#marvel rivals faction
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awapplez · 3 months ago
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Hello everyone! I wanted to get more console players in my faction for the Rivalry Rising achievement. Only requirements are to be on console and have at least Silver 3!
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jedifather · 2 months ago
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Join the faction ~ ThePortMafia
We Stream and are always playing together.
Social and active members that are willing to get synergy and team up with new members
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blueikeproductions · 4 months ago
So with TFONE now on streaming, it’s now number 1 on P+, and introduces audiences to the modern version of the origins of the Great War.
But how did the Great War start before hand?
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For the most part, it’s pretty simple: Most series revolve around both factions fighting over energy sources when we first meet the Transformers. This power struggle would more often than not depict the war stalemating due to an energy crisis or the energy crisis being part of the reason the war started to begin with.
Occasionally the question is brought up why the Autobots and Decepticons can’t get along…
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The Decepticons are pretty typically war mongering villains, wanting to pillage and plunder the galaxy to rule over it, while the Autobots oppose them for the good of Cybertron and other innocent lifeforms caught in the conflict.
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For the most part, the cartoons don’t divulge too much into any deeper ideological differences, the Decepticons want power and will hurt people to get it, the Autobots want to protect. That’s about the long and short of it.
The original cartoon and some comics would later explain this is a genetic difference due to their creation. The Quintessons built the robots to be Consumer Goods and Military Hardware, with the Military robots desiring power and conquest some time after the Quintessons were chased off Cybertron. The comics would suggest the Decepticons are a natural yang to the Autobots’ Yin, futher established with the ancient evil mechanoid, Liege Maximo, being the one who the Decepticons descended from. Unlike today, most media would cast Megatron and Optimus as simply being the current leaders of their respective sides, with Optimus coming into the battle a little later after Megatron was established. Likewise, both would have successors, like RatBat and Bludgeon in the comics or Deathsaurus and Violenjiger in anime while the Autobots had Grimlock, Rodimus Prime, Star Saber and Dai Atlas. There clearly was an intent for a line of succession that today is mostly ignored.
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Anyway, the 80’s cartoon was very consistent that the Decepticons were the cause of the conflict, and that Cybertron was plagued with several wars prior to Optimus and Megatron’s time, with each side declaring victory at various points.
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Curiously, an aborted concept prior to the 80’s movie would’ve explained the Decepticons were a separate alien robot race that invaded Cybertron in its prehistory, which would’ve greatly changed things had that been retained.
While the Marvel Comics would mostly retain ideas from the carton, the earlier issues would reveal Transforming was a war time invention of the Decepticons, which the Autobots would later copy. This was of course retconned later with the Primus origin story, while the cartoon would show Transforming as an Autobot invention during the war.
The UK comics would attempt to elaborate the origins of the Decepticons by depicting the athletic Megatron and his early followers being survivors of their destroyed city states during early conflicts over dwindling energy resources on Cybertron. While Optimus and Megatron were former athletic rivals, their connection and rivalry became more solidified during war time.
Cartoons would largely stick to the simpler direction of Autobots and Decepticons being morally opposed, one Heroic and Good, the other Dastardly and Evil.
Japanese media in particular goes pretty hard in this direction where the Autobots and their Maximal descendants are pretty firmly established as peace keepers and heroic ambassadors of justice, helping other races evolve and grow by pooling technology and resources, resulting in Autobot City on Earth, Earth Defense Command and collaborations with other organic and mechanical races. The Decepticons meanwhile are a corrosive force aiming for wanton destruction and power lust, led by various so called Emperors of Destruction like Scorponok and Deathsaurus post Galvatron. The only real exception to this in Japanese media was the reveal Deathsaurus’ Decepticons were only fighting to keep their families alive aboard Deathsaurus’ fortress. His wife kept tabs on things there and was actually kind of a sweetheart, though this is only unique to the manga. Anime Deathsaurus had no family and was hellbent on wanting to blow up Earth to prove a point out of spite.
Armada is pry the only time where the question was asked as to why both sides are fighting, to the point the modern Autobots and Decepticons ask this themselves and show uncertainty as to what both were originally fighting for in the first place. The show would establish that while the war started similarly to G1, the sudden appearance of the evolution granting Mini-Cons aggravated things further.
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The anime would later explain the Mini-Cons, and his Acolyte Sideways, were created by Unicron as a means to keep the war going, as the anger and hatred of the war sustained him.
