#mascot tf
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pawberri · 6 months ago
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The chibinomicon 🪄
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gooslytfs · 4 months ago
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OT 2024 22 - Contract
Help Wanted! We are looking for 2 people that would want to work in our Seaside Amusement Park. No experience required, needs to like working with kids. Interested? Please come to our Seaside Amusement Park at the address: ...................
Commission for AikaCutesune
Commissions | Twitter | FurAffinity | DeviantArt | Bluesky | Patreon
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temeyes · 6 months ago
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sept comm slots are full! thank you everyone for the interest! as promised, here's the alt version of the [announcement post] LOL ENJOY
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drenched-in-sunlight · 1 year ago
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Look alive, G13! Your job this time is to dress up as Dafeng’s mascot lady 大豊娘娘 and stand at our company’s booth for a whole day!
Your chest is as flat as a board so we’ll give you an alternative costume. Counting on you G13!
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ihatebrainstorm · 5 months ago
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can't.. no time to draw rn but like guys... I forgot how a big part of Astro Bot is how the little fellas absolutely love to dance- so like what if Astro as an honourary music bot
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 1 year ago
aziraphale gives babygirl energy and crowley gives loserboy energy (both gn). it's like gay-coded and disaster-coded, but in a different language. you know?
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polo-drone-070 · 3 months ago
Buzz is Born: Maximus Tries Something New
A mascot meeting
Oi, so we were at the mascot meetin’, right? All of us—me, Grayden (@polo-drone-084), Bucky (@buckygold), and the pups—workin’ out how to get the crowd hyped for the match against Vanguard. Grayden was goin’ over plans, his usual smirky, boss-man self, lookin’ sharp as ever. Bucky’s throwin’ out ideas, proper focused, all knightly n’ shit. Me? I’m buzzin’ just thinkin’ about suiting up as the Golden Knight again. Ain’t nothin’ like flexin’ in that gear, hearin’ the crowd go mental, yeah?
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But then, Chevy (@chevy-gold) n’ Grant (@grant-gold43) start givin’ me this look, their tails waggin’ like mad. Them two already propa settled in their roles as Golden Pups—cheeky, rowdy, proper full of energy, init. They always make it look like a right laugh, even if they’re a bit daft with it. Milo—PDU-151— (@polo-drone-151) was sittin’ calm as ever in his black rubber polo, tail flickin’ lazily. Always quiet, always focused, but you can feel he’s takin’ everything in.
Chevy leans over to me, his ears floppin’ as he grins. “Oi, Maximus, you ever think about tryin’ somethin’ new, bruv?”
I squint at him. “What d’ya mean, bruv? I’m already the Golden Knight, init? Ain’t much better than that.”
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Grant smirks, nudgin’ me. “Yeah, but think about it, mate. When Grayden or Bucky are suitin’ up as the knight, yeah? Wouldn’t it be proper sick to have more pups runnin’ with ’em? You know, a whole pack hypin’ up the crowd, bouncin’ about, goin’ mental?”
“Pack, yeah?” I say, blinkin’. “You think I’m cut out for all that woof-woof shit? You takin’ the piss, bruv?”
Chevy’s tail wags even faster. “Nah, mate, serious talk. You’ve got the energy for it! Enthusiastic, rowdy, proper dumb—but in the best way! You’d be perfect as a golden pup. And we got the perfect name for ya: Buzz. You’d be Buzzin’ all over the place.”
“Buzz?” I ask, scratchin’ me bald head.
Milo finally speaks up, his tone calm but firm. “Buzz suits you, Maximus. It aligns with your energy and enthusiasm. You’d complement the pack well.”
I stare at the three of ’em. They’re propa serious, like they actually think I could pull this off. Me? A pup? Proper mental idea... but also kinda excitin’. The Gold Army’s been pushin’ everyone to try new things this week, and I ain’t about to back down from a challenge.
“All right, bruvs,” I say, grinnin’. “Let’s do it. Make me Buzz.”
Collared and Ready : Golden pup energy
Chevy and Grant get to work right away. They slap a gold collar round me neck, the tag jinglin’ as they clip it on. “Buzz,” it says, all shiny n’ official-like.
“Buzz,” I say, rollin’ the name round me mouth. “Oi, yeah, sounds propa zippy. I like it.”
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Grant grins, handin’ me a golden pup hood with floppy ears. “Stick this on, bruv. You’re about to become one of us.”
