#mariblanc fanfic
d011zk1ll · 7 months
Hi I wrote a pretty cool MLB fic (I've got more coming)
This is only the first chapter and I didn't have a beta reader so we die like Emilie!
Its a chat blanc au where he wins and the world is the same. Even down to hawkmoth except ladybug/marinette is
Just a civilian
But she knows something's up!
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ladynoirfanao3 · 7 months
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Amazing art commission by @zyullaart for my Marinette/Chat Blanc fic "Behind Those Eyes." ♥️😍♥️ Went ahead and posted chapter 2, though this art is from Chapter 3. Fic is rated M, finished, and will be updated once or twice a week! Snippet below:
“I’m not the only person who should matter,” Marinette said, her voice going softer as he inched closer to her. “I should send you away.”
“You’re probably right.” Chat Blanc's hand moved slowly up her shoulder, ghosting along her neck until he rested it against her cheek, claws tangling into her hair. He leaned forward slowly, his nose nearly touching her ear as he whispered, “Tell me to go.”
Marinette’s eyes fluttered closed, anticipation growing within her. “Not sure I can,” she breathed.
Link below!
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xhanisai · 8 months
Summary -
The Akuma battles were getting harder and harder with each passing day and they were winning each fight one close call after another by the edge of their seats. Chat Blanc would have been skewered by the Akuma's weapons at least ten times in the recent battle alone had it not been for his infinite use of cataclysms!
As for Ladybug?
She couldn't afford to allow even a stray hair of hers to get bent out of shape because the only thing that was keeping her partner's fatal insanity at bay was her being safe and sound. The second that she gets hurt by anything, anything at all, the world is doomed.
Ever since cleansing the dystopian timeline, Marinette thought this was the last that she'd come across Chat Blanc. However, little did she know that no matter how powerful creation was, it can never smother the timbers of destruction since it isn't its nature to erase. Thus her Chaton from the destroyed timeline merged with her Chaton in her timeline as one person as a result. 
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noiresbug · 2 years
Chat Blanc Villain au comic pt 1 :)
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marichat914 · 1 year
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aanabear2803 · 2 years
Leave Minors >:(
Chat Blanc knows when Marinette is in heat. He'll make sure his possession gets bred and feels great doing it.
Wrote this with strength from finding out that true love doesn't exist unless its fictional love. I'll get over it but you know eh.
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nabu630 · 1 year
I’m in a MariBlanc mood so if someone can find me either a Marichat or MariBlanc fanfic that would be great!
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aalissy · 2 years
Chat Blanc
I had a reallllyyy fun time writing this chapter hehe. I loveee writing about the repercussions of Chat Blanc. It’s probs my second fave episode hahha. Lemme know what you think :)
Marinette blinked her eyes open blearily, wheezing quietly in the dead of night. The last thing that she remembered was falling asleep in Chat’s arms, snuggling against him on the chaise as they watched a movie together. Now, though, she was somewhere else and it took her a second more to realize that she was on her bed. Odd, he must have moved her. 
Shaking her head at the odd feeling racing through her, Marinette nudged the arm that was wrapped stiffly around her waist. “Chat, can you let go? You’re holding me a little too tightly,” she murmured sleepily, nuzzling her head back into her pillow in an attempt to fall asleep once more.
If anything, the grip simply got tighter, squeezing her almost painfully as Marinette let out another wheeze. Her eyes popped open, darting around as she tried to adjust to the darkness. “I missed you, purrincess,” Chat’s voice whispered in her ear, his breath sending a cold shiver of dread down her spine.
No. It wasn’t possible. Choking back a sob, she glanced down at the arm around her waist. The pure whiteness of it stood out even as her eyes struggled to adjust. She tried to scream but her air was gone. Her mouth gaped open wide in a silent, terrified screech as fear began to overwhelm her. Marinette struggled to get out of his hold, kicking and punching with all her might. Finally, she managed to land a kick on him, and his firm grip on her disappeared. 
Instantly, Marinette gasped and panted for air, scrambling away from him. She tumbled straight down her ladder, uncaring of where she landed. Her whole body trembled as she looked up at him. There, in the darkness with a cold, menacing smile stretched wide across his lips stood Chat Blanc. His icy blue eyes glinted down at her as he snickered. “Where are you going, Marinette? We can’t play a little more?”
She shook her head, stumbling ever farther away from him. There was never going to be enough distance between them. Her back hit a wall and she pressed up against it, praying to sink even further in. “No, no, no. This isn’t possible. You’re not here. I fixed this! I fixed you!” 
Chat Blanc crouched down before pouncing down onto her floor. Slowly, he crept towards her, his wide smile ever-present on his face. “Do I look like I was fixed, Marinette?”
She let out a whimper of pain, panic, and fear leaving her frozen in place. There was only one thought left in her head and, quietly, she whispered, “Tikki, spots on!” 
Marinette waited, hoping that her transformation would finish before he got to her. But the magic simply never came. She was still stuck as Marinette. The scared, little civilian who was watching with wide eyes as Chat Blanc came even closer.
