#mars fics
pthalomars · 1 year
I never post my writing but I'd like to share a snippet of a drabble I wrote for an au that me and @jankwritten are working on
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[Context: a year after blood of olympus, leo wakes up under Thalia's tree comes back to find his best friends in shambles. It's not the warm welcome he was expecting..]
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mariipun · 1 year
Some Sunny Day
Warnings: N/A, Fluff
Word Count: 1,671
Brief Description: Welcome Home Bakery AU. Wally Darling x GN!Reader. Reader/self-insert. You are learning how to bake, but don’t know where to start. Not wanting to be a nuisance, you’ve begun watching from outside the local bakery café’s window as Wally took notice.
[Characters belong to Clown, aka, partycoffin]
Dedication: @satanic-witchcraft (Inspired by their Bakery AU, although it’s extremely loosely based /I just love the aesthetic/. Just a fanfic I wrote because I dreamt about this scenario lol)
It first began on a warm Tuesday afternoon.
You stood there outside, writing in a yellow-covered journal as you watched through the window of the bakery café; the blue-haired man glancing up at you every so often as he kneaded the dough. At one point, the both of you had made eye contact and he watched as you smiled. You pointed toward his motions and then pointed at your book with a slight tilt of your head as if asking permission to take notes.
Wally nodded, a smile of his own forming on his lips in return before going back to work on evenly distributing the dough. You continued to take notes, sometimes carefully mimicking some of his movements in the air as if committing to memory the way the dough needed to be handled. You’d be there for about an hour before placing your journal into your satchel, tucking the pencil behind your ear, and waving goodbye. Wally simply grinned, nodding in reply as you walked away.
This continued every week for the next three months.
Like clockwork, you were there every Tuesday afternoon as the café side bustled with life; customers shuffling in or out with pastries, coffees, or teas. Wally had become accustomed to your presence, albeit through the bakery’s window. He wondered why you simply didn’t come in to ask him questions about his work... or why you never seemed to come into the establishment during this time.
The other workers happened to take notice as well, but he assured them it was not an issue, and he didn’t want anyone to pry. He assumed you were wanting to learn how to bake, perhaps even explore new culinary skills. He may not know the extent of your situation, but he was always happy to teach, as you had always been enthusiastic to learn.
You’d watch, you’d write, and then you’d both exchange goodbyes. He didn’t realize when he’d stop working on whatever he was doing to simply watch you walk away to whatever destination you were headed to next.  
Every Tuesday afternoon, he began anticipating your return.
He didn’t quite show how excited he was, maintaining his cool demeanor, yet mindlessly fiddling with the strings of his apron. As the clock ticked closer to the predetermined time, he would prepare his area, having a different recipe or lesson at the ready.
You had even started noticing the little things he did, perking with curiosity. Some days there would be a recipe for whatever he was making during that time, laid out in front of your view; a list of ingredients meticulously written out in what you assumed was his handwriting.
Was he sharing his trade secrets with you?
You would read through the list of items, jotting them down quickly before watching as he began creating the batch of goods. Whenever Wally shared one of his recipes though, he’d patiently wait until you were done writing before showing you how to measure and make.
On other days he’d start showing off, tossing dough in the air, or elaborately packaging whole loaves of bread for orders. Sometimes he’d get a bit carried away, getting flour in his hair, or accidentally dropping an egg on the floor. He’d shift his eyes toward you to catch a glimpse of your reaction, always earning a giggle or stifling a laugh in your hand before continuing to write away in that yellow journal of yours. His cheeks would dust rouge in embarrassment, but honestly, Wally was glad he had an audience, especially one as devoted as you.
Sometimes, a bittersweet taste would settle on his tongue as the hour would end and you’d retreat into the world while he stayed behind the glass. Your figure would be lost within the crowd of people walking up and down the sidewalk, colors of various shades blending and muting into the background.
He wondered what you did every Tuesday morning before coming to the bakery, and what you did after when your time together would end.
Maybe he’d ask you one of these days, but for now, he enjoyed the wordless company.
Twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes past your usual arrival time.
You hadn’t shown up yet and the ticking of the clock began to make him restless.
Wally started to wonder if you were no longer available, or maybe, no longer interested in stopping by. A few different scenarios had swirled in his mind from you being at work, maybe school, having gotten hurt, maybe sick? Why was he so concerned about a complete stranger? Neither one of you even knew the other’s name.
Yet… he felt his chest tighten, disappointment prickling at his skin.
Surely, you were just running late today?
He stared at the counter; his mind lost in thought. He didn’t hear the familiar dings of the bell when the front door opened as you stepped inside, yellow journal in hand. He had only looked up when he heard Julie’s voice greet you from the register.
“Finally decided to come inside instead of watching through the window, huh?” Julie chimed.
You laughed in response, the sound filling the bakery with warmth.
Wally’s cheeks lifted as a smile formed on his lips, eyes falling on you. Feelings of elation and relief both washed over him in waves.
He stood still. The world around him seemed to burst into vibrant hues of light. Soft yellows, pinks, and mellow blues dance around you. He continued to watch you in adoration as you placed a drink order and made your way to one of the small tables near the corner of the café.
“It’s not polite to stare you know,” Poppy spoke up from behind him, causing him to turn and stutter in response. She smiled at him and shook her head. “Why not just say hello?” She encouraged, earning a defeated sigh from the man.
Wally took off his apron, hanging it up. “You’re right…” he mused, dusting himself off. “I’m going to take a break…”
“Take all the time you need dear,” Poppy replied, taking over the kitchen.
He carefully made his way over.
You were comfortably seated in the corner, reading through your writings as you sipped your drink. Setting the cup down, you looked over to the man making his way to you. You gave him a smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Mind if I join you for a bit?” he asked, a bit hesitant.
“I don’t mind at all.” You spoke sweetly, gesturing for him to sit.
Wally pulled out the chair across from you, settling down as well. Eyes panning down to your journal, he pointed a finger in its direction. “May I?”
“Oh! Of course.” You chuckled, moving the journal toward him. He began turning through the pages in awe of the detailed notes, scribbles, and even sketches of the baked goods he shared with you.
“Wow, this is incredible.” He breathed, “You even captured some of the techniques I use when I bake…”
“Yeah, I really wanted to make sure I got it right, ya know?” You confessed before clicking your tongue, “…But… whenever I try to bake something myself, it doesn’t seem to turn out right…” You mulled over the words, leaning forward to rest your arms on the table as you watched him read.
After a moment, he looked up at you in understanding before setting the journal back on the table. “Well, if you are interested, I’d be more than happy to teach you one-on-one here in the bakery, so you aren’t just watching from outside.”
“Really?” You squeaked, a bit more loudly than intended, earning a few looks your way. You gave him a sheepish grin, nodding. “Thank you… I would absolutely love that, but…”
“But?” He looked at you quizzically.
“I don’t have much money to really afford private lessons or anything…” You said sadly, reaching over to take the journal back. “I’ve usually just come by to watch you work, which is why I took notes. I tried doing the same with a few other bakeries, but they brushed me off. You were the only one that didn’t really seem to mind…” Sighing, you closed the journal and tucked it away, “I just didn’t want to bother you with it, so I’m just fine watching from the window…”
Wally pondered this for a moment, humming thoughtfully before nodding at you. “Then how about this? I’ll teach you ways you can improve your skills, and in return, you help me organize my recipes. That sound fair?”
“More than fair… That’s just way too generous.” You counter, hands coming up in defense.
“I suppose, but I do need some help with organizing my own notes. And it’d be a great help if you could assist with that, especially with all the ideas and experiments I have in mind... Sometimes I lose track.” He chuckled, gently scratching his cheek. This offer was more of an excuse to get to know you better anyhow. “So, what do you say?”
“Y-Yes…. I say yes, absolutely. Thank you so much, Mr.—"
“Darling”, he interjects, extending a hand for you to take. “My name’s Wally Darling. But please, call me Wally.”
You slowly take his hand in your own, heat emitting from your cheeks as you gave him your name in return. “It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance… Wally.”
For the rest of his break, the two of you talked, laughed, and talked some more until his attention was pulled away back to work.
You said your farewells, but before leaving, Wally gifted you a small box of pastries filled with new flavors he was working on; contemplating whether they would be good to sell or not. He asked you to try them and write in detail what you thought about each one. You were happy to do so, saying goodbye once more as you left the bakery.
You were both looking forward to next Tuesday.
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greta-van-chaos · 2 years
hiii can you do a smutty fluffy jake x reader where ur insecure about your body & ur confidence has been down a lot but jake tries to prove to u that he thinks ur actually irresistible 🫶🏼 pls make it filthy the girlies could use it i love ur writing
Right Side of My Neck
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Jake Kiszka x Reader
Warnings | Explicit sexual content, cursing, angst, anxiety, body image issues, rough sex, mirror play, hair pulling
Word Count | 2.2k words
Authors Note | I keep saying that I'm gonna write and release new stuff but I have had zero motivation. I have a lot of stuff in the works that im clearing out of my drafts... then its time for me to open requests again!
The water sloshes around your body, lapping at your sternum as you make the last step into the pool. Jake is nowhere to be found and so you make your way to the edge so you can set down the two beers you retrieved. Your eyes scan the backyard and the more people you see the tighter your throat gets. So many pretty girls in tiny bikinis, prancing around looking like models.
You've never been a fan of parties but you know that dating a rockstar comes with having to attend a fair share of them. You love Jake too much to turn down an event like this and so that's how you got yourself here, standing on the sidelines rather uncomfortably in a bikini that's way too small and makes you feel ridiculous.
"Hey baby," Jake pulls you out of your thoughts when he makes his way through the water to stand at your side and take you by your hips, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You blink away any tears that had been threatening to fall, clear your throat and wrap your arms around his neck. "Hey! where'd you go?"
"Josh texted saying he needed help with something, turns out he just wanted me to mix him a drink--" Jake rolls his eyes and scoffs "I know I'm the better mixologist but he could've done it himself." You stay quiet, the tears welling up again at how stupid you feel for being insecure and letting it ruin the mood. Jake catches on immediately and places a hand on the small of your back, the other coming up to rest on your cheek. "Are you okay, baby? What's wrong?"
"I'm fine!" You say, a little to excitedly as you wipe your tears away, plastering on a fake smile and wiling your voice not to shake. Of course, Jake doesn't fall for that.
"Seriously, something is up, what's wrong? You can talk to me."
All at once the buzz of the party becomes far too overwhelming, all of the chatter now zoning into the anxiety department of your brain. "Can we go somewhere quiet please? It's so loud."
"Of course, here--" Jake slips his hand into yours and begins to wade his way through the water, weaving around the heaps of people that have flocked around his brother Sam who just waded his way into the water. Once out he leads you into the house guides you up the stairs. You can barely navigate the house you're in but Jake pulls you along as if he's lived here his whole life. You're not even sure he knows who's house this is.
