#math genuis
danielleurbansblog · 7 months
Review: Principles of Emotion
Synopsis: A brilliant mind needs a strong heart. Mathematical genius Dr. Meg Brightwood has just completed her life’s work—a proof of a problem so impenetrable it’s nicknamed the Impossible Theorem. Reclusive and burdened by anxiety, Meg has long since been dismissed by academia. Now everyone wants to get their hands on what she alone possesses—especially her own mathematician father. Having…
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 9 months
I live for the dynamic of "Both Goldenloin and Blackheart are very smart and competent in their respective fields but they are also both very fucking stupid"
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smug-puppy · 1 year
Sho Minamimoto's outfit actually slays. I want his clothes. I don't blame Neku for stealing his hat when finding him unconscious under a vending machine because I would do the same it's a very nice hat ok
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thursdayg1rl · 11 months
had a commute from hell today btw
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 2
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Theodore Sokolov King
I'm bored.
Literally and figuratively.
I'd expected the little bird to come out of her gilded cage after I left her hints pointing her in the right direction. God knows how I need my daily dose of chaos and what better way to initiate it than to rile up the Volkov princess, I want to see her out of her element, see her 'goody two shoe' image shatter, but it seems like I'll have to wait for a while before that happens now.
How boring.
Guess that's what being genuis does that to you, when it becomes so easy to want something and achieve it, in a manner that might look impractical to most of the folks around you, but you make it seem easy.The only competitors I have around are my cousins, namely Sean King, Uncle Eli's son, and the other being Dominic Sokolov, Uncle Bran and Uncle Niko's son, although I wouldn't consider the latter a competition considering our fields of excellency are poles apart.He's a known name amongst the Bratva, while I mostly keep to my domain of business, although I do like to get my hands dirty now and then. There's Jasper too, Uncle Creighton's son but since he's the youngest King heir, he's also the one who's most protected and looked after, to the point that no one on UK and US grounds would dare breathe wrong his way, fearing our collective wrath. I would never cross a line with the above fuckers, coz one thing that's been engraved in the mind of every King is:
Family above all.
Which is why everything is getting boring for me.
I've known that I was different from other kids since my childhood. While most of the kids my age struggled with basic mathematics I'd solve complex math problems within minutes. Be it series of domino puzzles, decrypting messages and riddles or learning new languages I could do it all. Although my parents,would be proud of my achievements and always flaunt them in front of their peers, deep down I know they were disturbed because of my detached nature. I cannot process emotions like others do.I once heard my Grandma talk to my Mom about how I inherited my father's aloofness, lack of empathy and his narcissist tendencies. I watched my mother's face fall as Grandma said that "If Landon was able to overcome his nature and become the loving husband and Father he is today, I'm sure our Theo will do the same"
But that's the problem, I cannot see the lack of empathy and emotions as a vice, rather it's my biggest asset. It makes me be over cautious, over calculating and the results are infront of us allA stronger empire than before commanded by a headstrong, handsome genuis with holier-than-thou personality. I've added more allies, more assets in my 3 years as the vice president than my COO Dad or CEO Uncle did in their inital years as leaders, a fact that's been praised by the Legends Aiden King and Levi King , my Granduncle and Grandfather. The same can be said about my cousin Sean, but he's been a few points back since the last ruckus he caused, and now I'm left to deal with the consequences.
Which brings me to the current issue, the stealing or more like taking the files containing deets on Mr.Williamson, the one who's been a thorn in our way since the Sean incident. Motherfucker thought he could blackmail The Kings. Seems like he has suicidal tendencies.
While I'd been planning and contemplating about ways to bring the fucker to his knees, opportunity came walking towards me in the form of Dominic Sokolov and his big mouth. During one of our ranting sessions, he might've slipped up this tidbit information about Volkovs having dirt on him and protecting him in return of some alliance bullshit.
What I'm if not an opportunist?
After rigorous planning, plotting and planting spys within the Volkovs fort I successfully got the data drive.I was planning to use my triumph card over Williamson, but than Aanya Volkov happened. I saw her speak at the Bratva meeting first time, eyes ablaze, hands twitching as though she wanted to strangle me to death and that's the most entertainment I've got in nearly 5 years, you see there's something alluring about breaking ones carefully and meticulously built good image. I've known her since my childhood due to her relations with my Aunt and Uncle creighton wife, Annika Volkov who also happens to be her Aunty, not to mention she's my little sister's best friend.
I'd seen her around the mansion but she would always keep her distance from me, as any sane person would.But then I learned something, which makes me believe that her soft spoken nature, all bright and pure is just an image.
Just like me, something sinister lurks within her too.
While I keep my beast at my shoulder, proudly on display for all to see, she's been taming hers from a long time.And I'll be damned if I let it be dormant any more.
