buggyboyizhere · 1 year
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Fighting clip studio to give me better quality rn :]
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( I h8 autism speaks, me and edworl fans h8 autism speaks )
I apologize for withholding the goods the 7 Pat enjoyers on here are gonna love this batch
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snflwrhl · 3 months
8 hours worth of tuition 1 hour of sleep and the studying for a 180 mark test taking place the next day. what a time to be alive!!!!!!!
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djedukenya · 1 year
Men whose photos were spread as wanted criminals plead for help
The self-styled crime busters believed to be police officers who use social media to profile suspected criminals, some of whom are later found murdered, alleged that the men were responsible for a spate of crime in Mathare 3C Mabatini area. Mr Moses Nyoike, Mr Gilbert Musyoki, Mr Kevin Mbugua, Mr Davis Gichere, Mr Joseph Kahuho, Mr Joseph Kariaga, and Mr Brian Irungu were identified as the…
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allthegeopolitics · 3 months
Winnie Makinda, 35, says she is facing the worst crisis and lowest moment of her life because of the Kenyan government's response to floods that devastated her poor community in the capital of Nairobi. The floods and mudslides swept away people and inundated homes, killing at least 267 people and impacting more than 380,000, according to government statistics. The floods are fueled by unusually heavy rainfall during Kenya's rainy season which starts in March and sometimes extends up to June. Hardest hit are people living close to rivers, including the Mathare River running through Nairobi.
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compneuropapers · 7 months
Interesting Papers for Week 10, 2024
Children seek help based on how others learn. Bridgers, S., De Simone, C., Gweon, H., & Ruggeri, A. (2023). Child Development, 94(5), 1259–1280.
Dopamine regulates decision thresholds in human reinforcement learning in males. Chakroun, K., Wiehler, A., Wagner, B., Mathar, D., Ganzer, F., van Eimeren, T., … Peters, J. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5369.
Abnormal sense of agency in eating disorders. Colle, L., Hilviu, D., Boggio, M., Toso, A., Longo, P., Abbate-Daga, G., … Fossataro, C. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 14176.
Different time scales of common‐cause evidence shape multisensory integration, recalibration and motor adaptation. Debats, N. B., Heuer, H., & Kayser, C. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(5), 3253–3269.
Inferential eye movement control while following dynamic gaze. Han, N. X., & Eckstein, M. P. (2023). eLife, 12, e83187.
Dissociable roles of human frontal eye fields and early visual cortex in presaccadic attention. Hanning, N. M., Fernández, A., & Carrasco, M. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5381.
Neural tuning instantiates prior expectations in the human visual system. Harrison, W. J., Bays, P. M., & Rideaux, R. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5320.
Acute exercise has specific effects on the formation process and pathway of visual perception in healthy young men. Komiyama, T., Takedomi, H., Aoyama, C., Goya, R., & Shimegi, S. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(5), 3239–3252.
Locating causal hubs of memory consolidation in spontaneous brain network in male mice. Li, Z., Athwal, D., Lee, H.-L., Sah, P., Opazo, P., & Chuang, K.-H. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5399.
Development of multisensory processing in ferret parietal cortex. Medina, A. E., Foxworthy, W. A., Keum, D., & Meredith, M. A. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(5), 3226–3238.
Optimal routing to cerebellum-like structures. Muscinelli, S. P., Wagner, M. J., & Litwin-Kumar, A. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(9), 1630–1641.
In vivo ephaptic coupling allows memory network formation. Pinotsis, D. A., & Miller, E. K. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(17), 9877–9895.
Sex-dependent noradrenergic modulation of premotor cortex during decision-making. Rodberg, E. M., den Hartog, C. R., Dauster, E. S., & Vazey, E. M. (2023). eLife, 12, e85590.
Propagation of activity through the cortical hierarchy and perception are determined by neural variability. Rowland, J. M., van der Plas, T. L., Loidolt, M., Lees, R. M., Keeling, J., Dehning, J., … Packer, A. M. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(9), 1584–1594.
