#maria ot
juantinarchive · 2 months
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wosoandstuff · 8 months
Yo no estoy viendo OT este año pero siempre ayudando a los culers🫡
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jackredfieldwasmyjacob · 11 months
wait i was watching this random youtube video to distract myself of this person's top 3 non qualifiers in esc from every country from 2015-2023 and the spanish were, in this order (i kid you not)
3. terra - tanxugueiras (based)
2. nadie se salva - miki & natalia lacunza (??????)
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a-spes · 6 months
I litteraly can't stop thinking about this post from @whumped-by-glitter ~ Like, can we (please) take a minute to think about how perfect it's for Wandanat or BlackHill x young!R where they take her out of the Red Room?? | Warnings & Tags : messy blurb? (imagine? idk, just wanting to share my thoughts, and couldn't stop writing), mainly BlackHill, mentions of the Red Room/past abuses, no idea if that makes sense. Imagine, teen or young adult R that fails a mission, and is captured by SHIELD/The Avengers. R isn't really cooperative, even if she is not under mind control anymore, she firmly believes that. However, Nat just can't accept the idea of leaving her rotting in a cell for the rest of her life for something that isn't really her fault. Despite what R can say, Natasha wants to believe that it's not true, and that she will be able to show her that life is way more than the Red Room.
But it's not that easy. Nat more than anyone else knows that you don't come back from the Red Room that easily, and she can only assumes that it would be worst for someone that went under mind control. And she was right. At first, she tried to introduce you to how life outside is, how sweet it could be, but she quickly noticed that it didn't work. Whenever she asks you a question about what you would like, she gets no answer. If she doesn't tell you to eat or to go somewhere, you don't do it. The amount of time you didn't followed her or talked because she didn't especially told you to do so is insane, especially in the beginning. So she decides to do what she thinks it's best, even if she hates it: giving you order, being stern with you, offering you a place you know, where you feel safe (no matter how sick it's) because you can predict it, a space where you'll be fine as long as you do as your ask. The world is a big and scary place in which to evolve in, especially when you don't have the keys to understand it - what you do something you're not supposed to, and you're punished for that? R will eventually come here, but it'll definitely takes a lot of time.
But obvsiouly Nat' is hating herself for that. She knows she has to do it, for you, but it doesn't make it easier. She does it because she believes it will help you to feel better, and because if you're under her orders, they have less reasons to be worried that you would attend something under Dreykov's name (or try to go back to him). She feels guilty, and old thoughts about her not being better than the man that made them are coming back. But Maria/Wands are here to help their wife <3
AND SO, here is how I see things if it's WandaNat we're talking about - I picture Wands as the soft mom she is shown as in Wandavision, and she would definitely not appreciate Nat's methods. She trusts her wife, she knows that she has her reasons, and it must be the best way to help you, but she still doesn't like it. She hates the way you always look down, the way you would do everything her wife is asking without thinking twice about it, and most of it, she hates when you're calling Nat' "ma'am" or something else of that kind. She hates even more than her wife isn't saying anything. She didn't know you for long, but she already loves you as her own, and it pains her when you reject her. Sometimes, she and Nat would argue about the whole situation (and those arguments would definitely go too far).
BUT imagine if it's BlackHill?? Even better in my opinion, and definitely can't stop thinking about it ~ Because, unlike Wanda, Maria is directly concerned. She read your file, she saw footages of you killing dozens of people, she tracked you, lost men in the process, and she saw how you didn't seem to regret anything when she questioned you. So Maria has every reasons to be worried, especially for her wife's security (physically and mentally). What if it's just a part of a biggest plan to attempt to kill the redhead? Or worst, to take her back there? I can easily Maria being upset, and taking it out on the other recruit she is training (poor them), not daring to do much more than glaring at you, knowing her wife wouldn't appreciate. And even if she doesn't appreciate R, she trusts and love her wife, so she lets her do her thing. But she is always somewhere looking at you with a stern face, waiting for the moment you would make a mistake to step-in. But you never really make a mistake, always following Nat's orders at the perfection, which is kinda frustrating because then she has no reason to get rid of you. Except if one day R's misunderstood one of Nat's orders, which lead to a heavy situation <3 It's honestly the only situation I imagine leading to an argument between Maria & Nat. Like, maybe you hurt someone or stole something or idk, thinking you did good, and they would be proud, but when you come in the room they're just looking at you with that shocked face. But you did what you had to, no? That's exactly what you were asked to do, so why are they angry? AND IMAGINE THE ANGST FROM NOW. R's confusion, Nat' desesperatly trying to find a solution, trying to convince Maria that it was just a mistake (that was her fault because she is the one that wasn't careful with her words) but she doesn't change her mind. Pulling the "what if it happens again?" and "I am your superior, you don't get to discuss my order" cards, knowing that it would pain Nat', but she has to do it in order to keep her safe. Bonus point if Nat turns to Fury, trying to convince him as she knows her wife won't change her mind, but he doesn't say much, just agreeing with her agent, mumbling a simple "sorry" Nat doesn't want to hear. Obviously, it would eventually
AND (because there is more), I also can't stop thinking about that comment from @light-me-on-pyre ;
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Like, I can easily imagine R hating Nat'. It would make so much sense because she grew up in a place where Nat' was pictured as the enemy, the one that betrayed "the ones that gave everything to her". But it wouldn't be the exact reason why R is hating Nat'. I mean, right, she hates her because she left, but mainly because of the consequences it had for the ones that came after - the worsened conditions, the mind control, etc - and how she succeed what's supposed to be impossible: leaving the Red Room. Not only physically, but mentally. Imagine R seeing Nat' on the news when she is on a mission or seeing her interacting with Maria/the Avengers, witnessing Nat' being happy. It's something she was told she doesn't deserve/will never have from a young age, so why would Nat' have the right to be happy when so many didn't? It was so much easier to hate on Nat' than on Dreykov all these years because she wasn't here, and no one would blame her to do so. But now? It's easier to continue hating Nat', for R to convince herself that the redhead is bad despite the appearances because it's easier than admitting that her whole life is a lie (kinda). And the fact that Nat' has to take the "bad guy" role in order to help R only makes things easier because, in the end, she is not different from the others, right? And so, as Nat' can't provide R the comfort she needs, it's all on Maria (at least for the beginning) who doesn't have a choice. But we all know that despite her cold demeanour, she is all soft, she is just scared for the ones she loves <3 Which includes Nat', because she saw how her wife is affected by your arrival. First, she has nightmares again because, with you, inevitably came back old memories and traumas. Then, Maria can see how her wife is so invested in your case that she barely sleep/eat/ (which is one of the reasons why she doesn't really appreciate R ...). But also, what would happen if they can't save you?
Bonus point if things get better but something happen, and everything get worse again, throwing away all these months of progress. But what if they don't have the patience to start all over again?
It's definitely (one of) my favorite trope because the amount of angst/comfort it holds is insane, and I am going crazy about it (you can tell by the lenght of that post that was supposed to be a few lines ...). Do I want to write something like that when I already have too many WIPs? Yes. Will I do it? I don't know, but I'll definitely be thinking about it 24/24 & 7/7.
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ladymariayuri · 5 months
I just realized now that im employed i can slowly build up my bloodborne fund again. So far i have 19 dolalrs and 7 cents in it. On god we are going ot get me my lady maria yuri
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teecupangel · 1 year
Hello. I wanted to ask for some thing soft and heart warming for assassins. These guys rarely get enough kindness. The life of an assassin is just too dark and full of violence for a human. They can hardly trust, hardly love, hardly enjoy the moment and worse ot all "They didn't even choose to live like that." They were just humans wanted to live but turned into killing machines is just... not fair. These guys(Altair, Ezio, Desmond) really need some one to take care of them after hard missions, heal their wounds, hear their words and help them get through all rough things ahead of them.
