poerosiehighton · 2 hours
this is a frame from a practise animation creature
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this is a small creature that lives in Thia's realm. though i still don't know what it is called.
this was not the first draft. i stupidly shut my laptop without saving it so i lost it all, but the silver lining is that i prefer this design of the creature instead.
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poerosiehighton · 4 days
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it may look like a burnt tree but this is my island before it has been painted.
i used clay to cast this and after two spillages and one mental breakdown this is the result. if i learned anything doing this it would be third times the charm!
this is based off of the stacks you would find off the coast of most beaches especially in places like Dover.
when i got said clay i tore it in half and put rock imprints and a small cave (though you can't really see it because the stack is to thing). once i was finished i put it back together and placed a lid on top. After which i closed up any holes and poured in the pre mixed plaster.
after about a half hour of waiting it was ready to come out and this was the result!!!
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poerosiehighton · 5 days
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this is a Boblet. cute aren't they!
Dont be fooled. they are PURE EVIL, fuelled by sugar and pain these little creatures would love to chomp down on any ankles that wonder past and they have a strange obsession with sweets especially gummy bears. they will do anything to get a lick of one of these sweets even if they have to kill an entire room to get to them.
but they aren't always murderous psychopaths driven by the sounds of screams they are also cry babies who need a person to protect and imprint on. This person happens to be Thia. Once they imprint they will do anything for their master. they would eat a 100 children to make them happy.
but other than that they are huge softies!
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poerosiehighton · 6 days
a freshly cut off angels ear
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this is an ear freshly cut of an angels dead corpse. she was slain in a mighty duel against Thia for an earing that used to be on the angels lobe. though as Thia went to grab it from the dead body she found that the earing was not the one she was looking for. it was a fake that was planted on the overworld's mightiest warrior to through her off course.
to paint it i used watercolour. i added the red round the obvious bloody parts and the yellow is for just a touch of grossness to the whole thing.
i did add a wart on top of the ear at one point but i did not like it and cut it off. it did not fit in the world that they live in. Angels are meant to be perfect specimens, so why would they have "imperfections"?
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poerosiehighton · 6 days
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and then i played with the saturation and the different coloured hues. which also changed my base from a green to a kind of turquoise.
i like how the colours complement each other.
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poerosiehighton · 6 days
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i fiddled with the amount of icons there would be until i landed on this amount.
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poerosiehighton · 6 days
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to make the pattern i coloured my background a base colour and then selected it with the magic brush.
next i clicked edit then fill and pasted my pattern in a spiral shape
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poerosiehighton · 6 days
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i have then coloured the images with a stand out colour. white for the skull and blood red for the sword (for obvious reasons).
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poerosiehighton · 6 days
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to make the trial sigil i have put the two images together. i like to think that the sword through the head is the pirates MO.
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poerosiehighton · 7 days
a 1st attempt on Thia's motor
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i first created the base with the thrusters because it is going to be flying. it has a screen that can show what's behind her.
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the next thing that i made was the controls to steer and it controls the thrusters. and you may think that the rectangle is for checking the speed, but why would Thia care about how fast she is going? even if she was i am telling you it is at the very least of her worries.
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here is the vehicle with the little details next to it. after everything dries and then i will put it together like a jigsaw and then paint it with a rustic vibe.
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poerosiehighton · 8 days
Thai's crew
her crew is mostly a bunch of the little creatures she met whilst in the nightmare realm (im going to think of a better name for this place).
Thia is in the front of course with her right hand creatures by her side. they have different versions of the same vehicle. some are large so they can store their findings and others are more like the hoverboards that you see in movies though some have seats, just imagine that you are sitting on a flying chair.
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poerosiehighton · 8 days
a ship idea
this vehicle is not a ship or a car. its more of a hover-boat, like the ones that you see in Star Wars.
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i like the design and concepts of these vehicles because of the rustic effect that it gives the viewer. it obviously has been used a multitude of times and gives the impression (certainly to me) that it was once a loved new cool hover-craft that has gone out of fashion. as if it were a new phone quickly replaced by a new slightly better version of the old one.
I like this concept as it shows that the love that we give to a new car or phone is fake as we are always looking for a new one to gawk at.
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poerosiehighton · 11 days
my pixel islands
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these are my islands that i had to make in different sizes (i originally had 5 i have no clue why i only have 3 now but i did promise!)
first my original was 32/32 squares and then i did 16/16 then 8/8 and so on.
doing this made my skills of minimalizing my pixel art in a short period of time.
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poerosiehighton · 11 days
the merge
the way that i am merge them is to have Lucifer's story of him coming to earth after leaving hell or for my character the Nightmare realm. an mixing it with Melinoe who guides spirits through the night. to learn more about her go to this page in Fandom - Melinoe | Greek Mythology Wiki | Fandom
though i have mixed it up by creating my own aspects of the character. the Goddess does not have any items so i have given her a lantern to keep lost spirits, and a small sidekick to keep her company during her travels.
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poerosiehighton · 11 days
i too a lot of inspiration from the Devil and his story of getting banished down to hell after a failed rebellion. the idea of how God's 'favourite" son could be betrayed like that.
i have looked at different depictions of the character and his story through the graphic novel the Sandman. especially the story of when he left hell to Morpheus when he decided to leave hell forever.
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this is him in the comic. to learn more about his story which Neil Gaiman came up with this will take you to the Fandom Lucifer Morningstar | Sandman Wiki | Fandom . Though on a look at the Netflix series Lucifer it shows a different depiction of the story that Neil came up with it shows him caring about more than what is depicted in the graphic novel. though in the how he still owns a nightclub called Lux he shows growth that can be seen in this Fandom - Lucifer Morningstar | Lucifer Wiki | Fandom .
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would like to merge this character with the goddess Melinoe.
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poerosiehighton · 11 days
this is my example of a personification and anthropomorphism of a plank of wood.
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the difference between anthropomorphism and personification is that anthropomorphism is giving the characters human features. whilst personification is giving an inanimate object or a creature life and emotions.
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poerosiehighton · 11 days
this is my review on the movie "Treasure Planet"
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