#mary sue alert
deadlybean2019 · 2 years
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(Also glad you doing better!!!!!)
Yep! Oh boy- the memories- let me grab some old Bean art for ya. LMAO
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what-the-fang · 5 months
So I Just Watched The Mortal Instruments Movie...
… Without ever having read the book, so bear that in mind over the course of this review. That’s not to say I’m unfamiliar with the source material, though; City of Bones is one of those inexplicably popular books that’s infamous in online sporking circles, and by now I’ve read a few lengthy reviews and most of a complete sporking. In fact, I’m seriously considering reading the book for my first…
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unopenablebox · 5 months
can you believe it took me until now to learn that angmar is in the far north of middle-earth. like well north of rivendell. i swear i really did read the appendices as a kid but clearly i did not retain from them a damn thing
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alienheartattack · 1 year
Me: All fanfiction is valid!
Also me, gripping my bejeweled chalice in rage: Character x reader is a pox upon the land
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unrelatedbut · 2 years
**It's actually Episode Nine
New Episode Available starting 9/25/2022 12PM EST.
Join as we discuss the validity of the term Mary Sue and what exactly a wish-fulfilling or self insert character entails.  Absolutely filled to the brim with pop culture references (Supernatural, Star Trek, Harry Potter) because one of us simply cannot  help themselves.  (Hint: it's always Christopher.)
P.S. Tell all your friends!
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adriensaltprompts · 7 months
Submitted prompt: An Immortal Black Cat
Not sure if this counts as a true salt prompt but here it goes(up to author interpretation to prevent Mary-sueing of the OC)(Can drop stuff as wanted)
A previous Black Cat wielder ends up moving to Paris. Thanks to magical related shenanigans(whether or not it was Miraculous related or not is up to the writer), she is immortal, with the appearance of an young teen around the age of the main cast. She is understandably alarmed when the Bubbler incident occurs, and more so when she starts piecing together that Adrien is Chat Noir.
The problem she sees is that she used to be a lot like Chat Noir when she was first starting as a wielder. She harassed her partner to the point that he snapped on her, and their team bond never recovered. She has regretted it since. Later on, she was a Ladybug as well(not particularly skilled but she was decent enough to get the job done.) During this mess, she had to deal with the exact same treatment from her partner, which made her feel even worse about her behavior with her first partner, especially when she had to kill her partner in self defense when she refused his advances one too many times.
After a few more akuma attacks, she quickly becomes alarmed about Chat when she realizes that he’s way too similar to her past self for her to ever be comfortable with, and her mind is worried as this boy could easily end up like her. It gets even worse when she starts realizing that Marinette is Ladybug, and her behavior is sliding from crushing dangerously deep into stalker territory, reminding her of herself and her past Black cat partner way too much.
Only one issue, she doesn’t want to alert anyone she’s present. Only a few councilors know she exists, and she’d like to keep the Council and Order of Guardians from learning of her existence. (She’s been so determined to avoid the Order less they decide to use her for something, she hasn’t been keeping track of them. As a result, she has NO idea that the Order has been wiped out by Feast. Her belief was that they were merely becoming more isolated as the world got more globalized, global threats that needed the Miraculous were dropping and the Council was growing better equpped to deal with those threats. Even if she did have suspicions, she wasn’t about to go to Tibet to check in case they were waiting.)
Well, she decides that she needs to step in, and hopefully steer these two back onto the right path before it gets out of hand. Only issue is doing so without alerting the Council and (Currently destroyed but doesn’t know it or Wang Fu). She also can’t meet with Marinette less she is transformed about Miraculous Magic. The reason is Tikki is too loyal to the Guardians, and she’d likely inform the Guardian about her. She has no such problems with Plagg, as he could care less about telling Fu.
Not sure where else to go from here…we go into Fix it somehow and possible Adrien Pepper if you really want to fix him, same with Marinette if you’re hoping for some Marinette salt and pepper. I’ll add more in the comments if I can figure out how specifically this OC fixes it.
Edit by prompter:
Clarification: I forgot to mention this in the prompt. Like in Fairy Tail, there’s a magic council responsible for protecting the world from magical threats and dealing with magic incidents. They’re incognito though as a public organization called the Organization of Magical Occurrences and Affairs, supposedly just as a group to help people cope with any losses or injuries caused by supernatural incidents or for people to report supernatural stuff to someone who won’t laugh them out of the room.