"Do you know where you're going?" You keep a firm grip on his hand but something in you falters when he stops in the middle of the hallway as if contemplating where he is.
"Not really. I came up here earlier to go to the bathroom, I just can't remember what door it was."
Despite his words Jake very confidently reaches for the handle of the closest door and pushes it open to reveal a very expensive looking bathroom. He gently pulls you inside by your wrist and shuts the door, clicking the lock behind you.
"Do you want to sit?" He motions to the marble edge of the bathtub that looks like its built in to the wall. You shake your head and stay standing in front of him, arms crossed over your stomach. He tsks and moves them away, taking each of your hands in his own. "What's wrong?"
The tone of his voice makes it very hard to keep your composure. He sounds so goddamn concerned and although you love him for it, it almost makes you feel worse for the negative thoughts about your body cropping up in your brain.
"I just--" Voice cracking you pull your hands back and hide your face behind them, shielding your eyes from his concerned stare.
Jake reaches out to stroke your arm, "It's okay, this is a safe space, you can tell me anything, baby, anything."
"I know-- god-- I know! I just feel so stupid."
You dare to glance at him and his eyebrows are drawn up in worry, why do you always have to do this? Jake stays silent and bids you to continue with a nod of his head.
"Everyone here-- Everyone has such nice bodies, they all look so good in their bathing suits and-- I just--" You sigh, not really wanting to finish the sentence and hoping he can piece it together himself like the ever intuitive boyfriend he is.
"Oh, baby..." His face falls and your heart clenches in your chest.
"I'm sorry-- I don't--"
"Why are you apologizing?" He takes a step towards you, pulling your wrists into his hands and rubbing over them soothingly with his thumbs. "You never have to apologize. If anything I'm sorry. I wish you didn't have to feel like that."
"I just wish I was as beautiful as all of the other girls."
Something in his eyes changes and it's just barely noticeable. If it was anyone else with Jake right now the shift would go under the radar but you know him inside and out. The energy in the room is flipped on it's axis, thick tension seeping into the air between you.
"Are you kidding me?" He says it almost accusingly but you know him better than that, if anything he sounds... territorial.
"I don't understand why I don't look like them-- Why my body isn't--" A sob chokes you up, catching in your throat and you have to look away from Jake.
Silence overtakes the room, so potent that the only thing you can hear is you own heavy breathing. You can barely stand to sneak a glance at your boyfriend and when you do the expression on his face is chilling.
"Do you seriously not see how fucking gorgeous you look?" His voice has dropped an octave and the look on his face is one of pure lust. You want to be offended by the tone he's taken on but you can't help the warm tingling feeling that's sparked to life in your stomach. The atmosphere changed so quickly that you almost didn't notice it but nevertheless you welcome the change.
"Jake--" You breathe, stepping back and pushing yourself up against the counter.
"I'm serious, you look fucking perfect. Here--" Without warning Jake steps forward and slips his arms around your waist, turning you so you're now facing the wide mirror above the sink.
The sight your met with is not something you'd consider attractive but with Jake's wandering hands and the hot kisses he's trailing down your neck you can't seem to form a proper thought.
"You. Are. Beautiful." He mumbles against your shoulder, in-between kisses. Slowly, his hands trails down your stomach, to your bathing suit bottoms. They're tied tightly on each hip and when his fingers play over the small bows you secured earlier when getting dressed his eyes meet yours in the mirror, asking you silently for permission.
"Please, Jake." Your fingers card through his hair, pulling his mouth against your neck harder and forcing you to arch your back when his body is pulled tighter against you.
He takes his sweet ass time pulling the strings of your bottoms to loosen and eventually let them fall off of your body. From there he kicks them away and caresses your stomach, gently running his fingers over the skin.
The ripple of goosebumps that covers your skin only spurs him on further. Carefully and so incredibly slow, he drags the tips of his fingers in small patterns over your stomach, dipping just low enough to send a chill down your spine but not quite low enough to quell the heat blooming between your thighs.
"Look at yourself," He whispers. "You're a goddess."
Reluctantly your eyes scan your body and as you watch his hands move over you you feel a bit more confident. Not to mention how the way his gaze is devouring you makes you feel, just by looking in your direction he makes you feel sexy. When his hands travel to your shoulders and down your back you're already nodding, almost begging him to bare your naked body to him. The speed in which he removes your bra greatly contrasts how slowly he slipped off your bottoms, his fingers hungrily work at the ties until it falls away and he can cup your breasts, kneading the flesh. You press yourself against him and can feel the very obvious bulge in his swim trunks against your ass.
"That's what you do to me baby, you're perfect. I never want you to feel any other way because you really are perfect."
"Thank you, Jakey. Thankyouthankyouthankyou." The praise slips past your lips like a mantra and seems to be the only coherent thought you can manage. His wandering hands make it very hard for you to focus, so much so that you tip your head back and close your eyes, letting the fuzzy feeling of lust take over.
"Look at yourself. I wanna see you looking or I'll stop what I'm doing. You're so beautiful baby, just look and see."
When you reluctantly pull your gaze back to the mirror and meet your own stare you want to cringe away but then you feel Jake's hand between your legs and you watch as he circles your clit with an unmatched care.
"Wanna feel you, Jake." You whine, reaching back to thread your fingers through his hair.
Through the mirror you watch one of his hands come up to cup your breast while the other continues to work between your legs.
"You can feel me baby, i'm right here." He taps your clit lightly with his fingers before going back to his earlier motions.
"No, no, Jake, want your--" A moan rips through your chest when he sinks two fingers into you and without thinking your head tips back.
"Nuh uh baby, eyes on the mirror." He truly does completely stall any and all movement until you're looking at yourself again which makes you groan out of frustration. "So fuckin' needy, baby. Who got you all wound up like this? Hm?"
"You Jakey, please. Want you to fuck me. Pretty please, baby" Your words come out stuttered and breathy which makes him smirk.
"Well only cause you asked so nicely."
He removes his hand from between your legs to free himself of him swim trunks. His other hand still holds it's grip on your breast and in a teasing act he pinches your nipple lightly. You yelp and without warning he pushes into you, filling you up completely and pushing you down against the counter.
"Look at yourself, baby. So fucking pretty. So perfect."
You can't speak, you can only whine and moan as he fucks into you, wrapping a hand into your hair and pulling you up enough that you can still see yourself in the mirror.
"You're my pretty baby, aren't you?" He fucks you harder, his hips slamming against you and knocking your body into the cool marble top. "Say it."
Breathing wildly and barely holding onto anything as your own hips are rammed into the cabinets you meet his eyes in the mirror with a questioning look.
"You heard me. Fucking say it. Tell me you're my pretty baby."
With a high pitched moan you barely breathe "I'm your pretty baby, Jakey."
He groans and his eyes roll back into his head, hips faltering slighting. "Say it again, say that you're my pretty girl. Fuck--"
The only sound filling the bathroom is the slapping of your skin and your collective moans. Any passersby would very quickly be able to come to the conclusion of what exactly was happening behind the door.
"I'm your pretty girl, I'm your pretty baby"
"Yeah you are, baby."
You actually find it pretty easy to keep your eyes on yourself through the mirror. Although your eyes do stray behind you to view how fucked out Jake looks as he thrusts into you and holds your hair in a fist, every once and a while jerking you back a bit, you don't mind looking at your own body and face. There's something so incredibly sexy about being made to watch yourself come undone.
"You close?" He breathes, pressing a hot, sloppy kiss to your neck.
"So close." You cry, holding the faucet the keep yourself grounded.
"Touch yourself for me."
Without a second thought you slip that hand that isn't around the sink between your legs and within a few circles you can feel yourself nearing the edge of your orgasm. Your so close you can barely get the words out to warm him.
"Gonna cum, Jakey, please--"
"Go ahead, baby. Let it go for me."
When you finally are pushed into the tidal wave that is your orgasm, the last thing you see before your eyes close is Jake's blissed out face as he finds his own release in tandem with you. He can be so angelic and beautiful during even the most unholy of moments.
He continues to push into you, riding out your high as you come down as well as his own. You feel him let go inside of you and a sigh leaves your lips at the sensation.
When he finally does pull out you both wince from the overstimulation and loss of contact. Immediately he grabs some toilet paper to clean you up and helps you to sit on the counter.
"You are the most beautiful person on this earth and I never want you to doubt or forget that. Okay?"
"Thank you, Jake. I love you."
"I love you too." He whispers. In contrast to the heated affair you had both been lost in moments ago, he gently presses his lips to yours and brings his fingertips to massage over your scalp where he was holding your hair. "Was that okay?"
"Better than okay." You smile, kissing the tip of his nose.
After you both have a minute to regroup and eventually redress, he helps you off of the counter. "We should probably get back to the party, is that okay? Or do you want to just go home?"
You reach up and kiss his cheek, "We can stay."
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marzipanloves · 7 months
☔ for Macaque?
(TYSM! Funny enough I have the perfect picture for it)
☔ — f/o and s/i got caught in the rain... write about how they handle it! did either of them bring an umbrella?
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The sound of rain pouring down on the pavement made a wash of white noise in the otherwise noisy city as two men stood under the awning of the café they’d just finished eating at. Somehow the downpour caught them by complete surprise, despite Mars pulling out their phone and rechecking the weather report, that ‘15% chance of rain’ suddenly like far bigger odds as they’d initially assumed.
The other man beside them somewhat leaned towards them, glancing down at the phone in their hands.
“So. Does it say how long this’ll last?” Macaque asked glancing back up at them.
“Uhhh…” Mars muttered, scrolling with their finger only to find that the forecast had suddenly changed to rain for the rest of the day, “I’ll just say it’s not something we can wait out.” They sighed, putting their phone back in their pocket. Their husband caught the message, letting out a discontent hum as he crossed his arms.
The two of them stood there, looking out at the rain that blurred the view the further they looked out, rippling and splashing on the ground. The pitter-patter of raindrops on the pavement somewhat muffled the sounds of conversations and already sparse traffic around them. What started as a disappointment turned to a much more  peaceful scene, as Mars shut their eyes and took a deep breath of the clear, refreshing scent of the water, sighing blissfully. Turning to see their now more relaxed body language, Macaque himself felt his frustrations fading as he stretched, only to use his extended arm as an excuse to wrap around their waist and pull them closer to him.
They leaned against him, giving another content sigh as they nuzzled against his warm body to contrast the cool weather.
After another few moments of watching the rain Macaque stretched again, rolling his neck and shoulders.
“Alright then, I think I know how to deal with this.” He said with a tilted smile on his face. Before they could ask, he suddenly fell into the ground, quite literally, as a circle of shadow enveloped the ground beneath him that he suddenly disappeared into.
A small gasp of surprise left them before they chuckled, shaking their head from how they were still surprised by his powers despite how used to it they were.
