#matilda tpn
ctrl58 · 1 month
bit of matilda fanart from @sleepyhouzuki ‘s fic!
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from chapter 8, when she’s meeting Smee for the first time :3
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graphx · 3 months
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I'm not smart enough to put this into words I'll just be babbling like a raccoon with rabies in the corner
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mea-no · 3 months
I had..this insane thought. What if, one of the sisters in suits?!
Omgg crazyyy ahahaha ( imagine though.. )
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emmaspolaroid · 7 months
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something something to keep their little heads from falling in the snow
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I have had a weird idea. A AU where the demon god, during the moment where everyone travel to the humans world, speak with both Norman and Ray to ask them if they want to share Emma's payment. Of course they say "yes". They didn't even ask what is the payment. They will share it, they will not let her pay alone.
The price? All three are de-aged to their 6 years old self. And send in different forbidden zones of the world, but with their respective mother and sibling if they have one.
Emma (now 6) falls in the same location that in canon, with Sienna and Carol (3). She has lost all her memories. Sienna has had a vision of the demon god telling her to enjoy this new chance. Or something like that. She is hesitant to call the others because she is afraid that her daugthers be taken of her. She needs a lot of time to heal, to learn to know her daugthers and to turst other humans. They'll be the last to be found.
Norman (now 6) falls with Mathilda and Rossi (7) in a opposite forbidden zone of the one where Emma is. Mathilda has had the vision of the demon god too and wants to enjoy this chance. She has thought that Norman was dead so much times. She thinks that nobody will want to leave her her kids. Rossi, who is kinda smart, realizes her fear and speaks with her about telling the truth to the rest of the Grace Field kids. He doesn't tell them by himself (zeven if he could) because he wants her to trust them. He sees how much she is hurt and can't trust perople. Norman doesn't remember anything but has very realistic dreams. Some are innocent (like one where he dreams about being very sick and having two friends triying to speak with him), but when he'll be 11 again, he'll have nightmares about Conny's death body and Lambda. They'll be probably found after Ray and Isabella.
Ray (now 6) ends with Isabella (who has survived but is severely hurt) in another forbidden zone, away of the others. They are in a zone where they have access to medical help. Ray remembers his 6 first years but not below for now. His last memory is the deal with Isabella (because of course it has to be THAT memory) but he's very lost. A lot of humans? Adult humans? Adult men? Where are Norman and Emma? He's a ball of anxiety, he's stressed and listen Isabella because survival instinct. People make genetic tests to be sure that they are related and so, they are left together. They speak a lot as soon that Isabella can have a long discussion. There are a lot of turst issues from Ray but he's six, and a part of him trully wanted to be loved, trully wanted Isabella to sayè that she doesn't want him to die. Ray will remember while growing up but only the most important things. It means that, when he'll reach the night between 11 and 12 again, you can guess what he will remember. They'll probably the first who will be found by the grace field children.
Of course they say "yes". They didn't even ask what is the payment. They will share it, they will not let her pay alone.
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They are so good 🖤🧡🤍
Also Emma & Carol and Norman & Rossi biosibs truther.
Interesting to think about Matilda and Rossi interacting since he's aware of the farm system and has a vague idea of what Matilda went through having him, so even with being given a new chance, she's never truly able to pretend for a while like Sienna might be able to.
I'm assuming this plays a part in why Isabella and Ray are found by the other Grace Field children first though. Despite having two people who are fully cognizant of their situation, Rossi might feel guilty pushing for them to go out and find the means to contact the others with the same amount of fervor the kids have looking for Emma in canon.
I hesitate to call Matilda selfish without knowing exactly how much time it takes for them to be found, but since it appears Scribbles didn't make any stipulations about the mothers needing to raise the trio in isolation from the rest of their family, it is an interesting throughline to explore, weighing wanting to maintain the facade of a single mother raising two sons who wasn't the victim of systemic generational abuse and exploitation and the damage that did to her mind, body, and spirit, against her youngest-turned-oldest son's desire to reunite with the rest of his family that he misses terribly.