High-precision mapping reveals the structure of odor coding in the human brain. Sagar, V., Shanahan, L. K., Zelano, C. M., Gottfried, J. A., & Kahnt, T. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(9), 1595–1602.
The locus of recognition memory signals in human cortex depends on the complexity of the memory representations. Sanders, D. M. W., & Cowell, R. A. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(17), 9835–9849.
Velocity of conduction between columns and layers in barrel cortex reported by parvalbumin interneurons. Scheuer, K. S., Judge, J. M., Zhao, X., & Jackson, M. B. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(17), 9917–9926.
Acetylcholine and noradrenaline enhance foraging optimality in humans. Sidorenko, N., Chung, H.-K., Grueschow, M., Quednow, B. B., Hayward-Könnecke, H., Jetter, A., & Tobler, P. N. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(36), e2305596120.
Rats adaptively seek information to accommodate a lack of information. Yuki, S., Sakurai, Y., & Yanagihara, D. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 14417.
Beta traveling waves in monkey frontal and parietal areas encode recent reward history. Zabeh, E., Foley, N. C., Jacobs, J., & Gottlieb, J. P. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5428.
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adarkrainbow · 4 months
So... I was checking some free stuff given away and among a bunch of old VHS there was this tape:
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I did not take it, because A) I do not have a working VHS player at home and B) The movie is actually fully disponible on the Internet for free. But it got me intrigued and so I decided to talk briefly about this Donkey Skin movie - which is obviously not the great 1970 classic by Jacques Demy, but rather a 1997 French animated movie...
The VHS above was for the movie's "solo" release, but it got a different release under the label "Mes plus beaux contes", a whole series of fairytale VHS apparently:
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Let's begin with a bit of context...
This movie was apparently the result of a collaboration between Claude Allix and Vladimir Gontcharov. The scenario was written by Sébastien Viaud, the music composed by Gil Slavin, and the producers included Eric Bayle, Roch Lener and Victor Slepstove. The production companies involved included Polygram Video, Mathares and Borsifen.
And... that's it. That's all I could find. Nothing more, nothing less.
Well, except for one detail: while this movie is presented as... well as a movie, some websites list it as a two-episodes mini-series, each episode being 26 minutes long. I watched it for free on Youtube, where it is presented as a 50 minutes long movie.
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Let me start by saying: Gosh this movie looks horrible!
As in... the animation is very rough. But especially the designs... By the devil, the designs are awful! Just look at the Lilac Fairy - they tried to shape her hair like a lilac flower, okay... But it doesn't work AT ALL. The worst offenders however are the dresses. The three magical dresses, meant to be the pinnacle of beauty in the tale... LOOK AT HOW GOSH AWFUL AND IDIOTIC they are! We said "Color of the moon", not "Shaped like the moon". We said "Color of the sun", not "with spikes coming out everywhere to imitate sun-rays". And the villainess' collar just keeps getting bigger and bigger until it becomes so ridiculous... Oh yes, and the guards ALL HAVE THE SAME FACE. They literaly reused the same model for all the knights and guards throughout the movie...
I know that after Jacques Demy's Peau d'âne, every adaptation of Donkeyskin in France will have a hard time challenging the classic... But I don't know if these people didn't put enough effort, or actually tried way too hard.
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Now, in term of story, the interesting thing is that they decided to expand upon the original tale. Most notably, they introduce a new villain character, with a concept a tad similar to the one of queen Elspeth from The Fairest of them All.
The entire first segment of the movie is about the "background" of the tale. We begin with the wedding of the king of the realm of Azurie to his wife (Peau d'âne's mother - the princess is named here Ariadne, because "Arianne" rhyme with "âne" in French). We also have a brief introductory song which recaps the entire story... There's quie a missed opportunity because a whole segment of the song is asking "Why are you hiding, Donkey-skin? Why are you disguising yourself Donkey-skin? Who are you, Donkey-skin?" which could have been a strong idea of plot-angle, exploring the identity of Donkeyskin as a mystery to be solved... Except the verses right before this part of the song explicitely detail who she is and why she fled.
