#mask wearer; anon
luk3nk13r4n · 2 months
which one of you is a better kisser?
K: We'd have to ask someone who has kissed both of us. L: It's probably me. K: How come whenever we get these questions, it's always you? L: Because I'm the best. K: I have an idea. L: What? K: Let's let our dear asker decide. They can kiss us and see for themself.
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
I can’t find it now, but you had a post about Kabru being high-masking, and you said you didn’t think he was, which is completely fair! I had a different opinion as someone who is high-masking AuDHD and wanted to share (but of course now I can’t find the post 9_9)
Personally, I read Kabru as being high masking autistic, with one critical difference between us: he’s an extrovert. I’m actually more like Milsiril than Kabru - I collect/make dolls, I’d rather be at home than anywhere else, I’ve been called creepy and weird and gloomy for all of those things, but I also learned how to mask relatively early on, so most people don’t ever get to see that side of me. For me it’s a lot of work and energy- most of the time. If I’m around people I like, it’s less so, but people in general take a lot of my energy. Kabru, on the other hand, is very extroverted. He gets a lot of energy from interacting with people, and for the most part his personality and interests are acceptable to the society he lives in. BUT his interest in dissecting people’s motivations and how they communicate and interact and how to move them in the direction he wants them to go, that’s considered overly intense and creepy even by his party. Kabru keeps a lot of his thoughts and honest reactions internal because he’s aware of how people interact and what is or isn’t acceptable. I do the same thing, and I engage in a fair bit of “manipulation” (neutral) as part of my masking - I know that asking people for advice, showing interest in their lives, complaining together about things, etc, will cause them to view me more favorably and I use that to keep myself “safe”, along with basically never talking about my interests. I’m friendly and open and helpful and I almost never fight back against anything, so people “like” me. It’s not all *fake*, but it’s not the whole truth either. I’d rather not engage in conversation at all, because I can’t talk honestly about my interests without being considered creepy- but if Kabru’s special interest is people and how they interact, to some degree he can talk about his interests without it seeming weird.
Anyways, that’s my perspective :D also thank you for being a Milsiril defender, it’s… really painful to see people calling her manipulative and superior. I know a lot of it is bc ppl DO NOT understand anyone who likes dolls as an adult but like….. liking dolls has less than nothing to do with “needing to feel superior” or in control -_-
Hello!! I collect dolls too!!! Proud to be nº1 Milsiril defender.
That's an interesting perspective! As far as I understand (I'm autistic too so I don't have personal experience to how allistic people work) everyone does some amount of masking, as in everyone has a version of themselves they use to interact with others and that "mask" usually falls when you're with people who know and understand you better
As I understand that type of mask is expected in society? Like you wont act at work the same way you do with your college friends (usually). But as some tumblr post said "we are the mask and the wearer" as in those masks are still a part of who they are.
That's why I said I didn't think Kabru was high masking, I hadn't heard that term before so I was confused
Maybe I don't fully get it but keeping some parts of yourself inside and not expressing it to people who wont understand is common among allistic and autistic people but masking is this but in a way more stressful way? Since you aren't just hiding facets of who you are you're making an active effort to hide the whole thing basically.
Kabru's mask seems to come easily to him and it doesn't seem like he makes an conscious effort to go against his nature to hide who he is that's why I said he probably doesn't do high masking in that sense. But in another sense he IS highly adaptable to the people around him and studies how people act so I understand that perspective! It's more of a personal interpretation tbh.
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
pairing: teacher!reader x larissa weems
word count: 809
notes and warnings: ok so I loveee this request but I edited the plot just a bit,, I’ve made it so that reader and her students are pranking Larissa w pretending they started a fr cult lol
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You had never really intended for any of it to go this far.
It had started as a joke between a few of your students, that you were so infatuated with Larissa Weems that you would be starting a cult for her. Larissa had found out, and after ensuring that you were just embarrassed enough, she had let it go. You were sure she had already forgotten about it.
The semester was soon to be ending. After the incident with Marilyn Thornhill and the Hyde, everyone was a bit shaken up, and classes would only be continuing for another week or so. You had determined that your students were in desperate need of some fun — everyone was still so jumpy, and your classes were unusually quiet.
Every year, at the end of the semester, the principal of Nevermore was required to observe each class to check the teachers’ performances. Students were also meant to submit review forms for each professor, which had been submitted the week before.
Today was your day of inspection. Larissa would be sitting in on your last class of the day, for which you had prepared little homework for the students to do.
Instead, you had gone into Jericho and bought 25 black capes and 25 black masks. They were now in one of the drawers of your desk, waiting to be revealed as all of the students of your last class of the day filed into the classroom.
Once everyone was seated, you looked at the clock — you had only a few minutes before Larissa would arrive.
“Good afternoon,” you said, and within moments the classroom grew silent. “Today I’ve prepared for you all an extra special assignment.”
Murmurs erupted through the class, whispers about quizzes and essays. You held back a laugh, for your plans were so much different than what they had suspected.
“Some of you have been spreading jokes about a Goddess Weems cult. While I know it may be disappointing that such a thing does not and likely will not exist at Nevermore, Principal Weems will be joining us for this class period, and I think we’re all due for a bit of fun,” you explained, beginning to take the capes and masks out of your desk. “Today we’re going to be pranking our favorite principal.”
Larissa knocked lightly on the door to your classroom, giving everyone a moment to settle before she crept in.