Another shadow portal appeared on the concrete wall beside them, a hand reaching out and gesturing them closer before being held out, ready for them to take it. Mars giggled again at their husband’s playful actions before stepping forward and taking it. As soon as his hand closed around theirs, they were quickly pulled forward, nearly falling through the portal until they hit something warm and soft again, looking up at how they’d landed on their husband’s chest.
Disorienting as it had been in the past, they weren’t surprised this time by the sudden shift of scenery as they looked around to suddenly be under the awning of his dojo.
“You okay?” Macaque asked with a smug smile, having pulled them harder just to feel them fall into his arms, something he figured they’d put together but pleased by the result nonetheless. Mars let out another small chuckle as they leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Yep!” they replied, turning to look out at the rain once more. Now out of the more busy main areas of the city, the sounds of traffic and people were completely gone amongst the sounds of the rain. It felt so tranquil, they could almost…
Macaque’s voice brought them from their voice, pulling them back as they’d walked forward without realizing it, his hold stopping them from nearly stepping out into the rain. Though to be honest, it looked really nice…refreshing after the otherwise warmer than normal weather for the season. Plus, they were already right here at home…
They turned back to give him their own mischievous smile.
“Baaabe?” he asked, quirking a brow as he saw the grin on their face, his own growing as if he practically knew exactly where their mind was going.
Before he could ask they let go of him, stepping out into the pouring rain with a small noise of surprise at how cool the water was and how quickly they were drenched.
At their surprise and silly act they heard their husband laugh, turning to see him shaking his head. At first they thought he’d just roll his eyes and tell them to come inside, but to their surprise he suddenly stepped forward too, ears and tail flicking as he felt the cool rain on his fur. The initial bracing for the cold water smoothed into a more relaxed look as he opened his eyes again, looking down at them with obvious fondness in his eyes and voice as he cracked another smile.
“You’re somethin’ else.”
In return Mars just chuckled again, leaning up to cup his face in their hands and pressing a kiss on his lips, initially supposed to be quick but ending up lingering longer as his arms wrapped around them. After a few moments they broke the kiss, eyes starting to flutter open again as they looked back up at him.
His lidded adoring gaze suddenly shifted to more wide eyes before he started laughing. They were about to ask but realize what’s up as they open their eyes more and realize their glasses are absolutely covered in water, practically useless now. His hearty laugh, much brighter and louder than his otherwise more chilled, composed demeanor was both adorable and contagious, causing them to just take the frames off and laugh along with him.
“Alright, alright. We should get inside before it gets too cold, come on.” Macaque shook his head again, lifting the edge of his cape to cover the two of them from being drenched any further as he ushered them back towards the building.
They may have both gotten cold and had to hang their soaked clothes up, but it was still far worth it to make some hot drinks and settle into the warm bed together, drifting off to a very comfortable nap, hand in hand as usual.
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
"Excuse me?" Jazz's voice echoes in the meeting room in space. She gains the attention of the heroes immediately and sees them tensing up in at her appearance.
Behind her, he swirling green portal is open, waiting for her to return.
A blond, coat wearing man, curses upon seeing her and gives a half bow. "Princess Jasmine," he speaks up, eye twitching.
"What brings you here?"
At the greeting and reveal of her title, few others fall into bows, the lady at the head of the table, wonder woman?, gives her a smile.
Her eyes pin the green skinned man to his seat, who in return tilts his head at her.
"My brothers birthday is soon," she focuses on the man again. "I'm simply here for a present."
The man tenses, another curse slipping. "Ah– king phantom, right? I wasn't aware his birthday would be so soon."
Jazz ignores him, calmly walking to the Martian and placing a picture of Mars before him.
"The tales of your people have brought much interest to my brother. He became a big fan." She tells, sharing her intentions at his light poking.
"I ask for a signature, it would make his day."
Martian Manhunter, alien hero, and once upon a time, a father even smiles. He's delighted yet feeling a deep-rooted sadness. The tales of his people continue to spread in the afterlife, it seems.
Jazz leaves quickly after, not before giving Diana a number, they are cousins after all.
Danny will love her present.
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yzzyhee · 20 days
love bite — sjy
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bf!jake x gf! reader
warnings: established relationship, suggestive (minors dni), kissing/making out?, biting, marking, grinding, hair pulling, petnames (baby) , smallcases written work
wc: 930~
synopsis: your boyfriend’s collarbone makes you give dracula a small run for his money
a/n: i actually wrote for a second time. wow. it had to be done… anyway! genuinely don’t know what i did nor do i want to know anymore 😃 but this is mainly for myself bc i can’t either bite his or my wife’s collarbone so @ja3yun, angel, this one is for you. i wish to do to u what yn did to jakey 🙂‍↕️ or i just want jake idk anymore send help but anyway feedbacks are appreciated 🧛
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“stop staring.”
you smile innocently at your boyfriend as he gives you a pointed look. to be honest, you have been staring at him — specifically his collarbone that is currently peaking from under his hoodie.
“can you please focus?”
oh, right. jake’s been trying to explain to you the material from the latest physics class but you seem to lose your focus. and how could you not? his pretty, kind of — definitely — suckable collarbone is just sitting there, waiting for you to bite on… you’re just a girl after all.
“let me bite you.” you say suddenly and for a second your eyes widen, surprised that you actually voiced your thoughts.
jake tilts his head and looks at you with a curious look. you’re not usually the dominant one in the relationship, always letting him to take the lead in your intimate moments.
although his focus should remain on the task at hand, your outburst has diverted him into your way of thinking and now his thoughts are filled of your soft lips on his skin and the way you look at him sends a small shiver down his spine as heat courses through his veins.
he leans back against the headboard of his bed, his hoodie somehow slipping a little further down his shoulder, exposing more of that collarbone you’ve been eyeing so intently.
“you want to bite me?” he asks, voice low, almost teasing.
you bite your bottom lip and nod, feeling confident now that you sense the desire in his voice.
“just a little bit.” you murmur, a mischievous smile spreading across your lips as you move closer to him and let your fingers brush against the fabric of his hoodie, tugging it down more to expose that tempting, just so tempting skin of his.
jake’s breath hitches as he watches you. it’s not like you to be so forward and that contrast between your usual shyness, submissive attitude versus this sudden boldness is making his heart race. he doesn’t stop you when you press your lips to his collarbone, slowly kissing the exposed skin. your teeth graze him without notice and he feels a jolt of electricity run through him.
“yn…” he breathes out, his hands instinctively finding your waist, pulling you closer as your lips work their way along his collarbone. the softness of your lips kissing, tongue peaking out to lick at his skin and the nip of your teeth is driving him insane, each touch of yours going straight to his dick as he feels himself getting hard.
you’re so focused on him, lost in the sensation of his warm skin beneath your mouth that you barely notice the way his hands tighten around you, pulling you into his lap and making you straddle him.
you let out a small gasp, feeling his hard on pressing into your core. his hands make their way to your back, lowering you completely on him.
you detach yourself from his collarbone and move to look at him. your breath halts as you see him looking at you with darkened eyes and slightly parted lips. he drops his gaze on your glossy lips, touching them slowly with his thumb. you part them, biting down on his finger.
his eyes seem to darken even more, his lips crashing against yours, hungry and demanding. his hands find the hem of your shirt and he doesn’t even think twice before he pulls it over your head.
he breaks your kiss to look at you and you suddenly feel a bit shy under his gaze as he’s taking you in, staring as if you’re the beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
you take advantage of him staring at you and you take control to reach the zipper of his hoodie, your fingers brushing against his chest as you pull it down, revealing more of the skin you’ve been craving.
you lean in, pressing soft, open-mouthed kisses along his collarbone, revelling in the way his breath comes in short gasps and the way his grip on your waist tightens.
“baby, you’re driving me insane…” he groans, his voice strained and filled with a kind of desperation that feeds into your ego and makes you start rocking back and forth slowly on him.
you smile at his words, enjoying the effect you have on him. “i like driving you insane.” you whisper against his bone and feeling brave, you give him small kitten licks along it.
he swallows thickly as your kisses move slowly higher, settling on a spot just near his pulse, feeling it pounding. you let your lips part against his skin as you begin to suck gently, your tongue flicking against him and teeth biting into as you work on leaving him with your mark.
jake moans again and bucks himself up into you. the sound spurs you on and you suck and bite a little harder, feeling his heartbeat quicken. as you pull back you’re greeted by the sight of a dark mark blossoming on his skin and you smile in satisfaction.
his hands glide up your back, fingers threading into your flowing hair. with a firm grip, he gently tugs, tilting your head back to expose your neck and the curve of your chest, barely covered by your bra. he leans closer, his warm breath hovering over your skin. his lips graze your collarbone, pressing a slow, lingering kiss before his tongue begins to trace along the delicate ridge.
“my turn to bite," he murmurs with a cheshire-cat grin, and you've never been more grateful for giving voice to your desires.
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percervall · 4 months
finding their partner’s sex toy/toys and making them play with it in front of them w carlos 🙏🥰
funnily enough I've been trying to write a fic for him with a similar trope and got stuck about halfway through 🤭 hope you enjoy babe! Big thank you to @norrisleclercf1 for helping me figure out the details!
warning: masturbation, oral (f receiving), use of toys
A triple header was hard on everyone involved, not just the drivers’ families. You just hadn’t expected it to be this hard to be away from your boyfriend for longer than a week –you’re pretty sure you would combust if the ocean breeze touched your bare skin. It had been impossible to.. take care of business.. without Carlos and so in a fit of desperation you threw this tiny pastel pink bullet vibrator in your basket when out shopping, cheeks flaming the whole way home. Which is a feeling not too dissimilar to how you feel right now as Carlos calls your name from the bathroom.
“What’s this baby?” Carlos asks, casually leaning against the door opening. His eyes are dancing with mirth as he brushes his hair back.
“Uhm. That-.. That’s my vibrator,” you reply but it sounds more like a question.
“Is it now?” Carlos muses, and the intensity of his gaze has you clenching your thighs shut.
“I missed you and-and tried using m-my fingers, but I couldn’t-..” you trail off.
“My poor baby, so desperate you had to buy a toy, huh?” he pretty much coos. Pushing off of the door jam, Carlos stalks closer to where you’re standing and the only place for you to go is backwards onto the bed. 
“Can you show me, amor? Can you show me how you took care of yourself while I was away?” He could have asked you anything really, and you probably would’ve said yes. Nodding, you move further up onto the bed, resting against the pillows. Carlos hands you the vibrator and sits down at the foot of the bed, eyes locked on yours. Biting your lip, you slide your shorts down your legs before repeating the same motion for your panties. You swallow hard, tightening your grip on the toy as you drag it through your folds to collect your arousal. The vibrator comes to life when you push the button at the base and you can’t help but whimper when you nudge the tip against your clit. You grind against it, your other hand sliding your t-shirt up so you can pinch a nipple.
“Carlos..” you breathe out, head thrown back. Being watched so intensely shouldn’t be as hot as it is, it makes absolutely zero sense, and yet you can feel it building already. 
“Yes, amor?” Carlos replies, voice rough. 
