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HOW EVERYONE FOUND OUT ABOUT MARY’S CRUSH ON JASON (Jason was officially the last person to know)
(This also accidentally became “how Mary became the first person to know Sirius liked Marlene”)
As years passed Sirius and Mary became even closer friends. They trusted each other, loved each other. They both had ‘escaped’ their houses to live with their best friends, therefore they understood each other better than anyone. They spend so much time together— they practically knew everything about each other. They had talked about everything at their ritual late night talks in the garden of Potters. Usually along with Marlene and James. They’d watch the stars and talk until the sun came up. Well they knew everything except for one little thing— their crushes. Not that they tried to hide it from each other, it just never came up. This is how it comes out.
December 1975– Year 5
10:00 PM
Marlene was about to cry out of laughter. Sirius had already shed a few tears. God, neither one of them had this much fun in the longest while. Well, to be honest, they always had so much fun when they were together. They would completely forgot about the rest of the world and focus solely on that very moment. It came so natural to them. Just like how today, they spontaneously decided to sneak out to Hogsmeade. Just the two of them since everyone else had stupid excuses. “Boring people” as Marlene would say.
They took James’ invisibility cloak, the map, and sneaked out. Normally, Sirius wouldn’t even talk about the existence of the cloak near anyone who was not Remus James or Peter, but Marlene did not count of course. She knew James longer than anyone had, she knew about the cloak since she was a toddler.
1:00 AM
Time had literally flown. Marlene and Sirius just had so much fun. They drank the best butter beer of their lives -they swear it was different-. They tried to make a snowman that resembled Snivellus which then turned into a snowball fight that ended up with Marlene laying on the snow and Sirius on top of her, shoving snow in her face.
Now, they were back. Wandering around the empty halls. Laughing, pausing only when they thought they had heard footsteps.
“You know what Sirius, I don’t think I’ve had this much fun in a while.” Marlene confessed. “Oh so you’re admitting that spending time with me isn’t, well, how did you put it? Oh yeah, “a total torture and the twisted way of universe getting back at you for printing James’ naked baby pictures and hanging them around the common room 2 years ago” Quoting you, of course.” Sirius replied playfully, with a cocky smirk on his face that appeared with Marlene’s compliment. He never cared about what people thought of him, except for Marlene. He could never quite understand why, he just felt so blissfully happy. He wanted to freeze time and stay in that moment. God, when did he become a sappy poet? He never thought stuff like that. He was spending too much time with James. That had to be why.
“Nevermind, it sucked, I hope I never see you again.” replied Marlene, obviously regretting that she had fed his already huge ego. She tried to look fed up, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “Oh, you can’t even hide it, you adore me” Sirius said teasingly as he put an arm around her. Marlene rolled her eyes but did not make an effort to remove his arm.
When they arrived at the common room, it was completely empty. “Well then, we have a long day tomorrow, good night Black” said Marlene as she took off the jacket Sirius had given her when she was cold. She put a kiss on his cheek, winked, and walked up to her room. Sirius was frozen. This wasn’t anything new. They flirted with each other all the time. That’s how Marlene was— how both of them were. It never meant anything. Playful comments, teasing each other, winks and kisses.. It was all so ordinary. But why did it not feel like that at that moment? Sirius felt his heart pounding, his throat closing. Why was this happening? Why was he speechless? He couldn’t even open his mouth to say ‘good night’ back. He was standing at the same exact spot for the past minute, all frozen and thinking about the same moment. He could still smell her perfume and the feel the heat of her lips on his cheek.
Sirius suddenly heard a loud thud. That pulled him away from his thoughts. He was grateful for the distraction. He didn’t like how his mind worked at that particular moment.
The common room was empty, so the voices must’ve been coming from outside. Sirius decided to go out and find out where it came from. He wish he hadn’t. What the hell were Mulciber and his idiotic friends were doing in the hallway at 1 am? On any other day, Sirius would cause some kind of trouble. However, that particular night, he had much bigger issues. He ignored them and was about to get back in the common room through the portrait, when Mulciber yelled “Oh what a shame, isn’t the Mckinnon girl with you?” That was enough to make Sirius turn around. Mulciber’s friends were smiling cockily, they knew exactly what they were doing. “Come again?” Sirius asked impatiently. He could feel his blood boil. “Well, we all saw you sneak in with blondie.” Sirius was already walking closer to him, “Don’t worry, we won’t snitch if you set one of is up with her” That was it. Sirius became blind with rage. He lost all of his logic, his mind was completely blank. How dare he mention her name like that? “Fucking bastard” he muttered as he punched the boy in the jaw with a swift but strong motion. He realized he put too much strength into his punch when he heard the sound of his bones and the loud cursing. Sirius’ knuckles were all bloody, and Mulciber’s jaw was rapidly swelling. Sirius wanted to do more, he could feel all of his anger come to the surface. But he decided he’d deal with them later. Before they could even do anything, he got in the common room through the portrait.
