#maul opress x y/n
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komotionlessqueenmm · 1 month ago
Incorrect quote
(Y/n) : So do you have a crush on anyone?
Maul : ... What?...
(Y/n) : Do you... Do you like me?
(Y/n) : So you like me?
Maul : *Death glares the love of his life*
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nightbrothers · 5 months ago
Darth Maul getting jealous when he sees Y/N with Savage
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Maul had always been fiercely possessive, but he didn’t expect it to hit him so hard until he saw Y/N in a casual conversation with his brother, Savage. He watched from a distance, his face set in a hard line, as Y/N's light laughter echoed through the room—a sound he usually only heard when he was around.
Every touch of the hand, every glance, made him feel something he couldn’t quite understand: a bothersome heat in his chest and a growing anger that mixed with a sense of losing control. He, the master of strategy, a relentless warrior, was at the mercy of an emotion as simple and human as jealousy.
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Savage seemed oblivious to Maul's tension, continuing to chat cheerfully with Y/N, but Maul’s yellow eyes burned like twin suns, his jaw clenched tight. He knew his brother didn’t have any ulterior motives, but that didn’t matter. To him, Y/N was his, and the mere idea of anyone else—even a member of his own family—receiving more of her attention than he did ate away at him.
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When Y/N finally came over to him, he refused to admit what he was feeling, keeping his cold and distant facade. However, she noticed the subtle grip of his hand when he held hers, the protective way he guided her away. It was silent but clear as day: Maul didn’t like sharing a single moment of her time, not even with those he trusted most.
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wandering-writing-waffles · 2 years ago
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His Most Prized Possession
Rating: E for everyone
Word Count: 819
Relationships: Darth Maul x Reader
Tags/Warnings: Violence, Mentions of blood, implied romance, implied kidnapping
Notes: Hello there! So this is just a quick lil oneshot I wrote a while back but kind of want to make into a full-fledged fic???? Idk, I may continue this and may not. I would certainly like to! But hey! I hope you enjoy what I have so far!
Summary: Maul had only ever loved one thing in his life, and that was you... But one day when he came home and all he could find of you was a small trinket of yours lying dormant in the doorway, he knew there could only be one explanation... You had been taken... Taken right out from under his nose! Heart filled with a newfound rage, he vows to scour the galaxy looking for you wherever he can. He will do anything to get you back.
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Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Maul felt the heat of the blade lightly graze the center of his chest. On a regular occasion, he wouldn’t have paid any mind. His body was littered with scars and scratches after all. Years of fighting for survival had left their mark in the form of nasty raised abrasions all across his body. But this… this was different. It wasn’t just his body that was at stake this time.
He lifted his hand up to examine the area at which the blade seethed his flesh and to his dismay, it was gone. All that was left in its place were burnt, broken tethers from where it once laid.
He quickly tilted his head back upwards, towards this so-called attacker whom he assumed was just some insignificant bounty hunter from some insignificant little planet looking for a quick and easy score. Oh was he mistaken…
Maul seethed at that thought, a newfound, burning rage beginning to build up in his core, ready to burst at any moment. ‘What a pathetic waste of time,’ he thought to himself.
The attacker went rigid. His eyes widened in a fearful stupor as he made contact with Maul’s piercing golden gaze. The sweat at his temple began to pool and drip down his now furrowed brow bone and Maul could see his hands and the pinprick tips of his blue lekku start to tremble.
Maul snarled in response, not feeling the slightest bit of empathy. As far as he was concerned, no one messed with his belongings and no one wastes his time.
Without hesitation, he leaped forward, eyes fixated on the young twi’lek who had unknowingly just sealed his fate.
The man jumped back in response, but it was too late. Lightsaber drawn, Maul slashed right at the center of his torso, effectively severing his cobalt body in half.
Maul’s senses were immediately filled with the smell of burning flesh, followed by a loud shriek and the sound of the assailant’s body plummeting against the floor. His breathing hitched in response, eyes trained on the man’s chest, making sure there was no longer breath in his body.
When he was certain he let out a scoff, quickly sheathing his lightsaber and turning around on the heel of his foot.
‘Where is it?!’ Maul internally cried. He began searching the area, desperate to find what had fallen. But the muck-stained floors of the alley were making it difficult to search. He became more desperate, removing his gloves and falling to his hands and knees to dig through the thick grime. He only found relief when he felt his fingers lightly brush against a small, cold object.
Quickly looping his finger around the base he pulled it out, taking care to brush off the dirt that it had picked up before resting the object in the palm of his hand.
There it was… His prize.
Maul smiled warmly down at the object as it gleamed against the dimmed light. His twin hearts rested, and he felt calm once more. For this trinket sitting in his hand wasn’t just any old thing. No… It was much more than that. It was a ring. But not just any ring. In fact, it didn't even belong to him. Its true owner, although indeed rare, was someone whom Maul had held and still holds in the highest regard…
For it belonged to you… His beloved… His whole world… His starlight…
Maul’s grip tightened as he held the gleaming ring in his hand, memories flooded his mind, a bittersweet reminder of his love for you who had been so cruelly taken from him. The ring symbolized your bond, a promise you had made to each other in happier times. It was a token of your unwavering devotion, an unbreakable vow etched into its delicate design.
Crafted from a metal found only in the deepest crevices of his homeworld, the ring radiated an otherworldly brilliance. Its intricate carvings depicted your intertwined destinies, your love story eternally etched into the precious metal.
To Maul, the ring represented hope in the darkest of times, a tangible connection to the one person who had breathed life into his scarred soul. Whenever he felt lost, his fingers would trace the contours of the ring, seeking solace in its presence. It was a symbol of his unwavering determination to find you and reunite with the one who had captured his hearts.
As he clenched the ring tightly, Maul's resolve solidified. Your trail… His beloved’s trail would not go cold. He would stop at nothing, traverse galaxies, and face any adversary to reclaim what had been stolen from him. With the ring as his guiding light, Maul embarked on a relentless quest, a love-driven odyssey to rescue you and restore your shattered bond.
For you, he would do anything. And that was what he was going to do.
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Thank you so much for the read! I know it was short but it means so much to me! Let me know if I should continue it and if you have any pointers for where it should go if I do! Thank you again! Chow!
-Waffles XOXO
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lune-de-miel-au-paradis · 10 months ago
This is amazing! I'm already excited to read this! 💖✨️Finally a fic where the female is quite a powerful one. I love the dynamic between her and savage ! He is so adorable worrying. And the rancor move was genius. Probably I would done the same 😅🤭
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The New Apprentice Part 1
Maul x Sith!Reader 
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A/N: Au where Mother Talzin gives Maul his legs back instead of cybernetics cause why not she’s a God damn necromancer witch queen. Takes place after Savage and Maul are united but Maul trains Savage for a while instead of going all out right away like Canon dictates in the show.
Summary: Maul senses the presence of a force user who is strong with the dark side. Desperate for any alliance he can gain to destroy both the Sith and the Jedi he sets out to gain a second apprentice with his brother at his side.
Word Count: 3868
WARNINGS: depictions of slavery, abuse, reader is bound, violence. I’m gonna wreck canon in this series.
      A crimson Zabrak male stood before an expansive viewport on the separatist space station he and his brother had infiltrated and overpowered. Savage, the much larger of the two brothers, grunted happily at the abundance of wealth he had found locked in a safe. Maul’s stoic form didn’t waver at this realization. Instead, he closed his eyes, something gnawed at him.
“Brother, what is it?”
