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Fashion designer creating clothes for 'outer space'
Anurita Chandola, a fashion designer originally from India, has been working on a Martian House Project in Bristol as a Designer. Anurita Chandola wanted to join the project after seeing her dress blowing in the wind; this led her to wonder how gravity affects clothing.
" The Martian House Project in Bristol was a public art project that made a Prototype of a real Martian house. " - https://buildingamartianhouse.com/
On November 18th, 2022, Anurita Chandola talked about her pursuit of designing clothes for outer space at a TEDx event in SS Great Britain.
Anurita Chandola joined the fashion industry a decade ago but started rethinking her career path after seeing the damage that fashion has done to the environment.
"I had a great life, worked internationally, worked with great brands… and then I realized how much harm just one industry alone could cause to the environment and I decided that I could no longer be a part of it", she said.
She then decided to go back to college at the Royal College of Art in London, where she began researching and crafting a collection of clothes designed for people to wear on Mars.
#news#2022#fashion#space#outer space#nasa#runway#astronaut#space suit#space art#clothing#clothes#bristol#fashion design#martionhouseproject#anurita chandola#transformation#sleeping bag#martion#little space#space exploration#national news
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餘火/coal - Martion 莫昕
#Martion 莫昕#Banimartion#Art#Fantasy#Dark Souls 3#Fire Keeper#Ashen One#Knight#Fire#Temple#Cute Couple#ArtStation
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Mr.X/ ManHunter X
On the planet Mars lays a species of powerful Martian’s. However, between the long departed rights between the supreme Green race over the White lower 2nd class system and civil war lead to the planets greatest lost at the hands of Darkseid.
Only one Martian escaped X. A criminal of both Green & White decent X had dealt with the difficulties of being welcomed to either side from the Martian race accused of a crime he didn't comment the alien made if way towards the Planet Earth. And came into contact with Mr.X a special agent working for the government upon, accident killed the human with a mix of guilt and fear of this unknown planet the Martian did the unthinkable.
Performing a forbidden mind technique the halfbreed alien absorbed all the dying humans memories and being into his own allowing it to steal the former agents life for itself. Now as Mr.X the Martian has made a life for itself while also upholding conscience and morality for meta-humans such as SuperWoman and greater threats believing Darkseid may come for Earth.
Powers & Abilities
Martian Physiology: The average Martian possesses the potential for the following power set.
Shape-Shifting: Martians have psionic control of their physical for down to the molecular level. This allows them to a form of shape-shifting that allows them to mimic other forms, elongate aspects of their body, increase or decrease their physical size, and so on.
Size Alteration: As an extension of their shape-shifting abilities, Martians can easily alter their size, shrinking or growing to gigantic size.
Invisibility: Martians can cause the biopolymers in their bodies to lose their ability to reflect light, making the Martians invisible to normal light and human sight.
Phasing: Martians can go through solid matter.
Superhuman Strength: Martians possess vast levels of superhuman strength and are among the few races that are able to match SuperWoman in terms of raw strength. Martians can easily shatter reinforced concrete and steel, lift and carry hundreds of tons with ease and deliver incredible damage with their blows.
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Regeneration: Martians have powerful regenerative powers that enable them to regenerate their entire body from a severed limb, they can further enhance their regenerative powers by drawing mass from nearby sources.
Telepathy: Martians have the ability to read the minds of others and project their thoughts to varying degrees. They can also project their mental essences into a gestalt community known as the "Great Mind". Through this, the community can enhance the telepathic strength of other Martians. This power can also enable them to reverse the effects of amnesia or psychological brainwashing.
Telekinesis:Martians have mind-over-matter abilities and can lift and move objects with their minds. They can also employ their telekinesis in an offensive way by discharging telekinetic blasts capable of great concussive power
Vulnerability to Fire: Martians are much more vulnerable to fire than the average Earth human. At times this has been portrayed as physical, psychological, or a combination of the two. The effect of this is to strip any Martian of their powers as they involuntarily lose control of their body. X has stated that his reaction is relative to the flame, a birthday cake will make him tense but won't make him wilt.
