#masterchef usa
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mikrorganizam · 8 months ago
This video is lie, the most satisfying moment on MasterChef would be Joe Bastianich having his head smashed in with a brick
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vapelomundo · 1 year ago
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eulangelo · 1 year ago
been watching bbcs great british bake off and im loving it so far. they have lesbians hosting the show
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sauolasa · 2 years ago
Il concorrente di Masterchef Usa prepara la zuppa per gli ucraini a Bucha
Noah Sims, concorrente di Masterchef Usa e rinomato chef statunitense, ha cucinato a Bucha il borsch, la tipica zuppa ucraina a base di barbabietola
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pollgirlie · 7 months ago
Favourite baking/cooking show?
- The Great British Bake Off
- Junior Bake Off
- Is it Cake?
- Masterchef UK
- Masterchef USA
- Masterchef Australia
- Hells Kitchen/Kitchen Nightmares
- Ready Steady Cook
- Another cooking/baking show (please share!)
- None of these/results
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months ago
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National Toast Day 
Dig out your favorite bread and your go-to toast topper of choice – be it jam, chocolate spread or peanut butter – and top your toast!
Did you know that Toast Day was a thing? Well, it most certainly is – and it is one of the most exciting days there is!
Toast Day is extremely exciting as it acts as an opportunity to experiment with how you would usually have your toast. You can try out various different ways to enjoy this go-to snack and get creative with how it is presented on your plate.
History of Toast Day
Established in 2014 by Tiptree World Bread Awards with Brook Food, Toast Day celebrates the nation’s love of toast.
Tiptree World Bread Awards with Brook Food established Toast Day in 2014; the humble slice of toast is a national treasure and we thought it deserved a dedicated day of celebration. Toast Day has become an international phenomenon.
Sadly, Toast Day isn’t celebrated in the same way as other food-related days, such as Pancake Day, for instance, which gets a huge celebration. In the run-up to Pancake Day, the whole world becomes pancake obsessed; new products are sold, adverts are customized, new toppers are launched. However, Toast Day is celebrated in a more ‘relaxed’ manner, with most people choosing to celebrate at home with their favorite bread, some delicious toppings, and their toaster!
Some toast lovers choose to celebrate by hosting their own private toast making parties, where guests are invited to select their favorite bread – whether it’s white bread, brown bread, granary bread, or sourdough bread it doesn’t matter – and bring along their toasters, ready to spend the evening making lots and lots of toast.
Many toast lovers also choose to share their Toast Day creations via social media, tagging World Bread Award and using the hashtag #ToastDay. According to the World Bread Award, the weirder and more unique the toast toppings, the better!
Featuring on BBC Radio 2 Chris Evans Breakfast Show, Good Morning America, the Sun, the Metro and more. It’s been the number one Twitter trend in the UK; with social media engagement from a whole range of institutions including the NHS, Iron Maiden, MasterChef, Paddington Bear, Great British Bake Off, Aston Villa, Paul Young, You Gov, Coronation Street, British Heart Foundation, Hell’s Kitchen USA, BBC Three, Love Food Hate Waste, This Morning and many more.
Enjoy toast as your choice of breakfast (or lunch or dinner) on Toast Day. Maybe experiment with toppings and share your favorites with the world. Or even host a toast and tea party!
This year, Toast Day wants to bring the fun to food and is calling for the nation to turn their toast into art to celebrate our favorite crunchy fare.
Toast art is a sensation; it is huge in Japan and has been explored by a number of artists, such as Nathan Wyburn who has famously toastified many members of society’s upper crust including Jimmy Carr, Simon Cowell, and Boris Johnson.
How could you craft your #toastart? Painting with peanut butter, cutting out characters, maneuvering your baked beans? Whatever you choose, at least you’ll have a tasty treat to enjoy at the end of your arty endeavor!
How to celebrate Toast Day
There is no wrong way to enjoy a piece of toast  – everyone has their own go-to way to enjoy a slice of toast! While some people prefer lighter toasted toast, others prefer a darker colored piece of toast – some even like toast that has begun to blacken at the edges.
The degree of which toast is toasted is a very personal choice and causes a number of arguments within families. While some people prefer a lighter colored piece of toast, others like a darker and crunchier piece. It’s the same with a cup of tea; while some people prefer a less brewed cup, others are adamant that a dark-hued tea is a better tea.