I pull the hood over me head, snug n’ tight, and they clip a waggin’ tail to me shorts. I can’t help but laugh as it bounces with every move I make. “Oi, bruvs, look at me!” I bark, strikin’ a dumb pose. “Propa pup material, yeah?”
“Atta boy, Buzz!” Chevy cheers, waggin’ his own tail. “Now, let’s get ya hypin’ the crowd like a proper golden pup. Rowdy, dumb, full of energy—just go wild!”
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I throw meself into it, barkin’ n’ bouncin’ round like I’ve been a pup me whole life. Chevy tosses a foam ball across the practice field, n’ I take off after it like a rocket, grabbin’ it with a massive grin on me face.
“Got it, bruvs!” I bark, waggin’ me tail as I bring it back.
“Good boy!” Grant laughs, rubbin’ me head. The praise makes me all warm inside, like I’m doin’ somethin’ proper good.
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We spend ages just messin’ about, chasin’ balls, jumpin’ n’ rollin’, hypin’ each other up. I’ve never felt so... free.
Milo’s Turn : Drone pup programming
Then Milo steps in, his black rubber polo gleamin’ under the lights. His tail twitches as he approaches, calm n’ composed. “All right, Buzz. Time to see how you perform as a drone pup.”
My tail slows as I stare at the gear he’s holdin’—a black rubber polo n’ matching shorts, shiny and snug, just like his. The vibe shifts immediately. There’s no more rowdy energy from Chevy n’ Grant; it’s all focus now, serious-like.
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I nod slowly, lettin’ Milo guide me as he slips the polo over me head. The rubber clings tight, snug n’ firm, and as it settles into place, somethin’ in me shifts. The rowdy, bouncin’ energy starts to fade, replaced by a deep calm. The black shorts follow, and with each piece of gear, I feel my head quietin’ further.
Milo clips a black tag onto me collar, and that’s when it happens. The programming stirs. The sharpness of the rubber’s embrace pulls me under. 070 rises, not all the way, but just enough to bring its order n’ discipline to the surface.
“Good, Buzz,” Milo says, his voice steady n’ firm. “Now, follow my commands. Let the programming guide you.”
Buzz is still here, yeah, but it’s 070 now, too. A mix of the pup’s playful energy n’ the drone’s perfect focus. The commands come, and there’s no hesitation, no thinkin’, just action.
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070 obeys, the body springin’ into a perfect leap, paws landin’ with precision.
A flawless turn, controlled n’ sharp.
The movement is seamless, efficient, yet still carries that pup-like enthusiasm, tail waggin’ at the end.
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“Woof!” The sound bursts out, loud n’ clear, but with a sense of controlled power.
Each command feels natural, like it’s what this body was built to do. The mix of playful pup energy n’ drone obedience blends into somethin’... perfect. 070 recognizes this state as optimal.
“Cheer,” Milo commands.
“GO GOLD!” I bark, leapin’ high into the air, my voice filled with unwavering energy n’ loyalty. The jump is precise, the landing flawless, but the cheer is still hyped n’ joyful, reflectin’ Buzz’s personality wrapped in 070’s discipline.
Milo nods, his tail waggin’ faintly as he observes. “Good drone pup. You’re performing as expected. Let’s take it further.”
Milo steps closer, his tone calm but more intense. “You are PDU-070, a drone pup. Your purpose is to serve, inspire, and obey. Playfulness enhances morale. Precision ensures perfection. Let the programming guide you completely.”
The words sink deep. The pup hood n’ rubber polo amplify the programming already embedded in me. It’s no longer just Buzz or just 070—it’s both, workin’ together perfectly.
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“Yesss,” I say, my voice soft n’ slurred, the words comin’ out automatically. “PDU-070... serves... obeys... inspires...”
Milo watches, his expression calm n’ satisfied. “Good drone pup. Now, perform.”
I run through more stunts, each one flawless but still filled with playful energy. I roll, fetch, leap, and spin on command, barkin’ when prompted. It’s pure bliss—no overthinkin’, no distractions, just obeyin’ n’ servin’ like I was built for it.
Buzz Reflections
When the session ends, I flop onto the turf, pantin’ n’ grinnin’ under the hood. The mix of Buzz n’ 070 fades slightly, leavin’ me feelin’ proper accomplished. “Oi, bruvs, that was propa mental!” I bark, tail waggin’. “Never thought I’d be a pup, but fuck me, that was amazin’. Buzz n’ 070 workin’ together—lit as fuck, yeah?”
Chevy laughs, rufflin’ me hood. “Told ya, Buzz. You’re a natural. The pack’s better with ya in it.”