I'm assuming it's more that she's slower going about it and subtly reluctant about pursuing any leads they might have as opposed to being outwardly antagonistic toward Rossi whenever the matter comes up, but still, at some point after a lot of introspection you'd like to believe a parent would be mature to make that sacrifice of their personal preferred comfort for the benefit of their child. If not, though, it's interesting to think about how that affects her relationship with him, if it creates a distance between them by the time they're reunited, and how the Grace Field children might view her for keeping them separated from their brothers longer than they might have had to be.
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(Chapter 55 showing Rossi being comforted by almost all of his brothers present in the bunker.)
His last memory is the deal with Isabella (because of course it has to be THAT memory) but he's very lost. A lot of humans? Adult humans? Adult men? Where are Norman and Emma? He's a ball of anxiety, he's stressed and listen Isabella because survival instinct. People make genetic tests to be sure that they are related and so, they are left together. They speak a lot as soon that Isabella can have a long discussion. There are a lot of trust issues from Ray but he's six, and a part of him truly wanted to be loved, truly wanted Isabella to say that she doesn't want him to die.
OOF the highlighting of adult men here is particularly interesting with how being in the care of Sisters and Isabella his whole known life, they're the greatest unknown to him, so him developing a bit of misandry because going with the devil you do known over the one you don't. Same with him clinging to Isabella and listening to her despite the tumultuous emotions he undoubted has about it.
Assuming Isabella doesn't have some degree of amnesia, it's also interesting to compare how she handles the information Ray tells her to Matilda and Sienna and if that factors into why they're found first, with her actively seeking out the family she knows can help them to both provide comfort for her son and closure to the children she raised who are missing their lost siblings.
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sleepyhouzuki · 1 year
Not going to lie NOBODY is going to probably read this shit (if you are check out my Emma birthday art instead I'm so proud) BUTTTTT I just.. love the Norman = James' son and Ray = Yugo's son theories so much like???
"But Ray was supposed to be the only one with a connection to his biological mother!" WHATEVER, WHATEVER
Also ouggghhh just the THOUGHT of Smee helping Norman in Lambda to atone for his past mistake of killing James (he'd lure him out of hiding with the news that he had a son, aka Norman and OH GOD then he'd kill him)
only for Norman to find out Smee killed HIS father, get mad at him and then BAM Smee dies ❤️ perfect angst AND gives Norman more reason to want to rid of all demons
When Smee told Peter James said "Tell him I'm sorry" after Peter asked if he had any last words that shit would so be meant for little baby Norman I'm so sorry
And for Ray and Yugo, it was probably something silly like "oh they took Yugo's DNA and used it to get Isabella pregnant eventually" but still like imagine how bad that would hurt
You also cannot tell me Ray is not a mini Yugo my ears will be closed I will not hear a thing you say
As for how Norman got into Gracefield? If his mother (I say Matilda) was a cattle child, since James was dead and Peter was in charge, I feel like Peter would send him to GF
Can't completely explain it but I feel he would for sure, BUT he did have the decency to 'save' Norman by taking him to Lambda
If Peter referred to himself as Norman's dad I just know James would be rolling in his grave
Anyway that's enough for me but I'd totally elaborate further in DMS these are my fav TPN theories
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crunchielief · 1 year
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my little silly guys (top 3 characters)
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cyasynchro · 9 months
I'd become demon food for them
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naehja · 8 months
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officersnickers · 2 years
Headcanon Time! 🎉
I consider today‘s date, the 14th of March, to be Matilda‘s birthday, and I gonna tell you why 🤭
calculating her Identification Number (60684) with a fitting birth date in relation to Isabella and Krone‘s brithdays and ID‘s
it‘s pi day as well as Albert Einstein‘s birthday, and if you try to tell me Matilda wouldn‘t love such a fitting coincidence, we sadly can‘t be friends
one of the suggested names for 3/14 is actually Matilda and all its variants!
We „only“ got two canon birthdays for March by now and none of them are for female characters! time to change that!
On top, side characters always need more development, and assigning birthdays onto them is always great fun (at least for me)
So Happy Birthday, Matilda! You earned it! 🎁🎉🎂
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1000sunnygo · 2 years
Hello! I would love to hear your thoughts about these 5 lovely women. If thats ok. Sorry for randomly asking.