“I’m close..” you whisper, vision blurring as the knot tightens in your stomach. 
“Good,” Carlos all but growls as he surges forward, pressing the toy firmer against you while he laps at your wetness. Burying a hand in his hair, you shamelessly grind against him, his name on your lips like a broken prayer as your orgasm washes over you. Carlos drops the toy, but gently coaxes you through the aftershocks with gentle licks. Tugging on his hair, you manhandle him up so you can kiss him, moaning into his mouth as you taste yourself. Carlos breaks the kiss so he can pull his sweater off. 
“Mm, you thought I was gonna leave it at that? No, baby. I have three weeks to make up for, we’re not leaving this bed until I have done so.” 
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pettyprocrastination · 2 months
I'm sorry to the gang but I think initially Aemond is a bad lover.
Like, to actually think about it.
His first ever sexual interaction is with a prostitute twice his age that he was coerced into by his older brother, and it seems like he's never seen that woman again until season one when he returned to the brothel in search of aegon hence her speaking on how much he's grown since she last saw him which he seemed visibly uncomfortable within.
It's likely that his interaction with Sylvie was his first and only sexual interaction.
Which means that when he married you and it comes time to consummate your marriage and try for an heir. The sex is...less than ideal.
It's methodical and routine. Your husband above you rutting into you until he cums and then some because the maestro said his seed must "settle" for a child to take hold.
In his mind, sex is done out of obligation and dedication. It's an expectation for a man of a noble house to sire a son to continue the name. And what does he know of pleasure? The vile whispers his brother croons with no intention other than to see his younger brother uncomfortable? The prostitute he laid with before he was even a man himself? Those situations did nothing but make his skin crawl- it's no wonder that his sex is nothing further than noble obligation to his wife and his lineage.
It's less than an issue in your eyes until a knight tasked with standing guard by your door each night speaks I'll of the prince to his brothers in arms.
It spreads like wildfire before the day is even finished. What was once gentle ribbing between men in arms became vile wishes towards you- the dragon prince's wife. Conversation of how it's "a damn shame to let a pretty little thing like her go to waste" and how if they had their chance they'd show you how a proper man lays with a woman.
And maybe one idiotic son of a lord brought into the kingsguard, egged on by too much wine and the racacous laughter of his brethren jests that perhaps one night he'll slip into your room and show you how a proper man fucks when your husband is a way.
"Let the cyclops ride his dragon if it means the princess will ride mine."
Unfortunate for him that our husband happened to be entering the training yard just in time to hear his promise to his brothers in arms.
Now the thing with Aemond is that he's deeply prideful, but also so, so, so desperate for approval. He's spent his entire life chasing it and getting so little in return. His mother was insistent on what makes a good husband- loyalty, dedication, listening to ones wife unlike the way he watched his father wave away her concerns all throughout his childhood. He was adamant about being the proper husband in every strict tradition and stiff display of affection he offered you-
but nobody helped him with sex. So to learn through the vile words of some idiotic guards that he has left his wife wanting becomes the only thought in his mind and must be rectified.
You've only just begun your day when your husband slips into your room, telling whoever is stationed by your door to leave as he locks it behind him before standing before you, hands twitching and eye looking anywhere in the room but you.
So nervous, like a little boy all over again.
When you ask him gently what's wrong he does not hide it from you.
"I have left you wanting, haven't I?"
You let out an incredulous laugh, so taken aback by the blunt question you don't know what would be an appropriate response.
To say he hasn't would be a lie.
To say he has could harm his ego, further spurring his rage.
Instead, you gently cup his face where a pale hand envelopes your own.
"Most men do not concern themselves with the comfort of their wife."
Your blaise response hurts more than saying yes.
"I am not most men."
Your husband, the crown prince and rider of a generations old war hardened beast, looks at you with eager eyes and tells you- asks you to show him how you wish to be touched.
How to fuck you.
You spend the night In his arms, gentle guiding him on where you wish to be kissed, bitten, and licked. How to hold you, where to touch and how hard. Your husband is a receptive one, content to go for hours upon hours until your legs are trembling and there are tears in your eyes because once he learned the utter euphoria of seeing your sing his name in the breathy moan there was nothing he desired more in this wretched world to hear it again and again and again.
When you do finally rest, bodies slick with sweat and exhaustion creeping through your veins, you find yourself wrapped in his arms and his head tucked into the crook of your shoulder. He says nothing about siring a child, or the maestros advice, but simply kisses the spot just beneath your ear before letting himself slowly drift into a deep sleep, the first moment within your marriage that he is truly relaxed in your presence.
The next morning his family is kind enough to say nothing of the bite marks lining your neck as you eat breakfast, just as they are mindful to not ask of the head that once belonged to a member of the kings guard that now belonged on a spike before the castle walls.
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pkochetkov · 1 year
[smut] baby zegras
pairing: trevor zegras x fem! reader
summary: trevor wants a baby and he wants one now
authors note: this took soooo long lowk hate the middle-end but whatevs
warning: trevor is a horny freaky fuck, bad words, breeding kink, children, pregnancy
gif not mine!
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trevor has always known that whatever his future had in store for him he wanted you in it. he had fallen in love with you from the moment he saw you at the age of seven, you six. he never got over the little girl with pink bows holding her pigtails in, who smiled a big grin at him and introduced herself, and certainty didn’t get over her when she became his best friend (he quickly made her his girlfriend after an impromptu sleepover during which she realized she didn’t bring her own clothes and had to wear his).
when trevor had gotten drafted, he knew that with his future pretty much figured out he needed to ensure that you’d be there forever, so he proposed. you of course said yes, i mean, who wouldn’t.
you’re still engaged nearly 4 years later, neither of you in too much of a rush to actually have the wedding and continue up the ladder just yet. you were never shy to talk about your future and what it could hold, and trevor definitely wasn’t shy about telling you he wanted to “fill you up” over and over again.
his little heart was bursting at its seams as he watched you playing with his little cousins and his teammates’ kids. so full, in fact, that he had to drag you home early.
early so he could drag you up to your shared room and rip your clothes off, and that he did. trevor grabbed the hem of your shirt and ripped in half, earning a gasp and scolding “trevor!” from you.
“i’ll buy you another one.” he said and began pressing messy wet kisses down your sternum, your nipples hardening from the cold air and the overwhelming lust that you felt. his kisses moved even lower, stopping just above the button of your denim shorts.
trevor skipped over them for now, moving his head so he can press kisses against your inner thigh. he could feel the heat coming from your cunt, the place you needed him the most, but he wasn’t going to give in and fuck you. not yet anyway. he wanted you to finish by his mouth or fingers before stuffing you full of his cock.
“y’looked so good playing with all the babies today. couldn’t get the thought of fucking you full out of my head.” you moaned at his words and trevor began unbuckling your shorts pulling them and your panties down your legs.
he ran his fingers through your folds, collecting the evidence of your arousal on his fingers. trevor dipped his fingers into your entrance pulling them right back out before he passed the first knuckle and used the remnants to helps his fingers glide over your clit.
“trev, do something please. it hurts.” you nearly sobbed. trevor is a huge tease, always has been and always will be. he teased you in the bronco on the way home, for example. placing his hand at the top of your thigh and stroking clit over your shorts and underwear, making you more turned on than you are just looking at him.
he gave into your pleads and placed his tongue flat against your entrance, moving it up to your clit. the contact made your legs tremble, loud moans leaving your mouth. thank god jamie isn’t home yet.
“you always look so pretty from this angle, baby.” trevor’s words vibrated against your clit, causing your thighs to clamp shut on his head. he smacked his hand against your right thigh and when you didn’t pull them open he forced them. this seemed to make the pleasure more overwhelming and your orgasm came quicker than expected.
trevor licked you clean and came up to kiss you, the taste of yourself on his lips was enough to make you needy again and he could tell.
he pulled away and began undressing, first his loose jersey, followed by the black under shirt and his sweatpants.
you we’re getting inpatient, and turned on. watching him strip seemed like it took forever and while you were still spent from your previous orgasm, you needed another.
while trevor was somewhat distracted, your hand slid down to your clit. it was still sensitive from trev’s previous assault on it but the circles your fingers were moving in felt so good. they glided easily from the cum and spit left down there after trevor’s messy clean up.
“uh uh, nope. no ma’am. move them.” trevor snapped his fingers at you and you whined out at him, “but trevor, please.” the man in front of you moved your hands away from your clit, bringing them up with his own to rest above your head.
trevor leaned his head down, connecting his lips with your own, rutting his hips against yours. his cock slid between your folds rubbing your clit before pausing at your entrance.
“you ready baby?” you nodded and trevor pushed in, moans leaving both of you.
trevor’s thrusts started off slow, trying to convey the love he felt for you with calm, languid movements. though, they didn’t last very long.
trevor sat up and released your hand from his own choosing instead to grab a pillow from under your head and put it under your waist.
“i’m gonna fuck a whole hockey team into this cunt. you want that, mama?” before you could reply trevor began slamming into you at a pace that left you breathless.
your body felt like it was on fire. every collision of your hips, everytime his tip pressed against your cervix, every dirty thought about breeding you that fell from trevor’s lips made you feel like you’d combust.
“you’re gonna look so pretty, so full of my babies.”
“god this cunt is so perfect, can’t wait ‘til i’m leaking from it.”
trevor’s pace never let up, if anything it got more and more intense the closer he got to his own high, your own still coming at a blinding rate.
the man above you paused to lean over, connecting you hands above your head once more. you looked up at your fiancé and he down at you. the pleasure he provided became overwhelming and before you could warn him, you came.
trevor, ever the gentleman, talked you through it before his own orgasm followed. he never stopped, fucking his release deep into you.
he collapsed on top of you, still supporting himself as to not crush you.
“trevor,” he hummed, “as much as i love you over me, i need to pee.”
the man above you immediately shook his head, “absolutely not. i am not risking any of my babies ending up on the floor.”
“well would you like to hold them in while i pee?”
“i mean if you’re offering…”
“trevor zegras! that was a joke!”
“i’d hardly think so.”
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liked by nhl, anaheimducks, trevorzegras and 349,760 more…
yourusername: baby zegras coming soon!
tagged: trevorzegras
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trevorzegras: ❤️❤️
yourusername: we love you ❤️
jackhughes: so excited to be the favorite uncle
anaheimducks: baby duck coming soon! 🧡
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forlorn-crows · 2 months
𝑫𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑨𝒍𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒚
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Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Aether/Dewdrop Tags: quintessence use, sex magic, hand jobs, frottage, cumming untouched, cum eating, a whole lotta magick fuckery. they're in love your honor Words: 3171
Summary: “Wanna get inside,” Aether rasps with a stroke to both of their lengths. “Will you let me do that?”
Dew groans. “Yeah? How do you want me?” 
“I want—fuck, sorry, not like that—” The quintessence ghoul fumbles with his words, tripping over the question he meant to ask. 
