#martha jones fluff
lanawinterscigarettes · 7 months
Worried For You (Martha Jones x reader)
Summary: the Doctor wants to go on yet another adventure without any concern for the health of either you or Martha, and you've had enough
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Warnings: not really angst but there's mentions of exhaustion and alien attacks so take that as you will, the Doctor is a professional idiot (sorry I love him I promise), reader puts the Doctor in his place for being said idiot, fluffy confession
A/N: there's not nearly enough content for the Doctor's companions out there, so leave it up to me to fix it (requests for the nuwho companions are open btw! if you're unsure whether I write for someone please don't be afraid to ask <3)
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Traveling with the Doctor wasn't the worst thing in the world, or the universe, for that matter. If you were asked, though, there were certainly a few things you could do without.
One of the main problems you had was just how often he seemed to get the lot of you into trouble. I mean, once or twice was one thing, but it'd been days, weeks even, since you'd last caught a break.
A dalek attack here, a cybermen invasion there, not to mention all the other random alien species that were hellbent on taking over the universe- it was all getting to be a bit too much. And that was before you had anyone else to worry about.
Usually you'd be fine with him dragging you to and fro with no reason, but you weren't thinking about yourself: you were busy worrying about Martha. Even if you were certain she'd never like you back due to her unrequited crush on the Doctor, you still hated to see her so tired and worn out.
If only he could see that just as well as you could.
"Right, so, we've already hit that galaxy twice this week, and we've been to those clumps of star systems three times in the past month-" the Doctor mindlessly rambled on as he pointed to the holographic map on the TARDIS control panel "-so I think it's safe to say we should probably try something a bit different for this upcoming weekend, yeah?"
"We should try taking a break for once," you grumbled to yourself, your arms crossed as you leaned up against a nearby wall.
"Sorry, what was that?" He questioned curiously as he turned his head in your direction.
"I said-" You went to speak but he cut you off.
"Oh, look, we haven't been there recently! Well, I haven't been there recently, I'm not sure if either of you have been there at all..."
"Doctor, they're right. Maybe we should lay off the adventures, if only for a few days," Martha suggested, and while you were grateful for her input you didn't miss just how tired she seemed when she said it.
He dismissively waved his hand at her. "Nonsense, we'll be fine! Besides-"
This time it was him who was cut off. "Maybe you'll be fine, but we won't," you snapped harshly, growing increasingly irritated with each second that passed. "You forget, we're humans. We're not Time Lords like you. We get tired quicker and wear out much more often."
The Doctor paused, freezing in place. He seemed to be processing your words, clearly not used to someone being so outspoken about putting him back in his place. "Right, yeah... maybe you should do that, then..." he muttered more to himself than you, and if you were in a better mood you might've felt sorry for hurting his feelings.
However, you knew very well there was no other way to get through to him. If you hadn't have stopped him then, he would've kept on ceaselessly with the trips until either you or Martha passed out from exhaustion.
So, instead of checking to see if he was okay, you merely scoffed and began walking down one of the many hallways of the TARDIS, hoping you could get in a quick nap before he inevitably woke you up again. When you heard quick footsteps following behind you, you were tempted to tell him just to shove off, until you heard Martha's voice. "Hey."
You stopped and turned, unable to keep the faint smile off your face that always seemed to form whenever you got to be alone with her. "Hey. What's up?"
She shook her head at your question. "Nothing, just- I was a bit worried for you. I've never seen you snap at the Doctor like that, and I wanted to check in and see if you were alright."
"Oh." You felt your face heat up a bit at her concern. "Yeah, I- I'm fine. I was worried for you, actually," you admitted awkwardly. "I know how tired you must be from all of the running around we've been doing."
"You were worried for me?" She asked in an incredulous manner. "Is that why you were so insistent on us taking a break?"
"Well... yeah." If you didn't feel awkward before, you certainly did now. "I- I didn't want anything to happen to you if we were out somewhere and you got too tired to run away. I care about you. A lot." You inwardly cringed at your choice of words, worried you might've said too much.
Much to your surprise (and delight), Martha gave you a bashful smile and said in response, "I care about you a lot, too. I just didn't realize you felt the same."
"Of course I feel the same. You're amazing, how could I not?" Perhaps you were giving a bit too much of your true feelings away, but you'd already passed the point of no return, so you might as well. "I just never said anything because I thought you fancied the Doctor."
"I did fancy the Doctor," she corrected with a slight eye roll. "But after the last couple of weeks I've had, I think it's safe to say my feelings have went away. At least enough for me to realize there's a much better catch standing right in front of me." Martha took your hands in hers and gave them a gentle squeeze.
A bright smile spread across your face at the gesture, your eyes lighting up as you realized what she meant. "So... does this mean you'd like to be my girlfriend?"
"I'd love to be your girlfriend," she enthusiastically affirmed, grinning from ear to ear. "Come on, let's go lay down somewhere. I'm exhausted."
You let out a soft laugh as you allowed her to take you by the hand and lead you down the hall to one of the bedrooms, where you spent the rest of the day napping while cuddled up close. If the Doctor needed you for anything, he was just going to have to wait. There were much more important things on your mind.
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canadianfangirl · 10 months
To all the “What about Martha?” people, I would like to gift you this…
You know that the FIRST thing Donna is gonna do with her UNIT access, now that she remembers her, is look up our dear Dr. Martha Jones and have her round for tea. And Martha’s going to bring Mickey, incase you forgot that those two got together (I didn’t). And the three of them are absolutely going to DRAG The Doctor.
They’ll regale each other with “War Stories”, like how Donna and the Doctor fought fat. Or when Martha helped Shakespeare save the world with Harry Potter. Or how Mickey and Rose were trapped on a spaceship and Ten showed up 10 minutes late, drunk with his tie around his head, after snogging a historical figure.
Martha is going to meet Rose. And yes, Rose will absolutely love her new Auntie, but Martha will just adore the ground Rose walks on. She’ll help Rose with her toys, telling her stories about all the different creatures she recognizes. She’ll give her hair tips, and take her shopping, cause that’s what Aunties do.
Mickey and Shaun will bond, they’ll share a pint and laugh. Maybe Wilf will join them. Sometimes they’ll talk about what it’s like to be amongst the stars, other days they just sit and watch the football game.
Jack shows up at some point, because of course he does. No one remembers calling him, he just showed up on the front step with a bottle of wine, and arms full of presents for Rose, because he has 15 years worth of spoiling to make up for.
Meanwhile The Doctor gets to see some of his favourite people again. Sometimes they have big family dinners, where they have to go eat in the TARDIS just to fit everyone. Sometimes they just pop round for tea, and a chat.
And they’ll go on adventures, of course they will. Because they can do that now. They can go on an adventure, and then go back to their lives.
