#maria x alan
cadybear420 · 26 days
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So Alan basically met both of his girlfriends in the bathroom lol
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bakarinaknowsbest · 1 month
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Vol 14 is out.
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samtamdan · 1 year
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igzsatelier · 1 year
Instead of Katarina having a harem, it was you being the main love interest.
Prince Geordo, Prince Alan, Keith and the rest of the noble men and ladies were romantically interested in you. They love you very much the longer they spend time with you.
Except you were in denial about it and you refused to believe that these handsome men and beautiful ladies were in love with you.
There was no way Prince Geordo was interested in you, right? He's too perfect! An absolute fairytale prince that you can't help but feel like you were dragging him down with you!... Huh? Why is he confessing to you? No no no, you're being delusional--
Nicol was so quiet and mysterious. And these awkward silence sessions is seriously killing you. Woah, Nicol has an intense gaze... Wait-- is he angry with you? Did you do something wrong?! Y-You must apologize to him!
You wonder why Mary was always so nice and touchy with you, it's pretty embarrassing and you couldn't return her passionate gaze... Maybe because you were so easy to fool and please... Um-- Uhh?!-- She sounded kinda aggressive towards Alan and Keith. Uwah, scary!
Romance novels weren't something you were into in the first place. It made you feel desperate and pathetic, but reading it with Sophia made you feel safe...
Eep! S-Sophia!-- Why is she pressing her forehead against yours? Maybe because you were sitting too close to her?... Yeah, that must be it! You have to move away before she gets disgusted by you!
Prince Alan looks so cool and amazing!... Unlike you, you feel like your talents weren't good enough no matter how hard you try... Wh-What...? He looks a bit red. Alan thinks you're already amazing in the beginning? That... Th-That!-- M-Make's me really happy...
Keith was so helpful so to you that you couldn't help but feel useless. You feel like you have failed on being a good big sibling to him. I must apologize for being a bad sibling!... Hmm? He's not mad? Then wh-why is he sighing tiredly like that!?-- He probably thinks that you were being pathetic again. Ahh! Need to apologize again!
Maria... Why was she so nice to you? And so kind! A-And beautiful!... It makes your heart flutter to think that she cares about you... Even though you think that you don't deserve it. Oh my god, sh-she's being so radiant! But you can't help but feel guilty that she's putting up with your pathetic self. You should apologize everytime she's with you-- she's far too good for this cruel world!
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fluffygreenkoala · 1 year
Template by @sapphireshineauthor ✨
Here are my HameFura ships 🥰
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What If Michael Was Gayer?
The Frog Brothers and Co didn't succeed in ambushing and assaulting the Lost Boys. The boys tied their assailants up and waited for Max to arrive. Let's just say Michael didn't react very well when Grandpa killed Max.
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Mr William Arthur Emerson
16th July 1915, Santa Carla
31st July 1987, Santa Carla
Killed by Michael T. Emerson
Vampire Hunter
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Mr Maximus Charles “Max” Lawrence
21st July 1943, Santa Carla
31st July 1987, Santa Carla
Killed by William A. Emerson
Owner, Max’s Video Store
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Ms Lucy Emerson
28th March 1948, Santa Carla
31st July 1987, Santa Carla
Killed by Michael T. Emerson
Manager, Max’s Video Store
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Miss Star Grünberg
28th October 1965, Santa Carla
31st July 1987, Santa Carla
Killed by Michael T. Emerson
Cashier, Max’s Video Store
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Mrs Maria Weaver née Lawrence
24th September 1966, Santa Carla
31st July 1987, Santa Carla
Killed by Michael T. Emerson
Cashier, Max’s Video Store
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Mr Alan Stephen Frog
2nd April 1970
31st July 1987, Santa Carla
Killed by Michael T. Emerson
High School Student
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Mr Edgar Patrick Frog
16th July 1971
31st July 1987, Santa Carla
Killed by Michael T. Emerson
High School Student
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Mr Samuel Andrew “Sam” Emerson
23rd December 1971, Santa Carla
31st July 1987, Santa Carla
Killed by Michael T. Emerson
High School Student
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animemakeblog · 2 years
Katarina Claes is the reincarnated character in the video game Fortune Lover. The main characters are Nicol Ascart, Keith Claes, Geordo Stuart, Alan Stuart, Maria Campbell, Sophia Ascart, and Mary Hunt. The series will air in the spring of 2020 and the summer of 2021.