Keep reading
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multifandomwritings · 3 years ago
Okay so I just got accepted to the graduate program of my dreams!!! In light of this joyous accomplishment, may I ask how Maul or a character of your choice would react to their s/o accomplishing some major goal of theirs?
Oh wow that's so exciting!! Congratulations to you!! :) I hope that you enjoy this! ♥ (I included Savage as well just for fun lol)
Star Wars | How Darth Maul & Savage Opress would react to their S/O accomplishing a major goal
- Maul's eyes would light up with pride when you revealed that you'd achieved something like that. A little pursed-lipped smirk right away, followed by sweet words and encouragements
- Although he wouldn't be at all surprised. He'd always have a lot of belief in you so every accomplishment and achievement would come as no surprise
- If you were visibly excited by your achievement/proud of yourself, he would find you so adorable and would love the sight of you like that. No he wouldn't get all (physically) hyped up with you or anything but his smile would widen at seeing you happy and pleased
- Probably would surprise you with some kind of congratulatory something. I can see him liking to surprise/spoil his S/O (at least sometimes. He'd be very doting) so be it a meaningful gift, a night in spent doing whatever you liked, even just more physical affection than usual...he'd want to *give* you something to mark the occasion by
- Savage would be more likely to actually get excited with you. Maul would be the calm, collected and proud one, and Savage would be the one to hear your news and give you lots of energy in response
- Like just a big, happy, encouraging grin and wrapping his arms around you at your news, knowing how much it meant to you
- He wouldn't be surprised at your achievement either as he'd also have a lot of belief in you, but that wouldn't stop him from being just as excited as you (even maybe more than you. If you were more on the calm/collected side he still wouldn't be shy about showing his own excitement for you)
- Be it a big accomplishment or a more personal thing, he'd be just as excited either way. Sweet, and perpetually impressed by and proud of you :) (Also likely to boast about you to whoever would listen lol)
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ktrivia · 3 years ago
Guys I don’t have the mental stability to crank out a maul x reader fic so someone is going to need to tell me about a multi chapter one I can read now 😅
My thirst for that man is strong
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itsagrimm · 4 years ago
Darth Maul one shot.
This picture was an inspiration for it so pls leave some love there.
bury me 6 feet deep for the cheesy ending. I deserve it.
Darth Maul x Y/N gender neutral reader without description of appearance during his reign on Mandalore
Later: Savage Opress x Y/N
Summary: You and the snappy crime boss have been friends for a while. You enjoy each other’s company and spend your free time being good ol' meanies together. Savage joins you in a surprising twist.
CN: talk of bad dates and murder, talk of sex and relationship, alcohol consumption
1700 words
The office was empty except for a table in the middle, a few chairs, and a giant window across the large doors. It was a minimal arrangement, and the inattentive visitor would have considered it bare or tasteless. But the inattentive visitor would see the man behind the table as a threat, a monster, a murderer and not the most beautiful and powerful centre of the room.
He looked up from his work. Intelligent eyes met Y/N. Instead of an answer he raised an eyebrow and waited.
"Lord Maul."
He nodded. His power always had to be recognized first. Even by you.
"Y/N. What a surprise. I thought you were busy. Sit down."
You bowed to your lord before taking one of the chairs in front of the desk.
"Yeah... the date didn't go so well."
Maul leant back and casually put one leg on one of the armchairs.
"Oh really? Do tellwhat the man, who will likely have an unfortunate accident now, did?"
You smiled.
"Oh yeah, accidents can be so surprising. It's always so sad when someone dies. Especially when the concerning man had the audacity to only talk about himself during the date. He did not even ask my name. I don't even know why I went outside for that."
Maul grimaced.
"I don't think one accident to this"- he gesticulated into the air before spitting out-" boy will be enough."
"Yeah. But maybe he is not worth it. It takes a lot of work and effort before someone dies. And I actually have other things to do."
The dark sith lord, criminal master mind and successful general rolled his eyes.
"Your reluctance to make your enemies pay always surprises me. You need to put in the work sometimes. It can feel so satisfying to see your enemies bloody and begging before you."
"I know. You are so right. But right now, I just needed to vent. Do you wanna get out of here?"
He looked at the desk. It was full of holopads, data carts and actual paper.
"Yeah. I am done for now. Let's go."
“Why are you always so extra?”, you tried to compliment Maul who was striding through the palace gardens before you.
He did not even flinch before answering.
“You call this extra? I call this a casual. I have not even tried to impress yet.”
You chuckled.
Maul was wearing dark pants made from silken fabric, an equally dark thin coat with leather armoury shoulder pieces and no shirt therefore showing off his muscular chest and his dathomirian tattoos. He looked good and he walked like a man who knew he looked good.
“Alright. Next to you I feel like an ugly Bantha after my horrible date and little time to change.”
He turned around and checked your outfit.
“Yeah, I can see why you feel that way.”
You gasped.
“Maul! Don’t be mean!”
He smiled.
“Come on, that one was just low hanging fruit. And you know, no one can tease my beautiful and extraordinary friends except me. So this little bad date boy’s life is still hanging on a thin thread.”
“Ok. let’s plan his untimely death tomorrow. I need a drink today.”
“Works for me.”
The bar was busy. But the Lord of Mandalore and his company got a table at the more private back of the bar, giving you and Maul the chance to observe and gossip.
“Do you see that man over there?”, he pointed at an armoured warrior at a faraway table, “He looks cute. He would definitely be a better date than your last, at least in the looks department.”
You checked the man. He was chatting with a few other Mandalorians. His armour was of a clean blue colour and it was well kept.
“Meh, that armour is a bit too shiny for someone actually using it. And who goes into a bar while wearing a whole set of an antic armour anyway? No, this gives me show off vibes and I don’t like it.”
Maul shrugged before sipping at his martini.
“You will stay single forever, dear Y/N.”
“What is so bad about that? You are single and appear to be doing perfectly fine.”
“I am the Lord of this dominion. I can do what I want anyway and the words >single< or >in a relationship< cannot not really describe my love life.”
“That’s an awfully complicated way to say you get laid.”
He smirked.
“You can say that.”, he rolled the words of his tongue with particular enjoyment, “But unlike you I am not coming into other people’s offices to lament about bad dates.”
“Just drop the date already and pass me the bottle. I don’t want to talk about the mess that is my love life. How is your life going?”
“Embracing the mess can give you strength. Don’t try to detach yourself from the bad but learn to enjoy it.”
“Is that a Sith thing?”
“Partly. I would consider it a sentient thing. We all are constantly confused, emotional and graving for something. Instead of denying that try to give in and enjoy the chaos. Cheers.”
You clinked your glass filled with fine Mandalorian wine against Mauls martini.
“My life…” he continued, “is alright. I think I can enjoy this. It has been a long time since I felt like I belonged somewhere. And it feels nice to have purpose outside of my own calling. It is nice to know that someone might miss me should I choose to leave Mandalore. My brother likes it here, you are a good friend and reigning Mandalore … and others… is a welcome challenge.”
You smiled.
“I’m glad you feel that way.”
For a few moments both of you stayed silent. You did not know what else to say and Maul was lost in some memories he was not willing to share right now. You two had always worked like that, close and chatty yet respectful and discreet.
“My brother…”, Maul started to talk, “My brother would enjoy this. But I can never convince him to come along.”
“Maybe he does not like loud and busy places. He strikes me as the type who gets stressed out by bars instead of enjoying this.”
“No”, Maul looked into his glass searching for words, “I think Savage would enjoy spending time here with us, with you.”
You starred at Maul.
“What do you mean?”