“No? Then—”
“Something different.” His chest heaves in a shaky sigh. Then, another long, luxurious stroke that makes them throb against each other. “Not physical. Might be . . . weird.”
The fire ghoul rolls his hips and captures his mouth in a quick but dirty kiss. “I like weird,” he whispers, biting at Aether’s lower lip. 
“Know it,” Aether mumbles back. “Might not be anything, though. D’you trust me?”
Note: this fic was inspired by @waywardsamaritan's fic, give and take. please thank them for the new Terrible thing quintessence can now be used for.
Read it on AO3 or under the cut:
Aether rests his forehead against Dew’s, panting hard. The smaller ghoul is pinned beneath him, caged in by his strong limbs. Arching into every touch he’s offered. 
“Wanna get inside,” Aether rasps with a stroke to both of their lengths. “Will you let me do that?”
Dew groans. “Yeah? How do you want me?” 
“I want—fuck, sorry, not like that—” The quintessence ghoul fumbles with his words, tripping over the question he meant to ask. 
“No? Then—”
“Something different.” His chest heaves in a shaky sigh. Then, another long, luxurious stroke that makes them throb against each other. “Not physical. Might be . . . weird.”
The fire ghoul rolls his hips and captures his mouth in a quick but dirty kiss. “I like weird,” he whispers, biting at Aether’s lower lip. 
“Know it,” Aether mumbles back. “Might not be anything, though. D’you trust me?”
“‘Course, baby,” Dew says softly, and oh, does that hushed tone do things to him. The fire ghoul strokes across Aether’s cheek, moving down to swipe his thumb across his parted lips. Bucking his hips so his cock slides against the thick underside of Aether’s own, in and out of the circle of his grip. 
“Fuck—” he grunts. “Sit on my lap?”
Dew nods, and Aether pulls back so they can rearrange. It’s a quick tangle/untangle/re-tangle sequence that ends with the quintessence ghoul’s back to the headboard and the smaller ghoul’s legs hooked around his hips so they face each other. 
“Hi, pretty boy,” Aether smiles, cupping that angular face between his hands. Always precious to him. Always worth taking another moment to admire. It earns him a pleased chuff and a kiss to his palm, heat rising to Dew’s cheeks so handsomely. 
“Do I get to know what you’re gonna do to me?” he asks. Dew walks his fingers coyly up Aether’s chest, dancing around in the swirling hair that covers his pecs. 
“Don’t even think I know exactly what,” Aether admits. He covers the hand on his chest with his own. Stalling. He knows everything will be fine—fantastic, even—but there’s a small part of him that fears he’ll fuck up the mood by experimenting with this. 
Or that it might not even work at all. Turn Dew off to his magick, in some terrible way. 
“It’s quintessence, yeah? But not in the exact way you’re used to,” he says slowly. “Something I’ve thought about trying. Promise you’ll tell me if you hate it?”
“I trust you,” Dew reiterates. He scoots a little closer, his lower stomach pressing to Aether’s belly. “Trust you to make it feel good.” Dew looks up at him with trusting eyes, and a face so open it makes Aether’s heart hurt in the best of ways. His scent flares with another spike of arousal, and it makes Aether ache for so much more.  
“C’mere.” He pulls Dew flush to his chest, as close as he can get. One hand spans across his upper back, and the other brushes a stray piece of ashen hair back behind his ear. He can feel the shiver that runs down his lithe body, raising goosebumps as it travels from head to groin. It gets another twitch out of his cock, kicking against Aether’s with a blurt of pre sliding down the head. 
“Shit,” the fire ghoul groans, eyes slipping shut.
“Haven’t even done anything yet,” Aether whispers, inching their mouths closer again.
“Want you to,” Dew replies. Inclining his head just right without ever looking, breath fanning across Aether’s lips as they capture his own. 
Aether groans into it, kissing him as deeply as he can. Holding him so tight in his arms like he’d slip from his lap if he didn’t. It only takes a slurred fuck, Aethe, between breaths to really get him going, hands tangling in Dew’s hair and tongue licking across the back of his teeth. Impassioned, yet devouring delicately like a hummingbird's beak to a cupful of nectar. Treating him with reverence, yet priming him to feel Aether, and Aether alone. 
Once the thrum of his own blood starts to pound loudly in his ears (and make his dick pulse), he slowly unfurls the magick at his core, letting it bleed upwards. Upwards through the gaps in his ribs, rising past his collarbone, floating through his cervical vertebrae and pooling onto his tongue. 
“Ready?” He mainly mouths the word against Dew’s lips, but he’s nodding as soon as it’s uttered. Fingers digging in and scratching lightly at the back of Aether’s neck. The quintessence ghoul takes a breath and lets go. 
Magick seeps into Dew’s body through their kisses, a smoke-like plume of energy growing in density with each meeting of their lips. The fire ghoul groans at the familiar feeling, leaning into its warmth. It doesn’t crackle or spark, but rather flows like a rich syrup tapped straight from the tree. Coating him slowly as it moves deeper inside. 
“Fuck,” Dew slurs, mouth growing clumsy as quintessence slithers down the back of his throat. “It’s—” He swallows loudly. “‘S going down.”
“Just let it,” Aether soothes. “Let it find a new path.” And it does. Instead of weaving its way into Dew’s mind as it normally would, settling into the ridges of his brain and blanketing every synapse under Aether’s control, it sinks into his chest and makes its home there. Dew shudders and clutches Aether even tighter. 
“Can’ kiss ‘nymore,” the fire ghoul mumbles, lips completely disconnecting from any meaningful movement. “H-oh, ssshit.”
“That’s fine, firefly, all you have to do is feel.” Aether helps him rest their foreheads together as Dew’s mouth goes slack and his breathing gets deeper. “Stay with me though. That’s it.”
“‘M here,” Dew assures. “Gettin’ used to it there.”
“Feels different,” Aether agrees. “Feels good though?” Dew only nods. “Feels really good for me, too, love.”
Aether can really feel him there, sitting next to his heart. That infernal heat darts out to meet his essence, curling around each other. Dancing an elemental tango. It only takes a few more moments before they meld together in some kind of hybrid amalgamation, and with that meshing, it all clicks at once:
The fire ghoul lifts his head from Aether’s and stares. The quint ghoul stares back. Wordlessly, Dew brings one of his hands to his chest, placing it flat over the spot where the magick hovers inside. He’s more lucid than he was just moments ago, but Aether can still feel that sluggishness in his veins—magick making him loose and relaxed, as it’s wont to do. 
“‘S like you’re here,” Dew says softly. “Like . . . like you reached inside ‘nd—”
“Touched you,” Aether finishes. At that, Dew throbs against him with a little huff. “Fuck, can you take more?” 
“Let me know if it’s too much, love. I’ll stop, soon as you tell me.”
Dew shakes his head. Eyes already sparkling with that amethyst purple.  “Keep going. Wanna feel more ‘f you.”
Aether covers Dew’s hand as before, just now over the other ghoul’s skinny chest. The other he anchors across his shoulder blades, keeping his torso tucked in the curve of his arm. “Deep breath for me, love,” he mutters.
Dew obeys, and the bubble of their conjoined essences expands. The edges blur past his bronchial tubes, into his lungs, and downward towards his stomach. Slowly growing to fill the shape of him like a foggy mist filling the valleys and canyons between mountains. Aether can feel the tingles roll up Dew’s spine as his magick shifts and moves, and he groans along with him as it warms his entire chest. He can see it, too: a sanguine blush spreads across his sternum, putting the silver barbells through his peaked nipples into further contrast. 
“Gorgeous,” he just has to comment. 
Something flares inside of Dew, and he gasps. A quickened breath not unlike when he’s kissed in soft, secret places. “Oh, Aether—fu-uck,” he groans, eyes fluttering until they shut. Aether can feel the way his stomach goes hot from the inside out, fuzzy with warmth and arousal still. He latches onto that feeling, grazing further down until Dew’s body guides the quintessence to pool around his navel like iron shavings to a magnet. Re-centering the heart of the original ball of magick so it sits low in his belly instead. The spike of pleasure that follows wrings a needy groan from them both, and Aether can’t help the way he wants more. 
“How do you feel so good,” he laments, hands shaking slightly as he pulls him close again. “Just—oh, want to fill you with it.”
Dew lets himself be pulled to Aether’s chest, body moving with a loose ease. Arms going limp and sliding down somewhere near his hips. His head lolls and falls into the crook of the bigger ghoul’s neck, parted lips grazing the skin there. 
“It’s so . . . shit, ‘s like y’re in there. Inside ‘f me,” he mumbles. His eyebrows quirk up, brushing against the bottom of Aether’s jaw. 
He exhales shakily. “So warm, droplet.” He’s relishing in the closeness this ritual of sorts allows him, both to feel and to understand. Aether makes it spiral lazily in his core, feeling around. Finding little spots to nestle the magick into. One spot in particular, around where his bladder sits, makes Dew whine so pretty, hips bucking of their own accord. 
“M-more—there; ev’rywhere. Please,” the fire ghoul begs. 
“Yeah? Wanna be full of me?” Aether feels crazy. He doesn’t know what he’s saying anymore; it’s like he wants Dew to let him in, even though he’s already in. Even though he’s already deeper than he’s ever been, touching parts of him he never thought he could. Literally crawling into him as if he’d cracked open his ribs and dug his fingers into his flesh, but in the kindest way possible. Intimate in a way he’s never experienced—or thought he could experience—before. 
If Dew’s reactions are anything to go by, he’d say something similar. Or moan it. But Aether can sense that he feels all that and more. 
So he’s going to grant him more.
“Will you tell me how it feels? That I can touch you here?” Aether breathes, expanding that bubble inside even further. Petting along walls of muscle and following branches of veins until the entire cavity of Dew’s torso is brimming with fire-tinged quintessence.
Dew groans and humps his lap more intentionally, seeking friction against the thick shaft of his cock. “Tingly,” he mumbles. “Everywhere. All you. Lucifer, ‘s just you.”
Dew grinds on him again, and Aether can’t help the moan that escapes him. But the pleasure is twofold: not only can he feel his own, but, from the inside, he can feel Dew’s, too. It’s a flash of insistent heat amongst the relative cool of his ether, building in intensity the longer he moves.  Aether holds him tighter.
“Oh, ‘s on my—hi-hitting oh fuckin’ hells,” Dew whines, and Aether can feel on the edge of his magic that he’s caressing right where his prostate would be, and pressing down still. He doesn’t need to see the fire ghoul’s face to know his eyes cross when he does it. Dew keens and drools down his collarbone, cock spitting an equal amount of wetness onto his own.
“Yeah? You feel me there?” 
“Everywhere,” Dew reiterates with a hiccup. 
Aether sweeps his magick down even further, caressing him from the inside out: running tendrils of it over the inside of his hole, his taint, rolling through his balls and all the way out to the tip of his cock, which spits out the biggest glob of precum yet. 