I'll bring out your demons Aanya, even if I have to drag myself through your personal hell.
Time for my demon to meet yours.
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mixelation · 1 year
lol now im picturing ed 'super genuis prodigy' elric trying to tutor anya 'worlds worst student' forger in basic magic
Anya gleans from his thoughts that if she gets good at math and science, she can do magic!! now she’s SUPER motivated but also she is SO BAD at math
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kfruityouth · 5 months
the agents are cool and definitely not capitalists and i very like them.
great now ive got your attention So the limn is obviously a series of *ahem* unfortunate events. well its fucking with the world. its making all these "anomalies" so to speak happen.
what the fuck is the limn?
sydneys resurrection!
was oddities, space and time, and general fuckery rampant in memories from before he was ressurected, as dictated by memories (sydney is known to manipulate retellings of circumstances and such but for the sake of this, lets assume he's completely truthful), which we know from the transcripts were somehow distorted or lost as stated by the agents ??? NO!!!!
at the beginning of each transcript, it startes with something like "audio data from ...source... on day 900andsomething". now now now now. between october 2018, sydneys death, and june 2021, the beginning of the end (haha get it), theres approximately 900, or the same amount of days as there are in the day-900. just further evidence. do the math if you really want unfortunately i dropped out of math and will not be doing it.
the agents record this information because its significant. because its what theyre investigating.
SO. theres 5 agents we know of:
agent 1 - just a guy. read the chnt wiki :]
agent 7 - the guy writing the descriptions if we're to get all meta
agent 23 - the silly i love her so soso much
agent 15 & agent 16 (tony 1 and tony 2 my beloveds)
agent 15&16, or the tonies as everyone knows them by, are frequently seen delivering CONTRABAND goods for jedidiah's little project.
-----based on what we can infer, the episode descriptions are written AT THE TIME of the episodes canonical place in the timeline.
now....................... chnt is vehemently anti-government. lucille is vehemently anti-government. contraband goods are obviously... well, they're contra-BANNED haha im funny by the government. so we can infer that the agency is seperate to the government. but why then are they providing jedidah, or ENTITY1, the materials for his project? although in my own personal theory/hc, i do think the agents are seperate to the actual government, which i firmly believe will be the overarching 'antagonist' of the series as a symbol of oppression and such
its contradictory, see? the government bans necromancy. theres HUGE propaganda about necromancy--they push the line that its impossible way too much for it to just be a bit.
but now, that its possible and theyve seen it in action and theyve seen the shit its caused... theyre in on it.
but basically: the limn has shattered reality (as made literal in the shattered sky in the clock of meantime)
i dont know how to word vomit my thoughts in a legible way. ill add to this or edit this post if i come up with coherent thoughts. i genuiely feel like im grasping at straws and like red string and polaroids and shit. my heart is palpitating and everything why am i so worked up about this im so sorry
please please please talk to me. send me your theories, nitpicks, additions, anything. im actually losing my mind
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foreverambrosia · 17 days
I'm suggesting Dr. Ratio from H.SR !
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He's a genuis with eight distinct doctorates. He's sorta a bastard, tbh. He's egotistical and proper BUT a huge nerd who truly wants to provide education. He is also my brother ✨️
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His attacks are math themed, also
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He also wears this thing I can not understand how he takes on and off himself.
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starkers-lair · 7 months
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Hello watchers and stalkers, welcome back to
Personal shifting prefrence (WR before DR)
i hope this makes sence im at school rn and people are being loud and annoying (please i wanna go home but i have to stay here for anothe 3 hours. actually im not that mad cuz i only have geography and math left and i like those but our new seating arangment is deffinetly unfortunate, gonna have to manifest a new one)
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yk whats intresting? istead of shifting to a dr i perfer to shift to my wr first (especially since i havent shifted yet). my wr is just a very chill place where im the only one there and i just need that alone time to do whatever i feel like whenever i feel like (to heal a bit aswell, im kainda fucked in the head rn). and also that will make actually be atlest a bit coherent when seeing the people from my drs for the first time cuz it wont be like a "oh i was in my or just a sec ago!" type of moment ykwim i wont be shocked or supriced (and that first shock of actually shifting wont be there).
plus i can work on scripts there and not use the small amount of free time i have on that
i think im a genuis, dk tho
- yours truly
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the thing about the ep Statistical Probabilities is that narratively i can appreciate the writers wanting to look at genetic augmentation a bit deeper and breaking away from how its basically meant just like "super human with no downsides" and instead bring to light the idea that it doesn't always go well, and that genetic augmentation in ds9 essentially gives the ability to talk about ableism in an appropriately futuristic way (like in Doctor Bashir I Presume) or mental illness (with Statistical Probabilities).
but also i cannot help but hate the Savant thing. its not unique to this, i mean the trope is everywhere with like "they're disabled/mentally ill BUT they're a Super Genuis :)". Can't relate to that, sabes? Oh they're bipolar/catatonic/etc as a side effect of being a genetically altered super genius? damn I'm insane and struggle to read and speak and do math or remember things and my parents didn't even have to pay money for me to end up like that. Yall can pick up on all the emotions and innerworkings of some guy based on a video of his political speech? I failed a uni assignment because I couldn't tell the emotions or thoughts of a child lmao.