She furrowed her eyebrows — the lights to the classroom were off, and the students stood facing her as shadowy figures, dressed in cheap Halloween masks and Dracula-esque capes.
Larissa flipped on the lights, and upon seeing you at your desk in a Jack O’Lantern mask and cape, she could hardly stifle a laugh. “Am I being initiated into a cult or something?”
A few of the students broke into quiet laughter, for which they got scolded by some of their classmates. After a moment everyone said in unison, “All hail Goddess Weems. We pledge our loyalty to the wearer of Crimson Lipstick Number 10 from Walmart. May her followers be blessed.”
Larissa glanced around in disbelief, crossing her arms. “Well, I suppose it’s about time you all realized how wonderful a principal I am.”
At this you broke, in hysterics as you took off your pumpkin mask. “We haven’t even gotten to the choreographed dance yet! Was it at least a bit creepy when all the lights were off and we were just standing there?”
“Oh, this was meant to scare me?” Larissa teased, coming to stand across from you at your desk.
“I thought it was very terrifying!” Said Eugene as he took off his zombie mask. “I haven’t been this thrilled since half of my bees flew away and battled an enemy tribe.”
“That’s…. so very interesting,” you nodded, attempting to picture how bees would have a ‘battle.’
“Class is dismissed early today,” Larissa announced, and your class broke out in excited whispers.
When you nodded, they all began to rush out into the halls.
“I’m not sure if I should be flattered or concerned,” Larissa teased. “I must admit, I’ve never been pranked by a teacher before.”
“I’m honored to be the first,” you teased, taking off your cape before going over to wrap your arms around her.
“I could fail your faculty inspection for cult activity.”
“You could, but then I’d get fired, and you’d have no one to bring you coffee to your office every morning.”
“I could get an assistant,” she teased.
“Yes, but they would buy the cheap coffee grounds. I splurge for the whole $7 pack.”
Larissa laughed, her voice airy and angelic.
“Besides,” you added with a small smile, “you like having me around.”
“What do you mean? All I did was marry you.”
You shook your head, grinning. “And now we have an entire cult.”
taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl @mayfair-fleur
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imagionationstation · 2 months
Hello, I hope this isn't a weird thing to ask, BUT
after seeing the last ask you posted a few minutes ago, my spark to draw genderbend!Donnie is once more lit.
I know she'll most likely look the exact same, no changes in her attire or anything, but here's the questions:
Would she tie her mask tails to a bow or leave them as they are in canon? And are there other little details about her appearance that would be different? What do you have in mind for her design?👀
So sorry, I just love this concept so much.
I don’t think it’s weird!
Hmm. Well, I do think Donnie would be very canon design outside the lair and on missions, but I was playing with the idea of her having more self-expression within the lair as the series goes on and she gets more comfortable in her own skin.
I deem her a sweater wearer. I know for a fact that taller, skinner people tend to get colder fast than others. Since Donnie is a scrawny turtle beanpole that lives away from sunlight, I believe she’d run into the same problem. She loves soft things with colorful patterns on them, but started subconsciously neglecting wearing them because her brothers would tease her about whatever Splinter managed to find when she was younger. She has a running collection at the beginning of the series that’s mentioned once in season two and then ‘rediscovered’ and used later on. Maybe after the space arc.
An Anon in a different Ask, which will be linked HERE when I post it, mentioned that Donnie would tie her mask tails into bows when she’s working in the lab and I’m fascinated by the idea. I totally wanna canon that. Ykw? ✨ It’s been AU canoned. ✨
I think if I wanted to give one consistent original design…
She doodles on her wrappings. Especially during a long mission stake-out (which the canon show CONSISTENTLY has Donnie complaining about), she has markers in her belt that she uses to doodle on her wrappings. It can be things like animals or buildings, but it’s usually about an invention that she’s thinking about at the time, which can hint the audience to the coming inventions.
Little grapples, t-pods, Metalheads, ShellRaisers, patrol buggys, smoke bombs, Stealth Bikes, and even things on her list of repairs, like the training dummy, their skateboards, and the t-phones.
Sometimes she even doodles on Mikey’s wrapping when she runs out of room or he begs her for something in particular. (He would copy her, but he never remembers to bring the objects necessary for doodling and Donnie is protective over her markers.) Her brothers don’t usually comment on it because Leo likes that it keeps her distracted and not lecturing/complaining, Raph will (happily) talk color schemes and designs with her, and Mikey just thinks it’s neat.
Hope that helps! Thanks for Asking!!
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kate-bot · 5 months
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OKAY SO I've gotten two asks about my Noisette cosplay AND THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS !!!!!!!! It was sm fun to make this cos, so I will gladly explain everything I did in hopes that it might help someone else!! also both anons please share your cosplays with me when theyre done i would love to see them....
I've tried to link everything where I can, where I got stuff etc... I only rarely cosplay (although I am thinking of going as the noise in May Comiccon) and this was my biggest ever project so!! It's very trial-and-error! But without further ado
Okay i’m gonna be real my mum helped me so much she basically did all the sewing for me. Sewing is the fucking bane of my existence I hate doing it so much so we planned it out together and she basically executed it. Props to her for that she’s so real… She also wrote down what she did!! So i’ll just paste and colour that in for you to read!!