Chocolate: While on Earth, X has found a great love for the human treat of chocolate due to his physiology making him addicted to the chemicals used in the Earth snack, Chocos. Withdrawal symptoms include violent bursts of rage and loss of intellect. However, this addiction is treatable due to Mr.X's love for Kombucha the fermented drink has a canceling effect on the chocolate though it will leave X with discomforts until his strength is regained
#newpost#superhero#the owl house au#the owl house#amphibia au#amphiba#Amphibia Mr X#dc martion man hunter#dc fanart#art#j'onn j'onzz#green Martian#white Martian#web comics#illustration#superwoman#the owl house amity#amity blight#web comic#dc comics#batman#dc universe#dcau#justice league#camila noceda#eda clawthorne#dceu#green man#white man
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Upside of having a shit memory rereading books is fun as I have forgotten most of the detailes so I'm still surprised at plot twists
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im an aston martion you steered straight into the ditch then ran and hid
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THE MARTIONS (wip part2)
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σε ακολουθώ από απίστευτα παλιά ( τύπου αριαδνοβιβλιο παλιά , ωραία εποχή του Wattpad) και θυμάμαι ότι σου άρεσε το game of thrones . Πρόσφατα έγινε το νέο ομπζεσιον της κολλητής μου και ήθελα στα γενέθλια της να της πάρω είτε το πρικουελ ( φωτιά και αίμα ; Δεν ξέρω αν μεταφράζεται έτσι) είτε το πρώτο της σειράς αλλά το ένα , το πρικουελ το έχω βρει μόνο στα αγγλικά ενώ το άλλο και στα ελληνικά και δεν ξέρω αν θα είναι δύσκολο το αγγλικό επίπεδο ;
Θα σου πω, εγώ τα asoiaf τα έχω διαβάσει μόνο στα ελληνικά και δεν τα βρήκα ιδιαίτερα δύσκολα στην κατανόηση. Γενικά θα έλεγα πως το γράψιμο του grr martin είναι απλό, οπότε αν η κολλητή σου έχει ένα καλό επίπεδο γνώσης της αγγλικής θεωρώ πως δεν θα δυσκολευτεί να τα διαβάσει. Παρόλα αυτά προτείνω και τις μεταφράσεις επειδή δεν θεωρώ πως ο grr martion έχει κάποιο ιδιαίτερο στυλ γραφής ή ότι είναι τόσο εξαιρετικά καλός χρήστης της γλώσσας ώστε να χάνονται πράγματα στη μετάφραση και η ελληνική μετάφραση του asoiaf θα έλεγα πως είναι solid. Επειδή δεν ξέρω το επίπεδο της κολλητής σου, θα σου πρότεινα να ρίξεις μια ματιά σε αποσπάσματα για να δεις αν θα μπορούσε να ανταποκριθεί.
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Ablately Abler Aborges Acounly Acribect Acted Addish Aderk Aderms Agander Alles Alovarga Ambets Ambing Amise Andemeng Andote Anglück Angth Anialis Anling Anotat Aphend Aphent Aphorman Appecon Appecul Appret Arand Arapar Areardept Arendoms Asigrated Asout Asplana Attle Avivent Awfulabin Awikiptect Bainimprie Bastris Becursedia Begitope Beroubsum Bignames Biquébets Blegran Boade Bookers Bortivary Bributs Brinte Broce Brular Brumes Bruntes Buted Calinde Camake Carlis Cased Catin Cationt Catolns Catted Cañer Chandwri Chapic Chomad Chong Chrorwhy Chütz Ciallapht Cipect Clook Coder Codusage Cographes Comang Comems Comoss Compapess Compar Computs Conaborkes Conal Conamemble Conds Coning Conly Consped Coolen Couistal Coulas Counflück Counsee Couste Coustral Coöped Coöper Craphe Creed Cremined Crevisark Crically Cring Cumflet Curapow Curatic Curreartha Dapiner Dappers Darenday Daritté Deguoully Derecamony Derrent Dessempa Diawn Dicañón Dichowes Difics Ditle Domish Donst Dopiñón Dothogra Doundot Dowal Drals Dries Earlons Elysing Emernstrya Enchaček Ennal Enterly Eprefier Eptintin Essible Etally Etterly Extors Eyesits Fandu Fanial Façadding Flems Folant Folshon Fonane Forne Forric Foughly Fralway Fuesper