anjumzm · 2 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 17
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Theodore Sokolov King
I could feel it in the air, adrenaline and excitement forged together. Tonight, as per my plan, would be the night I'd pull the rug from that rat Abazi’s feet. And then I'd get back to much more important tasks, like planning my dinner date with the little bird. Since it was crucial for me to make my move today, I'd had to postpone my date. That rat would pay dearly for ruining my me time with Aanya.
Gods, why can't I stop thinking about the damn girl? It's not like she's the only girl in London or the entire world.
But she's definitely the only one you have eyes for.
True. Even I couldn't deny the fact that I've never been this invested in anyone before. I had no patience to deal with the emotions that came with people, and eventually, the disappointment on their faces when they realized that I'm as unmoving as a stone when it comes to things like anger, despair, grief, or anything. I just couldn't bring myself to... feel. But for the first time, I felt. That day in my office, I'd felt desire and desperation to own something, and I wished to feel it over and over again. Somehow the Volkov princess had managed to imprint herself on me, and the worst part was she didn't realize it yet. No one did. Except for my Dad, because he was like me, and there's no way one can hide something from him. He's the prototype, after all. I'm a mere copy.
Speak of the Devil. My phone rang with my Dad's name on the notification bar.
"Quite a day to cause mayhem, isn't it?" his voice, as always, calm yet imposing.
"You're right, and I plan to please," I replied, a smirk tugging at my lips.
"As expected, Son. I always knew my genes were superior. Time you proved it to everyone. But be careful, Abazi is not as daft as you think him to be, and neither is Jeremy's son. I hope you've planned this through."
"You know me, Dad. After all, you're the author of whatever I am."
"True, but do let me know if you need help."
"Sure thing."
"Be safe, Son."
I smiled, knowing very well how Dad didn't show emotions often. But his actions always spoke to us. He loved me and Gina in his own way, but Mom—his entire existence was tied to her, to the point that he'd burn the world to keep her safe.
I gathered my gun, a gift from Grandpa Kyle, and headed to the SUV. "Pasha, is everything in place?"
"All good, Boss. We're waiting for your orders," Pasha replied through the phone.
"Good. This cannot go wrong, Pasha. I hope you understand."
"Sure, Boss. You need not worry; we're well prepared."
"Forward our location to Aaron Volkov. We'll be meeting halfway. Hopefully, things go smoothly with dialogue and without guns and fists."
I cut the call. Time for some action.
We met halfway as per our plan. As usual, Aaron had a scowl on his face. My soon-to-be brother-in-law didn't like the fact that we were working together, that he had to take my help.
"Lovely day, isn't it, brother-in-law?" I greeted him with a smirk.
"Stop calling me that, you psycho. I won't shy away from turning your good day into a bad one," Aaron snapped.
"Always the pleasant one. Remind me to team up with Caleb for adventures next time; he's the more intelligent of you guys, after all."
"Keep my family out of your business, King. You won't like the consequences."
"Not possible. After all, your sister is my business and by extension, so is her family."
"You little shi—" Aaron lunged, throwing a punch.
I sidestepped, catching his hand midway. "Let's continue this sweet talk some other day. I'm sure we have pressing matters at hand, don't you think?"
Aaron glared at me, yanking his hand back. "Lead the way."
Inside the warehouse, the air was thick with tension. Abazi stood in the center, surrounded by his men, a smug grin on his face.
"Theodore King and Aaron Volkov, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Abazi drawled, appearing confused, yet offering us a polite smile. He knew he was outmatched.
I cut to the chase. "We’re here for the Black Book you stole from the Volkovs."
"Black Book? What black book? I have no idea what you're talking about."
Before I could respond, the doors behind us creaked open. Two of my men dragged in Alexei, bruised and beaten. Alexei, my planted spy, was about to play his part.
"Boss, this guy was trying to run," one of my men announced, shoving Alexei forward.
Alexei fell to his knees, looking up at us with feigned fear. "Please, don’t hurt me. I was only following orders."
Aaron stepped forward, his patience wearing thin. "What orders? Where’s the book?"
Alexei hesitated, his eyes darting to Abazi before settling back on Aaron. "Abazi had me keep the Black Book hidden. He didn't want anyone to know its location."
Abazi’s expression shifted from smug to shock. "What? That’s a lie! I don’t have your book, Aaron. Theodore King, you fucking bastard..." He moved forward to punch me, but Aaron caught him by his collar.
Abazi’s men stepped forward, raising their guns, but they were outnumbered. Our men slipped behind them, putting them all at gunpoint.
Aaron motioned one of his men forward. He came up and bound Abazi.
"Aaron, what the fuck? We're allies, remember? What's going on?"
"You dare cross us. You've become emboldened, haven't you? What did you think, hmm? That you would blackmail us and we'd bend to your whims as and when you please? You forgot that we're the Volkovs, and gods damn me if I let a rat like you challenge us."
"Aaron, you're—" Aaron backhanded him.
"Shhh....Don't talk. The more you keep quiet, the better." He called Alexei forward. His men punched him in the gut, making him drop to his knees. "Where's the book, and I warn you, do not lie. My patience has already run thin."
"It's in his basement. I kept it there myself on Boss’s orders."
"What?? What orders are you talking about, Alexei, you piece of shit! I'll kill you!" Abazi shouted, struggling against his bonds.
And while all this drama was going on, all I could think about was how good Aanya looks in black, how her eyes shine whenever she feels she's made her point in a conversation, or how her and Aaron's hair are the same shade. They have the same eye shape,but their similarities end there; he looks like a wild bull while my birdie looks ethereal.
Before Aaron killed Abazi and my spy Alexei, I stepped in. "Alexei, was that your name? Now, you said that the book's in the basement, and how you personally kept it there. My men here will search the entire place, and if what you say is wrong, I'll leave your fate in Mr. Volkov's hands here."
"Please don't kill me, I'm telling the truth."
What a performance. Remind me to pay him double the sum.
Just when I was about to order my men, Aaron stopped me and signaled his men to look around the basement. "I still don't trust you or your men, King."
"Ouch. I'm hurt," I mockingly put my hand on my heart.
As expected, soon enough, one of Aaron's men came out with the book in his hand.
"Boss. We found this."
"Abazi, you motherfucker!" Aaron all but choked the guy. Before he could kill him, I intervened.
"Now, now, he needs to be alive, if only to appear before the Bratva and give up the southern port's control to you."
"What makes you thi—" Before the rat could even complete his sentence, Aaron kicked him in the face.
"Listen here, you piece of shit, and listen carefully. You'll kiss our bloody feet if  I ask you to. You see, I literally hold your life in my hands. So during the next Bratva meet, you'll appear all calm and collected and give up the southern ports control to us. If not, trust me, I'd kill you, and when I'm done, not even your loved ones would be able to recognize you. Oh, and don't you dare try to outsmart me. I have eyes and ears everywhere. One wrong move and I'll shoot you between the eyes."
Abazi coughed and spat blood out. "Okay, okay. I'll do as you want. So leave me the fuck alone."
As Aaron and the Volkovs departed, I lingered behind. Abazi, now free of his bindings, approached me, his eyes burning with hatred.
"You think you’ve won, Theo? This isn’t over. I'll hit you where it hurts the most," Abazi spat.
I laughed coldly. "Weak men have weaknesses, Abazi. I don’t."
Abazi’s eyes gleamed with malice. "You don't have a weakness that I know of yet, but you will. And when you do, I'll be sure to exploit it just as you did today. I hope this little stunt was worth it."
I stepped closer, my voice a dangerous whisper. "Try it, and you'll regret it. Remember, this was me playing nice."
With that, I turned on my heel, leaving Abazi to stew in his defeat. As I walked away, my mind raced with thoughts of the future and the new threats that loomed on the horizon. But for now, I had secured my place and protected my interests, and that was a victory worth savoring. King style.
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anjumzm · 2 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 16
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Aanya Volkov
The 'Verde' mall was a gleaming labyrinth of luxury stores. During my teenage years, it seemed like the best place to hang out with friends, but as I grew up, its allure felt like a mirage. Spending more time than necessary here wasn't my idea of fun. Not to mention that the Kings were partners in the entire project, and Gina loved shopping more than anything else. As always, Rebecca and I couldn't help but give in to her demands.
If it were any other day, I would have groaned and complained about the amount of useless stuff we'd bought just because 'Madame Gina' thought it would look super cute on me. She did the same with Rebecca, but Rebecca shared the same shopaholic tendencies as Gina and never complained. Today, however, my mind was preoccupied with pressing matters. Theo still hadn't returned the Black Book. I wasn't sure how he'd do it without my brothers or father noticing, and God save him if they ever suspected he had the book.
Gina nudged me, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "You've been awfully quiet, Aanya. What's going on in that head of yours?"
I forced a smile. "Oh, just thinking about... everything."
Rebecca's concern was evident in her eyes. "Everything? Or a certain someone named Theo?"
Gina's eyebrows shot up. "Theo again? What's he done now?"
I sighed. "He's just... intense."
Rebecca exchanged a glance with Gina before turning to me. "You need to be careful, Aanya. Theo's not just intense. He's controlling."
Gina added, "I know that he's my brother and I love him to the moon, but Rebs is right. He is controlling and manipulative. Since childhood, he has had a tendency to control everything, his brothers and sisters included. Do you remember the 8th-grade incident, Rebs?"
"Please don't remind me," Rebecca said, scrunching her face.
"Wait, are we talking about Zayden? That's the only interesting thing I remember from our 8th grade. Hadn't the guy proposed to you and then left school the next week? He was a cutie," I added.
"See, that's the thing. He didn't leave the school; he was forced to. You know how Sean and Theo were. They somehow forced him and his family to resettle somewhere else, all this over an innocent proposal. Rebs and I came to know about this recently when we ran into Zayden at the trekking trip last month," Gina explained.
"Point is, Theo's always been that way. He protects what he considers his, but it's more about control than care. And you, my dearest, deserve someone who loves you openly, not someone who needs to control you," Rebecca said, casually putting her hand on my shoulder.
A few minutes later, the topic shifted to more casual stuff like Gina's party and Rebecca's new dress. The highlight of today's discussion was the grand party Aunt Ariella was throwing. The Astors were known for their partying and adventurous nature. Aunt Ari's son, Raphael, had been studying in France and had just come back home. It had been quite a while since they saw him. He was mysterious, which was completely opposite to his parents, both of whom were extroverts and outgoing. He was more like Grandpa Cole in that sense. Also, Raphael, Sean, Theo, and Jasper were some kind of celebrities during their school days. Now that Raphael is back, I'm sure they were planning to do some mischief, raise hell, and chaos.
As if on cue, Jasper, Rebecca's brother and my cousin, joined us. Despite being the youngest in the family, he managed the mall, a role that earned him respect and a fair bit of teasing.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite ladies!" Jasper exclaimed, throwing his arms around us. "What are we discussing? Fashion? Gossip? Or planning a coup?"
Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Just shopping and chatting. Aanya was telling us about her date with Theo."
Jasper raised an eyebrow, his tone turning playful. "Ah, Theo. The man of the hour. Or should I say, the man of many hours, given how much he occupies your thoughts, Aanya."
I blushed slightly. "It's not like that."
"Sure, sure," Jasper replied, winking. "So, what has the dark prince planned for this evening?"
"Probably something intense and controlling," Rebecca muttered under her breath.
I sighed. "I don't know, honestly. He's... complicated."
Jasper's expression turned serious for a moment. "Just be careful, Aanya. Theo's not like the rest of us. He has a way of getting what he wants, and not always in the best ways."
Gina tried to lighten the mood. "Enough about Theo. Let's focus on finding the perfect dress for Aanya. Something that makes her feel amazing."
As we continued shopping, Jasper and Rebecca threw sarcastic comments at each other, their banter lightening the atmosphere. But I couldn't shake the unease that settled in my chest.
Rebecca squeezed my hand. "Remember what I said, Aanya. You deserve the kind of love that makes you feel alive. Don't settle for less."
I nodded, appreciating my friend's concern but knowing I had to face Theo and whatever he had planned for the evening.
With a deep breath, I excused myself from the group and headed home to prepare, my thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty and anticipation. The night ahead promised to be anything but ordinary.
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anjumzm · 2 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 15
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Theodore Sokolov King
I knew this day would come, but not this soon. Although I had all my ducks in a row, I hadn't expected Abazi to make his move so... recklessly. He'd spread rumors that had caused our stocks to plummet. It also impacted the deals we'd almost sealed, making our partners skeptical. If I wanted to save myself and my cousin brothers from Grandpa Aiden's wrath, I had to be quick and efficient. Given his latest move, he now knew of my plans to go against him. Previously, both Abazi and I had attacked each other in shadows, but now it was evident that Abazi had gotten impatient.
Well, time for my first move.
I typed a message to my soon-to-be brother-in-law, Aaron Volkov. "Meet me at my office."
The reply was swift and curt. "Who's this?"
"Volkovs' soon-to-be son-in-law," I responded.
The next reply was a string of curses, conveying the asshole's frustration at the entire situation. If it were any other time, I would have taken pleasure in ruffling this buffoon's feathers, but I had more pressing matters at hand.
"I've heard rumors of Abazi having something of yours... something about a black book."
