genderkoolaid · 2 years
I remember at one point seeing a cis woman on here talking about how she dodnt like being called Mx (as opposed to Miss or Ms) because as a kid she had bullies degender her for being fat and queer.
And like that's a perfectly reasonable request, and as far as I saw people were very respectful of it (though there might have been backlash i missed) but i think a lot of the same people who see "denying a girl access to womanhood because of her weight can be traumatizing" don't extend the same compassion to men being denied access to manhood
(re: men not wanting to be called princess being labeled toxic masculinity, also that one TikTok about using they for trans men who specifically use he)
"but i think a lot of the same people who see "denying a girl access to womanhood because of her weight can be traumatizing" don't extend the same compassion to men being denied access to manhood"
Yes!!! Yes!!!!!!!
I've been thinking a lot about "gender wounds" which is just what I've been calling trauma that comes from gender-based cruelty, whether its degrading you for your gender or forcibly alienating you from it. Gender is an important part of a lot of people's identity and having that attacked can be really traumatizing. So many men experience this but its also so normalized. Like you said, a lot of people can understand how being denied access to your womanhood is traumatizing, even when you are cis, but don't see it the same with men. "Fragile masculinity" is so often said with such lack of compassion, but being terrified of having your gender revoked for the slightest misstep is traumatizing.
The appropriate response is not "don't be a baby, just embrace being feminine!" because honestly, that's not much better than "don't be a baby, just be more masculine!", and doesn't do much to actually help (esp cis) men understand how they are being negatively impacted by the patriarchy.
To quote Jennifer Coates:
"Have you noticed, when a product is marketed in an unnecessarily gendered way, that the blame shifts depending on the gender? That a pink pen made “for women” is (and this is, of course, true) the work of idiotic cynical marketing people trying insultingly to pander to what they imagine women want? But when they make yogurt “for men” it is suddenly about how hilarious and fragile masculinity is — how men can’t eat yogurt unless their poor widdle bwains can be sure it doesn’t make them gay? #MasculinitySoFragile is aimed, with smug malice, at men—not marketers."
When we see things like Yogurt For Men, we should respond with "isn't it fucked up that the patriarchy makes men feel like every single aspect of their lives needs to be appropriately manly or else they are failures?" because that's actually pointing to the systematic source of the problem.
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runthepockets · 8 months
It's really fascinating watching toxic masculinity / gender roles get recreated and normalized in trans spaces cus I don't even think a lot of people realize they're doing it.
Like, it's pretty understandable to most people, on some level, why doing yardwork and a lot of heavy lifting would make a trans woman dysphoric, but the same grace is very rarely extended to trans men who have dysphoria around doing housework and washing up regularly, as if both of these dysphoria triggers are not very blatantly from the same place [that is: growing up in a patriarchal society, where "yardwork and heavy lifting is for men and housework is for women" is a mantra that most families ingrain in their children from an early age]. Not saying this as if trans women have some sort of unique forcefield of safety and privilege or whatever, but I see cis people doing the same shit in their circles; if a product comes in pink packaging with flowers and "for women" in a fancy purple font, it's (rightly) seen as shallow work of marketing executives who prey on women's insecurities in order to wring more money out of them, but when a product comes in blue packaging with utilitarian aesthetics and "for men" in hardened steel font, it's seen as #masculinitysofragile, even though it's also the work of shallow marketing executives who prey on men's insecurities and want to wring money out of them, too. Idk just something I've noticed. Pretty frustrating but also kinda hilarious.
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galahadwilder · 3 years
Hey bro, have you ever tried reading the red pill, Rollo Tomassi’s the rational male, and manosphere stuff, which tell you the TRUE NATURE OF WOMEN and how to game them/get a harem? It’s much better than being a cuck soy boy trying to be femme to get attention, women love raw masculinity deep down. Forums DOT red, sincerely, you will shoot to alpha male
I was going to delete this obviously spam ask out of hand, but honestly I kind of want to mock it instead. But where do you start?
The fact that the writer has clearly never spoken to a woman in his life?
The fact that he thinks that men know what women want better than women do?
The fact that he’s citing people who are scamming him and preying on his insecurity as if they were scientific sources?
The fact that he thinks “a harem” is something that he could even handle, much less achieve?
The fact that he thinks “a harem” is something I would even want?
The fact that he thinks “alpha male” is even a thing that exists?
The fact that he hasn’t realized that anyone who calls themself an “alpha male” is an unmasculine coward terrified of being associated with anything feminine?
The fact that he hasn’t realized that the literal version of “taking the red pill” is actually about realizing you’re NOT a man, but rather a trans woman?
I mean, seriously. Anon here puts SO MUCH EFFORT into being wrong when being right is SO EASY. Just… listen to women, my dude. It’s not hard. Maybe go touch some grass or eat a vegetable. Try soap and deodorant, too—maybe a woman might finally find your sorry ass attractive if you stopped trying to look (and smell) like Bigfoot.
