#matthew bindup
edwinspaynes · 1 year
"[Matthew's] hair had grown long since the winter, almost touching his collar. He had been training hard and no longer looked too thin."
- Chain of Thorns
I am obsessed with long-haired Matthew and really hope he grows it out to be shoulder-length during his travels. Imagine the power of Matthew with a luscious mane. He could experiment with so many hairstyles!
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belle-keys · 2 years
we still don't know why the carstairs owe the herondales...
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 10 months
Book recs: DC-specific
If I'm going to make official book recs specific to good dads and found family and all the things we love about BatFam, it makes sense to first start with actual DC things. I've talked about these books before, but here's another look at books I own and enjoy.
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Anatomy of a Metahuman
This is a collection of scientific notations and hypotheses written by Bruce Wayne about various metahumans in his world, from Superman to Bane. It's intriguing, as grounded in real-world science as a thing like this can be, clever in its references to comic canon (which, in-text, is just "real life" for Bruce), and nails Bruce's voice.
I would not be surprised but would be delighted to learn that S.D. Perry and/or Matthew K. Manning wrote fic, because they get our boy's interiority so well.
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The DC Book of Lists
This is maybe the least voicey of all the books on this list because there is not a narrative and therefore there is no point of view. This is the Guinness Book of World Records for comic geeks. It is an exhaustive compiling of DC across universes and story arcs and refresh after refresh. It makes me worry for the author's sanity, but in a mildly approving way.
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My Buddy, Killer Croc
This book has my entire heart. It is a graphic novel for tweens about a Gothamite child who adores Killer Croc. Absolutely 100% hero worship of both Waylon James the wrestler and Killer Croc the rogue. Batman and Bruce Wayne both make appearances that are wonderful and in line with what I love about him/them, and Killer Croc is still a villain. He still causes harm, but he's also given depth and it's a thrill to experience him through the eyes of the one person in Gotham who stans him.
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Wayne Family Adventures
Obviously I love the bindups of the Webtoon comic series. Books one and two are out now (November 2023) and books three and four are on their way. If you are somehow unfamiliar with the series, WFA shows the daily life shenanigans in the DC universe, largely centered on the Manor and Gotham but sometimes branching further afield. All your faves make an appearance and so many of the storylines feel so freshly plucked from fanfic tropes that I feel Seen.
There are other books out there that I want to try or that I have tried and don't feel strongly enough about to recommend, but if you enjoy the kinds of fanfic I also like and want to try DC-approved published works with those same vibes, start with these.
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matthew-bindup · 1 year
14 June 2023: Matthew Fairchild novella bindup was not officially announced today.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Another thing about Matthew bindup novella is that it could also explain why we never get Matthew's point of view!
Also imagine him in the 21st century seeing Jace's eyesand redhead feisty girl and being reminded of James!😭🥺
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bemtevis · 3 years
have you seen the matthew novella bindup theories? do you think there's any validity to them? curious to hear from someone who doesn't stan him
I haven't seen any posts about it (I have the Matthew tag blocked) but I'm pretty sure the novella will be about him. GOTSM style, maybe?
There's a lot of foreshadowhing to him becoming a vampire and both GOTSM and TBC follow an immortal character, so it would make sense if it was about him.
If CC does write it, I just hope she properly researches addiction recovery, you know? I hate Matthew but he deserves a healing arc as much as everyone else, and I'm scared that CC will make the vampirism cure his alcoholism.
I haven't heard any other theories but you can send another ask if you want to know my opinion about a specific one, Idk
Ty for the ask :D
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edwinspaynes · 2 years
My biggest desire is for Matthew to just get a wonderful but balls-to-the-walls insane love interest. Like, I want him to make himself better so he can thrive, but I want them to make him worse in all the best possible ways so he can thrive even more. The only thing that could make a Matthew bindup even better than its inherent greatness is if Matthew became half of the most chaotic fucking duo known to man.
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
Shoutout to Cassandra Clare for writing a spinoff about Matthew Fairchild in the future. Literally my favourite thing ever to happen. She doesn't walk all over his peace of mind. She lets him bejeweled. He makes the whole place ✨️shimmer.✨️
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
"No obvious romantic interest" has reverted me back to thinking that Matthew's girlfriend is Esme Hardcastle. I have thought this for years, and only recently changed my tune and decided it's a new character. But nope, I'm squarely back to thinking it's Esme.
After all, why else would we have this little Easter egg? We know how much Cassie likes foreshadowing, especially when it comes to romance:
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If my 8-year-long theory is correct, I'll be very happy. Not just for my pride but also for Matthew. I think their chaotic energies would bounce off each other incredibly well.
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
All right, you asked me a question and now I have one for you, in a very similar vein: where do you see Matthew Fairchild post-canon? What are your hopes for him? If you were the writer, what would you do?
Sorry this took me a couple of days to respond to! I'm here(ish) now.
I actually am extremely happy with the direction Matthew's story has taken in the canon thus far. Even if I was dissatisfied with some other arcs/writing choices (see: Grace's, Christopher's, Cordelia's in many ways), Matthew's storyline was handled in a sensitive, realistic, and character-driven way that I loved. And, of course, I'm excited to see him going forward. I think that Cassie is going to continue to do an amazing job with his story because she has not dropped the ball on him yet.