“Looking for these?” He chuckled, rubbing her earrings between his fingers. One of her palms came up to slap her ear, her heart falling in her chest when the cold press of metal didn’t hit her hand. No. How was that possible?
“I took them from you while you were sleeping,” Chat Blanc said giddily like he was reading her thoughts. “Aren’t they just purrfect? Now I can fix everything! Our love can finally be restored, m’lady.”
In a choked gasp, Marinette tearfully called out to her kwami. “Tikki... Tikki, please.”
No response came. She was simply left looking up into Chat’s cold, glinting gaze. There was only one option left. If the world was going to be rewritten, she was at least going to try to fix it. Setting her jaw determinedly, Marinette quickly shoved aside the fear that was overwhelming her and pushed herself towards him. Jumping up, she reached for the earrings, her finger just barely managing to brush against them before...
With a quiet shriek, Marinette tumbled awake, crashing down onto the floor just below her chaise. She blinked around her in confusion, wincing as a heavy object crashed onto the floor next to her. What was going on?! Where was Chat Blanc? Where was Tikki?!
“Marinette, what is it?! What’s wrong?” A panicked voice called out to her.
She whirled around with a pained gasp, her body finally relaxing as she met the wide eyes of Chat Noir. She pressed a hand to her heaving chest, her heartbeat slowing down from its rapid pace as she began to calm down. It was a dream. They were safe. Just to make certain, Marinette slowly reached up, breathing out a sigh of relief as her finger bumped against the cold metal of her earring. 
“Marinette?” Chat called out to her again.
Shaking her head, she gave him a weak smile. “I’m so so sorry, kitty. I-I just had a bad dream. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Exhaling roughly, Marinette moved her eyes over to the object that had fallen with her. Wincing, she finally recognized it as the laptop that they were using to watch movies together. She must have kicked it when she fell down. Picking it up, she sighed once more in relief when she saw that it was still working.
“Are you alright?” She looked back over at Chat, her shoulders relaxing as she saw the familiar, happy, emerald eyes still peering back at her in concern. 
Nodding with a small smile on her lips, Marinette murmured, “I am now.”
Standing up, she tackled Chat Noir into a hug, feeling the last remnants of fear fade away completely. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she whispered, burying her face in his neck.
His arms came up to wrap around her, holding her tenderly as he stroked her hair. Softly, he murmured, “Was your nightmare about me?”
Feeling her eyes begin to brim with tears, Marinette simply nodded, nuzzling even further into him as she sniffled quietly. The ghost of his lips brushed against her hair, placing a light kiss on it. “Well, don’t worry, purrincess. I’ll always be alright with you by my side.”
She whimpered happily, clutching him to her even tighter. She didn’t want to let him go, afraid that Chat Noir would once again fade into Chat Blanc. To herself, she muttered determinedly, “I will always protect you, kitty. No matter what. I promise.”
“I know you will, Marinette,” he murmured back, rubbing her back gently. “I know you will.”
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heartfulselkie · 3 years
Dream A Little Dream Of Me - MariBlanc
Even after all this time, she still dreams of him. And the dreams aren't always a nightmarish game of survival. Sometimes they're something bittersweet, a reminder of what she knows and what she can never let herself have.
Read on AO3
Marinette blinked slowly as she looked at the scene before her. It was all so familiar to her now - a watery expanse that lay still before her, stretching towards the horizon with only a scattering of collapsed buildings to say anything had been there before. She kept staring out ahead of her, fixated on that distant point where one cold, blue abyss met another. Deep, dark ocean rising up as though to devour the pallid sky and the shattered moon along with it. And there she was at the epicentre of calamity, seated on the collapsed structure of what had once been the Eiffel Tower.
She swung her legs idly as she waited. She knew she was dreaming, just as she had a hundred times by now. The dreams varied, but were always similar. Like looking through a hall of mirrors, thousands of images echoing against each other. Sometimes with perfect clarity. Sometimes a shambling horror.
“My Lady.”
She froze at the voice that manifested nearby. She hadn't heard him arrive. But then, maybe he’d been there all along. He had been the one waiting, not her.
She turned her head to look at him, her voice for some reason almost sounding like a sigh of relief. “Chat.”
Chat Blanc looked back at her, crouched on all fours with his head lowered. He watched her warily, like he couldn’t quite tell if she posed a threat of not. Marinette calmly met his cool gaze. Yes, she was Marinette in the dream this time. She posed no threat to him and he knew that. He wouldn’t hurt her either. The nightmares he inhabited still came for her, but more and more her unconscious turned to this. Whatever this was. A momentary crossroads of a memory and a desire.
Chat Blanc blinked at her languidly. He crept towards her on fours, slowly like a timid kitten with rounded eyes meekly asking for some small token of affection. Not a torrent of destruction, but a stray cat looking to find the warmth it had once known.
Marinette smiled softly at him. “Hey, Minou.”
His ears perked at the nickname and it seemed to incite something in him. He shifted forward more quickly so that he perched next to where she was seated, hunched over himself like a crouched cat. Beautiful, shimmering, cold blue eyes looked up at her as he quietly remained next to her, curled into himself as though he were some small pathetic creature.
It didn’t take long for her to cave. It never did.