Milo clips off the black tag, his calm demeanor never shiftin’. “You performed well, PDU-070. Your obedience and precision enhance the pack. You will continue to train and grow.”
I nod, proper eager. “Yeah, bruvs. Can’t wait to train more. Maybe 049 (@polo-drone-049) will take us out for a pack walk. Heard he’s got loads of drone pups, like Chevy n’ 098. Bet they’d be a laugh to run with.”
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As I sit there, waggin’ me tail, I think back to a month ago, when Spencer—PDU-098— (@polo-drone-098) had me in a similar state. He’d put me back in drone mode when I was slippin’, added a hood to the mix, and brought me back to full focus. It was... intense, yeah, but now I get it. The hood, the rubber—it’s not just gear. It’s part of what makes me better.
The trainin’ wraps up, and I strip back into me gold kit, but the memory of the rubber polo stays with me. Being Buzz ain’t just about havin’ fun or playin’ a role. It’s about servin’ the Gold, whether as a rowdy pup or a precise drone pup.
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“Oi, bruvs,” I say, grinnin’ at Chevy n’ Grant. “Propa glad I tried somethin’ new. Buzz is here to stay, yeah?”
They cheer, waggin’ their tails as we head out. Milo follows, calm as ever, already plannin’ the next session. Me? I can’t wait to get back to trainin’ n’ hypin’ the crowd, whether as Buzz, 070, or somethin’ in between.
Woof-woof, bruvs. Let’s go.
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spoopy-moose · 5 months ago
mouthwashing so interesting cause you can see the characters getting warped by the fandom perception in real time
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goldenarmyofficial · 1 month ago
As the teams retreated to their locker rooms, the stadium transformed into a dazzling golden spectacle.
The headlining act started the half-time show with a memorable performance before introducing the Gold Preppy Choir.
The Gold Preppy Choir worked quickly taking their places, their harmonized chants rising like a sacred anthem, filling the air with an almost spiritual intensity. Leading them was Elijah and Maximus. (Gold Anthem lyrics by Maximus/PDU-070)
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"Gold is unity, Gold is might— Bound in service, pure and bright. Through each trial, through each fight— Gold prevails with shining light!"
"Brothers forged in sweat and steel, Golden hearts that never yield. Every pass, each goal, each run, For the Cap, the team, the game is won!"
"Proud we stand, so sharp, so neat— Smiling bright with voices sweet. Preppy boys in Gold’s embrace, Poised in style, refined in grace!"
"Gold forever, bold and true, Loyal hearts to Cap and Crew! Rise in order, rise in song, Golden Army, marching strong!"
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The stadium erupted in applause as The Golden Preppy Choir, who had to quickly exit to allow for the brief performance of Golden Superman and The Emerald Hulk. The two played out a choreographed fight scene that was meant to promote a new movie and also be time filler in between acts. As the fight scene came to a close, the shining black latex of PDU-073 and PDU-151 began to lead the Golden Army’s Polo Drones to the field. 
The Polo-Drones took center stage, executing a precise, synchronized performance, their movements so sharp and fluid they bordered on hypnotic. As 073 and 151 led the performance, 110 and 039 gave queues from the command room. The Polo drones in their shimmering level 2 outfits (most not active) brought a presence few could look away from. Then switching over to level 1 the polo wearing drones finished their performance with a display of perfected synchronicity. 
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As the Polo drones left in a sea of applause, The Emerald Titans’ selected choir took the stage. Their striking green robes glimmering in the spotlights. They performed a chilling, well-timed choir performance of “One Short Day” from Wicked. The Titans fans were singing together with the choir. Even some of the Golden Team was uplifted by the positive vibes. 
Then came the Golden Mascot Performance—an electrifying mix of dance, lights, and mesmerizing visuals that left the crowd entranced, drawn deeper into the rhythm of the Golden Army’s spirit. The performance wasn’t just entertainment—it was a declaration.
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🔥 Gold isn’t just a football team—it’s a movement. A force. A dynasty. 🔥
The crowd was on its feet, the Golden Army roaring louder than ever. Milo (151) led the golden pups in a synchronized cheer, The Golden Knight stood at midfield, sword raised, rallying the faithful, while Leander (Dorado) prowled the sidelines, roaring toward the Titans' section.
Even Titanus, the Emerald Titans' colossus, remained motionless for a moment, as if acknowledging the sheer force of Gold’s presence. But then the Birdmen and Titanus led by Ruben (48), Head Mascot of the Titans joined in for a joint performance. The two teams coordinated and played off one another in a playful show of friendly rivalry. The Golden Knight and Titanus at center stage multiple times making playful jabs at each other. The children of the crowd were cheering on their teams’ mascots in unmatched volumes. 
