#mass effect andromeda spoilers
ceo-of-sloppy-men · 2 years
I love how BioWare tries (and succeeds a lot of the time) to not make their characters one dimensional.
Dorian may be sassy and flamboyant but he’s got the vibes of a theatre kid trying to hide the pain with humour and good vibes when in reality, the crippling guilt of being a massive disappointment is slowly consuming him. Even if he acts like he “doesn’t need” his fathers love or approval.
Iron Bull. Like an onion, he has layers. Those layers are everything from a scared kid growing up in the Qun, to the person he becomes after his personal quest. He shows genuine care for his friends and charges, even if he presents himself as a nonchalant mercenary.
Garrus is secretly a huge nerd while also managing to pull off badassery. Me2 has two perfect examples: fetching him/his retrieval quest, and the note he likes fleet and floatila on his file in the shadow broker base. Someone’s pointed it out before but he “reinacts” the scene you watch with tali/uses it as inspiration in me3 with Shepard!romance.
For Tali you get to see her grow from a young adult/teen on her pilgrimage to taking on the role of admiral and the responsibility of her people’s future. Yet she still allows herself to be young and enjoy things such as fleet and flotilla, and eat too much-dextro cheese (I think it was cheese I can’t remember it’s foggy).
Even Jaal is a good example. He’s a hero to his people, the poster boy you tell people about to join the resistance, people whisper about him in the street - yet he’s the softest nerd you’ll ever meet. He’s awkward when interacting with other cultures/races, usually over compensating, he’s not afraid to show his emotions, and he’s very intelligent both emotional and otherwise. The perfect example would be during his personal quest when he insists he won’t be killed.
There’s definitely more but I’m too tired to do them. My point is, BioWare is pretty dope.
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virtualcamelselfies · 10 months
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Pathfinding 🚀
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baleclava · 2 years
I just saw Alec Ryder’s last encrypted memory and oh boy was that a lot. First he’s talking with Garrus’ dad?! The sole mention of his name was enough for me to start crying, I’m not kidding. Then they mentioned Shepard and the reapers and how Garrus trust that everything that Shepard was saying was true. Then Ryder is like well what happened on earth? That was 600 years ago?? And I went to see the logs for when reapers attacked earth and I think Palaven.. Listening to Liara talk about how they are going to try to beat the reapers and that she’s with Shepard’s crew was just so incredibly sad..
Ah and Ryder’s mom is alive!???
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cyrraluu · 2 years
Nooo Ellie stop with the bad jokes XD , I don't think the Angara will find it funny gdfhjjkghrdfihfk 🤣
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bruxbea · 2 years
I like to think at some point they look up and Sahuna’s either left them a sandwich or like, all 18 siblings fall through the door listening in-
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not-a-newt · 1 year
I just finished lost but not forgotten and Jesus christ I knew that we weren't going to find him alive, but god damn that was wretched
And my dumb ass really said, "it's up to you avitus :) " thinking he'd give me a resounding yes, but god damn I had to pull out the wiki to check my answer afterwards only to realize that I made the WRONG decision, so then I had to redo the entire mission just to change my response at the end to get him to agree to becoming the pathfinder and saving him from turning into a inconsolably depressed alcoholic jesus christ
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halfd3af · 6 months
me, shooting Kalinda's hand as fast as humanly possible in that QTE:
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felassan · 9 days
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Dragon Age: The Veilguard - Game Informer pages from issue 367 (the cover story from June 18th) [source, two]
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Text reads: "Spotlight - Cover Story - Dragon Age: The Veilguard. It's been ten years since the last full-fledged game in the franchise, but BioWare is finally ready to pull back the curtain on what's next for the fantasy world of Thedas. We visited the studio, spoke to the game's creators, and discovered what's changed in the highly anticipated new installment."
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pani-artz · 11 months
Looking for moots/blogs to scream about Baldur's Gate 3
Other fandoms I like to scream about
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Cyberpunk 2077
The Mandalorian
Fourth Wing
The Witcher
and more
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Literally one of the most interesting things is the politics on the nexus like what is UP with director tann that man is either suspicious as hell or the most well meaning dumbass?? and KESH? she's my girl but I lost like FIVE scouts and she voted against me??? I did SO MUCH FOR YOU I'm sorry I chose to save one of the ONLY PATHFINDERS WITH ANY EXPERIENCE and CIVILIANS over some scouts?? I wasn't choosing salarians over krogan I'd have made the same call if it was human scouts don't yell at me!
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
I love the dichotomy of Ryder and Shepard.
Shepard is someone who is already done with the world. They are a trained soldier, forced to sift through everyone else's bullshit to save the world numerous times with more weight put upon them each time. They have already been through hell and back, depending on the backstory you give them. What's more is that their relationship with their parents is either non-existent or so inconsequential that you only hear from your mother off-handedly during the whole franchise, with the most being in a DLC for the 3rd game.
Ryder is someone who's spark of hope is dying. They come to Andromeda with the promise of change and prosperity, and instead right off the bat their twin is trapped in stasis, their father is dead and they now have to find suitable homes for thousands of people. They go from having a relatively average life of guarding a mass relay (with a some what absent father and a "dead" mother) to suddenly being the one thing keeping everyone alive. To them, family is everything and that family is ripped away within the first few hours of being in their new "home".
In Ryder, we see an average person have the weight of thousands of people's fate thrust upon them - both Angara and Nexus. In Shepard, we see a soldier already used to the responsibility of everyone's lives on their shoulders, now having to cope with gradually more and more of that weight (as the true extent of the Reapers is revealed over the series).
Both of them learn roughly the same tools: support networks (via. ship crews), not waiting for politicians to "decide" to do the right thing, and the ability to make hard decisions in the heat of the moment.
We see them both save alien races, from rescuing the arcs to brokering peace treaties between different races. We see them value the hope in the average citizen just as much as their own hope, even if it means doing redundant missions (side quests) to boost moral. But both do it in their own ways. Ryder is very often more forgiving and patient than Shepard when brokering peace treaties/rescuing arcs, but both are just as stubborn - they have their limits, even if Shepard has a bit of a shorter fuse (depending on the playthrough). Neither of them has time for politicians and their nonsense - which is iconic. And that hope they foster in people? Different as well. Where Shepard helps cure the Genophage for the Krogan and gives Rannoch back to the Quarians, Ryder helps establish new colonies for Nexus residents. Shepard infiltrates enemy strongholds (Horizon, for instance), and Ryder fights against xenophobic rebels.
It is very neat to me.
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hellt00th · 11 months
Also I will say Andromeda did do some really awesome nuanced shit with Gil being gay and Jill wanting to have a kid with him. I LIVE for things that challenge the norm and that definitely is one of them that would make a lot of people on tumblr have a god damn aneurysm
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embryhallowed · 1 year
What I really need with all my heart is a mod that allows Avitus and Macen to live happily ever after and nothing bad happens to either of them :c
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cyrraluu · 2 years
"You have bad taste in men" "The worst."
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bruxbea · 2 years
“Okay we brushed up on First Contact protocol just stay professional and-“
“Don’t flirt don’t flirt don’t flirt we can’t be the guy who f👾cked first contact DON’T FLIR-“
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not-a-newt · 1 year
PSA I'm going to be reading the first mass effect andromeda novel, Mass Effect: Nexus Uprising and will be posting spoilers in the form of excerpts and commentary, which will be tagged under #nexus uprising — so if you don't want to see spoilers, you should blacklist that now :)
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