Or maybe stop visiting terrorist Reddit threads, too. That might help.
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...said the person trying to attach someone’s worth as a man to whether they own an item or not, and using appropriated “Patriarchal” sexism to shame men for supposedly being insecure.
Oh, and ignoring women who are also gun enthusiasts.
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f-prometheus · 5 years
This year I was asked to do the front cover page for my school's magazine. The magazine focused, among other things, on the general problem of stereotypes. Therefore I had to paint something in accordance to that and I thought what better way to show a breaking of stereotype than with Ermal Meta's real-life NON-TOXIC MASCULINITY. Honestly this man is truly an inspiration to so many, the way he just accepts who he is without condition and does the same for other people. I love him so much and I hope you like the way I chose to honor him. :)
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guante · 5 years
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The first episode of #WhatsGoodMan is available now! Listen via apple podcasts, spotify, or whatever. Here’s an audio link AND the full transcript.
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tambrius · 5 years
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rawjawbone · 5 years
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I swear, I could make a fortune off of fragile masculinity. Just re-name and repackage anything as "FOR DUDES!!" and I can guarantee it would just print money. #dudewipes #masculinitysofragile https://www.instagram.com/p/B2H_1xdFuGr/?igshid=1cz5l4hwn384e
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crazyadorable-blog1 · 6 years
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Freddie Mercury is rolling in his grave
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ikirby79 · 3 years
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Cozy winter evening 🌙 with my little man. #realmendopilates #realmenpray #gentlemansstyle #realmenrealstyle #realmendorealthings #realmenstandup #gentlemanshoes #gentlemanscode #realmenweartights #gentlemanlook #realmendontbuygirls #masculinitysofragile #realmenlovejesus #realmencancook #realmenstillexist #realmendontrape #realmenknit #masculinityisnottoxic #manupmonday #manhoodacademy #masculinitywithresponsibility #manhoodstones #manhoodrestored #masculinitymastered #masculinityisaprison #manhoodacademywest #manhoodawarenessmonth #masculinityevolved #manhoodtips #masculinityhasnoboundaries (at Leavenworth, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW94I3ksJ_c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Masculinity Institute
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sofetchxylocarp · 6 years
One time I asked my ex if his bed was a queen size and he got offended because, he, a man, could not sleep in a bed named for women. This 6' 2", 200+ lb man, was much prouder to be sleeping in his smaller, full size bed because....masculinity.
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Makeup for men:[exists] Tumblrina: This is fragile masculinity, somehow.
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But you take an identical product, make it brightly colored with patterns women like, and shaped more to appeal to the eye than the hand, it’s business as usual?
If not dubbed sexist against women. So a product catering to men is a sign of sexism and/or "fragile masculinity" in men, but a product aimed at women is sexism against women. (Unless it's something "feminist", like Birds of Prey or Captain Marvel.)
There’s plenty of makeup products for women that come in black. Black is a neutral, low-key color that works with almost everything. They’re “about making men feel comfortable to shout about wearing makeup.”, so it’s better not to be high-key about it, at least at first.
And that’s assuming this is even about catering to men’s ‘insecurities’, instead of just catering to men
Also, these folks are donating part of their proceeds to a mental health foundation. And men struggle a lot with mental health.
Also, those aren’t even the actual products, those are painted blanks to make a cool shot in the publicity photo. The actual products say what they are, and the brush head is the same color as any other brush.
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Anyway, OP deleted the post - after blocking onemv*, and has me pre-blocked, of course. The citadelOfMyThoughts doesn’t seem very secure. Maybe because it’s so empty.
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toplesstopics · 6 years
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TIL there are dudes intensely involved in and immediately triggered by a nonspecific call to stop using "balls" as a euphemism for courage. #MasculinitySoFragile #byefelipe
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Lizz sees Isle of Dogs
On Isle of Dogs:
The visuals. Wow. Holy shit this film was well directed. Kept my eyeballs captivated in every moment. AND THE SOUNDTRACK?!?!?! Fire. Those two aspects of the film were beyond admirable.
Other than that, this movie is complete trash and it makes me want to burn everything to the ground. Of the 49 voice actors employed for this project, only 9 of them were women. And all of the female characters were there to serve as romantic counterparts to the male characters. There is literally a scene in the end where we see a montage of all the male heroes having a possessive moment with their female prizes. It's fucking disgusting.
On another way less serious but still annoying note, why do all dog people feel the need to express their love for dogs by showing how much they hate cats? I identify as a cat person. And I, much like most cat people I've ever met, also like dogs. If I go outside and play with your dog, I'm not going to feel threatened if you mistake me for a dog person. I feel completely secure in my identity as a cat-lover and feel no need to feign a hatred for dogs just to prove it to you. It's okay to love one thing and still respect the other. Why is your dog enthusiasm so fragile?
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solchrom · 4 years
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#masculinitysofragile https://www.instagram.com/p/CBvZSvrAy2g/?igshid=1wfj1e45q4ae2
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