She lifted her hand and gently rested it on top of his head. She started with small, gentle strokes, testing the boundaries of his fickle and feral nature before going further. He headbutted into her hand like a real cat would, before letting his head carefully rest on her lap as her fingers took to threading through his soft white hair. His eyes slid closed as she lightly scratched near his ears, soaking up her affectionate ministrations for as long as they would last.
There were still times that he lost himself, becoming the nightmarish version that haunted her still. That terrible ghost still stalked her dreams, but in a strange way she was familiar to him now. He would scream and howl as though wounded brutally, scratching and clawing and biting and bleeding as though that was all that was left in him until he could at last draw his final, miserable breath.
But her kitty wasn’t someone who could hold onto anger. He never had been. Even asleep she knew that to be true. It always came as a violent eruption of emotion, a spontaneous combustion that he couldn’t contain. But as quickly as it burned and consumed him, it would vanish. All that anger seared away until only that lonely sadness remained. And it was that he couldn’t shake. That desperate, gnawing isolation and sadness that buried itself so deep inside of him that even he seemed to forget it was there.
Her heart wrenched in her chest to think of him - of her Chaton - being like that.
Because even though she had never seen it in her own Chat Noir, it must have existed in him somewhere. And she had been the one to bring it out of him. Whatever she had done, his love for her and her love for him had left him broken.
“My Lady,” He purred. Not warm and rumbling in the way she loved hearing from him, but a brittle, almost metallic sound that trembled in his chest. A last ditch attempt of clinging to whatever threads of comfort remained.
“I’m here, Minou,” she answered gently.
His eyes opened, staring up at her once again. “May I ask you something, My Lady? Please?”
She already knew what was to come. She could feel the lump in her throat and how it felt like her heart was being squeezed tighter and tighter. Even so, she nodded.
He reached up towards her and brushed the backs of his knuckles across her cheek in a caress that was so loving and so adoring that it only made her heart collapse further. “Will you marry me?”
Marinette squeezed her eyes shut. Of course it wouldn’t be the Miraculous. This was her dream after all. And as much as she denied it, deep down she knew what it was she selfishly yearned for. Even so, she couldn’t have it.
The lump finally dislodged itself, but only slightly to allow her a single, pathetic sob. “I’m sorry…I can’t…”
He moved at the first sign of tears spilling from her lashes. He sat up and cradled her face in his hands, looking at her as though she held the world in her tear-filled eyes. Even as her own vision blurred behind the ocean of tears, the blue of his eyes glimmered back at her. He continued to gently touch her face, devotion in each caress of his fingertips as he swept away her tears as they fell again and again.
“I can’t…” she repeated again in a hoarse whisper.
Chat Blanc nuzzled softly against her cheek, his barely warm lips gently kissing away the salt and tears trailing down her cheeks. He was so unbelievably gentle with her sometimes, but that only made it hurt all the more.
“We were happy, you know,” he murmured, lips still ghosting over her skin. “We wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.”
Her breath hitched and shivered as she tried and failed to regain some control of herself. “I know, Minou.”
“We could still be happy. We could still be together.”
Marinette held his gaze, though her tears kept coming. She didn’t realise she was biting into her bottom lip to keep it from trembling until his thumb tenderly pried it from her.
“My Lady,” he cooed. “My Marinette.”
She could feel the love and devotion rolling off of him, begging to let her know it was all hers - that he was all hers.
And she believed it.
Because somewhere under that cold, confused and lonely exterior, he was still her sweet Chat Noir. She wanted to bask in that love he was laying so plainly at her feet. She wanted to take his hands in her own and tell him yes! Finally, yes!
But she couldn’t.
Even in her dreams, she couldn’t.
They had already tried to be happy. She believed him, that they had been happy together once. Another her in another life had gotten to know just how much his love could fill her, how much his presence could warm her, how much his entire being could shelter and comfort her. Another her had been able to allow him all that and more. Until that other her had done something so unspeakable it had left him broken. She had broken him and that pure love he’d only ever wanted to give her.
It was our love that did this to the world.
She had loved him. And she had ruined him.
She hiccuped as another raw sob escaped her. “I’m sorry…”
He tenderly kissed her cheeks again, clawed hands so close to pricking her skin but instead cupping her face so gently. “It’s alright, My Lady. I’ll wait for you.”
She couldn’t give an answer to that. She knew he meant it. Chat Noir was loyal to a fault and that was true even for the version of him that was completely lost and destroyed. He would always wait for her, just as he always had. And she felt so disgustingly selfish that she couldn’t bring herself to tell him to stop. She couldn’t allow herself to love him, but she couldn’t bear for him to not love her either.
“If you can’t say yes today,” Chat Blanc murmured softly as he nuzzled against her, “can I ask you to marry me tomorrow?”
No was what she should have said. She should have told him to go back to the nightmares where all he cared about were the Miraculous. It was easier to be afraid of him and the continuous damage he caused in his fury. She didn’t want to keep being heartbroken with him like this, mourning the happy life he’d lost and she’d never known.
No was the right answer. And yet she found herself smiling at him, a small and fragile one that barely broke through her ongoing tears.
