#mark x emma
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danceofthedruid · 1 year ago
Et quand la douleur fais son grand retour
w/ @x1037
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Cela faisait maintenant plusieurs mois que Mark était rentré à New-York, sans même le vouloir, mais à cause de sa blessure à la jambe qui le rendait inapte à continuer de servir son pays, comme il l'avait toujours fait depuis qu’il en était parti. Mais les choses avaient changées, il avait dû rentrer à New-York pour recevoir les soins, que même les médecins militaires ne pouvaient lui prodiguer, fautes de moyens. C’est donc à contre-cœur qu’il avait dû quitter l’armée et reprendre une vie civile qu’il n'avait jamais souhaité reprendre, à son plus grand désarroi. Mais à son retour en ville, Mark avait commencé sa rééducation et avais consulté un nouveau médecin, comme il lui avait été conseillé, car même s’il ne serait plus jamais le militaire qu’il avait été, il ne voulais pas rester handicapé à vie, il voulais tout de même retrouver un maximum de ses capacités motrices, même s’il ne la retrouvais pas à cent pourcent, mais au moins assez pour avoir une vie civile un temps soit peu normale et ne pas avoir à être dépendant des gens qui vont l’entourer.
Mais lors de ses visites pour sa rééducation, il ne s'attendait pas le moins du monde à y retrouver son ancienne fiancée, elle aussi engagée en tant que militaire comme infirmière, chargée de soigner les soldats blessés au combats et faisait la même chose à New-York quand elle n'était pas déployée sur une ligne de front. Revoir cette fiancée qu’il avait quitté pour l’armée, lui avais fais un pincement au coeur, car même s’il l'avait quitté pour ne pas qu’elle attende un soldat qui ne reviendrais probablement jamais, il ne voulais pas infliger un tel fardeau à la femme qu’il aimais, car il le savais, il ne quitterais pas le front de ci-tôt, et il avais fallu qu’l soit gravement blessé et jugé inapte pour le faire rentrer au pays, retrouvant ainsi une vie civile qu’il n’avais jamais souhaité reprendre. Malheureusement, ce choix ne lui appartenait guère à présent, obligé de faire avec, mais sans pour autant laisser tomber sans se battre pour améliorer un maximum sa situation, même s’il était condamné à vivre loin des lignes de front.
Pendant des mois, il n’a fait que se rapprocher toujours un peu plus de toi, ses sentiments étant toujours présents et l’ayant tenu en vie, même dans les moments les plus difficiles quand il devait faire face à ses ennemis, pour rester en vie, encore et toujours. Mais sa condition actuelle l'empêchait d’envisager quoi que ce soit pour un avenir, qui pour lui, n'avait toujours pas de sens, en tout cas, pas tant qu’il n'aurait pas retrouver un maximum de ses capacités motrices, il ne voulais pas être un fardeau, il voulait retrouver son autonomie, ou tout du moins, autant qu’il le pouvait, afin de reconstruire une nouvelle vie ici, à New-York, à défaut de pouvoir retourner protéger et servir son pays comme il l'avait toujours fait par le passé. Tant que tu étais en ville, tu l’aidais du mieux que tu le pouvais en plus de son médecin, pour aider le jeune Conrad à retrouver cette mobilité perdue, mais également, pour l’aider à retrouver un sens de la vie qu’il avait perdu quand le nouvelle de son inaptitude était tombée, ne sachant toujours pas ce que l’ancien militaire allait désormais bien pouvoir faire de sa vie. Puis tu fus rapidement déployé de nouveau, mais sans pour autant laisser le jeune homme sans nouvelles, puisque tu lui envoyais des lettres dès que tu en avais l’occasion, lettres auxquelles il ne pouvait répondre, il le savait.
Mais un jour, il reçut un appel de son ancien beau-père, général militaire pour lequel il avait la plus grande estime, et inversement, mais le général Dawz ne lui parla de rien au téléphone, une mesure que tout militaires connaissaient, au cas où les ennemis les auraient mit sur écoute, Mark s’était donc rendu tant bien que mal sur la base avec ses béquilles, sa mobilité n’étant pas totalement revenue, il lui restait encore beaucoup d’efforts avant de pouvoir espérer marcher un tant soit peu normalement, mais dès qu’il fût sur la base, il apprit la terrible nouvelle de la part de son ancien beau-père, sa fille, l’ex fiancée du jeune homme, venait d’être capturée par les terroristes les plus dangereux du monde après que son convoi ai été attaqué. La nouvelle laissant le jeune Conrad sous le choc, se demandant ce qu’il allait bien pouvoir faire puisqu’il n’était plus apte à servir son pays, et donc, aller au secours de son ex-fiancée, qui restait tout pour le jeune homme, bien qu’il ne lui ai jamais avoué, préférant attendre de retrouver sa mobilité pour ne pas être une charge supplémentaire pour la jolie blonde. Il regarda alors le général, affirmant qu’il ferait tout ce qu’il peut à son niveau, sachant qu’il ne pourrait jamais retourner combattre ses forces à cause de cette blessure à la jambe droite qui l'handicapait.