He could still hear their voices coming from the outside. Inviting him to come outside and have a redo. But the voices in his head were louder.
Sirius was feeling a lot. He tried to focus on the anger, but he couldn’t deny his confusion. Why did the idea of Marlene dating someone else bother him so much? Was it because it was Mulciber? That must be why, right? Yeah definitely. That’s why he was so protective. But what about tonight? Sirius never felt like that when he spent alone time with Mary or any one of his girl friends. He and Marlene flirted all the time, but it didn’t mean anything— it wasn’t supposed to mean anything. So why could he literally hear the sound of his heartbeat when she kissed him? He was going to lose his mind. This wasn’t him. He never thought this much about anything. Merlin, he barely thought most of the time. What had gotten into him? Why was all of this coming out now? Had he always felt this way and repressed it like he repressed everything? Nah, this was James. He must’ve put something in his drink and that’s why he was losing his mind.
He had a long day. He cleaned up and went to bed. But there was no peace even then. He had a dream. Marlene was making out with someone. He couldn’t figure out who the man was, but he seemed handsome, tall and strong. Sirius just felt angry, so very angry.. and to his surprise, jealous. Suddenly, he punched the man and started kissing Marlene himself. Then, they were together. Pressed together. He looked happy— so happy.
Sirius woke up in sweats. Oh god. He had made out with Marlene in his dream. What kind of a twisted game was his mind playing to him? Sure, he had flirted with Marlene before. And he did found her attractive, but everyone did. He never dreamt of it. You were supposed to dream about people you had feelings for beyond just attraction— like how every dream James saw was either about Lily or quidditch (or like most of the time, something combining both.) Sirius had never felt this confused and overwhelmed before. He hated having to think about it. But he had no choice. Even falling asleep wasn’t safe.
He decided to go downstairs and have a cigarette. He couldn’t risk falling asleep again. He quietly left the boy’s dormitory. When he climbed down the stairs, he realized he wasn’t the only one awake at 3 am. Mary was sitting by the window, looking out until she heard Sirius’ footsteps. She turned around to look at him. Certainly, neither of them was expecting anyone else to be awake. “What are you doing?” they asked each other at the same time. Mary smiled lightly. “I’ll go first.” She felt like Sirius needed the push. Well, he did and he really appreciated it. She did not look the happiest either, yet she was still there for him. She always knew how to be there for him. Selfless as usual. Sirius preferred to be alone when he felt overwhelmed. He never felt like explaining— he was used to bottling everything up. However, Mary was an exception. She always knew what he felt, and she always knew what to do and what to say. Out of all the people he could’ve ran into, he was glad that it was her. After all, Mary knew so much about him.
“I couldn’t sleep. Having too much in my mind didn’t help. I’m assuming it’s the same for you.” Mary began sympathetically. “Yeah something like that” Sirius smiled lightly. But it was very clear that he was still pondering about what his dream- and the entire day- meant. Sirius rarely looked puzzled or thoughtful, so it was very easy for Mary to spot the difference. “So do you want to talk about what’s troubling you or are we going to tiptoe around it? I’m fine with either.” Mary said with a smile. Sirius knew that she really would be fine with either, although she’d prefer the first one. Maybe he would too. He couldn’t figure this out on his own, Mary could help. Sirius trusted her completely, but he still wasn’t sure. If he said it out loud, it would be too real. He didn’t know if he was ready for that, but it was better than keeping it to himself and losing his mind , right?
“Okay, well, um” Sirius began. He never really got speechless. Merlin, today was a first for a lot of things. He took a deep breath. Mary had soft eyes. She looked at him assuringly. “I don’t want to say anything and set it in stone. Because honestly, I still don’t know..” “And this is the first I’ve really thought of it- like really, just 2 hours ago- and you are the first person I’m going to tell.” Mary laughed. “I feel honored. Though I might need to be careful of a very jealous James Potter.” Sirius laughed too. “Oh yeah, I’m never going to hear the end of this.”
There was a momentary pause and Sirius knew he had to continue. “I think I might like Marlene” he mumbled so fast that Mary wasn’t sure the words actually left his mouth. “Okay now that’s over, let’s talk about you!” Sirius said, eager to change the topic and pretend like his confession didn’t happen. Mary just laughed. Sirius looked so desperate , she hadn’t seen him like that.. ever. She was having the time of her life. But she wasn’t surprised at all. No. It was actually funny to her that Sirius had just came to this “big revelation.” It wasn’t a big revelation. Everyone knew it but them.
