And IHeard As It Were.
5 posts
21 | A blog for everyone who find comfort in reading | Discretion is the better part of Valor
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choco-ganesh · 4 years ago
Linked Worlds
You were a helper. It was in your nature, it was how you were raised. You had made a name for yourself around Lestallem, whether it was helping a street chef with orders to lending a hand to a hunter, you were always there. Over the past months, you had subconsciously decided that Lestallem was your new home, and after the recent events you had heard from a resident about a near by kingdom named Imsomnia, you had also decided to scerelty guard Lestallem and it's citizens.
A few days has passed and slowly but surely, groups of refugees began to setltle in Lestallem. While helping the injured, you learned about a specific group of three refugees who made their way into the city. There was a child, about 8 years old, a girl most likely in her teens, and an older man with a bad limp. You were informed that these three seemed to be dodging the public eye and any help that was offered to them. Curiosity blossomed within you as you kept hearing about these refugees.
Having not yet seen this group after a day, you decided that you would walk the pathways, and search for them. You looked for the older man , hoping you would see him wondering around with the others. He must have been injured while escaping..' you thought yourself. A couple hours passed and you had yet to spot him. You were about to give up and go home when out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the little boy coming from a shop. In his hand was a potion, and his face had a terrified look upon it. He wore a red plaid shirt, kaki pants and a pair of sneakers. You watched him scurry through a crowd and then up a short pair of stairs that lead to a hotel called the leville. You let out a sigh of relief and in that moment you decided to gather what information anyone might know.
People greeted you as you entered the market place, children yelled hello, hunters gave you a single nod and small smiles. Your face softened and you smiled at everyone, spending about an hour catching up with your neighbors, and asking about the newcommers. From the little things you gathered, you figured out they were some form of nobility, and were some of the many others that escaped the disaster of insomnia. "I heard that girl talking to what looks like her grandfather. Saying that she called this 'Noctis' guy and that they're on their way with potions." You hummed at the hunter who told what he knew. You thought for a while. That feeling of wanting to help getting stronger. "I know that face." The hunter chuckled "What're you up to, Y/N?" You smiled and stood from the stool you sat at. "Potions won't be enough. I can tell." You bid the hunter farewell.
You decided to shop a little, gathering food and whatever your home was missing. While in a small convenience store, you spotted a black cane from the corner of your eye and stared at it. "Y/N? Sweetie?" The clerk pulled you from your small trance and you looked at her with slight wide eyes. "Someone needs help, huh?" She giggled at you while handing you your goods and change. You blushed slightly and looked away. "Jeez, I guess I am that readable." You huffed out a laugh. The clerk looked at you for a minute, studying your behavior. She turned, suddenly, and opened the small door that led to the back of the counter, walking towards the cane. She then picked it up, turned to you and held it out for you to take it. "Whoever needs this, you should give it to them." She said quickly. You stared at her and began to pull money out of you pocket. "No, no!" She touched your hand, mmaking you pause. "Its been a while since anyone cared so much about our community. We've always had to look out for each other, and since you you arrived those months ago.. life had been a little easier. Even my grandmother thinks the same." She smiled at you again. "It.. you make me want to help people, and if giving you this cane helps, then I want to do it." You didn't know what to say, or how to feel. To have such influence on someone like this.. it made you strangely proud. You smiled at the clerk and took the cane. "Thank you. I'll pay you back one day." You said your goodbyes and you made your way back into the warm sunlight.
You decided to have lunch and spend time with yourself after you had finished your shopping. You looked at the view of the forest below while gripping the cane tightly. You were waiting for the right time to make yourself known to the refugees, as you felt you didn't want to bother them too soon after their arrival. "Y/N?" You turned around to see the hunter from earlier walking up to you. "Heard something from a friend of mine. Said a bunch of men in all black are making their way here now. I'm guessing it's for the girl and the others." You nodded and looked around to see if they had already arrived. "They aren't hear yet. Maybe another half an hour. Heard the girl asking for a medic, though. I told them I know someone and I though I should come to you." The hunter crossed his arms and motioned with his head to follow you. You gather your things and began to follow him with haste in your step. "Thank you." You smiled, making your way to the leville.