If you don't mind it would be perfect if you use the wild assassins that were some times behaving like animals. Use girlfriends, friends and boy friends or whatever that is better. And I think it would be much more exiting if Altair had joined Maria during her journey. That during a fight Altair lost his controll and even hurt Maria but she just calmed him down so he wouldn't get afraid to get close to people he loves.
Anyway I love you. I love your blog. Take care of yourself angle.
I know you wanted a Maria calming Altaïr version for this one but this idea just wanted to be written. I hope you still enjoy this:
The first time he held his son in his arms, he didn’t know what to do. He had never held a baby before and he looked so… fragile.
Altaïr had been afraid.
Afraid that he would hurt such an innocent small child.
Yet, Maria was patient with him, whispering softly to not wake the child.
Although Altaïr couldn’t help but think she was trying not to spook him instead.
He was warm.
And so small in his arms.
Altaïr couldn’t believe it, couldn’t even fathom the very idea that this was his son.
That this child was a gift, created with love that Altaïr never dreamed of ever having himself.
So when the child opened his eyes and stared at Altaïr with such curious trusting eyes…
Altaïr couldn’t help the tears that fell from his eyes.
He couldn’t help the way he leaned down, touched the baby’s forehead with his gently…
As he whispered…
“Hello, Darim.” His voice cracked as he continued, “I’m your father…”
And saying those clumsy awkward words…
Made everything feel real.
He was a father.
He had a son.
And, even as tears continued to fall from his eyes…
It was the happiest day of his life.
Leonardo did not ask any questions, he simply opened the door to his workshop and guided Ezio to the small room with a bathtub with a gentle push. Ezio’s hands were still drenched in the blood of Uberto Alberti.
The rage had come to pass, leaving Ezio feeling… empty.
He needed to return to his mother and sister.
He needed to get them out of Firenze.
His hands wouldn’t stop shaking.
“It’s alright, Ezio.” Leonardo whispered softly as he took Ezio’s hands, helping him take off…
Clothes that felt so big…
Clothes that didn’t even belong to him.
It belonged to him now because…
Ezio’s breath hitched as Leonardo washed away the blood and sweat with water. Once the water ran clear, Leonardo guided him into the bathtub and Ezio’s muscles relaxed even though his mind stayed in that ever cycling limbo of alertness and numbness.
“Take your time, my friend.” Leonardo whispered as he patted Ezio’s shoulder, “The guards will not come here.”
Ezio nodded and closed his eyes, letting the water warm his body.
Just for a few minutes…
He’d stay here for just a few minutes…
Once the water is cool and the guards have stopped looking for him…
He will do as he must…
As an Auditore.
The homestead was too quiet.
It had always been shrouded in silence but…
Now that Achilles was gone…
It had become too quiet.
Ratonhnhaké:ton stepped out of the office where he was planning out the next convoys just in time to see the door open.
“Hello, Hunter.” Ratonhnhaké:ton greeted with a nod as the young child grinned at him, holding the door knob with both hands raised above his head.
A few feet outside, he could see Warren waving at him.
Ratonhnhaké:ton nodded at Warren before his attention was caught by Hunter, “Mother’s cooking looots of food for my birthday! You must come!”
Hunter gave him a grin that showed some of his teeth still missing as he asked, “Please? Pllleeeaassseee?”
Ratonhnhaké:ton chuckled as he nodded, “Of course. It would be an honor to celebrate this wonderful day with you.”
Hunter grabbed his hand with both of his hands and Ratonhnhaké:ton let the child drag him out of the silent manor.
A small smile appearing on his face as they walk towards the tavern instead of Warren and Prudence’s home.
The tavern was noisy, filled with the merry voices and music.
And Ratonhnhaké:ton chuckled when Maria, Ellen’s daughter, grabbed his other hand as she began to tell him about the feast everyone was making…
To celebrate Hunter’s birthday.
And when he got inside, Prudence wrapped her arms around him, thanking him once more for being there to help her.
And Ratonhnhaké:ton’s smile grew.
As the noises of merriment warmed his heart.
“You’re gonna get a cold if you stay out like this.” Rebecca commented as she placed a blanket over Desmond’s shoulders. Desmond simply hummed as he kept his attention on the evening sky, littered with so many stars.
“You okay?” Rebecca asked softly as she sat next to Desmond.
The back garden of Villa Auditore wasn’t as maintained as it used to be but Rebecca couldn’t help but think it was just as beautiful as it was before.
“Yeah. Just…” Desmond looked at his hands, “Had an episode.”
“Oh.” Rebecca hesitated for a moment before she asked, “Want to talk about it?”
“I felt him.” Desmond said quietly, “Altaïr’s son…”
“He was… so small.” Desmond dropped his hands and sighed as he looked up at the sky once more, “And… I felt Altaïr’s…”
“Happiness.” Desmond said so quietly that Rebecca almost didn’t hear him.
Desmond sighed as he admitted, “Sorry. Just… wanted to get some fresh air after that.”
“Don’t worry about.” Rebecca’s lips curved into a small smile as she said, “I told Lucy and Shaun that the Animus needed some time to update anyway. And…”
Rebecca leaned close as she whispered, “The update won’t finish until I type the code.”
Desmond turned to look at her as she leaned back, blinking with an unsure expression on his face. Rebecca’s smile became gentler and she patted Desmond’s back as she said, “So… take your time, Desmond.”
Desmond’s eyes briefly widened before he looked away.
He kept his eyes on the evening sky as he whispered, “Thanks…”
Rebecca simply patted his back once more and said nothing more.
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POV; Where’s Waldo but make it Romanov edition:
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I’ll give you time to figure it out *hint, it’s Olga that your trying to find*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ahem i present to you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna hiding in the curtains at Evpatoria in 1916, surrounded by her family, Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duchesses Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia Nikolaevna, and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich
Also featured is Anna Vyrubova (friend of the family), and Margarita “Rita” Khitorovo (friend of OT and fellow Sister of Mercy)
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lumenflowered · 6 months
Deep breaths, Maria. I understand the situation is not ideal, but please take breaths. It is far too easy to forget that. Is there one of your Pokémon that you can hold to calm yourself?
N ot idea l is
putting it. L ifntly
[A blurry picture is attached of something vaguely Arcanine-shaped sprawled upon Maria’s lap.]
Is m rmembering to breath e I asure yo u
I spen t too lon g not
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Hi, do you have any favourite Olga Nikolaevna quotes? Either about her or something she wrote.