That earned me a long stretch of silence. He kept on typing and erasing the message.
"No worries, take your time, brother-in-law. Considering the way you're struggling to reply, I take it it's something of value for the Volkovs. Good thing you have me on your side now, don't you think so?"
"What do you know, King?"
"Nothing as of now, but I have my men in place. Soon, I'll have the location of your 'possession'. Chances are we can recover it from Abazi once the location is disclosed." Although the book was in my possession, I couldn't possibly let Aaron know this. If I returned it, well, the only outcome would be death by the hands of Jeremy Volkov. And I wanted to live, more so now than ever before.
If only to own Aanya Volkov.
"And you're helping us out of the goodness of your heart, I assume," Aaron replied.
"Of course. Cannot let a rat manipulate my beloved fiancé's family."
"Cut the crap, Theo. What do you want?" The guy was smart when he wanted to be.
"Down to business, I like that. Well, I'll be proposing something at the next Bratva meeting. Once we overthrow Abazi's control over the southern port, I'll propose to put you in his place. You'd be the new King of the Southern port, all but in name. You see, I'm a businessman and cannot involve myself in the illegal activities of the port, but you guys can. I want to be able to do business without suffering any loss. If all goes well, you can keep 10% of the profit we make. Additionally, I'd be giving 20% to the Bratva, which is more than the measly 5% Abazi offers. Give it some thought."
Five minutes later, my phone buzzed with his reply. "OK. But before agreeing, I have one more condition to add."
"Well, go ahead."
"I want you to break off your engagement with Aanya."
That did it. It filled me with a rage like never before, with a need to maim this asshole for good. I will burn each and every one who tries to come between me and my birdie. She was mine before she knew it, and I'll do everything in my power to keep it that way. "Aaron, let me remind you that you're in no position to make demands. You see, you're missing the point here. 'You' need something that 'I' can help you get back. Even if you disagree, I have other ways to get my plan in motion. Not to mention the point that I can and would get back the black book you so desperately want. Also, what are the chances that I blackmail you once I get my hands on your book? My offer is a mere courtesy given that we're to be relatives and all. As for my engagement with Aanya, deal or not, I fully intend to make Aanya my wife. Neither you nor your family has any say in it."
I needed an outlet. Something, before I started smashing stuff here and there. I called Alejandro and asked him to arrange a boxing match as soon as possible. It was a habit I'd developed in my teens to keep whatever this thing I feel at bay. And it did wonders, the pain, the exhaustion-all of it. Previously, Uncle Niko used to accompany me, but since I fell from his grace, Dom had taken up his place. I messaged him, "Up for something fun?" "Down for it always," he replied back.
An hour and a couple of bruises later, I was sated... if only for a while. After a while, Dominic came into view.
"That was a good fight, you left quite an impression. The news will have reached the King's Mansion. Grandpa Aiden will be furious. Get ready for the consequences. I'll be ready with popcorn and stuff. I'll ask Sean to join too."
"Thanks for nothing," I replied curtly.
"Seriously, Theo, what's wrong? What triggered this? I thought we were past our teenage shenanigans. Are you okay?" "Since when are you my therapist? Trust me, out of both of us, you need to get yourself checked. I heard about your latest episode. Uncle Bran must have been thrilled. All good at home, Dommy boy?"
"Asshole. I was asking out of concern. Bet you're not familiar with the term, you psycho."
"Don't care. Be present for the next Bratva meeting. I have a surprise." I left without waiting for his reply.
I knew that Aaron Volkov wouldn't decline the offer made because I made sure that there was no other option left for the Volkovs. As expected, I found a text the next morning. "OK. I accept the deal. But no one else should know about this-neither my father, Aanya, nor anyone."
"Sure. Looking forward to working with you, Mr. Volkov."
This needed a celebration. And what better way to celebrate it than with the little bird who seemed to occupy my mind a lot these days?
I called Aanya. "Hello, Theo?" she answered, her voice curious.
"Hello, little bird. Are you free this evening?"
"Yeah, I suppose. Why are you asking?"
"Good. I'll pick you up at six" I could already picture her face, the way her eyes widened in surprise, the way her lips curved into a reluctant smile. Every moment with her was a game, a tantalizing dance that I couldn't get enough of. Her presence was intoxicating, and the more time I spent with her, the more I craved it. I was obsessed, utterly consumed by the thought of her. The idea of anyone, especially Aaron, trying to come between us was infuriating.
Time to play with my little bird. To ensnare her in a way that not even she's able to keep us apart.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 14
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Aanya Volkov
Never before had I seen my family members so on edge before a Bratva meeting. I wasn’t prepared to face my family, so as soon as we landed here, I tagged along with Caleb directly to Uncle Vaughn's Mansion, where all the Bratva business and meetings were conducted.
The Bratva meeting room felt like stepping into a crucible, where tradition and power melded into an almost suffocating atmosphere. The long, dark wood table was surrounded by the most influential members of our families. We were all waiting for the Pakhan to arrive. I saw my father seated at his usual place at the right of Pakhan, wearing a stern expression. Across the table, Theo’s grandparents, Kyle Hunter and Rai Sokolov, sat with calm yet formidable demeanors. The moment they noticed me walk in along with Caleb, Ms. Rai came towards me and took my hands in hers.
"Aanya, it's so good to finally meet you. I cannot express how happy Kyle and I are after Theo broke the news to us. Welcome to the family, sweetheart. I know my grandson's way of expressing his emotions is far from conventional, but trust me, when you get to know him, beneath all the coldness you'll find a man who's fiercely loyal and protective of his family. Please give him time, and I'm sure you'll come to appreciate him for what he truly is and not what you've heard about him all this time."
I blushed slightly. Yesterday's dinner with his parents, today's meeting with his grandparents—it all felt too much. I didn't even have a boyfriend a few weeks back, and now, we were discussing my marriage. My throat went dry at the mere thought.
Breathe, Aanya. Breathe.
"Speaking of the devil, where is Theo? I thought you both would come together," Ms. Rai asked.
"We've forbidden Aanya from traveling anywhere without security or anyone from family accompanying her, going forward," Caleb answered in his cool voice.
I could see Mr. Hunter getting ready to reply when we heard commotion outside.
"You motherfucker! I thought this was a part of some sick joke till now, but you've bloody taken it too far and I'm tempted to end your sorry existence, do some good for society," Aaron said, punching Theo.
Theo staggered a little, then got up, holding his jaw and punched Aaron right back. "You know, I'm kind of getting irritated with your barbaric ways, you illiterate moron. Unlike you, my face is a literal piece of art and I suggest you keep that in mind before you throw your next punch, dear brother-in-law."
"You little piece of—"
"Aaron! Leave him right away," my brother intervened, stepping between them. "This is not the right place or time for your episode. Look around where we’re standing. Your grandfather would hear about this and he’d be disappointed. We've raised you better than this, son."
"Uncle Jeremy is right, Aaron. Why raise our fits when there are other, more creative methods to disarm your enemies and bring them to their knees?" Alec came down the staircase, a picture of mafia royalty—authoritative and dominant. He was handsome, with thick black hair that contrasted sharply with his pale skin, high cheekbones, and a strong jawline that bore a striking resemblance to his father. Despite the subtle Asian features inherited from his mother, his dominant Russian genes made him the picture of a dark romance mafia hero.
Yet you declined his proposal. What a fool.
I declined his proposal because I wasn’t ready for a relationship, let alone marriage.
And here we are, back to square one.
Theo finally noticed him, and once their eyes met, I could feel the tension from here. Both of them were used to commanding and ordering people around them. One could only wonder how things would go if they were put in a single room. Only one would emerge victorious given that both believed themselves to be untouchable beings. Us mortals should feel blessed to even be in their presence.
"Long time no see, belochka," Alec said, kissing the back of my hand.
"The same could be said about you, spider," I said, almost grinning.
Me and Alec, we were kind of close since childhood, to the point that I'd always drag him with me to play princess and prince. We also had a small castle at my grandpa Adrian's place, and Alec used to tag along. As a kid, he was super shy, talking only when necessary and keeping to himself. Being the Pakhan's son kind of made other people wary of him, but not me. I thought he was similar to me, at least before he and Aaron were sent to Russia for some kind of training. When both of them returned, I'd lost the fun version of my brother and friend. Alec kept his distance from me, and Aaron became what he is now. But then last month, he'd approached me at the charity ball, said that we should catch up, but I felt awkward. It was as if I couldn't make up my mind whether to talk to him as my long-lost buddy or the future Mafia Lord. And then he proposed, which made me step away from him for good.
"Still saving squirrels and kittens, I suppose?" he jokingly asked.
"Still scared of spiders, I suppose?" I replied, which earned a laugh from him.
Before our conversation could proceed, Theo King stepped in, his hand at the small of my back and extended his other hand to Alec.
"Theo King. I didn’t ever get a chance to meet you personally, but have heard quite a lot about you. Safe to say your reputation precedes you, Mr. Morozova."
"Same could be said about you, Mr. King. You’re quite the player, aren’t you? But I’d like to inform you that you’ve stepped on the wrong turf. When yours is a life of calm seas and ours is a dance of shadows, I suggest you keep your hands clean, let the devils work in the night. I’d be happy to help you carry out your dirty work."
"Thank you for the generous advice. But I'm a creature of habit; I don’t take anyone other than myself seriously. As for the dirty work, I'm sure Mr. Morozova the senior would educate you on the matters, as to how I've proven myself to be a valuable asset to the organization these past few days, more so than the other heirs of the seating families," Theo replied.
The entire scene felt as though it was out of some movie. As if two lions were encircling each other, readying themselves to pounce at the right time.
Before the tension escalated, the Pakhan joined us at the head of the table, with Alec, my dad, and my brothers on one side and Mr. Hunter, Ms. Rai, and Theo on the other side. This was an intimate meeting with only my father and Theo's grandparents, for the Pakhan to decide if we could go ahead with the proposal, given that I'm my father's daughter and Theo's a Sokolov from his mother's side.
"Well then, without any further ado, let's get started. Jeremy, what’s the reason behind the sudden announcement about Aanya’s engagement to Theodore? Last time we talked about the matter, you were adamant about how Aanya's still a little girl, and you wouldn't be thinking about her marriage for at least the next few years. What happened? Did she suddenly grow up from the last time to now?" Uncle Vaughn added in a taunting manner. I knew he was still salty about the whole Alec's proposal thing.
"I assure you, Pakhan, my intention remains the same. If it wasn't for my daughter's happiness and my respect for her choice, I would have buried this...him, before he could even dare to finish taking his and Aanya's name in a sentence together," Dad said in an agitated tone. I knew I'd hurt my dad in the worst possible manner. But if this marriage was the only way to secure my family's future, I’d do it. I'd do it a hundred times if I had to. I avoided looking at my father's side, fearing the disappointment in them. The guilt I would feel would kill me.
I promise you, Dad, once this is all over, I’ll make it up to you. To all of you.
Kyle Hunter, Theo’s grandfather, intervened, his voice calm but firm. “Jeremy, Theo’s engagement to Aanya is a decision that both families should respect. We are here to discuss it, not undermine it.”
My father’s gaze hardened. “Respect is earned, not given, Kyle. Theo must prove that his intentions are genuine. As of now, I do not trust him."
Rai Sokolov, Theo’s grandmother, added with a measured tone, “Jeremy, you know our family well. Theo has proven himself time and again. This engagement is no different.”
Alec leaned back in his chair, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Proven himself? In what way? By manipulating situations to his advantage? Aanya deserves someone who understands her, someone who’s been there for her.”
I felt Theo’s grip tighten on my hand. “Are you underestimating Aanya’s ability to make her own decisions, Alec? Saying that she's naive?”
Alec’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Aanya, do you feel the same? Do you believe Theo can provide what you need?”
Why, just why am I being put in a spot like this?
"I...I respect him, Alec. He's a man of his word and has principles. It's my choice to get engaged to him, and I request everyone to respect my decisions. I know this has come as quite a surprise, but this is not a decision I've made in the heat of the moment," I said in a stable tone, although I felt nervous as hell inside.
There's pin drop silence before th3 Pakhan intervenes.
"I think there's not much to discuss then, Jeremy. Since our dear Aanya wants this, and me being her beloved uncle, I cannot keep her away from something she wants. Theo, you have my permission, but know this: Aanya is a child who's under the Bratva's protection—a Mafia princess. If you even accidentally make her cry, you'll face severe consequences, the kind you're not used to."
"I assure you, Pakhan, I'll keep her in the palm of my hand. I'll do my best to meet all her expectations."
"As you should, Mr.King, as you should."
Alec starts moving to Theo's side, whispers something to him which makes him go rigid and right when he's about to move out the door he makes the "I'm watching you sign" to Theo, his smirk conveying that he's up to something. I know it.
As we all were leaving, I tried to talk to my father. "Dad, I—"
"Not here, Angel. Let's get home first."
Just when I was moving towards my father's car, a hand came out of nowhere, pulling me into a dark room.
"Theo, what the hell? Are you mad?"
"Stay away from Alec."
"Stay away from Alec. You'll cut all your contacts with him—no messaging, no contacting him, talking to him, or even looking at him."
