#massively powerful omega energy
flyingcakeee · 8 months
Guys, Williams is such a cunty team. Like, if you go to Williams, you've either served cunt before or you're going to end up serving cunt.
Let's look with people currently at Williams:
James Vowles. Now, hear me out, James radiates dad energy but he also radiates a massive cunty energy.
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Like, sir, who said you can look like that? Who said you call pull off the two different blues and the orange-reddish shorts? And they're hugging the thighs😩
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Who's upset you that you have to serve this much, Mr. Vowles? Hands on the rails and hips back, power stance honestly. James just embraced the cuntiness of Williams.
Next, Alex Albon. Go figure, but cmon, he definitely serves cunt.
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Alex has his hips up and ready for everything coming.
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The iconic ✌️ but look at his hips guys. Who told Alex to peace out while serving, we may require more 😔
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Alex serves 24/7, like, I'd like to be as cunty while reading emails about rumors of me leaving my team🙄. And the cup of tea? Whatever he's going through, he's excused of any bad behavior.
Now we get Logan Sargeant, the frat boy serving as much cunt as he can.
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Excuse me, Mr. America, but you can't be serving at a time like this. Logan makes being so disappointed in himself be cunty.
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Logan stares at the camera like he's looking into my soul. His pose, the outfit, his smile, everything radiates cunt. He would easily bear his neck like the omega he is.
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Only Logan Hunter Sargeant would hang his ass out of a monster truck for the entire world to see and post it on his socials with the caption "Everything is bigger in Texas" as if we aren't supposed to assume it's your ass? I pray you get more drivers too follow you so you can influence them to be cunty as well.
Now we go to our academy drivers but specifically two of them because they're over 18 and I'm not tryna do anything here. In the academy, they were taught to serve and maybe they still do.
To start with, Franco Colapinto. What do they feed the race car driving men of Argentina to allow them to serve this much cunt?
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Trophy in one hand, the other hand on his hip. Served in the race and he serves in general as well, what more could you ask for?
Zak O'Sullivan also embraces his cunty energy from being in a Williams branded race suit.
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We can only assume how much cunt O'Sullivan is giving that camera. Probably more than enough so it's hard for fight the cunt energy rumors.
Anyways, it's 23:30 where I'm at and I'm going to do more tomorrow because there's so much cunt from Williams I'm going to have to make a 3 hour long YouTube video analysis on the cunt energy.
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serene-sun · 5 months
Okay last thing bc I don’t wanna spam and I’ve sent 2 ideas already but any chance you could do some headcannons or a blurb (whichever you prefer) about a threeway with Ifrit and Omega?
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warnings: sexual themes but no sex
“Another hundred out of papa's pay check?” You tease softly as the ghoul slides a large bill into the hem of your bra, “If I had known you two were so spoiled I would have charged more.” 
“Are you suggesting our talent doesn't get us any reward?” Ifirt says softly into your ear as his claw trails up your neck.
“Oh no I know the way you parade on stage gets you several…rewards…” You reply with red lips pressing against the soft skin of Omega’s cheek.
The quint ghoul lets out a little grunt as your hand cups his groin, his eyes never leaving your pale thighs as they slightly part.
The ministry was known for its sexual energy, but what some didn't know was that there was a secret brothel that took place on weekend nights. It was an abandoned chapel on the western side of the grounds that was repurposed with tapestries and rugs, pillows and soft furniture and warm lights to the brothel it was now. The sisters and brothers of sin who worked it paid by the hour, some by the minute depending on how sensual they got with clients.
You, a sister of sin, was one of the many who had regulars. It wasn't rare for ghouls to show up, but it was rare for them to truly hold a bond with the whores. 
These nights after black mass, Ifrit and Omega held a common lust for you. They would come after or before mass to see you. 
Omega was a massive ghoul, it was no secret he was the leader of his pack. He was phlegmatic and sensual, his strict demeanor coating his lustful words of praise and pride. Omega had a calming effect from his quintessence, it made women and men swoon over him. 
The ghoul had two large horns with a few cracks and chips made of lapis lazuli and two fiery white eyes that glowed. His tail swayed softly against the carpet, it was black and furry with small strands of white hair across his body. 
Ifrit was also a large ghoul, more on the smaller side but he was also seen as one of the leaders of his group. His horns shiny and polished, the red carnelian crystal of them reflected lights beautifully as he talked with intent. 
The ghouls were truly ineffable in power, their strength scared people and their will haunted others. But some, women like you, sought enjoyment out of the fear. The way their claws could cut through skin so easily, and their ability to know your thoughts and actions spiked an interest in you that made your whole body tingle. But you knew the terrific beasts were sagacious with their lives.
You were fervent for this with the ghouls, this connection they had with you would grow every visit. It would be a lie to say you hadn't had dreams of them at night, or watched them about their day.
An average man would say you were meretricious, having no value other than your outer beauty. But ifrit and Omega made you feel special, like no other sibling there. Sometimes they would bring you gifts like expensive lingerie or wine.
“Tell me my love, how can I please you tonight?” Omega grumbled into your ear as his claw trailed up your leg, snapping against the fishnets threatening to break them. 
His gentle touch sent a shiver down your spine, “Take off your clothes,” You ask as Ifirt licks behind your ear.
You had always ameliorated uncomfortable guests, you never got as far as letting them have actual sex. You would only go as far as being nude and pleasuring each other, ignoring the real sex. But you felt now in the air that these ghouls were growing impatient with this “rule” of yours.
The quint and fire ghoul undressed, leaving just you clothed in lingerie and your hair thrown messily into a clip. 
The room had cleared out, leaving the prostitutes resting other than yourself. The quiet atmosphere raised with heat, not from the crackling fireplace but from the sexual tension as you took the two ghouls erections in your hands.
You felt heat drip into your gut, like molten lava that tempted you to draw you into a dark abyss. The candles flickered, and you closed your eyes focusing on the intense fire that grew between your legs as you felt the net against your legs tear against a sharp claw. You whined unintentionally as the hands roamed up your chest and tugged at the lace of your bra. 
“Have me, please..” You whine, cracking your eyes open to be pushed back against the bed of pillows
The night would continue not like any other, and you would be filled with absolute bliss.
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yellowjackingit · 14 days
Omegaverse yellowjackets personal headcanons and parings✨ nsfw
(don't like don't read, you know who you are ;)
Shauna -alpha she's my bi messy failgirl icon <3 she just has alpha energy to me (but idk I'm sure in some fics I'll have her beta) , and Jeff has omega energy to me idk why, vibes man. I feel like in an omegaverse society alpha women traditionally are expected to have big families and accomplish a lot, so when Jackie dies I'd imagine her mother's slights have to do with how Shauna is such a rare breed, an alpha female, only 5% of the population contains alpha females and yet she was somehow never as special as her lil jack jack
Jackie- omega Jackie just needs an alpha to hold her and tell her everything's gonna be ok, too bad they eat her lol. Also i wanna see Shauna pin her down what of it. She's totally a lesbian
Lottie- alpha The total it girl, she's got it all, she embodies the traditional femalpha standard, think barbie, but tbh most of that was learning at a young age she was different (gay) and got really good at hiding it. it was a no brainer when she became the first head alpha of the group as people usually do they fall under her leadership and guidance. Shes the kind of alpha that would have led rome or egypt. And yet. When she loses her omega she loses her way. Her power crumbles and so she hands the torch to the alpha she trusts most
Natalie- alpha as the runt of her litter of one and every class or group she's been apart of she was never the first picked alpha but when the group assigned her the leader everything changed for her. She was finally where she was born to be. Out in the woods she became the best version of her alpha. Also I just wanna see her go thru a rut and Lottie offer to help a bro out with it 👀 who said that
Laura lee- omega voted cutest omega of her year, always had a crush on Lottie and now that they're lost in the wilderness maybe she can show her some her holy moves? Idk I'm not Catholic anymore
Taissa - beta
Van - butch nonbinary beta
Taissa van beta4beta my beloved<3 taissa being resentful of her beta gender (transmasc taissa goes hard) and trying her hardest to become a beta representative "betas are 45% of the population and yet only have 4 seats on the Senate? What's that bull" but I can also see taissa being an alpha and van be an omega
Misty- omega also a runt, she looks up to Natalie a lot being a runt as well who actually earned the respect of the pack. So her and nat bond over it and eventually more 👀 imagine Misty's heat hitting round the spring, and in order to avoid pregnancies nat being the ever so gracious pack leader helps her through it with her massive dick
Travis- beta him and Shauna beta solidarity has good potential, I hope they talk about girls together, like imagine them coming out to each other? Grieving javi together, both being ppl who lost their own blood to these woods... Y'all pls understand my vision
Mari- beta when no immediate role is assigned to her she struggles and takes it out on jackie, it's ok babygirl thats not how u get the pretty omegas attention but u will learn
Coach ben- alpha his death is their first meal, and the death of the traditional alpha male patriarchy i guess lol
Crystal- omega to mirrors misty
Anyone feel free to add on! I wanted to headcanons the other girls too but I cant Google it rn, so if anyone wanna drop the background girls names I'll love u forever <3
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what's the Eye of Harmony and how did the Master get out of the one in the Doctor's TARDIS?