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chibi-di · 17 days
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I wanted to draw a scene in the new light novel of hamefura, when Katarina and Geordo meet their eyes in middle or the people.
This is my first post in like 5 years or more, hope this is not so awful hahahh, I would like to draw also Mary x Alan ans Cyrus x Maria moments of the new light novel.
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loveexxx · 15 days
pairings: y/n x chris sturniolo. Summary: 2 months after your break up with the infamous Chris Sturniolo you meet again. Warnings:use of y/n. A/n: Hey this is my first one so... yeah i hope you guys like it and english isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes.. xx
Part two is up
I was finally feeling great after that long heartbreak. I was out with my friends Maria and Maddison, we were having a good time sitting at the beach and talking... I haven't felt that good in a while.
Fifteen minutes later we met up with some other friends of Maria. They were 2 boys Jacob and Alan.
Maria introduced us and we started talking for a bit and after a while Jacob spoke up
"Hey i heard there was a frat party around here wanna go?" he suggested
I hated frat parties. It was cause of Chris when we were together i used to tag along but after the break up i realised they are no fun really.
"oh yeah i like the sound of that. What about you y/n?" Maddi asked and Maria nodded in agreement.
"Well if you guys want to go you can go i.. uh.. i am not really in the mood for a party" I said and smiled.
Maria frowned "Come on girl you have to come you haven't been in a party for almost 2 months now" She said while Jacob and Alan were looking at us kind of confused of what's going on.
After a while i gave in "Fine" i said "Finally girl now come on" Maria said as Maddi clapped and chuckled.
We started walking towards a random house, it was big, it had 3 storeys and a big backyard with a pool. The backyard was basiclly were the party was.
When we stepped inside Jacob and Alan greeted a familiar face. When i saw who it was i instantly turned to Maddi and Maria.
"Are you seeing Matt too or i am the only one" I said as i grabbed their arms and turned them to their backs.
Maria and Maddi slowly turned their heads back to take a peak."oh girl thats him" Maddi said "i hope Chris is not here" Maria said knowing i was worried if Chris was here too.
"But whatever girl we are here to have fun and even if the loser is still here you have to show him what he is losing, okay?" Maria said and gave me a look.
"Okay.." I said hestitanly "Lets go have fun" Maddi said as we turned around and started heading to Jacob and Alan.
"It was about time you girls came here" Alan said.
"Let me introduc-" Jacob tried to say but was cut off by Maria.
"We already know Matt" she said and turned her gaze to him. "Hi" she said with attitude and i elbowed her.
"Hey" i said to Matt.
"Hello" he said.
The tension was thick and we stood for a minute in silence, but not comfortable silence awkward silence.
Finally Alan and Jacob started catching up with the whole memo and Jacob spoke up "Hey how about we go to the backyard i heard they have vodka your girls favourite" he said and laughed slightly.
Maddi perked up at the mention of vodka "Oh hell yeah come on girls" she said excitedly.
Me and Maria laughed and just followed her while the boys followed close behind us with Matt.
As we headed to the backyard i noticed him.. I noticed Chris he was posted up with a blonde girl making out with her. I felt discusting and i wasn't really good at hiding it cause Maria noticed it almost immediately. She followed my gaze with her's and she saw him.
"Aw girl dont be like that.. He is a loser and he doesn't know what he is losing" She cooed and i just nodded and looked down at the floor while walking.
After a while we sat down near the pool. We were chatting with Matt a bit catching up.. I didn't really have anything towards him he was pretty cool and he seemed like he didn't have something towards me too.
"How's Nick?" i asked Matt.
"oh he is doing fine, y'know he really misses you" Matt said and i smiled.
"Yeah i miss him too he was like my best friend.. I am sorry i cut you off guys it was just... The break up wasn't the easiest.
He nodded "Don't worry about it we are still friends right?" He asked and i perked up a bit.
"Yeah of course" i said and laughed as we continued talking.
After a while someone came over to us.. And me Maria and Maddi weren't really exstatic about his presence here.
"Hey bro" he said and greeted Alan and Jacob. After greeting them he noticed me.
"Hey" he mumbled.
"Hi..." i said as i looked at him.
A/N: I am so sorry for the sudden cut off i just didn't know how to end it but it will for sure have a part 2 soon.. Anyways hope you enjoyed xx
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multifandom006 · 1 year
New Man in town
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Joel Miller x Single mother Reader
warnings: SMUT(ofc) Hair pulling, praise, slapping, Joel and his filthy mouth, rough sex, soft!dom Joel, some angst mentions of abuse (abusive ex husband) DAD JOEL!!!!!!