“I think he likes you. And I think he is shy about it.”
You felt your skin getting hotter.
“You like him too!”, Maul called out his eyes nearly sparkling with excitement.
“No? I will tell him that!”
“You have manoeuvred yourself into a trap.“
“Why are you torturing me? I don’t even know your brother well. He seems nice and-”
“Oh darling, no night brother is niceunless we want or have to.”
Maul, lord of the sith, slayer of jedi, regent of mandalore and matchmaker of his brother’s fate looked at you with an evil delight. Seeing you here, squirming about your feelings and insecurities in regards of his tall and handsome brothers was most likely the after work entertainment he enjoyed the most.
You took a deep breath.
“Ok, my love life is in your hands. I give up. What now, Maul?”
“Your love life was always in my hands.”, He replied patronizingly while starting to type a his personal com.
“Are you sending a com to your brother?”
“No, just sharing a thought with the chancellor. YES of course I am contacting Savage.”
“He will hate it here. I told you. It is loud and busy.”
“Well then then you two better get out of here fast.”
You glared at him.
“You are unsufferable, Maul.”
“And you love me for that.”
You forced a smile.
He basically beamed with delight at your reaction.
“Well, give savage my regards. I got to go.”
“What? Where are you going?”
“I have ruler of mandalore things to do. Much less entertaining things than you and my brother might do tonight.”
“You can’t leave me here. I will die of embarrassment in front of your brother.”
“Then it was nice meeting you. Any wishes for your burial?”
“Maker, you really are-“
“trying to help you embrace the chaos? Yes, I do indeed.”
You were speechless.
The thought of staying and having a kind of forces surprise date with Savage was a good thought but at the same time you felt unprepared and intrusive towards Savage.
“Ah yes, there he is already. Faster than expected.”
Maul waved towards the entrance at the bar.
Savage was standing there.
He was tall and broad as ever. His ocker skin and horns sticking out of the Mandalorian crowd. And his face had the expression of a painfully reserved man.
When he saw Maul, he started moving through the bar.
When he noticed Y/N his expression hardened.
“Good to see you, dear brother. I was a bit careless with my time tonight, so I must leave early. But my dear friend here had a bad day, could use some company and maybe someone to escort them home later, only for safety of course. Would you mind?”
Mauls voice was nonchalant, as if he had no other motives.
But Savage knew his brother too well.
“Is that it, brother?”
“Ah yes, savage! What else do think there is?”
Savage studied Mauls face for a moment before gazing at you like a commander checking a serving soldier for injuries.
“Alright. I will stay.”, he finally said.
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savagesbonergarage · 4 years ago
Heat | Part II
Savage Opress x Reader
Part I
(a/n: This takes place immediately after part 1, so enjoy! Sorry for the delay, hopefully it was worth it because uh...this be some filthy trash garbage my dudes. I have my url for a reason and now ya’ll get to find out why.)
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(warnings: FILTH! ABSOLUTE TRASH GARBAGE! NOT FOR YOU NON-ADULTS! cock worshipping, grinding, oral (giving and receiving), cum eating, thigh riding, some blood, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink, Savage is a gentleman and he gets to feel good, love that for him, Maul is totally aware of everything that is going on but you can ignore that if you want, lol.)
The scent of arousal hung hot in the evening air, permiating the space with burning desire. Your teasing had been relentless, giving him the show of a lifetime from across the room as you pleasured and tasted yourself in front of him, encouraging him to yearn for your mouth on every sweet inch of his throbbing cock that could hardly be contained by his fitted shorts, and yet Savage barely stirred from his position on the ground. He had voiced his desire for you, clearly so enthralled by your actions that despite the potential dangers from his rut, he was willing to hold back as much as he could if only to get a taste of you.
Everything he felt was reflected in his glowing golden eyes; his rage at himself, his carnal lust, his admiration for you, his love, his desperation to keep every primal urge within him suppressed to ensure your safety, and the fear that he wasn't disciplined enough to guarantee it. He was a beast after all, a manufactured monster bred to be nothing but brutal and unforgiving in the way he handled creatures of flesh. Only around you did he loathe this cruel reality forced upon him. The strength he was given seemed less like a gift from the witches of his home and more like the crutch it was proving to truly be, a preventative measure to keep him from loving another person. At any given moment he killed without a thought, mindlessly exterminating his foes at every turn in his quest to aid himself and his brother to fortune and power, and now he was here; unexpectedly in love with someone he never thought he could have these feelings for.
You knew his struggle and you admired him for how much his concern influenced his actions, however it was painful for you to witness him like this. He tried to conceal it, but you could sense the immense effort it took to keep him from ravaging you the way his burning blood pleaded him to. His resistance was more than enough to prove to you that Savage Opress was the man you desired more than anyone and anything. To go against his very nature in order to protect you was admirable, so very admirable and appreciated, but you believed that he had been through enough strain in his unfair and calloused life. You wanted to see him let go, to release all his inhibitions and allow himself the pleasure he more than deserved, even if you were to be hurt in the process. Hell, you would gladly die for him if it meant he would attain some semblance of genuine happiness.
He only had some idea of what you had planned for him, and he would soon discover that your inexperience wouldn't reflect in your performance. The pads of your bare feet sounded with little smacks against the solid floor as you stepped closer and closer towards him with an almost feline-like swagger, the mere yearning that radiated from your gleaming form on its own nearly being enough to send him over the edge. Any other man would be begging and pleading with all the desperation in the galaxy by now, but the zabrak was determined. Every ounce of his faith belonged to you and you alone.
Your hands met his broad, burning chest the moment your knees hit the ground before him. His breath hitched as your fingertips trailed across his collarbones and around the back of his neck, lightly stroking the base of the horn that protruded from the apex of his skull. The sensation must have surprised him, as his eyes fluttered back briefly before his staggard breaths resumed and his golden irises met yours. There was no need for words anymore. The moonlight bathed your sillouettes as you pulled yourself forward and captured his plump bottom lip between yours, relishing in its softness. Your hands were compelled to return to the warmth of his chest to feel the rapid beating of his two hearts in tandem with your own as the kiss deepened, releasing sighs and moans from the both of you between passionate smacks. 
He palmed the meat of your ass and the back of your thighs in his large hands and kneaded in between delightful spanks that had you yelping into his mouth, the sharpness of his claws grazing the plush skin there just before the point of puncturing, then he proceeded to lift you onto his lap with seemingly no effort as he pulled your hips tightly against his pelvis. A loud mewl escaped your throat, activated by the sudden sensation of his hard, impressive length pressing your most sensitive spot through your lace panties. The thin fabric of both of your underclothes were the only barrier preventing his cock from prodding at your entrance, and Maker, the enticement was simply divine. The kisses became hungrier and hungrier as instinct beckoned you to rock your hips, resulting in an indescribable bliss from sliding back and forth against him with the little tugs from the tight lace rubbing directly on your clit threatening to make you come undone if you didn’t pace yourself. This action combined with the stimulation you gave yourself before was becoming dangerously evident, as each movement left a stamp of warm wetness until the outline of Savage’s dick was completely soaked in your arousal.
You felt his cock twitch beneath you, knowing that he wanted nothing more than to have it buried inside to the hilt while he groaned and crushed his lips against your throat, biting just hard enough to leave tender marks across your skin. He was being as careful as he could, even in this moment. This man, oh, this man. He deserved the entire galaxy and more. Nothing was going to hold you back from giving him the most blissful sensation he had ever experienced, not now, not ever. You lifted your hips and reached your hand underneath the wet fabric to grip the width of his cock, which elicited a growl from deep within his chest that was unlike anything you had ever heard. He leaned back, propping himself onto his elbows as he removed his hands from you and clenched his fists. His eyes darted about rapidly before settling on your hand, the beast within becoming more difficult for him to contain. He moaned your name between bated breaths.