What's the Eye of Harmony?
The Eye of Harmony is basically a star—a very special one. It was created (or discovered, depending on which story you believe) by the Time Lords, specifically by the legendary figures Rassilon and Omega. They say that Rassilon and Omega manipulated a star while it was collapsing into a black hole, suspending its collapse and freezing it in a state of perpetual decay.
🔌 How Does It Work?
This state of suspended destruction creates an almost limitless source of energy, which the Time Lords harnessed to power all of Gallifrey's technology.
Suspended Star: The Eye is essentially a star in a constant state of near-collapse, teetering on the edge of becoming a black hole but never quite falling into it. This creates massive potential energy that the Time Lords tap into.
Artron Energy: The energy that the Eye produces is known as artron energy, a form of temporal radiation that's required to power TARDISes.
Artron Energy, biology style: Artron energy is also crucial to Time Lord biology, particularly prominent in their healing. Exposure to the Eye's energies is believed to be one of the factors that gave the Time Lords their regenerative abilities (again, depending on what story you believe).
Temporal Anchor: The Eye also plays a critical role in anchoring the Web of Time. It's not just a power source but a 'hitching post' for the Web, ensuring that time flows consistently and is controlled across the universe. TARDISes can use it as a reliable 'reference' when they transcend time and space.
🏛️ The Eye in a TARDIS
There's also a version of the Eye of Harmony in every TARDIS. This has led to some confusion over the years, with different accounts offering various explanations:
Miniaturised Duplicate: One explanation is that the Eye inside a TARDIS is a miniature, mathematically modelled duplicate of the original Eye on Gallifrey. This version retains all the properties of the original but on a smaller scale, providing the TARDIS with the energy it needs to operate independently.
Fraction of the Eye: Another account suggests that every TARDIS contains a 'fraction' of the Eye of Harmony. This would mean that the Eye in the TARDIS is directly linked to the one on Gallifrey, drawing energy from the original to power the ship.
Merely Named After: Then there's the straightforward explanation—it’s called the Eye of Harmony because it serves a similar function, but it's not actually the Eye from Gallifrey.
How did the Master escape from the Eye of Harmony?
When the Master was sucked into the Eye of Harmony, it was supposed to be a one-way ticket to oblivion. The Eye is designed to break down matter into pure energy, which is meant to be an inescapable fate for anyone. But this is the Master we're talking about, and they're notoriously hard to kill.
🛠️ Manipulating the Energy
As the Eye of Harmony attempted to disassemble the Bruce Master into energy, he managed to synchronise with the raw artron energy that the Eye was pouring out. Instead of being consumed by it, he rode the energy like a wave, pushing his consciousness and what remained of his physical body into a spare room within the Doctor's TARDIS.
The TARDIS immediately ejected that room into the Time Vortex to protect itself and the Doctor. This ejection was supposed to trap the Master in the void, but it also inadvertently saved him from being completely destroyed by the Eye's power.
⏳ Stranded in the Time Vortex
Now stranded in the Time Vortex, the Master was stuck in a floating TARDIS room, cut off from the rest of the ship and from any stable reality. So what's a Master to do? He scavenged through the Doctor’s discarded belongings tin the room, searching for anything to help him.
While he was looking, the energy from the Eye that remained in the room revitalised his decaying body. This bought him time, allowing him to survive longer in the Vortex and continue plotting his escape.
🔧 Building a Makeshift Ship
Over the years—hundreds of them, in fact—the Master scavenged parts from the debris that occasionally drifted through the Vortex. This included bits of time ships, wreckage from other unlucky travellers, and even a tractor beam he managed to find.
During this time, the Master even captured a creature called a Vormatoda. Inspired by a VHS tape in the Doctor's spare room, he disguised and brainwashed the child believing it was his daughter, Alison. The Vormatoda's parent began attacking passing timeships in search of its child, leaving behind more components for the Master to salvage. Piece by piece, he cobbled together a functional vessel.
👩‍🚀 Rescuing River Song
At one point, River Song, mid-transit in the Time Vortex, experienced a malfunction with her vortex manipulator. The Master, ever opportunistic, used his newly acquired tractor beam to rescue her. Posing as a man named Daniel, he convinced River to help him collect more wreckage from the Vortex, which included valuable pieces from a prison ship.
Eventually River Song saw through the Master's disguise and managed to break the Alison's brainwashing. This led to a confrontation where the Vormatoda's parent attacked the Master’s makeshift ship, forcing him to make an escape.
🚀 Final Escape from the Vortex
With the Vormatoda attacking and the ship barely holding together, the Master used a stasis pod from the prison ship to survive the final journey out of the Vortex.
And what does he do as soon as he's out? He meets up with several of his other incarnations, forms a band, gets into a massive brawl with his selves, and the band splits up. True story.
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💬|📱🕸️What does the Web of Time look like?: Overview on the Web of Time and its relevance.
💬|🧬⚡How to track and manage artron levels?: How artron levels can be tracked and managed, plus symptoms of hypo/hyperartronosis and first-line treatment.
💬|🛸🧬Do we have any info on TARDIS biology?: Overview of TARDIS biological aspects.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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pastel-omegas-blog · 2 years
Regarding the one shot of mc and leon sharing heat, does mc end up being pregnant?
Just imagine them having baby and taking care of em😭😭😭 my apologies, i just can't forget the baby being dead in the original plot
-Darling anon
Ooooooooh this is nice
Bet imma do it.
Again for my quotev readers, this isn't canon to the alt D.D timeline.
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First of all it's important I establish this.
There will be no pups unless he has finally achieved what he wants, full control over the Trovian Empire is just a small factor to what he really wants.
Sure he has a sex drive so high that he's repeatedly pumping his seed into M/N whenever he has the chance, he doesn't need a knot to keep it all plugged in cuz once he's satisfied he just cuddled his adorable omega and goes off to sleep with his dick still in him.
But even with his mad pumping he is always ready with the drugs or a high level månå spell to prevent any chances of pregnancy.
He's not afraid that M/N carrying his children will ruin his plans.
It will, but he's more scared of the potential danger he'll put his mate in if he does.
Marrav would have the h/c man executed without a second thought and even if he manages to get them to safety it'll be a constant battle trying to stay hidden and protected.
So pups are only entering the picture when the blue haired omega is absolutely sure he's conquered and achieved his goal, and once he's done he'll make M/N his pretty little husband legally.
There would be a massive wedding to celebrate
Now that there's nothing stopping him you bet he's trying to pup up his cute little husband the first chance he gets.
And it honestly wouldn't take long for the other to get pregnant.
Probably like two months into marriage M/N's already beginning to show signs of pregnancy.
Leon would be so much more gentle and cuddling with his lover, even putting up with his sudden moods changes.
Honestly preggo mc would be an absolute brat from his normal kind and loving self, but Leon would miraculously power through this with an infinite vast of patience.
He just spoils his mate the whole time, while being conscious of the things the other would eat or do so he would be fit and healthy
As it gets closer to when the pup Will be born he starts to get a little bit...... well scared.
Leon knows the horrible things he's done and quite frankly he's not ashamed of them. He just thinks with all the evil he's committed he's suddenly happy and is finally going to start a happy family with the one he loves that something bad will happen.
Like karma is going to come out of nowhere and give him his comeuppance and snatch away his happiness.