They’re like this as they’ve been persecuted a lot by secular and religious authorities during their history. They also worked with the Guardians before they vanished, but couldn’t ever figure out why they vanished.
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witheredoffherwitch · 10 months
I hate how Rhaenyra is being retconned as this perfect Qween type character who has zero resemblance to her book counterpart and her fans are here for it. Rhaenyra in the text is more complex and unhinged and slowly loses all sense of herself from what I remember. What's the point of having a super hero character at all. Can't TB appreciate nuance, complexity, flaws? Ew at attempting to write a no flawed character!! Where's the fun in that?! Even Dany wasn't so uppity. I'm not saying make her go the same path as Dany or make her go all out evil but shades? Rhaenyra if handled with care has the potential to be the BEST most intriguing character in the show. I can respect that. As much as I hate how she used Aemond as a scapegoat I can respect that she did it, because it made the show that much more intriguing. No one can deny how brilliant that scene with Alicent was. It was good entertainment, made to get intense reactions. Now from what I'm hearing is Rhaenyra will become more and more of a Mary Sue in S2. Why would anyone be here for that SMDH All the while Daemon will have to pick up the slack LOL 😆 I will laugh all the way to the God's Eye😂🤣
Tazzzz 😘
I had to dig this ask from my Gmail alerts LMAO. It looks like Rhaenyra is going to be the ultimate darling of the Dance. Did you see @mejcinta's recent post? Apparently, they were planning a deleted scene where Aemond was trying to take Helaena's dragon because he thought he deserved it more than his own sister since she didn't use Dreamfyre as often. This is an absurd level of favoritism and a way of making the Greens look less knowledgeable in Valyrian customs. I'm glad that they cut that scene, but everything we've been getting from these leaks has been slowly getting worse. While I still think Daeron will be included (because there's no way they'd write him off completely), introducing him so late shows how much they're cutting back on his influence. Then you have characters like Cregan who is getting a massive glow-up from his book counterpart - I'm 100% certain that he'll be leading the Winter Wolves of the North.
Rhaenyra is given a powerful motive, all thanks to the introduction of Aegon’s dream in this series. Any aggression from her camp looks more honorable and noble in the end. Unfortunately, 'good' characters don't tend to be very interesting, which is why Rhaenyra and Daemon are the only two characters who spark any intrigue on that side. They even ruined a cool character like Rhaenys by giving her that botched 'girlboss' storyline. Jace's character is as interesting as a wet napkin, and Baela and Rhaena might as well not even be in the series. On the Green side, Helaena was shafted the most, yet we learn more about her than any of the other TB children. All we know about Jace is his quick anger and his weak punch - it is a massive disservice to his character considering the fact that he's Rhaenyra's oldest son.
Coming to Daemon, he will have to take the most bashing from their team. But this is good news for Daemon fans.. because while many normies may criticize or complain about these characters while the series is ongoing, they will still remain relevant in the fandom long after their demise.
Now all that remains is to see how badly do these show-makers fuck up this story. TG looks strong in terms of character, but TB seems to lead the way in the main narrative framing.
That's all! 🫶
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gazeopard · 1 year
So I saw the two most recent pages of Home by Kique Nordin, and it first occurred to me just how awfully rushed these pages are. The last page, Page 807 (yes, seriously, there are 800+ pages and nothing has happened lol), it was daytime and Roamer and Kargo talked about the former killing a dog in cold-blood with no remorse like a psychopath. Yet now, it is suddenly in the evening?
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So, Ronja's Mary-Sue daughters asking her about the raiding dogs in Panel#1 made me think it took place right after Roamer and Kargo's convo last page. But the rest of the page shows that its somewhere in the evening? What?
All because Kique didn't bother to put in a timeline box (for lack of a better word) on the upper corner of the first panel. Which is what he has done every time a scene cuts to a later time in a day, or a time-skip (a month later, a week later, etc.). And now it suddenly jumps to night.