“Please do,” she whispered.
His eyes softened, almost to the point that the blue could maybe thaw. She closed her eyes and welcomed the gentle kiss he placed upon her forehead. It hurt. Deep down in her chest it hurt, but she still stubbornly held to these lovesick dreams. She couldn’t have him, but she couldn’t let go of these dreams that filled her chest with a fire that would quickly burn her alive.
Sniffling quietly, Marinette curled into his chest and whimpered as his arms held her close in response. “Ask me again tomorrow, Chaton.”
He tightened his embrace as though he could keep her forever there in that dream. “As you wish.”
Marinette closed her eyes and let out a shuddering breath. She desperately tried to engrave the feeling of being wrapped up in his warmth into her mind, but she knew it would be quickly forgotten when she woke.
And just like that, she opened her eyes to the familiar view of her bedroom ceiling. The dream had gone and she’d fallen back into reality, back to being alone.
She lay on her bed, her arms wrapped around herself as she tried to keep the lingering echo of the dream going. But the dream was no more, which meant her love had no place here. Love was something she couldn’t have in the real world. She couldn’t allow herself to love until the fight was over. Not openly anyway. It was just a matter of keeping it locked away inside herself, inside of her dreams where a small amount of hope could remain alive. Even if it would someday burn her away to nothing.
She loved him, but she could never tell him. He adored her but she had him temper his affection. They couldn’t be together with so much at stake, yet she couldn’t let him go.
Love him gently. Love him quietly. Love him in secret.
For now that was all she could do. For now it had to be enough, no matter how much it hurt.
Marinette wiped her eyes, unsurprised to find them laden with tears. Breathing through the sobs that wanted to form in her chest, she tried to calm herself. It was a new day and she could face it. No matter what happened, she could still hope for the dreams waiting for her at the end of the day. She could hope that one day she wouldn't dream in blue and white, but black and green. She could hope that one day in her dreams, the answer would never again be no, but only yes.
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lady-charinette · 3 years
Sweet Dreams - Mariblanc
The lovely @xhanisai got a totally innocent ask and my brain went and slaughtered that idea. I'm so sorry for the anon who wrote the cute idea. Here's the original, less angsty version of this.
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@xhanisai This is what you get for baiting me :3 ^_^ 🤣😇
Warnings: hallucinations, blood, nightmares, injury, trauma, angst 
There was laughter, her laughter.
The tranquil water was only disturbed by the kicking of their feet, splashes and giggles echoing in the vacant rubble of what used to be the ice-skating rink. A place they used to visit what seemed a lifetime ago.
“Can’t you stay for a little while longer, Marinette?” her kitty had a pout on his lips and Marinette laughed.
“Sorry kitty, my parents will wonder where I am by now,” she was about to stand, but her kitty was faster, quick to lend her his hand and help her to her feet. Marinette dusted herself off, a bright smile on her lips but her gaze filled with sadness. “I’m really sorry Chat Blanc, I really wish I could stay for longer.”
Chat Blanc understood, she had family to return to, even though he knew she had more fun with him, felt happier with him.
With a thoughtful expression on his face and amusement in his eyes, Chat Blanc waved his hand. “Watch this purrincess!”
With a single flick of his wrist, a pure white ball of energy crashed into a building, leaving it in nothing but rubble and dust. Marinette liked it, she clapped and laughed, when he bowed and inspected his claws in triumph, when the remains of the building sank into the water.
Marinette always smiled and laughed around him and that was all he ever wanted.
They skipped stones and small pieces of rubble at the vast body of water surrounding them, they danced in the shallower puddles and swam in the deeper ones. In these empty plains of white, Marinette was the only color in his life.
Sometimes, her expression would change, but he would blame it on his eyes playing tricks.
Her smiles would vanish, flicker like a failing light. Her eyes would be filled with joy in one moment, then in tears the next. 
Sometimes, when he gripped her hand or wrist, he could swear he saw blood on them, but when he looked at his hands, they were pure white.
In this world full of emptiness, Marinette’s ever-changing form was a source of comfort for him.
She would smile at him, but when he blinked, she was doing everything in her power to get away from him. 
He found these games of hers entertaining, a fun activity they could do together. No harm would ever come to her, she would always safely return back into his arms.
Marinette would sometimes yelp or cry out playfully, complaining how his hug was too tight. He would only hug her tighter, kissing the top of her head sweetly as she struggled.
He always liked these games of theirs, where she pretended to run away or be scared and he would indulge her, knowing she would always be safe with him.
Sometimes, he would see blood on her, her blood, but it would disappear on the blink of an eye. A figment of his imagination. 
She would smile at him again, with trembling lips and quivering knees.
He blamed it on all the running they did. No matter how fast she ran, he always caught her.
Dreams of that incident visited her every night, when the lights were turned off and the full moon was the only source of light.
Marinette turned and twisted, trying to get away, get away from him.
Her dreams, no, her nightmares were always the same.
There would be a portal, Bunnix’s portal, and he would come for her and take her into his world.
She would tremble at the sight of his icy blue eyes, sometimes vacant and staring off into the distance, other times nearly manic and elated at her presence.
Sometimes, he would not let her go.