As the wedding unfolds, we have a very clever scene introducing the magical donkey - a present sent by mysterious friends of the king, and which stands out like a sore thumb among the treasures and jewels the fher frelieves it is a grave insult - before his queent believes it is a grave insult - before his queen calms him down and convinces him to trust their friend (for good reason, since they later discover the donkey's magical properties). The villain added to the story is the king's cousin, a power-hungry duchess named Malicia, and who is quite pissed off at seeing the new queen - because she herself wanted to and attempt to be the new queen of Azurie. As she leaves the castle, a mysterious sorcerer named Balthazar the Necromancer appears and briefly turns her carriage into stone to prove his powers. He says he came here to answer Malicia's wishes and desires - and he offers her to learn witchcraft, so that she can overtake Azurie... And in exchange, the price to pay will be that she abandons all her belongings and exile herself from Azurie to undergo a long journey fo fifteen years.
What will she do during this journey? We don't know! It is a mysterious "initiation journey" But she returns fifteen years later to the kingdom to enact her devious plan. As for Balthazar the Necromancer... Every time Malicia uses her crystal ball to cast a spell, Balthazar's face appears to give her various compliments or warnings. And that's it... a sort of manifestation of the recurring habit of having the Magic Mirror of Snow-White act as a semi-companion/warning-deliverer to the Evil Queen. I compared Malicia to Elspeth but I could also compare her relationship to Balthazar to the evil queen's relationship to her mirror in the "Mirror, mirror" movie. In fact, Malicia seems very obviously inspired by Disney's Evil Queen... It makes you wonder why Balthazar was introduced as his own character before being reduced to an info-dropping disembodied face... Anyway.
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Malicia is presented as the supernatural cause of the events that start the story - which is a quite interesting and solid move when you need to tackle Donkey-skin for children. The death of the queen is due to Malicia's hatred of the happiness and wealth of the royal family, and her ambition. She casts a curse that causes the deadly sickness, and then tries to convince the king to marry her. But when the king refuses by blatantly saying he promised his wife to marry a woman more virtuous and more beautiful than her, and that Malicia is not more virtuous nor more beautiful than the late queen... Let's just say Malicia is quite pissed off, and she decides to have him be dethroned by causing a second curse - the one that will create an incestuous desire of the father for the daughter. Balthazar warns her that such a curse will break if the princess ever ends up knowing true love - to which Malicia replies she will just have to make sure the princess will be forced to marry her father and never escape him...
I have to say, while the animation is garbage, the ideas and concept of the story are very interesting. The scene of Malicia casting the curse onto the queen is truly chilling, as you see the blue mist she conjures up slowly wither the flowers of the garden before crawling up to the queen's bedroom and entering her body... And I like how Malicia's incantations use elemental motifs matching her curses: she invokes the "spirits of the air" to cause a "deadly breath", a cursed wind that will "dry up" the queen ; while to "inflame" the king's passion for his daughter she calls upon the "spirits of fire" to cause an incestuous desire that nothing "shall extinguish". There is also a whole warning in the beginning about black magic needing the user to have an absolute control over their emotions - foreshadowing Malicia's downfall. At the end of the movie, when Donkey-skin/Ariadne is happily married and her true love break the curses, Malicia is so enraged she tries to cast a curse on her, despite Balthazar's warnings that she need to stay calm, and that she cannot fight true love which is the most powerful magic of them all... However she does not listen and the curse backfires on her, making her disappear forever... Again, this is all very Snow White's Evil Queen-inspired.
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I'm not going to make a full breakdown of the movie - the rest of the story is pretty much the same as the original tale but with the characters slightly exaggerated and more prominent (such as the peasant woman and her son who use - and frankly abuse - Donkey skin when she stays around ; there's also the comical character of the prince's personal assistant who is always finding an occassion to "taste wine" whenever he has something to do). There's a lot of visual nods to classic illustrations - for example the goat-pulled chariot the princess use to visit her godmother, while seeming straight out of Norse mythology, is actually a reference to the illustrations of Gustave Doré where the princess use a similar chariot ; and the king's chambellan is made to look like Riquet with the tuft.