"I won't. Alec's my friend, and you're not the boss of me. Just in case you've forgotten, this is not some match made in heaven; it's an alliance. You have something I want back, and so here I am, bending to your whims, but there's a limit to it, Theo King. I won't allow you to dictate what I do and wear or whom I meet. You.Do.Not.Own.Me." I poked his chest with every word.
Just when I was about to escape, he pulled me back by my wrist and locked my hand above my head with one hand, his other one resting beside my head. Our lips were inches apart. I could feel his breath upon my lips, my eyes wandering over his features—his eyes, straight nose, mole near his right eye.  Perfect, just like the whole of him.
"Theo...let me go," I whispered.
"I can't. I can't stop thinking about you, little bird. You're in my head, everywhere I go. I keep reminding myself that this is an alliance, nothing more, but every time I look at you, I feel this blatant need to own you, mark you in a way that declares to the whole world you're mine. I want to bind you to me, little bird. Pull you into the abyss where no one else but you and I will live," he said in a voice not more than a whisper.
Just a taste, just one touch...
He leaned forward, our lips lingering on each other.
"Aanya! Where are you? We need to leave," Aaron's voice broke whatever spell I was in, and I ran out of the room.
I need to get back the black book, need to end this, before the flame in me turns into a full-fledged fire. One that will engulf both him and me.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 13
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Theodore Sokolov King
I'd sensed the skepticism and edge around the topic of my engagement to the Volkov princess since the moment I'd broken the news to my family. Both Kings and Sokolovs. Although my Grandpa Kyle and Grandma Rai were convinced for now, I was still to hear from Uncle Niko and Uncle Bran. I'm sure bigmouth Dom might have broken the news to them, adding salt and spice to it as he saw fit. I'll soon have to arrange a meeting with my dear Uncles in the US. Not to mention the Bratva meeting called by Jeremy Volkov to discuss 'our engagement' since Aanya was a Volkov and I, a Sokolov, from my mothers. Matches were usually arranged by the Pakhan, mostly to strengthen business ties and security, but I'm almost sure that he wouldn't mind mine and Aanya's engagement, given the number of times I've proven myself to be a valuable asset to the organization in the past few months.
The keyword being 'almost.' Jeremy Volkov was smart and observant. But so was I. The only way to find out would be to attend the next meeting. Note to self: Convince Uncle Niko of my love and sincerity towards Aanya before he openly supports his dearest goddaughter's family. I know he'd do that just to spite me. Even if we are related, he still thinks that I need to rethink certain life choices I've made during the past few years of my life, a few of which he'd had to personally handle for me. In addition to all of the above, I'm sure the little bird had a plan of her own; she was fiercely loyal and protective towards her family, a trait which although I admired, would prove to be a pain in the ass in the long run. I'd have to bring her to my side, no matter what. Since that day in the office, she's been stuck in my mind like a goddamned broken record.
And now that I'd had a taste of her, I felt starved. Plans and plotting be damned; all of it wouldn't matter if I couldn't have her in the palm of my hand. I'd wanted to tarnish that innocence of hers, to etch my name on her very breath, to mark myself on her very essence in a way that even she's unable to remove me from her life. I'd wanted her to myself. Never before did I feel this kind of fierce ownership over anything. She was mine, and it was time that I showed it to everyone, her and her family included.
I'd gotten a call from my driver that he'd picked up Aanya from Jasper's place, and they would be here at any minute. I'd worn a blue tuxedo to match Aanya's dress so that it becomes clear that we come as a pair. One thing that the Kings were always mindful of was our way of dressing. Grandpa Aiden had engraved in all our minds since our childhood that we should dress in a way that intimidates our opponents, and we all took any advice given from him to heart. While my Grandpa Levi represented the principles and morals of the Kings, Grandpa Aiden represented the grit, discipline, and determination of the Kings.They were the pillars of our family, while Uncle Eli and Dad had been mine, Sean's, and Sierra's mentors. Since the day we entered the business world, there had always been a competition between me and Sean mostly; Sierra was a mediator of sorts for when things got a little heated up. She was also Grandpa Aiden's ears and spy of sorts, a fact that both Sean and I were aware of yet acted as if we were oblivious to it.
I'd stood at the entrance of our mansion, waiting for my little birdie, when the car arrived and I saw her. Dressed in an all-black suit with a long leather jacket, adorned in golden earrings and delicate chains that started from her neck and went down to her chest. She wore several rings as well. Eyes smokey and kohl-lined, and a gun tucked in her coat. A bloody gun.
This was so not the dress I'd sent; mine was a light blue gown, classy and elegant. Fit for Kings. But Aanya looked like a Mafia Princess, a Volkov through and through. Grandpa Aiden would notice this. Uncle Eli and Dad would notice this too.
"I apologize for being late, Mr. King. Given the current breach of security, my dad wanted me to be extra cautious, so the gun-I hope that you and your family wouldn't mind. This is for personal security. Aunt Mia and Aunt Annika are already aware of the threats women are exposed to in our world and wouldn't mind me carrying a gun. I just hope that your family understands too."
"You think yourself too smart, don't you, little bird? But I wouldn't deprive you of your fun, given that you're in your rebellious phase, but I'd appreciate it if you carry yourself with elegance, and act the part of a loving fiancée. If not for my, then for your own family's sake, now that I literally hold the key to your survival in my palms. Don't misbehave and be a good girl." I stepped into her personal space and whispered, "Be a good girl and you'll be rewarded."
This made her shiver. "Get the hell away from me, who do you think-"
"Aanya, sweetie, what are you doing outside, come on in." My mom, along with Aunt Ava and Aunt Annika in tow, came to greet us at the door. Aunt Annika and Aunt Ava came forward and took each of her hands in theirs.
"Aanya, you look stunning as always, sweetheart. I'm so glad you could make it. But I'm super disappointed; I thought we shared everything. How could you hide something so big from us?" Aunt Annika pouted.
"I second that. This girl has become so big that she doesn't require her aunts anymore. I thought we were besties, Aanzy bear."
If that was not enough, the two King princesses came running towards us out of nowhere, "Till now I thought this was all a grand joke, but you're here, you really are planning to marry...Him. Although I'm like super happy, I'm not able to wrap my head around this. You guys are like poles apart, how did you even meet, I mean, of course you were acquainted since childhood, but girl you avoided him like the plague." Says Gina.
I catch Mom and Aunt Ava pass a knowing look to each other, smiling as though they share some special secret.
"Don't worry Gina, we won't let her off the hook so easily, we have a lot to talk about Ms. Aanya, a lot." Rebecca says while giving me the side glance.
They continued asking her questions and took her into the hallway, while my mom waited for me, entwining her arm with mine and asked, "Theo, are you sure about this? Marriage is a very big step. While I couldn't have been any happier for having Aanya as my daughter-in-law, I wouldn't want you or Aanya to be... disappointed if this turns out to be a decision taken in the heat of the moment, not when it would put our family in a tight spot given Annika's and Ava's relations with her. This is not a rash decision, right?"
"Mom, I assure you this is in both of our best interests. It's what we both want and need."
"Good. That's good to hear. I cannot wait to buy all the jewelry and dresses for your wedding. Oh, and we'll have a huge engagement ceremony followed by an even bigger wedding reception. Gina is over the moon; she and Rebecca have been discussing locations and whatnot."
I groaned. "I want an intimate ceremony, with only people close to us and our direct relatives invited. You know the Bratva rules, Mom. The security hazard it could prove to be if something goes wrong. Also, the Pakhan would decide the place and venue since my soon-to-be wife is a Mafia princess. You already are aware of all this."
Mom sighed. "Fine, we'll discuss the details later. Let's not keep others waiting."
As we entered the dining room, the atmosphere felt charged. It felt as if I was entering some battlefield. The long dining table was set elegantly, each place carefully arranged. Grandpa Aiden and Grandma Elsa were seated at one end, with Grandpa Levi and Grandma Astrid at the other. Dad, Uncle Eli, and the rest of the family filled in the spaces, creating a formidable presence.
My Grandpa Levi is the first one to break the silence, "Aanya, welcome to the family. Although this has come as quite a surprise for all of us, we're very much pleased and happy with yours and Theo's announcement for engagement. I've known you since you were a child. While I'm quite ecstatic with the news, I'm not sure how Xander is handling this. Did you have a chat with him of recent, Theo?"
I did not. I'm sure for the first time in his life Mr. Knight would be team Jeremy Volkov. I'm sure he might be conspiring something along with his son-in-law.
"Didn't get a chance to, but I'll soon reach out to him and personally hand out the invitation for our engagement. Whoever is important to my beloved fiancée is important for me as well." I place a kiss on Aanya's knuckles.
"Is it so, dear Grandson?" Grandpa Aiden asks, his voice cold and calculative. "I wonder how we were all oblivious to your relationship. We've known Aanya since she was a little girl. Not once did either of you show any interest towards the other. And all of a sudden, we get the news that you guys are planning to get engaged. Aanya, I apologize if my questions are making you uncomfortable, but do understand that my intentions are to protect my own. Just like the Volkovs are doing at the moment. I recently got a call from one of my old friends and partners who also happens to be a shareholder at the V corps, he's pulled out of the partnership we'd recently sealed. Such a coincidence, isn't it, Theodore?"
His tone turns downright taunting now.
"I'm sure you'll handle it just like you previously did for Uncle Creighton. The situation isn't that different this time, I suppose, Grandfather?" I can feel Aanya's discomfort. Aunt Annika shifts in her seat while Uncle Creighton gives me a look that says that's enough.
"One thing's for sure, Aanya, you have impeccable taste in men, just like your mom did back in our college days. Well, at least before she married your dad." My Dad adds in. He always does this, find someone's weakness and then use it to intimidate him or her.
I sense Aanya's walls raising up. I knew she wouldn't let this jibe slide.
Show me what you've got, little bird.
"You're right, Uncle Lan. I'm just like her. Both of us are capable of moving past vain distractions to fight for people and relationships that actually matter. The rest, we don't care much about."
Uncle Eli adds, "Who's this and what have you done to that little girl who used to hide behind books? If it wasn't for you talking with Ava or Zoey and Sierra, I'd almost thought you had no voice."
"That girl's grown up, Uncle Eli. She won't let any accusation or attack on her family slide. She's learned to give it back tenfold." Aanya says this while looking straight into my eyes. I catch Aunt Annika give her a proud smile, and so does Uncle Creighton.
"I'm so glad we've got one more spitfire added to our group. The boys will definitely have a tough time now, won't they, Astrid?" Grandma Elsa adds.
"I'm sure they will. I look forward to our Christmas games."
The dinner proceeds with some jokes thrown around here and there, and questions which Aanya elegantly answers. When dessert was finally served, Grandpa Aiden leaned back in his chair and addressed the table, "Theo, a word in private, please?"
I nodded, excusing myself and followed him into the library. The rich, dark wood and rows of books provided a stark contrast to the tension of the dining room.
Grandpa turned to face me, his expression serious. "Theo, you know I promised to stay out of your matters for a while, I can't help but voice my concerns about this engagement. Is this in any way related to the plan you've made for Abazi?"
"I can neither confirm nor deny."
"Boy, I don't care what approach you take with business rivals or partners, but when it involves our family members, people close to us, we think before we act. Have you even given it a thought before rushing in with whatever thing you have going on with the Volkov princess? Know this, Theo, she's Jeremy's dear daughter, Ava and Annika dot on her, she's best friends with Gina, and you know how close she's to both Rebecca and Jasper. Do not put your family in a difficult position. I'm warning you, if your actions somehow backfire, know this: you'd be losing a lot more than just your position."
"Thanks, Grandfather, I appreciate your concerns."
"That's not the only thing I'm concerned about. Your relationship looks more like an alliance; everyone noticed this at the dining table. I know that you guys are grown-ups now, but take this advice of mine to heart: Marriages arranged as alliances are nothing more than business transactions, and sooner or later, they meet their end. Only relationships built on trust and love endure every hardship. Look at your grandparents, your parents, Eli, Creighton and even myself and Elsa. These relationships push you to be a better version of yourself. Aanya is a lovely girl; I'm sure she'll fill in the big black hole you carry with you all the time, that is, if you give her a chance to be someone more than a pawn on your chessboard. Know this, Theo, if you do not take your chance, there are many who'd like to feed off her hands, worship her at an altar. On that note, do look out for Alec Morozova; he's been a very good friend to our dear Aanya, and oh, he's quite well acquainted with both her grandfathers. Rumors are they were to be engaged, but didn't due to some reasons I'm not aware of. Tread carefully Theo. He's the Pakhan's Son.There's a reason why I don't like you meddling a lot in the Bratva business, but that's out of question now isn't it?"
As soon as those words left my Grandpa's mouth, a strange feeling took hold in my chest, like a vise.
I will not bear another man's name taken with Aanya. Alec might be the Pakhan's Son, but he'll know that Aanya's mine. Even if I have to beat that fact into him.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 12
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Aanya Volkov
The moment I stepped out of Theo’s office, a rush of cool air washed over me. My heart pounded with a mix of borderline excitement and thrill, similar to that first illicit sip of alcohol as a teenager. I couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but I felt something different—a strange, unsettling feeling that I couldn't shake off.