Fullys Fussell Föhnimook Gavardsoce Gerpren Glaribles Gliaer Gling Glized Glüge Grame Greanue Groved Hamal Hamonard Hancy Hanne Happeo Harindr Having Hentally Hicaldes Hiscretrin Hogné Holar Horther Hortlys Hould Humlar Ifiergesed Ifies Ifying Imins Imple Inatenee Inaïs Inclaced Inghable Ingèd Internes Inukkambew Jactionion Jasse Jheboth Jhebouten Jherbased Jords Jukar Jully Juncts Karritacra Knate Krally Label Laing Lares Larewds Latintions Lative Leadicalki Lealaté Lialvere Lical Linds Liscrany Listring Lithed Lityland Llises Logralt Lograving Lools Loped Lowed Macrip Magrall Maigh Maily Makely Manetté Marrions Martion Matenced Mativent Matter Mentecte Merobbing Mised Misen Mitecas Moccest Mocithern Monspec Mormer Mosemins Namisbn Naryinght Nasems Neold Nertion Noleceng Notered Nowel Nowle Nunces Offoreenym Ofiew Ofinđić Ogrard Oldromes Oncebél Orded Orited Ornèn Ortemileco Ortitione Orunalanal Oulat Ounce Ounded Ouseng Pactir Paphowled Parion Parlacent Passartal Pelation Pelly Perces Pertho Phess Phics Phorang Pichind Plemon Poetwege Pogres Pophomplo Popigra Praphin Prefunal Prelluse Prept Preted Priant Pritch Prober Proffer Propies Proposeño Pultenté Quatted Quing Quispapt Quistarred Ration Reant Rearting Reañón Requir Retter Revalack Rilheneted Roced Rocult Ropeoustle Rossomput Rumblen Rémail Rémard Rôled Röntegar Sagate Samord Satuit Sclarchan Scril Scropecild Secon Sememoriel Senced Serbott Shicention Shing Shiverst Shorum Sibliny Sicat Sidember Sideving Sigincene Sigurawn Sining Sionad Sitive Sitted Siveny Smovèd Sookipted Sorible Spead Spean Spoen Stalathred Stang Statis Stoper Storth Strachain Striptiser Stually Sturs Submitick Subsests Sumlaturs Supoper Surale Surer Sures Swele Swisbn Syledix Syrin Teatirds Tention Teral Theiste Theral Thess Thican Thiner Thinė Thought Thronu Tionalé Tirel Topoe Tough Toural Toustrée Tremake Trist Tritchen Tritopect Trémadic Tuatūs Turated Typelm Typht Typict Typtive Ublie Umbiquedix Unced Uncyripte Undate Unely Unink Unity Untal Usesical Ustivelai Voicarits Voicarons Wallangs Wandeved Waphyms Wathine Werwer Whount Wikearted Wikey Wilat Witted Worelly Worinău Worned Worsence Wortic Yormaics Yought Youseùner Zakes Zoëlent Zürigniced Übecur Übetwornèd Đinkede
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Clark said nah, and Bruce said yoink!
I love this! I love that like collectively the DP Fandom decided Martion Manhunter is Danny's fave JL hero. I love the reincarnated stories and this one is so cute I love it.
Okay so, idea!
Danny dies and is reincarnated as a CADMUS clone.
Not as Superman's and Lex Luthor's clone.
Oh no, no,no, instead Danny is Martian Manhunter and Batman's clone.
CADMUS got Manhunters DNA from his brief time living in a lab and they got Batman's...from somewhere, there's an actual clone (multiple probably) of him in canon so it does happen somehow.
And there's an interesting difference between reactions.
Where Superman reacts negatively, Manhunter is fricking thrilled.
He's no longer the last of his kind! He has so much to teach this kid! And the kid loves hearing his stories about space and life on Mars, also Miss Martian and Danny get long like a house on fire.
Danny won't go anywhere without Connor so Manhunter gets two sons for the price of one!
He doesn't know a lot about Kryptonians but what he did know he'd share with Connor, and what he didn't know, Batman will find a way to know.
Bruce gives Superman a chance to step up with Connor, a chance he doesn't take so Bruce goes "my kid now"
Dick is happy to teach his two new bros how to swing from the chandelier and the art of giving Bruce grey hairs.