So yeah... In conclusion I would say it has good intentions, some good ideas and some moments that do work - but it stays a very rough, very dated product that needs one to take some effort to get into it... and is definitively NOT a masterpiece. But a valuable effort, it must be recognized.
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gettiregretti · 1 year
Hi! Wanna tell me more about Death Match? 🖤
Hi there! My pleasure! Kallus has just been tossed into the slave gladiator pits and left to the mercy of prisoners there. Most of whom have very large bones to pick with high ranking imps. One of whom is our sweet giant Garazeb ♥️
“Quit wriggling’-!” The trandoshan behind him hit him hard in the back of the head. The room span immediately. Kallus was going to be sick, but he couldn’t retch with the fist back in his hair. Someone grabbed his chin. He gnashed at them desperately.
A loud, guttural roar cut across the wet brick arches of training room. It made all the hairs on Kallus’ body stand sharply on end, but finally the devaronian was focussed on something other than him. Something, Kallus worried, potentially much worse.
“This is no business of yours, Shran’ashran. Keep movin’,” Trod declared to the new threat. His voice was reedy with nerves.
It was a deep, sure answer he received in turn. “I’ve come for the Imp, Mathar.”
A tense silence descended. With his head still pulled back, all Kallus could see was a large, dark shape. Not human, certainly.
Mathar flicked the blade in his hand and took a few steps away from Kallus. It would be enough, perhaps, to gain the upper hand in the upheaval this Shran’ashran had brought. He took deep, measured breaths. An opening would come, and Kallus would be ready.
“Finders, keepers. I made a deal for this one. Pit rules mean he’s mine.” Mathar’s tone was light but the serious, hard line beneath it was unmistakable. Shran’ashran didn’t seem to care.
“Pit rules mean banthashit when you’re dead,” he shrugged.
“Are you threatening me, Shran’ashran?”
Heavy footsteps approached. Kallus could only just make out the tips of purple ears, but it was enough. All the blood in him went cold. A lasat. He’d be better off as a toy for Mathar, better off limbless and tossed in the fire pits of Mustafar, than handed over to a lasat fighter.
“Yeah,” the lasat rumbled. “I am. And we all remember what happened last time I made good on a threat, don’t we?”
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imtissaiasdoggie · 1 year
I remember that one time when i was a kid. I watched a thriller/horror film that haunted and scared the shit outta me i couldn’t sleep with the lights on FOR WEEKS! Even when i close my eyes i still remember the scenes. And i am today years old that it was called The descent. And of course my most favorite person on earth, Myanna was one of the cast 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 That 9 years old girl met her MILF for the first time! does that mean im destined to be her fans? YES PLEASE HAUNTED ME IN MY DREAM MYANNA I WONT RUN MATHAR
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Three Jan. 8 rioters given prison sentences by Brazil's Supreme Court
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Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) Thursday handed down prison sentences to three defendants involved in the Jan. 8 riots in Brasilia during which the headquarters of the country's three branches of government were ransacked, Agencia Brasil reported
Matheus Lima de Carvalho Lázaro, who was arrested in flagrante delicto on the Esplanade with a penknife, was sentenced to spend 17 years in jail in Thursday's third ruling by the STF. Earlier in the day, the STF sentenced Aécio Pereira, who had been detained at the Senate, and Thiago Mathar, who was apprehended inside the Planalto Palace, to 17 and 14 years in prison respectively.
The STF also decided that Lima de Carvalho Lázaro must pay together with the other defendants the sum of R$ 30 million in compensation for his participation in the depredation of the headquarters of the Three Branches of Government.
The Apucarana resident was arrested on the Esplanade of the Ministries on the day of the attacks, carrying a penknife after leaving the National Congress. According to the investigations, in messages sent to relatives during the attacks, he advocated the army seizing power.
