrived. Not to mention it was eighty-five degrees outside, you hadn’t slept well, and you had had a large fight with your parents before leaving for work.
It was a dumb fight,just more nagging from them about your life. It seemed like nothing you did was good enough. You were trying your best... At times you just felt like you were fighting an uphill battle. Today you had no energy to fight with Jin, and you certainly weren’t prepared for the dinner rush.
It was the wing bar that night. The crowd came in a tidal wave of people, more than you or any of your coworkers had expected or been prepared for and within the first hour you were so swamped you didn’t know what to do. You simply couldn’t keep up with everything that was happening.
Food, checks, orders, tables, greeting, running, pre-bussing, it was all too much for you, especially with the heat and the tiredness. Food was coming out at a decent rate thankfully, but one table just simply could not be satisfied.
You were feeling worse and worse as the time ticked by, and had no fight left in you to deal with difficult entitled customers, but duty called.
“Ma’am, ma’am come here!” You heard and couldn’t help but sigh at the familiar obnoxious voice. You knew this table would be a problem when they had first complained about the bugs outside, and then returned a drink because it ‘definitely wasn’t made right’, what could it possibly be now?
You turned around hesitantly and put on your best invested, and apologetic smile, their food had been dropped by the runner probably a couple minutes ago now, all mostly wings.
“What can I do for you?” You asked, faking sweetness while inside you were cursing at this nasty woman and her teenagers.
“I don’t know what kind of restaurant this is, but the food and the service here is just unacceptable.”
“I’m… sorry?” You said, unable to hide how taken aback you were. What was she even talking about?
“First of all, this is cold!” she pushed her ribs away in disgust, “These wings are cold, everything is COLD! Second, this place is filthy and obviously not being run properly. Look at you! You can’t seem to get it together for the life of you, and you should take something for all that sweating you’re doing. This has been horrendous!!” She exclaimed again and leaned back with a huff, arms crossing over her chest.
You weren’t sure what to say. Usually, you would offer to have the food remade but it didn’t feel worth it to you. You could feel your eyes growing hot and your hands were balling up, “I’m so sorry. I’ll go get my manager.” You said and walked away briskly, even as she shouted for you to come back. A few of your other tables looked at you sympathetically as you went inside and beelined to the kitchen, feeling frustration as your tears spilled over freely as soon as the door opened.
“M-Miles!” You stuttered out meekly at your manager who was currently helping expo, he immediately looked up hearing your weak voice, eyes widening.
“Y/n, what happened?”
“M-my table is r-really upset right now and I- I think you should go talk to them,” you said, barely managing to get out your words as you felt tiny sobs going through you. You were so tired of everything right now. It was one thing to have a table yell about food, but to also insult you in front of your face was painful and humiliating.
“About what? Which table?” he prodded, rubbing your arm in an attempt to comfort you.
“Table eighty three,” you sniffled, “She said that, that the food was cold and that I was terrible and yeah… just please go out there.”
“Okay, okay, just take a breather, drink some water.” He said and quickly stepped out to go and talk with the furious table.
You groaned and wiped at your face, feeling your embarrassment only growing as Jin came from behind the line with a water bottle, “Come here,” he ordered and placed a hand on the small of your back while handing you the water bottle and leading you to the walk in cooler.
You didn’t even have enough sense to question why he was being nice to you, your head was pounding and you were overly aware of how hot and wet you were. Not to mention you were pretty much sobbing right now, despite your best efforts to hold it together.
“Drink the water,” He said calmly as he opened the cooler and led you inside, the feeling of cold air against your body was an intense relief, it helped you physically, but you were still reeling over everything. Even now you felt like you needed to run and take care of all of the tables you weren’t at right now. The rush was close to done but it was still upon you.
You did as you were told though, breaking the seal and sipping from it. As soon as the cool liquid touched your lips you realized how thirsty you were and drank from it messily, closing your eyes and leaning your head back, hearing the bottle crinkle up as you took in every last drop of it before your hand fell to your side. You used your free hand to wipe at your face, taking deep breaths to calm yourself.
“Better?” Jin asked, leaning against one of the shelves with an almost amused expression.
You had forgotten he was standing there watching you and your eyes flitted away from his face just as soon as they had gone there. You nodded quietly, chewing your lip, trying to calm your racing heart. It was amazing what the cold and water could do for you, you thought.
“You need to take better care of yourself,” he chastised, moving closer and rather suddenly reaching out and cupping your cheek with the palm of his hand. You looked up, dumbfounded. One hand subconsciously came up to touch his arm while your hand holding the water bottle crinkled it loudly. “You’re obviously having a hard time, and you aren’t drinking enough water… no matter how busy it is you come first.”
You nodded quietly, still unsure of what to do about his hand.
“I didn’t bother you today right?” he asked, leaning ever so slightly closer, you could make out the flecks of gold in his brown eyes at this angle, and his skin was flawless.
“N-no,” you squeaked out.
“I notice a lot more than you think I do…” he said, and you bit your lip feeling his hand fall carelessly against your side, fitting against you almost too well. You felt a tingle in your breasts, and just knew that if you were to look now both nipples would be hard and pressing against your bra. You were grateful you wore a padded one today.
“L-like what?”
“I knew you were upset as soon as you walked in.”
He brought his thumb gently across your lips, “These pretty lips were frowning, and those eyes barely even looked at me…” he whispered. You could clearly hear your heart pounding in your ears. What was happening right now?
“You were much too quiet… if you ever have any problems I’m always willing to help you out.”
You gasped as he tilted your head up to look into his eyes, “Do you got that?”
You nodded dumbly, biting the inside of your lip as your eyes moved down to his plush lips, appreciating the smoothness of his face. You really wanted to reach up to touch it, maybe it wouldn’t hu-
The two of you jumped apart and you immediately turned and grabbed your forehead, acting miserable.
“Yes?” He asked. His voice was icy as he turned around to face Elaina, who was standing in the doorway looking slightly confused and frazzled.
“Sorry to interrupt… They need you back on the line. The others can’t keep up.” She said.
He nodded and looked back at you, “You all right?”
You nodded quickly, not feeling confident enough to speak.
“Come out when you’re ready.” He said and walked out, shutting the cooler behind him.
You let out a soft gasp of air that you hadn’t realized you had been holding, your whole body zinging with energy… if he could make you feel this way with such a simple touch, imagine how he could make you feel…
You shook your head quickly, ridding yourself of those thoughts. He was just being nice, that was it. It was never going to happen.
You spent a couple more minutes inside, calming down before you finally stepped out to finish the evening off right.
A couple days later, and you were still thinking about that night in the cooler. You replayed it in your head multiple times during the day. Whenever you masturbated you thought heavily of him inside you, of his eyes boring into yours, of his honey sweet voice in your ear whispering your name.
You thought about Jin for at least seventy five percent of your days, even when you were off all you could think of was him.
“Y/N, you have a table at thirty three.”
You immediately snapped out of your thoughts and looked up at the host before leaving the kitchen to get the table started. It was slow today, besides Jin there was one other cook working. It was supposed to be an easy table- that was until they complained about the menu, and then basically tried to modify something into a completely new thing. You did your best to be polite and said you would ask the chef about accommodating them. You walked in nervously, and called out, “Hey, Jin?”
“Yes?” He asked, looking up from the sandwich he was cutting in half.
You shyly listed off the modifications, and he stared at you with an annoyed expression, cocking an eyebrow as you finished, “Are you actually serious?”
You nodded slowly. His attitude was getting you angry already.
“Well, first of all we don’t have cucumbers, you know that. Second, we don’t have seasoning to blacken a fucking salmon, you also know that. Third, I can’t even respond to the rest because it’s honestly not worth my time. Use your brain,” He said flippantly.
How was he the same person as the one in the cooler that time?
What was his problem?
“Are you done now?” You asked, immediately catching an attitude. Just because he was hot didn’t mean he could talk to you like that.
“Excuse me?” He asked, looking up through his gorgeous lashes dangerously.
“Are you done being a dick? I’m just doing my job, which is to satisfy my customers. Your job is to answer my questions, not give me snobby replies and act like a prick.”
“My job is to cook food, not cater to your needs. Quit wasting my time, and go take care of your idiot table.” he ordered.
“Will you make my order?”
“Is it going to have stupid modifications that I can’t fulfill, if so, then no. If you’re going to keep being a bitch then I also won’t be making your order. Quit wasting your time.”
You huffed angrily, and the two of you began going back and forth insulting each other, growing louder and louder until your manager came in to calm the situation and split you guys up. You huffed angrily, cheeks red, and practically ran from the kitchen to ring in your ridiculous and ‘stupid’ order. Now you didn’t care if they couldn’t do it. They would do it.
The rest of the evening after the fight was tense, and you were grateful that when you left Jin was nowhere to be seen. In the end, they had made the order almost perfectly, and the table left happily so you supposed that was all that mattered.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the fight though, you had both said some pretty bad things. You wondered if you guys could ever really get along.
You were walking quietly down the empty employee halls heading to the clock out, it was late since you had got stuck doing extra side work, so everyone had mostly gone home for the night.
You were mid sigh when you felt a large hand clasp over your mouth while a strong arm snaked around your waist and pulled you into one of the side boiler rooms, causing a muffled shriek to leave your lips as the person kicked the door open and you heard a familiar silky voice say, “Shh, behave.”
You froze and blinked, looking around the low lit and frankly dirty room. There were a couple machines running that were always on, running the building, resonating with a persistent hum.
You struggled violently to get out of Jin’s strong grip but he only held tighter, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your arm, hand firmly over your mouth until you finally gave up with an indignant groan. You knew it was Jin, but that was it. Your stomach was churning with anxiety and anticipation as he held you tightly in his grasp against his hot body. Your head at his chest.
“Are you done?” he whispered coolly against your ear, his tone slightly mocking.
You shuddered and nodded.
“I’m gonna move my hand, if you scream you’ll really be sorry.” he threatened.
Did you have a reason to scream? You wondered.
Sure Jin was being strange, but there was nothing to be worried about… right?
As his hand slid away you quickly asked, “What are you doing?”
He was silent for a while, wrapping his now free arm tightly around you in an iron like bind. Both of his arms were pressing against your chest, and you could feel your heart racing against your rib cage the longer he stood silently holding you.
“You were very bad today…” he whispered softly, and as he did his teeth caught hold of the tip of your ear, causing you to gasp and jerk your head away.
“I-I’m sorry?” you whimpered.
“You just keep fighting with me.” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion you couldn’t understand.
“You keep fighting with me,” You replied, chewing your bottom lip. This position wasn’t one you expected to be in with Jin ever, especially after tonight, but here you were, standing caged in his arms against his strong chest.
He dropped his head on your shoulder, and his warm breath tickled your neck, causing goosebumps to rise up along your skin, “I want you so bad,” He whispered against you, placing a kiss against your neck.
Before you could think you were replying, “I want you too,” the words spilled out much too naturally. You felt anticipation shoot through you as he chuckled against your neck, beginning to litter kisses along your hot skin.
You tilted your head back to allow better access and then felt a zing of new fear go through you.
No. This was bad. This was very bad you needed to get away. You were literally at work, in a back hall where anyone could just walk in… Maybe had you been somewhere else this would be more appropriate?
“Are you insane?” You gasped, suddenly trying to jerk away again, pulling your head away from his lips.
“Are you?” He asked and pushed one of his arms down around your waist, driving your ass back into his center where you could feel his rising excitement. This couldn't be happening. His other hand easily found purchase on your breasts, groping you over your shirt and bra. You moaned out involuntarily at the friction and then bit your lip to try and quiet yourself.
Were you dreaming?
“That’s right you fucking whore… this is what you wanted all along hm?”
“W-what are you talking about?” you panted. It was embarrassing how you felt right now. You wanted to get away, you wanted to get out right now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to struggle… your body would never forgive you for wasting this chance.
“Do you like to tease me?” he asked, and the hand that had been on your breast suddenly was wrapping around your throat as he pushed your head up and back against his shoulder, causing you to squeak as his eyes met yours.
Oh fuck.
You tried to shake your head, but you were totally incompacitated with his hand wrapped around you like this. The hand around your waist slithered up and he began quickly undoing the buttons on your uniform.
You weakly began to struggle, suddenly feeling anxiety shoot through you. You had just finished working, what if you were gross? A sick part of you wanted this, craved it, but the rational part of you was screaming at you to get out of there.
His hand eased on your throat only slightly and you gasped for air, causing him to laugh cruelly before he released your throat and turned you around to face him, his eyes were filled with desire and lust. It caught you so off guard you didn’t even have time to react before he was forcing you against the wall.
“I know you want me.” he said softly, strong arms caging you in on either side.
“I- I don’t know what you’re t-”
He cut you off by aggressively pressing his lips against yours, one hand grabbing your chin while the other began kneading your breast again, making you gasp and moan as his warm lips moved against yours. At first you tried to pull away, to stop the kiss, but his mouth felt so soft and his touch felt so good you couldn’t help yourself. Your eyes fluttered closed and one hand came up to grab the arm that was raised against your cheek.
A part of you knew this was wrong, and you knew that a normal person would be afraid of this large man, but you weren’t. You were completely overpowered with lust that had been stewing ever since he had walked through those doors.
Who cared if someone walked in? A part of you wished someone would.
Who cared if you weren’t in pristine condition? He clearly didn’t.
His hands found your legs and you let out a shocked squeak as he lifted you, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist while your back leaned against the wall. Your arms quickly wrapped around his neck as well and he smiled down at your shocked expression.
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he breathed as his nimble fingers took up unbuttoning your shirt again.
“M-me too,” you stuttered earnestly, already a desperate and needy mess, especially with the slight pressure of him against your core.
“Really,” he said, his voice lowering and one of his eyebrows cocking up in an enthused expression.
You were about to reply, but his hands were suddenly cupping your bra clad chest, squeezing slightly. You moaned embarrassingly, throwing your head back against the wall as he teased you.
“This is pretty,” He commented, his finger trailing down the outside of your lacy bra.
“Th-thanks,” You stuttered.
“Did you wear it hoping I might see it?” He asked, his hands cupping your breasts again as his dark eyes met yours in the halflight.
You remembered all the times you put on your work outfit you would wonder if Jin would like it. You had wondered if his hands would ever move to unclasp your bra and do all the things you could only fantasize about.
You nodded slightly and he smirked, before his hands were coming behind your back and skillfully unclasping the bra. A part of you wondered how many times he had done this before tonight, but you didn’t really care. He was yours for the night, so what did it matter?
As your bra was loosened he easily slid his hands under it to grope you much easier, his large hands cupping them. You pushed your head against the wall, biting your lip to stifle the moans that were bubbling at your lips. His fingers skillfully found your already hard nipples, running back and forth over them. With each touch of his hand arousal shot through your core.
“J-Jin,” you whimpered as he rolled your sensitive buds between his fingers.
“Yes my dear,” he asked, eyes boring into you.
“W-what if someone sees?” You asked, your breath was coming out faster as he began to play more roughly with your nipples, occasionally groping your chest insistently.
“Hmm… then I guess they’ll know how much of a slut you actually are behind that bitchy exterior,” he said. You huffed as he was suddenly attacking your neck again, trailing to bite your shoulder and collarbone, irritably pushing the fabric of your button up aside.
“F-fuck,” you whispered, shuddering as he began sucking on a spot just below your collarbone, hands still working gracefully on your chest. You could feel the growing wetness of your panties, and you were becoming needy. Unfortunately, Jin had no intentions of rushing the time he had with you, taking his time leaving an array of bruises just below your collarbones, hands still groping your chest.
His mouth finally found yours and as you kissed he helped you get your shirt off the rest of the way, and then gently lowered your feet to the ground to remove your bra as well. You kissed him back feverishly as his hands found your hips, holding them within his massive hand as your mouth opened with his, deepening the already sloppy kiss.
One of his hands went back to your breast, flicking over your nipple and making you squeak against his lips. He chuckled and pulled away, licking his lips as he looked at you standing topless before him.
You felt suddenly exposed but you couldn’t think too much as he was suddenly bringing his head down and gripping one of your breasts, guiding his hot mouth to your nipple. You gasped and shuddered at the feeling of his wet tongue against you, practically lying against the wall as he worked his magic on you, teasing your body cruelly.