“Yes?” You purred softly, wrapping your hand almost completely around the base of his girth. You could barely touch the tip of your thumbnail to the tip of your longest digit. Oh my stars.
He writhed, your simplest touch shooting sparks of pleasure through him. He became more and more unhinged with every move you made, shouting curses when you reached lower to gently cup his massive balls. You massaged them with care, in awe by their sheer weight, unable to comprehend how he lived every moment of his life hauling such a sensitive package around. He pounded the sides of his fists into the ground, leaving significant condensed cracks in the stone. Your heart skipped, knowing that this teasing was likely becoming more like torture for him the longer he had to bear it. It was high time you got to business.
You hooked your fingers beneath the waistband of his shorts and pulled, slowly revealing more and more of his remarkable shaft until more effort was needed to tug the obnoxious article of clothing over the ridge of the head, the mere force of the action sending it springing with enough velocity that if you had been eye-level with it, it would have socked you in the face. Not that you would have minded, no, not one bit. Your eyes were comically wide, your gaze remaining unmoved even as you backed away and lowered yourself between his legs to marvel at the sight. Savage’s cock was nothing short of incredible, easily the length of your forearm and dripping with precum. Intimidating as it was, you were still determined. You carefully gripped the base of it again, feeling your face flush in anticipation for what was to come. Your soft lips met the tip and kissed away the dot of wetness there, beckoning a resounding moan from the zabrak that surely echoed throughout the entire palace.
Your name escaped his lips again, followed by another string of desperate curses. Music, such blissful music to your ears, and so encouraging. A dislocated jaw and stretched esophagus was going to be more than worth it. You looked up at him with half-lidded eyes and smiled.
“Mmm, you’re so good to me, Savage...” You moaned as you planted kisses all the way down to the base and back up again, eliciting more enticing sounds from him. “Let me do something good for you.”
He didn’t have much time to respond as you quickly wrapped your mouth around the head of his dick, careful to keep your teeth from grazing him. You flicked and swirled your tongue around it, savoring the delectible salty taste as the noise that erupted from him was likely to have been captured by the ears of every hearing organism in all of Sundari. You opened your jaw wider and wider with every bob of your head until there was no possible way of fitting more of him inside without bursting your pharynx. Ignoring the tears as they came, you maintained your rhythm until you salivated enough that it dripped all down his balls and thighs, using the lubrication to pump the base with both hands as you continued sucking him off. 
His breathing was ravenous and he gasped for air as though he were drowning in waves of pleasure, unable to form any semblance of coherent speech that wasn’t a filthy expletive or a long, dragged out whine. His hand moved to the base of your skull and become entangled in your tousled hair as you worked, although he didn’t pull you in further. He never felt the need to. You quickened the pace, and in hardly any time at all he was tightening his grip on your neck before he stilled and held you in place as your mouth was filled with hot cum; so much of it that you couldn’t breathe and needed to retract your head with a pop as he continued to release ropes of it all over your face. You shut your eye just in time. 
Savage, meanwhile, was in complete and utter ecstasy. The literal and figurative load he was burdened with was finally relieved for the moment and he allowed himself to relax entirely, but not for long. His undivided attention belonged to you, your ragged breathing in tandem once again.
“Are you alright?” He implored with genuine concern.
“Yeah,” you smiled as your cheeks flushed with embarassment, “Don’t look at me, I’m a mess.”
He gazed at you with a fondness stronger than ever before, marvelling at your delicate form in the shadow of the moonlight.
“A beautiful mess.”
Before you could retort, he stood up in all his glorious nakedness and carried you bridal-style to the bed, gently laying you down. 
“I’ll get you cleaned up.”
He left briefly for the refresher and returned with some damp rags, then carefully wiped your face. The smell of his cum was so unique and potent, you were sure that a rag wasn’t enough to eliminate it completely, not that you minded. You could have sworn that your skin was softer in the spots where it had been as well. 
“Thank you,” you whispered quietly, suddenly more meek now that the deed was done. Your heart was still racing and your face was still hot, which didn’t go unnoticed by the handsome zabrak that positioned himself over you as he started nibbling and planting kisses behind your ear while he whispered.
“How many times have you imagined doing that? Because that was...”
You moaned in delight, the sensation of his hot breath on your neck more tantalizing than you anticipated.
“More than I can count.”
He sighed into your ear, sending a chill of anticipation down your spine as he worked his hands under the straps of your bra, tugging away.
“I see. We might have that in common...”
The lace was torn from your body as though it was made from nothing at all, leaving your breasts bare to him for the first time. Savage made quick work of palming them in his warm hands, lightly grazing your hardened buds with his thumbs as he stifled your shriek with his lips. Your tongues darted out at the same time as he positioned his knee between your legs, offering his warm thigh for you to grind on to which you hastily obliged. Before long the sheets beneath you were mildly soaked, parts of it cooling down after being exposed to the air and surprising you when you writhed over it. You released a needy, drawn-out moan into Savage’s mouth.
“Oh, my priceless treasure...” he rasped against your skin, moving his lips down to envelop one of your buds, “Let me devour you. I won’t stop until you beg.”
True to his word, he flicked his hand under the sopping garment and ripped it off all in once swift movement, rendering you completely bare to him. A shiver coursed through you as he slid backwards and rested the palms of his hands along your hips, pushing up against the small of your back to coax your thighs apart. You watched as his golden eyes gleamed in the darkness, taking in the sight of his feast with a beastial hunger.
His hot mouth suffocated the nub just above your entrance as he sucked, flicked, savored and fucked your pulsing pussy with his face. You screamed, clutching the pillow above your head as he hit every nerve and fold with prescision. His tongue danced and darted inside, nearly sending you over the edge right then as you rode his chin, bucking your hips as the sensations grew stronger and stronger. You gripped his horns as your release crept closer and closer, unbothered by the fact that one was starting to draw blood along your thigh. You swore as your orgasm crashed over you like a maelstrom, but Savage didn’t cease his ministrations, causing you to shake from the overstimulation. You came harder and harder until you finally screamed “stop!” at the top of your lungs and he obeyed, moving up beside you to hold you tightly in his arms. You shivered and panted as though you had just been rescued from a frozen lake, though every inch of you was burning.
Savage pulled a blanket over the both of you as you eventually came down from your high and buried your face in his chest. He rubbed your back as you kissed his beautiful tattooed neck and sighed, elated.
“There’s no way what I did to you felt anywhere near as amazing as what you just did to me.”
“I disagree,” he retorted, pressing his erection against your thigh as he chuckled, “There’s your proof.”
You smiled against his skin, also feeling the heat return in the pit of your stomach. Sliding up to face him, you claimed his lips with yours and relished your taste again, the perverted action making you just as warm and wet as before. After pressing against his shoulders to get him to lay completely flat on his back, you continued your passionate kisses while you straddled him. The zabrak started to sit up as you guided his cock to your entrance, however you gently pushed him back down. 
“Remember when I said I’m the kind of prey that likes to be devoured?”
He hesitated with his reply, but ultimately submitted to your yearning.
“I know it for myself, now.”
