#masters menagerie
renegaderobotics · 2 years
And just as she had learned the secret of mistletoe, who should Nightingale happen upon but Hornman wearing the very same plant! Her face lit up, and quickly made her way over to him. "Ah! I see you are wearing the mistletoe miss Silk told me about. Are you looking to sneak holiday kisses then, Hornman?" (@masters-menagerie )
Silk! She wouldn't know what it meant if it wasn't for you! What luck, huh?
If Proton were here, he'd be smirking with that smile that says, "Well, go on!" Having left rather confident that having a plant tied to his helmet wouldn't be awkward changed to a more regretful flavor fast. Gale was nice, though! They just met, but she's very sweet to him.
"Hah... Uh, not really out hunting for them. Just getting festive!" A little shade of red boarders his cheeks just under the dark shadow of his helmet.
"I'm not-you know. Not.." Who's he kidding. It looks just like that. He sighs, realizing the trap he's walked himself into.
"Do you want to follow the tradition?" That red is spreading.
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bone-pile-rp · 11 months
LAST ONE! ☼ BURNER AND GALE! ( @masters-menagerie )
The bold are things he'd say outright and crossed through are things he won't say but think.
I would hurt you if the opportunity presented itself | I never want to see you again | I’m jealous of you | I find you attractive | I find you REALLY attractive | I crave your approval | I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your approval | I enjoy your company | I want us to have a future together | I wish we were dating | I wish we’d never met | I’ve thought about you while masturbating | I would fuck you | I’m using you | I love you | I’d take a bullet for you | I’ve been dishonest with you | I wish you’d leave me alone | I’d do anything you asked of me |
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dsn-001 · 2 years
💗 Gimme that good good Harvest Moon content, baybeeeee (@masters-menagerie )
SEND A HEART FOR A SPECIFIC KISS. (no longer accepting!)
Send 💗 for a repetitive lip peck kiss.
There were little things about Ghost that Moonfall had grown to memorize. The way he took his tea, the way his fluffy hair curled up at the back of his head, the way he'd drum his fingers on his leg or a table when nervous. The little furrow between his eyebrows when he was thinking, especially if he looked at her after she said something that surprised him, like he was trying to dig out any underlying intentions from her expression. She'd memorized the feel of his hand brushing her waist, and the vibration of his laugh rumbling against her palm after he dared to get too close and caused her, flustered, to shove his face away.
She'd memorized the rhythm of his breathing as he cycled in air, and the way his expression softened while looking at flowers. She'd memorized the easy, lopsided grin on his face whenever he greeted her with "hello, officer," and then "Moony," and then "Moonshine," whispered to her in ways she knew turned her face redder than his armor, and he knew that too.
It was on an off chance that she'd said something that had caught him off guard, something that'd left him wide-eyed and red faced, rather than her. Charmed, the huntress couldn't help but giggle and lean in to peck his lips, only for his blush to darken at the uncharacteristic affection.
...She wanted to memorize this novel side of him, too.
So she left another chaste kiss on his lips, then another, and another, drinking in the way he grew progressively more flustered until he was stammering and grabbing her shoulders to put some space in between them.
The huff that left Moon's lips was one full of amusement and adoration and she leaned down to rest her head against his chest, feeling the way his breath stuttered.
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"You're cute, Ghost," she whispered.
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corallapis · 3 months
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one of my faves in the 'the doctor brings up the master entirely unprompted' category. the master does not appear in this book, two just misses him </3
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T$$ AU Masterlist
(surprise under the cut)
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machinesandman · 8 months
Starter for @masters-menagerie
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"Maybe I shouldn't have just gone to do this..."
Cut Man mumbled to himself while he looked over the recycle yard of the city. A place where Humans and Reploid's could go to try and find parts that were still good and allowed to be taken or reintigrated. Almost like a refurbish sort of place really. And he had been wanting to try and get himself some sort of vehicle for himself, Shaska ahd agreed to make him something, so long as he got the right parts fo it.
The problem? He wasn't sure what sort of vehicle he wanted, speed or space... Let alone just what would be best to handle whatever he chose. Maybe something small and speedy would be the easiest, like a bike. But with a side car maybe? That could be fun... And handle the space problem.
Cut Man stopped near a section of engines, and leaned his ehad back with a defeated groan, the scissor blades on his head folding down. "Should have just stuck with assistant and not on my own!"
Sure, he scans, he knows-- but he can't decide. Already trying to put together some sort of rough blue print in his mind. Maybe he should have just stuck with teleporting.
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florauna-robotics · 8 months
The half moon hung overhead, casting it's pale moonlight onto the quiet surface of the lake as Luna sat patiently on a fallen log close to the grassy shore, her hands resting in her lap and her faintly glowing wings folded in a relaxed position behind her back. The only sounds that could be heard on this night were that of chirping crickets and the periodic rustling of leaves from the trees that surrounded the lake, with a hooting owl also joining in on occasion. Innumerable stars dotted the inky night sky thanks to the minimal light pollution -- one of the perks of living so far out in the country. Luna had visited this particular lake near her family's cottage several times in the past on her own, but this time she wouldn't be by herself.