Shortly after your arrival, the hunter decided to post himself outside and keep a look out. As you entered the building, The hotel clerk immediately knew your role in being hear and began to lead you to the room that the refugees were staying in. "Before we enter, the guests have a request." The clerk suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to you, speaking in a serious tone. "They ask to not be mentioned outside of thier room. After you leave, pretend you don't know them unless they ask for you." You felt threatened in a way by this, but you could feel a sense of protectiveness coming from the clerk. Nonetheless, you understood the request and nodded, looking at the the clerk straight in the eye. He nodded after a few silent moments and proceeded to lead you to the second floor and to the room that held the refugees. The clerk knocked two times and waited. A moment had passed and you wondered if there were people even in there anymore. As you started to think nothing of this situation, the door was cracked slightly open. Your eyes fell upon the child you saw earlier, his eyes still held sadness and terror you saw from him earlier. You felt your heart tug and you wondered how he was feeling after going through so much. Your own small wave of sadness washed over you when seeing him so scared and timid. "The medic you requested is here to serve you." The clerk bowed slightly. 'Bowing... I wonder who there people really are.' You thought to yourself. The door suddenly flung open, reveling the child to you. "Will you help us?" The child began to cry. You looked at him and then at the two eldest figures in the room. They looked at you with exhausted and pained eyes. Without hesitation, you looked to the small child and grabbed his hand gently, leading him inside the room. "I hope this isn't too much trouble for you.." the girl spoke up as you reached the bed she was sitting on. "Please, it's no trouble at all." You said as you looked over both of them, making sure there were no serious injury's. "I know it may be hard, but if you can, please tell me what you remember." You spoke to them softly as you sat the child down next to the older man. You kneeled in front of the child and looked at them all. After a long silence, the girl spoke up again. "My name is Iris... This is Jared and Talcott. Were from... Insomnia." She said shakingly. You nodded and waited patiently for her to continue. You learned of a piece treaty that went South, two Kings fighting, demons running around, soldiers called MT's attacking their home. "I had learned through some travelers about this.. I'm so sorry for your losses." You whispered to them all. You looked towards Iris and gently touched her hand. "You were very brave and you got your friends out. You did a good job." You reassured her. Iris nodded and smiled slightly, wiping a stray tear that fell. "Thank you.. me and Talcott are fine, just a little sore.. Jared was hit by a stray bullet, though. We got it out and used a potion but it didn't seem to work. There's something else there.." Iris got off the bed and came to kneel next to you. She gently pulled up Jared's pant leg and reveled his wound. 'What is this..' you thought to yourself as you let out a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding. The bullet wound was slightly closed but wasn't sealed properly. There was a slight infection and not only that.. there was black ooze forming around the wound and it was slightly pulsating. Something you've seen before..