“It was time, finally.” replied Mary. She laughed. “What? Why aren’t you surprised?” Sirius was confused. He definitely thought he’d get more of a reaction. This was huge for him. Mary continued smiling, “Honey, everyone knew. Well maybe not James, he’s a bit slow.” Sirius couldn’t help but laugh at that. James was truly unaware of everything happening around him if it wasn’t about Lily. But he was still confused. “What do you mean everyone knew?” “Well, the way you look at each other, the way you act around each other. It’s so obvious that it’s more than childish flirting. You guys bicker like a married couple, act like a married couple.”
Sirius thought about that. Was that true? Did he always like Marlene and had figured it out just now? And it hit him. How could he have been so blind this whole time? He always seeked an opportunity to flirt with her, tease her— just to be around her. He had always convinced himself that it was nothing. No, he did not allow himself to even think about it. But now it all made sense. Why he couldn’t stand the idea of Marlene being with someone else.
Mary watched reality hit Sirius. Well, better late than never. The sight of Sirius realizing that he had been absolutely oblivious amused Mary on a complete different level. “My pain entertains you, huh?” he asked dramatically. Mary just laughed. “Well, let me enjoy it. I’ve been waiting for this day for ages. We all had an ongoing bet actually. “What!” exclaimed Sirius. “You had an ongoing bet about me and Marlene? I thought we only had one about James and Lily!” Sirius said betrayed. Mary laughed at that “Oh Sirius, we have bets about everyone.” “You filthy gambler!” Sirius joked. They both started laughing.
It was incredible how they made each other forget about their troubles. But still, Sirius was very anxious. He hadn’t exprienced something like this before. The feeling was new to him. He didn’t know what to do or what to feel. Mary could see that. She wanted to help him. But she felt like a hypocrite. She was in the same shoes, if not worse. She had finally admitted that she liked Jason, but she couldn’t do anything about it. She just felt so confused and consumed by her emotions. That was one of the things that had kept her up at this hour. Her train of thoughts wouldn’t give her a break.
“Well, you know why I’m awake at 3 am. Why are you?” asked Sirius as if he had read her mind. Mary took a deep breath. She had always intended to tell Sirius. This was the perfect opportunity. Her confession would definitely help him feel less lonely, and it would help Mary very much too.
“It’s very similar to your situation.” Mary began. Sirius’ brows rose. He looked confused but intrigued. “With the exception that I’m not a complete idiot and I was aware of my feelings long before.” Mary couldn’t help but add. Sirius laughed. “Well, well, well. Mary Macdonald, who’s the lucky guy?” He asked with a smirk. Now, /he/ was amused. But Mary could see beneath that, he was just happy that there was someone who understood him. Someone he could share this with. She knew his secret, and he knew hers.
“It’s Jason.” Mary admitted after a long moment. “Jason?” practically gasped Sirius. “Shh” whispered Mary, and couldn’t help but laugh. Sirius looked so astonished. He did not know who he expected, but it certainly wasn’t Jason. Well, actually, who else could it be? “Sirius? Are you having a stroke?” Mary asked. Sirius laughed, “You wish. I’m just surprised. Have I been blind about this like how I’ve been blind about Marlene?” Mary laughed, “Oh believe me, you’ve been blind to so many things, I don’t know where to begin from.” Another wave of laughter. “Who else knew?” “Well, James knows” “James knew? That git!” Sirius exclaimed way too dramatically. “Don’t be jealous, you’re the second person I’ve told.” “Well, that’s not too bad I reckon.” he smiled proudly.
“Wait, I never asked you how you finally realized you had feeling for Marlene.” Mary asked. She had assumed that a rock had hit Sirius’ head and that’s how he came to his senses. Sirius looked out of the window and began very casually, as if he were talking about what he had for breakfast. “Well, Mulciber asked me about her and I punched him and then my knuckles were all bloody.” “What!” Mary yelled and laughed at the same time. Merlin, this boy. Mary would tease him endlessly. Sirius continued, “Then I dreamt of Marlene kissing another guy, and I got jealous. Then I started kissing her in my dream and I woke up in sweats.” Mary’s laughter continued. “Oh Sirius, your mind is a wonder.” Mary did not want to scare him more than he already was, so she would keep some of her thoughts for herself now— but Merlin, Sirius loved her. What he was telling was not an ordinary crush, especially considering his past. But he had to realize that himself.