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Unicron somewhat rightly called out both factions as merely being war machines that loved fighting and wouldn’t know what to do with themselves outside of that environment. It gave Optimus pause, and Galvatron seems to silently acknowledge this is true to some extent, but Optimus still values what he feels the Autobots have been fighting for thanks to the humans and Mini-Cons: peace for all. Optimus will fight, to eradicate the evil plaguing Cybertron in Unicron and those among the Decepticons who won’t quit.
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Thanks to a time paradox that saw Rad, Carlos and Alexis travel to the era of the Mini-Cons’ creation and bond with them back then, this ensured Unicron and the Decepticons’ ambitions would unravel in the future, seeing the Mini-Cons gradually evolve into beings celebrating peace rather than just being “smart tools” for war time.
What makes it funnier for Armada, is the Dreamwave version of events featured a short comic about peace ambassadors coming to Cybertron to attempt to diffuse the situation.
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The surviving ambassador hoped it would work itself out and got the heck out of Cybertron.
While the Great War was still the main war, other series would state Cybertron was constantly at war, with the Great War simply being the current one. Past wars, like the cartoon, were either waged by the Autobots and Decepticons’ ancestors or caused by an alien invasion by the Quintessons or other races with an axe to grind with Cybertron.
The Bay films would famously introduce the life giving Allspark which for a lot of media, became the primary reason why the Autobots and Decepticons went to war. The Decepticons wanted to abuse its power for their own gain, like the Skeksis wanted with the Dark Crystal, while the Autobots couldn’t let that happen, seeing the relic ejected from Cybertron, condemning it to a slow death until the relic was found on Earth, prompting both sides to go there to fetch it. While Earth’s inclusion in the war originally was to both explain why the Transformers turn into vehicles and Earth animals, and that our planet is abundant in resources the Decepticons would seek to use, that became secondary as the Allspark was viewed as more important. Ancillary movie material would start to lay the foundation that Megatron started the war out of jealousy and growing idealogical resentment at Optimus.
Today, thanks to TFONE, but also the Bay films and Aligned, the Great War caused by the Decepticons started instead by a falling out by Optimus and Megatron who originally were former friends with similar ideals for Cybertron. The duo had managed to stop the initial corruption plaguing Cybertron, but Megatron’s anger, hated and growing resentment and superiority saw him break ties and start a new War to eradicate the Autobots and to fully remove any trace of the false Primes and leaders he felt Optimus now represented.
This concept had shaky ground though, as I feel it unintentionally painted the Decepticons being in the right, and the Autobots being in the wrong. IDW (and later WFC & Cyberverse) milked this for all it was worth, painting the Decepticons as misunderstood freedom fighters who lost their way, while the Autobots while still trying to uphold peace and justice, did appear to come off as simply defending the system some of them benefited from. Megatron would later become more of an antihero, painting his current EarthSpark counterpart being reformed and working with Optimus once more, but still clearly struggling in areas due to Optimus’ view points to keep Megatron in check.
This modern idea isn’t super popular with veteran fans, with Autobot Megatron being a particular point of irritation due to how unbelievable Megatron would change his mind is based on the writers making both factions irredeemably awful and gray in IDW, WFC and Cyberverse.
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TFONE is the only thing to come out that far better articulates the idea, though not without some parts feeling a little forced, it’s still the only thing that makes it far more believable Optimus and Megatron used to be close friends. In this version of events, Optimus was more of a thrill seeking, reckless adventurer type wanting to prove his worth, while Megatron fully believed in the system and was content to be a cog in the machine that benefited Cybertron. This is much more understandable as older stuff tended to cast Optimus as a quiet book worm while Megatron was the more loud ambitious one, which felt at odds with the modern political nature of the war. TFONE Megatron’s hero worship of Sentinel and belief in the system shattered and turned into part self loathing and full on anger and frustration makes so much more sense, and his growing resentment at Optimus for dragging him on wild goose chases in their youth also fits the modern ideas better.
Chief among them, TFONE fixes the problem Aligned had, by instead having the Decepticons originate as the entitled upper class (like Airachnid and Darkwing) and disgruntled, power seeking High Guard led by Starscream, while the Autobots originated as the oppressed Miner class. I think the key difference going forward is Optimus still sought equality and brought it by both proving what the Miners can do at the Iacon races and by providing the Miners with their T-Cogs and restoring flowing Energon to the energy starved planet that Sentinel created. Megatron meanwhile is still stewing in his loathing and hatred born from his disbelief at what his hero Sentinel has done, and what he feels is Optimus contributing to it (when he’s clearly not). It’s fairly simple for what it is, and it works perfectly.