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thenotoriousscuttlecliff · 8 months ago
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Disneyfied X-Men by Mark Brooks
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blushingphoenix · 2 months ago
Mark Brooks's D'fied X-Men Covers Coming in 2025
From Mark Brooks:
“Marvel finally released the full images for my D’fied cover series out in February. 54 characters across 26 covers. Make sure to request them through your retailer. If these are a hit, there’ll be a lot more.”
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vertigoartgore · 11 days ago
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2022-2024's Immortal X-Men Vol.1 #1-18 cover by Mark Brooks (#1-4, #6-18) and Giuseppe Camuncoli (#5).
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Centurion Ty Blackthorn
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Artist: @pawprints_in_the_stars (On Instagram)
I feel like there's so much plot potential for Ty as a Centurion. Since both he and Kit will be 18 at the start of TWP there's a good chance he will already be a Centurion. The Centurions are shown to be around Emma and Julian's age (17 as of LoS) when they appear in Lord of Shadows.
So, what if Ty has just become a Centurion when TLKOF starts? This would give him unlimited access to the Spiral Labyrinth's libraries and the Silent Brother's archives. This is added with the already extensive research he's done while at the Scholomance and the things he's invented. With Kit's powers and connections to Faerie would make them some of the most powerful Shadowhunters ever written. Not to mention that Ty also has connections to Faerie through Mark, Kieran, and Cristina.
However, as a Centurion Ty will have to report directly to the Scholomance and The Council with vows that require him to tell the Clave the truth. He's also forbidden from sharing any of the information that he learns at the Scholomance. This could complicate Kit and Ty's mission and could make for an interesting point of tension in the plot. I know that the Clave is different now with Alec at the helm but he still won't just allow things to slide. Necromancy is a huge deal, evidenced by how Magnus reacted to Ty doing it. There's also the fact that Diego Rosales, one of the most famous Centurions of all time, will be the Inquisitor during TWP. I don't know if this will help or harm Ty but I imagine it will affect his situation if were to ever have to face the Clave (which I'm very sure he will at some point in the series).
Since TWP will involve the greatest threat that Shadowhunters have ever faced it will take the greatest heroes of the entire chronicles to defeat it. I really think this could end up being the TWP gang and their collective powers. I didn't even mention the powers that Ash has and all that Dru will have to offer to the series. Neither did I delve into the powers that Kit has or even touch all of Ty's strengths. I feel like TWP as a whole will be the most epic series yet and I'm so ready for it!
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mikaherondale · 11 months ago
why did i just now realize that Jesse is suggesting to shorten it to The Wicked Powers 😭
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inkedbydave · 28 days ago
i lied put your clothes back on, we're gonna talk about my parasocial relationship with these fictional characters from this book where the main characters are involved in some kind of forbidden romance, while one of them wants to find justice for her dead parents and the other one has to look out for his siblings since age 12. and the upcoming book of said main characters autistic brother, his dead twin sister, his younger goth sister and his sassy chosen one love interest
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hessobbingincabo · 7 months ago
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Personal Favorite Covers from the Immortal X-Men Series
(open images for higher quality)
Immortal X-Men #1 by Mark Brooks
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Immortal X-Men #1 by Oscar Vega
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Immortal X-Men #2 by Kaare Kyle Andrews (Spider-Verse Variant)
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Immortal X-Men #11 by Miguel Mercado
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Immortal X-Men #11 by Taurin Clarke (Spider-Verse Variant)
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Immortal X-Men #13 by Mark Brooks
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Immortal X-Men #15 by Joshua Swaby
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Immortal X-Men #16 by Mark Brooks
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Immortal X-Men #17 by Mark Brooks
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Immortal X-Men #17 by Pepe Larraz (60th Anniversary Homage)
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Rise of the Powers of X #1 by Davi Go
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Fall of the House of X #2 by Ben Harvey
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Fall of the House of X #2 by Pepe Larraz
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Fall of the House of X #4 by Mahmud Asrar
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emmafrostcovercollection · 3 months ago
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Fall of the House of X #1 & Rise of the Powers of X #1 (2024) - Brooks Connecting Variant
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starrieshq · 4 months ago
Aftercare [Kitty]
here it is!!! What you all have been waiting for
Enjoy <3
TW: some swearing, mentions of s3x
The sun pierced through the windows of Ty’s room, the curtains were pushed back, and Kit could see the coastline from his spot on the bed.