The Doctor gets to have a family, and a normal life, and it’s wonderful.
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Ten/Martha/Riley Reunion fic!
Hey, I'm so sorry for the gap between update for this series! I went to work on an original novel and then got swept up in some 11amy inspiration as I struggled to find the way to fit together some mostly-finished scenes for this fic, but I finally figured out how to fit all the pieces together/finish writing this fic today! Hope y'all enjoy this glimpse at Ten/Martha/Riley's reunion and first date, as well as a healthy dash of Donna friendship with all three of them!
@boo-mite @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @lady-of-the-spirit @mack-anthology-mp3 @jordiepouts @a-shard-of-quartz-lol @khruschevshoe
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quietwings-fics · 9 months
The Stars Glow for You
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Doctor Who Ship: Martha Jones/Rose Tyler Additional Tags: First Kiss, Episode: s04e13 Journey's End, Cute, Martha Jones Deserves Better, Missing Scene, Fluff and Humor Wordcount: 1653 Summary:
Martha finally gets to meet Rose Tyler. It's almost like Rose is more excited to meet her.
Here she is: Rose Tyler. The legend. The myth. The… woman.
She sits down beside Martha on the edge of the central platform, their legs dangling and swinging slightly as the TARDIS tugs Earth home. Her hair is a mess she’s trying to comb back into sense with her fingers, and when she smiles, her teeth poke out, and she threw herself across the void to find the Doctor again. She succeeded.
Martha knows exactly why he loves her.
“Martha,” Rose says, “Martha Jones?” Like she’s making sure she has it right. Martha nods. Rose’s smile brightens. “You were fantastic.”
Not that Martha needs to be told.
But it’s still something, to hear it from her.
“And you,” she replies. It feels lackluster, but Rose ducks her head. 
“Well,” she says, “did my best, anyway.” She peers back up at Martha. “You’ve traveled with him. You’ve got a… look. Like you’ve seen the worst things the universe has to offer standing right beside the most wonderful ones. He does that. To us, I mean.” Martha wants to ask. She wants, desperately, to know what those things were for Rose. It was one thing to pull herself free of the Doctor’s orbit. Rose is something else entirely; Rose is what his universe revolves around. 
And before she can, Rose tips her head, worries at her bottom lip, and asks in a hushed tone, “What was it like when you-” Martha leans forward, her questions replaced with a dozen different stories all fighting to be told first, all scary and beautiful and exhilarating. 
“Are you gossiping about me?” the Doctor- one of the Doctors calls. Martha doesn’t turn around quick enough to see which, and they’re both looking at her and Rose. Rose shifts beside her, drawing her leg up to fold on the platform. Her knee brushes Martha’s thigh and then rests there, warm and more tangible than any lost dream.
“Stop eavesdropping!” she calls back with ease, and the Doctors huff and harrumph in near perfect unison. One of them casts another glance towards her before focusing on the TARDIS again. Rose shakes her head. Part of Martha expects her to get up and go back to them, but Rose looks back at her. “Do you want to get some privacy?” Martha’s mouth feels drier than it should. Is that a side effect of not being used to traveling the TARDIS? She can’t really remember.
“Yeah,” she says. Rose reaches for her hand, and Martha, like a piece falling into place, lets herself be pulled up to her feet. 
“Where are we going?” she asks. She should have the moment they stood up, but she’d been caught on Rose’s hand wrapped around hers. No one had noticed them wandering off. (Except maybe Jack, though he didn’t call attention to them, only raised his eyebrows and grinned.) Rose hesitated in the TARDIS’s hallway. The engine thrummed peacefully, and the light around them seemed to grow and dim like breathing. 
“I-” Rose laughs, but it’s not a happy sound. “I was going to take you to my room, but it wouldn’t be here anymore, would it? I haven’t been-” The TARDIS, in its way, ripples and bends until there’s a door that wasn’t there. It even opens slightly with the next wave of light as though beckoning them in. “That can’t be...” Rose says. Martha knows that it is. 
“Might as well look,” she says. She squeezes Rose’s hand, and Rose glances down to where their fingers are still tangled together, as though she was so comfortable that she’d forgotten. She doesn’t let go.
Rose’s room is a mess.
“Oh my god,” she says. Her cheeks flame bright pink as Martha stares at her bra on the floor and then very quickly looks anywhere else. “I’m sorry. I’ve been in another dimension. I haven’t really had the chance to clean- Hey!” Rose cuts herself off to pick up a skirt off her bed. She turns it over a few times like she’s inspecting it for damage. It’s perfectly fine. Martha swipes her hand over the (cleared) part of a dresser and doesn’t even come up with dust. It’s like a time capsule. “Sorry,” Rose says, “I got this a few hundred years in the future, and they haven’t been created yet for me to replace it.”
“It’s cute,” Martha says. Rose holds it at her waist to show off. It’s a friendly yellow. 
“That’s not even the best part,” she says. She slides her hand against one of the pleats and then into it. “These are all pockets. Folded up space or something.”
“Really?” Rose grins.
“Yeah. Come see.” Martha’s too curious to stop herself, and it only occurs to her when her hand is already inside that she’s sticking it down Rose’s skirt. Rose’s hand bumps hers inside, and Martha’s face gets hot.
“That’s. Um.” She pulls her hand back while Rose puts the skirt down. “That’s amazing.”
“Until you need to find which one you put something in,” Rose says. “I lost the sonic screwdriver in here once. Life or death situation, and I’ve got Jack and the Doctor both rummaging around in there.” A laugh escapes Martha. “No, that’s not the worst part. Jack says, ‘I’ve found it!’, so sure of himself. He pulls out-” Rose has to bite her lip to finish. “He pulls out a tampon.” Martha loses it, and Rose struggles to keep speaking around her own laughter. “Points it-  Points it right at the bomb- There was a bomb, Martha, and he pointed a tampon at it!” Martha puts her hand out to lean on something and keep her balance. It lands on Rose’s arm. “The Doctor found the screwdriver in time, but that could have been the last thing I ever saw!” Rose’s head falls forward and bumps Martha’s. They both catch their breath between giggles.
“I can’t imagine why the Doctor never told me that story,” Martha says. She wipes at her eyes. God, those tears feel good after the chaos of today. 
“Did he tell you a lot about me?” Rose asks, as if it’s even a question that needs to be asked. Martha schools her expression carefully. 
“Yes,” she says. Rose frowns at her. She looks around at her perfectly preserved room and licks her lips.
“He ever talk about anything but me?” She sounds genuinely apologetic, as if it’s her fault. 
“Once or twice,” Martha says. Rose sighs shortly.