The energy crisis is also brought back in the film, a problem Sentinel caused, which I think helps better explain further stress on why the war broke out. Considering the Quintessons have a stake in Cybertron’s Energon, the continued need for energy I would assume would still play a role in a potential sequel. Skybound also returned to energy being a driving factor, though it’s unclear as if typing if Optimus and Megatron were former friends here, I’m leaning towards no. What context we do get with him leans towards his older G1 cartoon self, wanting to completely eradicate the Autobots as well as having a corrosive, manipulative personality, shaping those like Starscream into the monster he is today. No trace of the modern lingering hope the two have that they could go back to being friends seems to be here.
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How newer versions of the Great War are shaped post TFONE, within CyberWorld and during Skybound we have yet to see, but however it works in the future will likely depend on which version the creators want to go with Megatron…
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indragonsaur · 16 days ago
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Transformers: Cybertron chronicles: Lightbright
Name: Lightbright Gender: Female Species: Cybertronian Status: Online Faction: TBA
Alt-Mode: Jet ufo mixed Voice actress: Judy Alice Lee - Luna Snow from Marvel Rivals
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fujimilovers · 17 days ago
looking at factions in marvel rivals is all like
dick suckers unlimited!
big daddys power!
bangin broads!
what about. not that.
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candor-creator · 1 month ago
Character Outline: the Pale King
- I choose, in spite of my divine status and other powerful beings in my company, to depict myself as a smaller bug like those who worship me.
- I enjoy well-maintained complexity far more than simplicity. Everything appended to my name and land must be the best and most marvelous of its kind.
- If given the choice between a grand day out with countless nobles singing their praises of me and a quiet evening alone struggling with a puzzle in my mess of a workshop, I would pick the latter. Every single time.
- I am rarely seen, but my influence is still felt across the land. My power is absolute.
- I never raise my voice above a whisper. My words do not need to deafen others in order for my meaning to ring true.
- Less is more. The less people I have doing one task, the better that task tends to get done. A handful of professionals is infinitely better than hundreds of amateurs.
- I am infinitely prideful, more competitive than the most competitive person you know, egocentric, and must always be correct. I firmly believe I am doing what is best for my kingdom.
- Diplomacy is a much better way to solve problems than outright violence in any case. Even a threat is far greater than action.
- Greater Good. The ends shall always justify the means, and I always intend to create a better future for everyone under my reign. (Lawful Neutral)
- My beautiful wife still harbors guilt over the sacrifices we made together. The grief drove us away from each other, and I miss her every day.
- I trusted a single friend of mine with all of my secrets and my greatest work. He trusted me as well, and because of that, he will never wake again.
- A fellow scholar advocated greatly for change and growth in the kingdom. I had to lie to her to convince her to help it live on in her absence. I hope she forgives me.
- The rival queen of a nearby faction has earned my respect, if not trust, with a deal ensuring both of our continued success and survival. I can only hope that one day our daughter will forgive us for the injustice of her existence. She’s strong.
- To ensure the safety of everything I’ve worked for, I had to sacrifice a potential child of mine to the cause. The being I crafted in its wake I still see my own face in, and its continued suffering haunts me.
- Ruthlessness defines me. Everything I do is a means to an end.
- I know more than everyone else around me, and in my presence, I must be the one who calls the shots and explains the way of the world. I have been told this can come off as “condescending.” I do not see the problem.
- My precognition shows me visions of everything that could go wrong, and I would do unspeakable things to make sure they never come to pass.
- The idea of losing control over a situation terrifies me to the point of self-isolation.
- If it isn't perfect, then it isn't complete. Get back to work.
- In the unlikely event that something goes catastrophically wrong, it is entirely my fault, and I will try to pick up the pieces to my own detriment.
- My pride shall ultimately be my downfall. Despite knowing this, I will continue to hold on to it and try to find another way out.