“Fuck, baby boy,” the quint ghoul shudders. “So hard for me.” He says it like he still can’t believe it, in awe of how easily Dew lets him in, even after all these years. How easy he can fill him up like this; how willing he is to take and take and take, without so much as a furrowed brow. And anything he wants, Aether will give him.
He nudges the center of magick even lower, right where he needs it. That infernal heat licks at the edges and tangles in it, trapping arousal and tumbling it over and over. 
“Tha’s it,” Dew sighs as if he’s slipping into a hot bath. It’s followed up by a drawn-out moan that Aether can feel all the way down to his gut. Rocking his hips back and forth as the quintessence moves with him. 
“Wanna feel you cum,” Aether grunts. “Wanna know what it feels like for you.”
Dew twitches, some choked-off, garbled sound worming its way out of his throat as his limp arms attempt to fold in on themselves. And even quicker than Aether can sense it, like he spoke it into existence, the fire ghoul is throwing his head back with a wail and cumming hard between their stomachs, cock standing ramrod straight in the air. 
“Ae–ah—ha-ah-th-h-er-her—” His face is painted with bliss, relief, and pleasure all at once, strained into an expression of sin itself. Aether’s gut twists at the sounds that pour from his open mouth, growing louder even as his cock sputters through the last of his release. 
“That’s it,” he breathes. “That’s—oh, fuck, Dew—” It’s one thing to feel Dew’s physical body as he spills, abs tensing, hips stuttering, cock growing wet and messy, but it’s another thing to feel what’s on the other side of it. How it builds in his thighs and his stomach, sensation zeroing in until it has nowhere else to go but out. The utter love that blooms in his mind and on his face as he’s gasping his name—the purest devotion and submission bursting from every cell. 
It’s the last thing Aether can admire before the pleasure ricochets through their bond and back into his own body, launching straight down to his gut without hesitation or mercy.
Aether shouts. Dew shivers. All he can do is hold onto him as he’s forced to ride out not only an orgasm of his own, but the remnants of Dew’s as well. Energy flowing back to him twofold and flowing down his form in full body tingles. 
He chants an endless stream of Dew Dew Dew, the name wrenched from his throat like an involuntary spasm, the contents of which he just can’t keep down. Lilac and crimson burst behind his eyes as they roll back. Vaguely, he can feel his cock pulse against Dew’s, balls fat and heavy as they just keep pumping. He doesn’t know how long it goes on for. How long he stays suspended in limitless euphoria. All he knows is pleasure and Dewdrop, and that’s enough to make him moan until his throat is raw. 
It’s many a moment before Aether floats back from that down to earth, quintessence having receded from his lover and settled back into his own center. Cock having squirted out all it could give, thighs having clenched and unclenched almost to the point of cramping, and arms having held Dew as close as (in)humanly possible. 
He feels a gentle wetness at his jaw, little presses of something against the sweat-dotted stubble. 
“Hmm,” Aether starts, sinking back into his body at the insistent, yet calming touch. “Dewbug . . .”
The fire ghoul gives a soft little chirp, which is paired with a flick of an ear against his shoulder. But he doesn’t answer right away, just continues to lap at Aether’s jaw like a mama cat to her kittens. 
“Crying,” he explains after a long moment. 
Aether sniffles. Blinks until the dampness at his lash line registers. “Didn’t realize,” he says with a weak chuckle. “That was so . . . intense, Dew I—”
“Don’t have to explain,” he shushes. “I felt it.” Dew snuggles closer, hissing slightly at the friction of their laps. But he settles and sighs, wrapping his arms around Aether’s middle. 
“Fuck, it was like . . .” he struggles for the words while he pets Dew’s sweaty hair. He laughs again, louder. “Like I came twice but at the same time.” 
Dew groans. “‘S like you were inside me, Aethe. Pokin’ all the right buttons.” 
The quintessence ghoul’s cock gives a half-hearted throb as he thinks about Dew’s head tipped back in ecstasy. “Satanas, I’ve never seen you like that. Felt you like that.”
“Baby, you can feel me like that aaanytime you want, unholy shit,” the fire ghoul says through a laugh. Aether can’t help but mirror his amusement, barking out a full-bellied laugh into the top of his head.
“I love you,” he says, shaking his head. He pulls Dew’s face from his neck so he can cradle it in front of his own. The fire ghoul smiles sleepily at him, purring at his touch. Aether’s heart skips a beat in his chest. He tangles his fingers in Dew’s hair as he pulls him close. 
“I love you so much,” he says against his lips. Kissing him chastely but with all the meaning he can muster.
“So sappy.” Dew smiles against his mouth and hums into another kiss, sneaking some tongue in before Aether eventually pulls away and pulls him back into an embrace. He rocks a little side to side, breathing in that sweet, post-coital scent Dew always has. Like brown sugar and rich chai underneath the salt and tang. Aether sighs contentedly. 
“Sleepy now,” he mutters, resting his cheek on the top of Dew’s head.
“Uh uh,” the fire ghoul protests, despite the yawn so clearly building up in his chest. “Sticky.”
“Think it’s your turn,” Aether teases with a pinch to his buttcheek. “If you want. Bath or just a towel is fine, too, firefly.” He’d do anything Dew wanted, but he’s simultaneously aware of the fact that if either of them attempted to stand up right now, their legs would be too jelly-like to hold them upright—and one cannot blame a ghoul for wanting to stay cuddled up to their mate, even if their stomachs are covered in spend. 
Thankfully, Dew gives him a quiet chirp and scoots down towards the end of the bed, tugging on Aether’s legs to make him stretch out. Something in his back pops, and he groans as he sinks into the blankets.
As he predicted, instead of dismounting the bed, Dew slinks back up to him and settles down between his thighs. Arms wrapping around his legs and hands tucking under the small of his back. 
“Don’t want me to feed it to you?” Aether runs a finger down his stomach where it’s streaked with white and cuts through one of the lines. Cum gathering on the tip of his fingernail. He wiggles it in front of Dew’s lips.
Dew licks it off, but then simply says: “No. Rest.” 
The quintessence ghoul rumbles appreciatively and settles further into the bed, drifting off to the sensation of Dew’s warm tongue on his skin.
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knmaskitten · 4 months
pets !!
pairing— Kenma Kozume x afab!reader
summary— you decide to get a kitty without Kenma's approval.
warnings— none.
notes— I love writing for Kenma, enjoy my first drabble.
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You and Kenma have been living together for three years now. After college, you two worked really hard to achieve your goal. It was exhausting but, at the end, rewarding. Kenma didn’t like to put too much effort into things, but you were another story; you were his lifeline, keeping him at bay. So naturally, he didn’t care if he had to get tired just to please you.
You two lived in a very compact but beautiful apartment, It had enough rooms so Kenma could have his gaming space and you could have your own working office. And what drew you to that place in the beginning was the acceptance of pets. You weren’t big on the idea of a family, but you definitely wanted pets.
Kenma used to always argue with you about this, mainly because he thought you couldn’t keep your attention fully on a pet. He said (and this made you very indignantly angry) that you were so absent-minded that you wouldn't notice if the cat left. So you were set on proving him wrong and also satisfying your need for a company animal. 
Lucky you, your friend Yukari was giving her cat’s babies away and you begged her to put apart one for you. You decided on a tiny male gray kitten. You were head over heels with him. It was such a sleepy and low-energy cat that it reminded you of how Kenma behaved.
When you went to pick your kitty up, you did not tell your boyfriend; you decided it was going to be a forceful decision in which he didn’t have the right to argue.
So, on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, you arrived to your apartment with Taro. You heard clicking and the light pressing of keys alongside the faint voice of Kenma; you instantly knew he was live streaming and thought it was a good time to tell him, with hundreds of witnesses. You left your shoes on your entrance, put your slippers on your feet, and started walking with the little Taro asleep on your arms. His office door was ajar and you knew this meant you could enter if you needed to, so you knocked and heard a tired “Come in.”
“Kozumeeee.” You chanted as you entered the room. Looking around the room, you saw he was playing a game named Omori on stream. The lights in the room were dim and purple, there was no sunlight coming in, just as he liked it.
“Sorry about the interruption; here is my girlfriend.” He said while rolling his eyes, a little bit amused.
“I have a surprise for you, a cute little surprise.” You said, hiding Taro behind your back.
“You’re scaring me.” He then turned to face you, ignoring the fact that everybody in chat saw the cat before him.
“Don’t be mad.” You plead before carefully placing Taro in front of him. 
Being with Kenma meant he had few big reactions; he was never a guy who smiled often or got angry often. His reactions were scarce, and you cherished every single one, whether it was anger or happiness. So when you saw him open his cat-like eyes and look directly at Taro, you went silent. He just stood there, making eye contact with the cat. Five seconds passed, and he chuckled loudly. 
“I knew you were scheming something.” He said, giving you a lopsided smile.
“His name is Taro.” You replied, giggling mischievously. You let Kenma hold him.
“Hey chat, this is Taro. My girlfriend brought him home without telling me.” He bluntly stated, giving you a side-eye. “He’s cute.”
You walked closer to read the comments; they were saying you were in the right and that the kitty was cute. You thanked everybody for the support and then took Taro in your hands and showed it to the camera. You beamed. Kenma found this whole ordeal incredibly adorable and thought he loved you so much that he didn’t care if you brought a cat home as long as it made you happy.
He got closer to your ear just so you could hear him.
“I love you; you look so pretty when you are happy.”
This made your heart flutter, you had to remind yourself you were live so you didn’t do anything embarrassing or out of place. You thought that this went so well that you might as well get a second cat just to get more reactions out of him.
Gosh, you loved Kenma Kozume.
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thank you for reading <3
masterlist and more.
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pthalomars · 2 years
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It was always about them, wasn't it?
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greta-van-chaos · 2 years
do we want a little snippet of a josh fic im working on?
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marzipanloves · 7 months
💐 for you and MK? :3c
💐 — someone's recieving flowers; write about either f/o or s/i giving the other flowers! what's the occasion, or is it just because?
Another day, another set of deliveries and hope that no one attacks the city while he’s at it. MK breathes in the wind whipping past his face as he drives his delivery cart down the busy streets, relishing the smell of fresh air, the warm noodles in the to-go bags he holds onto and the rubber of the tires as he screeches a rather tight turn down a corner he nearly forgot to take.
He heaves a sigh of relief as he pulls the wheel steady again, chuckling nervously before he finds the place his phone dictates as the last order of this bunch.
He stares down at his phone for the destination before glancing up, eyes widening as he sees the bright and colorful array of flowers and plants all around the front of the building.
“Woahh…” He stares as he parks the cart and grabs the bag, walking in the front and hearing the chime of the door.
“Pigsy’s Noodles! Got your delivery!” He calls out as he steps in, immediately overwhelmed with sweet, floral scents.
“Oh! That was really fast! Thank you!” The shop clerk waves him down, smiling happily as he places the bag on the desk. He feels pride as he sees them open the bag and breathe in the warm scent of the food with a satisfied smile.