“I’ll smack him for you, if you like. Both of him,” Rose offers. Martha huffs out another laugh. “I’m serious,” Rose says, but she can’t keep a serious expression to back that up. “I will. I could get my mum to do it, too. She’s been waiting.”
“I don’t need you to,” Martha says. She pauses. “I kind of want to see that, though.”
“It’s good for him. He likes it.” Rose flushes suddenly. “He- I meant, it keeps him humble.” Martha opens her mouth, considers whether she really wants an answer to what she’s dying to ask, and shuts it again. 
“He did lose you,” Martha says. “I try to keep that in mind, so I feel a little more charitable.”
“Yeah, but he had you,” Rose says. “What’s he doing not shutting up about me when you’re here? You’re incredible. You just tried to hold the Earth hostage to get rid of the Daleks.”
“It didn’t work,” Martha points out, but her face is getting hot again. 
“You still went for it, though,” Rose says. “You’re bold, and you’re smart, and you’re gorgeous-” Rose’s mouth snaps shut around whatever she was going to say next. She looks like she’s trying to keep a frog trapped in her mouth until she finally manages to speak again. “This is Jack’s fault. I stand around him too long, and I start saying… anything, apparently.”
“I don’t mind,” Martha says. Rose’s mouth quirks.
“Course you don’t. You’re the one getting compliments.” 
“So those are the only ones I get?” It’s a bad idea to let Rose draw her in, but orbiting the Doctor had always been such a lonely thing to do. Rose is like the sun. Martha feels warm beneath her gaze. All of Rose’s attention is on her, and it feels amazing.
“I think I could come up with a few more.” That, Martha’s sure, is a line she’s stolen from Jack, if only because the way she says it sounds like him. 
It’s an even worse idea to let Rose kiss her, but when Rose reaches for her hand again and looks down at her mouth, Martha can’t do anything else. Rose’s other hand rises to her cheek when she kisses Martha. Martha’s sure Rose can feel the way she’s flushed beneath her palm. Martha’s hands hover at Rose’s waist, and Rose leans forward into the kiss until Martha holds onto her to keep them both steady. Rose’s shirt rides up, and Martha’s fingers find themselves against bare skin. 
Rose giggles against Martha's mouth. She’s ticklish, Martha thinks, Rose Tyler is ticklish. There’s something the Doctor never thought to mention.
Kissing the Doctor, once, had been like a run-in with a tornado, something she was lucky to survive and had chased the thrill of until she realized it might just kill her.
Kissing Rose is like… like the first night Martha was on the TARDIS and the gentle hum of it lulled her to sleep. Kissing Rose is like when she woke up the next morning with an extra pillow under her arm for her to hold and a heavier blanket over her feet like she’d always liked to sleep when she was at home. Kissing Rose is like she’s being invited to stay. 
Rose pulls back first. She looks a little nervous. “Alright?” she asks.
Martha wiggles her fingers at Rose’s side again to hear her small laugh again. 
“Amazing,” she says.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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therabbitofrassilon · 9 months
- Martha Jones x Chantho - 221 words - can also be read on archive of our own! https://archiveofourown.org/works/52861960 description: Martha Jones decides to see how Chantho will react to a unique human treat - marshmallows.
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“Chan, what is it, tho?” Chantho held up the squishy object and held it up to her eyes, inspecting it closely. She squished it a few times between her fingers, feeling the unique texture.
“It’s called a marshmallow!” Martha smiled. “Well, these ones are bigger than they normally come, but I prefer the jumbo ones.”
“Chan, what does it do, tho?”
“You eat it!”
“Chan, you… eat it, tho?” Chantho looked a bit perplexed, but she trusted Martha. Without knowing any better, she put the whole jumbo marshmallow into her mouth at once, which caused Martha to giggle.
Chantho’s eyes widened at the experience. She’s never eaten anything with a texture like this before. As she chewed, her expression switched back and forth between perplexion and enjoyment.
After she swallowed, she remarked, “Chan, it’s so… fluffy, tho!”
Martha chuckled at that description. “I s’pose it is, yeah.”
“Chan, I liked it, tho! Chan, thank you for letting me try it, tho!”
“Anytime! It’s not too sweet for you?”
Chantho shook her head. “Chan, not at all, tho! Chan, I quite like it, tho!”
“Oh wonderful!” Martha smiled. “Here, have another.” Martha held another marshmallow up and playfully put it into Chantho’s mouth, before eating one herself. It was nice to be sharing one of her favorite sweets with someone she loved.
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ghostofafruit · 10 months
Could you do MarthaRose Prompt #21; Attend a play together
Yes I damn well can!
MarthaRose, no doctor au
They'd met in the hospital. Rose had been visiting Kiesha, and Martha had been in the group of medical students learning from her. They weren't doing a very good job so far.
"I told you not to do anything about it," Rose said to Kiesha quietly as the group of students talked about the best way to treat the injuries she had.
"I wasn't gonna leave it Rose, not after everything he did to you," Kiesha shot back.
"What would Shareen say?" Rose asked instead of giving a decent answer.
"She'd have asked me to wait for her, you know that," she told her. Martha couldn't help but get distracted by the beautiful woman at the patient's side. She was meant to be paying attention to the group, but really the blonde was much more interesting.
"Fine, what would Mickey have said?" she asked. Keisha laughed at that, and then groaned, laughing hurt.
"Mickey was cheering me on," she told her. Rose groaned.
"I can't believe you," Rose grumbled.
"Martha are you listening?" the doctor asked. She turned to him immediately.
"Sorry sir, I was distracted. It's my brother's birthday today and," she started rambling, easily coming up with an excuse.
"I don't care, you have to separate work and personal matters," he informed her.
They had later ran into each other in the cafeteria. Literally. Rose had been distracted on her phone, as had Martha.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry," Rose said.
"No no it's fine, my fault really," Martha said, lowering her phone. She could still hear her mother demanding to know what was happening.
"Really, I wasn't watching where I was going," Rose said.
"I wasn't either, how about I get you lunch to pay you back?" Martha asked. Rose had grinned at her and that was when Martha knew she was gone. That had been their first date. Martha had put her number into Rose's phone as they split the hospital chips. They weren't the best in the world, and it certainly wasn't a romantic date, but it was nice enough and it suited them just fine.
Rose had been saving every penny to take Martha on a nice date. Excluding the hospital date they'd been on six, and her dates all seemed so cheap and boring in comparison. Not tonight though, tonight she was taking them to the globe theater to see some Shakespeare. Her mum had gone on about how she could have gotten cheaper seats, but Rose had wanted to treat Martha so she had scrounged every extra penny. She had gotten them some of the best seats in the theater.
The walk to the theater from the bus stop was nice. It was a Tuesday so there weren't as many people around as there would've been had Rose waited for the weekend and not taken a day off work for the date.