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I love them sm i wish we got to know more about them. Also, I do apologize if i accidentally spoiled you.
Hey shobi-enzo!
The Sisters! I thought they're great from the little we've seen of them. Unlike others, the four sisters know who their children are, their existence gave these women a reason to rebel. What happened afterward? Did they personally meet and talk to their kids? Where are they living now anyway? It could be great if we knew more about them.
I dig Matilda's character design! We often talked about her whenever she appeared. I don't know if you'd been around the fandom during serialization but Matilda was part of "Sister-Minerva supporter collaboration to take down Ratris" theory, if I remember correctly, because she's a Sister who appeared in chapter 23 and again in one of the fallen cast scripts in ch. 118 color page.
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Which is interesting, because we assumed the fallen scripts belonged to characters who died. She was there either because it wasn't yet decided if she'd remain alive or dead, or Shirai (and Posuka) just wanted the readers to pay attention to this particular character so we can remember her when she becomes relevant.
Shirai once again brought her up in the fanbook, which released a couple of months prior to the release of Isabella side story.
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It seems giving focus to sisters was a part of Shirai's old plan, I'm glad he could pull it off eventually.
I don't think Matilda is Norman's mom, by the way. I HC that his mother was highly intelligent and demons wanted more children with her DNA, but she was physically weak and eventually died. Norman was her only child and was deemed extremely valuable, thus was sent to the best plant in spite of his unusually poor health.
Sienna is very likely Sherry or Carol's mom, given red hair is rare and recessive (although we don't know her hair color for sure). She's the "docile and submissive woman hence valuable" meaning suitable for reproducing, probably birthed numerous "high quality" children who were selected for Isabella's plant.
I liked her most tbh, probably because her silent resignation was relatable somehow :')
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I'm pretty sure this image is hers and if so, she's even younger than Cecile and there are ~100 children born between her and Isabella. So I don't think she's Emma's mother.
Scarlet being Don's mom is somewhat likely, because her immediate reaction was "I thought s/he died long ago!" -> likely birthed one of the older kids.
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I don't have any theory about Jessica but I remember finding her character description funny lol.
As for Cecile, I'd totally eat the theory of her being Norman's mom if I could. But she's a lot younger than Isabella, it's probably not possible.
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I think the novel portrayed her better than the side chapter. (Shoutout to @/14thNeah on Twitter and @standreamy for their amazing translation!) This story becoming a side chapter was unexpected because it didn't have to exist in two different versions (novel+manga), it gives me hope that Shirai would write side stories about every major character/faction including the Demons, Ratris, Yugo/Lucas and Lambda.
Whenever we get a new volume that records these side stories, I hope the Sisters will be drawn in color.
Random fun fact: when Shirai wrote Isabella and the Sisters' rebellion against Peter, he was playing P!nk and Lady Gaga's songs for the "female rebellion" inspiration-burst. [S]
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ctrl58 · 3 months
james and matilda real ???
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lonely-cereal · 7 months
Tpn alternate ending I came up with
basically, Emma gets trapped in the demon world. Ray and Norman are determined they can find her. They return, only to find her but...She's different. Her memories have been altered to believe she's been abandoned by them. When she does miraculously realize it's not true, the three decide to rewrite the promise together.(so they can all return) Mujika and even leuvis plead for them not too. The promise ends in all three forgetting eachother. Demon god had tricked them. Ray is sent to live with his mom, Emma with sienna, and Norman with Matilda. They all meet their old friends, who are confused. The trio don't ever truly become as close again. They're like The trio w don and gilda now. Good friends but not as meaningful and beautiful as before.
Ray finds himself in a trio with don and gilda, Norman goes back to his lambda friends. But Emma? Those altered memories didn't change For the rest of the kids. She is seperate. She still keeps in touch with ray more than Norman though
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mea-no · 3 months
Y’know , regarding the scars on the sisters ( or the girls/ladies in general ) they gotta have battle scars somehow. There’s absolutely no way they don’t , especially in the kind of environment they live in. Some are more vicious than others and some are mentally unstable. Due to their hatred for their lives ( and despairing moments of realisation of their situation ) surely they want to take it out on something- SOMEONE.