He was new in Jackson, you haven't met him but you've heard the women talk about the new guy. You come to learn that his name is Joel Miller, Tommy's older brother and he came here with a girl, she was about the same age as your daughter Avery.
walking along side Maria talking about the town and the kids ''So have you met Joel yet?" Maria asked, you shook your head no ''Nope but Avery has made friends with the girl he came with'' you replied ''ah yes, Ellie. she's a funny kid'' Maria said ''but I think you should meet Joel he's nice once you get to know him'' she added, you smiled ''I'm not sure Maria'' you replied kicking the snow under my shoe ''I haven't been on a date since..'' you look at Maria ''I know but I'm not saying go on a date with him, how about this come to mine and Tommy's tonight bring Avery, Joel is coming over as well and he will most likely bring Ellie so the girls can hang out while us adults can mingle'' Maria said with a hopeful smile so you cave ''fine we will come'' you said ''great, come around 7-8, but I have to go check on the horses and make sure Jesse and Dina have done the cleaning properly'' Maria said ''alright I'll see you later''.
When it was time to head over to Maria and Tommy, you felt bundle of nerves hit you like a train ''Mom lets go!'' Avery said standing by the door. You and your daughter headed off to Maria's and you listened to Avery talk about her day with her new Friend Ellie.
The two off you arrive and were greeted by Tommy ''hey girls! come on in'' he said stepping aside to let you two inside, when you walk in you spotted Joel sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand ''Ellie!'' Avery yelled happily to see her friend ''Avery!'' Ellie came over ''Hi ma'am'' Elie said ''Please, call me Y/N Ellie, and I've lovely things about you'' you said giving the girl a warm motherly smile.
The two girls went off outside to hang out while the adults sat in the living room ''Joel I don't think you and Y/N have properly met'' Maria said and looked between the two ''Hi'' you said softly 'he's really handsome' you thought ''Hi Y/N'' Joel said giving his charming smile.
from then you and Joel became great friends but secretly the two of you wanted more, so much more, one day you and Avery were on your way to Joel's place so the girls could hang out together, You knock on the door and was greeted by Joel and his gorgeous smile ''come on in'' he said and the two girls walked inside and Avery and Ellie went off to Ellie's little hang out in the shed leaving you and Joel alone ''those two girls are practically attached to the hip'' Joel said causing you to laugh softly, and hearing your laugh made Joel smile ''you want some coffee?" Joel asked ''please'' you answer and made your way over to the couch while Joel went into his kitchen to make himself and you some coffee.
Joel brought over your mug and sat beside you ''thank you'' you said talking the mug ''no problem Darlin'' he said and drank his coffee, hearing the nickname he gave you caused heat to form in your cheeks and between your legs ''if you don't mind me asking, were is Avery's dad?'' Joel asked you sigh and put the mug down ''he died a while ago'' you replied ''shit...sorry I didn't-'' you cut him off ''Joel its fine..he was a piece of shit'' you said and Joel looked at you waiting for you to continue ''his name was Alan..he was abusive and so cruel to Avery'' you said and looked down ''he'd hit me for no reason till I was begging him to stop...sometimes he'd make her watch and say 'this is what will happen to you if you don't do as your told' '' after you finished Joel grabbed your hand and held it ''you did NOT deserve that sweetheart'' He said with a soft husky voice, you stare at Joel and your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips ''i...I would never treat you the way he did..'' Joel said scooting closer gently placing his hand on your cheek ''Joel...' you whispered ''let me prove it to you'' he said and before you knew it Joel had kissed you, his lips were soft and the feeling of sadness just washed away, you kissed him back and put your head against his ''lets take this upstairs'' Joel whispered and before you could reply he lifted you up and took you up to his room.