He would think himself unworthy of trying to raise a pup so pure and full of innocence with his hands that are stained in blood and grim.
Even if M/N tries to assure him that he'll do great the former saint can't help but let his thoughts eat him from the inside.
It's not until the birth of his pup does that thought disappear.
' The great lord stood outside the birthing room of his imperial palace, his face emotionless, but his heart filled with anxiety as he stood outside the doors.
The sounds of M/N's agonizing whiles almost make him burst the door open, but he remembers the doctors orders enough to stop himself.
His månå levels were to high, so staying in a room with his husband who was too susceptible to månå overload in his current state would make the birth more complicated so he had to be patient.
After what felt like hours and the cry's if pain and anguish had calmed down, the doors finally opened.
He didn't think before his body lurched itself forward, pushing aside who ever was at the door as he moved towards the bed to check on his mate, his ears picking up the soft cries of............. Pups ?.
Purple amethyst eyes widened in surprise and as he sees his mate, obviously tired and pale with not one but two bundles in his arms, crying with so much energy.
M/N sent a weak smile his way as he hugged the bundles closer to his chest, soft tuts if blue hair peaking out of the covers.
" Their beautiful Leon " he whispered with so much love in his voice his e/c eyes brimming with tears that had started pouring down his cheeks. " Our daughters are so beautiful~ " he cried out with joy, his scent spreading round the room to show as happiness started to fill his heart calling out for his mate to come join him.
Leon moved forward to his little family his hands going to rest in his husband's shoulder as he stared in awe at the two little bundles of joy that had stopped crying, their shiny e/c peeking open to stare at their parents. M/N cried harder and Leon joined him, not being able to contain his own happiness.
With shakey hands he reached out for his daughters carefully bringing them to his chest as he sat down beside his mate, gently pressing a kiss to the s/c man's sweaty forehead and gently bringing him to rest in his side. Staring contently at his precious treasures the blue haired man promised that he would do what ever it took to keep the newest additions to his kitty family safe.
Pressing a kiss to each pups forehead and going to steal one from his husband the man felt happy and safe in the moment.
Knowing now that no matter the costs nothing would harm his little roses.'
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Omega Miles
Petie from Earth 2010 playing with his daughter, May in the daycare center. He saw Mayday from Earth 616 and Gerald, Jess' son playing together. May went over to play with them. "Dad, I wanna play soccer!" The toddler saw the big kids playing video games.
"Okay, come on, sweetie. Come here." He saw his three year old wobbling over to get a ball to play. He sat on his knees being more feminine the way he sit.
Mayday being seven years old and Gerald six years old were busy playing with their Nintendo Switch, "Ohh, good one, Gerry." Mayday giggles.
The dark Auburn little girl caught interest from the big kids, she went over to look over. "Hi, May!" Gerald said to the little girl.
"Hi. Hi!" She happily smiles.
"Wanna play?" Gerald being the kindest boy around, always happy to share his things.
Mayday nodded, "Yeah! We got Mario?"
"Wats dat?" May asked being confused.
Petie said, "Sorry kiddos, May is too young for those games. It might be hard for her."
"We can show her, Mister Petie!" Mayday said.
"Oh yay! I wanna learn!" May went over to sit between the two big kids.
"Okay, but remember, she's only three. She's learning." Petie said being concern, yet saw how May being so happy.
"It's fine. Brat and Berserk aren't good, too." Gerald said.
"Who?" Petie look confused.
In the front of the daycare, the daycare Spider-man sat in front desk. Then the door slides open, "Oh, hello, Morales. Dropping off your kiddos, again?"
"Yes." The Spider-man pushes a carriage with his massive baby bags. "Three." He types into the tablet.
"Alrighty." The Daycare teacher nodded.
Petie looks over spotting a certain friend, then smiles. "Hey, Miles." He could smell the strong Omega's scent filled with protection and calmness. It's sweet and soothing.
The Omega smiles happily being spotted, "Oh hey, Petie! Awe, you finally brought May!" He went to the carriage to pull out three hyper toddlers, ahh yes, the triplets! They all have Spider-hero powers.
One triplet climb on Miles' shoulder while two being in each of his arms. "Finally, they can play together again."
"Oh hi, frens!" May's head pop up to spot her friends.
The triplets being so hyper to spot May. "Oh daddy, daddy! May is here. Hurry up, we wanna play!" One of the triplets being the only girl tug her dad's suit.
"Okay. Okay, Mariana." Miles said having to go over towards the other children. He finally settle his triplets down letting them run wild.
"Oh hi, May and Gerry!" The triplets went over to the big kids.
"Oh hi, guys!" Mayday and Gerald hugs them. The triplets are very cuddly and always friendly yet so hyper. They always love games and never seem to lose energy.
Miles finally sat down being able to relax, "Ugh, finally! I was so tired this morning. My hubby had to work early today."
"Same. My wifey had an important business meeting." Petie said, "But I feel like yours is more busier with those pups."
"Oh yeah, they fell asleep at three in the morning because they wanna tussle." Miles watches his pups playing with the other children. I'm so glad they have friends to play. It's hard for them to make friends, especially with their gift."
"I know, what you mean!" Petie chuckles. The two Omegas watches their pups playing around with the big kids.
Then being unaware of another guest, "Papá, I'm fine on my own!" The nine year old pouts by her dad, "I always come here."
"Mija, I worried for you. Last time, you got lost or wonder off." Miguel 928 said to his daughter while holding his daughter's backpack filled with all her items. "You may be a Spider-hero, but you still need to master your skills." He carries her with one arm being a protective father.
"Okay. Okay." Gabriella hugs her dad, "I promise I'll be safe!"
"Good, mi vida. Tu papá te amo mucho!" Miguel hugs his daughter being happy. "I only worry for you."
"I know." She giggles. Miguel sign in his daughter, being in a wonderful mood. The older Spider-man had his life changed when his Gabriella came back to him.
Gabi spotted Miles, "Oh it's Miles! He must've dropped off Billie. HI MILES!"
The Omega turns his head being confused by the little girl. Gabriella gasps, "Opps, that's not Miles?"
"Gabi that's Miles from Earth 2020, he's an Omega." Miguel casually said.
"What's an Omega?" Gabi asked being confused.
Miles 2020 got up from his spot, "Hello, Miguel. Is this your daughter?" He tilted his head being confused. Maybe he was out of the loop with the latest news around Spider Society.
"Hello, Morales. Yes, this is Gabriella." Miguel said with a sincere smile being happy to introduce his daughter to other Spider-heroes.
"Hi, I'm Gabriella from Earth TRN 1042! I am a Spider-woman!" She grins widely at the tall and very slim Miles. This one is so different. He's thinner, slimmer with wide hips probably from child bearing and such a lush skin that makes him look so soft. He's taller, too. There's like a soft pink glow on this Miles Morales.
"Ohh how nice! Hey, Gabi. I'm Miles. It's nice to meet you." He smiles sweetly.
Gabi smiles back at him, "Hi, you look so different from Miles 1016!"
"Oh, I do. That's the famous one... the one that prove you wrong, huh?" He turns to Miguel with a smirk on his face.
Miguel seems to never live that down especially with all these Miles variants teasing and joking about him. Or the way some Spider-heroes would giggle about canon events and joke in front of him. "Yes. Yes. He was right and I was wrong, so very wrong." At least he can suck it up and face it.
Petie giggles, "I bet. Which is good that you were wrong. Don't you think?" His eyes on Gabriella.
The little girl went into her bag to pull out her juice box to drink, Miguel stares lovingly at his beautiful daughter. "Yes, I'm glad." He kisses his daughter's cheek. "Mi vida!"
"Papá!" Gabriella giggles, having to hug her dad.
Miles 2020 smiles widely until he heard loud crashing. "Brat! Ohhhh, you gonna be in trouble!" Mayday shouted out loud.
"Shh, don't tell daddy!" Brat hushes her.
"I heard that! Mariana, what did you do?" Miles 2020 went back to the daycare room to find his daughter dropping a picture frame off the wall. "Mariana, I told you to behave or I will tell your papi about your behavior!"
"Nuuuuhhh! I'll be good. Don't tell him." She pouts being upset that she started to burst into her tears. "It's not fair! It's not fair!" Then her brothers started bursting into tears.