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'A Great Empire has completed': Exoist Richard Wolff | TV shows
Martion Hill addresses Economist Richard Richard Lolf a Carmp software and international relationships. President of the United States Donald Trump Pushs to spend a group of money including China, Canada and Mexico, endurance. He, along with the Bilon Muside, also worshiping the government and cleanse his people. Will these things affect the US citizens? And how do it affect the rest of the…
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I will probably add more sources as I remember them, but for now here's a couple that I know pretty well. Feel free to ask about sources not on this list
Most Disney movies
Teen Titans
Animation memes/AMVs/Animatics
South Park
Your Favorite Martion
Ninja Sex Party
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures
Wicked (act 1)
Be More Chill
In Trousers
The Lightning Theif
Ride The Cyclone
Something Rotten
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ok, space shows,
i will time my drwho watching , or my family , lol maybe ,, my favourite martion
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Mars attack cards
i really quite like these cards they give of an old horror movie poster vibe to it. the colours pop and they seem to usually depict this martion.
i LOVE this design, as it reminds me of the brains in the jars in the show Futurama. i like how it shows the last moment before something goes wrong. like this little girl who it about to get hit on the head with this stick or this one where a woman is being kidnapped.
despite being discontinued in the late 1960s due to a boat load of complaints there popularity sky rocketed in the later years so much so that there current worth goes into the hundreds some even into the thousends.
the back of the cards explain what is happening in the card. the story is obviously well thought out with engaging stakes and descriptive content.
they chose to do black and white in the images because i believe that they did not want the image to be the focus point of the back the writing.
the font they chose is perfect as it encapsulated the comic-esk style the seem to be going for. with a layout that makes sense as they know what parts are to be the focus point and uses every square inch of the card.
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Names generated from the names of USA presidents and vice-presidents
Aarfilince Abrallas Abrich Abridge Adawes Adicant Adick Adincy Adison Adlackin Adlackson Adland Affeder Affer Aganney Agard Agartic Agney Alber Aliderrey Allaint Alvinris Ancump Andon Annedy Anner Annibard Anuarallash Aphig Aphit Aphrens Aprened Aprepted Apres Aprilla Ardinton Artonry Aughounion Aught Augush Augusher Augushin...
Bamlis Bandre Barler Barrepter Barton Bener Benry Bercharfier Berman Bertord Bidember Bidge Bidgeodrey Billas Billmorew Blace Bling Brece Brepter Buchan Buchanuary Burency Buret Burey Burricand Burthurry Burtord Bushen Busher Bushes Bustemon Bustevin Caliatin Calin Canks Cantonafted Chalidge Chanater Chanton Charklerter Chayes Chayler Chenjankson Chention Chertrumas Chuylord Cleralter Clerricher Clevelt Cliam Cliatincy Clicher Click Clidece Clidge Clidgerfor Cling Clises Colic Colincur Colises Coodon Coodric Coodrick Coodridge Cooses Cumbenew Cumber Cumphowes Dalling Dalvi Damliamas Danielackin Dawer Dember Democrandro Denhotobam Denridge Derantomp Dicharalvi Dicken Dickinler Dison Disonric Donaft Dorge Dortrumal Dwilla Dwillmon Eisenson Eises Eison Eistert Elarthowas Ellmon Elson Ferber Ferce Filin Filliater Fillmort Filson Filsonatin Filsonry Foreagarner Fraite Fralben Fralt Ganton Garaler Garce Gardington Garles Garoe Garris Garry Gartic Georger Gerapre Gerfill Gorenjam Gorew Gorey Graharsh Grald Grandams Grockincy Grooses Grought Grougust Grouther Hallison Haman Hanibarding Hannixon