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And Ronja still hasn't punished Roamer for killing that dog. Not surprised. Also, Deer-Fucker Dog (whatever the eff your name was), you are a fucking idiot. More bloodshed would have made things even worse! All they were doing was forcefully evicting MT from their land (btw, what was stopping them from doing that years ago when Arenak was leader??). Yeah, they were destroying their property, which is awful anyway, but someone destroying another person's stuff shouldn't be punishable by DEATH. Ronja specifically said NOT to harm them. Going against that order puts Meteor Tribe in jeopardy. Not to mention, they weren't physically assaulting anyone. Roamer killing the dog was uncalled for.
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Some comments from the newest page. It baffles me that a whole day has gone by, and Ronja STILL hasn't punished Roamer. Roamer should be held accountable for disobeying her orders to not hurt anyone. The fact that the MT is on constant alert now is part of the consequence of Roamer's actions. While Deer-Fucker's advice is true, that if she wants to lead the tribe, Ronja needs to toughen up and not let anyone walk all over her, if she still allows Roamer to get away with doing whatever he wants, she'll stay a doormat.
I doubt Kique will ever let his precious Roami-Stu face real consequences for his actions. Dude has put the entire tribe at risk, yet Ronja and Rogio have talked about it like Roamer (to quote someone in the earlier comments a few pages back) "stole a coworker's lunch".
I also hate how Kique is still turning Vigr, the same dog that pinned Ronja to prepare her "marking" (rape) by Arenak, into a "comic-relief".
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Gotta love retconning previously-evil rapist characters, huh, Kique?? He didn't even show any of these characters getting redemption arcs either. We just have to "assume" all of the rapists are dead in the present, and Vigr and Fúss were good all along but were just "acting on orders" out of fear or some BS, despite never SHOWING any of it. Same with Rogihoe--I mean, ROGIO's so-called redemption.
Everything about Home is awful, and I don't recommend it to any animal xenofiction lover.
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There. I fixed it. XD
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docrotten · 2 months
EVILSPEAK (1981) – Episode 263 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“By the four beasts before the throne. By the fire which is about the throne. By the most holy and glorious name, Satan. I, Stanley Coopersmith will return. I WILL RETURN!” Well, he’s Clint Howard. Of course, he will return! Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they hang out in the church basement with young Cadet Coopersmith in Evilspeak (1981).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 263 – Evilspeak (1981)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
An outcast military cadet taps into a way to summon demons and cast spells on his tormentors through his computer.
  Directed by: Eric Weston
Writing Credits: Joseph Garofalo, Eric Weston
Cinematography by: Irv Goodnoff
Selected Cast:
Clint Howard as Stanley Coopersmith
R.G. Armstrong as Sarge
Joe Cortese as Reverend Jameson (as Joseph Cortese)
Claude Earl Jones as Coach
Haywood Nelson as Kowalski
Don Stark as Bubba Caldwell
Charles Tyner as Colonel Kincaid
Hamilton Camp as Hauptman
Louie Gravance as Jo Jo
Jim Greenleaf as Ox
Lynn Hancock as Miss Friedemeyer
Loren Lester as Charlie Boy
Kathy McCullen as Kelly
Lenny Montana as Jake
Leonard D’John as Tony
Bennett James as Captain Merrill (credited as Bennett Liss)
Katherine Kelly Lang as Susie Baker
Richard Moll as Father Esteban
Robert Tafur as Old Priest
Sue Casey as Mrs. Caldwell
Evilspeak answers the question, “What happens when a bullied, military school cadet finds a Satanic tome written in Latin in the basement of the academy chapel?” Of course — with a helping hand from an early Apple PC — shenanigans ensue! Heads are lost, hearts are ripped out, and worst of all… the hogs are released! Yikes! Clint Howard, as Stanley Coopersmith, plays the bullied cadet transformed into a possessed Satanic priest with gusto and is expertly supported by a cast of experienced character actors. The story starts a bit slow, but the Grue-Crew promises you will be rewarded during the final act of Evilspeak. And never fear. The bullies get their just deserts.
At the time of this writing, Evilspeak is available to stream from Shudder, AMC+, and Plex. 
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Crystal, will be Parents (1989), a horror comedy featuring Randy Quaid, Mary Beth Hurt, and young Bryan Madorsky as the Laemles. The question is, what do Mr. And Mrs. Laemle serve for dinner?
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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puptoy · 1 year
My college roommate (20m) found out I (22m) have a small dick
Okay so. Throwaway account for this, obviously.
I'm good friends with my roommate - he's cool, we play Minecraft and watch video essays in bed together sometimes (we don't have a couch), nothing weird. I'm bi but I haven't been bringing anyone home, so it never came up.