How you like your toast is a very personal preference and one that is down to you – and your toaster of course. (Some toasters are far fiercer than others!)
There’s also the question of how to prepare toast and what toppings to choose…
There’s an argument regarding butter and whether butter should be applied only to ‘naked’ toast, or under toast toppings. Again, this is a very personal choice and one that not everyone will agree on.
While some people choose to top their toast with butter regardless of whether they’re going to consume it ‘naked��� or with a topping on, others believe that butter should only be used when eating toast on its own, or under certain, predetermined toppings, like Marmite, for example, or jam.
There’s also the question of how much topping is too much topping. Again, this is another question that a lot of people cannot agree on. While some toast lovers like to top their toast with a huge portion of jam, Marmite, peanut butter, cream cheese – or whatever their go-to topping is – others prefer to spread a thinner layer of topping onto their toast.
How you enjoy your toast really is a personal preference. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy a slice of toast, it’s down to personal choice – and your taste buds of course!
The most popular toppings can be broken down into two categories: sweet and savory toppings.
For savory toppings, popular choices include Marmite, peanut butter (however, this is some concern over whether peanut butter is sweet or savory – it apparently depends on what it is served with, such as Marmite or jam), cream cheese, or butter by itself.
For sweet toppings, go-to options include jam, chocolate spread – with Nutella being the product of choice for many toast lovers – Fluff and Biscoff spread.
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blue-aconite · 1 year ago
Thank you for the tag @seresinhangmanjake 🤍
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Sea-foam and Navy
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Masterchef USA season 13
LAST MOVIE: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
CURRENT OBSESSION/S: Creating the perfect ramen, Top Gun: Maverick, GP, cats, any sort of felines really
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: “can you assign 100% custody to one parent because you no longer wish to have paternal rights” (this is for a fic)
NO PRESSURE TAGS: @demxters @hangmanssunnies @seresinsweetie @bobfloydsbabe @mothdruid @honkytonk-hangman @a-reader-and-a-writer @seresinsbrat @sailor-aviator
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amberxfthenight · 2 years ago
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As conexões abaixo valem para qualquer gênero independente do pronome utilizado na descrição, demais particularizações ( por ex. conexões específicas para vampiros e conexões específicas para humanos ) também estarão expostas. Lembrando que os plots aqui são sugestões e ilustram um pouco do que gostaria de desenvolver com meu personagem, mas não precisam ser limitantes, se não gostar de nenhuma conexão podemos pensar em outra coisa juntos!
𝐈. CHRONICAL BABYFACE. (Fechada, CHARLOTTE HAWKFORD) — CHARLOTTE está na cidade há tempo suficiente para notar que simplesmente tem algo errado com Amber. As suspeitas nem tem tanto a ver com seu comportamento, mas sim com sua aparência. CHARLOTTE lembra-se de tê-lo visto/conhecido há anos e ele simplesmente não parece ter envelhecido um único dia? Com certeza não é apenas um caso crônico de babyface.
𝐈𝐈. DARLING ARTIST. (Aberta, vampiros) — Como um grande colecionador e apreciador de arte, MUSE II costumava contratar Amber para fazer restaurações em quadros, murais e esculturas, passando a admirar, inclusive o trabalho pessoal do rapaz como artista. Recentemente, MUSE II se ofereceu para patrocinar uma exposição dos quadros de Amber, mas o Hofer não está totalmente convencido de que é uma boa ideia. OBS: A conexão pode ser com um Toreador ou não.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. DARLING MUSE. (Fechada, VICTORIA SANTIAGO) — Todo artista precisa de uma musa. VICTORIA é essa pessoa para Amber, por mais que ela não saiba. Ele a observa de longe de forma não muito discreta, diga-se de passagem, tanto que ela provavelmente já notou o admirador, mas até agora nunca se falaram.
𝐈𝐕. I'M GONNA MAKE A VAMPIRE OUT OF YOU. (Aberta, vampiros) — MUSE IV está extremamente engajado na missão de transformar Amber em um "vampiro de verdade", o que significa que ele está há pelo menos uns dez anos tentando convencer Amber a dar um Beijo em alguém. Depois de tanto tempo é seguro concluir que Amber é tão teimoso quanto uma mula, mas MUSE IV é ainda mais teimoso e acredita que, talvez, esteja bem perto de alcançar seu objetivo.