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“The black material (seen in the above image) was originally a beanie hat that was picked apart to use as a template…
This was game changing basically. We had experimented with making the hat from scratch but it was far too difficult and we were both too stupid so we just unstitched a pre-existing hat and stole the template. The hat we cut up was one we had lying around for years so i cannot tell you where to get one from, but any beanie that is stitched together will work i guess! So I would recommend finding a hat that fits you snugly and doing the same thing!
…and the wool fabric that was utilised gave the finished product was stiff enough to be structurally sound.
I just got this from my local fabric shop, I would recommend wool over something like felt because it’s super sturdy and I was pulling on my mask a LOT.
Once sewn together, I attached a stiff card facemask to the front to help provide some structure, and to locate where the eye holes should be cut.
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I think this picture shows it pretty well, my mum was able to curve the shape of the fabric to fit a pre-existing mask- we got ours from Hobbycraft, just one of those stringed white template masks yknow. We cut off the string, made the eyeholes a little bigger and just stuck it straight on!! I should mention this was pretty much all done with a sewing machine as well!
After that, we made two ears from a paper pattern, stuffed them and put some wire inside to allow them to be positioned, before sewing them onto this headband, which was then sewn into the hat. The bottom of each ear was also stitched to the crown to give it some additional stability and to secure the headband correctly in position (having fitted it on the wearer).
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Yeah it was actually less of a mask and more of a headband!! That was what gave it most of the support and meant the ears would stay up, I’m not sure how it would work without it!! The ears were the only part that I could actually help with LMAO i just freehanded a little template, stuffed it, and then put in some modelling wire to make them able to be posed :)
Then it was a lot of hand sewing, and glueing the eyeholes to the mask to create a cohesive look.
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AND YEAH that’s pretty much all it was! I also attached some little felt eyelashes to add to it as well. Honestly I could never come up with a step-by-step guide for the process because it was such a trial and error thing (i’d made two test-hats before we even came up with the method) but it was so fun!!
I would 100% recommend if you want the ears to stay UP to stuff them AS MUCH AS U CAN and/or put wire in them!! :) I also made some cute little bows to clip into my wig in the same fabric to make it more cohesive!! I also put a bow (and a bunny tail heheh) on the back of the dress too!!
Super simple! I just found one online (okay for some reason the link has been taken off of the website, but just look up "overall dress" on google shopping and you will 100% find something super cute)- I made sure to buy the dress first, and then take it to the fabric shop to try and colourmatch the mask fabric as best as I could. Then it was just buying some big ol buttons off eBay and sewing them on!! (I could actually do that bit by myself, I'm bad at sewing but im not THAT bad)
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Cute patterned knee-high socks cuz shes cute like that. Leg warmers, I think I got them both off of Amazon... Converse I got from Depop and I had wanted to buy a pair anyway so I was super stoked to get them cheap!! I chose converse over a pair of high-heels or Mary Janes just for comfort reasons, I was walking around loads at the con so... Everything else apart from the shirt was from Amazon or just. Somewhere online(I have no idea where to get fancy white gloves LOL) and the shirt was from Depop as well! I liked how frilly it was, re: Noisette is cute like that!!
oh yeah and the wig. I hate wigs it was awful. I have no idea how to style them. underneath the hat was the most awful bowl cut ever I just. It wasn't my best moment. Dont ask me about wigs please .
Also I should mention I got this bag for the cosplay (which I now use all the time cuz its so cute) because i needed space to store shit and I wanted something on-brand with her cafe... this isnt the exact link I used but I just got it off of ebay :P
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Unfortunately I don't have a lot of WIP pictures of my props but they were pretty simple to make!! The coffee cup was literally just spraypainting over a reusable coffee cup and using POSCA pen to draw on the front! Fun fact the cup says "To Peppino" because originally my boyfriend was gonna go with me as Peppino before the Cruetly Squad brainrot got to him so. YEA
And the tip jar was also pretty simple, I just painted on the lid a plastic jar (can't be glass, not allowed at ComicCon) and cut out a bit of vinyl to work as the sign. The cobweb was just hot-glued 3D printer filament, and the spider was made with foam modelling clay (literally the best thing ever if you're making small models like that) and i stuck him to the lid of the jar with Kandi string so he'd bounce around :]
AND I THINK THATS IT!! i may as well post a pic of the full cosplay since I dont think many people would have made it this far.... But I think it turned out pretty cool!! I got recognised a few times as well which was amazing!! (cropped out my bf cuz idk if he wants his face on tumblr gfhhfg)
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SO YEAH!!!! if anyone has any questions please let me know.. but GOOD LUCK IN UR COSPLAY MAKING FRIENDS!!!! :D
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anotherghoul666 · 2 years
Oh no :( sleep token seems to have awoken something else in me. What is it about watching masked, menacing figures appreciate each other on stage that’s so addictive? Gahhh
So I'm pretty sure this was a thirst ask which, so valid anon, my own thirst for Vessel has hit me like a truck, and I could leave it at that or answer with a joke, but! I am me, I over-analyze and over-intellectualize shit, and you asked what it was about him that's addictive, so here we are. On today's episode of "AnotherGhoul takes a simple asks and turns it into a whole damn essay": masks, monsterfucking and stage personas, or why Vessel from Sleep Token is hot (with a nod to Ghost). For me*. I'll add, why he captivates me*, because everyone's thought process and erotic sources are different, but maybe you'll recognize yourself in something I describe here! Under a read more because I went WAY OVERBOARD WITH THIS XD
Option 1: the mask kink So, I've had a mask kink for a long time. I've had a name for it for maybe a decade. I got to wear my first full masks in an arousal context maybe around 2014-2015. I acquired my first mask in 2019 for play. I jumped in the puddle with both feet within the past two years or so in terms of wearing masks and making people wear masks. But I can also remember early memories when I was a kid of being very very very drawn to masked characters in cartoons or video games, so I'd say my propensity for them has been there for the vast majority of my life.
