#mask theatre
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Larval and Halfmask theatre workshop
When: 8 & 9 June 2024
Where: Sauve, Gard 30610, France
Taught by: Freya Stang
Suitable for: actors, clowns, dancers, anyone interested in movement and body expression
Information / reservation: [email protected]
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simsalabimproductions · 2 months
Larval and Half Mask workshop - June 2024
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Larval and Half Mask workshop 8 & 9th June 2024
taught by: Freya Stang
Where: Sauve, Gard 30610, France
info & bookings: contact@simsalabim productions.com
Suitable for actors, clowns, dancers / anyone interested in body expression or body work.
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junopede · 7 months
Kayne is a 13 year old girl writing fanfic on his school Chromebook at two in the morning
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marlocandeea · 7 months
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Namanari, Hannya and Ja, three stages of spirit possession, usually because of grief or jealousy, as depicted in Noh theatre.
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png-magician · 9 months
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chernobog13 · 9 months
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Legends Arceus is such a good game if you try to play it from a character's POV. I personally do it with most pokemon games because it's just a thing I've done since I was like seven I think BUT it just adds FLAVOR. Blorboify your experience.
Like. OK. Say you play as Akari but HC her as Dawn being isekai'd, partial memory wipe maybe if that's your jam. Does she choose Oshawott because it reminds her of Piplup at home, wherever home may be? Does she hear about Almighty Sinnoh and vaguely recall something about adventures with friends, something so close that she just can't quite grasp onto? Does she feel this... unease around Cyllene, even though she knows Cyllene has done nothing but be helpful and stand up for her so far?
Currently in my playthrough, Playing as Drew and having this immense adverse gut reaction to Melli? Frowning at Akari, knowing she seems familiar from... somewhere, assuming Drew and Dawn have crossed paths coordinating. Or him seeing Irida's red headbandy thing and short bobbed hair, and feeling this jolt of familiarity that he feels like he should know like the back of his hand? Picking wildflowers in Cobalt Coastlands, trying to grasp onto fleeting memories of flowers and conversations on far-off beaches?
A funnier option: Playing as Ash, being surrounded by people you vaguely swear you know one way or another but having to deal with the fact that to them you're just some guy that fell out of the sky?
Possibly the funniest: Playing as Iris/Cilan/whoever in Unova and seeing Ingo like HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE
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pradaldi · 7 months
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For a few nights at the rail yard, the travelling theatre company will entertain the locals.
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mistydawnmorrow · 5 days
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Melody + Momma
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thesilicontribesman · 6 months
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Roman Actor's Mask, Warrington Museum and Gallery
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nerdyprudesmuststim · 6 months
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pokey devotee ruth stimboard !
⛧ with related stims !
☾ self-indulgent !
x | x | x
x | ! | x
x | x | x
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koszmarnybudyn · 4 months
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Hermie creature
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simsalabimproductions · 2 months
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Larval and Half Mask course 8&9th June 2024
taught by: Freya Stang
Where: Sauve, Gard 30610, France
info & bookings: contact@simsalabim productions.com
Suitable for actors, clowns, dancers / anyone interested in body expression or body work.
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stitchthelilo · 1 month
gangle is an autistic theatre kid. my proof? masking is something autistic people do to hide their symptoms, and being a theatre kid would make sense for her because of the whole theme and vibe she has going on
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stabberghost · 2 years
more dhmis ocs!!! yippee! yahoooo!!
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I am not quite sure what to name them but yeah they both teach about acting and they're meant to look like the tragedy and comedy masks if it weren't obvious teehee
i know absolutely nothing about acting and drama so apologies if everything i make about these two aren't completely accurate to acting. but i mean is anything really accurate in the puppet world
i might change their designs but who knows i just want to show you guys these funny creatures
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