You sighed deeply and gently touched Jared's leg, but he winced and pulled away from your touch which caused you to quickly retract your hand. "This may hurt a little, Jared. But please don't worry, I'll heal this right up." You smiled up at him, trying to relax him as much as possible. "I believe you." Jared struggled to reply. You gave a single nod and focused your attention on his wound again. You take a deep breath and hold it while closing your eyes. The three watched you carefully but with puzzled faces. Within a few second your hand began to glow a faint green. You opened your eyes and started mumbling to yourself quietly. Your hand become warmer, and it began to glow brighter. "She's a wizard." You could hear talcot whisper. "I.. think you're right." Iris whispered back. You tried not to smile, for you thought the spell would be interupted. You regained focus, and gently touched Jared's wound once more. You heard him hiss in pain again, so without hesitation you grabbed one of his hands with your free one and held it tightly. "You're almost done." You mumbled, pressing your hand harder against the wound. The black ooze that littered Jared's leg stopped throbbing and began to glow the same color as your hand, and bit by bit, it began to break away into thin air. Iris gasped and held on your arm, squeezing it. Suddenly your hand stopped glowing and you pulled your hand away quickly. It was done, the wound was closed and you were strangly exhausted. Everyone was staring at Jared's leg, which was now cleared with a slightly discolored scar. "You.. how did you.." Iris couldn't find any words to say and neither could you honestly. Suddenly talcot latched onto the older man, capturing him a tight hug. You smiled and sighed. 'Another success.' you thought to yourself. A knock pulled you all from your relaxed state. "Lady Amicitia, your brother and the prince have arrived." The clerk said from the other side of the door. The party gasped and looked at each other. Their eyes were wide, like they had just gotten some news. You didn't know if it was good or bad, but by the sudden disappearance of Iris and Jared's touch and all of their smiles, it seemed it was good news. They got on their feet and rushed to the door, making their way down the hallway, leaving you alone. You could hear a mixture of voices down the hall, joy and relief present in their tones. You slowly got to your feet and looked at the open door and smiled, taking that as your cue to leave. You picked up the cane you had brought for Jared and laid it on the bed for him. As you made your way out of the room, you turned to your left, opposite of where the others fled to. You didn't know why, but you felt like you should leave the them to their reunion with their friends and make a quiet exit. You also felt as if you reached a limit of meeting people today. Everyone in Lestallem was taken care of, and these new arrivals sound like they're in good health. As you reached the bottom of the stairwell, you heard Talcott exclaim, "See?! I told you guys! She's a wizard! She disappeared into thin air!" You finally let yourself laugh. You opened the back door and we're met by the warm sunlight again. You already knew you were magical, but hearing it from an exciting personalty like Talcott made you feel good about yourself and you were hoping you would see him again. "Everything all set?" You heard the voice of the hunter behind you. You turned to see him leaning against the support colume. "Yes. The older man, Jared was the only one with a wound. The other two are fine." You waited till the hunter was at your side to start walking again. "Good." Was all he said before staring straight ahead. "You know, you don't always have to keep an eye out. We're safe here." You whispered to him. He sighed and stayed silent, eyes never meeting with yours. "I have my orders." Was all he said to you after a few minutes of silence. You shrugged and decided to just let it go and enjoy the rest of your day.
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choco-ganesh · 7 years ago
hello!! I’m really looking forward to your blog, man—it’s always such a treat when someone new rolls into fandom! that said, can I request Noctis trying to confess his feelings to the reader, but having a hard time since he’s so damn awkward? 💛
I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it! I’m excited to see where this blog goes and excited to meet new people. Anyways, here it is! I hope made Noctis awkward enough for you.
Noctis tried to relax and just enjoy the car ride. The smell of the fresh air, the wind gently caressing his face and neck, and the feeling of the setting sun on his body. He had his eyes closed and was in deep thought. It shouldn’t be this hard just to enjoy a car ride. This was supposed to be the most easiest thing on the planet. Unfortunately it wasn’t. Not with you sitting in the car, slightly squished in the middle of him and Gladio. It also didn’t help that your thigh was pressing right against his. Not that he didn’t mind, the extra heat he was getting from you made him comfortable. It also had his heart practically leaping out of his chest. “Noctis?” The prince was taken from his thoughts when he heard your voice. He opened his eyes to look at you. “Noctis, do you have enough space? I can move over if you-“ “It’s fine.” He answered a little too quickly. You’re eyes widened slightly but you smiled and nodded. Noctis looked away and sighed quietly. ‘Why did I cut her off like that?’ He mentally slapped himself. He looked from the corner of his eye to see that you had leaned back and closed your eyes. Just looking at you made him feel… warm. It’s been like this for a while. Since high school, to be exact. You were the only one to actually talk to him like a normal person and not treat him too much like a prince. You and Prompto, to be exact but while Prompto became his best friend, he had grown so much more fond of you with each passing day. His feelings over the years had only gotten stronger. “Noct. It looks like we won’t be making it to a motel anytime soon. Might I suggest we camp out this time?” Ignis’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Huh? Uh.. yeah, let’s camp out around here.” He stuttered while sitting fully up in his seat. Doing so aroused you from your light slumber. “Hey, we’re camping out again. You okay with that?” He asked as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. “I mean, it’s up to you. I don’t mind where we are.” You yawned. You were so cute when you yawned. “Are we close, Iggy?” You asked. “Just a little more. I would say about 10 minutes.” Ignis replied, slightly turning his head so you could hear his voice. “Ok. Wake me up when we get there.” You mumbled and closed your eyes. You leaned yourself against Noctis’s shoulder, causing him to stiffen a little. The prince looked over at Gladio, only to see him trying not to laugh out loud. He tried looking towards the front of the car but all he saw was Prompto trying to get a good picture of you two and Ignis looking at him from the rear view mirror with half lidded eyes. He sighed and just settled on looking to the side, ignoring the giggles and judging stares. The three of them will never let him live this down if he doesn’t say something. Tonight. You sat in front of the fire, gazing into the dancing flames as the others finished setting up the camp site. Ignis started cooking, Prompto was going back and forth between his camera and phone, Gladio was reading his book and Noctis had gone somewhere. You had taken notice of his strange behavior lately. During conversations, he would answer you so quickly, during battles you couldn’t even get a kill in because Noctis would always be next to you or pushing you out the way of a monsters attack, he would stiffen up when you sat next to him in the car, and sometimes he would just stare at you. Anytime he got caught, he would look away and not talk to you for at least 20 minutes. Was he mad at you? Had you been screwing up lately? You started to bite your nails as you contemplated the best logical answer as to why Noctis was being so weird around you. “Y/N, stop biting your nails.” Speak of the devil. You tore your gaze away from the fire to see Noctis walking towards you. He looked irritated. “Ah, sorry. Force of habit.” You laughed nervously. “Are you okay? You looked kind of annoyed.” You asked him in a shaky voice. “I’m fine. I just can’t find my phone anywhere.” He looked around the campsite to see if he had set it down. “Did you trying checking the car, Noct?” Ignis said without looking up from his recipe book. All the prince did was sigh and turn back around, heading towards the car. “Y/N, do you mind helping him look for it. You’re the only one he doesn’t snap at when he’s irritaated.” Ignis turned around slightly to look at you with slightly pleading eyes. He wasn’t in the mood for attitude tonight. “Yeah, I’ll go.” You said while jogging to catch up with the irritated prince. As he watched you disappear into the night, he turned around to look at Prompto and Gladio. He then reached into his suit pocket, pulled out Noctis’s phone and shook it slightly while raising his eyebrows. Prompto and Gladio looked at each other before bursting into fits of laughter. Ignis then turned back around and resumed with his cooking for the night. You had stuck your hand in between the seats of the car, trying to get a feel of Noctis’s phone, but to no avail. You sighed and shimmied your way from the back seat and closed the door. Noctis was leaning against the car, his arms folded and looking over the scenery before him. It was dark, but the moon gave everything a nice silver glow. You stood there as well, smiling at the scene before you. “You could be a model of you really wanted to, Noct.” You said while putting your hands behind your back and walking to stand next to him. Noctis jumped slightly when he felt your arm slightly brush against his. He snapped his head around and looked at you, and light shade of pick dancing across his face. He moved away and looked to the floor. You felt hurt by his sudden movements and decided to confront him. “Hey… how come you’ve been acting so strange lately.” You asked quietly and moved closer to him again. This time he didn’t move. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m fine.” He was quick to defend his lie. “You are such a bad liar. Lately I haven’t been able to fight anything without you jumping in front of me, and everytime I try and talk to you, you either just grunt at me or walk away. You’ve never acted like this before. Have I been screwing up lately? Did I do something wrong? Tell me so I can fix it.” You said while lightly bumping his shoulder with yours. “It’s not you, Y/N…” Noctis mumbled without saying anything further. “Then what is it?” You argued back with desperation in your voice. Noctis sighed, still unable to look at you. “Y/N I… I just… you know how awkward I can be and I want to say something but I just can’t right now…” He spoke up, gaining a minimal amount of courage to look at you from the corner of his eye. He saw a confused look on your face, which only made him more