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crazymuffin1 · 3 months ago
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hey marvel rivals gang join my venom gooner faction
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spongebobafettywap · 3 months ago
Marvel confuses me a whole lot as a company for anything X-Men related comicbook wise (the less you know about what they're doing right now, Maz, the better) but it's even more mindboggling in every other format like,
They killed Azazel at the end of 2023 in the comics for no other reason than to satisfy immature shippers ready to sell their dignity and soul for a stupid origins idea after setting him up as the ultimate evil that can only be stopped by uwu best boi/ chosen one/ religious leader/ Spiderman/ part-time sudden murder hobo Nightcrawler (only to be stopped by something else dafuk?)... But
They used his character as a cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine that came out this year and became the fifth highest grossing Marvel film ever produced
They revived this year the one X-Men TV show that actually showed Nightcrawler with a living father (the Baron) and Mystique as his mother
They are making votes right now to have either Azazel, Selene or Shauron as part of the Hellfire Club faction in Marvel Rivals when Azazel was never part of the Hellfire Club to begin with in the comics
It's like how when D&W came out they actually momentarily killed Deadpool in the comics to have his daughter takeover. What is the marketing department even doing
thank you anon you're showing me that I'm missing out on having migraines from trying to understand the X-men writing teams logic
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stuff-of-legends · 1 year ago
Marvel Universe's Gods and Monsters.
JL Gods and Monsters is a reinvention of DC's characters that takes the name and throw everything else out. So with Marvel's take I wanted to go a little further.
Here are some early ideas I had-
-Hulk is a young man whose cursed to transform into monster because of something his grandfather did.
-Ant-man is a mutated ant that became an ant-human hybrid by experiments from the High Evolutionary.
-Vision is a mutant that could see the future.
-Goliath is a giant who protects the humans he befriended and their descendants.
-Iron Fist is an Inhuman with the ability to transform their body into different metals.
For the Big three I'd probably replace Thor with Horus and explore what happened if there was a platoon of Super Soldiers during WW2 lead by Protocide instead of Steve.
For Iron Man, I wanted to use Machine Man and tie him to Japan. He started out as a deterrent against American Super Soldiers but defected and became the first robot citizen of the UN.
Spider-Man and Wasp would focus on the conflict between the Spider-society and the Brotherhood of Wasps. Those two characters would represent those factions and be rivals.
These are fun to do. What are your ideas?
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lokiwaffles · 2 years ago
Here is a longer synopsis for one of my main four Marvel OCs!
Name: Iris Rivers
Birthday: May 6th, 1990 (she is 22 in 2012)
Faction: HYDRA
Current Occupation: Double agent in SHIELD; her job is gathering intel for HYDRA to use.
Likes: Golden Retrievers, comic books, video games, combat, beating up bad guys, her bf, and smoking.
Dislikes: Feeling like her privacy is invaded, being talked down to, being humiliated. Also Holly.
Powers: The ability to shield her mind from mind readers, particularly Holly, and make herself seem mentally shallow and trustworthy. She is unaware of this ability.
Languages: English, ASL
Friends: Holly (ex-friend), her boyfriend Gray, and Ava (Gray's handler).
Belief: She is the protagonist, the hero of the story. She will always win, no matter what.
Achilles Heel: Her narcissism and carelessness pertaining to others. Sure, she cares for Holly in the beginning, but only in a superficial way.
Here is a drawing by RJ Pierce on the left! This is a very old design, however. Her newer design is on the right!
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Iris Rivers is an idealistic young woman, powerfully self-driven. Her parents were both SHIELD agents, as was her late grandmother, and the weight of their expectations leads her to carry on the mantle and join SHIELD as well. However, Jasper Sitwell notices her very early on in her training and invites her to join HYDRA. Partly due to ignorance, and partly due to the desire to "stick it to her parents', she agrees, assuming that just like SHIELD, HYDRA is there to better mankind. She functions as a very low-level intelligence agent, doing more palatable work, and it is a few weeks after graduating from accelerated training for both SHIELD and HYDRA that she meets Holly Legrand. HYDRA immediately pinpoints her as a person of interest, and Iris befriends her in order to gain more information and keep tabs on her. Iris does like Holly well enough at first, but soon becomes a little fed up with Holly's various little oddities and trauma. The last straw is when Holly reveals that she can mind read, and Iris is horrified and disgusted with the thought of Holly poking around in her head. She doesn’t believe Holly when she says that she thought Iris was a good person. Instead, Iris believes that Holly knows of her true faction, and is actively taunting her. Iris reports to her superiors that Holly is now a threat, and that is where Gray comes in! (Working on a post for him soon!) (In shorthand, Gray is an assassin raised in the less idealistic and more brutal side of HYDRA. Gray meets Iris on a relay mission pertaining to some top-secret information, and