You let out a startled gasp as he suddenly slapped your ass hard, the sound echoing in the dark room. He continued to squeeze and grope your ass while his mouth trailed from one breast to the other before reconnecting feverishly with your mouth. His fingers finally began to work at undoing your jeans and you lifted your arms again to wrap around his neck as you made out, to distract you as his hand wasted no time in dipping into your pants.
You moaned loudly and dropped your head against his shoulder to muffle the sound as his fingers dragged along your wet panties, finding your clit easily and beginning to move his middle finger in slow circles.
“You’re practically dripping,” he teased, and you let out a low whine as his finger continued to rub your sensitive bud through your panties. Your stomach was twisting and turning with anticipation, and all you wanted was to feel him inside of you already.
“Hurry up and fuck me!” You gasped as his finger pressed harder against you.
“Someone’s impatient,” He laughed, but made no move to do what you had told him. You reached out boldly and began rubbing over the bulge of his cock in his jeans, moving your own hand in slow circles as he did the same to you.
He didn’t stop you, but he did finally dip his hands beneath your panties, splitting the folds of your dripping cunt with his fingers and making your body shudder hard at the feeling. You kept rubbing his cock, but you were forced to stop as you felt a finger slip into your core, causing you to cry out loudly.
As you pulled back your head he pushed you back against the wall hard and reconnected his lips with yours to quiet you. As he began fingering you, his fingers brushed against your g-spot, drawing out mewls of arousal from your lips. You couldn’t even focus on the kiss, your entire being was focused on his fingers slipping in and out of your core.
You blushed hearing the squelching sounds of your wetness as he began fingering you.
“Let’s get these off of you shall we?” He suggested, and you whined as he pushed your jeans and panties down with ease, as soon as they hit the ground his fingers were dragging back against you, making you shudder and cry out.
“Jin!” you moaned as he suddenly was pushing his fingers inside of you again quickly, wasting no time in beginning to pound in and out of you expertly.
“You’d better quiet down before someone hears you princess,” he whispered darkly, not bothering to slow his pace.
You bit down hard on your lip, your hands reaching out to ground yourself on his shoulders, fingers digging into them as your mouth twisted in pleasure and embarrassment. The sound of your wetness was new even to you. Jin suddenly stopped and you whined out loudly, causing him to laugh softly.
“Sit down over here,” he ordered, and pointed to a chair conveniently placed in the corner of the room, probably left there to be thrown away, but instead forgotten.
“W-what if it’s dirty,” you whimpered.
He smiled softly down at you. You had been reduced to nothing more than his toy at this moment, standing naked in front of him, completely at his mercy. You had to say though, you definitely didn’t mind.
He slowly undid his chef’s coat, sliding it off to reveal a tight black tee shirt beneath it and slowly went to the chair, laying it over the bottom of it. In the half light you could see the definition of his muscles and as he turned around you were wrapping your arms around his neck to sloppily kiss him again while his hands wrapped around your waist, kissing you back just as hard as your hands glided to his chest.
He was just as muscular as you had expected.
“Take off your shirt,” you gasped.
He chuckled and pulled away, slowly grabbing the edges of it and sliding it over his head, revealing his toned abs and strong shoulders.
“Holy shit,” you whimpered, your hands coming to touch his pectoral muscles and running down his body, enjoying the ridges of his abs against your fingertips, stopping at his waist band.
“That’s enough now,” he cooed, “Sit down,” he ordered, pushing you slightly towards the chair.
“But what if-”
“Sit. Down.” His voice took on a more authoritative tone and your stomach twisted.
“It’s not okay. It’s, ‘Yes, Chef.’” he ordered.
“Y-yes Chef,” you stuttered, sitting down in the chair slowly.
You bit your lip as Jin dropped to his knees in front of you, looking down at him through anxious eyes. You had no idea what he was planning, or what he wanted.
“Spread your legs,” he ordered and you took a deep breath. You hadn’t expected to be this exposed to him at all. His eyes were boring into you hungrily, and you felt anticipation knotting up your stomach as you slowly spread apart your legs, revealing your wet core to him.
You flinched as he let out a shaking breath, “You’re so fucking hot,” he said, “Such a pretty little whore,”
You looked down at him as you felt his fingers coming up to caress your outer thighs, his fingers trailing over your knees and down your calves. Every touch from his nimble fingers was electric. Yet his hands wouldn’t go near your core, and you were growing desperate.
“T-touch me,” you whimpered.
“Hmm,” he sighed softly, and his fingers went higher up your thighs, “Show me how you want me to touch you,” He breathed and you felt a zing of anxious excitement shoot through you. You had never done something so lewd in front of another person, and you weren’t sure if you could.
“W-what do you mean?” You stalled.
“Take your hand,” he ordered, grabbing your wrist and guiding it to your dripping cunt, “And play with yourself while I watch. Show me how you like it.”
You bit your lip, looking down at him through your lashes, he stared up at you lustfully, his eyes sliding down your body to focus on your center.
You closed your eyes, and leaned back against the chair, your fingers sliding slowly between your folds and running over your clit. You brought up your other hand to gently begin playing with your nipple, sliding your finger back and forth as the one between your legs rubbed up and down against your clit, gliding between the folds.
You shuddered feeling his hot breath against your hand, and you chanced a glance to see he had drawn closer, focusing on your hand as it moved.
You slowly drew your finger down to your own entrance, pushing your finger against the entrance, little moans sliding out of your lips as you began to push a finger in, making Jin moan as well as he watched.
“You really are such a little slut,” he teased, and you mewled as you felt two of his fingers against you, beginning to push apart your folds further, examining your most private area with predatory eyes, “Just imagine if someone came in right now,” he whispered, his hot breath brushing against you as your finger pushed in further.
His talk was making you more excited and more desperate, you wished someone would come in and see this right now.
“Imagine the look on their face when they see you sitting here, touching your pretty little cunt for me.”
The thought alone was making you more worked up, “Chef,” you whimpered, plunging your fingers faster in and out of yourself, sweat was beading on your forehead and beginning to sheen over your body as you became more and more aroused.
“Yes princess,” He crooned, his fingers sliding up either side of your core, making you more crazy and desperate.
“Mmmm,” you couldn’t even speak as one of his fingers ghosted against your clit as you continued to touch yourself, finger flicking more insistently over your nipple, sending shocks of pleasure through you with each stroke.
“Such a good little whore, all for me,” he praised, beginning to rub your clit in slow circles, making you keen softly, biting your lip hard to try and stop the noises that were begging to spew from your lips.
You were drawing close, your thighs beginning to tremble as you attempted to spread your legs further for him, your hand reaching up to your own throat, squeezing the sides in desperation.
“Choking hm,” he whispered, and you whined as you heard him stand. His hands wrapped around both of your wrists, stopping you from bringing yourself to orgasm.
“L-let go,” you begged, attempting to push your fingers back inside but he pulled them out instead, laying your hand on your thigh while he took the hand around your throat and also set that on your thigh.
“I bet I can make you cum twice as hard as you can yourself,” he whispered against your ear, pressing a kiss against your temple. You felt his hands slip down against your core before pushing inside of you once again, this time with a vengeance.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped, and he quickly pressed his lips against yours to stifle you as he began to curl his fingers expertly inside of you. He rubbed that sensitive area with vigor, slowly picking up the pace as his other hand gripped gently on your throat. He was doing everything perfectly, and your body and mind were in ecstasy.
Your hands lifted to grip the offending arm desperately, fingernails digging into his firm arm.
“That’s right, come on Y/N,” He breathed against you, bringing you closer to the edge. You gasped and shuddered as an orgasm was suddenly upon you, causing you to lurch forward against Jin’s shoulder, clawing at his bicep as he carried you through the orgasm, pounding into you hard and fast.
He pulled quickly out of you, giving you a moment to come down, “Ready for another round?” He asked, and you pulled away in shock before he was suddenly rubbing your clit hard and fast, causing you to gasp as the pleasure changed to slight pain as overstimulation set in.
“S-stop… n-no,” You whimpered, your body already beginning to tremble. You were already exhausted from the first one, and you could feel the pressure building up twice as much.
Soon you were too far gone as he was pounding into you once again, sweat dripping down his chest and arms as he pounded in and out of you vigorously, his head against your wet neck.
“I’m-i’m gonna… oh please,” you mewled and your eyes clenched so tight that you saw white. Your body convulsed hard beneath his finger and his hand came over your mouth as your moans grew loud and intense, liquid spewed lewdly from out of you as you came.
He watched with pride as you squirted, body writhing as your wetness covered his hand.
As soon as you finished you felt intense humiliation racing through your veins, and as he went to pull away you grabbed a hold of him tightly, trembling still, your legs clamping closed. You felt like you might cry as you breathed against his chest.
“Good job princess,” he whispered, gently rubbing your thighs and sides before one of his hands was going to rub your back.
“I’m s-sorry,” you squeaked.
“Hm?” He asked, pulling away from you. His strong brows furrowed at your anxious expression.
“I didn’t m-mean to,” you whimpered, looking away from him, your hands holding tightly to his wet arm.
“Oh princess, you were amazing,” he praised, his voice taking on a comforting and almost sweet tone as he kissed your face.
You blushed brightly, taking deep breaths to calm down. You were still embarrassed, but as Jin’s hands ran up and down your sides soothingly, whispering praise against your ear, you slowly relaxed, and your body began begging once again for his cock.
“Will you fuck me now?” You whispered, looking up at him.
“I’m going to make you see stars,” he growled and you gasped as he was yanking you up from the chair and kissing you hard, his tongue invading your mouth feverishly.
You melted into the kiss, and your hands travelled down his well muscled torso to his black jeans. You were quick to undo his pants for him, pushing down the waistband eagerly, while still trying to maintain the kiss.
He separated from your mouth for a moment to pull down his pants, and then his boxers, revealing his hard length.
You gasped seeing how big he actually was, a zap of fear going through you as you wondered if you would be able to take him all. Your hands went to his cock, and you began jerking him off. Rubbing up and down on his hard length. He lifted his hands to your face, tangling his fingers in your hair as he kissed you hard, grunting occasionally as you went.
His mouth eventually left yours to attack the side of your neck, his hands sliding down your body and groping your ass. You were eager to feel him inside of you, just the thought alone making you wetter.
You whimpered as he smacked your ass quite hard and he pulled away from you, “Against the wall,” he ordered suddenly. You looked down and realized the precum beading at the tip of his hard cock.
You felt a flash of excitement and pride, “Yes, Chef,” you said, pulling away and going against the wall.
You heard him bend down and the rip of a package as he slipped on a condom. It was a good thing he thought to do so, because your mind was far from worrying about anything other than having him fill you.
You heard him coming back over and you squeaked as he grabbed your hips, pulling you back. Your palms splayed against the wall and you spread your legs a bit for him as he slid his finger down the length of your spine before pausing and you squeaked as he slapped your ass once again.
“After all the trouble you give me, it’s so good hearing you whine like that,” he said softly, and you gasped as he spanked you again, “You wanted me to punish you didn’t you,” he teased.
“Y-yes Chef,” you said, and as he spanked you once more, you revelled in the sting of it, feeling the way your body reacted to him spanking you. After a few more tears were pricking the corner of your eyes and you were growing needy.
“Oh please fuck me!” You cried out.
He was quiet for a moment, but then you felt his fingers slipping between your lips, pushing your lips apart to give him easier access.
“Alright now princess, be good for me,” he whispered and you waited with bated breath as the head of his cock teased your entrance, he rubbed against your slit a few times, gathering your own wetness all over his cock before he began to push inside of you.
You moaned out and brought one hand to your mouth to stifle the sound as your walls spasmed around him. He was massive, stretching you as he slowly inserted himself deep inside of you. He let out little grunts of his own at the feeling of your body clenching around him.
“I’m in,” he said, leaning down to gently bite your shoulder, making you squeak at the feeling.
“F-fuck me,” you begged, “Just fuck me,”
“So needy,” he commented, before he began slowly sliding in and out of you, causing your muscles to spasm. You bit your lip, trying to stifle any of the sounds that were begging to be released.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he groaned, smacking your ass as he started getting into a rhythm, fucking into you at a steady pace, making you whine and shudder around him. This was more than you could have ever dreamed. With each thrust he would bury himself deep inside of you, head teasing your cervix, before pulling nearly all the way out and then snapping his hips back into you, causing you to cry out at the feeling.
“Are you my little whore?” He growled as he started to pick up the pace.
“Y-yes chef,” you whimpered, feeling your knees growing weak.
“Say it.” He ordered, and you let out a faltering gasp as he suddenly pulled you up, one arm wrapping around your waist to hold you while his other wrapped around your throat, pushing your head back against his chest.
“Ahh, I-I’m your little whore,” you breathed out, gasping as he was suddenly thrusting right into a sensitive area deep inside, with each snap of his hips your body would spasm.
Suddenly you both froze hearing voices coming from somewhere, and adrenaline zapped through your body. Oh fuck, what if they heard you, or worse what if they came in and saw.
He grabbed you tightly and forced you to turn with him to face the door, grabbing one of your breasts, his finger flicking cruelly over your nipple, “Do you think you can keep quiet,” he whispered against your ear, slipping his hand down your abdomen to slide a finger over your clit.
“A-aang,” you gasped, biting your tongue as he began to move his finger in slow circles, the voices were growing closer.
“They’d be so turned on to see you like this,” he whispered, “Totally at my mercy.” He growled, beginning to thrust slowly in and out again, pulling his hand away from your clit to hold you, one hand still wrapped around your throat. You felt tears pricking your eyes as you did your best to keep quiet, your stomach twisting with anxiety and your heart pounding so loud they could probably hear it out there.
He did everything in his power to torment you, fingers running between teasing your nipple and rubbing your clit. Whispering sweet nothings against your ear while occasionally biting your earlobe.
Finally you heard the door to the outside open and it was silent once more.
You let out a shaky sigh and he picked up the pace, his hand splaying across your abdomen. “Good girl,”
“Y-you’re insane,” you whined, and he laughed softly before beginning to fuck you harder, the sound of his skin slapping yours filling the room.
“You’re taking me so well,” he praised, “I can feel my cock hitting your walls,” he whispered in your ear, sending a shiver through your body.
He grabbed your hand, placing it under his against your abdomen. You gasped as he suddenly snapped his hips into you, and you felt the bulge against your hand, making you even more turned on.
“Can you feel it,”
“You’re so fucking big,” you whined as he suddenly started fucking you harder, almost bouncing you on his cock. His hand moved from yours to rub your clit, making you moan loudly. His hand on your throat was snapping over your mouth in an instant to quiet you as you were pushed into orgasm once more, muscles spasming around the large man’s monstrous cock, the feeling of him hitting into your hand was making you crazy.
As you finished he slipped out of you, and you nearly fell, your legs weak. He caught you easily and spun you around, pushing you up against the wall. His hands slipped under your thighs and he was lifting you before you knew it, forcing you to wrap your legs around his hips.
“I’m not done just yet baby,” he whispered. You whimpered, and sighed as he slid his cock back into easily.
“Hmmmm,” You sighed in contentment, your hands wrapping around his neck and tangling in his hair as you leaned forward to kiss him hard.
He didn't even need to lean you against the wall, wrapping his arms around you as he kissed you back just as hard, your walls spasming around his large cock. You felt so full it was blissful.
He finally pressed you back against the wall, and began to pound in and out of you, causing you to throw your head back against the wall as he fucked you.
He was going faster, sweat was dripping from both of you as you were getting closer to orgasm and Jin was right on the edge. He was beginning to spew curse words, his hands gripping your sides hard as he pounded into you. You were almost laying against the wall, if it wasn’t for his hands holding you up and your death grip around his neck you would fall.
“Such a good fucking whore,” He growled, and you gasped as he lifted a hand to grope your breast, flicking his finger over your nipple before you saw his abdomen spasm, his muscles clenching as he groaned out loudly himself. His hand going back, exposing his gorgeous neckline, face twisted in pleasure.