frustrated. “Then show me what’s making you feel like this. You know, like you used to do back in high school. When it was homework or a part of a video game you couldn’t get by. Or when someone annoyed you.” You said, trying get him to talk to you. He only just shook his head and continued to look away from you. You sighed in frustration and decided to just give up. “I’ll just meet you back at camp. I’m sorry I couldn’t find your phone.” You said while starting to walk back to the camp site but Noctis quickly grabbed your hand. You turned around to see him gripping the car door for dear life. He still wasn’t looking at you. He was breathing in and out a little loudly. His grip on your hand tightened but not enough to hurt you. He slowly pulled you back towards him and you didn’t fight him either. “Y/N.. I’m not mad at you or frustrated with you. You haven’t been doing anything lately. I have been acting weird but I don’t know how to talk about it. I’m sorry…” He said in a low voice, afraid that people might hear him. You had gotten close to him again and he had taken your other hand in his. He looked at the size difference and ran his thumb over your knuckles. “I’m frustrated with myself.” He whispered loud enough so you could hear him. “Because I keep these… feelings that I’ve had for a while now inside. I was too nervous to talk to you and you know how awkward I get when I feel something I can’t explain. This situation being one of those moments.” He said, a deeper blush appearing on his face, yet he still couldn’t look at you. “Y/N… I love you. A lot, and I want to be with you.” Noctis had finally lifted his head and his eyes connected with yours. You had been smiling the whole time during his confession. A slight blush of your own danced across your face. You giggled and leaned your body against his. Noctis wrapped his arms around your waist while you rested your hands and head against his chest. You could hear his heart racing. “You shouldn’t feel so nervous around me, but I guess in this situation it’s understandable.” You had said. Noctis kissed the top of your head, then your forehead and soon enough he had lifted your head up by your chin with his finger and looked at you. “Sorry.” Was all he said before he crashed his lips against yours.
Is it weird to say that I fell in love with how I ended this? It is XD once again, I hope this is what you were expecting, I feel like I didn’t make him awkward enough. I still hope you like it, my dear
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choco-ganesh · 7 years ago
Date Night:
Prompto began to panic as the time ticked on. He was now 45 minutes late for his date with you. He thought he had it all planned out, he would meet you at your job after you picked up your check, take you to dinner, then you two would go see a movie that you've been dying to see and finally, you two would go pick up your copies of the new Assains Creed game and wander on home and play together for the rest of the night. Everything was running smoothly... until he realized he lost his phone. He'd gotten out the shower, put his clothes on, got his camera, keys, sweater and then the phone decided to grow legs and walk away from him. "Ugh, what the hell." Prompto sighed deeply to himself. He stood in the middle of his once clean bedroom and started to think. After a while of semi deep thought and making some decisions, he decided to just say screw it and meet you up with you.
As prompto speed walked down the street, he thought about how pissed you must be at him for being this late. It's been hard for you two to hang out at all since he's been at the citidal almost everyday for extended amounts of hours. Today being the only day you two could be together was important to him and he wanted to make it fun for you. Prompto reached into his pocket, hoping that his phone would magically be in there. When it wasn't, he just shook his head and walked faster.
About 13 minutes had passed and the sun had started to set. The place where you had worked had come into his view. A small little coffee shop. Not a mainstream busy cluster, but a nice and cozy place to relax. And that's where he had met you. He squinted to see pass the dark tinted windows. You sat in one of the booths, a little coffee mug sitting next to you. You were on your phone and you fingers were tapping against the table. "Shit. She's pissed." He mumbled to himself and rushed towards the door. He opened it quickly and rounded the corner until he had walked up towards your booth and you were in his sights. "Y/N! I'm so sorry I'm late, I thought I had all my things together and then my phone disappeared and I didn't think it would take this much time to look for it." Prompto blurted out, not giving you any time to actually greet him. Your eyes were wide, but a small smile appeared on your face. "It's... Okay, Prompto, it happens." You huffed out a short laugh. "It's not. I told you I would be here on time and then I wasn't." Prompto sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, it's better that you showed up an hour late than not showing up at all. It's alright, I promise." You had gotten out of your seat and gently touched his arm to try and reassure him. Prompto looked into your eyes and you smiled back at him. Prompto decided not to argue back. He looked at the floor and then back at you and smiled. He grabbed you by your hand and pulled you towards the exit. "Ok. Let's go get something to eat then." You agreed with a quick nod. You waved goodbye to your coworkers and you and your boyfriend were on your way to start your date.