they head out for drinks. They quickly become a couple. He also never learns the name of his victims due to personal preference, which is why he never recognizes who exactly Holly is) Gray is assigned to eliminate Holly, as she is (purportedly) aware of some possibly incriminating secrets for HYDRA. Fortunately for Holly, when she goes missing at the NASA facility during Loki's break-in, he loses track of her. He then goes to Iris in order to have a partner for his investigation, and she agrees to come with him on the grounds that she cannot be the one to kill Holly. She perceives herself to be the hero after all, and of course, heroes don’t kill. They track Holly with the help of some of HYDRA's facilities and eventually make their way to Stuttgart, Germany. Unfortunately, Gray collapses, due to the significant toll that his work has been taking on him for the past few days, and Iris is forced to confront Holly alone. When she finds Holly in the museum, with the dying guard, she is instantly repulsed. How disgusting of Holly to kill someone. How positively villainous. This cements the belief in her head that Holly essentially equates to her rival. She also absolutely cannot find the nerve to kill her. Iris leaves just before SHIELD arrives, and justifies her actions with the fact that she is sure Holly will get the death sentence for murdering the man. in fact, even if she doesn’t, Gray can still kill Holly later. She picks up the somewhat bleary Gray, and they make their way back to New York, where Iris lives. When they wake up at Iris's place, the battle of New York is in full session. Iris and Gray somewhat reluctantly help fight the aliens, defending the city block, and Iris runs into Holly again. Annoyed, she kind of just leaves Holly to get killed by a pack of aliens (of course that doesn’t happen). Later, at the end of the battle, she gets a text message from a mysterious number telling her not to kill Holly, as she is actually Gray's sister. Iris remains unconvinced until a document is sent alongside the message with the exact details pertaining to their relationship. And that ends it for now! Still trying to condense a 100,000+ word work into a short(ish) synopsis, so I will be back with more lore later!
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300iqprower · 27 days ago
Marvel Rivals having a Captain AIM skin for CA is sus, but that ON TOP of the fact you can make the hydra logo your faction icon elevates it to YIKES.
Like that's not even dogwhistles that's just whistles.
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indragonsaur · 1 month ago
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Transformers: Cybertron chronicles: Esmeral
Name: Esmeral
Gender: Female Species: Cybertronian Status: Online Faction: Decepticons (Formerly,) Predacons
Beast-Mode: Cybertronian Dragon Voice actress: Abby Trott - Magik from Marvel rivals
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hautsreadsmarvel · 2 months ago
“Avengers”... Assemble (issues 4-7)
let me warm up the pipes. ahem, ahem
“Captain America Joins… The Avengers!” (1963)
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Prince Namor finds Captain America frozen solid in the Arctic while throwing a tantrum, and sends his body careening southward where he thaws out and gets rescued by the Avengers. He’s incredibly intense by the standards put forth by Marvel so far:
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As the Avengers finish their journey back from Gibraltar, they all get turned into stone right in front of a paparazzi crowd. Cap, having been hidden away, is unaffected, and heads out to figure what’s happening.
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He isn’t just intense, he’s nutty with trauma too, which makes him the most flavorful of the Avengers so far - perhaps only Spider-Man rivals him. Cap’s uncannily smart too, outwitting the Avengers during their initial altercation, adapting to 20 years of change in a few hours, and - once he has the motivation - conscripting Rick Jones to help him sort thru photographs of the paparazzi to find any potential malicious actors and sniff them out.
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He even makes seemingly buckwild leaps of logic that get proven instantly.
Anyways, he pledges to help Medusa, Medusa unfreezes the Avengers, Thor dredges up the alien’s ship, and then the Avengers do battle with Namor and his elite guard who remained loyal to him. Cap stays back from the fight, observing the capabilities of all present, then springs into action to save Rick Jones from being captured by the Atlanteans. They stalemate in the chaos of the alien ship’s departure and both go their separate ways, but Cap joins the Avengers.
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By the by, Iron Man has this technique for dealing with tough opponents where he hits them with Magnets That Make You Spin. He did it to the Hulk in the prior issue, too, but I didn’t comment on it because I thought it was a one-and-done thing. It seems like it’s going to be a part of his standard arsenal going forward, though, given that he did it to Namor here.
Also the Wasp was here I guess. She had less speaking lines (therefore less “shallow romance-obsessed woman” sexisms happened in this issue), and actually did something in combat by spinning around Namor’s eyes to blind him, so that’s better than most of her other recent appearances.
“The Invasion of the Lava Men!” (1963)
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Rick Jones why the fuck are you still here on the covers??? Did people actually pay to see you? You were someone's favorite character?? Extremely doubtful.