On a side note though the focus on the savants' "learning how to be a productive member of society" is incredibly accurate to how therapists/social workers/etc are imo.
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scar1ett-so1dier · 1 month
Help I woke my roommate up because I properly did mental math and I yelled, “CHAT, IM LITERALLY A GENUIS.”
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sewnk1n · 2 years
ok so basically rats are these little doo dads that live round about nearly everywhere and so I want one, and so New York wants to get rid of them so I HAVE A GENUIS SOLUTION I CAME UP WITH WHILE TAKIN TYLENOL!! SO if you do the math there's a about 2 million rats in New York and 8.468 MILLION people there as well, if you bust out the good ol' calculator and put in the numbers. You could possibly give 2.117 MILLION people ALL THE RATS!!! AND THEN BING BANG SCHLAP PROBLEM SOLVED
This post was brought you by Ghost and Pals's "Honey I'm Home" & I DON'T KNOW HOW THEY FOUND ME's "From The Gallows" & They Might Be Giants's "Kiss Me, Son of God"
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there are some differences between canon izuku and mine, sure theres the fact he has the quirk, and hes a bit more assertive and confident, but considering my izuku is a summoner hes a bit more noodly then canon izuku, sure he has some muscle but he spent alot of cleaning up the beach more so on weapons training, then muscle training, he also took on ofa a bit later then in canon.
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theres also all the absolutely horrible trauma i put him through which is a great find when u unlock enough trust/friendship points to unlock his horrible anime backstory. 
and then theres the major factor that canon izuku is very smart, like basically genuis smart
and mine...well..hes a bit more of a himbo tbh but like a himbo with killig intent.
hes great tactically, somewhat decent at math, really good at certain aspects of art and history those that center around his quirk, but overall hes either really average or completely smooth brained, like science? horrible, absolutely atroicious, math decent at the beginner level stuff absolutely horrible at anything else, for history and art if its chinese based u’d think hes studied it for centuries anything else? about average. 
which is really fun in a rping setting because izuku can act just completely dumb sometimes when hes entered a territory of conversation that makes no sense to him. its perfect
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deithe · 2 years
i think leo can easily card-count so he's a goddamn genius at blackjack. he hates casinos though because he hates all the lights and crowds so it's a completely wasted skill. he genuinely only uses it to beat the nike and athena kids. he's banned from any card games at chb because he wins so easily.
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juiciee · 3 years
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kemetic-dreams · 3 years
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Thomas Fuller (1710 – December 1790), also known as "Negro Tom" and the "Virginia Calculator", was an enslaved African renowned for his mathematical abilities
Born in Africa somewhere between present-day Liberia and Benin, Fuller was enslaved and shipped to America in 1724 at the age of 14, eventually becoming the legal property of Presley and Elizabeth Cox of Alexandria, Virginia. Both Fuller and the Coxes were illiterate. The Coxes enslaved 16 people, and appeared to value Fuller the most; he expressed gratitude for not being sold.
Stories of his abilities abounded through the Eastern seaboard. His skill was even used as proof that enslaved Blacks were equal to whites in intelligence, which fueled some pro-abolitionist discussion.
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When Fuller was about 70 years old, William Hartshorne and Samuel Coates of Pennsylvania were in Alexandria and, having heard of Fuller's powers, sent for him. They asked him two questions which satisfied their curiosity.
First, when they asked him how many seconds there were in a year and a half, he answered each question in turn in about two minutes, 47,304,000. Second, when they asked how many seconds a man has lived who is 70 years, 17 days and 12 hours old, he answered in a minute and a half 2,210,500,800. One of the men was working out the problems on paper, and informed Fuller that his answer was too high. Fuller hastily replied, "'Top, massa, you forget de leap year." When the leap year was added in, the sums matched.
Despite Fuller's perfect answers, it appeared to Hartshorne and Coates that his mental abilities must have once been greater. They wrote:
He was grey-headed, and exhibited several other marks of the weakness of old age. He had worked hard upon a farm during the whole of life but had never been intemperate in the use of spirituous liquors. He spoke with great respect of his mistress, and mentioned in a particular manner his obligations to her for refusing to sell him, which she had been tempted to by offers of large sums of money from several persons. One of the gentlemen, Mr. Coates, having remarked in his presence that it was a pity he had not an education equal to his genius, he said, "No, Massa, it is best I had no learning, for many learned men be great fools."
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