Hello! Yes I have many quotes! Olga was such a kind soul and is often interpreted as the “saddest sister” which is partly true, but she was so much more than that sad label. 💗
“Marie darling! Sleep well and have a good dream, i.e. Nikolai]. Dm. [Demenkov Maria's crush] (idiot) I've already tied up my second grey person - mean stockings (so tired). Ortipo was sweet. He got on Mama's sleeping berth and made an amazing green 'Governor' on it . . . Well, good night, I kiss you and pat you on your chubby, appetising cheeks. Your sister, O Romanova +” - Olga to Maria, 31st October/13th November 1914”
"One day, Petrov asked Olga Nikolaevna to name a white object for him. My blouse, replied the Grand Duchess. And a black object?" My slate pencil. And a green one?' My sister Tatiana.' That really was the tint of her complexion." - Romanov Royal Martyrs
“Olga experienced the death of someone dear to her for the first time. Her cousin Elisabeth, also eight years old, the daughter of her mother's brother, Ernst, died of the same disease that she herself had suffered earlier [Typhoid Fever]. Then they explained to Olga that God had taken the soul of her little cousin close to Himself, and that later He would take also her body Elisabeth died in November of 1903. One month later, on Christmas morning, Olga awoke early and asked whether God had taken Elisabeth's body the previous night. When her nanny, Mrs. Eagar, replied, "Oh no, dear, not yet." She was greatly disappointed, and said, "I thought He would have sent for her to keep Christmas with Him." - Six Years At The Russian Court by Margaretta Eagar”
“Father asks to have it passed on to all who have remained loyal to him and to those on whom they might have influence, that they not avenge him; he has forgiven and prays for everyone; and not to avenge themselves, but to remember that the evil which is now in the world will become yet more powertul, and that it is not evil that conquers evil, but only love.” - Olga, late spring 1918
“As the Grand-Duchesses were losing all their hair as the result of their illness, their heads have been shaved. When they go out in the park they wear scarves arranged so as to conceal the fact. Just as I was going to take their photographs, at a sign from Olga Nicolaievna they all suddenly removed their headdress. I protested, but they insisted, much amused at the idea of seeing themselves photographed like this, and looking forward to seeing the indignant surprise of their parents. Their good spirits reappear from time to time in spite of everything. It is their exuberant youth. - Thirteen Years At The Russian Court by Pierre Gilliard
“The girls were all very good-looking. The eldest, the Grand Duchess Olga Nicolaevna, was fair and tall, with smiling blue eyes, a somewhat short nose, which she called ‘my humble snub,’ and lovely teeth. She had a remarkably graceful figure and was d beautiful rider and dancer. She was the cleverest ot the sisters, and was very musical, having, her teachers said, an "absolutely correct ear." She could play by ear anything she had heard, and could transpose complicated pieces of music, play the most difficult accompaniments at sight, and her touch on the piano was delightful. She sang prettily in a mezzosoprano. She was lazy dit practising, but when the spirit moved her she would play by the hour. Olga Nicolaevna was very straightforward, sometimes too outspoken, but always sincere. She had great charm, and could be the merriest of the merry. When she was a schoolgirl, her unfortunate teachers had every possible practical joke played on them by her. When she grew up, she was always ready for any amusement. She was generous, and an appeal to her met with immediate response. "Oh, one must help poor so-and-so. I must do it somehow," she would say. Her more caretul sister, Tatiana, would suggest practical measures, would note names and details, and come back to the subject later out of a sense ot duty. Olga Nicolaevna was devoted to her father. The horror of the Revolution told on her more keenly than on any of the others. She changed completely, and all her bright spirits disappeared”. - Baroness Sophie Buxhoevden
“Of the four girls, Olga and Marie were essentially Russian, altogether Romanov in their inheritance. Olga was perhaps the cleverest ot them all, her mind being so quick to grasp ideas, so absorbent of Knowledge that she learned almost without application or close study. Her chiet characteristics, I should say, were a strong will and a singularly straightfor. ward habit of thought and action. Admirable qualities in a woman, these same characteristics are often trying in childhood, and Olga as a little gl sometimes showed herself wilful and even disobedient. She had a hot temper which, however, she early learned to keep under control, and had she been allowed to live her natural life she woul I believe, have become a woman of influence and distinction.” - Anna Vyrubova
“…Austria declared war on us. Bastards.” - Olga Nikolaevna, July 24th 1914
“We know little about this great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria. We have seen pictures of her sitting with her sisters, standing alone in Court dress, or on horseback in the uniform of her regiment. We have heard details of her life, of her devotion to her sisters, her parents, her little brother, but few know that her mental-ity, her intelligence, her gifts, would have made her a remarkable personality, had she lived.” - Meriel Buchanan
Thank you for asking and sorry this took billions of years for me to answer! 🤍
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m0on-shro0m · 6 months
Currently thinking about my AU that’s just Sonic x Silent Hill.
Shadow is the protagonist, because I find it funny that James and Him almost have similarities in their trauma’s involved with their two loved ones dying in front of them (except the other murdered the their’s…).
Like listen, imagine the classic famous scene between James and Maria that go “I’m here for you James. See? I’m real.” BUT REPLACE OT WITH SHADOW AND HIS MARIA (Who the duplicate will be called Mary [tehe])!
I haven’t decided if I wanted to put the other characters there, like Sonic for example. I’m leaning more towards Metal showing up, since he’s my pookie and I love him so much.
Either way, im thinking that Shadow goes to Silent Hill like the same with how James shows up, but instead seeing if Maria is alive, it’s to see who the fuck wrote him that letter (Either to beat the shit out of them, or he’s got his classic amnesia).
I actually wrote a small bit between Shadow’s and Mary’s (Maria duplicate) greeting. Not showing it yet because not finished unless I never touch it again which is more likely.
Anyways that’s about it that I have for this small rant about aus and shit. Please talk to me more about this Au if anyone is listening.
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juantinarchive · 3 months
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🖤 🖤
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aylacavebear · 7 months
She Thought She was Normal
This chapter is the SMUT. If you're under 18, walk away.
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. This is the Chapter 18+!
Word Count: 5678
Warnings: SPS, SMUT! (told you it was coming), Fluff, Loss of Virginity, Unprotected sex (Remember to wrap it up, you're not a Nephilim)
----------------------------------------- Chapter 23 Pt. 2
He smirked a bit but didn’t reply. Jess would at least keep Sam out of the shower room. It was Dean that Maria was mildly worried about. She grabbed a pair of grey sweats and an oversized, worn-in light blue t-shirt before she headed to the shower room.
It had an open floor plan with several showering areas and several sinks across from the showers. It reminded her of the gym locker rooms a high school would have where several people could shower at once. The front of all the shower stalls were open, with no curtain. She wasn’t overly fond of the color though. Maria set her things down on one of the benches before undressing and heading to one of the shower stalls. She didn’t mind, figuring no one would bother her.
Jess hadn’t been kidding about the shower pressure. The smaller bathrooms were great but this felt like it was on a whole new level, massage level pressure. She thought perhaps it was for the higher-ranking Men of Letters. She let the hot water just flow over her tense muscles. It felt amazing and she let herself get lost in the feeling, as well as her body relaxing. So much so, that she didn’t even realize anyone had gone into the shower room.
He had seen the steam coming out of the shower room and had gotten too curious not to look. It could only be one person and he knew it. There was a small smirk on his lips as he went through the open door of the room, seeing the steam emanating from the second stall. He couldn’t see her, not from where he was standing, so he slowly inched closer. Dean leaned against the sink that was across from the shower stall she was in, taking in the sight of her as the water flowed down her body.
“Was your shower occupied?” he asked her, a bit teasingly, with his arms crossed, smirking.
She screamed slightly, surprised before she looked over at him, putting her hand over her racing heart, trying to catch her breath. Once she did though, she rolled her eyes, “Just come here to window shop some more?” she retorted in a teasing way before leaning back under the flow of water.
Dean had to take a deep breath as his eyes slowly trailed down her body and then back up it, “You look good all wet like that,” he teased her, seductively. Maria grabbed the shampoo and began washing her hair, but glanced at him. She debated several things but after the research she’d done, she wasn’t sure if she was ready to take that particular plunge or cause him any pain if she couldn’t. She sighed and focused on her hair, “I don’t want to hurt you…” she replied.