You moaned at the sight, and as the hand on your breast rubbed over your swollen, oversensitive clit you were coming as well, body spasming for the fourth time in orgasm as he held you tightly. As you both finished finally you pulled yourself up onto him, dropping your head against his shoulder and taking gasping breaths, your entire body exhausted.
You felt his cock slip out of you and he held you tightly, a hand going to your head, running his fingers through your hair, breathing just as deeply as you.
“How are you?” He asked.
“Tired,” you muttered, you weren’t sure yet if you could stand on your own.
“Think you’ll be able to drive home?” He asked, rubbing your back in slow circles.
You let out a soft sigh, “Ohhhh, fuck,” you groaned. You had completely forgotten about the thirty minute drive home, and already your body was so sore and tired. You wanted to sleep more than anything.
“You can stay the night with me,” he offered sweetly.
“Are you sure,” you muttered.
“Get dressed,” He ordered, helping you disentangle yourself from him and finding your clothes for you.
You struggled slightly getting yourself dressed. You would need to go to the bathroom asap, but you wondered if he would leave you behind if you did. Not that it would matter. Jin put on his clothes, folding up his chef's coat from the chair and folding it over his arm.
You looked at it and felt a dark blush cover your cheeks, “I’m sorry… about that.” you said, gesturing to the chef's coat.
Jin chuckled darkly, “It was sexy,” he said, shrugging and grinning from ear to ear.
You looked away shyly, “Th-thanks… and I- I’m sorry about today too. I was just frustrated and-” Jin came forward, placing a finger against your lips.
“Hush. We’re already past that… you made up for it… Besides it was more me than you that was being an asshole.” He admitted, and leaned forward to kiss your forehead.
“I really like you,” you blurted. Perhaps it was the exhaustion, or the fact this man had given you four of the best orgasms of your life, but you were suddenly ready to bare your soul to him.
You didn’t want this to be a one time thing… well maybe just once here. You didn’t want to go back to the strained relationship.
“Well I gathered that,” he said, rolling his eyes at you.
“I-I mean it… I…”
“Princess, we don’t need to talk about this right now.” He said, caressing your cheek, “We smell like sex and sweat, and we’re standing in a filthy back room at work… let’s go back to my place okay? We can take a shower and talk more,” he promised.
You nodded slowly, that sounded heavenly… but still.
“Th-that’s fine but, we won’t go back to how things were before right?… We aren’t gonna fight anymore?”
“I’m tired of pretending I like you less than I do,” he said, smiling sweetly at you before coming over to you.
He placed his arm around you and slowly opened the door, looking both ways before stepping out and taking you outside into the cold air. As soon as you got to his car and sat down in the passenger seat you were out like a light…
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cupidsintern · 3 years
oho i would love to hear about that second one please please (and ill post a pic of my bellbottoms tomorrow lol)
its my virgin!billy fic. ill just give u some of it lmao:
the other night i cried (while thinking of having sex with you) pt. 1
Billy prayed for this. 
Like, actually honest to god prayed- but in his defense he had been super drunk at the time. Drunk and crying. Alone. In his room. 
One of his lower points. Definitely not the lowest. 
And he hadn't put his hands together- but he was sort of sitting on his knees. Kind of. 
And he’d tilted his head up to his god-forsaken popcorn plastered ceiling and blinked a couple times and closed his eyes and thought:
Please let me lose my virginity to Steve Harrington. 
Shoot for the stars, right?
It had been one of those nights where he'd been at one of those parties and ended up in a room alone with one of those girls and she’d started pawing her way up his leg and he bolted. 
Very subtly bolted. But still. 
Made him feel sick. He took two showers. 
Maybe he would have felt better if he could have just like, stared himself down in the bathroom mirror and whispered ‘what's wrong with you?’. But he knew. 
Then he’d prayed. 
Then he’d fallen asleep and been hungover at breakfast and was sure his dad would notice- but he didn’t- so maybe even if his prayers weren’t gonna be answered, whatever Higher Power there was, was still cutting him some slack today. On a random Saturday. Rather than literally any other day he could have used a deus ex machina.
Nobody knew Billy was a virgin. I mean technically, some of his old friends knew, back home. But they were usually cool about it, because why wouldn't you be if you'd been friends for someone that long. But no one here knew. And thank god because being 18 and still being ‘inexperienced’ would get you endless shit but they didn't. Mostly because they had no way of finding out. Billy could have bagged loads of chicks back on the gold coast and no one doubted that. 
And it wasn't like Billy’d never gotten hot and heavy with anyone. It was just that. None of those people were. You know. Girls. 
Nobody he could actually talk about. Especially now. Even if he had friends other than fair-weather lackeys. 
And. You know. Steve.
Billy would never say he was friends with Steve outright, just because it seemed like one of those things that if you verbally confirmed it, then it would stop being true. Because he kind of couldn't believe that it was. 
It was Max’s fault for making him apologize. She said she didn't want Billy and her to keep fighting so much, that she missed being friends, and it was like pulling teeth but he asked what he could do to make amends. She said to apologize to Lucas, then apologize to Steve. Billy did that. 
Then Steve wouldn't leave him alone. 
And it wasn't like he could keep pretending to hate Steve- he'd taken that way too far. Couldn’t exactly pull Steve aside and say “Look I know you're trying to be nice but if you don’t leave me alone I’ll start being queer about it and I can’t let that happen again.”
So Steve kept being nice.
And Billy got kinda queer about it.
He really tried not to. Honest he did. But then again maybe he didn't. Because Steve smelled like department store Christmas and if he bought a two pack of lighters he always gave Billy the second one. He’d walk over sit with Billy at lunch and always say “this seat taken?” even if there was no one else around like it was a cheesy sitcom and he was just waiting for the laugh track to kick in.
Then it got to the point that if Billy tried to avoid Steve, Steve would track him down and ask if he was okay.
“You okay, man?”
Wasn't always ‘man,’ either. Sometimes it was “California” or “Bills” or even one time “tiger,” and that shit knocked Billy out. Pulled the rug right out from under him but- “Yeah, Harrington. I’m fine. Just getting some air.”
Billy asked Max what the fuck she’d told Steve about Billys life. She said if he wanted to ask her something he couldn't just barge into her room he had to knock first so he had to leave her room, close the door, knock, and wait for her to say “yeah” to open the door again and “For the second time, Maxine. What did you tell Harrington about me.”
“Nothing,” She was being honest too. “I didn't tell him anything, weirdo. I think he just wants to be friends.”
Which was maybe worse than enemies.
Because it meant the sad, sad reality that Billy was just some incognito perv that didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of sleeping with Steve Harrington was made even more apparent.
Then came the ‘let’s hangout’s.
Steve started asking Billy if he wanted to hang out outside of school. Like go for lunch, then maybe ditch school after lunch, just not go back and drive around for a while. Then just ditch a day of school altogether and walk around downtown. Then spend an entire school holiday walking around downtown, chasing pigeons off the sidewalk and window shopping and spending a whole two hours in the one and only record shop trying to track down a tape Steve said he remembered having in the 8th grade.
“Hey! Bills, slow down,” Steve was trying to catch up to Billy in the hall.
Billy caught a whiff of hairspray and the Cleanest Woods You'd Ever Stick Your Nose In before he even turned his head.
“What are you doing after school tomorrow?” “Light arson. Why do you ask?”
Steve smiled. “You could do some light arson at my house. Sure I have some old homework you could burn.”
Billy wanted very badly to tell Steve that ‘that is not what arson is’. But he was still kind of hung up on being invited to Steve’s house. Steve’s illusive, gigantic house to which he had never been but always secretly wanted to go.
“I’m more of a book burning guy.” Billy smiled back- couldn't help himself. “Get me your address in third tomorrow, yeah?”
Steve’s smile got wider. “Sick.”
Billy got Steve’s address passed to him by the platinum blonde that sat next to him in third period. She teased the shiny strands all to hell every morning but there were always halfway to flat by 10am. She flicked the note onto his desk kind of carelessly, which Billy hated because didn't she know it was precious cargo? But also he didn't care because it wasn't a big deal going to Harrington’s house anyway.
Steve had drawn little stars around his house address. Like it was some big Destination.
What a dork. Billy traced his finger over one of the stars before shoving the note in his pocket.
pt. 2 maybe coming soon???
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nessinborderland · 3 years
Between Apple Pies and Chocolate Cosmos (01)
Pairing: Aguni x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Character Study
Words: 6.4k
Summary: Aguni first laid eyes on you in the greenhouse. After that, he simply couldn't take you out of his mind.
Warnings: Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Feelings, Eventual Romance, Denial of Feelings, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Notes: This was inspired by the wonderful @aghostsrantingcorner ask. For reference, there’s some things in this fic that were inspired by these posts by @hatterstan-shameblog​. This will be 2-3 parts max. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do <3
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Aguni first laid eyes on you in the greenhouse.
It was a rainy morning, and the Beach was as silent as you would expect after a night of deadly games and partying. He always took advantage of the silent mornings to have a walk around the place, breathe some fresh air, and – most importantly – attend to his garden.
He had started working on it soon after he and Takeru found the Beach, still in the early days when it was only them. He never saw a reason why he shouldn’t. Since he was stuck there for an indefinite amount of time – since he would probably die there – he might as well keep up with the only hobby that brought him some resemblance of peace.
So, he did it. Every single morning. It kept him grounded; reminded him of who he was.
His Eden – as he liked to think about it – was a medium-sized glasshouse near the kitchens, surrounded by land where he had replanted a variety of fruit trees and berry bushes that he had found around Tokyo. It needed some remodeling, but it was perfect as soon as he was done fixing the broken glass and built a system to expertly use the rainwater. He loved the place. Its variety of colors and smells, the silence, and – what made him the happiest – being able to watch the literal fruit of his labor grow.
It was his little piece of heaven in the hell he was trapped in.
Now, one thing about the greenhouse: no one was allowed inside the place beside him. Everybody knew it. It was not like anyone had any real interest in plants or vegetables but, still, people knew that that was his place. Even the old ladies responsible for the meals knew to not go inside; if they needed any ingredient, they asked him.
So imagine his surprise when he got closer to the glass walls of his greenhouse and heard soft singing coming from inside. It was barely audible, the tip-tap from the rain hitting the glass making it harder for him to understand any words. But he knew someone was in there.
His first thought was to barge in and kick out whoever was disrupting his garden. He could feel his anger grow as he stared at the blurred figure on the other side of the glass, messing around with his stuff. He took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside. 
The air inside the greenhouse was warm, with light condensation already sliding down the glass walls. The intruder – a woman, he noticed – was with her back turned to him, humming a song that was more than familiar due to Takeru’s taste in music.
“... lay all your love on– ” you gasped as you turned to him, no doubt startled by his presence. The vase in your hands shattered as it hit the floor with a loud smash, and you let out another startled sound. You crouched to clean up the mess, a row of apologies already escaping from your lips. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, please don’t move while I–”
“You shouldn’t be here,” was all he said as he stood there, stoic and cold expression looking at you from above. Your face was vaguely familiar to him – like every other face at the Beach – but he knew nothing about you. He noticed when you froze and slowly looked up, locking eyes with him. He saw the exact moment you recognized him, eyes growing wide and mouth agape as you held broken pieces of clay in your hands.
“Clean up your mess and leave,” he mumbled as he walked past you to access the damage you had done to his greenhouse. He noticed how several of his previous empty vases were now occupied by small plants and flowers that he had meant to work on that morning. You had just done his work for him. And perfectly, he could tell. Or as perfect as he could expect from someone that wasn’t him. He felt his anger subside. “The chamomile is supposed to be planted next to the tomatoes,” he said as he started carefully removing the small flowers from the vases. “We have no need for tea here.”
“Hmm...I thought you were using those for medicinal purposes?” you hesitantly asked. He kept his back to you, focusing on the task at hand as he waited for you to leave. Leave, however, you did not. "I'm sure they could be useful if–"
"There are only two kinds of people here," he interrupted in a cold tone. "The living and healthy, and the dead. If you're wounded, you belong to the latter. The tomatoes, though, could use some–"
"But couldn't we start an infirmary here?" Your question made him stop what he was doing, and he raised a brow as he looked at you over his shoulder. No one interrupted him; ever. You clearly didn't notice his hard stare as you continued to talk, "We could use garlic and oregano oil for infections, and aloe vera for–"
"You shouldn't be here," he repeated, now in a tone slightly louder than he liked to use. You halted mid-sentence, the small smile on your lips changing into a frown. "I'm not repeating myself. This greenhouse is off-limits. Leave." 
He gave you one last glance before focusing again on his task, listening as you gathered the broken vase. A whimper made him look back at you, watching as you stared at your bleeding finger, droplets of blood falling on the rich soil underneath you. He sighed before grabbing a roll of paper towels from a shelf above his head, turning to hand you one.
"Thank you," you said in a low tone as you accepted the help and involved the tissue around your finger, hissing from the pain.
Only then did he notice what that broken vase had been carrying. At your feet, in the middle of a small mountain of dirt, was a chocolate cosmos. It wasn't one of his flowers, he was sure of that. He had never even seen a live specimen before.
"Weren't those extinct?" he asked before he could stop himself.
Your eyes widen at his question before you looked at him with a soft smile on your lips. He felt the tips of his ears get warm; why in the hell were you smiling at him?
"Mhm, I think so... You can still find them in captivity, though," you said as you gently picked up the reddish-brown flower. You looked at him for a moment before nodding to the table behind him. "Could I get another vase, please? It's just that she's been staying in a box since I got her and I just wanted to– oh, thanks!"
You smiled at him again as he handed you another small vase without a word. Aguni averted his eyes, focusing on your hands as you arranged the pretty flower in its new home. He felt... uneasy, is the word. His usual relaxing morning had been ruined by some random woman with a nice smile.
He didn't like that one bit.
"Well... I'm gonna go now," you awkwardly started as you made your way to the door, before stopping and turning around as if you forgot something. "Oh, by the way, did you...did you do all this?" you asked, gesticulating around you. He nodded once and you smiled again. "It's beautiful. Good job."
With those words, you finally left him alone. 
Aguni was sure he wasn't just blushing in his ears now. His whole face was warm. He never had anyone compliment him on his gardening skills before. Yeah, Takeru told him several times he was good at it, but no one had actually shown interest. It made him feel some kind of way.
He shook his head and got back to his work. He could still enjoy his quiet morning before a council meeting if he was fast enough.
You were there the next morning.
The sun had barely risen when he approached the greenhouse, a warm cup of coffee in hand while he whistled a tune that had been stuck in his head since he woke up. He hadn't even noticed you until he went to open the door, your voice making him jump slightly where he stood.
"You like ABBA too?" you asked from behind him.
He looked over his shoulder to stare at you. You were sitting under a tree not far away, that same nice smile on your face. You were holding something in your hands – something that he noticed was hot – as steam was visible in the chill morning air.
He felt his ears get warm again; damnit, he hadn't even realized that the tune he was whistling was the same song he had caught you singing the day before. He took a deep breath and shook his head. 
You both stood there, clearly waiting for the other to speak first. He was never a man of many words, though, so he just nodded once in your direction before getting inside his greenhouse and closing the door behind him.
A knock on the door not long after made him roll his eyes. He walked away from his work table with a sigh, cursing at his lack of peace and quiet; all the man wanted was to drink his morning coffee in solitude.
"What?" he asked as he opened the door to find you there, holding something wrapped in paper in his direction. He had noticed the steaming thing earlier. "What's that?"
"I wanted to thank you," you said, almost stumbling over your words as you signaled him to take it from you. "It's a pie."
"A pie?" he asked slowly, raising a brow in distrust.
"Yes, apple pie," you sent him a small smile as you tried to get him to accept the baked good. When he just stood there, arms crossed, your smile fell. He almost, almost, made a move to grab your offer then. "Hmm, Mrs. Yamamoto from the kitchen lets me use ingredients sometimes to bake stuff, and as long as I clean everything after–"
"I don't eat breakfast," he interrupted, arms still crossed as he looked you up and down with furrowed brows. He was trying to understand your intentions towards him. What was your move here?
"Oh, but you should, you know?" you said in a raised tone. "It's the most important meal of the day! A-and this one was made with your apples, so I thought you would–"
"What do you want from me?"