Jasper was already waiting outside, his face creased with worry. “Aanya, did something happen? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, let’s get out of here. You can grill me for answers on our way back home.”
“Sure, but…”
“I said, ‘On our way back home.’”
We walked to his McLaren, a sleek car that screamed power and speed. I asked, “Can I drive?”
“No way in hell. This is my baby, Aanya. No offense, but I don’t trust anyone but myself when it comes to driving it.” He hesitated for a moment, then tossed me the keys. “Only halfway to the house. I’ll take it from there.”
My face broke into a grin. I needed an outlet—anything to keep this strange energy at bay. Once buckled up, Jasper asked, “Before we move an inch, I want answers. What’s exactly going on? Heck, I’d believe unicorns exist, but not this. Theo is not capable of showcasing any emotions. Even if you do love him, he won’t be able to reciprocate. Trust me, everyone in our family knows this. Gina and Rebecca are skeptical too. Gina literally laughed out loud, thinking it’s a prank, while Rebecca threatened Theo with bodily harm if she finds out he’s forcing you. We can take him down as a team, if that’s the case. Or we could ask Grandpa Aiden. Since Rebecca is on our team, he’ll be on our team too, and the team with Grandpa’s support always wins.”
I wished I could ask Jasper for help, but the stakes were too high. My brother’s and my dad’s lives were on the line.
“As much as I’m touched by your gesture, it’s not necessary. I really like Theo. The only reason I wasn’t comfortable sharing this with you guys is because I didn’t know how to put it in front of you, especially Gina. But when he proposed last week and I said yes, I knew we’d have to come clean to our families. If you think your family’s skeptical, mine’s out for Theo’s blood. The only reason Dad and Aaron aren’t acting on their instincts is because Mom’s threatened to leave and live with Grandpa Xan in London. Even Caleb’s having a headache with all the drama that’s unfolded.”
“Gods, I wish you’d change your mind, but if you don’t and still want to marry that wanker, you’ll always have mine, Rebs’, and Mom’s support, no matter what. Aunt Mia has been ecstatic since Theo dropped the news. She’s the sweetest and kindest soul besides my Mom. You already know how lovely and kind Grandma Astrid and Grandma Elsa are. They’re already planning changes to Theo’s room to suit your tastes and as for my Dad, he's been your number one fan since you helped him gain points in Grandpa Adrian’s book. You know Aunt Ava even better than I do, she literally looks out for you as a daughter, but I'm not sure how she views your relationship with Theo at this point, given that she's well aware of Theo's...aloofness. And Aunt Ava's opinion would be Uncle Eli's opinion too. Guess we'll have to wait and find out"
He leaned back, closing his eyes. “Grandpa Aiden and Grandpa Levi will ask you questions, though. Don’t know how Uncle Landon sees your relationship, but it’d definitely be something for him to rub in your father’s face. The days to come will be tough.”
“Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll try my best to convince your and Theo’s grandpas that I mean no harm. Besides, you did say Aunt Mia and Aunt Anni are on my team, and by extension, so are Uncle Lan and Uncle Creigh. I’m sure Aunt Mia will handle Uncle Lan.”
“You sound like you already have all this planned.”
“You know me. I’m always prepared.”
“That you are.”
After a lot of bickering, gasps, and shouted directions from Jasper, we finally reached his and Caleb’s house. Jasper made an excuse and left, clearly avoiding a confrontation with Caleb. I saw Caleb standing at the door, arms crossed.
“I know you feel rebellious these days, but trust me, this is the worst time to act like a brat. This isn’t you, Aanya!”
“Just because, for the first time in my life, I’m trying to choose something for myself doesn’t make me a brat. Why is it so difficult for you all to just accept my wishes for once?”
“Oh, the choice where you willingly submit yourself to the Devil’s Spawn? Sue us for actually caring about your well-being!”
“I’m not a kid anymore! You, Dad, or Aaron don’t need to ‘protect’ me all the time. Have you ever thought about how tiring it gets, having your every move monitored and reported back? Or why am I only friends with Gina, Rebecca, Jess, Sierra, and Zoey, who all happen to be either my cousins or somehow related to Dad or Mum? Everyone literally thinks over and over before speaking to me, as if I’m made of glass! So I had to go out of my way and be absurd for once. And by God, am I loving it! At least Theo doesn’t pretend like all of you do!”
I said that in one breath, panic coursing through me. No... no, no, no. I couldn’t lose it, not after I’d been in control for so long.
Caleb sensed this and took my hands in his. “Aanya, Angel, look at me. Deep breaths.”
I breathed in and out, feeling calmer. Caleb held me through all of it, then rushed to the kitchen, returning with my meds and a water bottle. I took the meds and gulped down the water in one go.
“Aanya, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Knowing you, I’m sure you wouldn’t go through with your engagement without thinking it through. But you also need to know that Dad and Aaron are still super pissed. They will never agree to this.Not to mention Grandpa, I'm not sure if they broke the news to him, you know how protective he is. And me... I won’t stand by and watch my little baby sister throw herself into a pit of darkness. I don’t trust Theo King even a bit. He’ll have to work very hard to gain all of our trusts.”
“I understand and respect that, Cal. I know you’ve always been supportive of my decisions, but I’d appreciate it if you could trust me one more time. I promise I won’t let you down.”
I had to get back the book before the next Bratva meeting. I knew how crucial timings were in our world. One wrong move at the right time and we’d all be looking for shelter. I couldn’t risk my family’s legacy. I’d get back the Black Book no matter what. And once that’s done, I’ll sweep Theo King off his feet, so he knows no one messes with a Volkov—not even the Kings.
The next day, a parcel awaited me at my doorstep, containing an elegant dress, with a note attached.
"Will pick you up around 6 pm today. Hopefully, you’ll be ready till then. Your kingdom awaits their soon-to-be queen. Make sure you make quite an impression.
Your soon-to-be fiancé, ~Theodore King"
Oh, I'll make sure to leave a mark this time, Mr. King. Just you wait.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 11
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Theodore Sokolov King
In my 24 years of life, rarely did I look forward to anything, mainly due to the fact that most of the time I already knew the outcome to a plan set in motion. This was the first time there was anticipation as to how things would turn out, and I was loving every minute of it.
I'd asked the little bird to be here in my office at 9 a.m. sharp today. I'd even sent my driver to pick her up from her brother's place, which I'm sure would have come with some drama, given the scene I'd caused a few days back in the Volkov house. Caleb must have been enraged yet couldn't do anything about it, given that he respected his sister's choices more so than that jerk big brother of hers. Aaron was bound to be a problem to my plan, given that he's a replica of his control freak father, Jeremy. Both of them liked to study everything in detail, and for that reason, there couldn't be any loopholes in my plan. I had to be fast and perfect.
The door opens and in strides ,the little heir, Jasper King, with a playful smile on his face. He started as an intern last week, just as all of us had once.
"Hello, Big Bro. A lovely day, isn't it?"
"Get on with your questions, we both know why you've come here."
His face loses some of its playfulness. "What's going on with you and my cousin Aanya? We both know you're incapable of displaying any emotions, let alone 'love'. Do you expect all of us to believe this bullshit? Why are you messing with Uncle Jer and his family? Trust me, you don't want to be the subject of Grandpa Adrian's wrath, Theo. Stop this idiocy already. It's enough that there are issues between Uncle Jer and Uncle Lan, please don't add fuel to the flames."
"And finally, the little heir starts taking an interest in business, even if it's to advocate for the pretty cousin of his. Look here, Jas, I'll warn you once and only this once. Do not meddle in my matters, just like I don't meddle with yours. Trust me, you won't like the consequences, baby cousin."
"Is that a threat, Big Bro?"
"Threat? Now why would I threaten my favorite brother? Nonsense. If it was a threat, you'd know it."
That's the exact moment the little bird chooses to enter my office. She takes a look around before her eyes meet mine.
And for a moment she falters. As if she's gathering her thoughts, and then shakes her head before turning around to notice Jasper standing there.
"Oh, Jasper, I wasn't expecting you."
"The same could be said about you. This was why Caleb sounded angry on the phone. He personally asked me to escort you back home."
Aanya thinks for a moment, then in that soft and kind voice of hers, she says, "I'll join you in a while, Jasper, if you can wait for me. I just need to discuss something with...him."
Jasper takes a moment before responding. "I'll be waiting outside. Call me once you're done." He makes the "I'm watching you" sign before leaving out the door.
Finally, the little bird and I were alone. At last.
The silence stretched for long before Aanya decided to take a seat. I kept my eyes on her all the while. I loved it when she appeared all unsure, and my gaze on her was truly unsettling her.
"Aanya," I all but whispered her name, as if it was something sacred, intimate. "You know why I've called you here. While you're familiar with my family, this time will be rather different. They'll be observing every little detail to make sure that I haven't manipulated you into this relationship. We need to look and act the part of being a couple madly in love."
Aanya scoffs and adds, "Sure, whatever."
I get up and take the seat in front of Aanya's, then slowly raise her chin with my fingers. "Tell me you love me."
Aanya takes a deep breath before saying, "I love you."
"No, you know it sounds fake even to you. We need to make everyone believe that we mean it when we say that we love each other."
Aanya asks, frustration clear in her voice, "What more do you want me to do? Kiss you, perhaps?"
"Yes, kiss me."
Her eyes widen and her eyebrows rise up. "You're fucking delusional, you know that? What makes you ev-"
What she's about to say is cut short as I pull her chair towards me and slam my lips to her soft, velvety ones.
Good Lord.
She tastes like sin wrapped in innocence, like temptation waiting to happen.
Before I know it, I'm unable to stop myself. For the first time, I'm losing control, and I don't regret it. Not even a bit.
I pull her up from her chair and place her on my lap, hands roaming around her waist. I want to remove every barrier between us. I want to bruise and mark her in a way that declares to everyone around us that she's mine.
I slowly let my hands on her waist go a little upwards, and I brush my knuckles against her breast. That seems to break the spell. She quickly breaks the kiss and jumps out of my lap and my arms.
"What the hell! What's wrong with you? Did you just kiss me?"
"I initiated it. Judging by the way your hands were roaming and exploring, I take it that you enjoyed it. You're welcome."
I can see tears forming. She's on the verge of losing her cool.
"You're the worst person I've ever come across. You might treat people and their feelings like a joke, but they matter to me. Next time, if you try to pull a stunt like today, there will be consequences. I dare you, King."
She takes all her belongings and strides out. I cannot help but smile. Unknowingly, she's given my beast a new toy to obsess over. And I'll be damned if I deprive him of the conquest.
This was only the beginning.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 10
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Aanya Volkov
Aaron literally jumps over the dining table, his chair falling back. He grabs Theo by his shirt collar and slams him against the nearest wall.
"You bastard, how dare you walk into my house and spew nonsense! You're bold if you think you'll leave here in one piece. I'll make sure to send a souvenir to that psycho father of yours," Aaron says, the veins in his neck practically popping out.
My father's face mirrors Aaron's. Although he's composed, I can see his hands are fisted. Before this escalates further, I intervene.
"Aaron, stop it! Let him go!" I say, trying to pull my brother off Theo.
"Yes, Aaron, listen to your sister. I assure you she's the cleverest of you lot and much more beautiful to look at too, if I may add," Theo throws a wink in my direction.
That earns him a solid punch from my brother. Theo staggers back, wiping blood from his lip, and then retaliates with a punch of his own. The two of them lock in a brutal exchange, fists flying and grunts filling the room.
This idiot is definitely suicidal. He has no regard for his safety or life, but I am ready to intervene again-not for him, but for my family. The Kings won't take it lightly if their beloved heir loses a limb or any critical organ.
Before I can act, Mom steps between the two. Caleb holds Aaron back, and Dad rushes to Mom's side. It's almost like an instinct for him to rush to her or my side whenever he senses danger.
"Both of you, stop this madness right now. Whatever the reason may be, violence is not the answer," Mom says, her tone calm yet authoritative.
"Theodore King. One of the heirs to the King empire. Done his Master's in business from Harvard, pursuing a Ph.D. in the same, and now the current vice president at his grandfather's company. You might act like the prim and proper gentleman your family and society deem you to be, but I'm well acquainted with your kind. Just like your father before you, your manners and gentlemanly behavior are all a facade for something sinister that lurks within. And I'll be damned if I expose my daughter to that kind of darkness," my father finally says, his tone commanding. If it were anyone else in Theo's place, they might have cowered by now.
"That's quite a study you've done on me, Mr. Volkov. I'm quite impressed. But you left something crucial out of your analysis. I never fail or give up. What I want, I get. The world merely bends to my wants and needs, 'just like my father before me'. But I assure you, my intentions towards Aanya are sincere. I would like to take her to a family dinner at my home. Introduce her to my family. My parents would love to meet her."
Caleb scoffs in the background. My father's face darkens.
"Absolutely not. I will not allow my daughter to be dragged into the King family's web." Dad's face darkens.
Mom places a hand on Dad's arm, her voice softer but firm. "Jer, let's think about this. We need to discuss it as a family."
Aaron huffs in frustration. "What's there to think about? We can't trust him or his family."
