#married veesha
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salamander-spark · 10 months ago
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also, masha has a mullet(?) I guess
Without all the shading:
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I guess this is supposed to be when their engaged (look at the rings) and just moved into a new house together, so they haven't unpacked all of their belongings?
Smooch alert!
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triforcegods · 1 year ago
Masha woke up with a headache and began to stir, before realizing they felt weighed down and unable to move. They slowly opened their eyes and saw their beautiful basilisk draped across their chest, snoring away. They gave a soft smile and used a hand to gently move Vee’s bangs out of her face, causing the woman to stir slightly before opening her eyes. She slowly blinked awake as she registered what, or more specifically who, was touching her hair. Vee smiled at her spouse before giving them a kiss on the cheek and nuzzling back into their chest.
“Mor’n,” Vee mumbled, causing Masha to giggle.
“Morning, gorgeous.” Masha replied. “Sleep well?” “Like a baby!” Vee yawned. “You make a very comfortable pillow, did you know that?” “Glad I’m wife approved,” Masha teased. “Damn right you are!” Vee shot back. “Every day with you is the best day of my life and I never want this to end.”
“First, gay.” Masha smirked as Vee rolled her eyes. “Second, me either. So I guess it’s a good thing we got married yesterday.”
Gay gay homosexual gay. Last chapter of the fourth fic in my Veesha series. Enjoy!
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amarionetista · 2 years ago
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Hello, how are you?
First of all I would really like to thank you for all the votes I received in my previous post talking about Veesha. Seriously, I wasn't expecting that and it made my day, thank you so much.
So here I am bringing you a Vinira prompt this time. I know they haven't had much interaction on the show, but I honestly love this duo.
My idea is that Viney, despite his enviable experience in dealing with magical creatures, finds himself trying to treat an injured creature, but one that is quite stubborn. She even hurt herself a little trying to get closer. This frustrates her, because she knows the wound could get worse if it isn't treated soon.
Realizing his annoyance, Emira volunteers to help find and care for the creature. Viney at first thought of refusing, after all Emira is still known throughout Hexside as a prankster. But Viney knows she can't do it alone, so she accep.
After a long time looking for the creature in the forest they find it and Emira uses her Illusion magic, she recreates another creature, which draws the attention of the injured creature. Viney is surprised at how well the plan works, as the first creature seems distracted enough Viney approaches and begins treating it with his magic.
In the end the creature flees away, but at least Viney is calmer once she's been properly treated.
It's a cute idea in my opinion, showing how both of their abilities could marry perfectly. But it can also be an angst where, in order to escape, the creature ends up hurting Viney and Emira takes care of her until she gets better.
That was my idea. If you want to write it I hope you have a lot of fun. A big hug and a good weekend ♥️
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andrewmoocow · 2 years ago
What your favorite The Owl House ship says about you. (inspired by EldenaDoubleca5t)
(the following does not imply that the author ships everything mentioned here. Please keep that in mind and take your complaints elsewhere. Thank you and good night.)
Lumity: You think that for every tough, mean character, there must always be a beautiful, wholesome ray of sunshine for them to turn into a blushing mess for.
Huntlow: Same as Lumity, but you are heterosexual and you want good things for Hunter. And really, who wouldn't?
Raeda: You are four things. You're just here for some non-binary representation, you love seeing middle-aged people acting adorable, you simp for Eda, and you want good things for Eda & Raine. And really, who wouldn't?
Vinira/Jerdric: You're always a sucker for characters who deserve more screentime.
Boschlow: You ship Bakugo with Midoriya, only you preferred Bakugo when he told Izuku to go kill himself.
Aladarius: You want to fuck both dads and father figures.
Odalador: You're willing to look past Odalia being a horrible person because she has big hips, and you're just here for some MEN GETTING PEGGED!
Lunter: Your ideal relationship dynamic is enemies to lovers.
Amiter: You don't care about Amity canonically being a lesbian. You are a Zutara fan till you draw your dying breath.
Gustholomule: Your ideal relationship dynamic is just guys beings dudes. Bros being friends.
Camileda: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of Luz basically having two moms.
Lumiter: You can't decide between Lumity and Lunter, but then you realized that Luz is bisexual.