"I can't believe you've done this for us," Martha said from her side. Rose desperately wanted to reach out and take her hand, but she didn't want to risk it. She didn't know if Martha would want to risk it.
"Of course, you said you've always wanted to see the globe theater," Rose said, grinning at her.
"It just doesn't seem like your sort of thing is all," she said. Rose shrugged. Martha was right, she wasn't exactly the biggest fan but it was nice. Besides it made Martha smile and that was worth it.
They got there, Rose showed the tickets that she'd gotten a week earlier and they went to their seats. She'd yet to tell Martha how good their seats actually were, and had just hinted at decent ones. Briefly, Martha had feared in the be in the pit as they just kept going. She didn't feel like standing through a play, but then Rose stopped them by the prime seats.
Martha had looked up the best seats in the theater. She'd done it once a long time ago and she'd done it when Rose had invited her to the theater. They were pricy, but they had the best views. The seats Rose had sat them down in, and the numbers on the tickets matched them, were certainly two of those seats. She had wanted to kiss Rose, but that was a little dangerous in public. She settled instead for grabbing her hand between the seats.
Rose, startled slightly by Martha grabbing her hand, turned her head to grin at her.
"What do you think?" she asked her quietly as the theater continued to fill up.
"Best date ever," she told her with a smile.
"The play hasn't even started yet," Rose pointed out.
"I know, but I'm with you so it's great already," Martha said. Rose couldn't stop herself blushing so she looked away. They settled down after that, and not long after the play started. During the intermission Rose got up and got them some drinks and snacks.
"You good?" Rose asked quietly when she got back to their seats.
"I'm having the time of my life," Martha told her honestly. They grinned at each other, and Martha took her hand again.
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evenstar0600 · 2 years
greetings name twin! loved your Tom riddle fic. it was super good :) could I humbly request some headcanons for how different doctor who characters would react to you cupping their face??? thank you :)))))
hello, my lovely. and fellow Jace. thank you for your kind words!
PLOT: the request
PAIRING: various!doctor who characters x gender neutral!reader
WARNINGS: biting, the master (they are a warning by themself), mentions of the time war, angst, fluff etc
AUTHOR'S NOTES: reader is female in bill's part and is half time-lord btw. and reader is female in yaz's part.
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mans is shocked
like 100% will freeze and just awkwardly stand there
he'll eventually melt into your touch
since the time war, he's closed off his emotions
upon cupping his face, he'll become emotionally vulnerable around you
ngl, he'd probably say 'fantastic!' or something like that.
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bless this sweet baby's hearts
since he's the polar opposite of his previous incarnation, he'll be all for it
i can picture him blushing and smiling (like in the gif)
you'd have him twirling his hair and kicking his feet
100% would give you forehead kisses and cuddles
would be a bit confused as he's got a thing with rose but y'know, for the sake of fanfic they're not together
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baby. baby boy.
he'd be all smiles and shit like that
he loves you to the edge of the universe and back
in turn, he'd cup both your cheeks too
100% would catch feelings for you after this
deffo would snog you
amy ships it
river, who knows what happens in the future, just smiles contentedly and knowingly
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"what the hell are you doing?"
i can picture him saying that
like nine, he'd be frozen solid
for at least a minute or two
he melts into your touch
he comes off as a grumpy old man but he yearns for affection
he'll even kiss your palm softly and brush his nose against your thumb
like with clara in face the raven, he'd retract your hand and softly kiss it
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she's gonna say shit like "brilliant".
also, since she's fruity asf she'll blush
much like her previous incarnations, she'll blush
and smile
this bby is made of sunshine and rainbows
i love her sm
might pull a chris chibbers and not kiss you (# we were deprived of a thasmin kiss)
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would bite your hand
like 10000000% would bite your hand
depends on his mood
he'll either nip your hand or maybe its a full-on chomp
we've seen him in "the end of time", he ate two whole ass people that episode
he's either biting you or straight-up killing you.
there is no middle ground
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it depends which part of capaldi's era
if it's in series 9, then she'll do to you what she did to osgood.
if its in series 10, she'll freeze.
she might cry
will need cheering up
so cuddles
she might shrug you off but then a couple hours later, she might cuddle with you.
either way, its death or cuddles.
your choice
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crazy ass fucker
like simm, he gives bitey vibes
instead of having half a mind to eat you or some shit, he'll nip your hand
or he'd scoff at your and push you away
third case scenario, if he's feeling vulnerable, he'll demand a hug
and god, if anyone hears about it, they're dead
canon, i'm his eyebrow
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she's so pretty <33333
given the era she's from, she'd probs say "i'm not gay"
for the sake of fanfic, i reckon she'd smile and give you a hug
i can imagine her giving really good hugs
will take you out for chips after
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she's stunning <33333
would be a bit awkward given her crush on the doctor
for the sake of the fic, she doesn't fancy the doctor
she might cry
but its happy tears
melts into your touch
would probably develop feelings for you
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^what she's realistically say
given that her ex-fiancee tried to kill her or something, she's a bit wary
would probably say something like "you wot mate?" or "not my type, sunshine" idk
the doctor is probably standing in the background like "miss girl what is going on here"
wilf might smile or something. (love wilf sm)
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would be so awkward it's cute
he's so sexy in the roman uniform
given he's married to amy, he'd be like "no thanks"
or he'd say like "i'm flattered but i'm happily- moderately- i'm married"
(again for the sake of fanfic, he and amy aren't together)
he'd 100% blush
river is, once again, smiling the background
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she knows all
when you first met the infamous river song, she told you that both of you were, quote on quote, "close" in the future
after the ordeal with the weeping angels, you were terrified.
she comforts you and you cup her cheek
she smiles, knowing that this is the start of something brilliant
would maybe cry a little but would kiss your forehead
years down the line, you'd both reflect on how that was the starting point of your marriage
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100% would flirt with you
like i'm not even kidding
rory would be like "wtf" in the background"
theres an episode where she started flirting with herself so i'm not even suprised
maybe, just maybe, would give you a smooch
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your impossible girl
would be a tad shocked but would smile
bisexual queen
kisses your hand
then kisses you
no middle ground
melts into your touch 100%
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bill is a sweetheart and one of my favourite companions
if you cupped her face after a stressful adventure, she'd pause
time would literally stop for her
she'd smile
since loosing heather to the sentient oil, love had been off her mind
then she met you: the doctor's great-granddaughter, the daughter of susan foreman.
might, just might, end up in a kiss.
the doctor smiles, missy deffo takes a picture and nardole cheers.
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yaz is SO pretty and you can't tell me otherwise
sapphic queen
if you cupped her cheek, she'd hesitate before metling into your touch
her face would heat up and her heart would beat at a million beats a minute
might develop budding feelings for you
sapphic queen (#we were deprived of a thasmin kiss)
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 10 months
request rules!