"What do you mean it's all full, I made the reservations yesterday." Prompto debated with the waiter at the front desk of a restaurant. "I'm so terribly sorry sir, but we can't find the reservations you have made, I checked in our systems a thousand times." The woman tried to explain over and over again. Prompto just put his face in his hands and tried toy rub the frustration away. You watched from the sidelines and sighed. You knew being late had a lot to do with this but you didn't say anything since Prompto had been trying hard the moment he left his apartment to make this night fun for you two. You walked up to Prompto and put your hands on his shoulders. "You know what? It's okay, we'll come back another day." You smiled to the woman and tried to make everyone feel less tense.
"But Y/N, I-" you out your finger on his lips and shushed him. "Ma'am, I'm so very sorry about this and the wait." The woman tried again to apologise. "No, please don't worry about it, it's not your fault." You waved off the apology. "You're just doing your job. Prompto, let's go." You pulled his shoulders, turned him around and pushed him out of the restaurant. It was your turn to make this date a little more fun. "I guess we can see the movie." He mumbled loud enough so you can here. "Nope, we can't. It's almost 11:45, and the Assains Creed is coming out in the next 15 minutes! If we get there a little later, we're gonna have to wait outside and it's getting colder!" You giggled and grabbed Prompto's hand and pulled him to make him walk faster. "We can get that movie on DVD soon and watch it another time. For now, let's just go back to your place and play all night till I can't see straight anymore." You said while pulling him again. Prompto smiled slowly as he watched you bounce up and down with excitement. "Yeah, sounds like a deal." He said as he started to pick up the pace to match yours.
You guys had been waiting for about 20 minutes now. You were halfway through the line and very excited. With every step you took closer to the cashier, the more your heart started to race. Prompto had his arm your waist and was looking at you jumping up and down. "Prompto, after we get our copies, I wanna go to the store and get a bunch of junk food." You turned to Prompto with wide eyes as the idea of being food wasted with him popped into your head. "Sounds like a plan, baby." He chuckled. Minutes had passed until you two got to the registers. You looked over at Prompto who was having a quick conversation with the store worker. You turned your head to your helper and saw he had a puzzled look in his face. "Shit..." He mumbled under his breath. "Is there something wrong?" You asked nervously. He sighed and looked at you. "It seems we didn't get your personal copy in the store yet." He said shakingly. You tilted your head to the side. "What? But I pre-ordered everything before the deadline came out." You said a little upset. You looked from the corner of your eye and saw prompto looking straight at you. 'Crap, he's gonna be upset.' you thought to yourself as you gently bit your lip. "We got your preorder and everything, but it seems like you had purchased the collectors edition which hasn't shipped to any of our stores yet." The worker turned his computer screen towards you. You stood on your toes and squinted to get a better look at the momiter. "Holy crap, I did." You mumbled. "The website doesn't state when it will be shipped here, so that's our fault." The worker turned his screen back to him. "I'm sorry, dude." And sighed and shook his head. "Don't be! It's alright! I can wait a little longer for it since it's the collectors edition. More for me anyways!" You were actually happy. Hopefully it wouldn't upset Promtpto too much. "That's a good way to put it. Anyways, have a nice night! We'll email you as soon as we get it in the stores!" The worker called to you as you walked out of the store, dragging Prompto with you. "Y/N?" He tried to ask you what happened but you just told him to hurry up and head to the convenience store and grab the snacks. "Don't worry about it, let's go." You smiled at him and walked down the street towards the store to raid it of its items.