“Well, I pride myself on quick return time. Welp! Gotta head back!” MK turns on his heel but is quickly stopped as the clerk calls out again.
“Wait! Aren’t you that Monkie Kid guy?” they ask, head tilting. A somewhat sheepish smile lights MK’s face as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Yeah, aha…yeah that’s me.” He feels odd still being recognized so regularly but the clerk just gives another big smile.
“I thought you looked familiar! Tell you what, pick out a bouquet, on the house!”
“What? Well uh, I don’t really…” he trails off as he looks around at all the different types and colors bundled around every shelf and corner of the shop.
“Hey, don’t worry about it! Don’t’cha have someone you could gift to? Friend, family, partner?”
The clerk’s insistence makes it dawn on him that, oh. Yeah he does have someone now. He’d been so focused he hadn’t thought about it, but as it’s mentioned he suddenly feels a happier smile and warmer flush to his face as he thinks about his boyfriend. Mars, so sweet and kind, they’d given him tons of gifts in the past, even before they were dating, usually just extras of whatever they decided to bake or buy. He’d never given thought to things like this, flowers or candy in a romantic gesture, but now that they mention it…
“Yeah! Yeah I’ll totally get some.” He turns with a grin before it falters, suddenly aware he’s a bit out of his depth with the uncountable number of types around him, “Uhh….you got any suggestions?”
Mars hummed to the music playing in their headphones, glancing around the screen in front of them as they traced their stylus along their tablet, filling the once blank canvas with small doodles and sketches.
They let their whole focus drift to drawing, making another small doodle of their boyfriend, MK, after seeing footage of him blowing up online after he showed up in another of their friend’s livestreams, watching him somewhat sheepishly hold the phone and talk to the viewers. They couldn’t help but stare every time he was in frame, grinning ear to ear, noticing how his face scrunched when he laughed or how small tears pricked in his eyes as he was left in a small laughing fit as he and Mei goofed around in her garage.
They didn’t even notice how their feet swung a little faster and excitedly every time they heard his voice.
They also didn’t notice the thumping sound coming from another room, at least not at first but the second and third times they did, jumping in surprise as it grew a little louder. Somewhat anxiously they took their headphones off and walked around, trying to listen for the source of the sound before it happened again, making them realize it was some kind of clunky knocking at their door.
They hesitated at first, unsure if the odd clunky knocks were someone else in the apartment building or if someone just accidentally ran into it, but those thought were quickly dismissed as they heard a familiar voice.
“Mmph! Mars! Babe, you home?!”
Mars grinned as they nearly tripped over themself running to the door, quickly opening it only to jump back as they opened to see a giant bundle of different colored flowers waiting for them.
After a moment they heard more sputtering before their boyfriend’s face appeared above, stepping on his toes with a happy grin.
“MK? What’s all this?” They asked with a slight chuckle at the absurd size of the bundle he held, moving out of the way so he could come inside.
“Well,” MK grunted as he carefully stepped in, turning to the side so he could see them better without the flowers directly in front of him, “I had a delivery at a flower shop and they recognized me as the Monkie Kid! And, well, they said I could pick out whatever I wanted! For you know, saving the city a ton and stuff.” He grinned before looking down at the bundle and back at them with a sheepish chuckle.
“I guess I kinda went overboard. I couldn’t help it! I didn’t know which ones I should get! But the shopkeeper kept recommending stuff for love and appreciation and stuff, and I know you like purple and-- well...” he gave a small shrug with a chuckle at the realization of how silly he probably looked.
Mars laughed happily at the explanation and his sudden cute nervousness as he tried to find a place to set the bundle down before they stepped in and helped bring it to a table.
“They’re all so beautiful! I can see why it was hard to pick.” They smiled at him, and with his hands finally empty they quickly ran into his arms, squeezing him tightly which he happily returned, nuzzling his head against theirs.
“You like them?”
“I love them! I’ve never gotten so many! And I don’t usually get many to begin with.”
“Really?” MK pulled back, smile faltering at their confession. “But—you’re so cool and nice and awesome and stuff!”
Mars chuckled at the puppy eyes he gave but just leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“And so are you, especially for doing all this. Thank you, MK.”
His smile quickly returned as he pulled them into another hug, tightly holding them in his arms, shutting his eyes and enjoying the warmth in their voice and their embrace.
“You deserve it.”
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agroteraa · 6 months
Calling All My Lovelies
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Felix Catton x f!Reader
My fic masterlist
Summary: AU where Saltburn's ending never happened. Felix lived happily up to 2017 (and on), where he happened to meet you. Meaning he is around 29-30 here.
Featuring the song "Calling All My Lovelies" by Bruno Mars
Also mentioning songs like "24K Magic" and "Too Good to Say Goodbye" by Bruno Mars, you can listen to them or even the whole "24K Magic" album for the right mood and atmosphere ❤️
Tags: fluffy angst, AU.
Warnings: mentions of sex, kinda?cheating, relationship misconception.
Word Count: 2,7K
Felix's London apartment was luxurious. Of course, it wasn't Saltburn, but there was a lot to see and be impressed by here too. Especially the view of the Thames, which was strewn on both sides with many lights of the most beautiful sights of the UK capital. Felix and all his guests found the lights especially bright in winter, as on this late February evening.
Especially the girls. Each of those whom he brought here stopped in awe at the huge panoramic windows and looked at the views almost from the height of the flight of a city bird. If before that they had somehow not been one hundred percent fascinated by Felix and his lifestyle, then this luxurious apartment was always the final charming argument.
Y/N was no exception.
When he brought you to his place after a fun evening full of alcohol, it seems that you looked at the views of the city more closely than anyone else and even managed to point out to him some new places from afar, which he did not pay much attention to or did not know what exactly these places were.
Felix smiled warmly - he would love to admire the view of the city with you, preferably standing in an embrace. But then he wasn't interested much of it back then, rather in something else. When he returned from the kitchen with a bottle of expensive alcohol and two glasses, you barely had time to taste the drink, as you merged again in a passionate kiss, which flowed into an even more passionate night. One of the best for both of you, and oh how he would like to repeat it.
But you weren't here right now.
There was no one but Felix himself, this evening was also full of alcohol, but there was little fun in it.
And all because you misunderstood each other. Very much.
When he brought you to his house from the club that day, he didn't think that you would take it all so seriously. Kate didn't take it in. Therefore, from her friend (or whoever you were to her, or maybe you didn't communicate that close? After all, if Felix had to think about it, it was the first time he saw you there with her…) he expected the same understanding.
You had a great time at the club, and then a night at Felix's apartment. Then you started to chat online a lot, went for a brunch and for a walk in the park, where you talked for a long, long time, cheerfully chatting about everything in the world. Well, except for discussing relationships. Then another night together, no less, if not more wonderful than that the previous one. Then another brunch. And after that… You had a lot of work and things to do, while Felix had a lot of free time and his own needs.
When you found out from Kate that he had slept with a couple of girls during that time (not with Kate herself, though they stopped sleeping not so long ago), you were crushed.
And she just shrugged her shoulders and said that you should have known or guessed that Felix lives in a free relationship mode.
You didn't know. Or you didn't want to know. And the main thing was that you thought that something special was going on between the two of you, you saw it in Felix's eyes, felt the distinct warmth of his touch and a certain special thrill overall. The way you talked to each other. It wasn't just sex or an empty mindless flirt, even if the beginning of your relationship was very fast and passionate. It was all felt even after two nights and many days, evenings and nights of mutual texting and calls.
Anyway, you didn't discuss otherwise. That was the whole point. And so, when, after things suddenly got clear, you received another usual message from Felix, you ignored it for a long time, unable to respond, being numb with pain, indignation and shame. You still was processing it and didn't believe to the end (that it would happened or that you were such a fool, you weren't sure yourself, probably both). Then, after a few more of his messages, you somehow pulled yourself together and answered all of them at once, quite briefly and dryly.
After some dialogue in this manner, Felix realized that there was clearly something wrong. He started asking what was the matter, to which you answered him:
"As if you don't know yourself."
"I don't want to, I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now. If ever at all."
You didn't answer. Felix called. So, roughly in ten minutes of a phone conversation, you found out in raised tones that he "doesn't owe you anything nor didn't promise anything" that you "are fine as you are now, why complicate everything" and that "please, let's keep seeing each other, it doesn't mean anything special" was a real argument to him.
You shouted into the phone "No, if you don't want to complicate things, then I do, I'm sorry! More precisely, I wanted to. I thought we were serious.… Maybe... it seemed all... special. That's it, look, I... I don't want to talk any longer. And don't call me anymore, okay?"
And so, one day had passed, then two and three. And now the fourth day was already ending, turning into the fifth. You really didn't pick up the phone anymore and didn't respond to his messages, which were getting fewer and fewer every day.
But Felix had more and more thoughts in his head instead. He has almost passed all the stages of acceptance these days:
denial - "no, it's nothing, she's going to be mad a bit and come back to me";
anger - "not coming back? Well, fuck her!";
bargaining - "please, Y/N, answer my messages already...";
depression - "have I really lost touch with her forever?..".
Except for the acceptance itself, of course. And besides the fact that he was returning to all these stages randomly from time to time.
He really did not understand, he was not used to the fact that a girl could take a relationship with him that seriously, especially so immediately. Okay, these infatuations at school and even sometimes at university, when people fell head over heels in love with him, romanticizing him without really knowing him, but now? In the adult world, when everyone should understand the "rules of the game" and that no one seriously owes anyone anything until it is discussed. That was how Felix thought about it. And that was why it was so strange to him that it could hurt you so deeply.
He contemplated about it all the time and, to tell the truth, it even began to flatter him that someone could fall in love with him so much and take him that serious from the start. If he got everything correctly. Yes, at first it surprised him, then it worried him, then it flattered him, and after that... something inside him began to hurt unpleasantly?
He wasn't lying back then. These girl didn't mean a lot to him. But did this mean that Y/N did?..
His heart and mind began to fill with deep, complex feelings that he had not experienced for a long time and, to be honest, had not realized properly and processed in an adult way, being almost-thirty.
And Felix got scared. He was genuinely scared, that was why, first of all, he was pouring alcohol into himself all evening, inhaling lots of smoke as well.
And right now, he decided to brighten up his company not only with wine, champagne and cigarettes, but also with music. He chose Bruno Mars, whose new album he has listened to quite often since its release. Fancy stereo speakers filled his apartment with the loud sounds of "24K Magic".
Felix danced to the rhythm of the songs, sipping wine straight from the bottle. Now he tried to imagine that he was having fun in a club, and not alone in a dark empty apartment, and he almost succeeded in that.
That way Felix Catton decently lifted his mood along with the level of alcohol intoxication.
He skipped the song "Versace on the Floor" because he wasn't in the mood for slow romantic songs. But when "Calling All My Lovelies" started playing a little later, Felix was unable to switch it either.