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— requests can be sent through my inbox! aka the button on my profile that says request
— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
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male, female, and gender neutral reader
or no reader, I do ships too!!
alternative universe: soulmates, coffee shop, roommates, royal, bookstore, fake relationship, coworkers, neighbors, flower shop, library, bodyguard, modern era, band/rockstar, celebrity, mermaid, pirate, teachers (you can also mix them in your request, like asking for bookstore and coffee shop au! if that makes sense)
Headcanons, one-shots, drabble, imagine, etc.
poly relationships, whether it be character x reader x character or character x character x character 
omega verse
illegal ships (incest or underage)
dark or yandere
someone having cancer
rape/sexual assault
canonically gay characters with fem identifying readers/characters, same thing with canonically lesbian characters with masc identifying readers/characters (platonically is fine, romantically isnt)
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character list
bolded means they’re my favorite characters to write!
Nine, Ten, Eleventh, Thirteen, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Bea
Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton
Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Steve Randall, Twobit Matthews, Dallas Winston
Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew, Tom), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
[more to be added]
911 FOX
Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Howie Han
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
[more to be added]
— golden trio era
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy
— marauders era
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Roiser, Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Narcissa Black
[If you want one of these characters, like Remus for example to be older like during the Harry Potter movies let me know!]
— legacy era
Sebastian Sallow, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt
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idkaguyorsomething · 10 months
Doctor Who Fic Recs
¡The specials are nigh upon us (or maybe the first one will already be out by the time I finish writing this, who knows)! Over the course of 60 years, there’s been quite a few absolute gems that some anonymous, talented souls have put out for our enjoyment. So here’s some of the highlights, scraped together from various corners of the internet:
This one is centered around Nine, after his regeneration. He has to confront his trauma as he goes on a journey through his past, traveling through his memories and meeting his past selves. It goes really deep into a lot of lore surrounding the daleks and Classic Who, so if you don’t know a lot about that this probably isn’t for you. It also came out before the 50th anniversary special, so there’s no War Doctor, and it has its own interpretation of the last moments of the Time War. But if that’s not a dealbreaker, definitely check this one out, because it’s got a fantastic story about regret and identity.
This story is a prequel to both series set on Gallifrey, with some rare Doctor/Master/Rani shipping, a very eldritch approach to Time Lord society, and a really interesting fusion of TARDISes with daemons. If you’re not familiar with the concept of daemons, this story really isn’t a good starting point, plus there are some references to the Big Finish audio stories that are rather important. It’s not exactly a story as much as it is a bunch of fragments set in the same universe exploring a lot of the ideas it introduces. A must-read if you enjoy Doctor Nyarlathotep.
A personal favorite of mine, centering around the unexpected pairing of Martha Jones and Lucy Saxon. It deals with the fallout of a certain couple of Time Lord’s actions during The Year That Never Was and is very short, but manages to squeeze in a lot of emotions. It will make you understand how this pairing could work while doing justice to Martha’s character.
Drop whatever it is you’re doing. Go read this. Now. It is one of the most well-written fics you will ever find, period, and probably the best Academy Era fanfic out there. The author has an excellent grasp on how an unlikely friendship would develop into something more and then break down, making it one of the most compelling and believable explorations of the Doctor and the Master’s relationship before they were the Doctor and the Master. It can get pretty dark (we’re talking self-inflicted regeneration) but if you can stomach those topics then you’ll find something amazingly well-written.
¿Do you wish that we could’ve seen tiny Amelia as a child companion on the TARDIS instead of her adult self? ¿Are you a fan of platonic fluff? ¿Are you in the mood to have your heart explode from a cuteness overload? ¡Then check this one out! The only possible complaint is that it’s too short.
Wherein Rose decides to haul around the dalek from Van Statten’s bunker instead of Adam. ¡Very funny and enjoyable and underrated! It has a dalek named Pedro and Nine being enjoyably grumpy until he decides he can make an exception against hating all daleks just this once. ¿What more could you possibly want?
This one is a short piece about Martha and Ten going to watch a supernova, but what makes it extra special is that it’s a real supernova and the fic was written by an irl astronomer. Their passion for their work really bleeds through into their writing, and it helps to emphasize the sense of wonder and exploration that Doctor Who at its best can bring.
¿Remember Jethro from Midnight? ¿The guy who looked like Merlin? ¿No? You will after reading this.
Mostly crack that doesn’t take itself too seriously and isn’t afraid to poke fun at some of the classic sci-fi setting fanfic cliches. ¡¡Number one shipper TARDIS, sex pollen, and Martha Jones having a good time abound (¿have you figured out which companion is my favorite yet?)!!
https://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=53318 Set during the Day of the Doctor, this little oneshot is just a slight au where we get to see every Doctor (up to that point) play their part in saving Gallifrey. Obviously they couldn’t have done anything like that in the show itself without resorting to dubious CGI necromancy bullshit, but man does it make you wish they could’ve had something similar.
And last but not least, ¡some classic Donna and the Doctor friendship! This is pretty much the distilled essence of everything everyone loved about their dynamic, being sweet, silly, and sad. It leans more on emotions than action or humor, but with the upcoming specials it is well worth a read just to remind yourself of everything they went through.
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ao3feed-torchwood · 23 days
To The Stars Follows Hand Delivered
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58655965 by badly_knitted In the middle of the night, Jack shows up to take Rhiannon and her family on a trip into space to visit Ianto. Words: 2305, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Torchwood Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Rhiannon Davies, Jack Harkness, Johnny Davies, David Davies, Mica Davies, Martha Jones Relationships: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Johnny Davies/Rhiannon Davies Additional Tags: Community: fan_flashworks, Future Fic, Alternate Universe - Future, Post-Series 03 AU: Children of Earth (Torchwood), Spaceships, Travel, Outer Space, Family, Drama, Fluff, Adventure, Sequel
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fieryfunfics · 2 months
Fiery Fun Fics Guidelines
Fandoms & Characters
Resident Evil (games 2, 3, 4 -- movie Death Island -- & TV show Infinite Darkness)
Leon S. Kennedy
Ashley Graham
Luis Sera
Ada Wong
Jill Valentine
Claire Redfield
Good Omens
Anathema Device
Doctor Who
9th Doctor
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
12th Doctor
Rose Tyler
Martha Jones
Donna Noble
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
River Song/Melody Pond
Jack Harkness
Alien Franchise (1, 2, Resurrection, & Prometheus)
Ellen Ripley (1 & 2)
Vasquez (2)
Ripley 8 (Resurrection)
Annalee Call (Resurrection)
Christie (Resurrection)
Vriess (Resurrection)
Elizabeth Shaw (Prometheus)
Meredith Vickers (Prometheus)
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Kinks you might see here
Intoxication (Marijuana ONLY)
Group sex
Intercrural sex (between the thighs)
Big cocks
Dubcon/con-noncon (as long as it has been consented to beforehand)
Free use
Creampies + Cum
Mind control
Please be kind and respectful! DNI if you are ableist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc.! This blog is a safe space!