Normally, Sirius would not be able to confess to such a thing. His dream was way too embarrassing to even say out loud, but for some reason, he did not even hesitate ro tell it to Mary. “You are the only one I would make such an humiliating confession to, you know that right? Not even James, he would never stop talking about it.” “Who says I won’t?” teased Mary. They both knew it would stay between the two of them just like many of their shared secrets.
“Okay, your turn. Tell me everything. From the beginning. Leave no details.” said Sirius. Sirius truly wanted to listen to her, know all about it, and that put a small smile on Mary’s lips. She took a deep breath, “Oh that’s gonna take a while.” “Well, I have all the time in the world.” Sirius replied as he offered her a cigarette from his pocket. They both definitely needed it. “You’re a lifesaver” Mary smiled as she grabbed the lighter from his hands. But she wasn’t thanking him just for the cigarette. She really was thankful that he was beside her, and truly wanted to listen to her. “We deserved it.” said Sirius as he lit her and then his own cigarette. At that moment, they both felt so grateful for each other. Now, they had someone they could talk to about their secret crushes. It was their thing. Whenever they wanted to talk about it, they had each other.
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Witch-King of Angmar by Alan Marson
#Lord of the Rings#LotR#Middle Earth#Mordor#Angmar#Witch-King of Angmar#Nazgul#Ringwraith#Fantasy#Art#Alan Marson
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The second oral sex joke in the episode (technically the first, since it came before The Cramps Dance)


#friendly reminder#that the cramps version of#the goo goo muck#is about oral sex#wednesday#wednesday addams#jenna ortega#wednesday merch#dancing wednesday#lol#netflix wednesday#wednesday netflix#woe what a night#wednesday season 1#wednesday season 1 episode 4#tim burton#the cramps#millar & gough#enid sinclair#emma myers#lucas walker#iman marson#not for kids
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#rdr2#rdr2 x reader#rdr2 fic#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan x you#charles smith x reader#charles smith x you#javier escuella x reader#javier escuella x you#dutch van der linde x reader#dutch van der linde x you#eagle flies x reader#eagle flies x you#john marston x reader#john marson x you#nut's polls 🪻
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Yesterday Käärijä. Today Joker Out is trending. They really won our hearts 💚❤️.
#eurovision#joker out#finland#jere from vantaa#jere pöyhönen#cha cha cha#käärijä#bojan cvjeticanin#spotify#joker man#ljubljana#jure maček#kris gustin#nace marson#jan peteh#carpe diem#carpe diem slide into every dm#I’m proud of our boys#I’m proud of them#jokerman#joker and#bojan#green man#bromance#eurovision slovenia#Slovenia#🇫🇮#🇸🇮#💚#häärijä
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OK but imagine the RDR2 characters playing the sport of curling. Certain character combinations would be dynamite on the ice, be it in the four person game, Mixed Doubles, Mixed.
#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#curling#arthur morgan#charles smith#hosea matthews#dutch van der linde#vandermatthews#charthur#sadie adler#john marson#abigail marston#tilly jackson#lenny summers#sean macguire#red dead redemption 2 community#molly o'shea#rdr2 community
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Bad movie I have Wednesday The Complete First Season 2022
#Wednesday#Jenna Ortega#Emma Myers#Hunter Doohan#Percy Hynes White#Joy Sunday#Georgie Farmer#Christina Ricci#Victor Dorobantu#Gwendoline Christie#Riki Lindhome#Jamie McShane#Naomi J. Ogawa#Johnna Dias-Watson#Oliver Watson#Moosa Mostafa#Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo#Daniel Himschoot#Iman Marson#Calum Ross#Cezar Grumazescu#George Burcea#Morgan Beale#Tommie Earl Jenkins#Islam Bouakkaz#Catherine Zeta-Jones#Luis Guzmán#Isaac Ordonez#William Houston#Karina Varadi
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Teen Ben Omnitrix Au snippet
Teenager Omnitrix in the wild: learning how to function while being organic.
I've been thinking on and off about a fantastic fanfiction I read a while ago now which had Ben being the Omnitrix. Here
I have a very soft spot for those types of situations, you know? Playing around with questions regarding humanity and self views,my type of fun. So I thought "What if Ben looked a little older when he appeared from his dormant Omnitrix form?" And "What if he didn't know how to be human?"
"How would others view ben? How would it shape him?" Well this bad boy * slaps hood of this Au* was born from that question and others like it. *Evil laughter in the distance*
Teenager Omnitrix in the wild: learning how to function while being newly organic.
Chapter 1 sneak peek
Important Past lessons learnt from Gwen's teachings. Hygien. How did Ben learn it?