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The Lava Men (formerly seen in a Thor issue I probably barely covered) are our fourth faction of subterranean meanies so far. They are menaced by a “living rock” that grows in size and produces destructive sound blasts when struck, so they send it up to the surface to save themselves and eradicate the surface-dwellers.
The Avengers find out how to destroy the rock without also annihilating the Earth, but they need someone super-strong to hit the weak point. Thor is occupied battling the Lava Men - and later making peace with them - so they have to trick the acrimonious Hulk into striking the exact spot.
“The Invasion of the Lava Men!” is alright, but the Lava Men are hardly interesting antagonists and I’m getting tired of the Donald Blake-Thor situation. A Lava Man swings a “radioactive rod” at him that causes him to somehow transform back into Blake, scaring the Lava Man into believing Thor has greater mystical powers… sure. Okay. Fine.
“The Mighty Avengers Meet the ‘Masters of Evil’!” (1963)
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The premise of this one is that one of Cap’s old foes, Zemo, gathers to fight the Avengers a group of their nemeses. I can recognize the Melter (chest beam guy) as one of Iron Man’s own “meh” villains, and the Black Knight on his genetically-spliced winged horse as one of Giant Man’s, but I don’t recall who the green fellow is to Thor. Oh. Right. The green fellow is a Red Menace villain with radioactive powers.
We will skip over the… depiction… of the “South American jungle area” people Zemo rules over. He was a Nazi scientist; in the War, Cap defeated him in a way that caused his veil/hood to remain adhered to his face permanently. He learns that Cap survived and so puts together the Masters of Evil to do mayhem, firing his “Adhesive X” around New York to glue people and vehicles in place.
The Avengers have a pretty trivial time manhandling the Masters of Evil, but some of them get hit with Adhesive X. To learn how to dissolve it, they phone up Paste-Pot Pete (the guy from one of the Human Torch stories who uses super-adhesive weaponry) in prison and he helps them. Huh, I honestly didn’t expect them to ever paint an inmate in a positive light.
Anyways the Avengers all switch foes and beat them even more easily this time, as well as dupe them into distributing Paste-Pot Pete’s adhesive dissolver around the city by getting the Teen Brigade to sabotage the Masters’ of Evil supplies.
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Being real for a moment? I don’t like the Teen Brigade. I’m more accepting of Rick Jones now, but these random-ass kids going around doing sneak attacks and handling nationwide communications for the Avengers is so corny. Seeing Zemo hypnotize them, if only temporarily, made my day.
I didn’t regret reading this issue, but the lack of real tension, relevance of the Teen Brigade, and climactic confrontation between Cap and Zemo consisting of the two of them shouting staid patriotisms at each other contribute to it hardly shining so bright as the prior Avengers issues. I’d say it’s about as enjoyable as their first issue.
“Their Darkest Hour” (1963)
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Why is Zemo posing like that. What is that.
In a prior Iron Man issue, Tony hung up the cape for a brief stint and thus failed to respond to an Avengers distress call. The other Avengers’ decide to punish him by… forcing him to continue not doing Avengers activity for a week? That seems hare-brained.
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Cap gets to show off in an extended training sequence, but his day takes a turn for the worse when Rick Jones dresses up in Bucky’s costume. In the throes of rage and despair, he vows to find and defeat Zemo.
Unbeknownst to him, Zemo has found allies in two of Thor’s Asgardian nemeses, the Enchantress and the Executioner.
The Executioner dresses up as a defector from Zemo’s operations to lure Captain America onto a solo warpath. We will skip over Cap’s plight since it involves him tussling with the previously mentioned poorly depicted “South American jungle” people.
The Enchantress bespells Thor to think of the Avengers as servants of evil, so he starts beating the crap out of Giant Man.
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Iron Man returns to save the day with his Magnet That Makes You Spin attack. Why this never came up in the movies, and why he isn’t allowed to do this in Marvel Rivals as a form of crowd control, I have no clue. This is great lmao
He also uses anti-hypnotic technique to undo the Enchantress’ spell, because obviously. Remember folks, if your friend ever starts acting evil, force them to stare at the sun and it'll fix them right up.
The Avengers assemble once more and take the fight to our villains, and Thor disposes of them with another random-ass Mjolnir-power, creating a “space warp” that can lead “anywhere -- to a different city – or a different universe!” Although I also do not believe such a power is attested to within the Prose Edda, I find myself less bothered with Thor’s random powers now, since it’s clear that this is just a common thing with the hyper-powerful gods of Asgard. For example, the Executioner priorly displayed the ability to cut someone in a way that sends them to another dimension rather than actually physically injure them, and in this issue he knocks out Cap with a touch that subjects him to 100 Gs.