𝐕. EAT SHIT AND DIE. YES, FUCK YOU. (Fechada, DARYAN MAZDANI) — A relação de DARYAN e Amber começou de maneira estranha, através de trocas de favores nas quais cada um apenas fazia sua parte de forma a pagar o que devia ao outro. A questão é que, graças a tantos favores trocados, eles viram que podiam contar um com o outro e começaram a se aproximar. Hoje, eles são uma dupla dinâmica improvável, mas bem articulada, com os próprios trejeitos e camaradagens, do tipo que discute, mas não deixa de se amar.
𝐕𝐈. SWORDMASTER (Aberta) — O hobbie favorito de Amber é, na verdade, a esgrima. Ele e MUSE VI praticam juntos em uma relação de rivalidade amigável. Eles tem um acordo silencioso de, a cada semana, trazer algo novo para ensinar ao outro (em um duelo, é claro).
𝐕𝐈𝐈. MASTERCHEF (Aberta, humanos) — MUSE VII trabalha no hospital e é um dos contatos de Amber no local para conseguir bolsas de sangue. O problema é que MUSE VII não sabe disso, visto que o vampiro sempre usa de Dominação para influenciá-lo a roubar as bolsas de sangue com discrição e depois esquecer o que fez. MUSE VII acredita que ele e Amber são amigos, e até são, só que um dos lados está continuamente enganando o outro e, ultimamente, MUSE VII está começando a suspeitar que tem algo errado.
𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. STITCHES (Aberta) — Amber nunca foi de se apegar a alguém, até porque ele tem uma visão bem cética do amor, mas ele e MUSE VIII tem história. Uma história que azedou e terminou abruptamente. No caso, no momento que Amber percebeu que MUSE VIII nutria sentimentos genuínos por ele, terminou o relacionamento sem dar muitas explicações e ficou por isso, já que eles nunca conversaram direito sobre o acontecido e sempre que se encontram é de praxe rolar uma discussão.
𝐈𝐗. A SIMPLE FAVOUR (Aberta, vampiros) — Amber odeia muitas coisas sobre vampiros, mas se tem algo que ele odeia ainda mais é dever um favor a um vampiro. Amber vive esperando que MUSE IX cobre o tal do favor, contudo, parece que ela nunca está disposta a concluir a transação, alegando estar aguardando o momento certo. Quanto mais MUSE IX adia a cobrança, mais parece que ele se meteu numa enrascada. E provavelmente se meteu mesmo. OBS: detalhes a combinar.
𝐗. HELP ME, TEACHER (Aberta, humanos) — O trabalho que Amber mais exerce é o de restaurador, contudo, sua formação principal é em História. Não só isso, ele tem bastante reconhecimento acadêmico, de forma que de vez em quando é chamado para dar palestras. MUSE X tem bastante admiração pelo trabalho acadêmico de Amber, constantemente procurando-o para conselhos e recomendações relativas à figuras sobrenaturais na mitologia e história da arte.
𝐗𝐈. ROMANCE IS DEAD (Aberta) — Depois de tanto tempo vendo sua mãe procurar por uma alma gêmea que não existia, Amber acredita que amor verdadeiro é apenas isso: um conto de fadas. MUSE XI está determinado a provar que Amber está errado, constantemente arranjando encontros às cegas para o rapaz, que, naturalmente, sempre fica puto da cara com MUSE XI.
𝐗𝐈𝐈. SECRETS KEEPERS (Aberta, vampiros) — Amber descobriu um segredo de MUSE XII e agora ela está com medo de que o rapaz use isso contra ela, por mais que ele já tenha dito que não tem interesse em fazê-lo. OBS: detalhes a combinar.
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szydlowskawerka · 6 days ago
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Najpopularniejsze programy rozrywkowe w USA i Kanadzie
Telewizja w Stanach Zjednoczonych i Kanadzie od dekad dostarcza widzom rozrywki na najwyższym poziomie. Oba kraje mają wiele wspólnego w kwestii telewizyjnych trendów, ale różnią się także w preferencjach swoich widzów. Współczesne programy rozrywkowe obejmują szeroki wachlarz formatów, od reality show i talent show, po talk-show, konkursy kulinarne oraz produkcje dokumentalne. Przyjrzyjmy się najpopularniejszym programom, które przyciągają miliony widzów w obu krajach.