You leaned over to plant a loving kiss against his lips, then raised your hips again. Your breath hitched as you both watched the tip of his cock gradually disappear inside, stretching your walls little by little. Savage helped you ease onto him by placing one hand under your thigh and one on your hip, allowing you to decide the pace with reassurance that he would ensure your comfort if it became too much. You felt him fill you completely as you eventually slid all the way down to the base of his shaft, now entirely sheathed within you. 
“Oh, fuck,” he rasped, overcome with the sensation of your tight cunt squeezing his cock into oblivion. 
It was unreal. The pain wasn’t terrible, and if anything, you rather liked it. You leaned back a little and supported yourself on both of his thighs as you slowly began riding him, immediately falling in love with the pleasure the ridges of his cock provided. With every stroke another point of ecstacy was discovered, sending ripples of gratification throughout the both of you. The room soon became filled with a symphony of sighs and moans, only increasing in volume and frequency as the pace quickened. Savage was amazed by how well you were taking his cock, however he wasn’t about to leave all the work to you. He carefully sat up and rolled you onto your back, taking control of the thrusts as he did so. Your pussy tightened even more from the sheer indescribable pleasure, involuntarily sending you both closer to release. 
“Where-” Savage began, but before he could finish you wrapped your legs even tighter around his torso and cupped his cheek, commanding his attention with your pleading eyes.
Another instance where no further words were needed. His unsure expression was rendered steady by your calming gaze, and he understood. If the family were to grow sooner rather than later, then neither of you would mind. He gripped your hips harder as he quickened the pace more rapidly, and you felt yourself violently come undone at relatively the same moment he did, the added sensation of his cum filling you sending plumes of pleasure that you never thought possible enveloping your entire body. Your walls convulsed, milking his cock for all he was worth as he collapsed on top of you. The only word he could muster was your name, which sounded divine as it breathlessly escaped his lips. 
You held him against you for a long while, stroking the spaces between his long horns while he rested.
“Feeling better?”
He glanced up at you with an inquisitive eye and smirked.
“For now.”
You placed a kiss on the top of his head and smiled against his skin.
“My services are available all day every day, so it would be a shame if that wasn’t taken advantage of.”
Savage groaned with delight and rose above you, blocking the cascading moonlight with his shadow.
“You promise?”
You lifted your hand up to his cheek and he held it there, placing a gentle kiss on your palm.
“I promise, if you promise not to hold back this time.”
You winked, and the zabrak purred against your chest.
“Believe me, I won’t.”
The stench was rancid, and there was seemingly no escape. The toxic fumes of Lotho Minor would be most welcomed if his only choice of air was between that and the absolute pungent smell of the mindless rutting occuring just a few rooms down from his. Normally, he’d allow his rage to fuel his ambition, to become the source of his drive for power, however...this was different. He sensed everything. There was no blocking it, no ignoring the excruciating way she moaned for him, how she writhed and cringed and unfolded beneath him as he pleasured her, no, it was all-encompassing. Every sigh was a painful reminder of everything he no longer had, what he could no longer provide. It beckoned those forbidden thoughts to emerge from confinement, those thoughts long buried, thoughts of how things might have been different...
Had Kenobi not taken everything from him, might she have chosen him instead? Would he have had the advantage over his brother if he could have promised the same things? Protection, pleasure, a family...
No. No, perhaps not. He wasn’t like his brother, and never was. Savage, too, was brought about by darkness, however he was a being still capable of love.
Maul was not.
This was simply the way of things, and he could not change it. He wouldn’t kill his brother. He wouldn’t even kill the woman he still yearned for.
Perhaps there were some chains that were impossible to break.
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nightbrothers · 4 months ago
Headcanon: Darth Maul reading Y/N’s thoughts imagining herself with him and Savage
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Maul didn’t usually pry into others’ minds without reason, but this time, curiosity got the better of him. While meditating in the quiet of their shared space, he reached out through the Force to sense Y/N’s thoughts, trying to understand her mood and emotions more clearly. What he didn’t expect was to stumble upon a vivid, private fantasy that left him momentarily speechless.
The images in her mind were intense, filled with the heat of desire as she imagined herself entangled with both him and Savage at the same time. He could almost feel her heartbeat quicken, her pulse racing as she thought of both brothers with her, their hands and bodies moving in unison. It was raw, passionate, and completely unexpected.
As the days passed, Maul’s behavior toward Y/N subtly changed. He became more intense in his interactions with her, his touch lingering longer, his voice dropping to a low, almost dangerous tone when they were alone. There was a possessive edge to his gestures, a dark promise in every brush of his fingers against her skin. He never mentioned Savage’s part in her thoughts, never confronted her directly. Instead, he took every opportunity to remind her who truly dominated her mind, who owned her desire.
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But then, one evening, when the quiet between them was thick and their eyes were locked in a charged silence, Maul couldn’t resist any longer. He leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear, and in a voice that was equally teasing and threatening, he whispered, “Tell me, Y/N… when you dream of us, do you really think Savage could satisfy you the way I do?”
Her shocked expression made his smirk grow ever so slightly, a rare flicker of amusement crossing his otherwise stoic face. He didn’t need to hear her answer; he could already sense the turmoil in her thoughts through the Force, the way her heartbeat faltered in response to his words. It was then that Maul realized something: he didn’t just want her to desire him—he wanted her to crave him more than anyone.
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From that moment on, whenever they were together, he made sure to be the center of her attention, doing everything he could to draw out her need for him alone. And every time her gaze flickered away, as if thinking of that forbidden fantasy once more, Maul’s grip on her waist would tighten, his eyes narrowing, reminding her who would always hold the upper hand in her thoughts and desires.
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wutroows · 5 years ago
always right here (darth maul x reader)
pairing: darth maul x reader request: Darth Maul and 138 please? Where he wakes up from a nightmare next to the reader. prompt: “Hey, you’re ok, that’s it. Breathe, hey, look at me, just keep your eyes on me.” requested by: anon a/n: it’s hinted here that the reader is a different species than a zabrak, but whether or not they’re a human is up to your interpretation. maul is legless here as at this point mother talzin has already given him his metal legs and he’s also as tall as he would be with those legs. just pretend savage never died. no pain allowed. lillie struggles with grammar also, completely unedited because i hate myself. maul taglist: @percywasunderrated, @brilliantbutbatty​
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how he’d ended up with a partner as beautiful and as kind as you, maul had no idea. 
he definitely didn’t pride himself on his looks, but with you, you never stopped telling him he was beautiful. you’d run your hands across his tattoos and press kisses to them whenever he was feeling down. you’d hold his face and look into the golden eyes of his you loved so much, and tell him everything you loved about him one by one. 
zabraks weren’t the most attractive species in the galaxy, littered in tattoos with a crown of horns around their head, coming in various different colors. to you, maul was the most beautiful man you’d ever met. you loved his horns, they were a reminder that it didn’t matter what species you fell in love with. his tattoos were perfect on his red skin, and you loved admiring the intricate designs he’d have all over his body. to you, maul was perfect. 
you’d taught him multiple lessons, as he’d done the same for you. you were a perfect match for him, savage had told you that quite often as he’d never seen his brother as happy as he was with you. 
which is why he was afraid to sleep.
not because he felt as if he were running out of time, but because whenever he did he’d dream of losing you. losing you to the treasonous jedi order who opposed him. you’d never made a stand on how you felt about his feelings towards the jedi, not wanting to get yourself involved on matters important to him, but the truth was is that you never really thought one side was better than the other. both sides of the force kept trying to eliminate each other from existence when the whole point was to stay balanced. for everyone to benefit, both sides of the force would need to exist in harmony. apparently, both sides continued to disagree with that. 