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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꧁-Luces brillantes -꧂
4 de abril de 2020
Lee por favor: Filipenses 2:12-18
el evangelio en un año: Lucas 5:1-16
--Vosotros sois la luz del mundo… (Mateo 5:14)--.
En 2015, un grupo de nuestra iglesia quedó impactado con lo que vio en Mathare, uno de los barrios pobres de Nairobi, Kenia. Visitamos una escuela con pisos sucios, paredes de metal oxidado y bancos de madera. Pero en ese entorno extremadamente humilde, sobresalía una persona.
Se llamaba Brilliant, y su nombre no podía ser más apropiado. Era una maestra de primaria, con un gozo y una determinación propios para su misión. Vestida de muchos colores, el aspecto y la alegría con que enseñaba y alentaba a los niños era impactante.
La brillante luz que Brilliant derramaba evoca la forma en que los creyentes filipenses vivían cuando Pablo les escribió en el primer siglo. En el trasfondo de un mundo necesitado espiritualmente, los creyentes en Cristo brillaban «como luminares» (Filipenses 2:15). Nuestra tarea no ha cambiado. ¡En todas partes, se necesitan luces brillantes! Qué alentador es saber que a través de Aquel «que en vosotros produce así el querer como el hacer, por su buena voluntad» (v. 13), los cristianos pueden brillar como seguidores de Jesús. Aún hoy, Él sigue diciendo: «Vosotros sois la luz del mundo […]. Así alumbre vuestra luz delante de los hombres, para que vean vuestras buenas obras, y glorifiquen a vuestro Padre que está en los cielos» (Mateo 5:14-16).
— Arthur Jackson
-¿Cómo puedes reflejar hoy la luz de Cristo?-
cuando haces resplandecer una sonrisa en el rostro de alguna persona, cuando le ofreces un pan o un consejo a alguien, cuando sabes de alguien que tiene situaciones complicadas con sus finanzas o con su familia y acudes para ayudar moral, material o espiritualmente...iluminas la vida de alguien, es necesario hacerlo en el nombre de nuestro Señor Señor Jesucristo - esa es la condición- si no nuestro esfuerzo no sera en balde pero si sera en balde (¿?) es decir , debemos tener presente que si no somos cristianos declarados, confesos y bautizados conforme lo marca hechos 2 entonces nuestro esfuerzo cuenta y trasciende, ser hijo de Dios nos acerca a Dios mismo por nuestra fe, que tengas un hermoso y bendecido día tu y tu familia, shalom !
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444names · 2 years
nepalese forenames
Aanadhar Aanadhoj Aanajar Aanajawal Aanam Aanasher Aanasur Aandevi Aandi Aandraj Aang Aanjabal Aansingh Abhar Abhidan Abhidevi Abhupal Adhabhan Adhara Adharabam Adhoj Adhojjwa Adhokar Adhon Atibam Atidevi Atidhoj Atimar Baahabar Baahar Baahoj Baahokal Baahoolal Baahor Baal Bakeshang Bakeshar Bakhtawa Baklal Bakpalya Banabar Banabir Banajakpa Banardan Banardhoj Bandevi Baneous Bang Bangchen Bange Banjan Banjanaj Bhodyot Bhoj Bhokal Bhonajan Bhor Birbhabal Birbham Birbharam Birbir Birbirit Birdal Birdang Birdange Birdhikal Biri Birilal Birinen Biring Biringh Birit Birjangh Birjanoj Birje Birkes Birmahang Birsing Birsingh Birtimal Birtimar Biruddhar Chabar Chadhoj Chadrai Chaj Chambara Champakpa Chan Charatjit Charubir Chhikal Chhikaraj Chhirilan Chhirit Chhirkes Dalbhupal Dalmar Dalya Damal Daman Damar Damaraj Damardath Dambal Dambam Dames Dampa Dampal Dhodyotu Dhoj Dhojjwa Dhot Dori Doring Doringe Dorjan Dorjanjan Dorjit Fath Fathan Fathvi Fatjit