They would spend the day playing in puddles, in the ocean that filled every space, walking on the edge of ruined buildings, a dangerous game Marinette played to ensure he would be happy.
And she would smile and laugh, just like he would, to conceal the budding terror in her heart and the urge to flee.
And he would always ask, in every nightmare she had, if she couldn’t stay a little while longer.
She would see the broken boy singing to himself on a rooftop, a hint of her partner’s genuine emotion somewhere behind those blue eyes, but it would vanish as quickly as it came.
She would always say she was sorry, she couldn’t stay, no matter how much she wished, with a promise to see him the next day. She would run towards the portal, desperate to escape the frozen hell he was equally as desperate to keep her in.
He would give chase sometimes, he said it was fun. 
A game he loved to play. A game he thought she loved too, oblivious to the pounding of her heart and the burn in her legs.
Marinette would run as fast as her legs could carry her, but she could never escape him.
It made her cry.
But it always made him laugh.
Her ears still ring with his cold honeyed voice, filled with manic affection and detached awareness. She never left her window open, but she still experienced chills every night.
Tikki was always there when she woke up, rubbing her cheek and whispering sweet reassurances, the words would always be the same.
‘It’s okay, you’re alright, you’re safe.’
‘It’s over, Marinette.’
‘He’s not coming back.’
Oh, but he was, he was there when she closed her eyes, he was there when she fell back into bed to sleep.
He was there whenever she saw the dark butterfly coming dangerously close to Chat Noir. Too close.
Chat Blanc was there in her nightmares, every night since the incident. Tikki would try to reassure her it were only bad dreams, that he couldn’t hurt her.
But it did. It hurt so much.
Her dreams were always filled with colors of white and blue. Not black, never black, not the familiar color of his suit or the darkness that claimed her in sleep.
There was only white and blue.
And red, so much red.
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miraculoussly · 2 years
"It's me and you against the world. I rather think we won."
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ren1327 · 3 years
Llovera Ch.1
Okay, because I spent more time on this than my daily prompt, here's chapter 1.
Oh! BTW, some of my long time followers know I feel weird and don't like having underaged main characters, so characters are 17+ in this fic, but let's pretend everyone stayed in the same class with same teachers.
Plot: After discovering his mother and hearing a lie, Chat Noir sets off a cataclysmic event that petrifies half of Paris and leaves him and Marc Anciel/Reverser in permanent akumitized states. Believing Adrien perished in the blast, the city and her heroes are thrown into chaos as Chat Blanc and Marc try to find a way to protect Paris and reverse the blast while avoiding a Ladybug and the help of Nathaniel, Chloe, Zoe and Marinette.
Marc woke up in a room with an old looking desk and antique books. He groaned and saw out a window it was raining.
He looked around and gasped seeing his black and white face, the black seeming to lighten in some places and the white half of his lips now an ashy gray. His eyes however, stayed unbalanced, one black with white sclera, and the other reversed.
"Your skin is trying to balance out. I don't know about your hair or eyes."
Marc gasped again when he saw someone sitting on the table.
"Chat Noir?" He asked. "Where are we? What's going on?"
"We're in the secret room of the Eiffel Tower. I learned about it when I visited New York City.” He stood and walked into the weak light, his black outfit and hair now pure white and eyes a frosty blue. “As for what's going on, my name is now Chat Blanc, and we are to blame for petrifying half of Paris...”
He looked out the window as he saw the reflection of Marc covered his discolored lips in shock, taking a deep breath.
“And for the murder of Adrien Agreste."
"M...Mom?" He whispered, barely audible.
His bell jingled as he took a step back.
"Chat Noir?" Ladybug called over his earpiece. “What’s going on?”
He took another step back, taking the speaker out to stare at the woman he had believed was gone.
"He got too close." A deep feminine voice said.
Chat turned to see Natalie in a dark fold over robe with a cane. He swallowed.
"Gabriel became too close to knowing who Hawkmoth was. So he sent a warning to him by striking his wife. Now Gabriel keeps her here, safe, until he can find a way to heal her."
"Is that why...he had that book?"
"He believed Ladybug could help, but it cannot be done as long as Hawkmoth is still among us. A life for a life. But Gabriel doesn't have the resolve to do so." She said, face neutral.
“N-no... that’s...no!" He yelled and leapt out a high window.
Natalie watched him, showing no emotion as she walked to Emilie. She held up a small bird cage, the cursed akuma fluttering around desperately.
"My sweet Emilie...while Gabriel sends Reverser after Ladybug, I must strike now." She whispered. "And now I must use…your son. Forgive me, my Love..."
She opened the tiny door, the akuma fluttering out the same window Chat Noir had fled.
It hurt. It hurt so much!
He tried to run but his vision blurred.
He stared at his gloved hands, hiccupping as they shook.
"Look out Kitty!"
He was grabbed by his belt and flung out of the way of Reverser’s shot.
"What were you doing- Chat Noir?"
Chat grabbed his own hair, eyes shrunk down as he tried to get a hold on his emotions.
"Chatton, what-no!"
An odd looking shimmering white butterfly quickly flew to them, and Ladybug could only stare in horror as it flew into his ring.