Even though Aguni was a man of few words, he never had any problem being direct. When you just looked at him with big, confused eyes, he was even more weirded out by your manners. You were either being genuine or were a really good actress. He didn't know what made him more uncomfortable.
"I just want to... to thank you for the vase?" you hesitantly answered, arms lowering.
His hand snapped towards your arm before he even realized, suddenly aware that he did want that pie. However, a pained gasp made him release you immediately upon touching you over your jacket. 
"Are you hurt?" he asked, secretly hoping he hadn't actually hurt you.
"I- I'm fine," you answered with a shake of your head. "It was just a small injury from yesterday's game."
"Let me see," he ordered.
You stared wide-eyed at him, and it almost made him backtrack and send you away. Why should he care if you were hurt?
Aguni was about to do exactly that when you gingerly extended your arm in his direction. He focused on your arm as his fingers lightly grabbed your wrist, pulling your sleeve up to show a burn mark roughly the size of your palm. It didn't look too bad, but he could see that you hadn't put anything on it.
"Come," he said as he gestured at you to follow him inside the greenhouse.
He worked fast as he prepared something that would help you with your burn. He didn't know much about medicinal plants, but he knew enough.
He gestured at you to sit on the table as he carefully applied a mix of aloe vera and oats to your injury with light feather-like touches. It was all done in silence until he heard a noise from you, something resembling a barely huffed laugh. He glanced up to notice you looking straight at him, that same damned smile on your lips. He quickly focused back on the injury, hoping you wouldn't notice his red ears.
"I thought I was part of the dead now," you said, clearly referencing what he had said the day before. He grunted with a shrug, now at all interested in talking about his change of ideals. "You know...I never thought you were the type," you kept talking, and he kept addressing your injury. "To like plants, I mean. This place is amazing." 
"What type am I, then?" he caught himself asking. Not that he particularly cared about your answer, but curiosity got the best of him. You laughed at his words and shrugged.
"Hmm, I don't know... the type that punches tigers?" He had to control the will to smile then, hiding his face from view. "I really wasn't expecting tall, big, and stoic Aguni to be so good with plants. I'm pleasantly surprised."
His movements halted for a second as he processed your words. He was sure he was red all over his face now, damn you. He continued what he was doing before he could overthink your words too much.
"Never judge a book by its cover."
He cringed as soon as those words left his mouth. What a corny thing to say. He decided then that your burn was sufficiently covered in aloe, and immediately retracted his hands, turning his back to you as he cleaned his fingers and tried to get his blush under control.
"Hmm, I guess you're right…" you said as he heard you stand up. "Well, thank you again, for this." He nodded and grunted in acknowledgment without turning to face you. "And the pie is here, just in case you want to try it." You hesitated, "...Hmm if you don't want it, you can always give it to Last Boss. He- he caught me in the kitchens once and I promised to bake him stuff if he helped me clean up after. He doesn't talk much and he's kind of scary, but he's nice." He turned to you then, and the expression on his face might've told you that you were overstaying your visit, so you quickly rushed for the door. "Mm okay, bye!" you said as you sent him an awkward wave and left.
He wondered if you thought he was scary but nice.
A piece of chocolate cake was left by his greenhouse the day after.
The day after that, a croissant.
The gifts were always accompanied by small notes written in pretty handwriting. Some were simple recipes; others were small facts about medicinal plants he knew nothing about. He kept them all, safely hidden in a can on his worktable. A week went by where he expected a new pastry or sweet to welcome him. And, without fail, there it was. He never saw you around though, in the mornings or throughout the day, which he found odd. He didn't even know your name, but he found himself searching for you throughout the Beach, or in the games at night. But he never saw you. He would've thought you were dead if it weren't for the consistent gifts you left at his door.
Now, he wasn't lying when he said he wasn't a man for breakfast. He really wasn't. But after trying a piece of that apple pie, he saw himself devouring almost the whole thing. The same with the cake and the croissant. They were probably the best baked goods that he had ever tried. He was even more excited to start his mornings.
This morning, however, he arrived at the greenhouse to find nothing by the door. No box, no note, no wrapping. Nothing. He furrowed his brows, feeling disappointed, but quickly shrugged the feeling off as he got inside. Your pleasantries had to stop someday.
It bothered him, though. And he hated the fact that it bothered him. He hated the fact that he cared. He spent the day thinking about it. Thinking about you. Where could you possibly be? What happened? He didn’t even know your name. He didn’t know what bedroom you lived in, and it was driving him mad.
He had zoned out throughout the morning meeting, lashed out at several of the militants, and was now fully ignoring Takeru as his best friend went on and on about something he didn’t care enough to even pretend to be listening.
“Mori, hey!” His friend snapped his fingers in front of his face, forcing Aguni out of his thoughts. He stared at Takeru with a frown.
“What?” he asked, taking a sip from the glass of water in front of him.
“The first time all week that we’re having lunch together, and you’re quieter than usual,” his friend said, nodding at the plate of barely touched food in front of him. “You’re not even eating. What’s going on?” 
“I’m fine,” he shrugged, stabbing a piece of roasted rabbit with his fork and taking a bite. He chewed as he thought of a good excuse. Takeru could be annoyingly perceptive when it came to other people’s emotions, especially his. “Just have a lot on my mind, that’s all,” he finally said.
His friend looked at him for a moment before setting his elbows on the table, supporting his chin on his palms. Oh no, he knew what that meant. He was about to be questioned to death.
"Are you in love?" he asked, a slight smirk on his lips.
Aguni choked on his own spit at the man's question, violently coughing as he vehemently shook his head. 
"What the hell are you talking about?!" he asked after easing his cough, throat burning, and eyes teary from the effort.
"Well let's see," Takeru started, hand raised as he prepared himself to make a list. Aguni instantly regretted his question. "You've been late to meetings almost every morning for the past week, you barely pay attention to anything I tell you and I'm pretty sure I heard you hum 'Lay All Your Love on Me' by ABBA the other day. I've never heard you do anything close to singing," Takeru said as he wiggled three raised fingers before raising a fourth. "And a little bird told me that they heard you talking with someone inside your garden house." The smirk on his lips turned into a grin as Aguni averted his eyes. "So, tell me; who is she? Or is it a he? C'mon, you know you can tell–"
"I don't know what you're talking about," was all he said in what he hoped was a nonchalant tone.
Takeru wasn't easy to fool, though.
"You know what, I know you're full of shit, but I will allow it," he said with a fork pointed in his direction. "For now, at least. Now it's dessert time!" Takeru licked his lips as he pulled a tray to the center of the table. "I've been wanting you to try this for days, it's delicious!" He opened the tray to uncover two perfectly sized individual pies. Not just any pies, either. Aguni knew exactly who made them.
"Where did you get this?" he blurted out, staring at the perfectly cooked pastries. Takeru looked at him with a confused look.
"Huh, the kitchen? Where else?"
"Yeah, but who made them?" Aguni pressed further, wanting an answer that would show him that you were actually alive. "Were they made today?"
"Uh, I would hope so, yeah. And I don't know who made them, old Yamamoto just said it was one of her helpers," Takeru retorted with a shrug. "They're amazing, though, you should try it."
Aguni almost felt himself sag in relief. If these were made today, that meant that you were alive. It also meant that you definitely had stopped leaving gifts at his door. He tried not to focus on how he felt a little hurt by it. It was not like you owed him anything, anyway.
He still couldn't stop thinking about you as he finished his lunch with Takeru. He hated to admit it, but he felt bad for how he had treated you when you first met. He felt like he owed you at least an apology, and – not like he would ever admit it to himself – he wanted to see you again.
He always went for a short walk after lunch before having to proceed with his duties for the day. He wasn't exactly surprised to find himself by the kitchens, peeping inside the large double doors to take a look – part of him hoping to see you there.
What he saw instead were the so-called Food Ladies, a group of old women that had taken upon themselves the important role of cooking for everyone at the Beach. They were now chilling and having their own meals after the lunch hour rush. He spotted Mrs. Yamamoto, the oldest of the bunch – that also happened to be the boss – leaning by the doors that led outside, smoking her usual cigarette. She spotted him too, with small dark eyes that made him want to run away. It was strangely similar to the way his grandmother used to look at him when he misbehaved as a child.
“Oi, boy, c’mere,” she called him before he could walk away. The laughs and conversations of the other women ceased immediately as he entered the room. They eyed him for some time, one of the old ladies elbowing another before whispering something he couldn’t hear. His brows furrowed; he hated all that attention.
“Mrs. Yama–”
“You have to learn how to control your militants, Aguni,” she said as soon as he got close enough. “Two of your boys were disturbing one of my girls this morning. God knows what they would’ve done to the poor thing if I hadn’t shooed them away.” He had to control his facial expression; was she talking about you? “That girl gets up before dawn to cook sweets for so many people in this godforsaken place, and that’s how they repay her?” The old woman shook her head, before adding, “The rude boy with the piercings on his face and the odd one with the katana. See to it that they don’t get close to her again, do ya hear me?” 
He nodded once before turning to leave, anger already simmering inside him. He had the urge to use his fists on a very specific someone.
He found whom he was looking for on the roof, as he expected. Last Boss was the first to notice him, eyes going wide as Aguni power walked to the man next to him.
“...and Chishiya– oh fuck! What the hell?!” Niragi screamed as Aguni pushed him toward the edge of the roof before forcing him to lean over it.
He held the man by his collar, almost making him lose his balance and fall to his death. Part of him really wanted to let go. He knew what Niragi was capable of.
“What were you doing in the kitchen this morning?” he asked in a cold, emotionless tone. The younger man looked down before visibly gulping and staring at him with a furrowed brow.
“T- The kitchen?...” he asked back. Aguni took a deep breath before loosening the grip on his shirt, making Niragi yelp and grab his arm. “Look look, it was his idea to go there, I didn’t do anything!”
Aguni looked back at Last Boss, and the man raised his hands while shaking his head.
“He- he just followed me there, I didn’t ask him to come with me,” the tattooed man said, stumbling on his words. “If you’re talking about the old lady, she kicked us out, but we didn’t do anything, I swear.” 
“The girl?” he asked through gritted teeth. He was starting to lose his patience. The younger men shared a look between them before Last Boss started talking.
“Y/N?” he asked for clarification. So that was your name. “We didn’t touch her. Niragi just took some pies and we left.” 
“Is that so?” Aguni asked Niragi, the man still in his grasp. He knew what he was capable of, and he wouldn’t put it past Last Boss to lie for his friend. “Cause that’s not what I heard…” his fingers loosened once again around the man’s collar, making him tighten his grip on Aguni’s arm.
“Fine, fine, I- I might’ve teased her a little,” the man confessed. “But I didn’t mean to make her cry, and we left right after. I didn’t do anything, I swear!”
Aguni considered his words for a moment, before pulling Niragi off the edge and pushing him to the ground. The man cursed something under his breath that Aguni preferred to ignore as he now focused on Last Boss.
“Do you know her last name?” he asked. The man shook his head. Aguni sighed; he would have to check Mira’s records if he wanted to find her room. “You both better stay away from the kitchens and from that girl,” he said, now keeping his stone-cold gaze on Niragi. “Is that clear?”
Both men nodded. 
Without another word, Aguni left the roof.
It was surprisingly hard for him to find your room. 
Mira had immediately denied any access to her records, claiming invasion of privacy. Which it was; he would probably do the same thing if he was in her place. But he pressed on, and she eventually gave in, simply saying that you lived in the south wing of the Hotel, somewhere on the second level. He accepted the information and forced himself to ask around for you, as inconspicuously as he could. Surprisingly, practically no one recognized the description he gave of you, and no one knew your name. He was almost giving up when finally...
“Oh, Y/N?” a couple of young women said. “Yeah, she lives next door to us, room 237.”
He finally had your room number.
Aguni spent five minutes gathering the necessary courage to knock on your door, hesitating and almost leaving every time he lifted his knuckles against the door. He made a frustrated sound, annoyed with himself.
“You’re an idiot,” he mumbled under his breath.
“Hello?” someone greeted behind him. Aguni froze before looking over his shoulder. There you were. Dressed in shorts and a light jacket, hair in a braid over your shoulder, and a hesitant smile on your face, you looked pretty in his eyes. It really made him wonder if Takeru was right; he did have a crush on someone. “Hmm, is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, uh- hey.” He cleared his throat as he realized he had been staring. He could feel his face getting warm. “Hm, how’re doing?” he asked, before grimacing. Ah yes, Morizono, very nice. You raised a brow as you looked at him for a moment.
“I’m... fine,” you answered with a hesitant smile. “Were you waiting for me?”
“Yes, I- I wanted to apologize,” he cringed at his stuttering. But there it was. Direct and clear. The fastest he could get himself out of this awkward conversation, the better. “I heard about what happened this morning with two of my militants, and I just want you to know that they won’t bother you again.”
“Oh, that was just a misunderstanding!" you say as you shake your head. "I was just talking with Mrs. Yamamoto about that. Nothing happened."
"That was not what I heard."
"No, no, I'm fine, they didn't do anything to me," you reassured him. "Niragi just… said some mean things, but Last Boss stopped him. Mrs. Yamamoto thought they were hurting me and I'm really sorry." You shrugged and gave him an awkward smile. "I just cry sometimes. I even went to talk with Last Boss about it, but I think Mrs. Yamamoto really scared him, 'cause he keeps avoiding me." You said with an awkward chuckle. "But I'm okay, really."
Aguni grunted with a nod, convinced that you were telling him the truth. Still, he wanted those two, Niragi in particular, as far from you as he could.
"If they mess with you again, let me know, all right?" You nodded at his request, and he almost had the urge to smile back at you. "Okay then," he said with a nod before making a move to leave.
"Hmm, did you enjoy today's pastry?" he heard you ask in a hesitant tone. He turned around, confused. There was no pastry waiting for him today. He said so to you, and your brows furrowed. "Uh, no, I'm pretty sure I left you something. Strawberry pie with a chocolate crust?"
"There was nothing when I got there," he said. There were butterflies in his stomach, though. You hadn't stopped baking stuff for him, after all. 
"That's odd…" you said as you bit your lip, wondering what could've happened. "Well," you shrugged, "I'll make sure you get it tomorrow morning, then."
He nodded without a word and watched as you smiled at him before moving to open your door.
"How's your arm?" he blurted out before he could stop himself. You froze by the door for a moment before showing him your arm, skin looking much better than it was just a week prior.
"That aloe mix you gave me helped a lot. Thanks, again," you said with another one of those smiles that made him want to smile back.
"You know…" he hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and saying what he meant to say, eyes on your feet, "If you ever want to, you can show up by the greenhouse, sometimes. There are these new seeds I got that might interest you. I don't know, but the offer stands."
He shrugged, like what he just said meant nothing. He finally focused on your face, and his stomach did somersaults as he found you grinning at him.
"I would like that very much." 
You were there the next morning.
And the next. And the next. And the other one after that. Always with a smile on your face, always carrying a new sweet that you would both share.
The first days were as awkward as you could imagine. He almost feared looking you in the eyes, feeling like a teenager again with all the blushing and weird sensations in the pit of his stomach. All he needed was a smile from you to look as red as one of his tomatoes. 
At first, you would eat in silence, until you eventually broke it by mentioning something about plants, or what flowers you were expecting to bring the next time you went scavenging. Then it would be just you doing most of the talk as he stuffed his mouth with whatever deliciousness you had brought him that day, nodding, and grunting on occasion. He realized he liked hearing you speak. Hearing your voice.
Then he would start working on whatever he had planned the morning before, and that's when you would watch him as he went around his garden showing you things. You would give him ideas from time to time, always following him as you attentively listened to his words. He realized he liked the attention. Your attention.
It didn't take long until you were more comfortable around each other. Then you would both talk freely, almost always about plants. He would be lying if he said he wasn't curious to know more about you, but he didn't have the courage to ask.
"What did you do... before?" you asked one day, about a week into your morning rendezvous. You were sharing a quiche today, and he took his time chewing before answering.
"Was part of the SDF," he said. You nodded like it made sense that a man like him had a job like that. "Nothing too interesting, though,” he said with a shrug. “You?"