Reality show – rywalizacja i emocje W Stanach Zjednoczonych dominują produkcje takie jak „Survivor”, „The Bachelor” czy „Keeping Up with the Kardashians”. „Survivor” to format, który łączy elementy przygody i rywalizacji, podczas gdy „The Bachelor” oferuje romantyczne dramaty i poszukiwanie miłości na oczach milionów. Kanada, choć mniej intensywnie produkuje swoje reality show, jest wielkim rynkiem odbiorców amerykańskich hitów. Równocześnie kanadyjskie reality show, takie jak „The Amazing Race Canada”, dostosowuje globalny format do lokalnych warunków, prezentując piękno kanadyjskiego krajobrazu i kulturę.
Talent show – poszukiwanie gwiazd Talent show to format uwielbiany w obu krajach. „America’s Got Talent” i „The Voice” należą do najbardziej znanych programów w USA, oferując platformę dla różnych talentów – od wokalnych, przez taneczne, po niecodzienne zdolności. Kanadyjczycy również są fanami talent show, a „Canada’s Got Talent” to przykład lokalnej adaptacji, która zdobywa uznanie widzów. Programy te nie tylko odkrywają nowe gwiazdy, ale także dostarczają wzruszeń dzięki osobistym historiom uczestników.
Talk-show – humor i refleksje Talk-show od lat są fundamentem amerykańskiej telewizji. „The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” oraz „The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” to produkcje, które gromadzą ogromną widownię dzięki połączeniu humoru, wywiadów z gwiazdami i komentarzy na temat bieżących wydarzeń. W Kanadzie prym wiodą talk-show, takie jak „The Rick Mercer Report” czy „This Hour Has 22 Minutes”, które oferują satyryczne spojrzenie na kanadyjską politykę i kulturę. Choć formaty różnią się w tonacji, zarówno amerykańskie, jak i kanadyjskie programy poruszają ważne tematy, balansując między rozrywką a refleksją.
Konkursy kulinarne – rywalizacja w kuchni W obu krajach programy kulinarne cieszą się niesłabnącą popularnością. „MasterChef” i „Hell’s Kitchen” to amerykańskie hity, które przyciągają zarówno miłośników gotowania, jak i tych, którzy szukają emocji związanych z rywalizacją. W Kanadzie „Top Chef Canada” pokazuje lokalne składniki i tradycje kulinarne, zdobywając uznanie widzów za promowanie rodzimych produktów.
Programy dokumentalne i true crime – fascynacja prawdą Produkcje dokumentalne, szczególnie z gatunku true crime, zyskują na popularności zarówno w Stanach Zjednoczonych, jak i Kanadzie. „Dateline NBC” i „48 Hours” przyciągają widzów w USA, oferując dogłębne spojrzenie na zagadki kryminalne. W Kanadzie „The Fifth Estate” to ikona telewizji dokumentalnej, która od lat zajmuje się badaniem kontrowersyjnych tematów i niewyjaśnionych spraw.
Wpływ platform streamingowych Zarówno w USA, jak i w Kanadzie rosnąca popularność platform streamingowych, takich jak Netflix czy Amazon Prime, zmienia sposób konsumpcji programów rozrywkowych. Tradycyjne stacje telewizyjne muszą rywalizować z produkcjami online, oferując bardziej interaktywne i angażujące treści. Programy takie jak „Queer Eye” czy „Love Is Blind”, dostępne na Netflix, zyskały globalną popularność, docierając do widzów w obu krajach.