Ty’s bare chest rose and fell, dark Marks twining up his arms as he pushed his hair out of his face. Kit tried not to stare, but he was, well…
After several minutes, Kit managed to sit upright. His throat felt scratchy.
“We did use a silencing rune, right?” He asked Ty, who silently nodded and reached for him.
Kit scooted closer to him, and they sat together in silence for a moment.
“We should probably clean all of this up.” Ty motioned at the messy sheets, and Kit nodded, standing.
Pain shot through him, and he buckled against the bed. Ty was immediately next to him and hoisted him up into a bridal style.
“Bath or shower?” He asked.
Kit hated baths, but he could not stand to save his life.
“Bath.” He said reluctantly.
He placed him in the tub, and as Kit began filling it with water, Ty tossed in a bath bomb.
Kit fiddled with the hot water faucet. When he lived with his dad, he almost never had access to hot water. When he moved to the Institute, he became hooked on steamy showers. They felt…relaxing. He took one every day, and when he came out of the bathroom, the mirror was usually foggy.
He was so caught up in though that he didn’t notice that Ty had joined him in the tub until he said,
“Are you okay?”
Kit nodded, hands finding Ty’s and twining them together.
Ty began to lather soap across Kit’s back, which was really distracting.
“You know I can do that, right?” Kit asked.
He nodded. “I’d rather do it for you. You should relax.”
Kit settled in, sighing contently as Ty continued to rinse him off, as if any amount of soap would scrub away what had just happened between them.
After several minutes of content silence, Kit cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Did…did you like it?” He asked.
Ty stopped scrubbing him for a moment, considering.
“Yeah.” He said quietly. “It was…”
He trailed off, looking for the right word.
“Different.” Kit finished.
Ty nodded, and went back to rinsing him.
After getting out of the tub (with the assistance of Ty, of course), Kit pulled on a pair of sweats and one of Ty’s t-shirts.
Ty had taken the sheets down to the washer and was now at his desk, headphones on. Kit could faintly hear the classical music playing.
Kit was ever so slightly limping, and he prayed that the iratze he applied would kick in soon. If Dru, or God forbid, Helen or Julian saw him like this, there was not a shadow of a doubt in his mind that they would be having words.
Kit reached for his stele, but before he could apply another iratze, he felt Ty’s hand close around his, gently pulling it away from him.
“What are you doing?” Kit asked.
Ty nudged back the collar of his shirt, and began to draw the iratze.
“I’m the reason you’re limping, it just seems fair that I’m the one who takes care of you.”
Kit shook his head. “You know that I can take care of myself.”
Ty leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to Kit’s collarbone. “But have you considered that I want to?”
Kit’s head spun. Ty was skilled in dishing out compliments to him all the time, and he never had anything to say back to him.
“But why would you want to look after me?” He whispered.
Ty’s lips found his ear, and he said softly,
“Because you are what I want.” His hands curved around Kit’s waist, pulling him closer. “I am yours. Those years we spent apart, I learned that much.”
After a minute or two, they decided to inconspicuously go downstairs. They made their way to the kitchen, where Cristina and Mark stood, animatedly talking on the phone with who Kit presumed was Kieran.
“Julian’s looking for you two.” Mark said as Cristina nodded along to whatever Kieran was saying. “He’s been looking for you guys for a while, and Dru said that Ty’s room was locked, but she refused to open the door with a rune.”
Kit’s ears turned red, but Ty calmly said, “Where’s Julian, then?”
“Bye!” Cristina said, handing the phone to Mark.
“We’ll see you soon, love.” Mark said into the phone. “Make sure to talk to him when you can, ‘kay?” He paused. “Alright. Love you.”
He handed the phone back to Cristina.
“Julian should be at the beach. Emma’s with him.” She said, pocketing it.
Kit felt Cristina glance over him, a small knowing smile on her face.
“Don’t.” He warned her, his eyebrows raised.
“I won’t.” She replied, her smirk turning into the genuine smile it usually was. “It’s just great to see you two happy again.”