All in all, the Avengers are fine. As usual, my dissatisfactions stem from the racisms and general flatness of characters, but at least we have the good Captain America here to provide some dimensionality, and the art and action remain entertaining.
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jgeorgejames · 2 months ago
Exploring the Dead Zone: Mysteries Beyond the Fertile Crescent
The "Dead Zone" surrounding New Patagon looms as an enigmatic barrier in the cosmos—a vast expanse of chaotic stellar matter and unknown energies that separates the system from the more developed regions of the Fertile Crescent. As depicted in The Age of Shaman Professor Elroy: Shamanry Raised by J. George James, this mysterious region is as much a symbol of isolation as it is a gateway to potential treasures and dangers.
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An Obscured Frontier
For over four centuries, the Dead Zone concealed the existence of New Patagon and its resilient inhabitants. Dense clouds of stellar gas and chaotic energy created a formidable curtain, thwarting traditional means of exploration and communication. Only the persistent noise of electromagnetic signals from Graham’s Point penetrated this veil, leading to New Patagon’s rediscovery. The barriers of the Dead Zone force any interstellar traveler to innovate or risk peril, preserving its secrets from prying eyes.
Potential Treasures
Cosmic Resources:
The Dead Zone may hold untapped resources, from rare minerals to exotic substances. Given the anomaly of the "Gift-alloy" asteroids protecting New Patagon, it’s plausible similar marvels are hidden within this turbulent region. Discoveries here could revolutionize energy, technology, and trade across the Fertile Crescent.
Alien Relics:
New Patagon's existence has already been enriched by the 13 cosmic Gifts left by a vanished alien civilization. Could the Dead Zone hide more artifacts from this ancient race? If so, such discoveries might further elevate New Patagon’s scientific and spiritual standing in the galaxy.
Untouched Worlds:
Worlds nestled within the Dead Zone could offer fertile grounds for colonization or new lifeforms. Such planets might mirror New Patagon’s evolutionary ingenuity, with unique ecosystems or sentient beings awaiting contact.
Looming Dangers
Hostile Forces:
The Dead Zone’s treacherous terrain might also serve as a haven for unseen enemies. The arrival of a silent, enigmatic warship at New Patagon hints at the possibility of lurking threats—pirates, rival factions, or alien predators.
Environmental Hazards:
Stellar anomalies that disrupt electromagnetic signals and space travel could also wreak havoc on explorers. Magnetic storms, gravitational eddies, and radiation pockets are likely perils within this region.
The Unknown:
Perhaps the most chilling prospect of the Dead Zone is its unknown nature. For those bold enough to enter, it presents not only physical challenges but the existential threat of confronting phenomena beyond human comprehension.
Bridging the Divide
The visionaries of New Patagon, such as Professor Elroy, view the Dead Zone not solely as an obstacle but as an opportunity. By developing technologies to navigate and explore its depths, the Tehuelches could unlock both survival and prosperity. Just as the asteroid infrastructure shields their world from the Bully Sun’s wrath, innovation could protect and guide them through this stellar labyrinth.
The Dead Zone is both a reminder of the isolation New Patagon has endured and a testament to its resilience. Its mysteries beckon explorers with equal measures of peril and promise, inviting humanity to step further into the cosmos while ensuring it remains grounded in humility and caution.
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derekfoster · 2 months ago
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Marvel Rivals Game Mechanics Explained: A Guide to Mastering Your Moves
Marvel Rivals is not just another mobile game; it’s a blend of strategy, action, and teamwork. To succeed, you need to understand its intricate mechanics. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this guide will walk you through the key game mechanics that will elevate your gameplay experience.
Key Game Mechanics in Marvel Rivals
Team Composition and Synergy
Building a well-balanced team is essential. Focus on creating a group with complementary abilities, such as pairing tanks with high-damage dealers or support characters who enhance survivability.
Synergies can amplify your team’s overall effectiveness, such as using characters from the same faction or storyline for bonus buffs.
Energy Management
Each character uses energy to execute their abilities. Managing your energy pool effectively can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Learn when to conserve energy and when to unleash powerful ultimates to turn the tide of battle.
Cooldown Timing
Every ability has a cooldown, making timing critical. Avoid wasting abilities too early in a fight or saving them for too long.
Counters and Matchups
Each character has strengths and weaknesses. For example, ranged characters can outmaneuver melee bruisers, while tanks can soak up damage from high-output enemies.