He leaned back in one of the chairs, frowning and very intently listening through a decently tipsy consciousness to the lines of the song that had begun.
I got too many girls on hold for you to be so bold
Too many on my team for you to act so mean
"Oh, yeah. Exactly so," Felix thought.
You say you wanna go and have fun, well, you ain't the only one
If I ring, don't let it ring too long or I'm gone
"That's bloody right," he said aloud and nodded slightly several times, taking another sip of wine from the neck of the bottle.
I got Alicia waitin', Aisha waitin'
All the -eeshas waitin' on me
And also Stacey, Tracey, Macey, Lacey… Had he mentioned Tracey already? In general, all sorts of -aceys were waiting for him too, and not only them.
So why you contemplatin'? Playa hatin'?
If this is how it's gonna be
I'm callin' all my lovelies (Callin' all my lovelies)
'Cause I can't get a hold of you
At these words, Felix gripped the bottle so tightly that it almost broke under the force of his fingers squeezing it. It was definitely unpleasant for him to hear from Bruno Mars things that Felix was afraid to admit even to himself. He shook his head, closing his eyes. No, that was bullshit.
Since you ain't thinkin' of me (Since you ain't thinkin' of me)
Oh, look what you're makin' me do
Sharp breath. Closed eyes. Exhale.
Honey pie, I'm far too fly to be on standby
Sendin' me straight to voicemail, suga, what the hell? (What the hell?)
That was right! What the hell was all that? You ignored him too! How long had he been texting you and even calling you? Was that fair? Why should he run after you? He shouldn't.
Ooh, you ought to be ashamed, playin' these childish games
I don't get down like that, tell me where you're at, hit me back
Yes. Come and tell him that to his face. Oh, how he wanted you to be right in front of him now. Or didn't want to. No, he actually did. And not only to talk, getting things clear, but also to repeat the night like these… His imagination had already begun to draw pictures of how he would kiss you, undress you... and then… Your sensual moans echoed in his head. He almost felt your skin with his elictrified fingertips. And after that... no, no, stop.
Mmm, I got Alicia waitin', Aisha waitin'
All the -eeshas waitin' on me
"That's it, Bruno, you understand me, buddy! Felix mentally raised a bottle of wine as a toast and drank another sip to "them boys", to "free spirits".
So why you contemplatin'? Playa hatin'?
If this is how it's gonna be
He could have called any of the girls he mentally had listed. And everyone would come to him immediately or at least as soon as possible, doing everything Felix would have wished. Ha. How do you like that, Y/N?
But for some reason he didn't want to text to any of them, much less call them.
The only voice he wanted to hear right now was yours.
I'm callin' all my lovelies (Callin' all my lovelies)
'Cause I can't get a hold of you
Since you ain't thinkin' of me (Since you ain't thinkin' of me)
Oh, look what you're makin' me do
For the second time, he couldn't stand listening to these words. Abruptly and carelessly putting the bottle on the glass table and staggering decently, Felix wandered off to get his phone. It was time to call his not-even-ex-not-girlfriend. Catton-Jr. seemed to be listening to the dial tone more on purpose, just not to listen too closely to the words of the song that went on:
Pick up the phone, pick up the phone
'Cause all this lovin' needs a home, oh, yeah
Oh, no, look at what you started, baby
Now, I'm left here brokenhearted, baby
"Pick up the phone, yes, pick up the phone, come on," he repeated, tapping his foot. The phone dropped the call after a short time, and the guy dialed for the second, then the third time and…
There's a pain in my chest, I cannot explain
I told myself I wasn't gon' cry (Oh, not gonna cry, no, no)
But somebody's gotta come dry these eyes 'cause (Dry these, ah, 'cause)
The dial tone beeps continued. Felix studied London at night under their measured rhythm. His favorite activity was to peer at passing boats and ships of various sizes, models and speed, as well as trying to count their number. He often got distracted, but still loved it.
So, he didn't notice that the beeps from the real phone had flowed into the beeps from the song. In "Calling All My Lovelies" Bruno's imaginary crush was a famous actress. Her voice "responded" in lively yet sensual tone:
Hi, you've reached Halle Berry. Sorry I can't get to the phone right now
But if you leave your name and number, I'll get right back to you *mwah*
Damn... (Bruno Mars' voice hissed back with increasing echoes and annoyance).
At this point, Felix himself clenched his teeth and threw the phone on the floor out of anger. Fortunately, the carpet was soft enough for the phone to survive the fury of its owner and continue to function in case you suddenly wanted to respond.
I'm callin', callin', callin', callin' all my lovelies
'Cause I can't get a hold of you
Oh, since you ain't thinkin' of me (Since you ain't thinkin' of me, baby)
Look what you're makin' me do
Felix almost whimpered at the realization of what a fool he had been and what a stupid situation he was in right now. Where he led himself. Why couldn't you two just talk? Why couldn't he just tell it all at once, from the start? Maybe it would have been different otherwise now. Resting his forehead against the big window, he felt its pleasant coolness, but it could not cool down his burning resentment inside. Most of all, he did not like it when the blame for the current situation could not be shifted to anyone or anything else, and this pained him incredibly right now.
Pick up the phone, pick up the phone
'Cause all this lovin' needs a home, oh
He collapsed into a chair near the window, clutching its handles tightly and stretching his long legs. If only he would…
Felix inhaled and exhaled noisily, throwing his head back and taking a pack of cigarettes along with a lighter out of his shirt pocket. The fingers did not obey a little, as the hands of their owner were shaking slightly from nerves and alcohol intoxication. He growled slightly in irritation. When the guy was finally able to light a cigarette, he took a long drag on it.
Now he wasn't in the mood for energetic and carefree songs. He skipped "Finesse".
That was how the last song from the album started playing - "Too Good to Say Goodbye":
I've made mistakes
I could have treated you better
I let you get away
There goes my happily ever after
Tell me why, why can't we try and start again?
This can't be how our story ends…
Oh, please…
He really did miss you.
And he was not right.
He wanted to win you and your trust over again. He finally admitted it with all his heart to himself. He would try. Really.
If only you could…
The phone, thrown on the fluffy carpet, suddenly came to life and started vibrating.
Releasing all the smoke from his lungs, which Felix had inhaled, at once, he abruptly bent down to the carpet.
Your name appeared on the phone screen, gleaming brightly in the darkness.
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yzzyhee · 18 days
looking out for you — psh
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bf!sunghoon x gf!reader
warnings: established relationship, reader is sick, medicines (?), hoon calls reader pretty, low cases work, not proofread & if more lmk !!!
wc: 926ish?
synopsis: even when sick, you have to make sure you get your cuddles later
a/n: im sick. i need sunghoon to take care of me. that’s it. feedbacks are appreciated:( not mean ones though i can take constructive criticism but u can be nice about it lol xoxo
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“c’mon, yn. i’m not playing, take your medicine,” sunghoon urges, his voice softened by a mixture of concern and frustration.
you burrow deeper under the blankets, a feeble attempt to shield yourself from the world, and more specifically, from sunghoon’s persistence. you’ve been sick before, countless times in fact, due to your not-so-strong immune system. to you, this feels no different from all those other times — a minor inconvenience that would pass with time. however, sunghoon sees things differently.
the moment you didn’t show up to his hockey practice, something you do religiously, sunghoon knew something was amiss. you had never missed a practice, not even when you had exams or pressing assignments. so, when the practice ended and there was still no sign of you, he didn’t waste a second as he drove over to your apartment, his mind racing with possibilities and heart pounding with worry.
when he let himself into your place, his concerns were confirmed. there you were, curled up in your bed, your face flushed with fever, shivering slightly despite the layers of blankets piled on top of you. his heart ached at the sight, and he immediately set into action.
he made his way to your bathroom, rummaging through the cabinets until he found a towel. after running it under cold water, he wrung it out and gently placed it on your forehead, hoping to cool you down. the feeling of the cold fabric against your hot skin made you stir, but you didn’t wake up. he watched you with a pained expression, wishing he could take away your discomfort, wishing you had called him earlier.
now, with the medicine in hand, sunghoon is trying his best to coax you out from under the covers. his hand rests on the blanket that was wrapped tightly around you, as if it could protect you from more than just the chill in the air.
“yn, please,” he says, his voice dropping to a whisper. “i’m looking out for you, please, i just want you to feel better.”
you peek out from under the blanket, your eyes meeting his. the worry etched into his face makes your heart clench. you know he only wants to help, but the thought of swallowing the bitter medicine makes you grimace.
“ i don’t like the taste,” you murmur, your voice hoarse and weak.
sunghoon let out a soft chuckle, though it was tinged with sadness. “i know, pretty, i know. but it’ll help, i promise.”
he kneels down beside your bed, his hand reaching out to brush a few strands of hair away from your face. his touch is gentle, almost as if he was afraid of hurting you, and you couldn’t help but lean into it. the warmth of his hand was comforting, grounding you in a way that made you feel safe despite how awful you felt.
“you’re burning up, yn,” he says softly. “I’m really worried about you.”
you could see the concern in his eyes, the way his brow furrowed and the corners of his mouth turned down slightly. it makes you feel guilty for making him worry so much. you know he was right, that you had to take the medicine, but the stubborn part of you didn’t want to give in so easily.
sunghoon’s thumb traced small circles on your cheek, his eyes never leaving yours. “do it for me, please? just this once?”
you sigh, feeling a little more willing to give in, but you can’t resist asking, “promise me cuddles later? once i’m feeling better… i don’t want you getting sick as well.”
sunghoon expression softens even more, if that’s possible and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. “i promise,” he says, his voice tender. “as soon as you’re better, i’ll cuddle you all you want.”
you sigh, finally relenting as you reach out a hand from under the blanket, allowing him to place the medicine in your palm. he hands you a glass of water, watching carefully as you swallow the pill with a wince.
“there,” he said softly, a small smile tugging at his lips. “that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
you shake your head slightly, the medicine already beginning to settle in your stomach. you still feel awful, but knowing that sunghoon is here, taking care of you and promised you cuddles later, made it a little more bearable.
he tucks you back into bed, making sure the blankets are snug around you. as he sits beside you, his hand gently stroking your hair, you can feel the warmth of his care wrapping around you like another layer of blankets. even in your feverish state, you know you’re in the good hands of your boyfriend.
“get some rest,” he murmurs, his voice low and soothing. “i’m not going anywhere.”
you let out a small giggle and look up at him, “you should change your career, doctor park… on second thought, maybe not.. it’d mean others can see how sweet you are and trick you into giving them cuddles.”
sunghoon smiles softly and meets your gaze. he leans down to press a kiss to your forehead and whispers “these cuddles are reserved only for you.”
you feel your heart flutter and smile faintly, your eyes already beginning to close again. as sleep pulls you under, the last thing you feel is sunghoon’s gentle kiss on your forehead, and the reassurance that when you wake up, he’ll still be right there, ready to hold you close—just as he promised.
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