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As the mascots piled out, the announcers made a declaration. “Closing out Half-Time we have our headliners accompanied by up-and-coming rapper, Ambrose.” Ambrose entered followed by some men in black suits and gas masks. They had a vague resemblance to the Polo drones, but not enough to be easily confused.
You could see the pups moving to the sidelines, their ears perked at the name of their former Handler. Ambrose took the mic and started performing his new rap song, Golden Bros Revolution.  
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The song was about how Ambrose became a successful rapper and was slowly conquering the world. He was ready to stand on his own thanks to the things he learned while part of the Golden Army’s brotherhood. Multiple golden bros, and polo drones were performing with Ambrose’s background dancers. Ambrose made special mentions of Brody, Spencer, and Phoenix/Zeus. Three key members of the Golden Army who helped him through his journey. 
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There was a lot of booty shaking, grinding, and sensual motions. Clearly not for all audiences. As a section of the song riffed off “Who Let The Dogs Out” the Golden Army’s pups came out dancing too. Ambrose made special mention of Buzz, Bolt, Chevy, Vysor, Daniel/Fenrir, Ace, Spike, Rocky, and the others. The pups danced and howled with their former handler. 
Ambrose’s stellar performance came to a close with fireworks on both sides. Gold and black on one side and emerald green on the other.  
But now, the break was over. The game was about to resume. 
💥 Time for war. 💥
(To join the Gold Army, contact @brodygold or @goldenherc9)
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mrmeepsmadmind · 2 months ago
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sideswipe is now red alert and inferno's stupid son.
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inferno buys a shirt that says 'i love this crazy bitch' with Harley Quinn twerking on it & red alert shoots him with his shoulder mount missile at point blank range, no mercy, no warning, just murder
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crizbn · 8 months ago
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When dealing with a sudden transformation, stay calm and consider your next steps carefully. You wouldn't want to lose your head, would you~?
A stream commission for AlsoIMainYoshi. I'm sure he'll get the hang of being a mascot sooner or later~
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youarebeheld · 6 months ago
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rexxmako · 1 month ago
i simply cannot stop drawing these two for some godforsaken reason (human!Ricky and my bebe Vi from my MFN Apocalypse AU called Love, Decay and Mayhem. LDM for short) but yeah. autism intensifies (do NOT STEAL i will FIND you)
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the story's set in the same year as the game, 1993, except the world has all gone to shit and uh yeah the main crew are just tryna survive lmao. some inspo includes Nausicaa and Cloverfield because yes
lmk if yall want my LDM/human designs of the other puppets :] /nf
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jacenotjason · 8 months ago
hey look its a mascot
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What a silly guy
Concept art if youre curious V
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 1 year ago
Not sure if anyones explained it yet but if they havent goncharov was a fake horror movie that i think started cause someone took a picture of shoes and then tumblr made lore n stuff
someone... took... a picture of shoes.
I wanna make a fake movie wtf hey guys my lovely maggots gimme a photograph I'll make a fake movie of any genre you please
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polo-drone-070 · 3 months ago
Maximus: The Golden Mascot (part 1)
The mascot contest.
The locker room was well noisy, lads jokin’ and shovin’ each other like usual. Grayden stood right in the middle of it all, all confident-like in his spotless gold soccer kit. His platinum blond hair was sharp, and his square jaw looked like it was carved outta stone or somethin’. He clapped his hands together, cuttin’ through the noise.
“All right, boys, listen up!” he said, grinning like he already had us in his pocket. “We’re holding Mascot Tryouts today! It’s time to see who’s got the spirit to represent the Gold Army.”
A few lads mumbled, but no one stepped up. Most just kept lookin’ anywhere but at Grayden. My stomach twisted a bit as the room went quiet. Like, I didn’t care about no mascot gig—it ain’t what I’m about. I’m a player, right? Right fullback, Number 70. Proper defender. Mascots are cool and all, but that ain’t me.
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Grayden looked ‘round, eyes sharp as a razor, then landed right on me. My chest puffed up instinctively. “C’mon, Maximus,” he said, his voice smooth like butter. “The team needs someone to step up. Show the bros how it’s done.”
I blinked. “Oi, nah, bruv, I’m just here to play, innit? Not prancin’ round like some cartoon.”