"Worked at my family's bakery," you said, a small smile on your face as you seemed to think back to those times. "My grandma taught me everything I know. She made the best quiche in Tokyo, you know? Mine has nothing on hers."
He couldn't control his chuckle then, nor he meant to say the words that got out of his mouth next.
"Takeru would love to hear that."
"Who?" you asked, brow raised as you chewed a piece of the salty pastry. There were flakes of crust on the corner of your mouth, and he had to control the urge to wipe them away with his thumb. He shook his head instead.
"Just a friend from… from back home," he said. "The man can't cook to save his life but bakes one hell of a quiche. Yours is better, though."
You smiled at the compliment and proceeded to eat in silence. He didn't want to waste the chance to get to know you more, though.
"What do you do all day?" he asked. You raised a brow, and he specified what he meant, "I mean, I barely see you around and no one seems to know you, so…"
"Oh, I just stay in my room all day," you said as you shrugged and let out an awkward chuckle. "I'm not really a people person and I spend most of my nights awake, so I mostly just sleep."
"What do you do when you're awake, then?"
"I go to the games, I bake and, well, now I spend some time here with you." He could swear his heart beat a little faster at your words. He felt strangely honored that you decided to spend time with him. 
"Yeah, I'm not much of a people person myself," he said. "Plants are much better, aren't they?" He tried to send you a small smile but immediately regretted it as it felt more like a grimace. You smiled back at him, though, so it probably wasn't as bad as he thought it was. 
"Hmm, you're right, but I don't mind some people."
He didn't know what to make of your statement.
A month passed when you met every morning. 
Your joined morning routine had taken a comfortable rhythm for both of you, where you ate, talked, and worked without that awkward vibe of the first few days. With you joining him in the work, his crops flourished. It was the best part of his day, without a doubt.
He realized several things during that time.
The first was that you liked to sing while you worked. Didn't matter if you were planting potatoes, watering the flowers, or preparing herbal remedies – that you had eventually convinced him to be useful – you were always humming a tune under your breath, or singing the words aloud. 
The second thing he realized was that he liked it.
He liked to hear you sing so much that the songs would stay in his head for the rest of the day, and he would wake up with your voice still echoing in his head. He had even caught himself whistling at times. Once during a council meeting, where he had zoned out again and was completely oblivious to the fact that he had been humming 'I Want to Break Free’ by Queen until Takeru snapped his attention and everyone was looking at him like he had grown two heads. All except his best friend, that had a knowing smirk on his lips.
The third thing he realized – and, to his shock, didn't surprise him – was that he had totally developed a crush on you.
"So, am I ever going to meet them or what?" Takeru asked over his glass of golden whiskey, taking a sip when Aguni took too long to answer. "You can't keep them a secret from me forever."
"I don't know what you're talking about," was all Aguni said as he took a gulp of his own drink, avoiding his friend's eyes and looking at the moon up high in the sky. His friend really had the best view for late-night drinking, especially after a stressful game. 
"Fine, don't tell me," Takeru shrugged like he didn't care, but Aguni could tell he one hundred percent did. What was he supposed to tell him? There was no relationship for him to talk about. 
"Okay, listen…" his friend's eyes shined as he focused all his attention on him, making Aguni want to hide from his scrutiny. He took a deep breath before saying, "There's nothing to talk about. There's no relationship."
"Ahh, but you're in love, aren't you?" Takeru let out an excited laugh, and Aguni could feel the corners of his mouth pulling up. "In all the years we've been friends I saw you like what? Three people? And you never behaved like this." He drank whatever was left of the drink in his glass before filling it up again. "This one sure looks promising." There was a pause where they just drank in silence before he asked again "So, what's her name? It’s a she, isn't it?"
"Y/N," Aguni mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. Takeru's eyes widen comically at the name.
"The pie girl?!" he asked in a raised tone. "You're head over heels for the pie girl?" He laughed then, and Aguni furrowed his brows in annoyance.
"You know her?" 
"Yeah, I mean, old Yamamoto wouldn't tell me who the miracle baker was, so I went to see for myself. She's cute," he let out a mean chuckle, "I knew you were getting thicker around the waist. She's feeding you well, I see."
"Yeah." Aguni gave him a full-on smirk as he said the next words, "She makes the best quiche I've ever eaten." 
The shocked and offended gasp that left Takeru's mouth almost made him laugh. 
"You take that back!" the man punched his arm once and drank the remaining of his whiskey in one single gulp. "You just ruined my night. Get out and think about what you just said. I'll be expecting an apology by morning."
Aguni laughed then, the only kind of laugh that he could only make when he was around his best friend.
"Yours is good," he shrugged, still laughing. "But hers is better."
->Next Chapter
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
Mated : Forgotten.
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Pairings : Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader (onesided), Alpha!Sam x Omega!Jessica Moore, Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader.
Word count : 6,071
Written for : @spnabobingo​
Square : College Au
Warning : Angst ahead! a/b/o dynamics, one sided attraction, best friends to strangers, hurt, depression, feelings of abandonment/being forgotten, mating, struggling with school, canon death, reunion, more people getting hurt emotionally, Sam isn't handling things well.
Prompt that inspired this fic : “When I told you your shirt was inside out I didn’t expect you to take it off right in front of me” - Sent by @sorenmarie87​
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
Part 1 of Mated.
SPN A/B/O Bingo Round 5 Masterlist.
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You were sitting on Sam’s bed flipping through one of his philosophy books as you waited for him to be ready to go. Since his class ran later than yours, it left you waiting on him while he headed off to the showers. When he finally returned, you glanced up from the book and chuckled, eyes going back down to barely look at the words on the page before you flipped to the next one.
“Your shirt’s inside out.” you smiled to yourself. You glance up to see him roll his eyes at you before he reaches down and pulls his shirt up and over his head. The smile on your lips fades. Sam is built. You’ve always known he was built to some degree, the muscles in his arms under a t-shirt were no secret. He was an Alpha, he was strong, and god damn, he was built. His stomach flat and hard, muscles showing definition that had you swallowing. Sam was.. You let out a shaky breath before tearing your eyes away. “I uh. I forgot I had to do something.” You scrambled up from his bed, tossing his book aside.
“What? What do you mean-”
“I’ll be like 10 minutes, max, okay. I’ll meet you there.”
“Y/N?” he called after you.
“I’ll meet you there!” You hurried from his room, praying he hadn’t smelt it, that you got out of there quick enough. You needed to get away from him, needed to calm down. You’ve known Sam since you started at Stanford. Your room was just down the hall from his. You partied together, you hung out together. Sometimes he helped you study. But in all that time, you’d never had this reaction to him before. Then again, you’d never seen him take off his shirt before.
You hurried into your room, slamming the door behind you just as someone scented the air and turned towards you. Leaning on the door, you closed your eyes and took deep calming breaths. You couldn’t let him smell you like this. You couldn’t let him know just how he affected you. He was your best friend, nothing more. You weren’t even attracted to him in that way.
Were you?
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It took some time to calm yourself down, then you had to hit a shower to scrub at your skin in a desperate attempt to get rid of the ‘horny Omega’ smell that you felt like you couldn’t shake. Then it was get dressed and rush out to meet Sam. You were a little later than you’d said, but you knew Sam wouldn’t mind too much.
You rushed to the restaurant near campus that you two often frequented together. As you approached, you looked through the window, smiling at first, as Sam was sitting at your favorite table, but he wasn’t alone. Your smile fell fast as you watched the blonde smile at him as they spoke. She tucked her hair behind her ear, looking down as Sam smiled back at her, and you swallowed down pain.
Why did it hurt to see him like this? He was your best friend, you wanted him happy, hell, you’d been his wingman a time or two while drinking, but right here, right now.. It hurt.
Tearing your eyes away, you turned your back to the restaurant. You didn’t know what to do. Did you go in there and interrupt whatever discussion they were having? If you did, would you suddenly become a third wheel? It looked like they were having a good time, maybe he’d invite her to eat with the two of you. Or did you leave, walk away, let him have his moment and pretend you either were never there, or that you are happy for him?
Why did this have to hit now? Why the sudden shift?
Squeezing your eyes shut tight, you tried to picture Sam as he’d been just a few hours ago. Your dorky bff who liked to tease you like you were his little sister. The guy you’d annoy to no end just because you could, because it was fun, because you knew that somewhere he had an older brother and admit it or not, Sam missed him.
But you couldn’t. Picturing him brought back the image of him pulling off his shirt as if it was nothing, because it should have been nothing. Hell, it probably still was to him.
You turned, looking back over your shoulder at the window once more. She was talking to him, and he was looking around outside. He glanced over his shoulder and you whipped around, back to him once again, half hoping he wouldn’t spot you. Praying he hadn’t. You steeled your nerves, glanced back and you knew, he had. He was looking right at you with a confused look on his face.
Taking a deep breath, you turned and headed inside.
“Sorry I’m late.” you mumbled as you got to the table, not making a move to sit anywhere.
“You okay?” He looked worried.
“Fine.” you gave him a forced smile. He didn’t look like he was buying it.
“I’ll leave you two to your dinner.” The blonde gave you a small smile as she got up from her seat. Sam’s eyes went from you, to her, and he looked like he was about to stop her, and that only hurt you more. If he did, you’d excuse yourself and head back to the dorms. “Looks like you two could use some privacy. It was nice meeting you, Sam.”
“Yeah.. you too..” he watched her leave and go to another table, then he was looking at you again, waiting for you to sit, to say something, but you seemed to just stand there awkwardly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” He motioned to the seat across from him that she just vacated and you sat awkwardly, hands in your lap like you were going to bolt at any moment. “Nothing’s wrong, Sam.” you lied.
He studied you for a moment. “Then why’d you bolt?”
“Told you, I forgot to do something. I’m sorry I’m late, okay, it took longer than expected.”
“You forgot to shower?” Your eyes shot up to meet his with mild fear in them. How’d he know that's what you did? Did he smell just how turned on you’d been before you ran out? “I can smell it. You used so much body wash, too much.” he scrunched up his nose as if it offended him. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” you reiterated, trying to sound annoyed at his prying. You grabbed a menu as if you didn’t already know the damn thing by heart and pretended to look it over, using it as a barrier between the two of you.
“Why were you just standing outside? Why didn’t you come in?”
“Because you looked like you were having a nice time with blondie, so I considered just going back to the dorms. Are we ordering? Or would you rather I leave so you can get back to that? I don’t mind getting food to go.”
“I’ll go.” you stood, ready to leave, but Sam grabbed your wrist to stop you. “What?” you snapped. “And don’t ask me what’s wrong again, I’m fine, so just drop it.”
“Sit.” When you didn’t move, Sam sighed. “Please sit. Come on, it’s our night. I wouldn’t bail on our night for anything. You’re my best friend.” Sam gave you a half smile and you rolled your eyes at him.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” you muttered, dropping back into your seat and Sam smiled. Sam Winchester and his smile were going to be the death of you.
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A week later you’re practically skipping up the hall to Sam’s room. Figuring he’s showering, as usual, you barely knock before entering. You freeze, however, when you see a familiar blonde sitting on Sam’s bed. “Oh, uh, sorry, I wasn’t aware someone was in here.”
“It’s fine.” she smiled, waving it off. “Sam went to shower, he should be back any minute.”
“Yeah..” you nod, but stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. It doesn’t take long though, for Sam to walk in. He’s wearing jeans and a button down shirt that he’s still buttoning up, and that makes a smile cross your lips as you cock an eyebrow. “Little over dressed there, Sam.” you tease, and he looks up, freezing in his task.  You see something you wish you hadn’t seen. Confusion and then guilt. He forgot.
“Uh-” he looks from you, to the girl on his bed, then back at you.
“Let me guess, you’re bailing.” He opens his mouth, but you cut him off. “It’s fine.”
“I’m sorry.” you can hear her apologetic voice behind you. “I didn’t know you guys had plans.. Sam must have forgotten..”
“Yeah, it’s easy to forget something that happens on the same day every single week for two years.” You gave Sam a tight smile. You weren’t going to hide the hurt this time. “But it’s fine. It’s not like you had any way to let me know at any point today, right?” With that, you started for the door.
“I’ll make it up to you.” He promised.
“Yeah, I know.” you glanced back at him. “You kids go have fun.” You gave them a smile before headed out and hurrying to your room. Once the door shut behind you, you felt the sting of tears. So much for not bailing on your night for anything.
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“Are you mad at me?” Sam stood in your room a few days later while you worked at your desk, your back to him.
“Why would I be mad at you?” you answered, without looking back at him.
“You won’t even look at me.”
“I’m studying.”
Sam sighed, licking his lips before going to sit on your bed. “And usually you let me help you.”
“Usually you let me know if plans change.” you counter, still not looking back at him.
“So you are mad.”
“Not mad, no. Hurt.” this time you do turn. “You said you wouldn’t bail on me for anything, and literally the next week, you bail on me without a word like I don’t mean shit, Sam.”
“I just forgot-”
“Forgot that we had plans? Or forgot to tell me? Because I call bullshit on both.” Sam opened his mouth to respond but you didn’t let him. “Here’s the thing, Sam. Either you asked her, knowing you had plans, or she asked you and you said yes knowing you had plans.” Sam sighed, looking down at the floor. “As for forgetting to tell me, I’m three doors down. You know my schedule, you could have knocked any time. You have my cell number, you could have called or text me.”
“I just forgot, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.” you turned back to your books. You want to be mad at him, you want to tell him to fuck off just so he realizes just how bad he hurt you, but another part of you, a part of you that realized just how much Sam Winchester means to you, wants him to come over, hug you and tell you that no one else matters to him as much as you do. “You sorry for not talking to me for three days on top of that?” you ask casually. “Must have been a hell of a date to forget that everyone else exists.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry for that too.” He’s quiet for a moment, watching you work. “Are we still on for this week?”
“On if you have plans.” you look over your shoulder at him. “Because apparently my standing appointment is subject to changes without prior notice.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Don’t get all fine print on me.”
“Then don’t add fine print. If we have plans, and they change, have the balls to tell me.”
“I will. I promise. And I’m sorry.”
“Mhm.” you turn back to your books. “Blondie sticking around?”
“Jess.” he answers and you can hear the smile. “Her name is Jess, and maybe. I mean, it went good.”
“If blondie hurts you, I’ll kill her.” It’s the best friend thing to say, right? But it’s also the truth. The idea of her being around makes your chest ache. But if she hurt him, if she hurt the single most important person in your life, you’d kill her.
Sam laughed. “Yeah, yeah. And I’ll kill any guy who hurts you.”
“Guess I won’t need to be saving up any money for bail. There is no one.” No one but you, you idiot, and you already hurt me, you think to yourself.
“There will be.” Sam smiles behind you. “You’re a catch. Only an idiot wouldn’t see it and jump at the opportunity.” You scoff at that. “What? It’s true! You’re smart, and beautiful. You care about other people, you’re loyal-”
“To a fault.”
“It’s a good thing.”
“Tell that to my constantly breaking heart.” you mutter.
His smile is gone. “Either someone hurt you, or you are mad.”
Rolling your eyes, you toss a book back at him that he easily catches. “Either help me study or get out.”
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That week had been just you and Sam and you were thankful. There was no mention of blondie, just dinner, drinks and a movie, like old times. Smiling and laughing with your best friend. You wondered if maybe it had been a one time deal. As much as you wanted him to be happy no matter what, he was your best friend after all, a part of you was happy at the idea of her being out of the picture again. Now that you knew how you felt about Sam, you could gauge if he felt the same.
So that was your plan for this week. Figure out if Sam could feel the same.
You were smiling as you headed to your usual restaurant, but you were confused to not see Sam at your usual table at the window. The only time he sat somewhere else was if it was occupied, but it sat empty. Maybe you were early.
Opening the door, you smiled at the waitress before scanning the room. The smile fell fast when you spotted him. He wasn’t sitting at the usual table because he was in a booth along the wall and across from him, blondie.
Slowly, you made your way over. “What’s going on? Did you forget me again?”
Sam smiles up at you and chuckles. “No. I thought maybe we could all hang out this week. You and Jess could get to know each other.” You glanced over at her across from him, and she smiled. “Is that okay?”