It’s my take though. That’s why I drew Jessica and scarlet having small barely noticeable scars ( even though I the drawing says otherwise. It’s just to show where the placement is)
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 170
Chapter 170: "Together"
Years ago I had wondered if Isabella's conversation with Peter happened before or after she rallied up the rest of the moms & sisters, but I suppose this flashback within a flashback kinda confirms she spoke to the ladies after she received news that Emma & the other children were on their way to GF. Half of me still believes that it was a bit risky waiting so long to inform everyone else of her plan just in case she couldn't gather up all the support she needed in time, but the other half of me also understands that there always could've been the possibility of the ladies turning on her or not being able to keep the secret well enough around Peter. Of course we know now from ch181.7 that Isabella had already recruited Matilda, Jessica, Sienna & Scarlet to assist her about a month after she was promoted to Grandma, but having everyone contribute to the betrayal is certainly more ideal.
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Ya really can't blame the other ladies for being so hesitant. The idea of rebelling against the farm and the life you've been forced to live definitely seems like a sure fire way to get killed, however, as Isabella explains, that you can suffer the same fate just by doing your job, just as Sarah did.
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I'm always up to receive flashbacks on characters, but this is one of those rare occasions that I would have to pass. Seeing how hard both Krone & Isabella struggled to survive the farm system are more than enough for me. These quick glimpses of everyone else's training hurt my little heart already. Aaahh, all the women in this series are so strong. Even though death scares the hell outta me, I doubt I'd live through this nightmare of fighting every day and living in fear.
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When the training is so efficient that they learn how to lie perfectly to the children in order to keep up the orphanage but also how to lie to themselves (unknowingly) about how they could obtain a better life.
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Kinda funny to me how I'll skip pages during some chapters and other times I'll go all in about almost every little thing. Well, now is one of those times I'm gonna ramble a lot, simply because Isabella is involved (as if that wasn't obvious enough whenever she showed up in the past). I absolutely love seeing how angry she is about this cruel world. This hatred of hers has surfaced the day she climbed the wall and saw the cliff surrounded the plantation with her own eyes after Leslie was shipped out and it has been simmering deep inside ever since, so now after waiting patiently for about twenty years, watching so many children be sacrificed to demons, she finally has the power and opportunity to act upon those strong feelings and contribute to changing the world for the better and I'm just so immensely happy that she's able to get this chance. She deserves to get some sort of revenge 110%.
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Learning that the fear we saw her show towards Peter during this deal in ch165 was only an act is brilliant. Now, I'm sure Isabella did have moments where she did feel scared due to the uncertainty of what her new promotion would mean for her, but the fact those feelings practically vanished from her heart in such a short amount of time is amazing. This woman was "free" for two days from wearing any sort of mask and jumped right back into that chess-master mindset flawlessly. The list is endless but chalk that up as yet another reason why I love her.
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I wouldn't let anyone rule over me either, but um.. I'd make an exception if it was you, ma'am.
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I may be giving her too much credit, but I hope she's saying that regardless of what the other ladies decide, that Isabella is gonna provide her children some assistance no matter who stands in her way. If the betrayal really only included her and the four other women already on her side, I'm sure they could've pulled it off. And yes, I appreciate that she sorta mimicked Emma's words to Ray in ch33 despite never hearing the conversation for herself.
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Ohh, how this woman must be feeling after hearing her precious children still call her their mom after everything she put them through.. has to so bittersweet, mixed with relief and regret.
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The combination of his exaggerated expression and panic next to her calm and complacent reply absolutely sends me.
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What I wouldn't give for her to have a moment with her children like that. I mean, it kinda happens.. the hugs, the apologies and everything else, but it should happen more than twice. And definitely without the death.
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Hearing her call Peter a boy never fails to crack me up. And I know she refers to Lambda when she mentions the methods he's okay with, but the way her mind also brings up Nat's broken finger is lowkey hilarious, as if she didn't break Emma's leg before. While the original reason was to prevent Emma from escaping, I can see how Isabella might think her actions was another way to spare the girl from getting shipped early (as extreme & messed up as that idea is). Peter just broke Nat's fingers to be a dick. Nothing more, nothing less. am i showing too much favoritism towards this woman? probably. do i care? nope.