"Look at the graphics! Everything is so beautiful! They really payed attention to the details of like, everything!" You were gushing on about how amazing the animation was. You sat in front of the Prompto while he caged you with his arms and legs. You had a blanket on your lap and another one wrapped around Prompto. Snacks were littered everywhere around you and all the lights were off, the TV being the only source of light. "Yeah, they did a killer job." Prompto mumbled as he was trying to focus on attacking. "Are you sure you don't want to try? I feel bad you couldn't get your copy tonight." His words trailed off as he paused the game and set the controller down beside him. You sighed and decided to turn around and settle yourself on your knees. You looked at Prompto and said, "I told you I'm fine with just this. All the unfortunate stuff that happened today wasnt your fault, so stop beating yourself up about it." You lightly scolded him. "It just seems like you were annoyed today, and for some reason I thought it was towards me." He mumbled and looked away from you. "I was annoyed because all the things that you planned for us today didn't go so well, I wasn't annoyed with you." You giggled. "I'm just glad I get to actually spend time with you." After you had finished talking, Prompto had reached out for you and grabbed you by your waist, pulling you towards him. He wrapped his arms round your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him tightly. "I love you." His voice was muffled as he spoke into your neck. "I love you too." You two released each other. "Now play! I wanna see more!" You pat his arm and turned back around, settling yourself into his chest and pulling the blankets over you two again. "Yes, ma'am." He chuckled and picked up the controller again. You two sat like that for hours, at least until 3 am. You two were not happy campers when you had to go to work bright and early.
Wow, this took longer than it should have and I'm sorry about that. I'm also sorry that it's short, and I'm sorry that I say sorry a lot! But I did kind of fall in love with this because at first I had NO idea what to write but this popped into my head while I was playing video games and was like YES! but anyway, I really hope you like it and for anyone else, send requests! I would love to write for you!
Ooh, a new and unfamiliar blog, shiny! Actually saw this earlier, but have been wracking my brain trying to think of a coherent idea to request, even now I'm not sure the idea is very good at all, but worth a shot! (Let me know if you want more details) Request: Prompto x F!Reader. Prompto tries to take F!R/ out on a romantic date-day, but fumbles every step of the way before and during the date. Afterwards he thinks that F!R/ is annoyed and done with him. End should be warm and fluffy plz
Hello!! Thank you so much for sending a request! I was beginning to think this was a silly idea to start this blog but you have given me hope! I think this idea is adroable and I’m gonna try my best to make this wonderful for you :) stay tuned! 💜
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choco-ganesh · 7 years ago
Ooh, a new and unfamiliar blog, shiny! Actually saw this earlier, but have been wracking my brain trying to think of a coherent idea to request, even now I'm not sure the idea is very good at all, but worth a shot! (Let me know if you want more details) Request: Prompto x F!Reader. Prompto tries to take F!R/ out on a romantic date-day, but fumbles every step of the way before and during the date. Afterwards he thinks that F!R/ is annoyed and done with him. End should be warm and fluffy plz
Hello!! Thank you so much for sending a request! I was beginning to think this was a silly idea to start this blog but you have given me hope! I think this idea is adroable and I’m gonna try my best to make this wonderful for you :) stay tuned! 💜
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choco-ganesh · 7 years ago
Hello everyone. Yes, another Final Fantasy 15 writing blog. My apologies. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, so please go easy on me. I've always found comfort in writing and and I have finally worked up the courage to write for other people. So please feel free to ask me for an imagine for our FFXV boys. I don't exactly have a good set of rules so that will come a little later. But for now, I do ask you to keep people such as Ardyn, Ravus and the others from the movie out of the asks for I don't know how to write for them and have yet to get a good feel on their personalities. I will take a total of 7 requests. I want to keep it at a nice minimum since I'm new and so I don't overwhelm myself. I will do SFW or NSFW, fluff, smut, whatever you want but hold off on the angst for I have a hard time doing it and get way too attached sometimes. I will do it soon when I feel like I'm able to. So go ahead and surprise me!
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