Theo, unfazed, nods respectfully. "Thank you, Mrs. Volkov. I'll await your decision." He turns to leave, pausing to look at me, then comes over to my side and softly kisses my cheek. "Aanya, I'll see you soon," he says, a warm look covering his face.
What a bloody brilliant performer.
"This motherfucker..." Aaron's ready to throw hands again, but Caleb pulls him back.
As soon as Theo is out of sight, the questions begin. My father is the first to speak. "Aanya, what is really going on? This can't just be about love."
I prepare myself to spew some more lies, but I have to make it convincing. "Theo and I... we met in London, and it just happened. I didn't mean for it to be a secret, but things got complicated. I know it seems impossible, but it's the truth. He proposed last week, and I said yes."
"I call bull," says Aaron.
"Would you please stay calm and shut up," Caleb says. "Aanya, we know you. There's more to this. Why didn't you tell us earlier?"
I feel tears welling up but blink them back. "I was scared. I knew how you'd react, and I didn't want to cause more problems."
Aaron's voice is still filled with anger. "Problems? This is beyond problems, Aanya. You're making a deal with the devil."
My mother looks at me, her eyes filled with pain. "Aanya, love is supposed to bring joy, not fear. If you're so scared, how can this be right?"
I wish I could tell them the truth about the Black Book, but it would only make things worse. Instead, I force a smile. "It will be okay. Just trust me."
Dad shakes his head. "This isn't over. We'll discuss it more later. For now, I need to clear my head."
He leaves, my brothers following him outside.
My mom tries to offer me a smile, but it's lost its usual warmth. This one seems so fake.
I run back to my room, closing the door, feeling a crushing sense of guilt and responsibility. I had set events in motion that could not be undone. But I had to believe that, somehow, it would all be worth it.
After crying for almost an hour, I gather some strength and get up from the floor. My phone is loaded with missed calls from Gina and Rebecca, asking about my whereabouts. There's one from Grandpa Xan too. He's sent me a picture of him trying to make something that resembles a cake with green frosting. That one puts a smile on my face. As I'm scrolling, I see a message from Theo which he sent earlier:
"I'll have to introduce you to my family in two days. I need you to be well prepared, Aanya. Unlike your family, mine likes to play mind games and would definitely see through our lies. For that, we need to practice making our lies seem effortlessly true. Meet me at my office the day after. We'll discuss this in detail. Oh, and sleep well. More days with sleepless nights are coming your way"
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 9
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The Volkov Mansion has been a picture of tranquility during breakfast time for as long as I can remember. It was one of our unspoken rules that no one discusses anything related to business at breakfast. Instead, we talk about our personal lives, books, friends, and everything that's not related to work. Oh, and it was a rule for all to be present during breakfast, no matter how shitty the previous night was, you always had to show up at the dining table for breakfast.
This ritual made me look forward to our family breakfasts even as a child. I loved discussing mangas with my father and brother. However absurd this sounds, the Jeremy Volkov loved to discuss—or more like listen to me and Mom talk about—books, anime, or manga, even though both Mom and I knew he wasn't a big fan of them, judging by how he always frowned when Mom praised a character. Aaron used to love them as a kid, but as he grew up, his interest shifted toward outdoor games like boxing and football until he eventually gave up watching animes or movies altogether. He'd become like my father, and while I was proud of how strong and responsible my brother had become, I missed his older version, the one who was a little more cheerful, who used to make jokes or even prank Jessica just to get her attention. This Aaron was cold.
Caleb usually liked to throw his sarcastic remarks here and there or add something once in a while, but he usually kept to himself. Oh, and he was my Grandpa Adrian's favorite grandchild. They usually had long conversations, which was rare given that my brother hated casual talks.
At the table, it was usually me and Mom who talked a lot, and then the others would join in the conversation. Me and Mom would team up against Caleb and Aaron with Dad always joining our side, while both of them grumbled about how Dad is always biased toward us.
But today my mind is elsewhere. The deadline Theo had given me was over yesterday, and today I waited for some kind of threat via a call or text, some incident he incited—anything—but there was no news from him since last week. Nothing at all. Maybe he grew a heart and thought about how absurd this all is in reality and backed off.
Who are you kidding? The guy probably takes lessons from Satan himself.
But the fact was that the Black Book was still in his possession, something that had disrupted my family's peace to the point that there was silence at our breakfast table, almost like everyone was holding on to their thoughts. Aaron is the first one to break the silence.
"Dad, did you hear the rumors related to Albanians? Our spies amongst their ranks just reported back to me. Do you think they have it, the Black Book, I mean?"
"Aaron, son, let's finish our breakfast first. You know the rules: no business talks at the breakfast table."
Mom smiles and puts more eggs and toast on Aaron's plate.
"Finish your breakfast, and then we'll talk in my office," Dad adds sternly, then looks at me with that warm smile he always has on his face when talking to me. "How's college treating you, Angel? As much as I'm glad, it's kind of shocking for you to come back during your exam times. If this is because of the problems we're facing, trust me, Angel, you need not worry. We will get through it, like we always do." Dad gives me a reassuring smile.
"Actually, there's something else that I wanted to discuss with you, with all of you, I mean, and I couldn't discuss this over the phone."
That gets my family's attention.
OK Aanya, you can do this, come on.
"Actually, the thing is that I... I have..." I take a sip of water, then a deep breath.
Way to go, Aanya, bravo.
I can see my parents and my brothers tensing up.
"There's this thing I want to tell you all, but before that I want you all to promise me that there won't be any kind of violence or bloodshed. I need you to promise me this, especially Dad and Aaron."
"Wow, that's reassuring for sure," says Caleb.
"What's it, Aanya? You're scaring us, baby," Mom's face is full of concern.
"Is some twat in the UK troubling you? Someone bullying you? But that cannot be the case. I would have known if something like this happened. I have placed guards around the campus, and there are guards who follow you back home. Caleb, what is this about?"
"I am just as unaware about it as you are, brother."
"Aanya, Angel, what is it that you want to discuss?" My Dad adds.
"I—Daddy, I... I'M PLANNING TO GET ENGAGED!" I say it, closing my eyes and in one breath.
There's pin-drop silence around. Everyone looks at me in utter shock, while my Dad looks at me in disbelief.
"Aanya, princess, did you just say you want to get engaged? It can't be right. Lischka, did you hear the same thing?"
"Yes, Jer, I'm shocked too. Aanya, baby, this engagement... this is all too sudden."
"Well, you definitely won't get engaged to yourself. Whose ass do I need to whoop? Whoever this asshole is, Aanya, he's not trustworthy if you had to go out of your way to hide him from us. Wait a minute. Caleb, you better tell me that you're unaware of this too?"
"What do you think? Of course I am! If I knew, I would have personally looked into his background. Is he even a 'he'?"
Amidst all this, I take a look at my Dad, who's become like a statue. I cannot make out what's going through his mind. My mother has her hand above his and rubs it soothingly as if to ease the tension.
Slowly, he asks, "Who's it, Aanya? Who do you want to get engaged to? And why did you hide him from us?"
"Actually, you guys know him."
"We do?" "We do?" Aaron and Caleb say at the same time.
"Please don't tell me it's Dom," Aaron looks in pain saying it.
"Is it that Art project guy? Didn't you tell me he's gay?" Caleb asks.
"Is it Vaughn's son, Alec? Uncle Kirill had once mentioned his desire to get you guys engaged, but I'd sent a clear message regarding my feelings about the issue. Did that idiot go behind my back and propose? I swear I'll kill him myself if that's the case."
"Guys, you need to let Aanya speak. Aanya, love, who is it?"
"Me, Ms. Volkov. I'm the one who proposed to Aanya, the one she's to be engaged to."
Oh no, no no no no... this cannot be happening.
Theo stands in the doorway to our dining room, a picture of complete calm and confidence in his dark blue suit, with a smirk.
"Aanya, my love, you—"
Whatever he wants to say gets lost as all hell breaks loose.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 8
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Theodore Sokolov King
My Grandfather's house in the US had always been my sanctuary,  whenever my mind decided to have a battle against it's ownself, or whenever I needed an escape from acting normal all day, when in reality I'd wanted to maim, hit and destroy or set everything around me on fire.
My Grandfather, Kyle Hunter, was a notorious assasin with a perfect aim.  Besides my father, it was him who understood me, atleast better than most of my relatives. Here I'd always find an outlet and once I was done with my episode, I'd return back to role of the "Charming Heir of the Kings"  ,  a role I played so well that even my mom and my sister Gina believed it to be my true nature, my true self. Here I could be whoever I wanted to be, unlike in the UK ,where I had my Grandfather Aiden and Grandpa Levi's eyes on me and the way I handled my business. While most of the times I'd ignore their meddling, at times it became too tiring.
"Something troubling you back home?" My Grandpa Kyle asks me in a jovial yet concerned tone.
We're sitting at the dining table, my grandmother hovering around the kitchen throwing instructions about how everything should be cooked as per my liking. My grandmother, Rai, is one of the strongest women I've seen in my life authorative like a lioness yet kind when needed . I wonder how she's able to do that.
"Judging by the amount of time we've known each other, old man, you should know that it's the other way round. I'm the trouble at my home"
Grandpa laughs "That's true too. Although we're glad that you could grace us with your presence, admist all the chaos that's unfolded at the Kings household during the past few days, I'm inclined to think that this time, your visit has a purpose."
"You're right Grandpa, my visit does have a purpose." I say taking a sip of my coffee, "I've heard that the Albanians and the Bratva have reached some kind of agreement and are now content with their specific…areas of control"
I can see a frown forming on my Grandpa's face, his expression one of confusion "You've heard right, but why are we talking about the Albanians? Theo, don't tell me you got into a beef with those bastards, they're illiterate barbarians" My Grandpa adds, exasperatedly.
"I haven't gotten in a beef with them yet, but I plan to get into one, pretty soon"
My Grandpa looks at me as though I've grown two heads "What? Boy, have you lost your mind?? What business do the Albanians have with you guys, aren't you a King? Prim, proper and all that shit? Why get into trouble unnecessarily? Is your Psycho father aware of your plans, your Grandfather Aiden?"
"The King Enterprises have come across a challenge, of sorts.  The southern ports in UK are controlled by Mr. Abazi, the Albanian business man. While previously, we'd sort of had an agreement,  Abazi now feels emboldened enough to challenge us, I need to put him back in place and at the same time make an example out of him so that rats like him don't feel too ambitious in future"
"And that cannot be done, like normal businessmen do it, with talks and negotiations" Asks Grandpa
"Isn't Bratva a business organization of sorts too? Yet we can see it's approach towards handling such lowlife thugs?" I add with a smirk
"You and I, we're both aware what the Bratva stands for, I don't need to say it out loud for you to understand. I sometimes regret exposing you to this part of our lives, Dom didn't have a reason to not embrace our lifestyle,  but you do son. Your life back home might have it's own disadvantages, but it's nowhere near as dangerous as ours, be content with what you have, don't go around causing unnecessary trouble just because you're feeling adventurous"
After a long stretched pause, he slowly asks "Does your Mom know you're here? You know how concerned she gets whenever you try to associate with the Bratva business, and rightfully so. Stop giving my princess an headache every now and then" He playfully punches my shoulder.
I give him a small smile. Taking in a breath I add "I need your help, Grandpa. I want you to plant a spy within the ranks of Abazi, and then spread rumors, that Abazi has something that could bring the Volkovs to their knees"
My Grandfather runs his hands through his face "Oh dear God, as if the Albanians are not enough,  you want to pick up a fight with the Volkovs too?, we need to get you checked, boy, there's something seriously wrong with you, why involve the Volkovs in this?"
"I need the Volkovs on my side, for whatever I propose in the next Bratva meeting, this is most crucial for my plans to be effective"
He takes time, thinking about it. But I know he'll help me, he always does.
"OK, I'll try my best to help you, in whatever ways I can, but I'm still not very comfortable with your approach towards the Volkovs,  if Jeremy or Adrian get a hint of this, It'll almost be impossible for me to save you, and while you don't care a bit about your life, we all do"
"Now, why would the Volkovs want to hurt their Future Son-in-law?" I add with a grin on my face.
My Grandfather chokes on his coffee, a bewildered expression on his face, I hand him the glass of water and pat his back.
"Did you say Volkovs Son-in-law, or am I Hearing things?"
"You heard me right Grandpa,  I'm getting engaged to the Volkovs princess" I say with a smirk.
That's the exact time my grandmother choses to enter the dining room, she almost runs to my side "Did I hear it right, you're marrying Lia's granddaughter? Is this true? Does Lia know?"
"Yes, I'm planning to get engaged to  Aanya Volkov, She hasn't put this proposal infront of her parents, but she'll be doing so soon"
"She's such a pretty girl, soft spoken, yet courageous. I always admired her and wanted to ask her hand in marriage for Dom so that she becomes a part of our family , but I wasn't sure how Adrian or Jeremy would react to the propsal. I'm so glad that you propsed her, this is such a great news, isn't it Hon?"
"Wait.Both of you need to hold your horses, you said that Aanya is still to inform at her home about you two?"