"Ugh, I swear. They only act like this when their dad isn't around." Miles 2020 pinch the bridge of his nose.
Miguel came in to find the triplet suddenly stopping when they felt his presence. Sometimes they wonder if he was an Alpha, his large size and mean look just spook them. "Thanks, Miguel." Miles 2020 pick up Mariana to comfort her. "it's not easy with triplets."
Gabi gasps at the triplets, "Wow, triplets! Are these yours, Miles?"
"Of course! They got their amazing looks from me!" Miles 2020 grins widely being smug about it. Mariana sniffles having to suck her thumb as her daddy comforts her.
"Who's the mommy?"
"I am?" Miles grins.
"Huh?" Gabi never looked so confused in her life.
Miguel clears his throat, "Gabriella, nana... Miles 2020 is from a world where there's a second gender. He can have babies."
"Saayyy what!" Gabi never thought that was a thing. Then again, this was the multi-verse, anything is possible.
"Gabi, I gave birth to May, too." Petie said. "Me and Miles 2020 are Omegas."
"Huh?" Gabriella felt like she was trying to do math in her head. There's that word again.
"Gabi, it's... their second gender. Petie y Miles are Omegas. Omegas can give birth to their Alphas." Miguel tries his best to explain to her about it.
Mayday saw how lost Gabi looked which made her laugh out loud. The two boys from the triplets were turning their heads at Mayday who fall over on the ground cracking up. Gerald merely mutters as he plays his game, "Just say yeah, and pretend you know what they mean. It's pretty confusing."
May said, "I'm an Alpha!"
"And girls can be Alphas?" Gabriella asked, "But? How can they have babies?"
"Mmm..." Miguel didn't want to explain sex to her yet. "From a stork."
"Huh?" Gabriella never felt so confused. She study human anatomy before but that as much as she went. She knew the basics of male and female sex, but second gender? Oh she's much too young to get it.
Petie giggles, "Gabi, it's okay if you don't get it. It's hard when your not in the Omegaverse."
"Tell me about it. I had to tell Ben Riley about it five times already." Miles 2020 said then planted a kiss on his daughter.
Miguel nodded, "Yeah, see."
"Okay... so that means Miles 1016 is an Omega?" Gabi asked.
"No, bebe. Only a few Spider-heroes are. You'll when you see them." Her dad tries to explain, it's just complicated.
Gabriella said, "I'm just gonna agree."
Miles 2020 giggles, "I bet." He set his daughter down, before going to clean up the mess she made. Mariana went over to Gabriella, "Hi, wanna be my fren!"
"How about I be your big sister!" Gabriella smirks widely seeing Mariana reminding her a lot like Billie 1016.
The little toddler's eyes gleam and gasp, "For real! YEAH!" She climbs on Gabi's back being excited, "I got a sista!"
"Mari be careful, Gabi is still young." Miles 2020 worries for Mariana being too rough with Gabriella.
"She can handle it, Morels. Don't worry." Miguel tries to assure the omega.
"Alright. Mari and the boys love horsing around. Ben got the marks on his leg to prove it." The dark skinned Omega hums.
Petie giggles, "They are all Alphas, huh?"
"I believe so."
Miguel whistled being surprised, "Three Alphas? isn't that a big thing?"
"Yeah!" The Omegas nodded.
Miles 2020 proudly said, "Alphas have more power so to see my babies being one, I can be at ease."
"Same. They will have an easier life." Petie nodded.
Miguel never thought it that way, then again, he always saw Omega Spider-heroes struggling during their heat. Or they need to be alone from missions because they are preparing for their nesting for their heat. It's all too complex. Yet, Miguel did try to help them as much as he can to provide a safe place for them.
Gabriella, Mayday and Gerald all were playing the triplets and May. They had a games for them to play. The adults didn't seem to want to leave seeing how their children were having fun with each other.
It brought smiles to their faces, especially Miguel. "Now, that's a face I can get us to, Miguelito!" Miles 2020 smiles being more handsy, which is his love language when he felt safe around a man that isn't an Omega. His hand got a hold of the large man's jawline and squish it, "You use to be so grumpy and now your a beautiful swan!"
Petie laughs, "He does look better now. No more sleepless moody Miggy."
Miguel rolled his eyes at the twenty seven year old Omega, "Morales. Parker... I never been any more happier." Her grins widely showing off his canine.
The Omegas blushes then giggles. "You're such a flirt, O'Hara." Miles 2020 playfully shove the large man, which Miguel didn't budge.
The older Spider-man chuckles with amusement, "What did you expect?"
"I was hoping a threat, not you being charming." Miles 2020 had his arm on Miguel's shoulder using him to lean on while talking. "You practically begging me to leave my hubby for you."
"Careful, now. You know, he's a jealous Alpha." Petie couldn't stop laughing.
"Please, you would never leave." Miguel snorted.
"You right, but you are handsome, O'Hara. I'm surprise you haven't dated anyone yet."
"I rather be single. Been through too much." Miguel casually said. "It's better that way."
"Well, if you need emotional physical touch- of course, platonic! We're here." Petie offers. Nothing like an Omega present to sooth down their friends.
"Yup. I don't mind hugging you, Miggy-poo." Miles 2020 jokes.
"I hate when you call me that." Miguel sighs.
The Omegas laughs at him again. "Miggy-poo! Miggy-Poo!" They teased.
Mayday looks over at the adults and said to Gabriella, "When are they leaving? I thought they had to work?"
"I dunno! I guess the chisme is good. My daddy loves good gossip." Gabriella whispers to Mayday and Gerald.
"Daddy needs to leave so we can run wild!" Mariana said as she plays with Gabriella. Her brothers nodded.
Yet, the adults never left. They spend the rest of the morning talking and watching their kids play. They sat by the seats having conversation about anything their life as parents and as Spider-men.
Soon one of the triplets rushes over to his daddy, "Daddy! Daddy! I'm hungry! Can we get food?"
"Oh gosh, what time is it?" Miles 2020 saw his watch being so confused, "Did we really spend all morning talking?"
"Looks like it." Petie said.
Miguel said, "Really? Hilo del la..." He stop himself from cursing then sighs, "I wanted to catch up on my paper work. Whatever, i'll figure it out." He looks at his watch seeing the time, "Gabriella, are you hungry?"
"Yeah." She munches on her bag of chip being so hungry for lunch. "I'm starving!" She shared her chips with Mayday and Gerald.
Mariana said, "I want chicken nuggets!"
"Oh me too! And-and a free toy!" May said out loud.
Miguel said, "We can go to the food court and get lunch together. Seeing how our children are enjoying each other presents."
Miles 2020 picked up his son, "Yeah, they are getting along very well. So you three can behave, huh?" He tease his baby boy.
His son giggles being bashful and hide his face into his daddy's neck. "No..."
"No? What do you mean no?" Miles 2020 chuckles at his baby.
"Hehehe." His son giggles.
"He's get it from his dad, Miles. You know that." Petie watched at the little boy being funny.
"Oh for sure!"
Then, Jess and Peter came to get their own kids. They greeted Petie and Miles 2020 seeing how their children were hanging out most of the morning. "Yeah, we can do lunch!" Peter said to his friends. "Right, May?"
"Yeah! I want food!" Mayday got up to head to her dad.
"Me too! Me too!" Gerald said to his mom."
"Okay. Okay. We'll all go to lunch." Jess said to her son. The group head out.
Miles 2020 had to use his web as a leash, they were excited to be free from daycare. One of the boys climb on Peter B. Parker, "Hey, easy, kid. Your pretty fast, huh?" He tries to catch the boy.
"They are pups." Petie giggles as he watched Mariana and her other brother walking about being so interested by the high advance hallway. His own daughter wanted to walk with the triplets to be part of the group. "May, don't walk too far from me."
"I won't!" May hums as she saw Mariana trying to rip the web from her.
"Mariana, stop it." Miles 2020 warned his daughter.
"I don't want dis!" Mariana frowns.
Jess said, "She's ready to tussle?"
"Always." Miles 2020 keeping a close eye on the ring leader of the triplets, "She's just like her dad and he always say no!"
Miguel said, "You need to invest into a well quality leash."
"Why? I did it with my web. Look at May! She's fine." Peter 616 said.
Petie grunts, "You have one kid. Miles got three!"