Masks do it for me because I highly eroticize the removal of human features or aspects. I find the consensual removal, or giving up, of humanity extremely exciting. Think, removal of speech through a gag or a simple rule, so that one of the main things that make us human, language, cannot be used during play. Or objectification, where a human would be made into an object consensually, or treated like one, be it playing a chair, a foot rest, a table, a decoration, a sex toy, etc. I enjoy the idea of a human, with its dignity and morals, consenting to being used like a mere disposable piece of plastic. The removal, blurring or limitation of core human features turns me on.
So it's easy to see why masks in general do it for me. It erases the human facial features, or replaces them with artificial features, to different degrees depending on which mask is chosen. It makes someone look less human. It separates the human from the object. Inside a mask, any micro-expressions you make don't matter. You may make a face or try to signal an emotion but that's not gonna translate. You cannot appeal to anyone's empathy from within a mask. From the outside, all the other person sees is the flat planes of the mask that don't move or change or adjust with the wearer's emotions. There is no expectation of being able to "read" a face when it's masked. No pressure to figure out the right expression and meaning. Which is probably comforting for me in terms of my neurodivergence and my difficulty with reading facial expressions in the first place. The mask doesn't move. There's nothing to read.
Now, I also know, for neurotypical people specifically, apparently masks are super hot because of the accent on the eyes. Your typical mask will have lessened facial features but slits or openings for the eyes, so the person inside can see. Naturally your gaze will glide on the featureless face and find the eyes. For NTs, whose brains are made to read people's eyes, "the eyes are the window to the soul" and all that jazz, eyes are often a person's most attractive feature. A mask accentuates someone's strongest and most unique trait. I don't subscribe to that. I prefer masks to dehumanize, not draw attention to the humanity under. The masks I find the hottest will have very little sight possible inside (added sensory play aspect here) and from the outside, covered eyes or weird eyes, as long as I don't get to see much of the wearer's eyes, it gets bonus points.
Which leads me to Vessel's mask. Inhuman face shape, check. No mouth (assumed no speech), check. No nose, check. In this case there are eyes, but there are six, not two, which I find very hot because of the monster aspect I'll speak about later, but also, they're covered inside. There's a mesh inside that allows him to see out, but we can't see in. So, no eyes, check. There is nothing for me to grasp there, nothing for me to read. My eyes glide and slide over the smooth surface of the mask with nowhere to grab onto. It's an endless search, so my brain can stop searching for clues, and that's relaxing. He could smile, he could be furious, he could cry, he could be uninterested, I'd never know. All I see is a mysterious face, the erotic appeal of anonymity on full display, the lack of humanity, the removed features. It's a 10/10 mask for me. (I like his stage mask less because of the cut out mouth, but I understand 100% the need for his mouth to be uncovered and unrestrained because the man has PIPES and he couldn't sing to the full extend of his abilities while hindered.)
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(All of this applies to the Ghost masks too. Imma dip into Ghost because this remains a Ghost-centric blog. But like, the masks are a huge part of why I write what I write, and why I find the ghouls so hot. The shiny, smooth surface of the masks. The replacement of all the musician's unique features for an ensemble of pre-determined uniform fake features. The lack of individuality. The lack of names. The dehumanization. Some masks show more eyes than others, some masks have more mouth space or show nose more than others, but all the eras still appeals to a degree.)
Option 2: teratophilia Another thing I eroticize a lot is monsters / inhuman monstrous creatures. That would be known as teratophilia, the sexual attraction to monsters, or monsterfucking as it's been popularized online. It can also cross over with exophilia, the sexual attraction to alien or extraterrestrial creatures, for some people. Basically, non-human weird creatures are hot. This is not a new concept at all, look at any historical mythology, people were down to fuck monsters thousands of years ago. It exploded in popularity on the internet within the last decade or so (tho it's been around since the creation of the web), with big movies like The Shape of Water or Marvel's Venom that spawned basically a tsunami of terato online, and the internet was never the same, for the viewing pleasure of us monsterfuckers. (*important note to please Harkness Test all your monsters before moving forward with the monsterfucking. If that test is news to you, please research it first.)
Monstrous, inhuman creatures are hot to me, similarly to masks, because of the removal of the human experience and aspects. Monsters, weirdly enough, are safer than humans. Monsters tend to be direct and instinctual creatures. A monster's level of danger or threat is readily visible and apparant. They may have fangs or claws or be huge or more powerful than a human, that shit tends to be obvious. I can deal with obvious danger. I may even eroticize said obvious danger. A human's level of danger is very difficult to determine. Humans know how to lie, they can manipulate and deceit, they can hide, their form doesn't betray immediate threat like a monster's form does, and so, humans feel unsafe. I'll take a direct, transparent danger over a hidden threat I might never notice any day.