Amillow: Your ideal relationship dynamic is friends to enemies to friends again to lovers.
Veesha: You’re always a sucker for characters who shared a few scenes together yet seem ripe for loads of fanart and fanfiction.
Hootlith: Your ideal date is wacky hi-jinx in which hilarity ensues.
Brischa: You took one look at these two mean girls and thought they’d be perfect for each other.
Belos x Anyone: ...............Don’t.
Standa: You've been excited for The Owl House since the SDCC teasers and took the implications that Stan and Eda were married in Vegas for a bit as cold, hard fact.
Lilithford: You ship Stan with Eda and didn't want Lilith & Ford to be left out.
Luzanne: You are also a fan of Amphibia.
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samcat0925 · 2 years ago
TOH Actor Au
So, this is an Au idea that I’ve had for a while now where everyone in Toh are just actors playing a part. 
The ships are Lumity, Rieda, Goldric, Vinera, Skarlow, Gustholomule, Veesha, and Darius x Alador.
I like to think that Amity, Edric and Emira are actually sibling and that Edric and Emira are actual twins(or maybe Emira is actually a year older than Edric, but they look so similar to each other that they pass for twins). I also like to think that Odalia is their actual mom however Odalia is a way better mom to the twins and Amity than her acting counterpart. Also, Odalia and the twins all have brown hair like Amity, but they had their hairs dyed, along with Amity.
Personally, I imagine that Alador isn’t their biological father and is just a really good family friend along with Darius (who is his actual husband), so the kids see them as a second family to them due to how long they’ve known them. Though the girl who plays younger Amity is actually Alador’s daughter who Odalia does babysit from time to time. 
Amity goes to school with Luz, Willow, Skara and Boscha. She is actually friends with all of them along with Hunter, Gus, Matt, Viney and Bria. 
Willow and Amity are also next-door neighbors. Btw Younger Willow is actually Willow’s cousin, but some people have mistaken her from being Willow’s sister because of how alike they look. Also, the scene where younger Willow in the mindscape runs into something on accident was not in script but it was so cute that the directors had to put it in the final cut.
Raine and Eda are actually married, and Eda actually has a prosthetic hand that is the one that got dislocated when she was first interduce and is the same hand that she lost during the Day of Unity episode.
Luz and Vee are siblings, twins in fact which is why when Vee was interduce, she looked so much like Luz and that her new hair is a wing. Hunter is their adopted older brother. I like to think that if there is a scene where Camila(who is Luz’s and Vee’s biological mom while she’s Hunter’s adopted mom) is adopting Hunter as a part of their family onset, they would be all crying because that scene would remind their family of when Hunter actually got adopted into the family off screen. I like to think that Luz and Amity started having crushes on each other while they were acting with each other so the week before the Lumity confession scene, Luz had asked Amity to be her girlfriend and Amity had said yes. The younger Luzs in the video aren’t related to Luz at all but you would mistake them for being her sisters if you saw them standing beside her. 
Vee, Masha, and the other friends that her character makes while at camp are all friends, even though they all go to different schools. Vee has a massive crush on Masha, but the other hasn’t caught on to Vee’s feelings yet but their other two friends have.
Hunter was homeschooled for his middle school years but started goes to high school during his freshmen year with Edric and Emira. Viney goes to a different school, but she hangs out with them all the time. Emira and Viney tease Hunter and Edric for their very obvious crush on each other. 
Viney and Jimbo are childhood friends and go to the same school. They get mistaken for siblings all the time, but they don’t mind as they’ve pretty much accepted each other as siblings since they’ve been friends for so long. Jimbo helped Viney confess her feelings to Emira offset. He also is friends with Skara and is her go-to person when she needs someone to talk to about her crush on Willow.
Matt and Steve are half-siblings and, unlike my headcanon, have a good relationship with their mom and dad(well stepdad in Steve’s case but Steve treats him like he is his biological father). Bria is their stepsister but she’s actually nicer to Matt than she is onset, even if she does have a habit of bossing him around due to being older than him. They’re also next-door neighbors with Gus and his dad who plays as Parry. Also, Matt and Gus go to the same middle school together and both have a crush on each other, but they haven’t said anything to each other yet. Onset Matt seems like a huge gremlin but outside of set, he’s actually really nice, though he is a little snippy at times. 