She and Wasp were going to spend time together again, and Luna couldn't help but feel a little excited.
It had been many months since they'd last seen each other, and Luna had received a few modifications to her design since then. Rounded spherical shoulders replaced her pauldrons to allow her arms more free range of motion, and a yellow stripe ran down the middle of her torso, cutting through the black of her bodysuit. Even her wings had been slightly redesigned, with pale lines now streaking throughout them much like her namesake moth.
Luna had chosen this location and time of day in particular for the fact that no people would be out visiting at this late hour, which would only leave the two robot masters to privately bask in the calming, peaceful atmosphere, something she thought Wasp would appreciate.
It was the perfect meeting place.
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remcycle · 1 month
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Admiral Zex invites you to tour the menagerie.
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craigofinspiration · 10 months
3 Books to Level Up Your Next DnD Game
Check out these three Dungeons & Dragons related books guaranteed to enhance your game mastery skills, leading to more enjoyable gaming sessions.
Sly Flourish’s The Lazy DM’s Companion by Michael E. Shea pdf – $9.99, book and pdf – $24.99 The Lazy DM's Companion What more can be said about this book from Sly Flourish. Many have already called it the best third-party dungeon master’s guide. What I can tell you is that I use the information presented in every session that I run. The 8 Steps of session planning have helped me run better…
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renegaderobotics · 2 years
Cont from here @masters-menagerie
He catches hold of her, feeling bashful again at her being so close. All of her weight pulls down on his shoulders and chest. Oh geez, she's all over him!
"Five? I only had one and thought that was gross. Arrrre you feeling okay? You look like you're burning up."
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bone-pile-rp · 1 year
Surprise, it's Gale! "I've always thought the color of your eyes was the most attractive feature you had, Burnie. I like the shade of green they are!" (@masters-menagerie)
"You can look at them as long as you want, baby cakes. I don't mind~"
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magnetiix · 2 years
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((A helpful guide to identifying your neighborhood Gigamix Blueses. @kyabetsunomuses @magnetiix @machinesandman @masters-menagerie))
((Edit: click for quality oh god skhfdkf))
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haunted-machines · 2 years
Swallowing his pride did not come easily to Shadow Man. It didn’t come easily to any Wilybot, but the ninja took his position far more seriously than most. To concede to anyone was a stain not only on his own reputation, but his family’s and his master’s as well. Yet, unfortunately, it seemed to be the most practical solution to his problem.
Truthfully, Shadow didn’t really believe he had done anything wrong. That insufferable rogue had insulted him, he had every right to respond the way he had, but he could not afford to be drawing such attention to himself. He could only imagine how much his outburst must have revealed to someone as naturally astute as the eldest. He had been imagining it for several days, in fact, fretting over whether or not his actions had been too obvious.
Unable to bear the paranoia any further, he reluctantly decided to. . . eugh, apologize for his behavior, in hopes of sweeping it under the rug. True, it had only been an alternate, but the eldest was inherently nosey, and he doubted even a situation occurring in a different timeline would stop him from interfering.
Proto Men were not difficult for him to find now. He pointedly ignored the discomfort in his chest when he got within the other’s proximity, resolving to not let it cloud his judgement again. He made no attempt to conceal his presence as he approached, either. Not that he had ever been successful in doing so around Proto Man, but at least this time he was trying to come across more casual.
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T$$ AU Masterlist
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florauna-robotics · 2 years
Luna looked around her in astonishment. She had just warped to the Jordyn Education and Conservatory Center using the coordinates Wasp had sent her when they first met.
She had no idea a facility like this existed.
The small moth then started to venture down the path leading towards the center of the site. She took note of the two sets of buildings located on either side. Thankfully, it didn't take long for her to find Wasp, who was standing near what looked like a few bee boxes. These must be the hives that Wasp tended to.
He looked like he was in the middle of a lesson, standing before a group of children.
Luna smiled softly under her mask as she made her way towards Wasp and the kids. From the direction she was walking, the children would have their backs facing her, but she would be in Wasp's line of sight. As she got closer, she slowed her steps so as to not disturb Wasp's lesson. She spotted a set of bushes slightly off to the side and behind the group of kids, so she decided to set herself down onto the ground in front of the plants, sitting up straight with her legs criss-crossed and with a warm expression on her face.
She would wait to greet Wasp when he was done with his teaching.
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takahashi-labs · 2 years
💛 it's Gale's new thing, what can I say-- ( @masters-menagerie ) for Jazz!
While it was been jarring at first, and while It had taken a bit to get used to the winged bot’s curiosity, Jazz quickly grew accustomed to Nightingale’s visits to the lab. It was nice to have another person to talk to when her siblings were on assignment, or things were slow, and she greatly enjoyed the other’s company. So when the prototype caught a glimpse of purple armor peeking through one of the Lab windows, she smiled. She laughs a bit, lightly pressing the tip of her hand to her mouth to blow a kiss Gale’s way.
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“I see you there, Gale! Long time no see!”
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