“A heads up would have been nice.” you answered. Where were you even supposed to sit, next to her? Hell no. And sitting next to Sam while he’d be looking at her like that felt just as weird.
“Come, sit.” Sam scooted over in the bench, giving you room. With a sigh, you sat. “Jess is in the nursing program.” Sam praised, smiling over at her.
“How lovely.” you answered, grabbing for a menu as Sam continued to talk her up. He was telling you everything about her, her shy smile on him as she chimed in a few times to add or correct something. But he just kept smiling at her, talking about her..
You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t sit here.
Getting up, you headed for the counter. Stopping the waitress there to give her your order and tell her it was to go. A moment later, Sam came over. “What’s going on?”
“Being the third wheel is not on my list of things to do today, Sam. Why am I even here?”
“You’re not the third wheel. You guys are getting to know each other-”
“I’ve been here for ten minutes, and you haven’t said a single thing about me.” you looked over at him, and you knew he could see the pain he caused you again. “It’s all about blondie.”
“Jess.” he corrected.
You roll your eyes and turn back to the counter. “Next time you want to have a date on friend night, just fucking tell me.”
“That’s not what I want-”
“It’s what it feels like. It feels like I’m nothing more than an afterthought. You said you’d kill anyone who hurt me, right?” you look at him again. “You’re hurting me, Sam. You want to date blondie, date her. But don’t turn our time into date time. It’s bullshit, it’s unfair and you know it. I had a shit week, okay? A long shitty week, and all I wanted was to relax with my best friend. Instead, I get to unknowingly sit in on date night.”
“I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t think it through..”
“No, you didn’t. You should have at least told me.”
“Come back. Please? We’ll go for drinks after, and-”
Your order was placed on the counter and you smiled at the waitress as you handed over a few bills. “No, I think I’m just going to head back to the dorms.” you picked up your order and turned to him, a glance going over to Jess as she watched you and Sam. “Enjoy your date, Sam. Call me whenever you’re free to hang out again.” and with that, you left.
Once outside, you turned back and looked into the restaurant windows. You could see him crossing the restaurant, his eyes on you and a look on his face that furrowed his brows and turned down his lips. But then his attention was off of you as he disappeared out of sight and towards the table she was waiting in.
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Your relationship with Sam from then on, was strained. Bullshit conversation starters were sent via text, or online messaging. A ‘hey, how are you doing’ but not much beyond that.
It hurt.
You barely saw him. More often than not, when you did, it was in passing. Walking past him in the hall, or out on campus. A lot of the time he was with her, or on his way out, likely going to see her. You were barely even an afterthought these days.
Your mood only plummeted further as the weeks turned to months.
Then one day, coming back from class, you get to the top of the stairs for your floor and you see him, box in hand, and you freeze. “You’re moving.”
That’s when he seems to notice you’re there, his eyes coming up to meet yours and he smiles sheepishly. “Hey! Yeah. Uh- me and jess.. We got a place off campus.”
“Moving a little fast there, don’t you think, Sam.” you try to keep it light and teasing, try to hide some of the pain. But then you notice something. He’s different, his scent, it’s off. Your brow furrows as you lean in and scent at him. “It’s changed..”
“Yeah, about that..” He shifts the weight of the box. “We mated.”
You feel your heart shattering all over again. He mated her? She’s only been around a few months and he mated her?
“The new place, it’s not that far, so we can still hang-”
“We don’t hang out as it is, Sam, so I doubt it.” you shrug and start away.
“Have a nice life, Sam.” you hurry into your room and slam the door just as the tears start to fall. You’re sitting on your bed, head in your hands when the door bursts open and Sam’s storming in. “Get out.”
Ignoring you, he drops his box on your desk. “What the hell is wrong?”
“Get out.”
“Why do you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you.” you sigh, still not looking up. You can’t, you can’t look at him.
“Either you hate me, or you hate her, and you don’t even know her, you refused to get to know her. I thought we were friends!”
“Best friends.” you snap. “At least I thought we were.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’ve been there for you, I’ve always been there for you.” You laugh at that, giving your head a shake. “What do you mean, no? Up until you started hating me for being happy-”
“I don’t hate you, you fucking idiot. I love you!” you snapped, glaring at him.
“I love you. How could you not see it? I’m not mad because you found your mate, Sam. I don’t hate her for being with you. I’m hurt. I’m hurt because while you found your whole world, I lost mine to her.” Sam just started at you. “I stopped being a part of your world and that hurt more than anything. I don’t hear from you, Sam. I get a half hearted text once in a while, and that’s it. You were my person, you were the person I talked to every single day, and suddenly I don’t have that. Every time I accept it, you pop up, and you give me false hope just to vanish again. Three fucking doors down, and not once did you stop by.”
Sam looks down, looks ashamed. Like he’s finally realizing just how long it’s been since he’s seen you face to face, spoken directly to you.
“All I wanted was some of your time. It didn’t have to be every single week, Sam. I just wanted my best friend and I lost him. You have no idea what that’s done to me.”
Hearing you sniffle, Sam looks up, watches the tears streaming down your cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah. Me too.” you wipe at your cheeks and turn away from him, ending this conversation, ending this whole encounter. You want him to hold you, to tell you everything will be okay again, but you don't expect him to. You aren’t that close anymore and haven’t been for a while now. So you hope he’ll leave.
You hear him move to the desk, hear his box shift across the papers there, but he doesn’t leave, not right away. “You’re failing..” Turning, you see him looking at one of your last tests, his eyes scanning the page and then looking up at you with a confused look. “How are you failing?”
You shrug. “Don’t exactly have my study buddy anymore, do I?”
“You could have called, I-”
“I did.” you give him a sad, heartbroken smile. “I did call, a week before I had to take that. You were busy. You said you’d call back and you didn’t.”
“Shit.. I must have forgot..”
“Yeah.” You stand there watching him, he's looking at all the other papers on your desk. Papers and tests all graded and showing the steady decline in your work. “You should go, Sam. Blondie’s probably waiting for you. Wouldn’t want to upset your mate.”
“She’d understand if I’m a little late, she-”
“My heat’s due.” his eyes shoot up to meet yours. “Please leave before you make it worse. It’s been bad enough as it is the last few months.”
Sam’s eyes slide over you before he nods, putting down the papers and picking up his box. He quietly stands there for a minute, like he’s trying to figure out what to say, trying to find some way to make it right. But there isn’t. With a pain filled sigh, Sam slowly makes his way out of the room.
Tears stream down your face as you hurry to close the door behind him. Your body shaking with sobs as you lean against the door and cry out your heartache for what feels like the millionth time.
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It’s been a month since he moved in with Jess, a month since he’s seen you. You blocked him online, you didn’t answer his texts when he tried to reach out. It made him realize how you felt all those months.
After the encounter, he’d been upset. He told Jess a quick version, leaving out a few details, basically just told her how he’d forgotten to maintain the relationship he’d had with you in his excitement of meeting her, and it left you feeling alone and depressed. Jess told him to make it right, make it up to you, but he couldn’t, could he. Not really, you loved him, and he was in love with someone else.
But then he remembered what you’d said. You just wanted his time, just wanted to be in his life.
“Jess?” he called out, before getting up and going to find her in the kitchen.
“Would you mind if every other Saturday I spent with Y/N? Just me and her?” Jess turned and looked at him. “You guys were right, I neglected her and I need to make it up to her. I hate that she’s not talking to me. It hurts, and I know it’s not even close to how bad I hurt her.”
Jess smiled at him. “No, I don’t mind at all. You should go tell her.”
“I will.” Sam smiled before leaning in to kiss her. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” she smiled back. As Sam was leaving, she called out “Let her know she can come over any time, and there’s an open diner invitation. I’d really like to properly meet her one day.”
“Will do.” Sam called back before the apartment door closed behind him.
It didn’t take too long for Sam to be hurrying up the stairs in his old dorm building. A smile spread over his face, excited to see you. He’d missed you and he couldn’t wait to surprise you. He hoped that the gesture would be enough to start bridging the gap he’d put between you. He didn’t expect for things to be like they had been, he wasn’t sure it could ever be that again, but he hoped that he could have you back in his life.
He barely knocked on the door before opening it, but once inside, his smile fell. It was empty. The bed stripped bare, the desk empty. No more belongings, no more decorations, it was like no one had ever moved in. It was the right room, he knew it was. He moved around the room, looking for some hint, some clue, but other than a layer of dust, nothing.
“Oh, Hey, Sam.”
Sam turned and found John, the RA. “Where is she?”
John shrugged. “Went home, I think. Said she needed a break from school. She was really struggling.”
“About three weeks ago?”
Three weeks? You’ve been gone for three weeks and he hadn’t noticed? Sam dropped onto the bed as his mind raced. You left without a word. But then again, he’d done the same thing, right? Moving out of his dorm without ever once mentioning it to you. It was chance that you’d come up the stairs just as he was about to go down them. It was chance that you’d found out. If you hadn’t would he have ever even mentioned it? Or would he forget that like he’d forgotten everything else.
“I really fucked up.” he muttered to himself. “Hey, John? She leave an address or number or anything?”
John shook his head. “Nope. Just let me know she was going. Figured you knew, being her best friend and all.”
“No.. No, I didn't. We haven’t talked much lately..” Sam mumbled. “Thanks, John.” Sam stood, and started out of the room.
“Take it easy, Sam.” John clapped him on the back as he headed past.
“Yeah.. you too..”
There was an ache in chest as he slowly made his way back home. An ache he knew Jess saw as soon as he was in the door. “Sam?”
“She’s gone.. She left, she went back home.. I can’t fix it, Jess. I lost my best friend for good.”
Sam dropped into one of the kitchen chairs as Jess came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her head leaning on the back of his. He pulled out his phone and tried one last time. One last time to reach you and then he’d leave you alone.
<< I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you so bad you had to leave. Please, just let me know you’re okay.
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Heading back home to the midwest had been the best thing you could have done for yourself. You blocked Sam on everything, ignored texts and calls. After about three weeks they stopped and you were finally able to heal, finally able to forget all the pain Sam put you through.
You had contact with a few people you’d known in a few classes. Thankfully none of them mentioned  Sam to you.
Not until they told you about the fire. About Jess.
You found yourself back in Palo Alto, dressed in black and standing with people you barely knew for a girl you never bothered to get to know. She might have been nothing to you, but she’d been everything to Sam. Your heart broke for him. Losing a mate was the hardest thing anyone could go through.
Glancing around, you were surprised he wasn’t there. You expected him to be here, to be with her family as they grieved the loss of their daughter, but he was nowhere to be seen. You looked forward again, watching as people took roses and gently placed them on her coffin. You decided to do the same.
Taking one in your hand, you slowly made your way closer, stepping up just as the person before you stepped away. “I’m sorry.” you whispered quietly. “You didn’t deserve this. I’m sorry, Jess.” Placing the rose with the others, you quietly walked away.
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You were sitting in the bar you had frequented in your time at college. Lifting a drink to your lips, you paused about half way before you set it down and pulled out your phone. Licking your lips, you opened a text chain you had long ago ignored. You hoped he hadn’t changed numbers.
<< I’m sorry for your loss, Sam.
Closing your phone, you put it down and picked up your drink again, downing the last of it before motioning for the bartender to bring you another.
It was about twenty minutes later when you heard a surprised voice behind you. “Y/N?” You turned, and there he was, in a dark suit all funeral ready, and so much pain etched into his face. If you didn’t know better, you’d have thought he’d actually gone to the funeral. Maybe he said his goodbyes alone after everyone else left. “What are you doing here?”
“Heard about the fire. I might not have been friends with her, Sam, but she was everything to you. I came to pay my respects to your mate.”
Sam gave you a half smile at that. “You really would have liked her if you’d have given her a chance. I had hoped you two would be friends too.. Eventually.”
“Maybe we would have. But I was too hurt to try.”
“I know.. I know, I’m sorry. I tried to make things right, I showed up at your dorm but.. You were already gone. I think that’s when I fully realized just how bad I ruined our friendship.” he gave you a sad smile. “Jess had wanted you to come over for dinner.”
“I really am sorry, Sam.”
“I’m just glad you’re here.” The look he gave you, you knew he needed a hug. You turned in your seat and opened your arms for him. Sam happily moved in for the hug, holding you tight against him as if he was afraid you’d leave again. “I’m really happy you’re here.”
“You needed me. How could I stay away.”
When you both pulled away, you cupped his cheek for a moment, and he smiled sadly at you. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
“Hey, Sammy!”
You turned to the newcomer who stepped up to you and Sam. Sam glanced back at him, and opened his mouth to say something when you spoke first. “Hey, Dean.” That stunned Sam.
“Hey, princess. What are you doing out here?”
“How do you know my brother?” Sam asked, a confused look on his face as he looked from Dean to you.
“That’s your brother?” Sam nodded, and you glanced to Dean, who smirked with a wink. “I didn’t know he was your brother.. Uh- Couple weeks after I left school, Dean was in town. Helped me through a bad heat.” you shrugged. “We talk, I hear from him every few days at least. Meet up when he’s close by. I didn’t know you were coming here.”
“Been here since the fire. I’m the one who pulled Sammy out of the house.”
You looked to Sam. “You were inside.. You saw-” You swallowed at the look on Sam’s face. “Uh- drinks on me tonight.” you turned to the bartender as he handed you your drink. “Make it three.”
“So.” Dean sat in the stool next to you. “The guy you mentioned who loved someone else-”
“Your brother.” You gave Dean a sad smile with a nod. “Yeah.”
Dean turned and looked at his brother. “Is it bad that I’m glad he did?” he teased with a smile. “I got to enjoy the sweet little Omega he let slip away.” Dean licked his lips with a smirk.
“Fuck you, Dean.” Sam snapped, taking up the seat on your other side with a scowl.
As the bartender put the drinks in front of you, you sighed. “Keep ‘em coming.”
“Will do.” he nodded and wandered off.
“So, princess. How long are you in town for?” Dean lifted his drink to his lips.
“Not sure yet, why?”
“Ruts due next week. Was thinking of heading your way for it anyways.” he smiled. Sam growled next to you. “She ain’t yours, Sammy.”
“She ain’t fucking yours, either.” Sam growled before downing his entire glass. “Why her, Dean? Of all the fucking people you’ve fucked, why her?”
You answered before Dean could. “Because I deserve a bit of happiness too, Sam.” The anger he’d been showing melting away to guilt. “I’m sorry it’s your brother, but I have fun when I’m with him. There’s no bullshit, no heartache. I know where I stand.” Sam licked his lips before looking down into his empty glass, and that’s when you turned to Dean. “I’ll stay as long as you need me to if you’re sticking around. If not, we can meet up in the usual place. Just let me know.”
Dean leaned in and kissed your cheek. Sam stood and stormed his way outside, Dean watching him go. “He’s not taking this well.”
“But now he knows what it feels like.” you muttered, lifting your glass. “Feeling like you’ve been replaced and forgotten. Did you meet her?”
“Once.” Dean answered. “She was nice enough.”
“Was he happy?”
“Yeah, he was happy. Was about to interview for the law school.” you glanced over to Dean. “He didn’t go. He’s taking the fire bad, this.. you and me? Just making things harder for him.”
“If he wants to be in my life, he’s going to have to get used to the idea that you’re a part of it now.” you gave Dean a soft smile. “Just like I had to accept that she became his.”
“Where are you staying tonight?”
You chuckled at that, ducking your head down a touch. “I don’t think tonight is such a good idea, Dean.” you looked up again, but glanced to the door Sam had stormed out of. “But I’ll be there for your rut if you want.”
“Oh, I want.” Dean grinned, but then sighed. “I guess I better go after him, huh.”
“Yeah, probably.”
“I’ll call you later.” this time when Dean leaned in, his lips brushed against yours. “See you around, princess. And don’t worry about him. He’ll come around eventually.”
“Yeah.. I hope so.”
Dean downed the rest of his drink before heading out after his brother. You watched him go and sighed softly to yourself. A part of you felt bad. You never expected to get over Sam using his own brother. But at the same time, Dean was so different from Sam. He’d been exactly what you needed. In fact, despite everything today had thrown at you, you found yourself smiling as you looked forward to helping Dean through a rut.