I'm kind of androgynous. Not short, not tall. 5ft 9, slim build, kind of look like a skater.
Anyway. We like to roughhouse, so one day we were wrestling and he pins me down, my arms over my head. I'm not sure how I was trying to pin him but I ended up with his waist between my legs.
I tried to hold still, not shift around or touch him and make it his problem. Obviously. I didn't wanna make him uncomfortable. But I kept saying, dude, I give, I give.
Red alert. I am in my PJs and there is naughty but a single layer of flannel separating my slim jim from my roommate's hip... And scrutiny, apparently.
After I tell him no, I'm not going to admit Legolas is a Mary Sue or whatever silly shit we were pretending to argue about - he shifts and I'm done.
Anyway. I can tell when he feels it because he stiffens. Then relaxes, gives me this smug look. Shitshitshit. He asks if that's all I'm packing. I say yeah, shut up. He - and may I just say, what the hell - decides to drop trou and show me that he's bigger than me soft. At that point I was hoping he was a shower, not a grower, for the sake of my sanity.
I guess it was a "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" type deal. Or I just wanted to check for sure. But he said I should let him see, and I - I don't know what came over me.
(Did I mention he was hot? Deep voice, gorgeous face, tall, the body, everything. God really plays favorites.)
I manage to lift my hips enough to shimmy my PJ pants down, which does kind of grind me against hip and him into mine, and fuck, I'm... yeah. Smaller than average, sure. But my dick doesn't even look like it deserves the title "cock" now that I'm getting a better look at it next to his.
Seems like he enjoyed seeing me strip on command. His length is filling out, getting heavy and thick... I can't look away. He's easily twice my size. And it seems like we're both getting off on seeing it.
We didn't do anything that first time. He just laughed and said that's kinda gay, bro, before he finally let me up to go take a shower and pretend I'm not desperately masturbating.
And now I have a problem. He thinks its funny to tease me about my dick. But every time he does, I remember that, and I get turned on and flustered and forget what I'm doing. I think he's doing it on purpose, and it's getting worse.
The other day he called me "bitch boy" and I should feel disrespected, I know, but it made me hard.
What do I do, reddit?
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royalpain16 · 1 year
Sophie Wessex Felt 'Intimidated' by Princess Diana Who Made Her Cry during Their 1st Meeting, Book Claim
By Oyin Balogun
Sophie Wessex and Diana had a rough start at the former's introduction into the family. Sophie tried to rise above the discrimination of being a "commoner" in the royal house and make a meaningful impact.
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Sophie Rhys-Jones and Princess Diana, July 14, 1994 (Lady Sarah Chatto's wedding)
Sophie Rhys-Jones, Countess of Wessex, is the wife of Prince Edward, Queen Elizabeth's youngest son and Earl of Wessex. The royal, a daughter of Christopher and Mary Rhys-Jones, grew up in Kent and trained as a secretary. She chose a career path in public relations, and while working in that capacity, she met her husband.
Sophie met her husband when he was scheduled to meet Sue Parker, a former tennis player, for a photoshoot for the "Prince Edward Challenge." The athlete could not make it, and Sophie stepped in and saved the day by taking the photoshoot with him. A relationship burgeoned.
In 1999 1993, the couple met again at a charity event, and they kickstarted their relationship, which would end in marriage. Sophie did not become wife and countess of Wessex until five years later, when their burgeoning relationship took a step further and resulted in marriage in 1999.
When interviewed and asked why it took so long to propose, the prince explained that if he had proposed earlier, chances were high that Sophie would have declined. He said:
"It's impossible for anybody else to understand why it has taken me so long. But I don't think it had been right before and I don't think Sophie would have said yes. Hopefully the fact that she has said yes means I've hit the timing right."
Sophie who started her career in public relations and worked in firms such as Capital Radio, grew up in a middle-class family with her father, a businessman.
The Countess of Wessex, who blended into the royal family after her marriage and ran her duties with all diligence, did not have it easy with some people who referred to her humble background. One such person was Princess Diana.
While still the girlfriend of Prince Edward, Sophie and Diana had a chance meeting when members of the royal house had afternoon tea with the Queen.