on nights like these, he would lay awake and not be able to take his eyes off of you. you’d been together for a while, and you’d been sharing a bed more frequently to spend more time with each other since maul was often busy during the day. by the time he would be home, you would already be asleep most nights. his golden eyes had never left your form. afraid to fall asleep, he’d softly trace patterns across your back to lull you back into sleep whenever a loud noise came from outside. you laid facing away from him, leaving him to just admire the back of your head but it’s not like he was complaining. he loved looking at any part of you. 
he turned to lay on his back, a part of him hoping that you’d roll over to face him. he pulled his eyes away from you and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. should he try to sleep? it’d been a while since he got a good nights rest. maul understood full well that what he dreamed of was just that, dreams that would probably never be real, but that didn’t prevent him from waking up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily whenever he would have a nightmare. 
you rolled over after a moment with a loud exhale. a smile was across your lips, and he turned his head to look at you again. he let himself take in all of your features, and he couldn’t help but wonder why you were smiling. you could’ve been having a good dream. he wished it was about him. your hair was splayed across the pillows and your hand gripped at the blanket he’d put over you as soon as he’d got home, (it’d been on the floor, presuming you’d kicked it off in your sleep). 
maul reached his hand out, holding onto your own that had been laying by your head. he moved it down, intertwining his fingers with yours. he raised the back of your hand to hips lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, closing his eyes and letting himself finally drift off into sleep. 
you woke up not too long after maul fell asleep. 
feeling a little dehydrated, you made your way to the closest kitchen and got yourself a glass of water, and walked back to the room you’d shared with your boyfriend. you took a sip, and quietly shut the door behind you. you were well aware maul hardly ever got any sleep, so you wanted to be as silent as possible while maneuvering your way around the room. 
he looked beautiful like this. he looked beautiful every day, but now, his eyes were closed and his face was relaxed. you hardly ever saw maul without a scowl on his face while he was awake, but since he was asleep he let go of every feeling he would have when he was awake. you ran your thumb across his cheek, gently kissing his forehead as best as you could without bumping your head against his horns that you loved more than he knew. with one last look at the beautiful zabrak you called yours, you turned to the bedside table and opened a drawer you’d kept a few books in especially for nights like these.
the book you were reading wasn’t particularly interesting, but you’d read it more than a couple of times so that would be understandable. you didn’t really have anything else to do while maul was sleeping, as he was usually the source of your entertainment throughout the day, whether it be his training or when he’d roll his eyes at your dumb jokes you knew he secretly found funny. 
a small groan came from where he laid next to you. the tone of it was soft, not one you’d usually hear before he would wake up from a nightmare but you didn’t want to sleep just in case he’d have one. a lot of nights, he’d wake you up without realizing it. 
an hour passed. you looked over towards maul a few times before finally giving up to turn and lay on your side. you stared down at him and the only thing you wanted to do was scoop him up into your arms and press kisses across every single part of him. you were well aware he was missing his bottom half, but you couldn’t care less. you didn’t fall in love with his body, you fell in love with him. his personality. his kindness he refused to share with anyone else but you and occasionally savage, the yellow zabrak he’d called his brother. a smile managed to form across your lips without realizing it, and you’d run your fingertips across the exposed tattoos across his arms. if it were anyone else, he’d turn around and punch them as hard as he could, but not for you. 
maul was truly something else. he was caring, as much as he didn’t want to admit it. the sith were all about anger and power and maul was so much more than the sith his master wanted him to be. he was talented with a lightsaber, quick on his feet and excellent in battle, but he was also a man who’d put his allies before himself. he was someone who would put his life on the line for those he loved. that was part of why you’d fell in love with him. 
he tenses under your fingers and you’re pulled out of your daydream. he rolls around a bit, his breathing becoming increasingly more panicked. your hand gently finds his own, shaking him awake before he could become even more scared of whatever was terrifying him in his dream. his golden eyes snap open and he looks around the room, paranoid. his eyes are wide and he’s clearly afraid, he sits up, not even feeling your presence next to him or the feeling of your hand in his. “y/n?” he calls out for you, the tone of his voice sounded more afraid than you’d ever heard him be. “maul. i’m here, it’s okay.” you tell him and he finally turns to look at you. 
maul’s arms wrap around your shoulders and he buries his face into your neck. you ignore the pain of his horns digging into your skin and instead your hands grab hold onto the fabric of his sleepwear. “honey, what’s wrong?” he pulls away from you, his hands reaching up to cup your cheeks. “you’re okay? you’re real?” you nod, sitting your hand on top of his as softly as you could. 
“lie down, maul. okay? lie down, i’m right here.” 
he still has trouble breathing, but he follows your commands with no complaints. “hey, you’re ok, that’s it. breathe, hey, look at me, just keep your eyes on me.” you say, looking directly into the yellow eyes you found yourself falling in love with more every day. he nods again, his hands gripping onto your shirt that had barely been keeping you warm. “i’m right here, and i’m not going anywhere.” 
“i promise you, i’m always right here.”
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subbing-for-clones · 4 years ago
Creators: okay if we give these villans horns and scary paint... they won't wanna be inappropriate.
Fans: I literally want to impale my thighs on those horns so I stay on that face forever.
Creators: b..but why
Fans: *yeets into fantasy*
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aberionart · 5 years ago
Hi there, beautiful flowers! ❤️
The thing is — I am no writer (in my native, maybe, but definitely not in English), but I do have some ideas I believe may be transformed into something magnificent by capable hands! ✨ All of them are based on Star Wars universe. Here is the list:
FIC SCENARIOS (or headcanons)
Reader is a Jedi Commander and Padawan lerner befriending troopers and respecting their personalities. They suffer deeply when their soldiers are wounded or — worse — gone.
Possible Part 2: Reader is a Jedi General deeply attached to their troopers and keeping record of every fallen soldier under their command in a tiny journal. Also some ideas for troopers' names (you may or may not use them!): Captain Edge, Trooper Ash, Trooper Duty, Trooper Sic.
Reader is a mechanic specialist among Death Watch ranks who designed cybernetic limbs for Maul and Savage during their stay (possible romantic interaction?). Already available here, but you still can use it if you like it! ❤️
Reader is Mandalorian servant at Sundari palace during Maul's reign. They're deaf and communicate using sign language only (possible fluff?).
Reader is an artist completely lost to the world of art and gaining inspiration from their s/o (basically any SW Character x Reader, but I'd really love to see Darth Maul x Reader here).
Reader possesses an ability to interpret body signs/language and actively uses it to discern the truth as well as embarrass their s/o from time to time (any SW Character x Reader).
Reader experiences anterograde amnesia — a type of memory loss that affects their ability to make, store, and retrieve memories that were formed after the onset of amnesia (any SW Character x Reader, but Maul or Savage would be highly appreciated ❤️).
Huge one: Reader is a female iridonian zabrak being caught/kidnapped/sold and delivered to the black market on pirate ship with some of her people. However, the ship fell under attack and Reader was forced to escape with two pirates. Unfortunately, their pod malfunctioned and crashed on Dathomir (near zabraki village) with Reader being the only survivor. Night Brothers found her and decided to keep with them (like why not?). This might take place after Maul was taken by Sidious; I imagine Reader to be around 5-6 and becoming a sibling + precious lil sis to Savage and Feral who are 7, but everything is changeable ❤️
HEADCANONS (or fics)
NSFW Alphabet with Feral (PLEASE).
Female!Reader dealing with her periods and poor zabraki boys (Maul, Savage & Feral) considering they have zero knowledge about this particular aspect.