If I open requests, those rules will also be added here
Will write
Reader insert
Character x Character
Queer characters (arospec, mlm, wlw, trans, bi, etc)
Humor (at least, I'll try lol)
Will NOT write
Gore related to smut (minor blood play is maybe okay but it's thin ice)
Underage/minors in smut
Pregnancy/breeding kink
Animal violence/abuse
Anything that I don't like
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lanawinterscigarettes · 9 months
Doctor Who masterlist
Requests are currently open!
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Fluff: ♡ Angst: ♤ Smut: ♧ Headcanons: ◇ May contain triggering content: ☆
Ninth Doctor
Comforting Touch ♤♡
Thirteenth Doctor
Almost Siblings ♡
cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day ♡
What Dies Doesn't Always Stay Buried ♤♡
Gold Dust Woman ♤
Dhawan! Doctor
put on your records and regret me ♤♡
Rose Tyler
Overprotective Older Sister ♤♡
Martha Jones
Worried For You ♡
River Song
Bored In Captivity ♡
Clara Oswald
Hiding Away ♤♡
Lady Oswald ♧
Simm! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
you're a cowboy like me ♤♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Missy/Gomez! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
Oral Exam ♧
Side Effects Include ♡
Kiss Of Doom ♡♤
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
Pay Attention ♧
What Dies Doesn't Always Stay Buried ♤♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Random characters with a reader who plays Five Nights at Freddy's ◇
Dhawan! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
The One Who Rocks My World ♡
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
Change of Plans ♡
I feel a lavender haze creepin' up on me ♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Whittaker! Master
my house of stone, your ivy grows ♡
put on your records and regret me ♤
Burning Red ♡
The Toymaker
Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas ♡
The Toymaker losing a game to a reader who wants to dance with him ◇
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
Bedside Manner
Martha Jones x Reader
Summary - The reader randomly gets sick and Martha plays doctor for them.
Based On This Request - Anonymous requested - “Hey, I was wondering if I could put in a request? I would love to see a Martha Jones x Gender Neutral!Reader of Martha taking care of the reader while they’re sick. Just very sweet fluff. I’ve been feeling terrible lately and it would make my day. Thank you!”
Warnings - the reader being sick/not feeling well
Word Count - 1154
A/n - Gender Neutral Reader. Requested by this lovely anon. I hope that you like this. I don’t know how well I wrote Martha, so I’m sorry if she is out of character. But I just thought that this was cute.
Everything felt wrong. You couldn’t find the right words to describe how you felt, but things did not feel right. Your nose was running, your throat was sore, your head felt heavy, and your chest felt tight. Sometimes, intense pain would rush through your skull, so intense that it would make you feel like crying. You desperately wanted to get up and grab a glass of water from your personal kitchen in The TARDIS, but you were suddenly overcome with chills and all you could do was bundle yourself in your blankets.
There was a soft knock on your bedroom door, but you elected to ignore it. You chose to cocoon into your blanket nest even more as another wave of chills overcame you. If it was The Doctor at your door, then he could just go on an adventure with Martha, instead. He didn’t need you, definitely not today. The person on the other side of your door knocked again, and again you ignored it. A couple of moments after you refused to respond, The TARDIS opened the door for whoever was behind it. 
“Y/n? The Doctor has this grand idea to - Y/n, are you alright?” Martha entered your room quickly, excitedly rambling about what The Doctor had planned, but when she saw you huddled on your bed, she forgot whatever thought she was so excited to tell you about. Martha rushed over to you and kneeled beside your bed to try to look at your face. Seeing you like this, instantly she was worried for you.
“Martha, I’m fine. Just a bit tired.” You removed yourself from your cocoon and sat up in bed, trying to appear normal and healthy. 
“What does The Doctor have planned for today?” You asked with a strained voice. Martha looked at you incredulously. She saw how bloodshot your eyes were and noticed the stuffiness of your breathing.
“Are you sure that you are all right? Because if you aren’t -” You cut off the woman you had been harbouring a crush on and finally moved from your bed. 
“Martha, I’m fine. Trust me.” You tried to stand up straight and pull a dramatic pose as if to prove our point, but then your head felt light and fuzzy. You ended up leaning to the side and then stumbled backwards a bit as if to try and catch yourself. Your healthy facade was already thoroughly broken, but then a coughing fit hit you and you had to sit down back down on your bed.
“Alright now, lie back down.” Martha directed you sternly.
“Am I going to be alright?” You muttered, fully accepting defeat and just letting Martha know that you weren’t feeling well.
“Of course you will be. I know what I’m doing.”
“What if it’s some weird space illness? Should we get The Doctor? Am I going to die?” Martha quickly placed her hand over your mouth, which was covered by a couple of layers of tissues, to silence your rambling outburst of questions.
“You are showing signs of the simple Earthly flu. No space illness. We don’t need The Doctor. I have got everything covered. You are going to be perfectly fine in my care, Y/n.” Martha threw the tissues into your small garbage bin by your bed and then stood to retrieve the medical kit that was automatically housed in every bedroom in The TARDIS. She returned to your side quickly and went through all of the procedures her medical teachers told her to complete. She took your temperature and checked your blood pressure and heart rate. Once confirming everything she needed to know, Martha gave you some medicine to start you on the recovery process but continued a bit more testing. She wanted to be extra conscious intending to you. Martha had grown quite fond of you over your time together on the alien ship with The Doctor.
“You have a nicer bedside manner than I thought you would.” You said after finishing the artificial-looking red medicine.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Martha’s doctor persona quickly broke upon hearing your comment.
“You can be quite harsh to The Doctor and villains on adventures. But it's okay, I like when you get a bit harsh.”
“Oh really now?” Martha quirked a smile.
“Don’t hold that against me. I’m sick remember? You better not be going around telling anyone who will listen about how sick me confessed that I enjoy a little harshness.”
“I won’t tell a soul.” Martha smiled genuinely before quietly finishing checking you over and then she gave you any extra things that you might need in order to get better, with some help from The TARDIS, of course.
“Can you stay with me?” You asked Martha as she began to walk out of your room.
“That breaches so many appropriate doctor/patient relations.” Martha joked.
“Just forget about being Doctor Jones for a moment and just be Martha and cuddle me.”