He looked at her, somewhat confused, “Why do you think you’ll hurt me? I’m just watching you,” he asked, perplexed.
“I know what happens, to guys… when they get too turned on and don’t get that… release…” she replied, a bit shyly, “and well, I don’t want to do that to you.”
Dean managed to keep himself from chuckling at her, “Is that what you were looking up earlier?” he asked, finding her quite amusing but also sweet.
She blushed and couldn’t look over at him, “Uh… kind of…”
He pushed off the sink, arms still crossed, and walked closer to her shower stall, staying back far enough that he wouldn’t get wet, “Then, if you looked that up, there are other ways. We don’t have to have sex,” he told her, licking his lips and taking in the sight of her. He could look at her all day, and so much more.
Maria rinsed her hair, tilting her head back into the flow of water and Dean bit his lip, taking a deep breath. He watched how the suds from the shampoo in her hair traveled down her body with the flow of the water. She glanced over at him afterward, and blushed because of how he was looking at her, “I know… I’m, well…” she looked away and sighed, “I’m shy, okay?”
He took another deep breath and looked up at her, debating his next words, “Do you trust me?” he asked her, softly. He had no intentions of pushing her into anything she wasn’t wanting to do. He could however see her curiosity.
She felt those anxious feelings again, and forced herself to take a deep breath, attempting to calm them, then nodded her head a bit, “Mmhhmm,” she hummed nervously.
Go slow, Dean told himself as he undressed and got in the shower with her. She’d barely looked over at him, but once he was standing in front of her, she looked up at him, her chest tightening again. He smiled softly at her though, setting his hands on her upper arms.
“It’s okay, we can go slow and we’ll only do what you’re comfortable with. Okay?” he told her, and she could see the sincerity in his eyes.
She took another deep breath and nodded her head a little as she looked up into his eyes. His soft smile and gentle gaze helped relax her. His heart was pounding in his chest as he reached up and caressed her cheek before he leaned down and kissed her. It was slow at first, gentle as he let his other hand move up her arm, over her shoulder, and then down her back. She had to break the kiss between them to take a deep breath as her body shivered under his touch. It was far more intense than she thought it would be.
“Are you okay?” he asked, concerned, leaving his hand on the small of her back, just resting there.
“Yeah… just didn’t realize, umm… how sensitive I was…” she replied, attempting to calm her breathing. She knew she was sensitive, just not to this extent. No one had ever touched her, not like this.
He had remembered that from when she’d gotten her tattoo and the research he’d done on SPS. He already knew what he was getting into and was actually looking forward to it, “If you want me to stop, just let me know, okay?” he told her, gently, gazing down into her eyes.
Again she nodded a bit. Dean slowly moved her so that he was under the water and she was in front of him before he leaned down and kissed her neck, loving the way she inhaled deeply. He took his hand from her cheek and slid it down her arm, then gently moved her hand so that it was on his chest. He held it there for a moment as he slowly peppered her neck and shoulder with kisses, feeling his breathing increase with how she was responding. 
She’d read plenty but nothing could have prepared her for the actual experience. The one thing she hadn’t taken into account was how sensitive her body was. Dean’s lips sent electricity through her body, down all her nerves, right to her core. When he’d moved her hand though, she just let her hand sit there feeling his heart rate under her touch. She finally moved her hand along his chest, now feeling his muscles flexed under her fingers and he groaned into her neck. 
Go slow, he told himself again as he felt her other hand now on his back, moaning quietly against the flesh of her neck. He let his hands slowly move along her body, starting on her back, before they found their way to her sides, then her hips where he gripped them, just a bit. When he heard that soft moan leave her lips, he smirked happily, letting his right hand move up her side, along her ribs, and just under her breast. He felt her body almost quiver at that. 
Her heart was pounding, her body felt like it was on fire, and there was a feeling building that she’d never felt before, but she was enjoying it, immensely. She found a bit of courage though, and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his collarbone. Their bodies were practically touching and she felt his hardness against her body but couldn’t bring herself to look there. When she felt him brush his finger over her nipple though, she felt like her knees were going to give out on her, and she bit her lip, attempting to stifle another moan.
He felt her relax a little as her hands began slowly moving over his body, his muscles flexing under her touch and he loved the way her soft hands felt against his skin. Dean gently took her nipple between his fingers, teasing it, loving the sounds that she made, music to his ears. He let his other hand slowly move down her thigh, teasing the outside before his fingers danced across the front, then moved more to her center.
“Dean… I…” she attempted, but her knees were already almost too weak to keep her standing.
He quickly moved both his hands and held her up at her hips before he looked down at her. Her cheeks were red. She was breathing heavily and all he could do was smile, “It’s okay, I’ve got you. If you want to keep going, we can always head to one of our rooms,” he suggested but didn’t push.
She smiled a bit, her body still feeling fairly shaky, “Might not be a bad idea,” she breathed, biting her bottom lip a bit, more in anticipation than anything.
Dean smiled more with that before he reached back and turned off the water. He helped her out of the shower stall and handed her a towel while he grabbed one for himself. She watched him, taking in his physical appearance. She’d never really looked, not before last night when she’d seen him without a shirt on. And now, she almost couldn’t take her eyes off of him. The way his body looked reminded her of those statues that you’d find in a museum, only much more endowed. A small smirk formed on her lips as she finally turned away from him to dry her hair a bit so it wasn’t dripping. He mostly dried off, then just wrapped the towel around his waist. Dean gathered his clothes, then both her piles of clothes as she wrapped her towel around her, over her chest. “Come on,” he smiled, nodding toward the door. 
She again bit her lip, trying to keep from smiling more than she already was but followed him. The hallway floor was cold under her bare feet and she shivered a little. Something she’d never done was pleasure herself. That might sound weird to some but with the path of revenge she’d gone on, it just wasn’t part of her priorities. She’d been lost in thought as she followed him, watching the ways his muscles flexed while he walked, wanting to touch him, and that made her smile again. At least the fear had retreated, she thought to herself, then looked down at the floor. She took a deep breath, feeling more anticipation now, almost bumping into him when he stopped, not having been paying attention. So, as a save, she just wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her body against his back, then kissed along the back of his shoulder.
He groaned when he felt her lips against his skin and closed his eyes for a moment, his hand on the doorknob to his room, the other holding their clothes. His cock twitched under his towel before he finally opened the door to his room. He also heard her giggle a little before she let go of him and slid inside his room, under his arm. Little minx, he thought to himself, smiling. Dean went into his room and closed the door, again reminding himself to go slow with her. He set their clothes on his desk before he looked back over to her. Dean took note of her expression and her body language. She was smiling a little, looking like a mix of nervous and excited. Her hair was a bit messy and some of it had fallen over her shoulders. If only she knew how utterly beautiful he found her.
“We can still stop, any time you want. Okay?” he told her softly as he stepped closer, setting his hands on her hips again.
She took a deep breath as she looked up at him, this time putting her arms over his shoulders, lacing her fingers behind his neck, tilting her head a little, “Thanks, for being so patient with me.”
He smirked happily. She could swear that was just how he smiled. Then he leaned down and kissed her, again beginning slowly, teasing at her bottom lip with his tongue. She knew he was asking for access, and she allowed it, their tongues dancing intimately as she felt him give her hips a gentle squeeze before she closed her eyes. Dean slowly moved his hand up her side, finding the top of her towel where she’d tucked it together, then, let it fall to the floor. She shivered for a moment before she felt his hands on her again, slowly, gently letting his fingers dance along her skin, tracing the curves of her body.