Fatrudal Fura Furathvi Furbirbir Furwal Furwara Gajabara Gajakes Gajan Gajanames Gajang Gajangdal Gajanoj Gajarbhan Gajawa Gajir Gajit Garadraj Garajabir Garajanaj Garatbam Garbhanar Gardhoj Hasangh Hasharing Hasher Hashidhoj Hastidhoj Hasuffix Hasur Hemdalji Hemdaljit Hemdan Hemdandra Hemdang Hemdangh Hemdhorit Himange Himar Himarabir Himarsing Indevi Indi Indigingh Indra Indrambar Jagatbal Jagath Jagathar Jagathara Jagathvi Jagatji Jagh Jaghardan Jeeta Jeetan Jeetawa Jeetawal Jeetawar Jeetjan Jeetjar Jeetjit Jhodyot Jhoj Jhojjwa Jhokal Jhoolam Jhori Jhorjakes Jhorjanaj Judal Judan Judath Juddal Juddan Juddang Juddhar Juddhari Juddhoj Juddhotu Karajan Karajawar Kehabir Kehaj Kehan Keharabal Kehjabhan Kehjan Kehjang Kehjaya Khubir Khupa Khupakes Khupal Kirbhikal Kirbir Kirdan Kiri Kirinen Kirineous Kiringe Kiringh Kirit Kirjith Kirmar Kirsing Kirsingh Kirtidhor Kirtimar Kirubhupa Kirubir Kulal Kulalmar Kulalnaji Kulalya Kulam Kulan Kulanghan Kulanoj Lakeshan Lakesher Lakhta Lakhtawa Laklamar Lakpakes Math Mathadam Mathadang Mathangh Mathar Mathvi Matjan Matjawa Matjit Matta Mattan Mattangh Mattanoj Mattawar Mattehaj Mattehara Naahabhar Naahandi Naaharaj Naahoj Naahor Naahotu Naal Nabaraj Nadanam Nadhoj Najangh Najorjar Namara Nara Narabir Narai Narai Naraj Narajar Narashir Narathvi Nardal Nardan Nardanar Nardang Nardange Nardanjan Nardanoj Nardhaj Nardhan Nardhoj Nardohoj Naringhar Narit Narsing Narsingh Naruddhir Naruddhoj Nasurbhar Nirdham Nirjan Nirjangh Nirmar Nirtidan Para Parajan Pardangh Pasan Pashasur Pashendra Pasher Pasuffix Pasurwa Phoj Phojjwal Phokal Prilal Pring Prit Ragath Ragattawa Ragh Ranabal Ranabalya Ranadhotu Ranaj Ranajan Ranajanaj Ranaklal Ranam Ranamar Ranambam Ranambar Ranar Ranardhoj Ranarsing Ranashen Randevi Randi Randiging Randra Randraj Randrajit Raneous Rang Rangdal Range Rangh Ranghupal Ranjaklal Ranjakpa Ranjan Ranjanam Ranjang Ranjangh Ranjanoj Ranjawal Ranshabir Ranshikal Ransing Ripumahoj Ripumangh Ripumar Sanajan Sanajanam Sandiging Sang Shan Shang Shar Shardan Shastimar Shen Shendra Sher Sheratjit Sherjandi Shermahoj Shermar Sherpal Sinen Sineous Sing Singcher Singchhir Singh Singhath Sonadal Sonadang Sonaj Sonar Sonasur Sura Sura Suraj Surajangh Suramar Suratbar Surbhabal Surbirje Surwa Surwal Tendevi Tendi Tendraj Terjang Terji Terpa Tibal Tibar Tibaraj Tibetang Tibetjan Tibetjit Ujir Ujit Ujith Ujithvi Wazing Wazinge Wazingh Wazir Waziri Wazirit Yanajan Yanajangh Yanaklang Yanaman Yange Yangh Yanghupa Yanoddhot Yanshar Yudath Yuddamar Yuddathar Yuddhara Yuddhoj Yuddhor Yuddhot
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lampung7com · 2 months
Kapal Pengangkut BTS BAKTI Kominfo Hilang Kontak di Perairan Papua
Kapal Cita XX yang membawa material Base Tranciever Station (BTS) BAKTI Kominfo dari Timika menuju Yahukimo hilang kontak sejak hari Rabu (17/7). Kapal itu juga mengangkut 12 orang termasuk awak. Kapal yang berangkat dari Timika pada hari Senin 15 Juli 2024 Pukul 05.43 WITA rencananya tiba di Yahukimo pada hari Kamis, 18 Juli 2024. Direktur Utama BLU BAKTI Kominfo Fadhilah Mathar, mengatakan…
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things-collector · 2 months
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Tsavora Fencing Mtaani Club members take part in a fencing bout during a training session in the Mathare informal settlement of Nairobi, Kenya, on June 9, 2024. By Luis Tato. 