“I don’t know.” Martha mumbled. She read the labels on the medicines she gave you and confusion was labelled as a possible side effect. She didn’t want to make you feel awkward or uncomfortable while you were vulnerable, let alone ever. The TARDIS, though, telepathically reassured Martha and told her that you were of sound mind. Probably a bit more honest than usual because of your sickness.
“Please.” You begged. You could see Martha’s resolve breaking before you.
“Ugh, why must you be so convincing?!” Martha walked around to the other side of your bed, so you could remain close to all the medicines and tissues on your bedside table. You watched as Martha climbed in beside you.
“Turn over.” Martha placed her hands on your sides and helped you adjust to where you were lying on your side facing the bedside table. Then you felt Martha settle beside you until she was cuddling you from behind.
“So you are a big spoon, Doctor Jones?”
“I’m off duty, remember, just Martha. But I don’t want to get sick, so I’m not going to face you.”
“Aww, come on! Really?” You jokingly whined. You understood Martha’s position completely. You were surprised that she actually agreed to stay with you, but you were overjoyed to not be alone while you were not feeling well.
“Maybe some other time.”
“I’m going to hold you to that promise, Martha. I expect an extravagant cuddle date once I’m feeling better.” 
“Anything for you, sicky.” You huffed at the nickname, but Martha laughed into your back and that instantly made you feel better. If you felt less sick and tired at that moment, you would have said that Martha’s laugh was the best medicine in the universe, but that would have to wait for when you awoke later. 
You fell asleep in Martha’s arms, completely comfortable despite your sickness. With Martha holding you closely you knew that you could get through this.
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torchwoodfanfests · 2 years
▦ The 2022 Bingo Fest Masterpost ▦
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Thank you to all those who participated in the 2022 Bingo Fest! We hope you had fun!
You can browse all the submissions for this fest under the cut, and check out the AO3 collection here!
If you’d like to give feedback on this or any past fests, or make a suggestion for the future, you can fill out our survey to let us know!
Okay Seems So Distant
episode tag, epistolary
A Ptero-ble Surprise
pets, surprise
He Waits
waiting, red
Left Behind
bed sharing
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Black & Blue
Black and Blue
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Miracle day
Miracle day
Prison/prison break
Prison/prison break
Ianto and Lisa pre series au
fluff, pets
body swap/shapeshifters
body swap/shapeshifters
outer space
outer space
bed sharing
bed sharing
untitled Jack and Clive meetings
conspiracy theorists
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Moodboard for the prompts 'Sweet(/Sour)' and '(Summer/)Winter'
Sweet(/Sour), (Summer/)Winter
Moodboard for an AU in which Ianto Jones was recruited by UNIT instead of T1
Moodboard for an imaginary fic entitled 'The Lost Art of Murder'
Moodboard for a dark au in which Ianto seduces Torchwood's leader
Inconvenient crush
Moodboard in which Owen and Tosh actually got to go on that date
First Date, Food
Moodboard of Ianto's canon depression and trauma
Mental Health
Moodboard for 4 of Jack's canon-confirmed kinks
Moodboard for season 1 Jack pining after 'his' Doctor
Moodboard of Tommy
Tommy Brockless
Small moodboard for an AU in which Gwen goes missing after being Retconned
Missing, Canon Divergence
Moodboard for King of the Weevils Owen
Moodboard for an AU where everything's the same but Ianto's secretly a Siren
Moodboard for an AU in which Ianto leaves little notes in his favourite books in his favourite bookshop
Meet Cute
A small janto moodboard for the 'Public Displays of Affection' square
Public Displays of Affection
Moodboard for janto having a movie date
Day Off Work
A Something Borrowed moodboard for the 'Pregnancy' square
A Ianto Jones Countrycide whump moodboard
YTNW moodboard
Set between s1 and s2, DW companion cameo
An Adam Moodboard for Jack's past
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Meeting your sister-in-law
Meet the Family
What if, instead of arriving in the Hub, Gray ended up in the middle of the chaos
Exit Wounds Fix it
An Injury to one is an Injury to all
coe fix-it au, the fairies
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Torchwood: the Year That Never Was
Year That Never Was, Chance Meetings, Betrayal
Dinner and a Show
Team Bonding, Big Finish
Case File 69
Let me Keep You Warm
cold/warm, quarantine/virus
Rupesh Patanjali, “I can explain”, bullet wound
Tosh’s Adventures in Babysitting
deaging/aging up, oc
A Gift from Me to You
 gifts, resurrection gauntlet, fantasy
Dinner and a Show: A Fanmix
Under the Influence Square
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"i'm fine", trust/trust issues, episode tag/missing scene, angst
Like a Star
nightmare, touch
heat waves
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A moodboard off of the concept of “What if Adam won”
under the influence
Torchwood Phone Backgrounds
Big Finish Audios
Jokes and a Ring, or something like that...
gifts, clothes/outfit, polyam/consensual nonmonogamy, fantasy
Spilling the Beans
Andy Davidson
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Cruising* all the way - Chapter 1
nosy coworkers
Cruising* all the way - Chapter 2
day off work
Fish and Kinks
food, kink discussion
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Flower Power
Femslash, plants/vegetables, crossover (the Backyardigans).
you give cannibalism a bad name
John Hart, dead/death
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The Year That Never Was: When Martha met Ianto Jones
The Year That Never Was, chance meetings
Night Sky Camping 
A Blast From The Future 
dopplegangers, betrayal
new experiences
I can explain!, exposed and fantasy
time loop, Myfanwy
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Torchwood: Saint Lucia - the start of something new
Sam Ryder trans moodboard
character(s) of your choice is trans
Finally Free
Weretiger!Sam moodboard
John Hart; Pansexual Villain moodboard
John Hart
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where the hea(r)t is
interspecies romance, cold/warm, cultural differences, "clothes/outfit
the city on the edge of forever
when does a monster become one
betrayal, immortality, secrets, exposed
the past forgotten
bullet wounds, coffee/coffee shop, mission-related trip, teenage years/ianto's criminal past, myfanwy/untitled the dog/steve the rat, big finish audio or tw novel tag or au
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Someone to Watch Over Me
backstory, the fairies, the time agency, hurt/comfort
Caught in a Trap (I Won’t Walk Out)
anger, friendship
Captured in Stone
Suzie Costello, family
The Life of Sam
They Do Tend to Come in Pairs
Martha Jones, alien tech/future tech
An Expected Encounter
Celebrated Guests of the Lietea
benign alien visitors
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Owen Harper Pink Moodboard
Welcome to Hearthy
food, team tardis
An AU where Lisa works for UNIT instead of Torchwood One
different first meeting/meet cute, UNIT, public displays of affection, lisa hallet/katie russell/tommy brockless
The Long Awaited Comeback of Torchwood Four
Torchwood 2 / Torchwood 4, kidnapping, canon divergence
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Scared of You
secrets, beach/mountains/outdoor activities
THB Drabbles
de-aging/aging up, coffee/coffee shop, bullet wounds, diary, clothes/outfit
La Mort L’aime
When Did Your Heart Go Missing
betrayal, cold/warm
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Gwen & Rhys- Giants in the Sky
creatures and cryptids, space whale/janet the weevil, surprise, episode tag/missing scene, conspiracy theorists, compassion
No One Is Alone-Into the Woods
help/asking for help, angst, compassion
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Captain Jack Harkness the Crow Kidnaps Toshiko’s Sandwich
I don't want to put you through this. Last night, I dreamt that you left me.