Studying your opponents’ abilities will allow you to counter their moves effectively.
Tips for Improving Your Gameplay
Practice Makes Perfect: Spend time mastering your favorite characters to understand their strengths and limitations.
Experiment with Teams: Don’t hesitate to test out different combinations to find the perfect synergy.
Analyze Your Matches: Review your battles to identify mistakes and areas for improvement.
Marvel Rivals Boosting: The Fast Track to Mastery
If you’re struggling to progress or unlock advanced features, Marvel Rivals boosting can give you the edge you need. From faster character unlocks to leveling up efficiently, boosting allows you to focus on mastering gameplay instead of grinding.
Conclusion: Mastery Requires Strategy
By understanding and utilizing the game mechanics in Marvel Rivals, you can significantly improve your performance. Whether you’re aiming for competitive play or just enjoying the game, mastering these elements will ensure a rewarding experience.
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sinistercity · 9 months ago
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The city becomes a haven for supernatural beings as ancient ley lines lie dormant beneath its foundations. The influx of vampires, werewolves, witches, and fae leads to heightened tensions as factions vie for power and control. Ideological conflicts arise, with some seeking to harness the dormant ley lines for knowledge and unity, while others aim for dominance and personal gain.
 Amidst this turmoil, human inhabitants are divided between support for the supernatural and fear-driven opposition. A group of unlikely allies emerges to protect the city’s fragile balance, navigating alliances, uncovering secrets, and confronting adversaries, setting the stage for a battle over the destiny of Los Santos.
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Welcome to Season 2 of Los Santos: 
Something has BROKEN.
It was a typical Wednesday morning when it happened, a cracking sound that seemed to originate in the sky. As if someone, or something, was cracking the very sky like a mirror steadily fracturing under force. When it happened, it came with a loud and sudden EXPLOSION and then -
Wake up.
To many citizens, nothing has changed. No notable events or items appear out of place. Only two witches are aware of the loss of something invaluable - an entire timeline DEVOURED and collapsed in on itself. This was the price for an imbalance brought by meddling at the hands of someone long since lost and now forgotten. It is this new world that has laid claim to the city of Los Santos. Ambrose Myrrdin remains the lone witness to the timeline collapse, saved and cursed by The Archives.
Key Events and Factions:
Ley Lines Flicker and Wane: As the ley lines begin to visibly flicker and wane, witch-centric crime is on the rise. The increase in magical activity is causing unrest among the citizens of Los Santos.
Serial Killer on the Loose: During the festivals, a serial killer emerged on the eve of Samhain, going unchecked in the streets. Despite claims of the killer’s death at the hands of new police chief Victor Lynch, locals believe the killer still lurks, casting a shadow of fear over the city.
Aegis and the Consortium: With a sudden rise in tourism, a new rival power, known only as Aegis, has reclaimed the ruins of the once-marvelous Consortium. Anyone brave enough to wander the dank, shadowy darkness rarely returns unscathed. The power struggle in the underground has become a significant threat.
Key Locations and Groups:
The Mayans: A feared group in the southern borders, believed to have a working relationship with Aegis. Their territory is one of the most dangerous yet strangely organized and efficient areas in Los Santos. They’ve taken over the Sycamore Hills area, making it one of the safest places for werewolves.
Heartfield Zoo and Gardens: Reopened with supernatural creatures, it has become a controversial yet popular tourist attraction. However, the zoo’s operations are shrouded in mystery and protests have arisen over the nature of the exhibits.
The Blood Woods: A dangerous area linked to mysterious murders. Locals avoid this area due to the high number of unexplained deaths, making it one of the most feared places in the city.
The Botanical Gardens: A refuge for rebel witches, though local hunters have yet to find them. This sanctuary is a hotbed of magical activity and a critical location for those involved in witch-centric crimes.
Welcome to the New World:
As a new player, you are stepping into a city on the brink of chaos and transformation. The ley lines now flicker with unstable energy, causing a rise in supernatural activity and crime. The balance of power is fragile, with factions like Aegis and the Mayans vying for control.
Your Role:
Your character will navigate this complex landscape, uncovering secrets and forging alliances. Whether you choose to align with a faction, uncover the truth behind the serial killings, or explore the mysteries of the ley lines, your actions will shape the future of Los Santos.
Join in on this thrilling journey where your decisions will determine whether Los Santos rises as a beacon of unity and progress or falls deeper into chaos and conflict. The fate of the city is in your hands. Welcome to Season 2.
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