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hicginewsagency · 3 months
Protests in Kenya  escalating,as police clashing with anti-tax demonstrators.
Stone-throwing demonstrators clashed with police who fired tear gas in the Mathare area. Kenyan police clashed with anti-tax protesters in Nairobi, as demonstrations spread across the country, including to the president’s hometown of Eldoret. Anti-riot police, some on horseback, fired tear gas to disperse crowds of protesters on the streets of Nairobi. There were similar protests in other…
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Where History, Modernity, and Diversity Collide
Nairobi, the bustling capital of Kenya, is a city that pulsates with life, energy, and diversity. From its humble beginnings as a railway depot to its current status as a thriving metropolis, Nairobi has undergone a remarkable transformation, emerging as a vibrant hub of culture, commerce, and innovation in East Africa. In this blog, we will explore the multifaceted allure of Nairobi, from its rich history and architectural marvels to its eclectic neighborhoods and dynamic social scene.
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Nairobi: A City of Contrasts
Nairobi is often described as a city of contrasts, where different worlds coexist side by side. Nowhere is this more evident than in its diverse neighborhoods, each with its own unique character and charm.
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Upscale Enclaves
At the heart of Nairobi's affluence lie upscale neighborhoods and suburbs like Karen, Muthaiga, and Runda. Here, sprawling estates and manicured lawns are the norm, catering to the city's elite and expatriate community. Residents enjoy a high standard of living, with access to top-tier amenities such as gourmet restaurants, luxury shopping malls, and exclusive clubs. These neighborhoods are not just symbols of wealth but also centers of cultural activity, boasting art galleries, theaters, and cultural events that add to their allure.
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Middle-Class Hubs
For young professionals and families seeking a more affordable yet comfortable lifestyle, Nairobi offers a plethora of middle-class suburbs like Westlands, Lavington, and Kilimani. These areas are bustling with activity, featuring a mix of apartments, townhouses, and amenities such as shopping centers, offices, and entertainment venues. With their vibrant social scene and cosmopolitan atmosphere, these neighborhoods appeal to those looking for a balanced blend of convenience and affordability.
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Vibrant Slums and Informal Settlements
Nairobi's urban landscape is incomplete without acknowledging its sprawling slums and informal settlements, such as Kibera, Mathare, and Mukuru. Home to thousands of residents, these areas are characterized by overcrowded living conditions, limited access to basic services, and a lack of formal infrastructure. Yet, amidst the challenges, these neighborhoods are incredibly resilient and resourceful, with vibrant markets, small-scale businesses, and community initiatives driving social development and change.
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Architectural Marvels and Urban Evolution
Nairobi's skyline is a testament to its rapid urbanization and economic growth. From iconic landmarks like the Kenyatta International Conference Centre to modern skyscrapers like Times Tower and Britam Tower, the city's architecture reflects its ambition and dynamism. These structures not only shape Nairobi's skyline but also symbolize its emergence as a global city, attracting investors, businesses, and tourists from around the world.