The two of you made it to Joels room and both already started getting undress ''get on your hands and knees'' Joel said and you did as he said and he groaned at the sight of your wet cunt ''did I make you this wet?" he asked placing his hands on your ass, you nod ''y..yes'' you mumbled, Joel sent a slap to your ass causing a moan to escape your lips ''I couldn't hear you say that again'' Joel said ''yes Joel.. you made me wet'' you said ''Good and I'm gonna make a mess of this pretty pussy'' Joel said and pushed his thumb on her clit ''oh..fuck'' you moaned softly as he rubbed the sensitive nub, Joel teased the fuck out of you ''Joel please please just fuck me'' you begged looking back at him ''I will sweet thing I will'' he said dropping his jeans and rubbing his hard cock between your soaking wet folds, before you knew it Joel had pushed himself into you ''Fuckkkk your cunt is so god damn tight'' Joel said and started thrusting into you hard, you bit down on your Lip and hid your face in your arms but Joel wasn't having that, he reached over keeping one hand on your hips and the other into your hair grabbing a fist full pulling you back ''dont you even think about hiding those moans, I wanna hear how good I'm fucking you'' he said and you nodded letting out your moans as Joel fucked you harder. Joel gave your ass a hard slap ''fucking pretty pussy taking my cock, such a good cunt'' he said as he held your hips tight the two of you grew close to cumming ''Joel..Joel m'gonna cum'' you mumbled out being fucked dumb ''me too sweet girl, me too'' he said moving faster ''cum inside please Joel I want it inside'' you begged ''shit..ill cum in you baby'' Joel said and went to town before cumming with you, you and Joel panted heavily.
Joel pulled out and helped clean you up, the two of you laid in bed and you rested your head on his chest ''i....I love you Joel'' you said softly and Joel looked at you ''I love you too Darlin'' he said kissing your head.
a couple years went by and you had it all, you watched as Joel taught Avery how to play the guitar and you helped Ellie with some homework she was given. You had your family, it was all you needed.
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cadybear420 · 28 days
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Time to make headcanons about Alan's ex girlfriend.
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bakarinaknowsbest · 2 months
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The cover of vol 14
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CFWC F/AtoW: Sep 1 - 7, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA+
Whispers in the Fog ✒️ | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @storyofmychoices
Pumpkin Soup ✒️ | Adrian Raines x F!MC - @kinda-iconic
Aiden Zhou in Marching Band Outfit 🎨🏳️‍🌈 | Aiden Zhou - @cadybear420
Alan Parke in his full prom outfit 🎨🏳️‍🌈 | M!MC - @cadybear420
Birthday Surprises ✒️🏳️‍🌈 | Maria Flores x F!MC - @lover-also-fighter-also
Because There is Love 🎨 | Martin Vanderwall x NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
A Sweet Ending ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Grounds for Dismissal ✒️ | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Perfect Day ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
Red Haired Girl 📱 | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
Sienna and Pikachu 🎨 | Sienna Trinh - @sazanes
How Will I Live Without You (Series) ✒️ | Rafael Aveiro x F!MC - @rafasgirl23415 Part 4
Marabelle (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @tessa-liam Chapter 15: Life Goes On - Part 2
Princesa Real 2 (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @belencha77 Chapter 42: Verades Ocultas Chapter 43: Encuentros y Revelaciones
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arataka-reigen · 1 year
My Katarina ship tier list:
Katarina x Maria - top tier with bonus villain x hero
Katarina x Sophia - top tier with bonus soulmates through reincarnation
Katarina x Mary - top tier with bonus of absolute devotion on one side
Katarina x Alan - top tier with bonus i just think alan is neat
Katarina x Geordo - meh tier
Katarina x Nicol - meh tier² and this boy has zero personality
Katarina x Keith - shit tier THEY'RE SIBLINGS
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logo-comics · 3 months
Pairing: Catarina x Maria
Title: Commoner Dancing
"You are joking, aren't you?" Katarina Claes asked in an awed whisper, her eyes wide.
"No, the Flower Dance is an important tradition for maidens of my village," Maria replied sincerely, "I would like to share this dance with you, if you'll indulge me, Lady Katarina."
"B-but why me?" Katarina asked, feeling a blush blooming in her cheeks.
"Because you're you, and there's no one else I'd rather do this with," Maria replied honestly.
"What?" Katarina asked, recalling what she'd heard about the Flower Dance from Acchan when she spoiled part of Alan's route.
So why was she inviting Katarina to dance with her, instead of the capture targets?
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pumpkinsouppe · 10 months
All of this art except for one is from 2021 and which is when I just started learning how to do digital art fhdsjkfnsdjk
First is the piece i do a yearly digital redraw of (I need to work on this years ooopsies)
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Next I believe the first is an anime screenshot redraw and the second is a light novel artwork redraw (I need to get back into reading the light novels) I also forgot the guys name is Jord/Geordo what the fuck is that name fejkfnde
I find Katarina x Geordo so amusing because it makes so many of the characters mad 😭😭😭 although I think my personal favorite ship is with Alan or Maria
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And last is just a sketch of Katarina
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I should also make on the verge of doom art I absolutely loved that mini manga spinoff
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