Reader got inspired by zabraki boys' tattoos and intends to get one possibly reflecting their s/o's.
Anyone can come and get one of these, or all of them, but make sure to tag me afterwards 😂❤️
(this list may be updated, also I'd most likely mention here all the works that will be born based on this huge request zone of some sort 😂)
Last edit 04.08.20
They might be waiting for you! ✨
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justalittletomato · 4 years ago
Cold (Darth Maul x Reader)
a/n: winter is great for some and for Zabraks well it's just plain awful, even for well trained Zabraks. 
Takes place after Lingering Night
Winter still existed on desolate planets like Mandalore, it’s cold leaching into the halls and walls. Her breath came in plumes of air that dissipated into the air, she loved seeing it go. Her companions on the other hand were less than displeased with the weather.  They ran hot and this unforgiving temperature was taking its toll, while Y/N just exchanged her gowns for cloaks and thermal leggings, the brothers would try to face the elements with complaint , more so than usual.
Out of pity she finished wrapping another scarf around Savage’s neck burying him behind wool up to his nose, “ I feel there’s an easier solution to this. I left you some garbs for the winter, as I did with your brother who keeps refusing to wear them as well. ”
She was slightly peeved at this. “ Speaking of which where is he?”
 “Training, outside, in the cold.”
Y/N pressed a palm to her forehead, “Today's weather is worse than yesterday and yet its nonstop with him. But before I go”
She pushed at an ornate wall behind the table they had occupied, Savage watched as a hearth revealed itself, “You knew that was there.” he stared at her then the hearth.
“Yes” she began to set it up to turn on, pulling up the metal gate to prevent flames from escaping.
“Yet you put 3 scarves around my neck,” the young woman finished up, enjoying the quick lick of heat from the fire as it burst to life, “That I did and you look adorable, alright I’m going to get him inside before he freezes.” The older Zabrak rolled his eyes and sat in front of the flame displeased her antics.
The Sundari palace had some open courtyards, y/n found him in the one with the most sun, it was still bitterly cold. Maul was sitting cross legs and meditating, he seemed serene for once, his tunic tucked neatly on the stone floor, she inwardly winced, that could not be going well. Y/N stepped closer trying her best not to make herself noticed. “ I know you’re there.”  one golden eye opened up, to confirm with her.  Y/N carefully sat cross legged beside him only to yelp at the cold stone under her legs.
“ Don’t hurt yourself Starlight, it’s just stone.”
Y/N grumbled and stood back up,  “No mean to offend, darling, but I don’t have metal legs as a buffer.” he laughed at her expense. Each laugh letting out a plume of warm air in the chill of the courtyard. It was a rare sound, she could add this to the count on her hand.
“ You should really head back inside, “ she reached out to touch his shoulder, the skin freezing. “Kriff,  how can you stand it?”
“I used  to have trainings like this as a child, this is nothing.” He couldn’t see that her smile had turned into a frown at that.
“ Maul, you don’t have to do this. Come in side with me. you have to see what i did to Savage . “ she tried to sway him with that.
He shook his head, “I told you it's fine, please don’t be concerned,”  She was going to argue with him, her hand pressed from his shoulder to his chest, still as cold and getting more so. “ You say that yet I’m quite sure your heart beats have slightly slowed and my hand is quite literally burning from touching you,” she opened up her palm to him, the skin indeed red from the cold from his skin.  Maul furrowed his brow, “You’re not going to leave are you?”
Y/N shook her head,  “I’m afraid not,” she informed him.
“You’re too concerned,”  It was a bit annoying but comforting that she fretted over him so.
“ Would you rather I leave you be? “ then again she had the habit of getting her way with him.
“Alone?” He wanted to know,  she gave a nod, “ I rather not freeze, I wasn’t trained for it, “ she patted his shoulder, “There’s no point staying outside alone, keep me company?”
He stood up and walked back with her, their hands linked even as Y/N winced every now and again from the cold.
“Are you positive you are alright? “ the couple sat in front of the hearth , she had one blanket wrapped around his shoulders, but he was  shaking now.
He was also slightly sluggish,  moving slowly and with his eyes slightly dazed.  Y/N pressed a hand to his forehead, “ you’re like ice still,”
He leaned against her hand, “ I’m fine,”
She shook her head, “ You’re sick,”
Savage looked over at the two from his bundle of blankets, his speech slightly muffled “ Has he not gotten better?”
The young woman pulled Maul closer to her, “ I’m afraid not, “  Of course he would get sick from his stubbornness.
Savage sighed and shuffled closer to them pulling along blankets, “He’s overdone it again, hold him close, and here” he started to wrap the couple in blankets, before Y/N could argue, three layers of blankets were around them. The two bundled up tightly with Savage chuckling, “There, i have returned the favor.”
Y/N glared at the older brother, while Maul merely nuzzled against her neck, “ Again, I’m fine. Just going to meditate for longer, don’t interrupt.” he was still cold but his heart rate was finally raising ever so slightly, this would take some time.
She watched as Savage merely rechecked the blankets, satisfied with how tightly bundled they were  he got up to leave.
Y/N squirmed a bit “Savage I can’t get out?”
“I know. “ he looked at the two, “ you have the first watch, I’ll be back in a few hours.”  
she gaped, “You can’’t just leave us like this.”
As much as she loved Maul, this was a bit ridiculous, but Savage was already gone, leaving her bundled up with a slowly warming Zabrak curled in her arms, and no way of escaping the tightly wrapped blankets. She sighed and kissed Maul’s forehead, “ at least you’re quite right now.”
Maul hummed in his half feverish state, “ no interrupting.” he fell back to sleep against her while Y/N sighed and watched the fire burn up.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 months ago
Blood Moon
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Short story # 27
Gif NOT mine.
Summary - It's that time of the month, and the first time you've gone through it while around Maul. His instincts take over, and a whole new side of him is revealed to you.
Rating - SFW (believe it or not it's pure fluff)
Reading time (roughly) - 5 minutes
Year posted - 2025
Talk of periods of course, and Maul being both OOC and downright weird. 🫶 Enjoy.
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It had come to soon, nearly a week early in fact. Normally (Y/n) was prepared for it, and made sure to avoid Maul during this time. She'd heard stories about how these things can sometimes effect different species. And while she didn't know how he would react, she figured it would be best to avoid the Sith. However this time, she wasn't prepared, this time the cramps hurt bad enough to distract her from the fact that Maul was near. Groggily she trudged into the kitchen, hoping to get a nice cup of tea, and a snack to sate her growing appetite. Really she should have expected this to happen sooner or later, after all there was no way she could keep this hidden from Maul forever.
The instant she walked into the kitchen, she was cornered by Maul. The Zabrak could sense something was off about (Y/n). Instinctively he started sniffing at her, his black and crimson nose burying against her neck first. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) giggled softly, his nose tickling her skin as he trailed his nose down to her collarbones. He didn't respond, or even react as if he'd heard her. Instead he continued to sniff at her, trying to find the source of whatever had caught his attention. He knelt down as he trailed down her stomach, his nose burying harshly against her lower abdomen, where he continued to sniff deeply. (Y/n) was frozen in place, unable to form a single thought. Suddenly he dipped lower and sniffed deeply. (Y/n)'s hands shook with anxiety when he moved again, this time his nose pushed against her clothed sex. He inhaled deeply, his glowing eyes fluttering closed.