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Embracing Culture and Heritage
Nairobi's cultural landscape is as diverse as its population, with a rich tapestry of traditions, cuisines, and artistic expressions. From the vibrant street markets of Maasai Market to the world-class exhibits at the Nairobi National Museum, the city offers endless opportunities to explore and celebrate its cultural heritage. Visitors can immerse themselves in traditional music and dance, sample authentic Kenyan cuisine, or browse through contemporary art galleries showcasing the work of local and international artists.
A Thriving Social Scene
As the sun sets, Nairobi comes alive with a vibrant nightlife scene, offering everything from chic rooftop bars to pulsating nightclubs. Popular areas like Westlands and Kilimani are hotspots for dining, drinking, and dancing, with a plethora of venues catering to all tastes and preferences. Whether you're in the mood for live music, DJ sets, or simply soaking in the city lights, Nairobi's nightlife promises an unforgettable experience.
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Nairobi is a city that defies easy categorization, where history, modernity, and diversity converge to create a truly unique urban experience. From its towering skyscrapers to its bustling markets, from its affluent suburbs to its vibrant slums, Nairobi offers a glimpse into the complexities and contradictions of contemporary African life. Whether you're a history buff, a culture vulture, or a nightlife enthusiast, Nairobi has something for everyone, inviting visitors to explore its streets, discover its secrets, and embrace its spirit of adventure.
So, whether you're strolling through its historic sites, shopping in its bustling markets, or dancing the night away in its vibrant clubs, be prepared to be enchanted by the magic of Nairobi—a city where every corner has a story to tell, and every moment is an opportunity for discovery.
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peterpijls1965 · 5 months
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De stichting van Julius Mwelu, fotograaf en cameraman in Nairobi, ijvert in de breedste zin van het woord voor jongeren en oudere jongeren in de sloppenwijk Mathare.
Julius is daarnaast internationaal bekend als sportman. Dat begon allemaal bij de voetbalclub van Mathare, waar ik minstens één training mocht bjjwonen. Ik meen dat de club Mathare Youth International heette.
Eens per jaar krijg ik een bedelmail van Julius, omdat in Kenia ook huisvesting in een slum niet gratis is. Recent betrok de foundation een ruimte op een vliegveld bij Nairobi.
Fondsengeld geeft Mwelu dus niet uit aan zichzelf. Toen ik hem bezocht, woonde hij aan de rand van Mathare in een flat van beton, hoewel niet met speciaal veel daglicht in zijn studio van 4 x 4 meter.
Het betrof een indrukwekkende sprong voorwaarts vergeleken met zijn huisje daarvoor, dat hij me toonde. Het was alweer verhuurd. Naast de cabine van hout, plaatstaal en zink stond een emmer. Als Julius wou douchen, zette hij zo'n emmer met kraanwater langdurig in de zon. Even later was mijn vriend dan fris gedoucht.
Hij deelde zijn latere, luxe éénkamerappartement - latrines en misschien wel een douche op de verdieping - met zijn vriendin en dochter Anastacia. Verder zorgde de wees Mwelu met overgave voor zijn jongere broer Antony.
Zijn geld verdiende hij met de verkoop van zijn foto's, vooral buiten Kenia. Ook zag ik camerabeelden van zijn hand op de Duitse televisie. Mwelu had in Nairobi ongeregeldheden gefilmd tussen de oproerpolitie en demonstranten.
Één van de uitdagingen van fotograaf, filmer en fondsenwerver Mwelu betrof zijn etnische afkomst. Julius is een Luya, in Uganda waar zijn roots liggen een tribale meerderheid.
In Kenia mocht ik het meemaken dat de Luya Mwelu ongegeneerd werd gediscrimineerd door de daar heersende meerderheidsgroep.
Daar ging Julius - ogenschijnlijk - luchtig mee om, niet alleen als hij de toen heersende president Daniel Arap Moi bekwaam imiteerde. De president was geen Luya.
Rond de jaarwisseling krijg ik altijd een tweede Linkedinbericht van Julius. Beknopt wenst mij dan gelukkige feestdagen voor mij en mijn familie.
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