Katie Russell
Torchwood 2 / Torchwood 4
Torchwood: Adam
meet cute
A Little Bit Torchwood
Dark, Green, Food, Summer, Canon-Divergence, Wedding
Bilis Manger, the Demon, and the River
Bilis Manger, Water
Horns and Horniness
first kiss/first date, public displays of affection, doctor's orders
Happy Birthday, Ianto Jones
The not so good trip to Sunnydale
Please stay with me and don't you leave me alone
dw companion cameo, authority, sex talk
I don't wanna judge him but
truth pollen, "take me instead"
Forever is the Sweetest Con
pregnancy, mental health
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Sweet and Sour
food, sweet/sour, pregnancy, canon divergence, hug
Keep my head under the waves
Boeshane, water
It could last a long time (it could even last forever)
fake dating/fake marriage, nosy coworkers
No time like the present
kids, public displays of affection, missing
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Scandalous Victorian Gwen portrait
trapped together, memories
It takes a little convincing but soon Gwen is as ruthless as Suzie is
fluff, breaking the rules
What happens when Jack gets wasted 
tattoo/memento, torchwood logo
AU where they don’t get Gwen out of the cyberconverter in time 
cybermen/daleks, episode tag/missing scene
AU where Rhys is a thief who runs into one of those castles with magical hair girls in them 
misunderstanding, rhys williams
Now that’s a woman who’s the center of the universe
outer space
The Rift can refuel the TARDIS
trying to change the timeline, everybody lives au, “i’m fine”
I’ve already been barred from about twenty pubs 
tarot girl/adam smith/mary
brand new eyes
yvonne hartman/detective swanson/agent johnson, compassion
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rrickgrrimes8 · 1 year
Request Guideline (2023 Edition)
if you haven’t read my last post (i’ll link it here if you want to read) i’ve decided to revamp my page a little. i’m getting back into writing so i thought i should make another request guideline that better aligns with me and what i want to write and who i want to write for. so enjoy ;)
please make requests here. if there’s any problem with the link let me know! (the link doesn’t work at the moment i’ll add it as soon as i get my laptop back — click the link in my bio or on my masterlist in the mean time :) )
When requesting please give me the character/celebrity, the show or movie they are from, a description of what you want, whether it will be fluff, angst, smut etc and if you want to be tagged. 
i may not always do smut, especially if it’s not something i’m comfortable with. this is not always the case however but if it is then i’ll let u know if i cannot complete the request.
Please specify if you would like it to be a female, gender neutral or male reader. Just as i explained in my previous post i do not write malexmale smut as it is nothing something i have any experience with - sorry. I will do threesomes (or more) where at least one woman is present :) 
I wont write an imagine about a gay character being straight. 
I am willing to write imagines about darker topics. Such as depression, suicide, eating disorders, etc. I will not however write in detail about rape but i am okay with it being mentioned/ hinted.
My intention is not to glorify or romantise any of these thing, especially since some of them are things i have gone through myself. In the past i haven’t always been sensitive or appropriate with the way i’ve handled them and i’m incredibly sorry if i’ve ever offended anyone or triggered them - this was never my intention. I have taken down some of the work i no longer feel comfortable being public for this reason so please do let me know if something i write bothers you and i’ll take it down.
I also dont like writing imagines where the character/celebrity is a kidnapper or murderer sorry. I also wont do incest relationships.
I dont do ships. I do reader imagines or if youd like to add a name to your request then ill more than happily do it like that.
I will do imagines on plus sizes readers. I will do imagines for family imagines as well and platonic ones too - please assure this is clear within the request. 
When you request something dont expect it to be up straightaway but i will try my hardest to be as quick as possible. I know with my track record that’s not saying much but i really do intend to be better and i’ll try and be more transparent about where i’m at with requests.
In the future there may be some changes to this list based on what i am interested in at the current time. Also if a character you want to request for isnt on the list but the actor is feel free to ask if i’ll do it for that character :)
I dont consent to anyone using my work without permission and if you see anyone doing that please let me know :)
If you dont like my work then feel free to block/ ignore it but please do not sned hate (i’m too soft for that shit) I will take criticism and welcome corrections if necessary. If you like it please like the post and if possible reblog it. Thank you!!
The Last Of Us:
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Joel Miller — this can be both romantic and platonic
Ellie Williams (aged up)
Tommy Miller
Tess Servopoulos
Henry Burrell
Sarah Miller (aged up)
The Walking Dead:
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Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Carl Grimes
Doctor Who:
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Tenth Doctor
Eleventh Doctor
Martha Jones
Rose Tyler
Clara Oswald
Rory Williams
Donna Noble
Ninth Doctor
Amy Pond
Pedro Pascal & Co:
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Joel Miller
Frankie Morales
Javier Gutierrez
Javier Peña
Marcus Moreno
Dieter Bravo
Cillian Murphy & Co:
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Tommy Shelby
Patricia Kitten Braden
Jonathan Crane
Capa (Sunshine)
Jim (28 days later)
Neil (Watching the Detectives)
Spiderman (Homecoming-):
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Peter Parker
Liz Allan
Teen Wolf:
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Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Scott Mcall
Kira Yukimura
Stranger Things:
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Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Max Mayfield (aged up)
Eddie Munson
Lucas Sinclair (aged up)
Please bear in mind that if a character isn’t on here that you can still just ask me if i do them :) You can also check out my previous request guidelines for the character list of who i write for because i may still write for some of them :))
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Live wire
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WFX8cy5
by paparola
The Doctor is suddenly trapped in what seems a TV Show with some of his old companions
That's it, that's the fic
Words: 1804, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who), Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, The Master (Simm), Missy (Doctor Who)
Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness/Martha Jones
Additional Tags: I Don't Even Know, they are in a contest ?, Baking, Cooking Lessons, Flirting, flirting chaos, Romantic Comedy, I'm Bad At Tagging, Romance, Domestic Fluff, Reality TV, This Is STUPID, Eventual Smut, somehow based on bake off and other reality shows, Minor Tenth Doctor/Martha Jones, Martha Jones Deserves Better, The Doctor & Donna Noble Friendship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WFX8cy5
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