All he could do was remind himself to go slow, at her pace, and not move too quickly. He knew all of this was a first for her and she was the most physically sensitive woman he’d ever been with. Dean slowly moved her over to the bed, helping her sit down on the edge before he broke the kiss with her.
“Get comfortable,” he told her gently.
She took a deep breath. Her entire body felt like it was warm and the cool air was nice but it didn’t feel as though it was helping her cool off any. She bit her bottom lip before she slid herself up near the pillows, laying down on her back. For a moment, she stared at the ceiling, trying to slow her breathing down, as well as her racing heart, her hands on her stomach. Maria was comfortable with her body, so lying naked there didn’t bother her.
“You okay, Sweetheart?” he asked her, standing at the foot of the bed for a moment. One thing he didn’t want was for her to feel pushed into doing anything she wasn’t ready for.
Maria partially sat up, using her elbows as braces, tilting her head a bit, trying not to smile like a giddy teenager, “Yeah, I’m okay. Just too warm to get under the covers.”
Dean took a deep breath, taking in the sight of her lying there, in his bed, licked his lips as he sucked the bottom one between his teeth. God she was beautiful, he thought to himself. He left his towel on, hoping it would help him at least not rush. She watched him as he climbed on the bed and laid on his side, as close to her as he could, propping himself up with his elbow. Maria laid back down and looked into his eyes, a soft, appreciative smile played into her expression. However, when she felt his fingers along her skin again, she inhaled deeply.
He watched her close her eyes as his hand explored her body, slowly, tracing her curves with his fingers. The quiet moans and whimpers she was making were music to his ears. When his hand reached her stomach, where her hands were, she slowly moved them, one to her side, between them, the other to his chest, before she opened her eyes and looked up at him again. He had a soft smile as he leaned down and kissed her, going slowly. Butterfly kisses, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes again, kissing him back, remembering to breathe between them. She felt his hand move further down along her stomach, then moaned into the kiss when his fingers began tracing her tattoo.
Dean began kissing along her jaw, moving to her neck, slowly as he slid his hand further down, then along the top of her thigh. He felt the muscles in her thigh tense for a moment, then moved his hand down, along her inner thigh. She wanted to say something, anything about how intense his touch felt, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was his name, in a soft, quiet moan. He smirked against her collarbone as he gently pulled at her thigh. Her legs shook a bit as she moved her them, opening them for him. For now, all she could really do, was lay there and let him touch her, the sensations more intense than she could have imagined. 
For a moment, he just held her thigh, gently but firmly before he looked into her eyes again, “Sweetheart, if you want to stop, just let me know,” he whispered, sincerely.
She took a deep breath, meeting his gaze, “I know. It’s okay…” she managed, through heavy breaths. It felt like wherever he touched it sent electricity through her nerves and straight to her core, and her body felt hot. She knew the technical terms for all of it, so knew it was normal and she was enjoying all of it in ways she had never imagined she would.
He leaned down, kissing her again, as his hand slid slowly up her inner thigh, brushing his fingers along her skin. She moaned into the butterfly kisses but the moment his fingers touched that little bundle of nerves, her body moved on its own. Her back arched and her nails dug a bit into his chest, as she felt what she could only describe as a coil in her stomach tighten. Dean groaned when he felt her nails, deepening the kiss with her, and she reciprocated. He slowly made circles on the little bundle, feeling her body tensing, quickly, as well as her breathing becoming heavy and hard. He slid his finger down, along her slit. God, she was so wet, he smirked into the kiss as she whimpered with his movements. He slowly slid one finger inside her but didn’t go deep, just a little to tease her as his thumb found her clit again, pressing and circling it slowly. It hit her, overtaking all her senses as that coil snapped inside her. He felt her clench around his finger and he helped her ride out the first orgasm of her entire life. 
Maria’s body was shaking when he pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her. She was out of breath, her chest heaving, little droplets of sweat along her forehead, and body. He didn’t move his hand from where it was but stayed still as he looked down at her, smiling a little. Dean was rock hard and God did he want her. He wanted to feel her wrapped around his cock with her walls quivering and throbbing as he was deep inside her, but one thing Dean was good at, was restraint. 
When she finally caught her breath, she looked over and up at him, speechless. All he could do was smile. He still hadn’t moved his hand away, “Can I do something else? Or, would you rather I stopped?” he asked in an intimate whisper, seeing the desire still in her eyes.
If only he’d asked her a simple yes or no question, she thought to herself, barely able to think with his hand where it was and how her body still felt like it was tingling all over, “The… uhh… the first one,” she answered, attempting to think through how her body felt.
He began kissing along her neck, slowly moving down her body, occasionally moving his thumb on her clit as her body moved on its own again. Her hips barely thrust into his touch. He smirked against her skin as he kissed down her chest, along the top of her breast, before he teased her nipple with his tongue. Her back arched again as she moaned his name, music to his ears, taking her nipple in his mouth, sucking, licking, even nibbling a little, loving the sounds that came from her mouth.
That coil in her stomach began building again with what he was doing and she moaned his name again. He felt her walls beginning to tighten around his finger, so he moved from her nipple and kissed tenderly down her stomach, moving his body as well. She was attempting to catch her breath when he left her nipple alone, but the cool air of his room against the dampness he’d left behind, kept it hard, and tingly. 
Dean repositioned himself so that he was between her legs, gently spreading them further apart as his lips moved along her tattoo, causing her to moan again. He smirked against her skin again, kissing further down, then flicked his tongue where his thumb had been. She half sat up, and he glanced up at her, but he didn’t move. He watched her breathing heavily, then gently flicked his tongue over her little bundle of nerves again. It was almost too much for her, the sensation. Not in an overstimulation way, but the way electricity shot through her entire body, hitting every nerve along the way. She put her knees up, still half sitting up, and looked down at him finally. 
He took note of the desire in her eyes and wrapped his other arm around her thigh, to hold her in place, firmly but gently before he sucked her clit into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. He never took his eyes off of her, then hummed, causing her to scream out his name as her body shook and she clenched around the finger he still had inside her. She had tried to squirm away from him, but he held her as he helped her ride out the waves of her orgasm, feeling how her body shook and spasmed in his grasp. She tasted amazing and he groaned at the thought of being inside her. His groan against her clit made her body spasm again before she lay flat on her back, out of breath. 
Dean barely moved from where he was, “You okay Sweetheart?” he asked, smirking and proud of himself. But at the same time, he felt something else. He was her first, with all of this and that pulled at something in his heart. 
“My God Dean…” she replied through a heavy breaths.
He chuckled a little, “And think, we’ve barely done anything,” he teased her playfully.
She looked down at him, furrowing her brow with a playful glare, “Smartass,” she teased him and laid her head back on the pillow again, still out of breath.
Dean smirked, then slowly slid a second finger inside her, still not going deep. He could feel her hymen and wasn’t about to break that without her consent. 
“Mmmmm….” she moaned, her hips moving to meet his fingers, almost wanting to feel them deeper inside her.
He took a deep breath, gently stroking her thigh as he leaned his head on her other one, “If I go deeper… it might hurt, but not for long. I hope at least. I’m not sure how your sensitivity will affect that,” he told her, in the most comforting way and stopped moving his fingers. He wanted her to be able to think straight.
She took several slow, deep breaths. Maria knew what he was asking, telling her. She hadn’t planned to go that far and part of her felt nervous again. Dean felt the shift in how she was feeling, so he moved so that he was lying beside her again, slowly removing his fingers. He did lick them clean though, making her chuckle a little.