He had run after he blast, finding a knocked out Marc and grabbing him.
Now…they were trapped in both these new bodies and the room.
“I…But I’m okay. I’m not mad and I can’t hear Shadowmoth—”
“Yet you still look like that.” Chat Blanc murmured. “And others are panicked.”
“Then…then why aren’t there any akumas around?” Marc asked.
“I don’t know. Perhaps Shadowmoth is celebrating or biding his time. Maybe he’s making a new plan.” Chat Blanc said. “But I know he won’t get my miraculous…”
He took off his ring and nothing happened.
“It’s…it’s not the source anymore. I am. Same with you. Somehow, your akuma fused with you. A messed up version of a miraculous.”
“I…its inside me?!” Marc asked, voice rising in pitch.
“Breathe. Or else it will take control again.”
Marc took a few deep breaths.
“S-So what now?”
“I don’t know. For now, we stay hidden.”
“For now?”
“For now…”
He watched Marc whimpered in his sleep and he…
Who was he?
Adrien Agreste had seemingly died. And he didn’t look like…himself.
He was Chat Blanc now. And Marc was his responsibility. Paris was still his responsibility.
He had to get supplies.
Chat Blanc snuck out in the early hours of the morning, the sun still far off, but Ladybug most likely resting. He would be the one to embrace the darkness now.
He quietly made his way to a convenience store that had been ransacked. He carefully made his way through the broken glass doors and found some clothing left in the back, loading it in a sack along with some packaged and canned food, along with left over fruit.
“Chat Noir?” A voice called and he gasped and turned to see Rose and Zoe.
“What…what happened to you?” Rose asked.
“You…you did this?” Zoe asked, trying not to cry and keep her temper in check.
“…I am now Chat Blanc. And I am going to fix this.” He said.
Rose sighed in relief. “Thank goodness. How?”
“I’m going to keep Paris safe…” He started. “By finding and ridding the world of Hawkmoth.”
“You mean…”
“What does a cat do to a moth?” He asked coldly and jumped to the rooftops.
Rose covered her mouth, trying not to cry as a shaking Zoe grabbed her hand and led her back to the hotel.
Chloe huffed as she passed many crying children.
“Daddy!” She huffed. “Why are there so many people here?!”
“Because they are children who’s parents have either been turned to stone or their parents are needed. For now, the hotel is open to the citizens who need help.”
“And how is that my problem?” She asked. “It’s too cramped!”
“…Chloe.” Andre said softly. “I need you to take it. To understand that people are in pain. They need shelter and support.”
“Chloe!” Andre shouted. “Your mother is stone! Many parents are stone! Even your best friend is stone!”
She shut her mouth.
Andre rubbed his forehead and looked away.
“…I’m sorry I yelled, Princess…” He said. “But it’s time you grew up and looked beyond what you want and to what our city needs. I can’t spoil you anymore. This world…its dangerous, Chloe. And now, I need you to strengthen to survive it.”
Chloe sniffed and turned, stalking to her room and slamming the door.
She sniffed and looked at a little desk next to her closet.
Zoe entered, shaking.
“Did you take them?” Chloe asked. “To her…to her in the park?”
“I did.” Zoe said. “Chloe?”
“I’m fine!” She huffed and waved her hand, tears welling in her eyes.
“Chloe.” Zoe said. “I’m really scared. Can I—”
Chloe hugged her half sister and started to sob. She shook and Zoe clutched her sister close.
“We’re going to get through this.” Zoe said and swallowed. “Somehow, well go back to normal.”
“No…” Chloe said. “Nothing will ever be the same…Not without them.”
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ladynoirfanao3 · 8 months
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Commissioned this angsty scene from my upcoming MariBlanc fic from artist @emari-13, and I'm just stunned by how amazing it ended up! I barely have words. <3<3<3
Her transformation fell away.
“Marinette, NO!”
Somehow, she had missed when Chat Blanc had lifted her into his arms as they huddled together on the floor.
She didn't miss the devastation in his eyes as he stared down at her in horror.
Here's the first chapter of the fic, though I'm not quite finished yet and will update it regularly when I do (should only be a handful of chapters).
Behind Those Eyes by Ladynoir_Fan on AO3 - Rated M (mind tags)
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xhanisai · 7 months
I will dip my hands in the blood of your enemies and paint constellations on your face
Pairing - Mariblanc
Prompt - 'Kisses on Injury'
Summary -
"Is this everything? Or are you hiding any more injuries from me?" Chat Blanc muttered into her hair after giving the newly bandaged forehead a soft kiss, his ice blues flickering to the war-torn environment for a second and then back to her. Thankfully, luck was on their side and all of Monarque's brutal sentimonstre titans and Akumas had their hands full with the stubborn resistance (who consisted of selfless Parisians, led by Alya and Nino).
(After successfully stealing all the other miraculous from Ladybug, Monarque wages a war against the heroine, her partner and the rest of the world. He attempted to akumatise Ladybug too however Chat Noir took the hit instead and became Chat Blanc. Though he temporarily fought off Monarque's influence, it's only in a matter of a short time before he succumbs to the insanity of infinite destruction...)