Monsters also tend to not understand or value human concepts. They exist outside of human constructs and that has immense appeal to me. I can't imagine a monster giving much of a fuck about social constructs like gender or the binary; a monster's not gonna assume things about you and force you into boxes based on how you look; a monster's most likely not gonna give a fuck about neurodivergences or about your mental health status, positive or negative; a monster's not gonna give a fuck about physical health or disability. That's the core appeal, for example, of The Shape Of Water and why it made such a big splash in the terato community and converted lots of people over: the human lead character is mute, and a core part of her romance with the amphibian monster in the film is that it loves her for her. It doesn't know she's even disabled, because how would he know that humans talk and "need" a voice to be socially accepted. We shouldn't need a voice, or any other "default" capability to fit in. Everyone should be valued equally, yet in human society we are not, abelism is an unfortunately reality, but in the eyes of a non-human creature, all these social standards are meaningless. Monsters are a door to radical acceptance.
Which, once again, leads me back to Vessel. So, in the lore of the band, and I quote, "Sleep Token are a masked, anonymous collective of musicians united by their worship of an ancient deity crudely dubbed 'Sleep', since no modern tongue can properly express its name. This being once held great power, bestowing ancient civilizations with the gift of dreams, and the curse of nightmares." Now, immediately that makes my brain jump to Lovecraftian horror, the Chtulu mythos, eldritch horror, etc. It conjures images of an immemorial creature with powers far beyond the human brain's conceptualization capabilities, a deity of a thousand eyes and mouths and pure darkness and tentacles, a creature that would corrupt the feeble human mind on first sight and break our psyche to fragments with a blink. This? This is the shit for me. That's my kryptonite. I adore eldritch horror (while being conscious of the extreme ethical and moral problems in the source material, yes I know Lovecraft was a racist piece of shit, I hate it too). Tentacles are deeply, deeply ingrained in my brain and DNA as pure arousal triggers (thank you, random hentai videos from the early 2000s). So like. What more do I need. I'm already in love. Vessel. He's a vessel. He channels this Sleep deity. He receives. He takes in this deity, its unconceivable power. A vessel, the term by itself, the concept by itself, is erotic. A vessel is useless unless filled. It's made to be filled. To receive. To carry. To hold. A vessel can only take. A vessel is always open and ready. A vessel may overflow and make a mess. A vessel is an object. A vessel is intrinsically feminine. So what can Sleep's Vessel do. What power would he hold within, what has he received. With his faceless face and his blackened body, remains of a human, overtaken by a cosmic monster of Sleep and dreams. Made to worship. He dedicates his life to worship. Active worship of ink and voice and energy on stage. Vessel receives and holds. What could be give. Of course I'm gonna think of tentacles and monstrous, unavoidable, mind corrupting sex. It's like, right there. It's in the name. It's in the deep marine biology theme of This Place Will Become Your Tomb. Fall For Me? Please, you give me this visual and this command? I'll fall.
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(This also applies to Ghost. The entire "the ghouls are demons" vibe the fandom has given them is in huge part why I'm so attracted to them and write them in erotic scenarios. They are not human. They're demons. They're creatures from hell. I love to play with their lack of understanding of the human form and human social norms in my fics. They don't understand rejection, so they may not reject based on human constructs. They have powers tied to the elements and the void and hell mythology that makes them strong and scary. They have the fangs and claws and horns and devil tails; they can shift their shape and look more demonic with crazy tongues and wings and hands and feet. Nothing about the ghouls is human beyond the general shape of their flesh and that's pure seduction for me.)
Option 3: stage presence Anonymity is a weird beast that radically changes how a person acts and feels. Anonymity allows for a process called disinhibition, where a human's natural behavior inhibitors (eye contact, to read someone's expression, fear of being judged, fear of being seen, fear of getting caught, discomfort with pain, etc.) are diminished or nullified. We all knows disinhibition very well, because we experience it online every day. It's what allows us on tumblr to be thirsty motherfuckers this openly, while we likely wouldn't be as horny on main in person with other people. It's what allows trolls to thrive and cause harm; allows people to send mean asks or comments without feeling bad about it. Through anonymity online, we're allowed to post whatever we want, and not face the consequences of having someone's eyes directly on us, of being observed, of seeing the hurt we may cause on someone's face. If we make someone cry online, we likely will never know and we'll never see the tears, for example, and tears are an evolutionary tool to show emotion and discourage an attacker from causing further harm through a presumed level of empathy. When anonymous, you are invulnerable. Unreachable. You are the ether. You are the void. You are formless. You have no weakness. Nothing can get to you. Anonymity is power. You cannot be judged, for who can prove that it was you. To be anonymous is to be free.
History is chock full of the use of anonymity and masks to justify a change in behavior. Just think back to masquerades or carnivals. Events that often devolved into pure debauchery, because when masked, you could do anything you truly wanted. You could have sex and act wanton, you could drink and overindulge, you could party and be open about who you are inside, because nobody knows it's you, and nobody will know come morning. Masks were a key to freedom, a class eraser, a way for different classes to mingle without consequence. To wear a mask changes how you act. Once protected, once hidden, once safe, a person will act according to their true desires and whims. Masks allow us to be unhinged. And that's what happens on stage with masked performers.