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As quick as a callback it is, I love how Isabella mentioned last chapter how Emma & the others destroyed everything and how she expresses the same wish now. Also, her inner thoughts make me wanna sob. All Isabella wants is her help her children, she could care less what they think of her. And for a moment you might believe that they won't forgive her due to the look upon Emma's face here.
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As expected from our lovable protagonist though, she accepts Isabella's help once she remembers that she and all the other women were victims of the same harsh system they were forced to live under.
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I can fathom how this pathetic man manages to secure a gun and escape from being surrounded without getting hit with a single bullet but whatever. At least no one else gets injured by him as he runs away like a complete coward.
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Favorite panel/moment:
I've no doubt said this many times, but this is by far the best mother-daughter moment I've ever experienced in my life.
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Even though we did reach the raid in the anime, we were denied this panel mostly becuase the second season didn't allow the children to carry guns, which is a terrible shame.. if anything, we were treated to a small smile from Isabella after Emma's "thank you, mom" though. Of course I'd very much prefer the above panel to be animated, but I'll take what I can get. I'm very easy to please when it comes to this woman.
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Hey =) I would like to ask you something. I work on my fics and i would like to have your opinion of what kind of job Isabella, Mathilda and Sienne would/could have in the human world?
I think that a lot of sisters/mothers have enough qualifications to be nursery nurse (especially Isabella and the others mothers of the differents premium farms, who have raised like 100 kids in 12 years at least), maybe one of the three could decide to become one. Or elementary school teacher? I could see some of all the sisters/mothers choose this way because they didn't have as much possibilities than that with their skills :/ (and some of them loves taking care of kids)
Maybe that if Mathilda or Sienna love to cook, they could open (together or only one of them alone) a little tea saloon/coffee shop? Some Sisters/Mothers have skills in cooking so maybe some would open alone or together a backery, a cofffee shop, ect... so maybe Mathilda and Sienna could do that together? (Not Isabella because cooking isn't her best skill ^^")
Maybe a florist?
Maybe Isabella has spend enough time to raises babies and would want a change? And would open a library?
I could see some of all the sisters/mothers choose this way because they didn't have as much possibilities than that with their skills :/ (and some of them loves taking care of kids)
I'd be really careful with implementing this framing and phrasing in the narrative unless it's coming from one of the moms/sisters who's feeling overwhelmed or downcast about their future and struggling with adjusting to the human world. They're all victims of the farm system, and what they experienced at headquarters was traumatic—they were forced into an environment that dehumanized them and pitted them against each other, and before the end of their early twenties they were forced to endure systemic medical rape—but it shouldn't be the sole thing that defines them going forward.
Krone's story in the second light novel talks about how sisters would retrain due to how few were able to obtain one of the five mom positions at Grace Field during their lifetimes:
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So even if we're defining sisters as those who haven't retrained and branched out into other fields besides childcare, it's incredibly antithetical for a series that's centered around screwing destiny to frame their futures as limited and tied up in bioessentialism. At the same time, there shouldn't be any shame directed at the ones who do end up gravitating toward childcare. With how many children and sisters were brought over, there's going to be a vast array of answers for what each one finds personally fulfilling in life.
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(Chapter 170)
With how driven Matilda was at rising in the ranks at headquarters by becoming second in command to Sarah and later Isabella, I could see her starting her own business or working with a non-profit. Something where she's coordinating multiple projects because her Type A personality enjoys the challenge.
Sienna seems like she'd prefer something a bit less stressful, so a coffee shop owner where she can perfect latte art and foster a relaxed environment with live music could be a reasonable future for her.
I've seen Isabella as a florist as part of the backdrop in an AU (specifically every flower's reaching for the sun if you're in the mood for a RE fic) so my mind has been open to the viability of that career path for her for a while. I have such a soft spot for librarian Ray due to @salsae's vowsverse and my own relationship with reading in uni, and with Isabella's similar history of being a voracious reader (albeit under different circumstances), becoming a library director actively involved in the community around her is equally appealing to me.
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(TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 3)
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