His smile didn’t even flinch. He walked up, standing proper close. “The lads look up to you, Maximus. You’re always bangin’ on about loyalty, about doin’ what’s best for the team. So what’s stoppin’ you now? Or is Number 70 scared of a little fun?”
That hit me right in the pride. “Bruv, I ain’t scared of nuffin’, yeah?” I said, standin’ up straight. “If it’s for the team, I’ll do it. But don’t think, lyk, I iz enjoyin’ it or nuffin’.”
Grayden clapped me on the shoulder, his grin widening. “That’s the spirit.”
The Initial Suit-Up
He took me into this side room, and there it was—the mascot suit. Big and shiny, set up on a mannequin like it was somethin’ sacred. The gold lycra clung tight to fake muscles, all bulgin’ and over-the-top. The rubbery armor on top gleamed under the lights, lookin’ mad futuristic. And the helmet? Massive, with this blank golden visor that made it look almost alive.
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The smell hit me before I got close—thick, rubbery, with a weird musky undertone. “Oi, bruh, what’s that smell?” I said, scrunchin’ up my nose. “Lyk... smellz sweaty, innit?”
Grayden smirked, leanin’ back with his arms crossed. “That’s the scent of dedication, Maximus. You’ll feel it once you’re in.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, dedication or whatever.” But when I touched the suit, it felt... good. Soft and stretchy but strong, like it was meant to hold me tight.
The lycra suit went on first, sliding over my skin like it was alive. It clung to every muscle, makin’ me look ripped in ways even hours at the gym couldn’t. “Oi, datz tight, bruv,” I muttered, runnin’ my hands down my chest. “Lyk... propa showin’ me off, yeah?”
Grayden just smiled and started strappin’ the foam armor onto me. Each piece locked into place with a satisfying click. By the time he was done, I looked like some golden superhero. The weight, the snug fit, even the musky smell—everything about it felt... right. I flexed a bit, smirkin’ at myself in the mirror.
“Alright, Maximus,” Grayden said, his voice almost teasing. “Time to show the lads.”
Reluctance and Longing
The locker room went mental as I strutted in. Lads were cheerin’, whistlin’, even takin’ pictures. I lapped it up, flexin’ and posin’ like I was showin’ off a trophy. “Yeah, you like that, don’t ya?” I said, grinnin’ like a loon. “Bet none o’ you look diz gud in shiny gold, huh?”
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But underneath all the showin’ off, I felt... I dunno. Strong. Important. Like I wasn’t just Maximus, Number 70—I was somethin’ bigger, somethin’ for the team.
When Grayden told me to take it off, my stomach dropped a bit. “Oi, d’you reckon I could, lyk, keep it on a bit longer?” I asked, tryin’ to sound casual. “Feelz gud, lyk, real nice, u no.”
“Not yet,” Grayden said, givin’ me that annoyingly calm smile. “You’ve had your fun.”
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I let him help me out of the suit, but it felt... wrong, leavin’ it behind. That night, I couldn’t sleep. The smell, the feel, the way it made me feel like a bloody legend—it was all stuck in my head, spinnin’ round and round.
The Return to Grayden
I couldn’t take it anymore. I tossed and turned in bed, my sheets tangled around my legs as that bloody suit haunted my thoughts. The way it hugged me so tight, the musky smell of it, the way it made me feel like I was somethin’ bigger than just a defender... I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about it. My chest felt tight, my stomach churnin’ with somethin’ I couldn’t explain.
Finally, I threw off the covers and stormed out of my room. My feet practically carried me on their own to Grayden’s quarters, and before I could even think twice, I was bangin’ on his door like a man possessed.
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Grayden opened it a moment later, lookin’ like he’d just been waitin’ for me. His platinum blond hair was still perfectly in place, even at this hour, and that smug grin of his was plastered across his face. “Maximus,” he said, leanin’ against the doorframe. “Couldn’t sleep, huh?”
I scratched the back of my neck, my ears burnin’. “Oi, listen, bruv,” I started, my words tumblin’ out all at once. “I just... I cunt stop thinkin’ ‘bout da suit, yeah? Lyk, I need to try it on again. Just fer a bit, lyk. It’s fer the team, u no? I just wanna feel it again.”
His grin widened, and he stepped aside. “Come on in,” he said, his voice smooth as butter. “I think I’ve got just the thing for you.”
Thanks to @polo-drone-084 aka Grayden the Head mascot for inspiring that story. Ready to join the team? The Golden Army awaits. Contact one of our recruiters and take your place.  @brodygold @goldenherc9 @polo-drone-001"
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