"And you can't even catch Aaron." Jess said to Peter seeing he failed to catch the crawling kid around his body.
"Well, it's because I'm not use to him! I need practice." Peter said trying to get the boy.
Mayday laughs, "Daddy's funny."
"Mommy that's not Aaron. That's Karl!" Gerald said, "Aaron is over there."
Jess looks at the two boys being confused, "Wait, I thought Aaron got green eyes?"
"No, that's Karl." Miles 2020 said, "Aaron has my eye color."
Aaron hugs his daddy's leg while sucking his thumb. "Daddy, up!"
"Okay baby." Miles 2020 lifts his son, then felt his spider sense tingling, he looks over at Mariana biting through the web on her back, "Mariana! Don't bite that?" He went to pick her up with his other arm, "Ugh. Young lady, you don't know what's that web made of!"
"But I wanna be free, daddy!" Mariana scowls having to wiggle around.
"No, you will run off and will never find me again!" Miles 2020 scold her.
"No! I am safe!" She pouts.
May went over to Mayday and said, "Mayday, you gonna get chicken nuggets?"
"Yeah, what about you?"
"Um... Um... I dunno!" May said. "Maybe... sandwich."
"Gabi, what are you getting?" Gerald asked Gabriella.
"Hmm, maybe chicken sandwich or- or Empanadas!" She answered.
Miguel saw Miles 2020 saw the way Mariana moving around. "Here, I'll hold them."
"Oh thank you, Mig!" Miles 2020 handed his two children, "My back is hurting a bit." The two children happily got on Miguel. They felt so small compare to him with their tiny bodies they started climbing all over him.
"Hahaha, it's like a mountain, daddy!" Mariana giggles.
Miguel let them crawl all over him, he's use to this. Jess grins widely, "Your doing great papa bear."
"Hahaha, that's a cute name for Miguel. Papa bear!" Petie said out loud.
Miles 2020 chuckles, "Papa bear are you able to handle my pups?"
"Yes..." Miguel 928 slowly said.
The group wasn't aware of the slim young teenager coming down the same hallway they stood. She stop herself spotting a young man that's similar to her brother! Big brown eyes widen as if she felt as time had stop. Her voice gone for the moment, removing her mask to get a better look. "Miles?" She asked out loud.
The other man didn't hear her. "MILES!" The whole group stopped being startled by the shout, who was that? They all froze even the triplets.
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scarlet--wiccan · 10 months
What do you think Wanda���s powers would be like now if they didn’t go the witchcraft road but stuck with the probability manipulation powers instead? (Like would she have a similar progression to Ororo from going from just the weather to the entire atmosphere and elements & stuff and if so what would that look like?)
For the record, magic has been an integral part of Wanda's character and her backstory since the 1970s, and I'm not looking to change that. I think she's a much less interesting character without it.
If we were to apply the modern definition of "omega level" to Wanda’s probability power, I think the natural progression would be limitless command of physics— the power to control the behavior of matter and energy at both a micro and macro scale. It’s not magic, and it’s not quite reality-warping, either, but like Storm’s atmokinesis, it would place Wanda at the center of a complex, living ecosystem with delicate internal balances— and the ability to perceive this system, and bend it to her will on such a massive level without destroying it, would be as much a testament to her expertise and strength of character as it is for Ororo. 
There are several ways to interpret Wanda’s probability powers, but this has always been my favorite. I feel like it needs to be distinct from her reality warping abilities, for several reasons-- when you take away all of the nuance of her magic and make her an overpowered reality-warping mutant, you get House of M.
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mechahero · 8 months
@gazelessmenagerie said- /holds up the choices of 🥦, Mauga, or N'doul get galaxied lol
What if I did all three of them? lol
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I said this a year ago and I'll say it again, Realgars have Broly energy! They just do. It was so easy to figure this out actually. Realgars are pretty strong as is, but I think Broly here would be a perfect cut Realgar. Perfect cut Gems are the cream of the crop when it comes to their particular gemtypes and tend to be way stronger than them as well. A perfect analogy to Broly being well, the Legendary Super Saiyan.
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I'm not kidding. I think Mauga would be a Realgar too! Although the reasoning I have is kind of just "it makes sense to me" though so fhnjgfhngjg. And maybe because he acts a lot like some of the Realgars I've seen in roleplays. I do think he'd have his regular weapon though because I feel like Realgars' weapons in general are made and given to the entire gemtype.
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Listen, this was so obvious. Geb is a water Stand, Lapis Lazulis have control over water, it just makes sense. N'doul would still be blind (also obviously) but I think he'd be able to hang on through sheer stubbornness and through utilizing his water manipulation abilities in entirely different ways to get his job done avoid being shattered. Yes, he still does the cane sonar thing.
in game blurbs about both gems under the cut
"These towering terrors belong to Omega Red's Entourage and are the Highest Ranking Gem within her entire court! Embodying the ruthlessness and sporadic nature of Omega Red herself, they serve as highly-decorated and wildly respected juggernauts, barreling into battle and acting as a beacon of unbridled power, leading their fearless troops to victory!" - In game description
"Lapis Lazulis are insanely skilled water-terraformers. They can slash tidal waves through massive boulders with a swift movement of their hands. They can lift contents of an entire mass of water with efficient speed and transport it anywhere they need for the reconstruction of an organic planet. They pair with other terraformers well and can reform an entire planet in just a moon if they worked on it." -In game description
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dzthenerd490 · 5 months
File: Dead Space
Warning! The following is to only be seen by O5 council members and Administrative Staff. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Code Name: The Marker
Object Class: Thaumiel Keter Neutralized.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AGB is contained at Site-AA within the main reactor room to provide fuel for the entire facility. Doctor Novak James is in charge of the deciphering of the symbols on SCP-AGB. It is with hope SCP-AGB's origin and nature will be revealed through this. Until then its massive surge of energy will be used to fuel Site-AA.
Update 1948 - SCP-AGB has been neutralized after the causing the Containment Breach that destroyed Site-AA. Doctor Novak James has been marked as traitor and killed by Mobile Task Force Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" as well as those under his "cult". For now, Site-AA will temporarily shut down and rebuilt in Greenland. The vote has concluded with Administrative Staff member Nancy James elected as the new Director of Site-AA. As for SCP-AGB, all previous containment protocols will be disregarded. 
Description: SCP-AGB is an artifact originally believed to belong to Species of Interest: The ISU however this has recently been proven false. SCP-AGB is actually a trap, a weapon created by galactic parasites who the Foundation has yet to identify. Originally upon containment the Foundation believed SCP-AGB was an artifact that produced massive amounts of energy that was equivalent to the sun yet had no harmful radiation or other hazardous effects. On the coat on its formation were engraved symbols that have a memetic effect. Causing those of weaker minds to be unable to sleep and slowly go insane. However, those with higher intelligence will be able to see how to use the symbols to create a copy of SCP-AGB. 
These copies will be able to produce even more energy than SCP-AGB and can have more powerful memetic symbols able to unlock vast knowledge in technology within the viewer's mind. This technology will always correspond with the current civilization's technology allowing them to progress normally yet at an accelerated pace. It should be noted these copies are red unlike the black original SPC-AGB instance and thus are labeled as SCP-AGB-1 instances. Everything SCP-AGB and SCP-AGB-1 instances give can be easily seen as a gift but in the long run its a trap. 
Once enough SCP-AGB-1 instances are created they will unleash a plague on the organisms around them that cause even greater insanity to those around them. Those that die as a result will be transformed into SCP-AGB-Necro instances. SCP-AGB-Necro are undead monsters that result in dead flesh being exposed to the energy made from SCP-AGB-1 instances. They will mutate to become horrific and disfigured monsters with little to no resemblance to what they once were. The most common form is a humanoid monster with alien hands growing out of the ripped open stomach, sharpened teeth, and mantis like arms with a spike grown out of or ripping apart the hand in the resulting mutation. 
There is a wide variety of other mutations form SCP-AGB-Necro instances, and most seem to be quite similar to common Sarkic tactics, mutations, rituals, and weapons. For example, there are SCP-AGB-Necro that can find corpses not exposed to SCP-AGB-1 energy and instead inject them with a mutagenic spore, transforming them into an SCP-AGB-Necro instance in a matter of seconds. Some SCP-AGB-Necro instances are able to absorb other corpses and use them to grow into a larger monster. There are even SCP-AGB-Necro instances that when damaged they will split into several smaller SCP-AGB-Necro instances. 