“I told you, your pace,” he smiled down at her. He was rock hard and he did want her but he wasn’t about to push her.
She took another, slow deep breath and looked up at him, pursing her lips together. The softness in his expression made her smile a little and the fire of desire in his eyes made her muscles tense in want. Maria bit her bottom lip as she turned onto her side to face him so he slid his hand onto her hip. First, she set her hand on his chest, as she looked into his eyes, then let her hand move down his body, feeling his muscles tense and flex under her touch. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, trying not to moan at how soft her touch was against his skin. 
There had been plenty in her research earlier that had helped her understand not only what he wanted but also what he needed. She leaned closer, kissing his neck, moving her hand further down, and opened his towel. Her fingers played along his skin and she made sure not to tickle him as she moved lower still. He gripped her hip a little tighter when he felt the side of her hand brush against his hard cock, making it twitch. She smiled against the skin of his chest as she moved her hand so that her fingers started at his base, teasing up the side of his shaft, slowly, then back down the top of it. A low growl rumbled from his chest.
She gently wrapped her hand around him, not firmly, not yet. She moved her hand, up and down his shaft, causing him to moan again. He reached down and stopped her though, taking a moment to breathe before he looked at her. 
“You don’t have to,” he tried to tell her, a bit gruffly, and she looked at him somewhat puzzled.
“But… I want to,” she replied, still slightly confused as to why he’d stop her.
He bit his lip before he let go of her hand, then gently moved her a bit so that her left foot was on the bed, her knee bent, and he slid his hand down, cupping her heat. Her hand twitched, gripping him a little firmer and he kissed her, deeply. Dean slid two fingers inside her but before he could stop, just before her hymen, she rolled her hips, pushing his fingers deeper inside her. There was minimal pain with how wet she was, but she still had to take a deep breath. He didn’t move his fingers and leaned his forehead against hers.
“Just breathe Sweetheart,” he told her softly.
She took a couple of slow, deep breaths. He felt her walls involuntarily clenching and unclenching around his fingers at the breaking of her hymen but also due to the spot his fingers had hit, within her. Dean waited until she relaxed before he slowly moved his fingers a little deeper, then slid them partially out. He did that for a few strokes until he felt her hips move into his hand, which pushed his fingers even deeper inside her. She moaned quietly, slowly moving her hand over his cock again as it twitched in her hand. Dean continued to go slow with his fingers, and once he was buried, knuckle deep, he curled his fingers, eliciting a moan as she arched her back, gripping him tighter. He growled lowly as he leaned down and kissed her. 
This time the kisses were deeper, more passionate, and needy. He moved his hips with her hand as she moved her hips with his fingers. His thumb found her clit again, and as he rubbed it, he slid a third finger inside her, causing her to pull away from the kiss and moan his name. Neither of them had planned on this going this far, let alone further. She was tight around his fingers, and if she wanted more, he’d have to stretch her out or he knew he’d hurt her, and that was the last thing he wanted.
He slowed his movements and looked down at her again just as she looked up at him, a bit puzzled, but completely lost in the passion, “You okay?” she asked him, through a heavy breath.
Dean took a deep breath, “Yeah. I’m okay,” he replied softly, smiling a little. He wanted to ask her so badly to be inside her but didn’t want to push her.
She stopped moving her hand and tilted her head, just a bit, then bit her lip. She wasn’t sure how to ask him. Everything that went through her mind sounded completely stupid. So, she moved her hand off of his cock, then shifted a little and slid her arm under his side. That had made him move a little, lifting his side off the bed. She took the opportunity and used her arm to gently nudge him closer to her. He practically held his breath.
“You sure?” he asked, still checking in with her as his heart began to race at the thought.
She bit her lip, trying to keep herself from smiling too much, and nodded her head. Maria did want him but it was far beyond a physical level, and she knew it. Dean’s heart was pounding in his chest as he moved so that he was over her, still holding himself up with his arm, his fingers still inside her. He leaned down and kissed her as she put her arms around him, holding his body against hers. Go slow, he reminded himself again, moaning into the heated kiss. Dean played with her for a few more moments before he slid his fingers from her, now using both his elbows to hold himself up. She felt his hardness pressed against her thigh as he shifted between her legs, and she then felt him pressed against her core. Her walls clenched around nothing feeling the heat of his cock along her slit and clit. 
Dean moved his hips so that he rubbed against her, and she attempted to arch her back again, moaning at the contact, but with their bodies pressed against each other, she didn’t move far. She moved her hips with his, then slid them down, just enough to where she felt his head at her entrance. He pulled away from the kiss and looked into her eyes, a silent question. She nodded, slowly moving her hips so that his head slid inside her a little. They both moaned at the feeling. He took a deep breath as he inched further inside her, pausing at times, giving her time to adjust to the feeling.
She felt like she was on fire, the coil in her stomach threatened to snap at any moment, just with the way he inched inside her. It felt more amazing than she could have ever imagined and she dug her nails into his back. Every time he made a noise it only turned her on further. All her nerves felt as though they were not only completely exposed but also electrified. When he finally bottomed out, he just stayed there, both of them breathing heavily for a moment as he laid his forehead against her shoulder. She felt so good wrapped around his cock he thought he’d come if he moved and needed a moment to calm down. Then she felt him twitch inside her, making her moan quietly, then rolled her hips, pushing him deeper.
Dean began moving, slowly at first, halfway out before going back deep inside her. Her nails dug into his back as he did so, and she moved her hips to meet his. The movements of their bodies only held her on the verge, never tipping her over. The whimpers and moans that came out of her mouth were music to his ears. He shifted his body again, so that he was more on his knees, holding her hips as he stayed deep inside her. He ground against her, hitting that sweet spot deep inside and she came undone, moaning his name. She clenched around him, and then her walls fluttered, clenching as her hips moved of their own volition, chasing the waves of her climax. He moaned her name, attempting to help her ride out her orgasm, but it was too much for him and he came, buried deep inside her, only intensifying her release. 
He collapsed over her, barely able to hold himself up so he didn’t crush her with his weight. Both of them were breathing heavily and she held him close, in a gentle embrace. It had been powerful for both of them, neither wanting to move away from the other. Her body was shaky, still spasming occasionally, her walls clenched around him from time to time for the next minute, causing him to twitch inside her. That made her moan quietly when it happened.
Dean eventually slipped himself out of her and laid on his side next to her for a moment, just looking down at her, his eyes searching her expression, worried she may have regretted going so far so fast. She just smiled softly up at him, then caressed his cheek with her hand.
“I’m okay,” she told him, almost lovingly.
He smiled a bit, moving some of her hair behind her ear, then softly letting his hand move down her arm and rest on her hip, “So, no regrets then?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
She giggled a little, “No. No regrets,” she replied, then bit her lip for a moment, “Dean… thank you… for being my first,” she told him, this time it was lovingly.
Dean leaned down and kissed her softly, intimately. She knew what he was trying to say and she kissed him back. Once the two caught their breath, Dean helped clean them both up. She found the gesture endearing. Then the two cuddled up, on his bed, under his covers. Sleep found them quickly and she’d completely forgotten she’d be meeting with Mari in her dreams that night.