 "Is this everything? Or are you hiding any more injuries from me?" Chat Blanc muttered into her hair after giving the newly bandaged forehead a soft kiss, his ice blues flickering to the war-torn environment for a second and then back to her. Thankfully, luck was on their side and all of Monarque's brutal sentimonstre titans and Akumas had their hands full with the stubborn resistance (who consisted of selfless Parisians, led by Alya and Nino).
 Marinette and her partner on the other hand were taking a quick break in one of the many vacant apartments, its interior evidencing that it's been rummaged and broken into a little while back by the enemy's army. The heroine wanted to hope that the family who was living here managed to evacuate in time but the congealing bloodstains on the broken furniture and walls said otherwise…
 "No. I got away with just a few little scratches this time around." Marinette sighed, leaning into her Chaton's warmth greedily whilst regarding their hopeless surroundings with bitterness. 'Some hero I am…I failed to protect my city.'
 "That wound on your head isn't just a little scratch. It might need stitches." He was rightfully firm, his grip on her hand tightening and his brows furrowed under his mask. "You'll become a liability if you don't get some rest. We don't want that wretched man to finally get his hands on your earrings, do we?" She hated how right he was, she hated how she couldn't just get everything done on her own terms and,
She hated how much he loved her.
 Because his selfless, neverending love and devotion towards her had him snatch the Akuma butterfly that was meant for her  and now he was constantly plagued with a never-ending mental war against their enemy and against the desire to become one with pure destruction and annihilation.
 He's winning so far.
 But he was also just so, so, so exhausted.
 And there wasn't anything she could do other than defeat their enemies one by one because Monarque had his akumatised item and they were simultaneously on the run from his growing army. The resistance has shrunk in their numbers, having lost over half of their members to the butterflies and feathers and the two tired heroes have been unable to contact their loved ones for a long time now.
 Was there really any point in doing this anymore…?
 "Hey, you're making that face again." His tone was so warm, so Adrien, and all she could see was the internal agony that wailed within his blues on behalf of her sorrows (as well as keeping the insanity of Destruction at bay). "I promise you, I'll find your family. I'll make sure they're safe and sound."
 "They're strong. I know for sure that they're out there fighting against Monarque's army somewhere in the country." She couldn't help the fond smile that played on her bruised lips for the first time in forever and it had her partner soften his features at the rare sight. "I'm worried about you too. You haven't been resting either—"
 He could only silence her with the soft press of his lips against her own, all sweetness and tenderness with the ghost of blood that never left their skin.
 "I don't need rest. I'm strong too." He smiled, only for the sound of explosions close to the area to snap them out of their bubble. "Stay hidden. I'll get rid of them all."
 "A lot of members of Monarque's army are akumatised people just like yourself— don't kill them." Her grip on his wrist was tight and she hoped, hoped that he would listen. That he wouldn't shed any more blood than he already had.
 He's supposed to be a hero.
 "Some of those people were willingly akumatised because they wanted to see your downfall, Marinette." Chills ran down her spine from the ominous glow of his icy, blood-lusting eyes. "I won't let them get away with that."
 And he was gone.
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Finally started writing again! The writer's block is real.
So excited to post the first fic of my new series! Thank you @chanceuseladynoire and @misscongenialityofmlb for betaing (You guys are the best 😁)
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dydra · 4 years
Thanks for the 100 followers, guys!! Enjoy!
Memories (Chat blanc)
Marinette was acting strange the last week, everyone noticed.
She wasn't as cheerful as always, but the smile she gave them when they asked make them believe that they were just overthinking, that she was okay and she just went to bed late dissing, as always. But Adrien knew that smile really well, he used it every interview and photoshoot he'd had.
That smile was completely empty, it only hide pain, and loneliness. And the fact that Marinette was using it, terrified him.
What could have happened to make her feel that way? Whatever it was, he wanted to let her know that he was there for her, that she wasn't alone. He wanted to hug her and erase the pain and the tiredness from her eyes. He wanted to be a good friend.
He shook his head trying to concentrate in his biology class, but he couldn't.
She didn't talk to Adrien much, they weren't close friends. And with Chat... were they close enough for him to ask her about her personal problems? He dropped by sometimes when he does alone patrol nights to buy some pastries and they usually talked on her balcony  about akumas, hockmoth or food, nothing too personal for neither of them.
He wasn't sure if she would answer, but at least she would know he's worried about his friend.
It all started that night.
A week after... that day, Chat visited her, like he normally did, for pastries. But as soon as she saw his face, she remembered.
"Everything went purr-fect until hockmoth found out"
"It was our love that did this to the world, m'lady "
Blue cat eyes was the only thing she could see at that moment.
She prohibited him to visit her.
Maybe that's what hockmoth found out? His visits. She knew she would fall for him if he kept visiting.
Would Hockmoth had used her to threaten Chat? No. She couldn't let that happen.
After he left her balcony confused and hurt, she did what she hadn't stopped doing all week: cry in her bed until she fell asleep with Tikki by her side tryingto comfort her.
It all started that night.
Chat noir didn't understand anything. He didn't expect her to kick him out and order him to never come back.