These SCP-AGB-Necro instances are determined to kill all life around them and then gather around their designated SCP-AGB-1 instances. For whatever reason none of them are able to get close to the SCP-AGB-1 instances. It is believed that there is a final process that will happen after SCP-AGB-Necro instances are made. However, due to Foundation interference, how this process works, if it even exists, will forever be unknown. 
SCP-AGB was discovered in 1816, 28 years after the Foundation was created by its founder organizations merging. SCP-AGB was found in the Chicxulub Crater and quickly taken before local scientists found it. Though later it was revealed that civilian researchers only found the crater in 1970. Regardless, SCP-AGB was sent to one of the first Foundation site's created dubbed Site-AA. It was meant to stand aside from other sites in that it was the only one created after The Reset. 
Because of the energy it generated and the memetic symbols on it shows Foundation researchers how to make more, it was originally labeled as Object Class Thaumiel. However, as the decades went by Doctor Novak the Director of Site-AA became seemingly unstable and many of his staff died by mysterious causes or due to sudden mental breakdowns. The Ethics Committee and the O5 Council agreed he was a danger and SCP-AGB might not have been as safe as originally believed so a Joint Task Force with MTF Alpha-1 and MTF Omega-1 was created to take him down. 
The operation started in 1948 and immediately led to a massive containment breach at Site-AA as Doctor Novak activated the SCP-AGB-1 instances prematurely so the SCP-AGB-Necro's would act as his guards. He used recorded Sarkic rituals form Foundation files and databanks to help him control them all. Thankfully the Joint Task Force overpowered them as MTF Alpha-1 killed all the SCP-AGB-Necro instances and MTF Omega-1 killed Doctor Novak and his loyal staff. Unfortunately, several SCP's including those contained after The Reset were destroyed as well as the near complete destruction of Site-AA. The loss of several valuable SCP's before they could be fully researched, and the entire site has labeled this one of the Foundation's greatest failures in recorded history. 
After the operation was finally over, SCP-AGB and all SCP-AGB-1 instances were ordered to be destroyed by the O5 Council and the Ethics Committee. Afterwards the few SCPs that could be retrieved, were retrieved immediately and put into other Sites for temporary containment. Afterwards construction for a new Site-AA was started immediately. For the new Site was also needed a new Director. The O5 council have placed Novak's daughter Nancy James as a potential candidate due to her charisma and lack of contact with her father. The Ethics Committee have recommended Harvey Zeek due to his compassion for innocent and human life. In the end Nancy James won the vote and became Site Director Nancy James. 
As a result, Site-AA was reestablished as a storage and testing Site for low level danger SCP's meanwhile soon to be constructed Site-AP was given Site-AA's original goal of [data expunged by order of the O5 Council].
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limeinaltime · 2 years
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Lift up the receiver, he'll make you a believer (or a mistress)
CW: Child abuse
- The first Project, built in X’s image by the company when X wasn’t what they wanted. Previously an Administrator, becomes Head Administrator later. The oldest Project.
- Adam is everything the company wanted X to become: cold, ruthless, apathetic and bloodthirsty. His presence sends shivers up spines and hangs like a shadow over the flock even in his absence, and he lives up to the role of Murder Drone very well. His ambitions outweigh all, and his loyalty to his creator is sadly outweighed by his loyalty to the company, and he is not above hurting others to get what he wants, even his own family. He looks down on those he considers below him or weaker, and has no respect for those under his command. He also has an interest in “collecting” all the pretty young things within the flock, whether they like it or not. His power and influence usually brings them in, but those who are smart enough to refuse, well… good luck to them.
- In terms of offense, Adam has the ability to create hard light chains strong enough to snap bones and crush bodies, and commonly uses his energy as whips or to charge his claws and fangs for devastating blows. He also has the power to “monochrome” other drones, ripping out their essences and leaving only their directive, loyalty and obedience to a higher up behind. It’s how he keeps the more… rebellious members of the flock in line, and depending on how little he does it, it can also alter preexisting personalities and memories. - His red energy is cold and painful, ideal for interrogations and torture of both humans and Projects, delivering devastating and painful shocks that can leave permanent damage if nanites or biological tissue are exposed to it long enough.
- In the past, Adam was used as a hit-man by the company, and while he could never be X, he was very much a threat, stalking his targets for days, even weeks, before making his move. 
- As a kid and teen, Adam had a massive rivalry with two other drones, Project Alpha (@edibletrees2​) who was also built in X’s image, and India, who had a lot more power and strength than him. Adam wanted to make her his, and years later, when India mysteriously reappeared after years of absence, the company handed her over as an assigned life partner. He has no love for her and secretly relishes in the control he now holds over her, and has cheated on her frequently with a small group of mistresses he has.
- Adam’s closest friend and fellow menace is Project Eve, and the two are like Bonnie and Clyde, often seen together from the moment they met as kids. They used to run their own gang of bullies together, and while they aren’t in love, Adam’s feelings about Eve don’t exactly stop at a shallow attraction to her youthful looks and cutthroat fem fatale personality.
- He has no love for his children, and mostly takes it out on Hotel, who he views as weak yet fears will overthrow or surpass him, a pathetic, weak disappointment Adam is obligated to whip, beat and scare into an at least passable heir, and the same treatment went for 7, who he looked down upon even more due to her merely being an assigned ward, not a member of his “family”. He doesn’t think much of his daughter Iota, often turning a blind eye to most of her rebellious behavior but not above “putting her in her place”, and with Omega, he usually either pretends he doesn’t exist or treats him just as harshly as his other son. It’s rumored by the other flock members that he enjoys this cruel and often unjustified treatment, and whether or not this is true remains a mystery.
- After being exiled by X for his cruelty and lack of willingness to work with the flock, Adam agreed to help R take down X, but isn’t afraid to remind her that she only won because X was at her weakest, and that in any other situation, he would’ve left her to chase her unattainable dream. Deep down, X might be the only drone in existence who can scare Adam, and part of him both loathes her existence and holds a fearful reverence for the drone he was built in the image of but can never seem to surpass despite his best efforts. He tried to make X a mistress once and got kicked into a wall.
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
“You get everything?” Knuckles asked in lieu of any sort of greeting; he didn’t even look up.
Shadow huffed. If he ever had any interest in being able to startle the echidna, he’d given up on it decades ago. Of course, that went both ways; each of them immersed too often in chaos energy for their senses to fail recognizing the other.
“There wasn’t much to collect,” he said to his back. “I don’t suppose you–?”
“I already got everything important to me,” Knuckles said quietly. “I only left the ghosts behind down there. No need to double-check.”
Shadow nodded.
“Well,” he said, hoisting his precious cargo. “I’m confident that I’ve got all I need.”
Knuckles finally turned from what he was doing to glance in Shadow’s direction; he followed with a much more dramatic double-take.
“Is that…?” He asked, tone bewildered.
“She said she wanted to be more valuable than the Mona Lisa,” Shadow said, shrugging and pulling out Rouge’s ashes; his diary and few preserved photos fit, but the heavily jewel-encrusted urn refused to be contained by any zipper. “It certainly kept life interesting after she died.”
“It’s sparkling,” Knuckles said dumbly. “There’s no natural light in here and it sparkles. It’s so…”
Knuckles stared at him. Shadow stared back; well aware the guardian had likely been reaching for a different word. He raised his hands amicably, smiling.
“She’d have loved it,” he murmured. “Where are you gonna keep her?”
“I thought she’d like the emerald chamber,” Shadow said. “Give her something to look at.”
“Heh. Sounds about right.”
Neither of them spoke for a moment, letting her memory occupy the silence.
“Okay,” Knuckles said, rolling his shoulders. “Check off our list; head count?”
“I spoke to Gemerl just before,” Shadow said, replacing Rouge in his bag. “He’s happy to leave whenever.”
“And the other two?”
Shadow chuckled.
“Omega questioned if fifty tons of ammunition was enough.”
Knuckles’ nose wrinkled.
“Just tell ‘em not to blow anything up unless we actually find a fight.”
Shadow smirked, shaking his head; more than a century, and some things still hadn’t changed.