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dexbimter · 21 days ago
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foryou #fyp #dance #viral #trend #pazartesi #Salı #Çarşamba #Perşembe #Cuma #cumartesi #Pazar #monday #tuesday #wednesday #thursday #friday #saturday #Sunday #funny #comedy #lol #tiktok #relatable #keşfet #song #music #cover #challenge #trythis #howto #effect #filter #food #travel #fashion #beauty #gaming #randevu #kapışma #barış #kadın #kadınmoda #moda #ağaç #yeşil #doğa #pretty #swety #money #lira #love #like #follow #followme #takip #takipleşelim #fidan #yakışıklı #handsome #yapayzeka #yaz #kış #ilkbahar #sonbahar #summer #winter #spring #autumn #kar #yağmur #rüzgar #bulut #güneş #mavi #renkli #film #dizi #oyuncu #snow #rain #wind #cloud #sun #blue #colorful #movie #series #actor #actress #hollywood #water #sea #slim #run #sunny #sun #sunset #güneş #çam #orman #şiir #şair #edebiyat #sanat #şiirler #duygular #düşünceler #zaman #ömür #imge #imgeler #mevsim #poetry #poet #literature #art #poems #feelings #thoughts #time #life #image #images #season şok #bim #a101 #ezgi #barış #aşk #aşkıngücü #duygulu #duygulu #sevda #iyilik #inci #incitaneleri #dizi #mafya #mutfak #survivor #masterchef #bolu #belgesel #tiktok #migros #merkez #kış #kar #pavyon #dilber #müge #arzu #polat #ankara #sivas #kayseri #malatya #izmir #aşık #aşıkoldum #keşfet #yeniakım #yenigelin #sandıkkokusu #haber #flash #sosyal #sosyaldeney #doğa #güzel #güzellik #italyano🇮🇹 #Türk #france🇫🇷 #USA #tatil #trip #şok #bim #a101 #ezgi #barış #aşk #aşkıngücü #duygulu #duygulu #sevda #iyilik #inci #incitaneleri #dizi #mafya #mutfak #survivor #masterchef #bolu #belgesel #tiktok #migros #merkez #kış #kar #pavyon #dilber #müge #arzu #polat #ankara #sivas #kayseri #malatya #izmir #aşık #aşıkoldum #keşfet #yeniakım #yenigelin #sandıkkokusu #haber #flash #sosyal #sosyaldeney #doğa #güzel #güzellik #barış #mesut #mutlu #happy #yeniyıl #yılbaşı #newyear #canısı #sigara #nargile #aile #yağmur #milyoner #milyar #rich #zengin #poor #fakir #fakirlik #sabah #morning #müzik #music #trafik #mouse #coffee #kahve #sabahkahvesi #hüzün #kolonya #ataç #office #ofis #ofisçalışanı #çalışan #çalışkan #work #worker #computer
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tvrundownusa · 4 months ago
tvrundown USA 2024.09.18
Wednesday, September 18th:
(exclusive): Envious (netflix, Argentinian romantic dramedy, all 12 eps), "What's Next: The Future with Bill Gates" (netflix, docuseries, all 5 eps)
(streaming weekly): The Bay (BritBox, season 5 opener, first 2 eps), Slow Horses (apple+), Bad Monkey (apple+), Women in Blue (apple+, penultimate), Tell Me Lies (hulu), Murai In Love (hulu), Seoul Busters (hulu|dsn+, next 2 eps), Agatha All Along (dsn+, series premiere, in primetime), The Circle (netflix, next 4 eps)
(original made-for-TV movies): "Secret Life of the Pastor's Wife" (LMN, 2hrs)
(earlier - hour 0): Agatha All Along (dsn+, series premiere, first 2 eps), The Really Loud House (NICK) / . / NFL Slimetime (NICK)
(hour 1): Survivor (CBS, competition season 47 opener, 2hrs), The Golden Bachelorette (ABC, new spinoff premiere, 2hrs), MasterChef (FOX, 2hrs), The Challenge (MTV, 90mins), "Big Cats 24/7" (PBS, Botswana nature docuseries premiere, 2hrs)
(hour 2): Inside the NFL (theCW, week 2, special night), Survivor (CBS, contd), The Golden Bachelorette (ABC, contd), MasterChef (FOX, contd, season 14 "Generations" finale), The Challenge (MTV, contd), "Big Cats 24/7" (PBS, contd), Guy's Grocery Games (FOOD, All-Star Relay Rumble, part 3)
(hour 3): The Ark (SyFy), Big Brother (CBS, special time), Ms. Pat Settles It (BET)
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deadlinecom · 5 months ago
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nipresa · 6 months ago
Alla fine, di tutti i miliardi di piatti preparati nelle edizioni italiane di Masterchef, l’unico che ricordiamo tutti è il prosciutto e melone di Rachida.
(Un’edizione di Masterchef USA è stata vinta da un italiano che per arrivare in finale ha fatto il frico, per dire)
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eulangelo · 2 years ago
masterchef usa is not a show it's a punishment
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spoilertv · 8 months ago
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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National Toast Day
Dig out your favorite bread and your go-to toast topper of choice – be it jam, chocolate spread or peanut butter – and top your toast!
Did you know that National Toast Day was a thing? Well, it most certainly is – and it is one of the most exciting days there is!
National Toast Day is extremely exciting as it acts as an opportunity to experiment with how you would usually have your toast. You can try out various different ways to enjoy this go-to snack and get creative with how it is presented on your plate.