Also, you know how people have been saying that Matt and Hunter would hate each other if they were to meet? Well, I think it would be really funny if while Matt and Hunter’s acting counterparts seem like they would hate each other if they were to ever meet each other but in reality, they are actually friends who are both very snarky towards each other. Same with Willow and Boscha, where their acting counterparts seem to hate each other or dislike each other but outside of acting, they are actually really good friends who roast each other all the time. There would probably be so many deleted scenes where Willow is roasting Boscha after she says something mean.
It takes the makeup team hours to get Boscha ready due to her needing a colored wig, different colored skin tone, and a third eye prostatic on her forehead.
Hunter and Willow actually don’t have crushes on each other. However, Hunter is able to make himself blush by thinking about his actually crush. (Willow knows who his crush is and helps him by teasing him about it too which also makes Hunter’s cheeks go red really quick.)
Philip aka Belos is actually way nicer than his acting counterpart and the kid who plays the Collector is actually his nephew. Philip and Odalia will actually talk to the kids about not doing or saying any of the dumb or dangerous stuff that any of the characters do or say.
If anyone has any questions about this Au or wants to hear more about it, let me know.
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sim-it-to-win-it · 2 years ago
Doing something a little trickier with this poll; I will be having all of the Sims Couples engaged at the start of the game, and married off one at a time each new season. 1st couple is married in Fall (the chosen starting season), 2nd in Winter, 3rd in Spring, and the 4th in Summer. And yes, there WILL be a full blow wedding with all the works for all four couples.
HOWEVER! The order that everyone is getting married is going to go from the pairing with the LEAST AMOUNT of votes, to the pairing with the MOST votes. So whichever couple comes in 4th in this poll marries in Fall, 3rd marries in Winter, 2nd Marries in Spring, and 4th marries in Summer.
Good Luck! <3
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hecateisalesbian · 2 years ago
amity declines and Edric and Emira try and go after the two other Noceda siblings, but it’s too late for Huntlow and Veesha have already sailed D:
they resort to the last method
“Mrs. Noceda would you please marry me-?”
“No wait marry me—!”
“I asked first dorkwad!”
i think it would be very funny if "blight" was originally *odalia's* surname. and in some kind of epilogue, after the divorce, amity changes her last name to whatever alador's original surname used to be. and all of us had to change our tagging systems
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salamander-spark · 10 months ago
Trust and Gentleness
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A bit of older Vee and Masha
close ups!
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Vee has a flapjack tattoo on her right shoulder, and masha has one on their right ankle, as well as a human/demon realm and a snake tattoo on each arm respectively.
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In my AU, Vee is short for Viola, the name Camila gave her because her eyes reminded Camila of them
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(Edit: the way I drew Masha was bugging me, so I tweaked their expression + Proportions)
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salamander-spark · 7 months ago
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Veek day 5 - Masha/AU
Back on my Bullshit with these two. Here they are a married/engaged couple in their mid-late twenties, idk. Ginormous basilisk Vee gives me life
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Close ups
I'm a little salty that I missed the previous two days.
Hopefully, the writing block passes before the week finishes 🤞
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triforcegods · 1 year ago
Vee couldn’t believe that this day had finally arrived. Here she was, standing in front of the mirror with her sisters and mom, wearing the white dress Hunter made to withstand her shapeshifting. It seemed like only yesterday she was newly created and crammed in a cage, being forced to feed on magic at the whim of a dictator. Now, she has a family, friends, and the most handsome fiancé in both realms. It’s been ten years since she first made a decision to run away to the human realm on a whim and now she’s getting married!
Masha couldn’t believe this day had finally arrived. They were getting married, for real, and not as a prank! The enby always feared they were never going to find anyone who loved them for who they were, to the point that they thought no one on earth would ever find them. Turns out, the one for them wasn’t on earth after all, not until ten years ago, anyway. A beautiful basilisk fell into their life and now here they are, inspecting their tuxedo in the mirror as they get ready to watch her walk down the aisle.
THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED! Fic four in my Veesha series! Enjoy!
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