“I’ll find Metal now.”
“It might be doing laps,” Knuckles said, rubbing his jaw. “Then again, I’ve been in here a while.” He shrugged, stepping to the wall. He grabbed onto an arch that gently angled out of the wall; amidst all the many chambers Shadow had seen on Angel Island, to say nothing of the chambers he hadn’t, one could easily mistake it for something aesthetic. “I’ll start the engine.”
Knuckles heaved; ancient mechanisms shook the floor as the echidna coaxed a massive cylinder of stone from the wall. He took ten paces backward, stopped, then threw the whole of his weight to one side, pulling with his shoulder.
The cylinder turned, a full one-hundred-eighty degrees.
Knuckles shoved, and the ignition slid back into place in the wall; the stuttering, intermittent clicks and clocks beneath his feet gave way and bled into a powerful hum. In the middle of the chamber, a display like a console came to life.
“Sayonara, Mobius.” Knuckles said, tipping his hat.
‘This is actually going to work.’
Shadow hadn’t exactly doubted Knuckles when he said Angel Island could take them off-planet, but the controls in front of him, the tinge of melancholy in the echidna’s voice…
It was suddenly much more tangible.
And Shadow was pleasantly surprised to find himself ready.
“I’m gonna get a little more comfortable with this set up,” Knuckles said, speaking with his back to Shadow again. “Let me know when our crew’s good to go.”
“Roger.” Shadow intoned, turning toward the door. Chaos control might let him move faster, but popping in and out all over the island looking would take him longer.
He looked over his shoulder. Knuckles looked back.
“Do you need anything from the–?”
“I only left ghosts behind up there,” Shadow said. “No need to double-check.”
Knuckles nodded and turned back to the console. Shadow silently thanked him for not asking twice.
He left the chamber, gradually picking up speed and skating toward the island surface.
‘Sayonara, Mobius.’
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Continuation of my Revenge series. I know it's small, but even the littlest bit of support means the world to me. I was originally terrified to put anything out, so thank you all very much. As always, feedback is always welcome. Thank you for reading :)
It was the following morning and Nicolas was exhausted. He had stayed up most of the night going through texts with Master Quin. They had found some interesting things, but nothing on dragons. The closest they could come up with was a possible wyrm or drake. Both of those options had the same issue of why it couldn't be a case of mistaken identity.
“This is preposterous! Why in the world would you possibly consider either of these two? Are you stupid? Were you dropped on your head?” Master Quin asked, anger already causing his face to turn red. 
“Sir, there's a high likelihood of it-”
“High likelihood of what? Mistaken identity? Neither of these have wings you twit! How can a carriage be carried off when there's nothing to propel the creature upward?!” Master Quin said in a seething tone. 
Nicolas winced, but stood straighter, trying to gather his thoughts. “What if they built a set of wings and cast a levitation spell?”
“Boy, you understand that these are nothing more than glorified lizards? They cannot think, they cannot speak, they cannot sit there long enough for a group of savages to build a fake set of wings and attach them to a wild animal. There would be no point at all in doing such a complicated task.” Master Quin said. 
“But-” Nicolas began. 
“No! No more of this blather about drakes and wyrms and faux wings! You're excused for the day.” Master Quin said with a tone of finality. 
Nicolas stiffened, but took another step towards him. “No. This has merit to it sir.”
In a tone that shook Nicolas down to his core, Master Quin said “Boy. Think very carefully about the next words that come out of your mouth.” Sparks began dancing around Master Quins hand. First it was one spark, then two, four, eight. The energy was growing so quickly it sounded like fireworks being discharged.  He was charging it up at a rapid pace. 
Finally Nicolas deflated, his frustration in the power dynamic visible. 
“With enough power, you could even make him listen.”
The thought was so alien it was unnerving. It wasn't Nicolas's own thoughts, shocking him. 
“Have a good day, sir.” Nicolas said weakly before turning and walking away. Master Quin mumbled something under his breath and the electric charges dissipated. 
The Mage's College that Nicolas attended was wide and expansive. He was in the massive courtyard, unsure of what to do with his time. A lecture was being held literally in the sky as the professor and students used a levitation spell to keep themselves aloft. He knew that the druids worked in the gardens, while seers worked in the divinitory, granting whatever sight they could gather to those who needed guidance. They all did meaningful work and Nicolas was happy to see how it changed the world. Nicolas's area of study was astral magic, the ability to theoretically bend time and space to his own will. The keyword in that statement though is theoretically. 
Master Quin seemed dead set on Nicolas just doing research while he did everything to earn himself glory. Saying it was frustrating was more than just an understatement. Nicolas held his hand up and focused, swirls of blue, gold, and white filled the space. It was astral magic. Magic of space and time, of creation and destruction, the alpha and the omega. He released his concentration and the swirls subsided. 
“Fine. If Master Quin won't teach me, I'll do it myself”, he thought. 
“Power that would even make him listen.” Again the thought pierced through his head. An alien feeling of an alien concept, the thought was not his own. 
“What would you give for that power?” The thought spoke, but Nicolas realized that it was a question directed to him. Instead of just a vague and ominous statement. 
“Nothing. I'll give nothing and earn it on my own.” That's what he should have said. That's what he wanted to say. To earn his own power, to earn the respect of Master Quin, his father, and his brother. To make a change in a world that seemed to be growing darker by the day. Instead, he replied with a single thought. 
The moment he thought about it, he felt a pull to the right. An invisible string urged and begged for him to follow. He could hear it, the whispers of power that he couldn't quite make out. Nicolas took a chance and followed the invisible pull as it took him far away from the Mage's College. Never once did he look back.
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salty-dracon · 1 year
Trying, and possibly failing, to understand the new Valorant map trailer
I like examining Valorant lore and stuff. Here are my thoughts on the trailer, based on what I already know about the lore up to this point:
Brimstone, who was a former Kingdom mercenary, has officially decided to break off all ties with Kingdom. We know he was part of K-SEC before, and still had good ties within their ranks until recently, until he made his associates angry and they cut off all ties with him. Brimstone appears to have been in turmoil over this, but it seems that in this cinematic, he's finally turned against them for good.
Underneath Los Angeles, Kingdom built a portal to the “Interverse”, which requires a lot of power but we don’t really know what the Interverse is. It doesn't look like the usual portal between Alpha and Omega. It looks goopy and purple. However, we can surmise based on what happened in this trailer that it’s where Gekko’s four funky friends, the Radivore polar bear that bit Deadlock, and potentially some other creatures came from. We also know that Kingdom has been sending crates there, but we don't know why, nor do we know what's in them.
The Alpha squad was there to shut it down, but judging by the fact that the Kingdom scientist locked the control panel before running away, Kingdom needed to keep it operational at all costs. At first the Protocol tried to shut it down normally, first by using a passcode and then by slicing off a researcher's thumb, but both attempts failed, meaning they needed to use force.
As Gekko noted, the portal looks like Wingman- or at least has the same purple accents, fluid-filled body, and triangular particles inside. We know from previous Range patches that the Radivore bear and Gekko's creatures are functionally the same. Furthermore, when Wingman bit Gekko, or did something to him, Gekko and Wingman were able to communicate telepathically to some extent. (This might have also already been done- Sage mentioned in a previous note that "Gekko's account of the creature bonding process contradicts our every assumption", and most creatures don't bond to humans by biting them and forming telepathic bonds with them.) So the Interverse is likely where all Radivores come from, and it's likely many of them have the ability to form sympathetic bonds. We've also learned that Radivores can split their bodies via mitosis, that or another Wingman escaped the portal before it blew, as evidenced by Gekko finding a baby Wingman. I think it's the former, as the baby Wingman seemed to recognize his best friend. Also they wouldn't just... kill off Gekko's ult. That would cause confusion.
Deadlock's attempt at shutting down the portal from the outside caused it to become unstable and spread its area of influence (?), which didn't hit Brimstone or Reyna to that strong of an extent. That being said, there is some kind of an echo effect created by the portal, where any sound created is repeated a few seconds later. I'm unsure if this is a dramatic effect, or it's actually an effect of the Interverse. It also did render the humans immobile, while Wingman was able to move around normally. So we can assume that on some level he's used to this sort of environment.