It was reported that Diana cupped her face in her hands and stared hard at Sophie amidst the polite conversation and chit-chat. The countess felt threatened and had to take leave from her highness to exit the room and broke down in tears while Edward consoled her.
It seemed like there was a cold war between the two young wives in the royal household, and it's believed that Diana could not comprehend how Sophie, from a low background, would "rub shoulders" with bonafide members of the royal household.
After the "tea episode," Sophie became careful of the Princess of Wales and tried not to get too involved with her. On the wedding day of Lady Margaret's daughter, at the church's steps, Diana tried to strike up a conversation with Sophie.
Wary and alert, Sophie guessed Diana had an ulterior motive for this gesture; to create a moment where pictures of them together could be taken by photographers.
It seemed it was not only Sophie who was wary of the Princess of Wales and her unseemly attitude. A friend of the royal house made this statement concerning princess Diana and Sophie:
"Sophie's view was shaped by the royal one, that the princess was manipulative, cunning and conniving"
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Sophie, Countess of Wessex, now Duchess of Edinburgh, February 24, 2009, London
The royal family allegedly brainwashed Diana, and Sophie felt sorry for how Diana had treated them. Princess Diana's private secretary for eight years, Patrick Jephson, also commented on how the royal house perceived her. She said:
"In their view she had put herself outside their charmed circle and was now relegated to the role of outsider."
It seemed that the members of the British royal house had a unanimous perception of Diana and thought her trifling and troublesome, and everyone steered clear of her.
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Diana, Princess of Wales, February 15, 1984
Starting in the royal family had its dips and lows for Sophie. The constant comparisons between herself and Diana by the press and people were terrifying to her. The press made it a point of call to compare the courtship period of Sophie and Diana with their spouses.
Sophie was engaged to her husband for five years before they tied the knot in 1993 1999, unlike Diana, who married Prince Charles five months after courtship.
One of the presumed reasons Diana "looked down" on Sophie was that she was from an aristocratic home, unlike Sophie. The latter was a commoner with her father running an import-export tire business.
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Diana, Princess of Wales, January 13 1997
Princess Diana was a fashion-forward icon with striking features, and Sophie was constantly set side by side with Diana. During her engagement, the tabloid would use similar pictures of both women and place them side by side. This did not go down well with Sophie.
Another thing these two women did not have in common was the way they handled the media. Sophie and her husband were very private, unlike Diana, who was not so tight-lipped and revealed details of her husband's affair and her infidelity. Paul Thompson, a London reporter on the royals commented that:
"She and Edward have always been very private. Unlike Diana, she doesn't have a shine to the limelight"
To her credit, Sophie, with her PR background, knew how to handle the press and create a good image. Diana was new to the media when she got married and did not know how to deal with them until much later. Thompson said, "Diana was naive when she dealt with the press; we won't be seeing that with Sophie."
On the occasion of her birthday, photographers stormed her office to get shots of the countess; Sophie's reaction was unlike what Diana would have done. Commenting on her reaction, Thompson recalled:
"She got out of the car, took the bouquets of flowers from well-wishers – Di would have never done that – looked the photographers straight in the eyes, gave them their pictures and then said, 'Thank you very much' and walked into work"
After the demise of Diana, society was ready to fill the void she left, and Sophie felt like the most suitable candidate as she was in favor of the public and royals. Jane Proctor, editor-in-chief of Tasker, a British society magazine, said concerning Sophie:
"People just want to fill a hole right now, but she is no Diana."
The Princess of Wales once compared the society's reception of herself and Sophie. It was recalled that "Diana reportedly once called her "little Miss Goody Two Shoes" and asked Fergie (Duchess of York), "Why is she getting such an easy ride? We were thrown to the wolves." {If I recall, somebody else said these words}
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Queen Elizabeth II and Sophie Wessex on December 25th, 2002
Things didn't go all that smoothly for Sophie as a royal as she once experienced some unpleasantness. A tape was reportedly released about Sophie and her partner in her PR firm (R-JH), Murray Harkin, about indiscretions spewed by both.
The countess made statements about public figures in the royal house and the political scene. She revealed her political standing and confidential information in her possession under her position as a royal household member.
The content of this tape was spread across ten pages of national newspapers and was a big deal for the royal family. Once accused of using her royal connections to benefit her business, Sophie quit it after her marriage and devoted her time to her kids, the royal house, and charities.