“Can’t seem to shake the Winchesters..”
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Tagging :  Sam -  @evyiione​
Dean - @akshi8278​  @adoptdontshoppets​   @evyiione @karikatz12481​ @idksupernatural​  @deandreamernp​
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies​
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278 notes · View notes
lovecolibri · 2 years
I like Maria, really I do, but she is So Mean. to him.
I would never ship them in a million years, he's nice to her, he's sweet to her, he's loving to her, even when they weren't together in season 1, but Dear God, she is So. Mean. to him.
"I didn't know you were housebroken," wtf? He cooked you breakfast, you jerk. Say thank you like a normal person. Like...he has canonical deeply rooted insecurities about being "homeless" and "feral" and "unloveable" and she thinks it's cute and flirty to joke about him being awful.
"Sex in a truck, smells like a river, never introduce him to your Mama type of way..." Why the fuck not? He's a sweetheart and loveable and loving, why is she so mean to him?
Also, Why did Maria care if Michael saved her? She thought Max was going to have to save her and that should have been enough to trigger her vision. She didn't know Michael was going to save her, literally seconds from Death (and if he hadn't she'd of been splattered all over the pavement cuz Max couldn't save her).
Her goal was accomplished and she got to both not die and not kill Max.
I'm assuming these went together, so they’re getting answered together!
I....don’t like her, not after the season 1 finale and absolutely no redemption for me after season 2 started and part of the reason is exactly that! She’s so mean to Michael, all of the time. And if you notice, their kinda teasing/kinda mean banter they had in season 1 goes away on Michael’s end when they get together, but hers stays just as mean and actually once she knows him better, it’s all even more pointed, barbed, and hurtful. And his was never really that mean, more teasing and, given that season 1 is all about her “intuition” and getting a good read on people (the justification for why she never liked Isobel, and thought Noah was shady, and knew Alex still loved Michael), shouldn’t she have been the FIRST one to be on his side knowing that he’s covering up a lot of pain and abandonment in that banter?
The comment about the kid who was living out of his truck in HS smelling like a river (which is NOT the same as rain as anyone can tell you because rivers smell nasty, especially the sad, half empty ones here in NM) will ALWAYS rub me the wrong way. Plus the “never introduce him to your mama” line is weird too because he pushes Ann’s buttons but she’s...pretty awful to him in my opinion and her stubbornness to not admit she knows he’s the 3rd kid they refused is ridiculous. ANYWAY, that line, and later m*ria refusing to let him see Mimi even though, again, her “intuition”  that she ALWAYS had despite the neckless dampening her “powers” should have let her see what kind of person he is. And you KNOW he’d be so sweet to Mimi. It’s just irritating that they’re like “she’s sooo intuitive!” and then turn around and are like “how was SHE supposed to know about Alex and Michael and that Michael was still in love with Alex even if he was hurting?!” Please 🙄
And she cared that Michael saved her because she didn’t CARE if she killed Max as long as she got her vision to assuage her own personal guilt. Both Max AND Kyle who has been treating him told her that one of them would absolutely die, and she jumped knowing Max would never let it be her. But you’re right that her plan was to have Max stop her inches from the ground expecting that would trigger the vision so why, when the result she was expecting to happen, still happened just with one additional person, did she get pissed like Michael ruined everything? Also, if seeing a spider native to the area was enough to do it, how was the jump off the roof not able to? Anyway, she’s The Worst.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Ok imma be honest, this chapter moved me to tears and not the sad sobbing but the more inspiring kind. This chapter means the world.
She had told them her dreams were about ducks – since there were the only equally horrible thing she could think of.
Uncle Magnus had given her an odd look then, as if he knew she was bullshitting them. But he hadn’t said anything.
Lexi would be royally pissed if this turned out to be some stupid pointless dream.
Even though she was only 7 minutes older than Lexi, Selena always acted like she was 7 years older.
That's so cute though
People looked at her pastel-coloured aesthetic immediately assumed she was the soft and sweet Fairchild twin. People saw Selena in her red leather jacket and thigh high boots and assumed she was in the infamous troublesome Herondale twin.
Why Selena hadn’t killed her in her sleep yet, Lexi doesn’t know.
The meals at the Academy were to die for – quite literally. Last week two students from the warlock fraction had almost killed each other over a blueberry muffin.
Oh how times change...they will never know the dreaded soup
Selena’s was Idris of course. She was kind of obsessed with it.
Max loved the shadow markets. Lexi thought they were very cool too.
Rafael loved his father’s office – which was weird. There was nothing to do in that room other than ponder about shadow world problems. Besides, the place still weirdly smelled like the tangerine perfume Anjali wore, even though the girl had left New York almost a year ago.
David loved the New York Institute – especially the library.
Gigi of course loved the dining halls.
Dining halls, kitchens, food trucks, vending machines - if a place had food with it, Gigi loved it.
It's so amazing how they all have their favorite places...(same David same)
“You’re supposed to pour the syrup on the pancakes not into your mouth,” Lexi chuckled as she sat down next to her.
“It ends up in my mouth anyway,” Gigi shrugged.
True enough.
Someone make me a playlist.
“His parents fell in love in Rome when they were in Rome,” Gigi pointed out even though Lexi already knew. “I think it’s actually romantic.”
I had forgotten that-
Roman was nice. But not nice enough for Georgia. Lexi didn’t think there was anyone good enough for her parabatai – who was the most perfect person in the world.
Me @ anyone who tries to make a move at my best friend.
When's the wedding?
(you're telling me you didn't believe you were gonna marry your childhood crush? Liar)
“I like being his friend,” Georgia said. “I like spending time with him and all of that. But I don’t know if I like him…in that way. I feel like I need more time.”
Demiromantic??? YES GIVE US THE REP
Lexi sometimes thought life would be so much simpler if the world was full of women and everyone was a lesbian.
Ikr?? Life would be so much easier.
Lexi says Roman is too-nice-sus
Well well well
The kind of love that cheated death.
The kind of love that sustained memory spells put by princes of hell.
The kind of love that changed the world.
Trust me all of our standards are very high
Lexi successfully survived the class without falling asleep.
Me during English.
Ok who's the blond?
Lexi I thought we weren't gonna fall this soon-
Oh the girl's straight...sigh we've all been there.
which meant they had to hold hands. Kinda.
Lexi was a little scared of that.
Goddamnit, Alexandra. Get your gay together!
Lexi knew Olivia liked boys. She hadn’t dated anyone officially of course. All the boys were kind of terrified of her father.
She could be bi or pan or omni. WE GOTTA HAVE HOPE
vegetable loaf... David I'm so sorry you had to go through this.
Lexi then decided not to do any of her homework over the weekend because she was not coming back to the academy. She was not going to survive the sleepover and whatever else Olivia had in mind.
Bestie...why is this me when I make eye contact with my crush.
“Good stuff?” Max snorted. “Rafe literally ran away from home cause shit got too intense.”
“I didn’t run away!” Rafael rolled his eyes. “Stop telling people that!”
“But you have rumours and shadowhunters getting thrown into silent city and cohort drama and all that exciting stuff!” Liv pointed out.
True though.
“Wasn’t there a serial killer when your parents were young?” David asked.
“And didn’t your uncle do necromancy?” Max said biting into a chicken wing.
True and true
“Sorry, Chouchou!” Lexi winced. “I, uh, sensed a mosquitoe on your leg.”
“Girl, your angel powers are weird as fuck,” Max laughed.
“I don’t know,” the girl shrugged and threw her a wink. “I wouldn’t put anything past Lexi.”
Lexi looked at Gigi. She was one more compliment away from screaming.
But Gigi of course knew her struggle and therefore quickly stuffed a bread roll into Lexi’s mouth.
I need someone to stuff bread into my mouth when things get like this
There were rumours about David – and how Daddy had an affair. Lexi was yet to find those asshats and shove a witch light down their throats.
When you find them lemme know too.
“Or maybe it’s because you don’t need rumours be interesting,” David pointed out.
Max turned around, looking surprised at that. His cheeks turned purple. Lexi didn’t know why he was surprised. David only ever spoke fondly of Max.
“Oh. Oh! I did hear something a long time ago!” Gigi said suddenly. “Olly, is it true you were conceived at the beach?”
“Georgia, you can’t just ask people where they were conceived!” David sounded horrified.
That is very much possible.
“I heard you were conceived in hell?”
“Oh my god,” Selena looked horrified. “That’s not true! It must have been about Max!”
“Y’all I am adopted!” Max was shaking with laughter and then stopped. “Although our dads could have definitely had sex in hell. I wouldn’t put it past them.”
Oh yes. Both clace and malec.
Then they had of course continued to discuss that cursed topic until Rafael had threatened to tell the Consul about it.
Lexi turned around and saw Liv waiting for her. Nope. She wasn’t going to talk a walk – a fucking stroll! – with Olivia all on her own.
“You are coming back to the institute with me or I will un-parabatai you.”
You know there being an un-parabatai ceremony would solve a lot of shit
What if their hands accidentally grazed or something? That shit was lethal.
She is just trying to be nice. That’s what friends do. They are nice. And they give each other pretty dresses and say they would like to see them in it.
Honey that's gay.
Selena: Ugh boys
Selena: When I win back Idris, we are leaving all the men behind.
Lexi: Except Magnus? Lol.
Selena: Obviously.
Is that even a question Lexi? Duh.
Not everyone can kiss their partner in the Accords Hall. Some people didn’t have access to the Accords Hall.
And most important, some people didn’t have partners!
We're getting a lexi and Alec talk someone hold me
“I’m going to tell you something,” Uncle Alec said. “It might sound simple. It might sound ridiculous. But it’s the truth. So, you must believe me. Can you do that?”
Lexi gave him a small nod.
“It doesn’t matter what other people think,” Uncle Alec said. “Not when it comes to your future. Not when it comes to your identity. They don’t get to have a say in who you are and why you are the way you are.”
Lexi bit her lip.
“Alexandra, people will always tell what to do. But you shouldn’t let them. Never let anyone tell you what to do with your heart or your body. Neither belongs them. It only belongs to you.”
“Yep,” she groaned and then hesitated for a moment. “Uncle Alec…Can I ask you something stupid?”
“Can I say no?”
“Then go ahead.”
I love her so much
“I feel…I feel it’s something we have to bear, Alexandra. The fear of rejection. It’s something we have to accept as an inevitable part of our lives. Because no matter how much love we have around us, we will always be afraid of people not loving us – simply because of who we are.”
“Besides, they named you after me,” he pointed out. “I don’t know what else they expected.”
EXACTLY! Did they really expect a straight child after naming them after Alec?
“I do like shouting,” Lexi wondered out loud. “That’s good advice.”
“I didn’t mean it literally!” Uncle Alec looked alarmed.
“No, it makes total sense!” Lexi grinned. “Some of these people can be tone deaf. Gotta shout it out. Loud and clear. Awesome advice! Thanks, Uncle Alec!”
“Hey, Lexi. I was wonderin-”
“MOVE, I’M GAY!” she yelled as she shoved him aside and kept on running.
“I prefer she/her,” Lexi answered. "But sometimes I prefer she/they. But you can use she/her because some of y'all already shit at grammar."
That's exactly what I tell people when they ask for my pronouns. Istg people are shit at grammar.
alright girl im here to give you a lecture on how someone's dressing doesn't describe their sexuality
One of the boys who had complimented cleared his throat. “So, uh, you don’t like boys?”
“That’s literally what I said,” Lexi rolled her eyes. “I’m gay. I’m very gay. I’m gayer than the Consul. Okay fine, that’s not true. No one gayer than the Consul. But I’m still pretty gay.”
Does the boy have hearing problems?
“Sexual orientation and gender expression are two different things,” she explained now, remember what Uncle Magnus had taught them. “Sexual orientation refers to who I am sexually and romantically attracted to. Gender expression is how I want to express my gender identity. Those two are not connected. Just because a woman wears feminine clothes it doesn’t mean she is straight. Just because a man embraces femininity, it doesn’t make him gay either. Does that make sense?”
“Ohhh,” the girl nodded. “Yes, it does. Thank you!”
“What I wear does not reflect who I like. It reflects who I am and what I like to wear,” Lexi explained. “And regardless of my sexuality, I like pretty things.”
“This doesn’t change anything. I hope you know that,” he told her. “I mean I have to change the pronouns in my shovel talk. But that’s not a big deal.”
Also – my good friend Raziel told me that homophobia is a sin.”
“You mean homosexuality is a sin?” an older man asked.
“No, homophobia is a sin,” Lexi repeated. “That’s what Raziel said.”
“But that’s not-”
Someone cleared their throat. When he spoke, it was in the Consul Voice.
“Are you saying know better than Raziel?” the Consul asked.
Listen to Raziel you dumb shit
“Sure. Let me just call the Lesbian Alliance,” Lexi rolled her eyes.
Ugh I wish
“Alexandra, I have a fucking undercut and I have pink highlights and I cuff my jeans and I literally walk around with a sword and I can quote Lady Gaga to perfection! Why would you ever think I was straight??”
Lexi your gaydar is broken bestie.
Don't do this omg this is gonna be a mess
Lexi: Relaaaax. It’s going to be fine!
Gigi: I’ve read enough fanfiction to know the fake dating trope never ends well!
Lexi: I’ve told you to include the ‘angst with happy ending’ tag!
Also Gigi which fanfiction do you read?
Jace omg...
That's so him though.
“How about my peeps? It sounds very hip.”
“It does not,” Lexi replied. “Please don’t refer to us as your peeps under any circumstance."
Her father chuckled at that. “Sweetheart, you’re a Herondale. Being problematic is what we do.”
Daddy opened the notebook again. “I need names.”
Grabs flamethrower names
“Besides, the Lightwoods and Blackthorns have been hogging the gay genes for too long. Now it’s our turn. I say you gay it up.”
“Gay it up?” Lexi laughed.
“Yeah,” he grinned. “Go for the highest possible level of gay.”
He blinked for a second and then it hit him. “OH MY GOD YES! DOES EMMA KNOW??”
Lexi laughed. Yeah, he can never find out it was a fake dating situation.
Hopefully he won't have to because it won't be fake :D
“To love is a privilege and to be loved is a blessing.”
This chapter literally means so much to me. I don't even know what to say. I hope I too can one day have the courage to shout it in front of everyone and not be scared. See ya on Tuesday!
It means so much to me that this chapter meant a lot to you. I hope you find all the courage, strength and support you need. You are amazing.
And here. I made you a playlist.
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You can find it here on YouTube. I hope you like it :)
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mourntheantagonist · 4 years
Okay let's say: supportive mama Harrington
One day, while Steve's dad is not home, she tells Steve to invite his boyfriend over for dinner. When Billy is there mama Harrington brings him in the kitchen to chat and she's so happy and nice to him and then he starts to notice some details like the way she speaks, her facial expressions, her way of standing that is all SO steve
And he tries to not smile too wide thinking about his baby while talking with his mom
Meanwhile Steve is in the dining room eating all of the appetizers
I love supportive mama Harrington 😭
I imagine Steve and his mom are just lounging on the couch while his dad is off on a business meeting in town by himself. The house is quiet and it’s just the perfect opportunity. So she asks Steve to bring Billy over and she’ll make them all dinner. And it’s not that Steve’s Dad wouldn’t be welcoming to Billy. He knows about him. He’s happy that his son is happy. But he’s very old fashioned and it’s something they all know needs to be taken slow.
Up until this point, Steve’s mom has never actually met Billy and Steve sort of panics. But no where near the amount of panic that Billy is feeling when he receives the call. Especially considering Steve told him to be there in thirty minutes and he’s no where near ready.
Max laughs at him while he frantically sprays his hair with aqua net. He even asks her how he looks. Because god dammit he’s going to make a good impression.
He settles on a nice button up with some jeans, leaving only the top two buttons undone.
When he finally arrives and composes himself, putting on the charm, ready to woo, he knocks on the door only to be greeted by a surprisingly tall and skinny woman with strawberry blonde hair and big shiny white teeth smiling at him. She looks absolutely nothing like Steve.