In the mask, Vessel can act as unhinged and inhuman as he wants. He can let music consume him, make him move weirdly, erratically, dance around and contort himself like he does on stage, because it's not him doing it. Whoever is inside the mask (and no, I don't want to know. For now at least.), on stage it's not him. It's Vessel. And Vessel is a conduit for the music and the god. That's why he moves so strangely. Why he's so "creature". He doesn't have to be a human on stage, he's in the mask, in the paint, in the costume, nobody can ever hold anything he does up there against him, nobody knows who he is. The freedom he must feel. That's also why he can feel up on his band mates like he does. He touches them, encircles them, gyrates and grinds against them, appreciates them as you say, because he's not himself, and they're not themselves. This is all fine to do, because it's Vessel and the numbers, it's the characters. He feels his music, and his music is sex. It's so fucking sexy. His voice, the bass, the drones, Sleep Token is incredibly erotically charged music, like music with heavy themes of worship and power and surrender tends to be. Vessel sings lyrics of obsessive love and devotion, of violence, of consumming each other. He feels himself. His bandmates feel themselves. They feel each other. There's so much tension in their stage antics. They sing of sex: "Oh, and my love Did I mistake you for a sign from God Or are you really here to cut me off? Or maybe just to turn me on Cause these days I would be lying if I told you that I didn't wish that I could be your man Or maybe make a good girl bad" Why not act like it.
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(I guarantee the anonymity disinhibition is what happens to the Ghost ghouls too. Not that they're anonymous anymore, and they know that, but on stage, in the moment, the disconnect between who they are as a person and who their stage personas are in Ghost is visible to the naked eye. Yes there are tells with how they move, but in Ghost it's like everything is turned up to 11 on the intensity dial. Because they're not *them*, they're the ghouls, so they can have more fun, be more free, more unhinged. They're more silly, they make more jokes, they fuck around with each other more than any of them does in their "real" unmasked bands. The ghoul personas allow them to be a magnified version of themselves, because it's not them, they're behind masks, they can sell the sex more, the tension, they can go theatrical with the jokes, it's characters doing it, not the musicians. I saw Per Eriksson live with Blootbath, I saw him with Ghost. Are there tells it's the same guy? Sure. Did I ever see Per lick his guitar picks and mime jacking off on his audience in Blootbath? No. Would the guy think of doing that shit in his "real" life? I'm sure. Dude's got "Sodomizer" tattooed across his stomach, I bet he goes ham on the sex jokes. But like. Unmasked in person, he's more soft spoken, he's more shy, even on stage, in the absolute blistering agfression of Blootbath's music, covered in fake blood, he still holds back the jokes and the sex. That's allowed for his Ghost character, but not for Per Eriksson the guitarist.)
Option 4: all of the above For me it's the combo. Inhuman masked face + monster undertones + anonymity disinhibition = arousal trigger / fascination for a character.
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tl;dr: enjoy Vessel, enjoy the guys appreciating each other, thirst over them, it's all great, as long as you Worship and ideally support them (within your means) with streams or merch or concert tickets if they have earned it in your mind.
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon​
Halloween event
Support me on Ko-fi
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Warning: Stalker, stalking behaviour, stalker breaking and entering
As the fight broke out you covered your ears and gasped. The sound of the first punch cracked the air like a whip. Backing through the crowd you bumped into someone. In the dim light and from the mask they were wearing you realised it was Sweet Pea.
“I want to get out of here.” You said and grabbed his hand. Silently he led you away from the fighting and towards the woods in the direction of Pop’s, you assumed at first. “I don’t think this is the way to Pop’s.” You said after a while. The mask wearer looked back at you and silently pointed toward the trees. 
“(Y/N)!” You heard bellowed out. There was a loud rustle and Jughead whipped out of the forest, spreading torn branches and leaves into the air and he used his jacket to protect himself. You were so startled by his sudden appearance that you let go of Sweet Pea’s hand. When you turned back to him he’d gone. “I found (Y/N)!” Jughead yelled.
“I wasn’t lost? I was going to Pop’s with Sweet Pea.” You said and frowned when Sweet Pea emerged from where Jughead had moments before.
“How did you get over there so quickly?” You asked. Sweet Pea frowned, and glanced at Jughead then at you.
“What’re you talking about? Someone went off with you into the woods.” He insisted. You frowned but didn’t have time to press the issue as Sweet Pea tightly gripped your arm and steered you in the opposite direction as Fangs and Toni marched past.
“We’ll find them!” Toni yelled. Several more serpents hurried past. You found yourself marched back out of the woods the way you came and towards Sweet Pea’s bike. 
“I don’t understand!” You complained and yanked your arm from Sweet Pea’s. “Sweet Pea went that way with me to Pop’s. He had the mask that Sweet Pea wore at the Halloween party earlier and he had his jacket on.”
“They had a serpent jacket?” Jughead asked.
“Yes.” You said in a sarcastically sing-song voice, irritated that no one seemed to be taking you seriously.
“(Y/N). Sweet Pea was with me the whole time.” Betty said as she glanced around at the group and gave you a sympathetic look.
"You’re telling me the person in the mask isn’t Sweet Pea! Ew, I held their hand!" You said and rubbed your hand on your shirt before looking at them all curiously. “Well, then who was it?” 
“We don’t know but I’m sure Toni will get them. If she doesn’t I will.” Veronica said. She looked furious. Now no one wanted to attend it anymore. Trust some random person in Riverdale to spoil the fun. She decided that she’d find someone and move the party to your house as a surprise. Only people she knew would be allowed through the door.
“You’re sure they were wearing a Southside Serpents jacket? A Riverdale one?” Archie asked. He’d stepped away to fill in Reggie who hurried off with a few friends after Toni and Fangs.