----------------------------------------- A/N: This is my first attempt at SMUT, lol. Hope it's okay and you guys enjoyed it. I'm always up for some constructive criticism so feel free to leave me a comment. Thanks. Chapter 24 - Apple Pie
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch
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16 notes · View notes
amaia is a national treasure <3
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108garys · 1 year
@kassiekolchek22 @mistmoose @delurkr @lonnitamongus @maria-rayro @ctrvpani @oblivious-troll-main @ultrabananapudding @ivycross @myscprin @eddie-brii So I randomly dug this out of my drafts to finish up, it's basically the idea of a worst case scenario for Charlie being captured with the modifier of the background of the perfect shot au, specifically resentment, consider it a strange thought experiment on my part, I think I do alright for corrupted Charlie(also I went back to it after who knows how long, wrote the rest of it and read it through, I not be the best judge as its like 5am atm)
it do be a dark offshoot of a dark offshoot of a hyper specific au, enjoy
Dehumanization. That's what it was, Charlie had all his original parts and no hint that anything extra would be added but he simply wasn't a person anymore. He was a thing, taken from his box to be poked and prodded and played with before eventually being carefully stored away in the dark. It was his fault really, after he'd survived the fire he'd hidden.
It hadn't been his intention to abandon his team but they had been killed before he could even consider a plan of action and when he discovered this fact he'd continued to hide around the island. He should have left. Taken the ferry and told someone, anyone, but he was afraid of being caught. It really was his fault. There was a trail of blood behind him and horror ahead of him and maybe it was what he deserved.
A month? Longer? Eventually he was caught, it really was his fault, he stumbled across new guests near the entrance, being lead by a man he didn't recognize. It was insane but he tried to warn them and Du'met, real Du'met, didn't take kindly to that. All his methodical planing reduced to less then an hour of butchery, crude and artless. Charlie would come to find that they were the final group, specifically chosen to end Du'met's long efforts and to be the crowning achievement in years of work and what's worse Charlie had defied him, first by living and secondly by destroying his meticulous plans…
At first Charlie threw himself at a mercy he knew did not exist, falling to his knees begging, praying, for freedom? His life? Or merely that the end would be quick, he was uncertain. Du'met stared at him with such an intensity that he was back in the furnace. He had nothing to bargain with, not even his life and for all he'd fought throughout the years he relented to the mercy of a man who had none…
The details were hazy when he came to he found himself in a small soft space devoid of light, lacking defining features. For a moment he feared that he'd simply been buried alive but he was standing, feet planted solidly in the void and he was a man of 29 again, strangely comforted by the knowledge that Du'met could never bury him deeper than the hell he'd crawled out of. The first crack formed, his senses were dull in this formless space but unspoken truths arose, he had survived worse.
With no other guests and no time limit, a routine asserted itself. Charlie was transferred to a room somewhere deep in the castle, there was no visible door but Charlie knew where Du'met would come in. He'd sit on the edge of his cot, ready for the day.
He'd be taken to shower and take care of other bathroom needs, he quickly got over his hosts insistence on remaining in the room… It's not like he'd have any privacy regardless and at least if he could see him he'd know what he was up to, a sentiment that went both ways. It was Charlie's fault for being a flight risk and evading Du'met for as long as he had. Through it all he never looked away and although it wasn't as explicit, Charlie knew it wasn't different to 2003, when his life was in hands who cared about his fate significantly less than Du'met. At least he wanted it to matter in some arbitrary way…
Some days Charlie would be examined, at times it'd be as normal as visiting his regular doctor and others he'd be strapped to a table nude, Charlie was naked in front of the other man alot. He relenting to a more clinical detachment, Du'met, much like the faceless men who tested him a million miles away in a different time, was searching his flesh for signs, back then it'd been infection of his injuries or signs that he was turning… It mattered less and less to Charlie what 'it' was…
Du'met was fixated on the long claw marks across Charlie's hip, no matter what he compared it to the shape didn't match and more alarmingly, nothing in his knowledge of the Brit gave any clue for how it had happened. Charlie took no small amount of pleasure depriving him of that information, even if it'd end the examinations it may be that the man would simply kill him once his curiosity was satisfied. He was certain that Du'met intended to keep him in good health until then.
With certainty the crack grew and with it Charlie's confidence. He didn't doubt the man's intentions but what would he do after? Charlie crawled through hell to build himself the life he wanted but what waited for Granthem Du'met on the other side?
The next part of their schedule brought Charlie to the interrogation room that once held Manny Sherman, the first time they had sat hours in silence, ending only when Charlie divulged information, it didn't have to be important, the first time he talked about something trivial like food... After talking he'd been rewarded with the food he'd spoken about and after all his time scrounging around the island and further given only basic necessities to survive off it was a godsend to have a proper meal. The message was clear, tell the man what he wanted to know and his suffering would come to an end but Charlie must keep that part of his life under lock and key. The truth was deadly and even now the freedom on offer was nothing more than an end so Charlie avoided it, submerging himself in the memory of someone else. Charlie Lonnit had died in Iraq, he never went, Charlie Lonnit went to hell and an empty person shaped thing was left in his place, after all fear of return bled away he was calm. Not even Du'met could kill a dead thing, an inhuman shell of a bright eyed youth who lied to everyone in his life for twenty years, he knew it was true because Du'met had died too. That Charlie was long gone and this pretend Charlie sat in the room where Manny Sherman once was. Du'met's latest obsession…
He had found Hector Munday's secrets in the darkness and hid them away with his own like embracing skeletons of the people they should have been, feeling with certainty that he knew more about Du'met- No Hector, then the other way around. It gave him a certain power and as that last piece fell away Charlie saw that 29 year old who couldn't defend himself, saw a man hanging from his every word and a clear line to cross. He took a deep breath, preparing to lay it all out…
"I'm sorry I ruined your plans, Hector," the masked man payed a little more attention, Charlie had never called him that before, "All your hard work will have an unsatisfactory payoff in the end." Charlie looked at his reflection in the two way mirror, he wasn't sure when he stopped making facial expressions but if Hector insisted on hiding behind a mask then Charlie would give him nothing in return.
"It's the only way it could have gone, you have no life left to live and you would have figured that out sooner or later." Hector didn't move, he was recording Charlie's words as usual and the room was dead silent other than Charlie's voice. "I just gave you a reason to prolong the inevitable." he leant forward a little. "You'll never forget me and you'll never feel satisfied again, I went through hell to reach my goals and you burnt it to ashes in one night… I wont be so merciful."
Even with his voice flat and emotionless, it was deliberately provocative, which would be forced to rise above this emptiness first? Hector surely understood that reacting in anger would be proof of Charlie's words… They sat in silence, two sets of empty eyes locked in a stalemate, no more alive then the many creations of Granthem Du'met. Soft breaths being the only evidence to the contrary…
"You know… The government probably knows about you." Charlie looked at Hector lazily. "It's true… You're not the only dirty little secret they tried to bury." Hector tensed up at this, Charlie had gotten pretty good at reading what little expressions he was given to work with. He knew this was what Hector had been waiting for and he could tell already that it would taste bitter…
"Maybe they'll kill us both and put an end to this delusion," Charlie spells out the threat, revealing a glimpse of how unprepared Hector is to see his hand, "It's actually sort of ironic… If you didn't fly off the handle and throw your life away you may have had access to the information you so desperately seek-"
The masked man stood up, his chair clattering against the floor. In a few short strides he rounded the table, kicking Charlie's chair out from under him, letting him hit the hard ground. He pulled Charlie to his feet and pinned him to the wall. Charlie was a little disorientated, it had been so long since physical violence had been involved that it seemed like a faded memory… If he died now he just might die as a person but Hector just held him, filling up his senses, Charlie wanted just one thing…
"OK! OK, you win," was it fear or condescension? Charlie couldn't tell anymore. "I'll tell you what you want to know… But I want just one thing from you." The masked man tilted his head, grip tightening as he weighs Charlie's words. "Let me see your face." They stared daggers at each other as a hand slowly moved to fulfil his request. They were still pressed close as the mask fell to the floor, Charlie couldn't suppress his shock. "You look remarkably like a man I met once!" He knew Hector had hangups about that sort of thing, it was written all over his much more expressive exposed face. Charlie composed himself… He could work with this.