History of National Toast Day
Established in 2014 by Tiptree World Bread Awards with Brook Food, National Toast Day celebrates the nation’s love of toast.
Tiptree World Bread Awards with Brook Food established National Toast Day in 2014; the humble slice of toast is a national treasure and we thought it deserved a dedicated day of celebration. National Toast Day has become an international phenomenon.
Sadly, National Toast Day isn’t celebrated in the same way as other food-related days, such as Pancake Day, for instance, which gets a huge celebration. In the run-up to Pancake Day, the whole world becomes pancake obsessed; new products are sold, adverts are customized, new toppers are launched. However, National Toast Day is celebrated in a more ‘relaxed’ manner, with most people choosing to celebrate at home with their favorite bread, some delicious toppings, and their toaster!
Some toast lovers choose to celebrate by hosting their own private toast making parties, where guests are invited to select their favorite bread – whether it’s white bread, brown bread, granary bread, or sourdough bread it doesn’t matter – and bring along their toasters, ready to spend the evening making lots and lots of toast.
Many toast lovers also choose to share their National Toast Day creations via social media, tagging World Bread Award and using the hashtag #ToastDay. According to the World Bread Award, the weirder and more unique the toast toppings, the better!
Featuring on BBC Radio 2 Chris Evans Breakfast Show, Good Morning America, the Sun, the Metro and more. It’s been the number one Twitter trend in the UK; with social media engagement from a whole range of institutions including the NHS, Iron Maiden, MasterChef, Paddington Bear, Great British Bake Off, Aston Villa, Paul Young, You Gov, Coronation Street, British Heart Foundation, Hell’s Kitchen USA, BBC Three, Love Food Hate Waste, This Morning and many more.
Enjoy toast as your choice of breakfast (or lunch or dinner) on National Toast Day. Maybe experiment with toppings and share your favorites with the world. Or even host a toast and tea party!
This year, National Toast Day wants to bring the fun to food and is calling for the nation to turn their toast into art to celebrate our favorite crunchy fare.
Toast art is a sensation; it is huge in Japan and has been explored by a number of artists, such as Nathan Wyburn who has famously toastified many members of society’s upper crust including Jimmy Carr, Simon Cowell, and Boris Johnson.
How could you craft your #toastart? Painting with peanut butter, cutting out characters, maneuvering your baked beans? Whatever you choose, at least you’ll have a tasty treat to enjoy at the end of your arty endeavor!
How to celebrate National Toast Day
There is no wrong way to enjoy a piece of toast – everyone has their own go-to way to enjoy a slice of toast! While some people prefer lighter toasted toast, others prefer a darker colored piece of toast – some even like toast that has begun to blacken at the edges.
The degree of which toast is toasted is a very personal choice and causes a number of arguments within families. While some people prefer a lighter colored piece of toast, others like a darker and crunchier piece. It’s the same with a cup of tea; while some people prefer a less brewed cup, others are adamant that a dark-hued tea is a better tea.
How you like your toast is a very personal preference and one that is down to you – and your toaster of course. (Some toasters are far fiercer than others!)
There’s also the question of how to prepare toast and what toppings to choose…
There’s an argument regarding butter and whether butter should be applied only to ‘naked’ toast, or under toast toppings. Again, this is a very personal choice and one that not everyone will agree on.
While some people choose to top their toast with butter regardless of whether they’re going to consume it ‘naked’ or with a topping on, others believe that butter should only be used when eating toast on its own, or under certain, predetermined toppings, like Marmite, for example, or jam.
There’s also the question of how much topping is too much topping. Again, this is another question that a lot of people cannot agree on. While some toast lovers like to top their toast with a huge portion of jam, Marmite, peanut butter, cream cheese – or whatever their go-to topping is – others prefer to spread a thinner layer of topping onto their toast.
How you enjoy your toast really is a personal preference. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy a slice of toast, it’s down to personal choice – and your taste buds of course!
The most popular toppings can be broken down into two categories: sweet and savory toppings.
For savory toppings, popular choices include Marmite, peanut butter (however, this is some concern over whether peanut butter is sweet or savory – it apparently depends on what it is served with, such as Marmite or jam), cream cheese, or butter by itself.
For sweet toppings, go-to options include jam, chocolate spread – with Nutella being the product of choice for many toast lovers – Fluff and Biscoff spread.
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