“Yes. He was dressed exactly like Sweet Pea. Exactly what he had on. Also, he was wearing the same cologne.” You explained. Jughead looked a bit worried at that and shrugged.
“Well. Why don’t you go home with Sweet Pea just in case they were after you for something? You’ve helped me and Betty solve enough mysteries that it could be the case. I’m sure it’s just some Halloween prank and we’ll all be at Ronnie’s party in no time.” Jughead suggested. You agreed and went with Sweet Pea. he pulled up the seat of his bike and pulled out the helmet he kept for you. Toni had drawn some cool designs on it for you a while back. 
You and Sweet pea headed back to your house. You passed the time by watching some Halloween cartoons. After a while, your phone rang.
“Hello?” You said.
“Hey! It’s Toni. You need to make sure all your doors and windows are locked.” She said frantically. You frowned and put her on speaker.
“Why? What happened?” You asked.
“Jug is on his way to explain, just make sure you’re locked in!” Toni insisted. The tone of her voice had Sweet Pea vaulting over the sofa and hurrying to check the doors and windows downstairs. He even went room to room, checking no one was hiding in the house. Jughead arrived not too long later. FP was with him. He looked rather grim as he waited at the end of your pathway.
“What happened?” Sweet Pea asked. He stepped just outside of your doorway, forcing you to stay inside a little.
“Look. urm. It’s. It's bad.” Jughead said. His voice sounded odd. Off. Uncomfortably strained as if he was incredibly worried.
“Just spit it out, Jug!” You complained. He didn’t say anything. Just reached into his pocket. He handed Sweet pea a big folded lump of paper. When Sweet Pea infolded it you could both see photocopies of polaroid pictures. 
“These are all of (Y/N).” Sweet pea muttered as he flicked through them. You felt a little sick. “This. Jug. This is the side of (Y/N)’s bedroom. This is (Y/N) asleep upstairs…” Sweet Pea’s voice changed from shocked to furious. 
“We know. There were more in the campervan. He has a whole setup in the woods. It looks like he was planning on taking (Y/N).” Jughead said quietly to Sweet Pea. bile rose in your throat as your chest tightened. You noticed that FP flagged someone down and several bikes pulled up next to his car.
“Ok Jug.” FP called. Alice pushed him aside and hurried up the steps. Betty was close behind her with Veronica stopping so furiously that her high heels managed to dislodge one of the paving stones of your garden path. 
“You go in and pack. You’re staying with me and Betty ok. FP is going to stay here with some friends in case this creep comes back.” Alice said as she led you inside. While she and Betty went around downstairs and gathered things you’d need for a long stay with them, you tried to head upstairs. You got halfway up before a horrible unease set over you. 
“I’ll come.” Sweet Pea said as he hurried up to meet you and put a hand on your back. Nodding you went up. He helped you pack your things and carried some of your bags downstairs. He hugged you as you let Betty take your things to her mom's car.
“We’ll get this all sorted.” He said as you pulled away. His face was stern and his jaw clenched. You went off with Betty, Alice, and Veronica while everyone else either split off to find the guy or stayed to watch your house. The car ride to the Cooper house was quiet and when you pulled up on the drive you saw that Fred Andrews was waiting on his porch. He hurried around and helped you all inside.
“Archie filled me in on what’s happening. Toni and Cheryl are on their way down. From what I hear you have your own security crew.” Fred tried to give you an encouraging smile but it looked more like a pitying grimace.
“Let’s go upstairs. We can sort out the spare room for you.” Betty suggested. You nodded and you went up with her. Veronica followed close behind after kicking off her heels.
“I know it’s the smallest deal right now with everything going on but Betty. Your carpets are amazingly soft.” You all laughed and when Toni and Cheryl arrived ready to comfort you and promise defence to their dying breath they found the three of you laughing so hard that you were in tears while appreciating the softness of the Cooper carpet.
Sweet Pea tags:
@lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @theletterhart @boardstomymood @greekktragedyy @daughterofthenight117 @sarcasm-n-insomnia @geli2297 @justice-for-the-kaldorei @kaylantus @ssa--holmes @salemsnothere @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @devilslilbabysblog @why-am-I-here-01 @babygrinchsblog @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @gillybear17 @lelapine @lchufflepuffcorn @lucyqueenofthestars @Kaitieskidmore1 @stupendousbelieverzombie @jamie-c-bower-simp @boardstomymood
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Tell a Maria and hi from us and that we would love to punch that mask-octupus-brown haired glass wearer man, she knows who we are talking about for sure.
I will!
But what man are you talking about?
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shouta-edits · 9 months
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"Can i have a deuce factkin fashion kit? I would like a masc style and maybe lovecore themed and size small. " -anon requested
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
I wake up! I see superhero au snippits :) so i read them, as one does.
*I slowly give out room keys to the apparent apartment of my brain, because these characters aren't leaving anytime soon*
I would apologize but we are one in the same I am afraid, the AU has latched onto my brain and refuses to let go - so just for you 🍂anon, have another, from much further along in the story
The mask opens up around Scar’s face and he winces as he feels something twinge in his lower spine. ‘You can walk again one day, maybe, if you do enough therapy,’ he remembers a doctor saying. He shuffles his feet and stares down at The Watcher – at Cuteguy - and takes a deep breath. He should close the mask. Depending on how this goes he doesn’t necessarily want Cuteguy to remember who he is.