Sophie and her family have since bonded with the Queen after the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. They became more affectionate after the monarch's demise and shared beautiful moments.
Talking about how she copes with the comparison between her and the late Diana, she said: "And I don't think I could have coped with that level of pressure or expectation. Everyone said: "Gosh, doesn't she look like Diana?" Then they thought: "This isn't going to be much good because she's not turning up every day in different outfits, opening children's hospitals," you know. I do some of that but not as much as they'd like.
This year's platinum jubilee celebrations of the Royal Windsor Horse Show will be memorable for Sophie and Edward as their daughter, Lady Louise Windsor, will be the one driving the carriage of the Duke of Edinburgh.
With many charities and organizations she runs and the daily running of the royal home and her household, Sophie has her hands full and still manages to keep her head up.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Agreste-Wayne 14
Adrien knew there wasn't anything holding him back from having this conversation now. He was just scared to upset his best friend. He knew it was cowardly, but it was his best chance for this not to turn into a shouting match and upsetting the others.
The new father took a deep breath, as Marinette fed his daughter.
"So, um, Alya found out that the she-devil is a liar." Adrien began, "Nino started talking to her again."
"Nino can do whatever he wants." Marinette stated.
Adrien winced at her tone, "He thinks she wants to apologize. I didn't want to tell you before since we didn't want you stressing out."
Mrs. Wayne looked towards her husband. Damian merely shrugged.
"This was five months ago. He hasn't pressured anything. He just ran into her and Alya asked if he knew that she was a liar." Adrien stated, "She didn't even ask about Emma. The only thing she asked was if he went to your wedding."
Marinette sighed, as Emma continued to eat.
"I'll think about it." she whispered, "It's not like if she apologizes, we'll suddenly be friends again."
"She's fact checking all the stuff Lila said." Adrien replied.
"About time." Marinette answered, as Emma yawned, signaling she was ready for bed.
Marinette adjusted her shirt as Adrien got up to grab his daughter. He placed little Emma's head on his shoulder and gently tapped her back to burp her. Once a small burp was released, he rocked her until her eyes closed. With a smile, he place his princess in her crib.
"Think she'll get it right this time?" Adrien whispered, as they left the room.
"I don't know, Adrien." Mari replied, "I've grown a lot since college. The question is, has she?"
"So, I finally talked to Marinette about Alya." Adrien yawned, as he spoke on the phone, "Marinette feels like she's grown a lot over the years. From the article alone, she feels Alya has some catching up to do."
"I can respect that." Nino replied, "I'm not gonna try and force you to make them talk."
"Baby steps." Adrien answered.
"How are you?" Nino questioned, changing the subject.
The former model groaned, "Sooooooo tired. Mari and I took shifts last night. She pumps so there's a bottle of breast milk, in the fridge, for when I go in there later."
"Hold up." Nino spoke, "Your daughter....has a mini fridge...in her room?"
"Yeah." the new father yawned, "It's filled with breast milk, though. It's not like I got a secret stash of sodas in it."
"I don't care." his friend cried out, "A baby has a mini fridge! I would have dressed up in a diaper and called you 'Daddy' if it meant I got one."
"May-Maybe for Christmas." Adrien laughed, "But, I need to see proof of that diaper."
"Damn. You think they have my size?" Nino asked.
Adrien couldn't help the yawn that broke loose from his smile.
"Where's Mari?" the DJ asked.
"Sleeping." the Agreste man answered, "We're taking shifts. She gets Emma the next time she wakes up and I'll sleep for an hour or two. Damian has the girls, at the park."
"Do you think that's safe?" Nino winced.
"Titus went into guard mode the last time a PR got close to the girls and tried to ask them about Emma. He gave a warning growl and chased them down. Titus got a few playful bites in him, until Damian called him off." Adrien stated, "They tried to sue Damian for grounds of a dangerous animal. Damian called out the reporter for trespassing, harassing his children, and how his charges were more likely to stick. The reporter dropped the charges. Damian even told him how Titus warned him and next time, his dog wouldn't go as easy on him. I think he quit or was fired, after that."
"Damn." Nino said in shock.
"Yeah." Adrien spoke.
Not even a moment later, the baby monitor went off, alerting them to Emma being awake.
"Mari's up, which means I'm going to sleep." Adrien declared.