"Then let's wait before celebrating… whatever this is. The girl is literally the most protected one in the entire Bratva, why do you think not a single boy's ever approached her in ages, it's because she's Jeremy Volkov's daughter, and we're already aware of how much tolerance he has towards your father and your family, the only reason that no blood's spilled yet is because Annika is married into that family of yours, and yet you want us to believe that you've somehow managed to pull this impossible feat of asking her hand in marriage, I don't believe you"
"I'll be sure to sent out my engagement ceremony's first invite to you Grandpa, don't worry"
"Jeremy will kill you, Boy. He won't tolerate you messing with his precious daughter, so take my advice to heart and stop this madness before you're buried 6ft under"
"Kyle! How can you say something like that?" 
Bless my Grandma, the only one on my team for now.
"Just stating the facts, my love. You know that I love my Grandson, and would fight tooth and claw before allowing anyone to lay a hand on him. With all that said, we'll have to be well prepared, son, if you're going to go through this engagement."
"And we will be prepared,  don't you worry Theo, you'll always have our full support " My Grandma says in her loving tone."I'm so happy, Theo, I'm glad Aanya could catch your eye, I hope nothing but the best for you two, may your lives be full of passionate love"
"The Volkovs are yet to say yes to this" grumbles Grandpa
"Oh hush you, they will say yes I'm sure. After all my Grandson is handsome like a prince, has a fortune to his name, is smart, brave and well built,  where else would they find such a perfect match?"
"I'm sure Jeremy would disagree, my love"
My grandparents continue to bicker back and forth, and I keep watching them with amusement.  While I was able to convince my grandparents that ours is a love match, the story would be completely different at my home. My father and Grandpa Aiden would definitely see through my bullshit.
Hopefully Aanya convinces her family before time, or else I'd have no option but to turn the odds in my favor, using not so pleasant methods.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic.
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 7
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Aanya Volkov
The "Le Flamington"  was a luxurious café located in the heart of the city. Above the café we had some IT and Finance corporations, it was always buzzing with people coming in and out even at odd times. Me, Rebecca and Gina frequented the café, all thanks to Ms.Gina King and her influence and also the fact that some one from their family literally owned the entire building.
Nothing shocking there, the rate at which the Kings owned most of the buildings here, I wonder if they wanted to buy entire London off.
I just want this nightmare to be over.
Like he'd said, the driver picked me up from my college around 12:45 pm. I'd asked him to pick me up from the back gate, hopefully the guards didn't notice my absence given that my classes were still going on. I'll have to wrap up whatever absurdity this is and get back before someone reports me missing and Dad brings his army here to escort me back home.
Just when I'm about to message Caleb, I feel arms around me, from the back caging me, long, veiny fingers splayed on the table.
"Hello, little bird" He whispers.
Chills run down my spine and goosebumps erect on my arms,my entire body stiffens, as though it's readying itself for flight or fight mode, sensing that in the moment I'm a prey with the attention of a predator on me.
"Theo" My voice sounds like a whisper to me, a bit shaky. He gets around the table, dripping confidence as though he owns the entire world and sits in the chair opposite me, his fingers locked and his chin resting on it. He watches me with amusement, a small smirk playing on his handsome face.
He's a King, through and through.
Wait, Handsome face??
Who am I kidding,  ofcourse he is handsome, the moment he walked in I could see the group of girls seated on the table opposite ours, giggling and whispering with awe on their faces.
The vermin knows this fact for sure, judging by the wink he threw to the waitress passing by.
"Well, do you plan to give me back our Book and stop this madness, I'm sure you've had your fill of drama for the week"
"Aren't you a charmer, miss Volkov, and straight to the point,I like it. By the way you look lovely today, although one might argue that you look lovely everyday"
"Cut the Crap, Mr.King and give us whats ours. There are many lives at stake ,Theo, why won't you understand this? Today or later my brothers might connect the dots and know that you're the one behind the theft and I don't need to fill you with details of the aftermath, while I couldn't give a damn about you, there's Aunt Annika, Rebecca and Gina. I don't want you to be the reason that we entirely distance ourselves from the Kings for good"
He doesn't say a word, not one and keeps staring at me with his dark blue eyes that are void of any emotions, the constant smirk pasted on his face.
"I'm tired. Let's get this done with, Tell me, What do you want, why did you call me here?" I say with a calm I'm not feeling at the moment.
"I want you to get engaged to me"
I freeze, I can hear ringing in my ears, but then I shake my head, the absurdity of the words drawing a full fledged laugh out of me, so much so that the people around me start staring at  me as though I'm an idiot.
"Sorry, I think I heard you wrong, what did you say again?"
"You heard me right, Aanya, I want you to be my fiancé, for us to get engaged"
"Are you drunk, or has someone's curse finally reached you, are you losing your mind?"
"As absurd it may sound, I assure you it's the only way for you to get your book back, the only way to save your family from the Bratva's wrath"
"My father would never ever agree to this, you know how he loathes your father and thinks you to be the same as him, he literally thinks you guys are a menace to the society and belong to some mental asylum, not to mention the beef you have with both my brothers, judging that they're aware that you were the one who leaked Mr.Williamson's data, my father doesn't know about this for the same reason that I've kept quite, we love Aunt Annika a lot. So as much as you would like us to be "engaged" it will never happen"
"Then you better get to work Aanya, I'll be visiting my Grandparents in the US next week, I want you to put this out on the table before your family, and convince them by hook or by crook. If by the end of my visit I don't get a reply from you Ms.Volkov, I'll personally hand over the Black book to the Pakhan"
I'm at loss of words, I feel as though the world's spinning, my hearts beating faster trying to make sense of his words.
"Why do you want us to get engaged Theo, what do you plan? Is your Grandfather aware of this? Your parents?"
"You don't need to concern yourselves with my plans Ms.Volkov, you do your part and I'll do mine and at the end of it we both get what we want, as for my family, my Grandfather won't meddle in my business for a while, my father would always support me, as for my mother....like you said let's not taint the relations my mother and yours have, the only thing they need to know is that we are to be engaged"
"You're a monster Theo, a narcissist, unfeeling monster who wouldn't care if the world burns at his feet, as long as he gets what he wants"
"Like I said, tell me something I don't know sweetheart. As lovely as this conversation with you has been, I need to get back to the priority tasks at hand. Remember, you've got one week Aanya, don't think too much about it, since patience is not one of my virtues" He gets up and leaves through the door at my left.
What do I do now?
Till the end if the day I'm so exhausted, that I collapse as soon as I lay on my bed at Caleb and Jaspers house. At around 3 am in night I go to the kitchen to get some water, and find my brother and cousin whispering to themselves.
"Seriously Caleb, Knock some sense into Aaron, man. At this rate he'll either end up killed or in Jail, there's only so much our parents influence can do" Jasper says.
"I'm trying Jasper, gods I'm trying. There's... something going on back at home, it's affected him badly, he's become like this bull, Punch first and ask questions later. He's usually calm and composed, this is the first time he's acting so out of character, as if he can no longer control himself" Caleb says running his palm through his face.
I can see worry etched on his face. Caleb never shows it but he's the most understanding, the most calm and collected person, who always has a plan and tries to stick to it, but I can see that he's tired. My brother Aaron, I've never seen him turn this violent like Caleb says, but all of this is also messing with his mental health. With all that's going on, I'm sure my parents and grandparents are having a difficult time too.
I know exactly what I need to do. With newfound courage and determination I take out my phone and write
'I'm ready. I'll get engaged to you, give me sometime and I'll convince my family'
The reply is quick
'Looking forward to it, Ms.Volkov'
I need a break. I really need a break.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods fanfic.
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 6
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Theodore Sokolov King
Although physically I was sitting at our monthly board meeting, my mind had already drifted to certain more...intresting stuff. We were discussing the previous months achievements and failures, setting the goals and timeline for the next moth, surrounded by all the board members which included my Grandpa Levi, Grandpa Aiden, my cousins Sean and Sierra, as well as the other significant members and partners of the King Enterprises.
My Dad and Uncle Eli would have joined us but they were busy handling other priority tasks, like my mother's shopping spree in Milan, and my aunt Ava's concert at some Charity event in Monaco.
Lovesick fools, if you may ask me.
While previously I'd try to ruffle my Grandpa Aiden's feathers in the form of snide comments or sarcastic remarks here and there, or rile up the other members which were non-family just to keep the meetings lively, today was different.
Today my mind had been preoccupied by some little bird. I'd been patiently waiting yesterday and was sure that she'd show up at my doorsteps, demanding retribution and threatening to kill me, imagine my surprise when there was no reaction from her end, not even a single bloody message.  So I had to go ahead and give her the much needed encouragement.I needed her to be present in order to discuss what I want with her and instigate my plan.
"While the other export operations have been carried out smoothly,  there's been certain....obstacles in our path for the shipments bought at the Southern ports, the Abazis who control and own these ports have been demanding an extravagant amount to let our ships and goods dispatch from their ports, at this moment we cannot afford to take the other routes given that it'd cost us more money than we plan to make, the only option for now is to keep the ships at the southern ports on hold, and try talking to Mr. Abazi,  convince him to take a mid way that won't cause us loss and at the same time prove to be beneficial for them" Mr.Clarkson, one of the board members summarizes.
"You mean butter up that Bastard?" Adds my cousin Sean.
"Sean, I suggest we act civilized and not like some petty toddler throwing tantrums, this is a board meeting Son, not your playground" My Grandpa Levi adds with a sharp smile.
Sierra, my cousin sister can't help but let out a laugh, which is met by Uncle Aiden's cold stare.
She shuts up immediately.
That's the power this man holds.No one, not a single person would go against him or even think to compete with him, well except for madmen like my Uncle Eli and Dad.
Me, I'm satisfied as long as there is some sort of chaos, thrill or danger involved, doesn't matter if I have to go against the mountain or the storm, I have and will always get my daily dose of entertainment, one way or the other. Competition and shit don't matter, as long as they serve their purpose. The moment this entire thing gets boring, I'll pack and leave. My parents, Grandparents and cousins are all aware of this fact.
For now, these meetings, the business strategizing and competition along with the recent usurp in the Bratva have been feeding me well.
But I need more, I always do.
Well, time for my spectacular entry.
"Mr. Clarkson, if you may, I have a proposition" I stand up, asking him to take his seat.All my family's eyes are on me.
"What if I say that in a month or so we might be able to not only export goods via the Southern ports, but also control it"
There's a pause before my maniac cousin chimes in"Sounds good on paper, but an impossible feat, next suggestion"
My Grandpa Aiden stares at me and then says "Go ahead Theo, let's hear what you have to say"
"I'd rather you give me the control of this entire project, and let me lead, no questions asked, and I'll give you the results you want"
"Although I don't doubt your abilities son, there needs to be consequences so that we don't make a habit of making mistakes, what would you put at stake if you loose?" Asks Grandpa Aiden
Grandpa Aiden, the charmer as always.
"My position as the COO. If I loose, I start again as an intern"
My cousin sister Seirra and Grandpa Levi look at me as if I've lost my mind.
Sean looks pleased though, he looks at me as though I've chosen my own damnation and there's no need for him to make anymore moves against me.
"Think this through, Son, we don't need to hurry about it" Says Grandpa Levi.
"Just incase you're unaware, the Abazis are related to the Albanian thugs and Mafias, apparently Mr. Abazis wife used to be a Mafia princess" Seirra, the ever cautious, adds.
"Good thing we have Aunt Annika on our side than"
"You will not include or use the family members as pawns in your games, Theo. I may be lenient but family's where I draw the line" Uncle Aiden says "Besides the Bratva would never go against the Albanians, they have reached some sort of agreement ages ago, there's no reason for them to rile the Albanians up"
"I have a plan in place, Grandfather. You need results, and I am promising them. The only request I have is to not meddle in my business,  no matter how absurd my actions might seem. I won't harm or use our family members,  but I need you all to trust me without asking questions"
"Let you do what you want without supervision? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me" Sierra adds, her voice dipping with skepticism.
"I second that" Adds Sean with amusement.
There a long pause, before my Grandfather Aiden says "OK. You have my word that no one will meddle in your business if you promise to keep our family out of it, but know this, the moment you mess this up, I'll have you by your neck Theo"
"As expected, Mr.King" I say in a sickly sweet tone.
I've meticulously orchestrated my entire plan in a way that it'll  satiate my curiosity as well as serve as the bait for the Volkovs. I need the Volkovs on my side, now more so than ever.But for that, I'll first have to convince the little bird to chain herself to her new master.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 5
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Aanya Volkov
On reaching home from the airport I'm met with utter chaos that has erupted at my house, the Volkov Mansion. My grandparents are here too, I saw my Grandpa's guard Yan around. As soon as my Grandma, Lia sees me she rushes to my side and hugs me tightly,
"Oh my beautiful angel, I'm glad that you guys reached here safely, it's utterly important that our family stays together given the current circumstances"
"Where's Grandpa,Aaron,and Dad Nonna?"
"They're in the office discussing the next course of action sweetie, your brothers been acting like a mad bear, all the while threatening the guards and helpers.Now that the damage's done, your Grandpa's discussing what needs to be done next along with your Dad, god forbid if someone from the Bratva catches air of this...it'll be very difficult for us to save our family" Nonna says in a trembling voice, her face depicting her dread.
Not on my watch, I'd burn Theo King before he lays a hand on my family, I'll personally drag him through hell if I have to.