"I watched him die," Charlie's free hand crept down to Hector's waist, he hadn't been cuffed in long time, what's the point of restraining a dead thing? "I can see it, when I look at you…" the unmasked man's face was intense, he needed to know more than anything in the world. Charlie continued, something small flickering into life inside him. His voice low and even. "There are much scarier things in the world then an emotionally stunted serial killer-"
Charlie's hand closed tightly at the same time Hector's did, a little more pressure and the bones in his wrist would give out but Charlie stayed the course. Keeping the pain out of his voice as much as he could. "I have survived far worse than you," He shoved some space between them, it was not nearly as unexpected as what came next…
"Thank you for reminding me of that." Charlie embraced him with one arm while the other was off balance…
Hector looked at the blade buried deep in his chest, he didn't react, the idea that Charlie could kill had never crossed his mind. He looked into his eyes and seen for the first time that Charlie had killed before… A truth buried so deep that Charlie himself refused believe it.
He never looked away from hector as he spoke, cold as he held the knife. "Monsters, secret involvement in a classified operation in Iraq, the deal I took for my life… It's trivial and irrelevant, you wanted to know me? Then know that I hated the man I killed, I justified to myself that it was a mercy because of his injuries, that it would be better than what ever other painful death awaited him and I wept for him, for the guilt of killing him… You're the only person to share my darkest secret and I won't cry for you."
He pulled back his hand and the blade slid out. Hector fell to the ground. In a strange way Charlie was right and wrong… Du'met never got the satisfaction of meeting his goal and Hector felt human again in his final moments, he looked up at the man covered in his blood and smiled… He had finally cracked Charlie Lonnit.
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littlequeenies · 4 months
Jane Asher in a new play!
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Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em.  
Malvolio runs the Lady Olivia’s house with puritanical zeal. By day, strict order is maintained and repeated advances from Olivia’s many admirers are firmly rebuffed. But after dark, wine flows freely and Olivia’s lady-in-waiting Maria is planning to settle old scores. When a shipwreck washes up two strangers, the scene is set for a comedy of romantic chaos.
Olivier Award-winning Oliver Ford Davies is among the greatest Shakespearean actors of his generation. He returns to the OT to play Malvolio, alongside Jane Asher playing Maria, last seen at the OT in The Circle.
OT Artistic Director Tom Littler directs a 1940s-set production of Shakespeare’s heartrending and hilarious masterpiece of mistaken identities and secret desires.
“Such truth, and such clarity, that one feels like cheering” Daily Telegraph on Oliver Ford Davies in King Lear  
“Tom Littler is the most enterprising Shakespearean director outside the big venues” Guardian on Hamlet 
Information to book your ticket on the link!
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melishade · 9 months
For peaceful timeline: do the family and the villagers celebrate holidays and new years and how do they do it?
Also happy holiday and happy new year
Previous episode of the Peaceful Timeline
Well…it wasn’t really a celebration.
The first winter, Optimus had found the cabin and he and Ymir were busying refurbishing it. The snow in the mountains is significantly worse than at the bottom of the mountain. Optimus has to keep a pregnant Ymir warm by letting her sleep in his alt mode for the night. He has to keep Ymir healthy and safe.
As the cabin is fixed up completely and Megatron shows up, Optimus and Megatron work together to shovel snow out of the way of the cabin while gathering logs to start a fire and keep Ymir and Baby Maria warm. They manage to get furs to keep them warm and it if gets really severe in terms of weather, Ymir and Maria stay in Optimus’ alt mode to keep warm.
Once Maria is old enough and becomes aware of Ymir, Optimus, and Megatron, things are easier for time. Optimus and Megatron are able to much more easily scoop up the snow and keep the outside of the cabin clean. They were initially shoveling the snow away and Megatron continuously fell over in the frozen ice. Megatron still does, and Optimus sometimes buries Megatron’s holoform in the snow with his alt mode when they are clearing the snow.
The wintertime is still a scare for Maria's health specifically because Maria is more likely to get sick from the cold, compared to Ymir and her power. As a result, Optimus and Megatron are scrambling to get a cure. Ymir is worried, but she can’t help but feel slightly better knowing that Maria can voice her concern and pain compared to when she got sick as a baby.
Megatron is scrambling and demanding Solveig to give him a cure for what Maria has for the year. He hates winter and enjoys spring for many reasons.
The family does play a lot in the snow with proper wear. Optimus and Megatron end up getting really intense with the snowball fights. Maria ends up making snow angels and sculptures with Optimus and Megatron’s help. Ymir just enjoys feeling the snow on her face.
Ymir and Maria have been snowed in a few times. Optimus tries to clear the snow in the face of a storm, but Ymir has to beg him to not push himself and to conserve energy. They would have to spend the day in the house keeping warm. Maria would be cold and bored, but Optimus would actually tell her stories from Earth, specifically Christmas stories, to help lift her spirits. Although Maria question the stories and their authenticity.
Maria: So an old man is able to spy on you during the year, break into the house through the chimney, leave gifts or coal, and steal our food?
Optimus: By the Allspark, Maria, it is fictional.
Maria: You're dodging the question.
Megatron: Answer the question, Prime.
Optimus turns to Ymir who just shrugs in confusion.
There's no real Christmas tradition they build up. They focus on survival. However, that does change when Oshern and Ymir officially get married. Oshern still has his business and he knows that Ymir and Maria do have more room up in the cabin and the whole family feels safer up there, but he's lived in the highlands. He knows the severity of a snow storm. He thinks that during the winter, Ymir and Maria should remain in his house in the village. Optimus and Megatron, after years of dealing with the snow, are actually wiling to let this happen. They've had one too many close calls when it comes to protecting Ymir and Maria during. So Ymir and Maria actually end up living in the village for the winter while Optimus and Megatron make sure the cabin is in good shape, which surprises the villagers. They never thought that that anyone from the top of the mountain would live down here even if it was temporary.
But the whole family gets exposure to how the village operates in the winter. They see how the village puts in effort to care about each other and their well-being. Oshern usually has to keep travels to the other town to a minimum and stacks up on flour to make bread. Oshern and Ymir sleep in the same bed while Maria ends up sleeping on Oshern's couch. His living space is usually meant for one person. Everyone has to work together to gather are much firewood as possible in case someone is running low. There are some gatherings in order to lift everyone's spirits. Optimus and Megatron visit and stay the night to check on the family, but so far, Maria hasn't gotten sick, so it's an improvement.
However, there have been discussions of Solveig's declining health and future plans on what to do when she does pass. Oshern does his best to lift their spirits when it comes to Solveig, but Ymir knows that Solveig's time is coming to an end. It hurts her seeing Solveig so weak and frail, lying in bed as the village helps her with hospice care. Optimus and Megatron see her and she makes a private request that they protect her home as long as possible. Knowing it is her dying wish they agree to it. Solveig tells Ymir that she is so happy for her and the life that she had built for herself and that she wishes good things for her, especially after hearing the news that Ymir had gotten pregnant. Ymir can't stop herself from crying. She knows for a fact that this is goodbye, but Solveig reassures her and tells her to smile. This is normal. Things change.
The spring comes, the village and family make it, but Solveig does not.
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