Nino chuckled, "Night, Dude. Text me when you are up."
"Sure." Adrien answered as he stretched.
Adrien rested his head on his pillow and passed out, immediatley.
PERMANENT TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer​ @thepaceperson​
AGRESTE-WAYNE TAG LIST: @danielslilangel @pawsitivelymiraculous @crystalangelluna @tomanyfandomsonmymind @sassakitty @ichigorose @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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what-the-fang · 5 months
So I Just Watched The Mortal Instruments Movie...
… Without ever having read the book, so bear that in mind over the course of this review. That’s not to say I’m unfamiliar with the source material, though; City of Bones is one of those inexplicably popular books that’s infamous in online sporking circles, and by now I’ve read a few lengthy reviews and most of a complete sporking. In fact, I’m seriously considering reading the book for my first…
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I love how unapologetically, fervently, you hate Rebels.
Brightens my dash and restores a touch of my faith in humanity every time I see it come up.
Your posts will help me survive the shitshow that will be the Ahsoka series.
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The day I stop hating on rebels please immediately alert the police because it means I’ve gone missing. I will hate rebels until my dying breath my grandchildren will be hearing about how much I want Ezra to be shoved into a blender ಥ_ಥ if I somehow managed to pull a classic fanfic trope of sudden amnesia, I am 100% certain I would still retain my hate for rebels
But for real I like, I have given that damn show soooo many chances. I’ve tried to force myself to watch it at least 4 times. I just can’t do it bruh. And nothing rustles my jimmies more than having the audacity to hate on Bad Batch, Book of Boba Fett, or Kenobi while praising rebels like wtf??? How??
Omggg and don’t get me started on ppl calling Rey a Mary Sue when Sabine is right fucking there
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eremitenkrebs · 1 year
Finally caught up with everything that happened at RTX + RWBY 10th anniversary stuff and man, it's never not gonna be a major mind-fuck watching the show and then seeing what people online are saying what they saw, like are they watching from a parallel dimension? Is my media literacy utter garbage, is their media literacy utter garbage?
I saw the clip of the scene that didn't make it into the volume 9 finale and my only thoughts were aww, that's nice, I would have loved having that as the ending, shame it was cut. Maybe they're laying it on a bit thick with the Schnee family suddenly turning into good samaritans and people just randomly yelling at them in the streets, but overall it was sweet, fitting and would have been even more cathartic than the ending we got.
...But apparently a memorial for team RWBY + Jaune and lighting candles for Ruby is too much for some people, that's just not acceptable, that's unrealistic and they don't deserve that because.... in real life no one ever erects a memorial for the fallen soldiers of a battle, and no one ever lights candles for a person when they've died after doing something heroic, like defending a person from a robber (or, you know, warning people of a major catastrophe heading their way)
No, RWBY are stupid and bad, and that's why they shouldn't even get a lil stone plate in their honor because trying to save everyone is stupid and should not have worked anyways and the fact that it worked means they can do no wrong even though we spent the last 3 volumes watching RWBY + ORNJ screaming, crying, throwing up, going at each other's throats over not knowing what to do, their plans constantly getting blown apart, that was the narrative presenting them as morally superior and unable to do anything wrong, and a memorial for them and some people in Vacuo remembering the girl who warned them of Salem but apparently didn't make it out alive is ludicrous. Or something.
Idk man I can't stand Mary Sue tropes so I feel like my anti Mary Sue alert would go off if our protagonists were actually portrayed as insufferably flawless as critics make them out to be, but I just don't see it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 8 months
I need context about your hacer Pomni au mod
"Sorry for the late reply, I haven't made a better story/lore for it, but in short, in this AU, Pomni is basically a hacker, a professional one."
"But! She also 'adjusted' the headset she was about to use, giving herself a bit of cheatcodes, and having the choice to change her avatar once in a while if she enters, probably would only realize that somewhere though."
"She's a lot more cautious and alert than the canon!Pomni, sure she panics and is anxious like her, she's more calm and a bit more prideful arrogant in certain situations."
"Ragatha is I don't know yet, Jax is more joking, Gangle is less anxious and her comedy mask is a bit more sturdy, Kinger and Zooble are probably still the same in this AU."
"Caine creates more chaotic adventures in this AU too I guess. I'm tempted to turn Pomni into a Mary Sue of sorts."
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