(Y/n) squeaked and jumped back, feeling extremely anxious now. "What are you doing!?" She hissed at him, her heart hamming in her chest. His eyes peeled open, as his hands moved to hold (Y/n)'s waist, leaving her at an arms length. "You're bleeding." Maul stated in a calm tone, his voice somehow deeper than normal. "Wha-? Y-yeah it's... Normal... I'm okay." She stammered in embarrassment, unsure if the Zabrak was familiar with periods. A growl rumbled in his chest and he suddenly rose to his feet, again making (Y/n) shudder with anxiety. "What are you-?" Maul cut her off and swiftly tossed her onto his shoulder. The sudden pressure on her abdomen made her cry out in pain. And in an instant the Zabrak hand pulled her off of his shoulder, and cradled her in his arms. "Forgive me little one." He said in a soft tone, walking out of the kitchen with large strides. (Y/n) couldn't form a single thought, unsure of what the Sith had in store for her.
Now inside his personal chambers, Maul sat (Y/n) down gently on the lounge against the far wall. "Stay." He grumbled before moving to his bed. Meticulously he began bunching up the blankets and pillows, then he moved to his wardrobe and pulled out all of his robes, which he dumped onto his bed. Adjusting and fluffing them until he was satisfied with what he'd made. (Y/n) watched him with curiosity, wondering why he appeared to be building a nest of sorts on his bed. Her eyes wide with curiosity and anxiety, she watched as Maul crossed the room once more. Wordlessly he scooped her into his arms, and carried her to his bed. Gently he laid her down in the center of the nest, his scent enveloping her and bringing her a sense of comfort. "Stay here, rest." Maul murmured as he nuzzled his nose into her hair, kissing her crown before leaving her to rest in his nest.
Maul left her without any explanation, and while she had been anxious, she found herself relaxing. He hadn't done anything to her, except offer her a comforting place to relax. A short while later Maul returned, bringing with him a soothing root tea, and a warm bowl of stew with fresh bread. "Eat." He instructed, spoon feeding her, as he sat beside her on the edge of his nest. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked after she swallowed her bite. "Helping you." He said before holding the bread out to her. She took a bite, humming at the taste. "I mean I get that, but why?" She asked before sipping the tea he offered her. "Is that not what a mate is supposed to do?" He asked casually as he continued to feed her. (Y/n) was stunned suddenly. Sure they were close, and sometimes shared rather intimate moments. But she never suspected that Maul saw her as a mate. "I-I suppose." She murmured, a warm feeling blooming in her chest. "Are you not satisfied?" Maul asked with an intense look in his eyes.
"N-no no of course I'm satisfied, this is really nice actually. I'm just surprised is all." She admitted with s small chuckle. "Why are you surprised?" Maul asked. "I just... I didn't realize that you saw me as your mate." (Y/n) felt herself blush, loving that Maul felt deeply enough for her to consider her a mate. Maul hummed in his throat. "Well now you know. You're mine." He smiled at her, his sharp teeth on display. (Y/n) mirrored his smile, feeling euphoric and fuzzy. "And I am yours." He added before moving to nuzzle his nose against her cheek. "Yes." (Y/n) hummed, forgetting about her cramping abdomen. Maul purred at her words, setting aside the now empty bowl, he joined her in the nest. Wordlessly he pulled her into his hold, the warmth of his body soothing. Still he continued to purr, his large hands rubbing soothingly along the length of her back. If (Y/n) had known that being around Maul during her period would result in this, she would have done so months ago. Having been pining for the Zabrak since they first met. "Rest now my mate, I will still be here when you wake." Maul said in a soft tone, making (Y/n) hum in content, as her eyes lulled closed.
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I was a bit distracted while writing this so I apologize if it sucks... 😅
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nightbrothers · 6 months ago
*Maul and Y/N arriving for the thousandth time completely exhausted at the Crimson Dawn meeting*
Savage: What were you two doing all night to end up like this? 🤔
*Maul and Y/N just look at each other, holding back laughter, remembering the intense night of love they had* 😏
Savage: Forget it, I don’t want to know. It was a rhetorical question.
Feral, all innocent: Actually! I heard a lot of banging and shouting 🤔
Y/N: We were practicing for our new metal band.
Feral: That’s awesome! Can I join? 🥺 Please say yes, brother!
Maul: ...
Savage: 🤦‍♂️
Y/N: 😬
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a-dorin · 5 years ago
a king and his queen
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pairing: maul x female!reader 
word count: 568
warnings: cursing, a threat is tossed around, allusions to sex 
a/n: hellooooo! i feel like it’s been too long since i’ve written for my favorite nightbrothers! but i hope you guys like this one, as i love my two zabraki bbs! also, i love you too anon! enjoy :))
prompt: “I’d like to request Maul showing the reader off to death watch and introducing her as his mate, also Savage acting almost as a body guard for her. Thank you! I love you!”
“and you expect me to listen to her?” bo katan snorted, her fiery ginger hair bobbing as she rolled her eyes, “pre, this is ridiculous.”
“i am afraid that we have no choice,” pre muttered, his gaze flickering to a pair of zabraki, “maul is the ruler of mandalore. we must treat his mate with the same respect.”
“do we have an issue?” a crimson zabrak rumbled, his head cocked, “i will not hesitate to eliminate those we oppose me.”
“i can handle it brother,” a golden zabrak growled, his hand hovering over the gleaming hilt of a saber. 
“he does not need to intervene, maul,” pre vizsla lowered his head, “my comrade here is acting out of line.”
“that does not surprise me,” maul lifted a hand, “savage, there is no need to step in. our little friend here just needs to watch her mouth.”
bo katan huffed, folding her arms across her chest. there was a beat of silence in the vast throne room, the mosaic tiles of duchess satine kryze glittering in the beams of sunlight as it cascaded through the viewports. the air of the space was cold, crackling with tension as members of the death watch milled about, shrouding around the throne. 
maul remained perched in the throne, one knee resting against his chest, a figure resting on the other, curled against him, the elegant black satin gown sweeping against the floor. his brother, savage opress stood poised, eager to spring forward when given the orders. the hilt of a double-bladed saber shone, sparking fear into the hearts of those who faced the throne. 
clearing your throat, you piped up, “miss katan, i am afraid that i have a name.”
a purr vibrated against your shoulder, bubbling up in maul’s chest as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, your eyes hardened into a stony glare, prompting bo to retaliate. 
“i know your name,” bo sneered, “it’s (y/n).”
“how delightful,” maul’s lips curled into a devious smirk, “it pleases me that my obedient servants are learning quickly.”
“are we done here, maul?” pre vizsla coughed, shifting in place. 
“are we?” maul echoed, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple, “i grant you permission to exit the throne room. there are no matters that require further discussion. unless, any of you have queries about my mate?”
not a single word was uttered, the members glancing around uneasily, swallowing lumps in their throats. a gloved hand slithered onto your thigh, squeezing the flesh. 
“very well,” maul tutted, “leave. all of you.”
“even me?” savage inquired, his voice wavering with apprehension. 
maul drew in a sharp breath, “yes, savage. even you.”
“does (y/n) need any of my protection?”
“no,” maul responded coolly, “you may retreat to your quarters.”
“well,” a giggle flowed from your lips, “that was--”
“they will grow used to your presence,” the hand inched upwards, “and if a single soul gives you trouble, i will handle it swiftly. besides, savage will be by your side at all times.”
“that’s quite relieving,” the words crescendo into a gasp as his thumb grazed your clit. 
a satisfied purr erupted from the zabrak’s lips, his incisors flashing, poking against his lower lip. 
“now, as the rightful rulers of mandalore, i feel that we should take advantage of our throne, hmm? after all, my queen needs her king to fulfill any and all of her desires.”
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