I can hear Aaron's voice angry and loud from the end of the staircase. Once I enter the room all the eyes are on me, my dad covers the distance between us and takes me in his warm embrace,
"Angel, How have you been?"
"I'm good Dad, but I'm really scared, isn't there anything that can be done, maybe we can talk to Uncle Vaughn, he's been friends with you since your college days, you already have Uncle Niko's support and I'm sure the rest will follow"
"I wish it was all this easy, babochka, even if our friends would want to support us they can't, the existence of the Black Book goes against Bratva's principles, it remained in our possession for our selfish needs" My Grandpa adds in his warm yet authorative tone, and for the first time in my life, I hear worry in his voice.
"Trust me Dad, let's do it my way, it'll be easier, we just need names and I'm done sitting around like a lost buffoon, I need something, anything to get started"
Hearing Aaron reminds me of the message from earlier, even though I know the one behind this mess, I cannot give his name to my brother before exhausting my other options, not when Aunt Annika is still related to the Kings, this will definitely put a strain on our already taut relations with the Kings.
Why didn't that idiot think about this, how can he treat everything like a bloody game without caring about the effect his actions can have on the people around us.
"We cannot go around torturing our guards on mear suspicions, Aaron. These are men who've been serving us since ages, doubting their loyalty to us would be equivalent to killing them in their eyes" Dad replies.
"Then Pray tell me Dad, How do we find the bastard, and that too before he decides to leak the information and screw us all"
"For now Aaron, I'd like you to calm down, your hotheadedness would cloud your judgement and thinking process, I know that you've always prioritized our family ,it's wellbeing and security over everything else and this in no way depicts weakness, it's just a lapse in our judgement, a wrong choice which anyone could have made, no one's blaming or judging you, Take a break and breathe, Son. We'll get through this like we always do" Dad offers my brother a small smile
"Your Dad's right, Son. For now let's keep together, and prioritize our safety, I have my men in place and have increased the security around our house, I've put some men on alert around Annika's house in UK as well, just in case."
That's when I realise that I need to go back to the UK to meet the vermin and try to bring him back to his senses so that he stops whatever madness this is.
I'll get back at you, Theo King, one way or the other.
"Dad, I need to get back to the UK, for my practicals and exams which are due next week"
"Absolutely Not, you know how dangerous the situation right now is, Angel. I promise you I'll make the arrangements so that you do not loose your marks"
"But you know that I hate to be treated as a privileged kid Dad"
"Dad's right angel, we cannot afford to focus on our emotions, rather think through this practically" Aaron Adds.
I look at Caleb for help, putting up my best puppy eyes on display.
"I think we should let Aanya attend her classes, we need to act normal and not out of character. If someone suspects somethings different or a change in our behavior, they'll surely report it back to the Pakhan, for now let's stick to our roles" Caleb says
"Yes, let's not give the Pakhan reasons to plant spys in our network" Grandpa says supporting Caleb.
Thank goodness.
Dad thinks for a while, before saying "OK, but Ilya and his men will come with you, and you'll stay with Caleb till this mess is sorted"
"But Dad.."
"No Buts Aanya, If you want to go back, it'll be at my conditions or you don't go back at all" My Dad says sternly.
As soon as I leave the room, I'm greeted by my Mom's serene and beautiful face. My Dad and brothers might call me 'Angel' ,but Mom's been the literal personification of the word for me. She's the reason that me and my siblings grew up with a sense of humbleness, gratitude and kindness, even though we're surrounded by people who wouldn't think twice before eliminating someone who they deem as threat. My mother balances out my father's ruthlessness and they are the perfect couple. I dream of a marriage like theirs.
"My Baby is back, Oh how I missed you" Mom says hugging me.
"I'm good Mom, I missed you so much, I wish we could go back together to the UK, Aunt Anni, Aunt Ava and Aunt Mia miss you too, Aunt Ava says that you've become like the blue moon and if they're lucky they'll get to see you once in a while"
"I miss them too, it feels so long since the last time I met them, even though me and Ava talk on phone everyday for hours"
"Hey Mom" Caleb greets my Mom, hugging her sideways.
"Hey chipmunk" Mom says ruffling his hair.
"Stop calling me that Mom, I'm not a kid anymore" Caleb says fixing his hair.
"You all will always remain kids for me"
After a stretched silence she adds "Caleb, I'd really appreciate it if you keep an eye on your brother, he's deeply affected by all that's going on, things had already been...tough for him, I don't want him to do anything rash, even though your father already has guards following him but it's only so much they can do without fearing his wrath"
"Sure thing Mom, don't you worry, I'll be back as soon as Aanya's exams are done next week"
I'm about to reply them when my phone rings "Excuse me" I ask my Mom's permission and head to my room
As soon as I enter the room, the voice on the other end is enough to test the patience on my last nerves
"Hello little bird, miss me?"
"Theo, you...you vermin"
"Vermin? Seriously? All those colorful words and you chose to call me that, what are you, a Grandma from the 80s?"
"Well unlike you some people have decency and dignity"
There's a silence on the other end before he adds "Judging by the way you'd reacted to the loss of the pendrive, I'd expected you to come running to me once you learned about the black book which is capable of doing 10 times more damage than the pendrive, but guess I was wrong, should I go ahead and release the information in the media, do some good for the society while I'm at it?"
Chills run down my spine "What do you want Theo, why start this madness, why mess with my family, just why? Don't you know that your Aunt Annika is a Volkov and the strain it could put on our relations?"
"I don't do emotions, sweetheart, what I do know and expertise is in bringing people to their knees, and luckily for me your family's found yourself on my radar, I like this feeling of having the Mighty Volkovs at my mercy, feels euphoric"
"You're a monster"
"Tell me something I don't know"
"Cut thr crap and get to the point, why do you want to meet me, do you even plan to give back the Black Book, or is this another game of yours, whatever it is, know one thing King, I'm a Volkov I would die before I become another source of entertainment for you"
"Never say never, baby"
God give me patience or I'll catch the first flight to UK and kill this man.
"Please, please stop this madness Theo" I add hopelessly.
"Come back and meet me at Flamington cafe and we'll talk about it. I'll sent my driver to your college around 1 pm to pick you up, you have your lunch break during that time right?"
"Wait, how do you know my schedule?"
"I have my ways, let's dicuss this tomorrow, it's been a pleasure talking to you, Ms. Volkov"
I throw my phone on the table and lie down on my bed and stare at my ceiling.
What have I gotten myself into.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic.
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 4
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Aanya Volkov
"Where were you?"  I'm met with Calebs question as soon as I enter the house I share with my friends in UK.
The row house had been a collective gift from my father and Uncle Creighton which I share with my friend Gina and my sweetest cousin Rebecca,  Aunt Anni and Uncle Creighton's daughter. The three of us had been inseparable since childhood and decided that no matter what, we'll remain together in college just like we'd been during our school.
Zoey and Seirra who were our seniors used to live in the house opposite ours along with Jessica,Uncle Killian's daughter who's the same age as Zoey and Seirra. They shifted back to the flat they bought together soon after graduation. While Zoey is more inclined towards art and has no interest in business, her sister Seirra wants to prove her worth in the business world, something that's proving to be quite a task considering her ambitious big brother Sean and psycho genuis cousin Theo, but I believe she'll do great, considering she has her Grandfather, Aiden King's unwavering protection and support, something that's proving to be both a boon and bane for her. Jessica is a quite and calculative person and usually speaks only when its necessary, she graduated top of her class at the law school and  has joined her Uncle and Grandfather at their law firm. My mother really dotes on her since childhood,given that her and Aaron had been childhood friends, before they drifted apart.I've seen her around my house in the US considering the on and off relation she has going with my elder brother Aaron, who's been smitten with her since his teenage years, but refuses to admit the same given his mafia image and reasons unknown to me. I do hope he finds his courage and makes up his mind before it's too late. Jess is a diva and has a line of suitors given her intellectual personality along with her beautiful face. Just like the 3 of us have been a group, Zoey Seirra and Jess come in a pack, always.
While my parents  and my brother mostly keep to the US, my father and brother for their Bratva business and my mom for her clinic, my lovely grandparents live here, the only reason why my father even entertained the idea of me living with my friends in the UK. Not only that, he also forced my brother Caleb and cousin Jasper to buy one near ours, along with the guards that  follow and report our every move.
"Was Out." I reply taking out the bottle and chugging water directly from it. Gods it feels as though I've returned from Sahara desert.
"Doing what exactly?"
"Visiting the Kings for dinner, Gina had invited me"
"Seriously Aanya, don't you know the trouble we're dealing with right now, courtesy 'Theo King'."
"Doesn't mean that I'd break my friendship with Gina over it"
"Aanya, I'm not asking you to break your friendship with her, what I do expect however is that we keep to ourselves for a while, be cautious. Aaron and Dad are already dealing with so much, let's not add to their problems"
"I know and understand, Caleb, trust me I wouldn't dare do something that would cause Dad unnecessarily trouble, it's just that Aunt Mia had personally invited me over phone, given the tensions between our families, I didn't want her to think that it's affecting my relations with her and Gina, besides everyone else in the Kings Mansion love me"
"Still, angel, I'd be careful. If Dad hears about this, you know how it'll get, good thing that Uncle Ilya's band of madmen are not on guard duty today"
"Sure thing Cal, thanks for covering for me"
"Anytime, angel."
He waits for a while before asking in a low voice"Have you been taking your medicines regularly?"
"Ofcourse I am. What makes you think I'd skip them anyways" It comes out sharply even though I know he means no harm.
Sensing the change in mood Cal tries to divert my attention "We can catch breakfast at your favorite waffle place tomorrow,although I'd you rather stay with us tonight, knowing you, I won't push it. Will pick you up in the morning. "
"Yupp" Since Gina and Rebs were at their parents place today I had the house all to myself, which means that I can do my task at hand without any hindrance.
I'm an architecture student,  since childhood I'd had fascination for old buildings and would always sit down to sketch whenever an old building or house caught my eye, there's something enthralling about the old houses and buildings, as if it's walls still hold stories, I like the mystery of it all, of what might have been the story of people who once roamed these halls. I'd like to rebuild these buildings in a way that they don't loose their originality. Even if I'm majoring in architecture,  I do know more than the basics about coding, encrypting and decrypting data, given my tech genuis brother Caleb, who's majoring in Computers, he's the mastermind behind our strong web of cyber networks and security detailing,  something my Grandpa Adrian is super proud of.
Aaron is more like my father, a leader through and through,  strongheaded and steadfast. He's a Mafia heir and has been training for the same since his childhood, He's also my Mom's favorite child, although she claims that she loves us all the same, but Aaron's always been super close to mumma, even though he is a replica of my father, face and nature wise.
I take out my laptop, type in the codes and insert the pendrive, cross check if all the data is in place, Its only when I see the message, Data processed successfully,  do I take a breathe of relief.
Hush, that was easy.
Yet the gnawing feeling I had doesn't go away, as if something big is waiting to happen, as if I'd started a chain of events knowingly or unknowingly.
Breathe Aanya, only positive thoughts.
Just when I'm about to close my laptop and go to sleep, I hear a commotion downstairs
"Caleb, what are you doing here?"
"Pack your bags Aanya, we need to leave"
"Wha.. why? You know I have my exams next week, I cannot afford missing any more classes"
"Dad, will make arrangements,  just pack what's necessary, we're leaving for the US"He says still busy typing something on his phone
As I'm about to refute him, I see Uncle Ilya along with his "band of madmen" as Caleb likes to call them.
OK. This is serious.
"Miss Aanya, I hope that you've packed the essentials, we're leaving in 15 mins,  the jets ready and Boss awaits us"
"Whats going on?, I don't understand why do we need to leave suddenly in the night"
"The Black books stolen Aanya, it's gone" Caleb says in a frustrated tone running his hand through his hair.
As soon as I hear the words, my entire body goes numb
.The Black Book is a ledger, containing years and years of data, about mafia transactions, alliances and every little detail that's been taking place in the Bratva since my great grandparents time, if fallen into wrong hands, and god forbid if someone leaks the data, entire nations could be in chaos, which is why its been a  physical copy, since its almost impossible to completely secure a file on computerKept at the top floor  in a vault with complex codes, only the direct family and a few people belonging to our close circle know about its existence, No one else, not even the Pakhan is aware of something like this existing,  if the Bratva and the Pakhan comes to know about this, they'll want my family's head on a platter. This is Bad, very very Bad.
And here I thought that securing this stupid pendrive would make my family's issues go away.
Dear Lord, can't we catch a break, sorry if we did something bad, but please we need you on our side, now more than ever.
How, just How, someone managed to pull a stunt like this blows my mind.This wouldn't have been possible without masterplanning with precision, only a genuis would be able to pull a stunt like this.
Only a Genuis.
Good Lord.
I run back to my room and open my laptop, the entire screen gone blank with only a message blinking  on screen:
'Knock Knock'
And soon my phone blinks with a message from an unknown number 'Ask me Who's There?'
I try calling the number,  but no one picks it up, instead I receive a message from the same number:
If you want the Black Book back, meet me tomorrow at the Kings Mansion, 9 am sharp.Just so you know, this is Theodore, in case you haven't figured it out yet.P.S Wear the little yellow frock you wore yesterday for dinner,  you looked like a snack in it.