Once Wingman did whatever he did, the portal spit out energy and sucked it back in, then exploded outward with so much force that it created a massive crater in the facility's parking lot. I'm really unsure how Wingman managed to accomplish that with just some nanowire spooling. Furthermore, parts of Sunset appear to have been affected by the same "floating island" effect as Venice, which Project Landfall was attempting to fix.
We also know from the preview of the map itself that the portal's frame is now half-submerged in purple goop, meaning, yeah, it's been destroyed, but it's probably dangerous down there.
Brimstone's final words in the trailer- that Kingdom was attempting to stop the bleeding, and that the real enemy was Omega Earth- leads me to believe that it was actually the goal for Kingdom to repair the effects of the detonated spikes on Alpha Earth, but Legion took advantage of that to steal more of Alpha's radianite.
My biggest questions are still "how did Wingman manage to shut down a multiversal portal with just some nanowire?". As well as "what was Kingdom transporting through the Interverse?" and "What even is the Interverse, and how does it differ from the supposed multiverse that the Guardians were aware of?"
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darkarfs · 1 year
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So! I don't go to many concerts by myself, especially on the outskirts. The busses don't run that late and the trip usually isn't worth it. One of the things I like to do at concerts is check who is wearing what. I like spotting things like who bought a shirt there, who's wearing what and what for. Counting how many have conflicting shirts on (Devin Townsend, Animals as Leaders and Dream Theater were playing the same night at a venue 3 hours away), curious things like that. Like, seeing a Ne Obliviscaris hoodie in the wild is fun. Thinking to myself "I didn't know Pain of Salvation had t-shirts." Seeing the old heads in Scorpions and Megadeth t-shirts. I spotted two people that I'm guessing were being "funny" wearing, respectively, a Tom Jones and a Barbara Streisand shirt. Oh, you cards! You pixies! Feh. Aren't YOU interesting. I kid, for the most part. Whether or not I care to admit it, these are my people. Metal crowds are, far and away, the most accepting crowds I have ever been around. Unless yous aw Drudkh in their heyday. Rivers of Nihil are a technical/prog death metal band from nearby Reading. They were fine, but they are also one of those bands whose songs tend to blend together after like, the 4th one. In fairness, I've seen them before, and the last time I saw them was around 2018, and they had a saxophone player. They were very good, but I wasn't engaged. Thank You Scientist are a high-pitched yelly modern prog band. Their singer looks like a cross between Bunsen Honeydew and Mike Doughty and sounds like that doofus from Coheed and Cambria. The band, especially the saxophone player, looked and sounded like they were having the time of their LIVES. Airtight, doodly fun, but not especially the kind of music I tend to enjoy. Still, they had a great energy and enthusiasm. And they were nice guys. Everyone was there for Between the Buried and Me. I didn't realize that this was the tour commemorating the 10 year anniversary of the Parallax II: Future Sequence, their 2012 album, which meant they were probably going to play that one, start to finish. Confirmed. Not especially familiar with MOST of that album, but there were people singing along to ALL OF IT and I was at once impressed and surprised that this band had this obsessive a fanbase (I am clearly a dumbshit), but it was really enjoyable. It helped that they had these 5 massive LED screens behind them essentially playing HD Koyaanisqatsi footage of things like deserts and cities and hawks catching fish out of the water and new planets with rings and coronas and solar flares and astronauts and galaxies and that they were perfectly timed with every riff and drum fill. It was incredibly well-timed and choreographed. They also strobed rainbow lights directly at my eyeline every 8 seconds and it gave me a migraine 3 songs in. Also, aside from the 25-minute bus ride, I had essentially been on my feet since 6:30 that morning and my feet were dying. I was running out of gas. Two minutes into the second-to-last song ("Silent Flight Parliament"), the lights drop to black. I, maybe alone, thought that they would come back up in a crescendo, based on the light show. But no, ALL of the lights are out. The only thing you can hear is the drummer because he hasn't stopped. Cell phone lights are brandished. Event staff take the stage, people are booing. They finally get everyone calmed down enough to tell them that a transformer exploded, knocking out the power to half of the neighborhood, and that we are to evacuate in an orderly fashion. More booing, people somehow get sweatier. We get outside and it's like the Omega Man, except with a slight rainy haze. There are no lamps or signs, only phones and headlights providing any illumination. Police sirens EVERYWHERE. Thank God I had a ride home. My apprehensions about going, turns out, were absolutely correct, but I'm very glad I went all the same. If nothing else, I got my shirts. :)
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Experience the Full Release of Relic Space: A Turn-Based Roguelike RPG
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Relic Space 1.0 for the turn-based roguelike RPG game launches on both Linux and Windows PC. Thanks to the creative minds at Fourfold Games for making this happen. Available on Steam with 90% Positive reviews. Get ready because Fourfold Games’ Relic Space is making its full 1.0 release. This turn-based roguelike RPG with 4X strategy elements has been in Early Access since March 2023. Now it's time to dive into the full title on Linux. In Relic Space, you're an elite starship pilot working to rebuild civilization after a galactic disaster. Since you’ll complete missions for your faction and engage in hex-based combat that’s detailed and tactical. There are 50 different regions to explore. You can also customize and upgrade your ship in all sorts of ways.
Relic Space Full 1.0 Release
The combat is grid-based and turn-based, perfect for fans of traditional roguelikes. But there's a twist — damage is realistic. Think BattleTech style, where your weapons, engines, and other gear can catch fire, leak power, and get all sorts of status effects. Each piece of equipment affects your ship differently. You'll also have to manage heat and energy levels manually. What's new in the full release? They've added a handcrafted storyline campaign to the mix of procedurally generated missions. That means more content and more upgrades. The backstory of Relic Space 1.0 is unique. After an event called the Fall, the galaxy is in ruins. You play as a member of the Omega, an elite pilot group within the Order, a community of survivors. Your mission? Due to find and research relics from the past to help rebuild civilization. These relics are hidden among the broken remains of planets and structures in the Relic Belts. Jonah Wilberg, the solo developer behind Fourfold Games, has poured his heart and soul into this project for the past five years. He’s grateful for all the feedback from players. Creating Relic Space 1.0 was a massive task for a solo developer. So reaching this milestone is a huge achievement.
Key Features:
Tactical Turn-Based Combat: Use your skills on a hex grid with fast-paced, one tile per turn mechanics. It’s inspired by traditional roguelikes but has a modern twist.
Deep Simulation: Realistic combat mechanics where your ship’s components can catch fire, leak power, and get various status effects. Since you will have to manage heat, energy, and fuel levels smartly.
Non-Linear Exploration: Explore a procedurally generated solar system with handcrafted elements. Relic Space 1.0 offers 4 main factions and 7 minor factions with their own goals like research, trade, and construction.
Flexible Development: Build your reputation to get more powerful ships and equip them with countless weapon and utility combinations. Learn new piloting abilities through a skill tree and research relics due to unlock new powers.
Immersive Setting: Discover a rich, branching story with endless procedurally generated stories in a detailed, hard sci-fi world.
Real Space Physics: Movement rules based on actual space physics. While moving in a straight line is free, turning, starting, or stopping costs energy.
Relic Space turn-based roguelike RPG 1.0 is available with a 20% launch discount, dropping the price to $14.39 USD / £11.99 / 13,99€ on Steam. Available on both Linux and Windows PC. So, what are you waiting for? Jump into Relic Space today and start your journey as an elite starship pilot. It's time to rebuild the galaxy!
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ajscico · 6 months
Council of DMs for the WIP ask game
One of the three dungeons and dragons campaigns I'm a part of is a little adventure the four of us players just call The Pocket. Our characters are from different worlds with different pantheons and are guards over some massive evil-abberation-old-god-thing called Desotti (a formula for Entropy made into a name because I think I'm clever). We each take turns being DM and send the other three on adventures in the worlds our characters are from.
Anyway, council of DMs is where we keep the ideas for how this campaign is supposed to go. It states the concepts that our characters have powers with that are basically our seals on Desotti.
My favorite part of the agreements so far.
We keep sigils/keys to the following concepts :
Time (Hràva)--Omega 13 but forwards and backwards
Force/Gravity (Rossin)--Manipulate forces. see the effect of forces on the world
Energy (Kenari)--Manipulate emotions, empower or inhibit spells
Reality (Calianna)--see through realities 1x per day.
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