The mask shuts again, Scar going back to taking deep breathes of air pumped through the suit and into his face to make sure he gets enough oxygen. He crouches down, trying to ignore how his stomach twists up at the sight of the Watcher’s wings beating desperately against the ground. He remembers when they were a peach color.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he says. His voice comes out mechanically through the suit, a distorter hidden somewhere inside the helmet to further hide his identity.
The Watcher’s breathing is heavy enough to be sucking the veil into his mouth. At the sound of Scar’s voice, he goes stock still and then his head snaps to look at Scar. Is he looking? The blindfold says otherwise. Scar watches as he tests the cuffs keeping his hands in place. Iskall designed them – combination cuffs and mittens to keep the hands from being able to reach up and do anything, while also allowing their wearer to be shocked if things get really out of hand. Scar has the remote for them, but he’s not planning on using it.
“You’re new,” the Watcher says. Scar misses the bubbly tone to his voice. This sounds resentful. Pious, in a way. Lacking entirely of the fun of it all.
“You wish I was,” Scar replied.
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onlyamaskedfool · 8 months
Hey mask anon! If someone were to, perhaps, draw you... what outfit would you wear?
In tailored threads of charcoal and black,
A symphony of style, a polished track.
Suit and tie, a sartorial decree,
Elegance and confidence, the wearer to be.
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luk3nk13r4n · 2 months
What would y'all do if I was a worm? 👀
L: How did you turn into a worm? K: Did one of Onychinus's enemies do this? L: Should we go after them!? K: Hang on, let's take care of the situation at hand first. L: Okay, okay. Oh man, we have to keep you out of Mephisto's sight. K: Do you think the boss will let us keep a pet worm? L: He doesn't have to know.
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And as for what its effects are:
The Mask Anon has delivered similar masks by nincada before.
They all have a similar effect upon their wearer.
Which are?
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justsomeoneunordinary · 4 months
i have an idea of something i want to put in a fanfic and i would like to ask your opinion.
My idea is to make a cursed item.
an special Uzumaki mask that acts like Hakari's domain expansion but more extreme (if that's even possible).
basically what i have in mind is that the mask, a three eyed oni mask that when put on, allows the wearer summons a deity (maybe an eldrich god of some kind) the deity allows the wearer to gamble in a slot machine where if the wearer wins he gets infinity chakra and get like they opened the eight gates for a few minutes (two minutes and twenty six seconds the lenght of BENNETT - Vois sur ton chemin - DJ Holanda MONTAGEM CORAL Remix (Official Audio Video) that song they use to do those gojo and yuji teacher/student short edits) consequence free but if the wearer loses they die and their souls is devoured by teh deity the mask summons.
the thing is, the chance of the person wearing the mask winning or losing depends exclusevily the persosn's luck, but every time they hit a jackpot, the chance of losing increase, like, let's say, Sakura wears the mask for teh fisrt time so the chance of hitting a jackpot is 50/50, if she spins again the chance of hitting a jackpot independently is she pulls the lever right after her first pull or after some time has passed, the chance of hitting the jackpot drops to 20/80 and so on and so forth.
Hi anon, my opinion is this: You should write whatever makes you happy, no matter what others think about it. If this concept interests you and you'd like to see it written, go for it! No one else's opinion should matter.
On that note, I'm starting to feel rather uncomfortable with the increasing asks for my opinion on your concepts. It's flattering that you care so much for my opinion and that you like my character analyses and concepts, but the problem is when you send me something that doesn't interest me, I have to come up with a polite and diplomatic answer that doesn't hurt anybody, especially not you.
And I just don't feel like treating my tumblr inbox like a professional e-mail. I'm running this blog for fun and it stops being fun the moment I am facing asks that aren't my cup of tea.
So my answer to all your asks about your ideas is that you should go for anything that brings you personally joy, because that's all that matters.
Sorry for answering this openly for everyone to see but because you're on anon, I couldn't send you the reply privately.
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No wonder you're a conservative. Not a single intelligent thought from you. Die already, statist.
Statist ????
Are you joking ????
Tell me sundiver, you vaxed ? Boosted ? Mask wearer ?
Part of the resistance are you ?
A bootlicking supporter of the greatest anti-human corporate government collective to ever exist in all of History ???
To quote a famous, intellectually superior celebrity . . . . .
Ehh, what a Maroon !!!!!
I'm dying like everyone else, one day at a time. As for you ? May the hate, the unearned, illogical, fabricated and then clung to like it was gold hate that you possess be held to your account one day. It's trite, trivial, meaningless and without substance. So sticks and stones and all that good stuff.
Thank you however for being honest enough to NOT be an anon. That actually gives your dumb ass a couple points.
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thecursedspinner · 5 years
A small trinket arrived at Mr. Gold's shop. A golden brown, translucent token token that fit in the palm of his hand. When brought up to the light, a small insect was encased within. It was rather large compared to the common variety of bloodsuckers, but it was well preserved within the solid item that the pawn shop owner held now. A message in sharpie had been written on a loose leaf of paper that spilled from the bubble mailer the amber arrived with. 'DINO DNA. CAUTION.' Curious!
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Seriously? Someone had decided to keep dinosaur dnd, while also leaving a warning about it? If they were so worried about dinosaurs getting loose, why not just destroy the dna? And why send the thing to him, of all people? “I don’t know who thought giving me dinosaur dna would be a good idea,” he mused to himself. “I’m not about to bring dinosaurs back, but this does bear some looking into.”
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