I will kill this man, no matter even if I have to go to jail, I will strangle him to death, cut him to pieces and feed them to some feral animal.
But before that I need to get the Black Book back.
All our lives depend on it.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midnight Summer
A Legacy of Gods fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 3.
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Theodore Sokolov King.
Nearly three days of waiting and no response from the little bird, makes me wonder if the hints I'd left are enough, she seemed like an intelligent person, but I could be wrong.
Judging by her reaction during the Bratva meeting, I thought she'd be here by now, seems like I'll have to up my game a notch. Initially I'd not planned to expose the Volkov's vulnerability at the Bratva meeting, but since Williamson had been making his move after the so called leaks over media, all thanks to yours truly, the news reached the Bratva Headquarters. Williamson threatened to expose the Bratva secrets and try to break other alliances too, due to the fact that the Bratva failed to keep up it's end of the deal. Which is why it became important for me to jump in, you see even if I'm untouchable, the Volkovs net of spys and organization preeceeds anyone else's in the entire US, UK and Russia combined. Sooner or later my involvement with the incident would come up, although personally I couldn't give any fucks about the Bratva business and try to keep away as much as possible, my cousin and grandparents at my mother's side are higher ups in the organization, so it's necessary for both our sakes to keep my name clean, which is why I came upfront to the Pakhan, and made it look as though I'd gotten back the files through unknown sources, shooting two birds with a single stone. Williamson would keep quite for a while now since he might be busy cleaning the mess created before next elections, and the Pakhan now thinks I'm someone who could be relied upon, a fact that doesn't seems to sit well with the Volkovs given the history between my father and Jeremy Volkov, both of whom tolerate each other due to the fact that Cecily Knight or Mrs Volkov is a friend to my Father and Aunt Ava, while my mother , Mia , is a friend to Jeremy and his entourage involves my Uncles Killian and Nikolai. This doesn't lessen the tension whenever the two parties meet for family dinners or so.
Just when I'm thinking about another way to trap my birdie, a loud and obnoxious presence derails my thought process "What the fuck do you think you're doing motherfucker ?" Punch. "Why, hello to you too cousin dearest" I say clutching my jaw, the uncultured piece of crap almost ruined my masterpiece of a face. "I specifically told you to stay away from Aaron and the Volkovs, this ain't your playground Theo, it's the Bratva where there are incomprehensible consequences to your actions" "Is that concern I hear in your voice, Dommy boy?" "Not even in your dreams, the only thing I'm concerned about is getting myself out of this shit show you've put up, which puts me in a tight spot with Aaron, I don't like this Theo, not even a bit" "Do you want to Fuck him? Aaron Volkov I mean?" "What!! NO! Whats wrong with you man! Why would you even think that?" "Good, it's enough that our little helion of a cousin Jessica is obsessing over him, such a downgrade for being a King, I'd bet the lapse of judgment and lack of taste on the Carson genes" "Wow. Just Wow. How can you be so nonchalant about this entire thing?" "Don't stress, I have a plan" "You better do. And it better be something that won't get us in the middle of whatever fuckery is going on between you and the Volkovs, I'm tired already man. I just wanna ride my bike, rail and maim people for fun, eat sleep and repeat, this ain't something I signed up for." "Trouble in Paradise?" Sean comes in with a wicked smile planted on his face. "You better keep your mouth shut big bro, if only you didn't let your hand loose, we wouldn't have to take this psycho's help" "A Thankyou would suffice" I chime in Sean raises his hands up, as if surrendering "those idiots had it coming for a while, they asked and I served, besides you're the last person who should be giving me lectures on "not letting my hand loose", seriously did you forget all your rendezvous including but not exclusive to an attempt to murder?" " Yes, but we never cross a line, not where our families are involved. Seriously Theo what is it that you're planning, why steal from the Volkovs, knowing you, I bet there's more to this than what meets the eye" "I was bored" "WHAT??, do you seriously think I'd believe that bullshit , "Well if you know me so well, you'll get to know my ultimate goal, have patience cousin dearest" "Whatever, this is the last time I'm taking your side over my friends, the next time you fuck up, I'll be sure to help Aaron dig your grave. Don't worry I'll lend Aunt Mia a shoulder" "Sure thing, Dom" Just when he's about to spew some more nonsense, my assistant and guard, a gift courtesy of my Grandad Kyle Hunter arrives in. "What's the update Shera?" "The plan's executed and met it's goal as expected, my sources reported that Ms.Aanya Volkov just left the property and the drive with the files missing too" "Wait, go back, did Shera just say "Aanya Volkov? as in the Volkov princess?" Says Dom with a murderous expression, "Have you lost it you motherfucker, you know that my Dad is her Godfather and would maim you to death if a single hair of hers is out of place?" "Good thing I have Uncle Brans unwavering support" I add in. "What do you mean the pendrives are gone, you trying to double cross me you twat?" Sean says in his cold tone. I zone out and don't pay attention to the two, my minds already high with all the plans I have to play with the little bird, or should I call her little fox, judging the fact that she easily managed to pull something that would have been a difficult feat for others She's cunning, I'll give her that. "You guys are thinking into this too much, trust me I won't get you guys or our families involved, like I said I have a plan. So please remove your unnecessary presence from my vicinity so that I can concentrate on the issues at hand, the doors to the left. Thanks"
Now that the first phase of the plan is complete, time to set the playground for a new game.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 2
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Theodore Sokolov King
I'm bored.
Literally and figuratively.
I'd expected the little bird to come out of her gilded cage after I left her hints pointing her in the right direction. God knows how I need my daily dose of chaos and what better way to initiate it than to rile up the Volkov princess, I want to see her out of her element, see her 'goody two shoe' image shatter, but it seems like I'll have to wait for a while before that happens now.
How boring.
Guess that's what being genuis does that to you, when it becomes so easy to want something and achieve it, in a manner that might look impractical to most of the folks around you, but you make it seem easy.The only competitors I have around are my cousins, namely Sean King, Uncle Eli's son, and the other being Dominic Sokolov, Uncle Bran and Uncle Niko's son, although I wouldn't consider the latter a competition considering our fields of excellency are poles apart.He's a known name amongst the Bratva, while I mostly keep to my domain of business, although I do like to get my hands dirty now and then. There's Jasper too, Uncle Creighton's son but since he's the youngest King heir, he's also the one who's most protected and looked after, to the point that no one on UK and US grounds would dare breathe wrong his way, fearing our collective wrath. I would never cross a line with the above fuckers, coz one thing that's been engraved in the mind of every King is:
Family above all.
Which is why everything is getting boring for me.
I've known that I was different from other kids since my childhood. While most of the kids my age struggled with basic mathematics I'd solve complex math problems within minutes. Be it series of domino puzzles, decrypting messages and riddles or learning new languages I could do it all. Although my parents,would be proud of my achievements and always flaunt them in front of their peers, deep down I know they were disturbed because of my detached nature. I cannot process emotions like others do.I once heard my Grandma talk to my Mom about how I inherited my father's aloofness, lack of empathy and his narcissist tendencies. I watched my mother's face fall as Grandma said that "If Landon was able to overcome his nature and become the loving husband and Father he is today, I'm sure our Theo will do the same"
But that's the problem, I cannot see the lack of empathy and emotions as a vice, rather it's my biggest asset. It makes me be over cautious, over calculating and the results are infront of us allA stronger empire than before commanded by a headstrong, handsome genuis with holier-than-thou personality. I've added more allies, more assets in my 3 years as the vice president than my COO Dad or CEO Uncle did in their inital years as leaders, a fact that's been praised by the Legends Aiden King and Levi King , my Granduncle and Grandfather. The same can be said about my cousin Sean, but he's been a few points back since the last ruckus he caused, and now I'm left to deal with the consequences.
Which brings me to the current issue, the stealing or more like taking the files containing deets on Mr.Williamson, the one who's been a thorn in our way since the Sean incident. Motherfucker thought he could blackmail The Kings. Seems like he has suicidal tendencies.
While I'd been planning and contemplating about ways to bring the fucker to his knees, opportunity came walking towards me in the form of Dominic Sokolov and his big mouth. During one of our ranting sessions, he might've slipped up this tidbit information about Volkovs having dirt on him and protecting him in return of some alliance bullshit.
What I'm if not an opportunist?
After rigorous planning, plotting and planting spys within the Volkovs fort I successfully got the data drive.I was planning to use my triumph card over Williamson, but than Aanya Volkov happened. I saw her speak at the Bratva meeting first time, eyes ablaze, hands twitching as though she wanted to strangle me to death and that's the most entertainment I've got in nearly 5 years, you see there's something alluring about breaking ones carefully and meticulously built good image. I've known her since my childhood due to her relations with my Aunt and Uncle creighton wife, Annika Volkov who also happens to be her Aunty, not to mention she's my little sister's best friend.
I'd seen her around the mansion but she would always keep her distance from me, as any sane person would.But then I learned something, which makes me believe that her soft spoken nature, all bright and pure is just an image.
Just like me, something sinister lurks within her too.
While I keep my beast at my shoulder, proudly on display for all to see, she's been taming hers from a long time.And I'll be damned if I let it be dormant any more.
I'll bring out your demons Aanya, even if I have to drag myself through your personal hell.
Time for my demon to meet yours.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic.
Chapter 1
Hello guys, this is an amateur attempt at JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son Fanfic, all characters belong to Rina Kent, please do let me know if I should continue this or not. Thanks.
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Aanya Volkov
I feel euphoric. Like how Icarus must have felt when he got too close to the sun, even though it eventually devoured him. That's exactly how I feel as I drive out of the Kings Mansion, the sideways littered with lamppost and the stone sculptures, which I don't bother studying. The weight of the item in my bag feels heavy, and as the adrenaline settles down,  I cannot help but feel that this has been too easy, way too easy, as though someone orchestrated my entire plan, I cannot help but feel as if I'm being played. No Aanya, no. Only positive thoughts.
Yes that's right, now what are the chances of any one from the mansion suspecting me of stealing? Aunt Mia loves me, so do grandpa Levi and Grandma Astrid. Although I cannot say if Uncle Landon likes me or not, since I've been told by my father ample of times to maintain my distance from him, but Im sure Gina, his daughter and my best friend might have put in a good word about me. And yet I stole from them, how's that for maintaining a good impression? Good lord. I won't call it stealing coz I'm just taking back what's ours in the first place, and in doing so I'm also taking back Dad's and my brothers peace. I won't allow anyone to mess with my family, especially some vermin who thinks that the mere purpose of everyone around him is to entertain His Majesty, to put our honor on line for his daily dose of entertainment. I'm talking about none other than that psycho cosplaying as a perfect gentleman to live by societal standards. Theodore Sokolov King. One of the heirs to the King empire, the youngest influencal business man in UK. Even if we're archnemesis, there's no denying the fact that he's a genuis gifted with a face that's sculpted to perfection, as though God took his own sweet time making him,deep blue eyes, soft brown hair, sharp jawline and dimples to make him look like a hansome london boy with a face made for vogue magzines. He wears the camouflage of a perfect gentleman through and through, so much so that one cannot help but be drawn to his charisma, and till the time we realize that his beauty and charm is nothing but a mirage, it's too late.Although by God's grace we've never interacted before, his reputation precceeds him, not only is he a known name amongst the top business tycoons in the UK and US, but he's gradually been making his place known in the Bratva too, no thanks to his grandparents influence. It's come to the point that even the previous Pakhan, Kirill Morozov trusts him with tasks that he'd usually deem my brothers to be worthy of, and this has been eating them, even though they don't show it. My family has been influencal and a known and trusted name in the Bratva, all thanks to my Father and Grandfather who've made a strong organization within the Bratva, that rivals the CIA and Mossad. My father and brothers are the most trusted sources and advisors to the Pakhan or so was the case before "Your Majesty" thought better to make our live miserable. And now, we'll have to prove our loyalty and resourcefulness to the current Pakhan, Vaughn Morozova, all over again. If only he would keep to his turf and not mess with ours. I wonder why he's taken such a sudden intrest in bratva's business when he's never really paid attention before, I'm sure it's not to help his cousin Dominic Sokolov, Uncle Niko and uncle Brans Son, the one who'll be inherenting his father's position in the Bratva's inner circle along with my brothers. Dom is my elder brother Aaron Volkov's friend, but his relation with the vermin makes it difficult for him to take sides during meetings, my brothers understand this and do not except him to do the same, but the last meeting where Pakhan assigned the shipment duty given to my brother to someone else,put a strain on their friendship too. All because of that cockroach, gods how I hate his face, and I'm not at all a violent person. I prefer keeping to myself, reading books in my room, hanging out with my friends and cousins. I never partake in any activities related to the Mafia, which  is what's expected of me, but this time I couldn't stand it, the pain in my elder brother Aaron's eyes, the pure rage in Calebs, of how they feel as though they've let down my father and Grandpa, although that's not the case. My father and Grandpa are most proud of all our achievements both big and small, and would never shy from letting us know the same, but this was the first time that a task given to volkov's had been reassigned to someone else, namely His Majesty. I'll make sure he's humiliated just like he stepped on my family's pride. Even if I burn in the process.
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