Did he do something wrong? He just wanted to help. How could he help if she didn't want It?
He knew he should have listened to her. She didn't want him near, then hen why was the point to stay? He didn't know, but when he heard her crying and sniffling, he was sure he couldn't leave.
He would be there for her... even if she wasn't aware of it
It all started that night.
She'd had nightmares about her partner before. They were usually about their fight, and their conversation. Sometimes he said more hurtful things to her, others he just stood there and watched her with no emotion in his eyes and then proceed to try to try to kill her(In a strange and creepy way, she liked them. They were like some kind of justice, it remained her that what happened was her fault and that she would never make the same mistake)
But this time... this time it felt different.
She wasn't ladybug as normal, she was still with her pijamas.
Why was she at the Eiffel Tower? 
Paris was still destroyed, but not flooded by the ocean like she expected.
The she felt it: Desperation. Sadness. Impotence. Fear. Guilt.
"No... No, no, no, no!" She heard "My lady... no..." the masculine voice broke. She recognized it as soon as the nickname came out of his mouth.
In front of her, were the blue eyes that hadn't left her head all week.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" He said to the ladybug dust statue with tears falling from his eyes. " I didn't mean to– I didn't wanted to–" his voice broke once again. He extended his globed hand with the intention of cuddle her cheek,  "Please don't leave me, please. I love you..." as if his legs could no longer support his weight, he fell to his knees.
She felt her heart broke, then ran towards him with the intention to hug him. But as soon as she touched his shoulder, she tripped and then felt how her body passed through his. As if she was some kind of ghost.
"Wha–" she watched him perplexed from the floor
What was going?
Meanwhile, in the other side of the city, Lila was frustrated. She had spend all week trying to get everyone's attention. She faked being hurt, she lied about a some celebrity contacting her, she even lied about someone in her family dying! But nothing happened. All of the class was more interested in the sudden change on the litte rat's mood. (Something that Lila would be enjoying if it wasn't because she got all the worry and attention)
Her phone buzzed again. She had more messages from the group chat (one that she made made without Marinette in it with the excuse of her disliking Lila)
'Even Adrien asked me about it! He was really concerned about her' Lila read a message from Alya
'Really? Do you think he likes her?' Myleene asked
'I hopes so! Marinette still has a crush on him. They would make a cute couple!' Lila's blood boiled when she read what Rose texted
She gave an exasperated cry and threw her phone across her room.  He should be concerned about her suffering for the death of her family member, not for the stupid feelings of a nobody!
Then, her anger and frustration increased at the same moment she heard a familiar voice in her head.
"Oh poor girl, of course your friends should have been more interested in you than in that boring girl "
Lila smirked
What was he doing? He had no idea.
He was sitting on her balcony hearing Marinette crying while still asleep. Should he wake her up? Should he leave? Should he hug her?
No, she prohibited you come back. He repeated himself with sadness.
He heard a crash
"Marinette Dupond-Chain!" A voice yelled.
An akuma...
Why would someone be upset with Marinette? She hadn't do something wrong to anyone!
He needed to take Marinette somewhere safe. Without hesitation he entered her room, took her in his arms and jumped across rooftops away from the new villain. Within a couple of minutes, Marinette was fully awake.
"Ch-chat bl– noir?" She asked unsure and containing the argue to cry and hug him tightly.
"An akuma is after you" he explained quickly without looking at her. He didn't wanted to see her anger and disappointed.
They landed on an alley
"Stay here, ladybug and I will handle this." He said still with his eyes away from her "I'll tell my lady to take you home when all of this is over"
He extended his baton ready to leave when her voice stopped him.
"Chat!" She called him "I didn't meant to–" he finally looked at her, but she didn't. Playing with her fingers seemed more interesting "I didn't meant to sound so rude earlier. I just think that you shouldn't have any contact with a civilian while you are in your suit. It's dangerous. For both of us"
He trusted her, he really did. But he knew that wasn't the only reason, there was more. Still, he wouldn't ask about it, not yet.
"I know " chat noir gave her a small smile when she lifted her head, and then left ready to fight the akuma.
Marinette sighted. And looked at her red kwami (she was lucky the tiny goddess woke up and followed the cat superhero when she heard the crash)
"Come on, Tikki. That cat needs our help"
At least now a have a good excuse of why I couldn't sleep. Marinette thought. She knew that after that dream, she would have be awake all night with or without akuma
I don't want to get emotional, but I really never thought I would get this far, I was super nervous when I posted my idea for the gods au. I hadn't expected so many people to like it!
Thanks to everyone for every like, reblog and comment, it really warms my heart when I see a notification from tumblr. I really appreciate it😁💕
I know there's nothing special about this fanfic, but I'm a sucker for marichat, and chat blanc is f*cking perfect. So I thought it would be a good idea to mix two of my favorite things and write this in celebration of the 100 followers 😋
P.S. If you have any questions about any au, fanfic or whatever, feel free to ask😌
P.S.2. Let me know if you think I should write more about it. For now it's just a one shoot, but I could try to write more if it's good enough
I figured you would like to be tagged when I posted this @squirrellygirlart
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