Different hair. Different nose. Different skin tone. Even different eye color. Green to contrast with Steve’s deep brown. And had he not already seen Mr. Harrington before, he’d be fully convicted Steve was adopted. Steve was the spitting image of his father. It was uncanny. His mother? He wouldn’t even think the two were related let alone share half the same DNA.
But he would soon find out that they were much more alike than he previously had thought.
She introduces herself as Kathy before practically dragging Billy into the house. Steve is there on the couch shoveling salami and cheese crackers into his mouth. He greets Billy with his mouth full.
“If you don’t mind I’d love to get to know you one on one. Care to join me in the kitchen?” She asks. He just nods because he doesn’t really know what to do. He hasn’t even said a word since he’d arrived. All of his charm escaping him because he’s a nervous wreck. He’s never done the meet the parents thing and he surely didn’t get enough time to prepare.
He’s hoping that Steve will come to his rescue, but the boy just sits there. Bet he even gets a kick out of seeing Billy all nervous.
Now he’s just standing in the middle of the kitchen with his hands in his pockets while Mrs. Harrington stirs a pot of something that smells delicious.
“Hope you like spaghetti, Billy. This is my special sauce recipe. Been in the family for generations.” She says. And Billy thinks ‘great! Okay this will just be normal conversation.’ But then she continues. “Maybe one day you’ll know the recipe too.” And he actually chokes on air.
She laughs. That’s the first thing he notices. Her laugh is exactly the same as Steve’s. The same little giggle that he fell in love with. And he has to refrain from staring at her. Looking at her the way he is because she looks nothing like Steve but he can literally see Steve in the way she acts.
After that he starts to notice everything. Her posture is the same, shoulders ever so slightly slumped forward. The way she moves around the kitchen with light feet. Exactly like Steve. Feet hitting the floor so gently they barely make a sound. Not heavy footed like Billy. And he didn’t notice it before but their smile is the same. The way it forms little crinkles next to her eyes. It’s Steve. It’s so incredibly Steve.
And Billy has to focus all of his energy into not grinning like an absolute idiot. Steve is there in everything she fucking does. Talking while chewing on the garlic bread. Bringing a hand up to cover her mouth as she swallows. Just like Steve. The way she picks it apart with her fingers instead of biting off small pieces. Just like Steve. The way she slurps her spaghetti after many failed attempts to swirl it onto her fork. He only has to look to his right to see his boyfriend doing the same. It’s like he’s watching two people in a mirror. Except they don’t look the same. It’s so odd but he can’t hide the grin any longer.
Luckily nobody says anything.
And when they’re finished up with dinner and Steve and him are helping with the dishes. She says
“You’re welcome to stay the night Billy. Just don’t make too much noise okay?”
And then they’re laying in Steve’s bed when Billy tells him
“You and your mom are exactly alike.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yeah it’s a good thing.”
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sushigal007 · 3 years
Time to visit the combined Cho-Riley household. Last time I visited them back in 2013, Vivian and Timothy got married.
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Vivian: There was a little something else that happened, just in case you forgot.
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Vivian and Etsu used to live on the second floor. Now apparently it’s been converted into a police station.
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Hopefully they work the night shift and don’t have to listen to Vivian and Timothy bone all night long.
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Timothy: But just in case they’re home, let’s make their life a living hell. Vivian: Wonderful idea! Fuck the police! I feel like I should point out here that Vivian is also a police officer. Vivian: Yeah, why do you think I said that?
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Not quite sure why I capped this. Perhaps to commemorate the fact that the auto-walk to school mod worked? Because after this, it never worked again, which is annoying because school buses don’t show up on my apartment lots, which is why I installed the mod in the first place.
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Way to go Etsu!
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Sally: Sleep tight.
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Vivian: Good thing these pants are stretchy!
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Sally: And now you’re up, can I ask you something real quick?
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Yep, she wanted to go out with Riordan Summerdream, who rustled up a fancy car for the occasion.
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Super helpful, thank you!
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Timothy: Help, I can’t get out, there’s a child in the way. Why would you want to leave? It’s Etsu’s birthday!
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Etsu: Oh neat, I’m cute.
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Vivian: Speaking of birthdays!
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Now it’s a party.
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Meet Ken! I thought the name was a nice compromise between Vivian’s Japanese heritage and Timothy’s generic white boy background. Timothy: Thanks. You’re welcome.
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Gallagher: Here’s my present. Thanks, I hate it.
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Thanks, random citizen!
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Timothy: Baby goes in fridge! Don’t be silly, Timmy, everybody knows baby goes on floor.
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Little family gathering. Lucy: Somebody’s missing.
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That would be Etsu, who’s decided to do her homework outside for some reason.
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She does make it back inside for some teen bonding eventually.
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Only to get called back outside by one of the neighbours complaining. Neighbour: I can smell your apartment from three floors away! Etsu: *air guitars for some reason?*
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And the cop comes back the next morning to complain again. Etsu: Look, my mom just had a baby last night, we’ve been a little busy. Neighbour: That’s no excuse, I shall be lodging a formal complaint.
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Etsu: You’re a pig, are you quite sure it’s not your stench?
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Still, just to be on the safe side, I make Timothy do some cleaning. He wants to max out his cleaning skill anyway, so it’s a win-win.
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Except they still lose.
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Several times.
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Busy apartment tonight.
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Which means everybody’s there to help Timothy celebrate his final promotion to Chief of Staff.
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Timothy: I’m so excited.
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Timothy: To clean this stinky baby! Etsu: Is there any way you could do that and not trap us all in here with you?
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So Sally is the only one free, and she immediately uses that freedom to get her first kiss from Isaiah Gavigan.
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I’m afraid she’s a little busy right now, Kimberly!
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Time to stop dicking around and start dicking around!
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Literally ten seconds later~ Isaiah: Damn Sahira sure is fine!
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Vivian: Watch this autonomous baby changing.
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Timothy: This place isn’t really big enough for five people. I feel like I’m in prison sometimes. Vivian: Babe, full offence, but you wouldn’t last ten minutes in an actual prison.
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Sally: Woohoo is hungry work.
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Etsu: Homework goes on floor. No, I told you, baby goes on floor. Etsu: That’s stupid, so we’re not going to do that.
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Landlord: WHY DOES YOUR FLAT STILL HONK!? Sally: Truly a mysterious for our time.
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Vivian: GUESS WHO GOT PROMOTED!? Timothy: Guess who’s got the world’s greatest ass?
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Sally wanted to go on a date, so I had her invite Isaiah Downtown to trash-talk Sahira. Sally: I hear she was patient Zero for like, five years, isn’t that disgusting? Isaiah: Yeah, sure, Sahira’s so gross, honest.
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Mrs C.: Skank.
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Isaiah had such a good time, he dropped off a pinball machine, which Etsu and Sally had a lot of fun with.
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And then it was time for Ken to grow up.
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Horrible suit!
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He looks much better after a quick makeover.
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Jill: Happy Birthday, COUGH COUGH COUGH. For fucks sake, can we not keep bringing plague to Ken’s birthday?
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Thankfully Vivian’s soup cured everybody pretty quickly, letting her move onto more important things, like toddler training.
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While Etsu catches up on her growing mountain of homework. Etsu: This is such bullshit, why doesn’t Sally have to do hers?
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Because Sally didn’t get this popup.
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And then Vivian was a werewolf.
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Jane: Could we go inside? I just jammed my arm through a bin.
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And then Timothy was a werewolf.
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Toddler training interlude!
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It’s the weekend, and as Sally and Etsu both have music hobbies, I sent them to FM to do some karaoke and forgot I’d set it to force everyone into formalwear.
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The girls have some... opinions about Timothy’s lycanthropy.
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Sally: Wanna hear my entry for the Eurovision Song Contest?
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Pretty pictures of Etsu.
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And Sally does a little bit of DJing.
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Good for her.
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Bit weird that a little sisterly bonding triggered this, but sure!
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Lucy: I decided this outing needed some sisterly bonding too. Angela: Can I bond my fist to her face? Lucy: Haha! No!
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Back home, the furries get acquainted with their new bodies.
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Vivian: Thank God nobody made a ‘doggy style’ joke. You’re welcome.
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The next day I sent the family down to the real estate office. Because while Timothy may have been exaggerating, the apartment is pretty cramped now Ken’s growing up, and the girls aren’t due to go to college for a while yet. So they’re getting a house!
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And I’m just going to ignore the fact that this was supposed to be an owned lot and now... isn’t.
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They celebrate the impending move with a visit to the tea shop.
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Sally: The muffins are nice, but I could really go for some eggs right now.
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A little tea.
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Sally: Hey, we’re moving to Riverblossom Hills in the morning, you wanna help me make some fond memories of this place? Isaiah: You mean...?
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She sure does.
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And there they go again.
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Just a little mahjong with the landlord. Landlord: I see you tidied up. Vivian: It’s called packing. Landlord: Close enough.
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Just Ken getting a cuddle from Etsu because he hasn’t had much screen time.
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Russ: Wait... what?
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Yep, jokes on you, Russ! I already moved all the furniture into everybody’s inventories ready for the move!
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Russ: I see you kept this out though.
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Russ: Ha, forgot about the bunk bed ladder, didn’t you!? Shit. I did.
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SS Driver: I have put plenty of handcuffs on people in my time, don’t test me, boy.
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Sally went back to sleep after the robbery, but Etsu was too wide awake, so she spent the rest of the evening singing nursery rhymes to Ken.
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And in the morning, they move to this lovely house in Riverblossom Hills. Not the original version, of course. That one sucked.
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daughterofadeadman · 4 years
Double Sided
Pairings: Alec x Stiles
Warnings: Drinking, fluff
Description: The one where Lydia drags Stiles to a party and he runs into Alec, literally. College AU
Word count: 1468
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"Whose party is this anyways?" Stiles asked clambering out of the car. It's not like he actually cared, he was just trying to delay the inevitable.
"Lightwood, you don't know him. He's totally your type though, tall with black hair and brooding basically a young Derek Hale by all standards. Now if you're ready we can go in." Lydia said making a show of throwing her hair over her shoulder.
"That is not my type. I'm more of a strawberry blond type of guy if you know what I mean." He said completely ignoring the comment about his stalling.
Lydia scuffed at his words, "You haven't been a strawberry blond type of guy since sophomore year. Now shut up and come and party with me."
Stiles sighed but gave in while slightly trudging through the neatly cut grass. It wasn't that Stiles didn't like to go to parties, he had lost his virginity thanks to one Junior year, it was just that he wasn't in the mood to be dumped. Lydia always left him when they went to parties together, merely because they attracted different crowds, and it always put a damper on Stiles night. Tonight would be no exception and he knew better then to think it would be.
The music vibrated through Stiles body like an electric shock the closer they got to the house. The two had to park down the road because of the excess of party goer's vehicles lining the street on both sides. "This guy most be known for throwing some great parties." Stiles thought looking at the number of people dancing on the lawn which was already littered in plastic cups.
Once Lydia and Stiles breached the threshold of the house red solo cups were thrusted into their hands. "Cheers." Lydia said tapping her cup to Stiles before downing half the cup.
"Cheers." Stiles replied taking a small sip. A look of disgust painted his features once the substance hit his taste buds. "Gross."
A laugh escaped Lydia's lips as she pulled Stiles to the dance floor. "Come on let loose." She yelled over the pounding of the base. Taking another gulp of her drink she began to dance to the music's beat. Stiles rolled his eyes but did as his bestfriend demanded.
Within a few minutes Stiles had finished his drink without throwing up. He did not enjoy beer, he was more of a whiskey guy like his father. If he was going to be honest he thought it was more enjoyable watching everyone get drunk then it was getting drunk, but he was doing this for Lydia.
The sassy girl had it set in her mind that Stiles needed a night out, and he wasn't going to take that away from her, not just yet. It wasn't until they both began dancing with other people that he slipped away to the kitchen.
The kitchen was really only separated from the dining room by a bar, which was covered in crushed or fallen cups. The great oak table was being used for beer pong and the counter held a couple being a little too intimate for Stiles liking. Rolling his eyes, he headed to the back of the kitchen hoping to find somewhere to sit down and wait out Lydia. Making his way through couples making out in the hallway he found himself in a smaller sitting room.
What he wasn't expecting was for a tall, dark, and handsome guy to bump into him on his way to the couch.
"Hey watch where you're-" The guy said before cutting himself off. His eye's met Stiles and a smile graced his face. A tattoo poked out from beneath his black tee shirt causing Stiles to wonder what it was.
"I haven't seen you at one of these before. I'm Alec by the way." He said before sticking his hand out, a red cup in the other. The smell of alcohol hit Stiles in the nose as he gripped the other boys hand.
"Stiles." Alec repeated as if tasting his name. "That's different."
Stiles nodded as he watched the other boy bring the cup to his lips for a drink.
"Yeah it's a nickname." Stiles replied, eyes still glued to the plump lips in front of him.
"Stiles." He said again. "I like it."
"I'm glad that I have your approval." Stile sassed before he could stop himself.
Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he raked his fingers through his hair. Why was he being so rude in such a short amount of time? It must be a new record, even for Stiles.
Alec on the other hand smiled even wider. "Who is this Stiles kid?" He wondered taking another sip of his drink.
The two stood for a few seconds longer before either of them spoke up. "How are you enjoying the party?" Alec asked.
The pounding of the next songs base kicked in just as Stiles was about to speak. If he was going to be honest, he hated parties. They were just filled with drunk teenagers who would probably get themselves killed by the end of the night. He only came tonight because he cared about Lydia's opinion, and because he was ignoring one very grumpy twenty-five-year-old.
"I'm not." Stiles said before explaining how he felt leaving out the bit about Derek Hale. "I feel bad for the guy that through this party though. Even though I'm not enjoying it I wouldn't want to be him. People are totally trashing his house and I even think someone puked in the drive way. If I can find the guy I might even offer to help clean up after words if he isn't to trashed himself."
"Someone puked in the drive way?" Alec asked his voice taking on a strange note to which Stiles nodded.
"It's kinda gnarly."
"Oh god." Alec moaned wiping a hand down his face.
"Yeah like I said wouldn't want to be that guy." Stiles noticed the way Alec shot him a glare before shaking his head and smiling again.
"Yeah, me neither."
The pair began to talk about everything and anything in between, no topic was off limits. Stiles told him about how his mom past a few years back and how his dad was the Sheriff of a few towns over. They talked about Lydia, and how she is honestly so hot but terrifying at the same time. Alec told Stiles about his little brother Max passing away last year and his adoptive brother Jace who was totally around here somewhere. They talked about Izzy and how she got all the hot genes, something that Stiles wouldn't believe until he saw proof, and about how Alec's parents were off on business quite a bit. They even somehow started talking about Derek Hale and how he and Stiles were no longer a thing, part of the reason Stiles was forced out tonight.
"It's alright. Uh Magnus Bane, do you know him?" With a dismissive shake of the head Alec continued. "Well we were sort of a thing to so I know what you mean when you say you needed to get out."
The pair didn't stop there.
"What do you mean you have never seen Star Wars? It's like a national treasure! It's more important to this county then the next president. No this can't stand, next Friday you are making popcorn and I am coming to your house with the best movies seriously ever and were watching them."
"Stiles you've never had tres leche cake? That's insane, I'll have to make you some. Izzy absolutely loves it I swear it's great."
"Alec no you can't think that Bateman stands a chance against Superman. No, this totally makes you less hot, stop."
"Stiles, Stiles slow down I can hardly understand you."
"Pepsi is so much better than coke shut up."
The night was still long, and Stiles no longer regretted coming to this totally trash party because of Alec. The boys had positioned themselves against a wall, seeing as the couch was occupied. Stiles repeatedly pushed himself from the wall to emphasis his ever-changing points and Alec regarded his spastic actions with a smile. The two were content in their little bubble until Lydia popped it.
"Stiles there you are!" Lydia yelled over the music grabbing Stiles by the wrist. "I lost you forever ago, but I see you've been in good hands. Nice party by the way Alec."
"Nice party?"
A nervous chuckle escaped Alec's lips. "If I remember correctly you said you'd help clean up?"
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