Harai Harain Hardist Harkler Haron Haroover Harrey Harridge Harridger Harson Hartin Hartograi Hayest Hendan Hentoberce Heodonaft Hermart Hobal Homas Homphoton Hoolis Hotogran Hoton Hotonalt Hotorecks Hotortomas Hought Hougush Hounan Howas Hower Howerberber Howes Howesidge Huber Hubla Humallmor Humand Humber Hurting Hurtran Huyler Huylevember Huylevent Huylever Jackent Jackin Jacks Jamandre Jamas Jamested Jamlick Jamlisonan Jandorey Janks Jefer Jeffilson Johns Johnsonaft Julynd Julyndrooln Kamard Kamin Kamlick Kefedecke Kefelt Lertist Liames Liation Lickince Lince Lyndro Lyssevend Lyssevin Madal Mandan Mandonry Manibankley Manks Mardison Marfieltedy Marley Marthout Martion Masherting Mckintick Mckson Mencembenew Mikefedy Mikeffedy Mikence Mikenry Mikentic Millmortin Minton Mocks Mocrate Monald Morew Morgert Mortobam Nalidge Nantorecks Nater Nating Nerfore Nibantogron Nielarry Novela Novelbeney Noveld Novelt Noven Obarr Obarry Oberbams Obert Ockinry Ocracan Ocrant Octogrant Painro Pairbentin Pairon Paitedy Paiter Pennion Phing Phoun Phrought Piersher Pirocrahard Polfax Polis Polisted Poren Porence Porge Prencoln Priste Quarner Quarric Quart Quaylevi Quincur Quing Quinlertis Quint Reagart Reagney Recembence Recks Rency Renjack Rentograld Reptedy Rickington Ridember Ridge Rilsonan Rison Risonatis Rocratember Roosevince Rooventises Rough Roughoton Rovel Rovemben Rumannixon Rumber Ruthooveran Schan Schanixon Schard Scharted Schency Sches Schuylever Senhowalvi Sentickincy Sentint Septer Sepublarfil Sepublider Sevelan Sever Spield Spiell Spiertion Spirban Spirbarry Sterforter Taffielt Taffilla Taffillever Tafted Tayest Tayler Taylevell Taylord Theelash Thence Theodorted Thobandonry Thoberthroe Thowas Thowerate Throe Thron Throvent Throver Thuylord Tomard Tralley Tratinton Trumallmor Trumalt Trumber Trumpking Truthrooses Tylerton Tyley Tylor Tylord Ulyndrick Ulyssenedy Ulyssesiden Ulysseveld Unald Unalhoton Unater Unibalt Unixonaller Vancolk Walard Walevelson Walla Wallarry Walling Wallint Warre Wartrut Washer Wheellinson Whenjam Whenton Whentord Wheorenry Whican Whince Whincy Whinler Wilin Wilince Wilincur Willace Willer Willmon Willmonan Woodret Woodrisened Wooseverson Woovellerce Zacartion Zacary Zackin
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Birthdays 4.10
Beer Birthdays
Alexandre Bazzo (1976)
Five Favorite Birthdays
John Madden; football coach, television broadcaster (1936)
Mandy Moore; actor, pop singer (1984)
Daisy Ridley; actor (1992)
Brian Setzer; rock guitarist, singer (1960)
Paul Theroux; writer (1941)
Famous Birthdays
Claude Bolling; French jazz composer, pianist (1930)
William Booth; founded Salvation Army (1829)
Jim Bowie; explorer, pioneer (1796)
Chuck Connors; actor (1921)
Martion Denny; composer, actor (1911)
Bernard Gimbel; department store founder (1885)
Button Gwinnett; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1735)
William Hazlitt; English writer (1778)
Clarke Hinkle; Green Bay Packers FB (1912)
Orlando Jones; actor, comedian (1968)
Anne Lamott; writer (1954)
Clare Booth Luce; journalist (1903)
Don Meredith; Dallas Cowboys QB, television sportscaster (1938)
Harry Morgan; actor (1915)
Haley Joel Osment; actor (1988)
Frances Perkins; educator (1880)
Commodore Matthew C. Perry; naval officer (1794)
Joseph Pulitzer; Hungarian journalist, publisher (1847)
Junior Samples; comedian (1926)
Steven Seagal; actor (1951)
Omar Sharif; actor (1932)
Max Von Sydow; actor (1929)
Bunny Wailer; reggae musician (1947)
Robert Woodward; chemist (1917)
Sheb Wooley; actor, singer (1921)
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What did you learn from school?
Martion Luther King Junior.
What did he do?
He died for our sin.
No that was Jesus.
#incorrect qoute#ask away!#incorrect quotes#jade/eclipse#family memes#memes#funny memes#daily memes#jade eclipse li
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