The pair headed out of the doors of the Institute, opting to go barefoot in the soft sand. Ty was slightly ahead of him, his silent footsteps refusing to stir up any dust.
He turned around, seeing Kit and smiling slightly. They grasped each other's hand, continuing to head alongside the coast.
Ty pointed in the distance. “I think I can see them.” He said.
A short distance away, Kit could see Emma and Julian heading towards them, along with a shorter figure that could only be Dru.
He tensed slightly. “What do you think they want us for?”
Ty shrugged. “Not sure. Maybe they were curious where we were?”
Kit doubted it was that. The fact that Dru had spottem them and was now eagerly skipping towards them did not give him any comfort.
“See?” She said to Emma and Julian, gesturing at Ty and Kit, “I told you that they were just making out in Ty’s room!”
Kit flushed.
“We weren’t making out.” He said.
“Alright then, Sherlock,” Emma said to Ty. “Explain what’s on Kit’s neck then for me.”
Kit had attempted to cover up a hickey on his neck with concealer he found in Dru’s room. Apparently, it must’ve come off.
“We weren’t making out.” Ty confirmed, slightly squeezing Kit’s hand.
Emma did a once-over of Kit.
“I agree.” Emma said, smirking. “I think they had more than a make out session.”
Kit turned redder as Julian approached them.
“There you two are.” He said. “I was thinking that we’d have to get Magnus and imbed you with tracking devices.”
“Or you could just use a Tracking rune.” Ty pointed out.
“Tracking devices would be cooler.” Kit counterargued.
“Regardless,” Julian intervened, waving his arms. “I understand that both of you are 18…”
“Oh, absolutely not.” Kit moaned, covering his face. “You are not doing this in the middle of the beach! Or in front of Dru!”
“I find this entertaining.” Dru said, attempting to cover her laughter and failing miserably.
Julian continued. “And obviously, there’s nothing any of us can do about you two sneaking off and doing…things-”
“To be fair, we were doing things, too.” Emma pointed out. “And we weren’t 18 yet.”
“Regardless,” Julian stated. “You two need to be safe.”
Kit stared at him.
“You knew that we were already in Ty’s room with the door locked, proceeded to go down to the beach to ‘look for us’, and now you’re lecturing us about being safe?” He asked incredulously.
Julian nodded.
“You are ridiculous.” He declared after a moment.
“Don’t worry, we’re fine.” Ty assured Julian.
“This is fucking hilarious.” Dru cackled.
“I’m glad you think it’s funny, Dru.” Julian said. “I’m giving both you and Ash the same talk when you turn 18, too.”
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garvalhaminho · 7 months ago
no because like sometimes i just suddenly remember that, at the end of lady midnight, emma carstairs broke up with julian and started fake-dating his BROTHER 😭😭😭 like i can't i have to make a conscious effort to not start laughing out loud in the middle of nowhere.
like imagine being replaced with your sibling 😍😍😍 BUT i loved emma and mark's fake romantic relationship because in reality they were like close friends and developed a deeper platonic bond by spending more time together and i'm a sucker for that 💞💞
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jkparkin · 3 months ago
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Exceptional X-Men #3 (Marvel, November 2024) Marvel Two-In-One variant cover by Mark Bagley
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bobabisch · 10 months ago
someone might've said this before but I didn't see it so I'm just gonna go ahead and say it "again". Cassandra Clare is a pussy for refusing to write gay nsfw scenes given that she was perfectly fine writing straight nsfw scenes. Isabelle and Simon make out for pages at a time, Clary and Jace had sex, Julian and Emma had sex like three times, Tess and Will had sex, but she refuses to write Magnus and Alec or Kieran and Mark kissing for longer than .5 seconds. like its so odd to me. the dark artifices in particular had so much nsfw shit its nearly gratuitous, but only with the straight couples? I guess the only argument against this would be that one short story where Malec got pretty close to having sex but Magnus stopped it before they got there (forgive me for not remembering the name of the short story or what book it was from its been a really long time since I last read through all the main series). Am I crazy? I seriously can't be the only one who noticed
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peanutsmixedwithjuice · 6 months ago
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every Ted ship I could remember
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shadowhunterseditsblog · 5 months ago
Kieran from TDA
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Artist: @taratjah on Tumblr
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Happy Fourth of July to My Favorite Americans!
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Artists in order: @aliceduke @arudrawing @cassandrajean @ritta1310 (On Instagram) @lizthefangirl
Also, apologies to Church. Not trying to offend you, my dear Brit.
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