This is probably a cop-out, and I'll give more of an answer in a minute, but I just want Matthew to be happy and healthy. That's my only real hope for him in the future. Think that song My Wish : "My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to / your dreams stay big / your worries stay small", yadda yadda. But that's my real answer. I just want a happy Matthew and don't care what form that takes. I am going to therefore be unequivocally satisfied with any story direction in his bindup since Cassie already basically said at a signing that he would get a happy ending.
But if I were Cassie, here's what I would do.
I'm excited that Matthew has chosen to travel, because it's something that's also important to me. It's yet another way that Matthew's values and life goals mirror mine. I think that travel is freedom, and I am happy that Matthew is going to experience that freedom.
I think that in the bindup, I would take him to visit a ton of places all across the world. I don't want him to confine himself to Europe. I'd like to see him in South America, Asia, Africa - everywhere! I think this seems likely to happen, and am glad of it.
However, within the confines of "Matthew gets a partner abroad," I would like to see him not being with said partner 100% of the time. A big part of Matthew's travel should be finding himself. I'd like something where he travels alone most of the time, sees his love interest like once a month or so, and spends a couple of days with them. This would be the short story we see, and they would split up again until the next month, which would be the next story. This would give him ample time for solo travel, meeting interesting people, and taking the reins on his own adventure.
In my ideal world in canon, I probably would not have him meet his partner while traveling. I think he should meet someone in about 5 years, so he can get a grip on his newfound sobriety and freedom. Just, like from a realistic perspective. I think this would be the best thing for him in a realistic scenario.
HOWEVER, I am all for him getting a love interest now since it's something I'm really excited to see in the bindup. As a reader, I'm 1000% here for Matthew's adventure romance whirlwind. And I know that it will be totally fine in Cassie-Clare-Bookland, even if it's not what I think would be best for Matthew in a real life case.
For Matthew's love interest, I actually actively want him to end up with a woman. It's important to me as a bisexual to see a bi person wind up with someone of a different gender for once, and unlike a lot of people, I really trust Cassie to deliver with it. She hasn't disappointed me regarding Matthew before, and I don't see why she'd start now. I also would like to see an absolutely chaotic scapegrace of a girl who rejects Edwardian social conventions and embraces the bohemian lifestyle alongside Matthew.
Regardless of love interest gender, I want the person to be kind of a batshit bonkerballs sort that matches Matthew's chaotic energy. I want them to be comfortable in their freedom and their chaos; I want them to have scandalous fun together. I think Matthew needs someone who loves and embraces the crazier sides of himself, the mercurial moods, the fact that "feelings flow from him like blood from a cut." The fact that he's a little impulsive. This is what I deeply want for Matthew, and it's another reason that I'm chill with the idea of him meeting someone on his travels. It'll be another adventurer.
In my ideal world, Matthew would not have children. This is wish fulfillment because I am childfree. But I know he is going to have them and be Clary's ancestor. Though I'm not enthralled about that, I still don't think it will be harmful to his character. I think that he and the love interest will continue to be unabashedly themselves and raise their kids in a rabble-rousing bohemian way. But, if I'm taking creative license, I ain't giving him kids. I'm making one of the twins Clary's ancestor. I don't give a fuck about bloodlines, sorry.
I actually do have a controversial take regarding Matthew. If I were given full creative license over the character, I would give him a lot of distance from James and Cordelia. I hope that he goes no-contact with Cordelia while traveling so that he has time to heal from her and get over her, and I hope that he keeps his communication with James to periodic letters. I know he'll be close with them in the future, which is fine.
But if it were up to me, he wouldn't be. He'd still talk to them, be James's parabatai, but the emotional proximity would decrease.
I always viewed TMT very much as James/Matthew + Thomas/Christopher, but I'd want to bend the shape of this. I think James should become closer with Jesse, and Matthew should become closer with Thomas and Alastair. Not just because I like Thomastair better than others, but because I think that James and Matthew have so much hurt between them. And because, I cannot stress this enough, Matthew needs distance from Cordelia.
I think that Thomas's disposition complements Matthew's well, and I think that he could provide him and the chaotic love interest with a calming presence. I also think that Matthew and Alastair should become really, really close because they can understand each other in ways that other people cannot. Adding Grace to this BFF mix would also make me really happy, though I understand that it's unlikely.
That's where I currently am!
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
I really hope we see some of Catarina in the Matthew bindup tbh. Their potential dynamic has intrigued me since the short stories since Catarina spoke of him so fondly. It'd be nice to see even if it's just for a scene or two.
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
ngl the matthew bindup feels like some grand mythical beast right now. the panacea to all of my sadness, the cure-all to my despair. it feels so impossible to me that she'll announce it soon that i just can't believe it. i honestly will probably make it into some legend by the time that it comes out and then when it's in my hands i'll spontaneously combust
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
I really want Matthew's love interest to be from another part of the world so we can have a major character who hails from a non-European country. Like we already have awesome characters of colour but they either hail from Devon (Alastair and Cordelia) or have 0 cultural exploration whatsoever (Jem). It'd be cool for Matthew to end up with someone from idk South Africa or Egypt or something
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
"Some secret projects that will soon not be secret"
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