It started with an emergency shopping trip. They couldn't let the alien (genetically human) go without properly fitting clothes. Her uncle's ratty to big old clothes just wouldn't cut it. Plus The newly arrived and dubbed Ben would need stuff. Toothbrushes, hygiene products in general, clothes and proper shoes.
Gwen still didn't completely understand how or even why Ben would need to come along with them? Shouldn't they just call the authorities? Ben is still an alien, no matter how human he may look. Gwen is still probably the one that will need to tutor him on "how to human" or "pass for a human". She should probably start by explaining how to open the door.
"It says pull not push Ben!"
"Oh, sorry Gwen. I just don't understand why not all Terran establishments don't just have touchpads and auto opening entrances?"
She was going to need to teach him how to talk like a proper young dude. "Auto opening entrances" needs fixing as soon as she can scrabble together enough emergency movie DVDs, magazines and pop songs. She's going to make a proper teen out of him yet! Now where is the Wonder woman themed deodorant?
#ben 10#Ben10xDc#which surprise!#it's coming#very soon#Ben is the Omnitrix#Au Ben10 is like 15 and is questioning why he was sent to this backwater ass planet for protection#He likes wearing crop tops since he often overheats in human form and no he won't get out of direct sunlight#it feels nice when you've never felt anything like it.#Ben has a lot of different alien dna sampled#even the expensive Kryptonian dna#and he is going to keep expanding his Gallery right here on earth#there's marsons and a tamaranean and like five Kryptonians flying about#Batman never said alien watches couldn't be in Gotham soo#Ben just needs to be sure if one of the bats are alien or not#chaos ensues#Gwen is 10 Ve#Ben is 15 a#crop top#wearing alien watch#even the bats are second guessing themselves about it#Mabye the Loa are involved have you seen the green color of Ben's watch#Kevin 11 gets kidnapped by the Tennysons#Kevin is confused#Grandpa Max is confused#Gwen and Ben are proud of themselves#this is DpxDcxBen10#DpxBen10#chaotic disasters the lot of them#dpxdc
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Jazz Age Hats

Hats designed by Cora Marson, Des Chapeaux blog.
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y'only get an audience with the hag if you have a chicken bone and a booger
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Nazgul by Alan Marson
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also urgh do you have any other non agent splatoon ocs that are as fleshed out ..
they are not as fleshed out RIP but i have a splatband and an independent character i made when first experimenting with splatoon oc creation:D

octopop is an octopus-anemone group that is focused on making translations of inkling music to a more octarian population, with some original songs being thrown in there too!! their famous single is called takoyaki octotation



i made information pages for them a while ago actually LOL here u go:3 i’m thinking about revamping them though

and this one’s just kind of a wildcard oc! shes from the domes and used to be a turf war model and that’s about it lol
EDIT i forgot to mention she’s friends with a salmonling
id love to make non-cephalopod ocs at some point for my splatsville delinquents!! i’m slowly working on it LOL
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Diane Prince aka Wonder Woman does Her Iconic Spin.
#Lynda Carter#Diana of Themiscyra#Diana Prince#Wonder Woman#DC Comics#Wonder Woman Tv Series#William Moulton Marson#HG Peter#DC Women#Superheroine#Amazons
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Boys doing charity.
Bojan gives Balkan dad vibes with his personalised Adidas shirt.
Photos and clip from @gorandragic_foundation on instagram.
#eurovision#adidas#charity#joker man#bojan cvjeticanin#joker out#jan peteh#kris gustin#jure macek#nace marson#carpe diem slide into every dm#carpe diem#Slovenia#instagram#our boys#🇸🇮#Balkan#Balkan dad#dad vibes
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Might have had another RDR2 dream where it was essentially the 1980s Roar movie but with cowboys instead of big cats :P
Micah dragged me into camp like a caveman's wife (complete with club). Susan grabbed me away from Micah by the hair, and Jack BIT me on the leg and called mean mean mean. Dutch pounce-tripped me like a big cat and once I was on the ground, smothered me with cuddles and not caring I twisted my ankle. Purse went flying, Hosea grabbed it, took my wallet, and threw my phone to Arthur.
John and Arthur fought over the phone (John bit Arthur). Sadie stole my purse, and when I tried to get it back, she hissed at me. Charles threw a chair. Pearson threw a fish and an onion at me because he heard I liked fish.
#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#micah bell#susan grimshaw#vandermatthes#hosea matthews#dutch van der linde#jack marston#john marson#john marston#pearson#rdr2 community#red dead redemption 2 community
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